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          +-+  +-+  +-+ 
          +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME NINE                   NUMBER ONE
          |           |    ========================================== 
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          /___________\    ========================================== 
          |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine 
       ___|___________|___  X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE@MAINE>


             X-Editorial                          'Orny' Liscomb 
             FSFnet SF Short Story Contest        'Orny' Liscomb
             the Cube                              Joseph Curwen
            *Je'en: A Recap                        John L. White 
            *Cydric and the Sage: Part 3           Carlo N. Samson 

           Date: 101687                               Dist: 459 
           An "*" indicates story is part of the Dargon Project
           All original materials  copyrighted by the author(s) 

     Well, it's  been a full six  weeks since the last  issue of FSFnet
 was sent  out, and I  must apologize for that.  I'm sure that  many of 
 you  have been  busy  with returning  to school,  and  things here  in
 MAINE have  been mighty  hectic. We've recently  installed a  new 3090 
 CPU  to replace  the  old 3033  and  4381 we  were  running in  tandem
 previously,  and  the  system  is   finally  stable.  The  rumor  that 
 LISTSERV@TCSVM  was  shutting  down   its  TCSSERVE  subserver  (which
 maintains a complete  collection of FSFnet back issues)  has proven to 
 be a falsehood,  although the shutdown of the  WISCVM internet gateway
 in  December  is a  confirmed  problem  for  which the  entire  BITNET
 community is still searching for a solution.
     However, I'm  sure that you  will find  this issue well  worth the
 anxiety of  waiting. We  have the announcement  of the  FSFnet science
 fiction  short story  contest, which  should produce  some interesting
 fiction, and which  I hope many readers  will take part in.  We have a 
 short story by  Joseph Curwen that I'm sure you  will find intriguing. 
 And for  Dargon Project offerings we  have the third chapter  in Carlo 
 Samson's  "Cydric"  tale,  and  a synopsis  of  John  White's  stories 
 (which will continue  in part three of "Treasure" in  the next issue).
 All in all, a respectable offering. 
     Due  to the  long  wait  between issues,  we  have  nearly 50  new
 readers joining  us for  this issue,  and I would  like to  thank them
 all for  their interest. The  next issue, Vol09N2, should  follow this 
 issue  by no  more than  a  week or  two,  and will  contain the  next 
 installment  of  "Treasure". If  you  aren't  caught up  with  White's 
 work, I  would heartily suggest  that you request  from LISTSERV@TCSVM
 the back  issues which contain his  stories, as listed in  his article
 below. Enjoy! 
                     -'Orny' Liscomb  <CSDAVE@MAINE>


                FSFnet Science Fiction Short Story Contest 
     FSFnet  is proud  to announce  our first  science fiction  writing
 contest! All  FSFnet readers  are more than  encouraged to  enter this
 wonderful contest. The rules are as follows: 
     Entries are to  be science fiction short stories,  and all entries 
 are limited to  a maximum of 4000  words. All entries must  be sent to 
 the userid  CSDAVE at MAINE on  or before December 31,  1987, and must
 be clearly  noted that they  are contest submissions. Judging  will be
 done  by a  panel  of five  SF  readers, in  the  categories of  plot, 
 character  development, grammar,  and their  value as  science fiction 
 pieces.  Prizes  will  be  awarded  to the  authors  of  the  top  two
 stories,  and those  stories  will  be printed  in  FSFnet Vol10N1  in 
 January  1988. Other  entries will  also be  printed in  later issues.
 The prizes  currently planned  include posters  of Geiger  artwork and
 other related materials, depending on availability.
     All  entries must  follow the  following subject  guidelines. They
 must be  written using  a 'cyberpunk'  setting (for  those of  you who
 are unfamiliar  with this  sub-genre, 'cyberpunk' is  usually designed
 to  reflect  a politically  complex  society  where the  line  between 
 technology and  mankind is  very thin; see  works by  William Gibson).
 The  story may,  alternatively, deal with computers of the future. The
 author is  free to develop  any storyline  he (or she)  desires within
 one of  these two broad  topics. If  you have any  questions regarding
 the contest, please feel free to get in touch with me via MAIL. 
                  -David 'Orny' Liscomb  <CSDAVE@MAINE> 


                                 The Cube
     Few of  us have not had  the common experience of  waking with the 
 thought "Where  am I?" foremost in  our minds, but in  most such cases
 we quickly  recognize the strange  surroundings. This was not  true in
 my own case. I  awoke one morning from a deep,  peaceful sleep to find 
 myself lying  in a disrupted  heap in a  white plastic room.  At least 
 it  appeared to  be plastic.  The walls  were glossy  white and  quite
 smooth to  the touch. The room  was a cube, mathematically  perfect in
 form with  the exception  of my  own presence.  No seam  suggested the 
 existence of an entrance, nor more importantly an exit. 
     From   childhood,   I've   occasionally   experienced   a   slight 
 claustrophobia, which  now demonstrated  itself with  an unprecedented
 zeal. With  the realization that I  could not escape, panic  became my 
 foremost emotion.  I ran to  and fro  pounding on the  walls screaming
 for release. I  frantically searched each joint of  ceiling, wall, and 
 floor. But  to my considerable  distress found that the  room appeared
 to be composed  of one contiguous piece of  material. My embarrassment 
 makes me  hesitate to recount further,  but I have resolved  to shield 
 no aspect of  my experience to the public, which  shall serve as final
 judge  in this  inexplicable matter.  The tremendous  weight of  those 
 oppressive walls  bore down upon me.  I began to feel  choked, certain
 that I would asphyxiate in minutes. I sank whimpering to the floor.
     After  what  must   have  been  many  minutes   of  self-pity  and 
 wrenching horror,  I fought  to regain my  composure. Blind  panic had 
 probably  robbed  me of  the  greater  part  of  my oxygen.  I  slowly 
 overcame the  torrent of anxieties  which had overwhelmed me.  I would
 remain  quiet  and still.  I  made  a  conscience  effort to  slow  my 
 agonized  breathing. Finally,  coherency  returned to  my thoughts.  I 
 estimated  the  room  to  be  about ten  feet  across,  though  in  my 
 delirium moments  before it  had seemed vastly  smaller. That  gave me 
 about a thousand cubic  feet of air. I did not know  how quickly a man 
 consumed air,  but I hoped  that this would  give me several  hours of 
 calm respiration.  It occurred  to me  that I didn't  know how  long I 
 had  occupied  the   room,  but  I  dimly   remembered  that  sleeping 
 substantially reduced  one's oxygen  intake. It did  not appear  to be
 great length  of time  since the  air did  not feel  stuffy nor  did I 
 feel hungry. 
     I attempted  to think back  to my last meal,  but a thick  fog lay
 across my memory.  With great effort, I remembered  the stale sandwich 
 I had  hastily consumed in  my eagerness  to complete the  first draft 
 of my  doctoral thesis. I  wished that I  had partaken of  something a
 bit  more substantial.  With  this  start, I  began  tracing my  steps
 forward  in time.  I  had finished  critiquing the  compositions of my
 English 27  class and proceeded  to my apartment  on campus to  type a
 preliminary draft of  the thesis. However after only a  few minutes of
 work, a  power outage made  my word  processor useless. I  stumbled in 
 the darkness  to my  sofa, where  I resolved  to take  a short  nap. I
 fell asleep  almost instantly as I  had been sleeping little  of late. 
 In spite of my best efforts, I could remember nothing after this.
     Somewhat   reassured  of   my  immediate   survival,  my   natural 
 curiosity  began  to demand  attention.  How  had  I  come to  such  a
 predicament?  Surely the  answer  to  this question  would  aid in  my
 pursuit  of escape.  With  the  failure of  my  memory  to solve  this
 enigma, I  was forced  to turn  to my immediate  senses. Calmly  I set 
 about  examining my  surroundings  as closely  as  possible with  what
 natural tools  I had at my  disposal. My sight revealed  nothing which
 I had not  observed previously with the exception of  the condition of 
 my  own apparel  which while  not  regal was  only slightly  wrinkled.
 Also my previous estimation  of the room's size had been  a bit shy of
 the twelve  feet which I now  observed. I listened with  all my powers 
 of concentration  but beyond my  own heartbeat, I could  perceive only
 a faint humming which  might have been only my own  fancy. My sense of
 smell seemed  only marginally more  useful. I determined that  the air
 seemed to be  slightly scented with a pleasantly  familiar floral odor 
 which I could  not identify. This alone encouraged the  belief that my 
 captors,if  any, had  my  well being  in mind  to  some extent.  There 
 being nothing  to taste, I carefully  probed the surface of  the walls 
 and floor, which  seemed to be uniformly smooth and  dry to the touch. 
 But  I   gradually  grew  more   despondent  as  my   searches  proved
 continuously profitless. 
     Forcing  myself  to  continue   the  tedious  examination,  I  was 
 inspecting the base  of one wall when I noticed  a slight air current. 
 My fears  of asphyxiation were  unwarranted! Excited by  my discovery, 
 I attempted  to to determine its  course but was dismayed  to discover
 that  the  breeze passed  directly  through  the plastic  surface.  It 
 seemed to flow from  the top of one wall to the  base of the opposite.
 At  least I  could  now  permanently orient  myself  while within  the
 room. Hoping that it  was some form of membrane or  fine mesh, I tried
 pounding and  kicking through the  surface of the "vent".  My attempts
 were  unsuccessful and  somewhat painful,  but  I did  learn that  the 
 "vents"  sounded  more hollow  than  other  portions  of the  wall  or 
 floor. The  surface itself  seemed to have  no special  distinction or 
 weakness. My hope for escape had once more been disappointed. 
     Having completed  a thorough investigation of  my surroundings, my 
 next logical  step seemed  to be the  development of  explanations for 
 my  situation. At  first, explanations  leaped into  my mind  but they 
 soon grew  particularly outlandish and  farfetched. So much so  that I 
 began  to  doubt  the  usefulness  of this  endeavor.  But  I  quickly 
 reasoned that my  fantastic situation might have  an equally fantastic
 explanation. My  first reaction was that  I had been imprisoned  by an
 unknown party or  parties. The identity of  these individuals occupied
 most of  my thoughts.  But to  my knowledge,  I lacked  really hostile 
 enemies.   An   unestablished   graduate   student   rarely   attracts 
 physically  dangerous  enemies.   Nor  would  hypothetical  kidnappers
 receive any funds  worthy of efforts as phenomenal as  the creation of
 this  prison.  I had,  of  course,  read  of kidnappings  wherein  the 
 victim was  buried alive, but  such speculation only served  to excite 
 my  anxieties. The  mere thought  that  this chamber  might be  buried 
 under  tons  of earth  and  rock  transfixed  my muscles  with  raging 
 tremors and  weaknesses. In a effort  to maintain control, I  tried my 
 best to avoid such thoughts but was only partially successful. 
     One  possibility  did come  to  mind,  however  remote it  was.  A 
 friend and  associate in the  field of  psychology was well  known for
 his  occasionally  gruelling  psychological  tests and  ruses,  but  I
 couldn't bring myself  to believe that any  professional would subject 
 a  subject  to  such  an  imprisonment  without  some  sort  of  prior 
 consent.  Besides  the inhuman  cruelty  necessary  even under  normal 
 circumstances,  my   friend  was  well  aware   of  my  claustrophobic
 tendencies,  so   I  doubted   he  could   be  responsible   for  such 
 unmotivated psychological brutality.
     It  occurred  to  me  that  the  best  method  of  determining  my
 captor's  identity lay  in the  nature of  my confinement.  As I  have
 mentioned,  kidnappers  would be  unlikely  to  employ such  elaborate
 devices.  Nor could  I envision  someone doing  this as  a jest.  This 
 left  only those  who had  access to  technology beyond  that normally
 encountered in  day to  day life  and those who  were also  willing to
 utilize  it to  confine  me.  I knew  few  science  professors at  the
 university,  as they  traveled in  different social  circles, so  that 
 department  seemed  guiltless.  I  could  perceive  no  reason  for  a 
 corporate or  government body desiring  my capture. My  work, although
 hopefully   inspired,   was   largely    esoteric   in   nature.   The
 possibilities of  some sort  of disgruntled student  perpetrating this
 conspiracy seemed remote  as well. And while any citizen  could be the
 object  of terrorism,  this  is  unlikely if  one  remains within  the 
 confines of one's  own apartment. In fact, within  such an environment 
 any  circumstance  leading  to   capture  and  imprisonment  within  a
 plastic cubicle hardly seems reasonable.
     Of course,  the thought that this  might be some sort  of dream or
 hallucination did  cross my  mind. The  fact that  my last  memory was 
 falling  to   sleep  seemed  to   support  this.  But  my   own  dream
 experiences  led  me to  believe  otherwise.  My dreams  are  normally 
 lacking in  the intensity of detail  which I encountered in  the cube. 
 Also,  I did  not feel  emotionally or  intellectually constrained  in
 any  manner  as  is  common  to dreaming.  My  own  ability  to  react
 logically and  analytically to my  experiences seemed to  suggest that 
 this was not  a dream. Also, if one realizes  the possibility that one
 is dreaming  it is not usually  difficult to cause oneself  to awaken.
 Rest assured that  I tried. All of these points  amounted to a virtual 
 certainty in my mind that I was not dreaming. 
     Another more macabre  but certainly normal thought was  that I had 
 in  someway  reached  my  afterlife. However,  according  to  commonly 
 circulated  stories  about  those  who have  returned  from  death  or
 death-like   experiences,  one   is   vaguely  aware   of  a   certain
 indistinctness  about  one's physical  form  in  death. Most  seem  to
 recall actually departing  the body as a spirit, a  feature which this 
 experience certainly  lacked. If I  had in  fact been whisked  away to 
 my "Great  Reward", I could think  of no more hideous  punishment than 
 spending eternity  in a  featureless cube. Surely,  my "sins"  in life
 did not  merit such treatment.  Nor was I  aware of any  glowing white
 light as is  commonly reported. But now that lighting  did occur to me 
 I noticed that  the cube's surfaces radiated a  soft incandescent glow 
 which thoroughly  illuminated its  interior. It  is surprising  that I 
 did  not notice  this earlier,  but the  resulting environment  seemed
 perfectly   normal   though   shadowiness.   But   returning   to   my
 speculation,  I thoroughly  resolved  that  this afterlife  conjecture 
 was the  least likely that I'd  yet explored, especially since  I am a
 bit agnostic by tendency. 
     Having shed doubt  on these speculations, I was  compelled to turn
 to  those  fantastic  conjectures  and fantasies  which  I  have  been 
 avoiding.  Capture  by  advanced   intelligences  was  favorite  among
 these. Mysterious  mechanisms, such  as the ventilation,  lighting, or 
 the power  outage which  I had experienced  before capture,  lent some 
 credence  to the  idea  that  I had  been  captured  by a  mysterious,
 technically   superior  group,   whether   they   were  aliens,   time
 travelers, Atlanteans, or some other even unsuspected organization.
     I could  almost believe that  this cube  was created as  some sort 
 of  sampling  container for  indigenous  life  forms. The  cube  might 
 simply  materialize  encompassing the  specimen  and  then spirit  him 
 away across  great distances of  space or  time. I normally  was quite
 skeptical concerning  such matters because  I felt that  such visitors
 would make themselves  know to the public if they  existed. My beliefs
 were countered by  the popular idea that  advanced intelligences would
 avoid  interference because  of some  sort of  ethical responsibility.
 This  position seemed  highly unlikely  given any  sort of  historical
 awareness of the  results of an encounter between  an advanced culture 
 and  a  more backward  one.  The  American  settlers had  felt  little
 ethical  obligation to  the natives  when  they claimed  the land  for 
 themselves.  Another proposition  was that  travelers from  the future 
 would  be reluctant  to significantly  alter their  past. This  seemed 
 more  plausible as  self-interest  is a  much  more common  motivation 
 than  altruism.  According  to  this   reasoning,  I  must  either  be
 considered  unimportant to  the course  of  the future  or perhaps  my 
 importance was  the very reason  for my  capture. Possibly I  had been 
 captured because  my future  actions would have  consequences contrary
 to the  wishes of  these speculative  time travelers.  Contrary enough
 to warrant  the dangers  inherent in interfering  with their  past. It 
 was more  pleasing to my ego  that I be considered  vitally important, 
 if undesirable,  than to be relegated  to the status of  the masses of 
 insignificance.  But  still,  all  this  imaginative  speculation  had
 little basis. 
     Having shed serious  doubt on all of these  possibilities, I began
 to despair  in the  possibility that ration  could solve  this enigma.
 Perhaps  this was  something so  far  beyond human  experience that  a
 mortal's mind  could not comprehend  it. If  this was true,  what then
 lie in my future?  The thought that I might remain here  to the end of
 my existence  was fearful enough,  but I suspected that  even stranger
 experiences  lay  before me.  What  lurked  behind these  walls?  Some 
 malignant  intelligence so  alien as  to prevent  human understanding?
 And if this  were some sort of  holding tank or vehicle,  what would I
 be forced to face after my stay here was through? 
     It  was then  that I  first noticed  the approach  of those  white
 plastic  walls. Perhaps  they  had  been subtly  enclosing  on me  for
 sometime, but  I suddenly became  aware that  the room was  eight feet
 across and  shrinking rapidly.  Of course, this  realization triggered 
 the claustrophobia  which I had been  suppressing through concentrated
 application  of reason  to analyze  my surroundings.  I screamed  once 
 more; a  deep wrenching scream  which tore loose  from the base  of my
 troubled spirit.  My coherency  was lost and  still the  walls pressed 
 inward.  In  a  moment  the  room  was  only  four  feet  in  breadth.
 Shrieking I  attempted to stave  off their  approach, but met  with no 
 success. Crouched on  my knees I attempted to push  outward on each of
 the surfaces in  a willy-nilly fashion. I desperately  tried one, then 
 another in  such a  manner that  I never brought  my full  strength to 
 any. My  panic went beyond  any previous  level as I  vainly attempted 
 to  prevent  my impending  death.  Even  the  frenzied strength  of  a 
 half-mad  man  was  not  enough  to  hold  off  those  oppressive  and
 impersonal barriers.  I lapsed  into a tucked  fetal position  after I
 no  longer had  room to  use my  arms. I  watched my  enclosure shrink 
 inch  by inch,  measure by  measure, until  I felt  the weight  of the
 ceiling  on the  base of  my skull.  I awaited  the moment  when their 
 crushing pressure would drive the life from my frame.
     Strangely, in  this moment  of imminent  death a  certain serenity
 overtook me. I had  done all that I could and  still would perish. But 
 if death  is inescapable, it is  is some strange way  more acceptable. 
 I noticed  a certain  hesitancy in  the rate  of the  room's collapse.
 The walls' progression  slowed to a painful creep. In  this weird lull
 before my  destruction my  mind struck  upon an  idea which  welled up 
 from  the depths  of  my subconscious.  An idea  which  would save  my 
 life.  For in  that frightful  moment when  ration returned,  I saw  a
 relationship  between  the size  of  the  room  and  the level  of  my 
 anxieties.  And  with  this  realization  the  course  of  the  walls'
 movements  reversed. They  shrank away  from me  slowly at  first, but 
 with  increasing  speed  as  my  conviction  in  the  belief  grew.  A 
 conviction  which was  fed  by  the successful  retreat  of the  walls
 themselves. In  moments the room  returned to its former  size. Relief
 burst  forth from  me in  wild laughter  and daunting  courage as  the
 walls themselves  began to change  from white  to gray to  black. They
 faded into  the nonexistence of  the darkness.  That is how  I escaped 
 the  cube: not  through clever  reasoning or  minute observation,  but
 through a billowing  flood of hope, defiance, and joy  which broke the
 dam of my confinement. 
     After  my fit  of  emotion  had passed  leaving  me exhausted  but 
 light hearted, I  looked up from my position on  the darkened floor to 
 recognize  the dim  light of  the  night filtering  through the  amber 
 shades  of my  apartment. I  was, in  fact, home.  My experiences  had
 been some  sort of wild delusion  or dream brought on  by overwork and
 emotional exhaustion. I  would see a professional  psychologist in the
 morning.  I  would  never  again   drive  my  mental  health  to  such
 extremes. But at  that moment, I needed rest. So,  without moving from 
 my  position on  the bare  floor I  lay down  and quickly  fell deeply
 into sleep. 

     The  high light  of  the mid-afternoon  sun  brought me  gradually
 from my slumbers.  But my wakefulness rapidly returned  after I opened
 one eye.  For to my  horror I beheld  that I lay  in the middle  of my 
 bare floor  with all of my  furniture, rugs, books, and  papers pushed
 away in a roughly square pattern approximately a dozen feet across.

     Even  today, I  cannot  resolve the  events of  that  night in  my
 mind.  Was it,  in fact,  a dream,  a hallucination  brought on  by my
 internalized  fears and  anxieties as  the  doctors say?  But how  can 
 that  explain  what my  neighbors  saw  when  they came  answering  my 
 screams. I can  only be thankful that the ceiling  of my apartment was 
 abnormally  high. Could  it  have  been only  a  delusion?  Or was  it
 something  more  real. Something  beyond  the  range of  normal  human 
 experience; something  which we  shall never  truly fathom.  Make your 
 own judgements  for I don't  believe that anyone will  ever positively
 know the truth.
                     -Joseph Curwen  <C418433@UMCVMB>


                              Je'en: A Recap
     In the  33rd year of Haralan,  King of Baranur, a  renegade wizard 
 by the name of  Vard hires a thief to steal a book  from the vaults of 
 the  College of  Bards  in Magnus  (V.1). At  the  same time,  another
 wizard  in the  employ of  the Council  of Elders  is given  orders to 
 eliminate  the last  cult  of an  evil goddess  named  Jhel (I).  This 
 wizard and  his apprentice,  Cefn an'Derrin  and Mahr,  determine that
 the  only way  to  eliminate  that cult  is  to  subtly influence  the
 friends of  a bard  named Je'lanthra'en  to take her  out on  the town 
 (I). In  riding back  from the  bar, Je'en  takes a  short-cut through
 the worst  part of the  city, the Fifth  Quarter, and is  attacked and 
 mutilated (I).  Her belongings (a  sword, a  harp, and the  pendant of
 her rank in the  College of Bards) are stolen by  the brigands and she 
 is left  for dead when they  learn that the  City Watch is on  its way 
 (I). Not  knowing she  is a bard,  the Watch takes  Je'en to  a street
 healer who  cannot fully  heal her injuries,  leaving her  scarred for
 life (I).
     Meanwhile, the  thief hired by Vard,  Ka'lochra'en (Je'en's second
 cousin in  fact), buys  Je'en's rank pendant  unknowingly from  one of
 the  ruffians named  Bellen (V.1).  While Je'en  is recuperating  from 
 her wounds  Ka'en infiltrates the  Bardic College disguised as  a bard
 and successfully  steals the  book (V.1). Ka'en  delivers the  book to 
 Vard, who  returns to  his stronghold  with a  few purchases  from the 
 pawnshops of the  city, among them Je'en's sword and  harp (V.2). Vard 
 studies the book and  is happy to learn that it is  indeed what he had 
 hoped it  was -  the only  existing authority  on an  incredible power
 possessed by a  former empire known as the Fretheod  (V.2). Vard hopes
 to gain mastery  of the world by gaining access  to that power, called
 the Yrmenweald (V.2).
     Je'en recovers her  health after being taken to  the Royal healers
 in Magnus, but  she is scarred beyond recovery (I).  She has lost most
 of the use of  her right hand (a sword thrust  through her wrist), and 
 her voice (slashed  throat) (I). In addition, she has  a very bad scar 
 on her face (I).  When she discovers that she can  no longer sing, she
 resigns from  the College of Bards,  taking with her only  a seemingly
 nondescript  sword from  the vaults  of  the College,  and decides  to 
 change  her life  and become  a  fighter (I).  She goes  to a  fighter 
 training school run  by Sir Morion and becomes  most accomplished with 
 the sword  (I). While there,  she has  fashioned for herself  a silver
 half-mask  to cover  the scar  on her  face and  put her  on an  equal
 footing with the other students (I).
     Meanwhile, Vard  has determined  what he  needs to  re-harness the
 power of  the Yrmenweald, and  he sends  an adventurer named  Owain to 
 get  for him  some of  the living  crystal known  as cwicustan  (V.2).
 Vard  is able  to control  people  from a  distance by  means of  some 
 special magics  he has learned, using  objects once owned by  a person
 to  enhance  the   power  of  the  controlling   magics  (V.2).  Owain
 retrieves  the cwicustan  at the  cost of  all of  the people  he went 
 adventuring  with, delivers  it to  Vard, and  has his  memory of  the 
 whole affair erased  by a potion (V.2).  The next step for  Vard is to 
 retrieve the  keys to the  vault where  the Yrmenweald is  hidden, and
 by his  magics he locates  the objects to  use to control  the perfect 
 person to get those keys - Je'en's sword and harp (V.2). 
     Je'en graduates from  Morion's school after two years  and goes to 
 Dargon  to visit  her brother,  Kroan Jesthsson  (I). She  gets a  job 
 there as  a Market Guard,  a job that  is less than  challenging (II). 
 The events  set into motion by  Cefn come to fruition  as Cefn rescues 
 Je'en from  a trap  set by  one of the  Septent of  the Order  of Jhel
 using  the Sword  of Cleah,  Lladdwr (the  "non-descript" sword  Je'en 
 received from  the College) as  bait (II). Cefn looses  his apprentice
 to  a trick  of the  Brother of  Jhel, and  asks Je'en  to become  his
 partner in her place (II). Je'en accepts (II).
     The new  team have  a few  adventures, among  them getting  rid of 
 the  sword (III).  After several  weeks  of inactivity,  the pair  are 
 hired  by one  of  the Rhydd  Pobl (gypsies)  named  Maks (III).  They 
 overcome  an ancient,  wraith-like wizard  and his  living tower,  the
 Glasmelyn  Llaw, to  rescue  Maks' beloved  Syusahn  (III). Je'en  and
 Cefn are invited to the gypsy wedding in thanks (III). 
     Shortly after  Cefn and  Je'en's adventure  with the  Emerald Hand 
 (III) Sir  Morion is  visited at  his school by  the Falcon  Herald of 
 Baranur  who  has   a  mission  for  the  old   soldier  (IV).  Morion
 reluctantly  accepts and  sets out  to eliminate  a former  student of
 his  named Kyle  BlueSword who  has been  terrorizing the  countryside
 (IV). On the  way, he meets up with a  strange blue-haired woman named 
 Kimmentari who informs  him that he has become caught  up in the Dance 
 of Thyerin,  one of her  people's gods (IV).  His mission is  now both
 to  eliminate  Kyle,  and  to  retrieve a  circlet  from  Kyle  to  be 
 delivered to  another of his  former pupils, Je'en (IV).  Morion kills 
 Kyle,  learns why  he turned  bad, and  goes after  the circlet  (IV).
 However, he  is caught  in a  fatal trap just  as Kimmentari  comes to 
 help/warn/save him from it (IV).
     The story shall continue from there in FSFnet Vol09N2. 

     An Index to the Stories:
          I       - A New Life        - FSFNet Vol 5 Number 3 
          II      - The Dream         - FSFNet Vol 6 Numbers 3 and 4 
          III     - Glasmelyn Llaw    - FSFNet Vol 6 Number 5 and
                                        FSFNet Vol 7 Number 1
          IV      - Duty              - FSFNet Vol 7 Number 3 
          V.1     - Treasure:  Part 1 - FSFNet Vol 7 Number 5 
          V.2     - Treasure:  Part 2 - FSFNet Vol 8 Number 2 

                       -John L. White  <WHITE@DUVM> 


                       Cydric and the Sage: Part 3
     THE  STORY SO  FAR: In  Part  1 (chapters  I-III), Cydric  Araesto 
 arrives in  Dargon late one  afternoon. While resting  at Belisandra's
 Tavern, he  experiences a vision that  has been recurring in  his mind 
 for some  time. In  the vision,  he is alone  on the  shore of  a vast
 golden sea.  He starts  to take a  drink of the  golden water,  but it
 turns colorless  in his hand.  A transparent skull appears,  and makes 
 some strange  carvings in a  nearby rock. He  sees that the  skull has 
 etched  the  outline  of  a  continent, a  small  "x",  and  the  name
 "Corambis the Sage"  into the stone. Then the skull  flies away toward
 a glittering object on the horizon. 
     Coming out  of the  vision, Cydric asks  the serving  girl, Thuna, 
 if  she  has  heard  of  Corambis  the Sage.  Thuna  goes  over  to  a
 blue-robed patron  at the other  side of the  room and whispers  a few
 words. The  patron approaches  Cydric's table, and  he is  relieved to
 see that  it is a  woman, who  introduces herself as  Holleena. Cydric
 asks her about Corambis,  and she offers to take him  to see the Sage.
 He agrees, and they leave the Tavern together.
     In  Part 2  (chapters IV-V),  Cydric  and Holleena  arrive at  the 
 house of  Corambis after having  a dinner of Simon  Salamagundi's fish
 stew. Cydric  offers to accompany  Holleena to  her own home,  but she
 declines  and walks  off  into the  twilight. Cydric  goes  up to  the 
 house and  is welcomed  in by  Corambis. In  the Sage's  study, Cydric
 relates his  vision, showing a sketch  he drew of the  carvings in the 
 rock.  Cydric  explains  that  when  he compared  the  sketch  of  the
 carvings to  an actual  map of  the continent, he  found that  the "x" 
 corresponded  to  the  location  of  Dargon.  Since  the  Sage's  name
 appears  below the  outline, Cydric  has sought  him out  in the  hope
 that he will be able to explain the vision.
     The Sage  says that  he is  not the one  Cydric should  be asking,
 and  before Cydric  can reply,  takes  him to  his cellar  laboratory.
 There  Corambis show  Cydric a  box  which contains  a crystal  skull, 
 exactly  like the  one in  his  vision. The  Sage reveals  that a  few 
 months  before, the  skull  mysteriously appeared  on  his study  room 
 table. That night,  he himself had a vision that  foretold of Cydric's 
 arrival.  Corambis then  takes  out a  parchment  with an  incantation
 written upon it;  the skull had instructed him to  read it once Cydric 
 had arrived. 
     The  Sage  recites  the   incantation,  written  in  a  sorcerer's
 language.  A moment  after he  finishes, a  white light  explodes from 
 the skull  then ceases,  to be replaced  by a red  glow that  burns in
 the center of  the skull. Then the skull speaks,  telling them that it
 has a  message from Bahz  the Elder, Seventh  of the Council  of Eight 
 of Zaad'Astropolous, the  capital of the Quentrellian  Isle. The skull
 says that  Bahz needs their  help, and is  willing to reward  them. It 
 says that they  must travel to a citadel located  in another dimension
 to free  him from an  unjust imprisonment; to  assure them that  it is
 not  some  sort  of  trap,  it promises  to  send  them  a  chrysoline 
 gemstone  that will  protect them  from all  hostile magic.  The skull
 concludes by telling  them that the Elder's time is  limited, and says 
 that they should  make their journey at the following  midnight. As it
 finishes  speaking, Cydric  sees the  skull in  his mind  and hears  a
 loud,  pulsing beat.  The image  expands  and the  sound grows  louder
 until the skull in the box shatters.   Cydric cries out and falls into 

                        VI. Answers and Questions
          "Quentrellia--There  are many  legends  and myths  about 
      this small island  nation (which existed at  around the time
      the  Fretheod  Empire  was  at its  peak).  Some  historians
      believe  that it's  capital, Zaad'Astropolous,  was a  major 
      trading port of  the Ancient World. The island  was ruled by
      a Council of Eight Elders and presided over by a Leader....
          "There are two  stories about the Exile  of Jehron Bahz, 
      the  Seventh Elder  of  the Council.  In  one version,  Bahz
      attempted  to  overthrow  the  Council and  seize  power  by
      admitting a  fleet of Huultaran raiders  through the massive 
      Sea  Gate which  protected  the entrance  to  the harbor  of 
      Zaad'Astropolous.  The invasion  was thwarted,  however, and
      Bahz  was  arrested.  In  the  other  version,  the  Council 
      Leader falsely accused  Bahz of treason and  had him removed 
      from  the  Council (apparently  because  Bahz  was a  strong 
      critic  of   the  Leader's  policies).  In   both  accounts,
      though, Bahz was  tried and sentenced to exile.  He was then
      imprisoned  in  an  ice-wood  cage  (to  destroy  his  magic
      ability);  then  the  other  Elders  cast  him  through  the 
      Celestial  Archway that  Nephros had  opened. Thus  was Bahz
      banished from the island.... 
          "Three  summers after  the  Exile of  Bahz,  a force  of
      Fretheod  invaders  lay  siege  to  Quentrellia.  One  month
      later,  the  island  was  captured  and  absorbed  into  the 
      ever-expanding Fretheod Empire...."
                               --"History of the Ancient World", 
                                  Volume 6; by Trenta, Historian
                                  and Chronicler to King Vulpa of
                                  Baranur; pages 144-145.

     Cydric looked up from the book as Corambis entered the room.
     "Ah, you  are awake, Cydric.  I am glad to  see that you  were not 
 permanently damaged by the skull last night. How do you feel?" 
     "A little tired,  but otherwise fine," Cydric  replied. "Thank you 
 for putting me up. I hope I haven't inconvenienced you in any way." 
     "Nonsense, my boy,"  Corambis snorted. "There's plenty  of room in
 this old  house. Besides, I  couldn't just  leave you lying  around in 
 the  laboratory,  now,  could  I?"   He  placed  a  hand  on  Cydric's
 forehead,  then nodded  with satisfaction.  "You just  rest there  and 
 read those  books that I've  selected. I'll be  back in a  moment." He 
 closed the door  as he left the  room. Cydric shifted a  little in the 
 bed, took  a volume entitled  Arcana Antiqua  from the stack  on the 
 nightstand, opened to the marked page, and continued reading.

          "...the  existence  of  worlds  beyond  our  own.  These
      other   worlds,  sometimes   known  as   "dreamrealms",  are 
      believed  to be  as  numerous as  the grains  of  sand on  a
      beach.  Travel to  the other  worlds is  mainly achieved  by
      projecting  the  spirit-body  into  the  chosen  dreamrealm.
      Alternately,  the physical  self may  be transported  by the
      use  of  a  portal   called  the  Celestial  Archway,  first
      described by  Nephros (the first known  mage to successfully
      return from the dreamrealms) in 'A Wondrous Voyage'...."

     Corambis returned  with a mug  full of an aromatic  liquid. "Here, 
 drink this herbal tea. It shall restore you to your full health."
     Cydric took  a cautious  sip, found it  rather tasteful,  and took
 another pull. 
     "Not as  bad as you  expected, eh?"  grinned the Sage.  "Well now,
 have you read the passages I marked for you?"
     "Yes,"  replied Cydric,  "but some  of this  information I  do not
 quite understand."
     "Oh? Such as?" 
     "The  'Celestial  Archway'. It  is  mentioned  in the  texts,  but
 there is no description of what it exactly is." 
     Corambis  handed   Cydric  the   last  remaining  book   from  the
 nightstand. "A  Wondrous Voyage,  by Ishar  Nephros," read  the cover. 
 Cydric opened the book to the page Corambis had indicated. 

          "...and  as the  old man  died, he  whispered to  me the
      location  of  the  Cave  of  the  Mystics.  I  followed  the
      directions,  and  sure enough  found  the  fabled Cave,  its 
      entrance cleverly hidden by a waterfall.
          "I stood  there for  a moment, my  mind filled  with the 
      many   tales   and   songs   of   the   legendary   Mystics, 
      predecessors of  the Elders,  older even than  the Fretheod. 
      No one knew  why they suddenly disappeared from  the face of 
      the world  those many ages  ago; standing there  outside the 
      entrance, I  sensed that I was  on the verge of  finding the 
      answer to that question.
          "I  cautiously  entered  the  Cave. The  light  from  my
      torch glistened off  the moisture that coated  the dark rock 
      of the  interior. After walking  for what seemed  like days, 
      I came to  a dead end. Anyone who had  gotten this far would 
      have  been forced  to turn  back, but  not I.  Holding aloft 
      the  Symbol of  Shazax, I  spoke the  ancient chant  the old 
      man had revealed to me. 
          "The wall of  rock fell away, and I  stepped through the
      opening into  a huge cavern.  There was  a pool of  water in 
      the center  of the  cavern, with a  tall white  tree growing 
      out of it.  I advanced to the edge of  the pool, barely able 
      to contain my  excitement. Years of searching  were about to 
      come  to an  end; I  had  at last  found one  of the  Sacred
      Places where the Mystics hid their most powerful magic. 
          "I spoke  the second chant the  old man had told  to me. 
      Instantly,  the  water  began swirling  about,  churning  up
      great waves.  A bluish  glow limned the  tree; the  very air 
      seem  alive with  power. Suddenly,  the leaves  on the  tree 
      began    flickering     with    color:    green-blue-violet-
      red-orange-yellow-green  in blinding  succession. There  was 
      a sharp  crack as the  leaves burst from their  branches and 
      took on  a silver hue.  The leaves  whirled and spun  like a 
      cloud  of  glow-flies, then  formed  into  a silver  sphere, 
      coming to rest on the surface of the pool. 
          "The  waters  calmed, and  a  bridge  of light  extended 
      from  the sphere  to the  pool's  edge. I  stepped onto  the 
      light-bridge and  strode confidently to the  glowing sphere. 
      I knelt  down and picked it  up (it had been  about the size 
      of a  large melon, but  shrank to the  size of an  orange at 
      my touch).  As I carried  it back to  the edge of  the pool, 
      the bridge of light disappeared behind me. 
          "I placed the  sphere on a large rock  near the cavern's 
      entrance.  Speaking the  last  of the  old  man's chants,  I
      hurled  the Symbol  of Shazax  at  the sphere.  There was  a
      flash of light,  then the sphere vanished. In  its place lay 
      the object of my quest, the fabled Amulet of Hanarn. 
          "I picked  it up and  held it in  my hand. I  could feel
      the  power radiating  from  its center.  It  was the  Mystic
      power, the ancient  energy that fueled that  ancient race of
      beings  and  enabled  them  to  create  spells  and  magical
      devices so great that they remain unequalled to this day.
          "I  turned   the  golden   Amulet  over  and   read  the
      inscription  engraved on  its  reverse. It  was the  command 
      phrase  for invoking  the Celestial  Archway, a  portal into 
      the fantastic worlds  of the Dreamrealms. I gave  a shout of 
      exultation when  I read  these words--this was  exactly what
      I had  hoped to find! Many  other mages had tried  to create 
      devices   that   would   allow  physical   travel   to   the
      Dreamrealms,   but  without   success.  Indeed,   those  who
      ventured forth  with their crude creations  were never heard
      from again.  But I  now possessed the  very device  that the 
      Mystics  must  have  used  when they  left  this  world  for
      whatever their destination. 
          "I was sorely  tempted to invoke the  Amulet right there
      and then,  but I knew that  I had to properly  document this 
      incredible  find.  With  the   Amulet  safely  stored  in  a
      special pouch  I rode  away from the  Cave, thinking  of the 
      wondrous sights that lay beyond the Celestial Archway." 

     "So,  has  that  enlightened  you  somewhat?"  asked  Corambis  as 
 Cydric finished reading. 
     "Somewhat,"  Cydric  replied.  "But  I  always  thought  that  the
 Mystics were nothing but myths--children's stories."
     "Well, all myths have some basis in fact," Corambis replied. 
     "And I also  read once that it was impossible,  even dangerous, to 
 physically travel to the dreamrealms." 
     "True,  it  is impossible,  but  only  for  the abilities  of  the 
 wizards presently living  today. The age of the Mystics  was an age of
 great magic, an age that shall never come again in this world." 
     "What about the chrysoline ring?" 
     Corambis reached  into a  belt pouch and  brought it  out. "Before 
 you ask, it is absolutely genuine. I checked while you were asleep." 
     Cydric  held the  ring  up  to the  window.  The chrysoline  stone 
 glittered  and  sparkled  in  the morning  sunlight.  "Rarest  of  all 
 gemstones, he he murmured as he handed it back. 
     "Indeed it is.  Why, I could live  like a king for the  rest of my
 days with the money that would bring, if I chose to sell it." 
     "Perhaps you should," Cydric said. 
     "Why do you say that?" asked Corambis. 
     Cydric  placed   the  books  back  on   the  nightstand.  "There's
 something about  this whole thing that  does not quite fit...  how can
 Bahz have sent  the skull and caused our visions  if he was imprisoned
 and exiled over  a thousand summers ago? His powers  were nullified by
 the icewood, were they not? Indeed, should he not be dead by now?" 
     The Sage smiled.  "My boy," he said, "There comes  a time when one 
 must stop asking  questions and start looking for  answers." He picked
 up the mug. "Do you feel well enough to have breakfast downstairs?" 
     Cydric  nodded.   "One  more  question,  though;   do  you  really 
 intended  to travel  to  this other  dimension?  Something about  this
 does not feel right to me."
     "Well, it does  not feel right to  me either; that is  why we must 
 investigate this." He turned to leave.
     "We?" Cydric echoed under his breath.
     "You say something?" Corambis said from the doorway.
     "Uh, nothing--I'll be down soon."
     "Good lad." The Sage closed the door as he left. 
     Cydric lay  back for a  moment and thought  of home. He  shook his
 head, gave a short laugh, then got up. 

                              VII. Interlude
     After breakfast,  Corambis suggested that Cydric  accompany him to 
 the  marketplace. Cydric  agreed,  and  started to  go  around to  the 
 stables where the Sage had put the black stallion up for the night. 
     "It is  a fine day, better  suited for walking than  riding," said
 Corambis. "Besides, the fresh air and exercise will do you much good." 
     "Very  well. But  I was  only  concerned about  your own  health."
 replied Cydric.
     "How do you  think I've managed to keep fit  all these years, eh?"
 chuckled the Sage. 
     They  started off  toward  the marketplace.  "There's something  I
 forgot to tell  you," Cydric said. "Last night, just  before the skull 
 turned to dust,  I saw it in my  mind, very clearly. It felt  as if it
 were going over every bit of my brain."
     "Well, it  was no doubt making  sure that you were  indeed the one 
 that its  creator had  selected. Such magical  processes can  be quite 
 ungentle on the mind and the spirit." 
     Soon they  came to the  marketplace. The daily crowd  was starting 
 to gather, and a few early merchants had claimed the best stalls.
     "Here  we  are," said  Corambis,  stopping  in  front of  a  large 
 wooden  booth that  stood in  the center  of the  square. It  appeared
 cleaner and  sturdier than the  five other booths that  clustered near
 it;  a small  purple flag  with a  white dot  in the  center fluttered
 from the top.
     Cydric saw  that unlike  the common stalls,  the booths  had solid 
 wooden  doors. On  the door  of Corambis'  booth there  was a  strange
 symbol,  which Cydric  recognized was  a glyph  of some  sort. He  had
 seen  such symbols  in the  books he  had read  in the  Royal Library.
 Although  they would  not stop  a  skilled mage,  wardings were  ample 
 protection against even the most cunning thieves.
     The Sage traced  the glyph with his right index  finger, chanted a 
 short phrase,  then opened  the door.  A few  feet within  was another
 door, but  with no symbol.  They passed  through the second  door into 
 the audience room which  was no more than ten feet on  a side. Much of 
 the space was taken up by a large green table and two chairs.
     "Those other booths--can just anyone use them?" asked Cydric. 
     "Lord  Dargon's treasurer  assigns  them to  whoever  can pay  the
 rent  for them,"  replied  the  Sage, sitting  down  in the  left-hand 
 chair. "The stalls, on the other hand, are for everyone's use." 
     The Wheel  of Life was  carved into the  top of the  table. Cydric
 recognized  the nine  constellations represented  in each  division of 
 the Wheel: the  Knight, the Oak, the Fox, the  Maiden, the Falcon, the
 Torch,  the Harp,  the Mistweaver,  and his  own sign,  the Ship.  The
 symbols  for Air,  Earth, Fire,  and Water  were inscribed  around the 
 outer rim of the  Wheel, as were the symbols of  the Crown, the Sword,
 the Scepter, and the Shield. 
     Just then  a slender  dark-haired girl  walked in.  "Good morning,
 Master Corambis," she said. 
     "Ah, good  morning, my dear,"  replied the Sage. "Cydric,  this my 
 assistant, Thuna."
     Cydric rose  and took  her hand.  "I believe  we've met.  You also
 work at Belisandra's Tavern, do you not?" 
     Thuna smiled.  "Yes, I  remember you. You  came in  late yesterday 
 and had a Special." 
     Corambis said, "Well  now, we had better get  to business. Cydric, 
 you may stay and observe, or explore the town, as you wish."
     "Thank you, I should like to stay awhile." Cydric replied.
     Corambis  brought a  small stool  out from  beneath the  table and 
 handed  it to  Thuna, who  took it  and placed  it in  the small  area 
 between the  inner and outer  doors. She  then opened the  shutters of
 the windows on either side of the outer door.
     "Very well,  then, Cydric. Are  you familiar with Wheel  of Life?" 
 Corambis asked.
     "Yes, somewhat," the young man replied.
     Just then  Thuna came  to the doorway  and announced  the presence 
 of a customer.
     "Stand on  my right,  Cydric," the  Sage said.  A moment  later, a 
 middle-aged lady entered the room. 
     "Welcome, good lady,"  Corambis said, gesturing for her  to sit in
 the  opposite chair.  "The door,  please," he  whispered to  Cydric as 
 the lady sat  down. As Cydric closed  the door he saw  Thuna smile and 
 wink at him.
     The room was  dark. Cydric was about to comment  on this fact when
 the room  suddenly lit  up. He  looked up  and saw  the source  of the
 illumination: a small glowing orb fixed to the ceiling of the booth. 
     "Well now, what may I do for you?" said Corambis to the woman. 
     "I would like you cast my stones for this week," she replied. 
     "And what is your birth sign?" Corambis asked.
     "I am a Tallirhan," the woman said. 
     The Sage reached  into a belt pouch and took  out ten small wooden 
 discs, one  painted red and the  rest colored blue. He  placed the red 
 one on  the symbol of the  Knight and the  blue ones in the  center of
 the Wheel,  over the  symbol of  the Mistweaver.  He placed  his right
 hand  over the  discs,  spoke a  few  words, then  told  the woman  to 
 gather them  up and hold them  above the Wheel's center.  When she had
 done  so, the  Sage  told her  to  concentrate on  the  symbol of  the 
 Knight, then  drop the  discs. The  woman paused  a few  moments, then
 let  the  discs  clatter  to  the table.  Corambis  glanced  over  the
 pattern the fallen discs  made on the Wheel, took out  a scroll from a
 tube that hung at his belt, unrolled it, and began his interpretation. 
     When he  had finished, the  woman paid him five  silver Sovereigns 
 and left.  "Well, Cydric, what  did you  think of that,  eh?" Corambis
 asked, leaning back in the chair.
     "I  found it  most  fascinating, sir,"  Cydric  replied. "I  would 
 very much like  to learn more about  the aspects of the  Wheel, if you 
 would so instruct me."
     "I  would very  glad to,  Cydric, providing  we return  relatively
 whole  from  our midnight  meeting,"  Corambis  said with  a  straight
 face. He  broke into a chuckle  upon seeing a slight  wrinkle of worry
 crease  the  young  man's  brow.  "The  passage  will  not  be  unduly 
 dangerous, I  assure you. I  shall take all the  necessary precautions
 to insure our safety.  But we will speak more of this  later, eh? I am
 sure you would like to see more of the town now." 
     "Oh,  yes, I  think I  will do  that.  I shall  be back  in a  few 
 hours," Cydric said, moving to the door.
     "Good. Enjoy yourself. Tell Thuna to send in the next customer."
     Cydric closed the door behind him as he left the audience room.
     "You may go  in now," Thuna said to the  man standing just outside
 the outer door. Cydric stepped aside to let him pass. 
     "Where are you off to?" said Thuna when the inner door had closed. 
     "I am just going to have a look around the city," Cydric replied. 
     "Oh, please,  do not go just  yet. It gets very  dull just sitting
 here with no  one to talk to,"  Thuna said, laying a hand  on his arm. 
 "Won't you stay for a little while?"
     Cydric paused  a moment, then  said, "I  suppose I have  plenty of
 time for sightseeing." 
     "Wonderful,"  Thuna said,  leaning an  arm out  the window  of the
 booth and crossing her  legs on the stool. She ran  a hand through her
 long black  hair and  tossed her  head. "So, Cydric,  are you  here in
 Dargon for  business, or pleasure?"  Her eye  gleamed as she  said the 
 last word. 
     "Uh, business,  actually," Cydric  said, leaning back  against the
 opposite wall. 
     Thuna waited, and  when he did not volunteer  anything more, said, 
 "It gets so warm  this time of year." She undid a few  of the laces of 
 her front-laced blouse and pulled it open slightly.
     "What business did you say?" she asked.
     Cydric quickly  looked up.  "Business? Oh,  its nothing  really. I 
 doubt it would interest you." 
     Thuna hopped  off the stool  and walked over  to him. "Oh,  but it
 would," she said, leaning very close.
     Cydric  hesitated a  moment, then  said, "I...  think I  should be 
 going now."
     Thuna  placed a  hand on  his chest  and gently  pushed him  back.
 "Please stay,  just for  a few more  minutes," she  whispered. Backing
 away  slightly,  she reached  over  and  closed  the shutters  on  the
 window.  "Don't go  away," she  said  as she  went over  to the  other
 window and closed it up as well.
     Cydric had  his hand on  the doorknob when Thuna  intercepted him. 
 She turned  him around  and kissed  him hotly.  Cydric felt  the blood
 rush to  his face, and  throughout his body.  "Do you, ah,  think this 
 is appropriate?" he said when she released him. 
     "Isn't it?" she giggled.
     "But the customers! And Corambis, inside--" 
     "No one will bother  us if they see that the  booth is closed. And
 Corambis?  Do not  worry about  him." Thuna  stroked his  cheek. "What 
 business do you have with that old goat, anyway?"
     Cydric tried  to gently disengage  himself from the  young woman's 
 embrace. "Really, Thuna, I must be off now," he said.
     Thuna smiled  prettily, then  pressed him  back against  the inner
 door. With  a provocative  look, she  unlaced her  blouse all  the way
 and let it drop  to the floor. Then she threw her  arms around him and 
 kissed him passionately, her body firmly pressed against his. 
     Cydric  felt all  resistance  crumble away.  He  pushed all  other 
 thoughts  out of  his head  as  he began  caressing Thuna's  unclothed 
 back. Suddenly,  the inner door  gave way  and they both  fell through 
 into  the audience  room. There  was a  moment of  stunned silence  as
 Cydric glanced upward  and saw Corambis and his  customer looking down 
 at him. 
     Cydric quickly  scrambled to his feet.  "Uh, I was just  about to,
 ah, leave now, sir," he said, hastily dusting himself off.
     "Very well,  just be  back around  midday, eh?"  Corambis replied,
 ignoring the shocked look of the customer.
     "Right." Cydric  glanced down at  Thuna, who rolled over  onto her 
 back and  licked her lips.  Completely embarrassed, he wasted  no time 
 in leaving. 

     Cydric  wandered  aimlessly  for   a  good  half-hour  before  the
 incident with  Thuna began to  fade a little  from his mind.  He found
 himself on Traders  Avenue and decided to  have a look in  some of the 
 shops.  He  entered a  small  jewel  merchant's  store and  asked  the
 shopkeeper  to   show  him  some   diamond  rings.  Holding   a  small
 three-stone  ring   the  merchant  brought  out,   Cydric  sighed  and
 murmured very softly, "Sweet Lysanda, why did I ever leave you?" 
     After  leaving the  jewel merchant,  Cydric next  stopped in  at a 
 weapons shop.  "Grauban of the  Blade" read  the sign above  the door.
 As Cydric  entered the shop  a large man, apparently  Grauban himself, 
 looked  up from  the battle-axe  he  was polishing  and said,  "G'day, 
 milord. What can I do for you?"
     "I'd like to see some swords," Cydric replied. 
     Grauban led  him to a  wall rack  filled swords of  various types.
 Cydric picked  up a  curved scimitar and  swung it  experimentally. He
 put it back and  picked up a fine rapier with a  gold and silver hilt.
 He swung it and found that it felt just right in his hand. 
     "Ah,  now that's  a real  beauty," said  Grauban. "I  can let  you
 have it for about, oh, two Cue."
     Cydric  thought  about how  he  had  lost  his  own sword  on  the
 journey  up from  Baranur.  Deciding  that a  replacement  was a  good 
 investment, he said, "I  do not have any gold with  me; make it thirty 
 Sovereigns and you have a deal." 
     After several  moments of consideration, the  weapons dealer said,
 "I can't  let it go  for less  than forty. I  have a business  to run,
 you understand."
     "Thirty-five Sov's, and not a Noble more."
     Grauban  scratched  his  beard,  then  said,  "You  bargain  hard, 
 milord, but I accept that price. Will you be taking it with you?" 
     "I shall bring you the money tomorrow, and pick it up then." 
     "Fine. It will be waiting for you." 
     Cydric visited  a few  more shops.  When he  heard the  town crier
 announce that  it was  midday he headed  back toward  the marketplace,
 wondering what he was going to say to Corambis. 
     The  Sage  was  waiting  for  him outside  the  booth.  Thuna  was
 nowhere in sight.
     "Sir, about this morning, I--" 
     "No  need to  say anything,  my boy,"  Corambis said.  "It's quite
 all right."
     "What do you mean?" asked Cydric, a little surprised.
     "Thuna used  to be  a street-corner  girl, you  see. A  few months 
 ago  she was  attacked by  a  drunken rowdy.  I saved  her from  being
 killed, and took her  into my care. So far she has  led a rather clean
 life, with  a few  occasional lapses.  You need  not worry  about what
 happened this morning. I have already spoken to her." 
     Cydric  nodded and  silently  sighed with  relief.  "Where is  she
 now?" he asked.
     "At Belisandra's  Tavern. Thuna  works afternoons,  and Belisandra
 gives her room  and board in return, plus a  small allowance. It works
 out  quite well."  Corambis  cast a  glance back  at  the booth,  then 
 said, "Well, now,  shall we have lunch?  What do you say  to some nice
 fish stew, eh?"
     Cydric  agreed, and  they  began walking  toward  the docks  where
 Simon Salamagundi the stew vendor could always be found.
     When  they were  in sight  of Simon's  cart, a  voice called  out, 
 "Corambis! Over here!" 
     The Sage looked  around and, identifying the source  of the voice, 
 waved and returned a greeting.
     "I must  speak to my friend  over there," he said  to Cydric. "You
 go ahead  and get the stew--I  will have whatever you  are having." He
 gave Cydric a few coins and departed. 
     "Ah!  You  back  again,  young sir?"  Simon  Salamagundi  said  as 
 Cydric approached the  cart. Cydric greeted him and  ordered two sweet
 stews. As  Simon filled the bowls  Cydric asked, "Do you  remember the
 girl I was with last night?" 
     "Red hair, in blue robes? Aye, what about her?" 
     "Do you know where she lives?"
     "Sorry, me friend, I know not. Did she not tell you?"
     Cydric shook his head. "Does she come around here often?"
     "In truth,  young sir, I believe  she is new in  town herself. You 
 might try the inns, like the Panther or the Serpent, or Sandmond's."
     Cydric thanked him,  gave the money to Simon's  monkey Skeebo, and 
 left carrying the bowls  of stew. He had not traveled  very far when a
 man  bumped into  him  from behind,  causing him  to  drop the  bowls. 
 Cydric  watched  as  the  man  continued on  without  so  much  as  an 
 apology. Keeping his  temper, Cydric hurried after the  man and tapped 
 him firmly on the shoulder. The man spun around.
     "You  have  just  caused  me  to  lose  my  lunch,"  said  Cydric, 
 pointing to the spilled stew.
     The man  shrugged. "You  should watch where  you walk  next time," 
 he said, and turned to leave.
     Cydric grabbed  his shoulder and  forced him around. "I  think you
 owe me for the cost of the meal," he said. 
     The  man shook  off Cydric's  hand and  drew his  sword. "I  said, 
 watch where you walk next time!"
     Cydric's  hand flew  to  his  left hip  and  found nothing  there. 
 Silently cursing the loss of his sword, he drew his sundagger instead. 
     "I think you owe him for the meal," said a female voice. 
     Cydric  looked to  his right  and saw  a cloaked  woman holding  a 
 loaded crossbow. She was pointing it straight at the man's head. 
     Walking  closer to  the  man until  she was  a  little beyond  the
 sword's reach, the crossbow woman said, "Please pay him now." 
     The man  hesitated. The  crossbow woman raised  the weapon  to her
 shoulder and  placed her  finger on  the trigger.  The man  swore, dug
 out a handful of coins, flung them at Cydric, then stalked off.
     "Are you all right?" the woman asked, lowering the crossbow.
     Cydric  nodded  and sheathed  the  sundagger.  "I appreciate  your 
 help, but I think I would have been able to defend myself." 
     "With only  a dagger?" The woman  grinned. "Either you are  a very 
 good fighter, or the dagger is magic."
     "Both," Cydric  returned the grin. He  told her his name,  and the 
 woman introduced herself as Kittara Ponterisso. 
     "I am  pleased to meet  you, Miss  Ponterisso," Cydric said  as he
 pressed her hand against his cheek. 
     "Call me Kitty," she said. 
     Just then  Cydric heard someone  call his name. Looking  back over
 his  shoulder, he  saw  Corambis  hurrying toward  him.  He waved  and
 turned back to Kittara.
     "Pleased to meet  you as well, Cydric Araesto. I  must go now, but 
 I hope to see you around." She turned and melted into the crowd.
     Cydric  started  after  her,   but  just  then  Corambis  arrived,
 looking slightly breathless.
     "I saw what happened, Cydric. Most rude of that fellow."
     "Did you  see the woman with  the crossbow? She forced  him to pay
 for the stew." 
     "Ah, yes. Very nice of her to do that. Did she tell you her name?"
     "Kittara Ponterisso. Ever hear of her?" 
     The Sage  shook his head. "Can't  say that I have."  He glanced at
 the spilled  stew, which a pair  of cats were happily  lapping up, and
 said, "Why don't we have lunch at an inn?" 

     Still  feeling  a little  uncomfortable  about  the incident  with
 Thuna,   Cydric  declined   Corambis'  proposal   that  they   eat  at
 Belisandra's, and  suggested that  they go  to the  Inn of  the Hungry
 Shark instead. The Sage  pointed out that it was better  to face up to
 the  situation   and  resolve   it  rather   than  avoid   it.  Cydric 
 reluctantly agreed, and they headed off to Belisandra's Tavern.
     Belisandra  herself  seated them  and  took  their orders.  A  few
 minutes later,  Thuna came to the  table and apologized to  Cydric for
 her  improper behavior.  He  readily forgave  her  and suggested  that
 they forget that it had ever happened.
     After Thuna  left, Corambis said,  "Do you recall the  friend that 
 I met back there at the docks?"
     Cydric nodded. "Yes, why?" 
     "That was  Kandevoll, the jewel  merchant. He happened  to mention 
 that you were in his shop this morning, looking at betrothal rings." 
     "Yes... I believe I was there," Cydric replied cautiously.
     "He  also said  he  heard  you whisper  the  name 'Lysanda'.  That 
 wouldn't be Lysanda the King's niece, now would it?"
     "Um,  well,  perhaps  there  are two  Lysandas  in  the  Kingdom,"
 mumbled Cydric.
     "Aha.  Something   tells  me,  Cydric,   that  you  are   not  the 
 freewheeling adventurer  that you  seem to be.  Perhaps you  will tell 
 me what you really are." 
     Cydric looked up from his mug of ale. "What do you mean?"
     "I mean, Cydric, that  so far you have not told  me a single thing 
 about yourself. Why is that?" 
     Cydric took  a long sip of  ale before answering. "Very  well. You 
 are right, I was looking at a betrothal rings for Lysanda."
     "I am  sure that you did  not come all  the way to Dargon  just to
 look  for  rings.  A  young  noble like  yourself  could  find  better
 jewelry in the capital."
     "I told  you, I am  here because of  my vision. And--"  He paused,
 and looked Corambis in the eye. "And you think that I am a noble?" 
     The  Sage chuckled  softly. "I  suspected it  from the  moment you 
 introduced  yourself. I  used  to be  King  Haralan's astrologer  many 
 years  ago,  and  I  never  forgot the  way  the  courtiers  announced
 themselves  whenever they  came to  me  for a  horoscope. You  sounded 
 just like one of them, even though you looked like an outlander." 
     Cydric  said nothing  for a  long  moment, then  sighed and  said,
 "You have me,  sir--I am indeed a  noble. I suppose you  want to know"
 everything about why I am here." 
     "Hoho, indeed I do! Please begin, at the beginning, eh?"
     Cydric drained  the last  of his ale  before speaking.  "My father 
 is Khysar  Araesto, Duke  of Pyridain and  Treasurer to  King Haralan.
 Ever  since  I was  young,  my  father wished  for  me  to follow  his 
 trade--to  become the  next Royal  Treasurer. I  grew up  learning the
 ways  of the  treasury,  though I  really  had no  interest  in it.  I 
 wanted to be like Sir Talan Shalk, the Captain of the King's Guards." 
     "Ah, the famous soldier-adventurer, eh?" said Corambis.
     "Yes, but I knew  my father did not approve of  that sort of life. 
 Even so,  I convinced Captain  Shalk to teach  me what he  knew. Under
 him, I learned how  to use a sword, how to survive  in the forest, and 
 other things that I would need to know when I finally left Baranur. 
     "About a year  ago I made my  decision to leave. I  had planned to
 join an  expedition to the  Skywall mountains,  but I had  fallen love 
 with  Lysanda  and  for her  sake  I  did  not.  But I  never  stopped
 thinking about  leaving the  city, about venturing  to other  lands. I
 tried  to convince  Lysanda  to  come with  me  wherever I  eventually
 decided to  go, but she was  too used to civilization  and implored me 
 to stay in the city.
     "And  then the  visions  started.  I realized  that  this was  the
 time; I  truly had  to leave. It  was very had  to part  with Lysanda, 
 but I knew that  if I did not go I would never  find peace. So I wrote 
 a letter  to Lysanda,  packed my  things, and left  the castle  in the 
 middle of the night.  I traveled with a caravan for  a time, then made 
 my way to Dargon alone. The rest you know."
     "But  why  did you  not  tell  me  you  were of  nobility?"  asked 
 Corambis. "In  my experience,  traveling royals  usually like  to make 
 themselves known as such."
     "I turned  my back  on that sort  of life when  I left  the King's
 castle, and  I have  tried to act  in the manner  of the  common folk;
 but, as you have  guessed, it will take some time for  me to forget my 
 court protocol."
     Thuna  arrived  and  served  up their  orders:  steamed  fish  for 
 Cydric, a plate of cooked vegetables for Corambis.
     "Well,  Cydric, it  seems that  you have  sacrificed a  great deal 
 just to  find out the  meaning of your  strange vision. What  will you 
 do after you learn its meaning?"
     "That all  depends on what  happens when  we travel to  this other
 world. Are you sure the journey will be safe?" 
     "Passing through the  Archway will not be dangerous.  But after we
 arrive at our destination, I cannot know what will happen to us."
     "Perhaps if we knew, we would not want to go," mused Cydric. 
     "Now  Cydric,  you  are  not afraid,  are  you?"  Corambis  asked, 
 looking at the young man with mild amusement. 
     "I do not fear going; it's returning that I am concerned about." 
     "Well, Cydric,  you are right  to be  concerned, but I  shall make 
 certain that we return  safely. And now, eat up, for  we have quite an
 adventure waiting for us."
     They  continued their  meal, and  when they  had finished,  Cydric 
 and Corambis left the tavern. 
                     -Carlo N. Samson  <U09862@UICVM> 
