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Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Aithnichear an leomhan air scriob de iongann
The lion is known by the scratch of his claw
Al leĂłn se lo reconoce por los araĂąazos de sus garras
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Abair ach beagan is abair gu maith e.
Habla poco y habla bien.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
An neach nach cĂŹnn na chada, cha chĂŹnn e na dhuisg.
AquĂŠl que no descansa en su sueĂąo, no descansa cuando despierta.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Am fear is fhaide chaidh bho´n bhaile, chual e´n ceòl bu mhilse leis nuair thill e dhachaidh.
El hombre que vaga errando fuera de casa, escucha la mĂşsica mĂĄs dulce cuando vuelve a ella.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
An rud a thÊid fad o´n t-sÚil, thÊid e fad o´n chrÏdhe.
Lo que se aleja de la vista, se alejarĂĄ del corazĂłn.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
A cheud sgeul air fear an taighe, is sgeul gu là th´ air an aoidh.
La primera historia, del anfitriĂłn; y los cuentos del huesped hasta la madrugada. (referido a las reuniones de clanes o ceilidh de las Tierras Altas)
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Lionar bearn mĂłr le clachan beaga.
Las grandes brechas se rellenan con pequeĂąas piedras.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Na toir breith air råir coltais faodaich cridh beartach a bhi fo chòta bochd.
No juzgues por las apariencias, un gran corazĂłn se puede esconder debajo de una vestimenta pobre.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
SÏth do d´ annam,is clach air do chà rn.
Paz para tu alma y una piedra para tu cĂ rn* (De la costumbre de erigir montones de piedras en los lugares de enterramiento; *cĂ irn â montĂłn de piedras en memoria de los muertos)
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Tha fios fithich agad.
Tienes la sabidurĂa del cuervo. (Al cuervo se le atribuĂan conocimientos mĂĄgicos)
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Tagh do chomhluadar ma´n tagh thu do dheoch.
Escoge tu compaĂąĂa antes de elegir tu bebida.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Thig crioch air saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl.
El mundo se acabarĂĄ, pero el amor y la mĂşsica perdurarĂĄn.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Na tog mi gus an tuit mi.
No me levantes hasta que me haya caĂdo.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Ceann mĂłr air duine glic is ceann circ air amadan.
Una gran cabeza para un hombre sabio, una cabeza de gallina para un tonto.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Aithnichear duine air a chuideachd.
A un hombre se le conoce por su compaĂąĂa.
Irish/Scottish Gaelic:
Am fear a bhios beudach e fhÊin, cha sguir e a dh´ eigneachadh chaidh.
AquĂŠl que es culpable, estarĂĄ siempre culpando a otros.
An nĂŹ chĂŹ na big, âs e nĂŹ na big.
What the little ones see, the little ones do.
Cha deoch-slĂ int, i gun a trĂ ghadh.
It's no health if the glass is not emptied.
Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an trĂ igh e.
The value of the well is not known until it goes dry.
Cha dèan âTapadh leis an fhĂŹdhlear' am fĂŹdhlear a phĂ igheadh.
A âthank you' doesn't pay the fiddler.
Cha b'e lĂ na gaoithe lĂ nan sgolb.
The windy day is not the day for thatch-wattles.
Bidh an t-ubhal as fheĂ rr air a'mheangan as Ă irde.
The best apple is on the highest bough.
Ge milis am fĂŹon, tha e searbh ri dhĂŹol.
The wine is sweet, the paying bitter.
Fear sam bith a loisgeas a mhĂ s, âs e fhèin a dh'fheumas suidhe air.
Whoever burns his backside must himself sit upon it.
Gluais faicilleach le cupan lĂ n.
Go carefully with a full cup.
Is e ân t-ionnsachadh òg an t-ionnsachadh bòidheach.
The learning in youth is the pretty learning.
An lĂ mb a bheir, âs i a gheibh.
The hand that gives is the hand that gets.
Chan ann leis a'chiad bhuille thuiteas a'chraobh.
It is not with the first stroke that the tree falls.
Bidh mÏr a' ghill' èasgaidh air gach mèis.
The smart fellow's share is on every dish.
Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an trĂ igh e.
The value of the well is not known until it goes dry.
Chan fhiach cuirm gun a còmhradh.
A feast is no use without good talk.
Cha tuit caoran Ă cliabh falamh.
Peats don't fall from empty creels.
Cha toir a'bhòidhchead goil air a' phoit.
Beauty won't boil the pot.
Far an taine ân abhainn, âs ann as mò a fuaim.
Where the stream is shallowest, it is noisiest.
Na toilich do mhiann gus am feuch thu do sporan.
Check your purse before you please yourself.
Is uaisle am breid na toll.
A patch is better than a hole.
Tachraidh na daoine, ach cha tachair na cnuic.
Men will meet, but the hills will not.
DĂšnan math innearach, mĂ thair na ciste-mine.
A good dungheap is mother to the meal chest.
Am feur a thig a-mach sa Mhà rt, thèid e staigh sa Ghiblean.
The grass that grows in March disappears in April.
BĂ thaidh uisge teth teine.
Hot water will quench fire.
Cha robh dithis riamh a' fadadh teine nach do las eatarra.
Two never kindled a fire but it lit between them.
Chan eil deathach an taigh na h-uiseig.
There is no smoke in a lark's house.
Cha chinn feur air an rathad mhòr.
Grass does not grow on the high road.
Cha d'dhĂšin doras nach d'fhosgail doras.
No door ever closed, but another opened.
CĂšm do chĂš ri leigeadh.
Hold back your dog till the deer falls.
Cha dèan cas là idir nach ith brÚ mhòr.
The strong foot will not find more than the big belly will devour.
Cha d'fhuair sĂšil ghionach riamh cunnradh math.
A covetous eye never got a good bargain.
Cha do bhrist fear riamh a bhogha nach d'fheum fear eile ân t-sreang.
No man ever broke his bow but another man found a use for the string.
Chan iongnadh boladh nan sgadan a bhith den t-soitheach sam bi iad.
No wonder the cast smells of the herrings that it holds.
Cha tèid nÏ sam bith san dòrn dÚinte.
Nothing can get into a closed fist.
Ge milis a' mhil, cò dh'imlicheadh o bhà rr dri i?
Honey may be sweet, but no-one licks it off a briar.
Gabhaidh an connadh fliuch, ach cha ghabh a' chlach.
Wet fuel may kindle, but a stone never will.
Is sleamhainn leac doras an taigh mhòir.
The chief's house has a slippery doorstep.
Ge b'e thig gun chuireadh, suidhidh e gun iarraidh.
Who comes uninvited will sit down unbidden.
Is truagh a'bhantrach a' phiob.
Poor is the bagpipe when widowed.
Is fheà rr teine beag a gharas na teine mòr a loisgeas.
The little fire that warms is better than the big fire that burns.
Is à rd ceann an fhèidh sa chreachann.
Lofty is the deer's head on the top of the mountain.
Is luath fear doimeig air fĂ ire, latha fuar Earraich.
Swift is the slut's husband over the hill, on a bleak day in Spring.
Bà thaidh toll beag long mhòr.
A little hole will sink a big ship.
Eiridh tonn air uisge balbh.
A wave will rise on quiet water.
Dèan maorach fhad âs a bhios an trĂ igh ann.
Dig your bait while the tide is out.
An nĂŹ a thig leis a'ghaoith, falbhaidh e leis an uisge.
What comes with the wind will go with the water.
Cha sgeul-rĂšin e âs fios aig triĂšir air.
It's no secret if three know it.
Is ann den aon chlò an cathdath.
The tartan is all of the one stuff.
Socraichidh am pòsadh an gaol.
Marriage takes the heat out of love.
Is math an sgĂ than sĂšil caraide.
A friend's eye is a good looking-glass.
Breac à linne, slat à coille is fiadh à fÏreach - mèirle às nach do ghabh gà idheal riamh nà ire.
A fish from the river, a staff from the wood and a deer from the mountain - thefts no Gael was ever ashamed of.
Suirghe fada bhon taigh, âs pòsadh am bun an dorais.
Go courting afar, but marry next door.
Teine chaoran is gaol ghiullan - cha do mhair iad fada riamh.
A fire of broken peat, and a boy's love, do not last.
Furain an t-aoigh a thig, greas an t-aoigh tha falbh.
Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest.
NÏ òigear leisg bodach brisg.
A lazy youth will make an active old man.
Cha dèan aon smeòrach Samhradh.
One mavis doesn't make summer.
Cha dèan cat miotagach sealg.
A cat in mittens won't catch mice.
Cha chòir an t-each glan a chur uige.
The willing horse should not be spurred.
Chan i bhò âs Ă irde geum as mò bainne.
The loudest cow is not the best milker.
Cha shoirbh triubhas a chur air cat.
It's not easy to put trews on a cat.
Is ladarna gach cÚ air a shitig fhèin.
Every dog is bold on his own midden.
The iongantas air a chat earball a bhith air.
The cat wonders at its own tail.
Cha sgal cĂš roimh chnĂ imh.
A dog yells not when hit with a bone.
Is bean-taighe ân luchag air a taigh fhèin.
The mouse is mistress in her own house.
Gach madadh air a' mhadadh choimheach.
Every dog sets upon the stranger dog.
Cha mhisd' a' ghealach na coin a bhith comhartaich rithe.
The moon is none the worse for the dogs' barking at her.
Bu gheur an cĂš a bheireadh an t-earball uaithe.
Sharp would the dog be that could snatch his tail from him.
Cha tĂ inig eun glan riamh Ă nead a'chlamhainn.
A clean bird never came out of a kite's nest.
Gheibh cearc an sgrĂŹobain rudeigin, is chan fhaigh cearc a' chrĂšbain dad idir.
The scraping hen will find something, but the creeping hen will find nothing.
Am fear a bhios a' riarachadh na maraig, bidh an ceann reamhar eige fhèin.
The man that divides the pudding will have the thick end to himself.
Am fear dan dà n a'chroich, cha tèid gu brà th a bhà thadh.
Who is born to be hanged will never be drowned.
Cha dèanar sagart gun fhoghlam, âs cha dèan foghlam sagart.
A priest should be learned, but learning won't make a priest.
Chan eil saoi air nach laigh leòn.
No hero is proof against injury.
Fear gu aois, is bean gu bĂ s.
A son is a son until he comes of age; a daughter is a daughter all her life.
Is i mhĂ thair bhrisg a nĂŹ ân nighean leisg.
The active mother makes the lazy daughter.
Seachnaidh duin' a bhrĂ thair, ach cha sheachain e choimh-earsnach.
A man may do without a brother, but not without a neighbour.
Is fad' an oidhche gu latha do dh'fhear na droch mhnatha.
The night is long for the husband of a bad wife.
Saoilidh an duin' air mhisg gum bi a h-uile duin' air mhisg ach e fhèin.
The drunk man thinks himself the only one sober.
Is treasa dithis a' dol thar à n à tha na fad' o chèile.
Two should stay together when crossing a ford.
An uair a thèid na mèirlich a throd, thig daoinâ ionraic gu ân cuid fhèin.
When thieves dispute, honest men will get their own.
Am fear nach dèan cur sa Mhà rt, cha bhuain e san Fhoghar.
He who will not sow in March will not reap in autumn.
Am fear nach cuir a shnaidhm, caillidh e chiad ghrèim.
The man who puts not a knot on his thread loses the first stitch.
Am fear a thèid a ghnà th a-mach le lÏon, gheibh e eòin air uairibh.
The man who always goes out with his net will catch birds sometimes.
Gabhaidh fear na sròine mòire a h-uile rud ga ionnsaigh fhèin.
The man with a big nose thinks everyone talks of it.
Bidh cron duine cho mòr ri beinn mun lèir dha fhèin e.
A man's fault will be as big as a mountain before he sees it.
Ged bheir thu bean o Ifrinn, bheir i dhachaigh thu.
Though you should take a wife from Hell, yet she will bring you home.
Is ioma nĂŹ a chailleas fear na h-imrich.
Many a thing drops from the man who often flits.
Is fheĂ rr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach.
Better a good retreat than a bad stand.
Is ann an ceann bliadhna a dh'innseas iasgair a thuiteamas.
It is at the year's end that the fisher can tell his luck.
Mol an latha math mu oidhche.
Praise the good day at the close of it.
BrĂŹgh gach cluiche gu dheireadh.
The essence of a game is at its end.