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9/11/92 ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ( ~~~~~SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN!!SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN~~~~~ ( ) ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ) ( ~~~~~ SANctuary Text Files ~~~~~ ( ) ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ) ( ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ( ) ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ) ( ~~~~~ ( Presents... By Havok Halcyon IQ Calling Cards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An activity that most phreaks and hackers will eventually come across in one form or another is carding. Phreaks in particular will often get involved in a sub-division of carding where they use things such as AT&T Calling Cards and whatnot to call where ever it is in the world their little hearts might desire. But AT&T and the other calling card makers have made it a little more difficult as time has worn on for people to exploit such cards, not impossible, but it is not as easy as it once was. But JUST when ya think that the phone companies may have finally started using their brains, finally started using that really bizarre thing you and I like to call - Common Sense, up pops a scheme that makes you wonder whether the same yutzes who run our country are the same people who run the phone companies. In this case the award for "Gee, You Sure Are A Fucking Stupid Bunch of Schmendricks" goes to Atlantic Bell for their brilliant invention, The IQ Card (Stangely enough, it is CALLED IQ, as in "We here at Atlantic Bell have an IQ of 11"). You may have heard their advertisement on the radio, "The ONLY card you need." Well, they sure got that part right. Often the hardest thing to do when playing around with calling cards is to get a valid calling card number. Well with these beauties you MAKE UP your own valid card number right over the phone when you order it. Here, lemme give you an example of what a conversation might be like when attempting to get your grubby little hands on one of these suckers. Or at least I'll give you something close to what mine was. Read the convo and I'll explain everything afterwards. ---- Sample Phone Conversation Asking for an IQ Card ---- R I N G ! ! R I N G ! ! Operator: Hello, Dumb Fucks Are Us - Atlantic Bell, can I help you? Moi: Ah, hi. I'd like to order an IQ Card. Operator: Alrighty, can I have your name? Moi: Yea, it's Dick Hertz. ---- Interlude ---- (Hey, do you know someone named Dick Hertz??? No, whose Dick Hertz? <Ha! Get it? Write that on your sign-in sheet next time you have a substitute in class and watch her shout that out over the class. "HEY, WHOSE DICK HERTZ??"> Sorry, **I** though it was funny.. Nevermind) ---- Extralude ---- Operator: Okay, can I have your address? Moi: Yea, it's 69 Or Up Her Tush Lane. That's O-R, space, U-P, space, H-E-R, space, T-U-S-H, space, L-A-N-E. Operator: City? Moi: My-Little-Mohican (What my girlfriend calls my penis) City, NJ, 66677. Operator: Okay. What is the name on the billing address? Moi: The name is Butt Hertz. Operator: And can I have your business (day) and home phone number? Moi: My home number is 908-777-6666 and my day number is the same. Operator: Okay. Now your card number is going to be made up of your ten digit phone number and a four digit pin. Would you like Bell to chose the pin for you? Moi: Nah. I'll do it, 2600. Operator: Would you like the number printed on the card? Moi: Umm. Yep, in case silly me forgets it. Operator: And how many calling cards would you like (actually, they'll probably ask you that a little sooner, but who cares)? Moi: One will be fine, thanks. Operator: Are you interested in Caller ID? Moi: Umm. Just send me some information on it. Operator: Alright then sir. You should recieve your IQ Card in about three weeks. Moi: After when will the card be active? Operator: After three working days. Moi: Yippie! Um, I mean, okay. Thanks, bye. C L I C K ---- End Conversation ---- Now first off I would recommend calling for the card from a payphone. The phone I used did not have the characteristic "9" in the number so that an operator would KNOW that I was calling from a payphone though, so it may have worked for me on a fluke. But it should work anyhow, just use a little social engineering, or you might be able to just go use a COCOT. Oh yeah, the number to call is: Atlantic Bell - 800.352.ONLY (Wow, they are clever. "The ONLY card you need." Wow, I'm so impressed.) Since it is an 800 number it REALLY doesn't matter WHERE you call from (remeber that all 800 numbers appear on your phone bill but are deleted just before it is mailed to you though). But just in case Bell records a Caller ID number, I would greatly discourage you to do it from home, unless you like fines and jail of course (and also pissing-off all the other people who read this file because they won't be able to use it anymore cause you screwed things up). Maybe your mom's office could be a possibility if it is big enough, or whatever. Just use your head; the more public the better. Second. If you are thirteen, or at least, if you SOUND like you are thirteen, please get someone else who you trust to do this. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. If a twelve year old calls a couple of times, Bell will think it a prank. A lot of times and they might start getting suspicious. Your main piece of equipment here is going to be a phone book. (By the way, while I'm thinking of it, there is no start-up fee for the card. It is free. All "you" pay for are the calls made on it.) While the name you give to have the card under could be anyone living in the household (and they don't know who lives there. They could find out, but really won't go through all the trouble), they will ask you for the name on the billing address. Basically, that is just to whom the phone bill is mailed to. Example: There is this kid who you really despise. You call Bell and ask to get a card. You give them the name, Dave Smalldick when they ask for your name (it is really his). When they ask for the billing name, you say John SmallDick because that is his father's name and HE is the one the bill is mailed to every month. John SmallDick is the name on the billing address. TRY to get that part right, for I think they check on it. It is usually a good guess that the father pays the bills, but if you know the kid has a single parent, well then you eliminate all confusion. You'll need the phonebook to check addresses and names of the people who are heads of the household. And you could probably even do without the book if you are going to do it to someone you know. If you choose a random name, the phonebook is simple and available. Soon they'll ask you if you want to pick your pin number. For God's sake say YES. But, DON'T PICK SOMETHING CUTE!! If we have about 100 kids calling up and saying they want their pin to be 2600, people might start getting suspicious. Especially if there are phreaks using this file that are all concentrated in an area, which chances are there ARE going to be. Pick a number that you WOULD probably pick as a pin if you had to. Like the first four digits of an OLD phone number. Remeber, you ARE going to have to remeber the pin, cause you WON'T be getting the card. And try not to pick the same pin everytime. It may not mean much, but why get lazy and open up yourself to getting caught. And go easy on the number of cards you order. You aren't really gonna get them, so don't be cute and say twenty. Unless you really do WANT them for some reason of course by ordering them to a vacationer's house (make sure the mail isn't being held at the post office). But they can't easily arrest you for what you have in your memory while they can for what's in your wallet. As for the length of time to use the number... The card will reach the victim in about 21 days after you ordered it, after which they can call Bell and say "Hey, I never asked for this". And in the beginning you won't be able to use the card for the first 3 days after you place the order; until the card becomes active. So you are left with 18 days. I would round down to two weeks for saftey's sake. So basically, to make it simple, 17 days after you make the initial call asking for the card, STOP using the number. Actually, that is just a recommended number. If you understood my math, figure on a good time for yourself. If you wanted to lengthen the time, have the cards sent to someone's house who you know will not be home. They won't be able to call Bell and say "I didn't order these cards" until they get back and sift through their mail. Even then they might think its just a publicity stunt by the phone company (Last year AT&T sent out like 13 million calling cards of which only about 3% were actually requested), but why take the risk. If you can, check to make sure the people in the house don't get back early. The time you have to use the card CAN BE CUT SHORT depending upon when you order it. The best time, at least in my area, is like the last day of the month. After the three working days, I can call all over and the person won't get the calls on their bill until next month. I think you can understand the dangers of starting your calling on like the 23rd of a month and continuing its use for the full 17 days? Halfway through your time, the REAL owner of the card, the victim who gets it and the phonebill in his mailbox, says "WHAT THE FUCK? 15 CALLS TO BULGARIA, AND 2 TO NAPAL?!?!?" They call the phone company while you continue using the card in ignorant bliss. The phone company may allow you to place a nice little call during which they send some cops over to the payphone you are using. And just as with beige boxing, be sure to tell your callees that they MIGHT get a call from the phone company checking up on who called them, because of course the numbers you dialed will appear on the bill so your victim can complain about unmade calls. Here is a little article I picked by The Bootlegger about how to get around this... NOW IT SEEMS LIKE SOME OF YE KNAVES HAVE BEEN CALLIN ME USIN UN-ORTHODOX TECHNIQUES OF WHICH YE OL TELE COMP ANIES TOTALLY FROWN UPON.HEE-HEE ALSO,FROM TIME TO TIME,I GET CALLS FROM TELE PERSONELL ASKIN BOUT WHO CALLED ON A PARTICULAR TIME & DATE. SEEMS LIKE I ALLWAYS FERGET & DONT KNOW ANSWERS TO THOSE QUESTIONS,BUT I DO HAVE PHUN ANTAGONIZING THOSE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO ASK STUPID QUESTIONS. ONE IN PARTICULAR WENT SOMETHING LIKE THIS. R-R-R-I-I-N-N-G-G HELLO THIS IS MS RICE FROM PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL,AND IM CALLING TO FIND OUT WHO CALLED YOU FROM THE PORTLAND AREA AT 3.29 P.M. DEC 17,1985. WELL,FIRST OF ALL I DONT KNOW AND IF I DID I WOULDNT TELL YOU ANYWAY! WHAT!SAYS YE IRATE TELCO EMPLOYEE. THAT PERSON MADE AN ILLEGAL CALL AND IF YOU DONT TELL ME WHOM IT WAS ILL HAVE THE CHARGES BILLED TO YOUR #. AH-HA THINKS YE OLE BOOTLEGGER.THIS DUMMY JUST SCREWED UP BAD.SO I ASK HER FOR HER TO IDENTIFY HERSELF AND GIVE ME HER SUPERVISORS # WHICH SHE BEGRUDGINGLY DOES THINKING I MAY GIVE YE INFO SHE DESIRES TO HER SUPV SINCE SHE JUST SCARED ME.HAR-HAR NEEDLESS TO SAY YE BOOTLEGGER KNOWS HIS LEGAL RIGHTS AND IMMEDIATELY CALLS HER SUPERVISOR. R-R-R-I-I-N-N-G-G HELLO IS THIS MS RICES SUPERVISOR AT PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL? YES IT IS. DID YOU KNOW THAT AN EMPLOYEE OF YOUR COMPANY JUST COMMITTED SEVERAL FEDERAL FELONIES? OH MY GOD SHE EXCLAIMS,PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED. AFTER EXPLAINING THE CALL TO HER AND TELLING HER THAT MS RICE COMMITTED EXTORTION AND FRAUD THREATS ON A INTERSTATE COMMUNICATION CARRIER AND ALSO BEING AN OFFICIAL REPRESEN TATIVE OF PAC NW BELL SHE HAS ALSO LEFT HER COMPANY OPEN TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CHARGES FOR THREATENING TO REVERSE CHARGES IN ORDER TO EXTORT ILLEGALLY INFORMATION FROM ME,AND I AM PLANNING ON CALLING YE OLE FCC,PUC,AND FBI TO PRESS CHARGES. PLEASE SAYS YE TELCO SUPV. ILL TALK TO MS RICE AND MAKE SURE NOTHING LIKE THIS EVER HAPPENS AGAIN. O.K.SAYS I- BUT I WANT ONE THING I WANT A SIGNED LETTER OF APOLOGY FROM MS RICE ON PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL STATIONARY. 1 DAY LATER YE BELOW LETTER ARRIVES ON PAC NW BELL STATIONARY. IN REFERENCE TO OUR CONVERSATION ON 12-18-85 REGARDING CALLS MADE TO YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER,I APOLOGIZE IF YOU FELT INCONVENIENCED OR OFFENDED.PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. SINCERELY J.L.RICE SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE STRIKE THE WAR MACHINE NUFF SAID- BOOTLEG It is good to have some excuses ready just in case you get the call like one day later in which you can't easily say, "I forgot who called me". Lord Thunder wrote an article for 2600 in which he suggested that you say you have an answering machine that doesn't hang up until the caller does, and you got a long obscene message and you'd like to know who did it too. But try to be original because SEVERAL other people have read that article too (as the telco may by now know). In general, keep the calls relatively low since only excessive billing is generally checked into, and only call people who know how to handle telco calls like the Bootlegger here. Sorry, your dear grandmother is probably out. Some final thoughts.. o You might wanna try ordering one for your house first, you aren't going to use it, but just so you know what you are going to be asked. o I really don't know if companies other than Atlantic Bell offer these services, but I think if you wanted to you could social engineer youself a card even if you don't live on the Atlantic Coast. Maybe if you said something like you are going to want a card to use once you get home from your vacation in Chicago (if that is where you are calling from). o Try to make up your own excuses when you have to, and have them prepared. This goes for all aspects of phreaking. I happen to be very good at on-the-spot lying, but some people aren't. If you use the same excuses that are in this file or any others that you have read about for that matter, remeber other people may have seen it too. In the case of what is printed in 2600, THOUSANDS of people have read that, so if you say the same thing that the companies have heard many times over, they'll get suspicious. They won't have any proof, but why cause them to have any suspicion at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: This article is intended PURELY for educational purposes. The author does not advocate illegal activity of any kind, especially something as downright discusting and putrid as phreaking. Our loyal readers are not to construe this file as implying any illegal activity on the part of ourselves, our friends, or our grandmamas. Use if this file for illegal activities will result in a firm spanking. Well that about raps up another file from SANctuary. We are always excepting new stuff and people, so if you are interested, just drop us a line or mail us if you can't call. SANctuary Distribution Sites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ripco ][ 312.528.5020 Global Intelligence Center 412.475.4969 Temple of the Dog 202.886.2283 And I can personally be reached at: High Voltage 908.231.0252 The Works 617.861.8976 as well as through the other boards.... Mailbag ~~~~~~~ SANctuary P.O. Box 286 Keansburg, NJ 07734 ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~