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(=                                                                         =)
(=                The Push Button Telephone song Text file                 =)
(=                 Prepared and Researched by The Craze                    =)
(=                           VERSION 1.00001                               =)
(=                 Be Sure to call: WDE @ (203) 226-3565                   =)
(=			The Paradise Isle (203) 255-6269		   =)

  This text file is not formatted in any way, it will print as one long page.
  If you want to, feel free to edit it into pages before you print it.

Important Notice: If you pick up your phone and start playing some hip 
  tunes to yourself via push buttons you may find yourself connected to
  and angry Libyan.  Before playing a tune be sure to do one of the following:
 1- Call a friend, and bother them with your push-button madness.
 2- (If using a modem) Disconnect the phone line, and turn the Modems speaker 
    on (Issue an ATM1 command, if Hayes compatible) and enjoy.
 3- Call the local 'Weather and Time' recording, or other similar Recording,
    and play away.. I hear these Taped Operators like music.
 4- Call a friends answering machine, and bother them silly.

 When experimenting with this 'fun stuff' read the buttons/lyrics as a sing 
 along 'Follow the bouncing ball' type deal, it's quite simple. Really.. 

 Thats about all I can think of that I have to get out of the way before 
 embarking on this joyous journey into Push-button phone song land..
             Enjoy....  Ron, of course.

Index of Songs contained Herein:

1-  America                              14- Row, Row, Row your boat
2-  Twinkle Twinkle little star          15- Mary had a little lamb
3-  Strangers in the night               16- California, Here I come
4-  Here comes the bride                 17- The old gray mare
5-  A tisket a tasket                    18- Pop goes the weasel
6-  Here we go round the mulberry bush   19- I've been working on the RR
7-  London bridges                       20- Happy Birthday
8-  Ring around a rosy                   21- Jingle Bells
9-  Old MacDonalds Farm                  22- Comin' round the mountain
10- Swanee River                         23- Three Blind mice
11- Shave and a Haircut                  24- Yankee Doodle
12- When johnny comes marching..         25- Rambling Wreck..
13- Mister sandman                       26- Frere Jacques
                                         27- Auld Lang Syne

1- America
                5   5    6    1   5  9
		My count-try 'tis of thee
                0     0    8  0   8  4
		Sweet land of lib-er-ty
		8  4    2 4
		of thee I sing

2- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

		1    1    9    9
		Twin-kle, Twin-kle,
		0   0   9
		Lit-tle star

3- Strangers in the Night

		4     8    8  4   8
		Stran-gers in the night
		4  8     6   8    4
		Ex-chang-ing glan-ces

4- Here Comes the Bride

		1    3     3   3		
		Here comes the bride
		1   9       6  6
		All dressed in white

5- A Tisket, a Tasket

		6 6   4   8 6   4
		A tis-ket a tas-ket
		8 6     6   6   9   6   4
		A green and yel-low bas-ket
		4 6     6 4   4   6  6  4
		I wrote a let-ter to my love 
		8   6  9   6   0 6      4
		And on the way I dropped it
		8 6       4  8 6       4
		I dropped it I dropped it
		8   6  9   6   0 6       4
		And on the way I dropped it
		8 6   6   4    6      6 4
		A lit-tle girl picked it up
		8   6   9  6  0   6   4 
		and put it in her poc-ket
		8   6   4   8   6   4
		Her poc-ket her poc-ket

6- Here we go round the Mulberry bush

   		4    4  4  2
		Here we go round 
		2   6   6   2  4
		the mul-ber-ry bush
                4   8   8   8  8 
		the mul-ber-ry bush
		6   2   4   4  4  
		the mul-ber-ry bush
		4    4  4  2 
		Here we go round
		2   6   6   2  4
		The mul-ber-ry bush 
		4  8   8  6  8   4    4
		so ear-ly in the morn-ing
7- London Bridges

		6   9   6      8  7    8   6
		Lon-don bridge is fall-ing down
		1    4   5    7    8   9 
		fall-ing down fall-ing down
 		6   9   6      8  7    8   6
		Lon-don bridge is fall-ing down
		8  6    0  4
		My fair la-dy 

8- Ring around a Rosey

		8    8 8     6 0   4
		Ring a-round a ros-y
		4 8   8   8    6  0   4
		a poc-ket full of pos-ies
		0   4   0   4   4  0   0    4 
		ash-es, ash-es, we all fall down!

9- Old McDonald had a Farm

  		6   6   6   7   8   8 7 		
 		Old Mac-Don-ald had a farm
		9  9  0  0  4  
		4   6  6    6    7  8
		And on this farm he had
		8    7
		some chicks
		9  9  0  0  4
		4    4  4    4    4
		With a chick chick here
		4   4 4     4     4
		and a chick chick there
		4    4 4     4     4 4
		here a chick there a chick
		4  4  4     4 4     4 
		ev-ry where a chick chick
10- Way down upon the swanee river

		3   2    1  3  2
		Way down up-on the
		1    0  4   5
		Swan-ee riv-er
		6   8   4 2
		far far a-way,
		3      2     1  3     2
		That's where my heart is
		1    9   4  5
		Turn-ing ev-er
		6      5     4   2   2     4
		That's where the old folks stay
11- Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits!
		9     4   4 2    1    6   6
		Shave and a hair-cut, two bits!!

12- When Johnny comes marching home

		8    4     4 4     4     8 
		When john-ny comes march-ing
		6    8 6     5   *    5   *
		home a-gain  Hur-rah! Hur-rah!
		8     4    4   4 4     8
		We'll give him a heart-y
		6   8    6   9    #    5   #
		Wel-come then hur-rah! hur-rah!
		5   #   #    #      5   9
		The men will cheer, the boys
		9    9     5   6   6   6    4
		Will shout The lad-ies they will
 		8   8    8   4   8     #   9
		all turn out and we'll all feel
 		6   8    4    4  4
		Gay when John-ny comes
		4     0   4
		march-ing home!

13-  Mister Sandman

		4   2   6    2
		Mis-ter sand-man
		6     2  2 6
		Bring me a dream

14- Row, Row, Row Boat

		4    4    4   8    6
		Row, row, row your boat
		6   2   6    9   #
		gen-tly down the stream
		#   #  #
		0   0  0
		*   *  *
		4   4  4 
		6    2  2   1 1
		Life is but a dream
15- Mary had a little lamb

		6   0 4   0 6   6   6
		Mar-y had a lit-tle lamb
		2   2   2     6   6   6
		lit-tle lamb, lit-tle lamb
		6   0 4   0 6   6   6
		Mar-y had a lit-tle lamb
		6   8      8   6     8  4
		Its fleece was white as snow

16- California Here I come

		8   8 8   8   9    8 1
		Cal-i-for-nia here I come
		3     3    3
		Right back where
		3 6     3  4
		I start-ed from

17- The Old Gray Mare

		4   4   4    4
		The old gray mare
		8   6     6    8   6    8  4
		She ain't what she used to be
		8     8    4   8    8  4
		Ain't what she used to be 
		6     6    8   6    8  4
		Ain't what she used to be
		4   4   4    4
		The old gray mare 
		8   6     6    8   6    8  4
		She ain't what she used to be
		8  8  8    6     8 4
		Ma-ny long years a-go

18- Pop Goes the Weasel

		4   4 8     8   6   8   6  1
		All a-round the mul-ber-ry bush
		4   4   4   8      6   0   4
		The mon-key chased the wea-sel
		4   4   4   8 
		The mon-key thought 
		8     6  7 6  1
		'Twas al-l in fun
		5   1    6   0   4 
		Pop goes the wea-sel

19- I've been working on the railroad

   		7    2    4    5 
		I've been work-ing 
	 	4  2   6    4
		on the rail-road

20- Happy Birthday
		4   4  2     4   #  8 
		Hap-py birth-day to you
		1   1  2     1   9  8
		Hap-py birth-day to you

21- Jingle Bells

		6   6   6      6   6   6
		Jin-gle bells, Jin-gle bells
		6   #   7   8   6 
		Jin-gle all the way
		9   9    9   9  9  5  5
		Oh, what fun it is to ride 
		5  5 5   7     4 5   6
		in a one-horse o-pen sleigh

22- Comin' round the mountain

		4      8 
		She'll be
		#   #  #     #   8    4
		comin' round the moun-tain
		4    8   #
		When she comes

23- Three Blind Mice
		6     8     4
		Three blind mice
		6     8     4
		Three blind mice
		9   5   5    4
		See how they run
		9   5   5    4
		See how they run

24- Yankee Doodle

		4   4   2   6   4    6  2
		Yan-kee doo-dle went to town
		4   4   2  6 4  1
		Rid-ing on a po-ny
		4     1 5     6  4  6   2
		stuck a feath-er in his hat
		4   4      2  6   4 1  1
		and called it mac-a-ro-ni

25-  Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech
		6   8 4   4     4
		I'm a ram-bling wreck 
		8    6    6   6
		from Geor-gia tech 
		8   4 8    6  8  4  0   4 
		and a hell of an en-gin-eer

26- Frere Jacques

	        4   2  6   4     4   2  6   2	
		Fre-re Jac-ques  Fre-re Jac-ques
	        6   9   #      6   9   #
		Dor-mez-vous?  Dor-mez-vous?

27- Auld Lang Syne

		8      4    4  4     6		
		Should auld ac-quain-tance
		8  4   8
		be for-got
		9  1    4  3    9    #
		in days of auld lang syne


  Well, thats about all I can come up with for now.. Maybe at a later date I
  will scrape up some more of this silliness, and bother to put it in a text
  file (don't hold your breath) or maybe (this is a stronger possibility) I
  will make some of these songs into Telix scripts, or dialing directories.
  That might prove to be interesting.. Hope you had as much fun as I did.


           \/\/orld \/\/ide |)ata Exchange... 203-226-3565 
             QuickBBS 2.03, 300 to 2400 Baud, 140 Megs!

Strangers in the night (c) 1966 by Champion Music Corp & Screen Gems
Mr. Sandman (c) 1954 by Edwin H. Morris & Company
California, Here I come (c) 1924 by M. Witmark & Sons
Happy Birthday to you (c) 1935 by Summy-Birchard Company.

Notice: The typer of this text file can in no way be held responsible for 
 its contents, or fees incurred while you are using it. By viewing this 
 file you assume full liability for any fees or damages caused by this,
 or any related article. Thanks.. 