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SPANISH OBSCENETIES AND INSULTS DICTIONARY By Midnight Sorrow Call Infinite Darkness - 3O5?561?3877 The Best Text Anywhere! MAJOR INSULTS: Bodily Parts: BOLLO (boe yoe) Pussy. CHOCHA (choe chah) Same as Bollo, Crica. COJONES (koe hoe nayz) Balls. CRICA (kree kuh) Same as Bollo, Chocha. CULO (koo loe) Ass. HUEVOS (way voess) same as Cojones. OJO DEL CULO (oho dell koo loe) Asshole. PENDEJO (pen day hoe) Pubic Hair. PINGA (peen guh) Small Dick. PINGON (peen goan) Big Dick. TETAS (tay tahs) Tits. UN DOLOR DE PINGON (oon doe lorr day peen goan) Dickache. VERGA (vair guh) Penis (Dick). Nicaraguan version of Pinga. People: HIJO DE PUTA (ee hoe day poo tuh) Son of a Bitch. MARICON (mah ree kone) Faggot. PUTA (poo tuh) Bitch, Whore. General Curses: CARAJO (kuh rah hoe) Hell, Damn. CONO (co nyoh) Damn. MIERDA (mee air duh) Shit. SINGA (seen guh) Fuck. SINGADO (seen gah roe) You're fucked. Verbs: SINGATE (seen guh tay) Fuck yourself. MINOR INSULTS: Adjectives: ALTO (ahl toe) Tall APESTOSO (ah pay stoe soe) Smelly ASQUEROSA (ahs kay roe suh) Disgusting BAJO (bah hoe) Short BELLUDO (bay oo doe) Hairy CALBO (kahl boe) Bald CALOR (cah lore) Hot CHIQUITO (chee kee toe) Smaller CHIQUITICO (chee kee tee koe) Really tiny DESCARADA (des kahr ah duh) Sly, Deceitful ENFERMEDAD (ehn fair may dahd) Sick, diseased ESTUPIDO (es too pee doe) Stupid FEO (fay oe) Ugly FLACO (flah koe) Thin FRIO (free oe) Cold GORDISIMO (gor dee see moe) Quite Fat GORDO (gor doe) Fat IGNORANTE (eeg norr ahn tay) Ignorant INMADURO (een mah doo roe) Childish MAL (mahl) Bad MICROSCOPICO (mee kroe scoe pee koe) Microscopic OBESO (oe bay soe) Obese PELIGROSA (pell ee groe suh) Dangerous PEQUENO (peh kayn yo) Small PODRIDO (poe dree doe) Rotten VIEJO (vee ay hoe) Old Nouns: ARTRITIS (ahr tree tis) Arthritis BABOSA (bah boe suh) Slug, Worm, Slime BERRUGA (bair oo guh) Wart CALLO (cay oe) Callous CUCARACHA (koo kuh rah chuh) Cockroach CULEBRA (koo lay bruh) Snake DOLORES DE IJADA (duh lorr aiz day ee hah duh) Menstrual Cramp ELEFANTE (ell ay fahn tay) Elephant ENFERMEDAD VENEREA (en fair may dahd vuh nair ee ah) Venereal Disease GUSANO (goo sah noe) Worm LEPRA (lay prah) Leprosy LEPROSA (lay proe suh) Leper LLEGUA (yay wuh)/LLEGUON Mule MURCIELAGO (mer see uhl ah goe) Bat PERRO (pair oe) Dog PROSTITUTA (pros tee too tuh) Whore PUERCA (pwair kuh)/PUERCO Pig QUATRERA (kwah trair ah) Slut RATA (rah tuh) Rat SIDA (see dah) AIDS SUCIA (soo see ah) Dirty, Scumbag TESTICULOS (tes tee koo loess) Testicles TORTILLERA (tor tee yair uh) Lesbian. TUMOR (too mor) Growth, Tumor VACA (vah kuh) Cow VAJINA (vuh hee nuh) Vagina Verbs: MAMAR - to suck COMER - to eat MORIR - to die MAMAR - to suck JODER - to screw around SINGAR - to fuck Phrases to know and learn: BESAME EL CULO: Kiss my ass. NO JODA: Don't screw around. CON PESTE A BACALADO: Smells like fish. QUE PINGA TE SINGA?: What dick fucks you? NI PUTA IDEA (NPI): No fuckin' idea. VETE PARA EL INFIERNO: Go to hell. NO ME ENPORTA UN CULO: I don't give a shit. TU TIENES UNA PINGA MICROSCOPICA: Your dick's microscopic. SINGATE HASTA QUE TE QUEDES CIEGO: Fuck yourself until you're blind. VE Y RAYETE UNA CANTUA HASTA QUE TE MUERAS: Go & jerk off until you die. COME MIERDA Y MUERETE: Eat Shit and Die. SINGATE TU PADRE MARICON: Go fuck your dad, faggot. AGACHATE HACIA ATRAS Y SINGATE POR EL CULO: Bend over backwards and fuck yourself up the ass. TU MADRE ES UNA PUERCA BAJA, GORDA, FEA, Y APESTOSA: Your mom is a short fat ugly and smelly pig. Thassall! Hope ya use it to your advantage! Midnight.