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From: casino@pobox.upenn.edu (Melinda 'Bob' Casino)
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Subject: "Bottom": British Comedy FAQ 
Followup-To:  poster
Summary: This is a faq answering questions about the British comedy "Bottom".

Archive-name: tv/british-comedy/bottom-faq/part1
Posting-Frequency:  monthly
Last-modified:  1994/10/10
Version:  2.4

            Compiled and maintained by                Version 2.4
            Melinda 'Bob' Casino         <bcdigest@ix.netcom.com>

A three-part FAQ on the British comedy t.v. program, "Bottom."

This FAQ has recently been expanded on the WWW to include photos of Rik
and Ade, and the video boxes. You can find them at: 


Many thanks to James Kew for accomplishing this.

I have marked new and revised text by putting a "|" in the left-hand

This FAQ has been compiled entirely without the consent of Rik Mayall,
Adrian Edmondson, or anyone or anything connected with the show BOTTOM.
Opinions expressed are solely my own, except when noted.

This FAQ is FREE, and should not be used by anyone for monetary gain.
Include credits in all reproductions of this FAQ.


    PART 1:
        1. WHAT IS BOTTOM?
        1.1  General Description
        1.2  How many episodes were made?
        1.3  Who's in the cast?
        1.4  When did it run?
|       1.5  Where can I see/buy it?

        2. A LITTLE HISTORY...
        2.1  Bottom, the Stage Show
        2.2  Rik Mayall Biography
        2.3  Adrian Edmondson Biography
        2.4  The Comic Strip Presents
        2.5  Private Life?

        3.1  What is Emmerdale Farm?
        3.2  Who is Sue Carpenter?
        3.3  Who is Felicity Kendal?
        3.4  Is Eddie Hitler really related to Adolf Hitler?

|       4. TRIVIA AND NEWS
        4.1  Season 3 Gets Underway
        4.2  General Trivia
        4.3  The Red Dwarf Connection
|       4.4  The cast--did you know...?
        4.5  Dictionary for Americans
        4.6  Setting of the show

        5. SCRIPTS
        5.1  WWW Site
        5.2  FTP Sites
        5.3  The Books
        5.4  RE: S Out
    PART 2:

|       7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS    

    PART 3:


    1.1 General Description

"Bottom" is a half-hour British comedy program staring Adrian Edmondson (as
Eddie Hitler) and Rik Mayall (as Richard Richard). It's also written by
Adrian Edmondson and Rik Mayall. It's centered on the lives of two
down-and-out ne'er-do-wells who are on the dole. In other words, two people
who are at the bottom of the social scale, financially, socially, and

Bottom primarily depends on, but is not limited to, slap-stick humor. The
violence is of the "Tom-and-Jerry" variety, with little or no consequences
in terms of harm to the characters.  Most of the violence doesn't have much
of an effect on the character's well-being, but if there are any
consequences, they are greatly exaggerated for comic effect. The sound
effects are also exaggerated, and add to the "cartoonish" style of the

Surprisingly, one can relate to alot of the scenarios its one-diminsional
characters go through. For instance, Eddie and Richie are 1) poor, 2)
socially inept, 3) drifting along with no job prospects, 4) bachelors who
will probably never have a long-term (or short-term) intimate relationship.
Who has not experienced at least one of these at some point in their lives?
I myself qualify for three...but watching Bottom somehow always cheers me
up. :)

Most of the scenes take place in their filthy low-rent apartment. The
kitchen is completely foul. Kitsch articles (like a framed picture of Elvis
Presley) adorn the apartment. Occasionally, the plot will take the
characters outside their flat, into the English "country," for instance, to
the local pub, or to a pawn-broker's.

    1.2 How many episodes were made?

There are 2 seasons of 6 episodes each. The names and order of the episodes
are as follows:

Smells               |
Gas                  |
Contest               ----> 1st Season   
Apocalypse           |
'S Up                |
Accident ____________|
Digger               |
Culture              |
Burglary             |
Parade                ----> 2nd Season
Holy                 |
'S Out ______________|

Jon Morris <jdm93ma@soton.ac.uk> informs me:

"...'s Out' has never been shown on British TV. It has, however, been
released on video, as have all the other episodes...At the time (it was
about November) there was some murder or attack on Wimbledon Common. This
episode was set on the same heath so the BBC thought it would be in bad
taste to show it. However, they didn't show it when they repeated the
second season either."

On the back of a poster for the Bottom Live! stageshow, a full transcript
is written with the acknowledgement that the murder, which took place the
week before the scheduled transmission, was indeed why 'S Out was never

    1.3 Who's in the cast?

Although Bottom focuses primarily on two great mates in their apartment, the
plots bring Richie and Eddie into contact with other characters. The list
below is not comprehensive, but covers most of the cast:

      CHARACTER                                PERFORMER
      ---------                                ---------
      Richard Richard..........................Rik Mayall
      Edward Hitler............................Adrian Edmondson
      Sex Shop Assistant.......................Kevin McNaly
      Landlord (pub)...........................Lee Cornes
      Kate.....................................Cindy Shelley
      Jenny....................................Carla Mendonca
      Mr. Harrison.............................Roger Sloman
      Gasman...................................Mark Lambert
      Mr. Rottweiler...........................Brian Glover
      Spudgun..................................Steven O'Donnell
      Dave Hedgehog............................Christopher Ryan
      Shooting Gallery Stallholder.............Mark Arden
      Brenda the Ballgazer.....................Liz Smith
      Nurse; Lady Natasha Laticia*.............Helen Lederer
      Falklands veteran........................Robert Llewellyn
      Pawn Shop Owner..........................Brian Croucher
      Veronica Head (barmaid)..................Julia Sawalha

Oblomov Rablomov Dob, 3rd Viscomptress of Moldavia

(The distinctive music to the show is by The Bum Notes.)

    1.4 When did it run?

The original transmission dates are as follows:

Series 1 - 1991                        Season 2 - 1992
---------------                        ---------------
1. Smells..........Tues. Sept. 17       7. Digger..........Thurs. Oct.  1
2. Gas.............Tues. Sept. 24       8. Culture.........Thurs. Oct.  8
3. Contest.........Tues. Oct.   1       9. Burglary........Thurs. Oct. 15
4. Apocalypse......Tues. Oct.   8      10. Parade..........Thurs. Oct. 22
5. 'S Up...........Tues. Oct.  15      11. Holy............Thurs. Oct. 29 
6. Accident........Tues. Oct.  29      12. 'S Out..........(not transmitted)    

|   1.5 Where can I see/buy it?

Bottom has just been released as a boxed set in the U.K.; the following
video sources may not have Bottom; but if you call and ask, they may be
inclined to start buying it for their customers. Join the U.S. Bottom
Campaign (tee hee) by calling and demanding your right to see Bottom!

In the U.S.:

   Laughinghouse Video
          Telephone 714-956-9032 or write P.O. Box 8572, Anaheim, CA
          92812-0572. Ask for their "British Video Guide." Have a credit
          card ready to charge $5.00 for the video catalogue, or be
          prepared to mail them a check. You'll receive a $5.00 coupon
          good towards your first order.
          Telephone toll-free, any time, 1-800-669-9696, or write
          Signals, WGBH Educational Foundation, P.O. Box 64428, St. Paul,
          MN 55164-0428. They accept major credit cards over the phone
          and take checks with mailed orders. They have a few different
          catalogues; request the video catalogue.
   The Video Catalog
          Telephone toll-free any time 1-800-733-2232 or write P.O. Box
          64267 St. Paul, MN 55164-0267. They also offer a custom order
          service, "Video Trackers". Call 1-800-71VIDEO (1-800-718-4336),
          toll-free between 7am and midnight (Central Time); if the title
          you want is currently available, they'll find it for you.
          Telephone toll-free 1-800-268-3891. I'm told they have a decent
          selection of British videos; ask for their catalogue.

   BBC's Lionheart Productions
          Phone is not toll-free 212-373-4100. Request their catalogue. 
          The chap I spoke with on the phone told me that they have a 
          limited number of videos available; they lie. They have lots.

| In Australia:
| Bottom was recently aired for the first time in Australia. All 4 volumes
| are now available from Polygram Video. 

No matter where you live, you can always contact the BBC directly:

The BBC Shop                   Phone: 091-222-0381
P.O. Box 1QX
Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE99 1QX


    2.1 Press Release

The following is a press release for the stage show.

Press release for BOTTOM - the Stage show

RIK MAYALL and ADRIAN EDMONDSON star in a full stage play based on the award
winning BBC2 TV series. With their own inimitable wit, style and sense of
the ridiculous they transport you to the explosively insane world of two of
society's most catastrophic no-hopers...

RICHIE and EDDIE are two of life's losers; two pimples on life's bottom.
Surviving on a diet of vitriol, mutually inflicted wounds and pornographic
magazines, they belch, curse and smash their way through the boredom of
life. The effects are disastrous!

He's the sort of person you cross the road to avoid. He likes life's simple
pleasures: a visit to the bookies, cheating Richie out of anything he can
(including the rent) and then breaking his legs on his birthday. If there's
any way he can score, whether it s money, girls or an advantage over
Richie, he'll do it.

He seems nice, well in a smarmy, oozing and oily-tongued way that you
realize isn't really nice at all. His problem is sex: he thinks the "Karma
Sutra" is an Indian restaurant. Sex is something which happens to other
people and they won't even let him watch.

Tickets cost 8.50-13.50/Promoted by Phil Mclntyre Promotions.

(NOTE: Bottom, the Stage Show, was filmed at Southampton Mayflower Theatre
in 1993)


    2.2 Rik Mayall Biography

NOTE: This is a SELECTION--the FULL biography can be found at: 

Adam Davies <box@moonshadow.apana.org.au> gave me the following information:

-Born:  March 7, 1958
-Father ran the drama department in a teacher training college
-Went to King's School in Worcester, starting at 9 years old instead of 11
-Went to Manchester University at 17, left at 20 with a 2-2 degree in drama.

Rik went to Manchester University where he read Drama. Whilst there he
formed a Theatre Company called 20th Century Coyote which he later took to
the Edinburgh Festival with great critical success and subsequently to the
Comedy Store in Soho. On leaving university, he played Dromio of Syracuse
in the Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare Company production of COMEDY OF
ERRORS which toured America for 3 months.

Television credits include:
A Kick Up the Eighties - 'Kevin Turvey' skits (BBC)
Comic Strip Presents - (Channel 4)
The Young Ones - as Rick (BBC); co-wrote.
Filthy, Rich and Catflap - w/Adrian Edmondson and Nigel Planer (BBC)
George's Marvellous Medicine - for Jackanory, children's show (BBC)
Saturday Night Live - 'The Dangerous Brothers' skits (LWT/CH4)
Grimm Tales - Series 1 & 2, Grimms Fairy Tales (Initial/Central TV)
Blackadder I - cameo in last episode (BBC)
Blackadder II; IV - 'Flasheart' character (BBC)
Bottom - (Noel Gay TV for BBC)
The New Statesman - as 'Alan B'stard' (Yorkshire TV)
Rik Mayall Presents - (3 1-hour plays) "Micky Love," "Briefest Encounter,"
"Dancing Queen." (Granada/ITV 1993)

Film includes:
The Eye of the Needle (supporting role)
Shock Treatment (minor character)
An American Werewolf in London (bit part)
Couples and Robbers (short film)
Whoops Apocalypse! (1986; cameo) 
Little Noises
Drop Dead Fred (title character)
Horse Opera
Carry On Columbus

Theatre includes:
Man Equals Man
The Government Inspector
The Common Pursuite
Waiting for Godot (with Adrian Edmondson)
Bottom, the Stage Show - filmed at Southampton Mayflower Theatre April,
1993, and toured countrywide

Comic Strip (UK) 1982
Kevin Turvey and the Bastard Squad (UK) 1983
Rik Mayall and Ben Elton (UK) 1984, 85; (Ibitha) 1985; (Australia) 1986;
 (UK) June 1992
Rik Mayall and Andy De La Tour (UK) 1989; 1990

    2.3 Adrian Edmondson Biography

NOTE: This is a SELECTION--the FULL biography can be found at: 

Adam Davies also was kind enough to furnish the following:

-Born: January 24, 1957
-Father taught abroad for the Forces
-Lived abroad until age 12, then went to a British boarding school
-Attended Manchester University in the same year as Rik Mayall, got a 2-1
 degree in drama

Adrian Edmondson trained in studio drama at Manchester Univeristy, where he
met Rik Mayall and formed the partnership that was to become Twentieth
Century Coyote. In 1977 he took a one-man show to the National Student
Drama Festival, and Twentieth Century Coyote appeared at the Edinburgh
Festival to great critical acclaim and media interest; the show was
recorded for Radio 4.

After Edinburgh came a period of touring with various two-man shows
throughout Britain, until Adrian joined the number of talented artists then
appearing at London's comedy Store. Throughout 1970 and 1980, Adrian made
numberous appearances on the growing comedy circuit before going on to
co-found The Comic Strip at the Boulevard Theatre in late 1980.

After their hugely successful premiere at the Boulevard, The Comic Strip
made an album and a short film in the summer of 1981 and set out on a
national tour in September. In 1982 they toured Australia, including a
two-week season at the Adelaide Festival of the Arts.

Adrian co-starred with Alison Steadman in News Hounds, directed by Les
Blair for Working Title and BBC TV. This won the British Academy of Film
and Television Arts Award for Best Single Television Drama of 1990. Later
that year, Adrian starred as Brad in Robin Lefevre's West End revival of
the cult movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Piccadilly Theatre.

Adrian wrote Consuela and Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door (the latter with Rik
Mayall and Rowland Rivron), both of which were directed by Stephen Frears.

He has also directed several successful pop videos including a
controversial "Prime Mover" for Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction;
"Hourglass" "Trust Me to Open My Mouth" and "853-5937" for Squeeze; The
Pogue's "Fiesta"; and 10,000 Maniac's "Like the Weather."

Television credits include:
The Young Ones (BBC)
Saturday Night Live - 'The Dangerous Brothers' skits (LWT/CH4)
The Comic Strip Presents (Channel 4)
The Lenny Henry Show
Blackadder Goes Forth -- as Baron Von Richtoven (1989)
Happy Families -- leading role (BBC)
Filthy, Rich and Catflap -- w/Rik Mayall and Nigel Planer (BBC)
Hardwicke House (1985)
Snakes and Ladders (6-part series) 1989 (Yorkshire TV)
News Hounds (1990)
Absolutely Fabulous -- apppeared in
Bottom - (Noel Gay TV for BBC)
If You See God, Tell Him (4-part series)

Film includes:
Supergrass (A Comic Strip film)--title role
Bad News -- wrote and directed
More Bad News -- wrote and directed
Private Enterprise -- wrote and directed
Dirty Movie -- wrote and starred in
Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door -- (A Comic Strip film) written by Rik, Adrian,
 and Rowland Rivron

Theatre includes:
Honest, Decent and True -- leading role (1985)
Waiting for Godot -- West End production (1991)
Bottom, the Stage Show -- filmed at Southampton Mayflower Theatre April,
 1993, and toured countrywide

    2.4 The Comic Strip Presents

The Comic Strip gets its name from a revue of the same name. It ran from
October 1980 to July 1981 and starred the regulars that appear in the TV
Comic Strip films: Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Miranda Richardson,
Nigel Planer, Rik Mayall, Adrian Edmondson, and Alexei Sayle.

There is a newly revamped episode guide compiled by Michael Shephard
<michaels@jake.chem.unsw.EDU.AU>. It can be obtained via ftp:

    2.5 Private Life?

I have it on good authority that that's strictly private. However, it seems
this FAQ wouldn't be complete if it wasn't mentioned that Adrian Edmondson
is married to comedian/writer Jennifer Saunders, who was also in the Comic
Strip ensemble, is 1/2 of the 'French and Saunders' comedy team, co-stars
and writes the t.v. show 'Absolutely Fabulous,' and probably deserves an
FAQ herself!

Rik Mayall was once involved with Lise Meyer around the time of 'The Young
Ones.' Meyer wrote the show with Rik and Ben Elton, and is a force on the
comedy scene in England in her own right.

Michelle T. Street <mtstreet@firefly.prairienet.org> tells me:

"If I remember correctly...Rik's wife is named Barbara - both she and Lise
Mayer were pregnant with Rik's child at the same time! Lise ended up
miscarrying and Rik now has two or three kids...Lise...has had affairs with
Rowan Atkinson, Hugh Laurie, and a slew of other comics."


    3.1 What is Emmerdale Farm?

"MAD Mosher" <I.R.Purdie@bradford.ac.uk> described this Brit TV show to me:

"'Emmerdale Farm" is a weekday soap opera about life in the Yorkshire
Moors. Its based around the aforementioned farm, some village, and a pub
called the Woolpack. Typical UK cr*p, to be honest...I think that's why
it's parodied in 'Bottom'!"

Jerry Kohl <pnm@u.washington.edu> writes:

"Known since 1990 simply as 'Emmerdale.' It's a twice-a-week evening soap,
generally ranking third among soaps in the UK, after 'Coronation Street'
and 'East Enders.' Whether it's 'typical UK cr*p' or not is a matter of

    3.2 Who is Sue Carpenter?

James Kew <j.kew@ic.ac.uk> comments "She's a rather second-rate newsreader;
the joke is that R & E are infatuated by these kind of 'fantasy' characters
because...they're too sad to meet women in real life."

Thanks James. I can't relate to that _at all_. :D

    3.3 Who is Felicity Kendal?

Jerry Kohl <pnm@u.washington.edu> writes "She's well known for her stage
work, but has done a fair amount of television as well...(The Good Life) is
generally regarded as one of the three or four all-time best comedies ever
made for British TV. Kendal and Briers played Barbara and Tom Good (hence
the title), who decide to drop out of the rat-race and try self-sufficiency
farming in the London suburb of Surbiton."

James Kew adds: "Felicity had (and still has) a sort of 'thinking-man's
crumpet' appeal."

Adrian Myers <adrian@isltd.insignia.com> notes: "To help understand Ms.
Kendal's significance to Bottom, it's worth noting that [she] was once
well-renowned for her sexy posterior. So much so, that she is a former
winner of the Jeans Industry's Rear Of the Year award."

There is in fact an FAQ on "The Good Life," maintained by Tony Velasquez,
posted regularly on rec.arts.tv.uk.

NOTE: "The Good Life" is known in the U.S. as "Good Neighbors."

    3.4 Is Eddie Hitler really related to Adolf Hitler?

No. Eddie is asked in two separate episodes if he's "any relation". The
episodes are "'S UP" and "Digger." Eddie takes this to mean, "Do you have
any relations?", but what the characters are asking is "Are you related to
Adolf Hitler?" They're trying to joke with him, and it goes right over his


    4.1 Series 3 Gets Underway
David Owen <dro@dsbc.icl.co.uk> informs me that the third series of Bottom
is currently in production. He notes, "Tickets have been available for the
studio recordings from the BBC ticket unit for about 2 months now. I
believe several of the shows are in the can already." He spoke to a BBC
employee who confirmed that series three was indeed in production.

    4.2 General Trivia

Eddie Monsoon seems to be a name Adrian Edmondson and wife like: Jennifer
Saunders named her character in Absolutely Fabulous "Edwina Monsoon," but
she is constantly called "Eddie" in the series. Additionally, Adrian
used this name in the movie: "Eddie Monsoon - A Life".
Jan Staff makes the observation: "When Eddie goes back to sleep after the
visit from 'Santa Claus' (Richie), he imitates the Edward Munch painting
'The Scream'." There have been alot of strong reactions to this assertion
by Bottom fans: some agree, others disagree vehemently. You make the call.

Also in "Holy", Eddie decorates the flat by spraying "QPR" (see dictionary)
in white snow-flocky stuff on the wall; he also sprays "edIe Is grate".
    4.3 The Red Dwarf Connection
Robert Llewellyn, who plays "Kryten" on the cult sci-fi comedy show Red
Dwarf, had a cameo in 'Parade' as a one-legged Falklands war veteran.

Peter Wragg handled the special effects on both Bottom and Red Dwarf.

Does the landlord in the pub look familiar to you? He's Lee Cornes,
probably better known as Dave Lister's Paranoia in "Red Dwarf".

The actor at the end of "Accident" who gets his arm pinched at the "birthday
party" by Richie is Mark Williams. He was also in Red Dwarf as "Olaf
Peterson" (series 1, episodes 1 and 3, and series 2, episode 4). (He's also
been in Alexei Sayle's STUFF.)

Interestingly, Ed Bye directed all of the episodes of Bottom. Red Dwarf
fans know him for his direction of the first three seasons of that show.

(Trivia not related to Bottom: "Rocket" was the cameraman for both The
Young Ones and Red Dwarf.)

|   4.4 The cast--did you know...?

Helen Lederer ("Natasha" in "Digger") has also appeared in Absolutely
Fabulous and The Young Ones.

Christopher Ryan (who plays "Dave Hedgehog") also was cast in The Young
Ones as Mike some ten years earlier. 

Steven O'Donnell ("Spudgun") has been in the BBC drama "Casualty".

Brian Glover ("Mr. Rottweiler") is an accomplished actor who has been in
many films; notably, he had a small but important part in "Kafka," starring
Jeremy Irons.

Lee Cornes has also been seen in a bit part in The Young Ones. Can anyone
tell me what else he's been in?

Julia Sawalha (the bar-maid in "Parade") is also in the cast of "Absolutely
Fabulous." She plays Saffron Monsoon, Edina's (Jennifer Saunders)
daughter. She is currently filming "Pride and Prejudice" in England.

    4.5 A Dictionary for Americans

A dictionary of UK slang and public figures for Americans. 

This section was recently expanded to include slang and expressions that
weren't used in Bottom, in order to meet the demand on the internet for
this information.
For a more exhaustive dictionary, see Jeremy Smith's "British English
Dictionary, A to Zed" at:

BBC = the British Broadcasting Corporation
Beeb = affectionate name for the BBC
bird = slang for woman
Birmingham Six, The = were wrongly convicted of an IRA bombing, sentenced 
 to umpteen years in jail, but were recently released after an 
 investigation ("Burglary")
biro = ball-point pen ("Smells", "Culture")
bog = toilet
bog-roll = toilet roll
bugger = general insult ("You Bugger!"); some believe a derivation of 
  sodomy with animals 
bugger off = go away
Carpenter, Sue = British newscaster (see sect. 3.2)
chat-up lines = pick-up lines ("Digger")
cracking = great ("What a cracking bird!")
dole = welfare ("I'm on the dole.")
dosh = money
football = soccer (very big in England, like baseball in the U.S.)
Floyd, Keith = celebrity in UK; has a cooking show. Keith's most noticeable
 characteristics are his exhuberance, and the fact that he always has a wine
 bottle in his hand. ("Holy")
jumper = sweater ("Smells")
Kendal, Felicity = an actress famous for starring in 'The Good Life', a very
 popular 70's BBC sitcom. Her bottom is held in very high regard by some 
 British males. (see sect. 3.3)
kip = sleep ("I could do with a kip" or "He's kipping on the sofa.")
knackered = tired or broken
knob = penis (see also nob) ("Accident", "Holy")
Late Show, The = title of a late-night "intellectual" show on BBC2
Marmite = brand name for a thick black yeast spread used on toast, or in 
  sandwiches. Widely used in the U.K.
nicked = stolen ("Smells")
nob = short for "nobility" (see also knob) ("Holy")
on the pull = looking for sex; seeking a 'one-night-stand' (notably, also 
 used in Red Dwarf, "Kryten" [Season 2])
pants = underwear ("Smells")
Polo (s) = round, white, minty candies. ("Digger")
QPR = Queen's Park Rangers, a London soccer team (sprayed on wall in
quid = pound (monetary unit in England); 500 quid = 500 pounds ("Accident")
Rantzen, Esther = she presented a show called "That's Life" on BBC1, that's
 been on the air for 20 years; her teeth are very prominent ("Culture")
Ross, Jonathan = TV presenter who does/did a similar show to David
 Letterman's. Has a famous speech impediment: he pronounces his R's as W's.
sad = usually means pathetic; recently it has come to mean the same as 
 "crap" ("That was well sad.")
Scott, Selina = newscaster/presenter/celebrity ("Burglary")
shag = sexual intercourse (used in many episodes)
Sketchley's = a chain of high-street dry cleaners ("S'Out")
slap-up = four-star, excellent 
snog = deep-mouth kissing
swizz = rip-off ("'S Up")
ta = informal thank you ("Gas")
telly = television
Tizer = a bright orange fruity-flavoured fizzy drink, mostly drunk by kids ("Digger")
torch = flashlight ("'S Up")
tot = nonsense (considered to be old-fashioned slang)
whinging = whining, to complain in an annoying manner
wank, wanker = masturbation, one who masturbates; also used as a more general insult
Z (Pronounced ZED) = Z (Pronounced Zee)

    4.6 Setting of the show

The setting is Hammersmith, which, according to James Kew is "...not one of
the more upmarket areas of London; quite alright though. The scene in  the
opening titles is Hammersmith Broadway, which was a construction site at
the time of filming; it's since been redeveloped."


    5.1 WWW Site
All twelve scripts (as well as this FAQ, video and book information, and
"Bottom Live") can be found on the World Wide Web at the cathouse.org
British Comedy Pages. The URL:


To jump directly to the pictures:


    5.2 FTP Sites

Scripts of the first two series (as well as "Bottom Live") are available at
these sites, as well as this FAQ. The sites are:


|   5.3 The Books
There are two books out in Britain of the scripts for Bottom.

1) SEASON 1: "Bottom: The Scripts" (BBC Books)
    Hardback:  ISBN 0-536-36484-X, UK #8.99.
    Paperback: ISBN 0-14-023497-7, UK #4.99, Australia $12.95.

2) SEASON 2: "More Bottom: The Scripts" (BBC Books)
   Hardback:  ISBN 0-563-37032-7, #8.99. No paperback available yet.

    5.4 RE: 'S Out
For a transcript of the last episode of Bottom ('S Out), which has never
aired in Britain, see Part 3 of this FAQ.
