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-*- Posted by Lawrence Wright, Sysop of Silicon Heaven BBS -*- 10pm -> 6.30am GMT on +44 (0) 626 834331 DERELICT by P.D Hubbard. Part 1. Cast a eye into the heavens and you can see for years, yes, years. When you view into space, you are looking back in time to the past. A star maybe six thousand light years away but you are seeing that star as it was six thousand years ago. A the moment you view it, it may not be in existence, snuffed out in the nuclear heat of a Supernova or just shrinking away, boiling a bit of itself off into space, getting smaller and smaller until it just winks out. The early explorers of space realised this. Time was the enemy. Time would always catch up with you in the end. Hypersleep would offset the effects of the ravages of time but you could never beat it. Old father time moves on in his relentless march. A man, a native of Earth, gave the answer. By warping the very fabric of space, time and space could be sidestepped. Vast galactic stretches of space were for the offing. Many years after this discovery, vast Starliners cruised the spacelanes with the rich and wealthy on board. On the other side of the coin, there were losses. A starship might go off on a mission, never to return. In a few cases, the fate of the starships was known but in most cases, they just disappeared into the night of space, almost as if a enraged time, cheated of his prey for so long, had exacted his revenge. But, as technology improved, the losses diminished and man expanded across the galaxy. The USS Enterprise, NCC1701D, cruised the eternal night. A Galaxy class Starship, she was the latest vessel to ply the starways. Packed with the best equipment that the Federation had to offer and a Warp drive with enough power to light a small country, she was a tough prospect to tackle. True, they had nearly come to grief in a Borg encounter at system J25 and had the scars to show, she was still the best, a formidable ship, and the flagship of the United Federation of Planets. In Ten Forward, the senior officers and many junior staff were indulging in a spot of light relaxation. Music was on the menu tonight and Lieutenant Commander Data was doing his best to please them with a rendition of Tocata and Fuge, played in D minor. Data, being a Android, was as usual, perfect, never bumming a note. If he did, he would want to know why. With a final flourish, the music was brought to its conclusion. The audience was most appreciative, and Data, if he was Human, would have lapped it up. Being Data however, and with no ego to flaunt, this never happened. Stepping off the stage, he approached the senior officers. Picard turned and addressed Data. 'Mr Data.....Congratulations, and if I may say, a most unusual choice of music'. 'Thank you Sir' replied Data. 'Actually, I have Mr LaForge to thank. As part of my studies into the Human condition, he has been providing me with films from the latter part of the twentieth century. In a attempt into helping me discover what scares people, I have been watching films from The Pit And The Pendulum thought to the latter, so called splurge movies of the chainsaw variety. I find the latter most worrying'. 'I agree with you totally Mr Data. I remember seeing that movie for the first time whilst on a psychology course at the Academy in a insight into 20th century values. Thank god we grew out of them. Where did you get the piece from?'. Data mused for a few moments. 'The piece in question has no generic film as a basis. However, it is usually connected with a actor called Vincent Price, a real master of his profession. He most of his films, he played the Organ with a great relish'. 'Data' cut in Troi, 'its a good thing you are hooked on music and not the films. I would hate to think what you could conjure up on a Holodeck.....'. 'That is not a worry Councillor, I am now exploring the metamorphosis of classical music into classical rock. I find the musical variety of John Williams and Tom Parkes most...intriguing'. 'A good choice Data,' answered Picard, 'I found that music to be inspirational. Re-mastering classical music to a high tempo beat may be considered sacrilege by some but, tastes vary'. At that moment, the comms system chimed and the, decidedly gruff voice of Lieutenant Worf filters over. 'All senior officers to the Bridge. I repeat, ALL senior officers to the Bridge, Worf out'. 'Oh well,' exclaims Riker, 'that's the end of our quite evenings entertainment.....'. And with that, they filter out of Ten Forward... End of Part 1 Path: newserv.ksu.ksu.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!doc.ic.ac.uk!uknet!pipex!sunic!trane.uninett.no!eunet.no!nuug!EU.net!uunet!mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10.cs.du.edu!not-for-mail From: lwright@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Lawrence Wright) Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative Subject: TNG Story: Derelict (Part 2) Date: 14 May 1994 07:42:28 -0600 Organization: Nyx, Public Access Unix @ U. of Denver Math/CS dept. Lines: 253 Message-ID: <2r2kg4$ks0@nyx10.cs.du.edu> DERELICT by P.D Hubbard. Part 2. The Turbolift doors parted to reveal Picard, Troi, Riker and Data. Emerging, they part to their designated stations. 'Status Mr Worf' starts Picard. 'All systems are nominal Sir. My apologies for dragging you from the concert but long range sensors have detected a object ahead of us in space, 3 light years distant. It appears to lay in the general direction of the gravitational fluxes that Starfleet Command ordered us to investigate. The object is drifting towards us from uncharted space and refuses to answer all hails'. 'Hmmmmmmmm' muses Picard, now on his seat. 'Mr Data, any additional information?'. Data consults his sensor spread on the control panel and comes to a conclusion. 'Very little Sir, however, the Gravitational fluxes appear to be centred on the object and are moving in unison with it'. 'We are not going to find anything out loitering around here....plot a intercept course, Warp 4. Engage'. And with that, the Enterprise sped on her way. _______________ 'We are within short sensor range of the object Captain' said Data. 'Slow to quarter impulse and close the distance' replied Picard. The Enterprise dropped out of Warp and as she did so, was shaken by a large Gravitational pulse. Ahead of the Enterprise lay the object, a Stellarford Starliner. Apart from a hole in the engineering section and a half stripped warp drive, she was in good shape. 'That was nasty!!!!' exclaimed Riker, 'A lot stronger than the pulses we have been monitoring. Damage report.....' Worf studied his panel. 'No damage to report Sir, however, sensors indicate that the pulse was ten thousand times stronger than originally estimated and is centred exactly on the object ahead...........Sensors have picked up a faint signal.....' Picard cut in. 'Mr Data, sensor sweep' 'Vessel is, according to sensors, the SL Doradus, a Stellarford class starliner. Second generation Warp drive, standard complement 2000. The engineering section appears to have suffered explosive decompression. Passenger compartment is intact. No life forms present'. 'Atmosphere?????' 'Atmospheric pressure reads 420 millibar, 7% Oxygen, 5% Humidity. Non life sustaining Sir but a away team equipped with environment suits would be able to beam over'. 'SL Doradus' said Riker, 'She went missing over two hundred years ago. How the hell did she end up out here?' 'Unknown number 1' replied Picard, 'but there she is. Take a away team and get over there. I want answers. Mr Worf, send a subspace message to Starfleet Command, encoded channel, informing them of our find....'. Worf acknowledged that the message was on its way. Riker stood up. 'Data, Worf, with me.....Riker to LaForge....' 'Laforge here. What can I do for you commander???' 'How do you fancy having a look around a Stellarford class starliner?.....' 'Fancy, Id give my right arm' came the reply. 'Just give me a few minutes to get some tools together and Ill be on my way. LaForge out'. The comm channel closes. With that, Riker, Data and Worf exit the bridge, mindful, and a little fearful of what they might find over on the derelict ship. _______________ On board the Doradus, four energy beams coalesced into the forms of the Enterprise away team, outfitted in full EVA suits. Pulling out his vacuum armoured tricorder, Riker began to scan the surroundings. Several inches of dust littered all of the surfaces, including the floor. A few emergency bulkhead lights emitted a feeble red glow. The signs were not too encouraging. Riker came to a decision. 'Data, Geordi, head for engineering, see what you can find out about the propulsion and life support status. Worf and myself will be heading for the bridge. Keep the communications channels open at all times, these ships are so big you can easily get lost'. Data and Geordi shuffled off to the aft of the ship. Geordi was in awe of the ship. He had read about the old Stellarford liners and their opulence. Data could not appreciate this. It was not his fault, his creator had covered almost every contingency but awe was not one of them. Geordi decided to cut the ice. 'You know Data, these Starliners were the best of their kind when launched. Only the Declaration class came anything near them and Stellarford ships were the replacement for them. They don't make these like they used to...' 'I fail to see what you are so enthusiastic about' replied Data. 'A ship is a ship, regardless of age or construction'. 'Aww Data, you just don't have a eye for these things. Here we are, engineering......That's strange, the door has been welded shut with a cromite torch, take hours to open it.......Data , give me that power pack, Ill try and power the monitors to see what's on the other side of the door....' Five minutes of struggling and adjustment was rewarded with a view of then interior of the engineering deck. A large hole was visible in the bulkhead wall backing out onto space. Something, maybe a large meteor, had gone bowling through, destroying the warp pile and auxiliary equipment. The remains of a body lay littered on the deck, evident sign of the wrath of explosive decompression. The body had the insignia of the chief engineer on what was left of his chest. Geordi looked visibly upset, thinking to himself that that could have been him, in another place, another time. Time had stopped for the remains of this poor man. Geordi finally found his voice. 'C,mon Data, we've see enough here, better head for the bridge area and see what the commander has found'. ____________ Up on the Bridge, Riker looked puzzled. Every thing was untouched. Dust covered the desks, seats and floor but all systems were shutdown, almost as if the last man out had turned out the lights when leaving. They only thing required to run everything was power and power was the one thing they didn't have. 'That's odd' muses Riker, 'All of the systems are in order but where are the crew? Anything over there Worf?'. 'No Sir, all is in order but without power we cannot access any of the primary systems or read the log....'. At that moment, Data and Geordi entered the bridge area. 'Mr LaForge, find anything????' said Riker 'Yup, there is a hole in engineering you could fly a shuttle through. The control systems for the warp pile are so much junk. The warp pile is intact but without control systems, nothing will work. Most of the fusion reactors are depleted and the body of the Chief engineer is laying on the floor of engineering in a million pieces. She's in one hell of a mess.......' Data cut it. 'Someone has welded the entrance hatch to engineering, presumably they had a air leak and welded it to keep what little atmosphere they had in. We passed the log bouy launcher on the way here. It is missing from the launch cradle and I can only assume that it was launched with intention'. Riker mulled over this information for a few moments then came to a decision. 'Geordi, see if you can get that fusion power pack wired up to these systems so we can get some power to access the files on the master computer. I think I saw a power terminal point over by the entrance hatch, give him a hand Data'. Geordi and Data spent several minutes working on a patch to supply power. Since the ship had been launched, technology had advanced and getting the fusion pack to mate to the main busbar was, at best, frustrating. Finally, Geordi threw a switch. Minimal lighting came on, the computer system lit up and the helm and navigation systems came on line. Almost immediately, Worf spotted something out of place. 'Sir' started Worf, 'according to this system report, all the lifeboats are intact and in their launch berths........If this is the case, where are the crew and passengers????' 'Lets see what the log has to say' replied Riker. A small screen cleared, revealing the face of a man, dishevelled looking. The log began to replay. 'Captains log, SL Doradus. George S Marshall recording...... It has now been three weeks since the bolide hit the engineering section. What is left of the engineering control systems are inaccessible due to that fact that the impact jammed the engineering hatch. I had to order it sealed due to air loss through the damaged gaskets, and seal in the body of my chief engineer, Mr Douglas. May the record show that T.S Douglas gave his life in a attempt to shut down the warp drive systems. The shields that were covering the hull breach failed and the chief engineer was caught. He will be sorely missed. The warp drive unit is stuck on full power and we are currently heading out of explored space on full warp. All attempts to shut the warp drive system down have failed, we just can't get back into the engineering section. Our only hope is that the fuel reserves are nearly depleted and the engineering computer will shut down the drive when the fuel has run out. With this in mind, I have ordered that the Doradus be turned on a Parabolic course so that our bodies will someday return to Federation territory. God save our souls. Marshall out.' The screen changed to a further message, dated a week later. 'Captains log, SL Doradus. George S Marshall recording...... The fuel finally run out on the warp drive and the system has shut down. We have wrestled the Doradus onto a return course but , due to the fact that we have limited thruster power, will take three hundred years for the return transit. We however, will not wait. One of our passengers, a theoretical scientist, has devised a way to open a portal into subspace as a escape route. I have personally seen the new land on the other side. It will serve us well. This is my last message as captain, tomorrow we set out for the new land. Marshall out.' 'We'll, at least we know now how they got away' mused Riker. 'We'll have a quick look around and beam back to the Enterprise'. Half an hours searching brought them to cargo bay three. There in the middle of the deck was a glowing ring, six foot across, jet back inside. The tricorders went wild, there was no doubt about it. This ring was the source of the gravitational pulses, and they were getting worse. Path: newserv.ksu.ksu.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!uwm.edu!spool.mu.edu!agate!doc.ic.ac.uk!uknet!EU.net!uunet!mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10.cs.du.edu!not-for-mail From: lwright@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Lawrence Wright) Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative Subject: TNG Story: Derlict (Part 3) Date: 14 May 1994 07:43:18 -0600 Organization: Nyx, Public Access Unix @ U. of Denver Math/CS dept. Lines: 193 Message-ID: <2r2khm$l7c@nyx10.cs.du.edu> DERELICT by P.D Hubbard. Part 3. 'Those were the only recordings we could obtain from the ships log' said Riker. The previous hours events were being reviewed at the senior officers meeting in the conference room. 'Tricorder reading of the abnormality on board the starliner show some sort of portal....possibly into another dimension.....'. Picard chewed on this for a few moments. 'Mr Data, have the sensor logs been able to discover how this abnormality was created?, and more importantly, where does it go to?????' 'That' replied Data, 'is yet to be discovered. However, the log records left aboard the Doradus, along with other files stored on the library computer show that the crew onboard the starliner salvaged parts from the now useless warp drive and created a doorway into subspace, not unlike the principal that warp technology uses. It appears that the scientist on board, a Dr Raj Naveen, incidentally a student of Zephram Cochrane, exploited a little known side effect of warp mechanics. Unfortunately, that effect has violated the laws of our universe, the gateway is unstable, and will continue growing with each gravitational fluctuation.....' At that moment, a graviton pulse shook the Enterprise. 'It appears' continued Data, 'that the gateway has grown again'. Picard cut in. 'Mr Data, is there any way we can shut down the gateway from our side?'. 'That Sir, is at the present time unknown. However, we do know what is on the other side of the gate. Myself and Lieutenant Worf used a antigrav sledge on a tether with a recording probe attached and sent it through the gate. The results, before the camera was snuffed out show the following vista.....' Data selected the file from the computer and the recording started playing on the screen. The probe started moving towards the gateway, space twisted, righted itself, twisted again and then cleared suddenly to reveal a open panoramic view of uncultivated fields. A sun hung high in the sky, strange ferns dotted the landscape, and even more incredible, small biped lizards scuttled around in the background. Suddenly, the camera view shook one, then twice, three times, then the picture cut out. The recording ended. Data continued. 'That is the only recording we have. Sensor readings show a Earth normal atmosphere and gravity, the CO content is slightly higher than Earth but, more worrying is that the sensors picked up vast amounts of Iridium..' 'Iridium?' interrupted Riker 'Yes Sir. In the soil, the air, and most probably the water as well. Most unusual for a Earth normal planet. The sensor camera came back with a large chunk missing out of it and teeth marks. It appears there are larger indigenous species around than the small lizards we saw'. 'Recommendations number one?' said Picard. 'The only recommendation I can give is to send a away team through the portal to the other side. Seek out the source of the gateways power and destroy it'. Picard thought about this for a few minutes more, then finally came to a decision. 'Agreed number one. However, all away team members are to take a phaser rifle with them in addition to their phaser sidearms. I don't want anybody coming back like the sensor probe. I'm sure the good doctor would not like to stitch you back together again........Meeting closed'. ________________ A few hours later, Worf, Riker, Data, LaForge, Crusher and Troi were all standing in front of the gateway, wearing environment suits. The gateway had grown by a foot in all directions and the graviton effects with it. 'Ok everyone' called Riker, 'this is it. I want you to be all careful, don't take chances. I will lead first and Worf will follow up in the rear. Lets go....'. Riker walked towards the gate and slowly entered. Nothing happened until the last part of himself entered. Space twisted, turned, twisted, turned again, almost like being in freefall, a vast emptiness surrounded him, then, suddenly, space righted itself and Riker found himself walking out onto a vast plain. Turning, he watched the away team emerge, Worf bringing up the rear. Troi looked sick. 'Deanna, are you all right?????' asked LaForge. 'Fine, fine' she replied, 'I'm just a bit disorientated, that's all,......whewwwww, some trip'. 'Yeah, my guts are doing the loops as well' said LaForge. Data consulted his tricorder. 'Oxygen content is currently 30%, humidity 40%, a few trace elements. Iridium is currently at three thousand parts per million........It is safe to breath the atmosphere'. Cautiously, they all removed their helmets and sampled the air. After a few minutes, no ill effects were noticeable and the suits were removed as well. Beverleys medical tricorder started bleeping. 'I have life reading' she started. 'Human...........just over that hill........two more........many..........' 'I think our best course would be to proceed over and investigate' replied Riker. 'Sir, I protest' cut in Worf. 'We have no way of knowing if they are hostile or not. Digression would be the better course of action'. Riker paused. 'Noted Mr Worf. However, we are carrying Phaser rifles and surprise is ours......' At that moment, a figure walked out of the trees, followed by two others. A cheery "Hello" was called and the men walked over to the away team. The tall blond haired man walked up to Riker and addressed himself. 'Hello, I'm Captain George Marshall. I take it you are the rescue party??' Riker looked agog. 'Marshall, the captain of the Doradus?????' 'The very same!!!!!!' 'Impossible, you've been dead, you've all been dead many years'. 'Never' replied Marshall. 'Its only been ten years since we arrived through the gateway. Incidentally, what ship are you from?? and what equipment is that. Ive never seen a tricorder like that. From what division of Starfleet are you from eh? Search and Rescue?.......Military.....?????????' Riker thought very hard on what he would say next. He could be soft and hold back the information until later, but then the captain was from Starfleet, he would understand better if the truth was told. Finally he opted for the latter. 'Captain, you and your passengers, and your ship have been missing for over 200 years. Your ship was only found by accident whilst we were investigating a abnormality. This may be a bit of a shock to you and any survivors'. Marshalls response, and that of his companions was totally unexpected. They started to chuckle amongst themselves. 'Two hundred years' they cried. Finally, Marshall quietened down and turned to Riker. 'My apologies Captain, it was expected. The scientist who created the gate warned us that time may, or may not move at the same rate here that from where we left. He called it a escalator gate or something. In the meantime, we must get moving. It will be dark soon and all sorts of predators will be roaming around. It would not be seemly for our guests to be -Dish of the day-'. After ten minutes walking, the party cleared the brow of a hill and there before them stood a town. A modest affair, built of timber construction and surrounded by a force field. 'Gentlemen, and ladies' addressed the Captain, 'Welcome to New Providence' End of Part 3 Path: newserv.ksu.ksu.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!doc.ic.ac.uk!uknet!pipex!sunic!trane.uninett.no!eunet.no!nuug!EU.net!uunet!mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10.cs.du.edu!not-for-mail From: lwright@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Lawrence Wright) Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative Subject: TNG Story: Derelict (Part 4) Date: 14 May 1994 07:44:07 -0600 Organization: Nyx, Public Access Unix @ U. of Denver Math/CS dept. Lines: 119 Message-ID: <2r2kj7$li7@nyx10.cs.du.edu> Derelict ________ Part 4 by P.D Hubbard. After a meal of something delicious, but quite unidentifiable, the away team settled down to talk to their guests, the survivors of the Doradus. Many questions were on their minds and Riker started the ball rolling. 'Captain Marshall, we are curious as to the high levels of Iridium in the atmosphere, the water and the soil. Was the planet like this as you found it?????' 'Oh no,' replied Marshall, 'it was never always like this. When we arrived it was a untamed wilderness. The indigenous population of lizards were a hindrance at first and we had to make safe the area before the bulk of the settlers came through.' He paused for a few seconds then continued. 'A few years after we arrived....., according to what rudimentary instruments we saved from the Doradus, a massive asteroid slammed into the western continent. Iridium was ejected into the atmosphere, in fact, it's only been a year since the sky's finally cleared and the sun has been visible. Recon parties have found the other continent to be a shambles. Nothing has survived there, in fact, most of the animal population has been wiped out. What you see here are a few survivors of various species. As far as we know, Raj told us that a 12 mile wide lump of rock did most of the damage.' 'Can we see Mr Raj??????' said Troi. 'That.....,' he said, patting her hand, 'my dear, is a little impossible. Poor Raj died a few years back. He got careless and one of the lizards got him. After all he done for us....what a waste......' LaForge decided to get to the heart of the matter. 'Captain......' 'Yes Mr LaForge???' 'About the gate. Is there any way to shut it down?????' 'No' replied Marshall. 'The apparatus which drove the gate exists within the space between your own universe and ours. Why would you want to shut down the gate??????' 'The gateway is causing ecological problems on our side. As the Doradus drifts into Federation space, more and more gravitic emanations are taking place. The gate is growing bigger as we speak, causing more and more problems. The Doradus, and the gate, are now a hazard to navigation and this threat will grow the longer we leave it. Now, Captain, we must make preparations for the evacuation of you and your people......' 'Evacuation!!!!!!!! No, never. Mr Riker, we have sweated blood and tears making this a pleasurable world. A short while back, we held a referendum amongst us, ready for the day when rescue finally came. We all voted with our feet, we want to stay and nobody will make us change our minds. Ask anybody here, ask any of our citizens, they will tell you the same....We are staying put.' 'And what about when we close the gate??? Your people will be stranded here with no hope of returning.' 'Mr Riker' replied Marshall, 'we have lived here in isolation for years, with no hope of rescue. Nothing has changed, you will be gone as quickly as you arrived and all will be back to normal. The lives that we lead in the Federation hold nothing for us now. We have new lives here and we want to continue.' At that moment, the door opened and Data entered. 'Report Mr Data' asked Riker. 'Sir, I have been back to the Enterprise via the gateway. According to the Enterprise clocks, the away team has been away for exactly two weeks. The discrepancy is due to the way the gate folds time and space. I have also been asking the colonists if they would like to leave.....none of the colonists I have spoken to want to leave.' Marshall looked pleased. 'Exactly what I told you Mr Riker.' Defeated, Riker turned and address Marshall. 'I guess we are wasting our time here. Give us a list of any essentials you may require for survival and we will do our best to fill the list. It's the least we can do considering how long you have been lost.' _____________ By late afternoon the next day, a large collection of consumables had been transported through the gate. Only Riker and Worf, dressed in environment suits were left, the others having transported back through the gate. 'I guess it's time to say goodbye' said Riker. 'Good luck Captain Marshall, regardless of whatever fate throws at you' 'And the same to you Commander Riker' said Marshall, shaking his hand. Worf and Riker turned away and after placing their helmets back on, stepped into the portal, back to the Doradus and the Enterprise. End of Part 4 Path: newserv.ksu.ksu.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!doc.ic.ac.uk!warwick!uknet!EU.net!uunet!mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10.cs.du.edu!not-for-mail From: lwright@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Lawrence Wright) Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative Subject: TNG Story: Derelict (Part 5) Date: 14 May 1994 07:44:48 -0600 Organization: Nyx, Public Access Unix @ U. of Denver Math/CS dept. Lines: 261 Message-ID: <2r2kkg$lrt@nyx10.cs.du.edu> Derelict ________ Part 5 , by P.D Hubbard. Worf and Riker emerged from the gateway. Almost instantly, there was another gravity surge and the gate widened. It was now larger than the cargo bay and several bulkheads of the ship now existed somewhere inside the folded dimensions of the gate. At the rate the gate was growing it would soon swallow the whole ship and anything in space around it. Riker thumbed his communication button. 'Riker to Enterprise' 'Enterprise here Sir' 'Two to beam aboard' 'Sorry Sir, no can do. There is too much interference from the gate for a safe transport. Mr Data is standing by at boarding lock 3 with a shuttle, suggest you make your way there Sir.' 'Acknowledged, Riker out' The communication channel closed. 'Mr Worf, it appears we have a long walk ahead of us.....' Worf said nothing. His face said it all. _____________ Fifteen minutes later, Worf and Riker staggered into boarding area 3. Ahead of them was Boarding lock 3 and the shuttlecraft just beyond. They both entered the airlock, closed the hatch and waited for the lock to cycle. Finally they emerged from the bulkhead, noisily clanging their helmets against the bulkhead wall in sheer exhaustion. 'Mr Data, am I glad to see you' exclaimed Riker, 'How long have we been gone?' Data consulted his internal clock then replied. 'Three weeks, two days, 13 hours, 10 minutes and 18 seconds precisely since the away team left the Enterprise' 'That long?' 'Yes Sir. You are both required urgently for a briefing aboard the Enterprise. It appears Mr LaForge has discovered a method of shutting down the gate' 'Thank god for that' The shuttle flew back to the Enterprise. ______________ Half a hour later, the senior bridge crew sat around the conference table. Mr LaForge had the floor and was trying his best not to bore them. 'Basically' he continued, 'we use nature to help us. Not far from here is a black hole, PK22043K+. According to readings we obtained from the gateway, it is possible to shut it down by using another gravitational force, a black hole, to nullify the gate and shut the subspace hole.' 'What problems are there Mr LaForge' said Picard. 'First, we have to get the engines back on line. That is difficult enough as it is. Most of the control gear is shot to hell and nothing works. I have a damage control team over there at the moment. We are having to replicate parts from patterns over two hundred years old and transfer them over. A second engineering team here is pulling a canister of Antimatter for the Doradus's engine. She has plenty of Deuterium left but the Antimatter stores are exhausted. The only other problem is to patch the damaged hull.' Riker cut in. 'I have a medical team, under Dr Crusher's supervision currently working to inter the body of the chief engineer for funeral purposes. I have asked councillor Troi to arrange the funeral details' 'Very good' replied Picard. 'Mr Data, are there any problems regarding the stripped warp drive?' 'Several Sir. We cannot replace the missing warp coils. The parts are simply too big to replicate. At the moment the repair teams are using the leftover parts from the drive to repair damaged equipment on the intact warp nacelle. The Doradus will move under her own power but at only half her possible speed.' 'At least moving her under her own power is better than towing her on a tractor beam' said LaForge. 'Agreed' replied Picard. 'I want to be informed immediately as soon as the Doradus is ready to get under way. Meeting closed.' _____________ On the Doradus's engineering deck, a rather irate Geordi sat hunched under a control panel. Half gravity and a breathable atmosphere had been restored to important areas of the ship but the devastation in engineering was worse the originally believed. Over the other side of the compartment, a pair of legs belonging to Lt Commander Data was sticking out of a service conduit. Geordi reached up, twisted a few dial, and a cloud of sparks shot out of the panel. He duck out quickly. 'Godammit, three hours work down the pan....' he bemoaned. Data slid out from the service conduit, stood up, brushed off his uniform and walked over to the panel. 'Allow me, I learnt this from a engineer' Data let fly a hefty kick on the bottom of the console. Almost immediately the panel jumped to life, auxiliary systems coming on line one by one. 'Nice trick Data, where did you pick that up?????' 'From Captain Scott. He said that when all else fails to work, a "wee kick in the trooosers" usually puts things right' 'Figures' At that moment, Worf entered the hatch and approached Geordi. 'Sir, the bridge computer is now on line. The remote helm link to the Enterprise has been installed. Navigation and helm will now interface with the computer and the drive room. The main viewer is now working and...' he said a satisfied grin on his face, '..the bridge toilets now operate.' 'Well done Worf. Thanks to Data here, all we have to do is cold start the warp core to get this crate under way. Better evacuate all unwanted personnel back to the Enterprise. I've never cold started a warp core as old as this, anything can happen.' 'Yes Sir' and he sauntered off. 'LaForge to captain Picard' 'Picard here' 'Sir, we are now ready to cold start the warp core just as soon as all non essential crew members are off. I'd suggest that the Enterprise stands off a safe distance just incase anything goes wrong. Data will be staying to assist me here.' 'Acknowledged Mr LaForge, Good luck and Enterprise out.' 'Data' 'Yes Geordi?' 'Ive never worked with a warp drive that does not use Dilithium in the drive core. Is there anything you know that would help me?' 'Nothing comes to mind except to be careful.' 'Oh...... Lets get started then.' After a few minutes of setting up the startup procedure, all was ready. Geordi was nervous, and it showed. One false move and the first they would know about it was when they turned around and saw a set of Purley gates, assuming of course Data had a Android version of Heaven. QUEEP. 'Picard to LaForge' 'Laforge here. Go ahead captain.' 'We are now at a safe distance and all non essential staff are on board. You may go ahead and start up the warp core.' 'Thank you sir, LaForge out. Data, increase flow reading on the primary matter injector to 15%...' 'Adjusting to 15%...' 'Antimatter to 1.5%....Starting cold pulse now.' A single pulse of matter raced towards the centre of the chamber. A single pulse of antimatter did so likewise. The two met in the reaction chamber and instantaneously annihilate each other. The core temperature jumped 20%. 'OK' exclaimed LaForge. 'At least this proves that the core held itself together. Going for secondary pulse now.' A second large explosion of energy lit the reaction chamber. The temperature rose another 20%. Suddenly a alarm rang out. 'Oh shit' cried Geordi, 'Data, there's a piece of unburnt antimatter caught in the core....Flush it....Flush it......' 'I have it' responded Data, 'Flushing out of core now.....' A small grain of antimatter shot out of the ejector tube into free space. It barely travelled a hundred yards when it collided with a atom of hydrogen and exploded. The bang was by stellar standards small but it was enough to rock the Doradus. 'I Believe that is what you humans call -Close-....' said Data. 'Yeah....very close. Cmon, lets get the startup sequence finished....' _____________ A hour later, the engineering computer took over and initiated a warm startup. The pulses of energy smoothed out into a steady stream of usable power. After a few minutes, the reactions settled down, all systems nominal. 'Data to Enterprise' 'Enterprise here, go ahead' 'Sir, the warp drive is now on line. Mr LaForge and myself will be returning to the Enterprise as soon as all checks are complete. The Doradus is nearly ready to get underway.' 'Confirmed Mr Data. Well done gentlemen, a good job.' 'Thank you sir' they both replied, 'Doradus out.' 'I think' started LaForge, 'its time we got the hell out of here.' 'I could not agree more' replied Data. And with that, after a few more checks, they proceeded back to the shuttle craft and the Enterprise. End of part five. Path: newserv.ksu.ksu.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!doc.ic.ac.uk!lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk!warwick!uknet!EU.net!uunet!mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10.cs.du.edu!not-for-mail From: lwright@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Lawrence Wright) Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative Subject: TNG Story: Derelict (Part 6) Date: 14 May 1994 07:45:32 -0600 Organization: Nyx, Public Access Unix @ U. of Denver Math/CS dept. Lines: 289 Message-ID: <2r2kls$m6a@nyx10.cs.du.edu> Derelict. Part 6 By P Hubbard. The battered hulk of the Doradus hung in space. Dead and without power for over two hundred years, the sleeping engines under the control of the Enterprise slowly coaxed back into life. Rotational thrusters flared once, then twice as she rotated her bulk around to the heading 220 mark 4, along which the giant black hole PK22043K+ existed. Several more thrusters flared as she completed her roll and the impulse engines cut in. She would take two and a half hours of constant acceleration before reaching the point of warp engage. In the cargo hold, the gate was getting larger. On the bridge, Picard was looking jaded. He was used to the almost instantaneous jump to warp speed from a standing start. 'How slow these liners were' he mused. And at the back of his mind was a nagging doubt that for all their efforts, nothing would come of it. Finally, fed up of the doubting, he sought solace in the only thing he believed in. His crew. 'Mr Data, status report' said Picard. 'All systems onboard the liner are nominal Sir. All remote subspace links are performing within tolerance levels Sir. At out current rate of acceleration, the Doradus will hit warp engage in four minutes thirteen seconds.' 'Very good Mr Data, carry on. Number one, any foreseeable problems?' 'Not too many Sir. Provided that Mr LaForge done his sums right, we will be able to close the gateway......' 'I hope so too, number one. The question is, how close can we get to the black hole to nullify the gate before we are sucked in?' That got Riker wondering as well. The chronometer counted off the seconds slowly, finally as the counter neared zero, the Doradus slowly started to stretch as she entered Warp speed, the disappeared with a flash. The Enterprise followed, matching speed, slightly astern and to the Doradus's port side. Warp one slowly became warp two, then warp three. A optimum balance was reached with the one remaining warp pod and a maximum velocity of Warp 3.11 was reached. LaForge's voice filtered over the comms system. 'SL Doradus warp system has stabilised at warp 3.11. All systems are within tolerance levels. No foreseen problems so far Sir'. 'Nicely done Mr LaForge. Pass on congratulations to all concerned' said Picard. 'Thank you Sir, LaForge out........(plink)' ____________ A few hours later, the Enterprise and the Doradus arrived at the black hole. During the last half hour of the flight, the Doradus's one functioning Warp pod had been labouring badly against the load and the radiator vents were glowing cherry red as they vainly attempted to disperse the heat and her overall speed had dropped to warp 2.7, but she had made it to the shutdown point and her warp engines were put on standby. 'Start shutdown procedures' said Picard, who was seated in his chair, nursing a cup of Earl Grey tea. 'Engaging the Doradus's thrusters' replied LaForge who had joined them on the bridge. 'Starting fall to optimum shutdown orbit' The Doradus began to fall. As she did so, wisps of the gate which was by now looking like the starship had been rammed into a giant Doughnut was peeling off and falling down towards the black hole. Almost immediately problems began to occur. 'Sir' called Geordi. 'The remote subspace link is starting to waiver. The gravitational effect from the black holes is distorting the signals around. We will have to follow the Doradus in to maintain the link'. Riker didn't like it one bit. 'If we follow the Doradus' he hissed, 'it puts the ship in a dangerous position. One false move and we hit the jackpot.....'. 'Agreed' said Picard, 'but shutting the gateway down is far more important. Mr Data, follow the Doradus but maintain a safe buffer distance just in case'. 'Yes Sir' The Enterprise slowly began to follow the Doradus. Almost immediately the effects of the black hole began to exert themselves on the Enterprise. In cargo bay two, a operational antigrav pallet began to edge itself towards the bulkhead nearest the gravitic influence. In ten forward, drinks began to flatten themselves against the side of the glasses and in Engineering, the influence of the gravitational pull was slowly distorting the plasma within the warp core. Clocks all over the ship slowly began to run slower and slower. Suddenly, the gateway onboard the Doradus twitched and enlarged threefold, engulfing the Doradus within a grey sphere. The resulting gravity pulse yanked at the Enterprise. 'RED ALERT' barked Riker, 'Mr Data.....get us to a safe position'. Red alert klaxons screamed all over the ship. Waist height light bars along deckways pulsed red and security bulkheads all over the ship closed and sealed themselves. Worf looked up from his security panel. 'All deck report secure Sir'. Data nearly managed to straighten up the Enterprise's course but another gravity pulse sent her spinning.........on a collision course with the black hole. On the bridge, and all over the ship, strange things began to happen. 'M.i.s.t.e.r....D.a.t.a.........T.i.m.e....t.o....i.m.p.a.c.t. ...w.i.t.h....t.h.e....b.l.a.c.k....h.o.l.e.......??' 'O.n.e....m.i.n.u.t.e....S.i.r.........A.t.t.e.m.p.t.i.n.g.... t.o....s.t.e.a.d.y....c.o.u.r.s.e.........' Another gravity pulse shook the ship and the glass of Earl Grey fell in slow motion, tea spilling like liquid toffee all over the deck carpet. 'I......c..a..n......n..o..t......g..e..t......p..o..w..e..r.. ....S..i..r........' reported Data in slow motion. 'F..i..r..i..n..g......a..f..t......t..h...r...u...s....t....e ....r....s..........n....o....w........................S...... I......F.................t........o......................f.... ......u..........l............l...........................p... ...........o................w...................e............. .......r' Slowly, the descent began to shallow out. At the least, the Enterprise would now slingshot just outside of the event horizon, at worst, the gravitational effects would tear her apart as she did so. Hopefully, the SIF field would hold her together. In a vicious 120 degree bank, the Enterprise shot around the black hole and was expelled at a high rate of knots. Time slowly began to sort itself out. 'E........x.......i......t.....i....n...g..............' reported Riker. 'W...a..r.p....engines coming back on line' called LaForge. The staff all over the ship began to pick themselves off the floor. Systems slowly began to return to life. The ships computers finally decided what the time was. A thought struck Picard. 'Mr Worf, location of the Doradus......' Worf consulted his scanner screens. A large sphere was slowly heading towards the black hole, gaining speed and size. 'Sir, the remains of the Doradus are heading on a direct collision course towards the black hole. Impact in two minutes.' 'Mr Data,' said Riker, 'what will happen when that gateway hits the hole????????' 'One of two things. The gateway may be absorbed by the black hole, shutting it down or the gateway may evoke a violent reaction with the black hole. There is a 70% probability that this will happen'. 'Good enough odds for me. Data, get us out of here, best speed'. 'Aye Sir'. A shaft, several kilometres wide, extended from the gateway towards the black hole. Where the gateway entered the event horizon a violent reaction occurred. The Enterprise crawled away to a safe but far distance. Finally, like a game of cosmic billiards, the gate hit the black hole and swallowed each other. For a few seconds nothing happened. Then suddenly, the black hole began to lighten in colour, slowly growing brighter as time in that area of space began to run backwards. Lighter and lighter the black hole grew until suddenly, a it exploded in a flash and formed into a newly formed star. A exact replica of it's previous self. A large shell of fire was slowly starting to expand from the star, the aftermath of the explosion. The Enterprise was right in it's way. The shock front slammed into the rapidly fleeing Enterprise, rattling and throwing her around like a stone in a tin can. The captains yacht broke free from the saucer and shot away, clipping the main deflector. The starboard pylon which held the warp nacelle twisted out of true and then, to add insult to injury, a small boulder, accelerated by the explosion, slammed into the nacelle, fusing with the metal. Several sections of external plating was shredded like swiss cheese, explosively exposing the interior to the airless cold of space. In shuttle bay two, a shuttle broke free from it's moorings and embedded itself in the metal of the bay doors. In cargo bay three, several workers were crushed to death as they were engulfed in a avalanche of cargo containers. Within Ten Forward, designated a safety area, several people were injured by shards of glass from the bar area. A technician inside computer core 2 was slammed into the monitoring console, breaking his neck in three places. All other the ship, chaos reigned. Finally, it's force spent, the shockwave died away The Enterprise was dead in space. On the bridge, all was quite. A hand slowly extended up over the console, followed by a face. Data looked a mess. Over in a corner, councillor Troi lay in a huddle, her left arm twisted in a strange angle. LaForge was hanging from a wiring loom that was protruding from the ceiling. Riker and Worf had a few cracked ribs whilst Picard and the bridge crew mostly escaped with a few cuts and bruises. The only death on the bridge was Lt Kitson, who had been slammed into a control panel, crushing him completely. Riker saw Troi was in trouble and staggered over to her. 'Deanna.......are you all right???????????' A eye opened. Clearly in great pain from her broken arm she coughed twice and looked at Riker. 'Did.....did you get the number of that shuttle that hit me.........' 'Yeah, I got it. Lay still while I make that arm safer'. He carried on talking to her as he worked. 'Don't worry, I'm a dab hand at this. If you think I look a bit rough then you should see Data other there'. In great pain, Troi slowly twisted her head towards Data. 'Hello Councillor' said Data, looking perplexed. 'Have you by any chance see my right leg?????' 'Yeahh' replied Geordi, who was lowering himself from the ceiling. 'I grabbed at you when you went past but all I got was your leg. Here you go'. He handed Data his leg which he promptly refitted. The turbolift doors slowly cranked open to reveal Dr Crusher and a burly security man. She scanned around the bridge, spotted Troi and raced over, medical tricoder out. 'I almost nearly didn't get here. If it wasn't for Bull over there wrenching open the doors, Id still be stuck on 'C' deck'. 'Hey, no problem Doc' replied Bull. 'Congratulations Deanna!!' she said, 'You have a nice greenstick fracture. I have to get you to sickbay immediately. Now this won't hurt one bit'. The last thing Troi heard was her scream as she passed out. ______________ End of part 6 Path: newserv.ksu.ksu.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!doc.ic.ac.uk!lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk!warwick!uknet!EU.net!uunet!mnemosyne.cs.du.edu!nyx10.cs.du.edu!not-for-mail From: lwright@nyx10.cs.du.edu (Lawrence Wright) Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative Subject: TNG Story: Derelict (Part 7) Date: 14 May 1994 07:46:22 -0600 Organization: Nyx, Public Access Unix @ U. of Denver Math/CS dept. Lines: 121 Message-ID: <2r2kne$mhb@nyx10.cs.du.edu> Derelict. Part 7 by P.Hubbard In the centre of the room sat a coffin. Inside was the remains of the chief engineer of the Doradus who had selfishly given his life over two hundred years ago in a attempt to save others. Most of the bridge crew along with other officers and staff from different departments on the Enterprise stood infront of the coffin as captain Picard conducted the funeral ceremony. Off to one side, Deanna Troi sat in a chair, her wound showing out plainly to all as a testament to the events of the previous day. Data had managed to repair himself with replicated parts and nothing was amiss to indicate otherwise. Picard started to wind up the service. '.......and it is with honour that the chief engineer of the Starliner Doradus, Terence Stephen Douglas, gave his life in the service of his fellow officers and passengers in disregard for his own life. We can only wonder what sort of a man he was but he will be remembered for what he achieved in life, not for his death. It is with these words that we commit his body to the depth of space......' 'Arms....HUT' A panel parted in the wall and the coffin slowly slid inside the opening, the panel closing behind it to the sound of the comms system playing Taps followed by a gunnery salute. A external panel opened and the coffin was ejected into space. 'Dismiss' The people started to file away, some back to their families, some to mourn the loss of a colleague, many to mourn the loss of one hundred and seventy two crew members and many to repair the damage that the Enterprise sustained. Although not mortally wounded, the Enterprise had damage that would see her in dry dock for a considerable number of stardates. Geordi LaForge approached Picard and Data. 'Sir, I have the finalised estimate on the damage sustained'. 'Whats the bottom line???' replied Picard. 'At the moment Sir, our biggest worry is the starboard pylon. It is twisted ten percent out of true and although I can compensate for it putting the engines out of tune, it will limit our overall speed to Warp 3. Life support on several decks is limited but the food replicator systems are back on line. That's it Sir'. 'Very good Mr LaForge. Now, I believe our presence is required in ten forward. Guinan has arranged for a wake in honour of the dead. Gentlemen.......'. _______________ In ten forward, Beverley Crusher, Will Riker and Deanna Troi were clustered around a table when Data, LaForge, Worf and Picard entered. They made a bee line for the group. Apparently, Data had something of a discovery to share with them. 'Well' said Picard, 'We're all here. Apparently, Mr Data has made a discovery which will surprise us. Mr Data......'. 'Thank you Sir. When we were visiting the site where the colonist had set up camp, I was intrigued by the high amounts of Iridium within the ecosystem. More intriguing was the vast selection of animals roaming about the encampment. After careful analyses of the soil samples and comparing them with known soil samples, I made a match......' 'And.....Mr Data......' According to computer Data, the Iridium is a exact molecular match with core samples taken from the Gulf of Mexico on Earth. it appears that the colonists are living on the planet Earth and do not know it...' 'That's impossible' blurted LaForge, then he stopped and thought about it again......the strange animals and plant life that looked so familiar. The nearly exact planetary revolution. Things started to add up. Data continued. 'The final piece of proof was the animal and plant life. They match known fossil records and surviving species on Earth. That is Earth of sixty five million years ago, Central Africa to be precise'. 'My god' exclaimed Riker. They all looked shocked. 'They must have opened up a time portal within subspace. The poor devils don't have a chance. A few centuries and they will be extinct. History has shown that to be the case'. 'Sir, the animals that were roaming the plain were from several species of Dinosaur. They had survived the asteroid hit so it is reasonable to assume that the final pockets of Dinosaur life was wiped out by colonists sixty five million years ago. The human race wiped out the Dinosaurs, the asteroid just helped it along'. And with that, they all lapsed into silence whilst the USS Enterprise limped on her way home. The End..