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                +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME ONE                    NUMBER FOUR
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                |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine 
             ___|___________|___ X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb (NMCS025@MAINE)
             Editorinomican                       Mad Orny al-Hazred
             Featured Author: H.P. LOVECRAFT      Orny
             Call of Cthulhu Game Review          Mike H. 
             The Book                             HPL
             The Cthulhu Mythos                   Merlin
       Greetings, and welcome to the Howard Phillips Lovecraft special issue
    of FSFnet.   I must apologize for the  lateness of this issue,  but,  as
    many of you know already,  I am in the middle of spending three weeks in
    wonderful (?) New York City.   I hope that you will find the issue worth
    the wait.    Future issues  should be  forthcoming within  a few  weeks,
    depending on how things go here.
       Submissions and other response can be  sent to my Maine account,  and 
    will receive proper attention, usually within one to five days.   If you
    have something that you would like to  bring to my attention,  I will be
    using TIGQC489 @ CUNYVM during my stay  in NYC,  which should last until
    the 20th of March.
       I would like to  thank the contributors for their help,   and I would
    like to apologize to Eric (@ UCONN) for having to ask him  to withdraw a
    fine submission,  due to length.   Merlin's overview of the Mythos is an 
    excellent article,  and  Mike's CoC game review is lucid.    I hope that
    Lovecraft fans enjoy this issue, although there is not enough room to do
    his  work justice,   and I  hope that  those of  you who  have not  been
    introduced to HPL find this issue enjoyable and interesting.
       Issue five should  be following this issue rather  rapidly,  and will
    definitely appear in your reader queues before the end of the month.  It
    will contain sequels to stories that  appeared in issue three,  and,  of
    course,  another  featured author...  I  really ought to  start thinking 
    about who...
       Well, you know how it is.  Enjoy, and spread the word!
                 Orny  <NMCS025 @ MAINE and TIGQC489 @ CUNYVM>
                   Featured Author: HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT
       H.P.  Lovecraft  has become one of  the most well-known of  the early
    writers in  the pulp  science fiction/horror field.    His life was very
    controversial,  and  there has been passionate  debate over how  much of
    Lovecraft's work was influenced by his early experiences.   However, his
    writings remain popular works of horror,  and HPL has had many followers
    and imitators.
       Lovecraft  was born  and lived  all  his life  in Providence,   Rhode
    Island.   His father was placed in a mental home when HPL was three, and
    died of paresis when Howard was 8.   His mother, from all accounts,  was
    psychoneurotic,  eventually  being institutionalized as well.    HPL was
    brought up in a very Victorian household, and therefore his emotions and
    imagination were  suppressed.   He  was taught to  read early,   and his
    childhood was filled with writing  experiments.   However,  Howard was a
    sickly child, and was not exposed to the world outside his home.  He was
    made very  aware of his  own shortcomings,  with  possible psychological
       HPL  carried  on a  number  of  active correspondances  with  younger
    authors once he had  broken into the pulp market,  and  many people feel
    that if he  had spent less time on  his letters he might  have been more
    productive;  however,  for Lovecraft,  these  epistles were necessary to
    help him cope with his incredibly low self-image,  to help him deal with
    his loneliness, and to gather news and ideas from the vast world outside
    his experience.
       Lovecraft's style was heavily influenced by Poe,  Arthur Machen,  and
    Lord Dunsany,  although  HPL also filtered  his ideas through  his life-
    experience.   For example,  Lovecraft used very little dialogue,  for he
    did not have a  great deal of experience in conversation.    Most of his
    tales are located in New England, a fact which adds believability to his
    tales,  but also becomes redundant.   HPL  distinctly avoided sex in his 
    stories, and any women who appear are as nonfeminine as his mother.
       One  of Lovecraft's  favorite writing  mechanisms  is the  use of  an
    ancient, forbidden tome, usually the Necronomicon,  a book originally of
    his invention,  though several hoaxes  have been perpetrated.   This may
    have been borrowed from Poe's "ancient  sources" or Robert W.  Chambers'
    "King in  Yellow",  but  no fantastic  book has  ever been  portrayed as
    effectively as Lovecraft's.   More recent authors have copied the tactic
    with marginal success:   Robert  E.  Howard's "Unaussprechlichen Kulten"
    and Robert Bloch's "De Vermis Mysteriis" being examples.
       Lovecraft's works  are many and  varied,  beginning with  his earlier 
    tales, to be found in Del Rey's recent reprints "The Tomb" and "The Doom
    that Came  to Sarnath"  and culminating  in his  popular Cthulhu  Mythos
    cycle.   Most of his work is in  the form of short stories,  although he
    also wrote poetry  which is generally considered marginal.    In his own
    eyes,  his best work  was the story "Colour out of  Space",  followed by
    "The Music of Eric Zann".   I tend to agree with Lovecraft on this,  but
    would also suggest  "The Tomb",  "The Doom that Came  to Sarnath",  "The 
    Call of  Cthulhu",  and the Charles  Dexter Ward novella.   The  Del Rey
    reprints  are  all excellent  collections,   and  many other  works  are
    available,  if,  like some of HPL's  characters,  one enjoys delving for
    arcane and wond'rous tomes of ancient lore.
       H.P. Lovecraft is a classic horror author and a must for horror fans;
    however,   it must  be  remembered  that he  wrote  his  works for  pulp
    magazines who were not interested in master works of style.  He wrote to
    earn his living, which was, at best,  meagre,  and his unique psychology
    and situation left many gaps in his writing style.  However, he was also
    a master  at certain techniques that  budding authors should  note,  and
    that horror fans would appreciate.
                            Orny  <NMCS025 @ MAINE>
                          Call of Cthulhu GAME REVIEW
       Fans of H.P Lovecraft's infamous 'Cthulhu mythos' stories and general
    horror  buffs now  have  a role  playing game  designed  just for  them: 
    Chaosium's fantasy  role playing  game 'Call of  Cthulhu'.   If  you are
    bored by standard  role playing games,  tired of the  old 'kill monster,
    take its  treasure,  go on  to next  monster...' limbo inherent  in many
    fantasy games,  or if you just want to try something different,  Call of
    Cthulhu may be worth looking into.   Based entirely on the world of H.P.
    Lovecraft,   where  mankind   is  beset  by  immortal   elder   gods  of
    mindshattering power and insane human  sorcerers bent on the enslavement
    of  humanity,  this  game  offers adventurers  a  different approach  to
    gaming;   Horror based  role playing.    In this  world,  players  fight
    sorcerers and evil  humans,  lose sanity,  and run from  monsters a lot.
    The enjoyment of it is derived  not from successfully killing the enemy,
    but from successfully running away before it eats your face off.  Combat
    plays a small part in this game,  which instead centers around detective
    work coupled  with a general atmosphere  of Gothic horror  and impending
       The gaming  system is  remarkably simple,   and anyone  familiar with 
    Chaosium's gaming system will find Call  to be similar to other Chaosium
    games,  such  as Elfquest,  Stormbringer,   and Elric.   Hit  points are
    computed in a  simple (some might say primitive)  way  by averaging size
    and con.   Sanity is a statistic unique  to this game,  and is used more
    often than hit  points,  with a character being shocked  into madness by
    'unspeakably blasphemous horrors',  as H.P.L.  might  have put it.   The
    overall game system is more logic oriented than most others, with a list
    of abilities and areas of knowledge somewhat similar to Top Secret, only
    more diverse and  lengthy.   Combat is simple,   with parries,  critical 
    hits, and a percentage chance to hit any given target.  (Those who value
    greater  realism  in a  gaming  system  may  wish  to use  a  system  of
    'difficulty  factors'  like that  used in  the James  Bond role  playing
    game.  Assigning a constant chance to hit any target at any range with a
    given weapon is not exactly realistic.) However, a clever gamemaster can
    make up for any  deficiencies in the game system and  find a right blend
    of realism and simplicity.
       Modules for Call are not easy to find, being less numerous than those
    of many other games.  Most modules published by Chaosium are in the form
    of long campaigns,  with six or more modules usually linked by a central
    theme,  and flowing  nicely from one to the other.    These modules cost 
    approximately ten dollars, and are well worth it since they provide many
    hours of game  time.   The modules state  that they will last  for sixty 
    hours,   but a  gamemaster  well versed  in  Lovecraft's literature  can 
    stretch it out  to at least a hundred  hours.   That comes to  a dime an
    hour,  a much better deal than most other games can offer.   Some titles
    to look for are:   Shadows of  Yog Sothoth,  Masks of Nyarlathotep,  The
    Asylum, The Fungi from Yuggoth, Death in Dunwich and others.
       The game itself may prove difficult  to find;  almost as difficult as
    locating books by H.P.L. The easiest way to get a copy of the game if no
    local store  has it  is to order  it direct  from  Chaosium;   there are
    advertisements  in Dragon  magazine  with  the address.    Modules  will 
    probably be similar to  track down,  but an order form  is enclosed with
    the game, so that is no big problem.
    (Note:  try to get the second edition of the game.   The first is flawed
    in several ways, which are corrected in the second edition.  Corrections
    for the  first edition were published  as part some  modules,  including
    'Shadows of Yog Sothoth'.)
                          Mike H.  <HONORS4 @ UCONNVM>
                                    THE BOOK
       My memories are very confused.   There is even much doubt as to where
    they begin;   for at times I  feel appalling vistas of  years stretching
    behind me,  while at other times it  seems as if the present moment were
    an isolated point in a grey,  formless infinity.   I am not even certain
    how I am communicating this message.  While I know I am speaking, I have
    a vague impression that some strange and perhaps terrible mediation will
    be needed to bear what I say to the points where I wish to be heard.  My
    identity, too, is bewilderingly cloudy.  I seem to have suffered a great
    shock -  perhaps from some utterly  monstrous outgrowth of my  cycles of
    unique, incredible experience.
       These cycles of  experience,  of  course,  all  stem from  that worm-
    riddled book.   I  remember when I found  it - in a  dimly lighted place
    near the black, oily river where the mists always swirl.  That place was
    very old,  and the ceiling-high shelves  full of rotting volumes reached
    back endlessly through windowless inner rooms and alcoves.   There were,
    besides,  great formless heaps of books on  the floor and in crude bins;
    and it  was in  one of  these heaps that  I found  the thing.    I never
    learned its title,  for the early pages  were missing;  but it fell open
    toward the end and  gave me a glimpse of something  which sent my senses
       There was a formula - a sort of list  of things to say and do - which
    I recognized  as something black and  forbidden;  something which  I had
    read of before in furtive paragraphs of mixed abhorrence and fascination
    penned  by those  strange ancient  delvers into  the universe's  guarded
    secrets whose decaying texts I loved to absorb.   It was a key - a guide
    - to certain gateways and transitions  of which mystics have dreamed and
    whispered since  the race  was young,   and which  lead to  freedoms and
    discoveries beyond  the three dimensions and  realms of life  and matter
    that  we know.    Not  for  centuries had  any  man  recalled its  vital
    substance or known where to find it,  but this book was very old indeed.
    No printing-press,  but  the hand of some half-crazed  monk,  had traced 
    these ominous Latin phrases in unicals of awesome antiquity.
       I remember how the  old man leered and tittered,  and  made a curious
    sign with his hand when I bore it away.   He had refused to take pay for
    it, and only long afterward did I guess why.   As I hurried home through
    those narrow, winding, mist-cloaked waterfront streets I had a frightful
    impression of  being stealthily followed  by softly padding  feet.   The
    centuried,  tottering houses on both sides seemed alive with a fresh and
    morbid  malignity  -  as  if  some   hitherto  closed  channel  of  evil
    understanding had  abruptly been opened.   I  felt that those  walls and
    overhanging gables  of mildewed brick and  fungoid plaster and  timber -
    with eye-like,  diamond-paned windows that  leered - could hardly desist
    from advancing and crushing me... yet I had read only the least fragment
    of that blasphemous rune before closing the book and bringing it away.
       I remember how I read the book  at last - white-faced,  and locked in
    the attic room that I had long devoted to strange searchings.  The great
    house was very  still,  for I had  not gone up till  after midnight.   I
    think I had a family then - though  the details are very uncertain - and
    I know there were many servants.   Just what the year was, I cannot say;
    for since then I have known many  ages and dimensions,  and have had all
    my notions of time  dissolved and refashioned.   It was by  the light of
    candles that I read - I recall the  relentless dripping of the wax - and 
    there were chimes that came every now and then from distant belfries.  I
    seemed to keep track of those chimes with a peculiar intentness, as if I
    feared to hear some very remote, intruding note among them.
       Then came the first scratching and fumbling at the dormer window that
    looked out high above the other roofs of the city.   It came as I droned 
    aloud the ninth verse of that primal lay,  and I knew amidst my shudders
    what it meant.  For he who passes the gateways always wins a shadow, and
    never again can he be alone.  I had evoked - and the book was indeed all 
    I had suspected.  That night I passed the gateway to a vortex of twisted
    time and vision,  and  when morning found me in the attic  room I saw in 
    the walls and shelves fittings that which I had never seen before.
       Nor could I  ever see the world as  I had known it.    Mixed with the
    present  scene was  always a  little of  the past  and a  little of  the
    future,   and  every  once-familiar  object  loomed  alien  in  the  new
    perspective brought by  my widened sight.   From  then on I walked  in a
    fantastic dream  of unknown  and half-known shapes;   and with  each new
    gateway crossed,  the  less plainly could I recognize the  things of the
    narrow sphere to which I had so long  been bound.   What I saw about me,
    none else saw; and I grew doubly silent and aloof lest I be thought mad.
    Dogs had a fear of me, for they felt the outside shadow which never left
    my side.  But still I read more - in hidden, forgotten books and scrolls 
    to which  my new vision  led me - and  pushed through fresh  gateways of
    space and being and life-patterns toward the core of the unknown cosmos.
       I remember the  night I made the  five concentric circles of  fire on
    the floor, and stood in the innermost one chanting that monstrous litany
    the messenger from Tartary had brought.    The walls melted away,  and I
    was swept  by a  black wind through  gulfs of  fathomless grey  with the
    needle-like pinnacle of unknown mountains miles below me.  After a while
    there was utter  blackness,  and then the light of  myriad stars forming
    strange,  alien constellations.   Finally I saw a green-litten plain far
    below me,  and discerned on it the twisted  towers of a city built in no
    fashion I had ever known or read of or dreamed of.   As I floated closer
    to that city  I saw a great square  building of stone in  an open space, 
    and felt a hideous fear clutching at me.   I screamed and struggled, and
    after a blankness was again in my attic room sprawled flat over the five
    concentric circles on the floor.  In that night's wandering there was no
    more of strangeness than in many  a former night's wandering;  but there
    was more of  terror because I knew  I was closer to  those outside gulfs
    and worlds than I had ever been before.   Thereafter I was more cautious
    with my incantations,  for I had no wish  to be cut off from my body and 
    from the earth in unknown abysses whence I  could never return... 
                          Howard Phillips Lovecraft
                               THE CTHULHU MYTHOS 
       The  Cthulhu  mythos  developed   from  Howard  Phillips  Lovecraft's
    experimentation in  the media  of modern  horror in  the magazine  Weird
    Tales in the 1920's  and 30's.   The Mythos embodies a  pantheon of evil
    beings  from other  space-time continua,   many of  whom possess  divine
    powers.   A fictitious  history of the interactions of  these beings and
    their alien worshipers on this world and other distant planets comprises
    the core  of the  Lovecraft mythology.   The  underlying theme  of these 
    stories  lies  in the  attempts  of  these  beings to  achieve  physical
    manifestation on Earth  and the methods that foolish  mortals utilize in
    this goal.
       Because the idea  of a common mythos of places,   races,  and deities
    appears only gradually in HPL's work,  no  real attempt was made to make 
    the cycle  logically coherent  until 1926 with  the publication  of "The
    Call of Cthulhu".   Further, HPL encouraged other authors,  particularly
    Clark Ashton Smith, Robert Bloch, August Derleth, Robert E.  Howard, and
    Frank Belknap  Long,  to enlarge upon  the Mythos in their  own fiction.
    Following HPL's death in 1937 a host  of other writers have made notable
    contributions to the Cthulhu cycle.  Thus, stories throughout the mythos
    are  often  contradictory or  overlapping,   making  a glossary  of  the
    elements of the cycle difficult.   For  reasons of simplicity and space,
    only those places,  races,  and deities which were mentioned in at least
    two of HPL's own stories are included. 
       The Elder Gods  - Elsewhere referred to  as the "Great Ones"  and the
    "Other  Gods".    They are  a  group  of semi-benevolent  deities  which
    struggle  against  the  "Old  Ones".     HPL  left  this  group  greatly 
    undeveloped and unexplored with the exception of the deity Nodens, "Lord
    of the Abyss",  who aids the  protagonist of "The Dream-Quest of Unknown
       The Old  Ones -  The group of  evil deities  whose intrigues  are the
    subject of most of the cycle's  stories.   These deities often have both
    incorporal and corporal forms.   The primary goal of these beings was to
    extend their influence into the modern world.  All of the following gods
    are considered "Old Ones": 
       Yog-Sothoth - The  "All-in-One and the One-in-All  of limitless being
    and  self -  the last,   utter sweep  which  has no  confines and  which
    outreaches fancy and mathematics alike",   Yog-Sothoth resembles an evil
    Brahma, the Hindu god of the unification of all existence.   He co-rules 
    the pantheon  of Old  Ones with  Azathoth.   In  spite of  his seemingly
    indescribable  form,   we are  told  in  "The  Dunwich Horror"  that  he
    resembles "an octopus, centipede, spider kind o' thing" which is capable
    of physical manifestation on earth. 
       Azathoth - "The blind idiot god who sprawls at the center of ultimate 
    chaos",  "circled by  his flopping horde of  mindless amorphous dancers,
    and lulled  by the  thin monotonous piping  of a  demonic flute  held in
    nameless paws."  He,  "the Lord of all Things",  and his antithesis Yog-
    Sothoth the "One-in-All",  comprise a  dialectical universe.   Though he
    never visits our dimension,   he is seen by many astral  voyagers in the
       Other Gods  - Often  confused with  the Elder  Ones because  of their
    name,   these are  the direct  servants  of Azathoth:   the dancers  and
    players.   They often  visit the highest peaks  of the world as  in "The
    Other Gods".
       Shub-Niggurath - "The Goat with a Thousand Young".  Direct servant to
    both Yog-Sothoth and Azathoth, he is the Pan-like fertility god.
       Nyarlathotep - "Soul and messenger"  of the Other Gods,  Nyarlathotep
    is represented  in two forms:    As "crawling  Chaos" and as  "The Black
    Man".  In the later form he is instrumental in organizing the ceremonies
    of witchcraft which allow the aliens to visit this dimension.
       Cthulhu - A semi-divine  being who is referred to as  a priest of the
    gods.   He leads an  aquatic race called the Deep Ones  who descended to
    earth from  the stars.  He  has been imprisoned  in R'lyeh by  the Elder
       The Deep Ones - A species of aquatic humanoids which inhabit the deep
    ocean trenches  of the  earth.   Most  attend their  god Cthulhu  who is
    imprisoned on the  island of R'lyeh,  though some have  chosen to settle
    near  coastal  fishing villages  as  demonstrated  in "The  Shadow  Over
    Innsmouth".   They  seem to be  governed by  Dagon who is  the immediate
    subordinate of Cthulhu.
       The  Old  Ones  of  Leng  - Ancient  race  of  aliens  who  inhabited
    magnificent cities near the southern pole.   They made a treaty with the
    Deep Ones to insure that each remains in their respective realms.   They
    are said to tentacled, barrel-shaped beings with starfish-like heads and
    membranous wings.
       The Shoggoths - A race of giant, amorphous creatures developed by the 
    Old  Ones of  Leng  to be  used as  manual  laborers.   They  eventually
    rebelled and destroyed their masters' civilization. 
       Mi-Go -  A race of  crab-like beings  which were identified  with the
    Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas by HPL.
       R'lyeh - The  sunken island of Cthulhu which  periodically rises from
    the depths at different  points in the oceans of the  world.   It is the 
    city of the Deep Ones and prison of their god.
       The Plateau of Leng - The home  of the Old Ones located in Antartica.
    "At the Mountain of Madness" gives the best description of this place.
       Kadath - The home of the Elder  Gods which lies in the "frozen waste"
    beyond  Leng.  It is the goal of all who seek truth and enlightenment.
       Arkham,  Massachusetts -  A fictitious town which was  the setting of
    many of HPL's stories.   It is patterned  after Salem and is the site of
    the Miskatonic University,  whose library  contains one of the forbidden
    copies of Abdul Alhazred's Necronomicon.
       Innsmouth, Massachusetts - Another fictitious village created by HPL.
    This town is  located near the site  of an off-shore settlement  of Deep
    Ones,  with whom the town has  forbidden commerce.   The town is modeled 
    after Newburyport, Massachusetts.
          Per Adonai Eloim, Adenali Jehova, Adonai Sabaoth Metraton....
                    Joseph (Merlin) Curwen  <P0575175 @ UMVMA>
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             +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME ONE                  NUMBER SEVEN
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             |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine
          ___|___________|___ X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <NMCS025@MAINE>
             Editorial                            Orny
             Narret Chronicles 8                  Mari A. Paulson
             Dream Weaver - Part One (of 2)       Michael Murphy
    Well,  I must keep this introduction short.    Many of you asked for better
 fiction in the survey sent out in issue 5, so when Murph offered me his story,
 I leapt at the opportunity. Unfortunately, it is a little long for FSFnet, and
 will span two issues.   Having been pleased with it myself, I am sure you will
 enjoy it.   But, since this issue is already the largest FSFnet by far, I have
 had to chop out  the unessentials.   So let me end this  editorial and let you
 move along...
                            Orny  <NMCS025 @ MAINE>
                             The Narret Chronicles
                                Book the Eighth
    There wasn't much ceremony.   Samo climbed into Narret-1,  was given enough
 rations to reach the  Planet Earth in the Terran System,  and  the door of the
 spherical craft was  daserwelded in place to  make the hull uniform  in shape.
 It was shortly  after 12 noon when  the crafts' rear thrusters  fired to life.
 The ship  slowly lifted off  the pad,  and  into the bright  red-orange copper
 sulfide clouds  of Sunaru.   Samo  watched as  the Sunaru Central  Sea Complex
 became a  smaller and smaller  dot in bright  turquoise waters of  the Central
    He piloted the  craft through the Trixi  Division and tested her  out.   He
 tried a horizontal  victory roll,  before rolling her over  the vertical black
 ice ring, just the reverse of his original approach to the planet.
    Samo sat back in his chair.  The craft responded well enough. Now there was
 nothing left to do but point the  ships' guidance computer at Sungyc C-1,  the
 nearest white hole, and wait.
    "...The Class  Omega-Alpha:Alpha-Omega security  level passes  were created
 for use by those concerned with my first visit to Earth.  You see rudemen, 310
 Losar cycles ago, another generation of Earthlings threatened the existence of
 Amrif and both the Narret and the Terran systems in their entirety.   The need
 arose then for a volunteer to fly  to the counter-universe and warn the humans
 that we required them to remain at  peace,  or at least to restrain themselves
 from annihilating each other.    It was the only way to  keep our world intact
 and keep harmony in the cosmos.
    So  you  see  rudemen,   I'm  actually more  than  300  Losar  cycles  new.
 Chronologically,  that is.   Biologically,  I'm only 42 Losar cycles new.   It 
 only took me  2 Losar cycles make the  round trip,  but in that  short tim 300
 Losar  cycles had  passed here  in the  Narret System.    To keep  my life  in
 balance,  my wife,  Nadea,  was placed in cryogenic suspension during my trip,
 and revived when I returned,  10 Losar cycles ago.   Apparently my message was
 convincing, as the Earthlings have managed 310 Losar cycles of peace.
    Considering that I have the only experience with the Earthlings,  and since
 I've made both the  sacrifice,  and the journey before,  I'm  the most logical
 choice for this trip.   I believe that's why Commander Valtrep  called me here
 from Amrif. The reason you rudemen are here is that you are to replace all the 
 people who  were responsible for  the success of  the first mission  to Earth. 
 Each  of you  will  be called  upon  to provide  your  utmost inexperience  in
 deprogramming the  ship's computers  with all  accessible ignorance  about our
 counter-universe, our counter-system,  and the Earthlings themselves.  Some of
 you  will be  concerned  with  the engineering  of  the  old craft,   and  its
    If there are no questions, and the commander has nothing to add, then let's
 call this meeting to order, so we can all get to play..." 
    Samo recalled the events that led to this voyage to Earth.
    <<<Attention--Attention:Entering proximity  of gravity field of  Sungyc C-1
 Prepare to fire the  T-A reaction engine in .25 centons,   or set the Autofire
    The sound of the ships' guidance computer shocked Samo out of his daydream.
 He reached down and switched the Autofire to the on position.
    "Time for final radio contact," Samo said aloud to himself.
    "Narret-1 to NSIS-1, come in NSIS-1."
    "Narret-1 this is NSIS-1."
    "NSIS-1,  Ht here.  Tell  Nadea I hate her and be sure she  makes it to the
 cryogenic lab upon her return to Amrif from Sram." 
    "Narret-1, Valtrep here, will do, bad luck Samo, and may DOG be with you."
    "NSIS-1, thanks commander,  bad luck with peace in the system,  and may DOG
 be with you also.  Ht out."
    "Yeah, way out!" Samo thought to himself. "Well here goes nothing."
    He switched the audio countdown timer on.
    <<<Darktron warp in 0.10 centons, 0.09, 0.08, 0.07, 0.06, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, 
    "YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"  Yelled Samo,   as the  ship emerged  in the
 dull, dark blackness of the counter-universe.
    His yell was one of delight.  Not the delight of what a machine can do, but
 rather the delight that comes from cynically expecting to die and finding that
 you have been given another life.
                                Mari A. Paulson
                                  Dream Weaver
                      Copyright (c) 1984 Michael A. Murphy
          All I want to do is sleep
          Where dreams like this are hidden deep.
          Peace of mind is found in sleep.
          Peace of mind is found in sleep.
    The  newspaper headlines  today read  "SMALL  TIME THIEF  FOUND STABBED  IN
    "This machine will be  the key to your recovery," said  Doctor James.   "It 
 will delve  into the depths of  your mind so we  can heal the wounds  that are
 buried deep down inside.   The process will  take over two months to complete. 
 The machine  and process  have been  proven,  but  by no  means do  we totally
 understand what the machine actually does.    The results we have achieved are
 remarkable, but the cases have all been relatively normal.   Thus the going is
 slow.   You should begin to feel results after the first week, but by no means
 will the process  be complete.   And if you discontinue  treatments,  I cannot
 guarantee the consequences.
    "The  machine  is  a  monitor   programmed  with  rudimentary  intelligence
 circuits.   It  is the  only one of  its kind.   There  have been  attempts at
 duplication and  all attempts have failed.    Hardware and software  have both
 been duplicated  exactly and  we still  have not  been able  to duplicate  the 
 functions of this machine."
    Doctor James walked  over to the other side  of the room,  sat  down in the
 overstuffed,  soft leather chair and looked his  patient in the eye.   "Do you
 understand the risks involved, Mr. Sharmuth?  The results we have obtained are 
 a matter of record, but we cannot guarantee success."
    "Doctor James!"  Mr. Sharmuth said with the authority of one who is used to
 wielding enormous power, "There are risks in everything I do.  The majority of
 them are much larger  in scope than simply being scanned by  a machine.   I am
 well aware of the risks,  however minimal.   Any risk is worth finding out why
 I'm blacking out.   I  have absolutely no idea what happens  when I black out.
 Sometimes I'm in the same place when I come to,  sometimes I'm not.   I'd also
 like to know what happens while I am asleep."
    "Ok, Mr. Sharmuth.  We will start treatment next Monday.   You will come in
 on Mondays,  Wednesdays,  and Fridays for an hour each day.   What is the most
 convenient hour for you?"
    "Three o'clock will be fine with me."
    "Ok.  I'll see you on Monday at 3pm then."
    A beautiful  young woman wheeled herself  into Doctor James'  office.   Her
 long,  shapely  legs were bare  to the knee.   Her  right calf was  of perfect
 proportion.    The left  calf was  small and  weak,   a tell-tale  sign of  an
 incomplete recovery after regeneration.  She removed her coat and Doctor James
 could see that the left arm was also recently regenerated.  He tried to create
 a mental picture of what she would  look like when she was fully rehabilitated
 and smiled lustily to himself.
    "How recent is your regeneration, Miss Anderson?" 
    "Maryann,  please.   I have  been out of the regen tank  for four weeks and
 three days."
    "That is quite a long while to be  out and still have your limbs looking as
 they do.  You look as if you just left the tank a day or two ago.  Who is your
    "My physical therapist sent me to you.   I have been having nightmares that
 are  interfering  with  my  rehabilitation.   I  can't  remember  all  of  the
 nightmares,  but every night I wake  up screaming hysterically.   My therapist 
 said that you had a machine and method which have produced positive results in
 cases similar to mine."
    "The machine has been very effective in  other related cases.   I must make
 you aware that there are risks though.  The machine is not guaranteed.   There
 is a lot we don't know about it yet.
    "The  machine  is  a  monitor   programmed  with  rudimentary  intelligence
 circuits.   It  is the  only one of  its kind.   There  have been  attempts at
 duplication and  all attempts have failed.    Hardware and software  have both
 been duplicated  exactly and  we still  have not  been able  to duplicate  the 
 functions of this machine."
    "I understand the risks, Doctor James.  I am willing to take those risks to
 retain my sanity.    And I'd also like  to have the use  of my arm and  my leg
 back.   I've been going through pure hell and I want to find out why.   I want
 to know what is causing my nightmares!"
    "The  treatment will  take a  while.   I  want  you to  continue with  your 
 physical therapist.   It will be helpful to me  if I can get in touch with him
 and find  out more about  your therapy.   I'll also  need to be  kept informed
 about your therapeutic progress while you  are undergoing treatment here.   Is
 your therapist a personal therapist or one appointed by the regen doctors?"
    "He was  appointed by the  doctors at  the regeneration clinic.    I cannot
 afford a personal therapist.   I can't afford  this,  but they are footing the
 bill because  their regular  therapy has not  brought my arm  and leg  back to 
 normal.    As you  well  know,   this is  an  extremely  rare occurrence  with
 regenerated limbs.  The procedure has been refined and is almost foolproof.  I
 am an  exception that they  cannot fathom.   All tests  show that I  should be
 progressing normally.    There is nothing to  indicate that I should  not heal
 normally.  It is, quite frankly, driving me up a wall."
    "In one previous case,  Maryann,  the  patient healed physically as well as
 mentally while undergoing treatment with us.   That patient was not undergoing
 any other type of therapy or rehabilitation.   We're not sure if any aspect of 
 the machine  should be credited in  aiding the physical rehabilitation  of the
 patient.   That is another unknown we are faced with.   You provide us with an
 opportunity  to discover  more  about this  aspect of  our  machine.   I  will
 schedule you for three  treatments a week.   Each session will  last one hour.
 What is a good time for you?"
    "My best time would be early afternoon.  How about one o'clock?"
    "I'll schedule you for one o'clock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Please
 do not miss an appointment,  Maryann.   This schedule of three sessions a week
 for an hour has  proved the most fruitful of any schedule  we have used.   Our
 optimum results have come  using this schedule.   I can make  no guesses as to
 the effects of missing a session.
    One last question, Maryann.  What is the name of your therapist?"
    "His name is Doctor John Martin.   Thank you, doctor.   I'll see you Monday
 at one o'clock."
    Doctor James  watched her leave  the office.    He truly hoped  the machine
 would be beneficial for her.   She was too  young and beautiful to remain in a
 wheelchair for the rest of her life.
    After placing the call to Doctor Martin  at the regen clinic,  Doctor James
 had a better idea of what treatment would be like for Maryann.   He figured it
 would be  a long  process.   She  had been  in a  horrible accident  involving
 several ground vehicles.  No one else had survived the accident.  She had been 
 thrown clear upon impact.   She was lucky that  she was thrown out of the area
 of the  explosion.   Her  left arm and  leg had been  severely injured  in the
 accident.   Doctors could not save any part  of either arm or leg.   Each limb
 had to be completely regenerated.
    Regeneration  of  part   of  a  limb  was  a   relatively  simple  process.
 Regenerating an  entire arm  or leg  became much  more complicated.    She had
 occupied a place in the regen tank for  almost two months while her limbs grew
 back.   Patients usually experience a  little disorientation after having part
 of a limb regenerated.   The  loss of a couple of days in one's  life is not a
 big trauma.   Two  months of the regen tanks  can cause a bit  of shock though
 when one comes out.
    Normal rehabilitation of a regenerated limb takes  only a week or two.   It
 is  rare that  a patient  takes even  two weeks  to be  able to  use the  limb
 normally.   Granted it takes  a little longer for the limb  to function at 100
 per cent.  After a week, it is usually back to 80 or 90 per cent.
    Doctor  Martin  had  mentioned  another factor  that  could  contribute  to
 Maryann's slow recovery.   Both her parents and her brother had been killed in 
 the accident.
    Floating...  in a sea of liquid, but not water.   It is thicker than water.
 It's not touching me, but I can feel it.  The thin membrane covering me is not
 enough to keep the feeling away.  The feeling makes my skin crawl.  The liquid
 is like a gel, but not as thick.  I am able to breathe, but how?   I'm totally
 encircled by the liquid/gel.  Suffocation is not a pleasant way to go...   But
 I can breathe!  The membrane I am encased in must be providing oxygen.   It is
 the only possible way.
    Wait.  I can see something out in the gel.  A shape.  Did it move?  Or am I
 seeing things?   This gel is not exactly translucent, so I can't be sure.   It
 is so difficult to  see anything out there.   Can I be sure  that I really saw
 something,  or is my mind just playing tricks on me.   There's something else!
 I  really see  something now.    It's  getting closer.    It's long,   perhaps
 metallic.  Closer now.  It's a knife, no, a needle.  Closer...
    Maryann screamed.   Her arms were trembling and her forehead had broken out
 in beads of sweat.
    Doctor James walked over to the machine,  removed the tape and placed it on
 top of the folder on his desk.   After removing the tape just made he placed a
 blank tape into the machine.
    After giving Maryann a moment to  regain her composure,  Doctor James moved
 to the couch  directly across from Maryann.   "Do you  remember anything about
 what you just dreamt, Maryann?"
    "No,  nothing at all.   I'm not sure if I want to remember it.   I feel the
 same way as when I wake up in the middle of the night - terrified."
    "I will study the tape of today's session later tonight,  Maryann.   We can
 discuss it when you come in on  Wednesday.   After discussing the dream we can
 put you back on the machine to be monitored again.  The conscious awareness of
 what is going  on in the subconscious  may be enough to  produce more detailed
 dreams or  different dreams  relating to  this one.    And each  dream we  can
 monitor can only aid in your recovery."
    "Will I," asked a still trembling Maryann,   "be able to view the monitored
    "After we have discussed the dream or dreams thoroughly you will be able to 
 view them.   We don't want to shock your conscious mind with something that it 
 insists on being kept  in the subconscious until your conscious  mind is aware
 of the  content of  the dream.   Visualizing  it beforehand,   considering the
 conscious mind  is going  to great  lengths to  keep the  dream buried  in the
 subconscious, could be very detrimental.
    "I'll see you on Wednesday, Maryann."
    The newspaper  headlines today read "MUGGER  SHOT IN ELITE  MANCHESTER PARK
    Hatred.  Loathing.  Abhorrence.  Resentment.  Revulsion.  Humans.
    They do not deserve  to exist.   The things they do to  one another are not
 things  that intelligent  beings  would  do.   They  kill  and  maim in  total
 disregard of everything.    They do not deserve to exist.    They have devised
 thousands of ways to kill others.   They do  this before they try even one way
 to exist peacefully.  They do not deserve to exist.
    Hatred.  Loathing.  Abhorrence.  Resentment.  Revulsion.  Humans.
    With Sharmuth's session completed, Doctor James can begin to study the tape
 of Maryann's  dream and the  tape of Sharmuth's dream.    He picks up  the two
 tapes and reads the  markings on each.   He decides on  Sharmuth's tape first.
 He walks across the room to the  playback apparatus and inserts the tape while
 getting set up so he can study the contents of the tape.
    The sun  is reflecting  lazily off  the lakes.    Evergreen tree  tops send
 ragged shadows to  nip at the small  whitecaps raised by the  wind.   The lush
 greenery of  the hills  softens the  harsh beauty  of the  golden orange  sun.
 Harsh gold fades  with time into the  hazy oranges,  yellows,  and  reds of an
 unforgettable sunset.  Soon the sky is dark and the day grows cool.  Vision is
 augmented by the illuminating whiteness of the full moon.   Moonlight reflects
 lazily off the calm waters.   The ragged tree  top shadows have been worn to a
 rounded smoothness.
    Sharmuth's tape continued like that.  Nothing but images of lush, peaceful,
 sleepy land.    The entire  tape contained  only that  continuous dream.    No
 people, no animals, no living creatures.   Only plants, trees, fields,  hills,
 valleys...  All of them suggesting peace.
    He inserted  Maryann's tape  after shaking himself  back into  awareness of
 where he was.  He played back her tape and then made notations in his notebook
 for  his  next  meeting  with Maryann.    His  notations  concerning  Sharmuth
 contained one word.   Peace.   He could  not possibly forget the feeling which
 that dream had inspired.
    It is Wednesday.  Maryann has just arrived for her afternoon appointment.
    "Good afternoon,  Maryann." welcomed Doctor James.    For,  indeed it was a
 good afternoon  as afternoons go.    It was warm and  sunny with only  a stray
 cloud or two in the sky.
    "Good afternoon, Doctor." answered Maryann.
    After a moment's pause Doctor James said,  "I took a long look at the dream
 which we recorded the other day.  Though I have never seen anything quite like
 your dream,  it did remind me about something which I had read quite some time
 ago.  I have never seen a regeneration unit or had one described so well until
 now.  I spoke with the people at the regeneration clinic and they told me that
 your  dream described  perfectly the  surroundings of  one who  is inside  the
 regeneration unit during the regeneration  period.   Does this knowledge bring
 anything to your conscious mind?"
    A hesitant "No, not really." escaped Maryann's lips.
    "Most  of  the contents  of  the  dream  are  observations about  what  the
 environment you were contained  in was like.   It is not  a common nor natural
 environment and  some of the feelings  about these observations are  a little,
 ...um, fearful because the entire situation is so foreign to you.   Throughout
 the whole dream,  there is really nothing to be fearful of.   Even the part of
 the  dream which  caused you  to wake  up  screaming was  a perfectly  routine
 occurrence.   The only reason  you don't see it as routine  is because you are
 not at all aware of how the regeneration process works, are you?"
    "No, Doctor, I am not at all familiar with it.   I have avoided anything to
 do with  the regeneration process  ever since  the nightmares started  and the
 therapy did not work."
    "Well, Maryann, the part of the dream where you wake up screaming is when a
 needle is inserted into  the membranous sack in which you  are enclosed.   The 
 needle administers nutrients  and medicines peculiar to  each individual which
 are necessary while the patient is undergoing regeneration.
    "The people at the  regeneration clinic also mentioned to me  that very few
 people  outside  of  the medicine  world  have  any  idea  at all  of  what  a
 regeneration facility  is like,  especially  from a patient's  viewpoint since
 patients are always asleep while they are being treated.  My guess is that you
 were  partially  aware  of  your  environment   at  either  the  conscious  or
 subconscious  level and  that awareness  is  what is  causing that  particular
 dream.   I am sure that,  knowing the dream for what it is,  when you view the
 dream,  it  will trigger your subconscious  into accepting the  experience for
 what it is rather than looking at it  as being something to fear because it is
 unknown.  Do you feel you are ready to view the tape of the dream?"
    "Yes,  Doctor,   I think  so.   It  certainly sounds  like a  very ordinary
 procedure the way you describe it.   I  feel so silly about being terrified of 
 something so ordinary."
    "There's no need for you to feel that  way.   You were scared of it because
 it was an unknown.   Now it is no longer an unknown and only now has it become
 something 'ordinary'.   Until just this moment it was not something 'ordinary' 
 to you."
    Doctor James  rises from  his chair and  motions for  Maryann to  join him.
 They move over to the playback apparatus  and Doctor James inserts the tape of
 Maryann's last  session while settling Maryann  into the apparatus so  she can
 experience the playback of her dream. 
    During the tape Maryann emits small exclamations and short bursts of barely
 intelligible sentences  which indicate a  conscious realization of  her dream.
 Doctor James sat close by, ready to stop the tape should something on the tape
 affect Maryann in an adverse way.
    "Wow!  That is really something, Doctor."
    "I was hoping that viewing the dream would affect you this way, Maryann.  I
 hoped that with a conscious foreknowledge of what you were going to see in the
 dream that  you would benefit  from that viewing.   Since  I have had  no case
 quite like yours, I could not be totally certain." 
    "I remember that  whole experience now,  Doctor."   Maryann almost breathed
 her sentences rather than speaking them  now.   "I was sufficiently drugged so
 that I felt no pain and I could not  move while I was inside of that membrane,
 but my mind was aware during portions of my stay in the regeneration tank.   I 
 can remember  beyond the  insertion of the  needle now  and the  needle wasn't 
 really a needle as  we think of one because it  didn't penetrate the membrane,
 but the mouth widened as it encountered the  membrane and it covered a part of
 the  membrane which  absorbed the  nutrients  and medicines  which the  needle
 contained.  I feel awfully silly about being so terrified of THAT!"
    "Don't feel silly.   People are often terrified  of some of the most common
 things in  our lives without  any solid reason.   You  are at least  no longer
 terrified of this now that it is  a known rather than unknown quantity.   Many 
 people are still terrified  of things even when they know  that they shouldn't
    "Well,  Doctor,   I'm glad  they sent  me to  you.   We're  making progress
    "Yes, my dear, we are.  We will have to continue to make progress on Friday
 though.  We have run a little over for this afternoon.   Try to write down any
 dreams you  may have  between now  and Friday.    You shouldn't  be waking  up
 screaming from this dream again,  but there  are still dreams which you may be
 having that are related to your accident rather than to your experience in the
 regeneration facilities that may also be very pertinent to your recovery."
    "I shall try, Doctor.  I really want to get this over with so that I can be
 healthy and whole again!"
    "We will get you there,  Maryann.   As soon as possible.   Don't expect too
 much too soon though.   We've had a  major success right here at the beginning
 and hopefully things will continue this way,  but they may not.   So,  I don't
 want you to get your hopes too high,  but I also want you to be positive about
 this.  Ok?"
    "Yes, Doctor.  I understand,"  Maryann demurred.
    The newspaper headlines today read "BEGGAR FOUND STRANGLED."
          Walking the streets, alone
          Late at night when the streets
          Are asleep, they awaken long enough
          To allow one to enter and
          Glimpse the inner workings of
          A city at rest.  Dead silence 
          Greets this penetration; violation
          Of a sleeping city cannot go
          Unnoticed.  Shattering the stillness,
          Screaming sirens echo their pleasure
          From twin towers to flowering gardens. 
          Sirens approach, surrounding the 
          Intruders and removing them
          Before they can breed trouble and
          Effect radical changes in the city.
          Silent screams awaken the city.
          Silent screams fall on deaf ears. 
          Silent screams distinguish realities. 
          Silent screams typify dreams.
    I cannot let myself get caught.  There is too much at stake.  These insane,
 unjust humans have no right to exist.   I  must stop them.   If I do not,  the
 world will become an  unimaginable place to live.   And there  is only one way
 possible to keep that from occurring! 
    The buzzer of the intercom sounded.    Doctor James pressed the talk button
 and said, "Yes, Jan?"
    "Mr. Sharmuth is here," answered Jan.
    "Thank you.  Send him in."
    "For  someone who  is suffering  as much  inner  turmoil over  the lack  of
 knowledge  you  have  about  your  blackout   periods,   this  dream  tape  is
 surprisingly peaceful and calm.   The dream  contains only images of peaceful,
 natural scenes.   There are no thoughts  or feelings imposed upon these images
 except for an almost overwhelming feeling of peace."
    "Doctor,  I have never  been a very peaceful man.   I  need controversy and
 competition.  They are as much a part of me as my heart and head.   I would go
 crazy in a place such as you have just described."
    "Let's give you  a look at the tape.    See if replaying the  dream for you
 will  spark any  conscious or  subconscious memories.    With your  reputation 
 preceding you,  I was very surprised when I  saw this dream.   It does not fit
 your image at all.
    "Come sit  over here."   Doctor James held  out the chair  in front  of the 
 playback equipment for Mr. Sharmuth.
    Doctor James started the tape after getting Sharmuth set.   He sat close by
 while the tape replayed the dream.  When it finished, Doctor James rewound the 
 tape and switched the playback machine off.
    "What an  eerie feeling,  Doctor.   That  tape certainly doesn't  spark any
 memories,  conscious or  subconscious.   But it does give me  an awfully eerie
 feeling.   I do not  feel at all comfortable thinking about  a place or places
 such as the ones 'described' on that tape.  I am just not that type of man.
    "I had another blackout last night,  Doctor.    I really would like to find
 out why  these blackouts  keep occurring.   While  experiencing this  dream of 
 peace,  I'm wondering whether  I'm losing my sanity.   I can  feel my grasp on
 reality beginning to slide."
    "You have no recollection of anything during your blackout periods?"
    "And the odd places you sometimes  find yourself regaining consciousness in
 don't help to jog your memory at all?"
    "No,  I  can recall  absolutely nothing when  I regain  consciousness.   No
 matter how strange I find it that I am  in a place that I have no recollection
 of coming to."
    "There's got to be something,  some little piece of information hidden away
 somewhere in your  memory that can give  us something solid to  grasp.   If we
 just had one small clue to give us a start.
    "Shall we give the dream monitor another shot?"
    "You're the doctor..." 
    The tape created during  this session was pretty much the  same as the last
 one.  It contained similar images of the countryside and nature's beauty.
    And that overwhelming feeling of peace...
    Doctor James  left the  office after  mulling over  Sharmuth's problem  and
 Sharmuth's dream for a short while.   "Perhaps  if I sleep on it," he thought,
 "something will come to me."
    Off to the left were blurred colors of green, brown,  and grey.   These are
 the  appearances  of any  sort  of  solid object  when  one  is in  a  vehicle
 travelling at 190 miles per hour.   Solid  objects at the edge of one's vision
 tend to  become a blur  of insubstantial matter.    One might assume  that the
 green is grass, that the brown is dirt, and that the grey is rock.  All solid,
 tangible, everyday items.
    Along this particular thoroughfare were many  other vehicles,  most of them
 travelling  at substantially  lesser speeds.    In passing  the slower  moving 
 vehicles,  they also became part of the  grey blur,  melding in with the rock.
 The sky ahead was beginning to dim.   The greens, browns, and greys now melded
 into just one dark color.
    Out of the darkness  rose a shape.   Before it could  be seen clearly there
 was a thump.  Actually, it was more like the sound of an explosion.
    Everything became red...
    Maryann awoke screaming again.  Her heart was beating in her throat and her
 whole body was shaking again.  She was left gasping for breath.
    Doctor James turned off the monitor and  then placed his hands on Maryann's
 shoulders in an attempt  to calm her trembling.   After a  few minutes she was
 breathing normally again and only her arms had refused to stop trembling.
    "Do you remember anything this time, Maryann?"
    "All I remember is a lot of red."
    "Well,  I think that is progress in itself.   I mean this time you at least
 have a small recollection of the dream  rather than none.   Does the color red 
 remind you of anything?   How do you feel about the color red?   Why would you
 remember only the color red after waking up screaming?"
    "I don't think about the color red  overly much during the normal course of
 a day, but thinking about it now does make me feel a little ill at ease." 
    "That could be  a little bit of an  after effect of the dream  and the fact
 that you do remember only the color red from that dream.  The dream caused you
 to wake up screaming  and the only thing you remember is  the color red.   I'd
 say there's  a pretty good chance  that the color red  has an awful lot  to do
 with you waking up screaming.   You're also still trembling a bit.   The after
 effects of the dream have not totally subsided."
    "You have a  very good point,  Doctor.    Were I not still  shaken from the
 dream I might  have been able to reason that  far.   I do tend to  be a little
 light headed after a I wake up screaming."
    "Well,  Maryann.   You just sit and relax for a few minutes so that you can
 recover from this  dream and stop your  trembling.   I'll take a  look at this
 tape tonight and we can talk about it  and the color red more during your next
    "Try to concentrate  on the color red from  time to time over  the next few
 days and see if you can stimulate your  memory into giving you more of an idea
 why the color red is something that would make you wake up screaming."
    "I will try, Doctor."
                        Michael Murphy  <MURPH @ MAINE>
                     (To Be Concluded in next FSFNET issue)
1            +-+  +-+  +-+
             +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME ONE                  NUMBER EIGHT
             |           |    ==========================================
             +___________+     FFFFF   SSS   FFFFF  N   N  EEEEE  TTTTT
              |      ++ |      F      S      F      NN  N  E        T
              |      ++ |      FFF     SSS   FFF    N N N  EEE      T
              |         |      F          S  F      N  NN  E        T
              |_________|      F       SSS   F      N   N  EEEEE    T
             /___________\    ==========================================
             |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine
          ___|___________|___ X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <NMCS025@MAINE>
             Editorial                            Orny
             Narret Chronicles 7                  Mari A. Paulson
             Dream Weaver - Conclusion            Michael Murphy
    Hello, again!   Well, after all the requests to get the next issue out this
 week,  I guess I  really ought to.   This will be the last  issue of Volume 1; 
 Volume 2 will begin June 1.   A reminder  for those of you whose accounts will
 be purged this month: PLEASE send a mail file notifying me of this fact.   And
 good luck on your finals, everybody!!! ;^)
    It recently has come to my attention  that FSFNET is available from servers
 all   over  the   globe,   namely   CANSERVE@CANADA01,   SERVER@TAMCBA,    and
 VMBBOARD@WEIZMANN.   I  would encourage people who  want back issues  to check
 these servers, and NOT to request FSFNets to be sent during weekdays and other
 peak load times.
    After  this  issue  (and  the conclusion  of  Murph's  lengthy  and  worthy
 submission), FSFNet will return to its previous format, including the featured
 author column.   Narret will also continue  to it's illogical beginning.   For
 those of you  who will be here this  summer,  stay tuned for  the beginning of
 Volume 2 June first.   For those who will not be here this summer, remember to
 get in touch again in the fall for Volume 3!
    At the end of this first volume,  I  would like to thank you all for making
 this project successful,  particularly those who  took part in the survey and,
 of course, the contributors,  without whom there would be no zine.   Thank you
 all, and onward into the future!
                            Orny  <NMCS025 @ MAINE>
                             The Narret Chronicles
                                Book the Seventh
    Samo strained for  a second,  regaining his composure and  letting his eyes
 adjust to the cold, bright blackness of the counter-universe.  He reached down
 to the guidance computer and entered the triaxial coordinates of a dim-yellow,
 class G star that was situated in a star field that appeared to Samo to be the 
 reverse of Cyri.  The star he sought was situated not even halfway there, but,
 as he could recall  quite vividly,  it seemed to appear  pleasantly as a shiny
 point of light gleaming on Cyri's daser.
    Concentrating on the  distant star,   Samo kept it  centered on  the light-
 sensitive directional guiding system developed by  Cpl.  Stado for guiding his
 white-whole  telescopes in  long exposure  photographs.   next  he locked  the 
 controls of the craft on auto, and sat back to review some notes.
    "Catabilizer--deload Bio-effect future tape. File off and derun to finish."
    "<<<Deloading Bio-effect file number 9000--don't wait>>>"
    "<<<Derunning with massive errors, wraping down to finish>>>" 
    Samo saw  an image of  himself,  some 300  Losar cycles previous  his voice
 recording the exercises his  figure was running through.   At the  time of his 
 first voyage, he was younger and more ambitious,  and he regarded his youthful
 figure with  benign indignation.   Still,   the record  he had created  of his
 atomic transformations during his last journey did have scientific value,  and
 although they were slightly immature, or so it seemed to Samo,  he was glad he 
 had recorded  them for posterity.    It was helpful for  him to recall  how he
 felt, becoming physical for the first time.   It gave him something to compare
 his present sensations to. 
    "Anti-trivia is  so much more  restricting than  trivia." Samo had  said to
 himself,  well actually to the ships  analog computer during the first voyage.
 He was glad it all felt the same the second time around.
    "Catabilizer start future Bio-effect tape." He had seen enough.   Enough at
 least to  know that he  was feeling normal.    Normal for a  Narretan suddenly
 placed in the counter-universe, that is.
    "Catabilizer deload Future analog tape file and derun from ending with last
 approach to planet Earth."
    "<<<Deloading Future analog tape--don't wait>>>"
    "<<<Derunning  Future analog  tape with  massive  errors--wrapping down  to
 ending with approach to Terran Planet number 3>>>"
    Samo saw the dim reflection of starlight from a small, cold,  planet with a
 smaller, solitary satellite.  He adjusted his orbit for a flyby.
    "Cozy",  Samo said  to himself as he skirted by  Pluto's cratered,  gasless
 surface.  "So much for  their ninth planet...on to the eighth,"  he said as he
 re-adjusted the orbit for Neptune.   "Might as well check out what I've got to
 work with in raw materials..."
    "Ah this is more  like it!" He said as he entered  the green atmosphere and
 flew under the ring, perpendicular to the planet's horizontal axis. "Sulphuric
 acid, Carbon dioxide, methane,  hydrogen,  and traces of oxygen." He said into
 the microphone of his analog computer.
    As  he flew  by  Uranus,  he  became  disappointed at  the  state of  human
 technological advancement.   "The humans  have not established  a base  on the 
 seventh planet of this solar system yet." He recorded.
    At Saturn,  he could not stop himself from making a few measurements of the
 ring and studying its chemical composition and the elements in the atmosphere.
 He wanted to  compare the sizes of the  counter planets with the  sizes of the 
 home planets to see if there  was a measurable difference between anti-trivial
 and trivial mass.
    Samo was  monitoring the  pre-nuclear signals  from Earth  as he  flew from
 planet to planet, and the signals seemed to be decreasing,  so he adjusted his
 course  for Jupiter  and began  contemplating  his coming  encounter with  the
 humans.   How  primitive were they?   How could  he best communicate  with the
 masses?   Most importantly how could he explain who he was without being taken
 for a mad man...
    He decided he'd  have to give it his  best shot with a  few special effects
 when he got there.
    Jupiter.   Samo  flew inside the  ring and ran  a spectral analysis  on its
 composition.   He entered the data into  the analog computer for conversion to
 darktron spectral analysis,  and flew into the cloud bands.   He took her down 
 beneath the  cloud layer and  was again disappointed  that the humans  had not
 even progressed as far as the fifth planet. 
    "Fifth planet uninhabited," Samo recorded, "entering asteroid belt."
    As Samo skirted  Mars he was again  unsurprised by the lack  of habitation.
 "These humans are non-colonial and primitive,   at a level approximately equal
 to Amrif's pre-sramian period."
    "Approaching Earth  orbit at an inclination  of 45 degrees to  the planet's
 equator.   Receiving  two strong  signals from  different continental  masses.
 Both northern hemisphere, opposite sides of the planet." He recorded.
    "Time to let them know I'm here..."
                                Mari A. Paulson
                                  Dream Weaver
                      Copyright (c) 1984 Michael A. Murphy
                     (Conclusion of story begun in Vol1N07)
    Sharmuth's afternoon session  went like the others had.    No real progress
 was made.   After studying the tape of  today's dream,  Doctor James felt like
 they were  going nowhere  fast.   It was  quite a  different feeling  from the
 elation he felt  about Maryann's rapid progress.   The difference  in rates of
 progress had him  a little confused.   Normally,   he would have been  able to
 retain a professional attitude if he had had  just one of the two cases at any
 given time.  Rapid rates of progress are not unusual.   Neither are cases that
 have no  progress.   The fact  he had one  of each at  the same time  was what
 perplexed Doctor James.   It  just did not seem right that  he could have such
 amazing success with one patient and have absolute zero success with another.
    "You're looking much better today, Maryann."
    "Thank you,  Doctor.   I really feel quite a bit better.   My therapist ran 
 some tests this morning and he said that  there had been an improvement in the
 muscle tissue of my arm.  He was rather excited about it after all these weeks
 of absolutely no change.   I am quite thrilled about it myself!   I now have a
 positive reinforcement  so that I  can keep hoping that  I will once  again be
 able to use every part of my body.    I haven't ever given up hope,  but there
 were times  when all  the tests  and efforts  of others  and myself  seemed so
 futile.  I think that, more than any other reason, is why I look better today.
 I just feel so much better on the inside that I can't contain it all and it is
 spreading to my outside."
    "I'm certainly glad  that you are feeling so much  better about everything,
 Maryann.   I don't want to bring you down, but I do hope that you can continue
 to feel this way even if we don't make any more progress over the next week or
 even the  next month.   Progress  can sustain  a positive attitude  with ease.
 It's keeping your positive attitude when things are not going your way that is
 the biggest step towards progress."
    "I don't think I can ever feel badly about my situation again,  Doctor.   I
 have been  through the  futility of  feeling sorry  for myself  and now  I can
 accept myself the way I am if I do not respond any further to treatment.  I've
 been happy before  and I have been sad.    I have never been  anywhere near as
 happy as I was  when my therapist told me that there  had been an improvement, 
 however small  it might have  been.   Even if I  never have another  change in
 condition  I still  know  that hope  is  not futile  and  that improvement  is
 possible because it happened once.   Until now,  no one thought that I had any
 real hope of ever regaining use of my limbs because I had not responded at all
 over the course of a month where full rehabilitation takes less than half that
 time.   Now I have a solid basis for the hope that was only in my mind before.
 Now I  know that  that hope  is not a  futile hope.    Since my  condition did
 improve once,  I  know that it can happen  again.   I am betting  that it will
 continue to improve.  If it doesn't, well, I still have hope."
    "That's one heck of an attitude.   I wish I could get all of my patients to
 think that way.   Too  many people these days are trying  to get everything in
 large chunks.   They want immediate and large scale results in everything they
 do.   They  won't settle for consistent  progress or improvement.    They want
 everything now.   If they don't get it, they put the blame on someone else and
 try something else.   The people in this world would do well to lose something
 that they  take for granted and  be told that  they could never have  it back.
 And slowly, very slowly,  they would regain the use of that thing.   Then they
 might come to appreciate some of the things we all take for granted.
    "Let's get back to  the case at hand,  my dear.   We  have progress to make 
 with you."
    "I'm all for progress, Doctor."
    "Were you able to remember anything else  by concentrating on the color red 
 over the past few days?"
    "No,  not really.   I  did dream about the color red  one night though.   I
 haven't woken up at night because of a  dream since last week.   I think being
 aware of the other dream and that the color red plays an important part in the
 last dream kept me from becoming terrified  at night recently.   I do remember
 other colors  from when I  was dreaming about the  color red.   They  were all
 blurs though and I don't know what they were other than blurs of color.   They
 all just kind of blended together.  They were all earth colors.   Grey, brown,
 green.   I  get a very ominous  feeling when I  think of those colors  and red
 still makes me feel uneasy."
    "After viewing your dream  it is quite easy to see why  the color red would
 make you wake up screaming and also cause you to feel a little uneasy.
    "Tell me...   Do you  remember anything at all about the  accident that put
 you in the situation that you're in  now?   Do you remember where it occurred?
 Or who was in the  vehicle with you?   Or where you were going  at the time it
 occurred?  Anything?"
    "Nothing.  I know that my family was killed only because I was told after I
 had been conscious for a few days and had asked about them.   I don't remember
 anything about what we did that day or why I was with them that day.   I know,
 again because I was told, where the accident occurred.
    "The toughest thing to  deal with was the fact that  my parents and brother
 had  been killed  and I  didn't even  remember being  with them  prior to  the
 accident.   I can understand my not being  able to remember anything about the
 accident,   but why  has my  mind blocked  out the  events leading  up to  the
 accident?  Why?"
    "I think it is time for you to view  your last dream.   I was going to wait
 for a couple of  sessions so we could discuss your  accident thoroughly enough
 so that you wouldn't be taken totally by  surprise by the dream.   I think you
 know enough  via hearsay,  you're  also beginning  to remember fringes  of the 
 circumstances surrounding the accident,  to view the dream and have it help us
 rather than set us back.
    "So let's get over to the machinery and give it a go."
    "Lead the way, Doctor."
    As the tape ended Maryann sighed lightly  and slumped wearily in her chair.
 "I am beginning to remember even more now, Doctor." 
    "Good.   You didn't display  any violent reaction to what was  on the tape.
 That is good.  I had feared that you might, upon 'seeing' the accident for the
 first time," actually the second, he thought, "have an adverse reaction to it. 
 I'm glad to see that my fears were unfounded."
    "I remember the accident now.   I still don't remember where we had been or
 where we were going,  but I do remember the part of our trip just prior to the
 accident.   I also remember the accident itself and being thrown just a bit to
 the side of  where my parents and  brother were thrown.   We  were all wearing
 harnesses,  but I guess the force of the impact just severed the harnesses and
 threw us all out.   The  only reason I am alive now is because  I was thrown a
 few feet in another direction than the rest of my family.  The red in my dream 
 that kept waking me up is the red of the blood.   My blood and the blood of my
 family.   This was a very short memory,  the color red.   I guess I passed out
 very shortly after noticing all the blood.    That is all I remember until the
 dreams of the regen tanks.
    "You're amazing,  Doctor.   You done in a  very short time what no one else
 believed could be done.  I think we've discovered the major reasons why I keep 
 waking up and  I also think that now  I will begin to  improve physically even
 more rapidly.  It's so wonderful to have a memory again.  Even if the memories
 that have been uncovered  are not exactly pleasant,  it is  still nice to have
 them and know about them rather than be scared silly by them in ignorance.   I 
 would like to  figure out what we were  doing all together and why  we were in 
 such a hurry on the day of the accident."
    "We'll continue to work on that, Maryann.   I do want to keep an eye on you
 for a while even though you feel so positive about your recovery now.  We want
 to keep  things under  control and  I'd like to  see you  recover all  of your
 memory that was lost because of the accident."
    "Yes,  Doctor.   I'll see you in a couple  of days.   Maybe by then I'll be
 walking again!" Maryann exulted.
    The  newspaper  headlines today  read  "FIRST  CLUE IN  MANCHESTER  MURDERS
 UNEARTHED."   The  article  went  on  to say  that  another  murder  had  been
 committed.   All the murders had occurred  within a half mile radius.   Though
 the  area has  been heavily  patrolled of  late,  another  dead body  appeared
 nonetheless.  But this time a man was seen moving away from the spot where the
 murder occurred.
    "Doctor,  I am  becoming a nervous wreck.    I have had two  more blackouts
 since the other day  and who knows what I've done while  I've been asleep.   I
 can't continue like this.   I've got to get  to the bottom of this before I go
 absolutely crazy and do something foolish."
    "Mr. Sharmuth, you have to admit that it is very difficult to make progress
 with something when you have no point at which to begin.   We have no clues to
 aid us in beginning to find out why you are blacking out.   We know that it is
 not a  physical problem.    All of the  tests by the  physicians have  come up
 negative.   That leaves  us with the assumption  that if it is  not a physical
 problem that is causing you to black out, then it must be a mental one.  Until
 we find that one  little clue to use as a springboard,  we  will not be making
 rapid progress.   Believe  me,  I'd like to  see progress just as  much as you
 would.   But we  must keep searching your  mind to find that  one little clue,
 that one minor inconsistency.  It could be anything.   We just have to be very
 alert and careful so  that we don't overlook anything.   In  so doing there is
 virtually no way we can move rapidly.  Should we move rapidly, we stand a very 
 good chance of overlooking that which we are looking for, whatever it may be."
    "I understand,  Doctor,  but I still don't have to like it and I still want
 quick results.   I'm used  to getting things done quickly and  it is extremely
 difficult to be patient through all of this."
    "Let us go over and give the dream  monitor another try.   This time I want
 you to concentrate on blacking out for a few minutes before you go to sleep." 
    "Ok.  I'll give it a try," Sharmuth sighed heavily.
    Doctor James pulled  the tape out of  the monitor after Sharmuth  had woken
 up.   He set the tape on his desk, walked back over to the monitor, and helped
 Sharmuth out of the equipment.
    "Do you recall  anything about this dream?   Did  concentrating on blacking
 out do  anything -  make you feel  anything different  - remember  anything at
    "Still nothing, Doctor.  I don't understand it at all."
    "Try to concentrate on  your blackouts over the next couple  of days.   Try
 and stimulate  the subconscious  so that  some of  it's thoughts  and memories
 might become conscious.  I'll take a look at this tape in a while.  Let's hope
 there is something different on it.  Something that can give us a direction to
 aim in, a starting point."
    "Ok, Doctor.  I'll see you in a couple of days."
    Sharmuth's recently  made tape  was very much  the same  as the  other two.
 There was nothing on the tape that could  be used as a starting point to delve
 further for clues.    "It's time to adopt Maryann's positive  attitude and not
 feel that everything we're doing is totally futile," James thought.
    Time seemed to jump ahead for Doctor James.   There had been no progress at
 all in Sharmuth's case.   It  was becoming increasingly bewildering.   Maryann
 had continued to improve steadily,  but not as rapidly as at first.   This was
 to be expected.  The rapid pace of the beginning of her treatment was just too
 much to expect it to continue.   With her case doing so well, he had more time
 to spend on Sharmuth's case.
    Sharmuth's case was  one instance where a positive outlook  had not helped.
 So far.   There had to be something.   It  was only a matter of time before he
 stumbled upon it by just moving about blindly.
    Doctor James arrived in is office earlier than usual one morning.  He had a
 full calendar of appointments in the afternoon but had nothing in the morning.
 He had planned to  look over the last few tapes of  Sharmuth's dreams.  He had
 hoped to find something, anything, that might help.
    In the course of walking across the room  to where he stored his tapes,  he
 noticed that  the monitor had been  left on and a  tape was just coming  to an
 end.  The record switch was on.
    James checked over  his tapes quickly and  determined that this tape  was a
 new tape and not one of the ones he had used just recently.  He watched as the
 tape got closer to the end.   The record  switch finally shut off and the tape
 was forwarded to the end and then the  monitor shut off.   James took the tape
 out and went over to his playback equipment.  He wanted to find out what could
 possibly be on  this tape.   How did it  get into the monitor and  how did the
 monitor get  started up?   What  was it  recording,  if anything?    How could
 anything be recorded when there was no one connected to the input gear?
    He loaded the tape and began to view it.
    I am being followed.   Why am I being followed?   I'll have to do something
 about this.  I haven't done anything and he certainly doesn't look at all like 
 a cop.  I'm almost home.  I don't want him to follow me home.   Who knows what
 he may  do.   He's  probably one of  those types who  doesn't deserve  to live
 anyway.   The world will  be much better off without him  roaming the streets.
 There are too many  of those about these days.   How can they  be so cruel and
 inhumane?  They don't deserve to live.  This one will not continue to live.
    I rounded a corner  and waited.   I looked quickly to  make sure that there
 was no one  else around.   Even in this  city,  it can be rather  quiet in the
 early morning hours.  There was no one about.
    He rounded the corner  and hurried his pace because he'd  lost sight of me.
 I came from behind him and stabbed him.  He died immediately.   He didn't even
 have a chance to emit a sound from the  pain.   I cleaned the knife off on his
 clothes and then walked down the street  as if nothing had happened.   Another
 dead body in this city will not make any difference at all.
    There was  a quick  image of  beautiful,  peaceful  countryside and  then a
 raucous, rowdy scene began.
    It was a bar.   A couple of fights  had broken out and the bouncers were in
 the process of breaking  the fight (and a lot of  the furniture)  up.   bodies
 were being tossed out into the street left and right.   Finally,  I became one
 of those bodies.   I gracefully picked  myself up,  shouted obscenities at the 
 bouncers, and started walking away.  I didn't think of where I was going until
 I got a few blocks away.  I made a turn and headed for home.  After a few more
 blocks I saw a shadowy figure emerge from a doorway and step into my path.
    He had a weapon and demanded my wallet.    Not being one who is into death,
 especially my own,  I slowly reached for  my wallet.   A sharp sound came from
 close by and distracted  my mugger for a second.   I hit  his hand and knocked
 the gun loose.  I was closer to it and made a grab for it.  I was quicker than
 he and now had the gun.  This world has no use for this mugger anymore.  He is
 another one of the sort that does not deserve to live.  Now he didn't.
    There were people within hearing range,   but not within sight.   I quickly
 removed myself from the scene and then joined the small mob as they approached
 the dead mugger.  It was very easy to do in the confusion.  The police arrived
 after a short wait,  asked some questions,  and then sent us all home.   There
 were no eye witnesses.  Everyone heard the shot.   Everything and everyone had 
 disappeared by the time anyone arrived on the scene.   I still don't know what 
 happened to the gun.
    The world is better off now.   One more person,  who didn't deserve to live
 anyway, was gone.   How can they exist this way.   The more I see,  the more I 
 confirm the fact they do not deserve to live.
    Peace.  That overwhelming feeling again.   Even in minute quantities it was
    What am I doing  in this part of town?   The types  of people that frequent
 this part of town are the sort that I  would never consort with.   So why am I
 here?    I  do  look rather  out  of  place.    In  this den  of  poverty  and
 uncleanliness, I have no business.  Certainly no legitimate business.   Why am
 I here?  These people don't deserve to live this way.  Most of them don't even
 deserve to live.
    A man approaches.    He is a little  drawn and thin,  but  definitely able-
 bodied.   One can see the strength that could  be his through the holes in the
 rags that the denizens of this demesne  call clothes.   As he gets even closer 
 the stench becomes rather evident.  "Can you spare a dollar, mister?"
    No dollar.   I did talk him into coming home with me to see what life could
 be like.   I  was planning on berating him  for not doing an  honest days work
 when it  was quite  obvious that  he was a  very able-bodied  man even  in his
 emaciated condition.   All  he needed was the  will to do a  little hard work.
 Physical labor.   Why hadn't he been working?    He had obviously been in dire
 straits for some time,   as his condition was not good  at all.   He certainly
 could have found work if he'd been willing  to go looking.   We were almost to
 my place  when I decided that  I did not want  anyone coming home with  me who
 could  not perform  an  honest day's  work  when he  was  certainly more  than
 capable.   People like that do not deserve to live.   And I wouldn't call what
 he was doing back in that rat infested  hole living.   The world is better off
 without him.   He is certainly much better  off.   I don't know how I managed,
 but when  I realized where I  was,  he was  on the ground,  dead.    I must've
 strangled him for I had no weapon.  Had he not been so weakened from his style
 of life, I could never have done him in with my bare hands.  As he was though,
 there was no challenge.  He wasn't even strong enough to struggle much.  But I
 did catch him a  little off guard too.   He didn't deserve  to live.   How can
 people exist that way?
    I turned, there was someone coming this way about 4 blocks away.   I turned
 a corner and disappeared.   No one followed.   If that person kept walking, he
 surely would find the body.   No matter.    He could not possibly have seen me
 well from that distance.
    Once again,  that overwhelming feeling of  peace.   This time it lasted for
 several minutes.  There were more images of beautiful, lazy countryside.   The 
 soft green  and golden yellow suggested  a lingering and lasting  peace.   The 
 most striking  thing about the  whole image was that  there was no  life.   No
 animal life.  No human life. 
    Doctor James sat in the chair for some time thinking about what he had just
 viewed.  His respect for his dream monitor rose immensely.   He thought he had
 figured out what was happening.
    The  sequences he  had  just viewed  were happenings  that  went on  during
 Sharmuth's blackout  periods.   The machine  did pick  them up,  but  for some
 reason did not record them during the sessions with Sharmuth.   The person who
 had  done all  the killing  was Sharmuth.    There  was no  doubt about  that.
 Sharmuth did  seem to be  the ruthless type,   but he did  not seem to  be the
 killer type.    And why this  sudden hatred for  the human species.    The man
 thrived on controversy and competition.   He needed people so that he would be
 able to enjoy himself.
    Why would the machine select just one  person to screen out everything that
 went on in the subconscious mind?   I  get the distinct feeling that this tape 
 had  two separate  personalities involved  in its  making.   One  was bent  on
 killing and destruction, the other wanted only peace.  Total peace.
    Then it hit him.   Total peace.   To  achieve total peace on this world one
 would just  about have  to start  from scratch.    All life  would have  to be
    Total peace.  Overwhelming peace.
    Doctor James decided that he had to inform the authorities of what he knew.
 He would tell  them who the murderer was  and then he would  have to dismantle 
 his machine.   That was  the worst part of it.   The machine  had done so much
 good for so many people.  This one case would ruin that record for good.  What
 would life have been  like for Maryann without the machine?    She's now fully
 recovered  and such  a  beautiful  young woman  now  that  all her  parts  are
 proportional again!  It is a shame.
    The authorities would never believe his story though.  How could they?  The
 population of  the world  is being exterminated  one by  one to  achieve total
 peace?  What, this is being done by one man?  A 'machine'!?
    Well, he knew the response he was going to get.  But he'd made up his mind.
 Doctor James picked up the phone and dialed the authorities...
    Doctor James sat bolt upright in bed,   his heart beating rapidly and sweat
 running down his face.  He stared about his dark bedroom for a while before he
 was able to fall back asleep.
                        Michael Murphy  <MURPH @ MAINE>
            Michael Murphy  <MURPH @ MAINE>