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Archive-name: writing/zines/part1
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John Labovitz's e-zine-list

Last updated: 26 January 1993 by John Labovitz <johnl@netcom.com>

This is a summary of electronically-accessible zines -- what they
are, who puts them out, and where you can find them.  In most cases,
descriptions are excerpted from the masthead of the zine listed.


There have been many, many changes in the last couple of months since
the last edition of the list.  This section will reappear in the next

Probably the biggest change is that there is now a hypertext version
of this list, available over the World Wide Web using a suitable
browser (see below for details).  All FTP, Gopher, USENET, WWW, and
WAIS links should connect to the appropriate place.  There are
probably a few mistakes; if you find a link that doesn't work, please
let me know.

The other change, hopefully invisible, is that all versions are
generated from a format-dependent source, and run through a program
that creates either the ASCII text or HTML versions.  This may still
be buggy; again, let me know if you find any problems.


If you have any additions, deletions, or changes to this list, please
email them to johnl@netcom.com.

A notice about new editions of this list is posted to the following 
mailing lists:


The full ASCII text version is automatically posted every 3 weeks
(thanks to Larry Detweiler) to the following USENET newsgroups:


And the following mailing lists:

It can also be obtained via anonymous FTP from netcom.com in
"/pub/johnl/zines" as "e-zine-list" (ASCII text version) or
"e-zine-list.html" (HTML version), via gopher at gopher.well.sf.ca.us
and etext.archive.umich.edu, via the World Wide Web at
"file://netcom.com/pub/johnl/zines", and via email from me

If you publish an e-zine, or know someone who does, send a copy
to me and I'll add the relevant info to this database.  Please
include as much of the information below as appropriate:

  * name of e-zine
  * brief description (10 lines or less)
  * editor name(s) and email addresses
  * format (ASCII text is the default)
  * frequency
  * archive sites, including gopher, FTP, WWW, and WAIS
  * email address for subscribing (if other than editor(s)'s addresses)
  * Usenet newsgroups you post the zine to
  * other BBSs and online systems, including Compuserve,
    America Online, FidoNet,  WWIVNet
  * voice phone, fax, postal address, if you want
  * ISSN number

Comments, suggestions, changes, deletions, etc., are welcomed and


For those of you not acquainted with the zine world, "zine" is short
for either "fanzine" or "magazine," depending on your point of view.
Zines are generally produced by one person or a small group of people,
done often for fun or personal reasons, and tend to be irreverent,
bizarre, and/or esoteric.  Zines are not "mainstream" publications --
they generally do not contain advertisements (except, sometimes,
advertisements for other zines), do not have a large subscriber base,
and are generally not produced to make a profit.


Most e-zines listed here are in standard ASCII text format, which you
can read on just about any computer or terminal, and print on any
printer.  A few are available in PostScript for printing on a laser
printer (or viewing on-screen if you have a PostScript interpreter in
your window system).  A small number are available in some
system-specific format (i.e., Macintosh HyperCard).  More and more
are becoming available in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) on the
World Wide Web.


I have listed the various methods of access for each particular
e-zine.  Briefly, I use the following:

  FTP -- File Transfer Protocol
    The host/pathname is given in the form "host:path" that certain FTP
    clients (such as NCFTP) can use directly; otherwise, you'd probably 
    type "ftp host" and then "cd path" or some such.  All FTP sites 
    listed accept anonymous logins (use "ftp" as username and your 
    email address as password).

    If you are not directly on the Internet, you can use an FTP-mail 
    server to get files.  Perhaps the most widely known public FTP-mail
    server is located at decwrl.dec.com (send the message "help" to 
    ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com for more information).  (Thanks to John
    Reeves for supplying this missing information.)

    Only accessible if your site is directly on the Internet.  Try typing
    "gopher".  If it works, you have a gopher client, and can usually type
    "gopher host".
  WWW -- World Wide Web
    Only accessible if your site is directly on the Internet, and supports a
    WWW-compatible hypertext browser.  Current browsers include www (ASCII 
    line mode), lynx (ASCII full-screen mode), xmosaic (X Windows), tkWWW
    (X Windows), Mac Mosaic (Macintosh), PC Mosaic (PC), Cello (PC), and
    probably a few others.
  Usenet -- Usenet News
    Only accessible if your site carries the specific Usenet group.
  E-Mail -- Electronic Mail
    You can usually request current or back issues via this address.  
    Sometimes a site will run a mail server that automates some of this work. 

    Instructions are listed, if applicable.
    Last resort, or point of contact for zines that have paper editions.
    Why?  I dunno; because it was there.
    You know, that out-dated system that charges ridiculous rates.
    BBSes and other on-line systems the zine resides on.

The following are sites that archive e-zines.  Many of them are primary
archive points for e-zines in this list.

  etext.archive.umich.edu (mirrors all FTPable files)



 "It's a magazine compiling info about explosives and weaponsmithing,
  drug and hallucenogenic making, and hacking and phone phreaking."

     Editor(s): Karl Trunk <drmenace@hebron.connected.com>
                Craig Jolley <craig@hebron.connected.com>
        Format: ASCII text


Albert Hofmann's Strange Mistake

 "A hypertext 'zine commemorating the 50th anniversary of the
  accidental discovery of LSD, 16 April, 1943. The document contains
  archives by authorities from Albert Hofmann to Abbie Hoffman,
  hypertext fac/tion on CIA-sponsored acid tests, and testimonials
  solicited from users all over the world."

     Editor(s): Bobby Rabyd <ST001747@Brownvm.Brown.Edu>
        Format: Storyspace (Macintosh hypertext application)
           FTP: ftp.brown.edu:/pub/bobby_rabyd


The Amateur Computerist

 "The Amateur Computerist grew out of a battle against the
  cancellation of computer programming classes for hourly workers at
  the Ford Rouge Factory. The newsletter deals with computer issues
  and labor issues. The Amateur Computerist is dedicated to support
  for grassroots efforts and movements like the "computers for the
  people movement" that gave birth to the personal computer in the
  1970s and 1980s and articles about these developments have appeared
  in past issues of the newsletter. Most recently the newsletter is
  documenting the history of the development of the Global Network, of
  Usenet, and of Unix and the progressive impact of these important

     Editor(s): Ronda Hauben <ae547@yfn.ysu.edu> or
                Michael Hauben <hauben@columbia.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: <au329@cleveland.freenet.edu> or <ae547@yfn.ysu.edu>
           FTP: wuarchive.wustl.edu:/doc/misc/acn
        Usenet: alt.amateur-comp
        Postal: R. Hauben, P.O. Box 4344, Dearborn, MI 48126, USA


Arm The Spirit

 "Arm The Spirit is a anti-imperialist/autonomist collective that
  disseminates information about liberation struggles in advanced
  capitalist countries and in the so-called 'Third World.' Our focus
  is on armed struggle and other forms of militant resistance but we
  do not limit ourselves to this. In Arm The Spirit you can find news
  on political prisoners in North America and Europe, information on
  the struggles of Indigenous peoples in the Americas, communiques
  from guerrilla groups, debate and discussion on armed struggle and
  much more. We also attempt to cover anti-colonial national
  liberation struggles in Kurdistan, Puerto Rico, Euskadi and

     Editor(s): Autonome Forum <aforum@moose.uvm.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: aforum@moose.uvm.edu (subject: "ATS: e-mail request")
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Politics/Arm.the.Spirit
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Politics/Arm.the.Spirit
           Fax: +1 416 527 2419 (for Canadian group)
        Postal: Arm The Spirit, c/o Wild Seed Press, POB 57584,
                  Jackson Stn., Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 4X3, Canada
                Arm The Spirit, c/o Autonome Forum, POB 1242,
                  Burlington, VT 05402-1242, USA


Armadillo Culture

 "Being the excremeditation of a hyperactive armadillo's activities,
  opinions, and other stuff..."

     Editor(s): Steve Okay <sokay@cyclone.mitre.org>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Armadillo.Culture
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Armadillo.Culture
        Postal: Armadillo Culture, 2857 Foxmill Rd. Herndon, VA 22071,



 "An online magazine forum dedicated to the interface of contemporary
  art and new communication technologies."

     Editor(s): Carl Eugene Loeffler <artcomtv@well.sf.ca.us>
        Format: ASCII text
        Usenet: alt.artcom
         Other: Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (WELL)
                ART COM Electronic Network (ACEN)
         Phone: +1 415 431 7524
           Fax: +1 415 431 7841
        Postal: ART COM, POB 193123 Rincon, San Francisco, CA
                  94119-3123, USA



 "The online magazine of amateur creative writing."

     Editor(s): Jim McCabe
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Athene
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Athene
          NOTE: Athene became defunct in 1989. Intertext is its
                  immediate successor.


Bad Subjects

 "Bad Subjects is intended to promote radical thinking and public
  education about the political implications of everyday life. We
  offer a forum for rethinking American 'progressive' or 'leftist'
  politics. We invite you to join us and participate in all aspects of
  Bad Subjects. Recent and upcoming issues of Bad Subjects feature
  articles on malls, _Beverly Hills 90210_, poetry slams, popular
  music, and the culture of addiction."

     Editor(s): The Bad Subjects Collective
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher-registry.berkeley.edu


Birmingham Telecommunication News

 "It is a nebulous zine that covers things from computer reviews to
  industry articles to general fiction to whatever the editor feels
  like putting in. It also contains the monthly BBS listing for the
  Birmingham metro area. BTN has been published for over 5 years."

     Editor(s): Scott Hollifield <scott.hollifield@the-matrix.com>
     Frequency: roughly monthly
         Other: The MATRIX (+1 205 323-2016 (2400bps), +1 205 323-6016
                  (9600+bps only))


Bits and Bytes Online

 "An electronic newsletter for text-based life-forms."

     Editor(s): Jay Machado <JAYMACHADO@delphi.com>
        Format: ASCII text
     Frequency: irregularly, 2 or 3 times a month
        Gopher: gopher.dana.edu
    Compuserve: telecom forum library
    America Online: in telecom files area
         Phone: +1 609 795 0998 (evenings)
        Postal: 1529 Dogwood Drive, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003, USA



 "BLINK would like to be a forum for the issues surrounding the
  intersection of consciousness and technology. This is our best
  defense against postmodern angst: To critically look at and
  anticipate the cultural and social changes spurred by the rapid
  development of technology."

     Editor(s): Justin Kerr <ratsbats@casbah.acns.nwu.edu>
                Joe Germuska <j-germuska@nwu.edu> (managing editor)
                Danny Dunlavy (chiphead)
                Jake Eldridge (assistant editor)
        Format: ASCII text
                World Wide Web
         Email: blink@listserv.acns.nwu.edu
                listserv@listserv.acns.nwu.edu (subscriptions to the
                  ASCII email version)
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: blink.acns.nwu.edu:/pub/blink
           WWW: http://www.acns.nwu.edu/blink/


Chaos Control

 "Focusing on electronic music. Chaos Control features interviews with
  both major and underground acts."

     Editor(s): Bob Gourley <rsgour@aol.com>
        Format: ASCII text
                Macintosh Hypercard
     Frequency: bi-monthly
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: world.std.com:/obi/Zines/Chaos.Control
    America Online: ?
         Other: Club Mac (Australia)
        Postal: $5 to Bob Gourley, 3 Greenville Dr., Barrington, RI
                  02806, USA


Chaos Corner

 "Chaos Corner is a small, randomly published electronic newsletter I
  write that mentions things I have found in the process of wandering
  across the network. What you have here is a combination of Dr.
  Science (from National Public Radio), Chaos Manor (from Byte), and
  Rumor Central (from PC Week)."

     Editor(s): Robert D. Cowles <rdc@pelican.cit.cornell.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: chaos-request@pelican.cit.cornell.edu
           FTP: pelican.cit.cornell.edu:/pub


Computer Underground Digest

 "An open forum dedicated to sharing information among computerists
  and to the presentation and debate of diverse views."

     Editor(s): Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer <TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/CuD
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/CuD
        Usenet: comp.society.cu-digest
    Compuserve: DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of LAWSIG, DL1 of
    America Online: PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters"
       FidoNet: File Request from 1:11/70
         Other: GEnie: PF*NPC RT libraries, VIRUS/SECURITY library
                Delphi: General Discussion database of the Internet
                PC-EXEC BBS (+1 414 789 4210)
                Rune Stone BBS (IIRG WHQ) (+1 203 832 8441)
                RIPCO BBS (+1 312 528 5020)
                ComNet in LUXEMBOURG BBS (+352 466893)
                Bits against the Empire BBS (+39 461 980493) (Italy)
         Phone: +1 815 753 0303
           Fax: +1 815 753 6302
        Postal: Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb, IL
                  60115, USA



 "CORE is an electronic journal of poetry, fiction, essays, and

        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/EFF.journals/CORE
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/



 "A place for the Witches, pagans, nature spirits, fey-folk, and
  assorted elder kin of Sherwood to share ideas, challenges, dreams,
  and projects, and to stir up a little magic of our own."

     Editor(s): Susan Gavula <sjgavula@terminator.rs.itd.umich.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Cousins
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Cousins


The CPSR Alert

 "The CPSR Alert, the electronic newsletter put out by the CPSR
  Washington Office. The focus of the publication is electronic
  privacy, information access, FOIA and the NII."

     Editor(s): Dave Banisar <Banisar@washofc.cpsr.org>
        Format: ASCII text
     Frequency: bi-weekly
         Email: alert@washofc.cpsr.org (for comments)
                listserv@gwuvm.gwu.edu (to subscribe send mail with
                  the first line "subscribe cpsr <your name>" (no
                  quotes or brackets))
        Gopher: cpsr.org:/cpsr/alert
           FTP: cpsr.org:/cpsr/alert
          WAIS: cpsr.org:/cpsr/alert
    America Online: Mac Telecom DL section (soon to be CPSR Internet
         Phone: +1 202-544-9240
           Fax: +1 202-547-5482
        Postal: CPSR Washington Office, 666 Pennsylvania Ave, SE #301,
                  Washington, DC 20003, USA


CPU: Working in the Computer Industry

 "Dedicated to sharing information among workers in the computer
  industry. CPU is a project of the 'Working in the Computer Industry'
  working group of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility /
  Berkeley Chapter."

     Editor(s): Michael Stack <stack@starnine.com>
                Jim Davis
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: listserv@cpsr.org (with a single line in the body of
                  the message: "SUBSCRIBE CPSR-CPU <your first name>
                  <your last name>")
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/CPSR/work
           FTP: cpsr.org:/cpsr/work
         Phone: +1 510 601 6740
        Postal: PO Box 3181, Oakland, CA 94609, USA



 "A guide to traveling through the underground. Alternative travel
  stories, hints, and tips."

     Editor(s): John Labovitz <johnl@netcom.com>
                Miles Poindexter
                Nigel French <70703.2311@compuserve.com>
        Format: ASCII text
           FTP: netcom.com:/pub/johnl/zines/crash
        Postal: Crash, 519 Castro #7, San Francisco, CA 94114, USA



 "Cropduster revolves, as perhaps everything does, around the
  substance that one calls pop-culture. With various jargon thrown
  around including: post-modernism, nihilism, etc. in an attempt for
  one generation to understand the next, people forget what the
  essence of pop-culture really is -- a collection of somewhat useless
  artifacts which are given exceptional value by groups of people.
  What we hope to show is not the trends but rather the idols of
  pop-culture. We hope to convey the simplicity of everyday life
  through the icons which lead generation upon generation onwards."

     Editor(s): Steven Meece <ad522@freenet.carleton.ca>
                Chris Woodill <cwoodill@epas.utoronto.ca>
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Cropduster
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Cropduster
        Postal: 79 O'Hara Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6K 2R3, Canada



 "CTHEORY is a new international, electronic review of books on
  theory, technology and culture. Reviews are posted monthly of key
  books in contemporary discourse as well as theorisations of major
  'event-scenes' in the mediascape. Editors and contributors include:
  Kathy Acker, Jean Baudrillard, Bruce Sterling, Arthur and Marilouise
  Kroker, Deena and Michael Weinstein. CTHEORY will also offer the
  possibility of interactive discussions among its subscribers in the
  electronic theory 'sim-posium/salon.'"

     Editor(s): Anastassia Khouri St-Pierre <ed22@musica.mcgill.ca>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA with text body: "SUBSCRIBE
                  CTHEORY <full-name>"


Cult of the Dead Cow

 "digital media / digital culture"

           FTP: zero.cypher.com:/pub/cdc
         Other: Demon Roach Undrgrnd (+1 806 794 4362)
                Kingdom of Shit (+1 806 794 1842)
                Cool Beans! (+1 510 THE COOL)
                Polka AE {PW:KILL} (+1 806 794 4362)
                Metalland Southwest (+1 713 468 5802
                Moody Loners w/Guns (+1 415 221 8608)
                The Works (+1 617 861 8976)
                The Body Electric (+1 916 673 8412)


Cyberspace Vanguard

 "News and Views of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Universe"

     Editor(s): TJ Goldstein <tlg4@po.cwru.edu>
                Sarah Alexander, Administrator <aa746@po.cwru.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: cn577@cleveland.freenet.edu
                Cyberspace Vanguard@1:157/564 (FidoNet)
                CVANGUARD (Delphi)
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Cyberspace.Vanguard
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Cyberspace.Vanguard
       FidoNet: via file request from 1:157/200
         Other: Cleveland Freenet
        Postal: Cyberspace Vanguard, POB 25704, Garfield Heights, OH
                  44125, USA


DargonZine -- The Magazine of the Dargon Project

 "DargonZine is an electronic magazine printing stories written for
  the Dargon Project, a shared-world anthology similar to (and
  inspired by) Robert Asprin's Thieves' World anthologies, created by
  David 'Orny' Liscomb in his now retired magazine, FSFNet. The Dargon
  Project centers around a medieval-style duchy called Dargon in the
  far reaches of the Kingdom of Baranur on the world named Makdiar,
  and as such contains stories with a fantasy fiction/sword and
  sorcery flavor."

     Editor(s): Dafydd <White@DUVM.BITNET>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/EFF.journals/DargonZine
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/EFF.journals/DargonZine
        Usenet: rec.mag.fsfnet



 "the micro-zine from Omaha"

     Editor(s): Ed Stastny <ed@cwis.unomaha.edu>
        Format: PostScript


Dogwood Blossoms

 "A publication of the Internet community. The goal of this digest is
  to be a place where Haiku can be shared and discussed with other
  lovers of the art."

     Editor(s): Gary Warner <GLWARNER@SAMFORD.BITNET>
                Matt Burke <burke@beta.math.wsu.edu>
                Nori Matsui <NORIM@EARLHAM.BITNET>
        Format: ASCII text
     Frequency: at least monthly



 "Drum is not an isolated event but an ongoing process."

     Editor(s): R Patrick Jones <dh644@cleveland.Freenet.Edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Drum


Ego Project

 "This 'zine is a product of me and as such will contain anything I
  feel like putting in it. Whatever I feel like putting in it shall
  include, but is not limited too, anything I feel applies to Gothdom
  in general. Album/single/tape reviews, book and movies reviews, etc.
  The Sisters of Mercy and the Mission are my main focuses, but since
  neither of them put out music on anything resembling a frequent
  basis I imagine other groups will be featured quite frequently."

     Editor(s): Corey Nelson
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
        Postal: Ego Project, 1717 Monroe #b, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA


Factsheet Five / Factsheet Five - Electric

 "FactSheet Five is the central clearinghouse of information about
  zines, those opinionated publications with press runs of 50 to 5000
  (often done through surrepticious use of on-the-job supplies and
  xerox). Mike Gunderloy of Rennsalaer, NY published 44 editions of
  F5. Hudson Luce published issue #45. Seth Friedman has published
  issue #46 onwards. I opened my big mouth (or, rather, let my fingers
  blab away) about doing an online, net-accessible version of
  FactSheet Five."

     Editor(s): Jerod Pore <jerod23@well.sf.ca.us> (electronic
                Seth Friedman (paper version)
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Factsheet.Five
          WAIS: nigel.msen.com
         Other: The WELL
                BBSes around the world
         Phone: +1 415 668 1781 (paper version *only*)
        Postal: Seth Friedman, POB 170099, San Francisco, CA
                  94117-0099, USA (paper version *only*, especially
                Factsheet Five, 1800 Market St., San Francisco, CA
                  94102, USA (*BOTH* the electronic and paper
                  versions, or for items that can't be delivered to a
                  PO box)


Fat Nipples

 "Essays, thoughts, poetry and more on the subjects of politics, punk
  rock, personal problems, the "underground" scene, etc."

     Editor(s): Chris Conway <chris.conway@njcc.wisdom.bubble.org>
        Format: ASCII text
     Frequency: approximately once every four months
        Postal: Fat Nipples, c/o Chris, P.O. Box 2554, Trenton, NJ
                  08690, USA



 "BITNET fantasy-science fiction fanzine."

     Editor(s): "Orny" Liscomb <ornoth%wonky.uucp@stratus.com>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/EFF.journals/FSFNet
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/EFF.journals/FSFNet
          NOTE: Defunct since 1988, replaced by DargonZine (see above)


FUNHOUSE! -- The cyberzine of degenerate pop culture

 "Dedicated to whatever happens to be on my mind at the time I'm
  writing. The focus will tend to be on those aspects of our
  fun-filled world which aren't given the attention of the bland
  traditional media, or which have been woefully misinterpreted or
  misdiagnosed by the same. FUNHOUSE! is basically a happy place, and
  thus the only real criteria I will try to meet is to refrain from
  rants, personal attacks, and flames -- and thus FUNHOUSE! is an
  apolitical place. Offbeat films, music, literature, and experiences
  are largely covered, with the one stipulation that articles are
  attempted to be detailed and well documented, although this is no
  guarantee of completeness or correctness, so that the interested
  reader may further pursue something which may spark her interest."

     Editor(s): Jeff Dove <jeffdove@well.sf.ca.us>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Funhouse
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Funhouse


Game Bytes

 "reviews, interviews, reports and actual screen shots from games"

     Editor(s): Ross Erickson <rwericks@ingr.com>
                Daniel Starr <starr-daniel@yale.edu>
           FTP: ftp.uml.edu:/msdos/Games/Game_Bytes


Girl Band Guide

 "Girl Band Guide is a listing of over 250 music bands with female
  vocalists. It lists addresses, phone numbers, and discographies. The
  ASCII edition of the zine is identical to the snail mail zine."

     Editor(s): Carrie Carolin <carriec@eskimo.com>
        Format: ASCII text (email asking for it by name; averages 50k)
     Frequency: quarterly



     Editor(s): Anthony Shubert <shubert@usc.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
                ANSI text
                Clipboard (VGA/SVGA pictures with text, IBM
         Email: ace@ace.com
        Postal: Innovative Creations, 29 David Road, South Carver, MA
                  02330, USA ($2 will get a 30+page printed



 "A new journal of electronic network poetry, art and culture. GRIST
  will be eclectic. GRIST will be open to all the language and visual
  art forms that develop on the net."

     Editor(s): John Fowler <fowler@phantom.com>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Poetry/Grist
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Poetry/Grist
        Postal: GRIST ON-LINE, John Fowler, editor, Columbus Circle
                  Sta., P.O. Box 20805, New York, NY 10023-1496, USA



 "The official rap music fanzine of The Committee of Rap Excellence."

     Editor(s): Steve "Flash" Juon, Chief Editor and Chief Rocka
                David J. Warner, Music Editor, Director of Network
                  Distribution <dwarner@silver.ucs.indiana.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/HardCORE
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/HardCORE



     Editor(s): Brian Jepson <bjepson@panix.com>
        Format: Microsoft Help document (can be viewed under Windows
                  3.1, Windows NT, and OS/2)
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/HeadCheck


Hi-Rez: Electronic Journal for CyberBeatniks

 "we BURN in sticky floored 2 in the morning all night coffee houses
  ripe with APOCALYPTIC VISIONS and we rave at dawn in crumbling
  1700's farmhouses. we sizzle along the asphalt veins lacing the skin
  of the nation together in white high-finned cadillacs driven by
  madmen. we modulate the very aether itself with ecstatic rf
  emanations from beat loft radio studios. We are the
  cyber-beatniks...the DANGEROUS NEW ARTISTS..... the TECHNICIANS OF
  ECSTASY and we are all ENMESHED IN THE NET stuck together by the
  sweet and sticky text characters that form the dimensional glue of
  this here cyberspace......... we do not FIT the stereotypes and
  posings of pop subcultures: we are the cyber-beatniks and we are
  ALONE in our art theater magic alchemy yet we are TOGETHER here. A
  loose fuzzy grouping of mad artists and eccentrics who choose to
  than be consumed by the "post-apocalyptic angst" of it . A group of
  vision-seeking edge dwellers who are equally capable of activating
  deep woods ancient genetic codices with shaman rattle and drum!! we
  are the cyber-beatniks...CYBER-BEATS! and _HI-REZ_ is a journal for
  us of ideas, lives.....VISIONS"

     Editor(s): Will Longman <stormy@well.sf.ca.us>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/HI-REZ
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/HI-REZ
         Other: The WELL
                Terrapin Station BBS (+1 203 656 0134)


Holy Temple of Mass Consumption

 "Articles, opinions, reviews, and artwork of a loosely-defined
  collection of cranks, weirdos, freaks, net.personalities,
  curmudgeons, and anyone else who turns us on at the time. Commentary
  on nearly everything, with particular attention to societal decay in
  general and mass-media conspiracy programming in particular. Or
  anything else we decide to write about, with strong ties to the
  finest SubGenius traditions."

     Editor(s): Wayne Aiken <slack@ncsu.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: quartz.rutgers.edu:/pub/journals/HToMC
        Usenet: alt.slack
         Other: StarFleet BBS (+1 919 954 5028)
         Phone: +1 919 954 5956 (voice)
        Postal: HToMC, PO Box 30904, Raleigh, NC 27622-0904, USA
                  (hardcopy version available -- free with SASE,
                  otherwise $1, trade, or "neat stuff")



 "inter\face is an offering."

     Editor(s): Benjamin Henry <BH4781@rachel.albany.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Interface
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Interface


International TeleTimes

 "International Teletimes is a general interest magazine. Each issue
  contains a new feature. These themes tend to be quite broad and are
  of international interest. There are several regular columns such as
  The Keepers of Light (photography), The Wine Enthusiast, The Latin
  Quarter (articles from and concerning Central America) and Deja Vu
  (articles pertaining to past themes. Teletimes has contributors from
  all around the world but is constantly looking for additional staff
  members. If you are interested, please e-mail the editor."

     Editor(s): Ian Wojtowicz <ian@wimsey.com>
        Format: Macintosh Doc-Maker application
                ASCII text
                World Wide Web
     Frequency: monthly
           FTP: sumex-aim.stanford.edu:/info-mac/per
           WWW: http://www.wimsey.com/
         Other: OneNet (network of FirstClass BBSes)
        Postal: International TeleTimes, 3938 West 30th Ave.,
                  Vancouver, BC, V6S 1X3, Canada


The Internet Business Journal

 "The Internet Business Journal is dedicated to documenting innovative
  uses of the Internet by entrepreneurs in all commercial sectors.
  Stay informed of commercial services and products on the Internet,
  small and large business use of the Internet, and resources for the
  virtual business community."

     Editor(s): Michael Strangelove <Mstrange@Fonorola.Net>
        Format: ASCII text
     Frequency: 12 issues/year
        Gopher: gopher.fonorola.net:/Internet Business Journal/Sample
                  Issues/November 1993/
        Postal: Strangelove Internet Enterprises, 208 Somerset Street
                  East, Suite A, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6V2



 "InterText is a fiction magazine printing stories in all genres from
  mainstream to science fiction. It's read by thousands of subscribers
  on six continents."

     Editor(s): Jason Snell <intertxt@network.ucsd.edu>
                Geoff Duncan <gaduncan@halcyon.com> (assistant editor)
        Format: ASCII text
     Frequency: bi-monthly
        Gopher: ocf.berkeley.edu:/Library/Fiction/InterText
           FTP: network.ucsd.edu:/intertext
    Compuserve: Electronic Frontier Foundation's "Zines from the Net"
                  section, accessible by typing "GO EFFSIG"
         Other: GEnie: Science Fiction Roundtable #3 (SFRT3) download
        Postal: InterText, 21645 Parrotts Ferry, Sonora, CA 95370, USA


The Lighthouse

 "Shining Light on Today's Christian Music"

     Editor(s): J. Warner Soditus <jws@sabine.arl.psu.edu> (exec.
                Beth Blinn
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: lighthouse@sabine.arl.psu.edu
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/lighthouse
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/lighthouse
         Phone: +1 814 238 6730
        Postal: The Lighthouse, 256 East College Avenue, Suite 302,
                  State College, PA 16801, USA


LIMINAL -- Liminal Explorations

 "LIMINAL seeks to apply new inter and transdisciplinary methods,
  theories, ideas, concepts, and approaches to the study of cultural
  phenomena as well as the inventive application of existing
  approaches. The term 'cultural phenomena' is taken to mean, but not
  limited to meaning: 1) an activity engaged in by humans as members
  of a social network, 2) the product(s) of such engagement(s), 3) the
  motivators of such activities or engagements, 4) the functioning of
  such social networks themselves."

     Editor(s): <swilbur@andy.bgsu.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Liminal
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Liminal
        Postal: The Liminal Group, Box 154, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH
                  43403, USA


Line Noiz

 "Cyberpunk Information E-Zine"

     Editor(s): Billy Biggs <ae687@freenet.carleton.ca>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: dodger@fubar.bk.psu.edu (with "Subscription LineNoiz
                  <your address>" in the body of the message)



 "Covers issues of particular interest to the net community, including
  but not limited to: cryptography, electronic publishing, free
  software development, intellectual property, internet
  commercialization, privacy and virtual communities."

     Editor(s): Mike Linksvayer <mlinksva@netcom.com>
                Ken McGlothlen <mcglk@cpac.washington.edu>
                R. David Murray <david@bitdance.mv.com>
        Format: PostScript
     Frequency: published the 15th of each month
         Email: <mlinksva@netcom.com> (subject "sendinfo")
           FTP: ftp.netcom.com:/pub/mlinksva
         Phone: +1 415 431 0775
           Fax: +1 415 327 7629
        Postal: Meta Magazine, 1800 Market #31, San Francisco, CA
                  94102, USA


The Morpo Review

 "How about Sonnets to Captain Kangaroo, free-verse ruminations
  comparing plastic lawn ornaments to _Love Boat_ or nearly anything
  with cows in it. No, not cute, Smurfy little "ha ha" ditties -- back
  reality into a corner and snarl! Some good examples are "Oatmeal" by
  Galway Kinnell, "A Supermarket In California" by Allen Ginsberg, or
  the 6th section of Wallace Stevens' "Six Significant Landscapes.""

     Editor(s): Matthew Mason <morpo-frog@morpo.creighton.edu>
                Robert Fulkerson <morpo-bond@morpo.creighton.edu>
                Matthew Heys <morpo-kneebend@morpo.creighton.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: morpo-submissions@morpo.creighton.edu (submissions)
                morpo-request@morpo.creighton.edu (subscriptions)
                morpo-comments@morpo.creighton.edu (comments)
                morpo-editors@morpo.creighton.edu (all the editors at
        Gopher: morpo.creighton.edu:/Electronic Journals and
                  Lists/Electronic Magazines/The Morpo Review
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Morpo.Review


Mother Jones

 "Mother Jones is a magazine of investigation and ideas for
  independent thinkers. Provocative and unexpected articles inform
  readers and inspire action toward positive social change. Colorful
  and personal, Mother Jones challenges conventional wisdom, exposes
  abuses of power, helps redefine stubborn problems and offers fresh

     Editor(s): Jeffrey Klein
           WWW: http://www.mojones.com/motherjones.html
        Postal: Mother Jones, 731 Market St., Suite 600, San
                  Francisco, CA 94103, USA


The Neon Gargoyle Gazette

 "The goal of this magazine is to enlighten the public at large about
  the world of horror from the tiny details of splatter to the grand
  sweeping theories of hidden psychological appeal. The GARGOYLE
  contains discussion forums on horror in all its forms. History, art,
  poetry, biography, modern cinema, professional make-up techniques,
  and horror productions both present and past are all examined here,
  as well as a trivia Q&A section."

     Editor(s): Dan Krumlauf <aa666@po.cwru.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Usenet: alt.horror
         Other: Cleveland Free-Net Community Computer System (+1 216
                  368 3888 or IP address, once logged in
                  type "GO HORROR"
         Phone: +1 216 491 4616


NCSA Access Online

           WWW: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Pubs/access/accessDir.html



 "Nordic Electronic Science Fiction Address Directory (NESFAD) is a
  list of E-addresses to sf fans in the Nordic area (Denmark, Finland,
  Iceland, Norway and Sweden), with a news section in the beginning of
  each issue, e.g. listing the local sf conventions. The latest NESFAD
  had close to 200 addresses. The language is English. NESFAD isn't on
  a mailserver yet. To subscribe write to one of the editors and say
  that you want it."

     Editor(s): Ahrvid Engholm <ahrvid@sfbbs.edvina.se>
                Ben Roimola <broimola@abo.fi>
        Format: ASCII text
     Frequency: approximately quarterly
         Other: SF-BBS (+46 8 642 40 77)
         Phone: +46 8 641 34 05 (Ahrvid)
        Postal: Ahrvid Engholm, Renstiernas Gata 29, S-116 31
                  Stockholm, Sweden



 "NutWorks was a humor 'zine from the early days of BITNET and
  reflects the student-oriented humor of the time. Some good sources
  for articles, jokes and original material though. Should be in
  collectors' archives."

        Format: ASCII text
           FTP: curia.ucc.ie:/pub/mags
           WWW: http://curia.ucc.ie/info/net/mags/
          NOTE: now ceased, this is all that there was, vols 001-026


The Mini-Journal of Irreproducible Results ("mini-JIR")

 "Publishes news about overly stimulating research and ideas.
  Specifically: A) Haphazardly selected superficial (but advanced!)
  extracts of research news and satire from the Journal of
  Irreproducible Results (JIR). B) News about the annual Ig Nobel
  Prize ceremony. Ig Nobel Prizes honor "achievements that cannot or
  should not be reproduced." A public ceremony is held at MIT, in
  Cambridge Massachusetts, every autumn. The ceremony is sponsored
  jointly by JIR and by the MIT Museum. C) News about other science
  humor activities conducted by the MIT Museum and JIR."

     Editor(s): Marc Abrahams <jir@mit.edu>
         Email: To subscribe, send a brief E-mail message to
                  LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU. The body of your message
                  should contain ONLY the words "SUBSCRIBE MINI-JIR"
                  followed by your name.
         Phone: +1 617 491 4437
        Postal: The Journal of Irreproducible Results, c/o Wisdom
                  Simulators, P.O. Box 380853, Cambridge, MA, 02238,


Obscure Electronic

 "OBSCURE is the zine that profiles the people in this publishing

     Editor(s): James P Romenesko <obscure@csd4.csd.uwm.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Obscure.Electric
        Postal: POB 1334, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA



 "A ragtag, fugitive zine on a lonely quest for a planet known as

     Editor(s): Dan Herrick <dherrick@nyx.cs.du.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
                WordPerfect 5.1 (specify printer)
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Parthenogenesis
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Parthenogenesis
       FidoNet: email Dan Herrick at FIDO 1:306/55, FREQ from 1:306/55
                  (magic name: PARTH)
         Other: The Pentagon BBS (+1 303 498 0864), 14.4kbps (file
                  area #14)
        Postal: Parthenogenesis, 804 S. College Suite 8363, Ft.
                  Collins, CO 80524, USA


People Power Update

  The newsletter of the bicycle advocacy group People Power.

     Editor(s): Ron Goodman <goodman@cats.ucsc.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
           FTP: netcom.com:/pub/johnl/zines/ppu
         Phone: +1 408 425 8851
           Fax: +1 408 425 8851
        Postal: People Power, 226 Jeter Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060,



 "An electronic publication covering all facets of the Computer
  Underground. Phrack magazine has been published since 1984 and has
  grown to become one of the best sources for information about
  operating systems, bugs, telephony and the world-wide hacker

     Editor(s): Chris Goggans (aka Erik Bloodaxe)
        Format: ASCII text
           FTP: ftp.netsys.com:/pub/phrack
         Phone: 512-448-5098
        Postal: Phrack Magazine, 603 W. 13th #1A-278, Austin, TX 78701
          ISSN: 1068-1035


Play by EMail

 "Electronic 'zine about free play-by-electronic-mail wargames.
  Reviews, game openings, information."

     Editor(s): Greg Lindahl <gl8f@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: ftp.erg.sri.com:/pub/pbm/PBEM-Fanzine
        Usenet: rec.games.pbm


popE x Mass = accelerated_j e s u s

 "PxM=a_j is an intelligent e-zine that investigates the cultural and
  ethical issues confronting cyberspace today; and into the future..."

     Editor(s): Johannes Kepler aka James Still
         Other: Hieroglyphic Voodoo Machine BBS (+1 303 443 2457)


Power to the People Mover

 "Concerned with unusual and noteworthy behavior observed on mass
  transit systems, particularly the bus lines."

     Editor(s): <eric@wendy.ucsd.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/People.Mover
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/People.Mover
        Postal: Cool It, P.O. Box 232741, Leucadia, CA 92023, USA


Practical Anarchy Online

 "An electronic zine concerning anarchy from a practical point of
  view, to help you put some anarchy in your everyday life. The
  anarchy scene is covered through reviews and reports from people in
  the living anarchy."

     Editor(s): Chuck Munson
                Mikael Cardell <cardell@lysator.liu.se> (Fidonet:
                  Mikael Cardell@2:205/223)
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Politics/Spunk
        Postal: Practical Anarchy, POB 173, Madison, WI 53701-0173,
                Practical Anarchy, c/o Mikael Cardell, Gustav
                  Adolfsgatan 3, S-582 20 Linkoping, Sweden


Pure Bollocks Online

     Editor(s): an18359@anon.penet.fi
        Format: ASCII text
                Atari ST binary
           FTP: atari.archive.umich.edu:/atari/Magazines/Pb
        Postal: PB Magazine, PO box 1083, Glasgow G14 9DG, Scotland,



     Editor(s): Pope Jephe <jstevens@world.std.com>
                Doc Simpson <scott@plearn.bitnet>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: HailOtis@socpsy.sci.fau.edu
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Purps
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Purps
        Postal: IGHF, 955 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 209, Cambridge, MA
                  02139, USA

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    This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server rtfm.mit.edu via
    FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/writing/zines

    Email requests for FAQs go to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with commands
    on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'.

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I have found these compilations tend to appear on various 
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- use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution:
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  - FTP archival
  - automated posting

- a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy,
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- potential professional inquiries for the use of your 
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See the FAQ submission guidlines FAQ in news.answers.

Area # 2349  mag                    04-03-94 11:43      Message # 360
From    : John Labovitz
To      : ALL                                           
Subj    : Zines on the Internet (2

?@FROM   :JOHNL@NETCOM.COM                                             
?@SUBJECT:Zines on the Internet (2/2)                                  
Message-ID: <writing/zines/part2_765391177@rtfm.mit.edu>
Newsgroups: alt.zines,alt.etext,misc.writing,rec.mag,alt.internet.services
Organization: none

Archive-name: writing/zines/part2
Last-modifed: 94/01/26

(This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM. See the 
bottom for more information, including instructions on how to
obtain updates.)


John Labovitz's e-zine-list (cont'd)

Last updated: 26 January 1993 by John Labovitz <johnl@netcom.com>

This is a summary of electronically-accessible zines -- what they
are, who puts them out, and where you can find them.  In most cases,
descriptions are excerpted from the masthead of the zine listed.


QL Hacker's Journal

 "The QHJ is published as a service to the QL Community. (QL is the
  Sinclair QL computer that came out of Britian about 1983, and hit
  the US about 1985.)"

     Editor(s): Tim Swenson <swensotc@ss1.sews.wpafb.af.mil>
           FTP: garbo.uwasa.fi
         Phone: +1 513 233 2178
        Postal: QL Hacker's Journal, c/o Tim Swenson, 5615 Botkins
                  Rd., Huber Heights, OH 45424, USA



 "Quanta is the electronically produced and distributed magazine of
  science fiction and fantasy. As such, each issues is packed with
  fiction from amateur and professional authors from around the world
  and across the net."

     Editor(s): Daniel K Appelquist <quanta@andrew.cmu.edu>
        Format: PostScript
                ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher-srv.acs.cmu.edu:/Archives/quanta
           FTP: export.acs.cmu.edu:/pub/quanta
    Compuserve: "Zines from the Net" area of the EFF forum (accessed
                  by typing GO EFFSIG)
        Postal: Quanta, 3003 Van Ness St. NW #S919, Washington, DC
                  20008, USA



 "Review And Discussion of Rock & Roll."

     Editor(s): Keith A. Gordon <GordonKA@CtrVax.Vanderbilt.Edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Usenet: alt.zines
         Other: MONDO GORDO! BBS (+1 615 791 8050)
                A Brother To Dragons BBS (+1 615 781 9943)
        Postal: 826 Old Charlotte Pike East, Franklin, TN 37064, USA


Random Access Humor -- The Electronic Humor Magazine

 "A rag-tag collection of fugitive humor, some of which is vaguely
  related to the BBS/Online System world."

     Editor(s): Dave Bealer <dbealer@clark.net>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Humor/RAH
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Humor/RAH
         Other: The Puffin's Nest BBS (FidoNet: 1:261/1129, +1 410
                  437-3463, 1200-14400/V.32bis)
        Postal: Random Access Humor, c/o Dave Bealer, P.O. Box 595,
                  Pasadena, MD 21122, USA


Science Fiction Journalen

 "SFJ has as a paper fanzine been the leading Scandinavian sf
  newsletter since 1978. The electronic edition - identical to the
  paper edition, except for the layout - is a recent addition. SFJ
  covers news about books, authors, awards, clubs, conventions etc, in
  articles, reports, lists, reviews, even gossip in primarily the
  Nordic region, but the most important international news are also

     Editor(s): Ahrvid Engholm <ahrvid@sfbbs.edvina.se>
        Format: ASCII text (with 7-bit Swedish character remapping)
     Frequency: 4-6 times/year
           FTP: ftp.lysator.liu.se:/pub/sf-texts/swedish_fandom
         Other: SF-BBS (+46 8 642 40 77)
         Phone: +46 8 641 34 05
        Postal: Ahrvid Engholm, Renstiernas Gata 29, S-116 31
                  Stockholm, Sweden (subscription to the paper edition
                  costs 40 SEK to Swedish postal giro 436 32 00-9)



 "One of the things that kept me from doing something sooner was the
  idea that you sort of had to have a focus to do a proper zine. I got
  over it. I found a new desire and enjoyment in rambling about
  whatever seems appropriate at the time. So here we are."

     Editor(s): James Barnett <spingo@Panix.Com>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Scratch
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Scratch
        Postal: J. Barnett, 28 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10805,


Scream Baby

 "What do I want? Besides world peace, a sexy Mexican maid, and
  someone to use their fucking brains around here, I want a really
  good all-encompassing-sub-culture zine. Music, literature, art,
  television, film, weird space-time kinks, events, information, news,
  humor, interviews, and re:views of 'Stuff I Think Is Cool.' Not all
  at once, of course. Each issue of Scream Baby will come out whenever
  I can scrape together 25-30 kilobytes of really good stuff."

     Editor(s): Blade X <bladex@wixer.bga.com>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/CyberPunk/ScreamBaby
       WWIVNet: 46@5285
         Other: Tejas BBS (+1 512 467-0663) (16.8 HST modem)


Screams of Abel

 "SOAE gives you the latest in brutal music, from heavy metal to
  thrash to beyond..."

     Editor(s): Phil Powell <Phil.Powell@launchpad.unc.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
     Frequency: weekly
        Usenet: alt.zines
    Compuserve: email 72762.1260 for information
       WWIVNet: CCM conference
         Other: FAMILYNET: CCM Conference



 "inSobordinate Leftists Intellectual Trash Hopefully Earmarked for

     Editor(s): anon14b4@nyx.cs.du.edu
        Format: ASCII text
         Phone: +1 619 230 7106
        Postal: 7514 Girard #228, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA



 "A zine for creative people."

     Editor(s): Jim Esch <Jim.Esch@launchpad.unc.edu>
                Stacy Tartar
        Postal: Sparks, 232 North Kingshighway, #616, St. Louis, MO
                  63108-1248, USA (paper copies of SPARKS, including
                  artwork, are available for $2.50)


The SURFPUNK Technical Journal

 "The SURFPUNK Technical Journal is a dangerous multinational hacker
  zine originating near BARRNET in the fashionable western arm of the
  northern California matrix. Quantum Californians appear in one of
  two states, spin surf or spin punk. Undetected, we are both, or
  might be neither."

         Email: surfpunk@osc.versant.com (submissions)
                surfpunk-request@osc.versant.com (subscription
           WWW: http://www.acns.nwu.edu/surfpunk/


TapRoot Reviews Electronic Edition

 "Short reviews of micropress poetry, experimental literature and art
  -- 100+ reviews per issue."

     Editor(s): Luigi-Bob Drake <au462@cleveland.freenet.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Taproot
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Taproot
        Postal: Burning Press, PO Box 585, Lakewood, OH 44107, USA



 "TAYLOROLOGY is a newsletter focusing on the life and death of
  William Desmond Taylor, a top film Paramount film director in early
  Hollywood who was shot to death on February 1, 1922. His unsolved
  murder was one of Hollywood's major scandals. This newsletter will
  deal with: (a) The facts of Taylor's life; (b) The facts and rumors
  of Taylor's murder; (c) The impact of the Taylor murder on Hollywood
  and the nation. Primary emphasis will be given toward reprinting,
  referencing and analyzing source material, and sifting it for

     Editor(s): Bruce Long <bruce@asu.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Taylorology
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Taylorology


The Trincoll Journal

 "The Trincoll Journal is a weekly publication for WWW users. The
  Journal is a student-run publication at Trinity College in Hartford,

     Editor(s): <Journal@mail.trincoll.edu>
        Format: World Wide Web document
     Frequency: weekly
         Email: Journal@mail.trincoll.edu (make sure you include the
                  words "subscribe Journal" in the subject line)
           WWW: http://www.trincoll.edu/homepage.html


Twilight World

 "An all-format on-line magazine aimed at everybody who is interested
  in any sort of fiction -- although it usually tends to concentrate
  on fantasy and science-fiction."

     Editor(s): Richard Karsmakers <R.C.Karsmakers@stud.let.ruu.nl>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Twilight.Zone
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Twilight.Zone
        Usenet: alt.zines
        Postal: Richard Karsmakers, Looplantsoen 50, NL-3523 GV
                  Utrecht, The Netherlands


The Undiscovered Country

 "the undiscovered country is a netzine put out by myself and my
  coeditor, l.b. noire. it is the latest flatulence from our brains
  regarding life/art/literature/cyberspace/philosophy/etc. it's a
  large enchiladaesque bunch of stuff."

     Editor(s): SR Prozak and LB Noire <cblanc@pomona.claremont.edu>
        Format: ASCII text


Unit Circle Magazine

 "An eclectic magazine of art, prose, poetry, music reviews, and
  liberal commentary."

     Editor(s): Kevin Goldsmith <kmg@sgi.com>
        Format: Postscript
     Frequency: quarterly
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/UnitCircle
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/UnitCircle
        Postal: Unit Circle, PO Box 640 885, San Francisco, CA 94164,


The Upholstered Playpen

 "a musical arts newsletter"

     Editor(s): Ted Mook <TMOOK@PAN.COM> <tmook@mcimail.com>
        Format: ASCII text
        Postal: 215 W 101st Street #9b, New York, NY 10025, USA


Unplastic News

 "the odd e-mail magazine w/a fever"

     Editor(s): tt2@well.sf.ca.us
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/Publications
           FTP: ftp.eff.org:/pub/cud/misc/journals



 "Swedish-based series written in english containing any topic you
  probably could think of."

     Editor(s): Erik Soderstrom <chief@lysator.liu.se>
        Format: ASCII text
         Email: uxu-info-request@lysator.liu.se (subscribe)
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/UXU
           FTP: ftp.lysator.liu.se:/pub/texts/uxu
         Other: +46 13 175042 (BBS)
                BBSes in a number of countries including the US,
                  Canada, Holland, Australia, Switzerland and Sweden
        Postal: uXu, P.O. BOX 5, S-790 23 Svardsjo, Sweden



 "VidBits is a digital gaming magazine that covers virtually all
  aspects of video and pinball amusements thru unbiased reviews and
  stimulating articles."

     Editor(s): Tim Clinkenpeel <clinken@xmission.com>
     Frequency: monthly
         Email: vidbits-request@slack.sim.es.com
           FTP: xmission.com:/pub/other/vidbits
         Other: Lizard's Den BBS (+1 801 ITS YODA), type SNARF from
                  the main menu to obtain the issue prior to
        Postal: VidBits, 262 E Whitlock, 84115-7223, USA ($2 for
                  hardcopy, $4 for diskette (specify format))



 "Virkbilagan is a personalzine, that is a personally oriented sf
  fanzine, with chitchat around various subjects, sometimes about sf
  and sf fandom. It is presently published weekly, and the language is
  Swedish. Each issue is 21-22 K in length."

     Editor(s): Ahrvid Engholm <ahrvid@sfbbs.edvina.se>
        Format: ASCII text (with 7-bit Swedish character remapping)
     Frequency: weekly
           FTP: ftp.lysator.liu.se:/pub/sf-texts/swedish_fandom
        Postal: Ahrvid Engholm, Renstiernas Gata 29, S-116 31


Voices from the Net

 "There are a lot of folks with at least one foot in this complex
  region we call (much too simply) 'the net.' There are a lot of
  voices on these wires. From IRC to listservs, MUDspace to e-mail,
  Usenet group to commercial bbs -- all kinds of voices -- loud and
  quiet, anonymous and well-known. And yet, it's far from clear what
  it might mean to be a 'voice' from, or on, the net. Enter Voices
  from the Net: one attempt to sample, explore, the possibilities (or
  perils) of net.voices. Worrying away at the question. Running down
  the meme. Looking/listening, and reporting back to you."

     Editor(s): Bookish <swilbur@andy.bgsu.edu>
                CountZer0 <mgardbe@andy.bgsu.edu>
                NEURO <fbohann@andy.bgsu.edu>
        Format: Macintosh HyperCard stack
                ASCII text
         Email: Voices-request@andy.bgsu.edu (to subscribe: subject:
                  Voices from the Net, body: subscribe)
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Voices
           FTP: aql.gatech.edu:/pub/Zines/Voices_from_the_Net



 "-=VOId=- what is it? What planet does it come from? And does it eat
  cabbage? Humm.. well VOId is a FREE, e-mag distributed by e-mail to
  a good few chappies/chapesses.. VOId covers many subjects which
  include such nail bitting topics as.. PC's, Internet, ASCII art, and
  a large blob of other super interesting things. So why not
  subscribe? I know I would."

     Editor(s): Phil Bird <se1pb@dmu.ac.uk>


We Magazine


     Editor(s): Stephen Cope
                James Garrison
                Angela Coon
                Eric Curkendall
                Jay Curkendall
                Roddy Potter
                Chris Funkhouser
                Belle Gironda
                Ben Henry
                Katie Yates <cf2785@albnyvms.bitnet>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Literary/We_Magazine
        Postal: We Press, Postoffice Box 1503 Santa Cruz, CA 95061,


The Web Online Review

 "Reviews of new and reprinted children's books (picture books through
  young adult.) Our goal is to provide honest, informative reviews
  that will help parents and educators find the best, most enjoyable
  books. We also publish a non-electronic journal reviewing the best
  old and new children's books."

     Editor(s): Wendy E. Betts <web@armory.com>
                Evan A.C. Hunt
        Format: ASCII text
           FTP: deeptht.armory.com:/pub/user/web
        Usenet: rec.arts.books
        Postal: P.O. Box 401, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-0401, USA


Whole Earth Review

 "We are dedicated to demystification, to self-teaching, and to
  encouraging people to think for themselves. Thus our motto: 'ACCESS
  TO TOOLS AND IDEAS.' Tools in the Whole Earth sense include hammers,
  books, and computer conferencing systems. Our readers are a
  community of tool-users who share information with one another. The
  ideas we make accessible have not often been found in university
  courses, but are becoming recognized as part of what you need to
  know to be truly educated. Our readers contribute to the editorial
  content as well, with both reviews and articles."

     Editor(s): <wer@well.sf.ca.us>
        Format: ASCII text
                Macintosh PageMaker 4.2 files
        Gopher: gopher.well.sf.ca.us:/WER
         Phone: +1 415 332 1716
           Fax: +1 415 332 3110
        Postal: Whole Earth Review, 27 Gate Five Road, Sausalito, CA
                  94965, USA
          NOTE: e-text of WER is currently available *only* via
                  gopher; do not e-mail requests for issues



           WWW: http://wired.com/




     Editor(s): Jon Konrath <jkonrath@indiana.edu>
        Format: ASCII text
        Gopher: etext.archive.umich.edu:/Zines/Music/Xenocide
           FTP: etext.archive.umich.edu:/pub/Zines/Music/Xenocide
        Postal: Xenocide, c/o Jon Konrath, 414 S. Mitchell Suite 13,
                  Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

----- end of e-zine-list


If you have any additions, deletions, or changes to this list, please
email them to johnl@netcom.com.

A notice about new editions of this list is posted to the following 
mailing lists:


The full ASCII text version is automatically posted every 3 weeks
(thanks to Larry Detweiler) to the following USENET newsgroups:


And the following mailing lists:

It can also be obtained via anonymous FTP from netcom.com in
"/pub/johnl/zines" as "e-zine-list" (ASCII text version) or
"e-zine-list.html" (HTML version), via gopher at gopher.well.sf.ca.us
and etext.archive.umich.edu, via the World Wide Web at
"file://netcom.com/pub/johnl/zines", and via email from me

If you publish an e-zine, or know someone who does, send a copy
to me and I'll add the relevant info to this database.  Please
include as much of the information below as appropriate:

  * name of e-zine
  * brief description (10 lines or less)
  * editor name(s) and email addresses
  * format (ASCII text is the default)
  * frequency
  * archive sites, including gopher, FTP, WWW, and WAIS
  * email address for subscribing (if other than editor(s)'s addresses)
  * Usenet newsgroups you post the zine to
  * other BBSs and online systems, including Compuserve,
    America Online, FidoNet,  WWIVNet
  * voice phone, fax, postal address, if you want
  * ISSN number

Comments, suggestions, changes, deletions, etc., are welcomed and

DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document

This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM, involved in the
redistribution of valuable information to a wider USENET audience (see
below). The most recent version of this document can be obtained via
the author's instructions above. The following directions apply to 
retrieve the possibly less-current USENET FAQ version.

    This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server rtfm.mit.edu via
    FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/writing/zines

    Email requests for FAQs go to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with commands
    on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'.

    This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups


CRAM: the Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement

In an effort to bring valuable information to the masses, and
as a service to motivated information compilers, I 
(L. Detweiler) will help others unfamiliar with Usenet 
`publish' their documents for widespread dissemination via the 
FAQ structure, and act as a `sponsor' knowledgable in the 
submissions process. This document is being distributed under
this arrangement.

I have found these compilations tend to appear on various 
mailing lists and are valuable enough to deserve wider 
distribution. If you know of an existing compilation of 
Internet information that is not currently a FAQ, please 
contact me and I may `sponsor' it. The benefits to the author 

- use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution:
  - automated mail server service
  - FTP archival
  - automated posting

- a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy,
  and coverage of the document enormously through email 

- potential professional inquiries for the use of your 
  document in other settings, such as newsletters, books, 

- with me as your sponsor, I will also take care of the 
  technicalities in the proper format of the posted version 
  and updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead' 
  to focus on the basic updates alone

Send comments relating to the *distribution* of this document
(particularly relevant newsgroups not currently covered in
its current distribution) or inquiries on other documents to

The choice of who I `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always
have the option of handling the submission process yourself. 
See the FAQ submission guidlines FAQ in news.answers.
