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From: the Project, The Quarterly Journal of A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220 $30.00/year Unveiling the Virgin By D. Guide "It is expedient that the populations should be deceived in the matter of religion." (Quintus Mucius Scaevola, Chief Priest of Rome, 2nd Century B.C.) When The Keys of This Blood by Malachi Martin was first published, it caused a flurry of concern in many quarters. Martin's book describes the current geo-political struggle for ultimate world supremacy - pitting the West against the Vatican, with Go rbachev thrown in for good measure. But Martin added an unforeseen and curious new dimension to the scenario. Protestant publications and conspiracy theorists alike raised hue and cry at Martin's premise that sometime in the near future, Rome would emerge victorious - under most peculi ar circumstances. "The Woman Clothed with the Sun" (a.k.a. "The Blessed Virgin") would appear, and miraculously deliver all of mankind into the hands of John Paul II, a well-known Virgin devotee. Even more alarming is Martin's connection of this anticipated Virgin-eve nt to "a Son who will rule the Nations with a scepter of iron." {1} The continuing apparitions of the Virgin have eluded any satisfactory or coherent explanation. This phenomenon remains troublesome to those beyond the realm of Marian devotion. And rightly so. These apparitions are the most important element in Rome's plan to implement what Martin calls "the Grand Design", when Rome will again reign over the kings of the earth. So it is essential that the nature of these strange appearances is clear to rea ders of the Project. For with this book, Martin has dramatically demonstrated the true arena of the battle. Although the superpowers are formidable opponents, they cannot wage their war in the souls of men, where the Vatican is accustomed to operating. The story of the century is unfolding before our eyes, and Martin has provided some exceedingly useful facts. A combination of history and some Roman Catholic doctrine readily unravels the whole matter to the point of understanding. Surprisingly, ev en the apparitions of the Virgin have a relatively simple explanation. But it's not a pretty picture. * * * * "The Church of Vatican II sees in the Mother of God a model for itself." -- John Paul II -- {2} For centuries, Rome's Virgin has been declaring her messages in locations throughout the world - and in our times, these have markedly increased. Since Fatima in 1917, over 300 appearances have been claimed. Her statues are crying tears of blood. And her popularity is at an all-time high - as evidenced by the many millions making pilgrimages to her shrines the world over. Marian centers (well over 100 in the U.S. alone) have sprung up with the singular purpose of dispensing books, publishing newsletters, and manning hot lines to propagate faith in the apparitions, and adoration of the Virgin in general. Mary as Jesus' mother we know, but who is this foreigner now being exalted as "the new Eve", the "well-beloved spouse of the Holy Spirit" and "the Ark of the New Covenant"? Rome's latest buzzwords referring to the Virgin's "spiritual maternity" and her "motherhood of the Church" are based upon the usual contortions of the Scriptures. (Significantly, in the handful of Scriptures where Mary actually can be found, Jesus ne ver called her "Mother" but instead, "Woman".) But the prominence of the Virgin has become so pronounced, that it goes far beyond both faith and reason. Indeed, in the U.S. bishops' recent draft of their pastoral on women, Rome's version of the Virgin is foisted upon the unsuspecting as "a model for both men and women". {3} While pretending to have reduced the role of the Virgin, Vatican II revealed their underlying agenda when they described their Virgin as "the Mother of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ" {4} - declaring her not only the mother of Jesus Christ, but the Mother of the Father as well! Clearly, a massive deception is taking place. Like all previous pagan Virgin-Mother Goddesses from Babylon to ancient Rome, the Vatican version is subject to no male God. Instead of a chosen vessel, Rome's Virgin has become the First Cause. * * * * "Then the moment will have arrived when, under the protective shield of a Church restored in its splendor, nations will also shine in the golden light of the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary." {5} Unlike biblical Christianity, Roman Catholic doctrine has never taught that Jesus Christ will return to reign upon the earth for 1,000 years before the final judgment as described in Chapter 20 of the Revelation. This scriptural belief was declared a n anathema, which is declared only in cases of "a grave crime" according to the Catholic Home Encyclopedia. Roman Catholics instead anticipate a reign of the Virgin. This idea has been actively perpetuated by groups such as the Blue Army (linked to the World Apostolate of Fatima) whose prayer of consecration to the Virgin proclaims, "I consecrate to you my self, my country, and all my fellow men. Reign over our hearts, dearest Mother...". Those who participate in consecration to the Virgin call the revival of Vatican rule the "Age of Mary...an age in which men will lose themselves in Mary, will become living copies of Mary..." {6}] Consecration of the world to her "Immaculate Heart" (requested by the Virgin) has been repeated by the pontiff and his bishops three times since the apparition of Fatima in 1917, including the most recent consecration in 1984. The same words are on t he current pontiff's lips at every opportunity. According to "St." Louis de Montfort (whose writings are recommended by John Paul II), consecration to the Virgin entails "slavery" to her.{7} The body and all its parts are dedicated to the Virgin. The soul, intellect and free will belong to the Virgin. All of one's worldly possessions become hers to use as she sees fit. Also, "we give Mary our interior and spiritual goods. These are our merits, our virtues and our good works, past, present, and future." Prayers, alms "mortifications and atonements" are all placed within the Virgin's jurisdiction.{8} Consecration to the Virgin leaves no stone unturned, no string unpulled and no cutlet uncooked in terms of devotion. The consecration certainly represents a strange departure from anything identifiably Christian by the Church that styles herself the only authority on the subject. Martin gives a detailed account of the modus operandi and the political dividends of such consecrations in Keys. Martin clearly credits the consecrations for Catholicism's eventual takeover of Poland.{9} He obviously finds it most agreeable that the country is essentially a Roman Catholic theocracy today. In fact, this is the overriding theme of Keys. The book itself is dedicated to The Immaculate Heart. In Martin's own words, "democratic principles cannot take precedence over divine revelation".{10} The "divine revelation" Martin refers to here is a private vision of the Virgin purportedly experienced by John Paul II. These consecrations do not bode well for the future of religious freedom, freedom of nations, or individual freedom - all of which come under the standard of "democratic principles". The integral connection between the all-consuming consecrations to the Virgin and a papacy restored to its former power is a reality that cannot be overlooked. * * * * "But yours, my Roman, is the gift of government, That is your bent - to impose upon the nations the code of peace; to be clement to the conquered, But to utterly crush the intransigent." (Virgil, The Aeneid, 1st Century B.C.) Rome's ecumenical overtures, ostensibly made in the spirit of "renewal" and "reconciliation", are somewhat different than usually understood. Renewal is the renewal of the Roman Empire, and reconciliation refers to the revival of the Caesars' interpr etation Romana, "the understanding of all foreign gods as their own".{11} The Caesars were the first ecumenicists. The Roman Empire more or less embraced all religions as a political move to shore up the unity of the empire, and to prevent the necessity of long and costly foreign wars. At the same time, emperor-worship wa s exported to ensure loyalty to Rome. This is the very picture of today's ecumenicism, with the pontiff exalted beyond measure, and the Vatican drawing to herself every motley belief, no matter how far afield. Only Christians and Orthodox Jews holding to the standard of their respective Scriptures are unwelcome. Prominence of the Virgin is finding a home throughout the ecumenical movement. What was once a barrier between Catholics and Protestants now has become a rallying point, particularly within the charismatic movement. Rome's ecumenicism would be seriously hobbled if the Protestant world regarded the beliefs of their denominations' founders. But it appears that the faith of the Reformers has little bearing on today's compromised Christian leaders, who have had litt le of importance to say to their flocks for some time now. The Scriptures are neither silent nor kindly disposed toward those who "run greedily after the error of Balaam" {12} (a prophet who was willing to sell out). Rome's success depends on such leaders, whose sole interest lies in carving out a piece of t he forthcoming pie for themselves. They're on the bandwagon already, hungrily awaiting it. New Age belief in the Goddess, the exaltation of Mary in the Muslim Koran, and raging, radical feminism all fit nicely into the Vatican's vision of "the people of God". Even the Jews were goddess-worshippers from time to time. Every pagan belief sys tem has a Goddess that Rome can co-opt to suit her "Grand Design". Predictably, the messages from the Virgin are fully ecumenical - with an unhealthy emphasis on obedience to the pontiff and Rome's self-styled Magisterium (teaching authority). Consider for a moment the scope of Rome's theater of operations as she lures the multitudes of every faith (of every land) into her corner via the ecumenical movement, combined with her own outposts found in every burgh and borough of the world, manne d by a volunteer army of professional and lay religious devotees. Here are the "pope's divisions", all receiving marching orders from the Vatican high priest. But once Rome has attained her goal (as surely she must), the outcome for those who prefer freedom is equally predictable. Who can forget the Inquisition which continued for hundreds of years? Might we recall that Roman Catholicism's shining hour was The Dark Ages for everyone else? * * * * "Associate of the seasons, essence bright, All-ruling Virgin, bearing heavenly light." (Orphic Hymns) The Goddess is a reality. The real question is...is she what they claim? Is she the benevolent, loving, engaging character that Rome portrays in her images and celebrates in their paeans of praise to her? History indicates quite the opposite, with the cruelest of rituals and vilest hatred of mankind attendant to Goddess-worship. The earmarks of the Vatican's version leave her not one whit behind her predecessors. While purveying the "geo-politics of faith" (as Martin likes to call it), he minimizes what are essentially the religious underpinnings of the whole matter. However, these are not of Christianity. Anyone bothering to investigate the ancient pagan religions will find that Rome is continuing identical practices found recorded in the annals that stretch across time from earliest Babylon. (Worth noting here is that it was first in Babylon that men and kings came under the bondage of their religious leaders - priests who used magico-religious hocus-pocus to maintain their power over the people.) Apparitions of the gods and goddesses resulting from powerful sorcery are frequently found cited. The weeping statues of the Virgin (used to so much emotional advantage by Rome) are not by any means unique. Classical writing is replete with these oc currences. "Has the image of the Virgin been seen to shed tears? Many a tear was shed by the Pagan images. To these tender-hearted idols Lucan alludes...'Tears shed by gods, our country's patrons, And sweat from Lares told the city's woes.'" {13} Virgil, the imperial poet of Augustus Caesar, wrote, "the weeping statues did wars foretell, and holy sweat from brazen idols fell".{14} Theurgists "caused the appearance of the gods in the air, in the midst of gaseous vapor." "...in the fumes of incense which [the Theurgist Maximus] burned before the statue of [the Goddess] Hecate, the image was seen to laugh so naturally as to fill the spectators with terror."{15} The statue of Isis was able to shake the serpent upon her head and nod in approval.{16} In the words of famous French historian Mircea Eliade, "The goddess [Demeter] reveals herself in all her splendor, a brilliant light shining from her body. She demands that 'a great temple and an altar below it' be built for her, where she will teach her rites to human beings."{17} Now here is a familiar scenario. The Great Mother-Goddess Demeter of the Eleusian Mysteries appears bathed in light, just as the apparitions of the Vatican Virgin do. Demeter wanted a temple and altar...equally desired by the Vatican Virgin, which s he mentioned in her appearances at Guadalupe in 1531, at Le Laus in 1664, at Lourdes in 1858, at Fatima in 1917, at Banneaux in 1933, at East Flanders in 1933, and at Bayside in 1974. And is it not queer that the Virgin-Mother Goddesses of the Mysteries of old were invoked by the very same names that Rome's Virgin is today? Since Rome has virtually claimed equality to Jesus Christ with the Virgin's own dogmas of Immaculate Conception, sinless life, and bodily resurrection into heaven --- then it is noteworthy that the Virgin does not make any appearances in the flesh and visible to all, as Christ did in the gospel accounts. Without physical appearances where she can be both seen and touched those other than the seers, no true claim can be made for her "bodily Assumption into heaven". The "Assumption" is the foundation for every claim made pursuant to these apparitions. If so, then where's the rest of her now? Those trying to disprove the apparitions and weeping statues look for hidden physical devices, never imagining that magic is real. But even the Scriptures attest to the reality of spirits that can be seen, and spoken to, which are brought forth by so rcery.{18} One entirely troubling aspect of these apparitions is that according to the ancient accounts, sorcery reeks of death --- most often human sacrifice. The innermost sanctuary of idol's temples contained relics of victims used for ritual magic. It is recorded that the Carthaginians sacrificed 200 of their most noble children to appease an angry god.{19} According to Homer, the appearance of the gods was dependent upon sacrifices called "hecatombs", the burnt offering of one hundred victims. (The word "hecatombs" is connected to Hecate, the Goddess who controls the actions of specters.) The practice of Catholicism also reflects a disturbing emphasis upon death. This emphasis is peculiar to Rome among all others calling themselves Christian. The theme of death is everywhere seen...in the relics within Rome's altars, in the embalmed "saints" on display, in the image of the endlessly dying Christ hanging in churches and dangling at the end of rosaries, in their prayers for the dead and in t heir doctrine of purgatory, in their shrines set within cemeteries, and in the continuous eating of the dead Christ (his dead flesh). Here is a Church that can hardly claim to be serving the Living God. * * * * "Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders..." (2 Thessalonians 2:9) Recently, inner messages (locutions) have been received by a priest named Stefano Gobbi. This same Gobbi is the founder of the Marian Movement of Priests, now more than 60,000 strong and including men of every rank within the Roman Catholic instituti on. These priests are committed to consecration to the "Immaculate Heart of Mary", unity with the pontiff, unity with the pontiff's Church, and leading Catholics to trust in the Virgin. Gobbi's messages warn that "a period of chastisement is coming upon the world, a time of bloody purification". (Chastisements are standard fare from the Virgin and found mentioned in The Keys of This Blood as well.) "All those who are consecrated to God through Mary will be spared as in the days of the Jews in Egypt who were spared..." The "bloody purification" is intended for "the workers of iniquity". {20} The Virgin calls it "the great liberating purification". {21} These chastisements are declared to be connected with the seven trumpets of The Book of Revelation. {22} But trumpets are used in Scripture as a warning. In this passage, the trumpets are clearly announcing the advent of AntiChrist - and in fact, di rectly precede him. The author of the article states that the Virgin (who refers to herself as the Ark of the New Covenant) "is inviting us all to enter into her Immaculate Heart and be signed with the seal of our God in our forehead and hand in order that we will be spa red the trial to come which has been prepared for the workers of iniquity." (Italics supplied.) A mark in the hand and in the forehead has only one parallel in the Scriptures, and that is the mark required by the AntiChrist, and given at the behest of a lifelike, speaking image which must be worshipped under the penalty of death. {23} To received this mark bring God's penalty of eternity in the everlasting fires. {24} The "workers of iniquity" dispatched by the "great liberating purification" will undoubtedly be those who reject Rome's Virgin, her worship, her consecration, and her mark. Another "bloody purification" took place in Yugoslavia about fifty years ago, when a million Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies were purged to create a pure Catholic state. {25} Today, the Virgin still appears there regularly after ten years. * * * * "But we decide which is right, and which is an illusion." ("Late Lament" by The Moody Blues, 1967) The accounts given in the Scriptures and the history set down by ancient writers cannot be squared with the claims of Roman Catholicism, most particularly concerning the Virgin. It is certain that this geo-political contest has far more at stake than is readily perceived. It is a battle for the souls of men, whatever way that you look at it. * * * * 1. Malachi Martin, The Keys of This Blood, Simon and Schuster, 1990, p. 48.2. Karol Wojtyla, Sources of Renewal, Harper and Row, 1980, p. 111.3. Our Sunday Visitor, 03 May 1992, p.3.4. Lumen Gentium 52.5. Tradition, Family and Property Magazine, Vol. V, No. 2, 1988, p. 8.6. Don Sharkey, The Woman Shall Conquer, Franciscan-Marytown Press, p. 204.7. Ibid., p. 200.8. Ibid., pp. 202-203.9. Martin, pp 573-600.10. Ibid., p. 287.11. Geoffrey Parrinder, World Religions, Facts on File Publications, 1971, p. 168.12. Jude 1:11, (King James Version).13. Rev. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, Loizeaux Brothers, 1959, p. 257.14. Ibid., citing The Aeneid by Virgil, p. 257.15. Ibid., citing Salverte, p. 258.16. Ibid.17. Mircea Eliade, A History of Religious Id eas, University of Chicago Press, 1978, Vol.1, p. 291.18. See Luke 24:39.19. A.R. Fausset, Bible Encyclopedia and Dictionary, ca. 1883, p. 482.20. Mary's Mantle Newsletter, Autumn, 1991.21. Mary's Mantle Newsletter, Summer, 1991.22. Revelation Chapters 8