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              Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9  Num. 79
                    ("Quid coniuratio est?")
In CN 9.59 was posted info from a source "known to me not to be a
lightweight."  The  following  communique  comes  from  that same
source.  I don't know whether I'm free to reveal his name.  I can
give some insight on him by pointing to  a  video  of  a  lecture
given  by  retired  NYPD vice squad detective James Rothstein: in
that tape, Rothstein mentions that,  on  his way to Oklahoma City
to privately investigate the Murrah Building bombings, he stopped
in a certain city to pick up this person and bring him along.
Here is the  latest  info,  received  today,  12/7/96,  from  the
un-named source, henceforth (for future reference) given the code
name "Mr. Boderby."
 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
his departure, owing to Boy Bill [Clinton] using 5+ lines of coke
per day.
These options, among others, were  detailed to Boy Bill by Robert
Strauss (in an ashtray smashing meeting with  Boy  Bill)  and  by
Chuck Hayes in a more recent, more calm, meeting with Boy Bill at
a small airport in Kentucky.
First Option
1.   Easiest  and  best  for  Boy  Bill:  let wife be scandalized
(Whitewater  indicted)  as   indirect,  non-personal  reason  for
stepping down.
Second Option
2.  Direct personal  emergency  25th  Amendment  bi-partisan  and
medical  committee declaration of presidential unfitness owing to
5+ lines of personal cocaine use per day by Boy Bill.
Third Option
3.  Direct personal  responsibility  for *Mena*, Arkansas massive
cocaine  drug  importation  and  nationwide  distribution  during
governorship and continuing into presidency.
Detailed data of option 1 and general data concerning  options  2
and 3 (thru the first week of 96 *December*) follow:
Option  1  was  chosen  owing  to  a  desire to not too obviously
duplicate still-remembered USA  history.
Sufficient world powers agreed to eliminate Kennedy, therefore he
was assassinated; however it was too recently done to assassinate
Nixon,  therefore  it  was  agreed   for  Nixon  to  be  directly
personally scandalized out of office (Watergate).  Nixon was  too
recent  to  directly  personally  scandalize  Boy Bill, therefore
certain powers agreed to  eliminate  Boy  Bill by indirect family
(wife) scandalization.  The scandal being in major part financial
crimes (Whitewater).
The counter-strike, possibly death knell, to this Option 1 is the
96/Dec/3 decision to let convicted felon Charles Keating go scott
free on all convictions for all financial  crimes.   The  Keating
federal  and  state  financial  crimes  jury convictions were the
model, plan, precedent  for  wife's [Hillary's] planned financial
crimes indictment and  intended  jury  conviction  if  necessary.
However,  the following White House counter-strike has intervened
into planned Option 1:
1(a).  96/April, J. Reno  Dept.  of  Injustice sudden decision to
drop all lesser charges still pending  as  to  Keating  financial
1(b).   96/April,  J.  Reno Dept. of Injustice sudden urgent need
for a marathon 7-hour (183 pages)  deposition of Chuck Hayes on a
case well over 10 years old (Inslaw).  (There is a saying in  the
covert world: set the trap; then, *wait 6 months!*)
Note Dates:
(1)  96/Oct/3  (6 months later), Bond allowed for convicted felon
Keating (on all state and federal convictions).
(2) 96/Oct/3, Bond allowed "*in* *advance*" of any decision.
(3) 96/Oct/9, Signed but not  made public, grand jury indictments
of wife [Hillary] suddenly called back for urgent re-wording  and
re-signing;  the  Fifth Column's only public figure, Chuck Hayes,
involved in writing/re-writing wife indictments.
(4) Whether the re-writing  and re-signing allegedly completed by
96/Oct/18 ever will be made public or will be forever  suppressed
owing  to  the  amazing  co-incidental  timing  of the incredibly
corrupt Keating 96/Oct/3 bond and  96/Dec/3 decision made up from
reasoning scraped off the floor of a horse  barn  remains  to  be
(5)  96/Oct/22,  Chuck  Hayes  swooped  on,  false  arrested,  by
unchartered FBI SWAT team.
(6) 96/Oct/22, "No bond" written into false arrest warrant for an
alleged "*attempt*" to do something that never happened -- before
any  bond hearing.  Remarkably, Keating with multiple felony jury
convictions for crimes  fully  perpetrated  in separate state and
federal courts  was  given  bond  on  96/Oct/3  with  no  hearing
(7)  96/Oct/25,  Hayes  kangaroo  alleged  hearing  --  "No bond"
(8) 96/Oct/28, Wildly  inaccurate  "Hayes" alleged court findings
by J.B. Johnson  magistrate  judge  issued,  based  on  96/Oct/25
kangaroo hearing -- "No bond" is the order!!!
(9)  96/Nov/22,  Magistrate  Judge J.B. Johnson motion hearing --
"No bond" repeated, but  bond  matter  referred  in open court in
front of 50+ witnesses to federal Judge Barbara Coffman for  full
hearing.   Ironically, this is the very day Bob Strauss sponsored
and hosted leading Communist  Russian  General Aleksandr Lebed on
Lebed's first trip to the USA.
(10) 96/Nov/26, Barbara Coffman orders corrections  in  96/Oct/28
alleged findings owing to gross errors but "*without hearing*" on
specific  issue  of bond.  Barbara Coffman went out of her way to
announce, apparently  on  orders  from  "above,"  that  she is in
lockstep -- "No bond" -- and further, "no bond" hearing would  be
allowed  to  commence  despite  96 hours earlier J.B. Johnson had
announced in front of 50  witnesses  that a bond hearing would be
commenced in front of Barbara Coffman upon motion of Chuck Hayes,
which motion was filed on 96/Nov/22 for  96/Nov/26  hearing,  but
immediately denied out of hand without hearing by Barbara Coffman
on 96/Nov/26.
(11a) 96/Dec/3, Keating set free; decision based on alleged "jury
contamination."   That  is,  that the Keating scandal was so well
known and so well  publicized  that  the  jurors had heard of the
matter in advance of the trial (hearing  of  the  matter  somehow
equals  "contaminated"),  therefore, each and every conviction in
separate state and federal  courts  was thereby overturned by one
lower-level federal judge, Marianne Pfeizer, in one all-inclusive
mysterious decision.
    Most  probably  any  and  every  juror could be claimed to be
contaminated because it  could  be  claimed  that  any person has
heard of Keating and/or financial crimes such as Whitewater.
    Under this corrupt false decision, wife [Hillary] could never
be tried by any USA juror because any and every adult in our  USA
could be claimed to have heard of wife and Whitewater.
(11b)  96/Dec/2 had been date pre-set at the time of false arrest
to commence Chuck Hayes' jury trial on a false arrest in the last
week of Oct. (with no  discovery  and the alleged criminal charge
itself not provided to the false  arrest  victim  for  over  five
weeks after arrest.)
(12) Much of Chuck Hayes' efforts and the Fifth Column's perilous
and  life-threatening labors of many months have now been reduced
to ashes by one more female federal black-robed Hillary covencat,
Marianne Pfeizer, spellcasting onto the  men of the Fifth Column:
"Ashes, ashes, all fall down!!"
With regard to Option 2, amazingly coincidental with  the  timing
of  the  Option  1  defensive  White House counter-strike corrupt
Keating court decision  is  that  the  very  same day (96/Dec/3),
Fifth Column offensive Option 2 was put into play  on  nationwide
radio,  print,  lengthy  focused  coverage  by  major  TV, on Dr.
O'Toole and the bi-partisan joint medical committee set up in the
recent past to  deal  with  a  potential emergency 25th Amendment
problem  during  the  Nixon  administration  and  how  the   same
emergency  mechanism is now in place during this Boy Bill current
Unblessedly, a  counter-measure  to  a  25th  Amendment emergency
bi-partisan joint medical committee is an even greater war  power
emergency  such  as  a  plague, natural disaster, military action
inside or outside USA, triggering a martial law declaration.
The counter-measure being put into play to the #3 "*Mena*" option
is a re-hearing of the  Noriega  appeal  and a re-trial, with the
plan being that  coverage  of  that  situation  focusing  on  the
Bush/Ollie  crack cocaine (San Jose Mercury) epidemic would dwarf
any Mena exposure.
Another recent remarkable "*Mena*" co-incidence as to Noriega and
Option 3, for over  200  years  every foreign extradition type of
case was held in D.C. federal circuit.  The Noriega case was held
in the Janet Reno origin and controlled  Miami  court,  also  the
jurisdiction  of  Homestead  Air  Force base (Florida), where USA
pentagramagon    joint    chief's    boss,    Communist   General
Shalikashvilli's underling Air Force generals  (such  as  General
Cherry,  now in Kentucky) and Jeb Bush met the dope-laden USA Air
Force planes coming in from Panama.
With   the   unconstitutional   and   improper   Reno   Dept.  of
Injustice-arranged Florida venue Noriega trial, one might  expect
an  improper  Florida  appeal,  or  if  any  effort  at  a  false
appearance of proper procedure were made, one might expect a D.C.
Under  our  current  Dept.  of  Injustice,  however, the case was
recently assigned to the  fixed  venue  that corruptly covered up
the $5 billion agricultural credits from George Bush  to  Clayton
Yeuter (US Dept. of Ag.) to BNL (Banco Nacional de Lavoro, Italy)
to  Matrix  Churchill (London) to weapons for Saddam Hussein used
to kill Americans and Arabs in  the  Gulf War. The BNL case, that
was only recently completed with records hidden, is known as  the
BNL/Atlanta  case  owing  to the BNL/Atlanta branch being used in
part to transfer $5 billion in Agricultural credits into arms for
our USA pentagramagon  imposter  usurper  generals, admirals, and
other merchants of death.
It is to this same internationally corrupt fixed venue,  Atlanta,
that the Noriega re-hearing, without any constitutional reason in
fact or law, has been recently mysteriously assigned.
A  gory  irony  to  all  of  these machinations is that the chief
beneficiaries  of   an   upcoming   absent   Boy   Bill  are  the
principalities and powers behind  Shalikashvilli,  Lebed,  Armand
Hammer  and  Sickle,  Bob  Strauss,  and  their chief anti-Christ
Communist asset in place, Al Gore.
Our Father in  Heaven,  to  whom  we  prayed this Thanksgiving in
order to give thanks for our great  nation,  needs  to  hear  our
continuing  prayers  until our nation is safe from *enemies* both
foreign and *DOMESTIC*.
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et 
  pauperem.                    -- Liber Proverbiorum  XXXI: 8-9