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     What makes the New Testament new?  What does it tell us that the Old
Testament does not?  Why is it so controversial?  Why is the New Testament
still able to speak so forcefully after almost 2,000 years of circulation? 
Where do we begin so that we can grasp its purpose and place in the world
and in our own lives?

     This booklet was written by David Egner to help you understand the New
Testament, its purpose, its people, its times, and its places.  But most
important, the purpose of this booklet is to give you a better
understanding of God and yourself through the greatest book ever written --
the Bible.

                          A BOOK LOVED AND HATED

     The New Testament completes the story begun in the Old Testament.  It
tells about the coming of Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. 
Even though He didn't write a word of it, the New Testament is His book. 
It records His teachings and the story of His life, death, and
resurrection.  His followers claimed to write and speak with an authority
granted by God.  This book has had a more profound and controversial impact
on the world than any other book ever written.

     Millions have loved it.  Down through the centuries, people imprisoned
by sin have found life and freedom through faith in the One the New
Testament was written to proclaim.  Those who have been held captive by
bars and walls, such as Fyodor Dostoevski in Siberia and the inmates of
concentration camps, have found freedom of mind, heart, and soul through
its words.  People enchained in broken bodies, or shackled by physical
suffering, or tortured by the unseen enemy, or enslaved in spiritual
darkness, or bound by relentless legalism, or crippled by a fearsome self-
doubt have responded by faith to its message of freedom.  They have stepped
into the light of God's liberating, never-changing love, as expressed in
the New Testament.

     Millions have hated it.  Emperors like Nero and Diocletian tried to
destroy the New Testament.  Philosophers like Voltaire have proclaimed it
to be a dead book of lies.  Social scientists have scoffed at the solutions
to man's problems set forth by the humble Galilean.  modernists and
futurists have labeled its morals as hopelessly outdated and proclaimed it
to be a book for the past -- a book without the power to make an impact on
the world at the close of the 20th century.  

     Even so, the New Testament lives on.  The same burning message that
conquered the Roman world, lit the fires of the Reformation, and ignited
the great revivals of the 19th century continues to burn with liberating
brightness.  In our day, the message of the New Testament has sparked great
revivals that have swept through Indonesia and Korea.   Current reports are
that 27,000 Chinese per day are placing their trust in Christ.  Romania is
spiritually alive.  And even the Soviet Union must grudgingly admit that
despite its atheism and its stern efforts to quench the church, the number
of Christians within its borders continues to grow.

     Why is this collection of 27 books written in the last half of the
first century by a few zealous followers of the Jewish Messiah having such
an impact?  Because it is part of the Bible, the one book in all the world
that can bring us to God.  The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to
break every chain that binds us.  Yes, the New Testament brings God to us
and it can bring us to Him.  Through it, we can know Him in a personal,
liberating, growing way.


     God had been silent for 400 years.  The devout of Israel had waited in
vain for God to speak again and for their anticipated Messiah to come.  But
nothing had been revealed since the prophet Malachi put down his pen,
finishing the Old Testament.  Then in sudden, bold, broad-sweeping strokes,
God revealed Himself in two ways:  (1) through the coming of Jesus Christ,
His Son, and (2) through the writing of the New Testament.

     The world had changed greatly during those 400 years of silence. 
Palestine itself was vastly different from those struggling days when
Jewish zealots returned from Babylon to reconstruct their temple and
rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

     To understand the impact of Christ's coming and the background of the
New Testament, we need to acquaint ourselves with political, social,
economic, and religious forces that were alive in the world into which the
Lord Jesus was born.

     The Roman World.  Rome was the dominant force in the first-century
world.  Its armies had marched with power and precision across Europe, the
Middle East, and Africa, bringing nation after nation under its control. 
Palestine had fallen to General Pompey in 63 BC.  Though taxed heavily,
Israel benefited from Roman rule:

     *    Peace.  The world was at peace in the days of the New Testament.
     *    Government.  The emperor had the power to force reigning
          governors to rule well.  In many cases, this kept them from
          amassing great private wealth at the expense of the people.
     *    Travel.  Because of the Roman peace, people could travel freely
          from country to country.
     *    Communication.  The flow of information was the best the world
          had ever known.

Because of these factors, Christianity got a firm foothold and grew rapidly
under Roman rule.

     Greek Influence.  Although the Greek Empire had collapsed before New
Testament days, it was still a powerful world influence in the following

     Language.  Alexander the Great's lightning-fast conquests (331-322 BC)
     made Greek the dominant language of the civilized world.  When the
     Romans conquered territory, they encouraged its continued use.  This
     benefited Christianity because: (1) a common language made the spread
     of the gospel easier, and (2) the New Testament was written in Greek
     and could be understood by everyone.

     Culture.  The Greek mind confronted basic questions about man, life,
     and the supernatural.  The Greek poets, dramatists, and philosophers
     had thereby prepared the way for the satisfying answers Christianity
     brought to a searching and dissatisfied world.

     Jewish Background.  The Jewish background of the New Testament was
     important because:  (1) Christianity was born in a Jewish environment,
     and (2) Christianity was rooted in what God had already made known to
     His people through the Old Testament.

          When Christ was alive, Judea was governed by officials appointed
     by Rome.  Even so, the Jews were left to run their own internal
     affairs.  They did so through the Sanhedrin, a ruling body of 70 whose
     leader was the high priest.

          The religious life of Israel was centered in two institutions. 
     The first was the temple, which had recently been rebuilt by Herod the
     Great.  It was a magnificent structure, constructed to appease the
     Jews.  Old Testament rituals were elaborately carried out by devout
     Jews from all walks of life.  The second, the synagogues, were centers
     of worship and instruction scattered throughout the land.  Their
     services were simple, consisting of prayer, Scripture reading, and
     explanation.  Jewish boys were educated in synagogues, and their
     learning was primarily religious.  It was into this combination of
     Roman rule, Greek thought and Jewish tradition that Jesus was born and
     Christianity took root.


     The New Testament is a collection of smaller books.  The 27 books in
this "library" were written over a span of 50 years (AD 45-95) by eight
known authors (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, James, Jude) and one
unidentified author (Hebrews).

     The history of the Old Testament covers thousands of years; the New,
about a century.  Yet that century was the most important in the history of
man.  It was during those years that Jesus Christ was born, conducted His
public ministry, was crucified, and was resurrected.  messianic prophecy
was fulfilled and God's plan of salvation was accomplished.  The birth, the
establishment, and the initial expansion of the church also occurred in
that century.

     The books of the New Testament are not arranged in the order in which
they were written.  Rather, they are placed in four literary groupings:

     1.   Gospels:  Four biographies of Jesus Christ.
     2.   Acts:  The history of the early church.
     3.   Letters:  Twenty-one letters that define Christian belief and
     4.   Revelation:  A vision of the endtimes.

The word testament means "covenant" or "agreement".  The New Testament,
then, tells of a new relationship between God and man -- a new way of
knowing God.  The old covenant was based on the Mosaic Law and was made
with the Jewish nation.  The new (1 Cor. 11:25) was made with people of
every nation who accepted by faith the salvation offered through Jesus

     The 27 books of the New Testament are filled with intense drama,
inspired teaching, and practical instruction.  According to the New
Testament itself, they originated in the mind of God, came to us by diving
inspiration, and were kept from error through the ministry of the Holy
Spirit (2 Tim. 3:16).

     God became a man and dwelt among us (John 1:14), revealing Himself
more fully.  The New Testament records the life, teaching, and impact of
this God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ.  That's why an understanding of the
New Testament is essential if we are to know God better.

                          1.  Gospels:  Biography

     The New Testament story begins with the cry of a newborn baby.  In
Bethlehem of Judea, a son was born to Joseph of Nazareth and his young wife
Mary.  But this was no ordinary birth.  It was a virgin birth, prophesied
in the Old Testament, announced by angels, and made possible by a miracle.

     Jesus' Birth.  An angel appeared to Mary, a devout Jewish girl, to
tell her three astounding things:  (1) She was to be the mother of the "Son
of the Highest" who would be given "the throne of His father David".  (2)
He would be miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit.  (3) Her aged cousin
Elizabeth was pregnant.

     Joseph, Mary's husband-to-be was troubled when he learned that she was
pregnant.  But he was told by an angel that the baby conceived in her was
from the Holy Spirit, that he should marry her, and that this child would
"save His people from their sins."

     When it came time for Mary to deliver, she and Joseph were in
Bethlehem, "the city of David", miles away from home because Rome had
demanded that everyone in Palestine enroll for the tax in the city of their
lineage.  This fulfilled a prophecy of Micah.

     Angels heralded Jesus' birth to shepherds on a Judean hillside. 
Eastern astrologers followed the leading of a star to worship Him.  Joseph
was warned by an angel in a dream to flee to Egypt, saving the child from a
massacre by the jealous and cruel King Herod.

     Jesus' Inauguration.  The child born to Elizabeth was John the
Baptizer.  He began to preach, calling the Jews to repentance in
preparation for the kingdom of God.  Those who purified their hearts
testified to their act of preparation by being baptized.

     One day, while John was baptizing in the Jordan River, Jesus came and
insisted on being baptized.  While He was in the water, the Holy Spirit
descended on Him like a dove and the Father in heaven voiced His approval. 
John's words, "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the
world!" introduced Jesus to the world as its Messiah-Savior.  The next day,
Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness where He was tempted
by Satan.  Jesus thwarted His enemy's attack by quoting from the Old

     Jesus' Public Ministry.  After His temptation in the wilderness, Jesus
began to make Himself known to the people.  His 3 years of public life were
marked by 3 major activities:  teaching, performing miracles, and training
His apostles.

     The Sermon on the Mount was Jesus' first great teaching session.  In
it He presented principles for living in His kingdom.  His relationship to
the Law, and instruction in prayer.  He taught in ways the common people
understood:  parables, epigrams, and object lessons.  Yet He taught with

     His teaching was accompanied by miracles.  He demonstrated that His
claim to be the Son of God was true by showing His power over nature,
demons, disease, and even death.

     Jesus chose 12 men to be His apostles.  During the last 2 years of His
public ministry, these men were with Him nearly all the time.  This was
important because the responsibility of carrying out His plan would fall
squarely on their shoulders when He was gone.

     Crowds flocked to Jesus.  It seemed that wherever He went, He was
surrounded by throngs.  The common people accepted Him and He soon became
popular.  The religious leaders of Israel, however, hated Him.  They
resented His popularity and they despised His claims.  To them He was an
imposter and a blasphemer, so they began plotting His death.

     As His ministry drew to a close, even the crowds forsook Him.  His
enemies grew more bold.  Finally, one of His own apostles conspired to
betray Him.

     Jesus' Death.  Each of the four gospel writers closed his book with an
account of the last few days of Jesus' life.  In Matthew, it covers 9
chapters; in Mark 6; in Luke, 4 1/2 long chapters; and in John, 10.  This
should not surprise us, for Jesus had made it clear from the beginning that
He had come to give His life.  Seven times He had told His disciples that
He must go to Jerusalem and die.

     Jesus traveled to Jerusalem at Passover, the annual commemoration of
Israel's rescue from the slaying of the firstborn of Egypt.  When He came
into the city of Zion in a triumphal entry, He was celebrated by the common
people.  The next day, He threw the moneychangers out of the temple.

     His enemies, masterminded by Caiaphas the high priest, planned Jesus'
death.  He met with His disciples one last time in an upper room, and while
they were assembled Judas left to betray Him.  Jesus initiated the
communion service before making His was to the Garden of Gethsemane to
pray.  There He was arrested by a mob and then given an illegal trial
before the Sanhedrin, declared guilty, and brought before Pilate.  When the
Roman proconsul could not persuade the mob to release Him, he turned Him
over to them.  Jesus was led to Calvary, where He was crucified with two
criminals.  When He died, His body was claimed by two of His followers and
placed in a new tomb.

     All seemed lost for Jesus' disciples.  But 3 days later, He rose from
the dead.  He appeared privately to His disciples on several occasions, and
was also seen by hundreds of others.  He had conquered death!  The last
sight of Him was His ascension into heaven 40 days after His resurrection.

                                Seeing God

     Because Jesus was God in the flesh, and because the gospels tell His
story, they tell us volumes about God.  Here are some examples of what
Christ's life, death, and resurrection tell us about God.

1.   In Jesus' birth, we see the mercy of God as He humbled Himself to come
     to our rescue (Matt. 1:21-23).
2.   In Jesus' teaching, we see the wisdom and goodness of God as He tells
     us what to believe and how to live (John 12:49,50).
3.   In Jesus' miracles, we see the unlimited power of God to control
     nature, disease, and death (Mark 4:35-41; Luke 7:11-18; 9:37-42).
4.   In Jesus' training of the Twelve, we see God's desire to work through
     His people (John 14:12).
5.   In Jesus' death, we see how far God would go to redeem us from our
     sins (John 3:16).
6.   In Jesus' resurrection, we see the supernatural power of God to
     conquer death (Mark 16:1-8).

                               Your Response

     What does the story recorded in the gospels mean to us today?  To
focus your response, look up the references and answer these questions:

1.   Read Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:26-38; 2:1-20.  What does Christ's
     coming to earth mean to you?
2.   Read John 1:29.  What is your response to the words, "Behold! The Lamb
     of God!"
3.   When Jesus called His disciples, He said, "Follow Me!"  In what ways
     do these words apply to you in this 20th century?
4.   Read Luke 23:44-49; 24:1-8.  If you had been living, how would you
     have felt at Jesus' crucifixion?  At the news of His resurrection?
5.   Now read John 14:7-11.  In what ways should Jesus' life influence your

                            2.  Acts:  History

     The hopes of Jesus' disciples were crushed when Jesus died.  His
crucifixion had left them scattered and disillusioned.  The news of His
resurrection, however, brought them hope, and His appearance transformed
them.  Form that little band of men, the church grew rapidly to worldwide
dimensions.  The book of Acts tells the story of the beginnings of the
church.  We will look at it under four headings:  power, proclamation,
persecution, and Paul.

     Power (Acts 1 - 2:13).  Before Jesus ascended to the Father, He told
His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until the coming of the Holy Spirit. 
Ten days later, as the disciples were gathered on the Day of Pentecost, the
Holy Spirit came.

     Now when the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with
     one accord in one place.  And suddenly there came a sound from
     heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole
     house where they were sitting.  Then there appeared to them
     divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.  And
     they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with
     other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:1-4).

This marked the beginning of the church, the "called out ones" of all
generations who compose the body of Christ.  What appeared to be flames
rested on each of the disciples, and they began to speak in foreign
languages they had never learned.  A sound like a howling wind caused a
crowd to gather, and people from many countries heard the disciples
speaking in their native dialects.  That great institution for this age,
the church, had begun.

     Proclamation (2:14 - 3:26).  Jesus had said that the disciples would
receive power to become His witnesses.  The very day they received that
power, they began to proclaim Christ.  Peter stood and addressed the crowd
with great courage.  The theme of his sermon was this:  you crucified you
long-awaited Messiah, but God raised Him from the dead.  When the people
asked what they should do, Peter replied:

     Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus
     Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift
     of the Holy Spirit (2:38).

That day about 3,000 people trusted in Christ, and the church began to
grow.  Peter and John preached again in Solomon's portico, and many more
believed in the saving message of the gospel.

     Persecution (Acts 4:1 - 8:3).  With growth came opposition.  Peter and
John were arrested for preaching, threatened, and ordered to stop.  But
they refused to obey the order and prayed for even more boldness to preach. 
The Sadducees were jealous of the apostles popularity, so they had them
arrested and imprisoned.  After they were freed by an angel, the apostles
were recaptured and brought before the Jewish council, where they were
beaten and commanded not to preach.  They told the council that they would
obey God rather than men, and they continued daily in their preaching and

     The religious leaders hatred of the Christians finally focused on
Stephen.  When he was brought before the high priest, Stephen preached with
tremendous power, concluding his address with these strong words of

     You stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears!  You always
     resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you.  Which of
     the prophets did your fathers not persecute?  And they killed
     those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you now
     have become the betrayers and murderers, who have received the
     law by the direction of angels and have not kept it. (Acts 7:51-

The crowd was furious.  Stirred up by the religious leaders, they stoned
Stephen to death.  A man in that crowd named Saul held the garments of
those who threw the rocks.  He then took the lead in persecuting
Christians, going from house to house and imprisoning men and women alike. 
The followers of Jesus fled Jerusalem, and wherever they scattered they
took the gospel with them.  Some went to Damascus, and Saul got permission
to go and arrest them.

     Paul (Acts 9:1 - 28:31).  As Saul was traveling to Damascus, a
brilliant light stopped him and forced him to the ground.  A voice spoke to
him from the light.  When Saul asked who was speaking, Jesus identified
Himself.  In an instant Saul was converted.  He said, "Lord, what do you
want me to do?"  Blinded, he was led to the house of Ananias in Damascus,
where his sight was restored.

     What a transformation!  The persecutor became a follower; the
antagonist became a believer.  He would become the great missionary to the
Gentiles -- the one who would break the European barrier and take the
gospel to the very heart of Rome itself.

     Paul was called to carry the gospel to the Gentiles.  Accompanied by
Barnabas, Silas, or Timothy, he went into city after city to proclaim
Christ.  His method was to go to the synagogue and teach as a rabbi. 
Usually the Jews would resist him, but he would still gather a following. 
He would then stay in the city, meet with the believers in homes, and
continue to preach and teach as long as it was safe.  Sometimes it would
take beatings, scourgings, or imprisonment to make him move on.  Thousands
believed and churches were established in private homes.  After Paul moved
on, he often wrote to the churches to confirm the believers in the faith,
to correct their doctrine, or instruct them in Christian behavior.

     The day came when Paul could no longer avoid imprisonment.  He was
arrested in jerusalem, where he appealed to his Roman citizenship.  He was
transported at night to Caesarea, before being sent to Rome, where he
remained under house arrest for 2 years.  But he was still able to preach
and teach and correspond with the churches he had planted.

     The initial work was done.  The church, firmly established in
Jerusalem, had spread throughout the Roman world.  Many thousands of people
from all walks of life had believed.  And the flame that was ignited on
pentecost still burns brightly today.

                                Seeing God

     We can know God better through the history of the church recorded in
Acts.  Consider the following:

1.   In the coming of the Comforter, we see that God does not leave His
     people without help (Acts 2).
2.   In the establishment and growth of the church, we see that God has
     provided for the spiritual and personal needs of believers (Acts 2:40-
3.   In the boldness of the disciples, we see the power of the Holy Spirit
     available to us today (Acts 4:33).
4.   In the persecution of the Christians, we see the way God turns
     adversity into opportunity and accomplishment (Acts 8:4).
5.   In the missionary journeys, we see how God backs up His commission
     with His help (Acts 16:20-26).

                               Your Response

     The historical account of Acts should cause us to ask some probing
questions of ourselves.  Read and answer the following passages and

1.   Read Acts 4:33.  When was the last time you spoke boldly for Christ in
     the power of the Holy Spirit?
2.   Read Acts 5:40,40; 7:59,60; 16:20-25.  Have you ever been persecuted
     for your faith in Christ?  What was your response?
3.   Read Acts 20:17-28.  How are you supporting the church's effort to
     meet the world's need?
4.   Read Acts 20:31-38.  What kind of influence are you having on people?
5.   Read Acts 28:30,31.  In what specific ways are you letting Christ use
     you to build up His church?

                         3.  Letters:  Instruction

     In the city of Corinth, a group of people responded to Paul's
preaching, became Christians, and formed a church.  But they were involved
in immorality, division, and strife.  In Philippi, a discouraged group of
believers needed lifting up.  In Rome, a loyal band of Christ's followers
needed to clarify their beliefs about righteousness, the Law, and
sanctification.  They had questions about the Christian's everyday life. 
The believers at Thessalonica needed to know about Christ's return and the
last days.  In Ephesus, the leaders needed instruction about their position
in Christ.  Elsewhere, Christains were suffering and didn't understand why. 
False teachers were infiltrating churches and threatening to undermine the
work.  A pastor at Crete needed encouragement.

     What was the best way to meet the needs of the growing church?  The
apostles couldn't be everywhere at once.  So they sent letters (also known
as epistles) to explain Christian teaching, to inspire God's people to
holiness, and to tell them how to live.

     The churches or individuals who received these letters were no doubt
overjoyed when they arrived.  They were read aloud to the congregation and
passed around from church to church.  Copies were made with meticulous care
for other churches.  Believers began to collect them.  All in all, 21 such
letters were judged to be inspired, and they became a major portion of the
New Testament.

     Although there is some history and some biography in these letters,
they were primarily written to amplify the teaching of Jesus Christ.  Most
of them were written either to local bodies of believers (such as those at
Corinth or Rome) or to pastors (Timothy and Titus).  The age that began at
Pentecost is known as the church age, and these letters talk about church
life.  Among other things, they give instruction regarding:

     *    The unity of the church (Eph. 2:11-22).
     *    The worship of the church (1 Cor. 14:26-40).
     *    The leaders of the church (1 Tim. 3; Titus 1).
     *    The discipline of the church (1 Tim. 6:3-5).
     *    The ordinances of the church (1 Cor. 11:23-30).
     *    The preaching of the church (2 Tim. 4:2).

     Although the epistles were church-centered, they were also useful for
individuals.  A person with the opportunity to read them would learn the
principles to govern his conduct with his fellow believers and before the
world.  Here's a sample:

     *    We are to love one another (Rom. 12:10).
     *    We are to submit to government (Rom. 13:1).
     *    We are to imitate Christ (Eph. 5:1).
     *    We are to care for one another (1 Cor. 16:1).
     *    We are not to speak evil of anyone (Titus 3:2).
     *    We are to confess our sins (1 John 1:9).

     These 21 letters were also written to define and clarify the basic
beliefs of Christianity.  For example:

     *    Jesus Christ is God (Col. 1:13-19).
     *    The Holy Spirit indwells every believer (1 Cor. 6:19,20).
     *    All are sinners (Rom. 3:23).
     *    Believers are to forsake sin (Rom. 6:1-14).
     *    Righteousness comes through Christ (Rom. 3:21,22).
     *    The Bible is inspired (2 Tim. 3:16).
     *    All will be resurrected (1 Cor. 15).

                                Seeing God

     The epistles help us to know God in the following representative ways. 
As you read these letters, you will see many other elements of God's

1.   In the autobiographical writings of Paul, we see how able God is to
     supply the deepest needs of those who are willing to serve Him (2 Cor.
2.   In the doctrinal portions, we see how careful God has been to provide
     a rescue that is as right as it is needed (Rom. 3:21-26).
3.   In the comforting passages, we see a God who is able to enter into our
     pain and care about our struggles (2 Cor. 1:3-6).
4.   In the corrective sections, we see a God who not only loves us enough
     to accept us just the way we are, but loves us so much that He is not
     willing to leave us the way He found us (Heb. 12:7-13).
5.   In the prophetic passages, we see a God who has promised to prepare
     for us an eternal kingdom where all evil and sin has been removed (2
     Pet. 3:10-13).

                               Your Response

1.   Read Colossians 1:9-18.  What is your personal relationship to Christ,
     the preeminent One?
2.   REad Ephesians 4:7-16.  how are you using your spiritual gift to build
     up the body of Christ?
3.   Read 2 Thessalonians 2:16,17.  How does your faith in Christ affect
     what you say and do?
4.   Read 2 Peter 2:1-3 and 1 John 4:1-6.  How can you protect yourself
     from false teachers?
5.   Read 1 Peter 1:6-9.  In what ways does your suffering bring glory to
     Christ's name?

                         4.  Revelation:  Prophecy

     As we have worked through the New Testament, we have seen the story of
God's salvation in Christ revealed like the gradual unrolling of a scroll. 
We have read of great events:  the miraculous birth of Christ, His 3 years
of public ministry, His sacrificial death, and His resurrection.  Rising
out of the disappointment of Calvary came the transformed disciples who,
empowered by the Holy Spirit, established the church and extended it
throughout the world.  And the church still lives today, perhaps stronger
now than it has been for generations.
     But how will it all turn out?  What will happen next?  What lies ahead
for the church -- and for the world?  

     The answers came to John, Jesus' beloved disciple, in a series of
dreams and visions.  Written down in the book of Revelation in highly
figurative language, they set forth the future of the church and all

     John's Vision of the Past (Rev. 1-3).  John saw Christ, the Head of
the church, walking among lampstands that represented seven churches of
Asia Minor.  To these churches He gave words of approval, accusation, or
admonition.  Those who endured were promised spiritual reward at Christ's

     John's Vision of Heaven (Rev. 4,5).  First he saw the throne of God
itself, shimmering in glory and surrounded by worshipers who exalted God
for His wonderful creation.  When no one was found worthy to open a large
scroll, John wept.  After he was told to stop weeping, he was given the
vision of a slain Lamb (representing Jesus Christ) standing in the center
of the throne in heaven.  A chorus of praise rang out for the Lamb, who was
worthy to open the scroll because He had purchased men with His own blood.

     John's Vision of the Future (Rev. 6-22).  The majority of the book of
Revelation deals with future events.  This portion may be divided into
three general sections:  the tribulation (Rev. 6-18), the return of Christ
and related events (Rev. 19,20), and a vision of heaven (Rev. 21,22).

     1.  The Tribulation.  The outpouring of God's wrath was shown in a
vision to John in the opening of seven seals, the sounding of seven
trumpets, and the outpouring of the contents of seven bowls.  Here is what
the opening of the seven seals revealed to John:

     1st seal:  a white horse - Antichrist
     2nd seal:  a read horse - war
     3rd seal:  a black horse - famine
     4th seal:  a pale horse - death
     5th seal:  martyred souls under the altar
     6th seal:  earthquakes - destruction
     7th seal:  introduction of the seven trumpets

     The sounding of the trumpets will usher in terrible devastation on the
earth:  A third of the vegetation of the earth will be destroyed by hail
and fire, a third of the creatures of the sea will be destroyed by a
flaming mountain, a third of the rivers will be poisoned by a falling star,
a third of the stars and planets will go dark, and a third of earth's
population will be killed by a fiendish army of 200 million.  Between the
sounding of the sixth and seventh trumpets, John saw a vision of an angel
with a little book and two witnesses.

     God will punish the rebellious nations of the earth.  Meanwhile, His
enemies, Satan and his henchmen, will gain control of vast segments of the
world's population.  The earth, reeling with war and death, will be filled
with blasphemy and evil.

     The seven bowls filled with God's wrath will be poured out on the
earth.  One after another, plagues more terrible than ever seen before will
fall on the earth.  Multitudes of Christians will die as martyrs.  And
Satan's man, Antichrist, will assembly his armies in Palestine to destroy
the Jews.

     2.  The Return of Christ.  In this part of John's vision, he saw
heaven opened and the Lord Jesus Christ returning to earth in all His
glory, surrounded by vast armies.  He also saw Antichrist defeated at
Armageddon and Satan chained for 1,000 years in the bottomless pit.

     After the Jews turn in faith to Jesus Christ as their true Messiah, He
will establish His throne in Jerusalem for a 1,000 year reign over the
earth in righteousness, prosperity, and peace.  When the millennium is
over, Satan will be released and will lead a final revolt against the Lord. 
The rebels will be destroyed by fire from heaven, and Satan will be cast
into the lake of fire forever.  The earth and heavens as we know them will
be destroyed, and they will be replaced by a new heaven and new earth.  All
unbelievers will be resurrected and judged before a great white throne.

     3.  A Look at Heaven.  John's vision concludes with a grand survey of
the new heaven and new earth.  The jeweled walls, crystal river, streets of
gold, and tree of life will be the believers' eternal home.  They will live
in the presence of God and their Savior-King, the Lord Jesus Christ,

                                Seeing God

     The magnificent yet terrifying visions of Revelation help us to know
God better.  As you read this book, you will see many truths about God. 
For example:

1.   In Christ's messages to the seven churches, we see God's deep concern
     for the spiritual welfare of His people (Rev. 2,3).
2.   In the vision of the throne in heaven, we see the majestic, lofty,
     unlimited glory of God (Rev. 4).
3.   In the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments, we see God's anger over a
     sinful and rebellious world (Rev. 6-18).
4.   In the defeat and banishment of Satan, we see that God has the power
     to conquer sin and evil (Rev. 19,20).
5.   In the description of heaven, we see the goodness of God eternally
     displayed (Rev. 21,22).

                               Your Response

     In the light of our survey of Revelation, take a moment to respond
personally to these questions:

1.   Read Revelation 1:9-17; 5:6-14.  What is your response to these
     glimpses of Christ's glory?
2.   Read Revelation 2 and 3.  If Christ wrote a letter to your church,
     what would He commend?  What would He condemn?
3.   Read Revelation 6:1-17.  What does this tell you about the future of
     rulers who continue to reject God and nations that mock His name?
4.   Read Revelation 20:11-15.  How does the certainty of the final
     judgment affect you?  The lost?
5.   Read Revelation 21.  What thoughts enter your mind when you read
     John's description of heaven?


     The names of Jesus tell us about God's character.  Let's look at four
of His most often-used names.

     Jesus.  This name was given to Jesus by angelic pronouncement before
His birth (Matt. 1:21; Luke 1:31).  It is the Greek form of the Hebrew name
Joshua and it means "the Lord is salvation."  The name is a reminder that
God delights in the salvation of His people.  He delivered them in the past
(the exodus and the return from Babylon), He is delivering people
spiritually in the present, and He will deliver Israel literally in the
endtimes through Jesus.

     Christ.  This name is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Messiah,
which means "the anointed one."  Because this term was politically charged,
Jesus used it of Himself sparingly.  The name underscored the reliability
of God:  He had promised a deliverer and now He had come "to save His
people from their sins."

     Son of Man.  This was the term Jesus used most often of Himself.  It
was used prophetically of Jesus in Daniel 7:13,14.  Jesus used this name to
identify with mankind in general (Ps. 8:4; 80:17).  This name tells us that
God was willing to identify with His people and become their substitute to
bring them salvation.

     Son of God.  Jesus did not use this name for Himself very often.  It
was given to Him by the Father at His baptism and transfiguration (Matt.
3:17; Luke 9:35).  It identified Christ as God's Son -- equal with the
Father and having power to do things only God can do (see John 5:25,26). 
This name reminds us that He truly was God among men.


     Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He instructed His followers to go
into all the world, proclaim the gospel, and become disciple makers (Matt.
28:19,20).  He also promised that they would be given power by the Holy
Spirit to be His witnesses throughout the earth (Acts 1:8).  The message
the followers of Christ were sent to proclaim is also the essential message
of the New Testament.  It may be summarized as follows:

     Who Christ Is.  The teaching of the New Testament is based on the
identification of Jesus Christ.  He is  God the Son, born of a virgin in
Bethlehem.  he took on our human nature so that He could be our substitute. 
He lived without sin, though He was tempted with all the temptations that
confront us (Heb. 4:15).  He fulfilled the Father's plan in exact detail,
submitting to the Father's will (John 4:34).  He was the God-man:  fully
God and fully man.

     Christ's Resurrection.  But Christ did not stay in the tomb.  Three
days after He died, He was raised from the dead.  Some women, His
disciples, and more than 500 others at one time were witnesses of the truth
of the resurrection (1 Cor. 15:1-8).  Because death is the penalty for sin
(Rom. 5:12-14), His resurrection demonstrates that God accepted His death
as a suitable sacrifice for sin.  Death's power is broken (1 Cor. 15:54-

     Our Response.  How does a person respond to the message proclaimed by
Christ's followers?  How does he appropriate to himself the merit of
Christ's sacrifice on his behalf?  By faith.  He first hears the gospel
story -- the good news of Christ's death for his sin -- and them he
believes and is born again (John 3:16).  This rescue does not come by
works, heritage, baptism, or self-denial -- it comes to all who trust in
Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.  And when a person believes, he is
forgiven of his sins (Eph. 4:32); he becomes a member of God's family (John
1:12); he is baptized into the church, the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13);
and he is justified in God's sight (Rom. 5:1).

     The Future.  An inexpressible future awaits those who accept the
message of the New Testament.  Jesus Christ has promised to return for His
own (John 14:1-3).  When the endtime comes, He will punish the earth for
its evil and purge it of its sin (2 Pet. 3:10-16).  The wrongs of this
world will be made right by Christ the perfect judge (Rev. 19:11), and
believers will live forever in heaven.  They will be completely satisfied,
filled with a knowledge of God that will give them eternal joy and ultimate
fulfillment in His presence.

                         THE NEW TESTAMENT AND YOU
     Now that we have surveyed the New Testament with a view toward knowing
God and have looked closely at its message, it's time to respond to what we
have learned.  If you are already a believer, your heart should be
rejoicing at the message of salvation and hope that is at the very core of
the New Testament.  If you are born again, you have the assurance that a
wonderful life in heaven awaits you.

     The New Testament, as we have seen, is filled with specific
instructions for you.  It calls for personal purity through obedience to
Jesus Christ.  It commands you to witness.  It demands a life of self-
sacrifice.  It assumes that you will be an active member of a local church. 
So how are you doing?  Any review of the glorious message of the gospel
should fill you with renewed dedication.

     But what if you are not a Christian?  Your next step is clear.  To
know God through the New Testament, you must trust in His Son, Jesus
Christ, as your Savior.  He died for you!  To receive Him, you must first
acknowledge that you are a sinner and that you cannot save yourself.  Then,
in simple prayer, ask Jesus to save you, believing that He will.  He has
promised to give new life to all who call on Him in faith.

     Trust Christ today.  The Bible asks, "How shall we escape if we
neglect so great a salvation?"  (Heb. 2:3).  When you receive Him, you will
experience the freedom from sin and guilt that Jesus Christ promises to all
who trust in Him.

     Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed (John

Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version, (c) 1979,
1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

"New Testament:  Know God Through the New Testament"  by Richard De Haan.
Copyright 1988 Radio Bible Class, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Used by Permission.
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