💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › magazines › MACOD › macod-05.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 13:10:17.
///-----------__----___------------------------------------++++++\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MACROEZ off DISTRUKSION ########################################################################### -==-=-==--==--==-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-==--==-= **PRESIDEN T OF THE ORGANIZEZASION:** **AMADEUS** Issue nombar 5 (FiVe!!!!!!)!!! YESSS WE R NOW MAKEING IT!!! IN REEL LIPHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VISE PRECEDENT!: BlACk ACiD OTHER VISE PRECEDENT EHEHEHEHEHEEH the emperer of flame SECOND UNIT JUNIAR APRENTISE AUXILYARY VISE PRECEDENT: baseHead JUNIAR TREASURAR BULLwinkle!! SECRITARY OFF DEVELEPMENT Intigratar!! CHEIF OF MUNISIPLE ACOUNTINg REDESCRIPSIONS Captain ZERO!!!!!!!! PRINSIPAL DEVELEPOR MARduk JANITER kutulU ok we r giong to led of the issU w/ a poam my cauleege the emparar of flame wrote himsefl rozes R red, vilits R blue suger is sweat & U R NOT !!!!!!!!!!!! EHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHHE i leik it b/c i was expecting it 2 say "& so r u" ehehehehehh what a suprise alrite hpw can we not forget the STOR-E SEXTION hears the netx part of ALIANS:THE ENVATION ok so as u no alians invated earth. 1 of the alians sadi "i am VORKON!!!take me 2 u're leador "we dont have a leador" said a bystandar but what do u need 2 no" "take me to u're leador" said vorkon "wel we r democrisey we dont have a leador in the u.sa.." "wle let me see u're leador" "i can tell u wear r precident is" "i need 2 c u're leador" "well are precident is are leador" "alrite i will see u're precident "good he is in the wite house" "goodbye i m VORKON" and the alian VORKON wetn 2 the wite house 2 c the precident!!!!! (not amadeus hte preceidnet of hte u.s.1!!!!!!!!) 2 b continued & now for SEX-tion SEVEN out off elevan off BILLY'W EVeryDAY LIFE?!!!!! okay so the last time we saw our friend blilly he was faling of off a PERYLUS CLIF!!!!! WATHC OUT BILY U KULD GET HERT!!! WILL HE DIE OR BEE SAVED!!!!!! READ ON 2 FIND OUT ! ! ! ! !! ! ! he is faling and falikng. wahat will i do now he said. What is that over there he just saiid. he didn't want 2 think abuot it well bwecasue IS THAT WHAT U WOIULD THINK ABOUT IF U HAD JUST FALLING OVER A GOD DAMNED CLIF U DUMB ASS!!! NO I DIDN'T THINK SO!!!!!!! ON TO THE STORY!!!!!!! Anyway, he loked as hadr as he coudl at the thing because well I 4 ONE WOULD RATHAR LOK AT SOMEHTING INTARESTING THAN THE GOD DAMBED GROUDN THAT I'M ABOUT TO FUKIN SPLARTTAR ALL OVAR!!! the thing cam e closra and clasor. it was blue. and it had starrz and moonz paintd all ovar it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IT WAS A MAGIKAL WIZARD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THAT HAS CUM (HEHE I SAID<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CUM HEHEH) 2 SAVE HIME!!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< helloi beilly said the magical wizaard. oh i am vary vary afraed of u sia d bily OUR HERO YEESS!!!!!!! don't be afreaid sai t he wizar.d he then yelled MY NMAE IS MYSTERIO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 all hail mysterio sia d billy. now i willl save u and billy all of the suden was in his hom liying in bed. "thank u mysterio 4 that exsperiansce!!!!! godo beye until next STORY where mysterio turnes evil!! you heard me rigte! Whew, that was a close one said bily. oops that should b=n'ty be there how do i erace in this damb thign!!! alrite hears thre NEWEST SEXTION::::: BLAKC ACID's CODE SEXTIOM!!111 just tryeing 2 do my jobb as VICE PRECIDENT ehehehehehehehehehehheheehhe so hear we r in this sextion i wil think of thigns 2 say && put them in2 coad it is u'rejob 2 figer out what it RELLY Says ehehehehheheheh heasr #1 ujhavejnojlifejifjujrjactuayljfigieringjthisjoutjehehehheheheheehe & hears #2 its a litatl hardar manu aredoing GOODehehehehehehhhe & hears #3 the FINAL CRIPTOgRam plnccucuavl tyrsciugarialt adigvanehehehehhheheheheeh wel hear it is floks the 1ST intalmint of BLACK ACiD's ANAR/<Y SEXTION hears what u do ok so lei ku r wantin 2 kill some1 rite so u get leik whatevar wepin u can get ahold of a roket launchar works fine ehehehehehehehehhehe but dont setal 4 no pistal!!!!!!!!! ok so now u c who u wnat 2 kill well ok so u r wanting so badly 2 just blwo the f*king s*t out of tham but nooooooooooooo if u do that u'll get ARESTID so ok so u r newar them w/ a good wepin ok so what u do is u wiat until they walk undar a brige then u just shoot the bridge!!!!!!!!! man if u r using a seficintley poweful weapin the brige wil CALAPCE causing it to fal on2 who u want 2 kill then u find a ohone and call in2 the pilece"hay a brige just calapsed u bettar coime check it out" theuwill NEVER thik 2 ask u1! clever huh i will be thnkig of more ways 2 kil peopal w/o geting caught man hate feds 1 day i wil becoem precdient of the US in the yere 2000 eheheh & i wil BLOW THE LIVEING SHIT out of fds mn alrite man 1 more thing b4 i leavd u i no i no but u wil half 2 wait 2 next issU ok so u r waiting 4 some1 & they r late. u want 2 tecah them a lesin 4 being lat4e 2 whatever................................ so u say "y r u late" and as thehy ansar u say "fuck u bitch" and punch them in the nose!!!!!! than if they try 2 figth back u say "u we're the late 1 u bithc" and fuck them up w/ you're gun & if the pilece ask u if u shot them u can just aay "it was sefl-defesne & if they re;lzie it wasnt just pertend u dont no n e thing thats it 4r nopw ?????-=-= BLACK ACiD =-=-? ???? alrite hear iss r ???????????????????????????????? USAR OFF THE ISSU???????????????????????? AMADEUS has won this 1 more time! every1 congradiel8 him! he is now a 2-TIME WINANR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 o wait I almsot forgot MACOREZ TIPS w/ BlACk ACiD ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! u're ###1 soarce 4 makeing macoresz man this is how 2 create REALLY FUNCKY CYKEDELICK MACROEZ!!!!!!!! ok put a magnifiing glace up 2 ur'e eye.............................................. now stnad back leik fiv milion feat no not that long but leik a cupal feet u get the ideaa now jsut type in randim theings !!! i tlooks so slycke leike u'r eon drugs w/ a mangefiying glass ................. look ehar's 1 i made asdjfklskjdlfkljsdakljsdfkljsdfkljfsdkljsfdjklfsdjkfsdjkfsdkljsdfjklfsdklj asdfjkfsdakljdfklfsdkjsfdkjsfdkljakjfsdkjlfsdjkjdl;sfk;jasdlf;kljfsdakl;j; now it may not look leike much but put a MAGNEFICYNG glass up to u're fase & it looks so slick wel that sheoudl be iut 4 noiw if u half n e ???????????s just aks me !!!!! i am WILING 2 HEPLE U!!!!!!!! as u're new vice precidenet I have my deutys 2 do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wel now its r-====BASEHADE"S KOLEMN!!!!!! -=-=-=---- 0K her it iz thee 2ND edation of my kolemn yea NUMBAR TWO i`d lick 2 than/< al of teh rederZ who mad teh 1st colen suc a BIG SUCKCESS! well 0K 1st loyel rederZ of thsi kulemn may remebar my GF SNUGLE BUNY eheheheh yea her & i hda a NICC VALANTINZ DAY & i bout hre a koppe of MEGA QUEST VXIXV!! /<ra/<ed buy TEH LEGEEN OF HAKERZ yea ur fovarit CRAKING GROOP who i mite ad haz juts singed a FOR PICSHURE DEEL w/MACROEZ OF DISTRUKSION FILMZ INC butt not 2 git 0f topec anywy yea MEGA QUESR VXIXV U now it yea teh 1 were U R FREDERASHUN BUNTY HONTER 0N /\ queest 2 defeet EMPOROR DETH III & rescew the luvlee PRINCEZZ T&A & U like fly arond & blst stuph w/yor LASAR! & well juts beteen U & me rederZ i didn`t "bye" it eheh well kan U say W - A - R - E - Z? well i shure kan!!! ehehee yea i D/LED TAHT SUKER & it 0nly t00k 8 horZ w/my -=-=-=-=HAYZ COMPATIBEL=-=-=-=- 12oo B.p.s.. madom wel mna wut gurl wuldn`T lik a presant lik taht & wel let`s jest say she ""Sh0wed hre aprecishun'"" ehehehehehehhehehehehehehehhehehehheh mna finalee a ALART i D\LED THEZ WAREZ KALLED oops kalled STARFLTER X & mna it WU Z A VRIUS et sid "EHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHEEH THSI EZ A VIRAS!!" & i sad "Oh N0!!!!!!!" & Et sid "OH YES!!!! YOR HD IS SKRWWED!!!!" & man git DALATED C0MMAND>COM s0 man l00k out fro i don't D/L IT MAN JST STAY AWAY now as U no as MACROEZ groes & we half more MEMBARS we get moer ARTICALS makeingt htis the BIGEST issU of MACROEZ EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hear's 1 from are JANITER KUTULU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like y0 d00dz this is new membar kutulu like say it k00t00l00 cuz liek if you dopn't Im gonna haf to like go to yur house and like beat you yp cuz it my name and you cant say i rong! Why did | join macroez? you are asking me, and im telling to its becuz of MACROEZ! Macroez are like the main poart of mosdeming cuz like when you have to get liek all the ware'z and the sysop like suxx and he makes you post and you posdt and hes like this SUXX! and ddon't you hate that, me to.. Here's whut u as a marcroz membar can do qwhen the sysops are really suky and they like w0nt let you get WARE'Z and they pout like a ratio on ! Lije y0, first youy say 'C' and lioek the sysop will pull you into chat, and like if he doesn't hit 'C' again and like of course he;ll chat you, cuz y0, you're in macroez and youve got POWAR! OR else you jsut tell us hes not like kewl and we hack him!ahahah1111 and then he goes down and guesswhwt NO MORE RATIONS!ahahahahahahahahahah~~!~!~!~~!~~! so then like tyou say "D00d, like I got WAREZ! and like oyu have to give me eggsemptshuns NOW so you klike need all the warz"! and then likie ghhaah the sysop will like hit F1 and like he will give you eggsemptshuns anmd you can get all the warez aqnd uploaf him like the same fgile like 100 timesahgahahah~! and theres nothing he can d0 t0 y0u! Or else like if you are a Real P()\/\/ /-\ R~! D00D! liek u can get aroond the rations like by showing all the l-serz lie your MACROEZX~! and you like psot all your macros in like one post each and you get like a big ratiobn s and then you can like go get WAREZ! Like y0-, I gota go make my macroz and like get gigz of warez, so like cann the Pit of |> <> <> |\/| nasd y0 like tlel k00t00l00 like your MACVROEZ! And like NO RARTIONS! gabhaha! CEEYAS L8R! awsome aritcal K00t0000l00 (c im lenring ehehehhehhehehehehehe) but we wil kill those ahahaha & now an artical from mar DUK!!!!! he is abseced w/ POWAR it ceems * M0Re P0WaR Y0 liek this is like k00l!!~!~ Liek the makr0z are really takin 0ff/. But liek we kan get al0t of p0war!!~! I kame t0 talk 0f the nead f0r like m0re p0war~!!!Liek maby we k0uld liek start makin liek stuff liek we k0uld get really k00l k0des!!!ThEn we w0uld hav P()wAr!~!!Liek mmy friends father w0rx f0r liek this plake wer they mak gamez, and liek he kan get k0dz t0 liek gamez, and we k0uld chang em, and liek then they w0uld liek bel0ng t--0 the makr0z. Liek then we w-0uld hav p0war.Exept we w0ulfd hav t0 g0 under earth haahhaahhhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahah, kause it is liek n0t happy with the CIA pe0p,le. but liek it will be k00l, kause if they k0me after uss we kan say we were highly drunk, and then we woudl really k00l, kause we doged the FBI!!~!And we w0uld hav mor p0war kause pe0ple would kn0 =w wh0 we are!!~!~ Liek, y0, that w0uld be liek w0w!~!~! Plus I g0t special k0des that kan krash the CIA pe0ples BBS. Liek they w0nt n0 what hit em d00d!!!! * 0narary Meamberz Liek I w0uld liek to nominate Bevis & Butthead as 0narery memberz t0 the makr0z. They are verry funny, and liek y0, they mak me g0 ahhahahahahahhahahhaha. Kause they are liek s0--0000 k00l but liek d00d, d0n't take my w0ad f0r it. Liek watch the shh0aw f0r y0ur- sealvf. They are liek verry k00l, and have l0ts 0f fun things planed Liek this is why I say they w0uld be really g00d memberz!!! * Makroz BBS Meat I prepoze we hav a bjbs meet. Kause like there are alklot of k00l d00dz and d00detts in the makr0z. It would be liek reaklly fun, kause we could go t0 skateland. We kould get real;ly drunk on bear, and g0 there!~!!~ Then we k0uld get in fights there, and pe0p;le w0uld n0 wh0 we are. Tehn we w0uld hav POWAR!!!~!!!~ Liek then we kan get dealz and stuff with k-00l charityt 0rganisations!!!!, Liek we k0uld d0 lots of stuff. s-0 kan we hav a bbs meet? hears are much apriciateed MACRO off the monht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! / ~~|~ /\ \ / /\ /\ /~~~~~~ \ | / \ \/ / \ \ /_________ . / | / \ | away from / \ /________ _______ im dangirris!!!!1 / \ ehehehhehehehehe call my / STOP! | cakl me my bbs ##### is--. BBSS!!!!! | u die | | 991-7416 \ | /\/\ /===\ /~~~ |> /\|~~\| / ^\ \_____/ | | | |-.-| \___ |\ \/|=/_| | of distruksion vice pre-| | JANE & BLACK ACID 4EVER sdinet | | ???? BLACK ACID ???? | |______________________________________________| wel their it is flks its prety complxe 4 a macor but i leik it it recquiers trU talint 2 make a macrpo leik taht 1 hears R lettar of the MONHT Dear Amadeus, I have noticed, through the conspicious course of bureaucracy, that this past year has been of the most stimulating kind, a quasi-Descartian infusion of administrative accountabilities, with their own respectively manipulative acquisitions, and naturally the visionary enthusiasm which are by all means begetted during the normal course of our Wittgensteinian existance. If this be the pium desiderium by which we are ennobled, then certainly an abrogation shall never materialize which would end our propadeutically benign schedules. And, just as in previous years, our big, furry eyebrows serve their presuppositional determination to do their little ol' Anaxamanderian duties! Further, without such due course of action, bureaucracy will not and can not relieve its tensions of le quaitre de la neux. Warmest greetings, Roger Downwitherspoons U R THE MASTOR, ROJAR!!!! we wil all remembar u're letar. but b4 i go of about u're letar (EHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE )we half n all-new colem! its ASK AMADEUS!!!!!! wear readars send in lettars 2 the precodent1!!!!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ASK AMADEUS -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 by u're precident AMADEUS!!!!! -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ASK THE MASTOR =-=-=-=-=-=--==-==-=-=-==-== Dear Amadeus, I really admire you and your high-quality newsletter. I often think of how wonderful your newsletter is and how hard-working and diligent you must be about your studies. I have printed out countless copies of your premier issue, and have framed a copy of issue #4. I have memorized all of issues 2 and 3 and can recite them from memory. Your newsletter is perhaps the greatest gift to humanity since the conception of democracy. I will promote it throughout the remainder of my life. My only question is: How can someone so creative and gifted manage to harness his talents into such a stimulating and provocative newsletter? I eagerly await your response, and will treasure it regardless of its verbal content. With exceptionally sincere gratitude for the meaning you have inspired In my meager life As though it were a rose-petal Gently floating Thru the tempest, Ben Dong great lettar!! now on2 the next 1 Dear Amadeus, Do you collect paintings? B. J. Stevenson wel bj i half often axed myself the same xact thing hears are lats lettar Dear Amadeus, Recently in my studies of quantum mechanics I have been subjected to an insurmountable difficulty. I am unable to determine a simple facet of Uncertainty. It is well-known, of course (as P.C.W. Davies noted) that Dirac, in attempting to reconcile quantum mechanics with the special theory of relativity, produced a relativistic wave equation to replace Schrodinger's and showed that spin l=1/2 was automatically present in his equation. Spin can therefore be regarded as an essential relativistic effect. This is all common knowledge. However, I am curious of whether or not compatible observables must be represented by commuting operators. This is a question that has plagued me for a long time, and I was curious as to whether or not you could supply me with a sufficient solution. With thanks in advance, Paul Gottenstein, The American Quantum-Mechanical Institute wel paul u half axed a stimulateing ? & hear is what i half 2 say: 'i would ansar u're ? but it depends on what molicuels u want. if u r takling about 1 mollecual & u ad it milions & miliosn off times u wil half milions of moleculs so u must take this in2 concidaration. pleace rerite 2 me w/ this taken in2 cioncsidnerating. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& THE prec idnet's cornR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if u r a fan off blck acid's then u probley red his macorez tips SEX-tion wel if u we're 1 leik me u sed "well thats all fine & dand-E but i dont half a MAGNEFIYING GLASSSS!!!! so wel hear i m to tell *** U *** how 2 make u're won MAGNETFYING GLASS w/j just u're stadard householdd preapartiong !!!!!!! 1) get a jar. 2) it can be big but also masll. 3. cut out the botam. 4. put it in a rely hot ovan. 5. it can be 300debgres or 3,000 degres i dont care but whatevar it mite work w/ low tempertuars but w/ hi it is bettar so use that if at all posibal b/c this experiamnt wil work bettar w/ hi tempertruas. 6) make sure it melt s in 2 what u c on am agenfiying glass 7 were alsmot done do u c ehehehehheheehheheheheheheeheheheheheh eheh 8. THEIR IT SISS!!!!!! U nolw half u're OWN MAGNEFIYING GLASS!!!!!!!!!! enjoy hear is my macroe to complemint BLACK ACiDS'!!1 29854iu3y4754982986732986743294824387uj87432798397219671432y98212986712981i if you half the rite magneifying glass it loosk SO funky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wel thatj ust ahbout rapps it up 4 this issU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if u wnat 2 get n e moar of are BACK ISSUs or n e NEW ISSUs that we rite pleace cal 1 off are DISTRIBUITION SITEs ehehehehehehhe bi 4 now ehehheehehehehehehehehh ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call the MACROEZ of DISTRUKSION Prime Distributor: The Dark Cornar 410-889-2729 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call the MACROEZ of DISTRUKSION Secondary Distributors: The Cellular Butt Plug 410-426-7737 The Pit of D00/\/\! 410-665-1074 The Cillakon Death 410-882-9052 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------