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::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : The Dark Council Digest : : Issue #1 Article #0 : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : Brought to you by Helium and other Dark : : Council Members. Writen just for you!! : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: So, you think you want to become a phreaker, or maybe a Hacker. Got some sort of interest in Bombs? Well, the members of the Dark Council bring you this. The Dark Council Digest; offering you some ideas, and tips on what should be done, when you are attempting to do something of a weird nature. Included in this feature, is School hacking (J.A.N.E.T), a political view of things, and another article that will just simply BLOW you away. In the Issues to come, are going to be .GIF graphics, of schematics and other wonderfull drawings, more tips, and idea... If you are interested in writing some articles for us, or becoming a Dark Council member, call the Inner Space with the number listed at the end of these articles. But.... On with the show... Article #1 -- The World Today Article #2 -- (not)Just another Network Article #3 -- Kaabooom! March 3,1991 -------------------------------------------------------------------Article #1 1991 <---> 1984 --- Is Big Brother Watching You? --- Editorial Commentary by Lithium Of the Dark Council ------------------------------------------------------------------- "The old civilizations claimed they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world, there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy -- everything." An imaginary 1984 pictured by George Orwell in his book : "Nineteen Eighty Four". ------------------------------------------------------------------- You may laugh at the future that George Orwell predicted, that of a society of tyrants, destroying humanity and keeping them under grip. Yet that is exactly what is happening to our world today. Every government in the world has the power to control, manipulate and eavesdrop on it's citizens. Every police force or secret service has the power to arrest, detain and even have you murdered, in the name of "justice". And the scary thing is, they aren't afraid to use it. Most people place censorship, extreme propaganda, and subliminal advertising as something that only happens in countries such as Iraq, Cuba, or the USSR. Yet it happens everywhere in the world, France, England, Germany, and Canada, all so called "developed" nations. And yes, the worst offender of them all is my souther neighbour, the United States of America. Unknown to them, the people of these countries live under a conspiracy, a conspiracy of politicans searching for power. A conspiracy of businessmen grabbing out of the working man's pocket. And a conspiracy to keep an empire -- built by the power of nuclear weapons and multinational corporations -- in the hands of the United States and it's capitalist allies. You may laugh at me, and deny these facts. Yet by doing so, you are only proving the extent that nationalist, greed driven propaganda has had on you. In former U.S. President Eisenhower's memoirs, he wrote : "My feeling was then, and still remains, that it would be impossible for the U.S. to maintain the military commitments which it now sustains around the world did we not possess atomic weapons and the will to use them when necessary." What this amounts to is a large American controlled empire. An empire controlled by business interests and military power. These commitements that President Eisenhower spoke are not other NATO countries or allies, they are COLONIES, colonies that dare not rebel against the iron hand of Uncle Sam. The U.S. has more than 25 of these "commitments". Commitments in which the government openly uses torture, capital punishment, propaganda, and mass executions to control there people and remain in power. One of these "colonies" was Iraq. Yes, Iraq. The U.S. supported Iraq for many years, and the only reason for doing so was it's own business commitments. Iraq shakes off U.S. chains and attacks a U.S. PUPPET MONARCHY (don't give me this bullshit about "restoring freeom to Kuwait")? Threaten to "kick butt" (George Bush). Where does the U.S. get off going against Iraq for something they have done so many times in the last twenty years? Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iran/Iraq War, and Panama. What is the difference. All made some attempt to shake off colonialist shackles, and all ended up fighting a war against a country twice their size and power. "So what?", you say, "Those people live thousands of miles away, why should I care?". The reason you should care is that it is beginning to happen in the developed world as well. ESS, government crackdowns on phreaks, hacks, cracks, and anarchists, a large tendency towards nationalism all across North America, sinking economys, growing deficits, sickening culture, biased media, lies from politicians, loss of individual pride, racism, commercialization of music, art, and drama, and a general ignorance among the populations. This is the festering wound in North American culture, and it is also the beginning of an unhealthy trend towards a cosmetic, controlled, yet efficient, world. Read the letter section of your newspaper sometime. Listen to radio talk shows. Look at the political conversations on BBSs. What do you see? A disillusioned youth, growing up ignorant of the real problems. It is time we all woke up and looked around and DID something about this world. I don't mean singing some songs and sitting around smoking dope. No people, that isn't going to bring down the most corrupt society since the "Holy" Roman Empire. What is going to bring it down is an underground united with the public. New Utopians, people who are willing to destroy, and rebuild aftewards. Rebuild from the ground up, a society with the virtues that all mankind strives for -- Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Tear down, anihilate, rebuild. Lithium ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- Article #2 - - System Hacking. An Adventure In Exploring a School.. - - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Written and experienced by Beryilium of the Dark Council - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------- All this hacking shit began when I owned one of those nice big, powerfull 1 MHz C64's in about '86.. I was into hacking games and was given hints and tips from one of the better hackers up here in Edmonton (Yes, we had them way the hell up here in the Country of the Ice Age..) Anyways, I hacked a couple games and made a couple title screens, got into assemble language then and made Basic programs unlistable unless you did a few poked here and there first... But when I got my Amiga, all that basically changed. I still wanted to hack shit and do what I like doin but I was limited - I was new to this lump 'o power.. But this doesn't really have much to do with this article yet.. CORVUS: Grade 8 was about my first (not to mention first successfull) attempt at hacking into a computer system. And since then, I found myself a new school hobby. What I hacked into way the hell back then was a system called Corvus. It is a network that hooks up all the Cripple //e's (Apple //e's) and Cripple compatibles (Laser 128's) that we had all together so we wouldn't need disks. Well, hacking into this system didn't take much brains what-so-ever.. Since I was framiliar with assembler I knew what one can do. The Cripple //e's were shit for this because when you list out memory on those paperweights they won't give you text, just the desembled code. I needed to see what the hell was in memory to figure out this network.. Laser 128's are (Im my oppinion) total worthless peices of shit, like most compatibles are.. But that were good for one thing. Displaying text along with a disassembled code in the Cripple Monitor. This was my theory on how to get into the system.. If I could get the teacher to logon to show me how to do something or something he made that is in HIS area, that I couldn't access, then I would be set. So, being the anal pumper he is, he went on the system as him, and just as I predicted he had to help some other jerk off who couldn't comprehend why you have to type RUN and not GO to make a program work. Anyways, he left his terminal, and I jumped on and entered the monitor. I searched the entire memory of the system untill I found out his logon name. It came up about 5 mins later (Cripples are so fucking SLOW!) and just about 1 K later, came up a nice word called "Antonspc". I had to assume it was the password, eventhough there were other words like random characters here and there so I just copied a bunch of that shit down and rebooted the system for him, went back to my nice terminal and booted the system up. I entered his name, and a couple of the passowrds.. Nothing.. Piss me off.. Then I entered that "Antonspc" and vola! I was in the system maintence area and I had control of the whole system. Since this guy (The computer teacher) doesn't think that anyone is capable of shit like this, he didn't think about checking our areas for added sections.. and I must say that had access to everything in my own area.. Oh well.. JANET: (Just Another NETwork) (c) University of (heh) WaTeRlOo.. Ahh, yes. This system (Especially for the Edmonton Area in most High Schools) should be quite framilar with. Not like the cheap Cripple setup, this was on real - true to life - Cast Iron IBM Pc's. These were the actual thing. You could pick up the steel keyboard, accidently (Of course!) drop it onto the desk and watch a crack develop as well as totally freaking out the teacher thinking that you are abusing the equipment (Nahhhhhh...!). And unlike the Corvus system, it was a bit more complicated and sofisticated. No assembler was gonna help me with this one. But I have my ways.. :) I got my first taste of Janet in Grade 10. To me, I was a bit amazed, but most of us are when you can finally use a real computer and quite pissing around on Cripples. I wasn't really "on" the system then, I was in Computer 10 Programming, and unlike now, it was on fucking Cripple //gs's. I didn't mind these THAT much, although they could never beat what my Amiga could do, but that again is a different story. I had a modem (1200 Baud) back then when 1200 baud was the in baud rate <gasp!> and I was currious if the school had a modem.. Of course being the nice little boy they THOUGHT I was, the computer teacher told me that there was, and it was in the IBM lab, and that I need SpEcIaL permission to go down there and use that "intricate" system of metal. Anyways, I got it and soon enough I was on the system and making attempts (Successfull ones though) of hacking into the system. Seriously, I couldn't believe how STUPID the teacher thought I was! Or how STUPID -SHE- was! I was using this cheap peice of shit program called "Enable" for my telecom use. Wwll, for the first couple days I was happy enough about being able to use the modem.. But as time goes by as it usually does, I got bored as hell with that shit and decided to hack into the system. I found a nice "Exit to DOS" command which every program hopefully has, and I was on my way.. I was out exploring the system and this is what I found out: - You have 6 drives, labeled A: B: C: D: E: F: - There were funny commands that I have never seen on an IBM before like: - Access - PSWD - Detach - KillPrt - MAJOR .BAT files containing these nice new commands. - Ran in sections called "Minidisks" - Resetting the computer, printing, and loggin in and out are RECORDED. - Teachers freak out when they see you in dos because they don't know how to do it themselves. I turned around just in time to see a really fucked up beyond belief face and a screaming voice : "How did you get in there?! What areyou doing?! Get out of there!!!" shreiked the Comp Teach, "Don't ever do this again or your outta here!" And of course my thoughts were "Fuck you, lose another vibrator up in the dark abyss? Fuck off before you get the 'ol stainless steel keyboard across the face!" But I knew I couldn't say such things like that becasue I have to play brown nose to the teacher so she will fall helplessly into my clutches (Not that I wanted to touch that afro bitch).. "Well, I pressed CTRL-C, and I ended up here. I don't know how to get out. I was trying to log on and..." "Ok, ok, just type LOGOFF." (Idiot!) "K.." So I did, and I was back into the logon screen. Heh.. I think I had her fooled.. Untill one day when I broke into a teachers file. I take it you wanna know how I did this too. Well, Fine... I dunno about computer teachers in this school, but they seem to leave the room very often, giving me a nice oppertunity to play "Search for Passwords in her desk", which I did. I found some and I felt the need.. Untill one unfortunate day I was printing something out in a teachers minidisk and I left the monitor on and was across the room. (Yup, you guessed it, she was out of the room). Anyways, she just happens to walk in and over to my computer and see a nice directory with the heqading of the minidisk I was in (You have to watch out for these). Well, she had a total cow, and kicked me out of the lab for the rest of the year.. HAHA, but what will THAT solve?! For I have gotten what I wanted! (There are nice things that don't beloing to you in certain placed of which you are not allowed but must go into to make these things yours.. Like Well.. Printer paper, ribbons, power adapters, extension cords, etc..) But we will leave these out since they SHOULD come by common sense to take stuff that is in a school that doesn't belong to you - and make it belong to you. Grade 11 - Computers 20 Programming. Awww, and it just happens that in this course it's 5 credz (Semestered) and I have lots of nice pretty time to play "Operation Janetkill". Well, I got my ID and my classmates got theirs, which I just happened to copy down for future reference.. and time went by as I explored the system in more depth finding lots of nice things out like repeated passwords. I have found that almost everyteacher likes to have some of the passwords the same so he/she/it won't have to remember a whole mess of them. Some of the ones I found were R, W, GVECR, GVECW, WUGGIER, WIGGIEW.. I tried accessing other minidisks with these same passwords and I got access to them, read some more BAT files, found more minidisks and passwords, and continued like that for a while. Grade 12 - This (I don't know WHY) didn't occur till Grade 12.. I had access to almost EVERYTHING, including the system Maitenence disk, which will let you edit ANYTHING in EVERY Minidisk (Even Create or Delete them). But what I never thought about before was these big fuckin minidisks called HDISKC and HDISKD. They were about 31Megs each. Well, knowing me now, I had to explore them thouraly this year. One of them (HDISKD I think) Just had 1 Meg Sysfiles on it, which is acutally the whole system, compacted into one little file (Sector Editor helped me). HDISKC was great. It had everything! Nortons, More Terms, and Janit.Dir. What the hell is that?! Oh, only an every Disk Accessed updated file of EVERY minidisk and read/write password, storage space, and other shit. Not much at all.. :) I do believe I hit the jackpot there. I made a basic program to read all the garbage and print it to the screen nicely.. The first prg I made kinda looked like this: 10 CLS:? 20 open "R",1,"F:Janet.Dir",36 30 Field 1, 8 as N$, 8 as R$, 8 as W$, 12 as G$ 40 For T=1 to 999 50 Get #1:?N$,R$,W$ 60 Next 70 Close 1 N$ is the name of the minidisk, R$ is the read password, W$ is the write passowrd, and G$ is a bunck of garbage that is just long integer #'s for shit that isn't important. I modified this thing to actually look good, and to end printing this shit out when it reached the end of the minidisks. I put 999 just incase there were that many, and shit, it came damn close.. Over 900.. What this thing will do is basically read that garbaged up file and print a neat list to the screen of Name, and R/W passwords. Works great. and it's MAJOR accurate. I changed my password, and I ren that prg, searched for my minidisk, and it had my new password up for it. So you can get into ANYONES minidisk now.. No one is safe from your wrath.. :) There is one other thing that you might want to hac into. It's called JAM. This prg is on a board that I saw, so you can call there and d-load it if you haven't hacked into Sysadmin yet. Be carefull! I tried to run this prg last year and it asked for a password, I entered one, and it was worng, and it printed that to the main screen for everyone (Including the teacher) to see.. So fuckin watchout! This system probably has a couple booby traps! -------------------------------------------------------------------Article #3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=- Explosives, What works and what doesn't =-= -=- by Neon =-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well hello everyone and welcome to the first in a series of reviews about explosives and what happens. This is not a how-to file so if your reading this, you should or have tried some of the stuff I will discuss later to relate to this. Have fun and trust me on some of these. I have a big cut from an explosive that didn't quite do what I wanted it to, so I know (hah) what I am talking about. First of all the Nitric acid and resin mix. This is supposed to create a small explosion. However, in the ratio that was suggested, but a small flame popped up. This is a big dissapointment. Stay away from this. Barium Nitrate and Magnesium makes an awesome explosion that burned small iron plate to shit. Very good I recommend this one. There is a file that says that Ammonium Nitrate is a "very unstable and highly explosive compound", this is bullshit. Only in immense quantities is it explosive..and then you need a high burning point to set it off, usually sulfur mix'll do it, but not very efficient. If you want results, I recommend the Sulfur, potassium nitrate and sugar mix. Remember when I said I cut my hand all to hell?, well this is what did it. Very, very high boiling point and specific heat capacity is created when this is mixed, around 1300 degrees Celsius. Awesome. We tried this is a metal container with a piece of rocket engine explosive in it, and it created a 25-30 foot radius blast..I was very impressed. The Nitroglycerin formulas you see laying around are not worth the trouble of making them, as you will probably blow yer head off when mixing it, because it is extremely unstable. Try the Plastique mixture..this works. As for fuses and shit...when you are making the potassium nitrate and water/coffee filter fuse, let it dry for about 8-9 hours untill it becomes semi-brittle. Then it will be good for use. The capacitor-battery fuse is also good to use but requires a bit more precision. The timer fuse is good too..if you get the right kind of watch. I have friends who have given me shit watches to use and they suck for it..use a timex. Oh yeah, when making flash powder, I find when you use less aluminum and more strontium nitrate, that you get better results. The Molotov Cocktail files that are circulating are good too, very workable shit. Some of the stuff is garbage and not worth the d/load time so be careful what you get. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, you may not like what you have just read, but that is tough. None of this information is to be taken serious, we are all dreaming, and didn't realize what we were writing. If you can prove that we wrote this, go ahead. Innocent until proven guilty. So says the Justice System. All rights worth shit. __________________________________________________________