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                            MAN'S FALL - GOD'S MERCY
                          (A Study of Man's Depravity)
             There are many things that are being taught in the religious
        world today.  Some of these things are true; however, sad to say,
        many of these doctrines are false.  One doctrine about which  the
        majority of the religious world is  in error is the state of  the
        natural man.   The general belief  concerning the natural  man is
        that man  is born  innocent and  remains in  this innocent  state
        until a certain age or until  some point in his life.   Neverthe-
        less, the Scriptures teach just the opposite.  In fact, the  Word
        of God states that man, each and every human being without excep-
        tion, is a sinner from the time of conception.  Also, in addition
        to this, man is  in this condition to  such an extent that  he is
        unable to do anything to remove himself from this depraved condi-
        tion.  This doctrine is called "total depravity."
             Before we study of this teaching, we need to define the sub-
        ject a little more.   Basically, the doctrine of total  depravity
        is, as stated above, that each and every human being without  ex-
        ception comes into being as a  sinner and that he cannot do  any-
        thing to remove himself from this sinful condition.  Not only are
        all sinners, but they are in such a state of sin that every  fac-
        ulty of their body is affected by this sinful state.
             We might state  this also in  another way.   Total depravity
        is, all the ways, thought, and actions of an individual are  con-
        trary to the ways,  thoughts, and actions of  God.  Man does  not
        desire to do what God would have him to do, neither can he by his
        own self  do anything  that is  pleasing to  God.  This condition
        came upon all men through the sin of Adam.  The only way that man
        can do what God would have him to do is to have the Spirit of God
        in him.  An individual that  is totally depraved loves to do  his
        own ways, for  his own self  and does not  love the ways  of God,
        neither God, nor God's people, only himself.  For proof of  this,
        we need to go back to  the beginning and see how man  was created
        and fell from his original position.
                               Man's Dreadful Fall
             In Genesis 1:27, we find that all mankind was created in the
        image of God in the first man Adam.  Therefore, Adam, being in  a
        righteous state  and in  communion with  God, (because everything
        that God made was  "very good") was placed  in a goodly place  in
        the  Garden.    Adam  was  given  the  blessings of happiness and
        responsibility in the Garden of Eden, as well as a home and  fel-
        lowship with his  Creator.  As  long as Adam  did not eat  of the
        fruit of the tree  of knowledge of good  and evil, he would  live
        forever in  the state  of blessedness  in which  God had put him.
        But in the day that he did eat of the fruit of the tree of knowl-
        edge of good and evil, he  would be separated from this state  of
        blessedness and  would die.   We  find that  Adam did  eat of the
        fruit of the tree of knowledge  of good and evil, and as  soon as
        he had eaten of it, he knew  that he was a sinful man.   When God
        would come near, he  would run and hide  because he knew that  he
        could not stand in  the presence of God.   Why?  He  had violated
        God's law  and he  was ashamed  of himself  in the  sight of God.
        Even though Adam had tried  to cover himself with fig  leaves, he
        still had to admit  to God that he  was naked.  Due  to what Adam
        had done,  he was  dying a  physical death  which ran  its course
        within 930 years.  Also Adam was separated from walking with  God
        and being before Him without  blame.  He had violated  a command-
        ment of God.   He had  missed the mark.   He had  sinned.  He had
        been disobedient to God.
             We also know that we were disobedient to God because we were
        in Adam.  Paul said that God had  "made of one blood all  nations
        of men to dwell on all the  face of the earth" (Acts 17:26).   In
        Romans 5:12,  he stated,  "Wherefore, as  by one  man sin entered
        into the world, and  death by sin; and  so death passed upon  all
        men, for that all have sinned."  However, in the Greek, which  is
        the original language of the New Testament, "have" is not  there.
        The translation should be "for that all sinned."  The meaning  is
        that  every  individual  that  is  a  descendant of Adam actively
        sinned  in  Adam.    And  for  that reason, death has passed upon
        everyone.  You might ask the question, "Could it be that the rea-
        son we die is because we commit a sin after we are born?"  Romans
        4:14 states, "Where no law is, there is no transgression."   From
        the time of  Adam until Moses,  people died; nevertheless,  there
        was not  any law  that condemned  them as  far as  sins committed
        after they were born.   This confirms the statement found  in Ro-
        mans 5:18, "by the offence of  one judgment came upon all men  to
        condemnation."  We also  know that it is  not due to actual  sins
        committed after birth  that infants die  at birth.   If they were
        pure and perfect, they would not die.  Job 14:4 states that it is
        impossible for sinful parents to  bring into the world a  sinless
        being.  The Psalmist also described the state that a child is  in
        when he is born when he said, "Behold, I was shapen in  iniquity;
        and in sin did my mother conceive me" (Psalm 51:5).  Psalm 58:3-5
        says, "The wicked are estranged from the womb:  they go astray as
        soon as they be  born, speaking lies.   Their poison is like  the
        poison of a serpent:  they are like the deaf adder that  stoppeth
        her ear:  which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charm-
        ing never so  wisely."  This  passage is describing  the state of
        the wicked, and the Scriptures  tell us that everyone was  by na-
        ture in that condition at one time.  Ephesians 2:1-3 says that we
        "were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in time past ye walked
        according to the course of this world, according to the prince of
        the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children
        of disobedience:   among  whom also  we all  had our conversation
        (manner of life) in  times past in the  lusts of our flesh,  ful-
        filling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by na-
        ture the children  of wrath, even  as others."   Again the Scrip-
        tures describe the completeness  of this depravity of  each indi-
        vidual  in  Romans  3:11-19,  "There  is none that understandeth,
        there is none that seeketh after  God.  They are all gone  out of
        the way,  they are  together become  unprofitable; there  is note
        that doeth good, no, not one.  Their throat is an open sepulchre;
        with their tongues they have  used deceit; the poison of  asps is
        under their lips:  whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:
        their feet are swift to  shed blood:  destruction and  misery are
        in their ways:  and the way of peace have they not known:   there
        is no  fear of  God before  their eyes.   Now  we know  that what
        things soever the law saith, it  saith to them who are under  the
        law:  that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may  be-
        come  guilty  before  God."    Galatians 3:10 teaches, "Cursed is
        every one that continueth not in all things which are written  in
        the book of the law to do  them."  By this we must conclude  that
        each and everyone is sinful.  In fact, man, by nature, is so sin-
        ful that he cannot by himself please God.
             Romans 8:7, affirm that "the carnal mind (i.e. a mind of the
        flesh) is enmity against God:   for it is not subject to  the law
        of God, neither indeed can be."  The writer of Proverbs states in
        21:2, "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes:  but the Lord
        pondereth the  hearts."   Jeremiah 17:9  declares, "The  heart is
        deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked:  who can know
        it?"  Do all these  things mean that if a  man is dead in sin  he
        will live such an openly wicked life that his wickedness will  be
        manifested to all?  Not exactly.  The man with a wicked heart has
        a heart that loves  only self.  Everything  that he does is  only
        for the betterment of self.   He does not do anything because  he
        loves God, and  he does not  desire to serve  God because of  His
        justness.   The Scriptures  state that  even "the  plowing of the
        wicked is sin" (Proverbs 21:4).   What?  Just plowing in a  field
        is sin?  Yes.  Because the  only reason that he is plowing is  to
        get something for himself and not  to the honor and glory of  God
        nor to "dress and keep the earth"  as he was told to do in  Gene-
        sis.  God's Word further states, "The sacrifice of the wicked  is
        an abomination to the Lord:  but the prayer of the upright is His
        delight" (Proverbs  15:8).   Yes, even  though man  with a wicked
        heart may do something that is good in the eyes of man, as far as
        the Lord  is concerned,  it is  putrid in  His sight  and "is  an
        abomination."  Why?   The wicked only do  good for what they  can
        get out of it.  Man may try to serve God only for the  blessings,
        but it will profit him nothing.  In order to serve God, man  must
        do it with  a godly heart.   When this  is the case,  man will be
        serving God not to get  the blessings, but because he  knows that
        God is due  all the service  and honor because  of His righteous-
        ness.  Anytime  we serve God  just for the  blessings or to  keep
        from  being  punished,  we  are  serving  Him  from a selfish and
        fleshly heart.  If  we serve Him because  we love Him, His  ways,
        His people and because we know that He is due the praise, we  are
        serving Him from a spiritual heart.
             God demands that the sinner  be punished for his sins.   The
        Word of God states that sin must be judged.  The book of  Hebrews
        states that vengeance belongs to the Lord and He will  recompense
        and  judge  His  people  (Hebrew  10:30).   We sin against God in
        thought, word, or deed.  In addition to this, our sin in Adam  in
        the Garden  must be  paid for.   Unless  the payment  is made, we
        shall suffer forever due to the  condemnation of sin.  If we  are
        to go free that debt must be paid by us or someone else.  But how
        can we pay for our sins when we are in a dead condition?  We nei-
        ther  have  the  desire  nor  the  ability to do anything that is
        pleasing in God's sight.  If "the plowing of the wicked" is  sin,
        and we are  "children of wrath  even as others,"  then how is  it
        that we  can satisfy  God?   Even the  Psalmist writes in 14:2-3,
        "The Lord looked  down from heaven  upon the children  of men, to
        see if there were  any that did understand,  and seek God.   They
        are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is
        none that doeth good, no, not one."  Therefore, how can man  ever
        have any hope?   He is not only  a sinner by action,  but also by
        nature.  His entire nature is  to lust after the things that  are
        opposite to God.
             Nevertheless,  God  demands  justice  and  justice  must  be
        carried out.   Either  we must  meet the  demands or someone else
        must meet them.  There is no way of escaping God's punishment; it
        must be met for  justice to be maintained.   But how can  we?  We
        can not!  It  is hopeless for us  to try.  God's  justice demands
        payment for all sins both past and present.  Therefore, the  only
        thing that we can see for man is doom and nothing else.
                                God's Great Mercy
             How is it then that man can stand before God holy and  with-
        out blame?  As we read  what Paul told the church at  Ephesus, we
        find that God chose us in Christ before the world began,  predes-
        tinated us  in love  unto the  adoption of  children by this same
        Jesus, and made us accepted in the Beloved.  By this Beloved One,
        Jesus, we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness
        of sins.  Why?  Because  this same Beloved One, according to  the
        writer of Hebrews, said that He  came to do the will of  God; and
        because God had no pleasure in  the blood of bulls and goats,  He
        came to shed His  own blood in order  that we might go  free (He-
        brews 10:5-10).   The reason that  Jesus was made  lower than the
        angels was in order that He could taste death.  Because the chil-
        dren were partakers of flesh and blood, He took part of the  same
        in order that we might  go free (Hebrews 2:9-15).   Therefore, if
        you have ever cried out unto  God and called Him "Father" from  a
        pure heart, it is because  you were predestinated unto the  adop-
        tion of  children (Ephesians  1:5).   When the  fullness of  time
        came, God sent His Son to redeem you.  Because you are a son, God
        has sent the Spirit of His Son into your heart and caused you  to
        cry, "Abba,  Father" (Galatians  4:4-6).   Seeing this,  you know
        that you are a son of God,  because you cry unto God in the  same
        fashion as His  Beloved did in  the Garden of  Gethsemane when He
        too  cried,  "Abba,  Father"  (Mark  14:36).  Thereby, having the
        Spirit of God in us, we can serve Him.  He accepts our sacrifices
        when we serve  Him by following  the leadership of  the Spirit of
        God.  This we can do  after God puts that Spirit into  our hearts
        and makes us alive.
             By this we see how it is that man put himself in a state  of
        separation from God, but  God did not allow  all to stay in  that
        condition.  It is by His grace and mercy that we have been raised
        out of this dead state into a state of life and happiness.
             May our hearts be  always in tune to  the words of the  hymn
        which was penned many years ago by Hugh Stowell:
                         O let my hands forget her skill
                      My tongue be silent, cold and still;
                       This bounding heart forget to beat,
                           If I forget the mercy-seat.
                                                             Jimmy Barber
                                               3/10/89; February 27, 1991
                                    Copyright, 1991, Veritas Publications
                                                       829 Angelina Place
                                                   Memphis, TN 38122-5417