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Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.kei.com!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!cis.ohio-state.edu!pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu!ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu!cranmer From: cranmer@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu Newsgroups: alt.magick Subject: Golden Dawn FAQ Message-ID: <1994Feb13.170902.4026@ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu> Date: 13 Feb 94 17:09:02 -0500 Organization: The Ohio State University, Department of Physics Lines: 632 Ave, Fratres et Sorores! Here is the latest version of the Golden Dawn FAQ. Just a little new information about some of the active organizations. As always, any and all comments or corrections are welcome! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ THE GOLDEN DAWN: FREQUENTLY-ASKED QUESTIONS AND RESOURCE LISTS Version 1.6, February 1994 Copyright Steven R. Cranmer, 1994 (cranmer@bartol.udel.edu) The author grants the right to copy and distribute this file, provided it remains unmodified and original authorship and copyright is retained. The author retains both the right and intention to modify and extend this document. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) 1. What is the Golden Dawn? 2. Is the Golden Dawn a religion? 3. Is the hierarchy of grades merely a ruse to empower the "enlightened?" 4. Are Golden Dawn Temples still active? How can I become a member? 5. How is the Golden Dawn connected with the Rosicrucians? 6. Who was Israel Regardie? 7. What connection did Aleister Crowley have with the Golden Dawn? II. A Brief History of the Golden Dawn III. List of Active Golden Dawn Temples and Related Organizations IV. Useful References +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I. Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 1. What is the Golden Dawn?` To quote its "history lecture," (from Regardie's _Golden_Dawn_), "The Order of the G.D. [Golden Dawn] is an Hermetic Society whose members are taught the principles of Occult Science and the Magic of Hermes." Started in London in 1887 by three British Freemasons, Dr. William Robert Woodman (Magna Est Veritas Et Praevalehit), Dr. William Wynn Westcott (Sapere Aude), and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers ('S Rioghail Mo Dhream), the first Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Isis-Urania, began to admit Fratres and Sorores in 1888. For the next two decades, they generated a body of occult knowledge unparalleled to this day. Traditions as seemingly different as Chaos Magick and Gardnerian Wicca have roots in the Golden Dawn, and it has influenced scholars (e.g. A.E. Waite) and poets (e.g. W.B. Yeats) alike. The Golden Dawn "system of magic" is designed to educate the student of the esoteric in both practical matters of ritual and divination, and in abstract metaphysical ideas. The focus of the Golden Dawn material is primarily Western -- i.e. Judeo-Christian, Greek, and Egyptian -- but some Eastern ideas have crept in over the years. It is a "hierarchical" system, in that certain information is reserved for students who have passed beyond a certain point in their occult education. The system of grades is as follows (along with their elemental, planetary, and Kabbalistic correspondences), with the student beginning at the top: NAME ELEMENT PLANET SEPHIRA 0=0 Neophyte --- --- --- 1=10 Zelator Earth --- Malkuth, Kingdom 2=9 Theoricus Air Moon Yesod, Foundation 3=8 Practicus Water Mercury Hod, Splendour 4=7 Philosophus Fire Venus Netzach, Victory 5=6 Adeptus Minor Spirit Sun Tiphareth, Beauty 6=5 Adeptus Major --- Mars Gevurah, Might 7=4 Adeptus Exemptus --- Jupiter Chesed, Mercy 8=3 Magister Templi --- Saturn Binah, Understanding 9=2 Magus --- --- Chokmah, Wisdom 10=1 Ipissimus --- --- Kether, Crown The grades of Neophyte through Philosophus comprise the First, or Outer Order. A grade called the "Portal" comes between 4=7 and 5=6, and this contains some very powerful symbolism on the transition between the Outer and Inner Mysteries. The three Adept grades comprise the Second, or Inner Order (Roseae Rubae et Aureae Crucis), and are only open to those who pass rigorous examinations, and are chosen on other qualifications. The final three grades (the "Supernals") comprise the Third, or Hidden Order of Masters. There is considerable disagreement among Order sources as to whether living human beings can attain these final mystical grades (not unlike the Bodhisattvas of Buddhism?). Please note that the above is just a brief summary, and that many details have been omitted for the sake of clarity. For more information, see just about any of the books listed in the Reference section (IV), or email me at the address listed at the beginning of this FAQ. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 2. Is the Golden Dawn a religion? Definitely not. Although religious and metaphysical concepts are the focus of much Order work, "there is nothing contrary to your civil, moral, or religious duties" (to quote the Neophyte initiation ceremony) in any oaths or Order matters. But an overall notion of religious tolerance pervades the Golden Dawn, for one is also reminded (in the same ceremony), to "Remember that you hold all Religions in reverence, for there is none but contains a Ray from the Ineffable Light that you are seeking." For those who would decry all things "occult" as Satanic and/or pagan, know that the higher degrees of the Golden Dawn seem to grow more and more Christian in character as one climbs the hierarchy of grades. The influence of the Rosicrucians, a mystical/mythical Christian organization dating from the 17th Century, is strong indeed (see Question 5). For those who shy away from the often-overbearing aegis of Christendom, don't despair, as there is enough symbolism present in Order rituals and teachings to satisfy nearly any taste. Jewish Kabbalah, Islam, the Egyptian and Greek Mysteries, and even the Celtic mythos, have all been integrated into Golden Dawn work at one time or another. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 3. Is the hierarchy of grades merely a ruse to empower the "enlightened?" Well, even Magical Orders are made up of human beings, and some inevitably take advantage of the "faithful." This can come in many guises: expensive dues for a trickle of information, out-and-out lies about magical powers or ancient sources, forced therapy before advancement, uncomfortable initiations, or expulsion if one holds a differing viewpoint. As always, place your _caveat_ firmly in your _emptor_ before taking any action. However, the concept of the hierarchy of grades has its definite merits. First of all, consider the parallels with education in general. One must first learn ones' alphabet before learning to read; and learn to read before understanding _Tom_Sawyer_, let alone _Finnegan's_Wake_. Also, training in magic necessarily involves an exploration of different modes and areas of ones' own consciousness, the experiencing of which can very well be jolting, frightening, or life-threatening. Some aspects of the psyche are best left unexplored until one develops the tools and stamina necessary for the journey. The issue of secrecy is an F.A.I. (Frequently Argued Issue) on alt.magick, and for the most part, most of the Golden Dawn "secrets" have already been (or are in the process of being) published. However, it still comes up often enough to address a few points. Why keep certain things secret, you may ask? Well... (a) It is worth it NOT to have everything handed to you all at once. Whether it is working out physics problems, or reading an Agatha Christie mystery novel, skipping to the end for the "answers" takes something away from the experience. (b) One must differentiate between information and knowledge. There is a huge difference between the basic facts of a craft (which can be and are set down in books) and the actual skills that people develop from accumulated experience (which usually cannot even be expressed in concise words, let alone written down). I think we would all agree, to use Colin Low's analogy, that a "Do It Yourself Brain Surgery" book would be a bad idea. The knowledge isn't really a *secret*, but it's certainly not available for everyone's use, either. (c) Finally, there is the simple fact that there are narrow-minded people out there who would seek to persecute those "Satan-worshiping Golden Dawners!" if they happened upon, and misunderstood, some tidbit of information taken out of context. All things considered, however, secrecy is something which should certainly be left up to each individual. To quote alt.magick's resident terminator, Tyagi Nagasiva (Tyagi@HouseOfKaos.Abyss.COM), "There are very many good reasons for secrecy, and very few for requiring it." +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 4. Are Golden Dawn Temples still active? How can I become a member? Yes, there are Temples still thriving, from the U.S.A. to New Zealand. See Part III, List of Active Golden Dawn Temples and Related Organizations, below. Becoming a member of a magical order, however, is something that should not be taken lightly. I wish I could reprint Donald Michael Kraig's article "So you want to join a Magical Order..." from _The_Llewellyn_New_Times_ (May-June 1992, no. 923), which lays out many of the pros and cons. A few things to note, however: (a) Don't count on having "secrets" revealed to you. Ninety-nine percent of them are already published, somewhere. (b) The symbols and metaphors used by a particular group or tradition may not "work" for you. Don't confuse the map with the territory. (c) Listen to your common sense! If something doesn't feel right to you, by all means don't do it. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 5. How is the Golden Dawn connected with the Rosicrucians? The Order itself claims a descent (in spirit if not a direct lineage) with the Rosicrucians, a mystic Christian organization that may, or may not have "existed" in the strictest sense of the word. A short history of Rosicrucianism in in order. In about year 1610, an anonymous document entitled "Fama Fraternitatis of the Meritorious Order of the Rosy Cross" was distributed among German occultists, and was printed at Cassel in 1614. It describes the founding of a secret order of enlightened learning in the Hermetic and Christian mysteries. The (mythical) life story of the founder, C.R.C. (Christian Rosenkreutz) is related, as well as the discovery of his wondrous tomb centuries later. A second manifesto, "Confessio Fraternitatis" (1615), describes the Rosicrucian Order in more detail, and firmly takes sides against the Papacy. A third document, "The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz," is an interesting alchemical fantasy, probably written by Lutheran pastor Johann Valentine Andreae in his impetuous youth, but with little to do with the previous documents. The publication of these documents met an eager public, and many pub- lished their scholarly and religious "credentials" hoping to get noticed and chosen for membership. After about twenty years, however, this fervor seemingly died down. It wasn't until the late 1600's and early 1700's that hints of Rosicrucianism began to reappear, and the Rosicru- cian egregore seemed to find a home in Freemasonry. From England to Russia, Masonic/Rosicrucian groups flourished in the late 1700's, and the most well-known were the Gold- und Rosen-kreutzers in Germany. Again, however, this activity seemed to fade into the background until the late 1800's, with the popular revival of esotericism and the occult in England. The Masonic _Societas_Rosicruciana_ described below (Part II) was the immediate precursor of the Golden Dawn, but no known direct connection is known with the original 17th Century Rosicrucians. In the 20th Century, there has been a virtual explosion of groups claiming the Rosicrucian mantle, and it is quite wisely that the Adeptus Minor of the G.D. is warned to be wary of "strangers" claiming to be members of the Rosicrucian Order. Of particular note is the San Jose, California based group A.M.O.R.C. (Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosy Cross?), which, despite their claims of ancient lineage, were a relatively recent devel- opment. Also, despite a very nice museum and bookstore, they seem to have little else to offer that cannot be found elsewhere. This author agrees with Paul Foster Case's assessment that the "True and Invisible" Rosicrucian Order is a state of mind, not an actual organized society. Thus, any historical "links" between Rosicrucianism and the Golden Dawn seem to be much less important than the fact that many members of the G.D. have been and are in touch with the "soul" or egregore of the Rosy Cross. Ex Deo nascimur, in Jesu morimur, per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 6. Who was Israel Regardie? Dr. Francis Israel Regardie (1907-1985, Ad Maiorem Adonai Gloriam) was a relative latecomer in the Golden Dawn, joining Felkin's Hermes Temple of the Stella Matutina in the 1930's. He is most infamously known for pub- lishing _The_Golden_Dawn_ in the 1940's, thereby breaking his oath of secrecy. Every Order ritual, from 0=0 to 5=6, was included, along with many of the original "knowledge lectures" and "flying rolls" written by Mathers and Westcott. Although initially spurned by his G.D. peers, Regardie has lately been seemingly vindicated. The publishing of the Order material in a relatively complete form has certainly kept the Golden Dawn egregore from being lost to the mists of time. Many of the modern G.D. Orders claim an "apostolic succession" through Regardie, so it seems he has been sufficiently forgiven. During the last few years of his life, he "authorized" a few different groups to carry on his work, but it seems that some of these groups have taken to claiming "bigger pieces of the pie" when it comes to authority and lineage. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 7. What connection did Aleister Crowley have with the Golden Dawn? Edward Alexander (Aleister) Crowley (1875-1947) joined the Isis-Urania Temple of the G.D. in November of 1898, and quickly advanced to the grade of Adeptus Minor by January of 1900. Crowley grew distasteful of the pretentious dealings between many of the members, and of the fact that many were initiated for no other reason than their "worldly prosperity." I quote from his "history lection" (with the line numbers removed for readability) from Liber LXI vel Causae A.'.A.'. : "In 1900 one P., a brother, [Crowley, "Perdurabo"] instituted a rigorous test of S.R.M.D. [Mathers] on the one side and the Order on the other. He discovered that S.R.M.D., though a scholar of some ability and a magician of remarkable powers, had never attained complete initiation: and further had fallen from his original place, he having imprudently attracted to himself forces of evil too great and terrible for him to withstand. The claim of the Order that the true adepts were in charge of it was definitely disproved. In the Order, with two certain exceptions and two doubtful ones, he found no persons prepared for initiation of any sort. He thereupon by his subtle wisdom destroyed both the Order and its chief." While the last statements certainly aren't true (both the G.D. and Mathers long surviving Crowley's defection), it certainly sheds light on the "birth" of the Golden Dawn's first "messiah," as Ellic Howe terms Crowley. Crowley's subsequent magical work, too lengthy to describe completely here, was a unique and singular accomplishment. His reception of _Liber_ _AL_vel_Legis_ in Cairo in 1904 marked the beginning of a "new aeon" of the world, and of the religion/philosophy of Thelema. The details of ritual and magical doctrine that Crowley continued to propagate, however, were intimately connected with his beginnings in the Golden Dawn. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ II. A Brief History of the Golden Dawn +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The history of the Golden Dawn seemingly begins in 1881, when S. L. M. Mathers met Dr.'s W. Westcott and W. Woodman, and entered the _Societas_ _Rosicruciana_in_Anglia_, a scholarly group devoted to studying Rosicrucian and Hermetic topics, open to Master Masons only. Westcott took young Mathers under his wing, and Mathers quickly advanced to the top of that organization. The next key development was in 1887 with the "discovery" of the famous Cypher Manuscripts. Whether found in a Masonic library, bought from a used bookshop, or fabricated whole-cloth by Westcott, these documents contained summaries of the first five G.D. initiation rituals (0=0 to 4=7). They were written in a simple, well-known alphabetic code based on the _Polygraphiae_ of Johann Trithemius, and transcriptions have been published in Zalewski's _Secret_Inner_Order_Rituals_of_the_G.D._. Mathers took to them with a passion, and fleshed them out into full-blown rituals of ceremonial magick. Written on the manuscripts was the address of a certain Fraulein Sprengel (Sapiens Dominabitur Astris) in Germany, but many believe that Fraulein Sprengel was invented by Westcott to provide a sense of continental authority and legitimacy to this material. It was a year later that Mathers, Westcott, and Woodman inaugurated the first British Golden Dawn Temple, Isis-Urania, and began to admit men and women as Neophytes. In 1890, Mathers married Mina ("Moina") Bergson, sister of artist and writer Henri Bergson, and in 1892 they moved to Paris. The Ahathoor Temple was established, and it was not too long after that they clairvoyantly "brought forth" the Second Order (5=6 to 7=4) rituals and teachings. The following list of original G.D. Temples comes from Ithell Colquhoun's biography of Mathers, _Sword_of_Wisdom_, and seems to be relatively complete. Any additional information, of course, would be greatly appreciated: ORIGINAL GOLDEN DAWN TEMPLES 1. Licht, Liebe, und Leben, c1870 (Nuremburg: Fraulein Sprengel) [FICTIONAL?] 2. Hermanoubis, 1889 . . . . . . . . . . . (Liege: Dr. Thyssen?) [FICTIONAL?] 3. Isis-Urania, Mar. 20, 1888 . . . . . (London: Westcott, Woodman, Mathers) 4. Osiris, Oct. 8, 1888. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Weston-super-Mare: B. Cox) 5. Horus, Oct. 10, 1888. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Bradford: T.H. Pattinson) 6. Amen-Ra, Apr. 14, 1893. . . . . . . . . . . (Edinburgh: J.W. Brodie-Innes) 7. Ahathoor, Dec. 3, 1893. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Paris: S.L.M. Mathers) 8. Ihme, c1895 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Boston?) 9. Themis, c1895 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Philadelphia?) 10. Thoth-Hermes, c1895 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Chicago: Mrs. Lockwood) 11. Isis [Alpha et Omega 1], 1900 . . . . . . . . . (W. London: E.W. Berridge) In 1900, a schism rocked the Order. Ms. Annie Hornimann, a member of the Isis-Urania Second Order, led a "revolt" against Mathers, and there was a bit of litigation concerning the ownership of the temple furniture and other magical trappings. Also, many remaining G.D. members were duped by a Mr. and Mrs. "Theo Horos," American confidence tricksters, and lost a great deal of money and property. The Horos couple were convicted of fraud and the rape of minors in 1901, but the G.D. was dragged through the mud of ignorant publicity, and was never again the same. Finally, in 1903, Aleister Crowley, who previously seemed the "magical heir apparent" to Mathers, defected to form his own organizations. In 1909, Crowley published G.D. rituals and doctrine in his _Equinox_, but its limited readership precluded the kind of impact that Regardie's subsequent publishing efforts produced. With the "golden age" of the G.D. over, its members went their myriad ways. The Golden Dawn work, however, has been continued by many groups. Most noticeably, there was the _Stella_Matutina_, and its varied offshoots, inaugurated by Dr. Robert William Felkin (Finem Respisce), and continued in an unbroken line until as late as the 1970's. Also noteworthy is the contribution of Violet Firth (Dion Fortune), who formed the Fraternity (later, Society) of the Inner Light, which functioned for many decades as an alternative, but closely-related, group. What follows is a far- from-complete listing of these succeeding organizations, also culled Colquhoun's _Sword_of_Wisdom_: SELECTED POST-SCHISM OFFSHOOTS, VARIANTS, AND SYNCRETISMS Stella Matutina (S.M.) [Amoun], c1900. . . . . . . . . .(London: R.W. Felkin) Order of Light, 1902 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Bradford: T.H. Pattinson) Holy Order of the G.D., 1903 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (London: A.E. Waite) A.'.A.'. (Argenteum Astrum), c1907 . . . . . . . . . . . (London: A. Crowley) Zos Kia Cultus, c1910. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (London: A.O. Spare) Smaragdum Thalasses/Whare Ra (S.M.), 1912. . . . . (New Zealand: R.W. Felkin) Ordo Templi Orientis [orig. c1895], 1912 . . . . . . . . (London: A. Crowley) Alpha et Omega 2 (Northern), 1913. . .(Edinburgh & London: J.W. Brodie-Innes) Cromlech [Solar Order], 1913 . . . . .(Edinburgh & London: J.W. Brodie-Innes) Hermes (S.M.), c1916 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Bristol: R.W. Felkin) Alpha et Omega 3 (Southern), 1919. . . . . . . . . . . (London: M.M. Mathers) School of Ageless Wisdom, c1920. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(U.S.A.: P.F. Case) Fraternity/Society of Inner Light, 1922. . . . . . . . (London: Dion Fortune) Order of the Morning Star, c1945 . . . . . . . . . . . (London: M. Montalban) Builders of the Adytum, 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . .(Los Angeles: Ann Davies) Gardnerian Wicca, c1952. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (London: G.B. Gardner) Church of Satan, 1966. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(San Francisco: A. LaVey) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ III. List of Active Golden Dawn Temples and Related Organizations +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Notes: (a) I am not in any way affiliated with any of these organizations. This information comes from advertisements in various esoteric publications and personal correspondence. Many of these organizations charge a great deal of money for their teachings, and I am in no way condoning that practice. I'm just providing the information. (b) I am greatly indebted to the following individuals for providing a great deal of useful information about many of the G.D. Orders listed below. Much of the detail in the listings (and elsewhere in this FAQ) is attributable to their diligent detective work. * Christopher Ward (cward@psylocke.ipc.amex-trs.COM) * Richard Newsome (newsome@panix.COM) * Baird Stafford (bstafford@bstafford.ess.harris.COM) * Richard Leo Stokes (rs8256@ehsn10.cen.uiuc.edu) * Naia Kirkpatrick (naia@lerc.nasa.gov) (c) If anyone has any additional information, or spots any errors in the following, please let me know, so we can make this list as complete as possible. I will start this list with a classified advertisement from the Winter 1991 issue of _Gnosis_ magazine, which parallels my own opinions: "The Golden Dawn is not a commercial enterprise. Initiation is not for sale. There are Temples that hold valid initiatory succession from the original Mother Temple in London which are quietly doing the Great Work. The Order exists. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Anyway, the following list is in pseudo-alphabetic order.................