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(4338) Mon 29 Apr 91 23:32 By: David Cherubim To: All Re: The Supreme Pentagram Ritual Of Spirit St: Sent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @PID: RA 1.01 241 @MSGID: 1:102/943 4dbb4a94 THE SUPREME PENTAGRAM RITUAL OF SPIRIT By Israel Regardie (Edited by David Cherubim) Issued by the Thelemic Order and Temple of the Golden Dawn Copyright (C) 1990 e.v. by the Israel Regardie Foundation, Inc. We are dealing with a subject which is considerably more complex to discuss than any which we heretofore had. It is the Fifth Element -- Ether or Akasha. The ancients did not include this and we have to look to the Alchemists for whatever we are able to give out regarding it. As soon as we reach this Fifth Element, we have difficulty in understanding what they meant. We have no prayer for the Fifth Element; but that there is a Fifth Element is fairly obvious. This Element is half manifest, half concealed. The Alchemists pay attention to five Elements and to the manipulating of this Fifth Element of Ether. The Fifth Element synthesizes the Four Elements and yet although a synthesis is an Element by itself, this Fifth Element is a duality. We will use the truncated pyramid. A truncated pyramid is one whose vertex is cut off by a plane usually parallel to the base. (The vertex of a pyrmid is the point of intersection of the generating lines or boundary planes respectively.) Each side of the truncated pyramid is considered to be one of the elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The base is OLAHM (the World). The top is ALEPH TAU -- the Alpha and Omega. Spirit, Essence, and being directly involved here as the Fifth Element. Imagine after thoroughly relaxing that you have built up a huge pyramid. See that Pyramid built up with all the imagination you have. You have to build up that Pyramid with the truncated top, and see yourself standing at the top. The East side of the Pyramid is Yellow in colour, the South is Red, the West is Blue, and the North is Black. Expand your consciousness. Here, however, we approach a different concept, not Elemental, but Spiritual. Up to now we have dealt with the elemental side, the Green Ray. That was to strengthen the interior basis of your nature, so that now it will have something interior to work on. Enlarge your body to fill infinite Space so the forces of God can pour through you. Inasmuch as there are some of you able to do this Ritual twice a day, I am going to give you variations of this in two ways because I do not want it mixed up with other work -- not even the Middle Pillar. Simply do this one thing. Of course you do the relaxation. It is always a part of your formula and routine. 1. Perform the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. 2. Perform the Greater Invoking Pentagram Ritual of Spirit, active and passive, then retire and face East. 3. Trace the Sign of Aquarius with your hand outstretched, and vibrate the appropriate divine Names I gave you for the Element of Air: SHADDAI EL CHAI RAPHAEL CHASSAN Stand still and recite the prayer of Air, and at the same time imagine that the Sylphs are there and pouring through you: Holy art Thou, Lord of the Air, Who has created the Firmament. SHADDAI EL CHAI. Almighty and everlasting, ever-living be Thy Name Ever-magnified in the Life of all. We praise and we bless Thee in the changeless empire of created Light; And we aspire without cessation unto Thy Imperishable and Immutable Brilliance. Amen. 4. Face South and trace the Sign of Leo. Then vibrate the appropriate divine Names of Fire: YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH TZAVOOS MICHAEL ARAL Stand still and recite the prayer of Fire, and at the same time imagine that the Salamanders are there and pouring through you: Holy art Thou, Lord of the Fire, Wherein Thou hast shown forth the Throne of Thy Glory. YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH TZAVOOS. Leader of Armies is Thy Holy Name. O, Thou Flashing Fire, Thou illuminest all things With Thy insupportable Refulgence Whence flow the ceaseless streams of Splendour Which nourisheth Thine Infinite Spirit. Help us, Thy children, whom Thou hast loved Since the birth of the Ages of Time. Amen. 5. Face West and trace the Sign of Scorpio. Then vibrate the appropraite divine Names of Water: ELOHIM TZAVOOS GABRIEL TALIHAD Stand still and recite the prayer of Water, and at the same time imagine that the Undines are there and pouring through you: Holy art Thou, Lord of the Mighty Waters Whereon Thy Spirit moved in the Beginning ELOHIM TZAVOSS Glory be unto Thee RUACH ELOHIM Whose Spirit hovered over the Great Waters of Creation. O, Depth, O inscrutable Depth, which exhalest unto the height: Lead Thou us into the true Life, through sacrifice, through Love, So that one day we may be found worthy to offer Thee, The Water, the Blood and the Tears, for the remission of sins. Amen. 6. Face North and trace the Sign of Taurus. Then vibrate the appropriate divine Names of Earth: ADONAI HA-ARETZ AURIEL PHORLAKH Stand still and recite the prayer of Earth, and at the same time imagine that the Gnomes are there and pouring through you: Holy art Thou, Lord of the Earth, Which Thou hast made for Thy footstool. ADONAI HA-ARETZ, ADONAI MELEKH. Unto Thee be the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. MALKUTH-GEBURAH-GEDULAH. Amen. The Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley. O Thou Who hidest beneath the Earth, in the Valley of Gems. The marvelous seed of the Stars. Live, reign, and be Thou the eternal Dispenser of Thy treasures, Whereof Thou hast made us the wardens. Amen. 7. Return to the centre of the Temple where you are sitting, and relax forthwith in the completest way possible. 8. Build up the Pyramid East side of Pyramid YELLOW South " " RED West " " BLUE North " " BLACK Base " " BLACK Truncated TOP of Pyramid will be WHITE. 9. Then imagine that you are standing on the top of the Pyramid. You are a vast figure of enormous size perched on an equally large Pyramid, and feel that you are standing on that truncated peak. 10. Then vibrate the Names: JEHESHUAH (or HOOR-PAAR-KRAAT) JEHOVASHAH (or RA-HOOR-KHUIT) and whilst vibrating the Names, feel yourself being bathed with Light, and then that power is coming through from every part of space, making you glow with Light. 11. Get off the Pyramid. Wait of course on top, and when you get the impulse to do so, get down. This is a test. I am not telling you what side. You go down to the bottom of the inside of the Pyramid, and remember I am not telling you what side you go into the Pyramid, or what side you go out. 12. Inside the Pyramid you vibrate once more the Divine Names: JEHSHUAH (or HOOR-PAAR-KRAAT) JEHOVASHAH (or RA-HOOR-KHUIT) and then four other additional Names. They are four words of five letters each: EXARP (pronounced X - R -Pay) HCOMA ( " Hay - Co - Mah) NANTA ( " En - En - Tah) BITOM ( " Bay - E - Toe - Em) These are Enochian Spirit Names. 13. Then wait quietly inside. Do not try to make things happen or formulate things in your imagination. If you get ideas, feelings, or any other concepts, note it, because you are going to record it always in your own notebook. Wait there quietly for some while until you feel the Meditation has come to the end. 14. Then ascend once more to the top of the Pyramid and feel yourself once more bathed with Light. Then as you stand on the top of the Pyramid recite the Invocation: 15. JEHESHUAH, JEHOVASHAH (or HOOR-PAAR-KRAAT, RA-HOOR- KHUIT). I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Celestial Spheres whose dwelling is in the Invisible. Ye are the Guardians of the Gates of the Universe. Be ye also the Guardians of the Inner Shrine. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied This abode of the Mysteries of the Eternal Gods Let my Sphere be pure and holy, so I may enter in and become a partaker Of the secrets of the Light Divine. Amen. 16. Then when you feel you have enough, draw in and perform the Banishing Ritual. Note: You can lie or sit down, but when you do the exercise you have to build up in your imagination yourself standing on this Pyramid. Remember that your inner body is capable of extending, so if you train yourself to grow in actial practice you do grow. It is your own inner form in which consciousness lives so that it expands. Sit down, and imagine that while you are sitting it is still you or your form getting bigger and bigger. Let me impress upon you again the great importance of this exercise. Take a few minutes and record the result of your Meditation in your note book as soon as you are finished. You are put to a test in order to see how your own inner consciousness will act, as to getting on the Pyramid and how you get off, and what you see when you get in. This is a test and this is an efficient way to find out your progress. It is not easy. It is a fight to the finish. --- @SEEN-BY 102/747 943 123/5 15 133/405 520 161/69 301/9 3602/42 5004/0 @SEEN-BY 7002/3001 9300/0 @PATH: 102/943 161/69 133/520 * Origin: Mysteria * Be ye mystic * (1:102/943.0)