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AWAKEN ISSUE #5 This issue of AWAKEN consists of two very related articles. The first is called : GROWING UP WITHIN THE WATCHTOWER - HOW PARENTS ARE TAUGHT TO INFLUENCE THEIR CHILDREN. This article was written by : David T. Brown and Randall Watters The second article is called : THE INTRODUCTION OF PHOBIAS (DEEP ROOTED FEARS) AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT TRAITS IN THE JEHOVAH WITNESS CHILD. This article was written by : Randall Watters Mr. Watters is a former Watch Tower Headquarters Staff Member and as such knows what he is talking about regarding the Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of Pennsylvania. --------------------------------------- We start now with our first article, called: GROWING UP WITHIN THE WATCHTOWER - HOW PARENTS ARE TAUGHT TO INFLUENCE THEIR CHILDREN. One of the key roles of parents in any society is to shape the thinking and aspirations of their children for the future. Parents who are Jehovah's Witnesses are admonished to be especially keen on guiding their children away from any unnecessary involvment in the "world" in order to devote more time to the work of speading Watch Tower doctrines. Ever since the beginning of the Watch Tower in 1879, its readers have been told that the "end of the world" is right around the corner, and this event was specifically predicted for the years 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925 and strongly suggested for 1941 and 1975. In 1941 the Watch Tower published the book CHILDREN in which the ficticious characters John and Eunice give up having children to go door-to-door in the short time remaining before the End. Decades have passed, John and Eunice are still childless and in thier seventies, and the world has not yet ended. Yet even today, the Watch Tower is still encouraging young ones to sacrifice careers and even to forego marriage if it will make them more successful in the "short time remaining before the End." What future is held out for youths today in the Witness subculture ? Publicly, the Watch Tower Society likes to put forth an image of happy, normal youths among their organization. Though many Witness youth seem to be well adjusted and have normal aspirations, the ones held up as models in the congregations are often disfunctional in their personal lives, some even leading a double life, morally speaking. What is the future held out for Witness youth by their leaders ? The public image is well demonstrated in the Watch Tower Society's booklet, "PREPARING FOR CHILD CUSTODY CASES" (distributed by the Society's legal department as an aid in child custody battles). It encourages the selection of "spiritually minded" young Witnesses by the presiding overseer of the local congregation to testify "to show that they are normal." The booklet cautions about the rehearsal: "Be careful that they don't get the impression that they are in a demonstration at the circuit assembly, when they would show that the first things in life are service [door-to-door preaching] and going to the Kingdom Hall. Show hobbies, crafts, social activity, sports, and especially plans for the future. Be careful they don't all say that they are going to be pioneers [full-time door-to-door evangelists]. Plans can be trade, getting married and having children, journalism, and all kinds of other things. Maybe you can show an interest in art and the theater." (from page 43). At a Witness circuit assembly (large religious gathering), a Witness youth would truthfully point out their primary interests are religious. In court, however, Witness youths are counseled to emphasize "normal" activities and a "normal" future career. Instead of pioneering, they should indicate regular interests that other children would have - such as journalism, art and the theater, etc. The Watch Tower is thereby promoting one image to the public (one of being just like other children) and another in the Kingdom Hall (of sacrificing careers and personal desires for the sake of warning others of the imminency of the Watch Tower message). The following are quotations from Witness literature showing what is actually taught to young Witnesses, both by example and direct statement. Material in brackets is added to clarify meaning or explain significance. Emphasis is added to some quotations to draw attention to key points. ONE THE NEARNESS OF THE NEW WORLD: "Most importnatly, this magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away." [This statement appears on the contents page of every AWAKE! magazine which is a Watch Tower publication.] "...today, most of the generation of 1914 has passed away... Jesus' words will come true, 'this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.' This is yet another reason for believing that Jehovah's thieflike day is imminent." AWAKE!, April 08, 1988, page 14. [ In Witness belief, both Armageddon and the New World are due before the generation of 1914 passes away. This present world must be destroyed before this New World can become a reality. Only those associated with the Witness organization can have any hope to survive Armageddon into the New World.] [ A Witness youth in France named Samuel is quoted with apparent approval: ] "For the year 2000, I visualize a world tranformed into a beautiful paradise! But I don't think that either the present world or its rulers will live to see that day.... We are living in the last days of the system of things." AWAKE! magazine [ a Watch Tower publication ], November 08, 1986, page 7 to 8. HIGHER EDUCATION IS DISCOURAGED "If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not ? Because all the evidence is fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold: 'This generation will by no means pass away until these things occur.' "Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time ? It will be well on the way towards its finish, if not actually gone! "This is why parents who base their lives on God's prophetic Word find it much more practical to direct their young ones into trades that do not require such long periods of additional schooling.... "True, those who do not understand where we are in the stream of time from God's viewpoint will call this impractical. But which is really practical: preparing yourself for a position in this world that soon will pass away ? or working towards surviving this systems end and enjoying eternal life in God's righteous new order ?" from AWAKE! magazine, May 22, 1969, page 15. [ Even though this was written in 1969, this policy is still endorsed - as can be seen in the following references. ] Under the subheading "ALTERNATIVES TO UNIVERSITY" in the article entitled "YOUNG PEOPLE ASK ... HOW DO I CHOOSE A CAREER?" (from AWAKE! magazine, March 22, 1985, page 17 to 18) they say: "After consulting their parents, many young people have decided against long-term education because of the uncertainty of the future. 'The time left is reduced,' say the Bible.... [Vocational training in High School is then recommended.] "A Christian's view of the future should also affect his choice of career. With 'the world passing away,' a career based upon worldly ambitions is most unrealistic. Bible prophecy indicates how short- lived such a career would be. "For this reason, many young people among Jehovah's Witnesses are choosing a career in full time Bible education - a volunteer work of helping people to understand the Bible. 'But,' you may ask, 'how can somebody make a living that way?' In order to support themselves financially, many have first received practical training in a trade." The Witness youth handbook, 'QUESTIONS YOUNG PEOPLE ASK - ANSWERS THAT WORK' spends four pages discouraging a university education. (pages 175 to 179) It concludes: "In view of these facts, many Christian youths have decided against a university education. many have found that the training offered in congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses - the weekly Thoecratic Ministry School in particular - has given them a real edge in finding employment." At the end of this chapter are five questions that reveal the tone of the argumentation found in this book: "Why do secular careers often fail to bring personal happiness? Why should all God-fearing youths consider a career in full-time ministry ? What are the claimed benefits of high education, and do such claims always hold true ? What dangers might univeristy education pose ? What alternatives to university education can a youth consider?" (page 179) The WATCHTOWER magazine of April 15, 1986, (pages 28 to 30) spoke to young Witnesses: "As you think about your future, no doubt questions run through your mind. Should I go to university and seek a career as a doctor, a lawyer, or a scientist? Does the dream of climbing the corporate ladder to financial success and recognition intrigue me? Would I become a famous name in the arts through acting or painting? Or, as a youth devoted to Jehovah God, should I choose the full-time ministry as my career...?" After giving two testimonies - one a young man who quit his university studies after joining the Witnesses so that he could pioneer (full-time mission work), and the other of a young man who began pioneering in his last year of high school - the article concludes: "Youths, how will you use your future? For yourself of fully for Jehovah? Prayerfully consider the goal of full-time sevice now in your youth. Imitate Jesus by living the rest of your life 'for God's will.' It will prove to be a protection from harmful worldly ambitions, careers, and associations. Analyze your circumstances and set a specific date as your goal for entering full-time service. Work toward it. Pray for Jehovah's help to attain it." [ Pursuing a "worldly career" is viewed as selfish, as opposed to the goal of full-time service now "for Jehovah." The idea that God might call one to a secular career that can be dedicated to His glory is foreign to the Watch Tower Society.] START PREPARING FOR A MINISTRY CAREER BEFORE GRADUATING FROM SCHOOL: "Keeping in mind the limited value of physical exercise and the superlative benefits of godly devotion will help you to make balanced decisions when it comes to after-school activities.... "How about using your time to help others spiritually? Interestingly, some young ones among Jehovah's Witnesses in Japan start to make the ministry their career while they are still in school. They buy out their time before and after school to help others to know the Creator." [ From the article "Young People Ask...What About After- School Activities?" AWAKE!, December 08, 1986, page 18. Extracurricular activities are discouraged. Door-to-door "service" is recommended in it's place "before and after school."] SINGLENESS IS COMMENDED: "Putting your years as an unmarried Christian to the best possible use in Jehovah's service will bring present satisfaction and peace of mind. Doing so will also contribute to your spiritual maturity and stability. If you remain single for the Kingdom's sake until the end of this wicked system of things, Jehovah will not forget your self-sacrificing efforts in his sacred service . "If you diligently pursue Kingdom interests [religious activities like door-to-door work and attending congregational meetingings] as an unmarried man or woman, you will enjoy many blessings. Then if you should get married later in life, you will enter wedlock with greater experienceand a rich spiritual background." [ From the article "SINGLENESS - A REWARDING WAY OF LIFE." the WATCHTOWER magazine, Novenmber 15, 1987, page 20.] CHILDLESSNESS IS COMMENDED: The Watch Tower Society has no stated policy regarding childbearing. They state the decision to have children is a personal matter.But, they do remind couples of the nearness of the End and commend those who have decided to remain childless 'in order to have a fuller share in the Witnesses' religious activities: "Some young couples have decided to remain childless. Although the wives had maternal instincts just as strong as those in other women, they decided, in agreement with their husbands, to refrain from having children in ordr to devote themselves to serving Jehovah full-time. Many of them have served as pioneers or missionaries... "Many married couples throughout the world who have relinquished the joys of parenthood have been able to serve Jehovah in the circuit work, the district work, or at Bethel. [ Remaining childless is a condition in these responsible positions. ] These likewise look back with satisfaction over their lives spent in serving Jehovah and their brothers in these special privileges. They have no regrets. While they have not had the joy of bringing children into the world, they have played a vital part in furthering Kingdom interests in their various fields of activity. "So the matter of childbearing in this time of the end is a personal one that each couple must decide for itself. However, since 'the time left is reduced,' married couples would do well to weigh carefully and prayerfully the pros and cons of child bearing in these times." The WATCHTOWER magazine, March 01, 1988, pages 25 & 26. PARENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SET PIONEERING AS A GOAL FOR CHILDREN INSTEAD OF COLLEGE : THE KINGDOM MINISTRY (a Watch Tower magazine) of May 1973, page 6, (under the subheading "THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF PARENTS HELPS") says: "At times the heart's desire for what is good needs to be strengthened. Parents can do much to aid their children in this regard... "An elder in Korea encouraged his four children to pioneer. At a circuit assembly [ large Witness religious gathering ] he and the children were interviewed. The oldest daughter related how she had been the high scholastically in her high school. She herself wanted to go to college at one point. However, her father informed her that, while she was free to choose such a course, she could not expect financial support from him. She changed her mind about college, and now she is enjoying many blessings as a pioneer. The next oldest, a son, told how he also at one time wanted to go to college and follow a worldly course. But his father sat down and reviewed the Scriptures with him. His father also told him that, if he insisted on following a worldly course, he would also have to find another place to live. He heeded his father's counsel and is very grateful that his father was kind kind but firm in his stand. The two younger explained that they were impressed by what happened to the two older ones. From the beginning they planned to become pioneers. The youngest son gave up his high school education to pioneer." In the WATCHTOWER magazine of January 15, 1952, [pg 47], parents were counseled to: "Suggest that they become vacation pioneers [ a one momth commitment for 75 hours of door-to-door proselytizing ] during their summer holidays... The highest career you can plan for your children is that of full-time service as a minister. ["MINISTER" here refers to their door-to-door preaching work.] Work and plan to help them toward that most joyful and successful careers." [ Even though this article is nearly 40 years old, Jehovah's Witnesses today still follow this practice. many Witnesses who were raised in the 1950's and 1960's by this advice postponed marriage and then also postponed having children after marriage, so that they could devote more time to their proselytizing work. Some are still single or childless. Most who did eventually marry and have children found that it was too late to start a professional career, taking employment in the blue collar field instead. Still, these are raising their children with full-time ministry as their goal in life. ] THEATRICAL CAREER DISCOURAGED FOR WITNESSES : In the AWAKE! of August 08, 1983, pages 23 & 24, the Watch Tower published this testimony of actor who quit the theater after converting to the Witnesses: "Now, more than a decade later, I can honestly say that I do not yearn for the stage. I am still able to practice my art each year, as a director and an actor, in the Bible dramas that Jehovah's Witnesses present in their district conventions... The difference is that we have performed with a better motive. In the theater I wanted to be a star, to receive adulation. In these Bible dramas it is the story that matters, not the actors. Thus there is no competition, no upstaging of fellow actors." ART CAREER DISCOURAGED: In the WACTHTOWER magazine, march 15, 1981 (page 10) the Society published this testimony of a art student who decided not to pursue an art career after joining the Witnesses: "By 1952 I had been studying to be an artist for nearly four years. What would I do ? Returning to Puerto Rico, my desire to share what I had learned from the Bible was even stronger than my desire to be an artist. Thus, in August 1952, I began serving in the full-time preaching activity as a pioneer." MUSICAL CAREER DISCOURAGED : The AWAKE! of August 08, 1985 (pages 16 & 17) published the testimony of William Mullane, who left the prestigious Julliard School in New York City after he started studying with the Witnesses. He eventually entered "Bethel service." working full-time at Watch Tower headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. Bethel workers receive room and board and a nominal monthly "allownance" to buy necessities. Mullane explains: "After the summer-vacation period, I returned to school for another semester. But I felt very differently about things then. The desire to develop as a musician was not as strong as it had once been. I now knew that there was much more to life and that music could no longer be 'number one'... "I also remember clearly my father's reaction to my decision. He pounded on the table and sternly told me that I would be out of the house if I left school. But leave I did. Two months later I was baptized to symbolize my dedication to God, and soon thereafter I entered the full-time ministry... "I still practice my music but only for a small fraction of the time I previously devoted to it... "A career in [music] demands exclusive devotion. In this it competes with our Creator and the doing of his will. Music can be almost like a disease... "Frankly, I've come to look upon musical instituations as modern-day temples of worship that require people to devote their entire lives to music. But that is making a god out of it, and surely this does not have the Creator's approval. True, music is a gift from Jehovah, but it must be kept in its place." The February 22, 1984 AWAKE! (pages 12 to 16) published the testimony of a former Lebanese basketball star who forsook both that and his university studies to become a full-time pioneer. The December 08, 1984 AWAKE! (pages 16 to 20) published Herman Pizzanelli's Uruguayan concert guitarist in the 1960's. After joining the Witnesses he canceled his contracts including "a theatrical tour of Europe," because "my conscience moved more urgent work of preaching and other Christian activities." ============= THE END OF OUR FIRST ARTICLE ==================== Now for our second (related) article : THE INTRODUCTION OF PHOBIAS (DEEP ROOTED FEARS) AND OTHER DEVELOPMENT TRAITS IN THE JEHOVAH WITNESS CHILD. Parents obviously have a very powerful influence on their children. Even when they are abusive and insensitive towards their offspring, children still desire whatever vestige of love and approval they can get from their parents, and will often be obedient just to receive attention and care. Understanding this dynamic helps to explain how children growing up in the Watch Tower may be so heavily influenced by the need for approval that they are willing togive up whatever goals or aspirations they may have in order to please their parents, even long after they leave home and/or get married. In order for the indoctrination to be lasting and effective, PHOBIAS (deep-rooted fears) must be introduced to the child in order to "scare" them away from a course contrary to Watch Tower idealology, and the organization is very adept at planting and nuturing these phobias. As in the case of the elder in Korea with the four children (mentioned previously in our first article), the fear may be the threat of being cut off financially as well as losing dad's approval, but it also comes directly from the pages of THE WATCHTOWER in the form of warnings about being in the very last days, and how Jehovah will not look with approval upon those who "squander their time and energies" in non-Kingdom interests. Jehovah thus becomes the all powerful parent who, even if the child's real parents may not be too concerned, will himself cut the child off from his favour and possibility even eternal life. A powerful motovation indeed! A PHOBIC WORLD VIEW The first step that the Watch Tower takes in their indoctrination of their followers is to develop the concept of the "universal war" that all people are inevitably caught up in, namely, that Satan has declared war on Jehovah, and we are automatically on one side or the other; there are no fence-sitters. If you are not doing all that the organization asks, you are on the side of the devil. Everything outside of the Watch Tower is controlled by the devil, and all persons who are not Witnesses are misled by the devil and are bad or dangerous to associate with. An unbalanced fear of the supernatural is encouraged. Witness children are told to avoid "worldly" magazines, movies, TV shows, music, etc. Any information critical of the Watch Tower is automatically evil and dangerous. Most doctors are evil for wanting to administer blood transfusions. Children have nightmares about mom or dad having to refuse a blood transfusion. Everything is made to appear as part of a large conspiracy to destroy Jehovah's Witnesses. Satan is feared totally out of proportion to the role as represented in the Bible. What is the end result? The child learns to fear life itself, at least outside of the Watch Tower, so that if he/she were to ever leave the organization, the devil would destroy him/her and he/she would become miserable and suicidal. I personally knew several members of the Watch Tower's Bethel family at their headquarters in New York who knew the organization was wrong, but could not leave due to fear that they were incapable of getting a job, or that their lives would disintegrate. They were the victims of carefully planted PHOBIAS. Many of these phobias are rather obvious to outsiders. Simple, harmless things are blown out of proportion in order to keep Witnesses secluded from the real world. For instance: Birthdays are evil because someone is being worshipped. Christmas is evil because thousands of years ago someone worshipped the sun on December 25th. Saluting the flag is worshipping your country and a sign that you belong to Satan's kingdom rather than God's Kingdom. Saying "darn" or "geez" is the same as cursing. Smoking cigarettes is a form of drug abuse that can lead to demonic control. Little wonder that Witness youths are so paranoid and shy of the world! Even when they leave the organization, the phobias are still there, controlling their lives until they are recognized and eliminated through counseling and/or self-awareness. Many of our readers were raised Jehovah's Witnesses and still remain VICTIMS of multiple phobia implantations. Many struggle with low self-esteem and self-worth, since the Watch Tower impants and perpetuates such problems. ============== END OF OUR SECOND ARTICLE ================== What follows is additional material prepared by : Vince Banial The following is a list of books which could be of help when dealing with individuals who suffer from PHOBIAS and from phobia induced ANXIETY : TOXIC FAITH by : Stephen Arterburn and Jack Felton COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL by : Steven Hassan DON'T PANIC - Taking Control Of Anxiety Attacks by : R. Reid Wilson, Ph.D. FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY by Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. NEGAHOLICS - Recover From Your Addiction To Negativity And Turn Your Life Around by : Cherie Carter-Scott BANISHED KNOWLEDGE - Facing Childhood Injuries by : Alice Miller ADULT CHILDREN OF ABUSIVE PARENTS - A Healing Program For Those Who Have Been Physically, Sexually or Emotionally Abused by : Steven Farmer - Director of the Center for Adult Children of Abusive Parents TOXIC PARENTS - Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy And Reclaiming Your Life by : Dr. Susan Forward HEALING THE SHAME THAT BINDS YOU by : John Bradshaw TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE - How Not To Be A Victim by : Louis Proto Those who feel that they suffer from PHOBIAS,I state that they should seek out professional help. Look for individuals and or groups who have experience in dealing with phobias and related anxiety disorder problems. The above list of books is by no means exhaustive. Please visit your local bookstore and ask for books about phobias. The above books can be of help, as I'm sure that there are other books which too would be helpful. There is also a wonderful book written by a former Jehovah's Witness. Not just any JW, this fellow was a member of their ruling body called the GOVERNING BODY. I am speaking of Mr. Raymond Franz, nephew to the present Watch Tower President Mr.Fred Franz. If Mr Raymond Franz had NOT had his crisis of conscience (which by the way is also the title of his book : CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE) he would likely have become the NEXT WATCH TOWER PRESIDENT, after the present President Mr. Fred Franz passed away. The book is well worth reading : CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE - The Struggle Between Loyalty To God And Loyalty To One's Religion by : Raymond Franz, former member of the GOVERNING BODY of Jehovah's Witnesses. Mr. Randall Watters runs an out-reach where he provides factual material about the Watch Tower. He also publishes a wonderful newsletter. You can write to him at: P.O. Box 3818 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Ask him to send you samples of their newletter. When you call or write, could I ask that you mention that you were referred by Vince Banial. I get nothing out of it. I just want to let Randall know that Vince in Toronto continues with support of Randall's efforts. Randall also carries books about the many facets of the Watch Tower. Most of the material contains photo-reproductions of actual Watch Tower publication pages. With such proof you can show a visiting Jehovah's Witness actual Watch Tower statements. ================ end of issue #5 ======================= Please share the info found in these issues of AWAKEN with other members of the faith to which you belong. Consider using this info within publications issued to members of your faith. One example is to use this info within Church bulletins. People need to become informed about the Watchtower and it's teachings. Why ? Jehovah's Witnesses go door to door preaching whatever the Watchtower has told them to preach. They are trained weekly to respond to any and all objections to their preaching. They are told by the Watchtower that the Watchtower is the only TRUTH and that the Watchtower is the only TRUE religion. They are told by the Watchtower that all other faiths, teach false teachings because all other faiths are agents of SATAN. They have no qualms attacking any and all aspects your belief system, when they come on their un-asked for visits. They are trained to SELL you on the Watchtower's teachings, just as they themselves had been SOLD. By becoming informed about the Jehovah's Witnesses, one will be better prepared to decide whether one should get invloved with this group. Copyright (c) 1991 by Vince Banial, Toronto Ontario Canada. This material cannot be incorporated into any book without the empress and written permission of Vince Banial. 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