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- ********* Kuwait & Iraq : After the Gulf War **********
from Workers Solidarity No 34
It's a proud day for America and, by God, we kicked the
Vietnam syndrome for once and for all" declared Bush.
"In the hours after the ceasefire north of the
Iraqi border, it was impossible to drive on the
highway without running over parts of human
bodies. I watched wild dogs feasting on Iraqi
flesh and camera crews filmed all this. But
scarcely a frame reached television viewers.
Faced with the reality they supposedly craved,
nearly all television editors decided that 'good
taste' would restrict their reports now that
government officials were no longer there to
censor them. Having therefore offered viewers
war without responsibility, television ended the
Gulf conflict by giving them war without death."
Robert Fisk, Irish Times, January 19th.
The imperialists' victory over Iraq was no surprise given
their massive technical and military capacity. What is
more interesting is the ready help given them by the
"free press". This article focuses on how the media
provided a "licence to kill" in the Gulf.
LET'S EXAMINE a few of the myths that were
floating around in February 1991. Firstly was
this a war aimed only at liberating a small
independent country from a pitiless
A Kuwaiti "exile" told Maggie O'Kane in the Irish
Times of the hardships they had endured due to the
invasion, "In my normal life I would have servants to do
everything in the house now I am ironing my own
clothes and I have only one servant". "Before the
invasion Kuwaiti citizens had the highest standard of
living in the world and enjoyed free education, health
care and social services. Sounds o.k. but only 15% of
the workforce are citizens!
The remaining 85% are "guest workers" and enjoy the
most appalling conditions. Since the war ended 300,000
of the 400,000 Palestinian guest workers have been
expelled. Only 60,000 propertied Kuwaiti males have
the vote - not that theres been an election in quite a
while. The al-Sabah ruling family returned promising
democracy and immediately began assassinating Kuwaiti
opposition figures. Kuwait was and is little more then
a rentier state. The Al-Sabahs were installed by
Britain in 1961 and still depend totally on the
This doesn't justify Iraq's expansionism. Saddam,
despite playing "the Palestinian card", was no sort of
liberator. However the rush to "save" Kuwait while
ignoring Israel's grabbings over the years shows clearly
that the West "defends small nations" only when it
suits their geo-political schemes.
Secondly, was Saddam the new Hitler? Saddam
Hussein is not a nice guy. In fact he's a pretty vicious
nationalist dictator. He was responsible for the
agonising death by (West German made) Cyanide and
mustard gas of 5,000 Kurds at Halabja. He killed
thousands of Shias during the uprisings in March and
continues to rule Iraq with an iron fist.
However, much as he might relish the thought, Saddam
was not and certainly is not in the position of Adolf
Hitler in 1939. Nazi Germany was the second most
powerful industrial nation in the world, almost totally
self-sufficient with it's own massive arms industry. Iraq
is only self-sufficient in oil (which it can't fully process),
dates and some vegetables and was almost $ 80 billion
in debt at the start of the war. Despite the hype they
were actually years away from producing nuclear
weapons and had almost no native arms technology. Up
to August Saddam relied totally on the major powers.
Thirdly Iraqi forces in Kuwait were accused of being a
gang of murderers. No war is ever "clean". In this war,
as in all others, there were horrible atrocities on both
sides. However given the balance of forces it comes as
no surprise that the coalition forces were the ones that
reaped the biggest harvest of death and destruction.
Only 137 coalition troops were killed (many by "friendly
fire") compared to at least 100,000 Iraqi troops. At
least 200,000 Iraqi civilians died in the bombing or as a
result of the starvation and disease that followed.
While the press rabbited on about Western hostages,
millions of workers from third world countries were not
allowed to leave Saudi Arabia and other countries for
the duration of the war. Only 1 in 10 Palestinians in
the West Bank (were many of the Iraqi scuds
eventually landed) had gas masks in case of chemical or
biological attack.
The Western media both "tabloid" and "quality" were
prepared to exaggerate, lie, accept rumours or just
publish any old rubbish that aided the war effort. We
were told that babies in Kuwait city had been ripped
out of incubators and left to die. Hospital officials
dismissed these as absurd - they didn't have enough
incubators to even hold the number supposedly ripped
An icerink in the city was said to hold thousands of
bodies - none were found. Up to 40,000 Kuwaitis were
alleged to be held hostage - they weren't. Airmen who
appeared in Iraqi TV were supposed to have been
beaten black and blue by the Iraqis but sustained their
injuries ejecting from their planes had high speeds.
The Iraqis couldn't, even if they wanted to, have come
close to the imperialist tallies. The Iraqi army of young
and mostly untrained recruits was annihilated in
Kuwait. Iraq itself was bombed back into the stone-
age. It wasn't so much a war as a turkey shoot.
Between Kuwait and Basra a fleeing and deserting
army in every conceivable vehicle was exterminated.
They were attacked by British and American tanks and
from the air with rocket and cluster bombs. Tens of
thousands were wiped out and it didn't merit a
headline in many papers. They called it "the mother of
all easy target areas".
A few journalists were revolted by what they saw.
Some did not to a lesser or greater extent take part in
the sanitised and censored coverage. They refused to
be involved in the censored military press briefings or
to be photographed in camouflage at the front "with
our boys". One British group, Media Workers Against
the War, had 800 people at their founding meeting.
They produced their own "War Report" which
contained much good factual reporting.
Breaking the consensus carried its risks which tended
to increase nearer the front. DJ Miles Patterson of
Jazz FM in London played a few mildly anti-war tracks
and was fired. Bob Fisk who tried to prevent Kuwaitis
beating up Palestinians in Kuwait city was told by an
American soldier "You have a big mouth, this is
marshall law boy. Fuck off!" All things considered he
probably got off fairly lightly.
One possible reason for the massacre between Kuwait
city and Basra could have been the rebellious feelings
of many of the fleeing conscripts. Though the West
wanted rid of Saddam it would much prefer a palace
coup within the Ba'athists then a popular uprising. It
was possibly, also, for this reason that his elite imperial
guards were left fairly intact. On the 29th of March
one of the first tanks back into Basra destroyed a
poster of Saddam. A generalised uprising soon gripped
the area.
The rising in the South was portrayed by the media as
exclusively Shia Muslim in character. However this
area of Iraq has always been strongly secular. Basra,
Nasariah and Hilah were traditional center of the Iraqi
Communist Party (effectively wiped out in the sixties).
Had the rebellion lasted longer there might have been
some appearance of socialist ideas on the agenda.
In the North according to some sources1 quoting
participants in the Kurdish uprising there may have
been up to 100 'shoras' or workers councils. These were
active in the fight against the Ba'athists. They also
came into conflict with the nationalists of the Kurdish
Front (KF) and the Stalinists of the 'March of
Communism' (RAWT) group.
The nationalist forces seem to have been extremely
unpopular in some areas. One witness said that Jalai
Talabani (who later signed a treaty with Saddam) was
not let into the town of Sulaymaniyah. Massoud
Barzani of the Kurdish Democratic Party had two body
guards killed by the people of Chamcharni.
Shoras called for self-determination, bread, work and
freedom including freedom to strike, for a "shoras
government", for womens' equality and that people
should control their own economic and political destiny.
It would appear that a revolution which began as a
nationalist one was being taken further by workers
fighting for a social revolution. According to one
activist "a large part of the shoras movement didn't
acknowledge the KF's social authority".
Of course the KF have since brokered an agreement
with Saddam which recognises his authority in return
for an autonomous region. The lessons of the Gulf
massacre and the Kurdish uprising seems to be that
nationalists have no answers. Neither Saddam, Yasser
Arafat, the KF or any bourgeois outfit have anything
to offer workers fighting imperialism in the Gulf region.
All nationalists eventually find themselves in
collaboration with the imperialists and only step out of
line to pursue their own interests (as in Saddam's case).
The working class must assert it's interests. They must
break with nationalism and boot out all the Emirs,
Sheiks, petty dictators and imperialist stooges.
Only in a revolutionary war against the imperialists
and their own rulers can the really defeat imperialism
as a force. Only through fighting for real socialism can
they take revenge for the crimes of the imperialists.
1 The Kurdish Uprising and Kurdistan's nationalist shopfront
and it's negotiations with the Ba'athist/Fascist regime"
BM Blob + BM Combustion London WC1N 3XX, and the Autumn
1991 issue of "Wildcat".