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Verbs: Inseparable prefixes: always: be-, emp-, ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, zer- often: unter- Conjugation notation: 1st sing; 2nd sing; 3rd sing; 2nd pl; 1st pl & 3rd pl & Sie baseConj := - -st - -t -en Mutations: for weak, pSTEM = kSTEM = ppSTEM = prSTEM = STEM; for strong and mixed: STEM -> pSTEM: a -> ie/u e -> a i -> a ei -> i/ie ie -> o (exceptions exist) kSTEM = umlautified pSTEM (A few exceptions exist; in particular, sometimes a -> ü) STEM -> ppSTEM: a -> a e -> e/o i -> u/o ie -> o ei -> i/ie STEM -> prSTEM, in 2nd/3rd sing only: a -> ä short e -> i long e -> ie (being long i) (only exception tmk is stoßen -> stößt) Present: prSTEM' ++ baseConj ++ -e - -t - - prSTEM' = prSTEM + -(e)- -e- is inserted iff prSTEM == -t/-d Imperative: du: prSTEM + -e the -e is usually omitted if the result is pronouncable no a->ä (e.g. 'fahr', not 'fähr'); no pronoun irreg: 'hab', 'sei'. ihr: prSTEM' + -t no pronoun Sie: inverted form of present. Present participle: -end Used as adjective/adverb. Simple past (aka Präteritum, aka Imperfekt): pSTEM' ++ baseConj weak and mixed: pSTEM' = pSTEM + -(e)te -e- is inserted iff pSTEM == -t/-n/-d FIXME: only for weak? strong: pSTEM' = pSTEM Subjunctive: Konjunctiv I: STEM-e ++ baseConj Used for indirect speech and a few set phrases. Konjunctiv II: kSTEM' ++ baseConj weak and mixed: kSTEM' = kSTEM + -(e)te strong: kSTEM' = kSTEM + -e- Meaning: da'i. So e.g. use in both connectands of "Wenn ..., ...". Past participle: weak and mixed: ge-ppSTEM-(e)t -e- is inserted iff ppSTEM == -t/-d FIXME: only for weak? strong: ge-ppSTEM-en -ieren: STEM-iert sep. prefices go before 'ge-'; insep. prefices *replace* 'ge-'. Future: werden + infinitive Passive: werden + p.p Strong verb vowel classes (from Buck): inf past p.p a ie/u a fallen fiel gefallen fahren fuhr gefahren e a e/o sehen sah gesehen helfen half geholfen i a o/u schwimmen schwamm geschwommen finden fand gefunden i/ie a e bitten bat gebeten ie o o ziehen zog gezogen ei i i reiten ritt geritten ei ie ie bleiben blieb geblieben y ie y laufen lief gelaufen rufen riefen gerufen Exceptions exist! Some irregular verbs: sein: pres: bin bist ist seid sind past part.: gewesen pSTEM'=war kSTEM'=wäre konj I: sei seist sei seiet seien haben: pres: habe hast hat habt haben 'a' is long except in 'hast' and 'hat'. past part.: gehabt pSTEM'=hatte kSTEM'=hätte werden: pres: werde wirst wird werdet werden past part.: geworden pSTEM'=wurde kSTEM'=würde modals: infinitive = STEM-en present: sing: prSTEM ++ baseConj pl: STEM ++ baseConj past: mixed konj II: mixed, with kSTEM past part.: ge-pSTEM-t alternative past part.: infinitive (used only with a dependent infinitive, e.g. "ich habe es tun können"; not if the dependent infinitive is elliptically omitted, as in e.g. "ich habe es gekonnt".) STEM prSTEM pSTEM kSTEM dürf darf durf dürf könn kann konn könn müss muss muss müss soll soll soll soll woll will woll woll mög mag moch möch wiss wieß wuss wüss Nouns: Noun genders: masc: -er -ig -ismus -ling -or; days, seasons, alcoholic drinks. fem: -ei -enz -heit -ie -ik -ion -keit -tät -schaft -ung -ur; mostly -e; trees, flowers. neut: -chen -lein -ma -ment -o -um; infinitives; diminutives; metals. Plurals: borrowings from English and French: add -s. masc: if -el/-er/-en: just maybe umlautify. if -z/-e/-or or it feels like it: add -en occasionally: add -er, umlautifying if can else: add -e; often umlautify if can. fem: some monosyllables: umlautify and add -e. Mutter, Tochter: just umlautify else: add -en neut: some monosyllables: add -e -el/-er/-en/-lein: invariant -z/-e: add -en many borrowings: replace last syllable with -en else: add -er, umlautifying if can. Endings: "Weak masculines": add -en except in nom. sing. (e.g. der Mensch, den Menschen) Dative plural: add extra -n (unless already -n or -s) Genitive singular: non-weak masc and neut: if root has one syllable: -es else: -s else: - Genitive possessive: Possessive genitive immediately following/preceding possessed noun; "Das ist die Meinung der Gäste"; "Das ist Peters Buch". Colloquial alternative: use von (e.g. "Das ist der Buch von Peter"). "Modifiers" (gadri/quantifiers): nom acc dat gen m - -en -em -es f -e -e -er -er n - - -em -es pl -e -e -en -er indef art: ein- !EX: kein- def art: d-, but -e -> die; m.nom 'der'; n.nom,acc 'das'. dies-,jed-,manch,-solch,welch-: m.nom -er; n.nom,acc -es. possessives: mein- etc but when not used as a modifier, declined like weak adjectives (e.g. "das ist meines"). 'euere' -> 'eure'. Prepositions: acc: bis, durch, für, gegen, ohne, um dat: aus, außer, bei, gegenüber, mit, modulo, nach, seit, von, zu acc/dat: an, auf, entlang, hinter, in, neben, über, unter, via, vor, zwischen (acc: movement; dat: position; acc: in Bezug auf) gen: trotz, während, wegen, (an)statt contractions: ans, aufs, ins, hinters, übers, unters, vors; am, beim, im, vom, zum; zur. Implicit prepositions: verbs taking dat: geben, helfen, danken, gehören, folgen Pronouns: Personal: nom acc dat gen poss ------------------------------- ich mich mir meiner mein du dich dir deiner dein er ihn ihm seiner sein es es ihm seiner sein sie sie ihr ihrer ihr wir uns uns unser unser ihr euch euch euer euer sie sie ihnen ihrer ihr Sie Sie Ihnen Ihrer Ihr reflexive: as above, but 'sich' for er/sie/Sie/es (acc. and dat.) Note: 3rd person acc/dat personal pronouns follow pattern for relative pronoun with ih-, except ihe |-> sie. Interrogative: nom acc dat gen -------------------------- personal: wer wen wem wessen impersonal: was was -- wessen PREP was -> wo(r)PREP Relative (ke'a): Def. art., but with extra -en in gen and pl. dat; 'desen' -> 'dessen'. Also used demonstratively/anaphorically (and then the gen.pl. is sometimes(?) 'derer'). Note: 'was' is used as the relative pronoun in certain cases (FIXME: iff the relative clause applies to something which isn't an explicit reference to an object?). Adjectives: If STEM == -el, sometimes if -er/-en: omit the 'e' when adding endings. Inflection: Contexts: "indef"/"weak" - ein/kein/possessive "def"/"mixed" - der/dieser/jeder/mancher/solcher/welcher/alle "bare"/"strong" - otherwise Endings are as for modifiers above, except: if bare: genitive -es -> -en else : "block off": all pl. and all dat/gen: -en if def: - -> -e; else : - -> -er for m., -es for n. so in other words: indef: block off ; - -> -er/-es def: block off ; - -> -e bare: -es -> -en ; - -> -er/-es in fewer words: block off unless bare, then -es -> -en; - -> def unless def, then -e Comparatives: -er umlautify in some common cases use 'als' like english 'than'. irreg: besser; mehr; höher; lieber. Superlatives: -st Adverbial form: am -sten umlautify in some common cases if -d/-t/-s/-z: -est / am -esten. irreg: beste; meiste; liebste. Ordinals: N-te, but 'erste', 'dritte', 'siebte', Nzigste. Conjugate as normal adjectives. Adjectival nouns: decline like adjectives e.g. "der Erwachsene; ein Erwachsener". Connectives: co-ordinating: und, aber, oder, denn, sondern subordinating: dass, obwohl, weil, als, wenn, ob, nachdem, während Word order: Finite verb is "second node" of a main sentence, last in a subordinate clause. Participle goes at the end. Order of seltcita sumti: "Time-Manner-Place" Scope: Looks like 'nicht' sometimes jumps to top scope? FIXME