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Transcriber's Note: The following is the text of a pamphlet being widely distributed by Lyndon LaRouche's organizations and followers on the subject of Satanism and the occult. Photo captions follow their respective sections. All errors in spelling and history are those of the authors. The address given at the end for The New Federalist is P.O. Box 889, Leesburg, VA 22075. ________________________________________________________________________ I S S A T A N I S M I N Y O U R S C H O O L Y A R D ? Published by THE NEW FEDERALIST Price $1 (On the cover: A publicity photo from the rock group KISS, whose initials mean "Knights in the Service of Satan"; Satanist Robert McNamara, the former president of the World Bank; First day of school in a U.S. small town.) WILL SATAN DESTROY WESTERN CIVILIZATION? Satan is alive and well in the streets, schoolyards, daycare centers, and playgrounds of America. In all its varied and diverse forms, a Satanic virus is eating away at the very foundations of our civilization. If we don't wake up to this virus right now, we will all be consumed by it, and this country as we have known it will cease to exist. Just consider the following facts, which are available lo most people who watch TV or read a newspaper or a popular magazine: Some police experts estimate that as many as 50,000 young children per year disappear in the United States. Many of these children are lured into a satanic underworld where they are subjected to cruel sado-masochistic tortures; some are ritualistically murdered. So pervasive is the spread of satanic cults today that dozens of competing satanic computer "bulletin boards" exist, bearing such names as "Weirdbase" and "Baphonet." If your son or daughter has a personal computer with access to a telephone line, he or she may have already plugged into one of these bulletin boards and become part of a satanic underground that lists locations and events of more than 750 different satanic covens, bookstores, New Age centers, etc. servicing every state and every mediumto-large size city and town in the United States. It is getting hard to identify a place where children can go today where they are absolutely protected from the invasion of satanic forces. Day care centers, such as the McMartin Preschool in Los Angeles County, are now accused of being havens for pedophiles (child molesters) preying on the very youngsters they were being paid to protect and educate. Even the day care center at the U.S. Army base at the Presidio near San Francisco was the scene of over 50 child rapes in a one-year period. Among the suspects was an active duty reserve lieutenant colonel who enjoyed Top Secret security clearance from the Pentagon, although he was and still is the High Priest of a satanic church, the Temple of Set (the Egyptian name for Satan). Even the public grade schools have been invaded. In many schools around the country, teachers permit and in some cases encourage students to play the satanic fantasy game "Dungeons and Dragons." "D&D" involves real life action that has in more than one instance led a child to take his or her own life or to kill a friend. Many of the satanic fronts listed in the various New Age computer bulletin boards and published directories, are themselves creations of international pedophile rings scouting for unsuspecting and vulnerable children whom they can grab up for their lurid rituals. The mass scale emergence of Satanism in America over the last half-dozen years could not have been possible without a 25-year campaign by some of the world's most powerful and corrupt financial institutions and world federalists to spread mind-destroying drugs into every corner of our society. Today, America is the world's largest market for illegal mind-destroying drugs. Well over half the worldwide $500 billion a year trade in dope goes on in the United States. The target population is growing younger every year, with the latest, and most devastating form of cocaine, "crack," now targeting children 9-12 years old. The vast majority of inner-city drug dealers are teenagers--in most cases grade school dropouts recruited by the promise of a thousand dollars a day to join Satan's Army and destroy our nation's future. Drug-related violence has reached astonishing proportions in our country's inner cities. Gangs bearing such satanic names as the "Bloods" and the "Crypts" turn their drug profits into vast arsenals of heavy duty weapons. The rock music industry, which was instrumental in the launching of the drug-rock counterculture, in the last several years has pioneered satanic rock, worshiping every form of perverse evil. One British satanic rock group proclaims in its latest record, "In Gorbachov We Trust." An American satanic rock group, AC/DC, was the inspiration for Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker" who ritualistically raped and murdered dozens of young women in a yearlong rampage in southern California. Ramirez boasted to his police captors that he worshiped Satan. Beginning in the late 1960s, once millions of high school and college age youth had been lured into the drug-rock counterculture--through such mass media extravaganzas as the Beatles and Rolling Stones appearances on the Ed Sullivan TV show, the Woodstock festival, the Haight-Ashbury "summer of love," the Broadway smash hit rock opera "Hair"--the social engineers steering "Operation Satan" began peddling the "sexual revolution" which said that lesbianism and homosexuality were "liberating" forms of behavior. Put the pieces together. First, the creative capacities of the nation's youth--truly their most prescious possesion--are destroyed by drugs. Next, the sexual identities of millions of Americans are thrown topsy turvy by a culture that extols the virtues of homosexuality. And finally, Satanism, the worship of Evil, emerges as a new religion. In the face of this final onslaught against the most basic family values that sustained the nation for its first two hundred years of existence, we are beginning to see a resistance emerge. In many communities around the United States, churches, police departments, and civic groups are beginning to sound the alarm bells over the growing presence of satanic agencies. A nationwide outcry is beginning to be heard. The right questions are beginning to be asked. In the following pages, we shall probe the satanic revival. We shall identify the names of some of the key figures who have peddled this new worship of Evil. Some of them are international power brokers who deploy the satanic legions from above. Some are actual practitioners of the satanic rituals that they seek to spread throughout society. In the vast majority of cases, the advocates of Satanism are also enthusiastic backers of the new Soviet dictator Gorbachov. Almost all are apostles of world government tied in one way or another to the United Nations Organization. Far from being a nameless and faceless enemy, the satanic plotters are known, identified and publicly accessible. As the American patriot Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr. put it on numerous occasions, the question is not who the enemy is what he is up to. The question, today more than ever, for the American people is: Do you have the moral fitness to survive. In this most challenging case, to survive the satanic plot to destroy Western Civilization once and for all. (Photo caption: A billboard in North Carolina advertises for a missing child. Many missing children may in fact be victims of Satanists, while the target population for the rock-drug counterculture is growing younger by the year.) LUCIFER AND SATAN STALK THE STREETS OF AMERICA The Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine, near Columbia University in Manhattan, is the seat of the High Anglican Church in America's upper crust metropolis. Bishop Paul Moore, the present head of the New York Episcopal archdiocese, is from one of America's oldest and wealthiest blue blood families. The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John, an ancient chivalric order headed by a member of the British Royal Family, the Duke of Gloucester, is headquartered at the Cathedral. Despite--or maybe because of--these "oh so social" credentials, the Cathedral of St. John the Divine also happens to be one of the major centers for the spread of Satanism and satanic sexual violence in North America. Consider the following: Bishop Paul Moore's Cathedral is the formal headquarters of the Temple of Understanding, a United Nations-affiliated New Age Gnostic religion project that peddles every form of neo-pagan and satanic and Luciferian varieties of "religion" available. Not surprisingly, the Temple of Understanding's political orientation includes its recently sponsoring a series of Soviet-American shindigs, including a "February Fling" last year that honored 100 prominent Soviet officials then touring the United States. The Temple of Understanding, according to an aide to its current director, the Very Reverend Dean James Morton, dean of the Cathedral, is a closely affiliated outgrowth of the Lucis Trust, formerly called the Lucifer Trust. Founded between 1920 and 1922 by Alice Bailey, an Episcopalian who became a leading disciple of the Russian theosophist Madame Helena Blavatsky, the Lucis Trust has been devoted to advancing the Luciferian beliefs that, in Blavatsky's words, "oppose the materialism of science and every form of dogmatic theology, especially the Christian , which the Chiefs of the Society regard as particularly pernicious." Lucis Trust puts foward a pagan form of theosophical religion that worships an "External Hierarchy" of "Ascended Masters"--human beings living and dead--who say they carry out the work of a Luciferian "master plan" for the establishment of a permanent "Age of Aquarius" (Lucifer) that would replace the centuries old "Age of Pisces" (Christ). For them, the "Age of Pisces" refers to the Christian era. In this scenario, Lucis Trust figures point to Soviet leader MikhaiI Gorbachov, the man with the "Mark of the Beast" on his forehead, as one such "Ascended Master." The Cathedral also formally sponsors Lindisfarne, a medieval New Age community on Long Island that was founded by the late Dame Margaret Mead, a Temple of Understanding leader, and her husband Gregory Bateson. Lindisfarne is a center of witchcraft. Both Mead and Bateson were seminal figures in the launching of the satanic New Age from the 1960s. Bateson was a major figure in the CIA's MK-ULTRA LSD-25 experiments that actually launched the "acid rock" culture, the immediate precursor to today's satanic rock phenomenon. Back in the 1960s, when he was Secretary of Defense under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, Robert Strange McNamara was an open member of the Lucis Trust front, the Temple of Understanding. According to articles published by investigative writer Edith Roosevelt in the Manchester Union Leader in 1963, McNamara practiced Luciferian rituals such as "bathing in the full moon" on Roosevelt Island along the Potomac River. Luciferians, who nominally distinguish themselves from Satanists by their belief in "white magic" as opposed to "black magic" ("good" versus "evil") believe in the mystical powers of the Sun, which are so great that they can only be absorbed indirectly--through the practice of "bathing in moon beams." Hence McNamara's regular midnight flings on Roosevelt Island whenever there was a full moon. After leaving the Defense Department and with his subsequent appointment as president of the genocidalist World Bank, McNamara oversaw a systematic program to "do Satan's bidding" by depopuIating the Third World through murderous austerity measures that have claimed millions of lives. So much for the distinction between Lucifer and Satan. Bishop Moore himself has a horrid background: Prior to his arrival at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Bishop Paul Moore was a leading patron of the notorious Jim Jones in the years leading up to 1961 in Indianapolis, Ind. His People's Temple was promoted there by Moore and the Methodist now Bishop, James Armstrong. Along with Rabbi Maurice Davis, now of Westchester, N.Y., they gave Jones his original Indianapolis temple site, and sanctioned his acceptance among the Indianapolis clergy as a "legitimate" religious leader. Once in New York City, Moore introduced the New Age "sexual revolution" into the church by sanctioning lesbianism among the Episcopal clergy. Moore personally broke the "sexual barrier" by ordaining militant lesbian Ellen Marie Barrett as an Episcopal priest in 1977. Barrett told Time magazine that her lesbian love affairs gave her the "strength to serve God." In the late 1970s, several sources reported that Canon Edward West, an aide to Bishop Moore, was a frequent patron of some of New York City's seediest sado-masochistic "private clubs," where be would engage in such ritualistic practices as having young boys urinate on him while he lay naked in a ceremonial bathtub. One such club reportedly frequented by Canon West was the Mineshaft, a renovated warehouse in Manhattan's wholesale meat district, run by organized crime interests linked to John Zaccaro, the husband of Walter Mondale's 1984 vice-presidential running mate, Geraldine Ferraro. Such child-sex abuses as those alleged to Canon West are indications of a practicing Satanist. MEANWHILE, ACROSS THE ATLANTIC... From the dark secrets of the New York Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the scene now shifts across the Atlantic, to Trieste, Italy, a city on the ltalian-Yugoslav border that the newspaper La Stampa has described as the "capital of the Masons." It is just after the New Year 1989, and Alessandro Moncini, wealthy international businessman, political insider, and reputed leading member of Italy's darkest freemasonic lodge, Propaganda Due (P-2), has returned to his "beautiful Trieste" after spending slightly less than three months in a California jail. Moncini was arrested March 18, 1988 on charges of having imported child porn into the U.S.A. However, according to phone tap transcripts and other evidence leaked by frustrated U.S. law enforcement officials to the Italian newspaper of record, La Repubblica, the Moncini case actually involved a worldwide child slavery and child murder ring servicing an overtly satanic wing of the trans-Atlantic aristocratic "jet set." At least one of the phone tapes was between Moncini and Anthony Crowley, a U.S. porn king. Moncini was overheard negotiating the purchase of young girls who were to be "whipped " "chained," sodomized, and eventually murdered in what La Repubblica described in an understatement as "a satanic night." At the trial, Judge Richard Lew refused to allow the tape recordings to be admitted as evidence. Nevertheless, Moncini's conviction under the U.S. Child Protection Act carried a potential 30-year jail term and a fine of $1 million. Perhaps Judge Lew was swayed by "character reference" letters on Moncini's behalf from nearly 40 prominent members of the Trieste establishment, including from the Roman Catholic Bishop of Trieste and the Vice President of the Trieste Region. Undaunted by the slap-on-the-wrist treatment meeted out by the U.S. courts, two top police officials from Trieste have reportedly traveled to the United States in search of evidence "to prove the existence of a most exclusive club of international pedophiles" believed to be protected by secret lodges within the upper degrees of certain branches of international freemasonry. A SATANIC WAR IN THE ELITES Although it would be a gross overstatement to equate all masonry with the practice of Satanism, there is compelling evidence that among the elite circles of freemasonry there is a satanic core. Indeed, the European landscape has been stained in recent years with the blood of prominent aristocrats, bankers, and politicians who have been ritualistically and savagely murdered for violating their "blood vows." For example, on Jan. 27, the Financial Times of London reported that a Milan judge had just ruled that the 1982 death of the director of the Milan-based Banco Ambrosiano, Roberto Calvi, was actually murder. Calvi had been a leader of the Freemasonic P-2 lodge that was under investigation for operations aimed at overthrowing the government of Italy. Calvi was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982 shortly after his name emerged in the P-2 scandal. Calvi's death had all the earmarks of a ritualistic execution, carried out by a Scottish Rite Freemasonic court. Indeed, at the time, Italian officials had characterized the Calvi death as a ritualistic murder, despite efforts by a British coroner to sweep the death under the rug as a suicide. The P-2 scandal itself erupted as a direct outgrowth of the failed attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II, an attempt widely attributed to both Soviet bloc secret services and Western Gnostic "anti-Christ underground" circles. The decision by the Milan court to revive the Calvi murder issue was widely read as a signal that the Freemasonic Wars have resumed. In fact, a few days after the Calvi ruling, on Jan. 31, 1989, a prominent member of the Bourbon royal family of Spain was assassinated in Vail, Colorado. Prince Alfonso de Borbon Dampierre, a first cousin of King Juan Carlos of Spain and the pretender to the defunct throne of France, was killed on the ski slopes when a cable was lowered on him as he was skiing at high speed. Eyewitnesses described it as murder. An international arms dealer, the prince had close ties to Argentina and provided crucial arms shipments during the Malvinas War against England. Exiled in Italy throughout the Franco period, the prince was known to have strong ties to the Vatican. Over the previous several years, a number of prominent European politicians, including two West German state minister presidents, Uwe Barschel (1987) and Franz Josef Strauss (1988), died under mysterious circumstances that also bore the pawprints of Freemasonic ritualistic executions. In the case of Strauss, he died at a remote Bavarian hunting lodge owned by the Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis. THE TRAPEZOID AND THE PENTAGON There are other branches of Satanism. On Aug. 14, 1987, the San Francisco Police staged a raid on the Russian Hills home of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, an active duty U.S. Army Reserve officer, and his wife Lilith. The raid was in response to allegations that Aquino's home had been the scene of a brutal child rape of a four-year-old girl. The principal suspect in the child molestation, a Baptist Minister named Gary Hambright, was indicted in September 1987 on charges that he committed "lewd and lascivious acts" with six boys and four girls ranging in age from three to seven years old. At the time of the alleged incidents (police believe Hambright, was responsible for 58 separate incidents of child rape during 1986), Hambright, was employed at a child-care center servicing the U.S. Army base at Presidio. According to an article in the Oct. 30, 1987 issue of the San Francisco Examiner, one of the victims had identified Lt. Col. Aquino and his wife as participants in the child rape. According to the victim, the Aquinos had filmed scenes of the child being fondled by Hambright, in a bathtub at the Aquinos' Russian Hills home. The child's detailed description of the house in which the incident had occurred led police to the Aquino residence, which doubled as a satanic church, where they confiscated 38 videotapes, photo negatives and other evidence that the home had been the hub of a pedophile ring operating in and around the army base. For reasons that still remain cloudy, Aquino and his wife were never indicted. Aquino claimed that he had been in Washington. D.C. at the time, enrolled in a year-long reserve officers course at the National Defense University. Despite his absence from the Bay Area, Aquino had maintained his Russian Hills residence-church--and had made frequent trips back to the West Coast. As the result of the flap over the Hambright indictment and the raid on the Aquino home, Lt. Col. Aquino was transferred from the Presidio, where he had been deputy director of the reserve training program, to the U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center in St. Louis, Mo. To this day, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (USAR) maintains Top Secret security clearance. Queried by the San Francisco Chronicle, a Pentagon public affairs officer, Maj. Greg Rixon, told reporters Bill Wallace and John Whitinger "The question is whether he is trustworthy or can do the job. There is nothing that would indicate in this case that there is any problem we should be concerned about." Major Rixon was not only responding to a question about Aquino's suspected role in the pedophile ring at Presidio. Also at issue was Aquino's position as High Priest of a satanic cult called the Temple of Set. Founded in San Francisco as a 1975 split-out of the decade-old Church of Satan of Anton Szandor LaVey, the Temple of Set is now headquartered in St. Louis and claims a hardcore membership of approximately 50 disciples, many of whom are believed to be active duty military personnel in the Bay Area and Georgia. The apparently small size of the Temple of Set, if the published membership estimates are accurate, belies a much larger degree of penetration by Aquino. Among the projects of the Temple is a computer data base and "bulletin board" called "Weirdbase." Anyone with a personal computer and a telephone interlink can "plug into" "Weirdbase" and access a nationwide network of satanic covens, bookstores, and New Age service centers that penetrate into nearly every community in the United States. Aquino's "outreach" extends into the millions in the United States alone, and he is also part of an international network centered out of Leeds, England's Sorcerers' Apprentice Bookstore that services an estimated 40,000 Satanists or satanic "fellow travelers" "dabblers" in 66 countries on every continent. According to Aquino's own published writings, the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set are direct outgrowths of the late 19th-century satanic revival, sponsored by Madame Blavatsky, and more specifically, by one of her disciples, British pervert and Satanist Aleister Crowley, the founder of the Golden Dawn movement. In Aquino's own words from a Temple of Set recruiting document: "It was not until the late 19th century that the so-called 'Black Arts' began to be tolerated, and then only in their most sanitized and pious form. From Freemasonry came a ceremonial magical offshoot-- Rosicrucianism--which became increasingly more sophisticated in the Rosicrucian Society of England (S.R.I.A.) and then in the famous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (G.D.). "In 1904 an Adept of the G.D. named Aleister Crowley broke away from that disintegrating body to form his own Order of the Astrium Argenteum (A.A.). To the Rosicrucian ceremonial, magical philosophy of the G.D., Crowley added first a strong emphasis on attainment of the highest level of self consciousness ('Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel') and later the Masonic sexual, magic practices of Germany's Order of Oriental Templars (O.T.O.). The latter practices, together with Crowley's cavalier lifestyle, brought him public notoriety. His organizations survived his 1947 death only in highly fragmented and doctrinarily degenerate factions." Then there is Anton Szandor LaVey. "In 1966 the San Francisco sorcerer founded the Church of Satan as a medium for the study of the Black Arts and as an ethical statement repudiating the religious hypocrisy of conventional society. ... "The Church suffered periodically from petty crises and scandals among the general membership, and finally Anton LaVey lost confidence in its organizational viability. In 1975, he made a decision to redesign it as a non-functional, insincere showcase for his personal glamorization and financial income. This decision was emphatically rejected by the majority of the Priesthood, who immediately resigned from the Church in protest and denied its legitimacy as a true Church of Satan henceforth. The senior initiate, Michael A. Aquino, invoked the Prince of Darkness in quest of a new Mandate to preserve and enhance the more noble concepts which the Church of Satan had conceived and outlined. That Mandate was given in the form of The Book of Coming Forth by Night--a statement by that entity, in his most ancient semblance as Set, ordaining the Temple of Set to succeed the Church." LaVey, a former circus lion tamer and San Francisco Police Department crime photographer, founded the Church of Satan in 1966. LaVey's Church of Satan thrived on the drug-rock counterculture of the late 1960s and founded "grottos" in most major cities around the United States. LaVey is probably best known for his appearance in the role of Satan in the satanic movie, "Rosemary's Baby." Such Hollywood celebrities as Jayne Mansfield (the victim of an automobile crash that LaVey claims was the result of a "curse" that he cast on Mansfield's manager), and Sammy Davis Jr. counted themselves among Lavey's satanic cohorts. Another Lavey intimate, moviemaker Roman Polanski, was the husband of actress Sharon Tate. Tate was murdered by the Charles Manson "family" in one of the earliest and most celebrated incidents of satanic ritualistic murders. Manson had been in and around the Bay Area circles of LaVey just prior to the murder spree, which he described as the launching of "Helter Skelter," a mystical string of brutal ritualistic murders that were to trigger a race war in the United States that would bring about the coming of the Anti-Christ. Although no one ever explicitly linked LaVey to the Manson cult murders, in a moment of candor, LaVey told the Washington Post in February 1986: "Satanic rock lyrics, satanic movies, even the satanic murders ... all grew from the Church of Satan." In fact, Lavey's Satanic Bible was, by the early 1970s, an underground bestseller, with an estimated 500,000 copies sold in the United States alone. Former disciples of Aquino and the Temple of Set charged in 1982 that the Army reserve officer had recently steered the group into a virulently neo-Nazi direction, extolling the virtues of Hitler's own occult beliefs and even staging a ceremonial event at the Bavarian castle where Heinrich Himmler had staged pagan rituals. Indeed, Aquino also referenced three pre-Nazi fascist terrorist groups including the infamous Thule Society as the "models" upon which he had established the Temple of Set. A TOP-DOWN PHENOMENON The purpose of this series of "snapshots" of key locations of the satanic landscape is to make the point that Satanism has not merely emerged as s "natural sociological" outgrowth of the drug-rock culture of the past twenty-five years. Its prominent emergence as a serious, organized form of social decay, has been nutured--top down--by powerful forces within the Western establishment. Not coincidentally, many of the leading pro-Satanists and practitioners are the leading enthusiasts of Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachov's "New Age" of world government and Russian cultural domination. It will take a book to trace the actual evolution of this satanic revival. But, for the time being, it is essential that the readers of this pamphlet develop a clearer picture of the nature of the beast and the need for urgent action to stem the tide of the cultural collapse before the Age of Satan is fully upon us. (Photo caption: Bishop Paul Moore of New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine, which formally sponsors witchcraft centers. Moore's own background includes having been a patron of the notorious Jim Jones and his People's Temple.) (Photo caption: Aleister Crowley, the Golden Dawn's most notorious member, in a 1907 photo. His teachings are now the basis of a Church of Satan, and a Temple of Set, whose leader Lt. Col. Michael Aquino has Top Secret security clearance in the U.S. Army Reserve.) SATANISTS LOVE GORBACHOV, WHO WEARS THE MARK OF THE BEAST ON HIS FOREHEAD The theosophical Lucis Trust has effusive praise for Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachov, who is viewed as one of the hidden "Hierarchy" that is in the process of building a "new world order." The Lucis Trust-affiliated, German-language magazine 2000: Magazine for New Consciousness labels Gorbachov "the pathfinder for the new consciousness." In the same article, it details a prophecy by the mystic Edgar Cayce: "From Russia, comes the hope of the world." Likewise, American "New Age" guru Chris Griscom is quoted in the magazine after his return from Russia: "Gorbachov is the man who represents the future. His life is a present to us." The magazine goes on to note that the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution was really an expression of the Narodniki ("People's Will," the bomb-throwing anarchists, who were part of the back-to-the-land movement of the day) and the Raskolniki ("Old Believers" of the Russian Orthodox Church). The magazine states: "The Russian Revolution was, what is often not said, a product of spiritual policy. Its main exponent was the Narodniki, the friends of the people ... who preached in a mystic adoration, Mother Russia, Holy Russia. By this, they revived archaic nature-religion. They promoted the 'Mir,' the communal society. The Narodniki thought that, in the Mir, there was the heritage of a former Golden Age, the heritage of the mystic." The magazine then reports that Vladimir Lenin had been part of the Satanist project in Ascona, Switzerland, where he was famous for his ecstatic dances. Ascona, where a cult of Astarte held sway, was the spiritual center for C.J. Jung, whose Gnostic classes in the 1920s-30s included among his disciples Alice Bailey, the Madame Blavatskytrained Theosophist who founded the Lucis Trust under the name Lucifer Trust in 1920, when she broke from Theosophy. It is also notable that Lenin, together with Lunacharsky and Maxim Gorky, immersed themselves in the Mithra cultism of the Emperor Tiberius on the Isle of Capri, where they studied the relevance of paganism and the Roman Empire to Bolshevism in the grotto of the emperor's villa. It was the Emperor Tiberius in whose reign Christ was crucified, and scratching beneath the surface, one discovers that Bolshevism is not "godless communism," but yet another expression of the Biblical "Great Whore of Babylon" cultism. The present love affair between the Lucis Trust and assorted "New Age" enterprises in the West with Mikhail Gorbachov is merely a lawful continuation of this ancient relationship. There are several "New Age" groups and individuals involved in the East-West exchange of Satanism made possible by Mikhail Gorbachov's glasnost. The Temple of Understanding on April 11-15, l988 co-sponsored a Global Conference of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival in Oxford, England, attended by such notables as Temple president James Park Morton, who is co-chairman of the ongoing Global Forum. In attendance was Yevgeni Velikhov, vice chairman of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, together with three other Soviet Central Committee members. The next conference will be held in l990 in Moscow, where it is being sponsored by the Supreme Soviet, the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Academy of Sciences. The Global Forum's steering committee held an Oct. 17-18, 1988 meeting at the publishing house of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church to plan this event. In February 1988, the Temple of Understanding hosted a two-week-long February Fling at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, where dozens of Soviets were feted by the American Liberal Establishment. Father Louis Dolan, a Catholic priest who is on the board of the Temple, planned the February Fling. Father Dolan travels to the U.S.S.R. about every six weeks, and he is also on the board of the Wainwright House, the oldest spiritual development project in the U.S., which has had extensive East-West projects. At Wainwright House, Father Dolan is coordinator of the Institute on Global issues Citizen Diplomacy Missions to the Soviet Union; there are over a dozen separate "New Age"-style trips planned by Wainwright House to the U.S.S.R. in 1988-89. Father Dolan is also on the board of the Center for Soviet-American Dialogue (CSAD), which has co-sponsored a Citizens' Summit last held at Wainwright House. The next summit, which is to be held in Moscow on Oct. 19-29, 1989, will be hosted by the Soviet Peace Committee, an official front of the KGB-connected International Department of the CPSU. On the board of the CSAD with Father Dolan are such notable "New Age" Soviet exchange types as Barbara Marx Hubbard of the Soviet-American Council for Joint Projects and Win-Win World; Willis Harman, whose Institute for Noetic Studies will take part in the Moscow Global Forum (above) and who is a member of Hubbard's Soviet-American Council for Joint Projects; and, James A. Garrison, executive director of the Soviet-American Exchange Program at the Esalen Institute, which has been traced to KGB espionage penetration of U.S. intelligence and military layers, employing Soviet "spoon-benders." The Lucis Trust is sending its own "fact-finding mission" to the Soviet Union during 1989. Not only is the Lucis Trust connected to the "Russian spirituality" of Okhrana agent Madame Blavatsky, who founded Theosophy to overturn Western Christianity, but Lucis already operates behind the East bloc through its covert "Triangles" front that conducts astral meditation. (Photo caption: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: She founded Theosophy to overturn Western Christianity, and she was an agent of the Okhrana, the Czarist secret police.) (Photo caption: Mikhail Gorbachov at the United Nations on Dec. 7, 1988: He is much admired by the Lucis Trust, the one-worldist club based at the U.N. which was originally named Lucifer Trust.) (Sidebar:) ANGLO-AMERICAN SATANISTS The best-organized Satanist forces operating presently inside the United States include The Lucis Trust. This is the leading, putatively respectable Britain-based Satan cult (it worships Lucifer). The Lucis Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the New York United Nations headquarters, The Temple of Understanding, was originaly founded as the Lucifer Trust, in London, in 1922. The Lucis Trust associated with the UNO is the New York affiliate of the British organization. the name was changed from Lucifer Trust, to Lucis Trust, to make the nature of the organization less conspicuous. The Lucis Trust's leading sponsors include the following prominent figures: Henry Clausen, Supreme Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite Freemasons Norman Cousins John D. Rockefeller IV The Rockefeller Foundation The Marshall Field family Robert S. McNamara Thomas Watson, Jr. (IBM, former U.S. ambassador to Moscow) Prominent front-organizations sponsored by the Lucis Trust, include the following: The Theosophical Order of Service (founded by Annie Besant in 1908) The Theosophical Society (founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in 1875) The United Nations Association The World Wildlife Fund U.K. The Findhorn Foundation Greenpeace International Greenpeace U.S.A. Amnesty International The Nicholas Roerich Society (chief connection to Russian mysticism, spirituality) The Anthroposophists of Rudolf Steiner The Rudolf Steiner School UNESCO UNICEF The American Friends Service Committee THE THEORY OF THE SATANIST PERSONALITY by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. During a period of approximately the past two years, avowed Satanist cults, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and Wicca, have conducted a vigorous recruiting drive. Apparently, youth are the stratum chiefly targeted for recruitment. This is the third escalation of recruitment efforts observed by this writer during the period beginning with the launching of the Beatles and mass-proselytizing for LSD-25, in 1963. The second escalation appeared during 1969-1970, with encounter-group recruitment to homosexual and to "neo-malthusian" cults. The most recent recruitment escalation, during approximately the past two years, is establishing hard-core Satanism as a mass-based political force in North America and Western Europe. During the most recent period, hundreds of new OTO and Wicca cells have come to the surface inside the U.S.A. alone. This list does not include nests which appear to be simply knots of devotees for the OTO/Wicca-directed "heavy metal" variety of Satanist rock groups. There are other symptoms. There is an alarming rise in the incidence of certain kinds of social phenomena directly associated with increases in organized Satanist activities: disappearing children, incidents of pedophilia, murders with cultlike features, and suicides among teenagers and younger children. Such phenomena are specific to the "religious" ritual of the OTO sect, but not OTO alone. The question is: to some degree, crimes such as pedophilia, and so on, as well as teenage suicides, are perpetrated by persons who are not involved with Satanic practices. What portion of the increase in such horrors should be attributed to Satanism? The cult-rituals of the OTO are written into their manuals. Sometimes, as in the pattern of the "Atlanta child-murders," features of the crime point to the authorship. In addition, there is a significant amount of direct proof, that the rise in such statistics is directly the result of OTO and kindred forms of Satan-cult activity in locales where the statistical pattern points in such directions. There is also an ominous increase in circulation of literature and related Satanist propaganda activities. The spread of Satanist belief- structure behavior, such as cabalism, and the increase of Wicca-linked astrology activities, are collateral. A criminologist's report indicates that, in Western Europe, approximately one in five of the murders committed in current periods is the work of Satanists. It is also estimated that approximately 85 percent of school-age youth in West Germany have been exposed to Satanist activities. These and related developments have brightened the spotlight on the control over OTO, Wicca, and "Heavy Metal" Satanist rock-groups exerted from very high places in society. One example of this is the Lucifer/Lucis Trust, an Anglo-American association of Satan-worshiping theosophists with the highest possible levels of participation and backing in the New York City area. The Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine, whose diocesan organization under Bishop Paul Moore is itself a national center of Satanist organizing, is significantly integrated with the Lucis Trust's organization and activities there. In the United States as a whole, apart from that situation in the New York U.S. headquarters of the Anglo-American Liberal Establishment, the entirety of Satanist activity is coordinated under the umbrella of the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche, Aleister Crowley, and leading Fabian Society figures such as H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell. This umbrella has the name given to it by Nietzsche and Crowley: 'The Age of Aquarius." Marilyn Ferguson's 1980 The Aquarian Conspiracy documents her patron, Willis Harman of Stanford Research Institute, as one of the national coordinators of Satan-cultism in the United States, and identifies the Fabian Society's H.G. Wells as a key intellectual influence in the work of this cult. In all essentials, Ferguson's claims are verified by independent investigation. This goes back much earlier than the 1963 launching of the mass-recruitment drive for the Beatles' rock and LSD-25. It goes back to the roles of such as Gregory Bateson and Aldous Huxley in the CIA- cosponsored MK-Ultra operations of the 1950s. It also goes back to the founding of the so-called "Frankfurt School" (The Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, of such as Marcuse, Horkheimer, Habermas. and Adorno). Adorno's influential work on the "authoritarian personality," is the origin of the New Left, and was based on a proposal by then- Comintern agent Georg Lukacs, to attack the (Christian) cultural paradigm of Western European civilization, as indispensable to preparing the way for future "Bolshevization" of Western nations. Lukacs, Adorno, et al. were Satanists drawn from circles of Satanists. It goes back much earlier, to the Hell-Fire Clubs of mid-eighteenth century Liberal England, to meddling in cabalism, Rosicrucianism, and black magic by the circles of Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes--and Isaac Newton, too. It goes back much further. However, it is not the purpose of this report, to go into organized Satan cults and their pedigrees in further detail. The foregoing, introductory observations are supplied to situate our topic. We address a crucial, but limited aspect of the matter of Satanism. What happens to the human mind, to transform a person of certain weakness of character into something which is not human, a Satanist? Who are these Satanists, what are they, and what must we expect them to be likely to do? WHY SATANISTS ARE WORSE THAN CRIMINALS The very bad criminal is typified by the thief prone to brutality against victims during the course of his thefts. His primary objective is the theft. Contrast this wicked fellow with a criminal who engages in thievery of the same sort, but whose primary motive is the orgiastic pleasure of sadism performed, and the thievery only a secondary motive. That latter fellow may not be a professing Satanist, but the difference underlined by this comparison is key to understanding how a Satanist's mind is organized. Suppose that a fellow behaves in the second way, but makes a kind of religion of that sort of behavior. He recognizes that what he does is evil, but he delights in the fact that he is doing evil. This fellow is a Satanist. Consider another comparison. Put customary morality and law aside for a moment; consider only psychology. In this view, any person who consorts with prostitutes is showing a weakness of character. Forget for the moment, that this behavior is immoral . Psychologically, it is a symptom of a weakness in his character-structure. He is not necessarily a criminal type, he is not necessarily immoral in any other very obvious way. Now, let us take another person who consorts with prostitutes, but tends to include a sadistic sort of criminal impulse in his relationship to the prostitute. Usually, or merely on some occasions he is with a prostitute, he can secure no orgiastic satisfaction of the degree he requires, unless he perpetrates nasty indignities upon the poor woman, or even some savage cruelties, too. Let us imagine that this sadist in sexual affairs is the same sort of thief, beyond the ordinary sorts of bad criminality, we defined in our first comparison. In this case, when this person, acting ostensibly as a thief, torments or kills a male victim, for example, the torment and killing of that victim has the psychological overtones of an orgiastic homosexual rape. Now, examine, if you have the stomach for it, the manuals of Satanist Aleister Crowley, or the Crowley followers in the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). Crowley and the OTO are offering to the type we have just identified a "religious" ritual which proffers limitless possibilities of orgiastic degradation, in the same general psychological direction we have indicated by combining the two comparisons. Consider the following telephone conversation, recorded by the U.S. FBI. The dialogue is monstrous, but in dealing with Satanists we are dealing with a foul subject-matter. The person asking the questions is a Trieste industrialist, named Sandro Moncini, visiting the U.S.A. at the time this recording was made. On Oct. 8, 1988, Moncini was sentenced to a year in prison on a charge of importing pornographic material. The following recording was not introduced in evidence in that trial. Just recently, the same Moncini was released on "good behavior," returning, a freed man, to Italy, to continue doing as he pleased. The subject of Moncini's questioning in the following is a ten-year-old Mexican girl. Q: (Moncini) What can I do to this little animal? A: Everything. Q: Can I chain her? A: Sure. Q: Whip her? A: Yes. Q: Can I make her eat shit? A: I don't know. Q: Can I piss in her mouth? A: I think so. Q: Also stick nails in her nipples? A: Yes. Q: And if the little animal gets broken or hurt? A: Just make the traces and the body disappear. Q: What will it cost me? A. $5,000. It is to that mentality that Satanism appeals. More important, that is the kind of personality which Satanist indoctrination and rituals produce in the initiate who became involved in the cult merely, initially, out of a sense of naughty playfulness. That is what proliferates, if we continue to permit Satanist cults such as Wicca and OTO to recruit a mass-based movement in our society. THE HUMAN PERSONALITY From the standpoint of Leibniz's science of physical economy, the characteristic fact which sets mankind apart from and above the beasts, is our species' generation and assimilation of scientific and technological progress. The faculty, by means of which this feature of human existence is expressed, is the human individual's developable capacity for those rigorous forms of creative thinking we associate most readily with valid fundamental scientific discoveries. The existence of this potentiality in every human being, even in the sometimes moving expressions of this by individuals of greatly reduced capacity from birth, is the proper functional definition of "human nature." In other words, that which sets being human apart from, and above the beasts. This intellectual potential is complemented by the human individual's capacity for what is variously termed "sacred love," agape, or caritas. In those moments we are engaged in more intense forms of productive creative mental activity, we experience this feeling of sacred love more intensely. We recognize this in the joy enveloping a child's personality in moments of the child's own successes in creative problem-solving. We recognize it also in connection with expressions of love for God, for mankind, for truth, and for classical forms of beauty. When these two capacities, creative powers and sacred love, are efficiently joined so as to express a common purpose, we meet the essence of a healthy human nature expressed in the degree of development of the person's moral and intellectual potentialities. The case of valid fundamental scientific discoveries points most directly to a very special kind of associated feature of human nature. Whenever an individual contributes such a discovery to society, he or she is acting directly upon that society as a whole, implicitly increasing the potential of the present generation, and adding a new layer of achievement upon which posterity will base its more advanced contributions. His or her act reaches through the extent of the present, and into the future; it also reaches efficiently into the past. Every contribution by our ancestors, is essentially an incompleted action. Its good is something accomplished, but it is also the creation of a possibility to be realized by later generations. Insofar as we realize such possibilities implicit in the contributions of our predecessors, we increase the meaning of the whole lives of all among those predecessors who contributed to such possibilities. What a wonderful irony! In one respect, it appears that each of us is but an isolated individual within that sea of people which is the society as a whole. We individuals are so very mortal, the extent and breadth of our personal activity so fragile and brief a whisper in the billions of human beings who today constitute a single generation. Yet, such a fragile individuality is capable of universal efficiency, acting directly upon the society as a whole, and reaching efficiently to both future and past generations. This capacity is not limited to great scientific discoverers. How broadly, and across how many generations have Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven already reached so directly? The greatest classical poets and dramatists have done the same. Even the parents who seem to accomplish nothing more notable to the world at large than fostering the development of their children, are performing universal acts in that way. In former times, about a generation or slightly more past, it was not uncommonly our great pleasure to observe the moral insight exhibited by a pre-adolescent child, a child who had already a choice of future profession, and who described that profession in terms of the good for society which could be accomplished by such means. At our best, we reach toward the possibility of contributing something universal out of our mortal lives. In such moments, we are delighted to be alive, because we know that our mortal life as a whole is a good to be respected by future generations. When it is our efficient desire, that we live in a society in which every person is dedicated to that sense of the universality of the individual, we humans are generally at our best; we are in a state of mind which most nearly approximates the goodness and happiness of being an individual human being. Consider a different sort of member of our species. Where we prize agape, that person's greatest pleasure, and need for pleasure, is destructive rage. Where we need the joy of developing ourselves, that one takes orgiastic pleasure in becoming worse. This characteristic of the latter person, is the raw material of Satanism. The influence of pro-satanic forms of organized behavior has always been promoted within civilized society, by aid of a specific sort of dualism. This dualism is introduced to a civilized culture, by aid of insisting, as Descartes and Kant did so influentially, that the existence of intelligible forms of human reason is limited to the forms of deductive logic. On this account, everything not commensurable with deductive formalism is relegated to the occult domain, as Descartes did with his deus ex machina, and as Kant denied the intelligibility of those creative-mental processes by means of which valid fundamental scientific discoveries are effected. In both cases, that which is excluded from deductive formalism, is relegated to the domain of irrational forms of arbitrary assertions, as Kant's follower, Karl Savigny, prefigured Adolf Hitler's Nazism by declaring an hermetic severance of Naturwissenschaft (physical science) from the rest, Geisteswissenschaft. Once such a dualism is established as belief, the ground is made fertile for the Satanist's recruiting efforts. It is sufficient to assert the hostility of the irrational to reason, and to adopt the destruction of reason for the sake of the absolute freedom of irrationalism. So, in modem Germany, Max Weber and Martin Heidigger express the essential germ of Nazism, and through the channels of such agencies as the Frankfurt School of Horkheimer, Adorno, et al., the expression of irrationalism as the organizing of proto-satanic and satanic cults. The proto-Satanist asserts that his irrationalism is freedom and that reason, by putting limits upon the expression of irrationalist impulses, is authoritarian, the adversary of what Heidigger identified as the "freedom of the inner self." It is sufficient, that such a follower of Heidigger, for example carry this hatred of the authoritarian personality to its natural conclusion, to transform a follower of Lukacs, Horkheimer, Heidigger, or Adorno into a personality of the Satanist type. Look at that child, beaming with happiness, who has just solved, for the first time, some conceptual problem of simple play with blocks. That happiness, akin to the quality of sacred love, expressed in such terms of reference, is a simple expression of the essence of true human nature. What sort of person is it, that might defy his or her own essential human nature? In each case studied, such as the pathetic Max Weber, for example, there is a conspicuous defect in their character. They are characterized by a pervasive sense of personal failure. The "failure" is not a want of wealth, or social status otherwise. It is a sense of "inner failure" as a personality. The laments of a Kierkegaard or a Jean-Paul Sartre typify the case. The anarchist, the existentialist generally, typifies the syndrome. The hideous rantings of a Nietzsche are attractive to persons of such weak character, because they offer a "sense of liberation" from those constraints which reveal one's own character to be a weak one. THE CASE OF THE ROMANTICS The Romantics generally, are representative of this. As illustrations of the Chardinesque "omega points" which are the gateway from existentialist irrationalism into Satanism, the Romantics combine the dualism of Kant, as Savigny did, with the sheer irrationalism to which Savigny's neo-Kantianism lends license. The case of the composer Richard Wagner, is among the best examples of the manner Satanism and Romanticism are linked. Richard Wagner was introduced to Satanism as young Karl Marx was, as a recruit into the orbit of Giuseppe Mazzini's "Young Europe." During the period of 1848-1849, Wagner was a Mazzinian bomb-thrower, in the circle of fellow-Satanist and Mazzinian bomb-thrower Nikolai Bakunin. Bakunin later became an enthusiastic apologist for Wagner's musical standpoint, as one committed to destroy, especially, the Ludwig Beethoven Wagner hated. After the events of 1848-49, Wagner developed a typically Romantic sexual obsession toward the wife of the man who supplied him refuge, an obsession expressed in the GnosticSatanist eroticism of his Tristan und Isolde. His music-dramas were devoted to the Satanic myths of the Bogomil cult, and his method of composition was devoted to a radical form of irrationalism, the replacement of reason (counterpoint) by arbitrary chromatic progressions of the sort carried to an extreme in the Liebestod (love-death) duet of Tristan. In the end, in his Ring cycle, and the Bogomil mythologies of his Parsifal, Wagner became the overt Satanist whom Bogomil and Satanist Adolf Hitler admired so orgiastically. The significance of Tristan, is that it echoes a very clear defect in Wagner's personal character, the flaw in his character out of which his development as a Satanist grew. Other Romantics of talent, such as Hugo Wolf, show the same weakness of character. Wolf's musical accomplishment was his ear for poetic prosody; he had great literacy in reading musically the prosodic score of a classical poem. This shows out even despite the wildly irrationalist, Wagnerian chromaticism of his songs. Goethe's notorious weakness of character, that, but for the period of his collaboration with Schiller, the alternation of active and fallow periods was associated with the acting out of sexual fantasies, is the flaw which led the late Goethe into the Faust theme, and the wild Gnosticism of Faust II. Goethe's Werther is his Tristan in this respect. The progress of the influence of Satanism is typified by the comparison of Wagner with Arnold Schoenberg. Schoenberg was a failed Romantic-style composer, in every way a failed personality within himself, as well as in music. This led him into what is termed today a kind of "mid-life" crisis, out of which emerged the ugly stuff for which he is presently famous. That poor wretch would have died in the artistic equivalent of a pauper's grave, but for the intervention of the Satanist Adorno on his behalf. The Beatniks of the immediate post-war period, are an example of the connection between the failed personality and the propensity for Satanist recruitment. All of the rock groups are examples of severely damaged personalities, whose appeal is to the sense of being "damaged" among their audiences. The appeal of Satanism to its recruits is in the form of what psychology terms a "reaction formation." There are three ways to live with oneself, under the grip of a profound, existentialist, weak sense of personal identity. One is to overcome the impulses within one which cause this condition. Another is to accept the condition: "That is the way I am, and I will not be changed." A third is to destroy everything in society which, in the fashion of a mirror, shows one one's own sense of inadequacy: anarchism, shading into Satanism. The existentialist's sense of personal inadequacy, that his existence is intrinsically meaningless, is not limited to the poor soul ever whimpering within himself, like some frightened, hungry stray dog. It is associated with strong impulses for forbidden acts, as Kierkegaard's account of a fantasy-seduction illustrates the point. Inside the whimpering exterior, there is a raging, feral beast, which believes, or strongly desires to believe, that "life is meaningless, and everything should be permitted." This beast is a sado-masochist, who requires the perverted pleasures of orgiastic expressions of sado-masochism as an antidote to the whimpering boredom of moments when such exotic diversions are not being experienced. The whole is permeated with a degraded sexual character. Satanism addresses appeals to that perverted sense of lust within the defective personality-type, the whimpering existentialist: Life is meaningless. Everything is permitted, if it is done on behalf of freedom of the inner irrationalist self. Destroy every feature of a culture which would restrain us from that "freedom," and which, worse, tends to mirror to us the worthlessness we sense our existence to be. THE WANING OF RELIGION From the standpoint of secular society, Western Christianity expresses in a distilled, concentrated way, that which is most natural for true human nature. Man in the image of Christ, as Thomas a Kempis stresses this, the individual as in the image of the living God, is what the Christian church affirms in its communicants. What is celebrated, and so affirmed, is not that aspect of the human individual which imitates the possibilities of the beasts, but rather that which sets the human individual apart from, and above the beasts: the potential of development of the creative powers of reason, in conjunction with that quality of "sacred love" which the original New Testament text identifies as agape, in Latin, caritas. Respecting the matters of mortal life, this essence of Christianity as religion, is echoed in a republic committed to those principles of Christian natural law which informed our own Declaration of Independence and Preamble of our federal Constitution. The mutual obligation of the society and the individual, to develop the creative potential and moral character of each and all, to provide opportunities for useful expression of that which has been so developed, and to cherish and nurture the good contributed to society by each and all, is the point on which the practice of statecraft comes into efficient practical coincidence with the Christian living in the imitation of Christ, all the way through his own personal Gethsemane, should matters come to that. On both accounts, the churches and the society have lost these essential qualities of commitment, and in more or less the same degree. This erosion has not occurred spontaneously, but the effect on the development of the personal character of the members of society is the fact of the matter, whether this had occurred spontaneously, or as the effect of calculated erosion of those institutions by hostile agencies. These two institutions of our Christian society, the church committed to an individual life in imitation of Christ, and the society dedicated to the same principles in practice, have been an essential part of the development of the personal character of the individual member of society. To the extent either, or both such institutions have abandoned their proper mission, or have been partially destroyed by hostile influences, the society is deprived of the benefit of those institutions. The result is an increase of the incidence of persons of weak character, and in the degree to which such weakness proliferates. From the beginning of Christianity, powerful forces have been committed to effecting an erosion of Christianity and its influence. Within Europe and the Americas, this began as an undertaking by the Magi priests of the cult of Mithra; out of such efforts to destroy Christianity and society from within there emerged early the dogma of Gnosis, a dogma which has assumed various nominal guises, including its influence in the guise of varieties of pseudo-Christian cults. The influence of Gnosticism has not been limited to its activities in the guise of religious belief. Modern philosophical Liberalism, such as that of David Hume, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, is pure Gnostic cult-dogma introduced in a secular disguise. To the degree Gnosticism appears in the guise of pseudo-Christian cult-dogmas, it veils the fact that it is a form of Satan-worship, by means of a form of trickery characteristic of Satanist occultism, by resort to what is termed symbolic philosophy. It embeds the worship of Satan symbolically in the way it purports to represent to the credulous a true interpretation of the secrets behind Christian texts. Gnosticism is form of veiled Satanism. Modern theosophy, and Nazism and Bolshevism are Gnosticism which has dropped its veils, to become the explicit worship of the mother of Satan, Shakti-Ishtar-Isis, and her son, Siva-Satan-Baal-Lucifer. Over the centuries, powerful families bent upon eradicating the kind of institutional forms of society which Christianity and true human nature require, have recognized that the person of weak character in society can be recruited to a force for evil, a form of evil like the ancient Phrygian cult of Cybele-Dionysos. Until now, the most famous, large-scale eruption of such Satanist mass-organizing was the New Dark Age of the fourteenth century. That New Dark Age came to its depths over approximately a hundred years of systematic erosion of society under the combined influence of Lombard usury and Gnostic recruiting and related subversions. Society was overwhelmed from within, by massed hordes of satanic degenerates recruited from among the weak personalities of its own nations. Today, over a period of more than a hundred years since the circles of John Ruskin, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Friedrich Nietzsche popularized the satanic Age of Aquarius, Western European civilization has undergone an experience which parallels in essential features the process of degeneration of Europe leading into the fourteenth century's New Dark Age. The spread of explicit Satanism, through aid of agencies such as Adorno's Frankfurt School, and its dogma of "the authoritarian personality," has now entered a phase of largescale mass organizing. By attacking Christianity with Gnostic subversions, while eroding the state's commitment to Christian natural law's rightful governance of the policy-shaping of nations, the enemy has deprived much of the population of its right to a healthy development of the individual personality. The proliferation of cruelly damaged, defective personalities, fostered by the subversion of church and state, has fostered an abundance of that specific sort of emotionally and morally crippled personality we meet in the existentialist. The proliferation of such damaged personalities, under conditions in which the state has generally abandoned all Christian standards of moral accountability in its domestic and foreign policies, has engendered a pervasive mood of cultural pessimism among all our nations, a quality of pessimism which fostered the rise of Bolshevism in Russia, and Bolshevism's twin, the German Dostoevskian, Adolf Hitler. The present proliferation of defective personalities, combined with the circumstances of increasing cultural pessimism, has produced the optimal preconditions for mass-organizing by the Satan cults. THE TRANSITION TO THE NON-HUMAN The shift from the conscience-stricken, whimpering existentialist, to the creature committed to a life of orgiastic pleasure in destructive, irrationalist rage, is a process of transition from the condition of a damaged human personality, to something which is literally non-human. It is fair to describe this, as analogous to the transformation of healthy tissue into a malignantly cancerous growth. The difference between human nature and the nature of the Satanist is not a matter of degree, but absolute, discrete. The two are as different as healthy tissue differs from its malignantly cancerous form. To be exact, the difference is as great, and no greater. For the case of the convert to Satanism, "exorcism" is strictly necessary. There are two distinct personalities within the Satanist. One is the human substrate, the other is the Satanic personality which has been superimposed upon that substrate, like a cancer dominating the tissue it has invaded. The cancer is a distinct entity, which must be removed. To remove the cancer, one must invoke something analogous to an immunological potential still present in the substrate. In effect, the substrate must be impelled to reject the cancer. The result is, quite literally, the casting out of a demon which had taken over the body and psychological substrate of the victim . The "demon" is very real, and readily identified in the proper choice of encounter. The demon, cornered, is pure destructive fury, hatred, and rage in their extreme. In some cases, several distinct "demons" may he sharing the premises, each the fruit of the victim's conditioning to playing the part of different personalities under varying circumstances, and this especially in cases in which techniques of hypnosis are part of the history of the case. Thus, the devotee of Satanism has a human substrate, which might be activated to reject the superimposed "cancer" under some circumstances. The possibility that that substrate might be activated to such effect, is the only vestige of human nature in that creature. The premises are under the immediate control of something which is anti-human, something properly described as a "demon." This demon is created within the Satanist initiate, in a way akin to the process implied in the comparisons we identified at the outset of this report. This transformation is described fairly, as the outcome of the effort by the victim's will to pursue orgiastic destructive pleasures for the sake of going deeper and deeper into such pleasures, and to make this possible by crushing every vestigial influence of conscience which might tend to deter such acts, or impair the sense of pleasure taken from them. The force turned against conscience, is a concentration of destructive fury, something beyond the ordinary notion of irrationalist rage. The original human self is virtually killed, or, endungeoned to ensure absolute control over the premises by the demon of orgiastic rage. The point is, that organized Satanism is capable of anything a demon is, and is inclined to do so as soon as possible. Such a force must be destroyed. Either that force is obliterated, or civilization. (Photo caption: A rock performance emphasizing beastiality, in New York's Central Park, on behalf of various pro-Soviet "peace" and "environmental" groups. Inset: Richard Burt, former U.S. ambassador to West Germany, one example of a fanatic devotee of "heavy metal rock" in a very high position in government.) (Photo caption: "Baby at Play" (1876) by the American artist Thomas Eakins. We recognize the emotion of sacred love, or "agape," in a child's personality in moments of the child's own successes in creative problem solving.) (Photo caption: Das Rheingold by Richard Wagner, in a 1983 public television performance. Wagner's music dramas were devoted to the Satanic myths of the Bogomil cult, and his method of composition was devoted to a radical form of irrationalism.) (Photo caption: Fyodor Dostoevsky (l) and Friedrich Nietzsche (r): They led the campaign to popularize Satanism a century ago.) (The appeal of Satanism to its recruits is in the form of what psychology terms a "reaction formation." Pictured: a scene in New York City.) 'WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE' (Speech by Dianne Core to the International Martin Luther King Tribunal, Rome, Italy. Dianne Core heads England's Childwatch, an organization which investigates child abuse.) About 20 years ago, a group of very powerful Satanists in Europe gathered together and started an initiative that was to devastate the whole concept of family life from then on. The decision was made to create a spiritual desert in our lives today, to infiltrate all aspects of family life and society, so that the morality that bound us all together would be undermined and that the young would be rendered defenseless against the forces of evil. There are many reasons why this happened. There is a belief that young people should be recruited in large numbers so as to increase the powers of Satan, and some groups believe that there is to be the Second Coming of the Anti-Christ in the next 20 years, so they want many disciples to be there to receive him. My belief is that this is a load of rubbish. The whole object of the exercise is to exploit the young sexually and emotionally, and through their deviant and calculated methods, even to politically manipulate the minds of our young. The results, which are already too apparent, are manifold: children alienating themselves from loving and caring families; violent and deranged behavior; MPD (which is multipersonality disorders); alcoholism and psychiatric illnesses. The children are brainwashed, their minds and bodies are abused beyond comprehension, and when the child discloses, the person who sits and listens is traumatized as well. The depths to which these people stoop in degradation, the inflicting of pain, and the enormity of the fear they instill knows no bounds. We are in the middle of spiritual warfare and the satanic weapons are all pointed at the young. There are school recruitment programs where Satanists infiltrate the educational system and get children involved in "history" lessons that talk about paganism and witchcraft. The natural inquisitiveness of the young is very much capitalized on by the Satanists, and there are many tactics used to draw the youngsters into the satanic trap. Once in, it is very difficult for the child to get out. They are kept in the group by threats of death against themselves and their families, and Satan is presented to their vulnerable minds as the all-powerful master, who will destroy if his followers don't obey him. Pedophiles and perverts of any kind love this environment of power and thrive in it, using the fear and the intimidation to sexually exploit children. We as a society have to fight Satan. Satanists are people of the Dark. They hate the Light. Knowledge and awareness represents light to the Satanists. Let's shed as much light on these evil people and their master as possible, and destroy them. DRAFT PROPOSAL FOR AN ACT PROHIBITING THE RITUALISTIC PRACTICES OF SATANISM The following proposed legislation is being entered into the Pennsylvania state legislature. A nearly identical bill has been submitted to the Washington state legislature and hearings are expected to begin in July 1989. WHEREAS Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania states "All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences." WHEREAS be word "God" with a capital G is defined by Webster's Dictionary as Creator and ruler of the universe; eternal, infinite Spirit, the Supreme Being, almighty and omniscient, worshipped by men. WHEREAS Satan is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "the Chief evil spirit, the great adversary of man, the Devil; the Evil One." WHEREAS Webster's Dictionary defines Satanism "as the worship of Satan, especially in mockery of Christian ritual." WHEREAS the organized, ritualistic, social glorification of Satan promotes an outlook dominated by the principle of evil, and the proliferation of evil practices that flow as a consequence of that evil outlook. WHEREAS evil is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "1. morally bad or wrong, wicked, depraved, 2. causing pain or trouble, harmful; injurious " WHEREAS the proliferation of evil practices constitutes a threat to the inherent rights of mankind stipulated in Article 1, Section I of the Pennsylvania Constitution. WHEREAS the Framers of the Pennsylvania Constitution who state in the Preamble "We the people ... grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of civil and religious liberty and humbly invoking His guidance ..." did not intend to promote evil (satanic) practices in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. WHEREAS satanic rituals "tend to corrupt" the individuals participating in the rituals. WHEREAS it has been well-established by professional studies that participation in the acts of mutilation, dismemberment, torture, and/or ritualistic sacrifice of animals and or human surrogates induces a homicidal outlook in the mind of the person who participates in such acts. WHEREAS judicial precedents establish that religious freedom involves two conceptions: "Freedom to believe, Freedom to act. The first is absolute, but in the nature of things the second cannot be." U.S. v. Sallard 322 U.S. 78. WHEREAS the U.S. Supreme Court states in Cantwell v. Connecticut 310 U.S. 296 that one may have any religious belief one desires but one's conduct remains subject to regulations for the protection of society. WHEREAS the U.S. Supreme Court in Reynolds v. U.S. 98 U.S. 445 states that Congress was deprived of all legislative power over mere opinion, but was left free to reach actions which were in "violation of social duties or subversive of good order." WHEREAS "Laws enacted for the purpose of restraining and punishing acts which 1) have a tendency to disturb the public peace or 2) to corrupt the public morals, are not repugnant to the constitutional guarantees of religious liberty and freedom of conscience. ... Without violating the constitutional guarantees, the state, under the police power, may enact laws in order to promote the general welfare, public health and public safety and order, public morals, and to prevent fraud" 16 Corpus Juris Secundum pp. 599 et seq. The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereby enacts as follows: This act shall be known and may be cited as the Satanic Rituals and Practices Prohibition Act. It is the purpose of this act to protect the health and safety of the people of Pennsylvania from the menace of the organized ritualistic social glorification of Satan as subversive and destructive of the foundation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The following words and phrases when used in this act shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section: Satan-The antithesis of Almighty God, also known as the Prince of Darkness, the Devil, Beelzebub, the fallen angel, the Prince of Evil, the chief evil spirit, the Evil One, and other names not listed herein. Satanic acts-Those acts which have peculiar characteristic of, or intention to, express glorification of Satan. Satanism is the glorification of Satan, and those specific acts and rituals relating to the glorification of Satan. Ritualistic is defined as meaning, of or pertaining to an act or actions undertaken as part of a ceremony, rite, observance, or procedure intended to glorify Satan. All group activities and practices which have as their main purpose the glorification of Satan shall be prohibited. All individuals engaged in the organized, ritualistic, social glorification of Satan shall be deemed to be in violation of this act. Satanic Acts, practices, and rituals which constitute the organized, ritualistic, social glorification of Satan include, but are not strictly delimited to: a) The consumption of human blood; b) The ritualistic consumption of animal blood, and/or animal blood intermixed with urine and/or feces; c) Ritualistic animal mutilations, dismemberments, and sacrifices; d) Ritualistic use and abuse of human fetuses; e) Ritualistic hanging, torturing, and/or crucifying animals on crosses; f) Ritualistic hanging, torturing, and/or crucifying animals on inverted crosses; g) Ritualistic sexual abuse of children, as well as ritualistic symbolic sexual abuse of children; h) Ritualistic sexual abuse of men and women, as well as ritualistic symbolic sexual abuse of men and women; i) Ritualistic psychological abuse of children; j) Ritualistic cannibalism. Any person who violates any provision of this act shall be fined up to Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) and shall be subject to a jail term of seven years. The crime will be considered a felony of the third degree. Any person who violates any provision of this Act a second time shall be fined up to Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.000) and shall be subject to a jail term of ten years. The crime will be considered a felony of the second degree. Any person who violates any provision of this act a third time shall be fined no less than Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) and shall be subject to a jail term of twenty years. The crime will be considered a felony of the first degree. The provisions of this act shall not affect any act done, liability incurred or right accrued or vested, or affect any suit or prosecution pending or to be instituted to enforce any right or penalty or punish any offense under the authority of any act or part thereof repealed by this act. If any provision of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are declared to be severable . WHAT YOU MUST DO Growing numbers of concerned citizens--particularly parents--are finding with horror that Satanism is capturing the lives of increasing numbers of our young people. The growing pattern of youth suicides attests to this. Police estimate as many as 50,000 children are kidnaped each year by pederasts and cultists, to be abused and many times murdered during brutal sadistic, sexual-cult rituals. In this pamphlet, we have put together an overview, to help you to understand the phenomenon. Satanism is not something which just happens, just as in the case of the spread of drugs, its spread is patronized and sponsored by a group of very evil people who intend to subvert our nation, and to destroy Western Civilization. To do this they must destroy the foundations of the Judeo-Christian tradition. Yet Satanism could not have taken hold as it has, had the structure of our society not already been weakened by a consistent attack upon the family. In the Judeo-Christian tradition, we recognize human life to be sacred, because every human being has a soul; yet our children are taught the reverse in their class rooms. They are taught that all values are relative, that since the world is overpopulated, there is nothing wrong with abortion and euthanasia. They are taught to condone homosexuality and other forms of hedonism as alternate lifestyles. Outside the classroom, it is even worse. Even those children who resist peer-group pressure, those who refuse to take drugs and reject promiscuity, listen to rock music, much of which features pornography, sadism, and Satanism. Not only are its contents barbaric, but the very inundation of its highly amplified sound, is calculated to introduce a trance-like state in listeners . This country is meant to be a nation under God, not under Satan. We must not allow Satanists to practice their criminal rites under the false cover of the Bill of Rights of our Constitution. The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and freedom of political discourse; it does not protect the Devil. Satanism is a conspiracy of evil and it must be destroyed. Kill Satan! BAND TOGETHER with your fellow citizens and ensure that Satanic literature is not sold on magazine stands, and Satanic books do not appear on the shelves of public or school libraries. MAKE SURE that no members of the Wicca Cult, the Lucis Trust, or any other cult which practices Satanic rituals, are on the staff of your local school. FORM PARENTS' GROUPS, to work on an ongoing basis with the principals and teachers of grade schools and high schools, with ministers and rabbis, with the local police, to make sure that everyone is alerted to this danger, and determined to defeat it. AND TAKE AS A SAMPLE the legislation from Pennsylvania which we include in this pamphlet, and mail it to your elected officials, from the city government, to the state legislature and governor, to your representatives in Washington. Tell them to take it as their model in outlawing Satanism. SUBSCRIBE to New Federalist newspaper.