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              A BBS for text file junkies
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From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Date: 11 Mar 93 21:50:07 GMT
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] Welcome to the roleplaying discussion groups!

Archive-name: games/roleplay/part1
Last-modified: 3/10/93

Many FAQs, including this one, are available on the archive site 
rtfm.mit.edu in the directory pub/usenet/news.answers.  The name
under which a FAQ is archived appears in the Archive-name 
line at the top of the article.  

                Welcome to the rec.games.frp newsgroups

Please send suggested corrections and additions to the following

This is the first of a set of semi-monthly posts, all of which are
posted to rec.games.frp.announce.

1        Welcome to the rec.games.frp newsgroups!
2        Frequently asked questions, part 1
2a       Frequently asked questions, part 2
3        Archive sites with Roleplaying material
4        Roleplaying Mailing Lists and Digests part 1/2
5        Roleplaying Mailing Lists and Digests part 2/2
6        BBS's of interest to Roleplaying gamers
7        Roleplaying Net.*.books, Gaming FAQ Keepers
8***     Armor, armament, and bows in Medieval Times


The Charter for this newsgroup is in the following article, with
the answers to frequently asked questions.

This article collects important information which will help you use this
newsgroup. If you're new to the rec.games.frp newsgroups, please take a
few minutes to read the rest of this posting and the associated
administrivia postings. If you are also new to netnews, please read
through the net etiquette postings in news.announce.newusers, including
"Introduction to news.announce," "What is Usenet?", "Rules for posting
to Usenet", "A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community", "Hints
on writing style for Usenet", "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions",
and "Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette". Some of these
postings may be found most easily in news.answers,rec.answers.

Other postings that you should be familiar with, though you don't have
to read them all the way through at first, include: "How to Get
Information about Networks"; "List of Active Newsgroups"; "Publicly
Accessible Mailing Lists, Parts I, II, & III"; "List of Periodic
Informational Postings"; "Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies, Parts I &
II"; and "A Guide to Social Newsgroups and Mailing Lists".

Finally, here are some regular postings that new users probably don't
need to read unless they want to build newsreading software, create a
newsgroup, or get more involved with the network than most users seem
to: "USENET Software: History and Sources"; "How to Create a New
Newsgroup"; "Regional Newsgroup Hierarchies, Part I,II,III"; "List of
Moderators"; "How to Create a New Trial Newsgroup"; "Checkgroups
message (with INET groups)"; and "How to Construct the Mailpaths


These groups are *not* intended for the discussion of wargames and other
board games, except as directly related to role-playing games; try
rec.games.board instead. Nor is this the proper group for discussing
computer games. Computer game discussions and spoiler requests for
Adventure-type games (such as Zork and Ultima) belong in
rec.games.video, rec.games.misc, rec.games.int-fiction, rec.games.mud,
rec.games.moria, or the relevant computer-related newsgroup (e.g.,

primarily tabletop or board games, i.e. BattleTech and WarHammer 40k, are
welcome here, postings of a tactical or "wargaming" nature should be posted
to rec.games.board* 


The following suggestions are intended to SUPPLEMENT the general
guidelines for posting to the net. You should already be familiar with
the guidelines contained in "Rules for posting to Usenet", "A Primer on
How to Work With the Usenet Community", and "Hints on writing style for
Usenet", which can be found in the newsgroup news.announce.newusers.

The most relevant parts of these postings, or rather the parts of these
postings most often ignored on these newsgroups, are: Don't post anything
that is intended for only one other person, send flames and arguments
through E-mail; Read threads through to the end before adding to them,
often other people make your point first (M or m is a very useful
keystroke in rn); Don't post "yeah, me too" articles; Don't quote
excessively, especially don't quote the entirety of another person's
posting and then add two lines at the bottom, if someone wants to read
the entire first posting they can go back and read it for themselves.

When posting messages to a large newsgroup there are several things you
can do to help readers cope with the volume. First and foremost is to
use the right newsgroup, and avoid cross-posting. If your posting is an
original piece of work which can stand on its own without comments by
other people, such as a story or poem based on a roleplaying game, a
scenario, campaign background, or the like, then post it to
rec.games.frp.archives, the newsgroup for "keepers." If your posting is
an announcement about a new roleplaying product, a roleplaying
convention, a pbem, and so on, post it to rec.games.frp.announce. If
your posting concerns official rules or official game backgrounds for
D&D, AD&D1, AD&D2, or BD&D, then post it to rec.games.frp.dnd. If you
are posting to buy or sell roleplaying materials, post to
rec.games.frp.marketplace. If your posting is intended to convince
people that one roleplaying game is better than some or all other
roleplaying games, or other inflammatory opinions, then post it to
rec.games.frp.advocacy. Finally, if your post doesn't fit into any of
the above niches, as is the case with a large plurality of postings,
then send it to rec.games.frp.misc.

Rec.games.frp is a defunct newsgroup, please post new threads on other
newsgroups instead.

Second, no matter what newsgroup you post to, please use descriptive
titles. Whenever you post an article which is specific to a particular
game system, please include the name of the system in the Subject of
your post. Subjects like: "Combat initiative in AD&D" or "Champions
Character: Nightstorm" are much more informative than "Combat" or
"Character: Nightstorm".

If you're posting a story, you are urged to include the word STORY in
the subject, and to use a consistent title for your work. If you post
an article related to Tabolport Net City project, please include the
word TABOLPORT in the subject so that the appropriate persons will see

Here is a short list of keywords which you may want to include in
the subject lines of your postings to rec.games.frp.*

META:     for meta-discussion about the newsgroup, like this thread
LARP:     Discussion of "Live Action Role Playing"
PBEM:     announcement concerning a play by e-mail roleplaying campaign
FORSALE:  games for sale announcements
WANTED:   games wanted announcements
CON:      convention announcements and discussion
STORY:    stories
FLUFF:    non-story, non-game, anecdotes, like the bard songs, silly
          knight names, and other basically humorous offerings.

When offering character classes, skill lists, magic spells, monsters,
character sheets, and the like, the name of the game system (or its
abbreviation) is appropriate for the subject line.

I (early in my Net.career) solicited the net for suggestions, yielding an
extremely comprehensive list of games and likely abbreviations for them,
of which I have extracted the following. If you must abbreviate the name
of the game, try to choose an abbreviation from this list.

Abbreviation    System Name

AD&D            Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, either edition
AD&D1           Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, First Edition
AD&D2           Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Second Edition
Ars             Ars Magica
Btech,btek      Battletech
C&S             Chivalry and Sorcery
CHAMPS          Champions
CoC             Call of Cthulu
CP2020          Cyberpunk or Cyberpunk 2020
D&D             Dungeons and Dragons
FH              Fantasy Hero
GBI             Ghostbusters International
HERO            The Hero System (Champions, Fantasy Hero, Star Hero, etc)
MEK2            Mekton 2
MERP            Middle Earth Role Playing
MSH             Marvel Super Heroes
Mtrav           MegaTraveller
PAL             Palladium
RM              Rolemaster
RQ              RuneQuest
SFB             Star Fleet Battles
SRUN,SR         Shadowrun
TFOS            Teenagers from Outer Space
TMNT            Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other Strangeness
TRAV            Traveller
TREK            Star Trek, the Role Playing Game
T2000           Twilight 2000
V&V             Villains and Vigilantes
WFRP            WarHammer Fantasy Role Playing


As always, be sure to choose the proper distribution for your
articles. Most discussion deserves "world" distribution, but posters
of convention announcements might want to consider regional or even
local distribution. Posters seeking gaming groups to join should
limit the distribution to the area they're willing to travel.  Postings of
the latter two are urged to utilize rec.games.frp.announce, geographic 
distribution is limited by that groups Moderator.


Some topics have a way of turning into enormous arguments which
feed on themselves and take over the newsgroup for long periods of

Probably the most frequent arguments come from comparison and criticism
of different game systems. That's why they have their own newsgroup,
rec.games.frp.advocacy. While discussion along these lines can be
productive, flames and put-downs are not. Try to remember that people
who play a particular system probably like that system; if a friendly
recommendation won't get them to switch to something different, personal
attacks and insults certainly won't work. At the same time, people
should remember that criticism of their favorite game doesn't constitute
an attack on themselves.

Several truisms invariably come up during arguments about game systems:

1. "The game system doesn't matter as long as you've got a good GM."
2. "Preference of one system over another is largely a matter of taste."
3. "The reason for playing these games is to have *fun*, and whatever
    game you enjoy is the one that's right for you."

Few would disagree with the above statements--but if you post, don't
just repeat the obvious. Granted that you like one game better than
another, try to explain *why*. Other people may not agree with your
preference, but at least they'll be able to learn something about the
games you're discussing.

A second occasional point of dispute concerns whether Society for
Creative Anachronism dueling provides valid data for the purpose of
reality-checking combat systems. The prospect of a bunch of people who
play games with pencil and paper arguing over the realism of SCA
tourneys is ironic, to say the least. All that can be hoped for is that
participants in any such discussion will follow the rules of courtesy
established by the Society. (In-depth discussion of SCA-related issues
should be directed to rec.org.sca.)

From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Date: 11 Mar 93 21:57:30 GMT
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] Frequently asked questions Part 1

Archive-name: games/roleplay/part2
Last-Modified: 3/10/93

the GURPS FAQ on .misc.


This posting contains some of the most common questions that get posted
in the roleplaying discussion groups, at least those which have stock
answers and which aren't answered by the regular postings on

Questions Answered:

 1:  What are the rec.games.frp.* newsgroups for? What are their charters?
 2:  How do I get hold of a copy of the Net.<whatever>.Book?
 3:  What is the address for the <whatever> mailing list?
 4:  How do I access the <whoever> Games BBS?
 5:  Are there any clubs for roleplayers besides the one run by TSR, Inc?
 6:  Does anybody know what E. Gary Gygax is doing these days?
 7:  Does anybody know what Steve Perrin/Luise Perenne/Chaosium are doing
     these days?
 8:  What is Fluff?
 9:  What is this rec.games.rpg newsgroup I keep seeing mentioned?
10:  What's a Cthulhu?
11:  I want to sell some of my old game stuff. How should I go about it?
12:  What is Munchkinism? What does the Wizard of Oz have to do with
     roleplaying games?
13:  I've run out of adventure ideas for my game. Does anybody have ideas
     for new plots?
14:  What game magazines are out there?
15:  I've heard of the Arduin Grimoire but am unable to find it. Where is
16:  What is MONTY HAUL?*
17:  I want a group dedicated to my favorite game, how do I do it?*
18:  What's the Facts on ICE and bankruptcy? *
19:  What is FUDGE?  Where Do I get it? *

1: What are the rec.games.frp.* newsgroups for? What are their charters?

NAME:      rec.games.frp.advocacy
CHARTER:   Frequently discussion on rec.games.frp amounts to vigorously
           overstated disagreement about the quality or lack thereof of
           a particular game system or game company. This unmoderated
           discussion newsgroup will give readers of the rec.games.frp
           hierarchy an outlet for such material. This newsgroup would
           be expected to hold such lines of discussion as: Champions
           versus GURPS; AD&Dv1 versus AD&Dv2; AD&D stinks; class
           systems versus skill based systems; game critiques wanted;
           mine are bigger than yours; and so on.

NAME:      rec.games.frp.announce (Moderated)
MODERATOR: Coyt Watters <rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
           backup by Joshua Levy <joshua@veritas.com>
CHARTER:   This group is intended for all announcements relating to
           roleplaying games. This may include, but is not limited to,
           game release announcements, pbem announcements, convention
           announcements, and any other events. Discussion of material
           in this newsgroup should be done in the appropriate
           roleplaying discussion group. Please direct followup lines as

NAME:      rec.games.frp.archives (Moderated)
MODERATOR: Mitch Gold <frp-archives@rpi.edu>
           backup by Steve Mansfield <smm@uunet.uu.net>
CHARTER:   This newsgroup will serve as a temporary archive for postings
           that should be archived on one of the anonymous ftp or
           mail-server sites, and which do not belong in one of the
           other roleplaying newsgroups. Therefore only finished work
           such as net.books, campaign background, convention modules,
           the tabolport project, fiction, poetry, compilations, and so
           on should be posted here. This newsgroup is not for
           discussion purposes, and discussion of anything in this
           newsgroup should take place in the appropriate roleplaying
           discussion group. Please direct followup lines appropriately.

NAME:      rec.games.frp.cyber
CHARTER:   This moderated newsgroup is for the discussion of Cyberpunk 
           specific topics.  This group replaces the moderated group
           rec.games.cyber.  Topics of a General Interest should be 
           directed to rec.games.frp.misc.

NAME:      rec.games.frp.dnd
CHARTER:   This unmoderated discussion newsgroup is for discussion of
           the official rules and settings of the D&D family of
           roleplaying games, produced by TSR, Inc., including
           Collector's Edition Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), Basic D&D,
           Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D), and AD&D Second
           Edition. This proposed newsgroup would include discussion of
           TSR's rules and products and compatible products, such as:
           character classes; character races; monsters; magic spells;
           weapons; Greyhawk; the Forgotten Realms; the Known World;
           Dark Sun; Spelljammer; RavenLoft; Hollow World; City State of
           the Invincible Overlord; and so on. Crossposting between this
           group and other groups in the rec.games.frp hierarchy is
           discouraged, however issues of general interest that happen
           to involve a D&D rulebook or setting are more than welcome.

NAME:      rec.games.frp.marketplace
CHARTER:   This unmoderated newsgroup is intended to hold For Sale and
           Wanted postings for roleplaying game materials.

NAME:      rec.games.frp.misc
CHARTER:   This is a discussion group for all aspects of roleplaying
           games which are not subsumed within another rec.games.frp.*
           newsgroup. It fully replaces rec.games.frp within the
           roleplaying newsgroup hierarchy. The acronym "frp" refers to
           Fantasy Role-Playing, but this does not mean that the scope
           of the group is restricted to pseudo medieval settings where
           magic is common and powerful. The common misuse of the word
           "fantasy" comes from the marketing distinction between the
           literary genres of science fiction and fantasy. Fantasy
           actually means anything that is set in a time or place that
           is **in some essential way** unlike our own.  Science Fiction
           fits this definition of fantasy, as do other genres including
           Horror, Tolkeinesque High Fantasy, and Westerns. Lines of
           discussion in this newsgroup can be expected to include,
           among other topics: roleplaying advice; gamemastering advice;
           reviews of roleplaying products; scenario ideas; rules;
           errata; gaming anecdotes; and many peripherally connected
           subjects. Crossposting between this group and other
           roleplaying discussion groups is to be discouraged.

2: How do I get hold of a copy of the Net.<whatever>.Book?

A:     First off, thanks for reading the administrative articles before
       posting. One of the administrative articles is entitled
       "Net.*.Books" and contains details of how to get at the Net
       Books, suprisingly enough. Please check in there before posting a
       request to rec.games.frp.misc.

3: What is the address for the <whatever> mailing list?

A:     Once again you'll find the answer in another of the
       administrative articles, in this case the two part "FRP Mailing
       Lists and Digests" posting. If the answer isn't in there, go
       ahead and ask the net at large - if you get results, please let
       us know so we can update the postings.

4: How do I access the <whoever> Games BBS?

A:     First off, look in the "BBS's of interest to gamers" posting,
       where a number of games companies' BBS's are listed.

5: Are there any clubs for roleplayers besides the one run by TSR, Inc?

A:     Yes. There are several. The National Association for the
       Advancement of Role Playing (NAARP) is nominally an association
       for the USA only, but accepts members from other countries.
       CARpg, which is associated with the NAARP, is the Committee for
       the Advancement of Roleplaying games, and is a strong pro-gaming
       voice in the fight against BADD and other groups that think that
       roleplaying is evil.  The following is some info for the NAARP.

       The National Association for the Advancement of Role-Playing, Inc
       is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the
       hobby of role-playing.  NAARP provides its members with an annual
       membership directory, so game players can contact each other.
       NAARP publishes a quarterly newsletter featuring information on
       upcoming releases from the industry, and news about conventions.
       NAARP is also dedicated to educating the public about the hobby
       through tournaments and public discussions.

       If you'd like a membership form and more information, send an
       SASE to

             NAARP, Inc
             P.O.Box 2752
             Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2752

       or if you have specific questions E-Mail to

       USENET  chatham!rcarden@duke.cs.duke.edu

       WWIV Net  94@9955

6: Does anybody know what E. Gary Gygax is doing these days?

A:     As of May 17, 1992 EGG has completed a multi-genre fantasy
       roleplaying game for Game Designer's Workshop to be called
       Dangerous Dimensions. June 5: The name was changed to Dangerous
       Journeys, rumors were that TSR had some problems with the "D&D"
       abbreviation. It has been released and is now on the market.

7: Does anybody know what Steve Perrin/Luise Perenne/Chaosium are doing
   these days?

A:     Gossip follows:

       Call of Cthulhu is still their best selling game. Avalon Hill has
       a new editor for RuneQuest, Ken Rolston, who is planning on
       publishing several *quality* supplements in 1992.

       As of summer '91, Chaosium saw a reorg in its management
       structure.  The nomenclature now conforms to present day business
       conventions.  Lynn Willis is now CEO of the company, with Greg
       Stafford stepping back as  President, now working under the title
       of Chief of Design.  Charlie Krank is now manager of marketing
       and sales.

       Yes, the two are man and wife, but still, her name is Perenne.

       Steve Perrin left Chaosium after the failure of SuperWorld to be
       able to work for different companies on a free-lance basis.  He's
       done some stuff for TSR (Such as the Lankhmar products), and you
       may find his name on products from other companies. He's also
       rumored to have done some teevee writing (kidvid), and now to be
       working in the computer game industry.  He may have done work for
       Spectrum Holobyte. He is still involved with gaming (though his
       company contract prohibited him from doing any professional work
       in it) and is part of the con committee for DunDraCon every year.

       Ran into Steve and Luis Perrin at the Oak, Ash, and Thorn concert
       at Freight and Salvage a few weeks ago.  They're old friends of
       my wife from her early SCA days.  If I remember right, Steve said
       he was writing material for a computer games company and Luis was
       doing some sort of commercial art. But I may not have that right
       in detail...

       Well, when I'm in the SF Bay Area, I game with Steve Perrin and
       his "friday night gaming crew".  They mostly play Champions; the
       group is pretty much "all GM's" at this point, so they rotate
       Game Mastering every couple of weeks.  About half the DunDraCon
       committee is in the gaming group, I'd estimate.

       scoops are from:
       henkl@Holland.Sun.COM (Henk Langeveld)
       Wayne.Shaw@f315.n103.z1.fidonet.org (Wayne Shaw)
       Nicolai.Shapero@f524.n102.z1.fidonet.org (Nicolai Shapero)
       Ed Allen  allen@enzyme.berkeley.edu
       Donald Tsang tsang@june.cs.washington.edu

8: What is Fluff?

A:     Fluff is the polite net.word for stories based on roleplaying
       campaigns. Net roleplayers are violently divided on the quality
       and utility of stories on the network. If you post your stories
       to rec.games.frp.misc please put STORY: at the beginning of the
       subject line so that those who hate fluff can avoid it and those
       who love it can find it, and use a consistent title so that those
       who like or dislike your stories can identify them quickly.

9: What is this rec.games.rpg newsgroup I keep seeing mentioned?

A:     rec.games.rpg is a defunct newsgroup that was created (amongst
       some controversy) a few years ago and then promptly deleted from
       most of the news sites in the world. However, some sites still
       carry it. It only propagates to 20% or so of the net.world. If
       you want to discuss roleplaying games but are not interested in
       the "fantasy" genre your best bet is to participate on
       rec.games.frp.misc instead of trying to use rec.games.rpg, which
       reaches only a fraction of the readership of the official groups.

10: What's a Cthulhu?

A:      H.P.Lovecraft wrote a number of scary science fiction stories
        in the early twentieth century. These stories, along with others
        written in conscious imitation of Lovecraft by like minded
        writers, have come to be known as the "Cthulhu Mythos" of
        stories after Cthulhu, who is an awful, terrible being from the
        stars who sleeps in his temple in a sunken island much like
        Atlantis in the seas of the Earth.

11: I want to sell some of my old game stuff. How should I go about it?

A11:    Post to rec.games.frp.marketplace. There are several things that
        you should do if you are selling items through news: (1)
        describe each item you have for sale, including complete,
        accurate name and publication information (2) if you have firm
        prices or minimum bids for items, put them in your posting. (3)
        supply a valid internet return address.

12: What is Munchkinism? What does the Wizard of Oz have to do with
    roleplaying games?

A12:   Munchkinism is similar to "Monty Haul" gaming; however it involves
       playing at incredible power levels purely for the sake of
       watching the terrain get blown away by player characters who
       are unstoppable.  Munchkinism also involves "rules rape," wherein 
       players milk every advantage out of the rules.  Often a munchkin 
       will carry a favorite character from game to game, usually with 
       the maximum allowable ability scores, skill ratings, etc - and 
       enough hardware/magic to destroy the planet four times over.

13: I've run out of adventure ideas for my game. Does anybody have ideas
    for new plots?

A13:   There are only so many times you can use the same plot pattern
       before it grows tiresome. So use different plot patterns.

       This is condensed from Georges Polti's _The 36 Dramatic Plots_.

       Each short plot description starts with the title of the plot
       pattern. After a hyphen the main characters to be found in the
       plot are given, separated by commas.

       Supplication - Persecutor, Suppliant, a Power in Authority
       Deliverance - Unfortunates, Threatener, Rescuer
       Revenge - Avenger, Criminal
       Vengeance by Family upon Family - Avenging Kinsman, Guilty
          Kinsman, Relative
       Pursuit - Fugitive from Punishment, Pursuer
       Victim of Cruelty or Misfortune - Unfortunates, Master or Unlucky
       Disaster - Vanquished Power, Victorious Power or Messenger
       Revolt - Tyrant, Conspirator(s)
       Daring Enterprise - Bold Leader, Goal, Adversary
       Abduction - Abductor, Abducted, Guardian
       Enigma  - Interrogator, Seeker, Problem
       Obtaining - Two or more Opposing Parties, Object, maybe an
       Familial Hatred - Two Family Members who hate each other
       Familial Rivalry - Preferred Kinsman, Rejected Kinsman, Object
       Murderous Adultery - Two Adulterers, the Betrayed
       Madness - Madman, Victim
       Fatal Imprudence - Imprudent person, Victim or lost object
       Involuntary Crimes of Love - Lover, Beloved, Revealer
       Kinsman Kills Unrecognized Kinsman - Killer, Unrecognized Victim,
       Self Sacrifice for an Ideal - Hero, Ideal, Person or Thing
       Self Sacrifice for Kindred - Hero, Kinsman, Person or Thing
       All Sacrificed for Passion - Lover, Object of Passion, Person or
          Thing Sacrificed
       Sacrifice of Loved Ones - Hero, Beloved Victim, Need for
       Rivalry Between Superior and Inferior - Superior, Inferior,
       Adultery - Deceived Spouse, Two Adulterers
       Crimes of Love - Lover, Beloved, theme of Dissolution
       Discovery of Dishonor of a Loved One - Discoverer, Guilty One
       Obstacles to Love - Two Lovers, Obstacle
       An Enemy Loved - Beloved Enemy, Lover, Hater
       Ambition - An Ambitious Person, Coveted Thing, Adversary
       Conflict with a God - Mortal, Immortal
       Mistaken Jealousy - Jealous One, Object of Jealousy, Supposed
          Accomplice, Author of Mistake
       Faulty Judgement - Mistaken One, Victim of Mistake, Author of
          Mistake, Guilty Person
       Remorse - Culprit, Victim, Interrogator
       Recovery of a Lost One - Seeker, One Found
       Loss of Loved Ones - Kinsman Slain, Kinsman Witness, Executioner

14: What game magazines are out there?

A14:   Here is a limited list. I know there are more, but these are all
       available at the addresses given.

          White Wolf Magazine
          4153 Indian Manor Drive
          Stone Mountain, GA 30083
          Bi-monthly, $25/yr US, $40/yr Canada, $52/yr Overseas
          404/292-1819; FAX: 404/292-9426

          Alarums and Excursions
          Attn: Lee Gold
          2965 Alla Road
          Los Angeles, CA 90066
          Monthly, Postage + $1.50 per issue

          Polyhedron Newszine
          RPGA Network Headquarters
          POB 515
          Lake Geneva, WI 53147

          Silver Griffin
          Attn: Devlin Janax
          POB 1751
          Saint Paul, MN 55101

          The Gamer
          127 N. Madison St, Suite 202
          Pasadena, CA 91101
          Bi-monthly, $15/yr; $25/yr Canada or Mexico; $40/yr elsewhere

          Dragon (US)
          POB 756
          Lake Geneva, WI 53147
          Monthly, $30/yr; $50/yr anywhere other than US, Canada, or Europe
          Ph: 414/248-3625; Fax: 414/248-0389

          Dragon (Europe)
          120 Church End, Cherry Hinton,
          Cambridge CB1 3LB, United Kingdom
          Monthly, 16 pounds/yr UK, 24 pounds/yr Non-UK Europe
          Ph: (0223) 212517

          The Unspeakable Oath
          Pagan Publishing
          1409 Wilson Ave.
          Columbia, MO 65201
          Quarterly, $4 per issue
          Inet: C521832@umcvmb.missouri.edu

          Tales of the Reaching Moon: THE RuneQuest(tm) Magazine/Fanzine
          Quarterly, price varies by country
          UK: David Hall, 21 Stephenson Court, Osborne St, Slough,
            Berkshire, SL1 1TN, #1.75 per issue, or #5 for three
          Au: Michael O'Brien, 2/33 Carween Ave., Mitcham 3132, Victoria
            $5 (AU) per issue
          US & Canada: David Gadbois, PO Box 49475, Austin, TX 78765, USA,
            gadbois@cs.utexas.edu, $3 (US) per issue
          Germany: Dr. Lutz Reimers-Rawcliffe, Theodor-Heuss-Ring 1,
            D-5000 Koln 1
          Norway: Lars-Roger Moe, Hans Hagerupsgt. 1, 7012, Trondheim
          Sweden: Jussi Hyvonen, Henniksdalsringen 65, S-131 32, Nacka
          Finland: Lauri Tudeer, Fantasiapelit Tudeer Oy, Laulurastaantie 1,
            01450 Vantaa

          Vortext Publishing
          5506 Beaudry St #C
          EmeryVille CA 94608 USA
          Quarterly, US$2.75 per issue, $10 subs. ( 4 issues )

          Ragnarok Enterprises
          POB 140333,
          Austin TX 78714 USA
          Quarterly(?), US$2 per iss, $10/6, $18/12, $25/18 iss
          Ph: 1-(512)-472-6535

          Dungeon Adventures
          TSR, Inc.
          POB 5695
          Boston MA 02206
          Bimonthly, US$3.75 per iss, $18/yr subs

          R. Talsorian Games
          P.O.Box 7356
          Berkeley, CA  94707
          One year subscription is $16 USA in USA and Canada, $26 elsewhere.

          The Eternal Soldier Newsletter
          Tom Harris
          1837 Paddington
          Naperville, IL  60563
          Internet: zonker@ihlpf.att.com
          The Eternal Soldier Newsletter is a Twilight 2000 /Merc 2000 based
          amateur newsletter published with the help of GDW.  The editor Tom
          Harris has a net address and will accept submissions for publication
          via e-mail Articles regarding Dark Conspiracy and Cadillacs and
          Dinosaurs will be accepted as well.  S-mail address is 1837
          Paddington, Naperville, IL 60563.

          Space Gamer
          P.O. Box 11424
          Burbank, CA 91510-1424
          (818) 845-4201

15: I've heard of the Arduin Grimoire but am unable to find it. Where is it?

A15:    When Dave Hargrave passed away the rights to the Arduin line
        were split between two companies.  The two companies' addresses
        are as follows:

          Dragon Tree Press
          118 Sayles Blvd
          Abilene, TX 79605

        Has rights to Arduin Grimoires IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII (or 5-8)

          Grimoire Games
          POB 4363
          Berkeley, CA 94704

        Has rights to the original Arduin Trilogy, and the Arduin
        Adventure, which turns Arduin from a D&D supplement (WHICH IT
        REALLY IS, down to reproducing the typos in the original D&D
        monster listings) to a free-standing game.

16:     What (or who) is Monty Haul?
A16:    Monty Hall was the host of an American game show called
        _Let's Make a Deal_, which was on in the 60s and 70s. People
        would dress up in stupid costumes and come onto the show
        and Monty would hand them money then talk them into trading
        it for whatever's behind curtain number one, number two, or 
        number three, or you can keep the money, or you can take this
        box right here. He would keep on getting them to trade, some
        times letting them see what they had so far and sometimes not,
        until they declined to trade any more. Sometimes they would
        win a car, a hawaiian vacation, an airstream mobile home, and
        other times they would win a goat, a bucket of rubber monkeys,
        or a year's supply of automotive wax. The prizes were random,
        sometimes good, sometimes bad. Gary Gygax dubbed a style of
        play of D&D where the gamemaster hides treasures behind some
        doors and monsters behind others Monty Haul style, punning
        on the game show's host.

17:     I want a group dedicated to my favorite game, how do I do it?*

A17a:   The simple answer is not to do it at all, you'll save yourself a lot
        of grief and pain if you learn to use a KILLFILE to limit the volume
        of information you receive.  The current hierarchy was forged after a
        long discussion and massive flaming.  If you insist on trying, please
        read the guidelines for group creation over on news.answers.  In a
        nutshell, you have to start a request for discussion on news.groups,
        which must be at least two weeks long.  In the rec.games.frp.* is was
        considerably longer, because of all the bugs which were ironed out. 
        After getting an acceptable charter and namespace figured out, then
        a VOTE must be run.  This vote has to meet certain criteria to
        fulfill the guidelines for group creation.  If, and only when the
        vote is considered VALID, i.e. there are no legitimate complaints
        about the voting, the new group is created.  ALT groups are easier to
        start, because there is no network control over ALT groups, however
        ALT is only carried on about 10% of the net.

A17b:   Check the fourth and fifth parts of this informational bulletin,
        ROLEPLAYING MAILING LISTS AND DIGESTS,  there is a good chance the
        system you want to discuss already has a mailing list dedicated to
        it.  Mailing lists send the postings directly to your mailer, 
        rather than reading them through netnets.

18:     What's the Facts on ICE and bankruptcy? *

A18:    John Nephew jnephew@carleton.edu:
        Someone raised the question of ICE's solvency.  I asked Bruce Harlick
        of Hero Games (BruceHH@aol.com) about these rumors, and he responded:

        >ICE is NOT in Chapter 7, Chapter 11, or Chapter 13. They were in a
        >voluntary-type of receivership, but it wasn't a formal one. They are
        >out of that now. They are even starting to pay off their back author
        >debt! Or so I've heard. ICE should be in fine financial shape.

        So that should settle the rumors.  :)

19: What is FUDGE?  Where do I get it?

A19: Here's an extraction from:
     "FUDGE Frequently Asked Questions, (answers by Steffan O'Sullivan):"

Q1.  What is FUDGE?
A1.  FUDGE is a free role-playing game (face-to-face table gaming, that
     is - not a computer game or Live Roleplaying Game).  It is just a
     gaming "engine" - each GM must provide the "body" of the RPG in
     order to make it work.  A certain amount of customization work is
     necessary in order to use FUDGE, and many things are left
     unstated: the GM will have to fudge a lot.

     However, it provides a simple, word-based mechanism for creating
     characters and resolving actions that is very easy to use in
     almost any given situation.

     FUDGE stands for:
     Freeform   (simple, laid-back, not rules-heavy.  Customizable to
     Universal  (usable with any genre.)
     Donated    (it costs nothing, and may be reproduced and given to
                 players legally.)
     Gaming     (role-playing gaming, that is.)
     Engine     (it's just the basic mechanism for character creation
                 and development, as well as action resolution.  No
                 world details are provided.)

     FUDGE was written by, and is copyright by, Steffan O'Sullivan.
     Much valuable aid was received from many people on
     rec.games.design, most of whom are credited in the actual FUDGE

Q2.  Who is the target audience?
A2.  FUDGE is for experienced GMs, though it can be used with novice
     players.  You must enjoy making decisions on the fly in order to
     run FUDGE.  It's also not for those who want extreme detail.  You
     must enjoy either creating or adapting your own world background,
     as none is provided (but sample characters from a number of genres
     are included).

Q4.  Where can I get it?
A4.  FUDGE is available via anonymous ftp from:

     Site: oz.plymouth.edu
     Directory: pub/fudge

     It is in a single, compressed, tarred file called fudge.tar.Z.

     Ask your sys admin if you don't know how to ftp or extract files
     from a tarred, compressed file.

     Basically, after you get the file via ftp (be sure to enter "binary"
     before getting the file), you first uncompress it then untar it:
          uncompress fudge.tar.Z
          tar xf fudge.tar

Q5.  Can I contribute?
A5.  Yes, you can.  I am acting as "editor" (or "filter" if you prefer)
     for suggestions and feedback.  This is very subjective, however,
     so don't be offended if your suggestions don't make it into the
     main text.  My main criteria for including rules are simplicity
     and necessity.  At this point, new suggestions won't make it in
     the main text for a few months, at best.

     It is easier to contribute to the Addenda that is attached to
     FUDGE.  I still filter things, but am more tolerant.  Simply write
     a clear, concise rules addition, in ASCII, using existing Addenda
     sections as guidelines.  E-mail any submissions to:

     (MS-DOS ASCII or XyWrite format submissions may be sent to:
      Steffan O'Sullivan, P.O. Box 465, Plymouth, NH  03264 USA.)

From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Date: 11 Mar 93 21:57:40 GMT
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] Frequently asked questions Part 2

Archive-name: games/roleplay/part2a
Last-Modified: 3/10/93

[due to popular demand (i.e. some have complained that part 2 of the general
 FAQs was too big), I have removed the questions about gaming/evil/satan/etc.
 into a separate FAQ.  Numbering begins at 1. ]

1: I have a problem with a friend of mine. He is active in his church and
   feels strongly that any Fantasy Roleplaying Game is Evil. What can I
   tell him?

A0: Roleplaying is an escapist activity that requires a good imagination,
   but it is not recommended for those with a poor grip on reality.  It
   does not make weirdos, it simply attracts them. That aside...

   I have five different answers for you. You can pick and choose,
   depending on which one is most applicable to your own situation.

A1:    tgt33358@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Deus Imperator) replies:

       Tell him this story:

       A young boy with STRONG roots in christianity became disenchanted
       with religion in general as he grew up. He fell into very
       antisocial behavior (thieving, pyromania). While in high school,
       he ran across a kid who knew a LOT about magic, and played D&D.
       Our disturbed hero fell in with this crowd, and soon was playing
       D&D regularly. He always played evil characters.

       Now this poor soul never really read for pleasure. In fact, *all*
       that he had read for the past three years was _First Blood_ and
       _Rambo_. One of the players recommended the Dragonlance series to
       him. He loved it, empathizing with Raistlin 100%. He read the
       first book in one night, bought the next two, read BOTH in one
       night, and begged his DM to give him more. His pleas were
       granted: Thomas Covenant; Dune; David Eddings; Tolkien. Soon this
       maladjusted youth began writing himself, specializing in poetry.
       He expanded his reading range, including such great works as Les
       Miserables, all of Joyce, and, oh yeah, the Bible. Indeed, our
       wayward youth regained his faith, and now this year published a
       book of poetry, dedicated to me: The DM. True story.

       Oh, yeah. For what it's worth, he wants to become a priest.

A2:    DDK2@psuvm.psu.edu (Dan Kopes) replies:

       Have the religious "friend" read _Le_Morte_D'Artur_ by Malory
       (or Steinbeck's version). And then have him watch the Family
       Channel's animated version of the Prince Valiant comic. It's on
       Mondays at 8pm.

       Yes, you read right. Pat Robertson's Family Channel is running a
       new show based on the Prince Valiant comic. It's a little cheesy
       but it would be a good way to show a religious person that the
       Arthurian Legends are not satanic literature. Because it is from
       these stories that most frpg's formed. Dragons, knights, damsel
       in distress... all of these came from the Arthurian Legends. So,
       if one set of armored warriors, pious priests, and knowledgeable
       wizards are OK to read, then why isn't another group?

       I made a list of crucial elements that were in the first several
       episodes of Prince Valiant, all of these are also the backbone of
       most RPGs:

          1) Evil baron defeats good guys and exiles them from their home.
           - What!? A religious channel is saying that the bad guys win?!
           - In FRPs this is the plot hook that sets the good guys into
             doing something to regain the home.

          2) Prophetic dreams
           - sounds like Robertson's channel is delving into mysticism.
           - Used in FRPs to nudge the adventurers into going the right

          3) Spell casting - by swamp witch and Merlin
           - It seems it's OK to pretend that spells exist in stories...
           - One of the spell casters is a good guy so this throws out the
             idea that magic is evil or satanic...only some of it is.
             And the good guys do NOT use the evil magic.

          4) Authority figures can be evil and corrupt
           - another baron suppresses his people and forces the blacksmith's
             daughter to marry his wimpy brother.
           - In FRPs this sets up a lot of adventures...the good guys have
             to overthrow the abusive leader.

          5) Monsters are real and dangerous to let live...
           - The very first episode had a giant lizard, probably meant as a
             dinosaur or dragon.
           - In FRPs monsters as opponents are a staple in an adventurer's
             diet. They have to be killed/defeated for the greater good.

       Now, have your religious "friend" watch this show which is
       broadcast nationally on a religiously affiliated network.
       Robertson himself has spoken out against Fantasy Roleplaying
       Games, but he broadcasts a TV show that is very similar to most
       FRP campaigns.

A3:    Many people seem to think that Fantasy Roleplaying is inspired by
       black magic and Necronomicon-like grimoires. In fact, J.R.R.
       Tolkein's _Lord of the Rings_ and _The Hobbit_ and the world of
       Middle Earth, which are primary influences on almost all
       Roleplaying games, were primarily inspired by Christian
       (Catholic, to be precise) ideas.

       J.R.R. Tolkein was a devout Christian, and a close friend of C.S.
       Lewis, one of the great Christian thinkers of our (or any) time,
       and writer of the fantasy and science fiction classics
       (respectively) The Chronicles of Narnia and the trilogy
       comprising "Out of the Silent Planet," "Perelandra," and "That
       Hideous Strength." Some of Lewis's work in "That Hideous
       Strength" is acknowledged inspiration from Tolkein's writing (not
       to mention a large dose of Christian theology).

       Yes, Virginia, Christianity and fantasy can coexist.

       Another FRP-like Christian fantasy is _The Faerie Queen_ by
       Edmund Spenser, with the Red-Cross Knight and other allegorical
       characters engaging in typical FRP exploring and monster killing.

       Roleplaying gamers should also emphasize that their games exist
       in a moral world (that is, of course, if their players do not
       regularly play evil or psychopathic characters) and that
       wrongdoing and skullduggery usually rebound on the bad guys.
       Despite the fact that TSR strongly discourages evil player
       characters -- providing scenarios that are aimed almost
       exclusively at good and neutral alignments -- most critics think
       that players are all thrilling in immoral deeds.  They don't
       realize most of us play the good guys, in the white hats, who
       ride off into the sunset after the last scene.

A4:    Finally, one of the things that humans enjoy the most is telling
       or listening to a bashing good story. Jesus was well known for
       telling stories, as have been many very holy men and women
       through history.

       Fantasy Roleplaying Games are just another way of telling
       stories, which may or not be objectively good, but are generally
       enjoyed by the participants and certainly involve lots of

A5:    In case you are being persecuted by those who think they are
       only doing the christian thing by trying to convert you from
       what they see as a satanist or evil conspiracy to the only
       right and true way you may find the following arguments to be

       Pierre Savoie of CaRPG supplied the following refutations of
       commonly quoted "facts" used by the anti-roleplaying set.

       The original claim of a teen committing suicide due to D&D was a
       hoax. In 1979 James Dallas Egbert III disappeared from Michigan
       State University, as described in a book by the detective on the
       case, William Dear (THE DUNGEON MASTER, 1984, Ballantine,
       biographies). Dear rambles a lot and he may be dramatizing too
       much, but he made headway not from talk about D&D played in
       underground "steam tunnels" on the campus, but only after he
       contacted a man who was keeping boys as young as 11 in his
       apartment, who claimed to know where Dallas was. It turns out the
       boy was 16 years old and in his sophomore year, a genius but also
       lonely, on drugs, and gay. He "ran away from it all", got stoned
       down in those tunnels, and staggered over to the home of a gay
       friend. This person got nervous when later the police search
       started, and Dallas was shuttled from gay to gay until he ended
       up in Louisiana with "friends". It could have been a prostitution
       ring involving juveniles.
          Dear's only concern was to bring the boy back, so he kept the
       facts hidden for 5 years until he wrote the book. For that
       reason D&D continued to be blamed, esp. nine months later when
       Dallas committed suicide (probably out of embarrassment). I
       don't know how far to trust Dear's account, particularly because
       of his choice of title to "market the book better".

       The very first published anti-D&D writings were from the Rev.
       John Torrell in 1980 (Christian Life Ministries, now called
       European-American Evangelistic Crusades, in Sacramento, CA).
       Torrell claimed that "these players go nuts with it! They start
       confusing fantasy with reality." That's an ironic claim in view
       of his own published "political" views in his newsletter, THE
       DOVE. In 1986 to the present, he claims that Ronald Reagan
       secretly surrendered the U.S. to the Soviet Union at the Iceland
       Summit in 1986, with a five-year transition period before the
       Russians assumed complete control. Well, guess who surrendered to
       whom! He has also claimed that George Bush's membership in the
       Order of Skull And Bones fraternity at Yale means that he has
       devoted his life to Satan! Torrell also claimed that the logo for
       the Seoul Olympics was a cyclic "666" symbol, and many other
       inanities. A perfect conspiracy theorist. Torrell's radio show
       got kicked off one radio station for making anti-Catholic
       remarks, but he wound up on another station.

       The famous woman who claims her son killed himself due to D&D,
       Patricia Pulling of Richmond, Virginia, is in league with some
       pretty questionable people. It seems she's a sort of guest
       director of the National Coalition on Television Violence (NCTV)
       run by Dr. Thomas Radecki from near Chicago. This man has put out
       loony claims that people are severely influenced by violent acts
       seen on TV, and counts the number of violent acts per hour.
       According to his criteria, The Smurfs average 13/hr.! He also
       says tickling, snowball fights, Donald Duck cartoons, the
       Christian Broadcasting Network, etc. are all bad for the mind,
       and that anger should be suppressed because "only God has the
       right to be angry", in flagrant opposition to the catharsis
       theories of his psychiatric discipline.
          Now, every issue of THE NCTV NEWS has a margin column where a
       "partial list of endorsers" is listed. Notice that it's
       "partial", so they want to bring out what they feel are the most
       notable names who "support" them. One of these names is Prof. J.
       Phillippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario, in
       London, Ontario, Canada. This professor published his theories of
       a "race hierarchy" where Blacks were rated inferior to Whites,
       and both ranked below Orientals. He got some of his funding from
       an American group called the Pioneer Fund, which is said to be
          And yet he is listed as a notable endorser of Pat Pulling and
       Thomas Radecki from 1985 to at least 1989! This raises the
       possibility that various little "causes" such as D&D-bashing are
       really to raise funds for what REALLY interests these groups...
       hatred and racism.

       The only Catholic tract against the game of D&D had to be pulled
       out of religious bookstores--because of its sources of
       information. This was called "Games Unsuspecting People
       Play--Dungeons and Dragons" by The Daughters of St. Paul Press in
       Boston (light green cover, sub-digest size, 24 pages or so) and
       authored by Louise Shanahan.
          Originally this was from a Canadian Catholic magazine called OUR
       FAMILY in Battleford, Saskatchewan, re-made into a tract.
       However, two of their "sources" of information on the game were
       the Rev. John Torrell and also Albert James Dager (who calls
       Catholicism the "Babylon Mystery Religion", claiming it's a mix
       of true Christianity and Babylonian rituals such as communion and
       the confessional). Since both of these were anti-Catholic, the
       tract was discontinued, and the DSP will no longer accept any
       manuscripts from Louise Shanahan! She obviously didn't research
       these sources sufficiently.
          I did, and gleefully pointed it out to the publisher, which
       withdrew the tract.

       In the book CRUEL DOUBT by Joe MacGinnis, he seems to claim that
       D&D was the link between Chris Prichard and the friends he asked
       to help him kill his step-father. In fact, they ALSO went to the
       same school (North Carolina State) and lived in the SAME dorm,
       but these common factors were somehow not considered contributory
       to their conspiracy the way D&D-playing was. The motive for the
       killing, in these recessionary times, was greed for an
       inheritance, not drugs or game-playing.
          Interestingly, a lot of attention is focused on the 70 cases a
       year in the U.S. of kids who murder their parents. The number of
       parents who murder their kids in the same time is 2000! (see IN

       If videos of Sean Sellers (a teen on death-row in Oklahoma) are
       presented on THE 700 CLUB as testimony of the link between
       violence and D&D, it is only because videos are all they can come
       up with. They can't link up with him live--because he no longer
       claims that D&D caused his crime!
          In a letter dated Feb. 5, 1990 from Sean Sellers to game designer
       Michael Stackpole, Sellers concluded with, "Personally, for
       reasons I publish myself, I don't think kids need to be playing
       D&D, but using my past as a common example of the effects of the
       game is either irrational or fanatical."
          Remember, people on death row are opportunists. They will claim
       that UFOs tampered with their brains and this caused them to
       kill. They will claim most anything to get parole, and who can
       blame them? Of course, as more judges and wardens are
       D&D-players, such a claim will not be possible within 10 years.
       In this case, concerning D&D, familiarity will kill the contempt
       against the game rather than 'breeding contempt'. Only distance
       and ignorance breed contempt against the game. The more the game
       is known, the less people make claims against it!

       TSR Inc. does a little to debunk anti-D&D claims, and an
       organization of game manufacturers called the Game Manufacturers'
       Association (GAMA; c/o Greg Stafford; Chaosium Inc.; 950A 56th
       St.; Oakland, CA; 94608) has done a lot to research these claims.
          However, there is now a fan-based organization I helped to found
       in 1988 called the Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing
       Games (CAR-PGa). The principal people are as follows:

       William Flatt
       8032 Locust Ave.
       Miller, IN
       46403 tel. (219) 938-3382 [very dedicated to the issue because
       his father assaulted him for playing D&D, with a vacuum cleaner

       the Rev. Paul Cardwell, Jr.
       c/o Hippogriff Books
       111 E. 5th St.
       Bonham, TX
       75418 [a gamer who prefers Chaosium-style rules, author of the
       MYTHWORLD game, and an ordained United Methodist minister
       (teaching, not preaching) aged 58!]

       Mr. Pierre Savoie
       22-B Harris Ave.
       Toronto, ON
       M4C 1P4 CANADA tel. (416) 690-6985 [age 30, analytical chemist by
       trade. I initially kicked off CAR-PGa with some diligent research
       on the exact groups which criticize D&D. Sometimes jokingly
       called "Head of Research" in the organization because I have 5
       feet deep of files and correspondence on the subject.]

       The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation did a radio show on their
       AM network in the "Ideas" series, Canada's most intellectual
       radio program, entitled "Dungeons and Dragons" (aired May 29,
       1991). It concluded as follows:
          "The National Coalition on Television Violence and BADD say
          they have a hundred and twenty-five cases of D&D-linked
          deaths. Only forty of these cases have been published and half
          of those are anonymous.
             The ones they do cite details for have no causal link with
          games. In every trial where Mrs. Pulling and Dr. Radecki have
          appeared, always as expert witnesses on the defence side, the
          defendants were convicted anyway, and in no case adjudicated
          by the courts has gaming ever been implicated in any crime."
             This is not some schlock show, and transcripts are offered
          for most of their programs, including this one, for 5 Canadian
          dollars per airdate. To order, indicate the title and airdate
          of the show and send CDN$5 or equivalent to: CBC IDEAS
          Transcripts; P.O. Box 500, Station "A"; Toronto, ON; M5W 1E6;
          I assisted a little in the research for the show, and you may
       find it a refreshingly positive broadcasting of the facts about

       There are at least two books in print so far which debunk
       anti-D&D theories in the context of "Satanism". These are:

          SATANISM IN AMERICA: How the Devil Got Much More Than His Due
          by Shawn Carlson and Gerald Larue, 1989 by Gaia Press (P.O.
          Box 466; El Cerrito, CA; 94530-0466; tel. (415) 527-9414) It
          is spiral-bound, 280 pages and the price is $12.95
          (Californians add .94 tax) plus $1.50 postage.
             50 of these pages is a special appendix by game designer
          Michael Stackpole of Chaosium Inc. directly dealing with the
          anti-D&D claims.

          IN PURSUIT OF SATAN: The Police and the Occult by Robert Hicks
          (1991 by Prometheus Books; 700 East Amherst St.; Buffalo, NY;
          14215; tel. (716) 837-2475). Hardcover, 420 pages, US$23.95
          plus maybe $3 postage. 25 pages devoted to D&D by this
          criminal analyst, plus additional chilling references. For
          example, in Chicago there is a wing of the Hartgrove Hospital
          called for the Center for the Treatment of Ritualistic
          Deviance. It's influenced by silly Satanism seminars, and one
          of the criteria for being a potential patient is "heavy
          involvement in fantasy and role play [sic] games". Therefore,
          a young teen can be "hospitalized" here with the consent of
          his parents for being a D&D-player--all legal and proper!
             This book was given a favourable review in an editorial in the
          July 1991 DRAGON, by Michael Stackpole, who curiously did not
          mention his own involvement with the first book.]

       --> generic!pnet91!pro-micol!psavoie@zoo.toronto.edu
       (Pierre Savoie; Micol Labs BBS; Toronto. A.k.a. DRACONIAN)

From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Date: 11 Mar 93 21:57:57 GMT
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] Roleplaying mailing lists and digests part 1/2

Archive-name: games/roleplay/part4
Last-modified: 3/10/93


In addition to rec.games.frp, there are a number of mailing lists and
digests on the net which may be of interest to role-playing enthusiasts.
The difference between a mailing list and a digest is that a digest is
collected, edited, and distributed by an editor, while a mailing list
simply forwards all incoming mail to a list of subscribers. Mailing
lists tend toward high volume with many digressions; digests tend toward
low volume with high signal-to-noise ratios.

Note that some forums are available only for a monetary charge. I do not
wish to include them in this posting, and will not do so knowingly. I
appreciate anything you can tell me about the forums in this resource

        The RuneQuest (tm) Digest
        The Tekumel Digest
        The Elfinkind Digest
        The Pern Digest
        Stafnord RolePlayers (digest)
        BattleTech digest
        Fimbulwinter Newsletter
        Abandon Babylon
        ROBOTECH - Robotech Mecha Listserv Group
        Conflict Simulation Games List
        SHADOWRN -- discussion of the Shadowrun fantasy game


Name:           The RuneQuest (tm) Digest
Contact:        RuneQuest-Request@Glorantha.Holland.Sun.COM (Henk Langeveld)
Trouble:        Henk.Langeveld@Sun.COM
List:           RuneQuest@Glorantha.Holland.Sun.COM
Status:         Active
Archived:       FTP from Runequest Digest archives (q.v.)
          Automated access via GRASS-SERVER (q.v.)
Info Updated:   21-Jul-1992
Notes:          The RuneQuest Digest is courtesy of Henk Langeveld
                (Henk.Langeveld@Sun.COM). It is a collection of
                articles, discussion, and source material for use with
                Chaosium's RuneQuest fantasy role-playing game.  In
                July 1992, list maintenance has been taken over from
                Andrew Bell (bell@cs.unc.edu) who started it as the
                RuneQuest Digest back in 1988.  
                Current plans are to automate the separation of
                "Discussion" and "Digest" as introduced early 1992.
                Under this regime, the Discussion would become the
                plain mailing list,  would be an automated mail relay,
                while reserving the Digest for longer articles and
                collections of Discussion articles.

Name:           MULTI USER DUNGEON (MUD) List
Contact:        jwisdom@gnu.ai.mit.edu <Joseph Wisdom>
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   4-Apr-1991
Notes:          If you are new in the MUD world, or are simply looking for new
                places to get into, try subscribing to Internet Games MUD-List
                today! Make sure to include the string "mud list" in the
                subject header.

Name:           Flashlife
Contact:        flashlife-request@netcom.com (Carl Rigney)
List:           flashlife@netcom.com
Status:         Active
Archived:       Mail from archive-server@veritas.com
Info Updated:   15-Aug-1991
Notes:          A Digest for GMs of Shadowrun and other cyberpunk roleplaying
                games to discuss rules and scenarios, ask questions, make up
                answers, and similar fasfax.

Name:           The Tekumel Digest
Contact:        tekumel-request@ssdc.honeywell.com
List:           tekumel-digest@ssdc.honeywell.com
Status:         Active
Archived:       anonymous FTP from:
                rainbow.cse.nau.edu in /rpg/tekumel (uncompressed)
                potemkin.cs.pdx.edu in /pub/frp/tmp (compressed)
                quayle.mu.wvnet.edu in /pub/rpg/uploads (compressed)
Info Updated:   15-dec-1991
Notes:          This mailing list exists to discuss the world of
                Tekumel, the fantasy world invented by M.A.R. Barker in
                the roleplaying games "Empire of the Petal Throne" and
                "Swords and Glory", and the DAW novels "Man of Gold" and

                Anything related to Tekumel is welcome: game
                modifications, accounts of campaigns, questions,
                fiction, tables, NPCs, tips for converting to new game
                systems, etc. Listeners as well as contributors are
                welcome. This list is in digest format and is mailed
                when submissions warrant it (weekly if possible).

Name:           The Elfinkind Digest
Contact         elflist@lorbit.UUCP (R'ykandar Korra'ti)
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   2-Apr-1992
Notes:          I run a small mail-based digest for elves and interested
                observers. It has been in existence for a couple of
                years now, but has not been posted about in public
                before. We have an open membership policy, so if you're
                interested in being added to the distribution list,
                please let me know. Details will be made available upon

Name:           The Pern Digest
Contact         pern-l-request@spec0.ee.man.ac.uk
List:           pern-l@spec0.ee.man.ac.uk
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   15-Mar-1992
Notes:          For those who are interested: the Pern digest is now in
                existence. It's still in its very early stages so bear
                with the moderator -- it'll take time to get going.
                Please put "Pern" or "Pern mailing list" in the subject
                of any messages you send Malcolm about the mailing

Name:           Stafnord RolePlayers (digest)
Contact:        pierre@prpa.philips.com (Pierre Uszynski)
List:           No automated mailing. Send to the contact/editor.
Archived:       Partial, no automated access yet.
Info Updated:   6-Mar-1992
Notes:          Stafnord RolePlayers (SRP) is an open informal gaming
                group dedicated to role-playing games on the San
                Francisco peninsula (California, USA). SRP itself does
                not organize games, the game masters do. SRP provides a
                forum for scheduling games, finding players, finding
                game masters, sharing worlds and systems, etc... SRP
                generates a weekly newsletter to keep everybody aware
                of upcoming and ongoing games. We email 3 pages weekly,
                plus supplements at the beginning of new games.

Name:           BattleTech digest
Contact:        lsdav9376%7669.dnet@east.gsfc.nasa.gov (Glen Davis)
List:           No automated mailing. Send to the contact/editor.
Archived:       mail to lsdun4044%7669.dnet@east.gsfc.nasa.gov

Info Updated:   2-Apr-1992
Notes:          This list is a forum for the discussion of Battletech
                and related games such as Renegade Legion. Mail messages
                are grouped and mailed out periodically.

Name:           Fimbulwinter Newsletter
Contact:        dfn@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Trouble:        dfn@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
List:           dfn@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Status:         Active
Archived:       All.  Request in mail.
Info Updated:   24-Sept-1992
Notes:          Fimbulwinter is a playtester newsletter dedicated
             to discussion of Ysgarth and To Challenge Tomorrow from
                Ragnarok Enterprises.  It includes a question and answer
                section, articles on world background, examinations of
                game mechanics and previews of upcoming releases.
                It was originally conceived and designed as a newsletter
                for playtest groups, but it is now also available to the
                general net public.  It can also be subscribed to in hard
                copy at $5 for 4 issues from Ragnarok Enterprises at
                POB 140333, Austin, TX  78714.

Name:           Abandon Babylon
Contact:        dfn@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Trouble:        dfn@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
List:           dfn@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Status:         Active
Archived:       All.  Request in mail.
Info Updated:   24-Sept-1992
Notes:          Abandon Babylon is a topical news and info zine on Popes &
                Princes and other strategy games from Ragnarok Enterprises.  
          It includes a question and answer section, articles on world
          background, examinations of game mechanics and previews of 
          upcoming releases.
                It was originally conceived and designed as a newsletter
                for playtest groups, but it is now also available to the
                general net public.  It can also be subscribed to in hard
                copy at $5 for 4 issues from Ragnarok Enterprises at
                POB 140333, Austin, TX  78714.

Mailing Lists

The next few items are BITNET mailing lists. To join any of them, send a
mail file to the CONTACT address where the first line of the mail file
consists of the command:

        SUBSCRIBE <listname> <your-name-here>

        (e.g. "SUBSCRIBE GMAST-L John Doe")

Your successful subscription request will prompt the list-server to send
you a mail message with complete information on how to sign off the
mailing list and make other changes to your subscription. Read it and
keep it, or you'll be kicking yourself later when you're snowed under by
mail and don't know how to stop it.

Send actual submissions to the LIST address. Do NOT send requests to
sign off, requests for help, etc. to the list--you'll only succeed in
annoying people. Do not send submissions to the contact address; it is a
simple-minded program which will reject them.

Name:           ADND-L
List:           ADND-L@UTARLVM1.BITNET
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   1-Feb-1991
Notes:          The ADND-L mailing list is for the discussion of all aspects of
                TSR's Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) and Advanced Dungeons and
                Dragons (AD&D) role-playing games. A full archive of this
                list *might* be available through LISTSERV on UTARLVM1.

Name:           GMAST-L
List:           GMAST-L@UTCVM.BITNET
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   1-Feb-1991
Notes:          The GMAST-L mailing list was originally created for the
                development of computer RPG aids, but it metamorphosed into a
                mailing list covering the concerns of the role-playing game GM
                (Game Master). Pretty much every role-playing game on the
                market has been discussed at some length, as have the various
                facets of ole-playing game design. (Most D&D discussion goes
                to ADND-L, however.) Limited archives are available, if you
                know how to use the LISTSERV database search functions.

Name:           ROBOTECH - Robotech Mecha Listserv Group
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   1-Feb-1991

Name:           Conflict Simulation Games List
Contact:        LISTSERV@UALTAVM.BITNET or LISTSERV@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   1-Feb-1991
Notes:          CONSIM-L is a new list to provide an unmoderated environment
                for discussion of historical conflict simulation games,
                particularly the games published in Strategy and Tactics and
                Command magazines, but also including boxed games from such
                publishers as The Avalon Hill Game Company, Victory Games, and
                Game Designers Workshop.

                The explicit purpose of CONSIM-L is to provide a platform for
                discussion of recently published games, but discussion can
                range over the general topics of conflict simulation design,
                military history, tactics and strategy, game collecting,
                convention and club announcements, or any other topic related
                to conflict simulation games. As is the case on all unmoderated
                lists, the discussion and topics are only limited by the
                participation and interest of its subscribers.  Subscribers
                are welcome to take an  active role by posting and/or an
                inactive role by monitoring the list. Although not necessary
                for participation, it shall be assumed that all subscribers
                are basically familiar with board wargames.

Name:           SHADOWRN -- discussion of the Shadowrun fantasy game
List Owner:     Brett Barnhart <BARNHART@KNOX.BITNET>
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   4-Mar-1992
                SHADOWRN is a list for the discussion of the game Shadowrun.
                This can be questions, comments, stories (fluff), anything to
                do with the game Shadowrun.

                Archives of SHADOWRN can be listed by sending the command INDEX

Name:           SHADOWTK
List Owner:     R Andrew Hayden <aq650@slc4.INS.CWRU.Edu>
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   January 22, 1993

                SHADOWTK, bitnet convention for ShadowTalk, is a Listserv
                devoted to the role-playing game Shadowrun, which is published
                by FASA.

                Shadowrun takes place in the year 2054 and centers in the city
                of Seattle.  ShadowTalk is an attempt to emulate the public
                communications networks presented in the game.

                An FAQ is posted monthly and is available from the owner. 

Name:          Dangerous Journeys: Mythus Mailing List (Mythus-L)
List:          Given when subscribed
List Owner:    mpearson@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu
Status:        Active
Info Updated:  1/8/93
Notes:         This mailing list exists to provide free and available 
               support for the GDW Dangerous Journeys: Mythus Role 
               Playing Game System. An FTP site is forthcoming and we
               appreciate any files relating to the game you
               can send us! Please send all submission of files to the

               To Join:
               Send a message to: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU
               Text of message: SUBSCRIBE MYTHUS-L <real name>
               If you put HELP on another line in the text you
               will get some help on other listserv commands.

From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Date: 11 Mar 93 21:58:18 GMT
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] BBSes of interest to roleplayers

Archive-name: games/roleplay/part6
Last-Modified: 2/5/93

                         BBS's for Roleplayers

        The Steve Jackson Games BBS -- Austin, Texas, USA
        The Red October BBS (Hero Games) -- Austin, Texas, USA

        Blacksburg Tactical Research Center (BTRC) Internet Mail Address
        Necropolis of Dreams (Ragnarok Games)   --   Austin, TX, USA
        The Broken Blade BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Seattle, Washington, USA
        Astral Void BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Mesa, Arizona, USA
        Red Star BBS (Vervan Net backbone) -- Burlington, IL, USA
        Purgatory BBS  (Unaffiliated) --  Salem, Oregon, USA
        Bladerunner BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Waltham, Mass. USA
        The DUNGEON BBS (Unaffiliated) -- western (?) NY State, USA
        TeleDunjon III and IV (Unaffiliated) -- Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas, USA
        Smasher Land BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Athens, Ohio, USA
        U Want What!?! BBS (Unaffiliated), Macon, GA, USA
        StormGate Aerie BBS (Other Suns), somewhere, 310 area code, USA
        The Fantasy Shop (Unaffiliated), Suitland, Maryland, USA


Several RPG companies now run their own electronic bulletin boards.  To
connect to them, you must use a personal computer and a modem.
(Exception: the BTRC address is not a BBS, but a real live game designer
with an internet connection.)

Name:           The Steve Jackson Games BBS -- Austin, TX, USA
Dial:           (512)-447-4449
Comm Settings:  8-N-1 (7-E-1 may work too)
Baud:           300,1200,2400
Info Updated:   3-Dec-1991
Notes:          Steve Jackson Games operates a two line BBS, named the
                Illuminati BBS, with discussion areas for most of SJG's
                games, including GURPS. Much of the playtest feedback
                for new products comes from the BBS.

Name:           The Red October BBS (Hero Games) -- Austin, TX, USA
Dial:           (512)-834-2548
Comm Settings:  8-N-1???
Baud:           300,1200,2400???
Info Updated:   1-Feb-1991
Notes:          Red October is the semi-official BBS of Hero Games. Many Hero
                games supplement authors regularly call and there are several
                discussion boards about Hero Games.
                There are also pre-release beta test versions of most of the
                upcoming supplements from Hero Games, as well as up-to-the-
                minute news.

Name:           The Harnline BBS (Columbia Games) -- Vancouver Canada
Dial:           (604)-998-1703
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Baud:           300,1200,2400
Info Updated:   20-Sep-1992
Notes:          Columbia Games (makers of the Harn series of campaign
                supplements and the fantasy RPG system Harnmaster) has a BBS
                called Harnline. There are currently about 50 files, mostly
                unpublished material or revisions of published material.  User
                contributions are encouraged.

                The home of Harnline is Duffle Board - Rob Duff runs the board.

                Because of the cost of calling Vancouver, Canada, from various
                parts of North America and Europe, Columbia joined Vervan net
                (see below for information on how to use it).

Name:           Blacksburg Tactical Research Center (BTRC) Email Address
Info Updated:   19-Nov-1992
Notes:          Greg Porter of BTRC is available for any and all questions
                relating to the BTRC's line of games and game products
                (TimeLords and SpaceTime RPG's, Macho Women with Guns, 3G,
                CORPS, WarpWorld, etc.). BTRC is an AMERICA ONLINE (AOL) 
                account, Internet readers can use BTRC@aol.com   .

Name:           Necropolis of Dreams (Ragnarok Games)   --   Austin, TX, USA
Dial:           (512)-472-6905, (512)-472-6220 
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Baud:           2400, 9600
Info Updated:   4-Dec-1992
Notes:          Necropolis of Dreams has been online for almost 8 years.  It
                features over 50 message bases with a heavy concentration on
                gaming and game design as well as alternative political and
                arts topics.  It is sponsored by Ragnarok Games (publishers of
                Ysgarth, Suburban Slasher, To Challenge Tomorrow, etc), but
                discussion is not limited by that and a wide variety of gaming
                topics are addressed. The user base is very active and much
                fun is to be had by all. Operating 24 hours on both lines.


There are quite a few Independent BBS's with a strong RPG slant out there in
the great land of telecommunications.  Any comments on the suitability of
including them in this file are welcomed.

Note that the compiler of this list cannot check out these BBS's to
ensure that they work as described.  If you send information about a BBS
to me, please make sure your information is *complete* and accurate.

Name:           The Broken Blade BBS -- Seattle, Washington, USA
Dial:           (206) 781-9424
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Baud:           300,1200,2400
Info Updated:   31-Oct-1991
Notes:          Mike Owen <dunadan@milton.u.washington.edu> is the sysop
                of the Broken Blade: a free access bulletin board

                Although the message base is oriented toward
                general-purpose discussions (there are only a couple of
                RPG-oriented message areas), quite a few files are
                available of interest to RPGers.

Name:           Astral Void BBS -- Mesa, Arizona, USA
Dial:           (602) 834-6065
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Baud:           300,1200
Info Updated:   6-26-1991
Notes:          Tony Hamilton <thamilton@ch3.intel.com> runs a
                Roleplaying BBS.

                The Astral Void BBS is home to role-players who conduct
                games on the message boards, and also PBeM games.  The
                BBS is single-lined, and currently is running 11 games.
                New product information is posted for all the major game
                companies, along with occasional reviews.  There are
                also various text files on-line concerning various
                role-playing topics.

Name:           Red Star BBS (Vervan Net backbone) -- Burlington, IL, USA
Dial:           (708) 683-2390 -- (vervan net is at other sites too)
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Baud:           1200-9600 -- HST or V.32
Info Updated:   15-Nov-1991
Notes:          There's at least one BBS network devoted solely to
                playing RPGs that you might want to look into. It's
                called V-Net. For information about V-net, contact:

                Joel Veeneman
                P.O. Box 7
                Burlington, IL 60109

                Internet: joel@redstar.marcal.com
                UUnet:    uunet!devcom!marcal!redstar!joel
                Fidonet:  1:115/639.0

Name:           Purgatory BBS  --  Salem, Oregon, USA
Dial:           (503) 370-9739
Sysop:          ???
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Baud:           300 - 14400
Status:         Down ??? I've heard reports that Purgatory is down
Info Updated:   16-Mar-1992
Notes:          Linked to Vervan's Gaming Network as well as half a
                dozen other nets (including Usenet through a Fido
                Gateway operated by Joel Veeneman -- see entry for
                Vervan Net).

                Main thrust of the BBS is gaming and there are online
                games for about a dozen systems. In addition we also are
                one of the biggest Occult BBSs in the Pacific North-West
                with a great deal of files on the subject. The other
                thrusts are Fantasy/Sci Fi, and current events debate
                and discussion type echos.

Name:           Bladerunner BBS -- Waltham, Mass. USA
Dial:           (617) 891-7338
Sysop:          Laird Popkin (laird@think.com)
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Baud:           300 - 2400 + PEP (Trailblazer Plus)
Info Updated:   14-Sep-1991
Notes:          Connected to the Citadel and usenet networks (as
                blade.via.mind.org). The BBS runs STadel (a Citadel variant)
                on an Atari ST.

                Topics discussed: Role Playing Games, GURPS, Warhammer,
                AD&D, Call of Cthulhu, Hero/Champions, as well as assorted
                Fantasy and SF and computer-related topics.  There are
                also a number of online games, and discussions of SF, 
                various computers, and whatever other topics arise.
                There are no online time limits or upload/download rations.

Name:           The DUNGEON BBS -- Buffalo, NY State, USA
Dial:           (716) 656-8573
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Sysop:          Master DaarKhan ???
Baud:           300 - 2400
Info Updated:   14-Sep-1991
Notes:          Western New York's finest board devoted to fantasy role
                playing. Features include over 50 message bases of all
                types, most of which are WWIVnet, the world's second
                largest private network.

                WWIVnet @ 7653

Name:           TeleDunjon III and IV -- Dallas/Ft Worth, Texas, USA
Dial:           (214) 960-7654 and (214) 238-1568
Sysop:          ???
Comm Settings:  8-N-1
Baud:           300 - 2400
Info Updated:   14-Sep-1991
Notes:          The Teledunjon III and Teledunjon IV boards offer
                play-by-modem roleplaying games. They also publish the
                TeleDunjon Journal, an irregular online magazine for
                modem RPG enthusiasts.

                If you're in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex (north
                Texas) or can afford to call it regularly, check out the
                Teledunjon systems and join a game (or run your own).

Name:          Pyramid BBS, DC Metro Area, Virginia
Dial:          (703) 912-9878
Sysop:         Terilee Edwards
               Suite 548, 7010 Brookfield Plaza, Springfield, VA 22150
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud:          300 to 2400 ?
Info Updated:  1 October 1991
Notes:         A free BBS, with two areas dedicated to gaming, with one
               area for live action role playing gaming and discussion
               and bulletins about the Interactive Literature Foundation
               (a live gaming organization).

Name:          Smasher Land BBS (Unaffiliated) -- Athens, Ohio, USA
Dial:          (614) 593-8359
Sysop:         Scott Mash <smash@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu>
Comm Settings: 8-N-1 (Proboard v.1.17) Free
Baud:          300 to 2400
Info Updated:  29-Feb-1992
Notes:         Smasher Land has textfiles and utilities for AD&D,
               GURPS, Shadowrun, Fantasy Hero, Champions, Traveller,
               etc.  As well as a messagebase for each.  Smasher Land
               also offers a variety of online games that are
               accessable by all users.

               Internet/Usenet limited access is now available to all
               users on Smasher Land BBS.  You can send email to any
               internet, bitnet etc. address.

Name:          U Want What!?! BBS, Macon, GA, USA
Dial:          (912) 471-7629 (soon 2 lines)
Sysop:         Richard Weeks <rweeks@logdis1.wr.aflc.af.mil>
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud:          300 to 2400
Info Updated:  15-Feb-1992
Notes:         Several RPG doors are functioning including Barons,
               Axoru (shareware for now), Steller Quest, Trade Wars
               2002, and others.  We have an AD&D and RPG message area
               and I am a 14 yr Dungeon Master for AD&D, as well as
               playing and GM for Dragon Quest, Champions, RIFTS, V&V
               and others.

!!!Name:          StormGate Aerie BBS, somewhere, 310 area code, USA
Dial:          310-822-6729
Sysop:         Nicolai Shapero
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud:          300/1200/2400/9600HST/14400HST
Network:       Fidonet
Info-Updated:  15-Apr-1992
Notes:         OTHER SUNS (sf role playing game) headquarters.
               Several multiplayer role playing games available
               through echomail.  (A FidoNet echomail conference
               is similar to an unmoderated Usenet newsgroup.)

Name:          The Fantasy Shop, Suitland, Maryland, USA
Dial:          301 967 1843
Sponsor:       Washington Metropolitan Area Gaming Society
Contact:       Jon F. Zeigler <jfzeigl@afterlife.ncsc.mil>
Comm Settings: 8-N-1
Baud:          300/1200/2400
Info-Updated:  2-May-1992
Notes:         The Fantasy Shop is a new (less than 2 months old) BBS
               sponsored and operated by the Washington Metropolitan
               Area Gaming Society.  It is devoted to discussion and
               on-line play related to all aspects of the gaming hobby,
               particularly role-playing games.  There are as yet no
               user fees,  although access is greater for members of the
               Society.  The new-user's password is "WMAGS".

Name:          The Guild [FTS]
Type:            CNet 2.x (Amiga 2000)
Location:      Los Angeles, CA
Admin:           Guy Bartoli
To Contact:    gbartoli@guild.socal.com
Ph#/Address:   310-641-6909 (5 lines)
Bps:             300/1200/2400 
Bits/Par/stop: 8N1
Access details: RPG'ers, Cyperpunks, and opinionated people welcome.
Fees:            RPG games and all local discussion groups are free of charge. 
                 Access to UseNet requires a small donation to subsidize paying
                 for my feed.
Desc:            The Guild [FTS] is approximately a year old. It was founded 
                 with the premise that it would be primarily a RPG oriented
                 but has since evolved into carrying many different SIG's. 
                 The Guild [FTS] >does< pick up the rec.games.frp.* hierarcy
                 is also a member of the C-Link network (private FIDOnet, over
                 120 nodes world-wide), which also has forums on RPG games.
Notes:           None - Give The Guild a call, and please mention that you saw 
                 it advertised on the UseNet so that I know where you are

Name:          MindVox
Location:      New York, NY
Administrator: Phantom Access Technologies, Inc.
To contact:    info@phantom.com - 212-988-5987 (voice)
Ph#/Address:   212-988-5030 (or telnet phantom.com)
Access Details:24 local dial-ups @ 1200 - 19.2k / Live on Internet
Fees:          Ranges from $10 - $15 per month - flat rate

Description:   MindVox offers access to about a dozen single and multi
                 player games online, ranging from the classics like Adventure
                 Rogue, Hack, Empire, Larn and UltraRogue, to continuing work
                 on its custom object-oriented virtual world called MAELSTROM.
                 MAELSTROM is currently up and down depending on its testing
                 status but is expected to be solid by late 1992.  Members can
                 also use MindVox to access a list of 10 different Multi-User
                 Dimensions throughout the United States, Germany and Sweden
                 (the latter two come with english-version toggles and various
                 MUD's include 3-d graphics and POV player location charts).
                 A huge variety of material and scenarios to deal with, their
                 development team at Phantom Access includes some of the
                 members of the original teams that designed the first online
                 multi-player games to ever exist.

Notes:         MindVox is the system of Phantom Access.  It's very large
                 and covers a wide variety of features and services that
                 are included in signing on (Usenet, worldwide Chat network,
                 online single and multi-user games, etc).  The main focus
                 of MindVox is on Cyberspace and role-playing.  They have 
                 been covered in dozens of articles both hard-copy and
                 electronically.  One of the principle owners is a writer
                 for Mondo 2000; most of the owners are ex-Legion of Doom
                 and other older hacker groups.  Overall its a very
                 interesting place to hang out even discounting the games.
                 All new accounts are offered demo-time to look through the
                 system and get familiar with its features before subscribing.

Name:            Dunkelzahn's Lair
Type:            TinyMUD hybrid (With message bases, etc.)
Access:          (413) 543-0148 During the School Year.
Location:        University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Description:     For everyone who likes games.  Also offers a
                 reactive environment for posting.
Note:            Is run on a 286, so is not the true MUD, it is a 
                 hybrid version.

Name:            Toronto Twilight Communications (TTC)
Type:            PCBoard v14.5 (IBM, AMIGA, MAC support)
Location:        Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Administrator:   Rick DiLorenzo (SysOp), Various Co-SysOps
To contact:      cs922056@juno.ariel.yorku.ca
Ph#/Address:     (416) 733-9012 DATA
Access Details:  All BPS rates, 6 Nodes, N-8-1 supported
Fees:            FREE
Description:     AD&D, Call of Cthulhu, D&D, GURPS, Paranoia, Lost Souls, 
                 Rifts, many others. 
Notes:           Call - any games not listed may be set up and run!
                 On-line doors (20+, from Trade Wars 2002 to The Pit),
                 1.2gb file section (2 CD-ROM drives), 5+ mail networks.

     If you find a BBS which is of interest to other games, let us know.
        If possible, please use the following template.  Multiple lines
        for each entry are OK.

        Name            :
        Type            :
        Location        :
        Administrator   :
        To contact      :
        Ph#/Address     :
        Access Details  :
        Fees            :
        Description     :
        Notes           :

From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Date: 11 Mar 93 21:58:08 GMT
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] Roleplaying mailing lists and digests part 2/2

Archive-name: games/roleplay/part5
Last-modified: 3/10/93


The next large group of entries describe Internet mailing lists.
Some of them allow automated subscriptions and/or archive retrieval,
others do not. To join, send electronic mail to the address listed under
"Contact:". Send submissions to the "List:" address.

        Traveller Mailing List
        Ars Magica Mailing List
        GRASS (Generic Religions and Secret Societies   )
        Champions mailing list
        Call of Cthulhu Mailing List
        Warhammer Mailing List
        CAMELOT mailing list
        VAMPIRE Mailing List
        IFGS Mailing List
        Forgotten Realms Mailing List
        Interactive Literature Foundation (ILF) mailing list
        Warhammer 40K Mailing List
        San Francisco Bay Area Gamer's Mailing List

        Ravenloft Mailing List
        Amber Mailing List

        GURPS Announcements
        GURPS discussion group

Name:           Traveller Mailing List
Contact:        traveller-request@engrg.uwo.ca (James T.Perkins)
List:           List address made available once a new member has subscribed.
Archived:       FTP from ftp.engrg.uwo.ca (
Info Updated:   February 5, 1993
Notes:          The Internet Traveller Mailing List is intended for the
                discussion of the Traveller Science Fiction Role Playing
                Game, published by Game Designers' Workshop. All variants of
                Traveller (Traveller 2300, MegaTraveller, The New Era), and
                Traveller games (Snapshot, Trillion Credit Squadron, etc.)
                are included, too. Discussion is unmoderated and open to all
                facets and levels of Traveller discussion. Listeners as well
                as contributors are welcome.
                Past messages are available via anonymous FTP from
                ftp.engrg.uwo.ca ( in the /pub/traveller
                directory. The list manager can retrieve old articles, too
                (but try the automated sources first, please). The archive
                site is graciously administered by Dan Corrin

Name:           Ars Magica Mailing List
Contact:        ars-magica-request@soda.berkeley.edu
List:           ars-magica@soda.berkeley.edu
Archived:       FTP from soda.berkeley.edu
Info Updated:   12-Mar-1992
Notes:          An FTP-able archive exists at soda.berkeley.edu in 
                the pub/ars_magica directory. Send requests for archive info to
                Shannon D. Appel <appel@soda.berkeley.edu>.

Name:           GRASS (Generic Religions and Secret Societies)
Contact:        GRASS-SERVER@wharton.upenn.edu
List:           GRASS@wharton.upenn.edu
Administrator:  GRASS-REQUEST@wharton.upenn.edu
Archived:       Mail to GRASS-SERVER@wharton.upenn.edu
Info Updated:   29-Jun-1992
Notes:          The GRASS (Generic Religions and Secret Societies) mailing list
                is a small working group formed in order to write up religions
                and secret societies for use in role-playing games. Both
                real-world and fictional religions and secret societies are
                covered. Before you join GRASS you must demonstrate that you
                are serious about at least occasionally producing something
                useful by producing a substantive original writeup of a
                religion or secret society in some format or another and
                sending it to grass@wharton.upenn.edu. Once you have sent your
                first writeup in you will be added to the mailing list. We do
                have a preferred format for write-ups. In order to get a copy
                send mail to GRASS-SERVER@wharton.upenn.edu with a subject line
                of GET GRASS.FORMAT You do NOT have to join the mailing list in
                order to see what the mailing list produces. Anyone can use the
                mail archive server to retrieve articles or discussion logs.
                Archives may be retrieved via GRASS-SERVER. To use the
                GRASS-SERVER, send mail containing the command HELP within the
                subject line and/or the body of the mail message to:

Name:           Champions mailing list
Contact:        champ-request@elysium.esd.sgi.com
List:           champ@elysium.esd.sgi.com
Status:         Active:
Info Updated:   1-Feb-1991
Notes:          The list manager asks that new subscribers include their
                address (preferably in domain notation) in their subscription

Name:           TORG
Contact:        torg-request@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
List:           torg@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
Administrator:  torg-owner@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
Archived:       FTP from morticia.cnns.unt.edu.
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   15-Aug-1991
Notes:          An Internet mailing list to discuss the possibilities of the   
                Infiniverse. For information, send email to the contact   
                address. On the subject line, type the single word "help". This
                mailing list is also gatewayed to the usenet newsgroup
                alt.games.torg.  To subscribe, send email to the contact
                address. On the subject line type "subscribe" (or "sub"). No
                parameter is necessary for the subscription command.
                Optionally, you may type your name after the subscription
                command. It will be visible on the list along with your
                address. Optionally, also, you may give the command "subscribe
                -".  This hides your address from others on the list.  To
                unsubscribe, send your request to torg-request. The subject   
                line and/or the first line of the mail should read: 
                unsubscribe {user} 
                where {user} is the address that you wish to unsubscribe.  Torg
                archives are available via anonymous ftp in pub/lists at
                morticia.cnns.unt.edu. You may make submissions in the
                directory pub/lists/submissions  The list is coordinated by
                Clay Luther    (cluther@morticia.cnns.unt.edu).

Name:           Call of Cthulhu Mailing List
Contact:        cthulhu-request@cs.qmw.ac.uk
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   12-May-1991
Notes:          A mailing list for discussion about *the* horror frp. CoC.

Name:           The Warhammer Mailing List
Contact:        wfrp-request@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
List:           wfrp@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
Administrator:  wfrp-owner@morticia.cnns.unt.edu
Status:         Active?
Info Updated:   30-May-1991
Notes:          For the discussion of Games Workshop's Warhammer Universe, the
                Old World,  Warhammer Fantasy Role Play, and Warhammer Fantasy
                Battle. The Warhammer mailing list is running ListMan 1.0b List
                Manager software.  To subscribe, send email to the above
                request address and as the first word on the subject line or
                any line in the text of the message put the word "sub". You may
                also include a parameter with the sub command.  This parameter
                will be treated as your *real* name, not your address (which is
                determined from your mail headers).  You may also send
                wfrp-request other commands, not the least of which is "help". 

Name:           The Stormbringer Mailing List
Contact:        stormbringer-request@ocf.Berkeley.EDU,appel@soda.Berkeley.EDU
List:           stormbringer@ocf.Berkeley.EDU
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   25-Feb-1991
Notes:          The Stormbringer mailing list exists for both the fans of
                Michael Moorcock's books and those who enjoy Chaosium's games,
                STORMBRINGER and HAWKMOON.

Name:           CAMELOT mailing list
Contact:        camelot-request@castle.ed.ac.uk
List:           camelot@castle.ed.ac.uk
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   15-Jun-1991
Notes:    A new mailing list on the subject of Arthurian legend and Grail
          Lore. The 'Matter of Britain', as it is known, in all its
          guises and all related subjects will be discussed in an
          unmoderated mailing list. Camelot is a forum for discussion of
          all Arthurian fields of interest.  The mailing list is new
          (started on 11 Jun 1991) and is run by Chris Thornborrow, a
          (new) member of the Pendragon Society who has studied Arthurian
          legend and Grail Lore for quite a while.
Name:           VAMPIRE Mailing List
List:           VAMPIRE@math.ufl.edu
Contact:        VAMPIRE-REQUEST@math.ufl.edu
Administrator:  Bob Slaughter <bss@math.ufl.edu>
Archived:       anonymous ftp to soda.berkeley.edu in pub/vampire
Info Updated:   5-jun-1992
Notes:          There is now a mailing list dedicated to the White Wolf       
                Role-Playing game, "Vampire". To subscribe, send a message
                containing "sub <addr> vampire" to LISTSERV@math.ufl.edu. To
                UNSUB, send a message containing "unsub <addr> vampire" to the
                listserver as well. The <addr> is optional, in case you want to
                receive the list at a different mailing address.

Name:           IFGS, International Fantasy Gaming Society
Contact:        Greg Trotter <greg@slinky.fidonet.org>
List:           ifgsrpg@slinky.fidonet.org
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   03-Sept-1991
Notes:          This is a FidoNet/Internet email list for the promotion and
                discussion of Live Action Roleplaying games, mainly of the IFGS
                variety (but we LOVE to hear about other games like SIL/ILF,
                The Fantasy Alternative, The Great Escape, etc.) 

Name:           The Forgotten Realms Mailing List
Contact         John Feldmeier <johnf@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu>
List:           fr@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Status:         active
Info Updated:   12-Jan-1992
Notes:          Anything involving the Forgotten Realms is accepted.

Name:           Interactive Literature Foundation (ILF) mailing list
Contact:        ilf-info-request@han.paramax.com
List:           ilf-info@han.paramax.com
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   20-Sep-1992
Notes:          This mailing list is for the discussion of live action role
                playing, most often the type not covered by IFGS-style games,
                but open to all discussions of interactive literature (another
                name for live action role playing games!).  US Mail address for
                the ILF: 
                PO Box 196
                Merrifield, VA 22116-0196
                The ILF's quarterly journal is called METAGAME and articles
                about live action role playing are always welcome!  Send
                articles to: jim@visix.com.  Other questions about the ILF
                should be sent to: Terilee Edwards <tnc!m0054@uunet.uu.net>
                Ilf-info is NOT a function of nor is it sponsored by the
                Interactive Literature Foundation and never really has been. 
                It is a mail repeater run by Tom Jewell of Cruel Hoax
                Productions (an IL game production group) as a public service. 
                Tom is not associated with the ILF and merely sponsors the list
                for fun.

Name:           The Warhammer 40K Mailing List
Contact:        war40k-request@bismarck.gatech.edu
List:           war40k@bismarck.gatech.edu
Admin:          Greg Williams <gw18@prism.gatech.EDU>
Status:         Active
Info Updated:   12-Jan-1992
Notes:          Reviews of 40K books as they come out, preferably from      
                more than one source. Other people's armies in detail. A      
                section on paint schemes and markings. New equiptment.      
                Houserules. Discussions of tactics in 40K. What's worked      
                for you in the past, Space Marine, etc.

Name:           The San Francisco Bay Area Gamer's Mailing List
Contact:        bag-request@gomez.intel.com  (D. J. McCarthy)
List:           List adress made available once a new member has subscribed.
Archived:       No
Info Updated:   23-SEP-1991
Notes:          The Bay Area Gamer's mailing list is for discussion and
                information-spreading about various role-playing, board, and
                war games and conventions throughout the 408, 415, and 510 area

Name:          The Miniatures Mailing List
Contact         minilist-request@cs.unc.edu
Status:        Active
Info Updated:  5-Feb-1993
Notes:         The Figures Mailing List is an archived mailing list for
          discussion of painting, sculpting, converting, and
          displaying of miniature figurines, generally for
          wargaming or fantasy role-playing games, and generally in
          the smaller scales (15mm-30mm).

          To subscribe, send e-mail to
          with subject
          You should receive a help file in acknowledgement.

Name:           Ravenloft Mailing List
Contact:        rl-request@ais.org
List:           rl-list@ais.org
Archived:       ftp from tybalt and greyhawk
Info Updated:   2-May-1992
Notes:          Chat about doomful things in general, centered around TSR's
                campaign world of Ravenloft. Archived materials include
                reviews, discussion, monsters, magic items, computerized sound
                files, etc.

Name:           Amber Mailing List
Contact:        oberon-request@amber.uchicago.edu
List:           oberon@amber.uchicago.edu
Listowner:      cliff@uchicago.edu
Moderator:      Cliff Winnig
Archived:       not at this time
Info Updated:   11-Nov-1992
Notes:          This list is for the discussion of the Amber Diceless
                Role-Playing Game and the Amber novels, and is completely
Mod-Quote:      I'd like to publicly thank Dave Martin for doing a wonderful 
                job as the list's founder and first administrator!

Name:           The Wizards of the Coast announcement list
Contact:        listserv@wizards.com
List:           not applicable
Moderator:      Peter D Adkison <mavra@wizards.com>
Notes:          This mailing list is used for general announcements and press
                releases.  Posting to this list should only be done by WotC
                personnel.  Membership on this list will keep you informed of
                forthcoming WotC products, changes in management, and so forth.
                Mail volume is kept light, and all messages clearly state the
                intent of the message right at the beginning so people can skip
                to the next message if they're not interested.
Requirements:   None.  We recommend that everyone who has any interest in
                Wizards of the Coast at all join this mailing list.

Name:           The Talislanta discussion group
Subscription:   listserv@wizards.com
Posting:        talislanta-l@wizards.com
Moderator:      Beverly Marshall Saling (persistence@wizards.com)
Notes:          Free form discussion of the Talislanta game system and

Name:           The Primal Order discussion group
Subscription:   listserv@wizards.com
Posting:        tpo-l@wizards.com
Moderator:      Peter D Adkison <mavra@wizards.com>
Notes:          Free form discussion of *The Primal Order.*  The author of the
                book is the moderator of the group.

Name:           The Experts development group
Subscription:   listserv@wizards.com
Posting:        experts-l@wizards.com
Moderator:      Peter D Adkison <mavra@wizards.com>
Notes:          This group focuses in on the task of writing integration notes
                for converting gaming stats from some system-independent
                platform to various game systems.  The integration notes for
                *The Primal Order,* and the upcoming *Pawns: The Opening Move* 
                were written by this group.  If you're a rules-lawyer this is
                the place for you. 
Requirements:   Thorough knowledge of at least one game system in print.

Name:           The Rivals of Estedhil development group
Subscription:   listserv@wizards.com
Posting:        rivals-l@wizards.com
Moderator:      Jonathan Tweet <jot@aol.com>
Notes:          This group is for playtesting and critique of the *Rivals of
                Estedhil* module being written for Wizards of the Coast by
                Jonathan Tweet (*Ars Magica, Talislanta, Over The Edge*).  This

               module is for the Primal Order line.
Requirements:   Familiarity with *The Primal Order.*

Name:           The Art of Game Mastering development group
Subscription:   listserv@wizards.com
Posting:        taogm-l@wizards.com
Moderator:      Ken McGlothlen <mcglk@wizards.com>
Notes:          Development group for discussion, critique, and research
                involving the forthcoming book by Ken McGlothlen, *The Art of
                Game Mastering (TaoGM).*

Name:           The Military Order development group
Subscription:   listserv@wizards.com
Posting:        tmo-l@wizards.com
Moderator:      Peter D Adkison <mavra@wizards.com>
Notes:          Development group for discussion, critique, and research
                involving the forthcoming capsystem by Peter Adkison, 
                *The Military Order.*

Name:           gurps-announce-ext
Subscription:   laird@think.com
Posting:        on approval of subscription
Moderator:      Laird Popkin (laird@think.com)
Notes:          gurps-announce-ext, is for occasional GURPS product and 
                playtest announcements and things along those lines.

Name:           gurps-ext
Subscription:   laird@think.com
Posting:        on approval of subscription
Moderator:      Laird Popkin (laird@think.com)
Notes:          gurps-ext, is for general GURPS discussion.  It's a small
                list right now, intended for "serious" discussions of GURPS 
                issues.  The current topic of discussion is "what should be 
                in the next edition of the GURPS Basic Set."

Name:           Chaosium Digest
Subscription:   appel@ezro.berkeley.edu 
Notes:          The Chaosium Digest shall specifically be a forum for all 
                of the great Chaosium games that do not already have a 
                place of discussion.

                This includes (but is not limited to): Basic Role Playing,
                Call of Cthulhu, Elric!, Elfquest, Hawkmoon, Pendragon,
                Ringworld, Stormbringer, Superworld, Worlds of Wonder, 
                Arkham Horror, Perilous Encounters and Stomp!

                The Chaosium Digest will NOT include articles for games 
                which already have forums of discussion.  As far as I know,
                this only includes Runequest right now (all discussion on
                Runequest should be directed to the excellent RuneQuest 
                digest, administered by Henk Langeveld).

From: rg-frp-announce@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Date: 11 Mar 93 21:58:23 GMT
Newsgroups: rec.games.frp.announce,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: [rec.games.frp.*] Roleplaying net.*.books,faq keepers

Archive-name: games/roleplay/part7
Last-Modified: 3/10/93


One class of article which is typically not posted to rec.games.frp.misc
is the net.book. Though they are occasionally posted to
rec.games.frp.archives, you may be more likely to find them at an ftp
site or other archive. Here is a list of net.*.books, along with the
names of the designated compilers, names of archive sites where known,
and a short, opinionated description.

        Net.Traps.Book(s) (two different collections)
        Net.Forgotten.Realms.Book (Tome of the Forgotten Realms)
        Net.Bard.Songs.Book (V1 and V2)
        ADND-L Lists of Net.*.Books


In addition to the general FAQ (of which this is part 7, there are other
FAQ (frequently asked question lists) which are maintained by other members
of the net community.


=============== NET.BOOKS ==================================================

Name:           Net.Spell.Book
Compiler:       Boudewijn Wayers <wsbusr1@urc.tue.nl>
Description:    A collection of D&D like spells for magic users. They
                are stored in Zoo'ed, uuencoded format if you get them from
                Boudewijn, so unless you are an old pro at BBS play you better
                look in one of the other archives for them.

Name:           Net.Prayer.Book
Compiler:       Boudewijn Wayers <wsbusr1@urc.tue.nl>
Description:    A collection of D&D like spells for priests. They
                are stored in Zoo'ed, uuencoded format if you get them from
                Boudewijn, so unless you are an old pro at BBS play you better
                look in one of the other archives for them.

Name:           Net.Plots.Book (2 volumes complete, 3rd in progress)
Compiler:       Aaron `Phrixus' Sher <ars3_cif@uhura.cc.rochester.edu>
Archived:       GRASS-SERVER among others
Description:    A list of plots for roleplaying games in order
                from shortest plots to longest ones. some of them are very
                good. An overabundance of liches in the first. No liches
                in the second.

Name:           Net.Traps.Book(s) (two different collections)
Compilers:      James C Phillips <jphillip@ecn.purdue.edu>
                Michael Sloves <grms@marist.bitnet>
Updated:        1-Jan-1992
Description:    A list of traps for dungeons. includes these
                categories, maybe more, Creator, Location type, Trigger
                Type, Trigger Description, Effect Type, Effect, Disarming,
                Game system if necessary.

Name:           Net.GURPS.Spell.Book
Compiler:       Raven <bfwong@tsunami.berkeley.edu>
Archived:       eklektik.cs.pitt.edu
Description:    A list of spells for the standard GURPS magic system.
                the first collection is pretty well done, with only a few
                munchkin bait spells. The second collection is under way now.

Name:           Net.Forgotten.Realms.Book (Tome of the Forgotten Realms)
Compiler:       Chris <CMK113@psuvm.psu.edu>
Description:    All things forgotten from the Realms. As such,
                plotlines, folklore, new places, NPCs, monsters, and even
                PSEUDO-Fluff are all acceptable submissions. The
                compiler is also looking for information to put in
                Net.books for Greyhawk, Dragonlance, Ravenloft, and

Name:           Net.Sphere.Books
Compiler:       Christopher M. Knuth <cmk113@psuvm.psu.edu>
Description:    A *HUGE* project covering: Non-Player Characters, New
                Deities, New Countries, or Buildings (Towers, Castles,
                Etc.), New Spells (special to sphere), New Prayers, New
                Monsters, New Weapons & Armor, New Classes & Races,
                Miscellaneous Information, Extended Time Lines, etc. For
                all the different TSR-published settings for the D&D and
                AD&D games. [Intended but not completed. Don't expect it
                any time soon. --LJM]

Name:           Net.Bard.Songs.Book
Compiler:       Jeff Gostin <jgostin@eternal.chi.il.us>
Archived:       sandman.cco.caltech.edu, greyhawk.stanford.edu
Description:    A bunch of mostly goofy bard songs. Pretty good. Absolutely
                fits the definition of "fluff".  Versions 1 and 2 are available
                in ASCII only on the above sites.

Name:           Net.Shadowrun.Book
Compiler:       Jerry Stratton <jerry@teetot.acusd.edu>
Description:    _The Annual Neo-Anarchists' Guide to Everything Else_ is
                coming your way soon. Jerry is looking for Regional
                Descriptions (your home town, chummer!), New Spells,
                Spirits, Cyber, Equipment, Skills, Adventures, Creatures.

                [29-Jun-1992] The First and Second Annual Neo-Anarchists
                Guide to Everything Else are now ready. You can get it
                via ftp at teetot.acusd.edu in the directory /pub/Beelzebub/
                These are in RTF.
Name:           Net.Monstrous.Compendium (LaTeX only currently)
Compiler:       Robert Chrisitian <robertc@garfield.cs.mun.ca>
Description:    A collection of AD&D monsters to be used with the 2nd Ed
                rules.  Submissions and requests for the compendium always

Name:           Net.Fiction.Story
Compiler:       mar@astrop.physics.su.OZ.AU
Archived:       suphys.physics.su.OZ.AU rpghelper/net.fiction.story
Description:    Up to the minute-proofread and edited version of the
                Net.Fiction Story in LaTex format.  Files are allofit.tex (for
                the LaTex version) and allofit.tex.z for the compressed version
                of the same. 

    *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *      *  

Name:           ADND-L Lists of Net.*.Books
Compiler:       Freeman MacCleane <ADP89@msu.edu>
Description:    A list of projects begun and/or announced fairly
                recently on the ADND-L mailing list, all centered around the
                xD&D game(s).

============= FAQ Keepers ===================================================

Name:               Shadowrun FAQ
Keeper:             Wordman (lward@husc.harvard.edu)
Posting:            Monthly (or more often when needed)

Name:               GURPS FAQ
Keeper:             Jim Duncan (duncanj@umd5.umd.edu)
Posting:            Every 4-6 weeks
Notes:              Quoted from the Keeper:

          I usually check in on the Illuminati BBS (Steve Jackson Games' BBS)
          once or twice a week. I may get some of my FAQs from there and add
          them even if they have not been FAQ in rec.games.frp.*. 
          Submissions should have GURPS FAQ in the subject line.

Name:               ADND FAQ
Keeper:             Chris Warren (warren@Apple.COM)
Posting:            Monthly

Name:               The General rec.games.frp.* FAQs
Keeper:             cwatters@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Coyt Watters)
Posting:            Biweekly, weekly at beginning of fall quarter.
Notes:              Email me for any changes to the 8 (soon to be 9) part
                    general FAQ.  Typos, corrections, suggestions, submissions
                    all cheerfully received by my automated mailer, then
                    scowlingly inserted somewhere into the FAQ.