💾 Archived View for ait.place › dot › mpv › .config › mpv › scripts › easycrop.lua.txt captured on 2022-04-28 at 18:09:24.
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local msg = require('mp.msg') local assdraw = require('mp.assdraw') local script_name = "easycrop" -- Number of crop points currently chosen (0 to 2) local points = {} -- True if in cropping selection mode local cropping = false -- Original value of osc property local osc_prop = false -- Helper that converts two points to top-left and bottom-right local swizzle_points = function (p1, p2) if p1.x > p2.x then p1.x, p2.x = p2.x, p1.x end if p1.y > p2.y then p1.y, p2.y = p2.y, p1.y end end local clamp = function (val, min, max) assert(min <= max) if val < min then return min end if val > max then return max end return val end local video_space_from_screen_space = function (ssp) -- Video native dimensions and screen size local vid_w = mp.get_property("width") local vid_h = mp.get_property("height") local osd_w = mp.get_property("osd-width") local osd_h = mp.get_property("osd-height") -- Factor by which the video is scaled to fit the screen local scale = math.min(osd_w/vid_w, osd_h/vid_h) -- Size video takes up in screen local vid_sw, vid_sh = scale*vid_w, scale*vid_h -- Video offset within screen local off_x = math.floor((osd_w - vid_sw)/2) local off_y = math.floor((osd_h - vid_sh)/2) local vsp = {} -- Move the point to within the video vsp.x = clamp(ssp.x, off_x, off_x + vid_sw) vsp.y = clamp(ssp.y, off_y, off_y + vid_sh) -- Convert screen-space to video-space vsp.x = math.floor((vsp.x - off_x) / scale) vsp.y = math.floor((vsp.y - off_y) / scale) return vsp end local screen_space_from_video_space = function (vsp) -- Video native dimensions and screen size local vid_w = mp.get_property("width") local vid_h = mp.get_property("height") local osd_w = mp.get_property("osd-width") local osd_h = mp.get_property("osd-height") -- Factor by which the video is scaled to fit the screen local scale = math.min(osd_w/vid_w, osd_h/vid_h) -- Size video takes up in screen local vid_sw, vid_sh = scale*vid_w, scale*vid_h -- Video offset within screen local off_x = math.floor((osd_w - vid_sw)/2) local off_y = math.floor((osd_h - vid_sh)/2) local ssp = {} ssp.x = vsp.x * scale + off_x ssp.y = vsp.y * scale + off_y return ssp end -- Wrapper that converts RRGGBB / RRGGBBAA to ASS format local ass_set_color = function (idx, color) assert(color:len() == 8 or color:len() == 6) local ass = "" -- Set alpha value (if present) if color:len() == 8 then local alpha = 0xff - tonumber(color:sub(7, 8), 16) ass = ass .. string.format("\\%da&H%X&", idx, alpha) end -- Swizzle RGB to BGR and build ASS string color = color:sub(5, 6) .. color:sub(3, 4) .. color:sub(1, 2) return "{" .. ass .. string.format("\\%dc&H%s&", idx, color) .. "}" end local draw_rect = function (p1, p2) local osd_w, osd_h = mp.get_property("osd-width"), mp.get_property("osd-height") ass = assdraw.ass_new() -- Draw overlay over surrounding unselected region ass:draw_start() ass:pos(0, 0) ass:append(ass_set_color(1, "000000aa")) ass:append(ass_set_color(3, "00000000")) local l = math.min(p1.x, p2.x) local r = math.max(p1.x, p2.x) local u = math.min(p1.y, p2.y) local d = math.max(p1.y, p2.y) ass:rect_cw(0, 0, l, osd_h) ass:rect_cw(r, 0, osd_w, osd_h) ass:rect_cw(l, 0, r, u) ass:rect_cw(l, d, r, osd_h) ass:draw_stop() -- Draw border around selected region ass:new_event() ass:draw_start() ass:pos(0, 0) ass:append(ass_set_color(1, "00000000")) ass:append(ass_set_color(3, "000000ff")) ass:append("{\\bord2}") ass:rect_cw(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) ass:draw_stop() mp.set_osd_ass(osd_w, osd_h, ass.text) end local draw_fill = function () local osd_w, osd_h = mp.get_property("osd-width"), mp.get_property("osd-height") ass = assdraw.ass_new() ass:draw_start() ass:pos(0, 0) ass:append(ass_set_color(1, "000000aa")) ass:append(ass_set_color(3, "00000000")) ass:rect_cw(0, 0, osd_w, osd_h) ass:draw_stop() mp.set_osd_ass(osd_w, osd_h, ass.text) end local draw_clear = function () local osd_w, osd_h = mp.get_property("osd-width"), mp.get_property("osd-height") mp.set_osd_ass(osd_w, osd_h, "") end local draw_cropper = function () if #points == 1 then local p1 = screen_space_from_video_space(points[1]) local p2 = {} p2.x, p2.y = mp.get_mouse_pos() draw_rect(p1, p2) end end local uncrop = function () mp.command("no-osd vf del @" .. script_name .. ":crop") end local crop = function(p1, p2) swizzle_points(p1, p2) local w = p2.x - p1.x local h = p2.y - p1.y local ok, err = mp.command(string.format( "no-osd vf add @%s:crop=%s:%s:%s:%s", script_name, w, h, p1.x, p1.y)) if not ok then mp.osd_message("Cropping failed") points = {} end end local easycrop_stop = function () mp.set_property("osc", osc_prop) cropping = false mp.remove_key_binding("easycrop_mouse_btn0") draw_clear() end local mouse_btn0_cb = function () if not cropping then return end local mx, my = mp.get_mouse_pos() table.insert(points, video_space_from_screen_space({ x = mx, y = my })) if #points == 2 then crop(points[1], points[2]) easycrop_stop() end end local easycrop_start = function () -- Cropping requires swdec or hwdec with copy-back local hwdec = mp.get_property("hwdec-current") if hwdec == nil then return mp.msg.error("Cannot determine current hardware decoder mode") end -- Check whitelist of ok values local valid_hwdec = { ["no"] = true, -- software decoding -- Taken from mpv manual ["videotoolbox-co"] = true, ["vaapi-copy"] = true, ["dxva2-copy"] = true, ["d3d11va-copy"] = true, ["mediacodec"] = true } if not valid_hwdec[hwdec] then return mp.osd_message("Cropping requires swdec or hwdec with copy-back (see mpv manual)") end -- Just clear the current crop and return, if there is one if #points ~= 0 then uncrop() points = {} return end -- Hide OSC osc_prop = mp.get_property("osc") mp.set_property("osc", "no") cropping = true mp.add_forced_key_binding("mouse_btn0", "easycrop_mouse_btn0", mouse_btn0_cb) draw_fill() end local easycrop_activate = function () if cropping then easycrop_stop() else easycrop_start() end end mp.add_key_binding("mouse_move", draw_cropper) mp.observe_property("osd-width", "native", draw_cropper) mp.observe_property("osd-height", "native", draw_cropper) mp.add_key_binding("c", "easy_crop", easycrop_activate)