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From: CORWYN              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 05:36:07
Message Number  9601

The only good solution to flag burning is to require permits. At ten 
bucks a shot, let anyone who feels like it burn a flag. Whe really
cares. If you do you don't understand that this country's ideal is free-
dom, and that includes the right to burn a silly piece of nylon if it 
happens to make a point. The flag is nothing sacred, and burning it does
nothing terrible to our country. Freedom is sacred, and regulating it
out of existence could very well destroy it.  I hope we still have some
people who believe in ideas, not nylon. Now I have an idea.. burn the 
conservatives!!!, the KKK, the Nazi party, and... whoops, those are 
parts of our community exercising their right to hold their own beliefs,
however much they suck. The flagburners.. they just might be maintianing
our democracy, no government is perfect, therefore every government must
be challenged. 
 Call me when you're ready for Poly-Sci 102.. 
 There are two kinds of fool:
   One says, "This is old and therefore good."
   One says, "This is new, and therefore better."
 Keep an open mind.
                          - Corwyn

From: CORWYN              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 05:46:47
Message Number  9602

I know.. I just can't stand people who are intolerant.. they make me
so mad, I want to bash them.  (he hee) 
(In case you didn't understand.. that was a lame attempt at humor)

From: CORWYN              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 05:49:24
Message Number  9603

As long as people are writing.. they like you.. you give them something
to write about.. Take your message about flag burners.
You expressed your small minded ignorant viewpoint, giving me a perfect
setup to explain my enlightened views of the world to the masses. 
                  - A humble Lord Corwyn

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:06:29
Message Number  9604

 Gee....did we forget this is HOW many CENTURIES into the future? And
real people today aren't starship captains who should have a steady 
command phrase like Make is so or Engage...

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:09:20
Message Number  9605

 SS>Dog got that 900 number...
    Well, his master probably taught him for David Letterman, or Current

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BEATLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:11:02
Message Number  9606

 AAArrrgghh! I HATE that STUPID show.
The problem isn't that it makes no sense, it's that it makes sense 

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:12:58
Message Number  9607

  Which is exactly why they don't like it. They want to sit on their 
asses and let the police take care of it. I wouldn't burn it (As MMA )
(says, the nylon stinks!) but The Freedom Principle is the deal here.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BEATLE              
Subject: stuff          
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:17:27
Message Number  9608

  How much for both 1 and 2....?

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:18:16
Message Number  9609

 You: Bash the Homos (tm)
 I've got a new one......
          Bash the Christians (tm)

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:21:28
Message Number  9610

Bash the Christians (tm)

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Star Trek      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:23:57
Message Number  9611

  Actually, that episode was written to be anti-hippie...

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:25:44
Message Number  9612

SS> Two new sworn enemies....
   Not true! I don't think there are any enemies on this board.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: CORWYN              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 12:35:00
Message Number  9613

    When you comin' back and putting your BBS back up?

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: RAVEN               
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:10:08
Message Number  9614

R> ...what's your point?  
I'm getting mauled to death by these users, and I'm brand new at this.

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: CORWYN              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:13:15
Message Number  9615

C> Keep an open mind.  
I try  to, if you have read my reply to the messages, I said that I 
would give Star Trek the Next Genereation a second chance.
BTW< what is Poly-Sci 102?

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: CORWYN              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:16:12
Message Number  9616

C>  small minded  igrorant viewpoint......
c>    ... A humble Lord Corwyn
I would ahrdly call you humble (your enlighted views). PLEASE
Give me a break.
And another thing I am /not/ small minded!! People who think they're
enlightened usually, in actuallity, are very self-opinioned, and small

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:20:19
Message Number  9617

Really Spellwind, you must have a dizzying intellect and a very keen
sense of the obvious!! 

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: dogs on TV     
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:21:44
Message Number  9618

My favorite dog is the one that can talk.  (From the Little Ceasar
commercials) "RI WOVE ROU"

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:23:57
Message Number  9619

> Two new sworn enemies.
Probably but now I have someone new to argue with.(hehehe)

To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:31:30
Message Number  9620

SS>Ok, BEATLE, is that Beatle Bailey or Beatlejuice? 
Oh, oh...not another Mike Greanawald or David Miller.

To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:33:58
Message Number  9621

Hmmm.  the character who made that remark...didn't he get crushed?

To: TURTLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:36:27
Message Number  9622

YOUR problem is that you *always* take an opinion for fact!  When I 
say that Apples top the eight-bitters, I meant of all the more common
eight-bitters that *real people* used.  Who the hell ever heard of ON!
systems or PC-Z?  The computer geeks from hell, that who....
(By the way, I *did* have a Z-80 in my machine....)

To: TURTLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:39:06
Message Number  9623

T>Not you, too!  My bulletin board is being overrun...
Suffer.  See, there *are* more people out there who have the guts
to speak thier mind on what is right.

To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:42:23
Message Number  9624

SS>fall to the mat...groan...
Scott!  Stay down, Scot!!
"Blshthshshshpppppp.  Uhg.  No," slobber, spit blood "gotta get up...
gotta get trashed some more..."

To: RAVEN               
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:46:18
Message Number  9625

R>Dew merely resembles camel piss...
And I bet that it tastes similar, too.  (Nasty, nasty tasting stuff.)
Course, then again, I would pass on the Toxic Shock (tm) first.

To: CORWYN              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:49:50
Message Number  9626

You poor misguided invalid-ual.   If you really believe that buring
the flag is stiking a blow for the right to free speach, then I think 
you'd better take a look at the way that was worded. 
  The FLAG is the symbol of this country.  Not some odd piece of nylon.
You said alligience every morning to "a peice of nylon"?  I think not.
The men on Iwo Jima put up a pole attached to "a peice of nylon"?
Bull-shit!  Thousands of men died for --- "a peice of nylon"?   The 
people who burn that flag are doing an act of effigy...they are 
trying to burn everything this country stands for, and if *I* ever saw
someone do it in front of me, I'd grab the first thing I could find and
kick the shit out of them!  WITH ALL DUE DISRESPECT FOR SCUM LIKE THAT!
  There are other ways of changing laws and getting attention than doing
that bullshit.

To: CORWYN              
Subject: enlightened    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:57:52
Message Number  9627

Enlightened...hmmm.  How do you feel about homosexuals?

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 13:59:40
Message Number  9628

TS> Bash the Homos (tm)
SW> Bash the Christians (tm) 
Hey, I like it!  I like it!  (And you trademarked aready...damn.)

From: RUFUS               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:21:00
Message Number  9630

>The Specialist says "Weasel on my nose, lookin' at my tose,
>who knows, where will it go?"
Boy, he says some of the weirdest things.

From: RUFUS               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:22:17
Message Number  9631

>Now, imagine, if you will, the original cast and crew with the modern
>day special effects...
And lots of Geritol, a girdle, make-up, and a toupe.

From: RUFUS               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:23:32
Message Number  9632

R> "Ha, I've got you now you Klingon scum...ouch, my back..."
SS> What in the world did you mean by that statement?
The original cast is getting up there is age.

From: RUFUS               
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Well?          
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:25:50
Message Number  9633

TURTLE>...nobody ever tells me anything...
RUFUS> Which is more than what I get told.
BEATLE> Which is pretty bad, since you're a student.
Oh, I get told plenty in school, I just choose to ignore half of it.

From: RUFUS               
To: BEATLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:29:05
Message Number  9634

Rufus> "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a UNIX hacker!"
Beatle> Can we put that in "Overheard"???
I don't see why not.

From: RUFUS               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:30:43
Message Number  9635

1) You don't need cable to watch Twin Peaks.
2) Trying to tell you what "Twin Peaks" is about would be rather hard.
I've got every episode on tape except for the second one from both the
first and second seasons.

From: RUFUS               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:31:58
Message Number  9636

Picard's "Make it so" is real annoying, but at least we don't get things
like: "We have...defeated the evil Space Gleebs...but the ship...is...
destroyed...we are...doomed...I have...lost me...girdle..."

From: RUFUS               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:38:23
Message Number  9637

>Both RUFUS and Beatle and merrily pounded the dayslight out of me.
>For some unknown reason it seems I have two new sworn enemies.
I'm not pounding you.  And I'm not your sworn enemy.
>P>S> Rufus I still would rather watch a Current Affair then
>read a Tabloid. So There.

From: RUFUS               
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 14:43:31
Message Number  9638

> Weasel on my nose, lookin' at my toes, who knows, where will it go?
You know, this could catch on /almost/ as much as my "All the cool foxes
are doing it" phrase.
  ...and if I see that phrase again, I'll probably kill someone.

From: BEATLE              
To: ALL                 
Subject: WOAH!          
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:01:49
Message Number  9639

  This has got to be a first... I log on and the BBS tells me I have 
about ten to fifteen messages waiting! I never got that much even when I
was reading through hundreds of messages per call!

From: BEATLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:05:18
Message Number  9640

> Paragraph Markers.
  No, I don't think so. I believe what I was referring to was some sort 
of line noise... Look at the messge Burney wrote. I think you'll notice
that the things I'm referring to (maybe not identical to my description)
are in the middle of sentence and don't  belong there...

From: BEATLE              
Subject: Armag.         
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:07:25
Message Number  9641

> Oooo!  Applied knowledge!  Almost impressive!
  It's the only thing I've been able to use from World History so far 
this year... I don't see how knowing why the people in Babylonia were 
civilized has any bearing on anything else. Maybe some other stuff, but 
I mean, why do I need to tell the teacher what made them civilized??

From: BEATLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:09:42
Message Number  9642

 I wouldn't compare my "tearing apart" of Scott to arguing with you over
homosexuality. I could tell a mile away that he obviously hasn't been 
watching the show. HOWEVER, I do agree with some things he said, and I 
know the show isn't perfect... I was merely reflecting back the same 
attitude in his message...

From: BEATLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:13:04
Message Number  9643

> Thank you very much.
  Sorry to get you so riled up. I know you have your opinion and so on. 
But perhaps I took the wrong way to giving my opinion... Guess it was a
little overbearing. Anyway, I do agree with some of your criticisms, but
if you start out pouncing TNG to death and lifting the classic up to
godlike proportions, I'm entitled to the reverse, aren't I?
   Anyway, I'm curious as to why you posted this as a  response  to the 
message describing Twin Peaks. Was there an error in the software?
   PS. It's not Beatle Bailey or Beatlejuice, it's Beatle as in THE 
Beatles... the group.

From: BEATLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Star Trek      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:16:31
Message Number  9644

> Ever thought of that?
  They did that plot already. See "The Way to Eden" on the original Trek

From: BEATLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:17:39
Message Number  9645

> ...we /do/ agree on /something/.
 Only partially. I'm not "strongly against" those who burn the flag. I
wouldn't do it myself, but there is a right, and burning the flag as a 
protest works. I wouldn't like it to escalate to some outrageous 
proportions, but the way it is now is fine.

From: BEATLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:22:09
Message Number  9646

  Sorry if we've pounced on you too soon. It's the usual way around here
... If you state a very strong opinion, the chances are better than 
Turtles VW not running that you'll be attacked (or, most often, your 
IDEA...). So, in conclusion, it's always like this around here. You get 
used to it.
  By the way, you wanna come to school with me? You seem to have a knack
for being a human thesarus. :)

From: BEATLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:25:09
Message Number  9647

> Don't just think of Troi as a sex object...
 Oh, fine! Take all the FUN out of it!!
  I certainly wish I was able to atten Tampa Vulkon in November... The
actress who plays Troi will be there...  [drool...]

From: BEATLE              
To: CORWYN              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:29:33
Message Number  9648

> After all, it's close to Lennon's 50th birthday.
  I'm glad someone else remembered! It was Tuesday the 9th. He will be

From: BEATLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:34:03
Message Number  9649

> it's that it makes sense wrongly.
  Huh? Can you elaborate on that puzzling opinion?
  But hey, isn't it interesting  to see Sherilyn Fenn????

From: BEATLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: stuff          
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:35:44
Message Number  9650

> How much for both 1 and 2....?
  You're joking, right? Well, that message surprised me. Well, for #1, I
will take a look at my issues to see how many aren't in mint condition. 
Those that are will go for at least 75 cents each, maybe more (and maybe
less, depending on the total) since they were going for that last time I
  As for #2, I'm looking to see if anyone wants a specific item. I'm NOT
(read that extra emphatically) going to sell it all. If you know of a 
particular SW item, let me know, and I'll see if I a) have it and b) wan
want to part with it.

From: BEATLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:39:41
Message Number  9651

> I'm getting mauled to death by these users, and I'm brand new at this.
  Well, keep in mind that we don't hate you. We don't mean to "maul" you
to death, either. Strong debating is common on here, so be prepared for 
opinionated responses! Just remember that it doesn't mean we hate you if
you disagree. As a matter of fact, if you stick up for yourself, you'll 
probably get more respect from us than if you back down.

From: BEATLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 20:44:20
Message Number  9652

> There are other ways of changing laws and getting attention than doing
> that bullshit.
  Ah, but the bullshit works best!! Anyway, I would like to disagree 
with you. The flag IS "a piece of nylon". It's what the people THINK of 
the flag that put it into the situations you mentioned. To take it quite
literally, YES, we do pledge allegiance to a piece of nylon every day.
But, I don't see how keeping people from burning the flag helps their 
self-expression. Gee, if you tell someone not to do something, they do 
it... Burning the flag can be  likened to sit-ins and such from the 
sixties. They're both ways of protesting, and if you get arrested, it 
makes all the more point. You want to say people can't do things like 
that, too??

From: TURTLE              
To: DIONYSUS            
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 21:54:06
Message Number  9653

>Ya know, if you and Turtle sabotaged each other's boards, you'd both
>be co-wrecked.
Aaaigh! You may not know this, but we have the death penalty here
at A/R...

From: TURTLE              
To: CORWYN              
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/13/90 21:58:24
Message Number  9654

Shouldn't that be, Stick to alcohol at night, and wake up with an
aspirin and a Mountain Dew the next morning? Caffeine and aspirin
do wonders for the fuzzy-tongue throbbing-head gosh-I-shouldn't-have-
swallowed-that-sweatsock aftereffects of a truly inspired evening.

From: TURTLE              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:05:22
Message Number  9656

>I believe there's a rule on this board about system bashing.
Yep. The rule is: Do it intelligently, or you're likely to get eaten
alive by the technically-inclined out there.

From: TURTLE              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:07:31
Message Number  9657

The average ST:TNG episode is better-written than the average Original
Trek episode, but the Original Trek episodes that were good were
absolutely brilliant. The new Trek still doesn't have much to compare
with, say, "City on the Edge of Forever," but that's possibly because
there aren't any writers who can compare with the likes of Harlan

From: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:13:52
Message Number  9658

MMA>(the burning nylon stinks!)
SPEC>And so do the scum who burn it.
And so do the scum who think that they are "protecting freedom" by
jailing the morons who burn flags.

From: TURTLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:22:53
Message Number  9659

>Just for clarification I'm strongly against flag burning and those
>who do it.
Meaning you support making flag burning illegal?

From: TURTLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:23:51
Message Number  9660

>For some unknown reason it seems like I have two new sworn enemies.
Not at all. You can disagree with an /idea/ without disliking the
/person/ at all. You will find that a number of people will disagree
with you on a number of points here and agree with you on others;
has no bearing on what they think of you as a /person/.

From: TURTLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:27:14
Message Number  9661

The users here don't bite, and for the most part don't attack /people/
so much as ideas. Now, if you're the type who takes disagreement as
a personal affront, ...(snicker)...

From: TURTLE              
To: CORWYN              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:31:20
Message Number  9662

On the subject of flag-burning and freedom, I saw this statement in
a letter to the editor of a local ultra-right-wing rag:
"Our freedoms are sacred, and we need harsh laws to protect them."

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:33:47
Message Number  9663

>Bash the Christians (tm)
Bashing Christians isn't worth the effort.
(Holding hands over head, running into the distance, waiting for

From: TURTLE              
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:37:36
Message Number  9664

Mountain Dew bears about as much relation to camel piss (at least in
taste) as your average hyperactive child bears to a brick. The stuff
is the sensory experience of the gods, and it's good for breakfast,

From: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:38:56
Message Number  9665

>Thousands of men died for --- "a piece of nylon"?
No, thousands of men died for freedom, liberty, and democracy. By
restricting that freedom we make their sacrifice meaningless.
The flag is just a piece of nylon. It is a symbol, yes, but YOU CAN'T
away! It's not hurting you, or me, or even the country. There will
/always/ be dissenters in ANY society; that is as it should be. If you
don't like the manner in which they dissent, so be it; by making a fuss,
you're only giving them the attention they want in the first place!!
Ignore them. They'll go away.

From: TURTLE              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 22:46:19
Message Number  9666

The things in the middle of the sentence are deletes!!! If you look
at 'em they always occur whenever it looks like he wanted to back up
over a word...sheesh!

From: RUFUS               
To: TURTLE              
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:15:52
Message Number  9668

Re: Bashing Christians.
Why don't we bash people who don't like Rush?
  ...wait a second, there are none.

From: RUFUS               
To: TURTLE              
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:17:20
Message Number  9669

>Mountain Dew bears about as much relation to camel piss...
Why do we keep picking on camels?  I like camels.  Sure, they're funny
looking, but I like 'em.

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: RUFUS               
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:26:16
Message Number  9670

R> And lots of Geritol.....
Obviously you don't read very well.  I said the original cast, at the
/same/ ages they were when the first serie came out.  Blended into 
the new writers and adveanced technology. In other words, use your 
imagination, the cast hasn't aged..... Got it this time?

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: RUFUS               
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:31:47
Message Number  9671

R> lost me.. girdle....
Rufus, you very strange. 

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: RUFUS               
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:33:04
Message Number  9672

R> not your sworn enemy....
Darn, well at least I have some one new to fight with.  (HEHEHEH)

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: BEATLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:36:27
Message Number  9673

Ok, RINGO. (evil spiteful laugh)  and yes you are entitled to the 
reverse godlike proportions and the like.  
  C'ya McCartney , ooops, sorry I always get you guys confused.

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: BEATLE              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:39:16
Message Number  9674

Beatle read The Specialist's lecture on Flag Burning. Learn from it
they'll be a quiz later.  But seriously, I agree with the Specialist.
If you hate this country such that you feel justified only by burning
the flag, then, do us all a favor, and move to a different country.

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:42:47
Message Number  9675

Where do you go to school?  I never been invited to go to school since
I graduated.  Could I really.. please.. I mean.... can I?  Hmmmm.

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:46:10
Message Number  9676

As for surviving ...... 
Thanks for the warning... By the way, what's that on your shoulder?
(stab, crazed laugh)

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:48:45
Message Number  9677

T> ...... Making flag burning illegal?
In a word  YES!

To: BEATLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:55:48
Message Number  9678

I know what you are talking about and on my system they come out as
paragraph markers.
  Could it be that you are on a different system than the one I am on?
Hmm.  Makes sense.

To: BEATLE              
Subject: Armag.         
Date & Time: 10/13/90 23:56:49
Message Number  9679

B>...I don't see how knowing ... has any bearing on anything else...
My point exactly.  As a matter of fact, this has been the only use
for applied knowledge that I've ever found...knowing enough trivia to
impress another person in casual conversation.

To: BEATLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/14/90 00:02:07
Message Number  9680

YOu do NOT pledge allegiance to a piece of nylon everyday, you pledge
allegiance to the nation which it stands for.  Get that?  "THE NATION
WHICH IT STANDS FOR".  If it was just a piece of nylon then burning it
would mean absolutely no more than burning your favorite T-Shirt. 
(Even thought that would be cotton, but that's beside the point.) When
they burn the flag they are showing thier disrespect for the country and
should be placed in the same category as any other scum who shows such 
blatant disrespect...deported.
  What the hell do sit-ins have to do with disrespect for the country?
And if they do get arrested, that's not *NEARLY* as serious as flag-
burning.  So what?  They sat in front of a Nuc-Plant, or said, "hell-
no, we won't go" or some other such insipid or highly unimaginative
phrase...the first is harmless, and the second is worthy of deportation.
So, like, where do you draw the line?  When does something become
too disrespectful for you to bear?  What do people have to trash or 
denigrate before *you* get upset?

To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/14/90 00:10:49
Message Number  9681

MMA>Don't burn the flag.
MMA>(the burning nylon stinks!)
SPEC>And so do the scum who burn it.
T>And so do the scum who think that they are "protecting freedom" by
T>jailing the morons who burn the flags.
I'm not in favor of jailing them...oh, no.  Shot on site, yes, jailing,
no.  (Jailing, you would have to spend money for food, heating, etc...)

To: TURTLE              
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/14/90 00:13:49
Message Number  9682

That's like a crack addict remarking about how great crack is...
meaning, yours is not exactly an objective opinion.  Obviously, if
you drank a lot of MD then you would not agree with the reference to
camel piss...right?  (Same for  Raven...not exactly objective...)

To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/14/90 00:15:37
Message Number  9683

Shot on sight...they'll go away that way, too.  Attrition.

To: RUFUS               
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 00:16:30
Message Number  9684

R>Why don't we bash people who don't like Rush?
R>   ...wait a second, there are none.
No, JonBoy doesn't like Rush.  (Swings howitzer in JB's general d
direction) Fire!

From: RUFUS               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 16:37:01
Message Number  9685

>In other words, use your imagination, the cast hasn't aged.....
Well, they have.  And you can tell.  I mean Scotty has put on a few
>Got it this time?
Yes, I suppose I have.  You can have it back now.

From: BURNEY              
To: RUFUS               
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 20:42:31
Message Number  9686

what you said.

From: BURNEY              
To: DIONYSUS            
Subject: spellgin       
Date & Time: 10/14/90 20:43:33
Message Number  9687

I know, I know.  The spelling errors were seen however this thing wont (
to the best of my knowledge) let  you back up more than one line.  And 
it's more of a bother to 'edit'   after I'm done.  As long as you get 
the idea that is all that counts.
BTW the line noise WAS bad that night.  BTW again.  Is it possible for 
one term prog. to be more prone to line noise than another??
<<< brnuey >>>

From: BURNEY              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 20:49:05
Message Number  9688

Boy that would be a GREAT combo.  Lets write a letter to the producers
to see if that can be arranged.
                                              <<< Brnuey >>> <--spelling

From: BURNEY              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: things         
Date & Time: 10/14/90 20:52:35
Message Number  9690

ooops....I was in graphic mode.  Sorry.  I dont see then as that.  
Will do better next time.

From: BURNEY              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Armag.         
Date & Time: 10/14/90 20:54:23
Message Number  9691

So what is the difference its still the same place.  

From: BURNEY              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 20:56:02
Message Number  9692

After sitting here for a few minutes.  I couldn't think of a good reply 
so you get this generic model.

From: BURNEY              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 20:57:43
Message Number  9693

A 'shrink' belongs any place other than the bridge.  Would you want her 
there when you were in command?

From: BURNEY              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Armag.         
Date & Time: 10/14/90 21:00:03
Message Number  9694

No point in specific.  However if there were one, it would be a 
continuation of the comments made in earlier messages.

From: BURNEY              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 21:02:34
Message Number  9695

No not really intolerant.  I just dont approve of that lifestyle.  I 
will not impose my views about    'homos' on any one.  Far be it from me
to tell someone what is 'right'   or 'wrong'.  All people are entitled 
to live there life the way they see fit.  That's what this country was 
founded on. (personal freedoms among other things)

From: BURNEY              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 21:07:49
Message Number  9696

Listen carefully........................thats me clapping 

From: BURNEY              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 21:09:12
Message Number  9697

Even in the midst of battle (seen on numerous occasions).  Would you 
approve if YOU were captain?

From: BURNEY              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 21:30:49
Message Number  9698

Who is talking about real life.  Even if we were that's waaaaay into the
future.  Maybe they talk like that in the future.

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: RAVEN               
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/14/90 22:31:01
Message Number  9699

What's Toxic Shock?

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: CORWYN              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/14/90 22:33:51
Message Number  9700

   The flag is the symbol for our country. When someone burns a flag,
they're symbolically trying to burn the entire country. 
   It's natural that the country would try to strike back at those who
oppose it. 
   Also, are you sure that the KKK and the Nazi party are a good
definition of who are "conservative"? In other words, should I say that
all liberals are Communists and Anarchists?

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/14/90 22:42:13
Message Number  9701

S> Not true! I don't think there are any enemies on this board.
   I haven't seen many of your messages, but it sounds like you're
trying to make enemies. "Bash the homos!" "Bash the Christians!"
Tell me, is there anybody you do like?

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/14/90 22:52:29
Message Number  9702

   After a "truly inspired evening," I usually reach for massive
amounts of vitamin B. Real useful to help get you back going.

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 22:58:00
Message Number  9703

>Bashing Christians isn't worth the effort.
   I'll bite. Why not? (And make a statement that includes all 
Christians, not just one branch.)

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/14/90 23:01:51
Message Number  9704

>If you hate this country,... then move to a different country.
   Do you believe "America: Love it or Leave it"? They seem awfully
drastic extremes.

From: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Objectivity    
Date & Time: 10/14/90 23:06:34
Message Number  9705

   There once was a film to disprove that marijuana made food taste
better. They had ten subjects, five of which were stoned; five of
which weren't. They gave each of them a McDonald's hamburger. The
five who weren't stoned ate the burgers without many comments.
The five who were ate them with great gusto, complimenting the
chefs at McDonalds. Therefore, the film concluded, marijuana doesn't
make food taste better -- it justs makes you think it tastes better.

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: BURNEY              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 23:12:28
Message Number  9706

>Far be it from me to tell someone what is 'right' or 'wrong'. All
>people are entitled to live there life the way they see fit.
   Do you include murderers, rapists, or the insane in that? Does
your relative morality include the extremely violent, the sadistic,
or drug addicts?

To: BURNEY              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/14/90 23:58:11
Message Number  9707

Agreed.  They're just sick, that's all.

To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/14/90 23:59:57
Message Number  9708

HEY!  Stop giving him credit for bashing the Homos!  That's *MY*
line.  (Sticks thumbs in suspenders and proudly sticks out chest.)
and it's *trademarked*.
DF>Tell me, is there anybody that you do like?
Hmmm.  No, but I do hate some more than others.  Heh, heh.
BTW, I used to have a Villians and Vigillantes character named
DragonFly.  (She could fly and had a flame-based attack.)

To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/15/90 00:03:09
Message Number  9709

DF>Do you believe "America: Love it or Leave it"? They seem awfully
DF>drastic extremes.
  I dunno about Scott, but personnally if you don't like the country,
I don't want to hear about it.  If you are going to burn the flag,
well, then SHOT on SIGHT.  But Love it or Leave it are such cliche'
expressions...if you don't like it, don't burn the flag.  You don't 
have to love it, but don't (verbally or with guestures) shout how much
you hate it to the world.

To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Objectivity    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 00:07:29
Message Number  9710

Ok...what's your point?  
The original message's point was to prove that a person who consumes
great amounts of MD (Mountain Dew) would not have an objective opinion
(meaning that he *would* be biased) about Mountain Dew.  The same for
a coffee drinker on the subject of coffee.
 What was your point?

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 02:32:49
Message Number  9711

TS> The FLAG is the symbol of this country.
   And this country stands for freedom, and if freedom is taken away,
all the people who died for that flag are no more, and the flag becomes 
a piece of nylon....

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Armag.         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 02:40:53
Message Number  9712

  He means the statement as it is talked about (Bullshitedly) in the

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Troi           
Date & Time: 10/15/90 02:45:46
Message Number  9713

   You know, I looked at this a long time. Damn, UGH! HER NAME IS 
Marina Sirtis(Greek). 
  double and triple ugh.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BEATLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 02:47:51
Message Number  9714

  ok. Yeah.... Hmm.
 AERTJUJ is an arami term for blue faced.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BEATLE              
Subject: stuff          
Date & Time: 10/15/90 02:49:59
Message Number  9715

 1> If any of those Things are less than Very Good, forget it.
 2> Aliens and ships....

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 02:54:27
Message Number  9716

 :) (annoying, earen't they?) 
Bash The Christians (tm)

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 02:55:45
Message Number  9717

 except in my case, in which they (they including Everyone) dislike
my ideas AND me.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 02:59:48
Message Number  9718

  How the hell are you gonna manage getting them back to the age they

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/15/90 03:01:41
Message Number  9719

   You don't usually hate the country when you're doing such a thing,
you hate what's being (or not being) done. Activism is the best Free 

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 03:04:59
Message Number  9720

  I pledge.......gee, I always thought the word was flag?

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 03:06:54
Message Number  9721

If anyone needs to be shot on sight, it's a paramilitary freak like you.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BURNEY              
Subject: Armag.         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 03:09:28
Message Number  9722

  So, what exactly do you mean by 'same place'?
 (putting on spiked gloves, sharpening knives......)

From: SPELLWIND           
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 03:12:58
Message Number  9723

 Bash the Homo's is Specialist's (ya know, the paramilitary freak)
They're human too.
 As for Bash The Christians (tm), they deserve it. Let's get those war
god worshippers outta the world.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 03:14:53
Message Number  9724

:)  ( ! )

From: SPELLWIND           
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 03:17:02
Message Number  9725

Turtle, I like this dude, I hope he isn't imported.
Dragonfly, You fit in here.

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/15/90 03:19:56
Message Number  9726

Paramilitary Freak
              Bash The Christians (tm)

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: RUFUS               
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 16:44:19
Message Number  9727

Yes I'll admit Scottlooks like he's pregnant but you're just eluding
my point.  The original cast is better than the new cast. 

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: BURNEY              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 16:46:12
Message Number  9728

B> That would be a great combo......
But I think I caught a little but of sarcasm in there.  But yes, just 
the same, it WOULD be a GREAT combo.

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 16:49:13
Message Number  9729

SP> how are you going to get them back to that age?     
Simple, a sling-shot around the sun (time travel) should do it!
Yeah, that's the ticket. 

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 17:28:55
Message Number  9730

SP>...and if freedom is taken away...
What an incredible exaggeration!  We are not going to become suddenly
communist if we make flag burning against the law!  Don't be stupid.

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/15/90 17:32:34
Message Number  9731

SP>You don't usually hate the country when you're doing such a thing,
SP>you hate what's being (or not being) done.
So, you take it out on the one thing you should have respect for?
Sorry, I just don't buy it. Y'know, flag burning was done in the middle
east, and all over america people were screaming for blood.  Now,
some americans do it, and it's free speach.  Bullshit.  I don't 
appreciate it when some "towelheads" do it, and I feel that if 
Americans want to do it, they should go over and join the Iranians and
Iraqis.  (An american who burns the flag is no better than an Iraqi or
Iranian who does.) 

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 17:36:35
Message Number  9732

I find it hard to believe that you don't know the pledge of allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and

Are you really that ignorant, or are you just acting that way to 
try to refute my point?  Either way, you come off sounding ignorant.

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 17:39:27
Message Number  9733

SW>If anyone needs to be shot on sight, it's a paramilitary freak like 
You are pathetic, y'know that?  Really pathetic. 

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 17:41:59
Message Number  9734

Hold it, you're saying that Homos are human but Christians "deserve it"?
Waitaminute...I disagree.  BOTH of them deserve to be bashed.  
Howabout a deal...I'll bash Christians (which actually, I'm pretty
apathetic to) and you bash Homos, and we'll have both of them gone 
in half the time!
                           -- A Paramilitary Specialist

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/15/90 17:45:03
Message Number  9735

Anti-Christ Freak. 
          Bash the Homos (tm)

From: BURNEY              
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Lifestyle      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 18:56:49
Message Number  9736

>Do you include murderers, rapists and the insane in that?...
                                         Yes I do.  However let me 
clarify that.  If a person chooses to be or do those things listed above
then they are subject to the laws of the society that they are a partof.
Now by saying that it may sound that I approve....I of course do not.  
The efficiency of the legal system to protect innocent citizens is 
another matter.  
>>> Burney <<<

From: BURNEY              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 19:09:53
Message Number  9737

>As for Bash the Christians (tm),
they deserve it.  Let's get those war god worshippers outta the world/
                                        Are you suggesting Christians
are 'war god' worshippers.  Did I read that correctly.  If so where did 
you get thAt ridiculous description from.  Also are you suggesting 
christian  executions Mr Hitler?

From: BURNEY              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 19:18:24
Message Number  9738

> But I think I caught a little bit of sarcasm in there....
                                       NOT AT ALL...

From: BURNEY              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 19:21:03
Message Number  9739

I agree  with you.  Next thing you know we'll be hip deep in the KGB.
Just a little sarcasm there.  The flag is the symbol of this country. 
When you see some stinkin' Iranian or such burning the flag on the 6:00
o'clock news, doesn't that cut you to the bone.  It does me...

From: RUFUS               
To: BURNEY              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 19:46:12
Message Number  9741

>A 'shrink' belongs any place other than the bridge.
Yep, like in 'Ten Forward.'  It would be awful if the bartender, under
some stress or mental anguish (sp?) made the wrong drink (or, in this
case, punched in the wrong drink).  No need to worry about the people
actually responsible for the ship and everyone on it.  If your gonna 
have a 'shrink', you might as well have here on the bridge.
>Would you want her there when you were in command?
No, just because she'd be to damned distracting.  :)

From: RUFUS               
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 19:54:05
Message Number  9742

>except in my case, in which they (they including Everyone) dislike
>my ideas AND me.
Hey, hold on there bud.  I shot at you several times.  Now, that cost me
money.  I don't shoot at people I don't like (okay, on occasion, I
might take a few shots at people I don't like).
    ...ignore the nice insurance salesman, he's befuddled.

From: RUFUS               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 19:58:08
Message Number  9743

>Yes I'll admit Scottlooks like he's pregnant...
No, it looks like he swallowed a shuttle craft.  :)
>...but your just eluding my point.
Like a furry creature of the forest, I scamper.  Err, was your point
"The old show was better than the new"?  Well, both shows stand alone.
>The original cast is better than the new cast.
I like them both.  There are characters from both series that I like
and dislike.  And regarding new vs. old and new cast vs. old cast, last
nights episode would not have been possible with the old cast, and it 
was, IMHO, one of the best episodes.

From: RUFUS               
To: RUFUS               
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:06:46
Message Number  9744

>you might as well have here on the bridge.
And once again, I manage to mix up here and her.

From: TURTLE              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:25:39
Message Number  9746

>...the chances are better than Turtle's VW not running that you'll
>be attacked...
Hey! Turtle's VW /runs/ just fine!
...too bad it has no fourth gear.

From: TURTLE              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:27:48
Message Number  9747

>Ah, but that bullshit works best!
Not really. Flag-burning as a form of protest gets a lot of attention,
but it's not usually the sort of attention you want focussed on your
cause. Sure, it makes a point, but the point is usually: "Hey, every-
body, look at what an asshole I am!!"

From: TURTLE              
To: RUFUS               
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:30:05
Message Number  9748

>Why don't we bash people who don't like Rush?
>  ...wait a second, there are none.
Not true! I personally know two or three people who don't like Rush.
Amazing, isn't it?

From: TURTLE              
To: RUFUS               
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:31:13
Message Number  9749

>Why do we keep picking on camels? I like camels.
Yes, but do you like camel piss? /That's/ what is being picked on here.
(Actually, Mountain Dew is being picked on here, but you see what I

From: TURTLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:32:25
Message Number  9750

>I said the original cast...
Well, yes and no. I like Scotty better than what's-his-face, and
McCoy is so much better than Beverly Crusher that it's not even worth
going into. On the other hand, I would prefer Picard to Kirk on this
hypothetical series, not because Picard is a better /character/ but
because Patrick Stewart is a better actor than William "Mr.
Melodrama" Shatner. Ol' Bill always did have a thing about totally
dominating every scene he's in, and from the Star Trek movies I
see that hasn't gone away with age.
Course, I'd like to see Sulu take out Wesley with one of his fencing
foils, too...

From: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:37:42
Message Number  9751

>When they burn the flag they are showing their disrespect for the
...which ought to be illegal; just ask any two-bit dictator. Showing
disrespect for the country is no big deal; hell, there are things /I/
don't respect about this grand old place! (I certainly have no respect
for our present government's ability to manage money, for one.) That's
the neat thing about a free society: you /don't/ get imprisoned
for not being properly reverent toward the powers that be. So you get
a few assholes; so what? I'd rather live with them than live with a
government that thinks repression and imprisonment are perfectly
kosher whenever someone doesn't seem respectful enough. If I want to
live in a society whose citizens don't ever show disrespect for their
country, I'll move to North Korea. No thanks.

From: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:42:03
Message Number  9752

>I'm not in favor of jailing them...oh, no. Shot on site, yes...
Don't they do that in China?

From: TURTLE              
To: BURNEY              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:48:52
Message Number  9753

> 'shrink' belongs any place other than the bridge.
I dunno; she's come in handy a few times by tuning in to a potential
opponent's state of mind and telling Picard "He's bluffing" or "He
means it." Besides, she's rather aesthetic-looking; if I were in command
I wouldn't mind her on the bridge!! (Smirk)

From: TURTLE              
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Flags & You    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 20:51:43
Message Number  9754

>Also, are you sure that the KKK and the Nazi party are a good
>definition of who are "conservatives"? In other words, should I
>say that all liberals are Communists and Anarchists?
Obviously not...but that does bring up a good point. Flag burners
disgust me. So do members of the American Nazi Party, the White
Aryan Resistance, and the Ku Klux Klan. You don't see any movement
afoot to ban the Nazis or the WAR, though; and that is as it
should be in a country that respects people's right to express them-
selves as they see fit. I would //!!MUCH!!// rather watch someone
burn a flag than watch a bunch of whitesheets parade through my town,
but the point is this is a _free_ country and they both have the right
to do what they do. If you live in a free society, you're gonna see
things that piss you off and make you want to retch. It happens.
Get used to it. That's part of the price you pay for the right to
hold opinions of your own that /other/ people don't like.

From: TURTLE              
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Christian affai
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:00:19
Message Number  9755

>I'll bite. Why not?
Seriously? That comment was more inflammatory than anything else;
most Christians are a relatively innocuous lot, I suppose. I will
say, though, that I find Christianity in general to be not
terribly interesting and slightly silly as religions go. Theologically,
the idea of being saved for your sins by murdering the diety you sin
against doesn't make a whole lot of sense (and Jesus wasn't your
typical sacrificial lamb who dies pure for our sins, because for that
to work he would have had to have been judged by God, not by man;
my need to judge you is not satisfied if /you/ kill /me/ in your
place), and historically it doesn't have a track record I'd be
proud of.

From: TURTLE              
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Objectivity    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:05:13
Message Number  9756

>Therefore, the film concluded, marijuana doesn't make food taste
>better -- it just makes you think it tastes better.
Taste is subjective. If you /think/ something tastes good, then it
does...to you. Finding someone who says it doesn't taste good doesn't
prove that the food is not, in fact, good-tasting.
Pot does excite the centers of the brain responsible for perception of
hunger, though, and I'm sure you've noticed that if you're hungry things
seem to taste better than they do when you're not...

From: TURTLE              
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:07:57
Message Number  9757

>Do you include murders, rapists, or the insane in that? Does your
>relative morality include the extremely violent, the sadistic, or
>drug addicts?
Not a valid argument. Murders, rapists, et. al. deliberatley commit
acts of violence against innocent people. That makes them qualitatively
different from people who do /not/ commit acts of violence of any sort,
or in fact do /anything/ to anyone without full consent, yet who do
things you don't approve of. The logic you used can support ANY
moral judgement at all:
"I don't think I have the right to make moral judgements based on
 people's dress."
"Oh really? Do you also think that murder, rape, etc. is morally right?"
Comparing an act of violence to a behavior that hurts nobody is a
kind of dubious thesis in any situation.

From: TURTLE              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:12:56
Message Number  9758

>...don't (verbally or with guestures) shout how much you hate it
>to the world.
Are you saying you only have the right to express your opinion about
your country if the opinion is positive?? For someone who is willing to
fight in the service of this country to support the system of personal
liberty that it represents, I find that *very* *difficult* to believe.

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Stuff          
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:15:53
Message Number  9759

"I pledge alliegance to the flag..." and what's more, I mean it! I'll
stick up for that flag to all its friends that try to cut it down,
I'll follow it anywhere, I'll babysit its kids...
You can't pledge alliegance to a /flag,/ only to a /country./

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:17:51
Message Number  9760

>If anyone needs to be shot on sight, it's a paramilitary freak like
Hey! That's out of line.

From: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:19:29
Message Number  9761

>We are not going to become suddenly commhnist if we make flag burning
>against the law!
No, but on th other hand continual slow erosion of liberty /is/ a very
real problem, and it /is/ happening. We have somehow managed to survive
for the last two hundred years without a law against flag burning;
why the sudden burning need for one now? I am always reluctant to
advocate /any/ limiting of /any/ rights unless you can provide a damn
good reason that it has to be done, and on this issue I don't see one.
The country's not going to disintegrate into a seething mass of left-
wingers and anarchists if some schmuck with a match sparks one up,
and the people who try to insist that our country's future relies
on an anti-flag-burning law exaggerate.

From: TURTLE              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:23:42
Message Number  9762

>So, you take it out on the one thing you should have respect for?
The one thing you /should/ have respect for is our society, not our
flag. Without the society the flag is meaningless. It is a symbol, not
a thing with any intrinsic value.
>(An american who burns the flag is no better than an Iraqi or
>Iranian who does.)
Wrong. An American who burns the flag is worse. He, at least, ought to
know better. On the other hand, an American who shoots a flag-burner
is no better than a Chinese or Korean soldier who does.

From: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:26:47
Message Number  9763

>You are pathetic, y'know that?
Cool it, you two.

From: TURTLE              
To: BURNEY              
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:28:02
Message Number  9764

>Are you suggesting that Christians are 'war god' worshippers...If
>so where did you get thAt ridiculous description from.
From history. The early Yahvists /were/ war god worshippers; the
Christian idea of God evolved from Marduk, a very old pagan god of
war. No religion springs from a vacuum, except perhaps Scientology.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:47:24
Message Number  9765

   Gee, why don't you just fly the ship backwards? (Hahahaha )

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:48:16
Message Number  9766

  No, we won't. (How'd communism get into this?) That would be a bui-
lding block, 3rd story on the House or Antifreedoms.....

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:50:25
Message Number  9767

  Oh, I see, because of Kumehni(sp?) and Hussein, you classify all
Iraqis and Iranians less than human. And you're calling ME stupid?
 You Paramilitary Freak.

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:52:03
Message Number  9768

  I never really paid attention to a pledge that makes all kids say 
God in a land of free religion....sorry!

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BURNEY              
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:54:22
Message Number  9769

  Oh no, don't even put me near that type of criteria because I'm just 
the opposite. All humans are ok by me, I just don't like their
war-god religion and I hopest they come to their senses.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: RUFUS               
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:57:59
Message Number  9770

  Here's something to consider. The old cast (at their ST age) on STTNG
and the new cast (At their age now) on the old show......
that'd be strange to watch.......

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/15/90 21:59:44
Message Number  9771

I heard you were selling it REAL cheap. I love that car.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Stuff          
Date & Time: 10/15/90 22:08:24
Message Number  9772

  Exactly my point. AERTJUJ.... arami for Blue Faced

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 22:09:22
Message Number  9773

  And his comment wasn't?

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/15/90 22:11:16
Message Number  9774

   Gee, this really doesn't have anything to do with the message you
just typed, but a couple other messages.
   As I said on Courts, all (semi-active) Christians and Politicians up 
for reelection are under a new classification... Moralist.
 (I know, I know...) (Takes hat off so Turtle can WHAP him in the head 
with a hammer.)

From: CARRENTHEON         
To: TURTLE              
Subject: BBS            
Date & Time: 10/16/90 05:15:12
Message Number  9777

Hey Turtle,
  Greetings from J-ville....  I agree with the other guys... this is one
of the best boards up.. (Even if it is run on a TRS-80 Snicker) Sure 
would miss it if it went down... wouldnt be able to get all my furry 
news or have wierd conversations with the colourful people online...
Nice seeing yall online again...
Signing off from Jacksonville (Ugh these IN-State LD calls are murder!)
Carrentheon (Paul)

From: CARRENTHEON         
To: BEATLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/16/90 05:32:08
Message Number  9778

 My boss always tells me to "Make this happen"... mabye i ought to 
mention to him that that sounds kinda like a plastic answer... probably
raise an eyebrow at that remark... (The left one... then hell  tell me
that was not a logical answer....) And can you believe that picard came
from a family of vineyard keepers??? What kind of skills does that give 
you to qualify for starfleet??? Able to drink someone under the table??
I think hes kind of a snot anyways... heheheh...

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/16/90 08:32:45
Message Number  9779

"hey, everybody, look at what an asshole I am!"   .....
Allright Turtle, I like it. Getting attention by flag-burning is 
like the child who intentionally mis-behaves to get attention. 
A child /needs/ to have attention.  Therefore it will (if he/her feels
it's necessary) to mis-behave.  (Just a clarifier, I not says kids sit
down and analyze ways to get attention.) OOOPs  above not says, saying
But if a child is starved for attention he/her might start mis-behaving
just for the attention.  It would be "negative" attention but at least
it /is attention.  Somehow flag-burners have adopted this same policy,
"If the government can ignore me, then I'm gonna burn the flag just to 
really pissed them off and then maybe they'll pay some attention to me.

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: TURTLE              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/16/90 08:53:37
Message Number  9780

I'll probably getting shot down in flames for theis but I going to say 
it anyway.  America, just like any other country, unfortunately has
that disturbing way of trying to convert a country's government system
to ours (democrary).  Like when we threw that dictator out and set up
a democracy.  I agree with you, Turtle when you asked....
T> Are you saying you only have the right to express your opinion about
T. your country if the opinion is positive?? ......
If our country's respond to that question would be "Yes" then I think
we all better scramble for parachutes because we're on the road to 
communism.  Unfortunately governments, all forms of government, have
a bias opinion towards their own form of government, but does that 
make it right for everyone?  Not necessarily,  I personally think
after comparing all forms of government that a socialist government 
with democratic elections would be better then what we have now.
In a socialist economy everyone is little more closer to equal there
You don't have the pathetically poor and the mega-millionaires. 
    To quote a song " The rich control the government,
                      the media, the law,"
   I believe everyone and I mean *EVERYONE* is entitled to their own
opinion. (BTW I hate the bumper-sticker that says "everyone is entitled
to my opinion.) Anyway, whether it be positive or negative, people 
should be able to have different opinions.  Please don't tell me that
we are gonna try to control the way people *THINK* now too.  
   There are a lot of relative things in life.  Ok, someone argument 
in defense of flag-burning, is, it's a symbol of America, just a piece
of nylon.   Well your car is a symbol of your social status and your net
worth.  It means a lot to it owner, yet in reality it just a bunch of 
metal and wires, etc.  Remove the availablity of gasoline, your car
is worthless. Yes the flag is nylon but to a lot of people it means
a whole lot more, a WHOLE LOT MORE. 

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/16/90 18:35:06
Message Number  9785

   Now add a cause and you got it.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/16/90 18:38:23
Message Number  9786

   Actually, without gas the car can be a home........

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/16/90 23:47:37
Message Number  9788

>...I just don't like their war-god religion and I hopest they come
>to their senses.
Shouldn't that be, "I hopeth they come to their senses"?

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/16/90 23:48:30
Message Number  9789

I'm selling it for the first $300 that walks down the pike. It needs a
new battery and some tranny work, but the engine alone is worth more.
I like it too, but I can't afford to fix it at this moment...

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/16/90 23:49:48
Message Number  9790

Comments which are directed at /ideas/ are appropriate. Comments which
are directed at /other users/ are not.

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/16/90 23:51:01
Message Number  9791

>...all (semi-active) Christians and Politicians up for reelection
>are under a new classification... Moralist.
Not necessarily. Connie Mack, who is generally a /very/ conservative
individual, impressed me greatly when he took a stand against attempts
to censor the 2 Live Crew after they were arrested in Florida. That
particular man stands for what conservativism /used/ to mean; namely,
that people have the right to do what they do free from regulation
and government interference as long as what they do does not interfere
with other people's freedom. That is an ideal I have more than a
little respect for, and it impressed me when a man in high political
office bucked popular opinion and the opinion of his fellow
conservatives to oppose censorship. I still think he's flat-out wrong
on a number of points, but whatever else you can say about him he's no
self-serving moralist.

From: TURTLE              
To: CARRENTHEON         
Subject: BBS            
Date & Time: 10/16/90 23:56:50
Message Number  9792

Calling long-distance in-state must be hell on your phone bill...I'm
flattered! I sincerely hope we won't be going down in the near future,
but things are kinda iffy hereabouts...we may end up cutting back even 
further on system hours in the near future sometime soon.

From: TURTLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/16/90 23:58:56
Message Number  9793

>If the government can ignore me, then I'm gonna burn the flag just
>to really piss them off...
Precisely. That's why I say ignore 'em.

From: RUFUS               
To: TURTLE              
Subject: curr affa      
Date & Time: 10/17/90 16:53:03
Message Number  9795

Two or three people who don't like Rush?  Wow, amazing!

From: RUFUS               
To: CARRENTHEON         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/17/90 17:00:48
Message Number  9796

  The message handler is full!! It won't save any more!!!

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/17/90 18:26:56
Message Number  9798

S> Now add a cause and you got it.
What do you mean?

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/17/90 18:28:13
Message Number  9799

S> Actually without gas the car can be a home........
Yeah, nice home, no shower, no bathroom, no kitchen,no refrig, yeaaaaah.

To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/17/90 18:42:43
Message Number  9800

>I'm not in favor of jailing them...
>I want to shoot them.
T> Don't they do that in China?
Yes, they do.

To: TURTLE              
Subject: Flags & You    
Date & Time: 10/17/90 18:46:09
Message Number  9801

Damn you, Turtle.  I  ****HATE IT**** when you are right! 
But I still want to shoot them on sight....

To: TURTLE              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/17/90 18:50:15
Message Number  9802

>Are you saying you only have the right to express your ...blah, blah
>blah, blather blather... I find that *very* *difficult* to believe.
What bothers me is that I'm willing to fight in the service of this 
country and some asshole is out there trashing the symbol of it!  That
wouldn't bother you?

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/17/90 19:03:54
Message Number  9803

Oh, I see.  You are an Iraqi sympathiser, is that it?  And I bet you 
cheered when Kohomeni took over the embassy, and laughed when he 
paraded his hostages down the streets.  No, I'm not calling you stupid.
I'm calling you pathetic, and saying that you *act* stupid.

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/17/90 19:06:25
Message Number  9804

Yeah, that's typical.

To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/17/90 19:10:18
Message Number  9805

Nice points, Scott.  I like the way that you said that everyone should
be entitled to thier own opinions.
  I think that the flag should not be burned.
  I think that homos are sick people.
  I think that someone I know is really pathetic. 
  That doesn't mean that I should be able to shoot someone for burning
the flag, or make all homos go for intensive psychiatric treatment, or
even be allowed to make sure everyone knows who I'm talking about by
saying his name over the radio.  That'd be wrong.
  But if I hated the politicians in Washington, I wouldn't plant 
booby traps in thier cars.  If I didn't like my apartment complex 
manager, I wouldn't trash the common rooms and laundry rooms.  That
doesn't hurt her and does hurt everyone else.  
  Don't trash my flag because you don't like George Bush.  You may 
get his attention, but you will piss off a lot of other people in the
process, and probably will cause no change to be made anyway.
(BTW, Scott...the above points were not directed at you...I just needed
to say something in addition to your kudo.)

To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/17/90 19:22:52
Message Number  9806

S>Actually, without gas the car can be a home........
SS> Yeah, nice home, no shower, no bathroom, no kitchen, ...yeahhhhhh.
He just was being "smart".

From: BURNEY              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/17/90 21:53:45
Message Number  9807

Well I hate to admit it, but thereare characters in each show that are
unique to that show.  I cannot see McCoy in ST:TNG or for that matter
Crusher in the old.  My personal opinion is:  The new show is better for
several reasons, the special effects, the plots are /usually/ better,
and the cast is completely different which adds to the quality of the 
new show.  If the cast/crew werethe same or similar, the new show would 
just a continuation of the old.   I don't think anyone wants that (maybe

From: BURNEY              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/17/90 22:09:15
Message Number  9808

Show me where 'the Christian idea of God evolved from Marduk, a very old
pagan god of war'(your words).

From: BURNEY              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/17/90 22:11:59
Message Number  9809

I don't think THE SPECIALIST was classifying ALL Iraqis and Iranians as 
sub-human.  It is a natural reaction to return aggression for aggression
whether it is nationaly or personally.

From: BURNEY              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/17/90 22:14:56
Message Number  9810

> I never really paid attention toa pledge that makes all kids say God..
I guess not, they dont say any pledge now.  Also when I was in school, I
was not /made/ to say it.  It was a matter of choice.

From: BURNEY              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/17/90 22:18:12
Message Number  9811

MY...MY aren't we the pompous one.What makes you think you are correct 
in your description of the 
'war-god' religion.  They  (and I)think YOU need to come to YOUR senses.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:04:55
Message Number  9814

  How about payments of $100 buckos a month?

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:06:26
Message Number  9815

  I stand Corrected....(But don't I always.)
    (And just when I was told I was getting a brain)

From: SPELLWIND           
To: RUFUS               
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:08:31
Message Number  9816

 Drink someONE????  (Wouldn't that be qualifications for Starfleet slut?

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:09:29
Message Number  9817

  I mean, there's a reason for doing it or it wouldn't be done.

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:11:20
Message Number  9818

   And I'm calling you a shithead. 
     I was born in Indiana. I /can't/ be a sympathiser for anybody like
that. What I'm SAYING, DOPE, is that the actions of a maniacal leader 
does not reclect the society he controls....(Except....turtle, shoot me)

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:14:56
Message Number  9819

   I'm pathetic? HA. You're a closed-minded, irrational, psychotic, 
paramilitary freak.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BURNEY              
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:16:56
Message Number  9820

  Oooh Turtle! Can I do this one?

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BURNEY              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:17:35
Message Number  9821

  Ahh, but he was.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: BURNEY              
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/18/90 01:18:58
Message Number  9822

  Hahahahaha! You're a typical Christian.......

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/18/90 17:44:28
Message Number  9827

SW>And I'm calling you a shithead.
I'm not suprised, that is typical for you.
SW>I was born in Indiana.
And I was born in Maine, so what?  That doesn't mean that I couldn't 
turn "towelhead" sympathizer. 
SW>What I'm SAYING, DOPE, [typical...] is that the actions of a 
SW>maniacal [sic] leader does not relfect the society he controls....
What?  That's garbage.  You tell me that Iraqi society does not 
reguard us as "the capitalist devils from the west" and I'll concede 
that point.  And waht does that have to do with the fact that you
sympathize with all flag-burners all over the world?

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/18/90 17:50:12
Message Number  9828

SW>I'm pathetic?
Yes, really pathetic.
SW>HA. You're a close-minded, irrational, psycotic, paramilitary 
And that spew not only demonstrates it, it proves it.  Why don't you
knock off the (unoriginal, boring, cliche') insults and start looking
past the end of your overinflated ego and at the issue? 

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/18/90 23:57:31
Message Number  9829

Stupid point, I mean it's really pathetic.  It goes without saying that
if a person is going to burn the flag, they /have/ a cause.  People
don't just go around burning flags for the hell of it. Fortunately, this
country hasn't sunk /that/ low. ( I mean down to your level.)

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 00:02:39
Message Number  9830

Sp>I'm pathetic?  HA. You're a closed minded, irrational, psychotic, 
paramilitary freak.
Well, I think you gave a rather accurate assessment of the Specialist. 
Except you forgot that he's opinionated, arrogant, and a zealous 
patriot.    But just the same (JTS) you /are/ pathetic.

From: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 00:08:54
Message Number  9831

Now wait a minute, Specialtits, just because Lettwind (massive amounts 
of hot air) sympathizes with flag-burners doesn't mean he's a Iraqi
sympathizer.  But, AGAIN, I agree he /is/ pathetic.

From: RAVEN               
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/19/90 00:30:54
Message Number  9833

SS> I'm getting mauled to death by these users, and I'm brand new at
SS> this.
Respond in an intelligent and cutting manner.  People can't maul while 
trying to lift themselves out of the mud.  Enjoy.

From: RAVEN               
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/19/90 00:37:28
Message Number  9834

DF> What's Toxic Shock [(tm)]?
A wonderfully nasty and vile beverage with all the effect of 3 pints of 
coffee, with out the rest stops.  Great for working on papers, and
putting one's self into a homocidal rage.

From: TURTLE              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 15:59:05
Message Number  9838

>What bothers me is that I'm willing to fight in the service of this
>country and some asshole is out there trashing the symbol of it! That
>wouldn't bother you?
Yes, it would. I never claimed to be in /favor/ of flag burning, mind
you; I just don't believe in shooting or jailing the assholes who do
that. Jailing them does more harm to the country than their pathetic
actions ever could.

From: TURTLE              
To: BURNEY              
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/19/90 16:02:05
Message Number  9839

>Show me where 'the Christian idea of God evolved from Marduk, a very
>old pagan god of war'(your words).
Easy enough to do. First, go to the library. Now, find any book on the
history of religion or comparative religious studies (or, for that
matter, almost any text on Biblical history). Next, read through it.
Marduk was the prototype for patriarchal monotheistic religion; worship
of this particular diety came out of the Fertile Crescent, and that
religion has influenced everything that followed from that part of the
world--including the religion of the ancient Hebrews.
Does it really bother you that your religion evolved from a different on
and didn't spring full-blown from a vacuum? I could point out that even
in Biblical history the concept of god has undergone more than a little
change; that by itself doesn't mean a whole lot.

From: TURTLE              
To: BURNEY              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/19/90 16:06:58
Message Number  9840

>Also when I was in school, I was not /made/ to say [the pledge]. It
>was a matter of choice.
Then your case was probably the exception, not the rule. In most public
schools up until the last six years or so, it was not uncommon to see
disciplinary action taken against people who refused to say the pledge;
I even know one person who was not a United States citizen who was sent
to detention for not reciting the pledge.

From: TURTLE              
To: BURNEY              
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/19/90 16:09:12
Message Number  9841

>MY...MY aren't we the pompous one.
Actually, that seems to be a failing that's common to both of you. If
you are convinced that you have The Truth (tm), then you're going to
come across as arrogant whenever you make absolute statements about it
to someone who's not convinced. This entire exchange strikes me as being
a little silly, to tell the truth. You're not going to convince Spell-
wind that he's wrong, and he's not going to convince you that YOU'RE
wrong, and neither one of you seems too willing to re-examine your
beliefs objectively.

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/19/90 16:12:21
Message Number  9842

>How about payment of $100 buckos a month?
No can do. Actually, there's a couple of people looking at the Bug
right now, so I may have it sold within the next few weeks.

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 16:14:02
Message Number  9843

>And I'm calling you a shithead.
And I'm telling you to stop with the epithets, NOW.

From: TURTLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/19/90 16:15:26
Message Number  9844

>Oooh Turtle! Can I do this one?
Be my guest.

From: TURTLE              
To: MMA                 
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/19/90 16:23:52
Message Number  9847

Toxic Shock (tm) is a beverage(?) made of equal parts instant coffee
and sugar, with enough water added to make it semi-liquid. Disgusting

To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 18:10:40
Message Number  9848

SS>Just because Lettwind [heh, heh!]...sympathizes with flag-burners
SS>doesn't mean he's a[n] Iraqi sympathizer.
I bunch flag burners into one category: Anti-american.  Further 
deponent sayeth not.

To: TURTLE              
Subject: Toxins         
Date & Time: 10/19/90 18:20:22
Message Number  9849

T>Toxic Shot (tm) is a beverage(?) [I would use the word, 'slurry']
T>made of equal parts instant coffee and sugar...
Hmmm.  I thought the recipe called for something alcoholic, too?

From: SCOTT STEEL         
To: RAVEN               
Subject: Survival in BBS
Date & Time: 10/19/90 18:26:54
Message Number  9850

Thanks for the advise Raven. I'll try to keep that in mind.

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 20:54:32
Message Number  9851

  I don't. I am gravely concerned with the deteriorating freedom of
this country, and if either of us is typical, it's you.

From: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 20:55:50
Message Number  9852

  MY overinflated ego? You are looking for someone to call things you
yourself undeniably are...

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/19/90 20:57:00
Message Number  9853

 Ah, I see the Specialist's little friend has found his balls.

From: SPELLWIND           
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 20:58:02
Message Number  9854

  Hmm.. No, that's Spellwind. S - P - E - L - L Wind....
    Shot Shit....

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/19/90 21:00:45
Message Number  9855

  ME TOO! Maybe I should change my wording...

From: SPELLWIND           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: BTC tm         
Date & Time: 10/19/90 21:03:44
Message Number  9856

  You already did though!!!

From: CORWYN              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: The Shadow     
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:06:50
Message Number  9861

If it was entirely up to me, 	I'd be there now, and have a 24hr bbs up,
however, my life is not working that way... I /may/ be back for the 
90-91 school year.. depends upon new college??? Beleive me, decatur 
/sucks/ as far a bbs' there aren't any decent boards around here.
                         - Corwyn

From: CORWYN              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:09:19
Message Number  9862

Poly-Sci 102 - Sequel to Poly Sci 101  Explanation - Political Science,
101 is for political and moral idiots, 102 means you have at least 
scrambled eggs for brains, and /might/ be able to understand something
as abstacts as the knowledge that communism is /not/ in fact, the root 
of all evil, it's an ideal political system in a world with a bunch of 
power-hungry bastards, hence the system is compromised by the greedy.
Freedom is more important than than a peive of funny colored nylon, 
aka - the flag, was the jist of my message. My point was that hating 
flag burners is asinine, it's kind of like hating the symbiotic bacteria
which live in your intestinal tract, sure you can kill them, but you'll 
have diarhea for a month afterward. Kill/Imprison the flag burners, and 
you'll lose an important aspect of democracy, an system which is already
a compromise.
                        - Corwyn

From: CORWYN              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:15:22
Message Number  9863

> I would ahrdly call you humble (your enlightened views). PLEASE
> Give me a break.
Well, you may think I, in fact am small minded.. however, you seem to 
misunderstand the concepts of humor, I /was/ indeed flaming you for you
(in my opinion) ignorant viewpoints, however, I was doing it sarcastic-
ally, while at the same time attempting to explain that my vehement 
words were not meant to offend, merely to express strong feelings. I am
sorry you were not able to comprehend my intent.. Keep working on the 
english language (as everyone does, including my <humble?? ha!> self), 
and maybe you'll start to pick up on these subtleties.  Boy, I've been
an arrogant bastard again, haven't I??
                         - Corwyn

From: CORWYN              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:21:00
Message Number  9864

Excuse me, I certainly hope nobody died for our flag.. because if they 
did, frankly thay were stupid assholes. Burning a flag doesn't strike
a blow for free speech, but banning /would/ strike a blow against our
freedom of expression. The flag /is/ a symbol, it's /not/ the ideal, you
can't burn an idea, you can only pervert it, which is what over-
regulating this country would be, a perversion of the original concepts 
of freedom of expression, religion, and speech!
                         - Corwyn

From: CORWYN              
Subject: enlightened    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:24:33
Message Number  9865

Homosexuals, are people.. their sexual preferences are their concern,
                         - Corwyn

From: CORWYN              
To: BEATLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:25:33
Message Number  9866

He will, and has been missed.. A sad moment in history.. Julian is a
good singer, but /nobody/ could do justice to John's footsteps.
                         - Corwyn

From: CORWYN              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:27:06
Message Number  9867

Avoid hangovers.... stay drunk.
                         - Corwyn
                           (Still drunk at 7:25am, and proud of it!)

From: CORWYN              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:28:15
Message Number  9868

Something like "We had a decent town, until you /federal/ people cam
in with your laws [and made us stop burning crosses in lawns]"
 - Sick folks
                         - Corwyn

From: CORWYN              
To: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 08:30:06
Message Number  9869

Didn't make the connection of KKK & Nazi's, merely pointed out that we
do, and /should/ put up with these bastards. As scummy as they are, they
have a right to their own misguided viewpoint, as I said before, however
much it sucks.
                         - Corwyn

To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/20/90 17:14:51
Message Number  9874

SP>...and if either of us is typical, it's you.

No tagbacks!  Nya!

To: CORWYN              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 17:18:54
Message Number  9875

Re: you analogy of flag-burners/intestinal bacteria.
While I may compare flag-burners (F/B) to bacteria to get the lower
than scum parallel, I certainly would not choose to say that we need
them in a like fashion.  Your analogy is not an apt one...we could 
well survive without the F/Bs.  We aren't dependent on them by any 
means, and ridding the country of thier parasitic influence could only
benifit this country.

To: CORWYN              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 17:23:35
Message Number  9876

Don't you hold *anything* sacred?

To: CORWYN              
Subject: enlightened    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 17:24:08
Message Number  9877

TS>What do you think of homosexuals?
C>Homosexuals are people....thier sexual preferences are thier concern,

From: MAX                 
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/20/90 17:48:11
Message Number  9878

Quoting from a message to Turtle:
> YOUR problem is that you *always* take an opinion for fact!
And you don't?
> When I say that Apples top the eight-bitters, I meant of all the more
> common eight-bitters that *real people* used.
As opposed to artificial people?  Seriously, the amount of users a
computer can claim has no bearing on its technical merit -- just the
advertising resources of its manufacturer.  If, say, someone has the
opinion that the SB180FX is the best 8-bit computer ever made and can
give you valid reasons why he believes that, the fact that you and 99%
of the other people in the world haven't heard of the SB180FX doesn't
make it any less of a computer.  YOUR problem is that you *always* have
a monumental chip on your shoulder now, and even when someone says
something that isn't insulting (like asserting that the PC-Z is better
than the Apple), or in some cases actually tries to post something
friendly, you respond to it like an insult.  I suppose I shouldn't be
bothering to write this, since the last time I tried to write something
more meaningful to you than "stop bitching about things you don't
have experience with" you gave me a pretty damn rude verbal slap.  If
you perceive everything everybody says as an attack when they don't
agree with you... sigh.  Never mind.

From: BEATLE              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: CAFFINE        
Date & Time: 10/20/90 19:32:53
Message Number  9879

 And Mountain Dew is helping me get through bowling on Saturday mornings
... it's almost physically impossible to go to sleep before midnight on 
Friday, so the Dew really helps when I get up at 8 AM Saturday... It 
does, however, seem to have side effects. I wanted to name our team the 
"Diet Dr. Dew Crew"....

From: BEATLE              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/20/90 19:35:30
Message Number  9880

> The new Trek still doesn't have much to compare with the "City on the
> Edge of Forevver,"...
  Absolutely true. I have loved that episode ever since I first saw it.
BUT, I have NEVER been dissatisfied with any TNG episodes, except a 
couple in the first two seasons. Even though I like the original, some 
of their episodes actually put me to sleep. I guess you could just say 
that the line between good and bad shows on the new is not as clear as 
such on the old series.

From: BEATLE              
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/20/90 19:40:21
Message Number  9881

> sheesh!
  Gee, give me a break. I'm stuck with a Commodore here! Anyway, I guess
I asked for the response you gave... I always feel bad when yelled at.

From: BEATLE              
To: SCOTT STEEL         
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/20/90 19:42:43
Message Number  9882

> If you hate this country...that you feel justified only by burning the
> flag, then, do us all a favor, and move to a different country.
 A) Rember: The idea, not the person.
 B) /I/ don't hate this country. /I/ would never burn the flag unless I 
was REALLY disenchanted with the country (and since I'm not now, it woul
take a WHOLE lot to do that)...
  I feel that flag burning is a stupid thing. I don't really feel any 
sympathy for anyone who does (unless I REALLY agree with them). I merely
believe that there should be no law saying you can't do it.

From: BEATLE              
Subject: Armag.         
Date & Time: 10/20/90 19:46:57
Message Number  9883

> knowing enough trivia to impress another person in casual conversation
  Well, there are always game shows. Yes, I agree. I do like impressing 
some people with useless knowledge. Others don't like it, but others use
me as a resource. I'm one of those geeks that everyone comes to when 
they don't know what they are doing in school.

From: BEATLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 19:49:31
Message Number  9884

  Okay, I'll give you the fact that we pledge allegiance to the country
and not the flag or the nylon. But as I usually find with your arguments
 I can't relate at all, since my beliefs set the comparisons on even 
ground, whereas you have elevated one far above another.
  I don't think flag burners are showing disrespect, they're showing the
fact that they don't like something about our country. Granted, some of 
them may go overboard...
 I just thought of something. It's sort of a debate related thing. Did 
you ever see "Born on the Fourth of July"?

From: BEATLE              
To: BURNEY              
Subject: STAR TREK      
Date & Time: 10/20/90 19:56:04
Message Number  9885

> Even in the midst of battle... Would you approve if YOU were captain?
  Troi doesn't interfere unless it's important. Also, since she is an 
empath, she is useful when dealing with other ships.

From: BEATLE              
Subject: FLAG BURNING   
Date & Time: 10/20/90 20:00:40
Message Number  9886

> You don't have to love it, but don't... shout how much you hate it to
> the world.
  So, in other words, if you like the country, tell everyone, and if you
don't, shut up?? I'm sorry to say, but that pisses me off. One of the 
things that the country was founded on was the right to disapprove of 
the country or government in any form.

From: BEATLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Troi           
Date & Time: 10/20/90 20:06:33
Message Number  9887

> HER NAME IS Marina Sirtis.
  Yes, but if I said "Marina Sirtis will be at Vulkon," some people 
wouldn't know what I was talking about.

From: BEATLE              
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: stuff          
Date & Time: 10/20/90 20:09:45
Message Number  9888

 Well, unfortunately, the first six issues are in a pretty rough shape. 
They prressively get better up to number seven, and everything from
seven up is pretty much mint.
 Actually, pretty rough isn't too bad. The first ise is the roughest.
It's got some indentions where I tried to trace the picture, and it's 
kinda wrinkled.

From: BEATLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 20:15:43
Message Number  9889

  Um, for one thing it says "to the REPUBLIC for which it stands", and
for another, it says "AND to the republic"

From: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Bashing Homos  
Date & Time: 10/20/90 23:24:05
Message Number  9890

>Stop giving him credit for bashing the Homos! That's *MY* line!
   Are you sure you want to be proud of that line? 
   Anyway, you have excellent taste in your choice of character names!

From: DRAGONFLY           
Subject: Objectivity    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 23:27:55
Message Number  9891

>A person who consumes great amounts of MD would not have an objective
>opinion about MD... What was your point?
   My point, basically, was that matters of taste are not objective.
What one person likes, another doesn't. In all matters of taste, we
are biased.

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: ST:TNG         
Date & Time: 10/20/90 23:32:39
Message Number  9892

>As for Bash the Christians (tm), they deserve it. Let's get those
>war god worshippers outta the world.
   I'm very confused. From the statements you've made earlier, it
seemed that you worshipped Ares yourself. Why do Christians deserve
to be bashed? And since when did they worship a war god?

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: SPELLWIND           
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/20/90 23:36:26
Message Number  9893

Thanks for the compliment! 

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: BURNEY              
Subject: Lifestyle      
Date & Time: 10/20/90 23:41:02
Message Number  9894

>If a person chooses to be or do those things listed above then they
>are subject to the laws of the society that they are a partof.
   Now, I'm confused. In your earlier message, you claimed that
"All people are entitled to live there life as they see fit." and
now you're saying they're not. Should a justly imprisoned man be
free to live his life as he sees fit? 

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Add another    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 23:47:55
Message Number  9895

Actually, I do like that George shut down the government for a few
days when Congress couldn't find a budget. But, personally, I felt
sorry when he re-started the government.

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Flags & You    
Date & Time: 10/20/90 23:50:25
Message Number  9896

My dear sir, you misunderstood my note. What I meant was, one of your
users defined conservative as members of KKK and Nazis. Should I do the
same and define liberals by their more extremist groups?

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Christian affai
Date & Time: 10/20/90 23:54:29
Message Number  9897

A point-by-point response:
>I find Christianity in general to be not terribly interesting and
>slightly silly as religions go.
   Okay. I find it less silly than most newer religions, especially
those associated with the New Age movement. But I can't argue in matters
of taste.
>The idea of being saved by murdering the diety you sin against doesn't
>make a whole lot of sense.
   Again, I can't argue in matters of taste. But about a billion people
emotionally feel or have felt that it makes sense in their lives.
Other religions have had similar ideas. The idea of the Diety going
away to save His or Her people occurs in myths world-wide. And in 
several, the Diety leaves through death.
>Historically it doesn't have a track record I'd be proud of.
   Maintaining rough stability in Europe for almost a thousand years
isn't something to be proud of? Being the basis for the majority of
the world's culture for the next five hundred years isn't something
to be proud of? Certainly, Christianity has had its faults -- but for
a world religion, it certainly has done some great things.

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Objectivity    
Date & Time: 10/21/90 00:04:47
Message Number  9898

>Taste is subjective.
   Thank you, sir! My philosophy in a nutshell.

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Altr/Rlty      
Date & Time: 10/21/90 00:06:21
Message Number  9899

My dear sir, you completely missed my point. One of your users seemed
to advocate that anyone should be permitted to do anything at any time.
I wondered if he includes extremes in this idea. Should murderers,
rapists, or thieves be allowed to do anything at any time? I was not
comparing acts of violence with acts that hurt no one.

From: DRAGONFLY           
To: TURTLE              
Subject: Flag burning   
Date & Time: 10/21/90 00:11:37
Message Number  9900

>We have somehow managed to survive for the last two hundred years 
>without a law against flag burning...
I beg your pardon? At the time of the Supreme Court case, most of the
states (I believe 48 of the 50) had laws against flag-burning.
   I'll check my sources once again.