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    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@          @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   | SHARE INTERNATIONAL
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      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@        @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   |  "a clear voice for
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DECEMBER 1992 issue                                    Volume 11 Number 10

This is an abridged, electronic version of SHARE INTERNATIONAL magazine.

The magazine has a non-paid staff only, carries no advertisements and is
published by SHARE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION, a non-profit, non-governmental
organization in association with the Department of Public Information at the

SHARE INTERNATIONAL is a monthly magazine, bringing together the two major
directions of New Age thinking -- the political, and the spiritual. It covers
news, events and comments bearing on Maitreya's priorities: an adequate
supply of the right food; adequate housing and shelter for all; healthcare
and education as a universal right; the maintenance of ecological balance in
the world.

Abridged hard-copy versions available in Dutch, French, German and Japanese.

SHARE INTERNATIONAL has two general editors: Peter Liefhebber, a Dutch
journalist concerned with the creation of a new world economic order; and
Benjamin Creme, British artist, esotericist and author.  His challenging
message has evoked a world-wide response:  Maitreya, the World Teacher, is
now among us in full physical presence.



We Await the Call, by the Master --

Chaos and confusion:  cause for hope

A model of free health care:  Interview with Dr Patch Adams
by Dorothy Jones

Music of the spheres?:  Interview with Gerald S. Hawkins
by Monte Leach

Questions & Answers

Background Information

Hard-copy subscription information


(Through these electronic files, the magazine Share International makes
available a compilation of its contents.  Permission is given to reproduce
these articles in magazine, newspaper or newsletter format, provided that
credit is given to Share International and clippings are sent to: PO Box
41877, 1009 DB Amsterdam, Holland.  Copyright (c) 1992 Share International.
All Rights Reserved.)


by the Master --, through Benjamin Creme

        We watch, and wait.  Despite all evidence to the contrary,  We know
that Our Plan works out.  The time draws near for Our open manifestation,
fulfilling the hopes and dreams of men everywhere for guidance and succour.
Long have We awaited this hour.  Long have We worked to train Ourselves for
the tasks ahead, when men will know Us for what We are -- your Elder
Brothers.  It is Our aim that together we will build the new civilization,
and in that endeavour make two Centres one. It is with hopes high that We
re-enter your world, seeking to serve men in their hour of need.  Allow Us to
teach you the way to fulfil your destiny and join the ranks of the Perfected
Ones.  Make haste to greet Us and to welcome Us into your lives, for We need
your willing co-operation to serve you well.  Behind the scenes, as yet, We
work, awaiting the day of Our emergence.

New World

        Meanwhile, a new world is being fashioned, step by step.  The
birth-pangs of that new world are there for all to see but only the practised
eye can discern the pattern which, slowly, gains coherence and form.

        What we are witnessing is the destruction of all that prevents the
manifestation of men's divinity. Freedom and justice are divine; hence the
new-found impulse, demonstrating throughout the world, to liberate millions
from the thralldom of the past.  Painful are these first, urgent steps, but
men know in their hearts that the time for change is nigh.  For too long have
men exploited men.  For too long have the rich increased their riches at the
expense of those bereft of all.  A new realism slowly permeates the thoughts
of men as they contemplate the excesses and failures of the past decade.

        Witness to all of this, We assemble Our forces and prepare to do
battle with poverty and greed.  Our Banner spells Freedom, Justice and Love.
On these three Principles We stake the future of this Earth.


        When you see Us, you will know that your regeneration is at hand, for
We bring Our experience and wisdom and lay them at your feet.  These are
yours to take and make your own.  We shall aid you in their absorption and

        Many wonder at this time how conflict can so erupt and halt the
smooth progress to change that they would wish.  Many are the factors
involved, but new, liberating energies force men to action, not always at a
time of Our choosing.  Action leads to action and builds a momentum oft-times
naught can hinder.  Our task is so to balance these energies and forces that
minimal damage results.

        When the Call goes forth for Our emergence, men will seek Our advice
and regulate the changes in the light of a higher wisdom.  We await Our task
with  joy.

(The Master -- is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom;
His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for
various reasons.  Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this
Master who dictates His articles to him.)



"The whole world is becoming bankrupt -- mentally and spiritually.  The world
is going through a huge crisis and all the medicines have been tried and
failed.  Maitreya says that the tumour has got to burst open before the
healing can begin."

        This statement, made by Maitreya's associate (Share International
July/August 1992), is endorsed almost daily by world events.  Our mental and
spiritual bankruptcy are already more than obvious in two fields:
economically and politically the international community is in a crisis of
such magnitude that it is impervious to traditional solutions.

        In recent years we have witnessed the collapse of communism, on the
basis of which many commentators have predicted the undoubted supremacy and
prospering of the capitalist-democratic system.  Today's reality must be
disillusioning for them since the traditional supports of this structure are
crumbling visibly.

        The American economy, once the great power-house of the world,
continues to flounder and the consequences are being felt not only by
millions of poor Americans; throughout the United States the infrastructure
is deteriorating, education is suffering, health care is failing, jobs are
being lost, and workers must work longer hours to earn fewer dollars.  At the
same time, the US national debt is on the increase while its exports decline.

        In Britain, the situation is worse, comparatively speaking, as the
population is now reaping the bitter harvest of more than a decade of
Conservative policies.  Perhaps the British are more phlegmatic and better
able to endure scarcity, they complain less, but now even they have lost
patience -- as the Tories discovered when the Government announced plans to
close coal-mines and put thousands of miners out of work.

        Believers in the capitalist faith prefer to dismiss these signs of a
flagging economy as temporary phenomena which will disappear by itself under
the influence of free-market forces.  The validity of this theory is daily
undermined, as the economic successes of Germany and Japan find themselves in
increasing difficulties.  After years of explosive growth Japanese industrial
production is suddenly falling off.  Obviously, the slide on the Tokyo stock
exchange is now being reflected in the field of economics.

        Stagnation has hit Germany too -- a country which has perhaps
over-reached itself.  Germany invested more in the disintegrating Russian
economy than all other countries together, apart from spending billions of
marks on the integration of the former East Germany.  Even countries like
Sweden, long considered a model state socially and economically, and
well-heeled Switzerland increasingly are experiencing the freeze-effect of a
bleak economic climate.  Although the number of unemployed is lower in
Switzerland than elsewhere in Europe it has not been so high since 1939 --
and that, too, is an ominous portent.

        Economic decline is paralleled by a worldwide growth of distrust in
political structures.  Never before have so many voters turned their backs on
politicians who, it must be said, don't miss a chance to evoke that process.
In America Ross Perot was ultimately a misfit but his early campaign
successes in the presidential race were due to the great aversion of many US
voters to the current political establishment.  Wracked by corruption
scandals, Japan sees the same spurning of politics by a disenchanted
electorate expressed in a low turn-out at the polls.  Only half the voters
bothered to vote in elections for the Upper House last July. In Italy, where
corruption and fraud appear to be the rule rather than the exception, the
electorate is turning against the ruling parties en masse.  Elsewhere in
Europe extremist, neo-fascism is growing.

        These symptoms cannot be seen as disparate.  Together they form a
pattern and have developed out of a desire for change.  The dismantling of
dictatorships in South America, Africa and the former Eastern-bloc were early
signs of global discontent, now discernible in America and Europe. It is the
people who have realized quicker than their rulers that our present society
is incapable of providing real solutions to the problems of our time. We will
no longer tolerate that we are here for the politicians when the reverse
should be the case.  We have little sense of being in control of our own
lives or that we matter.  We feel useless and isolated, estranged and
threatened.  We want a good education for our children and work where we can
use our talents. But education is deteriorating and employees -- like pawns
-- find themselves more and more easily manipulated by mysterious production
processes.  We also want to be sure of a safe future for our children, yet we
experience daily the pollution and destruction of our environment.  On TV we
stare at the incredible luxury of a small group of the world's lite and we
also see children dying of starvation in Somalia and Ethiopia.  We hear
politicians making statements about agreements reached and steps to be taken
but we discover that no one is really doing anything to halt the civil war in
Yugoslavia or to defuse potential points of explosive conflict in the former
Soviet Union.  We hear endless promises about renewed economic growth but we
see businesses closing and jobs lost.  We hear politicians pay lip-service to
their great responsibility to the citizen, and all too often we know they are
in it for gain and self-aggrandizement.

        As a consequence, opposition to current practices is growing, more
quickly and powerfully in some countries than in others.  And many are
beginning to realize that they themselves also participated in creating the
present situation -- one of chaos and disintegration.  We are realizing with
growing clarity, too, what the powers-that-be are still trying to hide: that
no one has any solutions.

        This climax of confusion and uncertainty is, from our perspective,
not so much a reason for fear but rather a cause for hope -- a hopeful
expectation that humanity will soon be ready to follow Maitreya's advice. If
we really grasp "that all medicines have been tried and have failed", then,
at last, His voice will find a willing ear.


Interview with Dr Patch Adams
by Dorothy Jones

In the USA, Patch Adams, MD, is a nationally known speaker on wellness,
laughter, humour and life as well as on the subjects of health care and
health care systems.  "He approaches the issues of personal, community, and
global health with zestful exuberance."  (Time Magazine).  Dr Adams believes
that "the most revolutionary act one can commit in our world is to be happy."

        Dr Adams is founder and director of the Gesundheit Institute, a free
health facility in operation for more than two decades.  Over 15,000 people
have been provided with free medical care at the Institute. Through the
success of this programme at the Arlington, Virginia location, a model health
care facility is being built on 310 acres purchased in Pocahontas County,
West Virginia.  The new facility will include a 40-bed hospital, a theatre,
and arts and crafts shops.

        The Institute addresses by action four major issues in health care
delivery:  rising cost of care, dehumanization of medicine, malpractice
suits, and abuses of the third-party insurance system.

Dorothy Jones:  Your approach to medicine attempts to eradicate the major
issues which are at the centre of our crumbling health care delivery system.
Please tell us about your work.

Dr Patch Adams:  We're into our 22nd year in a communal context living the
medical model in an entirely new way.  All the healing arts have worked
together.  We do not practise in fear and mistrust and have never carried
malpractice insurance nor had complaints or law suits.  The medical staff
have maintained other employment which has allowed our patients to be treated
free of cost, and we have not accepted third-party payments.  It has been
very liberating to our work.

        Community helps a person feel safe, both patient and physician. I've
lived communally now all of these years and I would say that every one of my
successes, every one of my happinesses -- my marriage, my professional
dreams, my personal growth dreams -- all have been tremendously enhanced by
community.  What started out as a philosophical answer to problems has become
a living ecstatic experience.  It all feeds on itself and helps to move from
theoretical discussion of solutions to a practical exploration of them using
medicine as a context.

        We do all of the things other doctors do and possibly more.  But more
than that we offer patients the experience of joyful community -- not just as
an observer but as a participant.  We've had more than 15,000 people in our
facility, and that experience is what most of them primarily have taken away
from it.  Since we're interested in wellness and a wellness lifestyle, we
also offer an overall opportunity to explore the possibility of ecstatic
living -- of celebrating life and life being a joy -- not just for a healthy
20-year-old with no problems, but as a dying person who may live only a week
and that week can be fabulous. In offering a community that celebrates fun as
well as the cerebral and the sublime, we can help people enrich their lives.

DJ:  All of these components will be a part of your new setting.  Tell us
about the 40-bed hospital you are now constructing in West Virginia.

PA:  We're on 310 acres, we have three waterfalls with caves, we have a
four-acre lake, a mountain of hardwood trees, some rich bottom land that
hasn't had a chemical in it for 12 years, we have six or seven springs on the
land.  That's the physical nature of the site.  We are building a 40-bed
hospital.  The staff will live in the hospital area with their families.
There will be 30 beds for guests such as medical and nursing students,
visiting professionals, or for that matter wandering minstrels or plumbers.

        We hear from people all around the world who say they would like to
come and work with us for a weekend or a month, to experience what we are
doing and to help us.  And they do come.  There's nothing like new blood to
inject vibrancy into a community.  For the staff it's a chance always to have
freshness around and for the labour and the work for the patients to have
extra hands.

        We'll have 30,000 square feet in the hospital devoted to various arts
so patients and staff will be surrounded by a multiplicity of healing
stimuli:  fine arts, a photography studio, a fully modern stage, a very large
library with records, videos, and books.

        Rural medicine in America is collapsing.  It's closing down at a rate
that is frightening to many people.  Many are without any care.  We wanted to
be a model for rural medicine.   Our healing repertoire will range from
general surgery to faith healing.  We'll be the first interdisciplinary
hospital of its nature that I'm aware of in the world where surgery,
paediatrics, general practice, family practice, psychiatry, ophthalmology
will work hand in hand with acupuncture, homoeopathy, herbal medicine, body
work, and faith healing, as well as with artists and farmers as part of the
staff.  We know that staff don't like working in hospitals and patients don't
like being in hospitals.  So there must be something wrong with the
atmosphere.  We want a hospital where no one wants to leave, as ours has been
for the last 20 years.

        The hospital will have a school attached to it, a school for our
children, for sick children, children of sick parents, as well as some of the
local community.  One of the problems in attracting well-educated families to
a rural area is the concern for the education of their children.  We're
trying to create a place to cover that aspect so that health professionals'
families will be happy to move to the area.  A 12-unit chronic-care facility
is also in the plans.

DJ:  Will the medical care continue to be free of cost as it has been these
last 20 years?

PA:  Absolutely!  No malpractice insurance, no costs, no sense of barter or
debt whatsoever.  Medicine offered totally as a service, as a humanitarian
act as we have been doing all these years.

DJ:  What aspect of your system would have the most immediately universal
applicability in our current delivery system?

PA:  We haven't even talked about our most important emphasis yet, and that
is being kind, loving, and friendly. This eliminates the dehumanization of
medicine.  It can be expressed in any current medical system and should be in
all.  We have eradicated the malpractice issues and abuses of third-party
insurance payments.  Those issues will require adaptation to be integrated
into today's typical model.  Thus the currently most applicable statement I
am making is to care and love, to be kind to the people you are serving,
genuinely from your heart.  To carry a twinkle in your eye, a smile on your
face and the willingness to reach out and offer yourself to another human
being.  Maintain your own sense of joy, of life and celebration, which again
allows for today's change to start happening.  The most revolutionary act
that you can commit in our society today is to be happy.  Let this joy and
kindness eradicate the medical hierarchy and establish value and equality in
appreciation for the orderly, maintenance workers, nurses, and doctors.  In
the long run, the care and kindness will affect the issue of rising health
care costs.  It is extremely difficult as a loving person to deny care or
charge in excess.  That's what happened to me. I saw, as a medical student,
patients refused care or treated rudely because they didn't have money. I
said:  "I can't do this.  I can't be part of this.  I am a healer."

        The health professional has a great commitment to humanity and cannot
concern herself or himself primarily with the ability to pay. Our obligation
is to serve.  Our kindness will also diminish malpractice risks; we do not
sue our friends and those who have demonstrated their heartfelt care.

DJ:  Your new book, Good Health Is A Laughing Matter, is due in the
bookstores very soon, is that correct?

PA:  Yes, that's what I am told.  It will be one part history of our medical
experiment at Gesundheit.  It will be two parts Gesundheit philosophy -- why
we are doing what we are doing.  And finally, it will be my personal
philosophy about life, about imagination, about following your dreams, about
serving fellow man.  It will be published by Inner Traditions, which is an
international book publishing firm.  If it is purchased through me, all of
the proceeds go to our hospital project.  If purchased through the publisher,
half will go to the hospital.

DJ:  How else may the interested public support your efforts or contact you?

PA:  In a global way, the best support of our work is to be happy and loving,
to follow your dreams and never give up.  On the more practical aspects of
our specific project in West Virginia, there are two ways to help. The first
is that anyone is invited to come there and help us build. We have people
join us for varying amounts of time from all over the world.  We feed and
house people while they are with us.  And secondly, what is true for all
non-profit and idealistic communities is that we need financial support for
our goals.  Anyone may get in touch with us for further information on any
aspect of our work by writing to me at 2630 Robert Walker Place, Arlington,
Virginia 22207, USA.

(Dorothy Jones, Ph.D., is a transpersonal psychologist in private practice,
and professor of psychology at West Virginia Northern College in Wheeling,
West Virginia, USA.)


Interview with Gerald S. Hawkins
by Monte Leach

Gerald S. Hawkins earned a Ph.D. in radio astronomy with Sir Bernard Lovell
at Jodrell Bank, England, and a D.Sc. for astronomical research at the
Harvard-Smithsonian Observatories.  His undergraduate degrees were in physics
and mathematics from London University.  Hawkins' discovery that Stonehenge
was built by neolithic people to mark the rising and setting of the sun and
moon over an 18.6-year cycle stimulated the new field of archaeoastronomy.
From 1957 to 1969 he was Professor of Astronomy and Chairman of the
Department at Boston University, and Dean of the College at Dickinson College
from 1969 to 1971.  He is currently a commission member of the International
Astronomical Union, and is engaged in research projects in archaeoastronomy
and the crop circle phenomenon.

Monte Leach:  How did you get interested in the crop circle phenomenon?

Gerald Hawkins:  Many years ago, I had worked on the problem of Stonehenge,
showing it was an astronomical observatory.  My friends and colleagues
mentioned that crop circles were occurring around Stonehenge, and suggested
that I have a look at them.

        I began reading Colin Andrews' and Pat Delgado's book, Circular
Evidence. I found that the only connection I could find between Stonehenge
and the circles was geographic.  But I got interested in crop circles for
their own sake.

ML:  What interested you about them?

GH:  I was very impressed with Andrews' and Delgado's book.  It provided all
the information that a scientist would need to start an analysis.  In fact,
Colin Andrews has told me that that's exactly what they intended to happen. I
began to analyse their measurements statistically.

The major scale

ML:  What did you find?

GH:  The measurements of these patterns enabled me to find simple ratios. In
one type of pattern, circles were separated from each other, like a big
circle surrounded by a group of so-called satellites.  In this case, the
ratios were the ratios of diameters.  A second type of pattern had concentric
rings like a target.  In this case, I took the ratios of areas. The ratios I
found, such as 3/2, 5/4, 9/8, 'rang a bell' in my head because they are the
numbers which musicologists call the 'perfect' intervals of the major scale.

ML:  How do the ratios correspond with, for instance, the notes on a piano
that people might be familiar with?

GH:  If you take the note C on the piano, for instance, then go up to the
note G, you've increased the frequency of the note (the number of vibrations
per second), or its pitch, by 1 1/2 times.  One and one-half is 3/2. Each of
the notes in the perfect system has an exact ratio -- that is, one single
number divided by another, like 5/3.

ML:  If we were going to go up the major scale from middle C, what ratios
would we have?

GH:  The notes are C, D, E, F, G, A and B. The ratios are 9/8, 5/4, 4/3, 3/2,
5/3, 15/8, finishing with 2, which would be C octave.

ML:  How many formations did you analyse and how many turned out to have
diatonic ratios relating to the major scale?

GH:  I took every pattern in their book, Circular Evidence.  I found that
some of them were listed as accurately measured and some were listed as
roughly or approximately measured.  I finished up with 18 patterns that were
accurately measured. Of these, 11 of them turned out to follow the diatonic
ratios.  Colin Andrews has since given me accurate measurements for one of
the circles in the book that had been discarded because it was inaccurate.
That one turned out to be diatonic as well.  We finished up with 19
accurately measured formations, of which 12 were major diatonic.

        The difficulty of hitting a diatonic ratio just by chance is
enormous. The probability of hitting 12 out of 19 is only 1 part in 25,000.
We're sure, 25,000 to 1, that this is a real result.

ML:  Could this in some way be a 'music of the spheres', so to speak?

GH:  I am just a conventional scientist analyzing this mathematically. One
has to report that the ratios are the same as the ratios of our own Western
invention -- the diatonic ratios of the (major) scale.  We have only
developed this diatonic major scale in Western music slowly through history.
These are not the ratios that would be used in Japanese music, for instance.

        But I am not calling the crop circles 'musical'.  They just follow
the same mathematical relationships.

Who done it?

ML:  You've established that there's a 25,000 to 1 chance that these ratios
are random occurrences.  What about natural science processes?

GH:  Natural science processes, left to their own devices, like whirlwinds,
rutting hedgehogs, and bacteria have no relationship to the diatonic ratios.
They (the diatonic ratios) are human-invented. They are the human response to
sound.  The only place I can find diatonic ratios in nature are bird calls
and the song of the whale.  I don't think the birds made the circles, nor did
the whales.

ML:  So we've eliminated natural phenomena.  What about Douglas Bower and
David Chorley (Doug and Dave), the two Englishmen who claimed last year that
they created the circles.  Could they have formed these diatonic ratios?

GH:  They could have, if they knew about the diatonic scale, and wished to
put it in the circles.  But I think we have to quote their reason for making
the circles.  They said they "did it for a laugh."  That's fine. If they did
it for a laugh, then it doesn't fit with putting in such an esoteric piece of
information.  I did write to them.  They never replied.

ML:  You wrote to them saying what?

GH:  "Why did you put diatonic ratios in?"

ML: And they didn't reply.

GH:  No. I think we can eliminate them.  It's so difficult to make a diatonic
ratio.  It has to be laid out accurately to within a few inches with a 50
foot circle, for example.

ML:  And many if not all of these circles were created at night.

GH:  Yes.  Mostly they seem to be created at night.

Intellectual profile

ML:  That eliminates natural processes and Doug and Dave.  What's left?

GH:  Lord Zuckerman [former science adviser to the British Government] wrote
a review of Colin Andrews' and Pat Delgado's book.  He said that before we
start building theories we should first investigate what would be perhaps the
most pleasant solution for scientists, which is that the formations were made
by human hoaxers.  In a way, he's not stating that that is his notion.  He
thinks it would be the simplest explanation.  In fact, I am not supporting
the theory that they are made by hoaxers.  I am only investigating it.

ML:  You're investigating the theory that it's done by hoaxers to see if that
makes sense?

GH:  Yes, but now I've upgraded the investigation, because I've found an
intellectual profile.  This means I've eliminated all natural science
processes, so I don't have to consider any of those any more. The
intellectual profile narrows it down.

ML:  What have you found in terms of this intellectual profile?

GH:  My mathematical friends have commented on my findings.  The suspected
hoaxers are very erudite and knowledgeable in mathematics.  We have equated
the intellectual profile, at least at the mathematics level, as senior high
school, first year college math major.   That's pushing it to a narrow slot.
But there's more to this than just the diatonic ratios.

Undiscovered theorems

ML:  How so?

GH:  The year 1988 was a watershed because that was when the first geometry
appeared.  It is in Circular Evidence.  These geometrical patterns were quite
a surprise to me.  There are only a few of them.

ML:  These are in addition to the circles you investigated in terms of the
diatonic ratios?

GH:  The geometry is really 'the dog', and the diatonic ratios of the circles
are 'the tail.'  That is, there is much more involved in the geometry than in
those simple diatonic ratios in the circles, although, interestingly, the
diatonic ratios are also found in the geometry, without the need for
measurement.  The ratio is given by logic -- mind over matter.

ML:  What did you find from these more complex patterns?

GH:  Very interesting examples of pure geometry, or Euclidean geometry.

ML:  You found Euclidean theorems demonstrated in these other patterns?

GH:  These are plane geometry, Euclidean theorems, but they are not in
Euclid's 13 books.  Everybody agrees that they are, by definition, theorems.
But there's a big debate now between people who say that Euclid missed them,
and those that say he didn't care about them -- in other words, that the
theorems are not important.  I believe that Euclid missed them, the reason
being that I can show you a point in his long treatise where they should be.
They should be in Book 13, after proposition 12. There he had a very
complicated theorem.  These would just naturally follow. Another reason why
he missed them was that we are pretty sure that he didn't know the full set
of perfect diatonic ratios in 300 BC.

ML:  These are theorems based on Euclid's work, but ones that Euclid did not
write down himself.  But they are widely accepted as fulfilling his theorems
on geometry?

GH:  Only widely accepted after I published them.  They were unknown.

ML:  Based on your analysis of these crop circles, you discovered the
theorems yourself?

GH:  Yes.  A theorem, if you look it up in the dictionary, is a fact that can
be proved.  The trouble is, first of all, seeing the fact, and then being
able to prove it.  But there's no way out once you've done that. The
intellectual profile of the hoaxer has moved up one notch.  It has the
capability of creating theorems not in the books of Euclid.

        It does seem that senior high school students can prove these
theorems, but the question is, could they have conceived of them to put them
in a wheat field?  In this regard, we've got a very touchy situation in that
there is a general theorem from which all of the others can be derived.  I
stumbled upon it by luck and accident and colleagues advised me to not
publish it.  None of the readers of Science News [which published an article
on this subject] could conceive of that theorem.  In a way, it does indicate
the difficulty of conceiving these theorems.  They may be easy to prove when
you're told them, but difficult to conceive.

ML:  And I would assume that the readers of Science News,would be pretty well
versed in these areas.

GH:  It's a pretty good cross-section.  The circulation is 267,000. We found
from the letters that came in that Euclidean geometry is not part of the
intellectual profile of our present-day culture.  But it is part of the
culture of the crop circle makers.

ML:  What about the more recent formations?

GH:  Now we enter the other types of patterns -- the pictograms, the
insectograms.  Exit Gerald S. Hawkins.  I don't know what to do about those.

ML:  Your investigations leave off at the geometric patterns.

GH:  The investigations are continuing, but I haven't gotten anywhere.  I see
no recognizable mathematical features.  I'm approaching it entirely
mathematically, because there is the strength of numbers.  There's the
unchallengeability of a geometric proof of a theorem, for example. The other
patterns involve other types of investigation, such as artistry and images.
But everything I've told you here shows that we've got a developing
phenomenon, starting from the very simple arrangement of diatonic ratios, to
a very intricate way of showing diatonic ratios in the geometries, and now to
something which I think hardly anybody would claim to understand -- the
pictograms, insectograms, and so forth.

ML:  So the major focus of your work right now is looking into these?

GH:  Yes.  It's totally absorbing.  It's not a joke.  It's not a laugh. It's
not something that can be just brushed aside.

ML:  Is there anybody else who is investigating it seriously in terms of your
scientist colleagues?

GH:  No.  It boils down to two factors. You wouldn't get a grant to study
this sort of thing.  And, two, it might endanger your tenure. It is as
serious as that.  There are whole areas in the scientific community that are
not informed about the crop circle phenomenon, and have come to the
conclusion that it is ridiculous, a hoax, a joke, and a waste of time. It's a
difficult topic because it tends to raise a knee-jerk solution in people's
minds. Then they are stuck.  Their minds are closed. One can't do much about
it.  But if they can keep an open mind, I think they'll find they've got a
very interesting phenomenon.

(Monte Leach, based in San Francisco, USA, is a freelance radio journalist
and the US editor of SHARE INTERNATIONAL.)


Any questions dealing with the activities of Maitreya and the Hierarchy of
the Masters of the Wisdom, and about the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, which have
not been answered in the book "The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters
of Wisdom" or in "Maitreya's Mission" are answered in this section by
Benjamin Creme.

        Send your written questions to:  Share International/Questions, 59
Dartmouth Park Road, London, NW5 1SL, UK.

Q.  Has Maitreya made any more appearances to groups or gatherings?

A.  As I reported in the November issue of Share International, He appeared
before 800-900 Russian Orthodox Christians on 27 September.  The town was St
Petersburg.  On 18 October He appeared before some 500-600 Orthodox
Christians in a town in South Georgia (former Soviet Union).  He spoke for
about 15 minutes.  No photographs were taken.  Water in the area was charged.
Meanwhile, His appearances in the Middle East, North Africa and India

Q.  When Maitreya appears to religious conventions in various cities, does He
travel by ordinary (public) transport or by thought?

A.  By thought.

Q.  Is there any relation between Maitreya and the crop circles?

A.  The crop circles are created by the phenomenon we call UFOs, and there is
a relation between Maitreya and the UFOs.  These UFOs come, in the main, from
the planets Mars and Venus.  Our Hierarchy is in contact with the Hierarchies
of Mars and Venus; all the Hierarchies in our system are in contact with each
other.  All the planets of our system are inhabited, without exception, but
if you went to Mars or Venus, of course, you would see no one; they are all
in higher etheric matter.  If you have the higher etheric vision you see them
as perfectly normal, slightly different, but not all that different, from
ourselves.  They are not little green people with protuberances coming out of
their heads!

Q.  Why does Maitreya apparently require conditional entry into planetary

A.  In order not to infringe human free will.  As a result of the wrong
teaching given by the Churches, people imagine that Christ will come down on
a cloud at the end of the world, and that we will look up and see this great
omnipotent figure, with a Rod of Power, and we will know that God has entered
the world.  This is a completely mistaken idea.  Apart from the fact that He
is not God, if He were to do so that would be the greatest infringement of
our free will.

        Human free will, as far as the Hierarchy is concerned, is sacrosanct.
Even if it would be of benefit to us, as we would see it, Hierarchy will
never infringe our free will.  Free will is the means by which we advance to
become what we are, as souls, which is divine. Maitreya says:  "Do not let
anyone take away your free will.  It is your divine inheritance."  So if He
were to emerge in any other way than by invitation, He would see that as an
infringement of free will.  He must know that humanity is ready to respond
gladly, willingly, to His advice, and not just because He is the Christ.  He
says:  Do not worship Me.  If you worship Me you are putting Me above you.  I
am not above you -- I am the same divinity.  We are all the same divinity --
there is only one divinity.

        He will never, therefore, infringe our free will; that is why I am
sent out ahead to prepare the way somewhat, to tell you that He is here and
to open your minds.  My job is to create hope and expectancy so that He can
enter our lives without infringing our free will.  However, if we were to
change tomorrow, if we were to address the problem of hunger and rid this
world for ever of starvation in the midst of plenty, for example, He could
take a huge step forward.  The media could not miss Him.  They think He is
being reticent, aloof and difficult to get at; He is not.  He is simply
waiting, within the Law, for them to take certain steps.  They do not see or
understand their role or responsibility.  They represent humanity, the media
are the means by which humanity communicates to itself. But they do not see
this; they say:  "We can only react to events". This is an event they do not
know how to react to because they have never met it before. The Christ has
never been in the world before when there was media around! They know He is
here, they are only waiting for His head to rise above the horizon and then
they will act. Many major journalists know that Maitreya is in the world.
The heads of newspapers, governments, media services and the diplomatic
services know that everything I have said is true.  Many know Him, He has met
hundreds of diplomats, journalists, members of parliament -- you can hear His
words in their speeches time after time.

Q.  Can you please give the ray structure and point in evolution of Willy
Brandt, the ex Chancellor of Germany, who died very recently (1913-1992)?

A.  Soul 2; personality 1, sub-ray 4; mental body 5, sub-ray 7; astral body
2, sub-ray 4; physical body 1, sub-ray 3.  He was 2.97 degrees initiate.

        With his rare combination of pragmatism and vision Willy Brandt made
a major contribution to the world.  His policy of "Oest politik" led to the
unification of Germany and speeded the end of the "cold war". Maitreya's
first political/economic effort, after coming to London in July 1977, was to
inspire the Brandt Commission in November of that year. Under the
chairmanship of Willy Brandt, that Commission, representing all shades of
political and economic thought, eventually, in 1979, produced their consensus
Report:  North-South, a Programme for Survival.  With an eloquent
introduction by Willy Brandt himself, this Report outlines and recommends the
various practical measures which, if implemented, would go a long way to
solving the present economic problems of rich and poor countries alike.  At
the Cancun Conference (1981) these measures met with the implacable
opposition of the US, UK and other Western Governments, and were rejected,
despite their overwhelming acceptance by the Third World delegations who,
incidently, were in great majority.  Reagan and Thatcher economic dogma
prevailed and the world, in recession, now suffers the consequences.  A
decade has thus been wasted in the search for justice and reason.  We have
just witnessed the passing of one of the Great Men of recent history.

Q.  Can you please give the rays and point in evolution of Petra Kelly,
founder of the German Green Party who died tragically recently?

A.  Soul 2; personality 4, sub-ray 6; mental body 3, sub-ray 7; Astral body
4, sub-ray 6; physical body 7, sub-ray 3.  She was 1.5 degrees initiate.

Q.  Can you give the ray structure and point in evolution of King
Srong-tsan-gam-po, who introduced Buddhism into Tibet in the 7th century AD,
and also that of his two wives?

A.  King Srong-tsan-gam-po (623-689AD) not only introduced Buddhism to Tibet
but was the first king of all Tibet.  He consolidated his kingdom by
marriages, first with the Chinese Princess Wen Ch'eng (630-656AD), niece of
the Emperor T'ai Tsung of the T'ang Dynasty, deified as the White Tara; and
then with the Nepalese Princess Bhrikuti (640-678AD), deified as the Green

King Srong-tsan-gam-po:  Soul 2; Personality 6, sub-ray 6; mental body 4,
sub-ray 6; astral body 2, sub-ray 2; physical body 7, sub-ray 3.  He was 2.0
degrees initiate.

The White Tara, Princess Wen Ch'eng: Soul 2; Personality 2, sub-ray 4; mental
body 3, sub-ray 7; astral body 4, sub-ray 6; physical body 3, sub-ray 7.  She
was 1.4 degrees initiate.

The Green Tara, Princess Bhrikuti:  Soul 2; Personality 4, sub-ray 6; mental
body 2, sub-ray 6; astral body 4, sub-ray 6; physical body 3, sub-ray 3.  She
was 1.4 degrees initiate.

        It might interest readers to know that all three are in incarnation
at the present time.

Q.  What does Maitreya advise us to do in practice?

A.  The number one priority is the saving of the starving millions.  The fact
of millions of people starving to death is a blasphemy -- Maitreya calls it a
crime.  It is a cancer in our midst.

        We do not accept responsibility, and if we do not accept
responsibility our governments will not accept responsibility.  Our
governments know that ending hunger is not a vote-winner; we have to make it
a vote-winner. We have to say:  "Unless you address the question of hunger in
the Third World I am not going to vote for you.  If you want my vote,
advocate the principle of sharing in the world."  They will do it because
they want your vote. If you live in a so-called democracy, you have to make
that democracy a fact by participation.  Participation also entails making
your needs known.  If your needs are to end hunger then you have to act
through your representatives and force your government to act. The
governments of the world have known of this particular famine situation in
Somalia for well over a year. They were warned by the aid agencies that it
was coming and they have done nothing -- because there is no oil there.  If
oil for the West had been threatened, the Americans would have been in with
aid, the French and the English and every one else.

        The next priority is making known, if you believe it, that Maitreya
is in the world. That helps create the climate of hope, of expectancy, so
that He can enter our lives and begin His open mission in a smooth way.  The
world is in chaos at the moment, tremendous upheavals are going on, and His
re-entry on to the world stage is dependent on a climate of expectancy,
otherwise it would be an infringement of free will.

        The major priority, once the Day of Declaration is over, once we have
addressed the problem of hunger, and sharing is a reality, is the saving of
planet Earth.  The environment will become the number one priority.

Q.  I disagree with you profoundly when you say that when people meditate on
a certain situation it doesn't bring change.  I actually think it does change
the consciousness of the world.

A.  I did not say that meditation does not bring change.  What I do not
believe is that meditating on starving people and seeing their stomachs
growing large with food is going to do them any good.  Many people believe
that if you meditate on something as specifically as that it will happen --
rather than acting to bring about the changes in the political-economic
structures which will end starvation in this world for ever.  I believe that
the only way starvation will end is through the principle of sharing being
accepted and a mass programme of aid for the Third World being activated by
the nations as a whole. As Maitreya put it:  "Nothing happens by itself. Man
must act and implement his will." (Message No.31)

Q.  What happened 95,000 years ago which caused the Masters of the Spiritual
Hierarchy to withdraw from the world?

A.  There was a great war in ancient Atlantis between the Spiritual Hierarchy
-- the forces of light -- and the forces of evil, the forces of materiality,
as the Masters call them. That destroyed the last of the Atlantean
civilizations, which had lasted for about 12 million years, and also the
Atlantean continent, of which the Americas, North and South, are the
remnants.  That war ended in a stalemate, neither side really won.

        The Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy retreated from the physical
plane into the mountains and deserts, where Their successors are (except for
15 of them) to this day.  A few of Them have come out into the world from
time to time -- one very well known case is the Comte de St Germain who was
known throughout the 18th century at all the courts of Europe.  We owe a
great many of the inventions of modern times to His inspiration, including
the railroads, gas, and electricity.  He is now the Master Racoczi, in a
Hungarian body, and lives in the Carpathians.  He is the "Regent of Europe"
and is one of the Masters Whom you will see working openly in the world,
among the first group to come out with Maitreya.

        During the Atlantean period, early, mid and late, there were times
when the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy retreated, more or less, but
there were long periods when They lived openly in the world.  They were the
Priest-Kings, the Godlike beings, Who created and gave as a gift to Atlantean
humanity a series of civilizations where the technology was far more advanced
than ours is today. They had silent, aerial flight -- not inter-planetary or
inter-stellar, but flight from one part of the earth to another -- and this
without obvious propellents.  They had the means of reversing gravity, a
technology which our science fiction writers write about and which we would
envy today.  But it was not created by Atlantean man, who could not even
think.  Atlantean man's evolutionary aim was to develop and perfect the
emotional body.  So well did he do it, and so long did he take to do it, that
it is still the most powerfully developed body of humanity.


All the great religions posit the idea of a further revelation to be given by
a future Teacher.  Christians hope for the return of the Christ, the
Buddhists look for the coming of another Buddha (the Lord Maitreya), while
Muslims await the Imam Mahdi, the Hindus a reincarnation of Krishna, and the
Jews the Messiah.

        Students of the esoteric tradition know all these as different names
for the same individual -- the Lord Maitreya, the World Teacher, the head of
the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters, and they look for His imminent return

        In July 1977, Maitreya emerged from His centre in the Himalayas, when
least expected, "like a thief in the night".  Since then, He has lived in
London as an ordinary man concerned with modern problems -- political,
economic and social. Since March 1978, He has been emerging as a spokesman in
the Pakistani-Indian community.  He is not a religious leader, but an
educator in the broadest sense -- pointing the way out of the present world
crisis.  According to esoteric teaching, Maitreya manifested Himself 2,000
years ago in Palestine by overshadowing His disciple Jesus -- now the Master
Jesus.  This time Maitreya has come Himself.

        Maitreya's spiritual teaching:  Maitreya does not intend to build a
new religion around Himself, nor to create followers, but to teach humanity
"the art of Self-realization". The first steps are "honesty of mind,
sincerity of spirit and detachment."

        Maitreya's social concern is reflected in His list of priorities: an
adequate supply of the right food, adequate housing and shelter for all,
healthcare and education as a universal right.  His social message can be
summarized in a few words:  "Share and save the world."  Maitreya knows we
will accept His advice and that we are on the threshold of an era of peace
and goodwill.

The preparations for His public emergence have now been completed. Maitreya
is planning a series of appearances like the one in Nairobi, Kenya.  There,
on 11 June 1988, He appeared miraculously, "out of the blue", at an open-air
prayer/healing meeting.  He was photographed addressing (in their own
language) thousands of people who instantly recognized Him as the Christ.  He
now intends to show Himself again to large numbers in different countries.
In this way, more and more people will have proof of His presence and demand
media response. Maitreya expects this approach to lead to the Day of
Declaration, when He will leave no doubt that He is the World Teacher.
Maitreya will mentally 'overshadow' all of humanity simultaneously.  Each of
us will hear His words inwardly, telepathically, in our own language, and all
will know that the World Teacher is now among us.

The information about Maitreya's emergence has been presented to the public
since 1974 by Benjamin Creme, one of the chief editors of the magazine Share
International.  His training for this work, under a Master of Wisdom, began
in 1959.

To summarize the historical perspective:

1982, 14 May:  Creme reveals during a press conference in Los Angeles that
Maitreya lives in the Asian community in London, and challenges the media to
invite Maitreya to come forward. Unfortunately, the media do not react.

1985, 31 July:  Twenty-two journalists representing the media of East and
West gather in the East End of London, hoping for contact with Maitreya or
His representative.  This belated interest from the media makes it possible,
at last, for Maitreya to take the steps that will finally culminate in His

1987, August:  Benjamin Creme announces:  "In the coming three or four
months, Maitreya will be working intensively to bring about a breakthrough in
international relationships in the world."  Less than a month later, in
September, the breakthrough comes, in the meetings between the Americans and
the Soviets, followed by the armaments agreement in December that no one had
thought possible.

1988:  Maitreya appears, both in person and in dreams, to well-known leaders
in various countries, and to many ordinary citizens.  World detente and the
release of tension which ensues allows more open signs of His presence.
Manifestations of crosses of light are reported in the US media and are seen
by many thousands.

1990, 21 and 22 April:  In London, Maitreya initiates a large conference of
dignitaries from around the world. They include diplomats, royalty, church
leaders and journalists.  Maitreya appeared (and disappeared) several times,
and spoke of His mission, teachings and plans.

1991, 29 September:  Maitreya appears 'out of the blue' before 500 to 600
people in Mexico city.

1992, January-August:  Maitreya appears miraculously before large groups of
people in Mexico, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Middle East,
North Africa, India and Pakistan.

Since April 1988, through one of Maitreya's closest associates in the Asian
community of London, Share International has received a series of articles.
These outline Maitreya's teachings and draw attention to developments and
happenings which He expects to take place in the world, both in the short and
the long term.  Outer events have demonstrated Maitreya's insight.  As early
as 1988, He foresaw the release of Nelson Mandela and the process of detente
in South Africa.  Again in 1988, when Mrs Thatcher stood at the very peak of
herpowers, Maitreya said that "her wheel of fortune" had turned against her
and that she would resign. In the same year He stated that governments
everywhere would have to give way to the "voice of the people", a statement
which found its most impressive proof in Eastern Europe. Furthermore, weeks
or months ahead of time, Maitreya forecast the cease-fire between Iran and
Iraq; the withdrawal of foreign troops from Angola; the global rapprochement
between guerrilla forces and national governments; the Armenian earthquake in
1988, and those in California and China in 1989; the internal problems of the
Soviet Union; the establishment of peace in the Lebanon; the worldwide trend
towards disarmament and reduction of tension; the increasing impact of
ecological issues.

        Some major developments which, Maitreya says, we may expect to see in
the near future: the Palestinians will have their homeland; the Israelis will
greet Palestinians as brothers; the Syrians will leave Lebanon.  Also, there
will be an international stock market crash, beginning in Japan, announced by
Maitreya as early as 1988.


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