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Lt. Col. James Bo Gritz (ret.) Verses Those U.S. Government Officials Whose Golden Triangle Heroin Trafficking Has Prevented the Return of Our POWs From Southeast Asia I am going to assume that you are acquainted with the seriousness of the matter presented herein. On a WHITE HOUSE sanctioned mission to Burma for the rescue of American Missing In Action I learned of a major heroin smuggling opperation involving past and present U.S. government officials which has obstructed the return of known American MIAs from Laos, Cambodia and Viet Nam. I reported this to the WHITE HOUSE and all appropriate congressional committees. I am now taking to the public the information these government officials refuse to act upon. (The Overview File is not ready at this time. My letter to George Bush and Khun Sa's letter to the Justice Department may serve to introduce this subject until Overview is finished.) February 1988 Sandy Valley, NV Honorable George Bush Vice President United States of America Washington, D.C. Sir: AWhy does it seem that you are saying "YES" to illegal narcotics in America? I turned over video tapes to your NSC staff assistant, Tom Harvey, January 1987, wherein General KHUN SA, overlord of Asia's "Golden Triangle", offered to stop 900 tons of heroin/opium from entering the free world in 1987. Harvey told me, "...there is no interest here in doing that." General Khun Sa also offered to identify U.S. Government officials who, he says, have been trafficking in heroin for more than 20 years. November 1986, Scott Weekly and I went into Burma in coordination and cooperation with The White House. Tom Harvey told me you received a letter from Arthur Suchesk, Orange County, CA, dated 29 August 1986. Dr. Suchesk said that Gen Khun Sa had access to U.S. POWs. Harvey said the letter had received "highest attention". He gave me a copy along with other case documents. I was asked if it was possible to verify the information. According to Harvey, the CIA said Khun Sa had been assassinated some months before. Harvey supplied Scott and myself with language under White House and NSC letterhead that would help us gain access to Khun Sa. It worked. Unfortunately, Khun Sa knew nothing about US POWs. He did, however, offer to trade his nation's poppy dependence for a legitimate economy. Instead of receiving an "Atta Boy" for bringing back video tape showing Khun Sa`s offer to stop 900 tons of illegal narcotics and expose dirty USG officials, Scott was jailed and I was threatened. I was told that if I didn't "erase and forget" all that we had discovered, I would, ~hurt the government". Further, I was promised a prison sentence of "15 years". I returned to Burma with two other American witnesses, Lance Trimmer, a private detective from San Francisco, and Barry Flynn from Boston. Gen Khun Sa identified some of those in government service he says were dealing in heroin and arms sales. We video taped this second interview and I turned copies over in June 1987, to the Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence; Chairman of the House on Foreign Affairs Task Force on Narcotics Control; Co)Chairman, Senate Narcotics Committee; Senator Harry Reid, NV; Representative James Bilbray, NV; and other Congressional members. Mister Richard Armitage, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, is one of those USG officials implicated by Khun Sa. Nothing was done with this evidence that indicated that anyone of authority, including yourself, had intended to do anything more than protect Mr. Armitage. I was charged with "Mis)use of Passport". Seems that it is alright for Oliver north and Robert MacFarlane to go into Iran on Irish Passports to negotiate an illegal arms deal that neither you nor anyone else admits condoning, but I can't use a passport that brings back drug information against your friends. Lance Trimmer and I submitted a "Citizen Complaint of Wrongdoing by Federal Officers" to Attorney General Edwin Meese, III on 17 September 1987. Continuous private and Legislative inquiries to date indicate that the Attorney General's Office has "lost" the document. Congressional requests to the Government Accounting Office have resulted in additional government snares and stalls. January 20, 1988, I talked before your Breakfast Club in Houston, Texas. A distinguished group of approximately 125 associates of yours, including the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, expressed assurance that you are a righteous man. Almost all of them raised their hand when I asked how many of them know you personally. If you are a man with good intent, I pray you will do more than respond to this letter. I ask that you seriously look into the possibility that political appointees close to you are guilty of by)passing our Constitutional process, and for purposes of promoting illegal covert operations, conspired in the trafficking of narcotics and arms. Please answer why a respected American Citizen like Mister H. Ross Perot can bring you a pile of evidence of wrongdoing by Armitage and others, and you, according to TIME magazine (May 4, page 18), not only offer him no support, but have your Secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci tell Mr. Perot to "stop pursuing Mr. Armitage". Why Sir, will you not look into affidavits gathered by The Christic Institute (Washington, D.C.), which testify that Armitage not only trafficked in heroin, but did so under the guise of an officer charged with bringing home our POWs. If the charges are true, Armitage, who is still responsible for POW recovery as your Assistant Secretary of Defense ISA, has every reason not to want these heros returned to us alive. Clearly, follow)on investigations would illuminate the collective crimes of Armitage and others. Several years ago a secretary working for Armitage asked me "Why would he have us expunge his official record of all reference to past POW/MIA assignments and activities?" Not knowing, I ventured a guess that maybe he was considering running for public office and didn't feel the POW ) Vietnam association would be a plus in his resume. It was about the same time a CIA agent named by Khun Sa turned up dead in Bangkok under "mysterious circumstances". Also about this time, as an agent of NSC's Intelligence Support Activity, I was told by ISA Chief Jerry King, "...there are still too many bureaucrats in Washington who don't want to see POWs returned alive". I failed to realize the fullness of his meaning, or these other events, until in May 1987, Gen Khun Sa, in his jungle headquarters, named Richard Armitage as a key connection in a ring of heroin trafficking mobsters and USG officials. A U.S. agent I have known for many years stopped by my home last month enroute to his next overseas assignment. He remarked that he had worked for those CIA chiefs named by Khun Sa, and that by his own personal knowledge, he knew what Khun Sa said was true. He was surprised it had taken so long to surface. I am a registered Republican. I voted for you twice. I will not do so again. If you have any love or loyalty in your heart for this nation; if you have not completely sold out, then do something positive to determine the truth of these most serious allegations. You were Director of the CIA in 1975, during a time Khun Sa says Armitage and CIA officials were trafficking in heroin. As Director of Intelligence you were responsible to the American people for the activities of your assistant ) even as you should know what some of these same people are doing who are close to you now as our Vice President because i feel these "parallel government" types will only be promoted by you, giving them more reason to bury our POWs. I am enclosing some documentation that supports the charges made. Chief is a letter from Khun Sa to the U.S. Justice Department dated 28 June 1987, wherein Richard Armitage is named along with Theodore Shackley (your former Deputy Director CIA fro Covert Operations) and others. Please also note William Stevenson's article, "Bank of Intrigue ) Circles of Power". You, Armitage, and General Richard Secord are prominently mentioned. Stevenson, you might remember, authored A MAN CALLED INTREPID. Also Tom Fitzpatrick's article, "From Burma to Bush, a Heroin Highway", should interest you. Both of these men are prize winning journalists. The book, CRIMES of PATRIOTS, "A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money, and the CIA", by Jonathan Kwitny, reporter for the Wall Street Journal, details for you the bank connections that Khun Sa mentions. Finally, the basic primer that spells out exactly how this dope for covert operations gambit began, is Alfred McCoy's THE POLITICS OF HEROIN IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. All of these should be required reading for the man appointed chief cop by our President to safeguard America from illegal narcotics. These are just a sampling of many works now available that chronical disgraceful conduct by those sworn to protect and defend our Constitution. Parting shot Mr. Vice President: On 28 January 1988, General Khun Sa tendered an offer to turn over to me one metric ton (2,200 pounds) of heroin. He says this is a good faith gesture to the American people that he is serious about stopping all drugs coming from the infamous Golden Triangle. I you and Nancy Reagan are really serious about saying "NO" to drugs, why not test Gen Khun Sa? I challenge you to allow me in the company of agents of your choice to arrange to receive this token offer worth over $4 billion on the streets of New York City. It will represent the largest "legal" seizure of heroin on record. You can personally torch it, dump it in the ocean, or turn it into legal medication; as I understand there is a great shortage of legal opiates available to our doctors. I think Gen Khun Sa's offer is most interesting. If you say "YES" then the ever increasing flow of heroin from Southeast Asia (600 tons ) '86, 900 tons ) '87, 1200 tons ) '88) may dry up ) not good for business in the parallel government and super CIA circles Oliver North mentioned. If you say "NO" to Khun Sa, you are showing colors not fit for a man who would be President. What is your decision? I challenge you to demonstrate exactly where you stand with respect to big)business)drugs, parallel government, misuse of U.S. tax)payer dollars in foreign drug suppression programs that don't work, no interest in dialogue that will stem the flow of illegal narcotics, return of POWs while they are still alive? I for one am not for a "USA, Inc." with you or anyone else as Chairman of the Board. Respecting Your Office, James "Bo" Gritz Concerned American Box 472 HCR)31 Sandy Valley, NV 89019 (702) 723)5266 U.S. Justice Department, Washington, D.C. U.S.A. SUBJECT:A ` AA 8 AA AImportant fact for the Drugs Eradication Program to be successful. Sirs: This letter to the US Justice Department is to make it clear about our deepest concern in wishing to help eradicate drugs and for all the American people as well as the world to know the truth that for the past (15) year they have been misled to look upon us as the main source of all the drug problems. A A1. The refusal of the United State government to accept our "SIX YEARS DRUGS ERADICATION PLAN " presented at the Congressional Hearing by Congressman Mr. Lester Wolff after his visit to Thailand in April 1977, was really a great disappointment for us. Even after this disappointment, we continued writing letters to President Carter and President Reagan forwarding our sincere wish to help and participate in eradicating drugs. We are really surprised and doubtful as to "why the US government refuses our participation and help to make a success of the drugs eradication program. Furthermore, "why the world has been misled to accuse us as the main culprit for all the drug trades.... while in reality, we are most sincere and willing to help solve the drug problems in South East Asia. through our own secret investigation, we found out that some high officials in the US government's drugs control and enforcement department and with the influence of corrupted persons objected to our active participation in the drugs eradication program of the US government so as to be able to retain their profitable self)interest from the continuation of the drug problems. Thus, the US government and the American people as well as the world have been hoodwinked. During the period (1965 )1975) CIA Chief in Laos, Theodore Shackley was in the drug business, having contacts with the Opium Warlord Lor Sing Han and his followers. Santo Trafficante acted as his buying and transporting agent while Richard Armitage handled the financial section with the Banks in Australia. Even after the Vietnam War ended, when Richard Armitage was being posted to the US Embassy in Thailand, his dealings in the drug business continued as before. He was then acting as the US government official concerning with the drugs problems in South East Asia. After 1979, Richard Armitage resigned from the US Embassy's posting and set up the "Far East Trading Company" as a front for his continuation in the drug trade and to bribe CIA agents in Laos and around the world. Soon After, Daniel Arnold was made to handle the drug business as well as the transportation of arms sales. Jerry Daniels then took over the drug trade from Richard Armitage. For over 10 years, Armitage supported his men in Laos and Thailand with the profits from his drug trade and most of the cash were deposited with the banks in Australia which was to be used in buying his way for quicker promotions to higher positions. A AWithin the month of July, 1980, Thailand's English newspaper "Bangkok Post: included a news)report that CIA agents were using Australia as a transit)base for their drug business and the banks in Australia for depositing, transferring the large sum of money involved. A AVerifications of the news report can be made by the US Justice Department with Bangkok Post and in Australia. A AOther facts given herewith have been drawn out from our Secret Reports files so as to present to you of the real facts as to "why the drug problem is being prolonged till today." A A3. Finally, we sincerely hope in the nearest future to be given the opportunity to actively take part in helping the US government, the Americans and people of the world in eradicating and uprooting the drug problems. Yours Respectfully, Vice Chairman THAILAND REVEOLUTIONARY COUNCIL THE SILENT WAR We are engaged in a silent war. Those waging this brutal conflict have not the decency to inform their victims ))) who include ourselves and almost everyone we know. Their standard bearers include George Bush and David Rockefeller. As the high priced professional liars in the mass media assure us all is well, the common people of the world are being crushed ))) like foot soldiers over run by a panzer division. And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end. These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is Brian Quig. You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by calling (602) 945-3858 or writing Intelligence Connection 6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000 Scottsdale AZ 85257 CITY OF WASHINGTON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 0 AFFIDAVIT OF DANIEL P. SHEEHAN Below, the Plaintiffs' attorney, Daniel P. Sheehan, sets forth for the Court in the following Affidavit, the explanation of the evidence presently in his possession )) which evidence does, in fact, rise to the level of "probable cause" to believe that the Defendants named in this federal civil lawsuit are guilty of the commission of the federal criminal violations set forth in the Amended Complaint of October 4, 1986. The Plaintiffs move that this Affidavit of Counsel be deemed a Supplemental Filing to their October 4, 1986, Amended Complaint if the Court deems this to be legally required and that it be deemed by the Court to set forth the evidentiary basis upon which a reasonable person )) drawing all logical inferences from the facts adduced in the direction of the Plaintiffs )) would conclude that it is more probable than not that each of the Defendants named in this civil suit is guilty of violating the Federal RICO Statute and that he is civilly liable to the Plaintiffs Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey for having fortuitously contributed to the civil wrongs committed against them as charged in this Amended Complaint )) as Supplemented by the Affidavit of Counsel. ATTORNEY DANIEL SHEEHAN'S AFFIDAVIT Now comes Attorney Daniel P. Sheehan, and having been duly sworn hereby swears and affirms that the following facts are true: 1. I am a duly licensed attorney at law, admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of the State of New York in both the Northern and Southern Districts of New York. 2. I am duly licensed and have been admitted to practice before the Courts of the District of Columbia, both local and Federal and I am in good standing before both the Bar of New York and the Bar of the District of Columbia. 3. I have practiced law before the courts of New York and numerous other states in our nation since 1970, having served as counsel in some 60 separate pieces of litigation in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Florida, Oklahoma, Ohio, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Mississippi. 4. I graduated from Harvard college in 1967 as an Honors Graduate in American Government, writing my Honors Thesis in the field of Constitutional Law, and was the Harvard University nominee for the Rhodes Scholarship from New York in 1967. I graduated from Harvard School of Law in 1970, having served as an Editor of the Harvard Civil Rights)Civil Liberties Law Review and as the Research Associate of Professor Jerome Cohen, the Chair of the International Law Department of Harvard. 5. While at Harvard School of Law, I served as a summer associate at the State Street law firm of Goodwin, Proctor and Hoar under the supervision of Senior Partner, Donald J. Hurley, the President of the Boston Chamber of Commerce and Massachusetts Senatorial Campaign Chairman for John F. Kennedy. At this firm I participated in the case of BAIRD v EISENSTAT, under Roger Stockey, General Counsel for the Massachusetts Planned Parenthood League (establishing the unconstitutionality of the Massachusetts anti)birth control law) and in the Nevada case, under Charles Goodhue, III (establishing the constitutional right to bail in criminal extradition cases, including capital cases). While at Harvard School of Law, I authored "The Pedestrian Sources of Civil Liberties" in the Harvard Civil Rights)Civil Liberties Law Review and I served under Professor Milton Katz, the President of the International Law Association, as the Chairman of the Nigerian Biafran Relief Commission responsible for successfully negotiating the admission of mercy flights of food into Biafra in 1968. 6. While serving as a legal Associate at the Wall Street law firm of Cahill, Gordon, Sonnett, Rheindle and Ohio under partner Theodore Shackley and Thomas Clines directed the Phoenix Project in Vietnam, in 1974 and 1975, which carried out the secret mission of assassinating members of the economic and political bureaucracy inside Vietnam to cripple the ability of that nation to function after the total US withdrawal from Vietnam. This Phoenix Project, during its history, carried out the political assassination, in Vietnam, of some 60,000 village mayors, treasurers, school teachers and other non)Viet Cong administrators. Theodore Shackley and Thomas Clines financed a highly intensified phase of the Phoenix project, in 1974 and 1975, by causing an intense flow of Vang Pao opium money to be secretly brought into Vietnam for this purpose. This Vang Pao opium money was administered for Theodore Shackley and Thomas Clines by a US Navy official based in Saigon's US office of Naval Operations by the name of Richard Armitage. However, because Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines and Richard Armitage knew that their secret anti)communist extermination program was going to be shut down in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand in the very near future, they, in 1973, began a highly secret non)CIA authorized program Thus, from late 1973 until April of 1975, Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines and Richard Armitage disbursed, from the secret, Laotian)based, Vang Pao opium fund, vastly more money than was required to finance even the highly intensified Phoenix Project in Vietnam. The money in excess of that used in Vietnam was secretly smuggled out of Vietnam in large suitcases, by Richard Secord and Thomas Clines )) and carried into Australia, where it was deposited in a secret, personal bank account (privately accessible to Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines and Richard Secord). During this same period of time between 1973 and 1975, Theodore Shackley and Thomas Clines caused thousands of tons of US weapons, ammunition, and explosives to be secretly taken from Vietnam and stored at a secret "cache" hidden inside Thailand. The "liaison officer" to Shackley and Clines and the Phoenix Project in Vietnam, during this 1973 to 1975 period, from the "40 Committee" in the Nixom White House was one Eric Von Arbod )) an Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs. Von Arbod shared his information about the Phoenix Project directly with his supervisor Henry Kissinger. Saigon fell to the Vietnamese in April of 1975. The Vietnam War was over. Immediately upon the conclusion of the evacuation of U.S. personnel from Vietnam, Richard Armitage was dispatched, by Theodore Shackley and Thomas Clines, from Vietnam to Tehran, Iran. In Iran, Armitage (the "bursar" for the Vang Pao opium money for Shackley and Clines' planned "Secret Team" covert operations program), between May and August of 1975, set up a secret "financial conduit" inside Iran, into which secret Vang Pao drug funds could be deposited from Southeast Asia. The purpose of this conduit was to serve as the vehicle for secret funding by Shackley's "Secret Team," of a private, non)CIA authorized "Black" operations inside Iran )) disposed to seek out, identify, and assassinate socialist and communist sympathizers )) who were viewed by Shackley and his "Secret Team" members to be "potential terrorists" against the Shah of Iran`s government in Iran. In late 1975 and early 1976, Theodore Shackley and Thomas Clines retained Edwin Wilson to travel to Tehran, Iran to head up the "Secret Team" covert "anti)terrorist" assassination program in Iran. This was not a U.S. government)authorized operation. This was a private operations supervised, directed and participated in by Shackley, Clines, Secord and Armitage in their purely private capacities. At the end of 1975, Richard Armitage took the post of a "Special Consultant" to the U.S. Department of Defense regarding American military personnel Missing In Action (MIAs) in Southeast Asia. In this capacity, Armitage was posted in the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand. There Armitage had top responsibility for locating and retrieving American MIA's in Southeast Asia. He worked at the Embassy with an associate, one Jerry O. Daniels. From 1975 to 1977, Armitage held this post in Thailand. However, he did not perform the duties of this office. Instead, Armitage continued to function as the "bursar" for Theodore Shackley's "Secret Team," seeing to it that secret Vang Pao opium funds were conducted from Laos, through Armitage in Thailand to both Tehran and the secret Shackley bank account in Australia at the Nugen)Hand Bank. The monies conducted by Armitage to Tehran were to fund Edwin Wilson's secret anti)terrorist "seek and destroy" operation on behalf of Theodore Shackely. Armitage also devoted a portion of his time between 1975 and 1977, in Bangkok, facilitating the escape from Laos, Cambodia and Thailand and the re)location elsewhere in the world, of numbers of the secret Meo tribesmen group which had carried out the covert political assassination program for Theodore Shackley in Southeast Asia between 1966 and 1975. Assisting Richard Armitage in this operation was Jerry O. Daniels. Indeed, Jerry O. Daniels was a "bag)man" for Richard Armitage, assisting Armitage by physically transporting out of Thailand millions of dollars of Vang Pao's secret opium money )) to finance the re)location of Theodore Shackley's Meo tribesmen and to supply funds to Theodore Shackley's "Secret Team" operations. At the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok, Richard Armitage also supervised the removal of arms, ammunition and explosives from the secret Shackley)Clines cache of munitions hidden inside Thailand between 1973 and 1975 )) for use by Shackley's "Secret Team". Assisting Armitage in this latter operations was one Daniel Arnold, the CIA Chief of Station in Thailand )) who joined Shackley's "Secret Team" )) in his purely private capacity. One of the officers in the U.S. Embassy in Thailand, one Abranowitz came to know of Armitage's involvement in the secret handling of Vang Pao opium funds and caused to be initiated an internal State Department heroin smuggling investigations directed against Richard Armitage. Armitage was the target of Embassy personnel complaints to the effect that he was utterly failing to perform his duties on behalf of American MIAs, and he reluctantly resigned as the D.O.D. Special Consultant on MIA's at the end of 1977. From 1977 until 1979, Armitage remained in Bangkok opening and operating a business named The Far East Trading Company. This company had offices only in Bangkok and in Washington, D.C. This company was, in fact, from 1977 to 1979, merely a "front" for Armitage's secret operations conducting Vang Pao opium money out of Southeast Asia to Tehran and the Nugen)Hand Bank in Australia to fund the ultra right)wing, private anti)communist "anti)terrorist" assassination program and "unconventional warfare" operation of Theodore Shackley's and Thomas Cline's "Secret Team". During this period, between 1975 and 1979, in Bangkok, Richard Armitage lived in the home of Hynnie Aderholdt )) the former Air Wing Commander of Shackley`s "Special Operations Group" in Laos )) who, between 1966 and 1968, had served as the immediate superior to Richard Secord, the Deputy Air Wing Commander of MAG)SOG. Secord, in 1975, was transferred from Vietnam to Tehran, Iran. In 1976, Richard Secord moved to Tehran, Iran and became the Deputy Assistant Secretary of defense in Iran, in charge of the Middle Eastern Division of the Defense Security Assistance Administration. In this capacity, Secord functioned as the chief operations officer for the U.S. Defense Department in the Middle East in charge of foreign military sales of U.S. aircraft, weapons and military equipment to Middle Eastern nations allied to the U.S.. Secord's immediate superior was Eric Van Marbad )) the former 40 Committee liaison officer to Theodore Shackley's Phoenix program in Vietnam from 1973 to 1975. From 1976 to 1979, in Iran, Richard Secord supervised the sale of U.S. military aircraft and weapons to Middle Eastern nations. However, Richard Secord did not authorize direct nation)to)nation sales of such equipment directly from the U.S. government to said Middle Eastern governments. Instead, Richard Secord conducted such sales through a "middle)man", one Albert Hakim. By the use of middle)man Albert Hakim, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Secord purchased U.S. military aircraft and weapons from the U.S. governament at the low "manufacturer's cost" )) but sold these U.S. aircraft and weapons to the client Middle Eastern nations at the much higher "replacement cost". Secord then caused to be paid to the U.S. government, out of the actual sale price obtained, only the lower amount equal to the lower manufacturer's cost. The difference, was secreted from the U.S. government and Secord and Albert Hakim secretly transferred these millions of dollars into Shackley's "Secret Team" operations inside Iran )) and into Shackley's secret Nugen)Hand bank account in Australia. Thus, by 1976, Defendant Albert Hakim had become a partner with Thomas Clines, Richard Secord and Richard Armitage in Theodore Shackley's "Secret Team". Between 1976 and 1979, Shackley, Clines, Secord, Hakim, Wilson, and Armitage set up several corporations and subsidiaries around the world through which to conceal the operations of the "Secret Team". Many of these corporations were set up in Switzerland. Some of these were: (1) Lake Resources, Inc.; (2) The Stanford Technology Trading Group, Inc.; and (3) Companie de Services Fiduciaria. Other companies were set up in Central America, such as: (4) CSF, Investments, Ltd. and (5) Udall research Corporation. Some were set up inside the United States by Edwin Wilson. Some of these were: (6) Orca Supply Company in Florida and (7) Consultants International in Washington, D.C.. Through these corporations, members of Theodore Shackley's "Secret Team" laundered hundreds of millions of dollars of secret Vang Pao opium money pilfered Foreign Military Sales proceeds between 1976 and 1979. named in this federal civil suit to be placed under oath and asked about their participation in the criminal "enterprise" alleged in this Complaint is probative of the criminal guilt of the Defendants of some of the crimes charged in this Complaint. Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs' Counsel, The Christic Institute, possess evidence constituting "probable cause" that each of the Defendants named in this Complaint are guilty of the conduct charged. If further detailed evidence is required by the Court to allow the Plaintiffs to begin the standard process of discovery in this case, the failure to place it in this Affidavit is the function of the short time allowed by the Court for the preparation of this filing )) it is not because the Plaintiffs lack such evidence. Daniel P. Sheehan Subscribed and Sworn to before me this day of December, 1986 THE SILENT WAR We are engaged in a silent war. Those waging this brutal conflict have not the decency to inform their victims ))) who include ourselves and almost everyone we know. Their standard bearers include George Bush and David Rockefeller. As the high priced professional liars in the mass media assure us all is well, the common people of the world are being crushed ))) like foot soldiers over run by a panzer division. And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end. These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is Brian Quig. You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by calling (602) 945-3858 or writing Intelligence Connection 6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000 Scottsdale AZ 85257 James Bo Gritz U.S. DRUG TRAFFICKING: BURMA REPORT My team mate, Mr. Scott Weekly, and I infiltrated Burma in November- December 1986 in cooperation with the White House to ascertain whether or not heroin "king-pin" Khun Sa had access to U.S. Prisoners of War as was reported. 1;e found no POWs, but Khun Sa agreed to send patrols throughout western Laos to check for POW presence. During our interview with him, he stated he wanted to eliminate the 700- 900, tons of opium/heroin that is trafficked through his area (the Golden Triangle") each year. He stated that he would also expose U.S. Government officials involved in the drug trafficking. Mr. Weekly and I returned to the U.S. in December 1986. I submitted the video taped conversations to the White House, excited about the potential dialogue on drug suppression. I received a telephone call from my White House liaison, lauding our successful interview with drug warlord Khun Sa who had previously been reported killed by the CIA. When asked about the reaction and planned response to Khun Sa's proposal to eliminate drug flow into the free world I was told, "There is no interest here in doing that". This seemed most strange, since Vice-President Bush is appointed as the nations top policeman for drug control. Immediately thereafter, my partner (Mr. Weekly) was arrested. He was told by federal agents and members of the attorney general s office that I was the true target of an investigation connecting me with White House misdeeds (i.e., Oliver North etc.). A proffer was made that guaranteed Mr. Weekly probation without supervision, so that he could join me oVerseas in the on-going POW liberation effort. Instead of this, Scott Weekly was subsequently sentenced to 5 years in prison for a technical violation of the law, which act several federal offices and authorities admitted having sanctioned. Simultaneously, the U.S. Government criticized Thailand and Burma for failure to destroy Khun Sa , and declared no mercy . The ambassador for narcotic control went to Bangkok, Thailand and announced: "The U.S. will never negotiate with the free world's worst enemy, Khun Sa." For 60 days, newspapers in Thailand headlined the efforts of tens of thousands of Thai and Burmese troops deployed against Khun Sa's stronghold. I returned to Burma to visit Khun Sa in May 1987, and see if he would release his information on corrupt and drug dealing U.S. officials. Instead of finding a war zone in his area, I found a new road, built by the Thai government - with heavy equipment, leading directly to Khun Sa s Shan State headquarters. When questioned about the lack of evidence of any bomb, bullet, damage to the heavy-duty truck route, he laughed at the headlines we d seen and explained: "It was only a newspaper war." I observed thousands of teak trees along the entryway on the Thai side of the border. Obviously, Khun Sa had traded teak to the Thais'' for a 'phony' war and high-speed road. The Thais and Burmese were praised by the U.S. Government, insuring millions in drug suppression funds. During our eight-day stay, Khun Sa and his staff gave us names of past and present U.S. officials involved in drug buying and trafficking. It is unconscionable that American tax payers are funding millions on a suppression program infected with corrupt officials. Drug traffic has steadily increased each year. In 1986 it was estimated at 700 tons of opium/heroin. This year - with the new road - Khun Sa should reach his stated goal of 900 tons. Khun Sa says that for one tenth of the Burmese drug suppression money, he will use his 40,000-man army to completely eliminate all opium/heroin traffic through the Golden Triangle and Shan territory. His desire is to safeguard his 8 million Shan people from the Burmese spraying of "Agent Orange" defoliant on Shan State crops, animals and people. He seeks recognition of Shanland through politically-recognized negotiations that would have given independence to Shanland from Burma in 1957. The Burmese refuse to release this territory, and continue to overtly suppress the population. Shanland (160,000 square miles) comprises 40% of the Burma landmass and it is estimated that 80% of the Burmese economy comes from the natural resources of the Shan States. The attached tapes and news copies detail this story. Additionally, 8mm sound movies, stills, video masters and accompanying audio are available. The bottom line is that Khun Sa has been besieged by corrupt U.S. ploys, Scott Weekly has been railroaded, and I myself have been federally indicted for use of a false passport. Now that I have been to Burma and learned who in the U.S. Government Executive Branch have been involved with drug trafficking, it is easy to understand the frantic efforts to prevent disclosure of this report. Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz U.S. Army Special Forces (Ret. THE SILENT WAR We are engaged in a silent war. Those waging this brutal conflict have not the decency to inform their victims ))) who include ourselves and almost everyone we know. Their standard bearers include George Bush and David Rockefeller. As the high priced professional liars in the mass media assure us all is well, the common people of the world are being crushed ))) like foot soldiers over run by a panzer division. And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end. These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is Brian Quig. You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by calling (602) 945-3858 or writing Intelligence Connection 6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000 Scottsdale AZ 85257 STATEMENT by Lt.Col James Bo Gritz, USA (Ret) for U.S. Congress, House Foreign Affairs Committee, International Narcotics Control Task Force. Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. Tuesday, 30 June 1987 NINE HUNDRED TONS OF HEROIN & OPIUM WILL ENTER THE FREE WORLD FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA'S "GOLDEN TRIANGLE" THIS YEAR. The reason is because U.S. taxpayer dollars and American equipment have been used to construct a new road that will allow narcotics to pour out of General Khun Sa's Shan Territories rather than trickle out by horse and mule as has been the case until the beginning of this year. Last year 600 tons of Opiates trafficked from this area. Press reports included as part of this statement argue that it is logistically impossible to increase the output to 900 toins. The new road capable of easily handling 10 ton truck convoys signal not only the capability, but the reality. The disappointing fact is that this new artery was constructed by the Thai Government using money, manpower, time and materials furnished by our drug suppression funds. Moreover, there are serious implications that elements within the U.S. Government are Khun Sa's biggest customers. The facts are that for 15 years U.S. taxpayers through legislative bodies like this committee and executive agencies such as have testified here today, have dumped hundres of millions of dollars into drug suppression programs within Thailand and Burma which have done nothing but nourish the flow of narcotics from Asia into the United States. The proof is statistically clear. Fifteen years ago the flow of Opiates was 60 tons; this year it will approach or exceed 900 tons. The reasons, while multi)faceted, boil down to one word, "money". Certain high level Thai and Burmese officials are packing their pockets with U.S. supplied drug suppression funds; political pay*offs, and other spin)off profits like the thousands of Teak trees felled during the Khun Sa road effort. Khun Sa has no outlet for teak, but it is a protected and highly valued commodity in Thailand. More shameful are the serious allegations raised by General Khun Sa and his staff that corrupt U.S. officials allow this travesty and in certain cases are directly involved. After meeting with General Khun Sa and others, I am convinced that a secret combination exists today within the U.S. Government that was officially germinated during the Nixon ) Vietnam years and has, through illicit drug profits, propagated itself today into a self)serving righteous monster of global proportions. I believe Ed Wilson was a member of this combination and that his activities represent only one of many tentacles. I believe the Contra)Iran situation is merely another visible lesion that has emerged from this extra)governmental organism. I say "would be righteous" because those within this secret combination I believe honestly think they are serving America by offering an established model of sabotage, subversion, and assassination to areas threatened by communism. They are in existence because normal government process is too cumbersome, time consuming and oft times impotent. These persons who are intelligent and well seeded in our governmental structure think they are smarter than our elected officials and can expedite accomplishment of national objectives. They have funded their efforts through drug trafficking because of a 1960's mind set that anyone who would use opiates is animalistic and the U.S.A. doesn't really care about them. They began their drug dealing in Southeast Asia as a means to fund the secret war in Laos and Cambodia that Congress was officially unaware of. Besides my personal experiences, all of these conclusions are spelled out in the book, THE POLITICS OF HEROIN IN SOUTHEAST ASIA. I have good reason to believe that after President Nixon got the U.S. out of Vietname "with honor", while bringing home "all the POW's" in 1973 that either with his concurrance, or on the initiative of those "Best and Brightest" included within the "President's 40", the war continued to be fought through Project Phoenix. The insiders knew the North Vietnamese would not abide by the tri)accord and continue to consolidate their position in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Since the war was over there was no Congressional funding and home)grown drug trafficking offered the most expedient solution. Ideally the communist takeover in 1975 would fall like a house)of)cards since the infrastructure would be eliminated by extreme prejudice through the Phoenix operation. Even so, an estimated 150,000 non)military persons were terminated, the program failed to meet the expectations of those in charge. Next, I believe the Phoenix model was moved to help stabilize a toppling Shaw who happened to be close to the Administration ) and to people in the secret combination society, many of whom held high positions within the Executive Branch. The Shaw fell. By this time the model was self)perpetuating. Rather than shut down after failing in Iran, there was a re*focus on the building communist threat in Central America. The Contra)Iran)Oliver North)White House disclosures are only protrusions that have become visible because of the extent and intensity of this para)government organization. Even as these hearings are underway, representatives of this secret combination are at work in the "Philippines, offering "anti)communist solutions" to that struggling democracy. I believe that. As years and changing administrations have gradually thinned the society's active duty status within the U.S. Government, I believe those who still steer the society have become more self*serving, making huge personal profitunder the guise of fighting worldwide communism. Further, I believe they are maximizing their\j\influence to protect those of t brotherhood who still hold active office in the government. I have been told for years that U.S. POW's would never be allowed to return because they were directly related to illegal drug trafficking by U.S. officials. Until May of 1987, I thought this absurd. Now, after eight years in the POW)Southeast Asian arena, I clearly can see what was hidden except to those more sensitive to power politics than myself. The reason we have met the enemy and he is U.S. in our efforts to return POWs while they are still alive is simple. When POWs are returned the first demand by the American people will be to examine those within the government responsible for their return. American will want to know why these individuals failed in their official capactities; why the burden fell on the private sector; and what took so long if the POW issue is truly "Top National Priority" as designated by President Reagan. Upon investigation it will be revealed that responsible officials were more interested in actuating their secret society than accounting for our POW and MIA. The fact is that all of the Heroin and Opiates could be shut off at the Golden Triangle if America`s responsible elected and appointed officials would do their job. General Khun Sa is recognized as the drug king)pin and controls the Golden Triangle with a well disciplined army of 40,000 Shan soldiers. He has stated to me before three other American witnesses on video tape that he greatly desires to stop the drug trafficking, but we won't let him. He has promised that if we will give him any economic alternative, he will not just stem, but stop the flow of narcotics through his areas of control. He has said for example that for one)tenth the money we now give the Burmese for drug suppression turned into economic aid and crop substitution, he will use his force to enforce what we cannot and have not. In addition, Khun Sa has stipulated that the Burmese must be stopped from using the 12 Bell Helicopters and fixed wing aircraft given them by the U.S. to spray the Shan State people, animals, food and water with Agent Orange and herbicides. All that I have presented thus far is backed up by written and recorded documents made available to the Committee. It has been reported to me by committee personnel that Khun Sa has made these offers before. They say the CIA has expressed doubt and mistrust that Khun Sa will carry out his part of the bargain. I and three other Americans have met with Khun Sa. We all believe him to be sincere. Certainly in view of the dismal failure of the CIA and DEA to slow, stop or even deter the flood of drugs from the Golden Triangle, it seems that a change in dynamics is in order. Especially since Khun Sa has directly implicated persons within the CIA as some of his best customers. The video tapes show testimony of a frustrated medical doctor who, under orders from Khun Sa, did everything from offer radio links to Khun Sa's headquarters to present a horse that might be used to alert DEA of drug movements. The low level agents supported these initatives, but in every case they were rejected at DEA headquarter levels. \j\ I have strived at the invitation of the Executive Branch for eight years to convince political skeptics that American POWs are alive in the hands of Communist forces in Laos and Vietnam. I abhore drugs and dopes that are users, yet in the past two weeks I've been told by committee staff and others that "federal sources and a Los Angeles State Department employee have said that I am a "drug trafficker", and I will be in prison before July 4th. I know this level of federal employee would never make such slanderous statements unless encouraged by higher)ups. While following the classic model of "deny)defame)divert," it is disappointing that law enforcement agencies would reveal such low life practices as directly as they have, and then avoid comment when confronted. I have tried in every way to cooperate with the committee and its membership. I've furnished video tapes, only to be informed that the chairman has blocked their distribution. I've supplied the Suchesk letter to Vice President Bush, and requested a written transcript of the file from which Khun Sa's secretary read from. I received a letter in the mail last week. It was from Khun Sa. The stapled and sealed envelope had been opened. Inside, the pamphlet, which had also been stapled shut, had been opened and the contents removed. I had asked Khun Sa to translate his record; sign it himself with two additional witnesses. I was assured this document was part of the opened package. I have requested my contacts furnish me with a FAX of their copy. It serves to supplement in writing the verbal and video accounts. I'm disillusioned that this committee which represents the interest of 240 million Americans in controling illegal drug trafficking, would take such a negative and skeptical position on such a critical issue as Khun Sa's proposal and my deliverance of the information he gave us. I've been told that I must "sell my case" to you. Facts are, I am a citizen who has been twice to see a warlord who is recognized as the world's most powerful Heroin kingpin. This person has shown statistically that our 15 year old drug suppression program is, at best, "dumb" by anyone's standards. At best we have millions of US tax dollars being mishandled; one recipient has made use of U.S. assets to build a major road, and secures that road from outside infiltration; 900 tons of opiates entering the free world; rampant corruption of allied officials. At worst in addition to the best case, we have officials within the USG who won't, as Khun Sa says, let him get out of the drug business, because they are his biggest buyers. Your business is representing American interest in drug control. You greatly influence how our tax dollars are used and how well the enforcement agencies do their job. My business is bringing home POWs while they are still alive. Neither one of us has been able to make much head way because I'm convinced there are persons within the government that are opposing us both. If POWs came home, the resulting investigation will expose their drug involvement; if the drugs are stopped, their source of income dries up. I agree that communism threatens the liberty of free people everywhere, but in my opinion drugs are even a bigger and more immediate threat. To\j\fuel these self)righteous freedom fighters with drug money is to steal, cheat, and mislead every American taxpayer, and circumnavigate the greatest governmental system in the world. While it may appear slow, and at times fickle and indecisive, still our's is the greatest government in the world. There aren't boat loads of Americans headed for the Soviet Union. I believe our system was divinely inspired. I believe it will work despite any shortcoming. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter)Day Saints with Temple Endowments, I raise my hand to the square and swear before God, Angels, and you as witnesses, that this statement is the absolute truth as I know it. I hope you can swear before God that you will execute the responsibilities to your constituents with all honesty in thoroughly investigating the proposal for eliminating all drug trafficking from the Golden Triangle, and seeing to the objective investigation and prosecution of any American officials found to be guilty of maliciously dealing in drugs. I personally don't believe the Americans named by Khun Sa as conspiritors in traffickings could pass an honest security background check. I believe if you do your job as our representative body, you will uncover and topple those members of this secret combination like a line of dominos. If you give this hearing only a cameo appearance, the combination will be strengthened and our nation could be in for a period like the Vietnam era. Your positive attention to this matter should also speed the safe return of our POWs. I believe we can stop the heroin and opium by working with Kuhn Sa instead of against him. At worst we lose 10 percent of the Burmese Socialist State suppression funds. You don't have to be from Las Vegas to recognize Khun Sa's offer as a good bet. I believe in him and that he will keep his word. We can't hardly afford not to take the chance. I believe the American public would be outraged to discover we by)passed such an opportunity because people who are suspect as traffickers say they "don't trust Khun Sa." Their line should be added to other greats such as, "I'm from the government, I'm here to help you"; and "your check is in the mail." The body of this statement contains a chronology of events. I have attached germain documents that attest to the allegations made in the video tapes. THE SILENT WAR We are engaged in a silent war. Those waging this brutal conflict have not the decency to inform their victims ))) who include ourselves and almost everyone we know. Their standard bearers include George Bush and David Rockefeller. As the high priced professional liars in the mass media assure us all is well, the common people of the world are being crushed ))) like foot soldiers over run by a panzer division. And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end. These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is Brian Quig. You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by calling (602) 945-3858 or writing Intelligence Connection 6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000 Scottsdale AZ 85257 THE HONORABlE GEORGE H. BUSH August 29, 1986 VICE)PRESIDENT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON D.C. DEAR SIR: ON AUGUST 12th 1986 THE UNDERSIGNED PERSONALLY MET WITH KUHN SA AT THE VILLAGE OF HO)MONG LOCATED NEAR THE THAI BURMA BORDER. (REFERENCE: EXHIBIT " A " ) " CERTIFICATION OF VISIT"). TOPICS COVERED WERE; 1: A PROPOSAL TO ERADICATE OPIUM IN THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE 2: THE CORRUPTION OF THE THAI, BURMA AND D.E.A. OFFICIALS 3: THE AMERICAN M.I.A./ P.O.W.'S IN LAOS 4: THE REGISTRATION OF A TRADE MISSION 5: A HERBAL MEDICAL CUR FOR NARCOTIC ADDICTS. 1: A PROPOSAL TO ERADICATE OPIUM IN THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE. BACKGROUND: THE SHAN STATE IN BURMA, (APPROXIMATELY THREE TIMES THE SIZE OF TAIWAN) HAD BEEN UNDER BRITISH PROTECTION PRIOR TO 1948. THE SHAN PEOPLE, POPULATION OF 8 MILLION, UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF KHUN SA SIGNED AN AGREEMENT TO UNIFY WITH THE BURMESE GOVERNMENT IN ORDER TO OBTAIN INDEPENDENCE FROM THE BRITISH. THE PINLONG AGREEMENT , REGISTERED WITH THE UNITED NATIONS, CONTAINED A CONTAINED A CONDITION THAT WOULD ALLOW THE SHAN PEOPLE TO FREELY SECEDE FROM BURMA AFTER A TEN YEAR PERIOD AND BECOME AN INDEPENDENT STATE. WHEN GENERAL NE WIN, A SOCIALIST, TOOK OVER BURMA HE ABOLISHED THE PINLONG AGREEMENT AND OPENED THE DOOR FOR THE BURMA COMMUNIST PARTY TO GAIN A STRONG HOLD IN THE COUNTRY. IT WAS AT THIS TIME THAT SHAN REBELLION FOR INDEPENDENCE BEGAN. IN EARLY 1949 THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF BURMA MOVED INTO THE NORTHERN TERRITORIES OF THE SHAN STATE AND ESTABLISHED MILITARY STRONGHOLDS WHILE ENGAGING IN THE BUSINESS OF; OPIUM CULTIVATION, PROCESSING, TRANSPORTATION AND SALE. IN 1950 REMNANTS OF CHAING KAI)SHEK'S KMT ARMY MOVED FROM MAINLAND CHINA INTO THE SAME AREA. THEY ALSO ESTABLISHED STRONGHOLDS AND FREELY ENGAGED IN THE OPIUM BUSINESS TO SUPPORT THEIR ARMIES. tHE SHAN PEOPLE, ON THE VERGE OF STARVATION, FOUND THEMSELVES SURROUNDED AND OPPRESSED BY THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF BURMA, THE KMT ARMIES AND A VARIETY OF RENEGADE OPIUM WARLORDS. ALL THE FACTIONS FREELY ROAMED THE SHAN TERRITORY PRESSING SHAN PEOPLE INTO THEIR SERVICE AS FARMERS, PORTERS AND GUIDES. THESE FORCES SHARED LITTLE OF THEIR FINANCIAL GAINS WITH THE SHAN POPULATION, BUT WERE FREE TO DISPENSE TORTURE, RAPE AND MURDER TO ALL WHO WOULD NOT CO)OPERATE WITH THEM. TO PROVIDE FOOD AND FREEDOM FOR HIS PEOPLE, KHUN SA ORGANIZED HIS ARMY AND TURNED TO OPIUM CULTIVATION FOR HIS INCOME. AS THE YEARS PASSED KHUN SA GAINED MILITARY SUPERIORITY IN THE SHAN STATE. HE BEGAN TO SLOWLY PHASE OUT THE)CULTIVATION OF OPIUM AMONG THE SHAN POPULATION. TO REPLACE THAT BLOCK OF INCOME HE STARTED TO COLLECT TAXES WHILE PROVIDING SAFE TRANSPORTATION AND PASSAGE THROUGH HIS TERRITORY TO THE DAILY CARAVANS OF NARCOTIC TRAFFICKERS ON THEIR WAY TO THE SOUTHERN OUTLETS OF THAILAND. TODAY, KHUN SA STILL HAS SOME SMALL ISOLATED POCKETS OF OPIUM CULTIVATION AMONG THE SHAN PEOPLES. HE IS ATTEMPTING TO ERADICATE THESE FIELDS AS QUICKLY AS HE CAN PROVIDE ALTERNATE INCOME PROGRAMS FOR HIS FARMERS. PROPOSAL: KHUN SA IS PREPARED TO IMPLEMENT A PHASE OUT PROGRAM TO COMPLETELY STOP THE CULTIVATION OF OPIUM IN THE SHAN TERRITORIES. HE IS PREPARED TO ESTABLISH A MILITARY CONTROL SYSTEM TO COMPLETELY STOP THE PASSAGE OR NARCOTIC TRAFFICKERS FROM CHINA, BURMA AND LAOS ON THEIR TRAVELS TO THE THAILAND OUTLETS THROUGH THE SHAN TERRITORIES. TO IMPLEMENT THIS PROPOSAL, KHUN SA STATES THAT HE COULD MAINTAIN MILITARY CONTROL AND SURVEILLANCE IN THAT AREA FOR ABOUT HALF THE COST OF THE CURRENT U.S. BUDGET EXPENDED BY THE D.E.A. FORCES NOW STATIONED IN THAILAND. A PROPOSAL TO REALIZE INCOME FOR HIS PEOPLE THROUGH THE SALE OF THE TERRITORIES NATURAL RESOURCES WILL BE PRESENTED IN ITEM # FOUR, "TRADE MISSION". 2: THE CORRUPTION OF THAI, BURMA AND D.E.A. OFFICIALS. BACKGROUND: THE NARCOTIC ENFORCEMENT OPERATIONAL STAFFS OF BURMA, THAILAND AND THE U.S. D.E.A. HAVE FOR YEARS ATTEMPTED TO STOP THE FLOW OF NARCOTICS FROM THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE AREA. LARGE BUDGETS ARE EXPENDED BY OUR GOVERNMENT TO SUPPORT THESE ACTIVITIES WHICH RANGE FROM THE COLLECTION OF INTELLIGENCE TO THE OCCASIONAL BOMBING, RAIDING AND BURNING OF SOME ISOLATED OPIUM PRODUCING FIELDS. IN ALL THE TOTAL PROGRAM HAS NOT MET WITH ANY APPRECIABLE SUCCESS. tHE BURMA GOVERNMENT, FUNDED BY THE D.E.A., HAVE ENGAGED IN A SERIES OF INDISCRIMINATING BOMBING RAIDS ON SUSPECTED VILLAGES KILLING AND WOUNDING COUNTLESS INNOCENT WOMEN AND CHILDREN. THEY HAVE SPRAYED OPIUM FIELDS AND VILLAGES WITH CHEMICAL THAT NOT ONLY KILL THE VEGETATION BUT ALSO POISON THE SURROUNDING WATER SUPPLIES AND SUBSEQUENT NEW PLANT GROWTH. HUNDREDS OF VILLAGERS HAVE SUFFERED CRUEL AND SLOW DEATHS BY DRINKING POLLUTED WATERS\j\AND EATING NEWLY GROWN VEGETABLES RAISED IN POISONED FIELDS. 082986 THAI AND D.E.A. CORRUPT OFFICIALS ARE USING U.S. FUNDS TO PURCHASE NARCOTICS FOR RE SALE, SELLING U.S. ARMS TO KHUN SA'S FORCES AND ARE INVOLVED IN A HOST OF OTHER ILLEGAL ACTIVES. AS LONG AS THESE CORRUPT OPERATIONS CONTINUE , IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO ELIMINATE THE OPIUM OPERATIONS IN THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE. PROPOSAL: KHUN SA IS PREPARING HARD DOCUMENTATION OF THE CORRUPT ACTS OF THE THAI AND D.E.A. OFFICIALS CONCERNED. HE PROPOSES THAT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT WITHDRAW THE CORRUPT D.E.A. PERSONNEL FROM THAT OPERATIONAL AREA AND REPLACE THEM WITH A NEW CADRE OF TRUSTED U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENTS. KHUN SA WELCOMES THE CONCEPT OF HAVING OBSERVERS TO MONITOR HIS NARCOTIC ERADICATION ACTIVITIES IN THE SHAN TERRITORIES. 3: AMERICAN M.I.A./P.O.W.'S IN LAOS. BACKGROUND DURING THE RAINY SEASON IN THE LATE 1978 KHUN SA'S FORCES FOUND 4 U.S. M/I/A/ PERSONNEL IN THE NORTHERN JUNGLES OF LAOS. HIS FORCES ESCORTED THE 4 MEN TO THE MEKONG RIVER. WHILE ATTEMPTING TO CROSS THE RAIN SWOLLEN RIVER, THE 4 U.S. PERSONNEL. THREE OF KHUN SA'S SOLDIERS AND TWO HORSES WERE SWEPT AWAY BY THE RAGING WATERS AND ALL WERE DROWNED. KHUN SA HAS HAD REPEATED INTELLIGENCE REPORTS OF THE LOCATION OF U.S. AND FOREIGN PERSONNEL HELD CAPTIVE IN LAOS. HAVING NO SPECIAL USE FOR THIS INFORMATION, IT WAS IGNORED. AT MY REQUEST, KHUN SA CONFIRMED THE EXISTENCE OF SOME 70 U.S. M.I.A./P.O.W.'S AND APPROXIMATELY 12 KOREANS, 5 FILIPINOS AND A HOST OF LAOSIAN'S BEING CONFINED IN SEVERAL LOCATIONS. ONE GROUP IS WORKING AS FORCED LABORERS IN A GOLD MINE IN THE NORTHERN SECTOR OF LAOS. THIS INFORMATION WAS INDEPENDENTLY CONFIRMED IN MY MEETING WITH THE LEADERS OF THE UNITED LAO PEOPLE FRONT FOR THE LIBERATION OF LAOS. (UFLLL). PROPOSAL: KHUN SA AS A GESTURE OF HIS SINCERITY AND GOODWILL TO THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA, AND ESPECIALLY TO THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.A. IS PREPARED TO RESCUE THE AMERICAN PERSONNEL AND DELIVER THEM SAFELY INTO OUR HANDS. HE WILL DO THIS EMPLOYING HIS OWN TROOPS AND FUNDS, ASKING ONLY FOR SOME SMALL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE FORM OF SOME RIVER CROSSING EQUIPMENT AND AN AIR EVACUATION FORCE TO REMOVE THE AMERICANS FROM HIS TERRITORY. \j\ PRIOR TO MY DEPARTURE FROM HO)MONG, KHUN SA DISPATCHED RECON TEAMS TO OBTAIN HARD PHOTOGRAPHIC AND POSSIBLE INDIVIDUAL I.D. CONFIRMATIONS FROM THE VARIOUS PRISONER SITES. 082986 4: REGISTRATION OF A TRADE MISSION: BACKGROUND: SHANLAND HAS VAST RICH NATIONAL RESOURCES. IF PROPERLY MANAGED AND PRESENTED TO THE WORLD MARKET, THESE RESOURCES COULD PROVIDE THE FUNDING FOR KHUN SA'S OPIUM ERADICATION PROGRAM AND MAINTAIN THE ONGOING ECONOMY FOR THE SHAN POPULACE. PROPOSAL: KHUN SA HAS COMMISSIONED THE UNDERSIGNED TO ESTABLISH TRADE MISSIONS IN THE FREE WORLD. A REQUEST FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE UNITED STATES IN RECOGNIZING THE TRADE MISSION IS MADE BY KHUN SA IN A TAPED MESSAGE TO THE VICE PRESIDENT . A COPY OF THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION IS ATTACHED. (REFERENCE: EXHIBIT " B ")" LETTER OF APPOINTMENT", AND EXHIBIT "C" ) " TAPED MESSAGE TO VICE PRESIDENT BUSH, FROM KHUN SA" ). 5: HERBAL MEDICAL CURE FOR NARCOTIC ADDICTS. BACKGROUND: IN THE 1800'S THE BRITISH INTRODUCED OPIUM INTO MAINLAND CHINA. A CHINESE HERB DOCTOR, ALARMED AT THE GROWING NUMBER OF NARCOTIC ADDICTS, DEVELOPED A MIXTURE OF HERBS USED TO CURE ADDICTS OF THEIR CRAVINGS FOR NARCOTICS. THE PROCESS STARTED WITH THE INGESTION OF A SMALL QUANTITY OF THE HERBAL MIXTURE. THE ADDICT THEN EXPERIENCED 12 TO 15 HOURS OF SLEEP. FOR THE NEXT FEW DAYS THE ADDICT DETOXIFIED BY PASSING THE BODY POISONS THROUGH THE URINE AND SWEAT GLANDS. AFTER LESS THAN ONE WEEK , THE ADDICT WOULD BEGIN TO EAT NORMALLY AND BEGIN TO GAIN WEIGHT. MOST TREATMENTS TOOK BETWEEN SEVEN TO TEN DAYS TO COMPLETE. UPON COMPLETION, THE FORMER ADDICT WAS READY TO RETURN TO HIS NORMAL LIFE DUTIES, HAVING LOST ALL CRAVINGS AND DESIRES FOR ANY DRUGS. THIS PROCESS IS STILL IN USE TODAY. A SPECIAL CLINIC IN BANGKOK HAS TREATED OVER 10,000 ADDICTS USING THE SAME HERBAL MIXTURE AS PASSED ON BY THE OLD CHINESE DOCTOR. PROPOSAL: KHUN SA HAS OFFERED THIS FORMULA AND PROCESS TO THE U.S.A. AND THE FREE WORLD AS THE FIRST OFFERING TO BE PASSED THROUGH THE TRADE MISSION. PRODUCT VALIDITY SUPPORT OF THE TESTING OF SAMPLES AND ENDORSEMENT BY THE U.S. DEPT. OF HEALTH IS REQUESTED. 082986 SUMMARY: KHUN SA IS EXTREMELY DESIROUS TO ALIGNING HIS PEOPLE WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE RUSSIANS HAVE BOMBARDED HIM WITH OFFERS OF ECONOMIC AND MILITARY AID. HE IS RESISTING THEIR TEMPTING OFFERS, AND WHILE HE HAS AGREED TO SEND 80 YOUNG STUDENTS TO RUSSIA FOR TRAINING, WILL STOP THE ACTIVITY UPON SEEING ANY OVERT OR COVERT EXPRESSION OF SUPPORT FROM THE U.S.A. KHUN SA HAS EXPRESSED IN LENGTH HIS NEED AND CONCERNS FOR THE ORDERLY TRANSITION OF SHANLAND INTO AN INDEPENDENT STATE. A NEW PROPOSAL PLAN WAS DISCUSSED, AND WILL BE PRESENTED TO THE VICE PRESIDENT IN PERSON BY THE UNDERSIGNED. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT IN A SHORT SPAN OF TIME SOME MESSAGE BE SENT BACK TO KHUN SA REGARDING THE U.S. POSITION ON THE MATTERS LISTED HEREIN. IF WE FAIL TO RESPOND, TOTALLY IGNORE HIM,, HE WILL IN TIME, BE FORCED FOR ECONOMIC SURVIVAL TO TURN TO THE RUSSIANS. I AWAIT YOUR PERSONAL INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING THE PRESENTATION OF A FULL AND DETAILED BRIEFING OF THE KHUN SA MEETING. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: AUTHUR M. SUCHESK PH.D AUGUST 29, 1986 : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KHUN SA TO GEORGE BUSH 8)12)88 TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDED MESSAGE FROM SAO KHUN SA, SHANLAND TO GEORGE BUSH, VICE PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. DATED: 08-12-1986 IN THE VILLAGE OF HO-MONG, SHAN TERRITORY, BURMA. TO THE HONORABLE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, MR. BUSH. SINCE MR. SUCHESK CAME TO OUR PLACE TO MEET ME IN THE VILLAGE OF HO-MONG, WE DISCUSSED THE SITUATION IN CHINA, BURMA AND THAILAND AND ABOUT THE D.E.A. AND OPIUM AND ALSO THE AMERICAN P.0.W. IN LAOS. THEREFORE I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THE LIBERTY TO EXPRESS MY INTENTIONS AND IN VIEW OF YOUR SITUATION TO YOUR EXCELLENCY VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I BELIEVE YOUR EXCELLENCY IS AN HONORABLE MAN. WHEN MR. JOSEPH NELLIS ( U.S. CONGRESS ) CAME TO MEET ME.IN 1977, I PROPOSED A GUARANTEED SIX YEAR PLAN TO END THE OPIUM PRODUCTION IN SHAN STATE. I KNOW THAT OPIUM IS HARMFUL TO SO MANY PEOPLE. I WANT TO HELP SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. I TELL THEM (JOE NELLIS ) THAT THE METHODS THE AMERICANS HAVE BEEN PURSUING SO FAR WAS AN INEFFECTIVE PRUNING METHOD. TO CUT OFF LEAVES OF SOME ISOLATED BRANCHES, BUT THE TREE NEVER DIES! MY SIX YEAR PLAN IN CONTRAST WAS THE UPROOTING METHOD, A SURE WAY TO END THE PROBLEM. SO IF D.E.A. REALLY WANT TO END IT, THEY SHOULD HAVE APPROACHED US, INSTEAD THEY SENT OUR OWN BROTHERS THE THAI MILITARY UNITS TO HUNT ME DOWN, ALL TOGETHER FOR 36 TIMES! IF THEY AIM TO GO ON DOING THE JOB THIS WAY, WE CAN BET THEY CAN GO ON FOR ANOTHER 60 YEARS AND NEVER SUCCEED. I HAVE SHOWN A DRAFT OF MY PLAN TO MR. NELLIS AND AGAIN SEND IT TO YOU THROUGH MR. SUCHESK. NOW PLEASE LET ME PRESENT A SHORT ACCOUNT OF HOW THE REBELLION AND THE OPIUM PROBLEM IN BURMA HAVE DEVELOPED TO THIS DATE. SHAN STATE HAS BEEN A PROTECTORATE STATE UNDER BRITISH RULE BEFORE 1948. SHAN PEOPLE MADE AN AGREEMENT TO TAKE INDEPENDENCE WITH THE BURMESE ON A CONDITION THAT SHAN STATE COULD SUCCEED FROM BURMA AS AN INDEPENDENT STATE AFTER 10 YEARS. THAT WAS WRITTEN IN THE 1948 BURMA CONSTITUTION, WHICH GENERAL NE WIN HAD ABOLISHED. SINCE THEN THE SHAN REBELLION BEGAN. AFTER THE INDEPENDENCE OF BURMA, THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF BURMA ALSO MADE NORTHERN SHAN STATE ITS STRONGHOLD, AND THE KMT REMNANTS CAME IN FROM CHINA IN EARLY 1950. BEING OPPRESSED BY NE WIN REGIME, THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF BURMA AND THE KMT REMNANTS, THE PEOPLE OF SHAN STATE WERE ON THE VERGE OF STARVATION SO THEY TURNED TO OPIUM CULTIVATION WHICH THE KMT ENCOURAGED THEM TO DO SINCE THEN, OPIUM HAS BEEN AN EVER GROWING PROBLEM. THE PEOPLE GROW.IT NEVER KNOW WHERE THEIR OPI0M IS HEADING FOR. THEY JUST SELL TO WHOM EVER BUY IT AND WITH THAT MONEYS THEY WILL BUY OTHER LIFE NECESSITIES. AS I HAVE SAID THE D.E.A. HAS TRIED SO MANY TIMES TO HUNT ME DOWN, DROVE ME OUT OF THAILAND AND SAID WITHIN THREE MONTHS KHUN SA WOULD BE DEAD, OR HE WOULD FLEE TO RANGOON, OR GO JOIN THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF BURMA. IN REALITY FOR KHUN SA, THERE IS NO NEED TO RUN AWAY TO ANY OTHER PLACE. HE HAS HIS NATIVE LAND SHAN STATE. SINCE HE IS WORKING FOR HIS PEOPLE THEY SUPPORT HIM WITH WHAT THEY HAVE, RICE, CORN, SALT, CLOTHES, MONEY AND IF THEY ONLY HAVE OPIUM, THEY GIVE HIM OPIUM. CONCERNING THE OPIUM PROBLEM, DON'T THINK THAT THE BURMA, THAI AND D.E.A. REALLY WANT TO FIND THE REAL SOLUTION. .THE RESULTS OF THEIR WORK MAY BE THE BEST PROOF, AND STILL THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS THEM, AND WILL NOT EVEN TAKE INTO ACCOUNT MY SIX YEAR PLAN, MY GUARANTEE, INSTEAD THEY SUPPORT THOSE WHO ARE KILLING OUR PEOPLE. HATE FOR THE U.S.A. IS GROWING IN THE HEARTS OF OUR PEOPLE. THEY SAY THE U.S.A. IS KILLING OUR PARENTS FOR THE SAKE OF OUR CHILDREN, AND KILLING OUR CHILDREN FOR THE SAKE OF OUR PARENTS. WE ARE NOT SELLING OUR OPIUM TO THEM, THEY CAN STAY AWAY FROM BUYING, WHY ALL THIS KILLING? THEY USE HERBICIDES TO SPRAY ON OUR FARMS THAT KILLS NOT ONLY OPIUM PLANTS BUT ALSO OTHER VEGETABLES, INCLUDING GRASS AND LIVESTOCK. IT ALSO POISONS WATER AROUND THE AREAS WHICH CLAIMS A THREAT TO HUMAN LIVES. IS THAT THE POLICY OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE U.S.A. DO THEY THINK THAT OUR LIVES ARE NOT AS VALUABLE AS THEIRS? FOR MY PART I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT IF THE U.S.A. WANTS TO STOP US FROM GROWING OPIUM, THEY SHOULD STOP GROWING WHEAT, WHERE THEN ARE THEY GOING TO GET THEIR BREAD?. ( MONEY ) FORGIVE ME FOR SAYING THIS SIR, I'M NOT MEANING TO BE RUDE, I ONLY WANT YOU TO BE SYMPATHETIC. OUR COUNTRY IS SURROUNDED BY CHINA, LAOS, THAILAND AND THE LOW LANDS OF BURMZ. AGAIN THEY ( OPIUM DEALERS) COME FROM THAILAND, FROM CHINA. WHEN EVER THE THAI'S DO SOMETHING BAD TO OUR PEOPLE, THEY SAY THAT IT IS D.E.A., AND D.E.A. IS AMERICANS! IN THIS WAY THE HATE TOWARDS AMERICAN PEOPLE GROWS. YOUR EXCELLENCY, I AM SINCERE IN SAYING THAT I WANT TO HELP SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, SEND ANOTHER GROUP TO ME TO COMPETE AGAINST THE D.E.A. TO WORK TOWARDS THE SOLUTION. THE RESULTS WILL SOON BE SEEN. WHOEVER CAN SOLVE THE NARCOTIC PROBLEM IN THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE WILL BE ONE OF THE GREAT HEROES IN THE WORLD, AND I WISH TO HELP HIM. I BELIEVE THAT EVERY LEADER OF HIS NATION IS WORKING FOR THE WELFARE OF HIS PEOPLE, AND THE WELFARE OF ALL MANKIND. I BELIEVE THAT YOUR EXCELLENCY WOULD BE INTERESTED IN SERVING ALL MANKIND. IF WE ARE ABLE TO FREE OUR SHAN STATE TO BECOME AN INDEPENDENT STATE, WITH THE HELP OF YOUR EXCELLENCY, WE WOULD EVEN BE PLEASED TO BECOME ONE OF THE STATES OF THE U.S.A. AND A BASE TO PREVENT THE SPREADING OF COMMUNISM. I HOPE THE VISIT OF MR. SUCHESK AND MR. DICK HSU WILL BECOME A STEPPING STONE TO OUR CLOSER RELATIONSHIP WHICH WILL LEAD TO THE SALVATION OF VICTIMS OF THE WORLD. I BEG YOUR EXZELLENCY TO HELP THE PEOPLE OF SHAN STATE. SHAN STATE IS A VZRY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY RICH IN MINERALS AND FORESTS AND FREE FROM ALL KINDS OF NATURAL DISASTERS. IF THERE IS ANYONE WHO WOULD WISH TO HELP US, WE BELIEVE WE COULD PAY YOU BACK WITH OUR NATURAL RESOURCES. IF SHAN STATE BECOMES AN INDEPENDENT STATE I AM CERTAIN IT WOULD BE EVEN MORE PROGRESSIVE THAN SINGAPORE AND IT CAN BECOME A PLACE WHERE UNIVERSITIES CAN BE ESTABLISHED AND PEOPLE FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD WOULD WANT TO ATTEND, BECAUSE IT IS A CALM AND BEAUTIFUL PLACE WITH MODERATE CLIMATE AND FREE FROM NATURAL DISASTERS. AS A FIRST STEP TO FIND WAYS OF EARNING MONEYS TO SUBSTITUTE THE OPIUM CULTIVATION, WE WOULD LIKE TO MANUFACTURE SOUVENIR COINS AND STAMPS IN GOLD AND SILVER, AS MR. SUCHESK HAS SUGZESTED. BUT WE HAVE VERY LITTLE EDUCATED PEOPLE TO HANDLE THIS, SO I BEG YOUR EXCELLENCY TO ALLOW MR. SUCHESK AND MR. DICK HSU TO COME AND HELP US IN THIS FIELD. THE SILENT WAR We are engaged in a silent war. Those waging this brutal conflict have not the decency to inform their victims ))) who include ourselves and almost everyone we know. Their standard bearers include George Bush and David Rockefeller. As the high priced professional liars in the mass media assure us all is well, the common people of the world are being crushed ))) like foot soldiers over run by a panzer division. And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end. These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is Brian Quig. You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by calling (602) 945-3858 or writing Intelligence Connection 6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000 Scottsdale AZ 85257 September 17, 1987 Mr. Edwin Meese, III Attorney General Main Justice Building 10th & Constitution Avenue Northwest Washington, D.C. 20530 Re: Citizen Complaint of Wrongdoing by Federal Officers Dear Mr. Meese: I am writing to you to register my complaints about certain actions that have been carried out against me and my associates. I believe these actions constitute violations of our civil rights as well as violations of the criminal law in some instances. These actions are all the more reprehensible in that they are politically motivated. I take this means to request that you investigate these matters and, where appropriate, reprimand the individuals involved and file criminal charges. Let me explain my situation to you. I am a veteran of the United States Army. I served with the Special Forces in the Vietnam War for more than two years between 1964 and 1970. I consider myself to be a patriot and am proud of my service to this country. Since the end of the Vietnam War, I have been actively involved in seeking to locate and free American POW's and MIA's left behind in Southeast Asia. I have been associated in these activities with Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz and others, including Scott Weekly. I believe our efforts have been carried out with the tacit ) if not always, overt ) approval of certain elements within our government. These government and military officials share our goal of freeing these forgotten Americans. In the fall of 1986 Col. Gritz and Mr. Weekly went to Burma. They had received intelligence from the "Basement of the White House", which led them to believe certain Burmese had information about American POW's. These leads proved to be unfounded. However, on that trip Col Gritz learned about illegal furg trafficking directed by U.S. government)related operatives. These drup dealing activities were on such a scale that they were used to fund covert, para)military operations in Southeast Asia and in other parts of the world. In May of 1987 I went to Burma with Col. Gritz and others. We brought back startling evidence directly linking American officials with illegal drug trafficking. A report on this Burma trip is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." Over the years it has baffled me why the U.S. Government would not actively and vigorously pursue the release of our POW's and MIA's. Now, the answer is clear. Any renewed American activity in Southeast Asia, on a scale necessary to the release of the abandoned POW's and MIA's, would attract unwanted attention to covert activities in the are. Government)sponsored drug trafficking is an explosive subject. Obviously, many government elements want the story left untold. Scott Weekly was charged with illegal transportation of explosives. He was made promises by ATF Agent Thomas Hahn which induced him to plead guilty to the charges. It is, of course, highly improper for law enforcement officials to make promises, especially false promises, to criminal defendants to persuade them to plead to criminal charges. This was done in Mr. Weekly's case. Pages were extracted from his pre)sentence report which would, very likely have mitigated his sentence. This action would have to have been known about and approved by the Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen Korotash. In Montana, Mr. Korotash's activities would have violated the Canons of Professional Ethics, which hold: ``"a public prosecutor or other government lawyer in criminal litigation shall make timely disclosure to counsel for the defendant, or to the defendant if he has no counsel, of the existence of evidence, known to the prosecutor or other government lawyer, that tends to negate the guilt of the accused, mitigate the degree of the offense, or reduce the punishment." DR 7*103(b)^E^ ``"A lawyer shall not suppress any evidence that he or his client has a legal obligation to reveal or produce." DR 7)109(A)^E^ I believe Agent Hahn and Attorney Korotash conspired to violate \Mr. Weekly's rights by persuading him not to retain effective counsel and to plead guilty. Thereafter, Col. Gritz was charged with a passport violation and has registered his own complaint, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B." Col. Gritz recently informed me that U.S. government representatives offered him government employment and dismissal of the charges against him if he would cease activities relative to the POW's and stay out of Southeast Asia. In other words, if Col. Gritz would shut up and cease his activities in Southeast Asia everything would be all right ) for him. As usual no thought was given to the POW's and MIA's nor their families and loved ones. Following my return from Burma on June 1, 1987, Col. Gritz was charged. I set out to investigate facts relative to the passport violation charge as well as the Scott Weekly situation. During the course of my short investigation there were several incidents which took place that were certainly blatant violations of my rights as a U.S. citizen. Itt is my opinion that the reason these violations took place is because I had in my possession\j\reports, documents and tapes which accuse and support accusations that U.S. Government officials deal in drugs and certain government employees have lied and obstructed justice in order to convict perfectly innocent persons of criminal wrongdoings. I believe they have been motivated by a desire to silence myself and my associates to keep the lid on the drug trafficking evidence we have uncovered. Short of that, they seek to discredit us and the information we've obtained. I traveled to Seattle, Washington, on June 27, 1987, to interview a U.S. Customs Agent named James Foley. Mr. Foley's telephone number is (206) 442)1974. His address is 1580 South 156th Street, Seattle. I spoke with Inspector Foley and told him I needed to locate the customs agent who passed Col. Gritz used, which was stamped at SEA)TAC Airport by Agent 1099. Attached hereto as Exhibit "C" is a copy of the passport. I told him that Col. Gritz had had several passports with him and the agent had taken him to an interrogation room. There he told Col. Gritz he hoped he had a telephone number they could call. Col. Gritz gave them a number and one of the customs men left. Returning a few minutes later, he said "Okay Col. Gritz, you're free to go". Inspector Foley told me he may know hwo the customs agent was that finally cleared Col. Gritz through. He said that the number stamped in the passport may or may not mean anything but he may possibly recognize the handwriting. The next day, June 27th, I contacted Inspector Foley at his home. He told me he had spoken with another Inspector named Arthur Henning. He said he had asked Henning if he could remmeber an incident about five years ago when a Green Beret Colonel came through customs with several passports. Inspector Foley told me Inspector Henning immediately told him, "James `Bo` Gritz." Henning said he remembered the incident because of the publicity Col. Gritz received on the POW issue shortly thereafter. Henning said he had taken Col. Gritz to an interview room along with another customs agent, John Hood. Col. Gritz had given them a telephone number whihc Henning said was to the State Department. Henning told Foley he handled the incident. He said Agent Hood may have written down the telephone number Gritz had given them a telephone number which Henning said was to the State Department. Henning told Foley he handled the incident. He said Agent Hood may have written down the telephone number Gritz gave them in his notes and could still possibly have it. He told Foley the call to the State Department would have been made by a supervisor, possibly Lynne Robson, who is now dead. Henning told Foley he remembered Col. Gritz was carrying at least three passports. He, also, said there would be a "Negative Search Report" on the incident. I sought this information because we had been led by U.S. Attorney Wulfson that this type evidence should have been sufficient to result in the dismissal of the charges against Col. Gritz regarding the fraudulent passport. After receiving this\j\information from me, Col. Gritz's attorney, Lamond Mills, contacted Wulfson. Wulfson told Mills he had already talked to Customs Inspector Henning about the incident, but that he wasn't dropping any charges, despite what he had said earlier. About that same time I was contacted by an investigative reporter named Tony Kimerey from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Kimerey told me he was in the office of the Assistant U.S. Attorney, Stephen Korotash. Jerry Bohnen, a KTOK news reporter, was there too. Kimerey can be reached at telephone number (404) 525)6780. Jerry Bohnen can be reached at (405) 840)1948. Also present in the office was Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Agent Tom Hahn. Kimerey said that ATF Agent Tom Hahn told him, in the presence of Korotash and Bohnen, that he (Hahn) had removed 9 pages from the documents that went before Federal Judge Alley, before the sentencing of Scott Weekly. The pages that Hahn removed were letters from several different Government agencies corroborating the story that Scott Weekly was involved in the Afghan traiing program which was sanctioned by the U.S. Government. If it were so, that the program was sanctioned by the government, then no laws would have been broken in shipping the C)4 by commercial air carrier. Kimerey also said that a U.S. Government investigator, who has done investigations for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Oklahoma City, told him he could not understand why ATF Agent Hahn and U.S. Attorney Korotash were being so malicious in prosecuting and railroading Scott Weekly. On July 18th, I traveled to Vancouver, British Columbia to find a man named Ahmad Rashid and his wife, Margaret. Ahmad was Scott Weekly and Col. Gritz's government contact in the Afghan training program. A meeting with Ahmad, Scott Weekly and Col. Gritz was set up in August 1986 by William Bode, then Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance. Assistant U.S. Attorney Korotash and ATF Agent Hahn have been saying all along that there was no Afghan traiing. They claim Weekly and Col. Gritz were selling explosives ot the Iranians. This is utterly ridiculous. I had thought at one time that maybe they really didn't know about the Afghan training. Maybe they were being lied to by persons in the government. But now I find that Agent Hahn has been in contact with William Bode since the early days, even before Weekly was arrested in December of 1986. Hahn was given a training schedule of the Afghan training by William Bode. Bode admitted this to Col. Gritz. Upon my arrival in Vancouver, British Columbia, I contacted Margaret Rashid, wife of Ahmad. Margaret had assisted her husband in the briefing of Col. Gritz and Scott Weekly. Margaret and Ahmad were to have given Gritz and Weekly all of their knowledge on the Mujahadeen Afghan Freedom Fighters so that they could use this knowledge in training several different factions of Mujahadeen in hopes of unifying them. I was lucky to have reached Margaret when I did because she was getting ready to leave Vancouver within a few days to join her husband in\j\Montreal. Ahmad was in Montreal looking for a place for them to live. Margaret and I talked about her role in giving the information to Weekly and Gritz about the Mujahadeen in August of 1986. Margaret told me that she and Ahmad were in constant contact with William Bode. She said that Bode was their U.S. Government contact. As a matter of fact Bode was the one that gave her and Ahmad the money to move to Montreal. This evidence would provce that this was a government)sponsored program. That being the case, Weekly should not have been convicted of the crime he was charged with. Bode and his associates were trying to get the Rashids out of Vancouver before Col. Gritz or anyone tried to contact them. Margaret said she also knew of Gritz and Weekly's problem. She knew Weekly was in jail but she did not exactly know why. She said she had a three way telephone conversation with Bode and another man from the U.S. Government some time ago. The man from the U.S. Government was the one who suggested they move to Montreal away from Vancouver. He was also the one who suggested that Bode give them the money to move on so that we could not find them. Margaret could not remember the name of the U.S. Government official they had the conversation with, but I found out later it was ATF Agent Tom Hahn. William Bode had called Col. Gritz about the same time I was visiting MArgaret. He had no idea I had been talking to her. He told Col. Gritz he had just heard of Weekly`s being in jail. He told Col. Gritz he was no longer working in Afghan studies or in the State Department. He told Gritz that he hadn't been there since last February. He said that if someone had contacted him before he would have at least given ATF a copy of the Afghan training schedule to prove Weekly was working under the auspices of the Government. A few days later, when Bode had found out I had talked to Margaret Rashid, he again called Col. Gritz. He asked Col. Gritz who Lance Trimmer was. He told Col. Gritz he had tried helping all he could. He said he had given Agent Hahn a copy of the training schedule. In the prior converstaion he had said he may have given him a copy. He also stated then that ATF Agent Hahn was the third person on the three way telephone conversation with him and the Rashids. The above information are all lies told by Government employees ATF Agent Hahn and Assistant U.S. Attorney Korotash have lied from the beginning and they continue to lie. My attorney in Oklahoma City, Frank Miskovski, who is a very prominent attorney in that area, told me that he has not once talked to ATF Agent Hahn that Hahn had not lied to him. Hahn admitted to two reporters that he omitted several pages of documents to be presented to a U.S. Federal Judge in recommending a long jail term for Scott Weekly. This was a clear violation of Weekly's rights. Hahn was instrumental in trying to hide\j\witnesses that could prove Scott Weekly's innocence. Those witnesses could have proven that Weekly was involved in a legitimate, U.S. Governemnt)approved, training program of Mujahadeen Afghan Freedom Fighters. It seems very clear to me that Assistant U.S. Attorney Korotash was also involved in the hiding of these documents. I have continuously tried to determine why ATF Agent Hahn and U.S. Attorney Korotash would want so badly to put Col. Gritz and Scott Weekly in jail. The only conclusion that I have is that some persons or people higher up in the Government are pressuring them to muzzle Col. Gritz. Col. Gritz is a proven American hero, whose only goal in life is to bring home American Prisoners of War left behind in Southeast Asia after the Vietnam War. The government wants to stop him from giving to the Americna people documents and evidence that show U.S. Government officials are now, and have been, dealing in drugs. These are acts of governmental agents involving the obstruction of justice and illegal suppression of evidence, which would show the charges against both Weekly and Gritz to be ill)founded. Now, let me address the acts which have carried out against me. I was arrested at the U.S./Canadian Point of Entry, Blaine, Washinton, on August 13, 1987, by U.S. Customs officials. I was arrested on a warrant, issued out of the federal district court of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. There were no charges. I was wanted as a material witness to testify before the grand jury in Oklahoma. Immediately following my arrest, I was searched and placed in a holding cell. I was told by a Customs Agent that they were going to look in my car. Much later, three agents came to my cell. One of them, who appeared to be in charge, introduced himself as Jim Williams. He read me my rights and asked me a couple of questions. I would not answer his questions but told him I was sure he had read a report that was in my bag that would answer all the questions he had. He insinuated that what he had read was interesting. One of the agents with him asked me if I had a number that he could call. What he meant was, he wanted to know if I was working for some government agency. I told him I had none. I don't believe he would have asked that had he not read papers in my briefcase. I was then chained up with leg irons, belts and handcuffs and taken to Whatcom County Jail where I was booked in, finger)printed and mugged. I was told that ATF Agents would pick me up in the morning and take me before a magistrate in Seattle. The next day two ATF Agents, Norm Prins and Jane Heffner, picked me up for transfer to the Seattle U.S. Marshall's Office. Agent Prins handcuffed me with my hands behind my back, put me in leg irons and escorted me to his vehicle for the 1 1/2 hour drive to Seattle. He told me he had two of my bags in their trunk. He also said that he had been to the Canadian Border where they had picked up my bags from Customs. I asked where the other two were and was told he knew nothing about them. Obviously, they had searched my car and seized and searched my personal property. On the way in Agent Prins said he'd like me to answer some personal questions he had. He said they had nothing to do with my case because he knew nothing about it. He said his questions had to do with POW's. If he knew nothing about my case, he would not have known to ask me about POW's. I assume he had read the papers in my briefcase and clothes bag. We talked about POW's and also about my Burma Report. When we arrived at the U.S. Marshall's Office, where I had to appear before the Magistrate, my hands and arms were asleep from having to sit handcuffed with my arms behind my back. The marks and bruises were still on my hands from the cuffs four days later. Agent Prins got my two bags out of the trunk of his car. I noticed the center section of my clothes bag was still zipped open. I never was allowed to look in my bags. They said they had brought them to turn over to the U.S. Marshall's Office, but the Marshall's Office refused to accept them. They obviously argued over them for some time until the ATF agents said they would take them and hold them in their office. I asked again about my briefcase and clothes bag but was told that Customs had kept them. I asked why and was told that they were "doing something" with them. I asked what, and was told just "something, but I shouldn't worry about it." I said abviously they are making copies of my diary and reports. They said they didn't know but admitted it was possible. Before appearing before the Magistrate one of the U.S. Marshalls called the Customs Agent Williams and asked about my briefcase and camera case. I could not hear what Agent Williams was saying but when he hung up the Marshall told me that Williams would have my bags sent to whatever address I wanted. I told him I wanted my bags brought to me because they also contained my credit cards and identification which the agents had kept when they took my wallet, also I told them they had no reason to keep them. The Marshall then told me they were "doing something with them." When I asked "what," he said he had no idea. I was then taken to the Magistrate where I was admitted to a $10,000 bail. I told them I could make bail immediately if I could make a phone call. This was approximately 4:30 p.m. The Marshalls then took me from the courtroom back up the elevator to their office. When we passed a phone I asked if I could make that call. They said I could when I got to the office. When we reached the office, they had me go into their little holding room and then fooled around preparing this and that. I asked again about a call and was told, "in a minute." It was obvious they were stalling for time since it was close to 5:00 p.m. When I was finally allowed to call it was too late for anything to be done. This meant I was stuck in jail for the weekend.\j\ I was then allowed to call Custons Agent Williams. I asked him about my briefcase and camera bag. He said he would send them somewhere for me. I told him I had to have them in my hands. I needed my identification and credit cards to bail out of jail. He said there was no way to get them to me now that the weekend was there. I told him someone could surely drop them at the ATF Office with my other bags. He said they couldn't do that until Monday. I asked if it was going to take that long to make copies of my personal diary and papers. He said they weren't doing that. I said what about the phone numbers. He said we are just "doing something" with the bag. I said I would like them right away. He said it was impossible and I would get them on Monday or maybe Tuesday. They would be through with them then. He stated he would not be there personally himself next week but someone else would handle it. That was the best he could do. I was then taken to Kent, Washington, to the Kent Corrections Center. I was taken there in handcuffs and chains. I was fingerprinted and mugged for the third time. While in the Kent Corrections Center I made four written requests. The first one was made on August 15. I requested they return my briefcase and personal belongings being held by Customs immediately. This included my credit cards and other identification. I was told they could do nothing. They said I must contact the agency that had them, although those agencies wouldn't accept a collect call. I wrote another request on August 16 and was told the same thing. Copies of all four requests are attached as Exhibit "D." On August 17 they would not answer my request and on August 18 I was not allowed to make a phone call. They did finally tell me that a U.S. Marshall had brought my identification cards from Customs on that day after I had told them I would not leave the jail without my identification even if I was bailed out, because it was clear they could arrest me for vagrancy. While in the jail there were two phone calls I made which were very important regarding my bail. On one occasion, I was right at the point of learning a phone number that I needed to call to have bail brought immediately, when the conversation was cut off by whoever was monitoring the call. Several persons called the jail with messages for me, with regard to bailing me out, but the messages were never given to me. Finally on Tuesday afternoon, August 18, I was allowed to bail out on a $10,000 cash bond. The attorney who was instrumental in bailing me out had to drive me to the Canadian Border at Blaine, Washington, which was more than 125 miles away in order for me to get my briefcase and camera bag. All of the contents in those bags obviously had been removed. My notes and papers were thrown back in completely out of order and it looked as though several typewritten notes were missing. The Customs Agent, Joe Rydell, stated that I either had to sign an inventory list they had made up or he would not return my belongings. There was no way I could tell if every piece of paper was there. I was never given an inventory list of what they took from me. They kept my personal diary, papers, pictures, and identifications cards, including credit cards, for six days and refused to return them. They told me they were "doing something" with them. It was clearly an illegal search and seizure. I was only arrested as a material witness. I have been a law enforcement officer and understand what the term "probable cause" means. There was no probable cause to seize my property and search it. There was no reason to treat me like a criminal. I can understand being jailed on a warrant. I cannot understand being handcuffed, chained, mugged and fingerprinted on numerous occasions, being denied access to my property, and being denied the opportunity to arrange bail. All of this was a serious violation of my civil rights. After I finally got released on bail I had to travel more that 200 miles to retrieve my personal belongings. They forced me to personally go out of the way which took another day. It was then too late to travel to my home in Montana. I had to go to California to secure my automobile and then travel to Oklahoma City where I was to appear before a Grand Jury on the Subpoena the government had issued me upon my arrival. I called the U.S. Attorney's Office and checked in as I was supposed to do. The man that I talked to about transportation to Oklahoma City told me that I should pay my own way and turn in a voucher on the day I appeared before the Grand Jury. I then left for Oklahoma City. I needed to find a lawyer for my appearance. When I appeared at the U.S. Attorney's Office with my attorney, Frank Miskovski in Oklahoma City, we were met by ATF Agent Tom Hahn. Tom Hahn stated that U.S. Attorney Korotash was out of town. I asked if he was also on vacation and Hahn replied he didn't know. He told me Korotash was out of town and could not be reached. Hahn said he had been trying to contact me for the past ten days. I called him a liar. He said he was not lying. I told him I called in twice to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Hahn stated that I only called in once. I told him I called on Monday August 24 and checked in with a woman secretary. I also called in on August 26 and told a male I would be coming to Oklahoma City and wanted to know about travel arrangements. Hahn said he only heard of one time I called. He said that he had called my attorney several times in Washington. I called Mike Jordan, my attorney in Washington, on August 30 from Oklahoma City. He told me that Hahn had called him on Friday trying to contact me to tell me they postponed the Grand Jury Hearing. On September 1st, the day of my scheduled appearance, Hahn gave me a new subpoena for September 14. I asked if my bail would now be returned. He said he didn't see why not. He would check. I waited for some time before Hahn returned and told my attorney that they were going to hold my cash bail of $10,000 until I appeared on September 14. I left to make a phone call and then returned with my attorney and asked for Agent Hahn. I was told he was no longer around. My attorney asked to speak with the U.S. Attorney Price. He was not around. This was at 11:30 a.m. We asked to speak with any U.S. Attorney who could make a decision. We were taken to a Chief U.S. Attorney whom I told I wanted my bail returned or to be put back in jail. I told him the bail I received was promised to be sent back to the person it came from on September 1 and I had appeared as promised. This U.S. Attorney called Agent Hahn who, just a few minutes earlier, could not be found, and had Hahn come to his office. He told Hahn I was there to be put in jail so my bail would be returned. Hahn immediately made many calls. A long time later he came out ant told my attorney that they would either return my bail and place me in jail, return my bail and release me on my own recognizance or schedule the hearing in the morning. He was to call my attorney at his office. Later in the afternoon, my attorney contacted me about 4:30 p.m. and said that Hahn was obviously a habitual liar. He had finally talked to Hahn after 4:00 p.m. and Hahn told him he called 4 or 5 times but couldn't reach him. My attorney's secretary said that Hahn had called once. My attorney was not in and Hahn did not call back. My attorney called Hahn back twice but could not find him. He finally reached Hahn about 4:10 p.m. and Hahn told him they reset the Grand Jury Hearing for the following morning, September 2. I appeared at 9;00 a.m. on September 2nd before the Grand Jury. I talked about U.S. Officials dealing in drugs., about General Khun Sa of Burma, about a statement I made of a complaint being filed regarding charges oif wrongdoing by AFT Agent Hahn. Halfway through the U>S> Attorney's questions, they stopped the hearing and tol;d me there would be no more questions. It was approximately 11:00 a.m. I was told that I was free to go and would have to return on Oct. 5. I believe that is less than coincidental that Col. Gritz passport violation case is scheduled for trial in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the very same date. My attorney and I asked that my bail be returned along with my passport. AFT Agent Hahn said he saw no problem with that. He said he would clear it with U.S. Attorney Blair Watson. We waited about 45 minutes. Hahn came later and said he would have it taken care of after lunch. My Attorney called him after lunch but, as usual, he was not around then. He talked to the U.S. Attorney Watson who said he didn't know about the bail and it would have to stay whereever it was. He believed it was being held in Washington State where it was posted. My attorney called the U.S. Attorney`s office in Seattle, Waashington and was tiold it had been sent to Oklahoma. My attorney talked with the U.S. Attorney in Seattle later and was told Hahn had told them that because it took so long for them to find me he didn't think they should release my bail. There was never andy agreement to release my bail until Sept. 14th. At this writing I still don't have it back. Since recovering my property I have discovered that several items are missing, including typed notes and a tape\j\of conversations with Margaret Rashid and Tony Kimerey. I spent more than ten years of my life serving my country as a soldier. I risked my life in combat in support of our government. I worked as a court officer a police officer and as an investigator for a prperiod of 15 years. I have a college degree in criminal justice. I believe in our system and have proven my commitment by my service. I cannot tolerate nor abide the perversion and subvertion of our system, especially by those)like me)who have taken an oath to defend it. This complaint deals with high)level government policy makers who have sacrificed our POW'S and MIA's, and alot more, to cover)up illigal and reprehensible drug trafficking activies. It deals with federal Justice Department officials who have lied, silenced witnesses, discredited genuine patriots and heroes, obstructed justice and used their power to harass and intimidate honorable citizens. I've heard of the alleged illigal drug trafficking, supported by the CIA, in Central America. Until my recent experience I wouldn't have believed it. You are the top law enforcement officer in the United States. You have a duty to investigate, vigorously, the charges raised in this complaint. Today is the 200 anniversary of our constitution. The greatest threat to that sacred document is being mounted today by the lairs, obstructors of justice and other slime who believe the ends justify the means and "plausible deniability" is a defensible standard of conduct in an open, democratic system. The people and activites, complained of herein, threatenour very system of laws. Do yourself proud. Deal with these complaints vigorously.. The issue of illegal drug trafficking is now before the publis. When it becomes apparent to the public that our POW's and MIA's have been abandoned and our youth have been exposed to drugs to protect such an activity, the wrath of the people will be incredible. It no longer works to try to hide this activity, too many know of it. The tactics that have been used to produce the silence of people like me oon this issue, are unjustifiable. Restore my faith in my government. Do your duty, as I have sought to do mine. And as those POW's and MIA's abandoned in Southeast Asia, have done theirs. Sincerely, Lance Trimmer Suite 316, 600 Central Plaza Great FAlls, Montana 59401 Subscribed and Sworn to before me this day of Sept. 1987 (Linda Cooper) Notary Public for the State of Montana My commision expires : 4/1/89 cc: ATF, Washington, D.C ATF, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma U.S. Attorney William Price, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma U.S. Customs Service, Washington, D.C. U.S. Customs Service, Blaine, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. DEA, Washington, D.C. Members of the United States Congress THE SILENT WAR We are engaged in a silent war. Those waging this brutal conflict have not the decency to inform their victims ))) who include ourselves and almost everyone we know. Their standard bearers include George Bush and David Rockefeller. As the high priced professional liars in the mass media assure us all is well, the common people of the world are being crushed ))) like foot soldiers over run by a panzer division. And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end. These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is Brian Quig. You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by calling (602) 945-3858 or writing Intelligence Connection 6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000 Scottsdale AZ 85257 DRUG STORY HARD TO BELIEVE Since the earlier publication of evidence of US government officials trafficking in drugs in SE asia, evidence has been piling up in the Digest office. There is so much of it, from widely diverse sources ranging from Mother Jones and the Christic Institute on the left, to Reuters and US News and World Report, to first)hand testimony from a warlord of the Golden Triangle, that it seems that there must be a real fire somewhere under all this smoke. Since the evidence is massive and the trail of the players twisted, let us attempt to summarize. Opium and heroin have been imported into the US from SE Asia in huge quantities by US and allied government officials since the 1940s. This activity became especially heavy from the 1960s forward. A great deal of the money generated by this drug trade, particularly after it became monstrous in the '60s and '70s, was apparently laundered through the Nugan)Hand Bank in Australia. Upon the failure of this bank some 7 years ago, and at the same time as the alleged suicide of one of the partners, Frank Nugan (1980), it became clear that CIA and US military officers were deeply involved in the bank and its nefarious operations. A full)blown investigation by the Australian government produced a 4)volume report. It showed that some $50 million in losses were suffered when the bank went down, but untold amounts of illicit drug money were undoubtedly not accounted for at the time because the owners of that money didn't want to draw attention to themselves. Strangely enough, the whole affair of the Nugan)Hand failure was hushed up by our government and many bank records were shredded by former US officials. Now to Central America. Cocaine from this area has apparently been imported into the US in large quantities for years by officials of the US and allied nations. Some of the funds from these drug sales have apparently supported the Contra's in Central America, along with funds from arms sales to Iran. Here's the mind)blower: The central players in these arms and drug deals seem always to be the same people: Theodore Shackley, a former high CIA official, Thomas Clines, always Shackley's assistant, Richard Secord, retired Air Force major general, and shifting cast of support players. With the exception of Secord, these same people show up in the testimony of Gen. Khun Sa, the recognized drug kingpin of the Golden Triangle (Thailand)Laos)Burma). Khun Sa describes the sale of huge amounts of drugs to some of these US officials and even notes that the funds were run through Australian banks. Lt. Col. "Bo" Gritz, who first exposed this story on a radio talkshow in southern California, has continued his campaign on talkshows throughout the United States. In almost every show, says Gritz, he will get one or more calls from Vietnam vets who describe how they participated or knew of drugs being shipped either under US auspices or at a minimum with a "wink and a nod" from officials on the scene. We should note here that Gen. Khun Sa has offered to stop this drug traffic in his part of the world but says that for 15 years, he can get "no interest" from our government. In the videotaped interview with Gritz, Khun Sa even agreed to provide security for the US and/or UN inspection teams if they\j\wanted to come in to verify his efforts. Khun Sa's offer is connected to his request for help for his people in the form of agricultural instruction, etc. His point is that if he stops the growing of opium, his 8 million people will need help in replacing the income that crop is generating. To date, his offer has stirred not one iota of interest in Washington. Unbeknownst to Gritz, H. Ross Perot had been working on this same story since some time in late 1986. Perot took the evidence to Washington, presented it to the Vice President, the FBI, and to the White House, and got no help whatsoever. He even received a call from Frank Carlucci, now head of the National Security Council, telling him to "stop pursuing" Richard Armitage, whom Gen Khun Sa named as a big buyer of drugs in Burma. Armitage is now Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security. Former Chief of Special Operations for the US Air Force L. Fletcher Prouty says many CIA officials knew all about the use of drugs to pay some troops in Burma during WW II. One who knew was Sam Wilson who ended up as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Prouty also states that this drug trade was the reason for the start of the Nugan)Hand Bank in Australia, and further states that Michael Hand (one of the partners in the bank) worked out of his office in the Pentagon before he went to Vietnam and Laos where he met the Nugan brothers. Prouty, by the way, assisted Alfred McCoy in the preparation of his monumental book The Politics of Heroin in SouthEast Asia (Harper & Row, 1972). A lawsuit filed by the leftist Christic Institute alleges many of the above events, naming these and other players. The Institute alludes to a "Secret Team" that was/is running many of the arms/drug deals. Much of the outline of this informal organization (if that's what it is) is also fully covered in US News and World Report (8/10/87, p. 16), with only a casual mention of the drug trade in the last paragraph. But at least it was mentioned. An article by the Wall Street Journal reporter Jonathan Kwitny appears in the August)September issue of Mother Jones. Both the reporter and the magazine are leftist, to say the least. However, Kwitny's recounting of the Nugan)Hand Bank failure was accurate so far as we can tell. Among the names mentioned by Kwitny are (brace yourself): Shackley, Clines, Secord, Eric von Marbod (another Pentagon official), 3)star US Gen. LeRoy Manor (former chief of staff for the entire US Pacific Command), Gen. Edwin Black (high)ranking intelligence officer and Assistant Army chief of staff for the Pacific), Gen. Earl Cocke, Jr. (former commander of the American Legion), William Colby (former CIA director), Adm. Earl "Buddy Yates, Michael Hand (CIA veteran), and numerous bit)part players. Then there's the strange story of former CIA agent Edwin Wilson, currently serving a 55)year sentence in solitary confinement for arms dealing. Wilson has consistently asserted that his own questionable activities were part of a larger pattern of corruption and subversion among high CIA and Pentagon officials. According to Wilson, 5 conspirators ) Shackley, Clines, Secord, von Marbod, and Wilson himself ) met secretly in 1978, setting up a partnership to run arms, using the power of these top bureaucrats. Wilson himself put up $500,000 for the operation, and he says he has a tape recording of the whole transaction. Not only did he lose his investment, he ended up in the dungeon." When I saw that I was the only one among all our partners to be indicted and convicted, I realized that I was being buried for the rest of my life in a solitary cell so that my former partners could shut me up. I was afraid to talk," he said. To add to this mystery, it appears clear that the Mafia serves as the retail distribution for the drugs. Richard Armitage, Santo Trafficante (Mafia chieftain, now deceased), Shackley, Daniel Arnold, and Jerry Daniels (said by Khun Sa to have taken over Armitage's drug duties) are listed by Khun Sa as handling the enormous drug trade from the Golden Triangle, and he says, they used Australian banks to launder the money. Khun Sa also notes that Thailand's English)language newspaper Bangkok Post reported that CIA agents were using Australia as a transit base for the drug business and using banks in Australia for the funds. Finally, in this strange line up of sources, it's of interest to note that the US Communist Party newspapers, People's Daily World, and the communist Guardian, have been playing up this story for months. We can attribute this interest in our "drug problem" by the Reds as an attempt to divert attention from the fact that since 1962 it has been official Communist policy to use drugs to help being down the United States. Nicaragua, Cuba, Bulgaria, etc., have all been working from an edict issued by Nikita Khrushchev at a secret Warsaw Pact meeting in Moscow in 1962. It may be only coincidence that involvement by our government officials seemed to pick up steam at about the same time. Several aspects of this story are appalling to us. First, we are dismayed that we find material in far)left publications with which we agree. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Second, there is an enormous amount of corroborative material being sent to our office nearly every day. It supports the conclusion that a formal or informal organization of high CIA and US military officers, some former, some present, exists which has for decades been a major ) if not the major ) importer of heroin and cocaine into the US. Third, the same players show up nearly everywhere where drugs and arms are involved. The only place Gen. Secord's name has not appeared is in connection with the Khun Sa story in Burma. It's also of interest that much of this activity occurred while Vice President George Bush was in charge of the CIA. It's strange that Bush does not seem to be interested (based on the lack of cooperation given Perot when he visited him) in stopping this drug business. And Bush is "the top cop" appointed by President Reagan to handle this drug problem. The mere fact that the mass media has completely ignored this abundance of evidence is further indication of the probability that very high members of the Establishment are deeply involved. Only CBS TV in the "West 57th Street" broadcasts have dealt with the Central American connection and that show ranks at the bottom in the ratings. The Golden Triangle connection has yet to be looked into. We were told by a Washington reporter for the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) that one reason the major TV networks have not touched the Gritz story is that lawyers for Richard Armitage called each of them\j\and said: "If you run the story, we'll sue". With the Westmoreland case still vividly imprinted on the minds of network executives, the threat has apparently worked. We have heard that a major overseas network is planning a story sometime in the next 6 months. If this story is correct in it's broad outline ) and there is strong evidence for this ) we are looking at the worst scandal in government corruption in US history. There is simply no other way to describe it. In brief, here is what appears to be factual: The US government has outlawed various drugs since 1914 with the explicit intent of driving up the price to make them more difficult to obtain. Then this same government has for decades actually participated in the importation of these very same drugs! The Mafia has served as the retailer for our government. In the latter years of this decadent operation, drug monies have allegedly been used to fund some Freedom Fighter operations, particularly in Laos and Central America. It's very possible that the recipients of this dirty money didn't know of its origins. It's even more likely that huge amounts of money from these illicit operations stuck to the hands of the major players. We also think it's possible, although we've seen little evidence to support it, that there is an involvement by the big international banks. The closest we`ve come to proof is in the book The Underground Empire: Where Crime and Government Embrace, by James Mills (Doubleday, $22.95). Perhaps the most discouraging aspect of this whole grimy situation is that there is so little interest among government officials and the mass media. It seems that only a demand from the grass)roots, reaching some critical mass of mail, can stir an investigation into this dirty business and bring it to a halt. Your congressman must hear from you. You must demand action. You must demand the major TV networks get on this story. You must demand that your newspaper conduct its own investigation and print the results. You, dear friend, hold the key. You, by your actions, will determine whether this practice continues or is stopped. THE SILENT WAR We are engaged in a silent war. Those waging this brutal conflict have not the decency to inform their victims ))) who include ourselves and almost everyone we know. Their standard bearers include George Bush and David Rockefeller. As the high priced professional liars in the mass media assure us all is well, the common people of the world are being crushed ))) like foot soldiers over run by a panzer division. And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end. These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is Brian Quig. You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by calling (602) 945-3858 or writing Intelligence Connection 6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000 Scottsdale AZ 85257 THE DEATH IN ARIZONA OF THE KEMPER MARLEY MACHINE I expected the sky to fall after my July article linking the activities of Charles Keating and General Singlaub. Nothing happened. The reaction to my September article exposing Terry Burke, former top DEA in Arizona as a possible key element in the illegal narcotics network in Arizona, however, was immediate and unmistakable. Within days of my FAXing this story I was served with a court summons, a nasty death threat was left on my answering machine and my offices were entered, my files, book cases and furniture dumped and overturned. The last few days there has been a 6 foot 6 inch Latino following myself and an associate. He makes the top hit man for the Medellin cartel look like a sissy. Since Terry Burke, the former CIA station chief in Laos who administered the Phoenix Assassination Program has been closely associated with Theodore Shackley since 1962, this revelation coming in the wake of the unsolved Buddhist murders must have sent shock waves far and wide. Ted Shackley was George Bush's number 2 man at CIA when Bush was CIA Director. Among those in the know, Ted Shackley and an operative named Richard Armitage are the weakest points in the armor of George Bush and the New World Order. More significantly, I am tempted to speculate that this revelation, coupled with my suggestion of a probable heroin connection to the military style execution of the 9 Buddhist monks, lead to the panic arrest of five innocent Tucson kids for the murder of the monks. Supposedly, on the basis of a tip received Sept. 3 from a patient in a mental hospital, the deputies of Maricopa County Sheriff, Tom Agnos, arrested and charged four hispanic and one black youth, all selected from the poorest neighborhoods of Tucson. It was apparent from the start that this action was bogus. First, law enforcement alleged that these youths stole a late model Bronco and a Blazer that were seen at the Temple the day of the crime. These vehicles were never reported stolen! Where are these vehicles today? If these kids were in fact criminal elements, wouldn't they have driven these four wheeled all terrain vehicles across the border to Mexico where they would have been worth more than in the U.S.? They could have made a quick $15,000 doing this. I visited the Temple. It is more than obvious that there was nothing of value there. Rapidly the case against the kids began disintegrating. One suspect was working at a dog track during the murders and was video taped performing his duties. He had to be released. It soon became clear that there was no physical evidence linking the youths to the crime ))) only their confessions )))), confessions that the Dean of the Law School at ASU says can not be used in court because they were so obviously coerced. It turns out that the deputies worked on the youths for 12 hours in separate rooms with no windows ))) no food or water ))) in the midst of serious threats. One youth was told that he would be "found in a lake with an anchor wrapped around his neck if he did not cooperate". This precess took place not at police headquarters but in separate rooms of a hotel. The attorney for Dante Parker, said to be the ringleader, has submitted a list of 25 witnesses that say the suspect never left Tucson the night in question. The Thai ambassador "just happened to be in Phoenix" for the arrests. During one short sound byte he repeated three times that his being in Phoenix was just coincidence. His praise for Arizona law enforcement sounded a bit too lavish for the circumstances. All readers can be assured that the smiling Thai ambassador is no stranger to the politics of heroin in Southeast Asia. Equally as disingenuous was the statement of the Sheriff that there was no racism involved in the crime )))) (but only in the selection process of the scapegoats.) When Lt. Col. James Bo Gritz returned to the Golden Triangle of Burma in 1987 to video tape the drug overlord, General Khun Sa, naming the names of the U.S. officials who were the general's largest customers for heroin, he was startled to find that a two lane highway had been constructed in the 5 months since he was last there. This highway, which went right to the general's front door, was built by the Thai government using Rome plows left over from the Vietnam war. Coming out, as the Colonel went in, were 10 ton trucks, covered and loaded, with the Thai Army insignia on the side. There is only one product that comes out of the Golden Triangle )))) heroin! It is a certainty that the smiling Thai ambassador has an accounting of every truck. The importance of the discovery of this heroin highway lies in the fact that what had trickled out on the backs of horses and mules now flows out in 10 ton trucks. This highway, which is easily verifiable with satellite imaging, is to this day denied by our government. When Col. Gritz's team lead Tom Jerrills of CBS 20\20 in to meet with Khun Sa, none of the trucks seen in the Colonel's video tapes were seen by American viewers. There was even phoney footage of Jarrells riding on a mule and no shot of the Toyota pick)up that actually carried him there. It so happens that the people associated with the Temple think there was a narcotics connection. Fong Miller lost both her mother and daughter in the massacre. When I told her that I thought the Phoenix\Bangkok heroin connection factored into the slayings, her words were, "That is what we think also." Absolutely no speculation to this effect has surfaced in newspapers here. Last year Phoenicians were shocked to find that the state government had committed to a $30 million toxic waste incinerator which was well under construction by the time anyone learned of it. The selected management company, ENSCO, had an abysmal safety record everywhere they had existed. In order to satisfy the public hearing requirement, a remote hearing site located 40 miles outside Phoenix was selected. The deputies of Tom Agnos were issued stun guns and pictures of GREENPEACE toxics expert, Brad Angel, and instructed to respond with "maximum force" to "environmental terrorism". In order to further stifle public outcry, the high school auditorium was partitioned so that only 25% was useable. Frictions developed when most of the 400 people who showed up were told to go home there was not enough room for them. TV viewers that night were horrified at the spectacle of a 65 year old lady being repeatedly zapped by the deputies with the stun guns. She was not even one of the environmentalists. This incident coupled with the arrests of the innocent Tucson kids would insure a speedy trip down the toilet for Agnos and his top confederates in any other municipality in the nation. The previous sheriff distinguished himself by placing an ad in the classified section of the ARIZONA REPUBLIC for truck drivers, then busting two respondents for trucking cargos arranged by the sheriff. He also had one of his informers fly a plane load of marijuana in from Mexico so that he could have members of the press available at the landing site to witness the arrest of those meeting the plane. He survived both incidents. Hopefully Agnos will not be as lucky. The reader is probably asking how could such things happen. For the answer to this we must do what Col. Fletcher Prouty advises, "Go back and examine the beginnings." Arizona is Kemper Marley territory. Kemper Marley was the big man in Arizona. In 1948 fifty two employees of Kemper Marley's Arizona liquor monopoly, UNITED LIQUOR, went to prison on federal liquor violations, including Jim Hensley, the father)in)law of Senator John McCain. Hensley was the General Manager of UNITED LIQUOR. On the basis of this, some people might feel UNITED LIQUOR could be described as organized crime. The slick attorney who kept Marley out of this trial and out of prison and sent McCain's father)in)law to prison in his place was William Rendquist )))) currently the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court! It was the judgement of this court that Jim Hensley would be prohibited from working in the liquor industry from then on. Of course such judgments meant nothing to Marley. After Jim Hensley got out of prison, Marley arranged a BUDWIESSER distributorship for Hensley which is now in the hands of Senator John McCain and reported to be worth $200 million. The best source for an introduction to the environment of total corruption which exists in Arizona is THE ARIZONA PROJECT: HOW A TEAM OF INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS GOT REVENGE ON DEADLINE. This expose was written by Michael Wendland who was part of the group called INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS AND EDITORS that came to Phoenix in the aftermath of the car bombing of the ARIZONA REPUBLIC's investigative reporter, Don Bolles. It was the conclusion of this group that Marley, by far the wealthiest man in Arizona, was behind this murder. There are many reasons to believe that Don Bolles was not killed because he was a white knight. When Bolles testified before the HOUSE ORGANIZED CRIME COMMITTEE, he required immunity. Why? The best clue to his death lies in his last words ))) "Adamson, EMPRISE the mafia". John Adamson was the hit man contracted by the establishment attorney, Neal Roberts. EMPRISE was a dog track interest which had changed its name from SPORTSERVICE. There existed the Maricopa County Superior Court Case # C)286651 SPORTSERVICE v. JARVIS, STEIGER which was available to anyone interested in the motive for this crime. Exhibits in this case allege that Bolles, who was visibly living beyond his means, was wheeling and dealing with the gangsters. Today the EMPRISE CORPORATION continues to flourish in Arizona under the name DELAWARE NORTH. John McCain has been observed visiting the principals. A good companion reader to the ARIZONA PROJECT is THE LAST RAMPAGE OF GARY TYSON. Written by a journalism professor from the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, this book documents how top authorities in Arizona let Gary Tyson escape from prison after he succeeded in carrying out a contract hit on another inmate, Tony Sera. Sera was giving affidavits regarding the land fraud of Ned Warren. It is the thesis of this book that this contract was given by establishment attorney, Neal Roberts, who was described in the ARIZONA PROJECT as the murder broker in the Bolles killing. According to intelligence sources of the Phoenix police, who prepared a background profile of Kemper Marley the week following the Bolles murder, Marley was at one time directly connected to the remnants of the old Al Capone mob, operating the TRANSAMERICA WIRE SERVICE. This betting service was originally established in 1941 for Capone's heirs by Gus Greenbaum. Greenbaum was a Phoenix socialite seen at all the society balls in Phoenix, usually in the company of the Barry Goldwaters and Harry Rosenzweigs. In 1958 Greenbaum and his wife were found dead in their bed )))) their throats cut. This inaugurated a series of grisly gangland)style slayings. When Marley died, July 1990, he owned 5 square miles of Carefree ))) the highest priced real estate in Arizona. The smallest lot in this most exclusive township is zoned for one acre. By some coincidence the Tax Accessors made the same mistake evaluating Marley's properties as he did on Charlie Keating's properties. This oversight was saving Marley a million dollars a year. Of course the official investigation showed no wrongdoing in either case. For the last 40 years Marley bankrolled Harry Rosenzweig who doled out Marley's great wealth to a slate of Republican candidates who were almost universally successful in obtaining high political office. Marley was able to control the Democratic party as well. Every congressman and every senator in Arizona currently owes his position to the Marley machine. Dennis DeConcini was facing a tough reelection in 1990, seeing as how he was nailed creaming off a cool $5 million with his family on an Arizona land deal dependent on the Senator's inside senatorial knowledge. The last thing in the world the Republicans wanted was to loose DeConcini's seniority. Before any other Republicans could announce, the party hierarchy formally announced their support for the weakest candidate that one could imagine. The opponent, Keith DeGreen, had ties to the Republican Party that were so weak he had not even voted in the last 2 elections. At one point Marley served as Chairman of the Board of the VALLEY NATIONAL BANK. When Bugsy Siegel, on instructions from Meyer Lansky, built the FLAMINGO CLUB, Las Vegas's first casino, the money was borrowed from the VALLEY NATIONAL BANK. Involvements in narcotics trafficking on the part of VALLEY NATIONAL BANK are hinted in the ARIZONA PROJECT. Al Lizanetz, who served as Kemper's public relations man for 25 years, is one of the richest sources for background on the liquor magnate. The Bolles murder was part of a package deal that was to include a hit on Lizanetz. According to Lizanetz, the Marley machine placed the highest priority on placing lawyers in all the key state and municipal positions. Former Attorney General Bob Corbin, who accepted a $55,000 campaign contribution from Charles Keating in a race where he was unopposed, worked for Marley (in the insurance industry) in the 50s as did the preceding 2 AGs. Marley placed his people in the top positions of the Department of Public Safety. The county prosecutor was also key to him. Lizanetz claims that Marley recruited Eugene Pullium to come to Phoenix to start the ARIZONA REPUBLIC/PHOENIX GAZZETT, the monopoly newspaper here which has succeeded in covering up these matters. Pullium then started the PHOENIX 40 a group of the largest business interests who virtually run the state. Eugene Pullium is the grandfather of Dan Quayle. The ARIZONA REPUBLIC/PHOENIX GAZZETT together with the INDIANAPOLIS STAR are reported to be worth $5 billion. Lizanetz claims that Ned Warren, responsible for half a billion dollars of land fraud in Arizona, was another agent of Kemper Marley. Marley's mentor was Sam Bronfman, the progenitor of the SEAGRAMS empire. When Bronfman visited Marley in Arizona he came in the company of Al Capone. Lizanetz claims that Jack Ruby, assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald, was also on the Bronfman payroll. Perhaps by now readers are beginning to understand how a phenomena like Charles Keating could arise in such a political climate. It is not necessary to mention how lavishly Keating paid off the local politicians. DeConcini $72,000 ))) McCain $112,000 ))) a shopping center deal with McCain's wife that netted almost a half million in 6 months ))) a $200 million dollar unsecured load to DeConcini's campaign manager, Ron Ober. This only scratches the surface. All cannot be told in so short an article. With this background let us examine more in more detail. There is a certain law firm in Phoenix which includes as principals two former Arizona U.S. Attorneys, Melvin Mcdonald and Mike Hawkins. One was appointed by Democrats and the other by Republicans )) giving them a lock on political leverage here. Like Robert Peloquin, former head of the Organized Crime Strike Force of the Justice Department, they learned quickly that they could make 20 times as much money working for the criminals. Melvin McDonald was chief council for Charles Keating. Whenever anything of particularly bad odor needed to happen in Arizona one of these slimebags was called in. A case in point was the scandal surrounding the sale of the BIG BOQUEUS RANCH to the Navajo nation. This matter was so stinky it called for the diligence of Mike Hawkins and Melvin Mcdonald. It so happened that back in Washington D.C. Dennis DeConcini and John McCain were getting heat from their colleagues about all the swindles of the indian lands. As a matter of fact McCain and DeConcini were leading the charge of these swindlers. Keating's acquisition of his Estrella property, in a round about way, involved a swindle of indian lands. The definition of a politician: Anyone, who, when being tared and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail can make it appear as if they are leading a parade. In true fashion, McCain and DeConcini, got themselves appointed co)chairman of a senate investigative committee to delve into these crimes against the indians. Enter McDonald and Hawkins. The BIG BOQUEUS RANCH was purchased in the mourning by developers Bud Brown and his partner for $19 million and sold that afternoon for $27 million to Tribal Chief Peter McDonald (no relation) on behalf of the Navajo nation. Bud Brown and his partner made a quick $8 million. In order to explore this corruption, McCain and DeConcini granted immunity to Bud Brown and his partner so that they could give testimony about the $10,000 and the BMW that they gave as a bribe to the corrupt indian chief. Meanwhile the ARIZONA REPUBLIC repeatedly hammered the indian chief day after day while not mentioning Bud Brown. The indian chief was removed from office. The Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Tom Fitzpatric, in a Feb. 15, 1989 NEW TIMES article called this "the best real estate deal between white men and red men since the purchase of Manhattan." Another example is the Bartel Cocaine case. Dr. William Bartel was caught with 81 pounds of cocaine after police observed him meeting with Stan Akers, Jr., a notorious cocaine broker. Akers was the son of the former Arizona Speaker of the House of Representatives. Here is an example of how the narcotics industry is politically protected in Arizona. Akers was previously convicted of possession of 6 pounds of cocaine and sentenced to 5 years in prison. After being sentenced, Akers told the D.A. he would testify about the unsolved drug murder of Greg Case which he had witnessed. On Akers' testimony Paul Brookover was sent to prison and Akers walked free. Knowledgeable people close to this case believe Akers ordered the hit. The police found $3 million in bonds in the safe deposit box of Dr. Bartel. Bartel's father)in)law, Al Burke, came forward to claim that the $3 million was his and that his son)in)law was only keeping it safe for him. Naturally Burke retained former U.S. Attorney, Mike Hawkins, to represent him in this matter and in a few days the U.S. Attorney's office "returned" the bonds. Anyone having to establish their financial affairs for the IRS over a 20 year period knows that this can not be done in a few days. Like the saber toothed tiger, the Kemper Marley machine will die of its own success. Having harnessed all of society's watch dogs on its tightly held leash there remains no restraint upon the unbounded greed of its members. Eventually it will be beyond the powers of the ARIZONA REPUBLIC to keep matters covered up. The largess of Charles Keating pushed greed past the point of no return. This accelerating stealing contest can have only one conclusion. Some day soon the voters of Arizona will take possession of the government here. They came very close to doing this with Governor Ev Mecham. For the documentation upon which this article relies send a $10 check or money order payable to INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION, 6950 East Continental, Scottsdale, Arizona 85257. THE DEATH OF THE KEMPER MARLEY MACHINE In 1948 fifty two employees of Kemper Marley's Arizona liquor monopoly, UNITED LIQUOR, went to prison on federal liquor violations, including Jim Hensley, the father)in)law of Senator John McCain. Hensley was the general manager of UNITED LIQUOR. On the basis of this some people might feel UNITED LIQUOR could be described as organized crime. The slick attorney who kept Marley out of this trial and sent McCain's father)in)law to prison in his place was William Rendquist )))) currently the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court! It was the judgement of the court that Jim Hensley would be prohibited from working in the liquor industry ever again. Of course such judgments meant nothing to Marley. When Jim Hensley got out of prison Marley arranged a BUDWIESSER distributorship for Hensley which is now in the hands of John McCain and reported to be worth $200 million. The best source for an introduction to the environment of total corruption in Arizona is THE ARIZONA PROJECT: HOW A TEAM OF INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS GOT REVENGE ON DEADLINE, a book written by Michael Wendland. Wendland was part of the group called INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS AND EDITORS who came to Phoenix in the wake of the car bombing of the ARIZONA REPUBLIC's investigative reporter, Don Bolles. It was the conclusion of this group that Marley, by far the wealthiest man in Arizona, was behind this murder. There are many reasons to believe that Don Bolles was not killed because he was a white knight. When Bolles testified before the HOUSE ORGANIZED CRIME COMMITTEE he required immunity. Why? The best clue to his death lies in his last words ))) "Adamson, EMPRISE the mafia". John Adamson was the hit man arranged by the establishment attorney, Neal Roberts. EMPRISE was a dog track interest which had changed its name from SPORTSERVICE. There was a court case #xxxxxx SPORTSERVICE V JARVIS STIEGER available to anyone interested in the motive which contained all the plausible reasons for this hit. Exhibits in this case aligadge that Bolles, who was visibly living beyond his means, was wheeling and dealing with the gangsters. A good companion reader to this is THE LAST RAMPAGE OF GARY TYSON. Written by a journalism professor from the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, this book documents how authorities here let Tyson escape from prison after he succeeded in carrying out a contract on another inmate, Tony Sera, who was giving affidavits regarding the land fraud of Ned Warren. It is the thesis of this book that this contract was given by establishment attorney, Neal Roberts, who was described in the ARIZONA PROJECT as the murder broker in the Bolles killing. According to intelligence sources of the Phoenix police, who prepared a background profile of Kemper Marley the week followingT h) Tthe Bolles murder, Marley was at one time directly connected to the remnants of the old Al Capone mob, operating the TRANSAMERICA WIRE SERVICE. This betting service was originally established in 1941 for Capone's heirs by Gus Greenbaum. Greenbaum was a Phoenix socialite seen at all the society balls in Phoenix, usually in the company of the Barry Goldwaters and Harry Rosenzweigs. In 1958 Greenbaum and his wife were found dead in their bed )))) their throats cut. This inaugurated a series of grisly gangland)style slayings here. When Marley died July 1990 his wealth was considered to be second only to Fife Symington who was a new comer to Arizona. Marley owned 5 square miles of Carefree ))) the highest priced real estate in Arizona. The smallest lot in this most exclusive township is zoned for one acre. By some coincidence the Tax Accessors made the same mistakes evaluating Marley's properties as he did on Charlie Keating's properties. This oversight was saving Marley a million dollars a year. Of course the official investigation showed no wrongdoing in either case. For the last 40 years Marley bankrolled Harry Rosenzweig who doled out Marley's great wealth to a slate of Republican candidates who were almost universally successful in obtaining high political office. Marley was able to control the Democratic party as well. Every congressman and every senator in Arizona currently owes his position to the Marley machine. Dennis DeConcini was facing a tough reelection in 1990 seeing as how he was nailed creaming off a cool $5 million with his family on a land deal dependent on the Senator's inside senatorial knowledge. The last thing in the world the Republicans wanted was to loose DeConcini's seniority. Before any other Republicans could announce the party hierarchy formally announced their support for the weakest candidate that one could imagine. Keith DeGreen had ties to the Republican party that were so weak he had not even voted in the last 2 election ))) and this was a senate race! At one point Marley served as Chairman of the Board of the VALLEY NATIONAL BANK. When Bugsy Siegel, on instructions from Meyer Lansky, built the FLAMINGO CLUB, Las Vegas's first casino, the money was borrowed from the VALLEY NATIONAL BANK (VNB). Involvements in narcotics trafficking on the part of VNB are hinted in the ARIZONA PROJECT. Al Lizanetz, who served as Kemper's public relations man for 20 years is one of the richest sources for background on the liquor magnate. The Bolles murder was part of a package deal that was to include a hit on Lizanetz. According to Lizanetz, the Marley machine placed the highest priority on placing lawyers in all the key state and municipal positions. Former Attorney General Bob Corbin, who accepted a $55,000 campaign contribution from Charles Keating in a race where he was unopposed, worked for Marley in the insurance industry in the 50s. Marley placed his people in the top positions of the DepartmentT h) Tof Public Safety. The county prosecutor was also key to him. Lizanetz claims that Marley recruited Eugene Pullium to come to Phoenix to start the ARIZONA REPUBLIC/PHOENIX GAZZETT, the monopoly newspaper here which has succeeded in covering up these matters. Pullium then started the PHOENIX 40 a group of the largest business interests who virtually run the state. Eugene Pullium is the grandfather of Dan Quayle. Dan Quayle grew up in Paradise Valley next door to Robert Welsh, the founder of the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY. The ARIZONA REPUBLIC/PHOENIX together with the INDIANAPOLIS STAR are reported to be worth $5 billion. Marley's mentor was Sam Braufman, the progenitor of the SEAGRAMS empire. When Braufman visited Marley in Arizona he came in the company of Al Capone. Lizanetz claims that Jack Ruby, assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald, was also on the Braufman payroll. Perhaps by now readers are beginning to understand how a phenomena like Charles Keating could arise in such a climate. I don't need to mention how lavishly Keating paid off the local politicians here. DeConcini $72,000. McCain $112,000. A shopping center deal with McCain's wife that netted almost a half million in 6 months. A $200 million dollar unsecured load to DeConcini's campaign manager, Ron Ober. This only scratches the surface. All cannot be told is so short an article. With this as background let me now provide some detail. There is a certain law firm which includes as principals two former Arizona U.S. Attorneys, Melvin Mcdonald and Mike Hawkins. One man was appointed by Democrats and the other by Republicans giving them a lock on political leverage here. Like Robert Peloquin, former head of the Organized Crime Strike Force of the Justice Department they learned that they could make 20 times as much money working for the criminals. Melvin McDonald was the chief council for Charles Keating. When ever anything of particularly bad odor needs to happen one of these slimebags is called in. A case in point was the scandal surrounding the sale of the BIG BOQUES RANCH to the Navajo nation. This matter was so stinky it called for the diligence of both Mike Hawkins and Melvin Mcdonald. It so happened that back in Washington D.C. Dennis DeConcini and John McCain were getting heat from their colleagues about all the swindles of the indian lands. As a matter of fact McCain and DeConcini were leading the charge of the swindlers. Keating's acquisition of his Estrella property in a round about way involved a swindle of indian lands. The definition of a politician: Anyone who, when they are being tared and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail can make it appear as if they are leading a parade. In true fashion, McCain and DeConcini, got themselves appointed co)chairman of a senate investigative committee to delve into these crimes against the indians. Enter McDonald and Hawkins. The big Boq ranch was purchased in the mourning by developers Bud Brown and his partnerT h) Tfor $19 million and sold that afternoon for $27 million to Peter McDonald (no relation to Melvin) on behalf of the Navajo nation. Bud Brown and his partner made a quick $8 million. In order to explore this corruption, McCain and DeConcini granted immunity to Bud Brown and his partner so that they could give testimony about the $10,000 and the BMW that gave as a bribe to the corrupt indian chief. Meanwhile the ARIZONA REPUBLIC repeatedly hammered the indian chief day after day while not mentioning Bud Brown. The Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Tom Fitzpatric, in a Feb. 15, 1989 NEW TIMES article called this "the best real estate deal between white men and red men since the purchase of Manhattan." Another example is the Bartel Cocaine case. Dr. William Bartel was caught with 81 pounds of cocaine after police observed him meeting with Stan Akers, Jr., a notorious cocaine broker here. Akers was the son of the former Arizona Speaker of the House of Representatives. As an example of how the narcotics industry is politically protected Akers was convicted of possession of 6 pounds of cocaine and sentenced to 5 years in prison. After being sentenced, Akers told the D.A. he would testify about an unsolved drug murder of Greg Case which he had witnessed. On Akers' testimony Paul Brookover was sent to prison and Akers walked free. Knowledgeable people close to this case believe Akers ordered the hit. The police found $3 million in bonds in the safe deposit box of Dr. Bartel. Bartel's father)in)law, Al Burke, came forward to claim that the $3 million was his and that his son)in)law was only keeping it safe for him. Naturally Burke retained former U.S. Attorney, Mike Hawkins to represent him in this matter and in a few days the U.S. Attorney's office "returned" the bonds. Anyone having to establish their financial affairs for the IRS over a 20 year period knows that this can not be done in a few days. I spoke with Jim Lacey, Assistant U.S. Attorney responsible for all prosecutions of large narcotics cases in Arizona. He admitted the irregularities of the AMERICA WEST pilots case and the $300 million dollars LAGUANA ARMY AIR FORCE BASE cocaine incident. He expressed his regret that the statute of limitations had run out. Checking the dates I find that there is still 8 weeks before these cases are dead. If the U.S. Attorney's office will not respond I propose empaneling a Citizen's Investigative Committee. A good example THE SILENT WAR We are engaged in a silent war. Those waging this brutal conflict have not the decency to inform their victims ))) who include ourselves and almost everyone we know. Their standard bearers include George Bush and David Rockefeller. As the high priced professional liars in the mass media assure us all is well, the common people of the world are being crushed ))) like foot soldiers over run by a panzer division. And yet, the only real power of these perpetrators derives only from this force fed ignorance. Apart from the power to keep us fighting each other, the Monopolists have no power. If a critical mass of people can learn the information contained herein, and what is more important, the sources of this information, a global reign of terror will end. These articles are taken from my monthly column in MONETARY AND ECONOMIC REVIEW. I am also the Director of Research for INTELLIGENCE CONNECTION a speakers agency that arranges events on university campuses for front line researchers, like those mentioned in these articles. My name is Brian Quig. You can arrange speaking events with any of these legendary people by calling (602) 945-3858 or writing Intelligence Connection 6950 E. Continental Blvd Ste. 7000 Scottsdale AZ 85257