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1         +-+  +-+  +-+ 
          +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME FOUR                  NUMBER FOUR
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          |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine 
       ___|___________|___  X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE@MAINE>


             X-Editorial                          Orny 
             Ur-Baal Magic                        Roman Olynyk 
             Calls of Courtesy                    Joseph Curwen
             The Hands of a Healer                Orny 

           Date: 052886                               Dist: 148 

     Well, everyone, here  is the last spring issue.  Summer is quickly
 approaching  even our  northern clime,  and school  is something  best
 left  forgotten  until  September.   The  summer  volume  (five)  will 
 continue to  be produced, and we  will try to keep  the Dargon project
 going,  despite  the  loss  (for  the summer)  of  some  of  our  best 
 authors. Some  of the issues  will be  Dargon issues, while  some will
 contain more traditional  items. One note of special  interest is that 
 there  will  be a  special  gaming  issue  this  summer. I'd  like  to
 solicit articles  from gamers  out there,  particularly ones  who have 
 dabbled in  designing their own  games. The issue will  concentrate on
 giving exposure  to games  BITNETters have designed  and the  hows and 
 whys  of  roleplaying   game  design.  If  anyone   is  interested  in 
 contributing, ship me a note as soon as possible. 
     The volume  past has been a  great success, and I'd  like to thank
 both the  readers and  the authors  who have  made the  Dargon Project 
 possible. One  of the major  purposes I  have intended for  FSFnet has
 been to  get amateur fantasy  and science fiction authors  together to
 compare  styles,  to begin  friendships  and  correspondances, and  to 
 expose them  to a truely  diverse readership to  give them an  idea of 
 what the  public desires  in fantasy fiction.  The Dargon  Project has 
 not  only been  a  boon for  readership, but  it  has brought  amateur
 authors  together   in  a   productive  setting.  Perhaps   I'm  going
 overboard  to  think  that  FSFnet  is  one  of  the  most  productive
 non-computer oriented  BITNET organizations.  Thank you, one  and all, 
 for your  interest as readers,  and a very  very special thank  you to
 the authors for joining together to bring this about.
     Well,  before I  can think  of something  else silly  to say,  I'd
 best introduce this  issue, the last of volume four.  You will find in
 here  three  related stories,  and  the  resolution of  some  question
 marks. We'll be looking for you with 5-1 real soon. 
                         -Orny  <CSDAVE @ MAINE>


                              Ur-Baal Magic 
                           A Ticklish Situation
     Aardvard  Factotum's  disembodied  mind  was  trapped,  unable  to 
 return to  its rightful  place. In  the midst  of his  panic, however, 
 Aardvard  suddenly felt  something  wrenching at  his spirit,  pulling
 him home. No  longer confined by the four walls  of Griswald Brutsam's 
 room, his  mind once again  flew over  the battlement of  Dargon Keep,
 across the  countryside and back toward  his home on the  outskirts of 
 the city. He was drawn by an unknown force.
     Aardvard opened  his eyes  and chuckled.  Nothing was  funny about 
 his situation, however.  Aardvard's mind, after all,  had been through
 a good  deal of excitement. Through  the use of Banewood's  essence of 
 Ur-Baal, it had  left his body and travelled to  Dargon Keep, where it
 became  trapped   in  the   private  chambers  of   Griswald  Brutsam, 
 physician  to Lord  Clifton. Still,  Aardvard couldn't  stop laughing. 
 And when he looked  down the length of his body, he  saw the reason -- 
 Banewood, the  Shaman, stood at  his bare  feet, tickling them  with a 
 goose feather. 
     "Laughter --  one of the  best ways to  reunite a body  with one's
 wayward  mind," sniggered  Banewood.  "I warned  you  about going  too
 far, didn't I?" he chided. 
     "Never mind," said  Factotum as he jumped to his  feet. He quickly 
 sat back  down again, putting his  hands to his head.  Aardvard gently
 rubbed his  temples. His head throbbed  from the  aftereffects  of the 
 essence  of  Ur-Baal,  the  potion  that  had  put  him  through  this 
 adventure. "Something terrible is going to happen if we can't stop it."
     "What do you mean?" asked Banewood.
     "Griswald  Brutsam, the  personal  physician to  Lord Clifton,  is 
 plotting to assassinate him."
     Aardvard told  the Shaman about the  conversation between Griswald
 Brutsam and  Lek Pyle, their  conspiracy to assassinate  Lord Clifton.
 "The Lord of Dargon Keep is standing in the way  of Baranur's plans to
 control all trade with the distant island of Bichu."
     "I have  an idea,"  said Banewood, "Listen..."  Banewood whispered 
 his  plan  to Aardvard.  Factotum's  face  became  a study  in  moods,
 changing from puzzlement to astonishment, and then to amusement. 
     At  first, Aardvard  stared at  Banewood with  disbelief. Then  he 
 slapped his friend on the back and doubled over in laughter.
     "You crazy Shaman! I think it just might work," exclaimed Aardvard.

     In the morning,  Aardvard pulled some of his gold  from its secret 
 hiding place,  and together, he and  Banewood put on their  cloaks and
 left for the herb seller's home.
     By noon,  Banewood and  Aardvard found  themselves outside  of the
 old herb  seller's hut. The  doorway was dark,  and it appeared  as if 
 nobody was  home. Soon, however, they  heard the sound of  humming. An 
 old woman's head  peered through the doorway, a  kerchief covered most 
 of her gray head. It was the kind that most peasant women wore.
     "Come in, come in. Always open for business," the old woman said.
     Banewood  and Aardvard  followed the  old woman  inside. As  their 
 eyes grew  accustomed to  the dark,  they could  see her  wares: dried
 herbs, stalks and roots hung from the walls and rafters.
     "She keeps  it dark, because  the light diminishes the  potency of 
 the herbs." Banewood whispered to Aardvard. 
     "Quite  so,  quite  so,"  cackled   the  old  crone,  her  hearing
 obviously  much sharper  than  one  would have  guessed.  "What can  a 
 simple herb gatherer do for you?"
     "Let's see..." said Banewood. "First I need some Dragonswort root." 
     The  old woman  pulled  a piece  of  root from  a  large pile  and
 placed it before the shaman. "Done." 
     "Next, I'd like a stinkwort, the whole plant."
     "Heh? What's that?" Asked the old woman.
     Banewood began  to described  a stinkwort plant  to the  crone: "A
 large, whitish root;  round yellow-green stalk; about  five feet high; 
 large, white funnel-shaped flowers; prickly fruit..." 
     "Oh,"  she interrupted,  "you  mean a  nightshade." Gingerly,  the
 old woman  used two fingers to  pull a nightshade plant  down from the
 rafters. She set it before them. 
     "A Galangal root," added Banewood.
     "What's a  nice boy  like you  need an  aphrodisiac for?"  The old 
 woman smiled  a toothless grin --  she bagged her second  husband with 
 a Galangal root. 
     "It's for  a friend."  Banewood lied. "And  a henbane  plant, too.
 There's  one over  there." He  pointed  to a  particularly green  weed
 near the corner.
     "That's my last one,"  said the old woman. "I'm not  sure if I can
 let it go this late in the season."
     Banewood looked at  Aardvard Factotum, who reached  into his cloak
 and  produced a  little bag  full of  gold Baranur  marks. He  spilled 
 them into a little pile on the table. The gold glimmered in the dark. 
     The  old  woman  gulped.   Regaining  her  control,  however,  she 
 hedged:  "I couldn't ask less than four marks for the plant.  I have a 
 starving daughter to feed."
     "Four marks!" protested the physician. "It's not even worth one!"
     "Three marks"  said the old  woman, her  lips drawn in  a straight
 line. "Food is very expensive, in case you haven't noticed." 
     "Two," said Factotum. "Take it or leave it."
     "All right," said the old lady. "I'll keep the plant."
     Factotum pulled  at Banewood's  robe. "Come on,  let's get  out of 
 here. I know of another place where we can get this stuff."
     "Okay, okay."  Said the  old woman. "So  my daughter  goes without
 dessert tonight. Three marks."
     "Two marks," the physician corrected her. 
     "Yes, I'm sorry. You're right -- two marks."
     "One more thing," added Banewood. "Do you have many mushrooms?"
     "I have a  few," the old woman lied. She  was the biggest supplier 
 of mushrooms in the district.
     "I'm not  sure if this one  grows around here," said  Banewood. He 
 described  a  mushroom to  the  woman:  "Red  cap covered  with  white 
 warts, grows under pines and birch..." 
     "Fly agaric!"  snorted the old woman.  "Soaked in milk, we  use it 
 to stupefy flies." 
     "That's the one. How fresh are they?"
     The old  woman reached under her  table and pulled out  a box full 
 of the  little, red beauties. "Just  picked 'em yesterday --  how many
 would you like?" 
     "Several will do," he said. "I wish to stupefy some flies, too."
     Aardvard paid the  old woman more money than he  would have wished 
 to.  They  left with  their  purchases.  Walking  away from  the  hut,
 Aardvard counted his remaining gold. 
     "I'm surprised that  the old woman's teeth are gone."  He said. "I
 thought sharks grew their teeth back!"
     Aardvard's eye  caught sight  of a  buxom young  girl in  her late 
 teens. She was  bearing a bundle of herbs toward  the old woman's hut. 
 He elbowed Banewood, who was also staring at the same delicious sight.
     Banewood  laughed.  "Poor  girl...  no  doubt  she'll  go  to  bed 
 without dessert again." 
                      -Roman Olynyk <VM0BA9 @ WVNVM>


                            Calls of Courtesy
     Normally Atros  arose slowly from  his nepenthe drugged  sleep but 
 adrenaline  remarkably  quickened  the  process  this  day.  It's  not
 everyday that one  finds a corpse practically draped over  your bed. I
 wasn't  that  corpses  weren't  familiar to Atros,  but  Atros  didn't 
 appreciate them  popping up in his  sleep. He quickly rolled  out into 
 prone position  dirk in  hand, but no  opponent presented  himself. He
 was quite alone  in his rented room with everything  exactly as he had 
 left it the night before, with the exception of the dead man of course.
     It  was Thad,  a man  Atros  had known  for many  years though  he
 wasn't  particularly  proud  of  the relationship.  Thad  had  been  a 
 graduate of a  slum in some city, which Thad  had declined to mention.
 He'd learned  at an early age  that violence was a  saleable commodity 
 and had  marketed his natural  talent for it quite  successfully. He'd 
 gone  from bully to  strong arm  to assassin  all  the while  becoming
 increasingly  belligerent and decreasingly likable.  What with  Thad's 
 wandering  from one  city to  the next,  it was  eventual that  he and
 Atros would  cross paths. At first  Atros had nearly fell  in with him
 as  a kindred  spirit, a  fellow survivor  who often  traveled in  the 
 same circles.  But the  relationship had cooled  after Atros  had seen
 some of the  results of Thad's recent labors.  Atros didn't disapprove
 of  assassins but  unlike Thad's  employers Atros  felt that  Thad let
 his  brutality get in the  way of  his work.  Thad's calling  card had 
 become  the  gruesome  state  in   which  he  left  his  victims,  and 
 sometimes  their families. 
     But  Thad  had  been  successful  as  a  hired  killer.  He  could 
 virtually guarantee  results and had never  been caught in the  act by 
 anyone,  until perhaps  last night.  Nor  had Thad  ever betrayed  the 
 identity of  his employers.  It was  sure that  many, both  the guilty
 and  the  innocent,  would  rest  easier once  they  heard  of  Thad's 
 demise. Not  that Atros would  allow that  to happen for  sometime. He 
 began  to attend  to the  body while  the early  morning streets  were
 still  sparsely populated.  Fortunately, whomever  had slain  Thad was 
 much easier  to clean up  after than  Thad himself. The  most puzzling 
 part of  the whole matter was  how a man  as large as Thad  could have
 his neck snapped without any signs of a struggle.

     Later  that day,  Atros stood  just  outside the  entryway to  his
 boarding  house. He  yawned and  had to  shuffle his  position several
 times  while leaning  against the  cobble stone  wall to  prevent from
 drifting off.  For someone  accustom to going  without sleep  for days 
 on end,  this was a bit  disconcerting. Atros wondered if  perhaps the
 drugs he utilized  were too strong even  a man of his  own will power.
 He had  noticed that it  was becoming progressingly more  difficult to 
 remain  alert,  a difficulty  that  he  could  hardly  afford  in  his 
 position.  He was  just resolving  to  start weaning  himself off  the 
 nepenthe when the person he had been awaiting rounded a distant corner. 
     He  watched  her  as  she approached  apparently  unaware  of  his 
 presence. She  wore a  coarse bit  of grayish  linen, that  doubled as
 both chemise and  tunic, under a ratted surcoat  probably fringed with
 fur  at one  time.  She  was short  and  somewhat  dark in  complexion
 especially on her  hands which were small but rough.  Her light brown, 
 and  lately unwashed,  hair was  cut short  with straight  banes lying 
 across half  her forehead. All in  all, she was rather  plain looking, 
 almost masculine at first sight.
     "Atros...."  finally   recognizing  him   in  spite  of   his  new 
 wardrobe, Darla called out as she rushed forward to greet him.
     "Call me  Raffen!" Atros cut her  off, his voice a  harsh whisper. 
 "Though  that may  shortly  change  as well."  With  a piercing  look,
 Atros cut short the conversation until they were safely in his room.
     "How  many  names may  one  man  have!?!" Darla  seemed  confused, 
 unsettled, and somewhat hurt.
     "As  many  as it  takes  to  keep  him  safe. You've  brought  the
 books," Atros said businesslike.
     "Yes, I  have them  here in  Dargon. They  are quite  safe." Darla 
 assured him. 
     "Good. I  am very grateful.  I've missed them," Atros  said. Darla
 winced though Atros didn't notice.
     "Bringing them wasn't difficult. You've  done much  for me in  the
     "You can consider that debt settled." Atros said in monotone.
     "I don't think so. I owe you my life." Darla said testing Atros. 
     "If that's the way  you want it, perhaps you'll be  able to pay in 
 kind," Atros lilted a bit. 
     "You're in some sort of trouble?" Darla asked sounding concerned. 
     "There has been  an attempt on my life. I  anticipate more." Atros 
 said perhaps a bit teasingly.
     "Who?"  Darla asked.
     "Do  you  remember a  particularly  brutal  overgrown street  waif 
 named Thad?" 
     "I  could never  understand  why you  would  associate with  him."
 Darla pronounced almost interrupting his question.
     "He was dangerous but had his uses." 
     "Was?...  You killed him?"  Darla asked tentatively.
     "No, he died in the attempt but not by my hand."
     "Whose then?" Darla  said a bit exasperated that she  had to do so
 much coaxing to get simple answers. 
     "I know  little more about  it than you." Perhaps  sensing Darla's 
 impatience, Atros quickly explained the events of the morning.
     "You were lucky." Darla seemed somewhat relieved. 
     "It seems too  unlikely to be unintentional... Thad  dying while I
 was  totally  helpless."  Atros  gazed  off as  though  he  were  only 
 thinking aloud. 
     "Thad had many  enemies. Perhaps one caught up  with him." Darla's 
 suggestion drew Atros' attention for a moment.
     "You  don't think  that Thad  was  incredibly careful  while on  a 
 job?  It would  have  been very  difficult to  surprise  him. And  who 
 could  have broken  his  neck with  apparent ease?  Also,  why let  me
 live?  Why not  take  the opportunity  to  rob me,  or  Thad for  that 
 matter? Why  leave everything so sloppy?  I could have been  set up in
 such a way  that I would be certain  to take the blame. As  it was, it 
 was easy  for me to  straighten everything up."  It was Atros  who was 
 becoming impatient now.
     "Perhaps they feared waking you." Darla suggested hopefully.
     "Possibly..  But  it just  seems  so  unlikely..." Seeing  nothing 
 further  to  be  gained  here,  Atros  said,  "Our  first  concern,  I
 suppose, should be why Thad tried to kill me in the first place." 
     "You're certain that he was hired?" Darla asked. 
     "We  didn't exactly  part on  amiable terms  but Thad  would never
 have tried it without  payment. And there was a good  deal of money in
 his pouch."
     "So  you expect  whoever  hired him  to try  again?"  In spite  of
 Atros' opinion, Darla could be insightful. 
     "Yes, though  they will  delay a  few days  at least,  waiting for 
 word from that or for me to get less wary."
     "Any suspicions as to who put up the money?" Darla asked plainly.
     "Probably Gilman. He's  here in town and I think  he's looking for
 me." Atros suggested offhandly.
     "Oh yes! I've  traveled all this way and forgotten  to tell you. I
 checked  into things  while I  was in  Magnus picking  up your  books. 
 They  aren't looking  for you.  No report  of any  crime. And  Gilman,
 apparently unharmed,  put his business  in the hands of  his employees 
 and left Magnus shortly after you did."
     "I  suspected  something like  that.  Still  can't understand  how
 Gilman survived. He was assuredly dead." 
     "That's what  I thought  you meant  in your  letter but  I decided
 that I misunderstood."
     "I've got  to teach  you to  read and write.  I don't  like having
 others read my messages." Atros seemed annoyed. 
     "But  you  worded  the  letter  so  cleverly  that  no  one  could 
 understand it  but me. Besides the  friend I got  to read it to  me is
 trustworthy." Darla tried to reassure him.
     "Yes  but  my 'clever  wording'  does  add  some confusion  and  I
 couldn't relay many details." Atros said, still being difficult. 
     "Enough details.  I understood  enough to come  here and  to bring 
 your books." Darla was becoming a bit annoyed herself. 
     "Yes you did  and again I thank  you. But I have  another favor to 
 ask." Atros thought it best to settle things.
     "Name it." Darla said straightforwardly. 
     "The  drugs  that I  am  using  cause  me  to sleep  very  deeply. 
 Possibly  Thad knew  this  and decided  to strike  at  night. If  Thad
 knew,  then his  employers probably  know. I  need a  bodyguard I  can
 trust at night." 
     "No problem.  I really  need a  place to stay  anyway. I'm  low on 
 funds and know few people in Dargon." Perhaps Darla hid a smile.
     "That's fine.  We'll live  off Thad's  ill-gotten gains  though we 
 may have  to lie low  so as not to  attract attention. No  more nights
 at court." Atros said trailing off, as was often his habit.
     "Nights   at  court!?!   You've  been   to  court!?!   During  the
 festival?" Darla appeared surprised and jealous.
     "Yes, but  I didn't really enjoy  it. Besides the wardrobe  is too
 expensive  and uncomfortable.  Have to  see a  friend and  return some
 borrowed clothing. And tell him that I must leave Dargon."
     "You are planning to stay, aren't you?" Darla was concerned.
     "Yes,  there  is  something  here   for  me."  Darla  gave  him  a
 quizzical expression.  "Just a notion,"  Atros said dismissing  it. "I
 have  a few  errands to  attend  to. Why  don't  you get  all of  your 
 things  and get  settled.  I'll return  with  something expensive  for 
 dinner  in  a couple  of  hours.  Oh, perhaps  you  best  not get  too 
 settled. We'll  have to find  some other  place to stay  tomorrow. I'd
 have done so today,  but I was waiting for your  arrival. We'd best be 
 very  careful  tonight."  Both  Atros   and  Darla  departed  for  the 
 respective errands. 

     When  more than  a couple  of hours  had passed  and Atros  hadn't 
 returned, Darla  became concerned. But  not knowing the city  well nor
 anything about  Atros' plans for  the afternoon, she delayed  for some 
 time before  deciding to go  searching for him.  It was well  that she 
 did,  because Atros  returned as  she was  heading for  the door.  She
 didn't   mention   his  lateness   nor   did   Atros  volunteer   much 
 information,  but  true  to  his  word  Atros  did  provide  the  most 
 delicious  meal that  Darla  had  eaten in  sometime.  After the  late 
 repast, Atros  gathered a few  of the  books that Darla  had retrieved 
 and began jotting  notes in one of his journals.  When Darla asked him
 of this,  he replied  only that  he was pursuing  an idea.  He advised 
 her to  sleep so  that she might  be rested for  her vigil,  but Darla 
 was  content  to   watch  him  and  listen  to   the  soft,  irregular
 scratching noises of  the long quill pen. After some  time of this she 
 drifted off. 
     Some hours  later Darla awoke to  find Atros still at  his labors. 
 He seemed  to be quite weary  though happy, saying that  he thought he
 was  onto some  new discovery  though he  left its  nature a  mystery. 
 Darla  was  only able  to  convince  Atros  that  he needed  sleep  by 
 suggesting that he  might think clearer after a few  hours rest. Atros
 acquiesced begrudgingly and  took a dose of the nepenthe  to settle to
 sleep for the remainder of the night.
     Truthfully, Darla  only understood  a small  fraction of  what she 
 encountered in Atros'  books. Many were in languages  or codes unknown 
 to  her. Most  were replete  with obscure  references and  complicated 
 arguments which  would take  a lifetime of  study to  understand. Even 
 in those  that were not, Darla's  reading skills often fell  far short
 of complete understanding.
     Sometime  ago she  had gone  through  many of  these books  before
 uncovering Atros'  dream journal. In  it he  kept all from  his dreams
 which  he did  not wish  to forget.  Even though  these were  his good 
 memories, Darla  quickly grew to  understand why Atros fought  so hard 
 to escape his  nocturnal visions. Often times his hand  was shaky  and 
 his thoughts  overcome by  emotion as he  struggled to  quickly record 
 what  were  sometimes an  entire  lifetime  in  his dream  before  the 
 memories  passed away  from him.  Darla often  wondered if  destroying 
 this  journal was  not  the best  thing  she could  do  for Atros.  It
 occurred  to  her  that  the  good  memories,  which  are  recalled  a
 thousand times with  infinite sadness and longing, might  be much more
 tortuous  than  the bad  memories, which  one can  learn to  forget or 
 avoid. But it wasn't hers to judge and she feared Atros' anger.
     After  reading this  journal that  first time  nearly a  year ago,
 Darla  began  to  understand  why   Atros  kept  everyone  at  a  safe
 distance.  The book  recounted lifetimes  which Atros  had experienced
 in dreaming.  Oftentimes he  had no recollection  of any  life  beyond
 the dream. As  far as that individual was concerned  the dream was his 
 complete  universe.  These dreams  were  often  the  most painful  for 
 Atros,  because  for  a  time  he  could  experience  peace.  But  the 
 collected  recollections  of  dozens  of lifetimes  weighed  heavy  on
 Atros soul and no one could remove that weight. 
     Darla turned to  the finger smudged pages of one  dream entry near 
 the  beginning of  the journal  and began  to read  this tragedy  once
 more. There were  other dreams, other lives, much like  this, but this 
 was the most  tragic because in it  Atros had been the  most happy. In
 this  dream,  Atros bore  a  name  and  spoke  a language  which  were 
 unpronounceable to Darla. He was a  tall, kind man who  enjoyed life's 
 simplicities in an age where others took them for  granted. In time he
 found love.  A beautiful young author,  she was called Narya.  After a 
 lengthy  and  romantic courtship,  they  married.  They settled  in  a
 small cottage  in a  secluded valley  filled with  wildlife, prefering 
 their own  company to that of  anyone about them. The  house contained 
 hundreds  of fantastic  devices  which made  life  easier or  provided
 entertainment  for   the  couple.  They  lived   quietly  and  happily 
 together  and  wrote many  successful  books.  In  time they  had  two 
 children: a  daughter and  a son. One  day just as  his son  was first 
 learning to  walk unsupported,  Atros awoke  and was  permanently torn
 from the happiness that he had found in a single night's dream.
     Never able  to return  to that happy  life, Atros  thereafter bore
 its memories as  a curse. His anger  grew but he could find  no one to
 blame. In his  daily studies he sought to forever  escape the dreaming
 which had become  so painful to him, regardless of  the content of the
 dreams.  Atros had  also developed  a lingering  doubt that  this life
 too might  only be  a dream, from  which he might  be snatched  at any
 moment.  Thus, he  forbore  pleasure and  love so  that  he might  not
 regret their loss when  he awoke. His fear of this  life being a dream
 had slowly pervaded  all his waking thoughts and actions  until he had
 succeeded  in  fashioning  an  existence  in  which  there  was little
     Darla  understood  this,   at  least  in  part.   It  made  little 
 difference  to  her whether  his  dreams  were somehow  real,  because
 Atros believed  them to be real,  which was far more  important to her
 than  any philosophical consideration. She  had tried  to help  Atros.
 Slowly, carefully  she had pierced  his barriers and had  succeeded in
 gaining  some of  his  trust  and friendship.  But  her  hold to  this
 position  was  tenuous. She  realized  that  Atros often  used  little
 barbs in  order to  drive her  from him, not  because he  disliked her 
 but because  he cared for her  too much. She also  sensed the contempt
 which Atros  expressed in  subtle ways for  nearly everyone  about him
 at one  time or  another, but  she knew that  it was  only his  way of
 coping with  the pain  at times.  Perhaps he  envied others  who could 
 lead an untroubled  life. Darla wondered how he managed  as well as he 
 did despite all the frustration and anger within him.
     As  she  left  off  reading  that passage,  almost  of  their  own
 volition,  her hands  turned to  the  dedication, which  Atros had  at
 sometime scribbled  on the inside  of the  front cover. She  stared at
 what he  had written there  until the moistening  of her eyes  made it 
 impossible to continue. He had written:

                    I've loved many and burried a few, 
                    But in all my search found nary a clue.
                    The secret of life it seems
                    Lies forgotten in my dreams 
                    Forever separating one from two.

                    -Joseph Curwen  <C418433 @ UMCVMB> 


                          The Hands of a Healer 
     Griswald  Brutsam, physician  and  mystic healer  to Lord  Clifton 
 Dargon, gently closed  the door to his chambers and  made his way from 
 the keep.  He had  served the  Lord of Dargon  for many  years. Having
 dedicated  his life  to the  mystic  pursuits of  healing, his  skills
 were very  much in  demand. Still,  he had  maintained a  modest life, 
 secreting himself with  his studies within the keep and  seeing to the
 health of his liege.  And now he was a party to  a plot to assassinate 
 Lord Dargon. 
     He pulled his  cloak close about himself and made  his way towards 
 the  port, the  seedier  section of  town. The  evening  was cold  but
 clear,  and the  stars  shone bright  above the  dark  shadows of  the
 port. Brutsam  occasionally came across citizens,  stragglers from the
 festival,  still  revelling  nearly  a week  after  the  festival  had 
 ended. After  a short time,  he came to one  of the few  lit buildings 
 in this  section of  town. He  pulled the cowl  above him  and stepped
 into the Inn of the Hungry Shark. 
     The entry  corridor led on the  right to the bar  and common room,
 and on  the left to  a stairway to  the rooms above.  Griswald dreaded 
 being recognized  by the people  in the  common room, but  they seemed 
 to be  completely involved in  what amounted to  a contest to  see you 
 could bellow  the most obnoxious  saying the loudest. It  was unlikely
 that anyone  saw him  as he  turned towards  the stairs,  save perhaps
 the innkeep. 
     Brutsam climbed  the stairs slowly  and quietly. He halted  in the 
 corridor at the  top, pausing. After a moment, he  stepped towards one
 of many closed doors in the hall. He knocked. And again. And waited.
     The  door was  opened  by  Lek Pyle,  the  man  who had  recruited
 Griswald into this  insane plot. Pyle quickly  brought Griswald within
 the room and closed the door behind him. "What's the problem?" 
     The aging  physician shrugged off  his cloak and stood  before the 
 warmth of  the hearth a  moment before replying.  "Nothing's happened.
 The assassin you hired is missing." 
     "Thad? He wouldn't run out on a job. He's a scoundrel, though." 
     "What are  we going to  do? Do you think  he was caught?  I'm sure 
 if he did then he'll have told all about your plot..."
     "No, not  Thad. His reputation  has it that  he's one of  the best
 in his business, though his methods aren't the most subtle."
     Griswald was  visibly agitated, not  able to sit. "Well,  where is
 he? Would he try to get more money by selling us out?"
     Pyle,  seeing  the fear  in  Brutsam's  eyes, sneered.  "He  might 
 have,  but might  just as  easily simply  skipped town.  Still, that's 
 not Thad's style. He's  a scum, but he's a brute -  he enjoys the jobs 
 people  give him,  the more  violent the  better. He's  not likely  to
 get caught or to just leave the job, even when he is paid in advance."
     "You seem  sure of  that, but then  where is he,  and what  are we 
 going to do?" 
     "We must proceed  with our scheme. It matters  little whether Thad
 was found out  or not." The merchant from Baranur  gazed into the fire 
 thoughtfully. "We will simply have to proceed with another scheme..." 
                         -Orny  <CSDAVE @ MAINE>
