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				THE NINE HELLS IN AD&D/by yigal roitman
 	HOW TO USE THIS TEXT?:this text is a work of fiction written as an
	accesory to the ad&d role playing game.the text consists new ideas
	(plus some old ones)to aid you,the game master,understand more deep
	-ly this potentially great realm for adventuring -hell.
	NOTE:any of you who read the text may disagree with my view of see  
    ing the nine realms of hell,and you all are welcome to make up    
	your own hell,as you see it,and this text or whats written in it 
	are not to force you in any way,only to suggest.if you like,you may 
	comment this work in any of the local systems,and ill be glad to 
	aid or develop the idea further upon any requests!
	DOWN TO BUSINESS:what exactly is this hell? according to "Longmans"
	dictionary:/"hel"(especially in christian and muslim religions)
	/a place where the souls of bad people are said to be punished after
	since the game term 'hell' reffers to a certain place (another plane
	of existence),without the use of a specific religion that is worldly 
	believed in our days (with obvious reasons),my suggestion is that 
	if you want to use hell in your campaign,use some religion of lawful
	evil beingsand the place where souls of sinners are sent to.
	whats more,i suggest that if you use hell as your campaign's existance
	plane of evil,make it also the only one,and the major evil in your
	campain-the lawful one,or else it will lose its specific beauty.(same
	is true for all evil planes,of course.)
	once hell is established in your campaign,(as an opposite to some good
	and saintly plane of existance)it neads believers.
	you must understand that believing in hell doesnot mean worshiping it,
	as many mistake,but quite on the contrary,it means fearing it.
	believing in hell means fearing hell,fearing devils,fearing the evil 
	archdevils,and trying to cast them of by various folkly conjurations.
	the more people on your realm who believe in hell,the more powerful and
	influential they get on the realm.(the devils' aim,of course.)
	now that you have a campaign world and you have its folks fearing hell
    and believing in it,you must place your NPCs in it.
	cleric:the closest character class to hell and devils is the cleric.
	clerics are the spiritual guides to the people.(both good and bad)
	good clerics try to convert people from ways of evil,and make them more 
	holy and worthy.they battle evil spirites and try to dispell devils
	and diabolic influences from the world.
	evil clerics:since we have already established that you use hell as the
	major cause of evil and pandemonium in your realm,it is only obvious
	that clerics of evil worship devils(unlike the normal folk who fear
	devils).clerics of lawful evil are the carriers and disputers of the
	word of arch-devils and dukes of hell on the realm.
	every cleric of hell("devil-worshipper")has a certain deity,one of
	the lords in hell,whos word he carries around and tries to distribute.
	usually the most powerful clerics are servants of the most powerful 
	'arch'.following that path,it is also concludable that clerics of rival
	'arches'will be rivals themselves.(about devil rivalry later..)
	magic user:another person that has a special contact with devils and
	hell is the evil sorcerer.it is common among lawful evil mages
	to make pacts among themselves and the dwellers of hell.in their ultimate 
	strive for power they make bargains with greater devils (or "lower" ones)
	for help in case of danger,an evil familiar,or other inspirations gained
	by the mage.those all have a price,and a dire one at that.once the bargain 
	is struck,the devil waits maliciously until the mage has made use of the 
	he had given him,and from that point on,the mage is in debt of the devil.
	consequenses:the mage moves one step toward L.EVIL if he isnt one already,
	he grows a powerful hatred towards all that is good,he begins growing 
	differant unnatural limbs,such as a barbed tail,horns,glowing red eyes,
	and the like in a comulative way.he may also be asked by 'his' devil to
	perform a certain quest,witch hed better perform(!)
	note:devils rarly do pacts with beings obviously more powerful than they.
	note:devils are known to twist the verbal meaning of the pact to their
	own good(usually the beings bad),though they will never actually break the 
    HELL:now that we have the effect of devils and hell on your campaign 
	land,we must actually go down to hell it self,and see what are that
	planes features and contacts.
	hell dwells in the lawful evil side of the outer planes,but not many
	people really know that.it is best believed by the folk that hell
	is THE evil plane whereto all evil souls are sent.
	it is accostomed to think that hell is the plane below.not quite true 
	because the outer planes form a circle,but very comfortable indeed.
	down in its dwell the hell is devided to nine levels,called layers,each
	bearing its own devilish features and its own evil dwellers.
	                    MAP OF HELL
			layer         current ruler            its dukes
			-----         -------------            ---------
1.		   avernus         tiamat          amduscias-29 abishai,
		                                    goap-3 erinyes
                                           malphas-40 abishai
2.		   dis             dispater        alocer-36 erinyes
		                                   arioch -avenger 		   
					                       baalzephon-prime minister	   
                                            bel-3 malebranche
	                                      furcas -12 bearded
										    lilis -consort    
                                            merodach-21 barbed
3.		   minauros        mammon          bael-66 barbed
                                           caarcrinolaas-36 barbed
										   focalor -seneschal
										   glacya -consort
										   melchon-18 erinyes
										  zimimar -6 bone
4.         phlegethos      belial          balan-40 bearded				  
										  bathym -30 barbed
										  chamo -legate(meesenger priest
										  gaziel-11 bone
										  naome -consort
										  zaebos -lieutenant
5.          stygia         geryon          agares -31 bone  
		                                   amon  31 bone
										   fecor -8 malebranche
										  gorson  bailiff(property tax col.)
										  herodias -magistrate
										 machalas -11 barbed
6.         malbolge         moloch        bethage -9 malebranch			  
                                           bileth -tribune
										   herobaal -16 bone
										   tartach-legate(messenger priest)
7.        maladomini       baalzebul      abigor-60 malebranche
                                         barabatos -marshal
										  bensozia -consort
										  gorson -bailiff
										 moloch-viceroy(colony ruler)
										  neabaz -herald(messenger)
										 zepar -28 malebranche     
8.         caina        mephistopheles    adonides -steward
                                         baalphegor -consort
										barbas-chamberlain (housekeeper
										bifrons-26 ice
										  hutijin -2- pit
										 nexroth16 malebranche
9.        nessus          asmodeus      adramelech -chancellor(legal rank)
                                          alastor -executionair
										 baalberith-major domo(head servant)
										bensozia -consort
										 buer -15- pit
										 bune30 malebranche
										 martinate -constable(police)
										morax -9- pit
										 phongor -inquisitor
										rimmon -5ice
										 zegum -30 barbed
the layers of hell bear each differant dwellers and beings.it is 
structable that the lower you get down hell,the fiercer creatures will you 
meet.each of the layers of hell is infinit in size,and most of them
hold more creatures than the devils themselves.(although this is very
herd to both devils and other creaturs to admit.the majority of the layers 
contain devils of lesser sort and the least types(lemure,nupperbilu)
that roam on their bussiness,building,carrying,marching,torturing,being 
tortured,and the like.the layers of hell are all full of dead souls,
in ponds of lava,in hang sceens,slowly transmuting to least devils,
horribly being tortured,wandering alone.the lesser devils are most under
suppervision of officials,working for the barons and lords,who are mostly
greater devils(sometimes a powerful lesser)and are the high society of hell
they themselves are in turn servvants of the dukes of hell,who form the
political judicial,ecocomical,or state chancelors,army generals,and consorts
of the ruling arch devils.
note:the more powerful the vassals of a given devil are,the more influence he
note:as the layers go deeper,the place is considered a better place,as in 
closer to the heart of society.realms far are considered desolate,and for
a pit fiend to go on a job in the first layer for example,is like 
a punishment.(as the rule goes,political power is worth your own manipulation
ability  dealt to the distance ^2;if you dont get it you should study some 
SOME GENERAL INFO.:after the world was created long ago,by the all mighty
god(s),there had been quite a long time,through out which there was no
evil.all the souls dwelt on top,and there was nothing to fear of.
then one day,gods head angel,and major domo,satan,began disliking the way
the multiverse was ruled.he quarreled with the all mighty,and deserted him,
with several angels who agreed with him,and went down to live in their own 
realm.with this crack of absolute good,the world changed,to build several 
soulish spheres:heaven,the realm of the allmighty,earth,the neutral realm,
and hell,the realm of satan.
satan ruled for long eons.he was an iron fisted monarch.at his time 
basic mischief was brought upon the earth.deseases,plagues,phamon,fluid
small wars,and the like.(early ages,the dark ages)
a time came,and his major underlings,baalzbub especially,began conversing
among them selves,that they disliked the tight monarchy,and wanted more 
freedom in their acts.gathering his alies;adramelech,malkishon,moloch,and more
he challenged satan.satan was banished from hell,and baalzevuv came to rule 
under him.through the time of his ruling,he had great dire difficulties 
though.he had to give the devils the freedom he promiced them,and a pandemonium
broke loose.differant devils were supporting people who were fighting among 
themselves,quarrels began on treasures and the people lost their belief
and fear of the devils,a cause for instant loss of power.
Asmodeus was a politician.he had a great many contacts in the courts of hell
and he knew every thing that happened before every one else.
the respect to him grew as he made some important voyages,that strengthened the
devilish influense.most people in the courts of hell in the time of baalzebub
who had any power,didnt want to risk their position.adramelech the treasurer,
mammon,and all else.asmodeus decided to summon but limited help,and with the 
agreement of most devils,he performed a 'quiet' overthrowing,and became the 
monnarch of hell.in order to keep the unbalanced realm in balance,
he only made bbalzevuv change his name,and slightly reduce his power.still
keeping two layers under his fist.
since then asmodeus is the one on top.he stayed there by his great skill 
in throwing the devils one against the other,and never leting one know
exactly all that is going on.
the major groups of power in hell are thusly devided:
the ruling group:asmodeus has his group well disorted;his faithful hound
in the gates of hell-tiamat,informs him of all thats going on in the entrance
geryon,in the fifth plane,and he him self in the throne layer-the ninth.
the mephisto:mephistopheles,ruler of the eighth layer,in alianse with dispater
and mammon,with an aim to wrentch the 7th layer from baalzebub,and thusly 
challenge asmodeus.
the third group is the joining of baalzebub,stillaiming to regain control
of hell,with his viceroy,moloch,and their cunninng ally -belial.
as was already said,up till now asmodeus has managed to remain ruler by
cunning and deception.


	   Malphas (the guardian)
hit dice:89 hp
% in lair:95%
# of at:2(two spear strikes)
xpv:29,000(x10 whan in hell)

malphas is one duke of hell,vasal of tiamat,and posted by asmodeus as the
door keeper of the nine hells.he appears as a  hunchbacked bearded
devil,only with a pair of devilish wings instead of the large tail,and
he is much taller.malphas is in such position that might in some cases
duouble his loyalty(asmodeus/tiamat).this thing hasnt happened yet since
in the mean while their interests are much the same.any way,the position
of 'gate keeper'is much more powerful then some suspect.by this position 
malphas may decide wether to pass through all regulations of passage,thus
delete the passers greatly,or hop on the regulations,thus increasing passers
speed.if he is defied he summons any force of abishai(MMII)of up to
40 companies (1 company =  1000 ind.)(40,000 abishai of all sorts).
normally if he is attacked,he fights with a spear +4 that strikes twice
per round in his hand.whan in 1 mile of the gate the spear can hit any 
lesser or greater being,no matter who he is (orc/thor).he is always aided
by 4 stone guardians with max hit points(LE) of course.

                    - W R I T T E N  B Y  YIGAL ROITMAN -

Bibliography:Monster Manual;devil (pg.20-23)
             Monster Manual II;devil (pg.44-48)
			 best of dragon II
			 Manual of the planes;the nine hells. (pg.109-113)
(the writers are not responsible for any text violations that occur when
passage is made from editor to file)


												...thats about it,rather..