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001=Usr:0 Null User         06/30/87 20:34  Msg:0 Call:0  Lines:19
  1$If you are in need of help, you need but ask...
  2$************************* INSTALLED: 3 OCT 89 ****************************
  3$Welcome to BWMS II (BackWater Message System II)  Mike Day System operator
  6$                    PLACED ON THIS SYSTEM.
  7$BWMS II was created as an electronic bill board. BWMS II is a privately 
  8$owned and operated system which is currently open for use by the general
  9$public.  No restrictions are placed on the use of the system.  As the
 10$system is privately owned, I retain the right to remove any and all
 11$messages which I may find offensive.  Because of the limited size of the
 12$system, it will be periodically purged of messages (only 999 lines of data
 13$can be saved).  To leave a message, type 'ENTER'.  Use ctrl/C to get out
 14$the ENTER mode.  The message is automatically stored.  If after entering
 15$the message you find you made a mistake, use the replace command to
 16$replace the line.  To exit from the system, type 'BYE' then hang up.
 17$Type 'HELP' to see other commands that are available on the system.
002=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY      10/03/89 19:54  Msg:4426 Call:24371  Lines:3
 20 Whoever he may be that tells me my faults, I hate him mortally.
 21 Alexander Pope
 22 **************************************************************************
003=Usr:70 Kurfur Redlig     10/03/89 20:52  Msg:4427 Call:24373  Lines:14
 23 KKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | At The Top! At The Top! At The Top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 25 Boy but you get quite a view from up here.  Now, people and others, lets 
 26 try and fill the space under this, ok? That way I can smugly be at the top
 27 of the next disk too (if'n I'm lucky).
 29       OLO
 30      \___/                              >R
 31         U
 33 KKKKKKKKKurfur Redlig | Fill The Disk! Fill The Disk! Fill The Disk!!!!!!!
 35 This message really isn't here :)
004=Usr:4 Milchar           10/03/89 22:55  Msg:4428 Call:24376  Lines:8
 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 38 Celene is back upon the electronic scene, having been dismantled during
 39 the S/T shift I mentioned.  My new address is available to those who
 40 know my phone number(s); they know who they are.
 41 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Milch ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 42@And for those L4 types: It is 1535 SW Clay, Apartment 136.  Goose Hollow
 43@Village, if you know where that is.  Same phone number (thank god).
 44 #$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$##$#
005=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock   10/04/89 15:43  Msg:4429 Call:24397  Lines:63
 45 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
 46 #$## Border: Do I detect a gleam of silver?
 47 Friar: My turn!
 53      The Cloaked Man gasped, dodging,   as a bolt of shimmering red energy
 54 lept from the Quantier and scorched a   nearby tre.  He had not expected such
 55 an assault so soon, thinking the goblet damphened by the Stone Triangle.  If 
 56 the Triangle was enough to hold back    the goblet, he thought to himself, 
 57 then wasn't it possible that it might   prove to be...  "No," he whispered
 58 to himself, shuddering.  He blocked out the ghastly images that assaulted his
 59 psyche.  Doubt and fear, however, were  not so easily chased from the corridors
 60 of his mind.  Once he had closed the    Friar Paradox, he would have to take a
 61 closer look at the Triangle that hung,  even now, suspended just over Triantha,
 62 the largest city on Pyrrix A'aaal.
 63      He looked down at his belt, noting that the line had crept up to just 
 64 below minimum efficiency.  Another few  minutes, and he'd be armed.  However,
 65 judging from the stance and expression  of his adversery, he would probably
 66 never see those minutes.  
 67      He considered his options for a    fraction of a second.  Looking at
 68 the pulsating Quantier, he quickly      realized that he had none, and 
 69 that this grassy hill might just prove  to be his final resting place.  
 70      The Friar, a ghostly apparition    just barely visible through the 
 71 infernal fog, raised the Quantier       towards him, forcing the Cloaked Man
 72 to come to term,s with the fact that he  had seriously miscalculated, failing
 73 to the Friar.  More likely than not, he surmised, a result of some quirk in
 74 physiology between the two.  Apparently, cold comfort though it might have
 75 been, the Elders were NOT truly incapable of error, since there had been no   
 76 warning of this difference.
 77      "Who are you?" A voice shattered  his death-thoughts.  "What do you
 78 want?"  The Friar's eyes raged, the     Quantier throbbing with energy in his
 79 hands.  And yet, there was a hint of doubt behind those eyes, of possible
 80 uncertainty.  Seeing both the opportunity to accomplish his mission AND save
 81 himself from a gristly fate, the Cloaked man stood, slowly, cautiously, never
 82 taking his silver eyes from the chalice the Friar held.  Time, he reasoned, 
 83 for a little change of tactics.
 84      He gave the Friar a grim salute,   nodding at the Quantier.  "Greetings,
 85 fine sir." he lied.  "Allow me to properly introduce myself.  I am Michael, the
 86 Cloaked Man.  Forgive my ill treatment  of your personage scant moments ago,
 87 but I feared for my life, seeing as how you possessed the Quantier." he pointed
 88 at the chalice.  "I know not from where you found this most wonderous of 
 89 devices."  Lies upon lies.  "However,   since I am aware of its potential
 90 hazards, and since you seem determined  to make it  your own, I might discuss
 91 matters with you without resorting to   any sort of violence, should you wish
 92 it to be so.  Notice, if you will, that my attack was not lethal, nor do you  
 93 suffer from any sort of ill physical    affects.  In truth, it is buut my
 94 defence against the harshness of the    many worlds which I call my own."    
 95 Translation, thought the Cloaked Man,   I'm a lousy shot and didn't get it 
 96 phased the first time...  the first time.  He smiled weakly.  "Please, sir,
 97 I mean you no harm.  I am but a poor and innocent traveler who has been 
 98 seeking the wonderous Quantier, so that I might imbue my knowledge of its 
 99 might and malice to the next bearer of  its dark burden."  
100      Fear crept into the Cloaked Man,   a soft, cold fear that became visible,
101 sending gasping, whining sparks of blue to sprout around his aura of green.  
102 Silence followed for a moment, save for the fluttering of a cloak of red.
104 The Cloaked Man tensed, anxiously.  If  he failed, it could meanthe end for
105 his world, this world, and countless    more.  No, he answered to his doubts.
106 He would succeed.  He had to.  He wouldd recover the Quantier.  He would find 
107 the girl, and the Pool.
006=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock   10/04/89 16:27  Msg:4430 Call:24398  Lines:1
108 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
007=Usr:84 Michael Miller j  10/04/89 18:18  Msg:4431 Call:24399  Lines:6
109 &*&*&*&*'s
110 Anybody know where I can get a Motorola 68000 cpu? 8mhz is fine. Help!
112 An Astral Dreamer
113 &*&*&*&*'s
008=Usr:219 Friar Mossback    10/05/89 07:54  Msg:4432 Call:24410  Lines:17
115 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
116 I knew the man was lying.  But why?  And what was a "Quantier"?  
117 Not dropping the goblet, I said to him, "I'm sorry for firing at you, but I
118 had been attacked very recently, and by someone who seems to have been you!
119 Remove all of your garments, carefully, and keep your right hand up in the
120 air where I can see it.  Move slowly."  
121 As I spoke, the man, Michael, dropped his left hand toward his side.  
122 "Foooom!"  A pencil thick ruby light shot out from the goblet, (Quantier?)
123 and passed between the mans thigh and his hand, although not touching him.
124 This thing had a mind of its own, and was protecting me.  Or was it just
125 not wanting to go back to this man, who perhaps was its rightful owner?
126 "Don't try that again!  I mean you no harm, but I must protect myself.  If
127 you have a weapon there, remove it slowly, and toss it away.  I can tell
128 when you move to harm me."
129 Curioser and curiouser.
130 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]   Friar    [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
009=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par  10/06/89 20:25  Msg:4433 Call:24441  Lines:112
132 *%)#@*)_#@%)_@*)_@%*()_#$%(_)^*)_$*&_)^(*_#)(^%#$+%+_%)$#^*_%()_^$#_@)(%^$_#)%(
133 AD: Sorry, news doesn't run on 68000's.
134 Cat of Strayness: What did you mean about rattled cages? Who was going the
135 rattling? Certainly not me. I rattled awhile ago and got a mouth full of
136 straw. I see very clearly where I stand, and it's not with a leg to stand
137 on, if you get my drift. I tried, I hoped against hope, but nay, I got
138 nothing but a snip of a remark and the dark feelings that came along with
139 it. I makes me mad, but it makes me even more sad to see such a wonderful
140 thing turn so cold and cheerless. No :-) and tee hee here please, there is
141 nothing at all to :-) and tee hee about w.r.t. this...
142 *$)_($_)@!($)_@()_$#@%^*#)_$^(# L'homme sans Parity *%@_#)()_#@(%@#_)%*#)_@(_@(
144 Something else I must say, as my thinking some days returns to time previous...
146 Are we all happier now then we were a few years ago? Now think about it
147 carefully. Really, are we doing better these days than we did before? A
148 few points to ponder...
150 1. A bunch of the users on this system used to get together *every* two
151    weeks downtown and chat and eat and drink and joke and plan. It was
152    simply the place to be and the thing to do! I remember sitting in
153    the library waiting for the PorSFS meeting to end so we could all
154    head over to the PC&S for libations. Then after that we would often
155    go to a movie or to someone's house and continue on from there. It
156    was social, it was fun, and I miss the interaction.
158 2. We used to have *big* multi-authored interactive stories on BW. Then
159    for a long time they died. They are making a small comeback but 
160    frankly it just ain't even close to the same.
162 3. We used to trade code programs and NET messages and BW disk
163    deflower programs. 
165 4. We all used to talk to each other a heck of a lot more.
167 Here are a few of my thoughts on why the above observations represent the
168 past and why I am afraid the past won't be repeating itself in the near
169 future, if ever.
171 1. A law of nature, though I can't find the damn place where this is
172    written, says that all good things must come to an end. We had a good
173    thing, it came to an end. Nature's way of reminding us all who is
174    still da boss?
176 2. We are all much busier now, right? Many of us have left the relatively
177    friendly confines of school/self-employment for the absolute prison of
178    THE REAL WORLD, where mortgages must be paid, money saved, big promises
179    to your boss and co-workers kept, and so on. No more friendly cramming
180    for a calculus test here my friends - that report is due on Monday, and
181    it can't be late!!!
183 3. The social structures around us failed. Think about it - PorSFS moved,
184    the PC&S is now a _insert country here_ deli, and people have moved on.
185    Now think about that last one, it is a real key. I think part of #1
186    applies here: Nature, through it's good friend entropy, rips circles
187    of friends apart when they have been together too long. Sometimes it
188    even rips people apart (and you know who you are) if they refuse to
189    move on their own.
191 4. We failed ourselves. Maybe we didn't try to fight #1-#3. Maybe we needed
192    to work harder to get a new place to meet, or to keep calling every day,
193    or to take time to write the next decoder ring, and so on. Maybe we
194    could have fought nature and made things last a little longer, but we
195    didn't.
197 So what can we do, if there is anything we can do? Maybe nothing, and here
198 is why I think that.
200 1. Too many people have moved away. Remember the RISK games? Alex is gone.
201    Remember the TWIT wars? *Most* of the twits are gone. Why I haven't
202    seen the threat to DESTOY THE WOLD in years, and you know very well
203    that ZZTOP hasn't come out with an album in a long time, let alone
204    RULE anything.
206 2. We are all just too busy getting that report done by Monday. WE as in
207    all of us. Think about it. A, B, C, and D are all working full time.
208    E has a baby. F is married and has no time for such things. G doesn't
209    have a computer anymore. H has a mortgage and seems to need pressure
210    like a drug. I, J, K, and L have moved away and have left no forwarding
211    address, but even if they did they don't have the money to call
212    long distance.
214 3. We still have to deal with that Nature thing. It whipped us once and it
215    ain't gonna let us get back together, no matter how hard we try.
217 I once heard the universe described as a big cake batter, and all the galaxies
218 were raisons placed throughout the batter. When you bake the cake, the
219 raisons all move away from where they started and away from each other.
221 We are all raisons.
223 But the difference is that when the cake is done baking you have something
224 really nice to feast on. Something good comes out of that process. 
226 Are we as good as the cake?
228 You know, each and every one of us that remains that I know something
229 about and feel somewhat qualified to make off-the-cuff remarks about
230 has survived these last few years, and we have for the most part
231 thrived in most of our endeavors. Of course there have been shattering
232 defeats, on both the economic realm and more important emotional realm, but
233 alive we still all are, and I guess that is saying something in spite
234 of our raisoness.
236 I know this is babble, and I know I will probably be flamed, but I don't
237 give a damn about that. 
238 Our little community was made on rambles and conversations and discussions
239 and I miss those days and I was just wondering if others were missing them
240 as well, or am I just a little raison all by myself in a big batch of
241 warmed-over cake batter................
243 *%()_@*%)_#@%*()_$#*%^@_)#$^(_)#^ L'homme sans Parity *%@#_%*)_@#%@)_#(%@#)_
010=Usr:29 The Bard          10/06/89 23:15  Msg:4434 Call:24445  Lines:17
244 Well, I'll admit it... I haven't had the time to *play* with computers much for
245 some time. Even a large portion of my net.news habit is dedicated to looking
246 for stuff that might come in handy at work. (remind me to properly "thank" the
247 people who got me hooked on the net... something slow and lingering?)
249 My job takes far to much of my time and I've discovered the curse of being a
250 "dedicated professional". Recently a new co-worker found out that I had almost 
251 6 *weeks* of unused vacation time. His joking "Get a life!" was rather hard to
252 smile at. He has never been in the position of having to cancel plans because
253 due to personnel changes *you* are the entire department. 
255 Even worse is finding that special someone and almost never being able to spend
256 time together because if her job isn't getting in the way, yours is.
258 I won't flame you, l'homme, but I hope you'll understand that given the above, 
259 some things seem a lot less important.
260 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~BARD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
011=Usr:219 Friar Mossback    10/07/89 10:03  Msg:4435 Call:24451  Lines:23
261 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
262 L'Homme - I was in the position of being out of school and supporting a 
263 family before I discovered the BBS community.  So I never really got to 
264 be one of the inner circle.  I was sort of second circle.  Your commentary
265 was actually quite depressing in one way, but it showed me the truth that
266 we do all grow older.  I personally refuse to give up my toys, but I find
267 less and less time to play with them.  
268 I have a daughter on the way, and that has forced a change of career path
269 on me (I did the forcing, not some nefarious boss).  I have chosen one 
270 that has less travel, less stress, less overtime, less chance for 
271 advancement (every yin has its yang), etc.  So I am starting a BBS of my
272 own.  The computer has a cradle next to it, to be replaced by a playpen
273 when appropriate, so I can spend time with Jillian and do the BBS at the
274 same time, while she is sleeping.
275 We all make changes, and we choose those changes.  The BBS community is 
276 not quite so homogenous as it once was.  Once 'puters became user friendly,
277 the changes became inexorable.  But I don't feel it is all bad.  We have the
278 present now, we can visit the past any time we feel like it, and the future
279 is there to terrify us all.
280 No flames, just observations, as your's were.
281 [][][][][][][][][][][][]   Friar    [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
282 PS.  3.5 file boxes.  It's on paper now.
283 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
012=Usr:84 Michael Miller j  10/07/89 18:33  Msg:4436 Call:24459  Lines:23
284 &*&*&*&*'s
285 My quest for a MC68000 seems to be failing. Oh well.
287 I wasn't around in the golden days. I laked the needed hardware, and for
288 that I will always be sorry. It is not unusual to be wistfull about 
289 times in the past that were happy, but there is a saying that goes 'You
290 can never go back.' It never will be the same.
292 But that is not all bad. Pleasent places and situations can become wombs,
293 from which we are afraid or unwilling to leave. It may be hard, but eventually
294 we must move on. If we have learned somthing, gained somthing and given 
295 somthing in the proccess, then I think good has been done. 
297 With any luck we'll all finish this game with a sense of having done
298 somthing important. Just making it to old age with a sense of wonder
299 will be more then enough for me.
301 Heres to new tommorows in which we all find what we need, and if we can
302 accomplish anypart of it together, then all the better.
304 An Astral Dreamer
305 &*&*&*&*'s
013=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock   10/07/89 19:47  Msg:4437 Call:24460  Lines:85
307 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
308 L'Homme:  Speaking as one who has been  around this board for roughly four 
309 years, while I +must+ admit that change has certainly creaked into the 
310 floorboards of the Inn, and that the tone and atmosphere of what was once
311 Innisfall has also been enveloped in a  wave of transformation, I also feel 
312 that such changes might prove somewhat  beneficial when looked back upon some
313 time from now.  
314 Speaking from a strictly, literary standpoint, looking at the entire 
315 Innisfall perspective, I believe that I came into the Inn during one of its
316 many downward cycles, with regards to both story tone and atmosphere.  The
317 emotions were tensed and hushed, cloaks and hoods flourished, and new 
318 arrivals seldom showed up at the door,  preferring instead to sneak in (I 
319 recall, on one occassion, an arrival    appearing through the floorboards!).
320 Oh, granted, there were quests, and noble quests at that, but even they were
321 touched with a pessimism and harshness, a sense that the shadow of the night 
322 was passing over the Inn.  The Piper played, but the tune was abitter one.
323 Philosophy was a tremendous issue, a question of where the travellers had been,
324 what their existence, and presence at thhe Inn meant, what the Inn itself 
325 signified, for that matter.  Life and death, the eternal opposites, were the 
326 two driving forces for the thoughts and deeds that became legend.
327 Alas, the thoughts of death foreshadowed the coming of the demise of the Inn,
328 but with it came a +new+ birth.  Trying to compare it with the Old Inn only 
329 obfuscates the obvious...  that there can be no comparison.  One was one, the 
330 other its own entity, which is only now coming to life, fleshing out, as it 
331 were.  
332 If we had never created this new world, simply letting the memory of the Inn
333 and the forgotten flagons on dusty tables serve as our only connection with the
334 deeds and wonders that took place, we would make a mockery of everything that
335 the Inn stood for, ad everything that Pyrrix A'aaal may yet stand for.  
336 Surely, we both lament the Inn, and those who have traveled down the road,
337 past the Great Tree, and into the sunset, or those who were mysteriously lost
338 during the Innisfall Cataclysm, but we  must also remember that we are dealing
339 with something new, as well.
340 If you are dissatisfied with the direction of Pyrrix A'aaal's development, you
341 have my permission, as well as the permission of all those who have thusfar to 
342 create this new world, to add to it.Remember, we are dealing with a WORLD now,
343 and not simply an Inn.  Remember, too, that, over the course of my joint
344 literary effort with Friar and the mysterious girl, we've only scratched the 
345 SURFACE!  We created a city, the Stone  Troiangle, the Networks (No relation to
346 the NET), and the Pool.  I am SURE that there is more to Pyrrix A'aaal than 
347 these elements.  And, if you find that  your creativity fails you when you next
348 take keyboard in hand, those elements already mentioned still need exploration.
349 What are their origins?  What are their purposes?  There are literally 
350 thousands of questions about those first few elements that must be answered,
351 and, as with any truly good questions,  the answers will quickly lead to even
352 more unknown factors.  Remember, that was how Innisfall was created in the 
353 first place!
354 I have yet to see a man without Parity  wandering the city, or the Networks, or
355 some as-yet-unknown part of Pyrrix A'aaal.  When he does, and when others 
356 follow suit, something ELSE, no matter how frightening the prospect may seem,
357 will be there, and each writer can create his own small secttion.  If the 
358 Cloaked Man combs the Networks on his dark quests, or if Friar roams the lands
359 in search of the Pool, and the visitor, and if more and more users join into 
360 the setting, if not the specifc events, then what we have created thus far 
361 will have been worthwhile.  
362 Will it be the same as Innisfall? No.  Will it be better or worse?  One cannot
363 judge these things.  If it is better, it is so because the authors will it, 
364 and if not, it is so because the authors have yet to MAKE it better.  Will it 
365 be? Yes, and that is really all that matters, isn't it?
366 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
367 L'Homme: No flame intended.  Glad to see you're reopening the NET.  Out of 
368 curiosity, did the previous incarnation have any connections, however
369 obscure, with Innisfall, or was it a seperate entity on divergent timelines?
370 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
371      So much for Plan *A*, thought the  Cloaked Man, backing away from the 
372 object of his attentions.  His thin fingers unfastened the holster to his 
373 phaseline, allowing the weapon to drop  to the ground, noticing, as it did,
374 that he had dropped it just in time for it to become fully charged. 
375      Cursing inwardly, he attempted the opposite outwardly.  Smiling, he
376 held his hands in the air.  "As you can see, I am unarmed, kind sir.  Now, I 
377 beg of you to PLEASE refrain from utilizing that most pernicious device!"
378      As the Cloaked Man waited for a reply, he shuddered suddenly, legs 
379 buckling a bit beneath him.  He looked  up at the Stone Triangle, which 
380 throbbed royal purple in the night sky  to the west.  A wet trickle ran down 
381 the Cloaked Man's arm.  Looking up, he  saw the hazy yellow fluid seeping from
382 a small wound on his hand.  Shivering,  he mentally commanded his cloak to wrap
383 itself slightly around his lower body, praying that his enemy did not 
384 discern this to be an attack.  "Only the cold... " he assured.
385      Somewhere, deep within his soul, the Cloaked Man couuld feel a great maw
386 opening up, blasting him with shards of ice, while simultneously drawing from
387 his reserves of strength.  
388      He pitched forwardd, suddenly, gasping.  "The paradox...  The Devourer of 
389 Itself...  It feeds, it grows, it widens."  As the world began to spin around 
390 him, the Cloaked Man thought he could hear the distant sound of thunder.
391 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
014=Usr:219 Friar Mossback    10/07/89 21:00  Msg:4438 Call:24463  Lines:23
392 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
393 I felt the air grow tense.  Not from the man before me, but from nature
394 itself.  Suddenly a bolt of lightning shot from the ground to the sky 
395 and it came from between the cloaked man and I.  I felt myself hurled 
396 backwards, with tremendous force, and over many miles.  I wondered, as I
397 heard the thunder roar, if the cloaked man was the cause of the 
398 sustained lightning, or if this infernal goblet had caused it.
399 Then blackness came over me...
401 ...Uhh.
402 For the second time in what seemed only a few minutes, I felt myself
403 returning to conciousness.  It must have been longer though, for I was on 
404 a rough bed in a place I recognized as a back room of some inn somewhere.
405 I could hear the gaiety from the front room on the air.  I tried to
406 think more clearly, and found a couple of shreds from the blacked out
407 period.  A pleasant woman, tending to bruises and abrasions.  A stout
408 mule dragging me in an Indian fashion travois.   No more, just snippets
409 of sensory data.
410 What had happened to the cloaked man?  And where had the woman brought
411 me?  And where had she gone?  I was hungry, and my pouch was at hand, 
412 yet I was almost afraid to reach into it, for fear the "Quantier" was 
413 still with me.
414 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][]   Friar    [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
015=Usr:287 Ralph Steadman    10/08/89 00:02  Msg:4439 Call:24467  Lines:81
415 696969696969                                                                  
416 6-OCT-1989 Reaction to Bakker conviction mixed
417    CHARLOTTE, N.C. (UPI) -- Reaction to Thursday's federal conviction of PTL
418 television evangelist Jim Bakker on fraud and conspiracy charges ranged from
419 celebration to sadness for his family to relief that the case was finally over.
420    "While I am personally sorry for Mr. Bakker, his family and the thousands wh
421 have been hurt by the PTL saga, I am pleased that this dark chapter of religiou
422 history has concluded," said the Rev. Jerry Falwell, a leading fundamentalist.
423    "I have no interest in defending my brief involvement with PTL some 2.5 year
424 ago, as that has already been well documented," said Falwell, who took over PTL
425 in 1987 after the disclosure of Bakker's sexual encounter with Jessica Hahn.
426    The jury of six men and six women convicted Bakker of 23 counts of mail and
427 wire fraud and one count of conspiracy for his fund-raising tactics at PTL.
428    Evangelist Billy Graham said he was sorry for the Bakkers and for their
429 followers. "I am saddened by the Bakkers' personal tragedy, but at the same tim
430 I feel sorry for the many sincere supporters who have also been hurt by this
431 situation," Graham said in a statement from Minneapolis.
432    "This verdict doesn't bother the work of the Lord; the work of the Church
433 continues to go on no matter what happens," Graham said. "God's work is not
434 dependent upon one person -- it is dependent upon the Holy Spirit."
435    Hahn said Bakker deserved to be convicted. "I don't feel sorry for him one
436 bit," she said outside her father's home in Massapequa, N.Y. "I feel sorry for
437 what my family had to go through and for what people in the PTL minstry went
438 through."
439    She said she does not think Bakker will do well in prison. "I don't know tha
440 Jim Bakker will be able to survive jail. I don't know that Tammy will be able t
441 survive it, but you know what? I frankly don't give a damn."
442    Don Hardister, 38, who once served as Bakker's security guard and now lives
443 near the Bakker home in Tega Cay, S.C., said, "It's hard for me to believe that
444 I gave 12 years of my life to a scam."
445    Hardister said his "heart goes out to" the Bakker children, Tammy Sue Chapma
446 and Jamie Charles Bakker. "They're innocent," he said. "I raised those two."
447    "I'm sad for the 2,400-plus employees of a great ministry has ended this
448 way," Hardister said. "It's not fair to all those people who worked hard and
449 were honest and believed in PTL."
450    Samuel Trussel, a lawyer for the PTL Litigation Group that has filed a
451 class-action lawsuit against Bakker, said the conviction will help his case.
452    When asked by telephone if he had heard of Bakker's conviction, Trussel said
453 "Yeah, I just heard. We sent out for pizza to celebrate."
454    Trussel and lawyer Tom Anderson, both based in Indio, Calif., filed the
455 class-action suit in 1987, alleging fraud, security law violations and
456 time-share act violations by Bakker and the others at PTL.
457    "We have sued Mr. Bakker for fraud, and now he has been found guilty of that
458 beyond a reasonable doubt," Trussel said.
459    The class-action lawsuit was filed against Bakker, two auditing companies, a
460 bank and Roe Messner, the contractor who built the Heritage Grand Hotel.
461    Richard Dortch, Bakker's top aid at PTL, was a co-defendant in the case. On
462 Aug. 8 he pleaded guilty to four of the 24 charges. Part of the plea bargain wa
463 for Dortch to testify against Bakker. Dortch was sentenced to eight years in
464 prison.
465    Joe Haviland of Atlanta, president of PTL Partners, severely criticized U.S.
466 District Judge Robert Potter and defense lawyers George Davis and Harold Bender
467    "The only thing Jim Bakker is guilty of is having a biased judge and an inep
468 defense team," Haviland said. "There is no doubt of the bias of the judge. He
469 stuck his fingers in his ears and closed his eyes when there was something he
470 didn't want to see."
471    Haviland also said Bakker was treated unfairly when he suffered an emotional
472 breakdown during the trial. Bakker was handcuffed and sent to the psychiatric
473 ward at the Federal Correctional Institution in Butner, N.C., for a competency
474 test.
475    "To drag a man through the press in shackles, that's degrading a person and
476 not trying to get him help," Haviland said.
477    Haviland said Bakker's defense lawyers were not prepared for the case.
478    Jerry Rose, the president of National Religious Broadcasters in Chicago, sai
479 the verdict will not hurt the television evangelism industry.
480    "I don't think this decision is going to have much impact. For the most part
481 we've gone through the catharsis in the past two years," Rose said. "People hav
482 hd a couple of years and a couple of calamities to hammer out their decisions.
483 People have made their decisions, not just about the television or radio
484 ministry, but about ministry in general."
486    Lee Atwater, chairman of the National Republican Committee, commented:  "I 
487 don't know what all the hullaballo is all about.  Jim Bakker was acting in the
488 new tradition of the Reagan/Bush Republican Party.  I'm thinking of scheduling
489 him to appear at fund-raisers for our candidates, and to arrange speaking 
490 engagements at Republican gatherings.  I think he would be a speaker to 
491 follow Oliver North on the dias.  Jim Bakker deserves a medal for initiative in
492 the private sector, in my book."                                             
494 696969696969696969                                                            
016=Usr:415 Jessie a          10/08/89 09:39  Msg:4440 Call:24472  Lines:17
496 *.*.*.*.*.*.Jessie
497 The pleasant woman takes a wet cloth and starts to mop up the Friar, who is
498 rather the worse for wear and exclaims in loud ouches when the parts of his
499 body are attended to.
500 "Soul Brother, what in the world were you doing lying in the street for the
501 horses to step on? You might have damaged some of their feet to say nothing of
502 what you would have done to yourself! I thought my soul family had better sense
503 than that! I tucked away the chalice you were carrying for you. There was some 
504 wierd guy trying to steal it while you lay there dazed. Okay...so tell me..what
505 in the world is going on? Its bad enough to go for years without running in to 
506 family without finding one of them in a most undignified position about to 
507 become a candidate for wheel ruts in the face.  My sister runs the Inn here and
508 she said I could dump you on the bed but to make sure you don't have fleas as 
509 she thinks my family members are all a bit too wierd for her. For common family
510 she is pretty neat kid. So much for my explainations Friar.....you got one of 
511 your own to offer?"
512 *.*.*.*.*.*.Jessie
017=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY      10/08/89 12:45  Msg:4441 Call:24478  Lines:91
513 ***************************************************************************
514 As a certain well known folk singer once sang, 
515  "The times they are a changin'."
517 So true. In the guise of my many characters I was at one time quite active 
518 here. I think it is safe to say that I am the longest time "old timer" 
519 here. But, then I get to say that because I started the system. It's 
520 creator if you will. That doesn't mean that I created the Inn though. 
521 Certainly I participated in the Inn's creation, but only as one of the 
522 members. Like a god, I set the rules in place and let the game play out of 
523 its own accord. 
525 In my own mind I divide up the periods of the system in a number of times. 
526 There was the startup period when BW found its name the result of which 
527 soon after brought into existance my own name. That time was different, the 
528 people were different, the times were different, and BW was different. 
529 During that time the BW software changed in minor ways, though the basic 
530 structure remained unchanged.
532 Then came the time when BW found it's form. When it grew beyond the simple 
533 existance of glowing phospher on a screen or ink on a piece of paper. It 
534 took form and became a reality. This was the formative time when many of 
535 the revered "old timers" came upon the scene. This formation was traced 
536 back to one called "Dragon Lady." She no longer participates here, but her 
537 words live on in the archives. This time was before the NET and multi-
538 authored stories as they are generally known. There were multi-authored 
539 stories, but it was a time of testing. The formative years as it were. This 
540 was a time when the Inn was new and still being created. Unhampered by 
541 concepts of what the Inn must be. It was not known what the Inn was. It was 
542 just a place for a small group of people to express themselves in a new 
543 way. A time of self-discovery both for themselves and for the Inn.
545 There then came a time when the Inn changed in several ways. It found a new 
546 home in a move from West Linn to Portland. In that process it gained new 
547 friends and a much expanded use. The Inn changed again, it matured. It grew 
548 and found a world outside its doors. This was the "good-old-days." The 
549 period when multi-authored stories took on their own life. The golden years 
550 that memories are made of. 
552 For those of us who participated, there was a little part of each of us in 
553 the Inn. We each built a little bit of the reality of the Inn, and in the 
554 process we each became a part of the Inn itself. Our own lives and that of 
555 the Inn became intertwined. Our good times were the Inn's good times, and 
556 our down times were the Inn's down times. Perhaps each of us were somehow 
557 tied to the others a little bit because of this. In a way we grew with the 
558 Inn, and the Inn grew with us. 
560 We all gained new friends. Some just passing acquaintances, and others a 
561 close bonding. Some of the friends are gone, and others remain. Some are 
562 well rid of, and others are a painful loss. As a semi-well-known story 
563 starts out, "It was the best of times. It was the worst of times." This too 
564 can describe the Inn and the times for many of those participating. They 
565 were glorious years when we built the memories that will be a part of our 
566 lifes. Something to look back on and say; "This was good. This was 
567 important to me. This was something I did for myself."
569 We all have friends met here that have moved on to live their own lives. 
570 For L'homme it is Alex, for another it is Piper, for me it is Pam. We yearn 
571 to recapture a part of that past. To restore something that was lost. 
572 Yet there are friends that remain. They are friendships that survived the 
573 change. Oh they are changed certainly. But in one way or another they 
574 survived. And as always, we retain the memories of the old friendships and 
575 the good times. 
577 What happened to the Inn and those that made up its reality? As was stated, 
578 nothing lasts for ever. There are many reasons that can be said why things 
579 changed, and there is probably a little bit of all of them involved. Was 
580 the Inn too good a thing to last? Perhaps. 
582 Those who were jealous or simply derived their pleasure from desecrating 
583 that which others find joy in drove a part of the change. The Innhabitants 
584 running out of ideas, or growing tied of the same old thing drove another 
585 part of it. Wanting a change but unable to justify to themselves and others 
586 that they don't want to continue with the reality also drove it. And, 
587 changes in our own lives that change our outlook on the world drove it too. 
589 We all looked forward to the change and worked hard to accomplish it. If we 
590 liked the way the Inn was, why did we work so hard to change it? We opened 
591 the door into a new BW, and closed the past on the old Inn. Packaging up 
592 the past in a neat little packet that we can remember without the intrusion 
593 of the current reality. Having insured that the past was safely put away we 
594 got on with the business of living. 
596 Will we ever find the old Inn as we knew it again? No. Why would we exhume 
597 a past that we have buried and left to rest in peace? But, we will find 
598 other Inns in the future. New realities to build and enjoy. New memories, 
599 new Inns to hold dear in our memories of life. New friends to share life 
600 with and old friendship to renew again. In the meantime, we are still here, 
601 and life still goes on.
602 ***************************** CISTOP MIKEY ********************************
018=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock   10/08/89 14:34  Msg:4442 Call:24479  Lines:64
604 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
605 Mikey:  My thoughts exactly.  Glad to   see some interaction with the One On
606 High again...
607 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
609      The Cloaked Man lay there, in the  sharp, stinging nettles of the softly
610 swaying grass of pink.  Looking into the night sky, he could vaguely see the
611 reflections of the glowing of the Stone Triangle on passing clouds.  With each
612 spasm of energy that erupted from the   Triangle, he winced, as a shivering
613 blade of agony sliced through him.
614      Quaking slightly, he finally made  an attempt to stand.  On weakened legs,
615 he rose, surveying his surroundings.  Not that he could see much, with the
616 blasted fog covering a good pportion of the landscape.  Judging from the
617 accuracy of the shots Friar fired from  the Quantier, the fog was invisible to
618 his enemy, and he had yet to see any of the other beings on this world 
619 suffering from impaired vision.  Again, he silently cursed his failure to 
620 recognize this new factor when he had   first arrived.  Had he, he might have
621 dealt with the Friar more quickly, and  would have the Quantier well in-
622      The Quantier!  With shivering hands he reached into his pouch, drawing
623 forth the metal rod that he had placed  there.  Depressing a green disc on the
624 flat portion of the base, he positioned the middle of the rod at eye level.
625      The world grew red and hazy for a  few moments, and then The Cloaked Man
626 was faced with a rough grid of the Line Phase Structures of Pyrrix A'aaal,more
627 specifically his present location, and  its relation to the Central City, as 
628 these were the only areas thathe had   chanced to visit on his quest.
629      "Scan for an ambient link." he told himself.  "Complying." he whispered.
630 "It +should+ prove to be rather easy to locate, judging from the lack of phase
631 technology here."
632      A bright green grid crisscrossed   the red bands, until a skewed 
633 checkerboard pattern emerged.  Within   each, a tiny square flashed with 
634 patterns particular to it.  The eyes of the Cloaked Man took in every facet of 
635 the huge image before him, processing   each pattern, and eliminating it from 
636 the overall pattern.  Blocks of bright  light began trickling ay from the
637 grids, falling to the ground below and  vanishing in the dust.
638      Finally, one single square, glowing brightly, its unique heartbeat almost
639 screaming of energy and strength, pulsed before him.  "Center the image." he 
640 commanded to himself.  "Complying."  The square became the only portion of the
641 grid present.  "Linelock." he called.   Beams of red jutted suddenly from the
642 square, careening wildly from its core, with no apparent pattern.  "Discern the
643 lines."  
644      As the images faded from view, the Cloaked Man returned the rod to his
645 pack, which he slung around to the left side of his waist and positioned the 
646 straps accordingly.
647      His legs buckled again, suddenly.  Remembering his wound, he examined it
648 once more.  The pinprick had widened into a deep gash, soft hazy light 
649 filtering through the useless flesh that had been torn asunder.  Tearing off a 
650 section of his cloak, he wrapped the cloth tightly around his hand to lessen 
651 the loss of energy.
652      His head jerked upright.  "Line has been discerned." he muttered.
653 "The time has come to end this."  As he drew his tattered cloak around himself,
654 he winced, feeling a sharp pain stab at his left shoulder.  A tiny pinprick 
655 of a stab had appeared.  "Damnable paradoxes." he gasped, ignoring the pain.
656 "You've eluded me twice, Friar.  You'll not do so again."  
657      Drawing his weapon from the ground, making sure it was fully charged, he
658 refastened the holster and placed it    within.  "The games of cat and mouse
659 are over.  You've played me for a fool, and thus far I have sadly fit the part,
660 but no more."  He stopped, pausing.  Staring off into the night, at the 
661 Triangle, he asked "Recording?"  A spark of acknowledgement flittered through 
662 his green aura.  "Both audio and visual."  Another spark.  "Good."
663      Again, he drew his cloak around himself, sinking into the blackness.  
664 Within the dark, he could see the line  of red...  the path of the Quantier.  
665 He would be with the Friar in but a few seconds.  This time, however, he would 
666 be ready, and the paradox would close   once and for all.
667 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
019=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par  10/08/89 20:10  Msg:4445 Call:24488  Lines:48
668 *%@#)_(*%)_#@($%)_#%(_$#%_+)!@_+$(#)_*^_)(%)_#@(%$#_)+_#@)%#_%(@_+$)(%@_+#(%#$^
669 Bard: You know, I have never quite seen a message like that from you, but I am
670 glad I have now. It was a thoughtful summation of your reaction to my message,
671 and it gave me some insight into how you feel about the situation. Thank you
672 for sharing it with us. A lot of familiar words were contained in your entry.
674 Friar: You too represent the changes I was talking about. More important things
675 do come along, and the old hobbies must take a back seat to babies and new
676 jobs and so forth. I understand what you are talking about, and I wish you
677 luck on your computer placement.
679 Zephyr: I think you have misunderstood much of what I was talking about. I was
680 not sad about the changes to the Inn, or the creation of a new world. I was
681 a part of the death of the old Inn, and had a major role in the whole death/
682 rebirth storyline. What I was discussing was the higher issues of the social
683 interaction above and beyond the board. We all met at the Inn, but as a group
684 we developed far beyond "bon ami l'electronique." I miss that interaction with
685 flesh and bones friends most of all. 
687 Backwater started dying long before we undertook the rewrite of the system.
688 It was adrift with twits and abusers, and something had to be done. The
689 apathy, not malicious in nature, was because of external changes. Yes, I
690 am all too familiar with change, and I am as guilty as anyone of changing,
691 but change doesn't always have to be a drastic as it was to our group. For
692 as much time as we used to spend together, hardly anything exists now. That
693 is what I am talking about.
695 We enjoyed/suffered through countless debates, stories, deaths and rebirths
696 on the BBS. These things are all fine and good, and the archives are wonderful
697 for going back and looking at all of this.
699 Unfortunately, there is no easy archive for all the times we spent in each-
700 other's company, save those memories we each keep for ourselves.
702 Perhaps that will have to suffice.
704 Mikey: I know you understand the loss of friends, and the loss of someone
705 you care for. I wish there was some way to bring back some of those old
706 friends, but I don't think there is. Too much water has passed under the
707 bridge to bring back people now, even if it were possible above and beyond
708 simple logistics.
710 That's all I can write for now. I fear that recounting some of these old
711 memories are rather painful, but I won't shy away from the discussion, but
712 no more right now. I hope you understand.
714 *%@_#)*%_)#@%()_#@(%)_#^*)_$^!_)^*! L'homme sans Parity %*@#_)%_(%@#_*_)@%@_)#
020=Usr:13 voyeur            10/09/89 02:46  Msg:4446 Call:24499  Lines:8
716 ::::::::::::O O::::::::::10/09/89::::::::::::::::::::::::::::02:39:51:::O O::::
717 I imagine I'm supposed to share *my* views on the death of our group/BW now.
718 Sorry, no.  Nothing would be accomplished but a lot of negative vibes.
719 However, to paraphrase one of the twits of that time, "Entropy Rules."
720 Or maybe my own personal philosophy applies here - "Sh!t Happens"
721 Whatever the case, I grievously miss the good-old-days, both the writting <g>
722 and the camaraderie.
723 :::::::::::O O::::::::::::::::::::::voyeur:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::O O:::::
021=Usr:371 The Adherent      10/09/89 06:00  Msg:4447 Call:24500  Lines:32
724 L----!----!-----------------------------------------------------!----!---R
726      Monsieur sans Parity, amazed am I that you should compare yourself un-
727 to a raisin.  Though greater than a mustard seed, or grains of sand, I
728 concur with the analogy.  From discourses on this, the prsent disk, I re-
729 member such times of gathering.  Faces seen but once a fortnight, words
730 traded, drinks downed and occasional shared, reflective car-rides home;
731 such memories we have in common, such motivations!  Blatantly, writing was
732 in effort to rejoin parted companions.
734      And such were the tales told.  A story of ruby valleys, where came a
735 fantasy-warrior -- whose name had been "dropped" -- his entry to a curio
736 shop and the emrgence of the bete noire against evil, a NET agent.  Those
737 present, then and now, can not deny you were and are a luminary.
739      Indeed, circumstances have changed since, a new generation of contrib-
740 utors are at lage.  Old masters are dearly missed, and those who might be
741 giants now slowly write the pages that shall lift them before others.  To
742 join you now is but a dream, the sands of time have narrow allowances.
744      "For the sands become a curse, and most of you have gone away."
745 Truthfully, I am the one having left, and the curse self-imposed.  Few of
746 us are free from the wandering away.  So, Monsieur, your presence was
747 missed at the latest such gathering -- Milchar's and voyeur's as well.
748                                                                 -adherent
750 L----!----!------------------------------------------------------!---!---R
752 An aside...  Note that M. sans Parity does not make mistakes.
753 Not "raisin," but "raison;" in mastery of his foreign tounge.
754 Raison, as in "raison d'etre" -- "reason for being."  Very clever.   -ad
755 L----!----!------------------------------------------------------!---!---R
022=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock   10/09/89 15:41  Msg:4448 Call:24513  Lines:9
756 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
757 L'Homme: Understood, and agreed.  Now, a small question.  I am familiar with
758 the NET organization, but am curious as to what possible link it might have had
759 with Innisfall.  Looking over my 5 years + archive data, I've not seen any sort
760 of "real" interaction between the two.  Were they serperate enties?
761 Since I see that the NET organization is rebuilding to an extent, I'm wondering
762 if, in the event that the Innisfall/NET link DID exist, you plan on linking up 
763 with Pyrrix A'aaal.
764 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
023=Usr:287 Ralph Steadman    10/09/89 20:56  Msg:4449 Call:24524  Lines:100
765 696969696969                                                                   
766 MOSCOW (10/9/89) UPI -  The official Soviet news agency Tass reported Monday 
767 that a flying saucer landed in a Russian city recently, and its occupants, 
768 tiny-headed aliens up to 13 feet tall, frightened residents during a stroll 
769 through a park. 
771 The agency said scientists confirmed the landing and extravehicular activity 
772 in Voronezh, a city of about 780,000 people 300 miles south of Moscow, and 
773 noted that the aliens, who were escorted by a robot during their "promenade 
774 around the park," left behind two chunks of rock never before found on Earth. 
776 "A large shining disk was seen hovering above the park," Tass said. "It 
777 then landed, a hatch opened, and one, two or three creatures similar to humans 
778 and a small robot came out. The aliens were 3 or even 4 meters high (10 to 13 
779 feet), but with very small heads, witnesses say. 
781 "They walked near the disc and then disappeared inside," the official news 
782 agency said. "Onlookers were overwhelmed by a fear that lasted for several 
783 days." 
785 Tass added, "Scientists have confirmed that an unidentified flying object 
786 recently landed in a park in the Russian city of Voronezh," Tass said. "They 
787 have also identified the landing site and found traces of aliens who made a 
788 short promenade around the park. 
790 "The aliens visited the place at least three times after dark, local 
791 residents report," Tass said. 
793 Tass quoted Genrikh Silanov, head of the Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, as 
794 saying his scientists identified the landing site by using a technique called 
795 "biolocation." The term was not described. 
797 Silanov said in an interview with Tass that the unidentified flying object 
798 left clear marks in the park. "We detected a circle 20 meters (65 feet) in 
799 diameter," he said. "Four dents 4 to 5 centimeters (1.6 to 2 inches) deep, 
800 each with a diameter of 14 to 16 centimeters (5.5 to 6.3 inches), were clearly 
801 visible. 
803 "We also found two mysterious pieces of rock," Silanov said. "At first 
804 glance they looked like sandstone of a deep-red color. But mineralogical 
805 analysis has shown that the substance cannot be found on earth." 
807 The scientists acknowledged that "additional tests are needed to reach a more 
808 definite conclusion." 
810 Tass said that "the route along which the aliens walked as described by 
811 witnesses and the route established scientifically coincided."
813 Meanwhile, back in the U.S. of A. :                                           
815 (10/9/89) UPI - A study found college seniors do not know much about 
816 history or literature - with nearly a quarter unable to identify Franklin 
817 Roosevelt as president during the Depression or distinguish between sections 
818 of "The Communist Manifesto" and the Constitution. 
820 The survey by the Gallup Organization was Sunday released in conjunction with 
821 a National Endowment for the Humanities report calling for a core curriculum 
822 in colleges that would teach students "basic landmarks of history and 
823 thought." 
825 "A core of learning ... encourages community," NEH Chairman Lynne Cheney said 
826 in the report "50 Hours," which offers a sample core curriculum. "Having some 
827 learning in common draws students together - and faculty members as well." 
829 The NEH-commissioned survey asked students in the spring of their senior year 
830 87 multiple-choice questions about history and literature. Fifty-five percent 
831 flunked, answering fewer than 60 percent of the questions correctly. 
833 Even more troubling, the study said, was that more than a third of the 
834 questions were taken from 1986 test for 17-year-olds. When only the questions 
835 designed to be answered correctly by most 17-year-olds were considered, 49 
836 percent of the college seniors still failed. 
838 The students even had trouble with five history questions derived from tests 
839 given to people trying to become U.S. citizens. Only two of the questions were 
840 answered correctly by a high percentage of students - and on one of those, 24 
841 percent did not know Roosevelt was elected during the Depression. Of the 696 
842 students at 67 colleges who took the test, 68 percent failed the literature 
843 section and 39 percent failed the history section. 
845 Eighty-three percent did not know T.S. Eliot wrote "The Wasteland" and "The 
846 Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," and 58 percent could not identify Plato as 
847 the author of "The Republic" or Shakespeare as the author of "The Tempest." 
848 Only 58 percent of the students knew that the Koran is a sacred text of Islam 
849 - with 12 percent identifying it as a Jewish text, the survey found. 
851 On the history section, the survey found "significant gaps," many of them 
852 dealing with American history. Only 21 percent of the students, for example, 
853 correctly answered that the Emancipation Proclamation declared slaves to be 
854 free only in areas of Confederate states not held by the Union. 
856 Forty-two percent of the students could not place the Civil War in the correct 
857 half-century, and about a quarter said Columbus landed in the Western 
858 Hemisphere sometime after 1500. 
860 Twenty-three percent identified the phrase, "From each according to his 
861 ability, to each according to his need," as a section of the Constitution 
862 instead of "The Communist Manifesto" of Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels. On 
863 average, men scored higher on the test than women, and seniors at private 
864 colleges or universities had higher scores than those at public universities.
024=Usr:287 Ralph Steadman    10/09/89 23:21  Msg:4450 Call:24527  Lines:45
865 696969696969696969                                                             
866 696969696969                                                                  
867                    ATLANTIS MAY FACE SHUTDOWN:-10/9/89
868    The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch Thursday, but 
869 environmentalists are attempting to keep the shuttle on land. Their gripe: the 
870 48 pounds of plutonium that will power the Galileo space probe that the 
871 Atlantis is carrying. The anti-nuclear protesters will be in Washington, D.C. 
872 Tuesday to air their complaints.
873    The two generators that contain the controversial radioactive plutonium 
874 were loaded aboard the space shuttle Atlantis Sunday. The countdown for 
875 Thursday's launch begins Monday by the National Aeronautics and Space 
876 Administration in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Astronomers said the shuttle must be 
877 launched by Nov. 21 or Jupiter will be out of the correct position.
878 NASA MUST MEET `WINDOW':-10/9/89
879    NASA says it must use the space shuttle Atlantis to send the Galileo probe 
880 into orbit, because it can't refit Galileo for a regular, unmanned rocket by 
881 the "launch window" deadline of Nov. 21. Galileo must launch by then or wait 
882 until 1991, when Earth and Jupiter are again aligned for the spacecraft's 
883 trajectory. The mission already is seven years over schedule.
885 696969696969696969                                                             
887 ..............................................................                 
888 As another long time user of Backwater, under various aliases and borders over 
889 the years, I would like to add my thoughts to the nostalgia for the "good ole 
890 days".    Is it just my fading and faulty old memory, or was there a time a 
891 long time ago, and far far way, when a story line here didn't always dis-
892 integrate into some cyberpunk sadistic shoot-em-up with laser weapons drivel? 
893 I remember when there was some thought put into plot development, character 
894 integrity, and continuity.  I have absolutely no desire to re-create any of 
895 the old scenerio, but it might be nice to get back to some good, articulate,
896 literate writing.  Writing about lurking, or filling the disk writing about
897 filling the disk does not seem, to me, to fall into this catagory.  The recent
898 discussion has been interesting, and a dose of reality mixed with the fantasy
899 seems, again, to me, to keep Backwater interesting.   I mean look at the times
900 in which we live.  The OFFICIAL news agency in the Soviet Union, and United 
901 Press International are reporting a "scientifically confirmed" landing of a 
902 UFO and extra terrestials while NASA is about to launch a space probe that
903 could potentially kill us all while the President is conducting drug deals 
904 across the street from the White House (after the prior one was conducting
905 them in the White House basement) and tax money that was supposed to help
906 the ever-increasing number of homeless has been going to the very wealthy
907 power elite.  What better fiction could any of us imagine, or write?  
908 .................................................................         
025=Usr:232 bob lindski       10/10/89 13:54  Msg:4451 Call:24542  Lines:4
910 ?????    ?%  
911 COMRADE: IS your foregoing statement cleared by KGB? or at least 
912          by the politburo?  
913                               HAMMER & SICKLE FOREVER?/% !
026=Usr:84 Michael Miller j  10/10/89 16:26  Msg:4452 Call:24548  Lines:15
914 &*&*&*&*'s
915 Ok, So I'll try not to Yack to much about filling a disk. 
917 	The Wanderer sat contentedly at the small table. Contemplating
918 style and good story writting. He dreamed of a world where his writting 
919 could keep people interested. "Not bloody likely." He thought. 
921 	Somthing carved in the table caught his eye. "SA <Hearts> BD".
922 There was probably a story there somewhere he thought. Standing he walked
923 over to the bar and ordered lunch. Returning to the table he began again
924 to scribble. Just another hobbiest filling paper.
926 An Astral Dreamer
927 &*&*&*&*'s
027=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par  10/10/89 20:54  Msg:4453 Call:24559  Lines:21
929 *_*$_)!@($_)!@($_)($~!_$)(~_+)$#~+|!$)!+$()+%*@)_#*@)_#%(@_)!$!+_@)$!+_@$!+_$(!
930 Zeph: Alas, the NET never made it to the Inn, though the possibilities of such
931 a convergence were discussed more than once. Writing is a cyclic thing, and
932 the NET offered a change of pace from the fantasy-science fiction genre that
933 surrounded the Inn of old. I very much doubt any NET agents will show up in 
934 the new place, or even try to pronounce it!
936 voyeur: We aren't really looking to spread bad vibes, just make commentary on
937 something that has affected all of us. I am sure you know how you have fit
938 in to all of this, and I hope I didn't stir any anger while discussing these
939 times and those.
941 adherent: At least someone saw my mis-spelled fruit as more than a stoopid
942 type. Thank you for your words, and your understanding of what I am trying
943 t say. Last Thursday is a case in point: I can't speak for Milch, but I was
944 not taking in a movie or downing another B-52 (the drink, not the bomber),
945 I was at home keeping promises to others, homework, schoolwork, workwork,
946 whateverwork, it all runs together after awhile... Try as I might, I will
947 try to make the next meeting on the 2nd of November.
949 %@*%_)#@*%_)@#*%_@)#*%@#__@)# L'homme sans Parity %*@)_#%*)_@_@)%(_)@%()_@#%*@%
028=Usr:287 Ralph Steadman    10/10/89 21:12  Msg:4454 Call:24561  Lines:7
950 696969696969                      if it's so safe, why postpone it?      
951               NASA has postponed the launch of the Galileo-carrying shuttle
952 due to problems with one of the engines.  I guess some risks ARE too large
953 even for them.                                                             
955 696969696969696969                                                           
029=Usr:368 Nemesis Warlock   10/10/89 21:25  Msg:4455 Call:24562  Lines:12
957 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
961 L'Homme: The proper way to pronounce Pyrrix A'aaal?  Hmmm, it is rather tricky.
962 For someone living in the Networks, the twisted maze of alleyways in the 
963 northern part of the Central City, it   is aa garbled series of clicks.  For 
964 the nobility, it becomes Pie Rix Ah Hall.  For a commoner, it varies with the 
965 particular section of the culture from  which they originate.  For the sake of
966 the visitor, however, we may use the name as it is registered by the Triant   
967 Society...  Pih Rix All.
968 :::::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::==Zephyr::=====:::::=====:::::=====:::::====
030=Usr:333 Bartender Slug    10/10/89 23:56  Msg:4456 Call:24566  Lines:5
970 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
971 Slug has returned after a large Backwater vacation! Anyone miss me?
972 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Slug >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
031=Usr:84 Michael Miller j  10/11/89 21:12  Msg:4457 Call:24588  Lines:12
974 &*&*&*&*'s
975 Good to see you back Slug.
977 So much for my need for a 68000. My Floopy drive died. One of the heads 
978 disintigrated. Very depresing. Looks like my Amiga will be in the drawere
979 untill I can buy another drive. And to add insult t injury, I cant get my
980 PC too boot. Gives me massive errors and then comes up in basic. Computers 
981 really shouldn't be moved I guess.
983 An Astral Dreamer
984 &*&*&*&*'s
032=Usr:11 L'homme sans Par  10/11/89 23:10  Msg:4458 Call:24590  Lines:5
986 Obviously you haven't been making sacrifices to the proper hardware gods. 
987 Everyone knows that if you don't pay proper homage, the angry gods will
988 wreck havoc on things like RAM cards and hard disks...
990 Better sacrifice quick, before your amiga turns into a pile of ashes!
033=Usr:1 CISTOP MIKEY      10/11/89 23:54  Msg:4459 Call:24593  Lines:9
991 *********************************************************************
992 Well, I see that today's Wall Street Journal once again snubbed 
993 the Soviet report of the UFO sighting. I guess I'll have to read the 
994 National Enquirer if I want to hear the "real" news!  <grin>
995 Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a bit more irresponsible
996 reporting recently? Is the news really that slow that they have to
997 make it up by pumping up some weak second rate story to become a 
998 headline? Better than "1000 children killed by madman" I suppose.
999 *********************** CISTOP MIKEY ************************************