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Gabriel Fontes
Last modified on 13 Jul 2022 by Gabriel Fontes
Tags: #nix #sourcehut
I've recently started migrating from github to sourcehut, and i've been having a blast.
Here's a quick write up on how to use the awesome builds.sr.ht CI with your shiny nix flake-based project.
First of all, of course, your project needs a flake.nix. More specifically, your flake needs a outputs.packages.xxx to be built with nix build xxx (as a plus, set your preferred packaged to outputs.defaultPackage, so you can build with nix build). Here's how this website's looks like:
{ description = "My personal website, blog, and digital garden"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable"; flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils }: flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; package = "misterio-me"; in { # Package, specifies what nix builds with 'nix build', in this case builds the website with jekyll packages.${package} = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = package; version = "1.0"; src = ./.; buildPhase = '' JEKYLL_ENV=production ${pkgs.jekyll}/bin/jekyll build --destination $out ''; installPhase = "true"; }; defaultPackage = self.packages.${system}."${package}"; # App, specifies what nix does with 'nix run', in this case serves up the website apps.${package} = let serve = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "serve" '' echo "Serving on:" ${pkgs.webfs}/bin/webfsd -f index.html -F -p 4000 -r ${self.packages.${system}.${package}} ''; in { type = "app"; program = "${serve}/bin/serve"; }; defaultApp = self.apps.${system}.${package}; # Development shell, specifies what nix provides with 'nix develop' devShell = pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ jekyll nodePackages.prettier sass scss-lint ]; }; }); }
I've included it all as a reference, but you can safely ignore apps and devShell, if you don't need them.
Here's what you're probably looking for. This is a minimal .build.yml manifest is how you can easily get some sweet nix flakes support on your builds.sr.ht runner:
image: nixos/unstable packages: - nixos.nixUnstable environment: NIX_CONFIG: "experimental-features = nix-command flakes"
This baby will install nixUnstable using nix-env, and add the required experimental features to your environment (so you don't have to edit a file or use cli arguments for that).
Just add your tasks and environment entries as needed. I build and deploy this website to SourceHut pages with this manifest:
image: nixos/unstable packages: - nixos.nixUnstable environment: NIX_CONFIG: "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" oauth: pages.sr.ht/PAGES:RW tasks: - build: | cd misterio.me nix --quiet build - package: | tar -C misterio.me/result -cvz . > site.tar.gz - upload: | acurl -f https://pages.sr.ht/publish/misterio.me -Fcontent=@site.tar.gz
Pretty sweet!
Wanna talk? Hit me up on email. Feel free to encrypt, and use plaintext if possible.
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