💾 Archived View for gemini.spam.works › mirrors › textfiles › internet › FAQ › modnews.lst captured on 2022-03-01 at 15:54:40.
Path: fe2o3!mimsy!haven!purdue!spaf From: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) Newsgroups: news.lists,news.groups,news.announce.newusers Subject: List of Moderators Message-ID: <13128@medusa.cs.purdue.edu> Date: 22 Jan 91 02:15:25 GMT Expires: 22 Apr 91 02:15:24 GMT Followup-To: news.lists Organization: Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue Univ. Lines: 389 Approved: spaf@cs.purdue.EDU Supersedes: <12406@medusa.cs.purdue.edu> Xref: fe2o3 news.lists:524 news.groups:15833 news.announce.newusers:193 Original-from: Gene Spafford (spaf@cs.purdue.edu) [Most recent change: 19 Jan 1991 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)] A number of moderated groups exist on the net. These are groups which usually have one or more individuals (acting as editors and/or moderators) who must approve articles before they are published to the net. In general, these groups fall into one of five categories: 1) Groups with postings of an informative nature not suited to discussion and always originating from the same (very small) group of posters. Groups within this category include news.lists, news.announce.newusers, and comp.mail.maps. 2) Groups derived from regular groups with such a high volume that it is hard for the average reader to keep up. The moderated versions of these groups are an attempt to provide a lower volume and higher quality version of the same forum. Examples of this category include news.announce and comp.unix. 3) Groups derived from regular groups which have often been abused. That is, the regular groups often received postings of items which were not germane to the stated topic of the group (or sometimes even within the realm of politeness for the net). This also includes groups suffering from an annoying number of duplicate postings and inappropriate followups. Moderated groups in this category include comp.sources.unix. 4) Groups designed to serve also as direct feedback to an off-the-net group. The discussion in comp.std.mumps is an example of this. 5) Groups which are gatewayed into the Usenet from an Internet mailing list. These groups are moderated by someone on the Internet side but are shared with the Usenet population. Submissions mailed to the proper addresses, given below, will appear in both the group on Usenet, and the Internet list. This includes some groups in the "inet" distribution which are listed here for completeness: comp.ai.vision, comp.lang.clu and rec.mag.fsfnet. To post to a moderated group, write your article and mail it to the listed SUBMISSION address. The moderator will then do the actual posting of the article. The news software on the Usenet will not allow direct posting to moderated newsgroups, nor will it forward unauthorized articles to other sites. The only way to post to a moderated group is to mail it to the moderator. If you are running 2.11 news or later, your news software will automatically mail your article to the moderator if you attempt to post it. Thus, posting to a moderated newsgroup should appear the same as posting to any other group (except you don't see the posting right away). Depending on the newsgroup involved, if the moderator feels that your article is inappropriate for the group, s/he will return the article to you with a suggestion for other newsgroups in which to post it, and/or an explanation of why it is not appropriate for the moderated group. You may still post such articles to the regular groups as you currently do, if such groups exist. If you have questions or complaints about the way a moderated group is run, contact the moderator by mail. Alternatively, you can send mail to the mailing list "moderators@purdue.edu" and it will be rebroadcast to all of the current Usenet-only newsgroup moderators. Below is a list of the current moderated groups and the moderators of those groups. Included in that list are the addresses to use if you have questions of comments about the groups. After that is given a list of addresses for submissions of articles to those groups. If your site is running 2.10.2 or 2.10.3 news, these addresses can be used to build the "moderators" file so that "postnews" can automatically mail an article to the correct moderator. If your system is running 2.11 news, posting to moderated newsgroups is done by mailing your submission to well-defined aliases at a nearby well-connected site. The mail path to that site should be in your news library, in the file "mailpaths" -- there is no need to update a moderators file. Information on how to construct the paths in the "mailpaths" file are posted monthly in a companion article. If you are NOT running 2.11 news, you are *STRONGLY* advised to upgrade to it so as to take advantage of this feature, as well as the numerous bug fixes and other enhancements. The addresses below are given in Internet/domain form. If you are a UUCP-only site, you can mail to an Internet (EDU, GOV, etc.)-only site by mailing through the gateways using a uucp-style path, e.g.: ...!{mcnc,rutgers,ucsd,uunet,uw-beaver,watmath}!site.domain!address Gene Spafford 21 January 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Group Moderator or Coordinator Requests, Comments, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ comp.ai.nlang-know-rep Christopher Welty nl-kr-request@cs.rpi.edu comp.ai.shells Bernd Bachmann shellreq@dfki.uni-kl.de comp.ai.vision Tod Levitt vision-list-request@ads.com comp.archives Edward Vielmetti archives@math.lsa.umich.edu comp.binaries.amiga Tad Guy amiga-request@uunet.uu.net comp.binaries.atari.st Steven Grimm atari-binaries@panarthea.ebay.sun.com comp.binaries.ibm.pc Bill Davidsen ibmbin-request@crdgw1.crd.ge.com comp.binaries.mac Roger Long macintosh-request%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net comp.binaries.os2 Tom Haapanen os2bin-request@mims-iris.waterloo.edu comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes Keith Bostic ucb-fixes-request@okeeffe.berkeley.edu comp.compilers John Levine compilers-request@iecc.cambridge.ma.us comp.dcom.telecom Patrick Townson telecom-request@eecs.nwu.edu comp.doc Brian Kantor comp-doc@ucsd.edu comp.doc.techreports Lawrence Leff trlist-request@smu.edu comp.graphics.digest Andy Cromarty info-graphics-request@ads.com comp.lang.clu Matti Jokinen clu-sw-request@cs.utu.fi comp.lang.sigplan Stu Feldman sigplan-request@bellcore.com comp.laser-printers Richard Furuta furuta@cs.umd.edu comp.mail.maps Mel Pleasant uucpmap@rutgers.edu comp.newprod Ron Heiby newprod-request@chg.mcd.mot.com comp.org.fidonet Tim Pozar pozar@hop.toad.com comp.os.research Darrell Long darrell@jupiter.ucsc.edu comp.parallel Dennis Stevenson hypercube-request@hubcap.clemson.edu comp.protocols.kermit Frank da Cruz info-kermit-request@cu20b.columbia.edu comp.research.japan Rick Schlichting rick@cs.arizona.edu comp.risks Peter G. Neumann risks-request@csl.sri.com comp.simulation Paul A. Fishwick simulation-request@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu comp.society Dave Taylor taylor@limbo.intuitive.com comp.society.women Trish Roberts comp-women-request@cs.purdue.edu comp.sources.amiga Tad Guy amiga-request@uunet.uu.net comp.sources.apple2 Jonathan Chandross jac@paul.rutgers.edu comp.sources.atari.st Steven Grimm atari-sources@panarthea.ebay.sun.com comp.sources.games Bill Randle games-request@saab.cna.tek.com comp.sources.mac Roger Long macintosh-request%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net comp.sources.misc Kent Landfield sources-misc-request@uunet.uu.net comp.sources.sun Charles McGrew mcgrew@aramis.rutgers.edu comp.sources.unix Rich Salz rsalz@uunet.uu.net comp.sources.x Dan Heller argv@sun.com comp.std.mumps Hokey std-mumps-request@plus5.com comp.std.unix John S. Quarterman std-unix-request@uunet.uu.net comp.sys.amiga.announce ?? zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu comp.sys.amiga.reviews Jason Tibbitts III honp9@menudo.uh.edu comp.sys.concurrent Stan Barber concurrent-request@soma.bcm.tmc.edu comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest Gregory Hicks info-ibmpc-request@simtel20.army.mil comp.sys.m68k.pc Mike Meyer info-68k-request@ucbvax.berkeley.edu comp.sys.mac.announce Werner Uhrig werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu comp.sys.mac.digest Lance Nakata, Jon Pugh, & Dwayne Virnau info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu comp.sys.sun Robert D. Greene sun-spots-request@rice.edu comp.sys.workstations Dave Steiner works-request@rutgers.edu comp.theory.info-retrieval Edward A. Fox fox@vtopus.cs.vt.edu comp.unix Chuck L. Peterson comp-unix-request%megadon.uucp@uunet.uu.net comp.virus Kenneth van Wyk krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu misc.handicap Bill McGarry wtm%bunker.uucp@uunet.uu.net misc.security A. "*Hobbit*" Walker security-request@rutgers.edu news.announce.conferences Dennis Page denny@tekbspa.tss.com news.announce.important Mark Horton announce@stargate.com news.announce.newgroups Eliot Lear lear@turbo.bio.net news.announce.newusers Gene Spafford spaf@purdue.edu news.lists Rick Adams, Brian Reid & Gene Spafford news-lists-request@cs.purdue.edu news.lists.ps-maps Brian Reid reid@decwrl.dec.com rec.arts.cinema Manavendra Thakur thakur@zerkalo.harvard.edu rec.arts.erotica Evan Leibovitch erotica@telly.on.ca rec.arts.movies.reviews Evelyn C. Leeper movies-request@mtgzy.att.com rec.arts.startrek.info Jim Griffith trek-info-request@dweeb.fx.com rec.audio.high-end Thomas Krueger info-high-audio-request@csd4.csd.uwm.edu rec.food.recipes Andrew Mossberg aem@mthvax.cs.miami.edu rec.guns Jim Purtilo gun-control@flubber.cs.umd.edu rec.humor.funny Brad Templeton funny-request@looking.on.ca rec.mag.fsfnet John White white@duvm.bitnet rec.mag.otherrealms Chuq von Rospach chuq@apple.com rec.music.gaffa Doug Alan love-hounds-request@eddie.mit.edu sci.med.aids Dan Greening aids-request@cs.ucla.edu sci.military Bill Thacker military-request@att.att.com sci.nanotech J. Storrs Hall (JoSH) josh@aramis.rutgers.edu sci.psychology.digest Stevan Harnad psyc-request@phoenix.princeton.edu sci.virtual-worlds Bob Jacobson virtual-worlds-request@milton.u.washington.edu soc.feminism Jean Marie Diaz, Miriam Nadel, & Cindy Tittle feminism-request@ncar.ucar.edu soc.human-nets Charles McGrew human-nets-request@rutgers.edu soc.politics Charles McGrew poli-sci-request@rutgers.edu soc.politics.arms-d Herb Lin arms-d-request@xx.lcs.mit.edu soc.religion.christian Charles Hedrick christian-request@aramis.rutgers.edu soc.religion.eastern Dinesh Prabhu prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov soc.religion.islam Naim Abdullah, religion-islam-request@ncar.ucar.edu Behnam Sadeghi, & Shari VanderSpek alt.gourmand Brian Reid recipes-request@decwrl.dec.com gnu.* Leonard H. Tower Jr. info-gnu-request@prep.ai.mit.edu vmsnet.announce Terry Poot tp@mccall.com vmsnet.announce.newusers Terry Poot tp@mccall.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ Group Submissions :----------------------------------------------------------------- comp.ai.nlang-know-rep nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu comp.ai.shells shell@dfki.uni-kl.de comp.ai.vision vision-list@ads.com comp.archives archives@math.lsa.umich.edu comp.binaries.amiga amiga@uunet.uu.net comp.binaries.atari.st atari-binaries@panarthea.ebay.sun.com comp.binaries.ibm.pc ibmbin@crdgw1.crd.ge.com comp.binaries.mac macintosh%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net comp.binaries.os2 os2bin@mims-iris.waterloo.edu comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes ucb-fixes@okeeffe.berkeley.edu comp.compilers compilers@iecc.cambridge.ma.us comp.dcom.telecom telecom@eecs.nwu.edu comp.doc comp-doc@ucsd.edu comp.doc.techreports trlist@smu.edu comp.graphics.digest info-graphics@ads.com comp.lang.clu clu-sw@cs.utu.fi comp.lang.sigplan sigplan@bellcore.com comp.laser-printers laser-lovers@brillig.umd.edu comp.mail.maps uucpmap@rutgers.edu comp.newprod newprod@chg.mcd.mot.com comp.org.fidonet pozar@hop.toad.com comp.os.research darrell@jupiter.ucsc.edu comp.parallel hypercube@hubcap.clemson.edu comp.protocols.kermit info-kermit@cu20b.columbia.edu comp.research.japan japan@cs.arizona.edu comp.risks risks@csl.sri.com comp.simulation simulation@uflorida.cis.ufl.edu comp.society taylor@limbo.intuitive.com comp.sources.amiga amiga@uunet.uu.net comp.sources.apple2 jac@paul.rutgers.edu comp.sources.atari.st atari-sources@panarthea.ebay.sun.com comp.sources.games games@saab.cna.tek.com comp.sources.mac macintosh%felix.uucp@uunet.uu.net comp.sources.misc sources-misc@uunet.uu.net comp.sources.sun sun-sources@topaz.rutgers.edu comp.sources.unix rsalz@uunet.uu.net comp.sources.x argv@sun.com comp.std.mumps std-mumps@plus5.com comp.std.unix std-unix@uunet.uu.net comp.sys.amiga.announce zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu comp.sys.amiga.reviews honp9@menudo.uh.edu comp.sys.concurrent concurrent@soma.bcm.tmc.edu comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest info-ibmpc@simtel20.army.mil comp.sys.m68k.pc info-68k@ucbvax.berkeley.edu comp.sys.mac.announce csma@rascal.ics.utexas.edu comp.sys.mac.digest info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu comp.sys.sun sun-spots@rice.edu comp.sys.workstations works@rutgers.edu comp.theory.info-retrieval fox@vtopus.cs.vt.edu comp.unix comp-unix%megadon.uucp@uunet.uu.net comp.virus krvw@cert.sei.cmu.edu comp.society.women comp-women@cs.purdue.edu misc.handicap handicap%bunker.uucp@uunet.uu.net misc.security security@rutgers.edu news.announce.conferences nac@tekbspa.tss.com news.announce.important announce@stargate.com news.announce.newgroups announce-newgroups@ncar.ucar.edu news.announce.newusers spaf@cs.purdue.edu news.lists news-lists-request@cs.purdue.edu news.lists.ps-maps reid@decwrl.dec.com rec.arts.cinema cinema@zerkalo.harvard.edu rec.arts.erotica erotica@telly.on.ca rec.arts.movies.reviews movies@mtgzy.att.com rec.arts.startrek.info trek-info@dweeb.fx.com rec.audio.high-end info-high-audio@csd4.csd.uwm.edu rec.food.recipes recipes@mthvax.cs.miami.edu rec.guns magnum@flubber.cs.umd.edu rec.humor.funny funny@looking.on.ca rec.mag.fsfnet white@duvm.bitnet rec.mag.otherrealms chuq@apple.com rec.music.gaffa gaffa-post@eddie.mit.edu sci.med.aids aids@cs.ucla.edu sci.military military@att.att.com sci.nanotech nanotech@aramis.rutgers.edu sci.psychology.digest psyc@phoenix.princeton.edu sci.virtual-worlds virtual-worlds@milton.u.washington.edu soc.feminism feminism@ncar.ucar.edu soc.human-nets human-nets@red.rutgers.edu soc.politics poli-sci@rutgers.edu soc.politics.arms-d arms-d@xx.lcs.mit.edu soc.religion.christian christian@aramis.rutgers.edu soc.religion.eastern prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov soc.religion.islam religion-islam@ncar.ucar.edu gnu.announce info-gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.bash.bug bug-bash@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.emacs.announce info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.emacs.bug bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.g++.announce info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.g++.bug bug-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.g++.lib.bug bug-lib-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.gcc.announce info-gcc@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.gcc.bug bug-gcc@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.gdb.bug bug-gdb@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.ghostscript.bug bug-ghostscript@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.groff.bug bug-groff@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.smalltalk.bug bug-gnu-smalltalk@prep.ai.mit.edu gnu.utils.bug bug-gnu-utils@prep.ai.mit.edu alt.gourmand recipes@decwrl.dec.com alt.society.cu-digest cud@chinacat.unicom.com bionet.molbio.genbank.updates lear@genbank.bio.net vmsnet.announce vmsnet-announce@mccall.com vmsnet.announce.newusers vmsnet-announce-newusers@mccall.com ddn.mgt-bulletin nic@nic.ddn.mil ddn.newsletter nic@nic.ddn.mil comp.org.eff.news effnews@eff.org comp.protocols.iso.x400 mhsnews-usenet@ics.uci.edu comp.protocols.iso.x400.gateway ifip-gtwy-usenet@ics.uci.edu comp.security.announce cert@cert.sei.cmu.edu -- Gene Spafford NSF/Purdue/U of Florida Software Engineering Research Center, Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004 Internet: spaf@cs.purdue.edu uucp: ...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf