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           [[ the offical zine of circumlunar.space ]]

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- - - ------------------------------------------------------- - - -
Issue One                                                  May 2021

===========================[ PREFACE ]=============================

Back in February,      Anyone who has had     The strategy of this  
around the time of     the pleasure of        first run has been to 
the ogre incident,     perusing the many      just get it out       
Jone wondered out      phlogs and gemlogs     there. Rather than    
loud on the            here at                prematurely           
circumlunar.space      circumlunar.space      exhausting our energy 
BBS, telem, about the  will be aware of the   on determining what   
possibility of a CS    impressive diversity   it should be, or      
zine. The idea was     of interests,          pidgeonholing         
well-received by the   talents, and           ourselves into a      
rest of us sundogs,    backgrounds of the     niche or format       
and for some time,     sundogs residing       without actually      
talk of the zine       here. It will be       having produced any   
flooded telem as we    interesting to see     content, we elected   
proceeded to howl at   how these influence    to first just give it 
the moon in            the zine over time,    a go and see what we  
excitement. Amidst     but currently what     get. So for this      
this jubilee, I        the zine is and how    first issue, we have  
somehow ended up       it will be produced    what has been         
wearing the            is largely still up    endearingly termed a  
proverbial editor      in the air. It's       "topic salad." And I  
pants--for this        really just a fun      believe it has turned 
inaugural issue, at    experiment, and this   out to be quite a     
least.                 first issue is a kind  nutritious one at     
                       of pilot episode.      that.                 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Circumlunar            printable formats      have otherwise. It is 
Transmissions will be  that readers can       with profound         
distributed            easily print-and-bind  gratitude and pride   
exclusively over       for their own          for this habitat and  
Gopher and Gemini by   enjoyment offline      its inhabitants,      
whoever would like to  or to distribute       and the smolnet       
host a copy on their   locally.               ecosystem at          
own gopherhole or                             large, that I         
capsule. That is,      It has been a          present to you        
anyone can clone the   pleasure to            this first issue      
git repo of the        contribute something   of our smolzine,      
project and serve its  to this wonderful      Circumlunar           
contents from their    community of           Transmissions.        
own smolnet space.     thoughtful and                               
This kind of           creative individuals                   
"newstand" method of   whom I respect and             
distribution solves a  admire sincerely.              
lot of the logistical  During my relatively                  ~mieum
issues of where and    brief inhabitation of         April 25, 2021
how to bi-host such a  the Zaibatsu, I've            Incheon, Korea
thing in an            learnt a great many   
accessible way. In     things and have been  
addition to Gopher     inspired to create    
and Gemini editions,   and wonder about      
we intend to provide   things I would not    

======================[ TABLE OF CONTENTS ]========================

[title]                                                  [line no.]

The Circumlunar Mixtape..........................................97
by sloum

Ask Jone........................................................159
by joneworlds

Manifesto of a Granular Ideologue...............................227
by tfurrows

What's the Deal with Leap Seconds?..............................279
by solderpunk

The Hearth of the Matter........................................596
by durtal

Why I Still Game Proprietary....................................668
by wholesomedonut

===================[ THE CIRCUMLUNAR MIXTAPE ]=====================

            - - -[ sloum's covid-year playlist ]- - -

The Circumlunar Mixtape is an ongoing series for Circumlunar
Transmissions where one user per issue shares 10 tracks they have
been listening to.   .------------------------. Y'all have all 
kinds of ways to     | CT001                  | stream music, or
otherwise find and   |     __  ______  __     | listen to music, so
tracks are just      |    /. \|\.....|/  \    | listed and it is on
the reader to locate |    \__/|/_____|\__/    | them. As a court-
esy, when a weblink  |                  sloum | to streaming is
available, playlist  |    ________________    | curators may choose
to supply it.        |___/_._o________o_._\___|

These are songs I have listened to at various points throughout the
last year. Some are old some are new. It has been a weird year and
this is a kind of weird mix. I provided Bandcamp weblinks for each
track except the Charlie Parr, which is a Youtube link because I
like this song live and this is my favorite performance recording
of it and the recording doesn't appear on any of his albums.


[track name]                [artist name]              [album name]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Forward Becons Rebound     Adrianne Lenker                    Songs

Catamaran                      talons'              Songs for Boats

Possessed by the Devil       Charlie Parr                N/A (live)

Some Voices                    Pinback               Some Voices EP

Get To Know You             Tomo Nakayama                  Melonday

Just a Cloud                   Lusine                  Sensorimotor

Good Morning Captain            Slint        Spiderland(Remastered)

Step Into You                    Hum                          Inlet

Kingfisher                     Windhand     Grief's Infernal Flower    

Nue                           Nils Frahm                Wintermusik

===========================[ ASK JONE ]===========================

          Do you have a problem? Send your questions to:

                              W. asks:
          "I have a strained relationship with my sister.   
           What are some things I can do to help repair it?"

I remember my dad      feels like eating      Chunk'n'Dunk? Not     
and I went through     anymore. Although      great. And I guess    
this patch where       that stuff is          dad's thinking along  
we were both pretty    just not very          the same lines as me, 
pissed off at each     nutritious. But        because every time I  
other, not that I      because I'm mad        come by he leaves me  
remember why at        at him, I don't        another pair of snow  
this point. But        bother to bring        tires he found. But   
sharing is caring,     his favorite, the      I'm not selling tires 
right? So to keep      meatball-carrot stew   any more by then,     
things going, I'm      one. Instead, I bring  so I don't want       
still dropping off     him can after can of   them. And he knows    
cans of Chunk'n'Dunk   turkey-a-la-king. You  that, but he keeps on 
soup for him, because  ever try               getting tires anyhow. 
it's all he ever       that one from                                
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And so we go on like   of cans. And some      it I find that        
this for weeks:        falls on his head      co-incidentally the   
I come by and put      and he falls over,     big pile of snow      
like 5 more cans of    and the rest of the    tires out there has   
turkey-a-la-king on    cans come crashing     also fallen over,     
his kitchen counter,   down on him. Pretty    and it's crushed some 
and he stacks a few    bad scene. So I go     unlucky little gnome  
more snow tires        to help him up, but    who must have been    
outside his door       I slip and trip on a   milling around by     
for me. And all        can on the floor, and  there. Those things   
this stuff is piling   hit the ground hard    are so bad at staying 
higher and higher and  too. And if you've     alive, I just can't   
higher, and we're      ever fallen on a       believe it sometimes. 
gradually getting      pile of Chunk'n'Dunk                         
madder and madder at   turkey-a-la-king       Anyways, if you're    
each other. Until one  cans, you know that    looking to patch      
day I go over there    hurts pretty bad.      things up with your   
with another box of                           sister, I would say   
cans, and he starts    So we're both          maybe don't do it     
screaming and yelling  groaning on the        with canned soup,     
about how he hates     ground, and then       or snow tires. It     
turkey-a-la-king. And  there's this weird     sure didn't help us   
he gets so mad he      sound by the front     any. It just wasn't   
accidentally knocks    door. When I get       a good result for     
over the stack         out there to check     anyone, especially    
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for that gnome. Or  
if you have to      
go with soup, at                  ________________________
least stick with                 |\                      /|
the meatball-carrot              | \     joneworlds     / |
one. It's actually               |  \        @         /  |
not bad.                         |   \   mailbox.org  /   |
                                 |    \______________/    |
Thanks for writing               |      /         \       |
in. I hope that                  |     /           \      |
helps.                           |____/_____________\_____|  

================[ MANIFESTO OF A GRANULAR IDEOLOGUE ]==============
                            by tfurrows

     - - -[ Passing Thoughts of an Impractical Idealist ]- - -

Our ancestors stood on Permanence dammed the  This is not the        
the banks of the       river, a logjam of     manifesto to end all   
Euphrates and cast     ideas tossed in as if  manifestos. It is a    
their ideas into the   each was a consummate  message in a bottle    
inexhaustible current. standard. Life-giving  that few will find. It 
First they cast in     waters slowed,         is a loose model for   
words, ephemeral. Then intelligence waned,    dealing with the       
they learned           the elastic mind       mountainous dam of     
permanence; epochs     seized and crumbled.   manifestos that stop   
brought clay tablets   The word manifesto     the flow of            
and papyrus, script    dates to the           creativity, passion,   
and type, bits and     fourteenth century,    and progress. At the   
clouds.                but the notion dates   risk of making the     
                       to our earliest        problem worse, I       
                       written conclusions.   proffer:               

  From a Message in a Bottle, Sitting Atop the Dam of Manifestos

          * Let your mind move freely, become a seeker
          * Accept that knowledge is scattered broadly
          * Find kernels of truth and germinate thoughts
          * Take something from every ideology, 
              fear nothing
          * Subscribe to that which you find value in
          * Mistrust labels, they carry unimaginable
          * Acknowledge all that came before, but accept
              the utility of your journey
          * Never believe that you have the best vision
              for the world
          * Don't try to fashion the world to your
              ideals; your ideals are cursory

          * Be a maximal minimalist, distill purity from
          * Find, purify, share, repeat
          * To conclude means to cease to grow


==============[ WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH LEAP SECONDS? ]===============
================[ A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF TIMESCALES ]=================
                          by solderpunk


Why is a second as     didn't, so you're      "why is a day as long  
long as it is, and not stuck reading this,    as it is?" - one day   
a little shorter or a  instead: a brief,      is the time it takes   
little longer?  This   incomplete, possibly   the Earth to complete  
is a seemingly simple  slightly inaccurate    a single revolution    
question which leads   overview based on my   about its axis.  And   
down a deep and        own characteristically since there are 60     
delightfully twisted   obsessive reading on   seconds in a minute,   
rabbit hole.  It's     the topic over the     60 minutes in an hour  
something that I wish  past week or so.       and 24 hours in a day, 
Neal Stephenson had                           a second is simply one 
written an epically    For most of the time   86,400th of the time   
long, inexplicably     that the concept of    it takes the Earth to  
compelling 1990s Wired the second has been    rotate once.  Or, if   
article about, in the  around, its length has you like, a second is  
spirit of his "Mother  been defined           the time it takes for  
Earth, Mother Board"   implicitly by that of  the Earth to rotate    
or "In the Kingdom of  the day.  Everybody    one 240th of a degree, 
Mao Bell".  But he     knows the answer to    out of the full 360.   
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End of story, right?   observatories tracking enough to notice       
                       the movement of        this).  In fact, the   
Well, no.  This is a   distant radio sources  Earth's rotation is    
perfectly sensible way across the sky as the  slowing down.  Very    
to define time - for   Earth rotates.  This   slowly, of course.     
some applications,     is easier than making  Every century, a       
it's the best way to   precision measurements complete rotation      
do it.  This           of the sun, but is     takes about 2          
astronomically         still measuring the    milliseconds longer    