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OSiUX links

Este es un listado de *URLs* de sitios que me interesa compartir. Las categorías o *tags* pueden cambiar sin previo aviso. Esta página se

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Recents links


Pomospendo ⏰



I totally forgot about print style sheets - Manuel Matuzović



My current HTML boilerplate - Manuel Matuzović



Wireless-to-Ethernet island for homelab cluster: IPv6, NDP proxy and mDNS reflector - Vladimir Varankin



Amulet collection



The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering | Opinion | Communications of the ACM



A mashup of ANSI art and MIDI music



Open, Multi-Cloud, Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Orchestration



Jupyter Notebooks in the terminal.



A cloud native Kubernetes Global Balancer






sloum/gemini-vim-syntax: Vim syntax highlighting for text/gemini files (*.gmi) - gemini-vim-syntax - tildegit



acdw/bollux: a Gemini browser in like, idk, 96% pure Bash - bollux - tildegit



File converter from Markdown to Gemini.



Output gemini formatted documents from org-mode



Project Gemini



Use Google like a pro - Marko Denic - Web Developer



Some useful regular expressions for programmers - Daniel Lemire's blog



A curated list of my favourite music DSP and audio programming resources



Reading AGPL - /dev/lawyer






Re: PATCH SUNRPC: Add a check for gss~releasemsg~ - Leon Romanovsky



Git from the Bottom Up



Real-time performance monitoring, done right! <https://www.netdata.cloud>



An environmental monitoring and regulation system



An operating system, but it only plays Tetris.



executable-tutorials/executable-tutorials.gmi at main · dharmatech/executable-tutorials · GitHub



Tail Latency Might Matter More Than You Think - Marc's Blog






Basic Music Theory in ~200 Lines of Python | Manohar Vanga


`+3d` {#+3d}


Introduction - Computer Graphics from Scratch - Gabriel Gambetta


Original Prusa MINI is here: Smart and compact 3D printer for everyone! - Prusa Printers


Bruno Simon


New technique increases 3-D printing speed by 1,000 to 10,000 times


A Parametric Mechanical Keycap Library


Printing tiny, high-precision objects in a matter of seconds - EPFL


A Blender script to procedurally generate 3D spaceships


Building a DIY Pen Plotter: midTbot | Ben Congdon


Atlas: End-to-End 3D Scene Reconstruction from Posed Images


script based 3D solid modeller


Ask HN: 3D Modeling Tools for Woodworking&#x2F;Furniture? | Hacker News


This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler. Issues are managed on our own bug tracker at <https://www.freecadweb.gmi/tracker>


OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller


Full Page Reload


FreeCAD BIM development news - July/August/September 2020 |Yorik's blog


3d engine implementation in DNA code!


Introduction - Computer Graphics from scratch - Gabriel Gambetta


Anatomy of a CNC Router


A Full Live-Scripted CAD Kernel in the Browser



`+accesibility` {#+accesibility}


Never Use White Text on a Black Background: Astygmatism and Conference Slides |

`+ads` {#+ads}


How internet ads work - Michele Nasti's blog


Address 1st-party tracker blocking · Issue #780 · uBlockOrigin/uBlock-issues · GitHub


We Wasted $50K on Google Ads So You Don't Have To – Indie Hackers


A collection of tracking pixels and read receipt urls for use with Adblock or uBlock

`+agile` {#+agile}


Fixing Scrum | Risk-First

`+android` {#+android}


Inexpensive, compact, powerful: the revolution of "smart feature phones" runs Linux




mobile network - How can phone companies detect tethering (incl. Wifi hotspot) - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange


How to Make a Phone Farm - VICE


Really quickly build APKs on handheld device (smartphone and tablet) in Amazon, Android, Chromebook, PRoot and Windows📲 See <https://buildapks.github.io/docsBuildAPKs/setup> to start building APKs.


Display and control your Android device


Running Linux on your smartphone: everything you need to know in 2020


Android in Docker. Ain't an emulator.


This blog is now hosted on a GPS/LTE modem

`+ansible` {#+ansible}


Easing into automation with Ansible | Enable Sysadmin


Configuring Ansible | Enable Sysadmin


Part 4: Tools


Using Ansible securely for GitOps and Continuous Integration - YouTube


AnsibleFest Atlanta - Cox Automotive's journey


Trying to understand some aspects of IaC/GitOps with Ansible : ansible


Ansible 101 by Jeff Geerling - YouTube streaming series | Jeff Geerling


Jeff Geerling's Ansible Content


Minimal distributed configuration management in bash


ansible-project New release: ansible-base 2.10.0


Using Ansible to interact with web endpoints | Enable Sysadmin


Getting started with Ansible security automation: investigation enrichment

`+apt` {#+apt}


Cloudflare Mirrors


Ubuntu: A centralized apt package cache using Apt-Cacher-NG - Fabian Lee : Software Architect

`+archive` {#+archive}


Open Source Is Eternal | Linux Journal


Why Does Windows Really Use Backslash as Path Separator? | OS/2 Museum


How VisiCalc's Spreadsheets Changed the World - The New Stack


For Sale: Free Operating System


ARPANET, Part 3: The Subnet - Creatures of Thought


Never trust a corporation to do a library’s job - The Message - Medium


The Internet's Old Guard


Shining some light on the history of OS/2, Win9x and NT: liam~onlinux~ — LiveJournal




SMBlog -- 14 November 2019


gail.com FAQ


Archiving web sites LWN.net


The History of the URL




Beyond the Frame | The Mothers of the Mother of All Demos


Archivy is a self-hosted knowledge repository that allows you to safely preserve useful content that contributes to your knowledge bank.


Why I Link to WayBackMachine Instead of Original Site - Big Island Hawaii Simple Website Services


Archiving URLs · Gwern.net


Full Page Reload


CABINET / Poor Connections


Why FTP Could Soon Disappear from the Internet


Ask HN: How did you get started in tech and&#x2F;or Linux? | Hacker News


How The URL Was Built


Flash Animations Live Forever at the Internet Archive - Internet Archive Blogs


Winamp Skins Collection : Free Software : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive


Computer latency: 1977-2017


Your self-hosted bookmark archive. Free and open source.


Stack Exchange Data Dump : Stack Exchange, Inc. : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


Computer History Wiki


Make Your Own Internet Archive With ArchiveBox - NixIntel


Screenshots from developers: 2002 vs. 2015


The Consoles of my Life - Nomadic Research Labs


Jonah Edwards - Internet Archive Infrastructure : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


100m Posts Analyzed: What You Need To Write The Best Headlines | BuzzSumo.com


The history of UTF-8 as told by Rob Pike


ArchiveBox | 🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...



`+asciiart` {#+asciiart}


Render diagrams to Braille


ASCIICKER - let's kick some ASCII


Create beautiful ascii trees


Four Column ASCII


Ascii QR Code Creator


More Prime Images - Futility Closet




Simplifier - 4x4 ASCII Font


A cross platform package to do curses-like operations, plus higher level APIs and widgets to create text UIs and ASCII art animations


Everything you never wanted to know about ANSI escape codes


A mashup of ANSI art and MIDI music

`+audio` {#+audio}


Roc 0.1 released: real-time streaming over the network


Home - Rhasspy


How to Stream Audio from Your Phone to Your Laptop


prettyeq is a system-wide paramateric equalizer for pulseaudio


Virtual Meetups through Jitsi


Improving Bluetooth Audio Quality on Ubuntu Linux


Open Source Tools &amp; Data for Music Source Separation - Open-Source Tools &amp; Data for Music Source Separation


Étude in C minor


Music Production on Guix System — 2020 — Blog — GNU Guix


Clemens Wenger: Physics of Beauty


chimes/README.md at main · keredson/chimes · GitHub


Creating a MIDI pass-through recorder | arduino-midi-recorder




PipeWire: The Linux audio/video bus LWN.net


volumio (Volumio) · GitHub


Basic Music Theory in ~200 Lines of Python | Manohar Vanga


A curated list of my favourite music DSP and audio programming resources

`+autofs` {#+autofs}


Autofs and sshfs - the perfect couple - tjansson.dk

`+awk` {#+awk}


Books | learnbyexample


Show HN: An eBook with hundreds of GNU Awk one-liners | Hacker News


Awk in 20 Minutes


The state of the AWK LWN.net


awk: BEGIN { ... | Jemma Issroff

`+awx` {#+awx}


Understanding Ansible Tower Isolated Nodes - Red Hat Developer


Ansible Tower Feature Spotlight: Instance Groups and Isolated Nodes


Ansible Tower for Continuous Infrastructure | Cloudy with a chance of Big Data

`+background` {#+background}








How To Edit A File Without Changing Its Timestamps In Linux - OSTechNix

`+backup` {#+backup}


Build script and Dockerfile to produce the restic binaries


Fast, secure, efficient backup program


Policy-driven snapshot management and replication tools. Using ZFS for underlying next-gen storage. (Btrfs support plans are shelved unless and until btrfs becomes reliable.) Primarily intended for Linux, but BSD use is supported and reasonably frequently tested.


SmallData | Blog | IMAP email backup


Backing up data like the adult I supposedly am | Gunnar Þór Magnússon


Minimal PaperBackup for large files using qrcodes.


Rclone based solution to backup mysql database and minio storage to google drive for free every 30 mins.


Changed-block tracking and differential backups in QEMU LWN.net


nFreezer is an encrypted-at-rest backup tool.


Encrypted Backup Shootout

`+bash` {#+bash}


Web framework in Bash


file history with ed(1), diff(1), awk(1), sed(1) and sh(1)




Better Bash history | Arabesque


How "Exit Traps" Can Make Your Bash Scripts Way More Robust And Reliable




📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes.


Building a command-line generator for RSS feeds - Linux.com




An unexpected character replacement


Really fast Markov chains in ~20 lines of sh, grep, cut and awk :: 0x0f0f0f


Blog: Babashka: A quick example


The Bash Hackers Wiki Bash Hackers Wiki


Simple bash DSL framework for writing shell scripts safe and agile.


Automation Script for HTTP Request and PostgreSQL


Start all of your commands with a comma


When did I run that command?


Linux resource monitor


Best Practices for Writing Bash Scripts | kvz.io


Put your bash code in functions - random


Stopping phishing campaigns with bash


How to Modernize Your Bash Scripts By Adding GUI | by Shalitha Suranga | The Startup | Sep, 2020 | Medium


styleguide | Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects


Escaping strings in Bash using !:q | Simon Willison’s TILs


bash errors


docstrings for bash scripts


Solving graph problems in bash


Lei Mao's Log Book - ~/.bashrc VS ~/.profile VS ~/.bash~profile~


Four Features That Justify a New Unix Shell




Using Local OPTIND With Bash getopts


What am I running inside my bash?


Remember all your bash history forever


Bash-like $SHELL designed for greater commandline productivity and safer shell scripts


bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals


A language server for Bash

`+bgp` {#+bgp}


What is 768K Day, and Will It Cause Internet Outages?


Public DNS in Taiwan the latest victim of BGP hijack | APNIC Blog

`+blender` {#+blender}


Japanese anime studio Khara moving to Blender - blender.gmi

`+block` {#+block}


'Just four dudes': Inside EasyList, the community-run ad-blocking list disrupting the internet - Digiday

`+book` {#+book}


The Architecture of Open Source Applications

`+bsd` {#+bsd}


OpenBSD Router Guide


OpenBSD on the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Nano (1st Gen) - joshua stein

`+bugs` {#+bugs}


airlines - My name causes an issue with any booking! (names end with MR and MRS) - Travel Stack Exchange


Comment #28 : Bug #255161 : Bugs : cupsys package : Ubuntu


List of 2020 Leap Day Bugs

`+ceph` {#+ceph}


leah blogs: Anatomy of a Ceph meltdown


mikas blog &raquo; Blog Archive &raquo; A Ceph war story

`+community` {#+community}


Chris's Wiki :: blog/programming/GoIsGooglesLanguage


On the Graying of GNOME | Et tu, Cthulhu


Contributing without Code .


Aether is a peer-to-peer network of independent, self-moderated communities.


Not The First Time We Tried (FSF, GNU, RMS, etc.)


The leadership problem for free software

`+coop` {#+coop}



`+copyleft` {#+copyleft}


What comes after "open source"


My personal journey from MIT to GPL | Drew DeVault’s Blog


Public Domain Movies - Watch Free Videos Online


Consider relicensing unconditionally · Issue #214 · edent/SuperTinyIcons · GitHub


A new blog to get updates on your computing environment | CERN


The Hippocratic License 2.0: An Ethical License for Open Source


RedHat, Elastic, and more: Why open-source software companies are thriving today


This Is Why You Always Review Your Dependencies, AGPL Edition


Don't Use the Word 'Did' or a Dumb Anti-Piracy Company Will Delete You From Google - TorrentFreak




The falsehoods of anti-AGPL propaganda | Drew DeVault’s Blog


The open source paradox - <antirez>


Dual licensing GPL for fame and profit


dmca/2020-10-23-RIAA.md at master · github/dmca · GitHub


Music industry forces widely used journalist tool offline




Geek Blight - Origins of the youtube-dl project


dmca/2020-11-09-Google.md at master · github/dmca · GitHub


A Modest Proposal In The New Age of DMCA Takedown Aggression - Conservancy Blog - Software Freedom Conservancy


Standing up for developers: youtube-dl is back - The GitHub Blog


Moving into the future with the FSF tech team - Free Software Foundation - Working together for free software


Death of an Open Source Business Model | by Joe Morrison | Dec, 2020 | Medium


Pluralistic: 16 Dec 2020 - Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow


Choosing a Model for Your Open Source Business - Snipe.Net


Food on the table while giving away code | daniel.haxx.se


Doubling down on open, Part II | Elastic Blog


dmca/2021-01-14-mpa.md at master · github/dmca · GitHub


Stepping up for a truly open source Elasticsearch | AWS Open Source Blog


Open Source is Discrimination - /dev/lawyer


The strange economics of open-source software - Vallified


Cracks are showing in Enterprise Open Source's foundations | Jeff Geerling


TLDRLegal - Software Licenses Explained in Plain English


The gpl-violations.gmi project | gpl-violations.gmi


📖 Software and Copyright: It's Complicated - {anonymous => 'hash'};


Reading AGPL - /dev/lawyer

`+covid19` {#+covid19}


The main repository for the Open Ventilator Registry project.


Unraid | Help Take the Fight to COVID-19 with BOINC and Folding@home


COVID-19 Statistics


Easy – Covid19 ENG | Isinnova


Best open source tools for remote pair programming | Philippe’s Sustainable Programming Blog


‘War Dialing’ Tool Exposes Zoom&#8217;s Password Problems - Krebs on Security


Building a command line tool to simulate the spread of an infection


Easy – Covid19 ENG | Isinnova


Woman stalked by sandwich server via her COVID-19 contact tracing info - Naked Security

`+crm` {#+crm}


What's Salesforce?


Launch HN: Dex (YC S19) – personal CRM that reminds you to keep in touch | Hacker News

`+crypto` {#+crypto}


Proof Integration Guide | Keybase Docs


PGP encryption library (GopenPGP) - ProtonMail Blog


Seriously, stop using RSA | Trail of Bits Blog


Pokerware Secure Passphrase Generation


Predictable, Passphrase-Derived PGP Keys « null program


Alice and Bob: The World's Most Famous Cryptographic Couple


Better Encrypted Group Chat | Trail of Bits Blog


Enigma Machine Emulator | enigma.lh.mk


Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained - Fang-Pen's coding note


Cracking Kevin Mitnick's Ghost in The Wire.


SHA-1 is a Shambles


Lei Mao's Log Book - RSA Algorithm


Latacora - Stop Using Encrypted Email


Revoking certain certificates on March 4 - Help - Let's Encrypt Community Support


EdDSA, Ed25519, Ed25519-IETF, Ed25519ph, Ed25519ctx, HashEdDSA, PureEdDSA, WTF?


Speeding up Linux disk encryption


Now I Understand why Almost No One uses Encrypted Email


Command Line | keys.pub


How to test LUKS passphrase


Animation of the SHA-256 hash function in your terminal.


a modern crypto messaging format


Online client-side manager for secure storage and secrets sharing.


Generate Easy to Remember, Readable UUIDs, that are Shakespearean gramatically correct sentences 🥳


IBM Fully Homomorphic Encryption Toolkit For Linux. This toolkit is a Linux based Docker container that demonstrates computing on encrypted data without decrypting it! The toolkit ships with two demos including a fully encrypted Machine Learning inference with a Neural Network and a Privacy-Preserving key-value search.


GUI for horcrux


Seriously, stop using RSA | Trail of Bits Blog


El valor de la criptografía Bruce Schneier ~ Segu-Info - Ciberseguridad desde 2000


Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets


Ryo Nakao


Executable PNGs - djhworld


Text Encryption Based on Glider in the Game of Life


Unlocking LUKS2 volumes with TPM2, FIDO2, PKCS#11 Security Hardware on systemd 248


Aigo Chinese encrypted HDD − Part 1: taking it apart . Bof. Another blog.


XMPP client encryption - WIKI


Modern Alternatives to PGP


Did Schnorr destroy RSA? Show me the factors. | by Steve Weis | Mar, 2021 | Medium


No, RSA Is Not Broken - Schneier on Security


Welcome - Practical Cryptography for Developers

`+css` {#+css}


58 bytes of css to look great nearly everywhere


339 bytes of responsive CSS . Gaurav Koley


CSS Grid Level 2 - subgrid is coming to Firefox - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog


ColorKitty - Create, Discover and Share Beautiful Color Palettes and Colors.


Relearn CSS layout: Every Layout


A cross-browser solution for a responsive, blurred/frosted glass effect using vanilla JS and CSS. Intended for use with full scale background-images.




Making Cloud.typography Fast(er) - CSS Wizardry - Web Performance Optimisation


Color by CLSS.hk


augmented-ui - Integrate your apps with technology


Grid Garden - A game for learning CSS grid layout


ColorBox by Lyft Design


A powerful 2.7KB pure CSS framework | Cutestrap


Dark mode in a website with CSS | Tom Brow


Toucaan–Rethinking CSS frameworks. 📖


Faster Layouts with CSS Grid (and Subgrid!) - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog


Happy Hues - Curated colors in context.


React App


Pure CSS Landscape - An Evening in Southwold




Things I Wish I’d Known About CSS | CSS For Designers


Style Hacker News like its Windows 95


Gradient Magic - Fantastic and Unique CSS Gradients


Beautiful image placeholders, without the hassle 🖼


Sorted CSS Colors


I totally forgot about print style sheets - Manuel Matuzović

`+csv` {#+csv}


Doing a SQL join with CSV files with xsv


So You Want To Write Your Own CSV code? . Thomas Burette

`+cups` {#+cups}


OpenPrinting CUPS Sources (Apple CUPS + common patches)


How to debug printing problems - Fedora Project Wiki


CUPS/Troubleshooting - ArchWiki


Home Assistant Printer Power Management . unixorn.github.io

`+curl` {#+curl}


Curl Cookbook


Curl to shell isn't so bad


Detecting the use of "curl | bash" server side | Application Security


Why software projects take longer than you think: a statistical model . Erik Bernhardsson

`+CVE` {#+CVE}


exploits/CVE-2019-0211-apache at master · cfreal/exploits · GitHub


PostgreSQL announces to deny CVE-2019-9193 as a security vulnerability


NVD - CVE-2019-1804


security/2019-06-04~ace~-vim-neovim.md at master · numirias/security · GitHub


Nueva lista de vulnerabilidad comunes (MITRE CWE Top 25) ~ Segu-Info




CVE-2019-14287: Sudo Bug Allows Restricted Users to Run Commands as Root


Exploit for CVE-2019-11043


Firefox gets patch for critical 0-day that's being actively exploited | Ars Technica


Cable Haunt


Segu-Info: GhostCat: vulnerabilidad que afecta a todas las versiones de Tomcat (Parchea YA!)


CVE-2020-8616: BIND does not sufficiently limit the number of fetches performed when processing referrals - Security Advisories


CVE-2020-13777: TLS 1.3 session resumption works without master key, allowing MITM (#1011) · Issues · gnutls / GnuTLS · GitLab


Raccoon Attack


How to get root on Ubuntu 20.04 by pretending nobody’s /home - GitHub Security Lab


Undocumented user account in Zyxel products (CVE-2020-29583) - EYE


Screensaver lock by-pass via the virtual keyboard · Issue #354 · linuxmint/cinnamon-screensaver · GitHub


CVE - CVE-2021-3156


CVE Alerting Platform


oss-security - git: malicious repositories can execute remote code while cloning

`+cyberpunk` {#+cyberpunk}


Your cyberpunk games are dangerous / Offworld

`+cyberwar` {#+cyberwar}


China Spying on Undersea Internet Cables - Schneier on Security


Russia′s parliament votes to unplug internet from world | News | DW | 16.04.2019


Field Notes: Highlights from Huawei - Andreessen Horowitz

`+ddos` {#+ddos}


Dutch police take down hornets' nest of DDoS botnets | ZDNet

`+deb` {#+deb}


Debian Janitor: > 60,000 Lintian Issues Automatically Fixed

`+deduplication` {#+deduplication}



`+deploy` {#+deploy}


How Dark deploys code in 50ms - Darklang - Medium

`+design` {#+design}


GIMP 2.10.10 Released - GIMP


Lorem Picsum


Illustration Gallery by ManyPixels | Open-Source Editable Illustrations


Lambry, Les Animaux tels qu'ils sont (1930)


GIMP 2.10.12 Released - GIMP


Peter Selinger: Potrace


Peter Selinger: mkbitmap examples


Libera Tu Arte


4232 - Those excluded from a society see in a robot their last hope of freedom


How to Trace Bitmaps in Inkscape


Absurd Design - Free Surrealist Illustrations and Vector Art


Images done right: Web graphics, good to the last byte — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog


This Architect Has Painstakingly Standardized the World's Subway Maps - CityLab


Design tips for developers | Paul Copplestone


Excalidraw is a whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.




Open Peeps, Hand-Drawn Illustration Library


UI Design Daily | Weekly FREE UI resources straight to your inbox


For Example


Name all the colors @ colornames.gmi


This is the Official source code repository of the Synfig project


The UX of LEGO Interface Panels – George Cave


A modern commutative diagram editor for the web.


Open Source Design


VGDensetsu: Designing 2D graphics in the Japanese industry


How to Favicon in 2021: Six files that fit most needs — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog


Iconduck - Free open source icons, illustrations and graphics

`+dev` {#+dev}


RMStudio Online - page layout and report design


Inverse Live Coding: A practice for learning web development | Computing Education Research Blog


Learn more programming languages, even if you won't use them - Thorsten Ball


Why software projects take longer than you think: a statistical model . Erik Bernhardsson Why software projects take longer than you think: a statistical model . Erik Bernhardsson


Platform for safe, easy and productive programming of complex, multi-platform apps with a modern user interface


Watch What I Do: Table of Contents


HTTP headers for the responsible developer - Twilio


Database IDs Have No Place In URIs - John Topley’s Weblog


DevChecklists | Always deliver your very best, always check


HostiFi 2.0: Why I’m completely rewriting my $5,735 MRR SaaS


Back to Basics - Joel on Software


I don't want to be a full-fullstack developer | Life on Marts


Simple image compression full website code written in node, react and next.js framework. Easy to deploy as a microservice.


Your syntax highlighter is wrong


Why Codeless Software is Doomed to Fail - Architect of Worlds


Releases · angular/angular-cli · GitHub


102KB ought to be enough for any email - Terence Eden’s Blog


Micro Frontends


Always Own Your Platform


A lightweight full-text index server with a focus on speed and efficiency.


Awesome &amp; interesting talks about programming


Fast Software, the Best Software — by Craig Mod


Aprende a programar en diez años


Programación, matemática, y el problema de los tomates venenosos. | Ralsina.Me


Some things that might help you make better software | David R. MacIver


Browser extensions are underrated: the promise of hackable software


Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!


Programmers: Before you turn 40, get a plan B | Improving Software


Why is modern web development so complicated? A long yet hasty explanation: Part 1! - vrk.dev


Get your work recognized: write a brag document - Julia Evans


Paged Out!


GitHub stars won’t pay your rent - Kitze - Medium


How to Build Good Software


Good Code Design From Linux/Kernel | Leandro Moreira


5 software bugs turned into features


Languages | CodeLani


Powerful friendly HTTP mock server &amp; proxy


ex-Google, current Coda Architect shares personal remote stories




Free and open node based Workflow Automation Tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.


Eight Habits of Expert Software Designers: An Illustrated Guide | The MIT Press Reader


Episode 4: Getting a remote job at Auttomatic with Leif Singer - Software Engineering Unlocked


DevURLs – World's simplest developer news aggregator


How to fuck up software releases | Drew DeVault’s Blog


Web development platform built entirely in PostgreSQL


Cloud Native Tunnel written in Go


Open-source tool that uses simple textual descriptions to draw beautiful UML diagrams.


HTMHell - Markup from hell


Daniel Sada Caraveo – How to sleep at night having a cloud service: common Architecture Do's – Software, Notes & Quantum


Latency numbers every programmer should know · GitHub


5 Things I've Learned in 20 Years of Programming - DaedTech


image, video, codec (av1, vp9, h265) and more (ffmpeg encoding).


patchbay - Poor Man's Web


Floating Point Math




The most copied StackOverflow snippet of all time is flawed! | Programming.Guide


Building a search engine from scratch


Are we simple yet?


Designing a Service for Password-less Temporary Access to Resources




Programming Language Checklist


Calendar Versioning — CalVer


Devil's Dictionary of Programming — programming is terrible


Yes silver bullet




Web Skills


Developers don't need ping-pong tables – The Principal Developer by Eduards Sizovs


Favourite Diff


Laurence Tratt: Why Aren’t More Users More Happy With Our VMs? Part 1


Distill: Why do we need Flask, Celery, and Redis? (with McDonalds in Between)


Today I Learned


If a Build Takes 4 hours, Run It Every 4 Hours - Pipeline Driven


Software Folklore ― Andreas Zwinkau


Conventional Comments


semgrep/README.md at develop · returntocorp/semgrep · GitHub


What every developer should know about TCP | Roberto Vitillo's Blog


There Are No Bugs, Just TODOs | Almad's Changelog


Things You Should Never Do, Part I - Joel on Software


You've only added two lines - why did that take two days! ~ Matt Lacey: Creating Better Apps


A collection of improved binary search algorithms.


Write code that is easy to delete, not easy to... — programming is terrible


Michele Riva - Reviewing the worst piece of code ever


Code Golf


Dr. Brian Robert Callahan


Why Johnny Won't Upgrade . Jacques Mattheij


A Short Guide to Minimal Web Development · Jens Oliver Meiert


A more maintainable, easier to share version of the infamous <http://mindprod.com/jgloss/unmain.html>


Deep Dive into PHP 8's JIT | thePHP Website


Writing system software: code comments. - <antirez>


The Ultimate List of YouTube Channels to Boost your Web Development and Programming Skills UPDATED . Dev & Gear


I Suspect many Task Deadlines are Designed to Force Engineers to Work for Free


Throw Away Code | Vorner’s random stuff




Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know · GitHub


NestedText: A Human Friendly Data Format - NestedText 1.0.0 documentation


We deleted the production database by accident 💥 | Keep the Score blog


Early Work


You Reap What You Code


Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programmers &raquo; Discipline doesn&#8217;t scale


Talking, Typing, Thinking: Software Is Not a Desk Job - Daniel Fone


Redefining software quality


Labcodes Blog: Technical Debt: Why it'll ruin your software - Labcodes


I am Seriously Considering Going Back to Desktop Computers


The Shape of Code &raquo; Evidence-based software engineering: book released


Exotic Programming Ideas: Part 3 (Effect Systems)


An ex-Googler's guide to dev tools


Thoughts On Programming (In Parentheses) - The Code It Yourself Manifesto


We Rewrote Everything in $HOTLANG, and our Startup Still Failed


Exotic Programming Ideas: Part 4 (Datalog)


if-then-else/if-then-else.md at master · ericfischer/if-then-else · GitHub




Binary Search Reconsidered


3 tribes of programming


These Modern Programming Languages Will Make You Suffer | by Ilya Suzdalnitski | Better Programming | Dec, 2020 | Medium


No Country for Old Developers. The truth behind ageism in the tech… | by Rob Doyle | The Startup | Medium


The Great Software Stagnation - Alarming Development


GNOME has no thumbnails in the file picker (and my toilets are blocked)


My personal wishlist for a decentralized social network | Carter Sande


null .


Beating Up on Qsort | Performance Matters


Timeflake is a 128-bit, roughly-ordered, URL-safe UUID.


Developers spend most of their time figuring the system out




The Mediocre Programmer - What is The Mediocre Programmer?


A stable adaptive partitioning comparison sort.


◉ Things You Should Do Now


Just say no - to versioning APIs - Reda


Free for developers


Why software projects take longer than you think: a statistical model . Erik Bernhardsson


The SPACE of Developer Productivity - ACM Queue


Inside a viral website - Not Fun at Parties


Everyone Is Still Terrible At Creating Software At Scale - Marginally Interesting by Mikio L. Braun


Tail Latency Might Matter More Than You Think - Marc's Blog


executable-tutorials/executable-tutorials.gmi at main · dharmatech/executable-tutorials · GitHub


Use Google like a pro - Marko Denic - Web Developer


odo - Developer-focused CLI for OpenShift and Kubernetes


DevOps Newsletters


Post-Commit Reviews. I recently read an excellent article in… | by Cindy Sridharan | Jul, 2020 | Medium


r2c blog — When DevSecOps goes wrong: a short lesson from Huawei's source code


Software infrastructure 2.0: a wishlist . Erik Bernhardsson

`+devops` {#+devops}


odo - Developer-focused CLI for OpenShift and Kubernetes


DevOps Newsletters


Post-Commit Reviews. I recently read an excellent article in… | by Cindy Sridharan | Jul, 2020 | Medium


r2c blog — When DevSecOps goes wrong: a short lesson from Huawei's source code


Software infrastructure 2.0: a wishlist . Erik Bernhardsson

`+distro` {#+distro}


ungleich blog - Linux distros without systemd




Attempting to use GNU Guix


Building a Linux Desktop for Cloud Native Development


Infographic: Ubuntu from 2004 to 20.04 LTS | Ubuntu


The CentOS Project Just Committed Suicide


Linux distribution optimized for audio playback


Rocky Linux is a community enterprise Operating System designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Enterprise Linux created in response to the effective discontinuation of CentOS.


OSv, a new operating system for the cloud.


A Peek Into The Future Of Distros


GoboLinux - the alternative Linux distribution

`+dns` {#+dns}


Serverless DNS over HTTPS (DoH) at the Edge - Articles for Developers Building High Performance Systems


The Web Developer's Guide to DNS | RJ Zaworski


The ambitious plan to reinvent how websites get their names - MIT Technology Review


DOH! DNS over HTTPS explained | APNIC Blog


DoHProxy.com | DoH Proxy & Anonymizer


Centralised DoH is bad for privacy, in 2019 and beyond | PowerDNS Blog


DNS 101: An introduction to Domain Name Servers | Enable Sysadmin


DKIM demystified - 20i.com Blog


Stop using ridiculously low DNS TTLs | Frank DENIS random thoughts.


ISP Column - November 2019


Is your fancy new domain hurting your performance? Benchmarking the top-level domain names - BunnyCDN Blog


The Facts: Mozilla’s DNS over HTTPs (DoH) - Open Policy &amp; Advocacy


New Mozart Malware Gets Commands, Hides Traffic Using DNS


Top 5000 Most Common Domain Prefix/Suffix List - Courtesy LeanDomainSearch - <https://leandomainsearch.com/top-domain-name-prefixes-and-suffixes/> · GitHub


Turns out half the internet has a Single-Point-of-Failure called "Cloudflare"




DNS Query Privacy revisited | APNIC Blog


Which DNS


Goodbye DNS, Goodbye PowerDNS! | PowerDNS Blog


2001.08288 Characterizing Smart Home IoT Traffic in the Wild

`+docker` {#+docker}


Turn Your Code into Docker Images with Cloud Native Buildpacks | Heroku


Python virtual environment, but backed by Docker!


Build and run tiny vms from Dockerfiles. Small and sleek.


Docker &#x2764;&#xfe0f; WSL 2 - The Future of Docker Desktop for Windows - Docker Blog


Intro Guide to Dockerfile Best Practices - Docker Blog


Goodbye Docker: Purging is Such Sweet Sorrow - zwischenzugs


From 30 to 230 docker containers per host


Container Machines - Containers that look like Virtual Machines


A Manager’s Guide to Kubernetes Adoption - Unixism


The Cult of Kubernetes - Christine Dodrill


⚙️ A Gentle introduction to Kubernetes with more than just the basics. 🌟 Give it a star if you like it.


302 Found


Jeffrey Paul / dockerized-workstation · GitLab


Knative = Kubernetes Networking&#43;&#43;


How containers work: overlayfs - Julia Evans


Self hosted, drag and drop UI builder for building internal web apps


OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple


Introducing Tanka, Our Way of Deploying to Kubernetes | Grafana Labs


IO, resource contention notes, docs and tools


Linux containers in 500 lines of code


A hybrid command-line/UI development experience for cloud-native development


"Let’s use Kubernetes!" Now you have 8 problems


Anatomy of my Kubernetes Cluster | Antonin Stefanutti


Converting an Old MacBook Into an Always-On Personal Kubernetes Cluster | DevOps Directive


25 Basic Docker Commands for Beginners - Codeopolis


mini-series/README.md at master · opscentric/mini-series · GitHub


The tool that really runs your containers: deep dive into runc and OCI specifications | articles about programming on mkdev


Linux containers in a few lines of code


Rootless Containers: The Next Trend in Container Security


Mac in Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding!


Why you shouldn't use ENV variables for secret data


Kubernetes, ingress-nginx, cert-manager & external-dns


Kubernetes 101 - Blog | luminousmen


Automatic SSL Certificates for internal IP's for home microk8s setup using LetsEncrypt


Introduction to runc — Danish Prakash


What we learned after a year of GitLab.com on Kubernetes | GitLab


Kubernetes: Curated List of Tools and Resources &#x2d; DevOps Unlocked


Containers are Linux


Canonical introduces high-availability Micro-Kubernetes | ZDNet


nginx Docker image secure by default.


How to use Docker Images, Containers and Dockerfiles | The Startup


Building containers without Docker


A Linux sysadmin's introduction to cgroups | Enable Sysadmin


Security along the Container-based SDLC - OSS Tool List | Holistic Security


Thou shalt not run a database inside a container - Sysadmin 4 lyfe


Container networking is simple


Manage lightweight VMs created from OCI images


Docker. Una nueva forma de ejecutar y desarrollar aplicaciones


Karan Sharma | Running Nomad for home server


The sns tool is used to manage the full life cycle of your Simplenetes clusters. It integrates with the Simplenetes Podcompiler project podc to compile pods.


Docker as an Integrated Development Environment | by Ashley Broadley | Medium


Docker without Docker · Fly


Monitor your network and internet speed with Docker &amp; Prometheus


Kubernetes is so Simple You Can Explore it with Curl | Tilt Blog


chdir to cwd: permission denied · Daniel Mangum

`+dotfiles` {#+dotfiles}


My default configuration files.


Ask HN: Dotfiles Management Tools? | Hacker News

`+down` {#+down}


How To Download A YouTube Playlist And Convert It To MP3 Using youtube-dl (Command Line) - Linux Uprising Blog

`+drm` {#+drm}


Microsoft's eBook store: When this closes, your books disappear too - BBC News


EME, CDM, AES, CENC, and Keys - The Essential Building Blocks of DRM - OTTVerse

`+drupal` {#+drupal}


Did breaking backwards compatibility kill Drupal? | Jeff Geerling

`+emacs` {#+emacs}


Why You Should Buy Into the Emacs Platform


Major mode for reading EPUBs in Emacs


Cloudmacs: Emacs in your web browser | beepb00p


Emacs: The Editor for the Next Forty Years - Perry E. Metzger - EmacsConf 2019


How to write a book in Emacs - Mastering Emacs


Emacs - Productivity Tricks/Hacks - Yet Another Technical Blog




A mouse driven Emacs


Emacs is very special regarding UIs


Toward a "modern" Emacs LWN.net


An Emacs framework for the stubborn martian hacker


Screenshots · ch11ng/exwm Wiki · GitHub


EmacsConf - 2020 - Talks


Step by step guide from zero to installing and setting up Emacs and Org-roam on Windows 10


Play/Download crossword puzzles in Emacs


Emacs org-mode examples and cookbook


From Vim to Emacs in Fourteen Days - The Chronicle


Running a bakery on Emacs and PostgreSQL // Just a Summary

`+env` {#+env}


workspace productivity booster


How to customize Linux user environments | Enable Sysadmin

`+epub` {#+epub}


Standard Ebooks: Free and liberated ebooks, carefully produced for the true book lover.

`+exploit` {#+exploit}


RDPStrip: atacar Remote Desktop Protocol en Windows ~ Segu-Info


APT~REPORT~/#bluekeep RDP from patch to remote code execution.pdf at master · blackorbird/APT~REPORT~ · GitHub




302 Found


Exploiting Intel&#8217;s Management Engine - Part 1: Understanding PT&#8217;s TXE PoC (INTEL-SA-00086) | KaKaRoTo's Blog




Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins

`+ezine` {#+ezine}




awknode - Files

`+filesystem` {#+filesystem}


Make a disk image formatted with both ext2 and FAT at once


Category:File formats by extension - Just Solve the File Format Problem


A fast high compression read-only file system

`+firefox` {#+firefox}


Former Mozilla exec: Google has sabotaged Firefox for years | ZDNet


Technical Details on the Recent Firefox Add-on Outage - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog


Reinventing Firefox for Android: a Preview - Future Releases


A standalone version of the readability lib


Camera &amp; microphone require https in Firefox 68. - Advancing WebRTC


Firefox to Warn When Saved Logins are Found in Data Breaches


ungleich blog - Turn off DoH, Firefox. Now.


Firefox Privacy - The Complete How-To Guide | Restore Privacy


Latest Firefox Brings Privacy Protections Front and Center Letting You Track the Trackers - The Mozilla Blog


Firefox 70 — a bountiful release for all - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog


SingleFileZ is a Web Extension for saving web pages as self-extracting HTML/ZIP hybrid files.


Tim Visée / ffsend · GitLab


Neat URL -- Get this Extension for 🦊 Firefox (en-US)


Firefox 80: HTTPS-only Mode in Settings - gHacks Tech News


Mozilla signs fresh Google search deal worth mega-millions as 25% staff cut hits Servo, MDN, security teams • The Register




Disable all Telemetry and Data Collection in Mozilla Firefox Quantum - CK’s Technology News


A command line tool to help build, run, and test web extensions


Firefox Was Always Enough




Firefox 86 Introduces Total Cookie Protection - Mozilla Security Blog


Firefox 87 trims HTTP Referrers by default to protect user privacy - Mozilla Security Blog

`+firejail` {#+firejail}


how to blacklist everything? · Issue #354 · netblue30/firejail · GitHub

`+firmware` {#+firmware}


Ramblings from Jessie: Why open source firmware is important for security


libcamera - libcamera


Trusted Firmware - Open Source Secure World Software - Trusted Firmware


Breaking the D-Link DIR3060 Firmware Encryption - Recon - Part 1


Reverse engineering my cable modem and turning it into an SDR | cm-sdr


Firmware Analysis Tool

`+font` {#+font}


<Now Go Bang!> Raster CRT Typography (According to DEC)


Public Sans


How Github became the web's largest font piracy site (and how to fix it) - Pixelambacht


The birth of Inter


Implementation of "Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks" <https://arxiv.gmi/abs/1308.0850>


Programming Fonts - Test Drive


JetBrains Mono: A free and open source typeface for developers | JetBrains: Developer Tools for Professionals and Teams


Should you self-host Google Fonts? | Tune The Web


Unicons icon library | Line | Monochrome


VGA and BIOS rom font extraction


Did You Know Fonts Could Do All This?


Generative Bad Handwriting --- Show this tweet to a doctor &raquo; avinayak's blog


When fonts fall


A 3270 font in a modern format


Dev Fonts


Comic Mono | comic-mono-font




Input: Fonts for Code --- Preview

`+game` {#+game}


Vintage BASIC - Games


a Python Chess Engine in 111 lines of code


Untrusted - a user javascript adventure game


Open Source Game Clones


Gamasutra - How id built Wolfenstein 3D using Commander Keen tech


Space Invaders in C


OK Doomer - Adam Elkus


How to make a 3D game in only 2KB of JavaScript | Killed By A Pixel


Finding Mona Lisa in the Game of Life




Pac-Man Maze Generation


Pack.png seed reversal methodology


A single .exe binary which runs DOOM on DOS 6, Windows 95 and Windows 10 (and probably everything in between).


A Verilog synthesis flow for Minecraft redstone circuits


Game of Life


Nintendo Switch Emulator


Game of Life running on Penrose tiles | Boing Boing


A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.


distractionware &raquo; Featured VVVVVV Levels: 10th anniversary jam roundup


An operating system, but it only plays Tetris.

`+git` {#+git}


Learn to use email with git!


10x faster implementation of `git status` command


Learn to change history with git rebase!


Oh Shit, Git!?!


What is a fork, really, and how GitHub changed its meaning | Drew DeVault’s Blog


More productive Git – Increment: Open Source


Lei Mao's Log Book - Simple GitHub Backup Tutorial


git clone, ignoring a directory - Stack Overflow




Git quick statistics is a simple and efficient way to access various statistics in git repository.


git - the simple guide - no deep shit!


Commit graph drawing algorithms - pvigier's blog


Fork of git2rss, an RSS feed generator for the activity of a git repository. Original source <http://bent.latency.net/git2rss> by Bennett Todd.


Generate RSS Feeds from a Git Log




My favourite Git commit | dhwthompson.com


Linus Torvalds: "Git proved I could be more than a one-hit wonder." - TechRepublic


A quick reference guide on fork and pull request workflow


GitHub Archive Program | Preserving open source software for future generations


Gitmoji - Yay or Nay?


Git Source Code Review


Bring your monorepo down to size with sparse-checkout - The GitHub Blog


A successful Git branching model &raquo; nvie.com


Creating Your Own Git Server | g.p. anders


Setting Up Git Identities · Micah Henning


Distributed, offline-first bug tracker embedded in git, with bridges


Speeding up a Git monorepo at Dropbox with <200 lines of code - Dropbox


A syntax-highlighter for git and diff output


Best practices for managing & storing secrets like API keys and other credentials 2020


Query git repositories with SQL. Generate reports, perform status checks, analyze codebases. 🔍 📊


Using Askgit


Conventional Commits


cli/install~linux~.md at trunk · cli/cli · GitHub


Learn Git Branching




Git Exercises


Quickly rewrite git repository history (filter-branch replacement)


Git scraping: track changes over time by scraping to a Git repository


Bit is a modern Git CLI


- Gitology #2 - git-retext


Explain Git with D3


This is how I git | daniel.haxx.se


Commits are snapshots, not diffs - The GitHub Blog


The Biggest and Weirdest Commits in Linux Kernel Git History


Some of git internals (updated)


how to publish git repos that cannot be republished to github


Withrawing github-backup


How we built the GitHub globe - The GitHub Blog


Git Source Code Review


Cgit, Nginx & Gitolite: A Personal Git Server « Bryan Brattlof


A simple bash script to automatically generate a CHANGELOG.md file with every git commit.


open a remote repo locally quickly


Automated release process for (Lerna) monorepo


Mikkel Paulson


What does a PGP signature on a git commit prove? - Konstantin Ryabitsev




Git from the Bottom Up




GitLab Pages examples / emacs-reveal · GitLab


GitLab Pages examples / org-mode · GitLab


GitLab Pages examples / sphinx · GitLab


Super Easy All-In-One DevOps Platform


GitLab's Guide to All-Remote | GitLab


A custom Gitlab Cli tool written in Go (golang)


GitLab CI: Run jobs sequentially, in parallel or build a custom pipeline | GitLab


PlantUML & GitLab | GitLab


10 tips to make you a productive GitLab user | GitLab

`+gitlab` {#+gitlab}


GitLab Pages examples / emacs-reveal · GitLab


GitLab Pages examples / org-mode · GitLab


GitLab Pages examples / sphinx · GitLab


Super Easy All-In-One DevOps Platform


GitLab's Guide to All-Remote | GitLab


A custom Gitlab Cli tool written in Go (golang)


GitLab CI: Run jobs sequentially, in parallel or build a custom pipeline | GitLab


PlantUML & GitLab | GitLab


10 tips to make you a productive GitLab user | GitLab

`+gmi` {#+gmi}


Project Gemini


Output gemini formatted documents from org-mode


File converter from Markdown to Gemini.


acdw/bollux: a Gemini browser in like, idk, 96% pure Bash - bollux - tildegit


sloum/gemini-vim-syntax: Vim syntax highlighting for text/gemini files (*.gmi) - gemini-vim-syntax - tildegit

`+gnome` {#+gnome}


What is: Linux keyring, gnome-keyring, Secret Service, and D-Bus - DEV Community

`+gnu` {#+gnu}


Open Source Is Winning, and Now It's Time for People to Win Too | Linux Journal


Guix Reduces Bootstrap Seed by 50% — 2019 — Blog — GNU Guix


GNUplot with sixel support

`+gnuplot` {#+gnuplot}


GNUplot with sixel support

`+gpg` {#+gpg}


GPG Signing: Traditional vs. PGP/Mime


YubiKey at Datadog


GPG noninteractive batch sign, trust and send gnupg keys - Raymii.gmi

`+graphviz` {#+graphviz}


Feature #2448: Graphviz of ticket dependencies (with example) - Redmine

`+hack` {#+hack}


.:: Phrack Magazine ::.


Rock the Cash Box - wasabi - Medium


💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws


Nightmare - Nightmare


Here be seaswines






hardware-hacking/Hardware-Hacking-Experiments-Jeremy-Brun-Nouvion-2020.pdf at master · koutto/hardware-hacking · GitHub


Demo or Die! | WIRED


Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework


Reverse Engineers' Hex Editor


Hacker Public Radio ~ The Technology Community Podcast


Content for hackingthe.cloud


Some of the hidden norms about Hacker News not otherwise covered in the Guidelines and the FAQ.

`+html` {#+html}




Introducing the new HTML element - welcome <clippy>! - Terence Eden’s Blog


A deliberately terrible, revolutionary brand new lossless net portable native image format.


Open-source comments


The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML - Terence Eden's Blog


My current HTML boilerplate - Manuel Matuzović

`+http` {#+http}


Better HTTP/2 Prioritization for a Faster Web


HTTP/3: the past, the present, and the future


Fast HTTP package for Go. Tuned for high performance. Zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 10x faster than net/http


Troy Hunt: Still Why No HTTPS?


Big list of http static server one-liners · GitHub


A UDP to TCP proxy server for sending HTTP requests with zero roundtrips


minimal file sharing site - self hosted


Web on top of any protocol




Parsing Headers | VanessaSaurus


top for NGINX


Where Am I? . The Internet Bytes.


A look at the Gemini protocol: a brutally simple alternative to the web - ToffelBlog


Projects · Infinity Search / Infinity Search · GitLab


How HTTPS works - How HTTPS works


Identifying Airtel middleboxes that censor HTTPS traffic


metasearch based on duckduckgo !bang commands


Résumé Shell is a shell looking website that you can use as your resume.


Say goodbye to resource-caching across sites and domains | Stefan Judis Web Development


A case study on viable techniques for vanilla web development.


Lorenz Weiß · The power of http headers and 4 examples you did not know before


Wasmer 1.0. By leveraging Wasm for software… | by Syrus Akbary | Wasmer | Jan, 2021 | Medium


Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. Matomo is the leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites, apps &amp; the IoT and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. We love Pull Requests!


Hurl - Run and Test HTTP Requests



`+i18n` {#+i18n}


Weblate: regionalización basada en web


Hacking GitHub with Unicode's dotless 'i'.

`+iascode` {#+iascode}


Infrastructure as code - UTN.BA

`+ietf` {#+ietf}


IETF | JMAP: A modern, open email protocol


RFC 8594 - The Sunset HTTP Header Field


Internal Memo Principles for Decision-Making in a Flat Organization


The world in which IPv6 was a good design - apenwarr


RFC 8996 - Deprecating TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1


RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs


Defining a new HTTP method: HTTP SEARCH | HTTP Toolkit

`+inet` {#+inet}


The Internet explained from first principles


Creating a Home IPv6 Network | James Bottomley's random Pages

`+isp` {#+isp}


Google Online Security Blog: Gmail making email more secure with MTA-STS standard


Start Your Own ISP


Setting up a mail server with OpenSMTPD, Dovecot and Rspamd - poolp.gmi


This Time, There Really Are NO IPv4 Internet Addresses Left - ISPreview UK


Build yourself a private self-hosted full-stack personal cloud system.


How to self host your email server


Compose files to run ISP checks. 🦄


Protect domains that don’t send email - GOV.UK


Mailoji: I bought 300 emoji domain names from Kazakhstan and built an email service | Tiny Projects


DMARC Support (#3405) · Issues · ISPConfig / ISPConfig 3 · GitLab


SMTP2GO Support


ISpconfig 3.1p1 + SPF records. | Howtoforge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials


ISPConfig SPF | Howtoforge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials


Create a SPF record on ISPConfig 3 - mail-tester.com


How to fix that ISPConfig 3 does no longer process its job queue? « Mind of Matt

`+ispconfig` {#+ispconfig}


DMARC Support (#3405) · Issues · ISPConfig / ISPConfig 3 · GitLab


SMTP2GO Support


ISpconfig 3.1p1 + SPF records. | Howtoforge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials


ISPConfig SPF | Howtoforge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials


Create a SPF record on ISPConfig 3 - mail-tester.com


How to fix that ISPConfig 3 does no longer process its job queue? « Mind of Matt

`+jitsi` {#+jitsi}


Improving Scale and Media Quality with Cascading SFUs (Boris Grozev) - webrtcHacks

`+js` {#+js}


How to get the client IP address with Javascript only | Our Code World


Engage your customers with a stunning 360 view of your products


Lightning Web Components foundation - OSS Documentation


jSuites | Javascript vanilla web components


Pika CDN


Web Development Simplified with Svelte | Object Computing, Inc.


📈 An exceptionally fast, tiny time series &amp; line chart


📦 2kb modular JS library alternative to SwiperJS with same modern API for carousel/slider/slideshow.


GOTO 2020 • You Really Don't Need All That JavaScript, I Promise • Stuart Langridge - YouTube


Use console.log() like a pro - Marko Denic - Web Developer


Displays JSON files in a flat format.




A Free HTTP based JSON storage.


JSON processing utility


MessagePack: It's like JSON. but fast and small.


simplest possible native GUI for inspecting JSON objects with jq


Mastering JQ: Part 1 - CodeFaster


A database software completely built as JSON files in backend. A powerful, portable and simple database works on top of JSON files. It is like a database software, currently having basic CRUD operation features. You can use this as a backend for your ReST APIs as well. The software is completely free and opensource. We are coming up with new features and providing more updates. The another beautiful advantage with JSON-base is since it is a NPM module, this fits well in your nodeJs applications eco system. if you want to develop quick prototypes/poc or need of a database with minimal requirements then, JSONBASe is an must option that you can consider. However there is a limitation if you go beyond a million records per table.


Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second


JSON With Commas and Comments | nigeltao.github.io

`+json` {#+json}


Displays JSON files in a flat format.




A Free HTTP based JSON storage.


JSON processing utility


MessagePack: It's like JSON. but fast and small.


simplest possible native GUI for inspecting JSON objects with jq


Mastering JQ: Part 1 - CodeFaster


A database software completely built as JSON files in backend. A powerful, portable and simple database works on top of JSON files. It is like a database software, currently having basic CRUD operation features. You can use this as a backend for your ReST APIs as well. The software is completely free and opensource. We are coming up with new features and providing more updates. The another beautiful advantage with JSON-base is since it is a NPM module, this fits well in your nodeJs applications eco system. if you want to develop quick prototypes/poc or need of a database with minimal requirements then, JSONBASe is an must option that you can consider. However there is a limitation if you go beyond a million records per table.


Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second


JSON With Commas and Comments | nigeltao.github.io

`+k8s` {#+k8s}


Unironically Using Kubernetes for my Personal Blog :: A blog --- Just a blog


A cloud native Kubernetes Global Balancer


Open, Multi-Cloud, Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Orchestration

`+kernel` {#+kernel}


A New Linux Memory Controller Promises to Save Lots of RAM - The New Stack


Top Linux developer on Intel chip security problems: 'They're not going away.' | ZDNet


BPF: A New Type of Software


distri: 20x faster initramfs (initrd) from scratch


Linux Kernel Teaching - The Linux Kernel documentation


How is the Linux kernel tested? - #embeddedbits


Cachy-sched is a linux scheduler that utilizes CPU cache and it is based on Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) policy.


Using the Linux kernel's Case-insensitive feature in Ext4


Initcalls, part 2: Digging into implementation


Diving into /proc/pid/mem


The Linux kernel user’s and administrator’s guide - The Linux Kernel documentation


Static calls in Linux 5.10


Re: PATCH SUNRPC: Add a check for gss~releasemsg~ - Leon Romanovsky

`+ldap` {#+ldap}


How to Troubleshoot an LDAP Connection with Wireshark

`+leak` {#+leak}


Database leaks data on most of Ecuador's citizens, including 6.7 million children | ZDNet

`+librerouter` {#+librerouter}


LibreRouter ya está homologado en Argentina |

`+linux` {#+linux}


Everything is a file - Wikipedia


An analysis of performance evolution of Linux’s core operations - the morning paper


Linux Distros




My Business Card Runs Linux • &> /dev/null


South Korea switching their 3.3 million PCs to Linux | FOSS Linux


Interactive map of Linux kernel


Durability: Linux File APIs (evanjones.ca)


No Nonsense List of Google Alternatives for Linux Users | by Kyle Benzle | Nov, 2020 | Medium


How io~uring~ and eBPF Will Revolutionize Programming in Linux - ScyllaDB


Linus Torvalds' linked list argument for good taste, explained






LKML: Linus Torvalds: Re: Linux Logo


mjg59 | Making hibernation work under Linux Lockdown


Progress Report: January / February 2021 - Asahi Linux


Fed up with the Mac, I spent six months with a Linux laptop. The grass is not greener on the other side


Linux-Kernel Archive: Linux 5.12-rc1


TuxURLs -- A neat Linux news aggregator

`+localhost` {#+localhost}



`+log` {#+log}


Ask HN: How do you handle logging? | Hacker News


Collect, transform, &amp; route all observability data with one simple tool


Good Logging | Henrik Warne's blog


Structured Logging Made Easy


How to Collect Log for SIEM? - LetsDefend Blog


Log Pattern Recognition: LogMine | Sayr.us

`+make` {#+make}


5 x 7 matrix Archives | LEDnique


Your Makefiles are wrong . Jacob Davis-Hansson


How to list all the targets on a Makefile

`+man` {#+man}



`+md` {#+md}


Dave Jarvis - Senior Software Developer


CodiMD - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.


Hacker News




Find broken links in text documents


Markdown Tutorial





`+minify` {#+minify}


Minify Your SVGs - victorzhou.com


How to Use AVIF: The New Next-Gen Image Compression Format - Lightspeed

`+minimalist` {#+minimalist}


8 Minimalist Blogs You Will Enjoy Discovering




150k Small Business Website Teardown 2019 • Fresh Chalk


This Page is Designed to Last: A Manifesto for Preserving Content on the Web


Minimalism — The most undervalued development skill


A Text Renaissance


Emergency Website Kit | Max Böck - Frontend Web Developer


Going Dark: Looking for the End of the Internet, Part 2: Rediscovering the Beauty of Text on the Internet


The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck


This website is killing the planet


To Get More Replies, Say Less | Greg Kogan


1MB Club


How and why I stopped buying new laptops | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE


Next Gen Static Blogging | Maximilian Mackh

`+monitor` {#+monitor}




ciao | Brot &amp; Games


LinuxCzar: My Philosophy On Alerting


Monitoring demystified: A guide for logging, tracing, metrics | TechBeacon


Python library for building Grafana dashboards


Real-time performance monitoring, done right! <https://www.netdata.cloud>

`+mp3` {#+mp3}


The Myspace Dragon Hoard (2008-2010) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

`+mutt` {#+mutt}


Setting editor in mutt: vim with parameters? - Unix &amp; Linux Stack Exchange


Jan-Piet Mens :: Rediscovering CardDAV


Patch workflow with mutt - 2019 - Linux Kernel Monkey Log


Tips for Using Mutt -- W. Caleb McDaniel

`+nerd` {#+nerd}


SIGBOVIK: 93% of Paint Splatters are Valid Perl Programs - Colin McMillen


God's Number is 20


A World Run with Code-Stephen Wolfram Writings




Advanced Data Structures (6.851)


Cinemaps - Andrew DeGraff


Solving Rubik’s Cube with a Robot Hand


Autonomous DeLorean drives sideways to move forward | Stanford News


Just a simple Christmas tree, based on reddit story


Doomsday Algorithm


One Page Calendar 2020


Lenia - Mathematical Life Forms


Philosophy of Ghost in the Shell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


25-Hour Digital Myst Clock/Chronometer | Realm of RIUM+




Inception movie explained programmatically


Maze Algorithms


Paper plotter


Entropy Explained




A bit-serial CPU written in VHDL, with a simulator written in C.


Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound






This page is a truly naked, brutalist html quine.


Nicolas Loizeau - GOL computer


WTF: What's That Formula?


Zoomquilt 2


A collection of ergonomic split keyboards ⌨


Complexity Explained


Representing SHA-256 Hashes As Avatars | François Best


Amulet collection

`+nfs` {#+nfs}


Tunneling NFS4 over SSH | Field Commander Wieers


Using IPA to provide automount maps for NFSv4 home directories - Luc de Louw's Blog


Tracking NFS problems down to the SFP level - Sherlock


Chris's Wiki :: blog/unix/NFSServerReplyCacheWhy

`+node` {#+node}


A "WYSIWYG" (sort of) scripting language and runtime for browser automation

`+nsa` {#+nsa}


NSA Starts Contributing Low-Level Code to UEFI BIOS Alternative | Tom's Hardware

`+ntp` {#+ntp}


Argentina establece la regulación de la Hora Oficial en entornos electrónicos ~ Segu-Info

`+offline` {#+offline}


Salir de la red - Esteban Magnani

`+openhard` {#+openhard}


Hardware Científico Global y Abierto (GOSH) Manifesto | Gathering for Open Science Hardware


Sign in · GitLab


Behold: Ledonardo - Stavros' Stuff


GitHub - joeycastillo/The-Open-Book


Jay Little - Software Obsessionist - The Sad Saga of Purism and the Librem 5 : Part 1




Ultimate Writer: an Open Digital Typewriter


Pocket P.C. Open Sourced! - Popcorn Computer


Open source Thinkpad T420 battery design


Installing a RGB mechanical keypad on my microwave.


DevTerm | ClockworkPi


PJON - How?!


Adam Honse / OpenRGB · GitLab

`+org` {#+org}


Blogging with Emacs, and Emacs only


SHOP3 Git repository


My Todo.txt Workflow, including Unison, Todour and Android - Raymii.gmi


Org-Mode Is One of the Most Reasonable Markup Languages to Use for Text


You Should Organize a Study Group/Book Club/Online Group/Event! Tips on How to Do It - Stephanie Hurlburt


org-mode parser rewrite in Rust


Blogging with org-mode and Gitlab Pages




Speed matters: Why working quickly is more important than it seems « the jsomers.net blog


Yahoo Mail’s Plan to Fix Email: Make Computers Read It - The Atlantic


Literate DevOps


The Nightmare of Valve’s self-organizing "utopia" - Dunia - Medium


Every productivity thought I've ever had, as concisely as possible - Alexey Guzey


An Org-mode query language, including search commands and saved views


Todo.sh Add on Directory · todotxt/todo.txt-cli Wiki · GitHub


calcurse: a text-based calendar and scheduling application




Graphs From My Todo.txt | Gokberk Yaltirakli


Note Taking Systems | Gokberk Yaltirakli


Setup digital workspace for your software engineering projects


My Inboxes - tyler.io


Mental Health &amp; Remote Work: Acknowledging the Dark Side of Remote Work


Doing a Job - The Management Philosophy of Adm. Hyman G. Rickover


GitHub - ttscoff/doing


The Plain Text Project


The One Notebook Habit - Shaunta Grimes - Medium


Tell HN: 500 unread mails, 2K unread articles, 5K unread posts – I am drowning | Hacker News


How to Get Motivated: A Guide for Defeating Procrastination


How I Made a 26-Hour Day


Ask HN: Do you curate links&#x2F;bookmarks? | Hacker News


How To Take Smart Notes: 10 Principles to Revolutionize Your Note-Taking and Writing | Praxis


How to Make A Memex - Sarah Constantin


My Ordinary Life: Improvements Since the 1990s · Gwern.net


Always Be Journaling - Letters To A New Developer


How to Make Yourself Into a Learning Machine - Superorganizers


Efficient remote meetings | Valycs.com | Dev analytics platform


Rudimentary Roam replica with Org-mode


We Stopped Arguing About Chores After Making One Spreadsheet | Allen Cheng


Hours | Cute Bouncing Bunnies


Human Programming Interface | beepb00p


How I trick my well developed procrastination skills | wolfgang gassler


A User Guide To Working With You - The Looking Glass


Org Mode For Beginners - Bite-sized videos to help you learn how to use Org Mode


Literate DevOps


Pmarchive - Guide to Personal Productivity


Be prolific - Chris Mytton


Structured Procrastination


Unexpected, Useless, and Urgent


Writing a user manual at work makes teams less anxious and more productive — Quartz


Turning my smartphone into a boring tool - Maxime Vaillancourt


The Universe of Discourse : A better way to do remote presentations


How to Think for Yourself


Home | Johnny•Decimal


My year in data


CTO day 2: downsizing the team


Dancing With Systems - The Donella Meadows Project


The difference between note-taking and note-making - Ness Labs


Plan the sprint, not the project - Mike Crittenden


Prove you can write regularly before you think about the tools - Mike Crittenden


What data on myself I collect and why? | beepb00p


My blog!


A pomodoro timer that grows procedurally generated trees and flowers while you're studying.


Reverting Back to a Simpler Time


Org mode blogging: Unfurling links


Why Your Company's Documentation Sucks | World of BS


Write Simply


Don't End The Week With Nothing


Goodbye, Retrospectives. Hello, Action: How we replaced daily stand-ups : Bidnamic


Limiting Work In Progress · all things considered...


commandline asciii kanban board for minimalist productivity hackers &amp; managers (csv-based)




Pomospendo ⏰

`+os` {#+os}


bootOS is a monolithic operating system in 512 bytes of x86 machine code.

`+outage` {#+outage}


August 30th 2020: Analysis of CenturyLink/Level(3) Outage

`+p2p` {#+p2p}


Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web

`+packages` {#+packages}



`+papers` {#+papers}


Hacker News Papers

`+pcb` {#+pcb}


Creating Colourful PCBs in Australia — Little Bird Electronics


Make your own PCBs with a 3D printer - Stavros' Stuff

`+pdf` {#+pdf}


Stuff which works in Chrome and maybe Acrobat and Foxit.

`+perf` {#+perf}


Transparent Hugepages: measuring the performance impact - The mole is digging


Performance speed limits | Performance Matters


The Ethics of Web Performance - Web Performance Consulting | TimKadlec.com


Hidden Networks: Network Effects That Don't Look Like Network Effects - Andreessen Horowitz


How to get 30,000 Hacker News visitors to your website


Rendering on the Web | Google Developers


Webtest.app - Website Speed Test with and Without Ad Blocker


HOWTO make Linux run blazing fast (again) on Intel CPUs - LinuxReviews


Falco helps you monitor, analyze, and optimize your websites.


Start Profiling - Fast or Slow


Low Latency Tuning Guide | Erik Rigtorp


Web Performance Calendar &raquo; The mythical &#8220;fast&#8221; web page


Gregory Szorc's Digital Home | Surprisingly Slow

`+phishing` {#+phishing}


The inception bar: a new phishing method


Phishing Simulation mainly aims to increase phishing awareness by providing an intuitive tutorial and customized assessment

`+photos` {#+photos}


GitHub - jonathankoren/photo-autorganize


ExifTool by Phil Harvey


A great looking and easy-to-use photo-management-system you can run on your server, to manage and share photos.


Personal Photo Management powered by Go and Google TensorFlow


Browse photos saved on your NAS easily on your devices


opennota / findimagedupes · GitLab


Sigal - Simple Static Gallery Generator - Sigal 2.1.2.dev59+g6d56b28 documentation


thumbsup . Static gallery generator


findimagedupes - find visually similar or duplicate images


Create beautiful mosaics from images and photos


formats/jpeg.md at master · corkami/formats · GitHub


silky smooth JPEG decoding


Unsplash’s dataset is now open source


Self hosted alternative to Google Photos

`+php` {#+php}


RSS generator library for PHP


The RSS feed for websites missing it


PHP showing its maturity in release 7.4 LWN.net


Taking PHP Seriously - Slack Engineering


SleekDB - PHP NoSQL Flat File Database


PHP in 2021 - stitcher.io

`+pi` {#+pi}


Operate Raspberry Pi v1 camera in global exposure mode (instead of rolling shutter) 📷✨


Enviro for Raspberry Pi - Monitor your world! – Pimoroni Store


Raspberry Pi on Raspberry Pi | Mythic Beasts


The Raspberry Pi 4 needs a fan, here's why and how you can add one | Jeff Geerling


Raspberry Pi microSD follow-up, SD Association fools me twice? | Jeff Geerling


Raspberry Pi Model Railway Automation


Build a Raspberry Pi powered live train station sign for your desk


CutiePi tablet - Your Raspberry Pi Projects, Untethered


Automating the capture of airplane pictures with Raspberry Pis, ADS-B and IoT software.


Pi-hole®: A black hole for Internet advertisements - A black hole for Internet advertisements


BrachioGraph - the cheapest, simplest possible pen-plotter - BrachioGraph 0.1 documentation


Doing what you love doing&#8230; | dmtechtalk


An always-available, online-capable Raspberry Pi in your pocket


Ask HN: How do you do home surveillance? | Hacker News


Ask HN: How do you do home surveillance? | Hacker News


RPi-chromium by kusti8


I'm booting my Raspberry Pi 4 from a USB SSD | Jeff Geerling


Sonic Pi - The Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone


Learning operating system development using Linux kernel and Raspberry Pi | raspberry-pi-os


TinyPilot: Build a KVM Over IP for Under $100 · mtlynch.io


Unbricking a $2,000 Bike With a $10 Raspberry Pi


The fastest USB storage options for Raspberry Pi | Jeff Geerling


Linux kernel driver for PATA bit-banging over GPIOs


Configures simultaneous AP and Managed Mode Wifi on Raspberry Pi


Raspberry Pi as a local server for self hosting applications - News from Chris


Monitoring internet speed with a Raspberry Pi | Acquire and Release


Raspberry Pi USB Boot - UASP, TRIM, and performance | Jeff Geerling


LXD cluster on Raspberry Pi 4 - Tutorials - Linux Containers Forum


Home Server setup: Raspberry PI on Internet via reverse SSH tunnel · GitHub


Raspberry Pi IP Camera


Build a single or multi-room streamer for an existing audio device using a Raspberry Pi! Supports Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect


DIY Smart Doorbell with a Raspberry Pi - Technically Wizardry


Your Smart TV is probably ignoring your PiHole - LabZilla


Open source face recognition on Raspberry Pi. SharpAI is open source stack for machine learning engineering with private deployment and AutoML for edge computing. DeepCamera is application of SharpAI designed for connecting computer vision model to surveillance camera. Developers can run same code on Raspberry Pi/Android/PC/AWS to boost your AI production development.


Raspberry Pi Server Mark III - Uptime Lab


TerraPi modular case system for Raspberry Pi supports multiple SSD's, DIN rail, horizontal &amp; vertical mounts


Build a Tiny Certificate Authority For Your Homelab


Home | Raspberry Pi PCIe Devices


Lichee Nano Pi - Will it run Debian? - James Dawson


Raspberry Pi Enters Microcontroller Game With $4 Pico | Hackaday


The Raspberry Pi can boot off NVMe SSDs now | Jeff Geerling


Raspberry Pi Floppy Controller Board - Dr. Scott M. Baker


Build a Raspberry Pi Linux System the Hard Way


PiDP-11 - Retro Viator


ruha.camera | 3D Printable Retro-style Raspberry Pi HQ Camera


An environmental monitoring and regulation system


Wireless-to-Ethernet island for homelab cluster: IPv6, NDP proxy and mDNS reflector - Vladimir Varankin

`+postfix` {#+postfix}


How we send 22000 emails every hour


Mentally computable verification codes for email aliases implemented as a postfix tcp table or milter; uses asyncio.

`+postgresql` {#+postgresql}


OnGres | CONF: PostgreSQL configuration for humans


Open Source Self-Hosted Business Intelligence Platform


Postgres Explain Visualizer 2


Explanation of PostgreSQL PgAdmin interface - Blog by Yogesh Chauhan


Sync data from one Postgres database to another


A PostgreSQL client with strict types, detailed logging and assertions.


PostgreSQL Security Hardening | Teleport

`+print` {#+print}


Minimal and formal résumé (CV) website template for print, mobile, and desktop. <https://bit.ly/2kEzgt8>

`+privacy` {#+privacy}


Most browsers -- except Firefox and Brave -- are eliminating the option to turn off surveilling "hyperlink auditing" / Boing Boing


How to increase your chances of finding a hidden camera - sixfortwelve


Official EU Agencies Falsely Report More Than 550 Archive.gmi URLs as Terrorist Content - Internet Archive Blogs


handshake: a peculiar chat experiment - nomasters


Where does Firefox store javascript/HTML localStorage? - Stack Overflow


Here's How To Find Out Who Has Your Data On Facebook




1.1 Overview · ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js Wiki · GitHub


Hackers could read non-corporate Outlook.com, Hotmail for six months | Ars Technica


Vendors must start adding physical on/off switches to devices that can spy on us - Larry Sanger Blog


Tiny Mirror


deltachat-android/standards.md at master · deltachat/deltachat-android · GitHub


WireGuard for Kubernetes: Introducing Gravitational Wormhole


Local-first software: You own your data, in spite of the cloud


Add-ons disabled or failing to install in Firefox | Mozilla Add-ons Blog


Automate Scrubbing your Facebook Presence


GDPR adtech complaints keep stacking up in Europe - TechCrunch


The Government’s Indictment of Julian Assange Poses a Clear and Present Danger to Journalism, the Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Speech | Electronic Frontier Foundation


How to block fingerprinting with Firefox | The Firefox Frontier




WeChat Is Watching - Issue 73: Play - Nautilus


Secure email provider Tutanota launches free encrypted calendar.


Zoom Zero Day: 4+ Million Webcams &amp; maybe an RCE? Just get them to visit your website!


Adblocking: How About Nah? | Electronic Frontier Foundation


New DPIA on Microsoft Office and Windows software: still privacy risks remaining (short blog) - Blogpost




Google Analytics is Blocked by Firefox, Mozilla Explains Why UPDATED - Search Engine Journal


Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services.


Ask HN: Is there any point in trying to clear your online footprint | Hacker News


Identity Graphs: how online trackers follow you across devices | Robert Heaton


HP printers try to send data back to HP about your devices and what you print | Robert Heaton


How Google Discovered the Value of Surveillance


New version of OnionShare makes it easy for anyone to publish anonymous, uncensorable websites


ET (Don't) Phone Home . Jacques Mattheij




Startpage is now owned by an advertising company : privacy


The Fantasy of Opting Out | The MIT Press Reader


UI official: urgent, please answer | Ubiquiti Community


RemoteView - Live stream the browser interactively. Like demos? <https://free.cloudbrowser.xyz>


How Facebook learns what you buy at physical stores to show you ads - Business Insider


Opinion | Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy - The New York Times




Privacy Policy - SAMSUNG


Why Privacy Matters Even if &#34;You have nothing to hide&#34; - Privacy Simplified


A huge list of alternatives to Google products. Privacy tips, tricks, and links.


The Only Safe Election Is a Low-Tech Election - The New York Times




HiddenVM — Use any desktop OS without leaving a trace.


Who is Facebook&#8217;s mysterious &#8220;Lan Tim 2&#8221;? - Terence Eden’s Blog


How GitHub blocked me (and all my libraries) - Nikolay - Medium


GreenTunnel is an anti-censorship utility designed to bypass the DPI system that is put in place by various ISPs to block access to certain websites.


Zoom privacy: Your video conferences aren’t as private as you think


Analyzing Analytics (Featuring: The FBI) | Exploits.run


Unchecked use of computer vision by police carries high risks of discrimination - AlgorithmWatch


Reasons not to use Discord




Image Scrubber


This Website Will Self Destruct


Domains visited get leaked to DDG servers · Issue #527 · duckduckgo/Android · GitHub


Blog Anonymously


Google's secret home security superpower: Your smart speaker with its always-on mics - Protocol


degoogle | A huge list of alternatives to Google products. Privacy tips, tricks, and links.


The High Privacy Cost of a "Free" Website – The Markup


🕵️‍♂️ Investigate Google Accounts with emails.


French bar owners arrested for offering free WiFi but not keeping logs - CozyIT


The Case for Unique Email Addresses - Musings


Broadband power users explode, making data caps more profitable for ISPs | Ars Technica


I2P Anonymous Network


Ask HN: How do we know Signal or Telegram don't store our data on their servers? | Hacker News


Razones por las qué ¿no? deberías usar Jabber/XMPP en lugar de que te usen Whatsapp o Telegram - Toma Tu Ordenador (y no al revés)


Cover Your Tracks


Point and click matrix to filter net requests according to source, destination and type


Berty is a secure peer-to-peer messaging app that works with or without internet access, cellular data or trust in the network


Home · Solid


I want a Computer that I Own


Clean up the web!

`+proxy` {#+proxy}


Flexible Rule-Based Proxy


A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.


An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.

`+pve` {#+pve}


Switch among Guest VMs organized by Resource Pool

`+python` {#+python}


Morioh - Connecting with Programmers and Developers all over the World


Snagging Parking Spaces with Mask R-CNN and Python - Adam Geitgey - Medium


Python consumes a lot of memory or how to reduce the size of objects? / Habr


Memory management in Python | Artem Golubin


Loops in Python - comparison and performance - Duomly Blog - Programming courses online


Minimal TOTP generator in 20 lines of Python


Python is eating the world: How one developer's side project became the hottest programming language on the planet | ZDNet


A simple screen recorder for Linux desktop. Supports Wayland &amp; Xorg


Homer, a text analyser in Python, can help make your text more clear, simple and useful for your readers.


Super Easy Python CLI with Click | CODING w/RICKY


Turn (almost) any Python command line program into a full GUI application with one line


Fast Linux Application Launcher Ulauncher 5.3.0 Stable Released - Linux Uprising Blog


Feedgenerator - python-feedgen 0.8.0 documentation


Extensible RSS 2.0 Feed Generator written in Python


Timsort — the fastest sorting algorithm you’ve never heard of


How To Scrape Amazon Data Using Python Scrapy - Datahut


Sane Defaults for Python Logging


302 Found


Why you should use &#x60;python -m pip&#x60;


A vim-like in python made from scratch.


Philip Guo - Ten years and nearly ten million users: my experience being a solo maintainer of open-source software in academia


Pretty little trees: how to write a Bob Ross Markov chain in python | CloudSynth Blog


One million ought to be enough for anybody LWN.net


Automate the Boring Stuff with Python


Most Powerful multi-threaded Video Processing Python framework powerpacked with unique trailblazing features.




Welcome to Pygame Zero - Pygame Zero 1.2 documentation


a Flexible Network Data Analysis Framework.


Only Python: pydeps: a very useful program


Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.


59 Specific Ways to Write Better Pyton" by Brett Slatkin


Pysa: Open Source static analysis for Python code - Facebook Engineering


Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.


Simple SQL in Python


A comprehensive and FREE Online Python Development course FOR KIDS utilizing an official BBC micro:bit Development Board going step-by-step into the world of Python for microcontrollers.


Tools I use: argparse builder


5 Hidden Python Features You Probably Never Heard Of


The top-like text-based user interface for Austin


Hunting for Malicious Packages on PyPI


Kivy: Cross-platform Python Framework for NUI Development


Python module for parsing semi-structured text into python tables.


Tag your time, get the insight


CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers


leontrolski - OO in Python is mostly pointless


cmd2 - quickly build feature-rich and user-friendly interactive command line applications in Python


VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.


A Switch Story - Matteo Guadrini's blog


🍦 Never use print() to debug again.


Writing Makefiles for Python Projects | Bastian Venthur's Blog


How to make an awesome Python package in 2021 | Anton Zhiyanov


printstack is a Python package that adds stack trace links to the builtin print function, so that editors such as PyCharm can link you to the source of the print call.

`+qr` {#+qr}


When did I run that command?


Creating a QR Code step by step




Snake in a QR code


A QR code built from Emoji - Terence Eden’s Blog


Optimized implementation for color-icon-matrix barcodes


qr.new - Make a new QR code.

`+r` {#+r}


A Free Interactive Course


Open Forensic Science in R


An adblocker for live radio streams and podcasts. Machine learning meets Shazam.


LuaRadio - New to SDR?


Etherify - bringing the ether back to ethernet




Transmits AM radio on computers without radio transmitting hardware.


Downtown Doug Brown &raquo; Adventures of putting 16 GB of RAM in a motherboard that doesn&#8217;t support it


How a Single Raspberry PI made my Home Network Faster


Will it cluster? k3s on your Raspberry Pi


A hooks to svg drawing.


React Simple Animate - UI Animation made simple


React App


🌈 A UI Design Language and React UI library


Second-Order Thinking: What Smart People Use to Outperform




The XY Problem


Photographers, Instagrammers: Stop Being So D*mn Selfish and Disrespectful


Engineers Don't Solve Problems


Marvin Minsky And The Ultimate TinkerToy


Timing Technology: Lessons From The Media Lab - Gwern.net


The WeWork debacle should be an indictment of modern finance | Nesrine Malik | Opinion | The Guardian


The economic effects of automation aren&#8217;t what you think they are - Single Lunch


If it can be automated, it will · Nono Martínez Alonso


So you've made a mistake and it's public... - Meta


graydon2 | always bet on text


I'd like to review your README


Introducing the Red Hat Universal Base Image


Regex Crossword


Regex cheatsheet - I Hate Regex


RegexOne - Learn Regular Expressions - Lesson 1: An Introduction, and the ABCs


302 Found


learnbyexample - Emulating regexp lookarounds in GNU sed


datasette-ripgrep: deploy a regular expression search engine for your source code


rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc. - phiresky's blog


A command-line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases


Some useful regular expressions for programmers - Daniel Lemire's blog


A Distributed Meeting Primer - Rands in Repose


Free software for remote working - Purism


Why does writing matter in remote work? - Tim Casasola


Written communication is remote work super power - Snir David Blog


Emergency Remote


302 Found


After embracing remote work in 2020, companies face conflicts making it permanent | VentureBeat


The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering | Opinion | Communications of the ACM


BYTE Articles - Dr Trevor Marshall


Telnet BBS Guide |


Good Quality DOSBox Video Capture - Susam Pal


Free POS Software / Free Cash Register Program.


2,500 More MS-DOS Games Playable at the Archive - Internet Archive Blogs


10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10


Programming Pearls


MayVaneDay Studios


The polygons of Another World


CGA in 1024 Colors - a New Mode: the Illustrated Guide


Tales From The Dork Web #4 - The Dork Web


Remembering the LAN . Tailscale Blog




Using a 1930 Teletype as a Linux Terminal - YouTube


osFree - open source Operating System/2 clone, usermode parts.


FC5025 USB 5.25" Floppy Controller - Device Side Data


Memories - SizeCoding




Ask HN: Is there a search engine which excludes the world's biggest websites? | Hacker News


mgz.me Marco Gomez


Why isn't the internet more fun and weird? – Webthing


The Era of Fragmentation, Part 4: The Anarchists - Creatures of Thought


Dark Ages of the Web


Web Design Museum 1991 – 2006


The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack: FAQ/Docs/ReadMe


Welcome To The Old Internet Again!


A Vintage Atari Is an Amazing Weather Terminal in 2020


WordPerfect for DOS Updated


DOSBox-X - Complete DOS emulation package


Simulating the PIN cracking scene in Terminator 2 | bertrand fan


Ruffle | Flash Player emulator written in the Rust programming language


Booting the IBM 1401: How a 1959 punch-card computer loads a program




Simple x86 and DOS emulator for the Linux terminal.


This software runs on your modern PC and acts as a internet bridge BBS to transfer files to your retro computers. Connect your retro computers to it (via serial) and download software from the internet using a period approriate interface!


10 tips for reviewing code you don't like - Red Hat Developer


Custard Antenna | michaelcullen.name




An OPML file with 22 of the top 25 US newspapers RSS feeds




It's Time to Get Back Into RSS | Daniel Miessler


Why I Still Use RSS | atthislink


Q&amp;A with John Kozubik, rsync.net - Console


1% rule (Internet culture) - Wikipedia


Common rust command-line macros and utilities, to write shell-script like tasks in a clean, natural and rusty way


Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS - Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS


Debian running on Rust coreutils

`+radio` {#+radio}


An adblocker for live radio streams and podcasts. Machine learning meets Shazam.


LuaRadio - New to SDR?


Etherify - bringing the ether back to ethernet




Transmits AM radio on computers without radio transmitting hardware.

`+ram` {#+ram}


Downtown Doug Brown &raquo; Adventures of putting 16 GB of RAM in a motherboard that doesn&#8217;t support it

`+raspi` {#+raspi}


How a Single Raspberry PI made my Home Network Faster


Will it cluster? k3s on your Raspberry Pi

`+react` {#+react}


A hooks to svg drawing.


React Simple Animate - UI Animation made simple


React App


🌈 A UI Design Language and React UI library

`+readme` {#+readme}


Second-Order Thinking: What Smart People Use to Outperform




The XY Problem


Photographers, Instagrammers: Stop Being So D*mn Selfish and Disrespectful


Engineers Don't Solve Problems


Marvin Minsky And The Ultimate TinkerToy


Timing Technology: Lessons From The Media Lab - Gwern.net


The WeWork debacle should be an indictment of modern finance | Nesrine Malik | Opinion | The Guardian


The economic effects of automation aren&#8217;t what you think they are - Single Lunch


If it can be automated, it will · Nono Martínez Alonso


So you've made a mistake and it's public... - Meta


graydon2 | always bet on text


I'd like to review your README

`+redhat` {#+redhat}


Introducing the Red Hat Universal Base Image

`+regex` {#+regex}


Regex Crossword


Regex cheatsheet - I Hate Regex


RegexOne - Learn Regular Expressions - Lesson 1: An Introduction, and the ABCs


302 Found


learnbyexample - Emulating regexp lookarounds in GNU sed


datasette-ripgrep: deploy a regular expression search engine for your source code


rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc. - phiresky's blog


A command-line tool and library for generating regular expressions from user-provided test cases


Some useful regular expressions for programmers - Daniel Lemire's blog

`+remote` {#+remote}


A Distributed Meeting Primer - Rands in Repose


Free software for remote working - Purism


Why does writing matter in remote work? - Tim Casasola


Written communication is remote work super power - Snir David Blog


Emergency Remote


302 Found


After embracing remote work in 2020, companies face conflicts making it permanent | VentureBeat


The 10 Best Practices for Remote Software Engineering | Opinion | Communications of the ACM

`+retro` {#+retro}


BYTE Articles - Dr Trevor Marshall


Telnet BBS Guide |


Good Quality DOSBox Video Capture - Susam Pal


Free POS Software / Free Cash Register Program.


2,500 More MS-DOS Games Playable at the Archive - Internet Archive Blogs


10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10


Programming Pearls


MayVaneDay Studios


The polygons of Another World


CGA in 1024 Colors - a New Mode: the Illustrated Guide


Tales From The Dork Web #4 - The Dork Web


Remembering the LAN . Tailscale Blog




Using a 1930 Teletype as a Linux Terminal - YouTube


osFree - open source Operating System/2 clone, usermode parts.


FC5025 USB 5.25" Floppy Controller - Device Side Data


Memories - SizeCoding




Ask HN: Is there a search engine which excludes the world's biggest websites? | Hacker News


mgz.me Marco Gomez


Why isn't the internet more fun and weird? – Webthing


The Era of Fragmentation, Part 4: The Anarchists - Creatures of Thought


Dark Ages of the Web


Web Design Museum 1991 – 2006


The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack: FAQ/Docs/ReadMe


Welcome To The Old Internet Again!


A Vintage Atari Is an Amazing Weather Terminal in 2020


WordPerfect for DOS Updated


DOSBox-X - Complete DOS emulation package


Simulating the PIN cracking scene in Terminator 2 | bertrand fan


Ruffle | Flash Player emulator written in the Rust programming language


Booting the IBM 1401: How a 1959 punch-card computer loads a program




Simple x86 and DOS emulator for the Linux terminal.


This software runs on your modern PC and acts as a internet bridge BBS to transfer files to your retro computers. Connect your retro computers to it (via serial) and download software from the internet using a period approriate interface!

`+review` {#+review}


10 tips for reviewing code you don't like - Red Hat Developer

`+rf` {#+rf}


Custard Antenna | michaelcullen.name



`+rss` {#+rss}


An OPML file with 22 of the top 25 US newspapers RSS feeds




It's Time to Get Back Into RSS | Daniel Miessler


Why I Still Use RSS | atthislink

`+rsync` {#+rsync}


Q&amp;A with John Kozubik, rsync.net - Console

`+rules` {#+rules}


1% rule (Internet culture) - Wikipedia

`+rust` {#+rust}


Common rust command-line macros and utilities, to write shell-script like tasks in a clean, natural and rusty way


Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS - Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS


Debian running on Rust coreutils

`+sat` {#+sat}


Nyan Sat - Satellite Communications Challenge - Chapter 0

`+scrap` {#+scrap}


web - How do I get a websites title using command line? - Unix &amp; Linux Stack Exchange

`+sd` {#+sd}


5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a MicroSD Card

`+security` {#+security}


Ginseng: keeping secrets in registers when you distrust the operating system - the morning paper


$50 Million CTF from Hackerone - Writeup




Password checkup: from 0 to 650, 000 users in 20 days


How bad can it git? Characterizing secret leakage in public GitHub repositories - the morning paper


No one, not even the Secret Service, should randomly plug in a strange USB stick - TechCrunch


The ultimate account security is now in your pocket


Cómo escribir informes de incidentes de seguridad - Security Art Work


Adblock Plus filter lists may execute arbitrary code in web pages · Armin Sebastian


302 Found


Docker - Unauthorized access to Docker Hub database


Repositories held for ransom by using valid credentials | GitLab


Version 2 is live! Wordlists sorted by probability originally created for password generation and testing - make sure your passwords aren't popular!


What Happened With Supermicro? | Hackaday


Cyberus Technology - ZombieLoad: Cross Privilege-Boundary Data Leakage


SHA-1 collision attacks are now actually practical and a looming danger | ZDNet


Close to 735K Fraudulently Obtained IP Addresses Have Been Uncovered and Revoked, ARIN Reveals


I can see your local web servers


Building Facebook's service encryption infrastructure - Facebook Engineering


Password expiration is dead, long live your passwords - TechCrunch


SIM swap horror story: I've lost decades of data and Google won't lift a finger | ZDNet


Offensive ELK: Elasticsearch for Offensive Security - Marco Lancini


Segu-Info: WarShipping: nueva tecnica para infiltrar redes con paquetes de correo


Hundreds of exposed Amazon cloud backups found leaking sensitive data - TechCrunch


Abusing WebViews to Steal Files via Email | Carve Systems


Shaming sites with dumb password rules.


Samy Kamkar - pwnat: NAT to NAT client-server communication


Fingerprints could be stolen from V sign selfies | E&ampT Magazine


Remove my password from lists so hackers won't be able to hack me by assafnativ · Pull Request #155 · danielmiessler/SecLists · GitHub


CPDoS: Cache Poisoned Denial of Service


Stealing private keys from a secure file sharing service · Tim Visée


Windows / Linux Local Privilege Escalation Workshop


#include </etc/shadow> - Hanno's blog


The Hidden Cost of Ransomware: Wholesale Password Theft - Krebs on Security


reblog/README.md at master · skysafe/reblog · GitHub


This PIN Can Be Easily Guessed


High-Stakes Security Setups Are Making Remote Work Impossible | WIRED


Open-source security tools for cloud and container applications


leah blogs: X11 screen locking: a secure and modular approach


Correct Horse Battery Staple-Style Password Generator


anteater . DevOps Security Framework


Powershell reverse shell using HTTP/S protocol with AMSI bypass and Proxy Aware


A collection of all the data i could extract from 1 billion leaked credentials from internet.


Passbolt | Open source password manager for teams


Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) · GitHub


New P2P botnet infects SSH servers all over the world | Ars Technica


A rest application to update firewalld rules on a linux server


Troy Hunt: We Didn't Encrypt Your Password, We Hashed It. Here's What That Means:


Security by Obscurity is Underrated – Utku Sen - Blog – computer security, programming


ADD / XOR / ROL: Before you ship a "security mitigation" ...


Samy Kamkar - NAT Slipstreaming


Security Analysis of SMS as a Second Factor of Authentication - ACM Queue


Libro gratuito "Manual de la Resiliencia" ~ Segu-Info - Ciberseguridad desde 2000


How to get root on Ubuntu 20.04 by pretending nobody’s /home - GitHub Security Lab


How To Safely Store A Password | codahale.com


Recovers passwords from pixelized screenshots


COVID data manager investigated, raided for using publicly available password | Ars Technica


Segu-Info - Ciberseguridad desde 2000: Análisis estadístico de contraseñas


Crowdsec - An open-source, lightweight agent to detect and respond to bad behaviours. It also automatically benefits from our global community-wide IP reputation database.


A survey of security.txt files


bugs.xdavidhu.me - xdavidhu's bug bounty writeups.


Running a fake power plant on the internet for a month | by Stefan Grimminck | Jan, 2021 | Medium


The modern packager&#8217;s security nightmare - Michał Górny


The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps

`+seo` {#+seo}


Demystifying SEO with experiments | by Pinterest Engineering | Pinterest Engineering Blog | Medium


SEO – Pinterest Engineering Blog – Medium

`+slides` {#+slides}


✍️Fusuma makes slides with Markdown easily.


PRESENTA Play! - Make slides fast!

`+social` {#+social}


Linux Creator: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Are "A Disease"

`+spam` {#+spam}


The "Junk Mail" Men: Selling Your Data for over a Century | The Saturday Evening Post


What's an SPF Record? - Ultimate Guide to Email | The Official OhMySMTP Blog

`+sql` {#+sql}


Simple SQL-like syntax on top of Perl text processing.


How Does a Database Work? | Let’s Build a Simple Database


Building a PostgreSQL load tester | Lawrence Jones


The Difference Between SQL&#8217;s JOIN .. ON Clause and the Where Clause - Java, SQL and jOOQ.


When Postgres blocks: 7 tips for dealing with locks


Don't Do This - PostgreSQL wiki


PostgREST Documentation - PostgREST 5.0.0 documentation


Mastery with SQL


GitHub - olsonpm/sqlite-to-rest


Fastest Way to Load Data Into PostgreSQL Using Python | Haki Benita


An easy-to-use BI server built for SQL lovers. Power data analysis in SQL and gain faster business insights.


35% Faster Than The Filesystem


Dqlite - High-Availability SQLite


10 Ways to Tweak Slow SQL Queries | Helen Anderson


PostgreSQL shopping cart


Simplify: move code into database functions | Derek Sivers


System design hack: Postgres is a great pub/sub &amp; job server


The SQL Murder Mystery


A tool for serving simple websites, JSON APIs and static files directly from a SQLite database


Build minimum viable admin panels quickly with just SQL


NULL Values in SQL Queries - Mitchum.Blog


Ask HN: What are some examples of good database schema designs? | Hacker News


SQLite Query Language: WITH clause


We Made SQL Visual - Why and How | Chartio Blog


Free, open-source SQL client for Windows and Mac ðŸ¦




Drawing the Sierpiński Triangle with Recursive SQL and SVG


DuckDB is an embeddable SQL OLAP Database Management System


SQLite As An Application File Format


One year of automatic DB migrations from git


How to contact Google SRE: Dropping a shell in cloud SQL - Offensi




Old, Good Database Design - Relinx


Ora2Pg : Migrates Oracle to PostgreSQL


q - Text as Data


A Short Story About SQL’s Biggest Rival


PostgresqlCO.NF: PostgreSQL configuration for humans


SQLite as a document database


This is a simple graph database in SQLite, inspired by "SQLite as a document database"


Planning joins to make use of indexes | DoltHub Blog


Simple Anomaly Detection Using Plain SQL | Haki Benita


An unlikely database migration . Tailscale Blog


User-defined Order in SQL


Airbyte is an open-source EL(T) platform that helps you consolidate your data in your warehouses, lakes and databases.


The lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite


Automating my job by using GPT-3 to generate database-ready SQL to answer business questions


Streaming S3 replication for SQLite.


Postgres scaling advice for 2021 - CYBERTEC | PostgreSQL


Reasons why SELECT * is bad for SQL performance | Tanel Poder Consulting


Managing Hierarchical Data in MySQL - Mike Hillyer's Personal Webspace


SQLite is not a toy database | Anton Zhiyanov


Structured Data Store for Mobile


Best practices for writing SQL queries

`+ssh` {#+ssh}


Hardening SSH with 2fa · GitHub


CLI for the ssh client Termius


Openssh taking minutes to become available, booting takes half an hour ... because your server waits for a few bytes of randomness - Daniel Lange's blog


Building interactive SSH applications | Drew DeVault’s Blog


Mole | Easily create SSH tunnels.


SSH Port


Teleconsole | Gravitational


sshuttle - VPN over ssh, a faster alternative - TerminalBytes.com


A tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies


SSH Handshake Explained




Eternal Terminal


Pwning your (web)server and network the easy way - or why exposing ~/.ssh/ is a bad idea | Sebastian Neef - 0day.work


Using BPF to Transform SSH Sessions into Structured Events


How to SSH Properly


How to Harden SSH with Identities and Certificates


Management utilities to support a certificate authority for ssh keys


ssh-cert-authority/README.rst at master · cloudtools/ssh-cert-authority · GitHub


🛡️ A private certificate authority (X.509 &amp; SSH) &amp; ACME server for secure automated certificate management, so you can use TLS everywhere &amp; SSO for SSH.


SSH Key Management &amp; SSH Key managers


Gravitational Teleport Alternatives - strongDM and other options


Building a WireGuard Jail with the FreeBSD's Standard Tools - genneko


autossh Alternatives - SysAdmin SSH | LibHunt


SSH Agent Explained


Remember the Users - Terminating a Frozen SSH Session


SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless banner


No, Moving Your SSH Port Isn't Security by Obscurity | Daniel Miessler


How to properly manage ssh keys for server access :: Päpper's Coding Blog — Have fun coding.


Extracting SSH Private Keys From Windows 10 ssh-agent - ropnop blog


Deprecating scp LWN.net


A jump-host SSH server that starts machines on-demand


Swift.gmi - Introducing SwiftNIO SSH


My ISP Is Killing My Idle SSH Sessions. Yours Might Be Too. - Title


Execute a local command using the processing power of another Linux machine.


SSH-RSA key rejected with message "no mutual signature algorithm" | Bitbucket Data Center and Server | Atlassian Documentation


SFTP Status/Error Codes :: WinSCP

`+ssl` {#+ssl}


Introducing another free CA as an alternative to Let's Encrypt

`+static` {#+static}


Using Hugo, GitLab Pages, and Cloudflare to create and run this Website · tkainrad


Deploying a Hugo Static Site Using GitLab, CI/CD, &amp; SSH - Graham Stevens – Grh.am


Your blog probably doesn't need a static site generator


Troy Hunt: Here's Why Your Static Website Needs HTTPS


Ask HN: How to self-host comments on your otherwise static blog? | Hacker News

`+svg` {#+svg}


Command line SVG and image file viewer in Linux? - Super User


A Guide to SVG Animations (SMIL) | CSS-Tricks




Pocket Guide to Writing SVG


SVG Repo - Free SVG Vectors and Icons

`+sysadmin` {#+sysadmin}


Introducing WARP: Fixing Mobile Internet Performance and Security


How to update Proxmox without buying a subscription - CareTech Computing


Learn where some of the network sysctl variables fit into the Linux/Kernel network flow


xdpcap: XDP Packet Capture


A hacky node.js ad-hoc throw-away address mail forwarder.


How to be the lazy sysadmin | Opensource.com


Goodbye AWS: Rolling your own servers with Kubernetes, Part 1


The Missing Introduction To Containerization - Faun - Medium


GitHub - koute/memory-profiler


Tell me more, nginx - Honeycomb


Employing QUIC Protocol to Optimize Uber's App Performance | Uber Engineering Blog


fs-pacer/fs-pacer.md at master · eloraiby/fs-pacer · GitHub


A super simple CLI for sending emails


Releasing Comfygure 1.0


Home - endoflife.date


/bin/bash based SSL/TLS tester: testssl.sh


Why the "Digital Ocean killed my company" incident scares me | Checkly blog


How To: Automatically Backup a Linux VPS to a Separate Cloud Storage Service – Jake Jarvis


Operating a Large, Distributed System in a Reliable Way: Practices I Learned


IT Issues: 17 Problems all SysAdmins will understand - Holidays - Spiceworks


Troubleshooting a Linux server: First five things to do | HPE | HPE


Do-nothing scripting: the key to gradual automation - Dan Slimmon


Syslog : The Complete System Administrator Guide – devconnected


You should not run your mail server because mail is hard - poolp.gmi


TCP Puzzlers | Joyent


Adventures in the TCP stack: Uncovering performance regressions in the TCP SACKs vulnerability fixes - Databricks


When TCP sockets refuse to die - Idea of the day


Linux capacity planning: 5 things you need to do | Enable Sysadmin


Understanding disk usage in Linux - Own your bits


Upstreaming multipath TCP LWN.net


crontab.guru - the cron schedule expression editor


How to verify NTP is working Or not (Check Status of NTP) - nixCraft


Ask HN: What do you self-host? | Hacker News


A repository of email marketing legislation around the World, compiled by EmailOctopus.


The $10m engineering problem · Segment Blog


How To Run Your Own Mail Server


Inefficient Efficiency - Kent Beck - Medium


Mitigating a DDoS, or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the CDN - Coffee and Dreams


How I run a small (discussion) mailing list - Managing organized complexity


Principles to help you design and deploy a zero trust architecture


Programmer's critique of missing structure of operating systems


Mining my mailbox for top email service providers


Rosetta Stone for Unix


starsheep - yaml-based decentralized application framework


Measuring Latency in Linux - Confessions of a Wall Street Programmer




Simple Systems Have Less Downtime | Greg Kogan


Cloud Computing without Containers


The Beer Drinker’s Guide to SAML | Duo Security


Popular posts from leaky bug-tracking systems


The Ultimate PCAP | Weberblog.net


pfSense + ELK


PJON - Home




Wolf is an authentication and authorization system based on Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) for http applications or http restful apis. Wolf是一个基于基于角色访问控制(RBAC)的认证和授权系统,适用于http应用或http restful api


Re-thinking electronic mail


Bored? How about trying a Linux speed run?


RFC 1180 - TCP/IP tutorial


Understanding RAID: How performance scales from one disk to eight | Ars Technica


Disabling Snaps in Ubuntu 20.04 - Kevin Custer


Home lab


Save Your Linux Machine From Certain Death - Better Programming - Medium


How I recovered a lost email from my email client’s memory | Ctrl blog


Snell-Pym &raquo; TCP sucks


Dissecting an SSL certificate


dhcpdump: Monitor DHCP Traffic For Debugging Purpose - nixCraft


How to crash an email server with a single email | Snyk


pmem.io: 300 nanoseconds (1 of 2)


White hat social engineering: How to become an admin of a system


The CPU Cost of Networking on a Host - David Ahern


Modern router architecture and IPv6 | APNIC Blog


An extensive guide to optimizing a Linux laptop for battery life and performance | by Alex Manuskin | Jun, 2020 | Medium


Scaling Linux Services: Before accepting connections


EtherOops Information from the Research Team - Armis Labs


How NAT traversal works . Tailscale Blog


Introduction - Architecture Playbook


Fragmentation, MTU, MSS Clamping, Tunnels | Fredrik's Networking Blog


Home Server Room Power Upgrade + Multi-room UPS


Ramblings from Jessie: The Art of Automation


The Architecture of Open Source Applications


Why do we use the Linux kernel's TCP stack?


Why the Serverless Revolution Has Stalled


Live Chat Comparison: Speed Impact On 5 Market Leaders | Crisp


40 milliseconds of latency that just would not go away


Thread by @Foone on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App


eBPF - The Future of Networking &amp; Security — Cilium


Files are fraught with peril


An Introduction to ZFS A Place to Start | ServeTheHome


Falling from the Sky 2020 Self-Hosting Still Pays | ServeTheHome


Kira McLean | How To Set Up Your Own Nextcloud Server


Google Cloud Status Dashboard


Fun with IP address parsing . blog.dave.tf




Linux Hardening Guide | Madaidan's Insecurities


mnm | an open source project to replace email &amp; SMTP


Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces


Computer Networks: A Systems Approach - Computer Networks: A Systems Approach Version 6.2-dev documentation


An Introduction to NAT64 | ungleich.ch


The absolute worst case scenario happened, what should we do now? : sysadmin


Why All My Servers Have an 8GB Empty File - BiteofanApple

`+terraform` {#+terraform}


Deploy Jitsi Meet to DigitalOcean with Terraform


Easy Storage + Easy Provisioning: Backblaze Is Now a Terraform Provider

`+test` {#+test}


Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users


Recording Browser Interactions And Generating Test Scripts.


Test Desiderata - Kent Beck - Medium


The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code - Joel on Software


A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript - <https://k6.io>

`+tmux` {#+tmux}


Upload &amp; Download speed in Tmux status line - Unix &amp; Linux Stack Exchange


Persists tmux environment across system restarts.


Tmux for mere mortals


tmux lets you select and copy text with your keyboard

`+tools` {#+tools}




Designed to be recognized by humans and OCR. Encodes all valid URL characters to images.


Self-hosted bookmark service


The Open Source Web Editor You Will Love | Edtr.io


302 Found


tools | suckless.gmi software that sucks less




100+ open-source clones of popular sites like Airbnb, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Tiktok, Spotify, Whatsapp, Youtube etc. See source code, demo links, tech stack, github stars.

`+tor` {#+tor}


&#x64;&#65279;&#x61;&#x72;&#x6B;&#x2E;&#x66;&#x61;&#x69;&#xfeff;&#x6C;: Which darknet sites are online?


Intermodal – Casey Rodarmor's Blog


A bittorrent filesystem based on FUSE.

`+torrent` {#+torrent}


Intermodal – Casey Rodarmor's Blog


A bittorrent filesystem based on FUSE.

`+tty` {#+tty}


why GNU grep is fast


DuckDuckGo from the terminal


Your terminal is not a terminal: An Introduction to Streams


jott - telnet~writeup~


Gawk 5.0.0 released!


The next gen ls command


Browse Reddit from your terminal


Initial pre-release of aerc: an email client for your terminal | Drew DeVault’s Blog


rga: ripgrep, but also search in PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, etc. - phiresky's blog


How FZF and ripgrep improved my workflow - Sidney Liebrand - Medium


curl goez parallel | daniel.haxx.se


Inconsolation | Adventures with lightweight and minimalist software for Linux


A command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors


Command line tools for large, tabular data files. Filtering, statistics, sampling, joins and more.


Awesome tmux-based terminal divider


Linux Terminal Goods


🖌️ pxltrm - WIP A pixel art editor inside the terminal


Lei Mao's Log Book - Tmux Tutorial


⬛️ CLI tool for saving complete web pages as a single HTML file


3 quick tips for working with Linux files | Network World


ncurses nyaa browser and downloader


A command-line benchmarking tool


SixArm.com → Z shell → zsh configuration


Jeffrey Paul: Stupid Unix Tricks


fish shell


An Illustrated Guide to Some Useful Command Line Tools - WezM.net by Wesley Moore


Duck Duck Go Search


3D graphics rendering pipeline. Implemented in JavaScript. Run in a terminal.


Computing pi with bc


Lynx is dead - Long live Browsh for text-based internet browsing - Scott Hanselman


Tearing apart printf() - MaiZure's Projects


get things from one computer to another, safely


Run an Internet Speed Test from the Linux Command Line - Putorius


An Introduction To Data Science On The Linux Command Line


No more google for console junkies


HTTP Prompt - An interactive command-line HTTP client


Terminal bandwidth utilization tool


`tree -L 2` with less empty screen space.


TLDR pages


GNU Recutils


The missing cron CLI for AWS Cloudwatch and Lambda


Access your device's terminal from anywhere via the web.


A Terminal Client for Redis with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting.


~apreiml/prunef - sourcehut git


Clear Your Terminal in Style - Adam.


Hacking up your own shell completion | Computing with Jeremy


kitty - the fast, featureful, GPU based terminal emulator - kitty 0.17.2 documentation


Simple Word Evaluation in Unix Shell


Rename files in linux / bash using mv command without typing the full name two times · GitHub


LKML: Linus Torvalds: Re: clean up kernel~read,write~ &amp; friends v2


Log what files are accessed by any Linux process


Zsh and Fish&#8217;s simple but clever trick for highlighting missing linefeeds - Vidar's Blog


My Favorite CLI Tools


scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker


The Terminal Jockey's Toolbelt - Packet Lost &amp; Found


Crush is an attempt to make a command line shell that is also a powerful modern programming language.


cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember.


A Text-based Desktop Environment, aka Monotty Desktop (desktopio)




A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console


A terminal-based presentation tool with colors and effects.


What Shell Am I Using? - Nil


The UNIX `who` command - Gauthier Jolly


A simple command-line app to organize your local photos by dates (year/month) on your local file system, for those who don't store photos in the cloud


on terminal control


A tiny IRC client written in POSIX C99.


Easily and securely send things from one computer to another


Disk Usage/Free Utility


Using A Piece Of Paper As A Display Terminal - ed Vs. vim


CLI plain-text note-taking, bookmarking, and archiving with encryption, filtering and search, Git-backed versioning and syncing, Pandoc-backed conversion, and more in a single portable script.


Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! ðŸ’



How to Clean Text Data at the Command Line by EzzEddin Abdullah


Unix pager designed for work with tables. Designed for PostgreSQL, but MySQL is supported too. Now it can be used as CSV or TSV viewer. Works well with pgcli too.


Terminal based YouTube player and downloader


greg — a small replacement for cal


a tool to output images as RGB ANSI graphics on the terminal


One-liner introduction - Perl one-liners cookbook


A tool to move your data between any clouds or regions.


Ping, but with a graph


Home | ClockworkPi


Bombadillo: Home


Console Spreadsheets.


Command-line program to download image galleries and collections from several image hosting sites


Command Line Interface Guidelines


ueberzug is a command line util which allows to display images in combination with X11


Brandon Invergo - Using GNU Stow to manage your dotfiles


Cscope Home Page


Access Recent Files From the Command Line


XTerm: It's Better Than You Thought


Plain Text Accounting, a guide to Ledger and friends - plaintextaccounting.gmi


User power, not power users: htop and its design philosophy « hisham.hm


Unix command line queue utility


Fix Terminals - Please


A plain-text file format and command line tool for time tracking




Simple tool for creating and organizing daily notes on the command line


Convert tables stored as images to an usable .csv file


Why I use exa instead of ls on Linux | Opensource.com


socat. I learned about socat a few years ago... | by Cindy Sridharan | Medium


Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview


A multitree-based personal task manager


PageBuster - dump all executable pages of packed processes.




Simple yet fancy CPU architecture fetching tool


Amp - A complete text editor for your terminal


Jupyter Notebooks in the terminal.

`+txt` {#+txt}


Plain Text Protocols

`+ubuntu` {#+ubuntu}


Private home directories for Ubuntu 21.04 | Ubuntu

`+unix` {#+unix}


PDP-1 Story


Serenity Operating System


1969 &#38; 70 - Bell Labs


Neural network inference the Unix way


Back in the Day: UNIX, Minix and Linux | Linux Journal


Rethinking files


PDP2011 Overview - PDP2011


A Simple Unix-like operating system


Warner's Random Hacking Blog: The PDP-7 Where Unix Began


leah blogs: Ken Thompson's Unix password


The Earliest Unix Code: An Anniversary Source Code Release - CHM


Brian Kernighan's Home Page


The IX Multilevel-Secure UNIX System


TUHS The most surprising Unix programs


Understanding the bin, sbin, usr/bin , usr/sbin split


How are Unix pipes implemented?


Time on Unix


UNIX Text Formatting Using the -ms Macros


The beauty of Unix pipelines


Discovering Dennis Ritchie’s Lost Dissertation - CHM




Modular Synthesis and UNIX | Nora Codes


Non-POSIX file systems - weinholt.se


Jan-Piet Mens :: It used to be simpler to teach


The UNIX Time-Sharing System - Sasank's Blog


The myriad meanings of pwd in Unix systems


The Birth of UNIX with Brian Kernighan - CoRecursive Podcast


Home | Robert Nordier


Historia de los servidores tilde y los servidores UNIX de acceso público

`+unknown` {#+unknown}




Revision More Than a Data Dump | Harper's Magazine


Browserpass web extension


IPFS Project &amp;&amp; Working Group Roadmaps Repo


Learn Mix Networks for Great Good - Katzenpost documentation


What design tools get wrong | Kilian Valkhof


Visibility of IPv4 and IPv6 Prefix Lengths in 2019 - RIPE Labs


A backdoor in a popular Ruby gem LWN.net


Hackers publish personal data on thousands of US police officers and federal agents - TechCrunch


Dragonblood: Analysing WPA3's Dragonfly Handshake


VSCodium - A Clone of Visual Studio Code Without Trackers


American Businesses Stayed Quiet On Chinese Hackers, Amid Concerns For Profits : NPR


Report deems Russia a pioneer in GPS spoofing attacks | ZDNet


ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern


Avian’s Blog: Google is eating our mail


Commodore 64 BASIC and KERNAL Source


Your Phone Should Be Like Your Toothbrush - Empty Your Cup




I’m Walking Away From the Product I Spent a Year Building | derrickreimer.com


How to Debug - Embedded in Academia


Merging Multiple PDFs under GNU/Linux - blog.dbrgn.ch


graphics - Split image into parts - Stack Overflow


imagemagick - How to split an image with a grid and preserve transparency bounding box - Stack Overflow


Pwnie Awards


Ask HN: Configuration Management for Personal Computer? | Hacker News


Git repository summary on your terminal


TESLA PowerWall 2 Security Shenanigans


Easily manage and invoke small scripts and wrappers


Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code


Invasion of The Ethical Licenses - Bruce Perens


A guide to Minimalist Web Design


SmallData | Blog | Setting up a raspberry pi 4 home server


302 Found




Talk: Introduction to Hacking PostgreSQL


Remote, office not required · GitHub


No More Coffee | Jay Riverlong




Firefox Reader View as a Linux command line tool

`+usb` {#+usb}


How many kinds of USB-C™ to USB-C™ cables are there? - Benson Leung


Simple CLI forensics tool for tracking USB device artifacts (history of USB events) on GNU/Linux


Using dummy-hcd to play with USB gadgets


« usbkill » is an anti-forensic kill-switch that waits for a change on your USB ports and then immediately shuts down your computer.






USB Mass Storage and USB-Attached SCSI... are both SCSI


Hacking together a USB-C charger for a cheap Chromebook


| USBQ Toolkit


The confusing world of USB

`+utf8` {#+utf8}


Unicode In Five Minutes ⌚

`+util` {#+util}


Paperless - Paperless-ng 0.9.14 documentation


Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup

`+ux` {#+ux}


Icons: avoid temptation and start with user needs - NHS Digital


302 Found


Comicgen: Comic Creator


Dark color | Sarun


Repl.it - CLUI: Building a Graphical Command Line


Design like it’s 1999


The Decline of Usability | datagubbe.se


Here be seaswines


Ask HN: Can't focus when writing code in dark mode | Hacker News


The Universe of Discourse : Fuckin' user interface design, I swear


BBC GEL | How to write useful error messages

`+varnish` {#+varnish}


Varnish All the Things · all things considered...

`+video` {#+video}


Avisynth wiki


Films By Kris


Video Editing in the Shell - MLT melt - FFMPEG - Linux 1 - YouTube


MLT - Documentation


Whiskas: Video editing / transitions with ffmpeg


PeerTube has worked twice as hard to free your videos from YouTube! - Framablog


Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube


The Free Software Media System


Stryku.pl - ffcms - FFmpeg's -filter~complex~ made simple


Trim Videos Instantly - Bernd Verst


Use omxplayer with raspberry pi to play HD videos with sound and no lag


Slick, declarative command line video editing


Babel-users OT: Centralised WebRTC server available for testing


Faking your webcam background under GNU/Linux, now supports animated background and hologram


DIY Video Hosting - tyler.io


Moving from YouTube to PeerTube


Thumbnails &amp; Screenshots using FFmpeg - 3 Efficient Techniques - OTTVerse


FFmpeg drawtext filter to Insert Dynamic Overlays, Scrolling Text, and Timestamps - OTTVerse


The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing


An intuitive CLI for processing video, powered by FFmpeg


Self-hosted IPTV/NVR/CCTV/Video service


Take control over your live stream video by running it yourself. Streaming + chat out of the box.

`+vim` {#+vim}


SpaceVim release v1.1.0 | SpaceVim


Notational velocity for vim.


"Rich text" highlighting in Vim! (colors, underline, bold, italic, etc...)


How to tell vim to auto-indent before saving - Stack Overflow


Vim: How to Start Using The Text Editor for Developers | Data Stuff


Writing a Book with Pandoc, Make, and Vim — Vladimir Keleshev


Personal Wiki for Vim


A Vim-like interface for Firefox, inspired by Vimperator/Pentadactyl.


Look ma, no mouse: Vimium - CodeFaster


Modern IDEs are magic. Why are so many coders still using Vim and Emacs? - Stack Overflow Blog


5 lines I put in a blank .vimrc | Sword and Signals


vim.so - Learn and Master Vim faster with interactive exercises


A Vim Guide for Advanced Users


Edit - Home Brewed Text Editor


A hardware pedal for improved text editing in Vim


vim plugin that open the link of current line on github

`+virtual` {#+virtual}


Kata Containers - Open Source Container Runtime Software | Kata Containers


Libvirt - The Unsung Hero of Cloud Computing - Vyom

`+viz` {#+viz}


GitHub - ericdrowell/ElGrapho


Taste graphs will transform fashion - Fashion Taste API &bull;


🧜‍♀️ RESTful rendering pipeline for generating sequence and UML diagrams using Mermaid for Markdown docs (Diagrams as a Service)


A (discrete mathematics) graph visualizer, written in Python using the PyQt5 library.


PlantText UML Editor


The reason I am using Altair for most of my visualization in Python - Fernando Irarrázaval


Convert your ascii diagram scribbles into happy little SVG


Create beautiful diagrams just by typing mathematical notation in plain text.


Symphony of Blockchains


Visual Information Theory -- colah's blog


Markdown source for Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book


👷 Build images with images


Traveling Salesman Problem Visualizer


Tools for turning descriptions into diagrams - avdi.codes


Source to www.draw.io


Sketchviz - Create and publish Graphviz graphs on the web for free


Flow-Charts of Programming Language Constructs - progsbase


CollabUML | Collaborative UML powered by PlantUML


Create diagrams with code using Graphviz – ncona.com – Learning about computers


Online text to diagram tools | SUS


Time Periods


Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures


mermaid - Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, gantt charts and git graphs.


Algorithms animated — chrislaux.com


Make drawing and labeling bounding boxes easy as cake


Seeing Theory


Graphviz Online


10 Creative Coding Examples That Are Redefining Programming


Graph Toy


Plotnine: Grammar of Graphics for Python &#8226; Blog &#8226; Data Science Workshops


Cell Tower Distribution

`+vnc` {#+vnc}


Run MS Teams on a coffee machine?!? (Or: Embedded Linux Framebuffer VNC client) - Raymii.gmi

`+voip` {#+voip}


Log - siproc - A primitive SIP client that spawns processes for each call


Get IP address on other side audio call in Telegram.

`+vote` {#+vote}


Центральная избирательная комиссия Российской Федерации · GitHub

`+vpn` {#+vpn}


A simple WireGuard VPN server GUI


Setup, Usage, Configuration, and full example setups for VPNs supporting both servers &amp; roaming clients.


Don't use VPN services. · GitHub Don't use VPN services. · GitHub


Setting up a home VPN server with Wireguard | Mikkel Høgh


WireGuard Gives Linux a Faster, More Secure VPN | WIRED


Why not &#34;Why not WireGuard?&#34; . Tailscale Blog


A fork of the simple WireGuard VPN server GUI community maintained


Creates Wireguard configuration for hub and peers with ease


Don't use VPN services. · GitHub

`+wayland` {#+wayland}


Colin Woodbury

`+web` {#+web}


Op-Ed: Section 230 created the internet as we know it. Don’t mess with it - Los Angeles Times




Why there's so little left of the early internet - BBC Future


Indeed, it seems that Google IS forgetting the old Web | Stop at Zona-M


The nations of the Amazon want the name back - BBC News




Why Turning on HTTP/2 Was a Mistake - Lucidchart


Luakit Web Browser


Captcha solver extension for humans 🐶


Why Fastly loves QUIC and HTTP/3


How To Design for the Web in 2019 - Better Programming - Medium


How Dark Patterns Online Manipulate Shoppers - The Atlantic




A love letter to my website - DESK Magazine


The Pain Points of Web Development with WordPress - Young Coder - Medium


A collection of interesting new networks and tech aiming at decentralisation (in some form).


I Miss the Old Internet


Microbrowsers are Everywhere &#9670; 24 ways


Into the Personal-Website-Verse · Matthias Ott – User Experience Designer


Worldwide Mobile Data Pricing League | Cost of 1GB in 230 countries - Cable.co.uk


Is the web getting slower? | DebugBear


PerformanceJS | Data Fetching on the Web Still Sucks


Nyxt - the internet on your terms.



`+wifi` {#+wifi}


DragonBlood: múltiples vulnerabilidades en WPA3 ~ Segu-Info


Over 25,000 Linksys Smart Wi-Fi routers vulnerable to sensitive information disclosure flaw - Bad Packets


Seguridad en redes wifi: una guía de aproximación para el empresario | INCIBE


Origin Of Wireless Security: The Marconi Radio Hack Of 1903 | Hackaday


Who Owns Your Wireless Service? Crooks Do. - Krebs on Security


Researchers' new method enables identifying a person through walls from candidate video footage, using only WiFi


D-Link Home Routers Open to Remote Takeover Will Remain Unpatched | Threatpost


Metageek | Why in Tarnation is My WiFi So Slow? Part 3: Top 10 Reasons why your WiFi has low Throughput


Weaponizing and Gamifying AI for WiFi Hacking: Presenting Pwnagotchi 1.0.0


Wireless keystroke injection attack platform


302 Found


Wireless Network Handoff Visualizer built with React!


Taking Back What Is Already Yours: Router Wars Episode I


Wifi: "beamforming" only begins to describe it - apenwarr


Bad times in corporate wireless networks


📡 WiFi Login Card


open-source IEEE802.11/Wi-Fi baseband chip/FPGA design




Captive Portal Chat with OpenWrt. Heya! So, lately I’ve been thinking… | by Sneha Belkhale | Nov, 2020 | Medium


TinyCheck allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them. This can be used to check if any suspect or malicious communication is outgoing from a smartphone, by using heuristics or specific Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). In order to make it working, you need a computer with a Debian-like operating system and two Wi-Fi interfaces. The best choice is to use a Raspberry Pi (2+) a Wi-Fi dongle and a small touch screen. This tiny configuration (for less than $50) allows you to tap any Wi-Fi device, anywhere.


WiGLE: Wireless Network Mapping


Public Wi-Fi database. Geo-Location API. Public API of position by Wi-Fi (MAC, BSSID). « Alexander Mylnikov


WRT54G History: The Router That Accidentally Went Open Source


leontrolski - OO in Python is mostly pointless


Wi-Fi devices set to become object sensors by 2024 under planned 802.11bf standard • The Register

`+win` {#+win}


NirSoft - freeware utilities: password recovery, system utilities, desktop utilities


8 reasons to turn down the transmit power of your Wi-Fi - Metis.fi


igloo 4.4


Building a new Win 3.1 app in 2019 Part 1: Slack client - YKM's Corner on the Web


Below are some simple methods for exiting vim.


Last phase of the desktop wars? | Armed and Dangerous


No, Microsoft is not rebasing Windows to Linux


reddragdiva | Wine on Windows 10. It works.

`+wine` {#+wine}


reddragdiva | Wine on Windows 10. It works.

`+wordpress` {#+wordpress}


Why I Merged My Profitable One Person Software Company with a Bigger Player - Phil Derksen


Segu-Info: Cómo mejorar la seguridad de un hosting con WordPress


Log In &lsaquo; Koko Analytics - WordPress

`+workstation` {#+workstation}





Brandon Invergo - Using GNU Stow to manage your dotfiles


system-configuration/holodeck-traal.pkg.toml at 418282f037ab1d4f4af90d659823a4e1f75d38be · majewsky/system-configuration · GitHub


Upgrade everything


Ask HN: Configuration Management for Personal Computer? | Hacker News


Give Ubuntu/Darch a quick ride in a virtual machine. - Paul Knopf


Provisioning your computer with one command: awesome - Stavros' Stuff

`+x11` {#+x11}


Cool, but obscure X11 tools


Cockos Incorporated | LICEcap




Material Shell - A new desktop experience


Old Laptops as Secondary Monitors :: Rohit Goswami — Reflections


A tiny XCB floating window manager.


A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning



`+xkcd` {#+xkcd}


xkcd: Disk Usage


xkcd: Stack


xkcd styled chart lib


How to Send a File - xkcd


xkcd: Git


xkcd: File Transfer


xkcd: Machine Learning Captcha

`+yaml` {#+yaml}


YAML: probably not so great after all