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Issue Number 25, June 1985 We have the Means AROUSE THE SLUMBER- ING GIANT Informed, Aroused and Organized, the White Race is overwhelmingly the most Powerful Force on the face of the earth. Back in 1726 Jonathan Swift wrote a political satire on the morals and manners of his time. It was called Gulliver's Travels, and although the political message itself was lost on most of its readers, it has engendered a special appeal that has lasted for nearly 250 years, and undoubtedly will remain a classic for years to come. There are several parts to the story of Gulliver's Travels, but we want to focus mainly on the first part, where Gulliver an English sailor, is shipwrecked, washed ashore on an island called Lilliput, a land inhabited by little people less than six inches tall. Although written nearly two and a half centuries ago the moral of the story is more applicable to the plight of the White Man today than it was to the average Englishman at the time Jonathan Swift wrote his classic. The story begins with Gulliver aboard the Antelope on a voyage to the East Indies In 1699, when the ship was engulfed in a fierce storm northwest of Van Diemin's Land. The ship was driven on a rock and foundered. Many hours later Gulliver finally managed to reach the shores of the island in our story, but none of his companions evidently sur- vived. When Gulliver finally reached shore he was extremely ex- hausted from the ordeal. He pulled himself up on the beach and im- mediately tell into a deep sleep that lasted more than nine hours. When he woke up he found he was lying on his back, and com- pletely unable to move. Strange little creatures were buzzing all around him, walking all over his body and all in a great state of excitement. These little creatures, the Lilliputians, had tied him down with thousands of tiny strings, any one of which he would have been able to break with ease, but because of the massive numbers fastening down his limbs, body and head, he was now unable to move. 193 I am not sure what political message Swift had in mind for the Englishmen of 1726, but the story more nearly describes the posi- tion the White Man finds himself in today, and how, while in a state of slumbering subconsciousness, he has allowed the inferior parasitic Jew to tie him down hand and foot. There is a further development in the story of Gulliver that reflects on the White Race of today. When Gulliver finally wrenched loose his left arm and also the pegs that tied down his hair, the Lillipu- tians unleashed a swarm of arrows at his arm and face. This persuaded Gulliver to lie still, and when the leader ap- proached him with a long oration, Gulliver signalled that he needed food and drink by repeatedly pointing at his mouth. This the little people supplied him with, including two of their miniature hogsheads of wine, which contained a sleeping potion. This induced him to sleep another eight hours, during which time the busy little Lilliputians had hoisted him onto a machine with twenty-two wheels, seven feet long, and three inches off the ground. He was again thoroughly tied down and ready to be carted off to their capitol city. The White Man has repeatedly found himself in a similar dilem- ma, Although he has the strength, the numbers, the intellect to beat the hell out of his inferior enemy, the Jew, he has through some spiritual quirks, some defect of character, repeatedly allowed himself to be tied down helplessly by thousands of Jewish strings. Most of these strings have been invisible inhibitions, mental hang-ups. strange cobwebs of the mind. They have, in short, been self imposed handicaps, strings that he could easily smash if he were of a will to do so. (Read again Self Imposed Handicaps, in Issue Number 6 of Expanding Creativity.) It is our objective to catalogue these suicidal quirks, these idiotic mental hang-ups, to analyze them, and bring them to the light of day. Having done so, it is our further objective to defuse them, neutralize them, and to straighten out the White Man's thinking. Once have accomplished that much, the rest is easy. We then want to arouse the White Man to militant action, to break the Jewish ties that bind him again wrest control of his own destiny back into the hands of the White Race We have the power to do so. (Read again Issue Number 9 in Expan- ding Creativity, "We are not Helpless. ") THE TIES THAT BIND US ARE FETTERS OF THE MIND. Just as Gulliver was tied down by thousands of strings, no one of which alone would have held him, so there are thousands of mental fetters that tie down and immobilize the White Man. But let us list only the major impediments: By far the most destructive mind boggler with which our enemy 194 has drugged the White race for the last 18 centuries is religion. It is Jewish Christianity that has been (and still is) the key to the White Man's debility and has paralyzed his mind to submit to the multiple outrages the Jew has inflicted upon him. It is THE major mind bender, but it has many offshoots, and is not the only hang-up with which the Jew has saddled us. For the record, let us make a random listing of some of these stupid mental fetters, and not necessarily in order of importance. 1. We are all God's children and all equal in the eyes of the Lord. 2. There are spooks in the skies watching our every move, look- ing over our shoulders and taking notes. When we die we are going to be held responsible for our every action, our every word, and it will all be thrown back fn our face. 3. We are going to be punished when we die for every "wrong" we committed. 4. That punishment is of the utmost horror - burning in hell, forever and ever. 5. We must love our enemies; we must turn the other cheek. 6. If we work hard, keep our nose to the grindstone, save our money and are successful, we should feel guilty, because we were just more "fortunate" than the other fellow. 7. We should feel guilty for all the stupid, irresponsible scum in the world that are going hungry. They were merely "less fortunate," and it is our duty to feed them. 8. We must not judge other people lest we be judged. (What a joke!) 9. All races are equal, some just (a) got started later (b) were underprivileged (c) held back by the White Race (d) weren't given the same opportunity. 10. All races are equal, but the Jews are more equal than anybody, and really superior. 11. We're equal in the eyes of the Lord, but the Jews are God's Chosen. 12. The Niggers are not only our equal, but really superior in sports. 13. The niggers are financially poorer than the White people only because they have been discriminated against. 14. Because the niggers have been "held back," we should now compensate for our guilt by granting them special preferences in jobs, especially in the government. This is called "Affirmative Action." 15. We owe the whole world a living, and since we are more fortunate, we owe 126 countries subsidies and foreign aid from here to eternity. 16. Israel is a special ally, our only bulwark in the Middle East, the only democracy in the Middle East, our staunch ally (who vicious- 195 ly attacked our billion dollar intelligence gathering ship, the U.S.S. LIBERTY in 1967, killing 32 U.S. sailors). 17. We must "shore up" Israel's defenses at the expense of our own, even if it strips our own defense mechanism to the bone. 18. Israel, above all, must be subsidized by the American tax- payer to the tune of at least $10,000 per Jew family a year, with a rapid escalation each succeeding year. 19. Above all, we must support and kow-tow to Israel because they are God's Chosen people, and God will punish us if we don't, (says Jerry Falwell and his ilk). 20. The Federal Reserve is a government agency, not a Jewish counterfeit ring. 21. When the Federal Reserve puts green ink on a piece of paper it immediately becomes extremely valuable, as if by magic. 22. Our multi-trillion dollar debts are really only owned to ourselves. Above are 22 idiotic mental hang-ups that tie our hands. They are all lies, and at best, fictitious concepts that have been planted in our minds. But they have been slopped on our minds so repeated- ly that our thinking is impaired, our mind is clogged. Who planted them? Well, the same scurrilous gang that gave us Christianity - the tribe of Judah. It is they who have us hog-tied and are inducing us to be willingly immobilized, victimized, slandered robbed and enslaved. They are the beneficiaries, we are the deluded victims. But there is hope, and there is a way out. What misconceptions can be implanted in our minds by means of a heavy dose of propagan- da, can also be undone by counter propaganda and enlightenment. We are not helpless. We have the means, we have the resources, the power, the numbers and the intelligence. Now that CREATIVITY has given the White Race an entirely new perspective on life, on race and on our reason for existence, we have the weapons with which to do thc job. We now know not only what must be done, but we now know how to do it. What is it we must do? It's very simple. We must now build a massive power structure with which we can smash the Jewish swin- dle and wipe it from off the face of the earth. We must propagan- dize, proselytize, organize. We must build our own conveyor belt of information and propaganda. We must face reality, build our own civilization and culture on a solid foundation. This foundation must be based on the Eternal Laws of Nature, as our pagan ancestors had started in do in the days of the ancient Greeks and Romans. (Read again Marcus Eli Ravages's article, Creative Credo Number 43 "Confes- sions of a Jew" on Page 286 of the White Man's Bible.) We must bring the White Race back to its senses and utilize the 196 massive power that is inherently ours to wield. We now have the creed, we have the program, and we have the means. Let us rally round our own racial religion and realize the awesome might that is ours and utilize It to our own benefit. Nature endowed us with many very special gifts. Nature also has told us we have the unrestricted right (yes, duty!) to utilize them to the hilt - for our own survival, for our own benefit. Let us get busy and do just that. Like the giant Gulliver, for too long we have been asleep at the switch, allowing the inferior little parasites of the world to tie our minds with thousands of paralyzing lies. It is time for the White Giant to rouse himself, shake the cobwebs from off his brain, untie his mighty hands and again take control of his own destiny and the world. We deserve it. We are worth it. We are, in fact, the only race that can again restore a dying planet back to health and sanity. Let us never forget Gen. MacArthur's famous Dictum: There is no substitute for Victory. Creativity has it all put together - the whole ball of wax. A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body is very much a part of the CREATIVITY creed. We Creators are not nearly us interested in advancing our already too complex technology as we are in upgrading our own gene pool. 197 Comparative Religions - Part II JUDAISM When Golda Meir was Prime Minister of the bandit state of Israel in the late '60's, she unabashedly proclaimed to the Israeli Knesset in Yiddish, "I am a non-believer. yet no one will be able to root from my heart and mind the conviction that without the Jewish religion (Judaism) we would have been like all other nations, who once ex- isted and disappeared." From the Prime Minister of a nation of congenital liars, this state- ment was an exception to the rule. She not only made an astute obser- vation of history, but for once, she spoke the truth, and she spoke her innermost, cherished convictions, a conviction that is clung to by the overwhelming majority of Jews. To the Jews, their race IS their religion, and conversely, the survival, expansion and ad- vancement of their race is solidly based on their deceitful religion. Without it they would have been nothing, not even a jot in history. This is further confirmed by the Jew, Marcus Eli Ravage, whose ar- ticle appeared in the February, 1928 issue of "Century Magazine," which we reproduce in full in (The White Man's Bible on Page 286). He tells the story of their religion more explicitly and the powerful role Jewish Christianity has played in their conquest of the world. With their Judaic religion, however they have in the last two thousand years directed the course of human history, controlled, fleeced and pirated not only nations, but whole civilizations and become the scourge of mankind. Today they are not only a threat to civilization, but well on their way towards wiping out Nature's Finest species, the White Race itself, an mongrelizing and enslaving all of mankind. Where and when did Judaism have its beginnings? The answers to both these questions - the where and the when - are vague, and lost In the myths and mists of ancient history. The Jews themselves have never bothered to accurately trace their earliest beginnings. Being Masters of Deceit they instead indulged in such mythical fairy tales as the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, a bizarre story that would actually be a disgrace to any other people and has absolutely no basis in historical fact. (Read again Chapter Number 10, Book I, of Nature's a Eternal Religion, "The Old Testament." In evaluating the deceitful nature of the beast, I cannot help coming to the same conclusion as I do about the Christians' story of Christ and that is this: There is not a scintilla of historical evidence that 198 there ever were any Jewish characters such as Jesus Christ, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or even Moses, for that matter. All we have is an immense collection of confused, helter-skelter propaganda dumped on us like a load of manure, but little else. Since their stories are so outrageously bizarre, only the most naive yokel could swallow such idiotic tall tales. What we can piece together is that the Jews originated as a band of cutthroats and thieves somewhere in the Middle East around Palestine, which, from the dawn of history, has been the crossroads of the trade caravans. Here they developed their early cohesiveness and tribal loyalty, which later they had the shrewd foresight to weld into a racial religion. As with all thieves and gangsters, this loyalty and cohesiveness was based on fear, on a need for self-preservation and a common danger from their enemies. Since an outlaw gang is despised, feared and hated by just about everybody, anybody that was not part of the exclusive criminal brotherhood was their enemy. In short, the whole world was their enemy, to be deceived, robbed, subjugated and/or destroyed. This then became the basis of the Jewish religion - fear and hatred, with the whole world as their common enemy. As sinister as this may seem upon which to found a religion, strangely it has survived for the last 5000 years or so. In the mean- time, through the process of culling and evolution, these criminal instincts have become sharper, more deadly, and much more effec- tive. They also became efficiently organized on a worldwide basis as has no other religion on the face of the earth. They are now the only force in today's civilization, a force that controls the world's governments, finances, culture (or the degeneration thereof), education, what "news" is broadcast and what is suppressed. They now manipulate not only nations, but whole races (such as the White Race) as effectively as any rancher manipulates his cows or sheep. In fact, the Jews themselves refer to all non-Jews of the world as goy or goyim, which is a derogatory term meaning cattle. One of the greatest accomplishments of the Jews is the fact that they have fashioned a religion that has proved to be completely in tune with their innately parasitic nature, and consequently, tremen- dously effective in enhancing those characteristics with which Nature has endowed them. They are, in the true sense of the word, a parasite and their religion has enabled them to develop and exercise this parasitic trait to its highest degree. As parasites the Jews have been around a long time. The Jews are not creative in any sense of the word, but have had the cunning to observe, to copy and to adapt any useful customs, practices, or religious rituals from those nations and civilizations into whose vitals they bored. And this includes most of the great White civilizations 199 of history. But the Jews are more than just a parasite. They have also had the effects of a consuming cancer on those nations they in- filtrated and infected, and they have maimed and/or destroyed every nation they have surreptitiously invaded. This includes practically the entire roster of the great White civilizations of history. Starting with Egypt, they infested Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Rome, not to mention a number of non-White nations like India, and a number of the Moslem nations. From Rome they spread out along the trade routes of the conquering Roman armies until they infested and in- fected every formerly pagan White nation in Europe. With the spread of Christianity (a Jewish concoction and an offshoot of Judaism) they were quick to seize control of the White Man's finances, commerce, religion and government in the then developing White nations of Europe. They have held that control ever since. I have said that the Jews were not creative as such, but that they did have a knack of adapting anything useful for their own benefit from their host nations. From no other nation did they learn as much as the first great White nation they helped mongrelize, namely the Egyptians. In fact, every facet and fictitious concept that structured their parasitic religion was originally conceived by the Egyptians. This in- cludes a long list of which the following ideas are the main building blocks: (a) the idea of a "soul" (b) the idea of "eternal life" (c) the idea of "gods; ' both good and evil (d) the idea of "one god" (Ikhnaton) (e) the idea of offerings and supplications to appease the god or gods (f) the idea of baptism (purification by ablution) (g) the idea of building grandiose temples to supplicate and honor their gods (h) circumci- sion of the infants, and a number of other beliefs, customs and rituals, including vague ideas of heaven and hell. In fact, it was during their lengthy stay in Egypt that the Jewish religion was fully incubated and took a structured form. How many Jews are there in the world? The Jews claim (to the goyim) that there are only approximately 20 million or so. But this figure is completely meaningless, for two reasons (a) the Jews are congenital liars, and (b) unlike Christians, Mohammedans, Mor- mons, etc., the Jews have historically suppressed any count of their own numbers and made that suppression an integral part of their religion. This they have done to confuse and at the same time allay the fears of the goyim that they are (ha! ha!) only a small group of religious people, and no threat to anybody. Whether they secretly have a true count of their numbers, I can only surmise, and since they are so thorough in their study aud control of demography, I am sure they not only have an accurate count of their own total numbers, but also where each is distributed and located. What that total number is I can only guess, and in comparison to the now total world 200 population of 5.3 billion, it is comparatively small. But I am sure it is not 20 million. My guess is that it is more in the range of 80 million, but until such time as the White Man again regains control of his own destiny and statistics, we can only guess. From that time on, however, we can also be sure that their numbers will dwindle rapidly. Since they are a parasitic race, we will let Nature take its course and let them wither on the vine as rapidly as possible. On the positive side we of The Church Of The Creator will give the Jews credit on several counts. (a) Although they are anti-Nature in their outlook and life-style, they have most faithfully obeyed one of Nature's basic laws - the survival of their own species comes first. (b) They practice Racial Loyalty with a fanaticism as has no other race in history. (c) They are tenacious to a degree no other people can equal. Their patience, persistence and perseverance in the in- terest of their race is unmatched by any other people and has enabl- ed them to endure all these thousands of years. (d) They have developed the practice of racial teamwork to a fine art. (e) They are pragmatic and realists. On the negative side, the Jews are (a) The number one human parasite. They are uncreative, uncultured, and could build neither a nation, a state nor a civilization if left to themselves. Like a flea or a maggot, they are condemned by Nature to subsist on the body of another people, a race that is productive, especially such as the White Race. (b) Being non-productive, they are culture destroyers, and like a cancer, devour those host nations and peoples whose vitals they bore into. (c) They are cruel, vicious, treacherous, perfidious and deceitful. They are the world's greatest liars and the master sneaks of all time. (d) They are, in fact, the scourge of mankind, and the most deadly enemy the White Race has ever faced, and are still the most dangerous menace we are saddled with today. Nevertheless, be that as it may, we of The Church Of The Creator have learned an overwhelming lesson from the history of the Jews and it is this: Religion is a powerful weapon for the survival of a race, and a racial religion properly matched to its adherents, is unbeatable. Unfortunately, until now the White Race has never had such a religion. The Ancient religions of the classical White civilizations such as the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans, were at best innocuous superstitions that had absolutely no racial values as such and did nothing to either protect or preserve the race. In fact, such religions as the Egyptians had were so deeply engrossed in supplicating and serving fictitious spooks that most of the time, energy and resources of these people were poured down a bottomless rathole building temples, statues and pyramids in honor of their gods or their god's stand-ins, the Pharaohs. 201 Then in the first century, C.E., the Jews conceived the brilliant idea of foisting a suicidal religion on the great Roman civilization and the White Race as a whole. Their overwhelming success is chronicled in Creative Credo Number 43 of the White Man's Bible and there is no need to repeat it here, Suffice it to say that the White Race as a result of this Jewish poison is now a dying species and the need for drastic action is now urgent and imperative. The answer to the Jewish poison is CREATIVITY and the need is to convince our White Racial Comrades that it is the answer the White Man has needed for his own survival since the days of the Ancient Egyptians. * * * * * JUDAISM VS. CREATIVITY - A COMPARISON In order to reinforce such convictions we offer a comparison bet- ween Judaism and Creativity. Foundation of belief. (a) JUDAISM is founded on the story that the Jews are the racial and tribal descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; that "God" (a fictitious concept derived from the Egyptians) chose them as a favored, special race above all others. It is this concept that they are "God's Chosen" that has done more to propel the Jews forward through history and persist than perhaps any other single fictitious concept in their religion. (b) CREATIVITY is based on the Eternal Laws of Nature: on the experience of history, on logic and common sense. We believe that the White Race is Nature's finest and greatest achievement, and that Nature has endowed the White Race with a greater abundance of intelligence and creativity than any other people. The White Race also is unmatched in its ability to create culture and civilization; to organize and govern itself; it is unmatched in the faculties of science, technology, architecture, art, music and literature, and any number of other civilized and cultural pursuits. Whereas the Jews proclaim they are "God's Chosen," a fictitious concept, we believe we are Nature's Finest. tor the good reason that the evidence is overwhelming. Books that form the Basis of Religious Beliefs. (a) The Judaic religion is based on a number of basic books. Listing them in chronological order they are: (1) The Old Testa- ment (2) The Talmud (3) Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital and (4) The Protocol of The Learned Elders of Zion. Of all these, the Talmud is their holiest of all books. In nitpick- 202 ing form It covers and circumscribes just about every of Jewish life, including law, custom, religion, and every other detail. (See Chapter 9, Book I of NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION "Five Basic Books"). The Basic Books of Creativity are Nature's Eternal Religion, The White Man's Bible an Salubrious Living. These books not only give the White Race goals and direction for its own survival, expansion and advancement but a creed and philosophy to live by and prosper for the next million years. Since they have been amply described in all our previous literature, there is no need to do so here. (a) The Jews are inherently parasitic and their Judaic religion strives to enable the Jews to live off of the productive peoples of the world, mainly the White Race. The ultimate goal as set forth in The Talmud is to undermine all the goy, to downbreed them, to mongrelize them, and enslave them, with every Jew a king and every goyim their stupid servant. Their further goal is for the Jews to ac- crue all the gold, money and wealth of the world unto themselves and have the stupid brown mongrels as their servants and slaves. (b) The goals of CREATIVITY are manifold: (1) The survival, expan- sion and advancement of the White Race exclusively. (2) To get the parasitic Jews and other freeloading mud peoples off our back and let them shift for themselves. (3) Since the Jews and other mud peoples can neither feed themselves nor compete with an enlight- ed White Race, their numbers will shrivel and eventually wither on the vine. (A) By practicing Eugenics, to upgrade the gene pool of the White Race. (5) Rebuild the land and environment of the Planet Earth. (6) For the White Race to finally inhabit this planet exclusively. (7) And in general, to build a Whiter and Brighter World. CONCLUSION We will state up front that in structuring a racial religion for the White Race we have learned more from Judaism than all the other religions combined, and we make no bones about it. The reason is simple: If a racial religion such as Judaism can sustain a scurvy race of parasites for 50 centuries and propel them upward to gain control of the world, then just think what a similar racial religion can do for the great White Race. The potential is unbounded and the sky is the limit. And that is exactly what we have done in Creativity - deliberate- ly, logically and thoroughly. We are finally doing at long last what the Egyptians should have done 5000 years ago - structuring a racial religion for the White Race. Our basic Golden Rule in a way is the same as that of the Jews: Whatever is best for our race is the highest virtue; what is bad for our race is the ultimate sin. 203 But there the similarity ends. Whereas the Jews are the eternal parasite, condemned by Nature to forever live off the backs of another race or perish, we, of the White Race are just the opposite. We need no other race for our well-being or our welfare, and would, in fact, be a thousand times better off if this planet were completely devoid of all the inferior mud races, including the Jews. But we have several other overwhelming advantages over the Jews. We are far more intelligent, creative, industrious and produc- tive than are the Jews (or any of the other mud races). We greatly outnumber the parasites a dozen times over. Cleansed of racial pollu- tion, left to our own devices and culture, what with our program of racial upgrading and eugenics, we could, in a short span of history, build a virtual paradise on earth. And this, in fact, is our ultimate goal. * * * * * 204 Amadeus, you wuz robbed! This dissertation is partly about geniuses, and what an ir- replaceable treasure they are to our race and to civilization in general. We also want to examine how they have been ignored, neglected and abused, when they should have been nurtured, treasured and ap- preciated. In fact, we want to look at the life and misfortunes of one particularly bright star in the firmament who lived in the 18th cen- tury. His name was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Johannes Chrysostomus Wolgangus Theophilus Mozart, the name by which he was christened, was born at Salzburg, Austria, on January 27, 1756 and died in Vienna, Dec. 5, 1791. There are two observations that stand out in the preceding sentence (a) his names were drawn from classical history and mostly end in -us, and (b) he died in the prime of life at the relatively young age of less than thirty-six. Mozart's phenomenal precocity as a child and as a youth is without parallel in musical history. Educated by his father, Leopold Mozart, an able, pedagogically minded violinist in the service of the Archbishop of Salzburg, young Wolfgang had harpsichord lessons at three, composed at four, and at seven played the harpsichord, the organ and the violin. Two sets of his sonatas for harpsichord and violin were published in France when Wolfgang was still at the tender age of seven. He composed two symphonies in England at eight, an opera buf- fa at eleven, Lafunta semplice, for Joseph II of Austria; and an opera seria at fourteen, Mitridate, Re di Ponto. The composer's fluency and seemingly inexhaustible produc- tiveness continued unabated throughout his short life, resulting in a total of six hundred and twenty-six known works, including forty symphonies, twenty-two operas, twenty-three string quartets, twenty- three concertos for piano and orchestra, twenty-five sonatas for violin and piano, and a very large number of other compositions. No less phenomenal was Mozart's ability as a performer on three instruments. This was amply demonstrated by the impression he made wherever he appeared as a child or as a mature man. Con- vinced that his son deserved recognition and a secure position not offered by the provincial circles of Salzburg, his father, Leopold, per- sonally took the boy, or encouraged him to go, on tours of the chief European capitals. The tours netted father and son little more than lavish admiration, a legendary reputation and a few meager prince- ly gifts. Finanacially, they were disappointing, and they did not lead to a court or other appointment comensurate with the gifts of this great 205 genius, nor with his financial needs. lt is one of the several tragic factors in Mozart's life, that in an age when the artist and especially the musician was particularly dependent on enlightened patronage, no satisfactory post was open to the man whom Haydn called "the greatest musician that I know, whether personally or by reputation," and who Johann Hasse declared, "will cause us all to be forgotten." He did acquire several unremunerative positions such as honorary maeatro di Capella, which he held with the Archbishop of Salzburg; chamber musician and court composer for Joseph II of Austria; and several other temporary appointments. But none of these paid Mozart enough to keep body and soul together. He lived mostly by commissions for operas and other compositions, and by teaching. His income was always precarious and his later years were haunted by poverty and debt. Mozart's marriage to Constanze Weber in 1782, disapproved by his ever cautious father, was the beginning of a desperate period of anxiety and debt. He spent the last ten years in Vienna and the ex- tent of his great productivity may be judged by the fact that in the last five years of that period he committed to paper five extended string quintets, the last three symphonies, two of the most impor- tant of his piano concertos, and operas Le nozze di Figuro, Don Giouanni. Cosi fan tutte, Die Zauberflote (The Magic Flute) and La Clemenza di tito to mention only the most important of his works. He was at work on the Requiem and had reached the crescendo of the Lacrimosa when he was suddenly stricken with paralysis and died on the following day, Dec. 5, 1791. Although there is some doubt as to the cause of his death, it is generally conceded that he was poisoned by a jealous composer, who considered himself a rival of Mozart, although he could not hold a candle to the great genius. His name was Antonio Salieri, and although history is not clear on this issue, I suspect strongly that he was an Italian Jew. Why do I think he was a Jew? Because he had all the earmarks of a Jew. He was without talent. He was insanely jealous; and he had a criminal urge to destroy and kill the best. Be that as it may, (and I will have more to say about this aspect later) none of Mozart's friends even bothered to follow his body through a violent storm as he was buried in a pauper's grave. His wife, a few days later, could find no one to identify that grave and it has not been discovered since. So died in poverty, neglect and unappreciation one of the greatest musical geniuses the White Race has ever produced. We now bring this story up to the present. The life of Mozart had all the elements of a gripping drama. It had greatness, genius, fame, history, tragedy, jealousy, pathos and human interest. Not only 206 that, but it also had a great musical repertoire to draw from. In short, it had all the basic elements for the production of a first-rate motion picture. The Jews, who dominate the motion picture industry and are ever on the lookout to make a fast buck, did just that in 1984. In order to enhance their profit, the picture was made in communist Czechoslovakia, where costs are considerably lower, utilizing the talents of many foreign artists. The result was "Amadeus," released in late 1984. As we are all aware, each year the Jews in the movie industry stage an orgy in self-adulation. It is held in Hollywood and is called the "Annual Motion Picture Academy Awards." This year "Amadeus" was the star of the show and carried away eight Oscars. This year, as I watched the nauseating display of the "Awards" on TV, I almost felt as if I were watching a revolting spectacular stag- ed not only in a foreign land, but on an alien planet. The bizarre display of glitter, glamor, bad taste and degeneration consisted of Jews, Jews, and more Jews, with some bizarre mulattoes and nig- gers thrown in, each patting themselves and each other on the back and reviewing the list of Jewish credits that had enabled them to flaunt their vulgar "art." As usual, there were a host of screeching niggers doing an imitation of singing, in a vulgar, disgusting display. Especially revolting was the mass ensemble of the "We are the Children of the World" monstrosity. Then, there was that bizarre mulattoe, Prince, all painted and decked out as lavishly as any chief- tain of the African bush niggers, with tight curls, gaudy headdress, purple robes and all. There were all kinds of foreign Jews who could hardly speak English. But there was something special about the awards given Amadeus." Smouldering in the background were several unresolved hatreds in the black hearts of the Jews, who can carry more hatreds for more centuries than anybody. And "Amadeus" was their vehicle to again besmirch that which they themselves can never possess - genuine greatness, real genius. There was one little quirk I noticed as the Jews were patting themselves on the back about what a wonderful production they had achieved in "Amadeus." They generously granted that it was a totally collaborative achievement in which, oh, so many countries had par- ticipated. Why, there was Czechoslovakia with all their talents, and there was Poland, and France, and England, and Spain, and Por- tugal, and Rumania, and even America. But strangely, Germany was never mentioned. Nor was it ever mentioned that Mozart was a Ger- man, born in the German city of Salzburg and lived and performed in the German city of Vienna. Although they were then part of the Austrio-Hungarian dual monarchy, nevertheless this whole area was 207 thoroughly German, evolving in a long-standing German culture that has produced more of the world's greatest music than any other na- tional group anywhere. Just as they have for more than 2000 years reviled an desecrated the Romans, for centuries attacked and besmirched everything German, and in this century poured out their voluminous hatred and venom against Hitler, so too can the Jews never resist attacking and befouling everything that is great and noble in the eyes of the White Race. And so it was with Mozart in his time, when he was hounded, persecuted and finally poisoned by an insanely jealous Jew. But greatness has a way of surviving all the vicious assaults of small mean minds, and Mozart is still great and famous for his brilliant works today, even more so than he was two hundred years ago. A few weeks ago the movie finally came to our local theatre and I went to see it. Since I had seen a few of the film clips on TV during the Academy Awards show and in subsequent ads, I had a good idea what to expect, and I was not disappointed. It was a Jewish rendi- tion from beginning to end. Instead of making a beautiful, moving drama of the life and times of Mozart, and taking advantage of the great music available to them, the Jews butchered it. It was repulsive. Mozart, who was played by Tom Hulce, was portrayed as being course, vulgar and a semi-idiot. He was repeatedly characterized with a whinnying type of horselaugh that could only come from a derang- ed personality. His girl friend, and eventually his wife, who was played by Elizabeth Berridge, was portrayed as a woman with a weak mind and extremely large breasts, the better part of which were on cons- tant display. The real hero of the piece was Antonio Salieri, the man who poisoned Mozart, and the whole story was told through his eyes as he disdainfully boasted about his mixed contempt and admiration for Mozart to a parrish priest. The part of Antonio Salieri was played (no surprise)by a Jew called Murray Abraham. One thing that was unusual about the "Amadeus" awards at the Academy night was that there were two nominations for leading ac- tor in the same film. It might have happened before but I don't ever remember when. And herein, too, the Jews were playing their evil little game. There was much speculation before the event - would Tom Hulce, who played Mozart, get the coveted award, or would the Jew, Murray Abraham who played Salieri, win? You guessed it - even in death Mozart was subdued by the evil Jew and the Best Actor award went to the villain who played the part of the poisoner, Murray Abraham. Having an insight into the Jewish character, I am sure this was all stage managed to come out just that way, and collectively, the Jews were smirking to themselves 208 as to how they had again triumphed over the superior genius of the goy. The Jews were indulging themselves in another Feast of Purim. * * * * * There are several lessons we should learn from the above. It is not only the dead geniuses of our illustrious past that we have short changed, but more to the point, we are doing so even more flagrarant- ly with our vast pool of White Racial talents today. It is extremely important that we must now learn to recognize such gifted creators while they are alive, encourage them and help them to develop their full potential. The White Race, more than the genius himself, will be the greater beneficiary from such an arrangement. This is what the School for gifted Boys is all about. We want to be able to recognize a young Mozart at an early age, then help promote him and propel him forward to develop his great potential. Not only do we want to make sure that he has every opportuni- ty to develop that latent genius, but there is another issue we want to safeguard. We also want to make damn sure that such talents and gifts are not stolen by our enemies and there by accrue to their benefit. Tragically, this is just what has happened in the past on both counts. We have neglected and ignored the best in our creative midst, and secondly. when such genius did emerge with no help from us, their contributions were quickly locked up by the Jews and invariably turned into a weapon against the White Race. The Jew openly brags that every major invention that the White Man has ever produced, whether it be Gutenberg's printing press, whether it be radio, television, or computers, the Jew has been quick to take over and turn it into a weapon for the destruction of the White Race. All this MUST CHANGE. As the program of The Church Of The Creator becomes more and more imbedded into the White Man's thinking we will recognize the talented, the bright, the gifted, and the geniuses in our midst. The White Race has unbounded poten- tial. We must learn to nurture and harness that potential. No other race can even come close. Having helped develop and harness that potential we must then channel it in such a manner that it will ac- crue to the best interests of our own race, not that of the enemy. The School for Gifted Boys is a small beginning in that direc- tion. Help support it, finance it and send us the boys. We will make sure that they are oriented in the fight direction to develop their full potential to help build a bright future for themselves and the White Race. * * * * * 209