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                           Radionics Discussion #4
          Topics: The Use of a Witness in Radionics/Psychotronics
         Use of Color, Herbs,and Gem Stones In Radionics Applications

                            T H E   L - F I E L D

As professor Harold Saxton Burr* once stated, "So far as our present
information goes, there is unequivocal evidence that wherever there is
life, there are electrical properties." (*Professor @ Yale University)
That is the topic I want to start off with right now, L-Fields.
Measurement by modern electric instruments developed in the last few years
has "revealed that man - and, in fact, all life forms - are ordered
and controlled by electro-dynamic fields which can be measured and
mapped with precision." And as Burr proposed as early as 1935, in his
electrodynamic theory of life, -- that all living organisms have
electric fields which govern their growth and decay. As as example,
Burr points to the human body. Its molecules and cells are allways
being torn apart and rebuilt with fresh material from the food we eat.
But thanks to the controlling L-Fields, the new molecules and cells
are rebuilt as before and arrange themselves as the old ones.
The bodys L-Fields "serves as a matrix or mould which preserves the 
'shape' or arrangement of any material poured into it."

What we are interested in here is "How can we use the knowledge of the
L-Field to improve the quality of our lives?" I am going to discuss
that here by explaining how the L-Field can be influenced, and what
that influence can 'cause' in us humans. 

I'm not going to go to great lengths to 'prove' that the L-Fields
exist, if you want 'proof' then read a good book on the topic. What I am
going to discuss is "Applications" and not "Descriptions".

Burr proved that the L-Field can be influenced directly by external
phenomena by measuring the voltage gradients of a number of trees
over a period of 30 years. He found that the L-Fields of the Trees
fluctuated with sunlight,darkness, sunspots, magnetic storms and
moon cycles. From this we can extrapolate that human L-Fields are
similarly affected. "Since the field of a living system is an ordered
pattern which represents the universe. It can be argued therefore,
that the universe is an electrical field and that everything that
exists in it is a subsidary or component part of the total field."
Thus it is "That we are fully justified in regarding the fields of
life as the instruments of physical evolution, of which, on this planet
at least, the human nervous system is the masterpiece."

Radionics embraces some of the very same principles upon which Dr. Burr's
theory is founded. The late George De La Warr, radionics pioneer, explained
that "a basic idea in radionics is that each individual, organism, or
material, radiates and absorbs energy via an energy field peculiar unto
itself. The more complex the material, the more complex the waveform.
Living things like humans, emit a very complex wave spectrum of which
parts are associated with the various organs and systems of the body."

Radionics uses electronic equipment that is used by the human 'operator'
to detect the particular radiation under consideration. And in most
of all the cases the radiation under consideration is the human 
waveform.Radionic energies are subtle energies that the operator of
the device detects by using the nerves of their hands to detect
these energies which have been 'tuned in' by the Radionic device.
Establishing the necessary 'sensitivity' to detect these energies is
a requirement to competently use any Radionics device. Establishing
'resonance' with the radiations of the individual, measuring their
amplitude and then finding the remedy which best resonates with a
particular malady. Thus the organ or system is returned to its healty
rate of vibration. The great benefit of Radionics is that it goes BEYOND
the EFFECT and finds the CAUSE of complaints....ei, psychological
conditions (Psychosomatic ills).Radionics treats the aura of man as
part of his physical body, since all the inner organs of man are affected
by this L-field.

It is assumed that you understand that all matter has a rate of vibration
which is peculiar to itself. To have a rate of vibration is to have a
rhythmical pattern of recurring periods wherein the energy of the vibration 
changes from one value to another. In such a situation, the frequency of a 
system is said to oscillate between  certain maximum values.

                              R E S O N A N C E
Resonance is said to occur when the respective periods of free oscillation
of two or more different systems coincide with each other. Two systems
having the same natural frequency, when joined together in phase, resonance
occurs with the result that the minimum and maximum values are reached
simultaneously. As an example the fact that a vibrating tuning fork will
set into sympathetic vibration, or resonance, another tuning fork of the 
same frequency. Resonance involves an exchange between systems, a kind of
mutual 'sensing'.

                              H A R M O N I C S
Every vibration has what is known as a fundamental frequency,
plus its accompanying harmonics. The 'Fundamental'
(Sometimes referred to as the First Harmonic) is the FIRST and the 
Mirror Image of the Fundamental. Together with the fundamental frequency,
there is an infinite series of harmonics, all vibrating at different
Amplitudes, but all Reflections of the original Frequency.
The frequncies of the Harmonics are all integral multiples of the 
fundamental frequency. The first Harmonic, following the fundamental,
is double the fundamental, the next is treble the fundamental, and so on.
It is generally known that that magnetic fields, and their harmonic 
vibrations, interact with each other in varying degrees of attraction and
replusion, varying degrees of 'in-phaseness' or 'out-of-phaseness' with
each other. The harmonic of a physical body is seen to be intermeshed
with the body itself, but also extending beyond it...
We concieve then, of each living organism as radiating out into space,
a frequency indentifying other aspects of its physiological and
psychological existence. As I mentioned previously, that if the oscillatory
sequences of two or more systems coincide, producing a sympathetic 
vibratory unison, resonance is therby established. Given these conditions,
it seems reasonable to expect that a human body, as an independently
vibrating source, is capable of attaining a degree of resonance with other
independently vibrating sources. Not only establishing resonance with
other human bodies, but also with frequncies of sound, color, fragrance,
etc.  The human body has a magnetic force field around it, with a pattern
of nodal points similar to that of a bar magnet. Each of these nodal points
is in contact with the person to whom they belong. Therefore, to be in
resonance with any one of these points is to be in resonance with the
individual. Such people as Phil Allen, the author of "Energy, Matter and
Form" suggest that these nodal points occur inside the body as the
acupunture meridian systems.

                                R A P P O R T
In 1852 a Frenchman named M. Benoit used snails in his experiments, as he
felt that a certain form of rapport was operative in the animal kingdom.
First, he paired of 52 snails and allowed them to become well 
acquainted by living together in seperate pairs. Then on each pair, he
wrote a letter of the alphabet, two A's, two B's, and so on. One set of
alphabet labeled snails was sent to America, and the other retained in
Paris. At a predetermined time, in Paris, an electric shock was applied to
a snail, say snail E. Simultaneously snail E in America reacted in
sympathy, exibiting a kind of erratic behavior. Several snails were shocked
and it was possible to transmit a simple message by 'snail telegraph'!

In 1965 George De La Warr conducted a experiment in his laboratory in
Oxford, England. But the unique feature of his endeavor was to show
that rapport exists between a physical object and a photograph of that
object. A photo was taken of a snail and sent to the town of Evesham,
40 miles away. In Oxford the animal was placed in an apparatus wereby 
Histogram readings could be taken.(Histograms are basically 
Amplitude/Frequency graphs of energy transmission through body tissues.)
In Evesham, which was linked to Oxford by telephone, the snails photograph
was intermittently exposed to certain light energies which were successfull
in producing responses registered by the Histogram in the Oxford Laboratory.
Similair experiments were carried out with human subjects and their 
photographs; with several energy stimuli such as light, sound, color,
ultrviolet, and infra-red radiations, and magnetism. In each instance
Histigram readings indicated that a state of rapport existed between the
subject and his photographic image. Other De La Warr research suggests
that rapport holds, over great distances, between an individual and his
blood or hair specimens, fingernails, and other bodily fluids.
There is also much Magical Literature that will support these findings.
Books by Aleister Crowley mention the 'Magical Link'. The book
'The Golden Bough' also has many references to natives utilizing the
'Magical Link' for their ceremonies in healing, crop growing, etc.

                               ~ K A R M A ~
                           +        A N D           -
                              K N O W L E D G E

What I would like to do now is to begin talking on HOW to use the 'Magical
Link' for our own BENEFICIAL purposes. I will NOT talk about putting
a Hex on someone or some other devious purposes. This knowledge is 
presented to you for Enlightenment and not for Destruction. I know there
are individuals who will try to Psychically Dominate someone etc
with this data, but that is their CHOICE and they will have to live with
the EFFECTS of their CHOICE to destroy. Heed this warning! Its the
First One I have made about this subject, AND its the LAST ONE!
Go ahead and say, "Listen to the Holiness and Light Bullshit..." or
something to that effect. It is never the less a warning AND a wisdom.
So if a your are the type of person who is a 'Men in Black' persuasion,
or more to the point, a 'Satanist', you will probably go right ahead
with your plans and ignore my warning...and 'kill that bastard' or
whatever. Well.... with Knowledge comes Responsibility, that means you
are now RESPONSIBLE for what you do with the information. And when you are
held RESPONSIBLE...as the saying goes....then you can 'get the axe' so to
speak....and most of the times 'the axe' falls 'much too quickly'.
NUF' SAID!.....ONWARD!!!! -------------------->

It is now suggested that if you intend to pursue this study of Radionics
and its cousins, Radiesthesia,and Psychotronics, that you purchase a
device from one of the Suppliers that I listed in the previous
disscusion, in the File titled RADION02.DOC. You can buy them from prices
ranging from $35.00 to $300.00+. The only reason that I suggest you
purchase a device is simply because it makes your job about 100% easier,
faster, and more accurate. In my opinion, they are 'necessary' to
get any 'real' work done. Of course if you talk to a native Shaman of
Brazil, he would most likely tell you otherwise....until he used one of
the devices himself, and he realizes that it does make things easier!

I am going to use the Magnetron in the first few discussions, since
it is the least expensive to purchase, easiest to operate, requires no
electricity, and can be 'tuned' very quickly. Oh yes, by the way, the
Magnetron is available from 'Supersensonic Energy Technologies', and their
address is in the RADION02.DOC.
Color is what I have used for many 'basic' applications where not much
is known about the problem at hand. It is my 'old reliable' form of
treating illness. First I acquire a 'witness' of the person, such as a
fingernail, hair, or preferably a RECENT photograph.
Then I determine what the persons problem is, for example a cold.
Then I place the witness of the person on the Magnetron, (after I tune
the Magnetron) and in this case for a cold, treat the witness of the
person with Red and Green light, alternating the colors every two
hours, then every four hours, then every two hours, and so on.
In addition I also use Vitamin C with the light. So the person
then recieves the positive vibrations from the light, and secondly, from
the physical remedy itself. Vitamins can be administered to people
in this fashion also. Herbal remedies work well also. Say a person is
allways uptight, and they cant seem to ever relax. A witness of
Marijuana, for example would aid the person to feel the soothing effects
of the herb without having to physically consume it. A sleeping pill
for the insomniac on the Magnetron along with his witness, will 
produce the same effect in him as if he physically consumed it, although
it takes a much longer time to feel the effects. Because you are 
dealing with the suble energies of the persons L-Field.

               O V E R L O A D S   &   E T H I C S

Too much of anything is bad for you, and radionic energies are no
different. I myself on occasion have recieved too much energy, and
the result was that I felt very 'stuffy', had hot flashes, and was
VERY irritable...So make sure someone doesnt Overdose on the
energies you are feeding them. I also made it my policy to ALLWAYS
ask the person, if I have their PERMISSION to help them.
I make NO exceptions to this rule. And I suggest you do the same.
That is, unless you dont mind infringing on them and collecting
their bad energies...since you took the RESPONSIBILITY to take care
of them without their permission. And as I said before, when you accept
Responsibilty for something, YOU are the one who gets in trouble
when something goes wrong with the thing you are responsible for.
And in this case, if you take Responsibility for the persons health
then you are also going to feel the effects of your decisions.
So the patient gets well and you get his 'old' illness.....
It really happens! SO ALLWAYS ask for their permission to help them.
It can be as simple as "Would you like me to try and make you well?"
Nothing fancy or formal. Just a simple 'Can I...' is sufficient.

Gem stones can be used as 'medicine' just like the Vitamin C, Herbs,
Pills, and Colors. Get a book on the Healing Properties of Gemstones,
and read it...then you will know if a particular gem stone frequency
will aid a persons diminishing concentration, etc...
A Herb book, detailing all the healing properties of the Herbs is all
you need to form a conclusion as to what Herb will get rid of a specific
condition. And so on and so forth....Its all VERY simple once you begin
to understand the principles of Radionics.
Radionics is a accepted form of medicine all over Europe and is gaining
popularity in the USA, even though no 'medical claims' can be made for it
here in the USA. Since the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) doesnt
understand how Radionics works they wont accept it, and since the FDA
will NOT allow a demonstration of the effectiveness of radionics
as 'proof' of its effectiveness, the majority of the American public
have remained ignorant of it. DONT allow the FDA's close mindedness,
and backward acceptance procedures prevent you from enjoying
the benefits of Radionics. You have nothing to lose, and much to gain.
Give it a try, read about it, and discover for yourself its validity.

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