💾 Archived View for auragem.space › texts › islam › quran › en.pickthall › 37 captured on 2022-07-16 at 17:37:05. Gemini links have been rewritten to link to archived content
[1] By those who set the ranks in battle order
[2] And those who drive away (the wicked) with reproof
[3] And those who read (the Word) for a reminder,
[4] Lo! thy Lord is surely One;
[5] Lord of the heavens and of the earth and all that is between them, and Lord of the sun's risings.
[6] Lo! We have adorned the lowest heaven with an ornament, the planets;
[7] With security from every froward devil.
[8] They cannot listen to the Highest Chiefs for they are pelted from every side,
[9] Outcast, and theirs is a perpetual torment;
[10] Save him who snatcheth a fragment, and there pursueth him a piercing flame.
[11] Then ask them (O Muhammad): Are they stronger as a creation, or those (others) whom we have created? Lo! We created them of plastic clay.
[12] Nay, but thou dost marvel when they mock
[13] And heed not when they are reminded,
[14] And seek to scoff when they behold a portent.
[15] And they say: Lo! this is mere magic;
[16] When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then, forsooth, be raised (again)?
[17] And our forefathers?
[18] Say (O Muhammad): Ye, in truth; and ye will be brought low.
[19] There is but one Shout, and lo! they behold,
[20] And say: Ah, woe for us! This is the Day of Judgment.
[21] This is the Day of Separation, which ye used to deny.
[22] (And it is said unto the angels): Assemble those who did wrong, together with their wives and what they used to worship
[23] Instead of Allah, and lead them to the path to hell;
[24] And stop them, for they must be questioned.
[25] What aileth you that ye help not one another?
[26] Nay, but this day they make full submission.
[27] And some of them draw near unto others, mutually questioning.
[28] They say: Lo! ye used to come unto us, imposing, (swearing that ye spoke the truth).
[29] They answer: Nay, but ye (yourselves) were not believers.
[30] We had no power over you, but ye were wayward folk.
[31] Now the Word of our Lord hath been fulfilled concerning us. Lo! we are about to taste (the doom).
[32] Thus we misled you. Lo! we were (ourselves) astray.
[33] Then lo! this day they (both) are sharers in the doom.
[34] Lo! thus deal We with the guilty.
[35] For when it was said unto them, There is no Allah save Allah, they were scornful
[36] And said: Shall we forsake our gods for a mad poet?
[37] Nay, but he brought the Truth, and he confirmed those sent (before him).
[38] Lo! (now) verily ye taste the painful doom -
[39] Ye are requited naught save what ye did -
[40] Save single-minded slaves of Allah;
[41] For them there is a known provision,
[42] Fruits. And they will be honoured
[43] In the Gardens of delight,
[44] On couches facing one another;
[45] A cup from a gushing spring is brought round for them,
[46] White, delicious to the drinkers,
[47] Wherein there is no headache nor are they made mad thereby.
[48] And with them are those of modest gaze, with lovely eyes,
[49] (Pure) as they were hidden eggs (of the ostrich).
[50] And some of them draw near unto others, mutually questioning.
[51] A speaker of them saith: Lo! I had a comrade
[52] Who used to say: Art thou in truth of those who put faith (in his words)?
[53] Can we, when we are dead and have become mere dust and bones - can we (then) verily be brought to book?
[54] He saith: Will ye look?
[55] Then looketh he and seeth him in the depth of hell.
[56] He saith: By Allah, thou verily didst all but cause my ruin,
[57] And had it not been for the favour of my Lord, I too had been of those haled forth (to doom).
[58] Are we then not to die
[59] Saving our former death, and are we not to be punished?
[60] Lo! this is the supreme triumph.
[61] For the like of this, then, let the workers work.
[62] Is this better as a welcome, or the tree of Zaqqum?
[63] Lo! We have appointed it a torment for wrong-doers.
[64] Lo! it is a tree that springeth in the heart of hell.
[65] Its crop is as it were the heads of devils
[66] And lo! they verily must eat thereof, and fill (their) bellies therewith.
[67] And afterward, lo! thereupon they have a drink of boiling water
[68] And afterward, lo! their return is surely unto hell.
[69] They indeed found their fathers astray,
[70] But they make haste (to follow) in their footsteps.
[71] And verily most of the men of old went astray before them,
[72] And verily We sent among them warners.
[73] Then see the nature of the consequence for those warned,
[74] Save single-minded slaves of Allah.
[75] And Noah verily prayed unto Us, and gracious was the Hearer of his prayer
[76] And We saved him and his household from the great distress,
[77] And made his seed the survivors,
[78] And left for him among the later folk (the salutation):
[79] Peace be unto Noah among the peoples!
[80] Lo! thus do We reward the good.
[81] Lo! he is one of Our believing slaves.
[82] Then We did drown the others.
[83] And lo! of his persuasion verily was Abraham
[84] When he came unto his Lord with a whole heart;
[85] When he said unto his father and his folk: What is it that ye worship?
[86] Is it a falsehood - gods beside Allah - that ye desire?
[87] What then is your opinion of the Lord of the Worlds?
[88] And he glanced a glance at the stars
[89] Then said: Lo! I feel sick!
[90] And they turned their backs and went away from him.
[91] Then turned he to their gods and said: Will ye not eat?
[92] What aileth you that ye speak not?
[93] Then he attacked them, striking with his right hand.
[94] And (his people) came toward him, hastening.
[95] He said: Worship ye that which ye yourselves do carve
[96] When Allah hath created you and what ye make?
[97] They said: Build for him a building and fling him in the red-hotfire.
[98] And they designed a snare for him, but We made them the undermost.
[99] And he said: Lo! I am going unto my Lord Who will guide me.
[100] My Lord! Vouchsafe me of the righteous.
[101] So We gave him tidings of a gentle son.
[102] And when (his son) was old enough to walk with him, (Abraham) said: O my dear son, I have seen in a dream that I must sacrifice thee. So look, what thinkest thou? He said: O my father! Do that which thou art commanded. Allah willing, thou shalt find me of the steadfast.
[103] Then, when they had both surrendered (to Allah), and he had flung him down upon his face,
[104] We called unto him: O Abraham!
[105] Thou hast already fulfilled the vision. Lo! thus do We reward the good.
[106] Lo! that verily was a clear test.
[107] Then We ransomed him with a tremendous victim.
[108] And We left for him among the later folk (the salutation):
[109] Peace be unto Abraham!
[110] Thus do We reward the good.
[111] Lo! he is one of Our believing slaves.
[112] And we gave him tidings of the birth of Isaac, a prophet of the righteous.
[113] And We blessed him and Isaac. And of their seed are some who do good, and some who plainly wrong themselves.
[114] And We verily gave grace unto Moses and Aaron,
[115] And saved them and their people from the great distress,
[116] And helped them so that they became the victors.
[117] And We gave them the clear Scripture
[118] And showed them the right path.
[119] And We left for them among the later folk (the salutation):
[120] Peace be unto Moses and Aaron!
[121] Lo! thus do We reward the good.
[122] Lo! they are two of Our believing slaves.
[123] And lo! Elias was of those sent (to warn),
[124] When he said unto his folk: Will ye not ward off (evil)?
[125] Will ye cry unto Baal and forsake the Best of creators,
[126] Allah, your Lord and Lord of your forefathers?
[127] But they denied him, so they surely will be haled forth (to the doom)
[128] Save single-minded slaves of Allah.
[129] And we left for him among the later folk (the salutation):
[130] Peace be unto Elias!
[131] Lo! thus do We reward the good.
[132] Lo! he is one of our believing slaves.
[133] And lo! Lot verily was of those sent (to warn).
[134] When We saved him and his household, every one,
[135] Save an old woman among those who stayed behind;
[136] Then We destroyed the others.
[137] And lo! ye verily pass by (the ruin of) them in the morning
[138] And at night-time; have ye then no sense?
[139] And lo! Jonah verily was of those sent (to warn)
[140] When he fled unto the laden ship,
[141] And then drew lots and was of those rejected;
[142] And the fish swallowed him while he was blameworthy;
[143] And had he not been one of those who glorify (Allah)
[144] He would have tarried in its belly till the day when they are raised;
[145] Then We cast him on a desert shore while he was sick;
[146] And We caused a tree of gourd to grow above him;
[147] And We sent him to a hundred thousand (folk) or more
[148] And they believed, therefor We gave them comfort for a while.
[149] Now ask them (O Muhammad): Hath thy Lord daughters whereas they have sons?
[150] Or created We the angels females while they were present?
[151] Lo! it is of their falsehood that they say:
[152] Allah hath begotten. Allah! verily they tell a lie.
[153] (And again of their falsehood): He hath preferred daughters to sons.
[154] What aileth you? How judge ye?
[155] Will ye not then reflect?
[156] Or have ye a clear warrant?
[157] Then produce your writ, if ye are truthful.
[158] And they imagine kinship between him and the jinn, whereas the jinn know well that they will be brought before (Him).
[159] Glorified be Allah from that which they attribute (unto Him),
[160] Save single-minded slaves of Allah.
[161] Lo! verily, ye and that which ye worship,
[162] Ye cannot excite (anyone) against Him.
[163] Save him who is to burn in hell.
[164] There is not one of us but hath his known position.
[165] Lo! we, even we are they who set the ranks,
[166] Lo! we, even we are they who hymn His praise
[167] And indeed they used to say:
[168] If we had but a reminder from the men of old
[169] We would be single-minded slaves of Allah.
[170] Yet (now that it is come) they disbelieve therein; but they will come to know.
[171] And verily Our word went forth of old unto Our bondmen sent (to warn)
[172] That they verily would be helped,
[173] And that Our host, they verily would be the victors.
[174] So withdraw from them (O Muhammad) awhile,
[175] And watch, for they will (soon) see.
[176] Would they hasten on Our doom?
[177] But when it cometh home to them, then it will be a hapless morn for those who have been warned.
[178] Withdraw from them awhile
[179] And watch, for they will (soon) see.
[180] Glorified be thy Lord, the Lord of Majesty, from that which they attribute (unto Him)
[181] And peace be unto those sent (to warn).
[182] And praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!