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   "To aid in the incubation, breeding, and release of butterflies in Asia."
 Vol. 02, Iss. 15                                    The Sermon of Disseminare
As much as it amuses me to drag it through the mud, I do adore religion.  What
self-professed student of memetics wouldn't appreciate such a powerful system
of information transfer.  My favorite part of religion is the quotes in the
form of verses.  The books of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam excel at this.
There is something so exquisitely delicious about religious verse; I believe
it's the numeration system that makes biting into these bits of meme so tasty.

The problems with these verses is that they are too well known.  What if I
needed a occult-sounding verse for my textfiles?  Could I expect to find
something in the Quran or Apocrypha that I didn't have to manipulate all out
of context?

I was reading "The Book of Mormons" the other day and wondered if I were
capable of creating a religion for my personal use.  Am I not qualified?  I've
studied the techniques of transmission.  I've studied polyrhythmic verse.  I
spent 30 seconds filling out the form on the Universal Life Church's website
to become ordained.  I was qualified -- nay, I was chosen to write religious

With that flash of enlightenment I crafted "The Sermon of Disseminare", a
religious device to myself, for myself.  Like all religious text, it has holes
big enough to drive a truck through -- or dare I say holes big enough to plant
the base of a really large cross?  Logic, however, isn't the point...

I await for that wonderful time about five or six issues from now, when this
particular textfile is wiped from recent memory.  I shall then quote verses
from "The Sermon Of Disseminare" within my textfiles.  Then I shall sinisterly
laugh at the thought of the brand-new and unsuspecting reader of TCAHR
wondering who the hell Disseminare is as I use his quotes to back up my ideas.

You may join me in laughter if you understand the joke; the rest of you may
furrow your brow in imitation of confused Neanderthals.  I've heard that helps
with the pain brought about by the thought process.

The Jaguar

                                 The Sermon Of
                  CHAPTER ONE          |  6 These     artisans    will
                                       | delight and  dazzle your eyes
         In  the beginning  there  was | as  they  lay waste  to  your
         only action.                  | world.           
          2 The mothers and fathers of |  7 They  would  clutter  your
         our  species  lumbered  about | homes  with   false  treasure
         without true understanding of | built  by  those who dream in
         the  ideas  contained  within | vain for them.     
         each other.                   |  8 They will pay your leaders
          3 As they evolved  from  ape | for their silence.           
         to   human,  so   did   their |  9 Such   is    the   way  of 
         language   from   analog   to | another    concept    without
         digital.                      | morality: capitialism.  
          4 The howls of the past gave |  10 If it  is  evil, you have 
         way to words upon  which were | made it so with your consent.
         bequeathed the concepts which | 
         formerly howled within silent |         CHAPTER THREE
         heads.                        | I  do  not write to  denounce         
          5 With language,  woMan  was | the   evils   of  technology,
         was     able    to    inspire | capitialism or language.
         questions  and   to  question |  2 Becoming the enemy  of one
         inspiration.                  | will  led  you  to become the
          6 Thus language is mother to | enemy of the others.
         art and to  science.          |  3 The forces  of  technology
          7 As   technology  improved, | and  capitialism   would  not
         language's inherent qualities | function without  knowing the
         of  fidelity,  fecundity, and | needs of the people.
         longevity had empowered it.   |  4 To  live   without  modern
          8 Once  a  woMan would could | technology  is  to  hide your
         only yell hir discontent into | needs  from the  world;  what
         a   crowd   and   potentially | need then of capitialism?
         infect a few.                 |  5 Without       capitialism,
          9 Now SHe was now capable of | technology would die as would
         spreading  discontent through | our    ability    for    mass
         the recorded word.            | communication.
          10 Language  had  become too |  6 It must be remembered that
         dangerous.                    | if these three forces have no
                                       | morality,  then  these  three
                  CHAPTER TWO          | forces  may be  bent  to  our
                                       | will.
         Language,  in itself,  has no |  7 Do not  buy  or  work  for
         morality  and is used  by all | that    which     you    find
         woMen of all idealogies.      | questionable,  for  you  will
          2 While  it   may  free  the | only strengthen capitialism's
         common woMan,  it is also the | darkness.
         chain  forged  by  those  few |  8 Do    not     turn    from
         woMen in power.               | technology lest your share of
          3 For every rich philosopher | power in  the  world is taken
         and  poet of the past,  there | from you.
         are  hundreds  who could  not |  9 Never communicate  that in
         afford to be heard.           | which  you  do  not  believe,
          4 Do  not  be fooled  by the | lest that  falsehood  be  the
         artisans  of technology;  the | idea that enslaves the world.
         only  reason  the  technology |  10 A  universal memeplex  of
         was  given  to  you  was  the | goodness  can only  evolve if
         profit in affordability.      | we   adhere   to   the   same
          5 If  there   is   money  in | standards  we would  want  of
         giving  it  to  you, there is | the universe.  Amen.
         money in keeping it from you. |
      / _______________________________________________________________ \
     | /                                                               \ |
     ||  TCAHR wants your children, but will settle for your writing.   ||
     ||  Got an idea for an article?  Perhaps a rebuttal to something   ||
     ||  you read here?  Send 'em in and bask in the reflected glory    ||
     ||  of a meglomanatical would-be dictator and his attempt at       ||
     ||  world infection.  To sweeten the deal, if we ever take over    ||
     ||  the known universe...FREE PERSONALIZED TCAHR COFFEE MUGS.      ||
     ||  Never let it be said that Jet Jaguar is a cheap wanker.        ||
     | \_______________________________________________________________/ |

 The Committee Against Human Rights -- http://maq.port5.com
 TCAHR Disclaimer and Manifesto -- http://maq.port5.com/frontpage.html
 The Polymemetic Textfile Project -- http://maq.port5.com/polymemetic.txt
tcahr@hotmail.com                                                Copyright 2002