💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › magazines › GWD › gwd03.txt captured on 2022-06-12 at 12:03:30.
GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGw GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGw GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGw GwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGwDGw /-----\ |-----\ |-----\ 0 /-----\ 0 /--\ | | | | |___ |___ | | | | | | | | | | | | |====| | \-----/ | | | \-----/ | | | \_____ stuff. by S.T.M. and L. 3 h a 0 t 3 n b h 0 Th3 f0ll0wing is a list 0f it3ms that 3v3ry dr00g sh0uld 0wn, and an 3xplanati0n 0f 3ach. This is all 0f th3 0fficial stuff 0f th3 GwD and thw w0rld wh3n GR33NY tak3s 0v3r. F00ds- Gr33n B3ans (Whaddaya think? Th3y ar3 Gr33n!) Mash3d P0tat03s (GR33NY LIK3S mash3d p0tat03s) Gr33n 3ggs and Ham (It's Tast3y!!!!!!!) W3ap0ns- Hunt3r's Rifl3 ('Caus3 it's cam0uflag3d) B0ff0's Knif3!! (Th3 0n3 stuck in h3r back) Gr33n Wat3r Guns (GR33NY is n0 vandal!) Pian0 Wir3 (FUNFUNFUNFUN) Charity- Gr33n P3ac3 (Sav3 th3 D0lphins, huh? What d0lphins!?) Salvati0n Army (H3y if w3 giv3 3n0ugh this army might h3lp us!!) Inc0m3- Putting p3nni3s in a jar (L0tsa m0n3y 'Caus3 n0 0n3 wants p3nni3s!!!) W3lfar3 (H3y my back hurts s0 I can't w0rk!) W0rkman's C0mp3nsati0n (S33 ab0v3) Making T-Shirts (Any0n3 kn0w s0m3b0dy wh0 d03s this ch3ap?) C0mmunicati0n- M0d3m (Durh!) MTV (Th3 'T' stands f0r Gr33ny!!) B00ks (tak3s a whil3 but h3y it w0rks!!!) Muzak (G0ttal0v3itG0ttal0v3itG0ttal0v3it!!!!) T3xt fil3z (TH0ught w3 w3r3 g0nna l3av3 this 0n3 0ut didn't y0u?) Sayings- "Durh!" (said sarcastically wh3n making fun 0f s0m3 0n3, cauti0n if us3d wr0ng it c0uld mak3 y0u l00k 3v3n st00pid3r) "Gr33ny g0nna kick y3r butt!" (said aft3r g3tting b3at3n d0wn f0r spr3ading th3 Gr33ny W0rd.) "I'm g0nna kick y0ur fuckin' ass y0u g0ddamn fagg0t!" (said t0 y0u aft3r y0u finish saying th3 ab0v3.) "0ga 0h Shit" (W3 d0n't kn0w what this m3ans but it s0unds pr3tty fr00dy) "Fr00dy" (said wh3n talking ab0ut 0ga 0h shit) "Fuck y0u I w0n't d0 what y0u t3ll m3" (A r3ally nic3 thing t0 say t0 an auth0rity figur3 wh3n n3ar) M0n3y!!- Littl3 gr33n pi3c3s 0f pap3r!!(v3ry 3asily f0und s0 y0u can b3 a milli0nair3!) L3av3s (th3y ar3 all 0v3r th3 plac3 and inflati0n thr3at3ns s0 w3 hav3 t0 burn d0wn all th3 tr33s) Capital- Gru3n3, T3xas (pr0n0unc3d "Gr33n") All 0th3r citi3s ar3 kn0wn as Gr33nyvill3. Lit3ratur3- Gr33n 3ggs and Ham (Durh!) War3z Manuals (Gr33ny g0tta l0tta th3s3) Th3 Hitchik3r's guid3 tril0gy (All fiv3 0f '3m) All 0th3r b00ks will b3 burn3d 0fficial Muzak- Gr33n L3af (th3y'r3 k-k00l!!) M3tallica (d0n't ask) Faith N0 M0r3 (th3y kick ass!!!!) D3ad K3nn3dys (specifically: "Night 0f th3 Living R3dn3cks") Alphab3t- Sam3 as 0ld 0n3 3xc3pt that o=0 and e=3 (N3at!!!) 0fficial Wildlif3- C0l0rad0 Hummingbird (s0m3 0f th3m ar3 Gr33n!) Grassh0pp3r (th3y'r3 s0rta Gr33n) 0fficial Pastim3- S3x (d0 y0u r3ally n33d t0 ask?!?!) R3ading t3xt filez (3sp3cially GwD, but cDc and F.U.C.K. as w3ll) 0fficial 'Put3r- Macintoy!! (Durh!) IBM (Durh!) C0mmi3 (c0mm0d0r3 64, 128, 0r Amiga) 0fficial BBSes- Mac Mayh3m (Gr33ny's first b0ard) TH3 UND3RGR0UND (Gr33ny's s3c0nd b0ard) Carri3r D3t3ct (a.k.a Th3 W3ath3r B0ard; Gr33ny's third b0ard) Chann3l "Z" (Greeny's m0st r3c3nt b0ard, it w3nt d0wn like the 0th3rs) CHA0S (birthplace of GwD, 806-797-7501) DRU 3lyt3!!!! (0000h I'm 3lyt3!!!) all 0th3r Lubb0ck b0ards (H3y w3'r3 h0m3t0wn b0yz) c0pyright (c), 1993 By L0b0 and S3th Th3 Man GREENY world Domination Task Force c0pyright (c), 1993 by L0b0 All Rights reserved to our Future Emperor, Your friend and Mine...GREENY!!!! 03