💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › magazines › MACOD › macod-04.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 13:10:15.
///-----------__----___------------------------------------++++++\\\\ MACROEZ off DISTRUKSION -==-=-==--==--==-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-==--==-= **PRESIDEN T OF THE ORGANIZEZASION:** **AMADEUS** Issue nombar 4!!! WOW I CAMT BELEIVE ITS ***$*$4**** alredy1!!heeh VISE PRECEDENT!: BlACk ACiD OTHER VISE PRECEDENT EHEHEHEHEHEEH the emperer of flame SECOND UNIT JUNIAR APRENTISE AUXILYARY VISE PRECEDENT: baseHead JUNIAR TREASURAR BULLwinkle!! SECRITARY OFF DEVELEPMENT Intigratar!! CHEIF OF MUNISIPLE ACOUNTINg REDESCRIPSIONS Captain ZERO!!!!!!!! -==--==---=-=-==--==--= MACROEZ off DISTRUKSION HAS SUM CHAINJIS!!!!! look macroez off distruksion is undar some majir changis so we all just need 2 bare w/ it 4 a wile!!!!!!!!! 4 1 we have a NEW VICE PRECIDENT!! since BLACK PLASMA was bustid by the fedds we neded 2 find some1 moar REALIEABLE!!!!!!!! so we welcome our new vice precident BLACK ACiD!!!!!! for 2 the membarship prise uas gone up to 225$ to ofset the costs off finding our new vice precednet! alo all curent membars must pay $$$ 25 to upgrade!!!!! and finaly for 3 ehehehehheheh we have a NEW TITAL !!! SCREAN u alredy hjave probley notised it its cool i likle it do u if u like it emai lme on my board THE DARK CORNAR or on any othar bbs i m on!!!! STOR-E SEXTION EHEHEHEH hear in this stor-e section we have -=-=-=-= 2 =-=-=-== STORYS!! first off al we have an ALL-lNEW STOR-E that wil lstart now and continU up thrU issU ######## 8!!!!1 here is part 1 up in ther bilding pepal were talking "lok whats that" --=- what may u ask were they refering 2 weel it so hapens they spyed a U F O in the sky!! that stands 4 "unidentifyed faling obgect if u dont no) "wel what is it????????? 1 person ased "i dont no" another sed to witch anothar replyed "maybe it's ALIENS!! ad that was xactly what it WASSS!!!! ALIANS INVADED EaRTH!!! 2 b continued ANAR/<Y SEXTION by Black ACiD wel BLACK PLASSMA use to do this sextion but he was BUSTED as aved readars of MACROEZ of DISTRUKSION wil no so now Black ACiD wil do the anar/<y sextion but he is not hear rite now so u will have 2 wait til neXT issU USAR ALERT THIS IS AN ALART on the usar : DARK SHALE it so hapens DARK SHALE caled the FEDS!! on 2 bbs's in the aria if u r a SISOP and DARK SHALE is on u're bbs (or not hehehehe then DELEAT him and BLacK LisT him if u cna if not just lok out 4 DARK SHALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! USAR OF THE ISS-U AWARD our USAR OIF THE ISS-U IS AMIDEIs thats rite our PRECEDENT of this very newsletar !! a big hand to AMEDEIS!!@! MACROEZ TIPS writan by the emperer of flame alrite start w/ this issU every issU will hjave a tip on MAKEING MACROEZ this issU's tip is this: if u r in theDRAW u can press F-7 & then seletc "SAVE" to save u're ASNI or ASKI or whatevar if u r not useing the DRAW u r a losar ALrIght NOW WERE giong 2 introduse something ENTIARLY KNEW!!!! ITS ------ BASEHEAD`S COLEMN!!!!!!! -=-=-=-= OK thsi is my kolem it w1ll b monthlee & wil cuntan inf0 lik 1) PARSONAL NOTEZ abut me & my frienz eheheheh 2) H0W 2 GET WAREZ 4. BOMBZ & /\N/\ARCHY IN GENRAL 0k 1st a PARSONAL NOTE abut me wel rederz eheheheh i hav fond /\ grilfrend yea thet`s rite se she kalled /\/\y bbs THE CELLULAR BUTT PLUG 1 dy & i brok ento chat & sad "HAY R U RELY A GURL" & she sad "YEAH & I RELY LIKE GUYZ WITH WAREZ" & i sid "WELL THAT SOUNDS LIK ME!!!!!" s 0 we hoked up & man i herd a rumar thta she liks POWARFUL KILLAR f0ll0w M.o.D. mambar & frend uv mine wel it'Z NOT true!!! man we are 2 gether 4 ever so y0 U R probeby sayin "MAN WHUT DOEZ THS HAF 2 D0 WITH MACROEZ?" wel man ti inspared my KNEW MACRO her it iz /c:-=-=-=-=-= ???0H??? =-=-=-=-=-=- /c:I LUV SNUGLE BUNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! picshur it man wit lotz of colorz eheheheheh man but lok jst Bcuz i hav a ledy dos not MEAN that i d0n't like WAREZ AND /\N@RCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s0 b 4 i sigN of her iz a gnu BOMB RECIPAY 1. geT sum coka-kol/\ 3) geT sum chlorin like u kn0w the stuf in poolz C. WATH ET G0 B00M eheheheheheheheh man tat`s et laterz y0 its our >>>>>>>>>MAKROE<<<<<<<<< OF THE MONHT!!!!!!!! / \* // ===\ *^ *^ =====\ ( ! [ / $ \ \*/ / | *^ *^ # ( ;; ! [; \ '; $ \ || \+++/ \+++**+/ @ '| (======! ] \ ';;;' | | | \ / \-----------------------------| \========== exsalent macoe it has won 2 issUs in a ROE!! it is now are RECARD WINNAR! wil the makor of this macroe pleace step foarth!! we'd leik 2 congradiel8 u! LETTAR OF THE ISSU hear it ss this lettar ws sent 2 us by Phil Horman. Dear Amadeus: This past year has been of the most stimulating kind, a quasi-Descartian infusion of administrative accountabilities, with their own respectively manipulative acquisitions, and naturally the visionary enthusiasm which are by all means begetted during the normal course of our Wittgensteinian existance. If this be the pium desiderium by which we are ennobled, then certainly an abrogation shall never materialize which would end our propadeutically benign schedules. And, just as in previous years, our big, furry eyebrows serve their presuppositional determination to do their little ol' Anaxamanderian duties! With hope for the future, Phil Horman wel THANKS PHIL 4 that enlitening peace of info we wil tresar it 4evar & it wil be in the ANALs of MACROEZ of DISTRUKSION until are seksesars take ovar the publickasion!!!!!!! AND JUST WIN U THOUGTH it was SAIF 2 say "AMCROEZ OF DISTRUKSION IS OVAR" its THE MACROEZ OF DISTRUKSION BB REVUE!!!!!! hear we wil rate man-E BBs's on a veriaty of factars!!! & we will give EECH BBS a RAIDING to hepl U deside WITCH BBS's 2 CAL!!!! we wil rate EAC BBS a numbar from 0 to 1000!!!!! Hear's the 1st B B S!!!! The Elektranick Conectsion ## 411-0165 Sisop: The Mastar the electranik conecttion fetars man-E idifarant things U can do leik it has u kno gam'z & shit it has TRAIDWARZ REGISTARED!!! man & it has some kewl subz leik 'mega death fan usb" & shit unfoartinatly to the bored's disscreadit their r not man-e warez witch is y this bbs doesnt get a perfict 1000 but stil i recomennd this bbs if u r looking 4 sum kelw gmes and subs RAIDING!!!!!!: 882.6 another 1 9man i rely leik doing ths ehehheheheh) The Dark Cornar ## 104-1079 Sysopp: Amadeis thats rite are very own precedint now THIS is 1 kewl bbs man it has like all sorst of shit man if U r looking 4 WAREZ thsi bbs is the -=-=-=- =1-=-= placse i recomand u go! man u can find WAREZ & ANARKY EVERYWRAR hear------and thier are many kelw and orijenal mesag e subs2 like a musci sub and a sub 4 compotar gams and a movy sub in n e cace THE DARK CORNAR is 1 GRATE BBS!! it is o a net 2 "Wareznet intarnacional" so if u rely want ALL THE NEWIST WAREZ cll ehar!! RAtEING: 1000 a perfcet SCORE!!! congradileacions go out 2 AMADIES and his AWSOME bBs!!!! hears the last 1 4 this isue The Lsat Spel ## 555-1532 Syspo: Relpicatrae man look if u r lookign 4 a BADBBS this i it!!!1 i loged on & said 2 the sisp "hey now wera r u're warez" and all he hda 2 say ws"look if U R looking 4 a plse 2 get warez this is NOTTT it!! no allu can do hear is psto" so i said"fine ill post" --can u beleive that no warez no anarky no GAMEZ evan just pstos but thast NOOT THE WORTS PARt111111 leik i hti * u no what u usaly hit 2 se subs --&their r NO good ubss i meen their r NO subsz for metalicka eva no comp gamez sub no warez NOT EVEN A DAM SEX SIUB can u beleiv it i sure couldn''t n e way ehehehe) all their we're we're leik politicks & boaring shit so i said 'man look can u make a perl jmam sub" & u no wat the sispo said wel u can prolly guecs he gave me lot a shit bout "THIs aidnt the apcle 4 that' so i said "shit yo their aintevhno warez' and i hit /P anbiout as fast as u can imgine and we this BBS JUST PLANE SUX!!!11111 RAITEING: 0 thats riet a FAT 0 not evan a 1 man this bbs is one fucked up bbs no warez no gaems *************THE PRecIdENt'S cornR bought 2 u by AMADEUS are PRECDIENT and USAR OF THE MONHT!!! ok hear i was igong 2 talk about MAKEING NUE MACROEZZ &&&& how slick this oarganizeasion is but man i just herd the DOGERS got KICKED by seatal. man THE MARRINARS are SARRY as i dont no what so i m asking u fans of the dogers out their 2 donait $$ 1,000-5,00 to finanse a fund-razor 2 hepl the DOGERS al we can!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111 have the monE will go 2 ME 2 benefit the efort 2 hepl the dogers & the othar hafl wil go STRAIT 2 the dogars themslefs! OK i no that U r saying so how do i giv e him the money. well so all u do is FIND US on a BBS and then EMAIL us about it. Then ASK su how tio do it & then well TELL u about it and U BETTAR GET THIS DOWN B-CAUS I'M NOT GOING OVAR IT AGEIN!!! I'M FUKIN SIKC OF U GOD DAMED BASTARD S NOT REMENBERING THIS SIMPLE ASS SHIT SO DON'T ANNYO THE FUK OUT OF ME U SHITHEAD!!!!!] O & lisan email me w/ u're redit card ###################### & i wil get u're contrebucion giong even b4 yestarday ehehehehehehehe eheheheheheheheh so man hear r my finel cloasing words "When al hoap is givin up, dont loose u're fathe in u'reself!" wel thats it 4 now their's all tbhe bsb info u wil nead if u want ane more info just e-maile me i wil go no ehehehheheheheheheh -=-==-=-=-=-=- MACROEZ of fDISTRUKSION=-=- /s ehehehhe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call the MACROEZ of DISTRUKSION Prime Distributor: The Dark Cornar 410-889-2729 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call the MACROEZ of DISTRUKSION Secondary Distributors: The Cellular Butt Plug 410-426-7737 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------