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"Push the thing you love away, if it comes back, its yours" - DMX
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"As Random as it Gets" - The Only Choice for the UK Underground Scene
Recommendation: Do not read direct from the website (Right Click And Download!)
What: The Soljo (The Syndicate of London Journal)
Number: 13 (Thirteen)
Date: April/May/June 2001
Comment: "This is good, what spices do you use in this?" - Slick Rik.
Subscriptions: llamasol@btinternet.com
Submission: ditto.
Contact: same place.
Copright: This Document is copyright the Syndicate Of London 2001.
You are free to distribute it anywhere in its original form.
Disclaimer: The Soljo! Funny, informative, usful and k-rad ezine for
everyone who is anyone or wants to be. Produced whenever we
have enough stuff to make it worth while you downloading it.
THIS IS NOT ANOTHER LAME "HACK" ZINE! Its not trying to be,
and never will be. This Zine comments on all aspects of
"Underground Internet and Computer culture" often hinting upon
more mainstream "scene" issues also; including hack/phreak etc
to philosophy, theoccult and comedy taking us all back to the
origins of the scene. Those piratez everywhere, word.
The Syndicate Of London (SOL) cannot be held respnsible for the
validity or articles printed within the Soljo. SOL is a small
non profit organisation, any querys or problems regarding
articles; be they copyright or validity issues should be
directed to sol admindirect at SOL@Sanction.org.uk. Where
appropriate mistakes/ommisions/ copyrighted materials will be
removed from back issues and SOL will cease to distribute them.
This is all we can do; we do this for fun,we ask why YOU do it?
Enter: Read On.
Exit: www.microsoft.com (The Place for You)
CAUTION: This Production is Presented in ASCII Vision!
Sol!! soluk!
soll! SOlll!!
solsolsol! SSSSSSSSSOOOOLL! Soll!!!!
SSSS:: .,OSSS,. ::L!!
SSOl IiiiiiiiiiiiI OOOO
ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LOnDoN
Established. 1992 - Reformed. 1998
"Giving you the ph34r since dat l337 year"
Soljo Issue Staff:
The Editor : Llama (llama_sol@hotmail.com)
Morbid : DJ RobinB (Admin@radio1.org
Rantings : Smudger (Smudger@Firestar.co.uk)
Still Thinking : PaRiS (Paris@radio1.org)
Coursework Boy : Comrade (ev170@city.ac.uk)
Wanna say something to the world? Submit work to llamasol@btinternet.com!
The Parody
The Editortial
The Timeley Death of One of Our Sponsors - by DJ RobinB
Uk Underground Culture Rant - By PaRiS
Clips and Crap from The Net
Get Well Soon Jadefalcon's Dad - The Whole SOL Krew
The Pampers Rant - By Smudger
Nothing to Loose - By PaRiS
Guide To Spirits II: The Ones He Stupidly Missed - By Llama
The problems with the occult. - By Llama
Anon Internet on Windows - By Paris.
SOL Links Directory
SOL "Shit of the Issue"
SOL Projects
SOL Memberz
SOL Shouts
The Final Thought
In AD 2001 war was beginning.
Llama: What happen?
Comrade: Somebody set us up the bomb.
Nurgle: We get signal.
PaRiS: What?
Nurgle: Main screen turn on.
PaRiS: It's You!
Terry Cooksey: How are you gentlemen?
Terry Cooksey: All your warez lists are belong to us.
Terry Cooksey: You are on the way to destruction.
PaRiS: What you say?
Terry Cooksey: You have no chance to survive make your time.
Terry Cooksey: HA HA HA HA HA HA !!
PaRiS: Load up every DOS!
PariS: You know what you doing?
PaRiS: Ping!
PaRiS: For fun.
[Que Hard Techno]
[End - I Thank You]
(llama) Editorial
PICTURE SCENE: Paris is sitting at a large desk. He is typing something.
(Sound of Door Bursting Open)
(Enter Llama and Comrade. Comrade is waving a very large red flag.)
Paris: Er, hello?
Llama: We have come to overthrow your tyrannic rule!
Comrade: Viva el Presidente!
(llama turns to Comrade.)
Llama: not quite yet....
Comrade: Sorry...
(llama turns back to Paris)
Llama: We shall read out your crimes agai...... oh bollocks!
(llama shoots Paris)
Paris: AGGGGH!
Comrade: Viva El Presidente!!!!!
Llama: Thats better.
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(sorry about the ASCII art, not too hot at it)
(look, if you really want to know, its the CUBAN FLAG.)
Anyway, as you may have guessed, I`ve taken over as Editor of this esteemed..... publication. Gone is the "Golden Age of Paris" and now we enter the "Random Age of Llama". Random? Well, its because I have no idea of what I`m going to do, because its up to you!!!!!!, yes, thats because what goes into this journal is (mainly) written up by people who want to have a rant, make a point or generally want to write some wibble to make up the fact I can`t write *quite* that much to make it a full issue. Take this one for example. Look at the stats:-
Average issue of Soljo - 15 articles
This issue of Soljo - 8 articles.
Quite frankly, this is not enough. I`ll let you all off with a warning, due the the uh, problems inbetween the last issue and this one. I have partly written this one with Paris, who, has decided to leave SOL. So, we`ll sort all this out really. The future of SOL is now up to you guys, so again, write those articles.
Well, anyway, now is the time to introduce myself properly. I am Llama. I am a 2nd year biochemistry student, awaiting the disaster known as my results for the final year. I`ll keep you updated on that. My Musical influences are punk and ska punk, so you will find me listening to things like Less than Jake, Greenday et al. I am a great follower of the cult of the hawaiian shirt, much to the annoyance of nearly everybody, but I don`t care about that :). The greatest film ever in my opinion is Mallrats, which I urge everybody to go out and purchase (not that much either). Kevin Smith (the director of Mallrats) latest film, "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" (or something) will be out in the autumn, and from the looks of it, it will be AWESOME!. Ahem. Well, now I`m editor, I will have a rant later in the issue about the occult. Enjoy this modest issue, and I promise that the next one will be much bigger!
Have fun, Llama.
Excuses for it being late:
I`m at work
I`m at Uni
I`ve got to revise for my exams
I`ve got exams
It`s too hot
I can`t be bothered
My computer is gay
Why can`t I cut and paste on this piece of shit
Its all Paris`s fault.
On with the issue! (aha!)
(DJ_RobinB) The Timeley Death of One of Our Sponsors!
It has come to our attention that Benny Caversworth has had a great deal of
trouble with his heart of late.
We were fully aware of the fact that he was in a "semi-detched" relationship
with one of his male collegues, but had not realised that it was causing him
to consume live voles.
The doctors informed us of his timely death, which was apparently cause by
one of the voles being undigested, and eating its way into Mr Caversworth's
heart, via his lungs.
His wife was heard to utter the words "Are you quite alright dear" just as
he stuck a letter opener into his left nostril. He was apparently just about
to open a letter from his bank informing him that he was $55.80 overdrawn,
and could he please kindly contact the branch to pursue the matter. It has
been described as "highly unlikely" that this had anything to do with the
fact that he had recently bought a female stimulation instrument from a
local shop "Doms-R-Us".
Mr Caversworth was dead shortly after.
Perhaps in a strange twist of fate, as Caversworth dropped to the floor, he
stabbed his cat with the letter opener, which leapt onto the sink, and
slipped in. The cat disturbed a cockroach which had been hiding in the sink,
which fell down the plug hole, and into the mouth of the plumber who had
come round to repair a leaking stopcock. The man swallowed the cockroach
whole, and is now being treated for a heart complaint.
We welcome the arrival of our new sponsor, management under Ms Jenny
Anderson - apparently she does good head.
(PaRiS) Uk Underground Culture Rant!
I am sick of UK Underground Culture being dominated by the half baked commerical dance scene masqurading as some underground phenominon. Do a search for "UK Hack Culture" on any of the main search engines and it either turns up nothing at all or a result where 90% of the sites are dance music related links. The american's may be dumb ass's but at least they have develeped their "hack" (or underground) scene (in general) from its origins, where as the UK scene seems to have just crashed and burned in commerical hell; and is now indistinguishable from 100 other "sub cultures" - all of which currupted by the establishment or to small and insignificant to be noticed by ANYone. It seems to me that the youth culture of the UK has become nothing more than drunken, drugged up idiots wearing Ben Sherman shirts content to spend all their money on clubbing while fantisising about Judge Jules. Mundane nothings. Surely the underground, and indeed our generation as a whole should mean more than that.
Dont get me wrong, music does have a part to play; but any musician who has already long ago sold out to the establishment (whom are as evil as satan himself) fucking well does NOT. And I can hear some smart ass's saying that the hack culture in america is commerical as well, even more so than our own. True; but at least it has its own identity, and with in that identity behind all the script kiddie's and sell outs still lie's the real real thing. Rather that than the nothingness which seems to identify UK hack Culture from well, anything else young people in the United Kingdom seem to do. Which isnt very much.
I hate trance music, I hate the term clubber (the reason i hate them is because both trance and the term clubber are now in geneal UK wide terms so far away from the origins of dance music, that being the rave's of the late 80's and early 90's; im not against progress. But I am against selling out. And thats what a large proportion of artists have done over the years, and thats why the scene and atmosphere of the thing have become so perverted, so fake, and so shit). To me this signifys everything thats BAD about modern music, and is only a small step away from Steps and S-Club-7. Im aware that there is an underground Trance scene were artists have not sold out to the big labels; this is good. Its just as good as the garage scene in London is, well whats survived of the garage scene after the "commercilisation" of garage by certain sell our artists. The two scenes have the same common enemy. "Sell Outs" (The enemy of all "Scene's - those who seek to make one thing [an underground scene] another [a commerical phenominon] for their own benefit [usually money of fame or both] without asking the scene as a whole whats good for the scene).
But I digress, and move back to the point; the underground today in the UK. No identity, much like England it's self, its facless. No one seems to have the conviction to make it something great anymore (out of fear, or idleness who knows?). A lack of creativity amung my peers which I alone cannot rectify. What ever happened to the scene of the early 90's? Its participants got old, thats what. And they handed the torch to a younger generation of geeks who have all but put out the flame of their good work. And the worrying thing? Im getting old too. And when Im gone from the scene forever, which i have no doubt will happen one day, I fear there will be nothing left of it to pass on.
Now to get insulting. Fact: YOUR PARENTS HAVE PROBABLY DONE MORE TO HELP THE UNDERGROUND SCENE THAT YOU. During the 60's and 70's the scene, although not computer orientated (The Internet just a glimour in the US militarys eye...) activism in all its forms was rampant. Your parents have probably signed petitions, gone on marches, some have probably even been arrested fighting, or protesting for their rights. More so (again) for americans (makes you *almost* think twice about slagging them off all the time doesnt it?). What have YOU done to make a difference? Hording warez, although admirable, doesnt count for all that much, because the hippocrites in the establishment all do it as well. I ask you to ask yourself, what have you done that memorable for your generation?
Im not suggesting we recreate the past in terms of activism, those days have indeed past. I am suggesting, we begin to do SOMETHING to be remembered by, else we are simply, as a generation, going to be rememberd for crap commercial dance music, alchopops and the rise in street violence. Is that how you want to go down in history? because you will if things do not change. And im not suggesting that everyone should start some kind of revolution, im a realest, all people have their place; but if you are reading this, you ARE in a position to do something, and you have already made steps in the right direction. Now ask yourself one more question; are you the real thing.
Make a difference, or fuck off out of my sight.
[ *Ahem* You will have to excuse that...]
Clips And Crap From The Net!
[It Wasnt ESPILON]
(@EPSiLON) try the piss off approach
(@Laura^) tried it. Got smacked round the face
(@EPSiLON) and if they ask st see your pay... just say it wasn't me
(@Laura^) heh ...
(@Laura^) she loves me really .. i think. hah
(@Laura^) it wasn't me ??
(@EPSiLON) works for shaggy
(@|PaRiS|) lol.
[Mildy Amusing]
> > > > CRAIG DAVID-SEVEN DAYS (Hatch Endz Remix)
> > > >
> > > > On my way to see my friends
> > > > To go to Southall for a cup of tea
> > > > As I walked through the subway
> > > > It must have been about a quarter past three
> > > > In front of me stood a Rasmalai with a body to die for
> > > > She asked me for my caste
> > > > Said Hindu-Punjabi
> > > > She said Gujurati
> > > > And asked her for her family's name
> > > > Did she decline? No
> > > > Didn't she mind? She came from Hounslow!
> > > > What was the name? Damn Shah
> > > > Did she look game? She couldn't resist a Doctor
> > > > So was she keen? She gave me a note
> > > > Masala queen? Straight off the boat
> > > > What did she say? She said she'd love to
> > > > At a rendez-vous, once our parents knew wasn't going to be long
> > > > til the arranged wedding do
> > > >
> > > > I met this tik on Monday
> > > > Saw her family on Tuesday
> > > > We were taking vows on Wednesday
> > > > She cooked Thursday and Friday and Saturday
> > > > And cleaned on a Sunday
> > > >
> > > > I couldn't bump'n'grind with my growing waistline
> > > > Cos she be cookin fine
> > > > Good housewife she told me she'd makes rotis for me all night long
> > > > Ooh, I loved the dough she mixed it
> > > > From her hands to the stove she flipped it
> > > > And I, oh I yeah, hope that she cares about her looks
> > > > Cos her sister's more fair
> > > > I'm not a man to play around baby, ooh yeah
> > > > Cos I'm pot-bellied and losing my hair
> > > > From the first impression you don't seem to be like that
> > > > But you need some wax for a growing tache
> > > > And your thighs are getting fat
> > > > And from Hounslow to Harrow
> > > > And your thighs are getting fat
> > > > And from Hounslow to Harrow
> > > > Endless nagging on my phone
> > > > Cos our families want to know
> > > > If they can hire out a leisure centre sports hall
> > > >
> > > > Chorus
> > > > Since I met this Asian lady, ooh yeah
> > > > I've been under her thumb
> > > > I still haven't kissed her
> > > > But I'd love to shag her sister
> > > > Oh I wish I'd waited one more weekend
�:� Quits: Comunion (opers@irc.fragglerock.net): Quit: XNET Is Run By A Stupid
Cow Called "Pongyi" , Long Live IRCSTORM.NET ;P
[A Good Question]
(@R107) well if you don't need help [Nurgle], please don't idle in #starchat
([Nurgle]) oki
([Nurgle]) Ok, I have a question.
(@R107) ok
(@clayton) shoot it :)
([Nurgle]) If your not allowed to idle in here, what do you guys do when nobody
needs help? (I'm guessing general chat isn't allowed either)
[The Bots Bite Back]
(@luke) Majestical is lame.
(@Majestical) fuck u luke
[Get of Your Fucking High Horse]
(@`wizard) #`wizard is a channel ?!
(@|PaRiS|) I think you have a fan mate
(@|PaRiS|) :)
(@`wizard) tsk tsk tsk
(@`wizard) i'm not a mate
(@|PaRiS|) okay
(@|PaRiS|) I think you have a fan you fucking twat.
(@|PaRiS|) :/
(@|PaRiS|) Up to u :)
[IRC Mode +f]
(+SB2K) anyone in here good at lookup values in Excel 97?
(@Ruffneck) no but i'm wikid at rolling spliffs
!|PaRiS|! -GOPS-: Good Evening Gentlemen...
!Fraggle! -GOPS-: : m00?
[Oh Really?]
(Steinsky) Passwords for DJE_Away and DJ_EAway is: lalalala :)
[Silly Internet Whores, Missing the Whole DAMN POINT]
<MC_Ezp> :P
<nicolediamond> i hope this is the right version
<MC_Ezp> hehe
<MC_Ezp> yes it is
<nicolediamond> is there an mc on it?
<MC_Ezp> with MC Lazy i fink
<MC_Ezp> ;P
<MC_Ezp> someone from So Solid
<nicolediamond> it better be
<MC_Ezp> lol
<MC_Ezp> now now grumpy girl ;p
<nicolediamond> ur in a good mood
<MC_Ezp> yeah
<MC_Ezp> :)
<MC_Ezp> hehe your not
<MC_Ezp> ;P
<MC_Ezp> whats the matter? :P
<MC_Ezp> *grin*
<nicolediamond> y?
<MC_Ezp> because i love my GF and ive just booked my next flight to paris
<MC_Ezp> heh
<MC_Ezp> ;P
<nicolediamond> is it only the push it tune, hasnt got ne other songs in it?
<MC_Ezp> das why im happy
<MC_Ezp> Its the white lable single
<MC_Ezp> yes one tune.
<MC_Ezp> ;P
<nicolediamond> im fine
<MC_Ezp> Not even mixed
<MC_Ezp> :P
<nicolediamond> y are u telling a complete stranger?
<MC_Ezp> why not? *looks blank*
<nicolediamond> dunno
<MC_Ezp> your really friendly you know that... :) *sarcasm*
<nicolediamond> i could be he most friendly person in the world
<nicolediamond> but u would never know
<MC_Ezp> :)
<nicolediamond> thats the great thing about the internet
<MC_Ezp> well your not very friendly on this.
<MC_Ezp> /me has been on the internet since 1994
<MC_Ezp> so dont start with that shite
<nicolediamond> yeah well
<MC_Ezp> ;p
<MC_Ezp> I know all about it
<nicolediamond> god sorry king interent
<MC_Ezp> Thats alright your forgiven.
<MC_Ezp> But
<MC_Ezp> if you feel you have to act like a bitch on here... then thats very worrying ;)
<nicolediamond> thank you for having mercy on me
<MC_Ezp> just be nice to ppl ;)
<nicolediamond> im not acting like a bitch
<nicolediamond> have i insulted u once?
<MC_Ezp> nope.
<nicolediamond> i think ur too judgemental
<MC_Ezp> but you do have an attitude ;)
<nicolediamond> not at all
<nicolediamond> i consider myself to be a very nice person
<MC_Ezp> Im sure *you* do ;)
<nicolediamond> and so do my friends and bf
<MC_Ezp> lol
<MC_Ezp> look i can only work on the evidence presented to me ;)
<MC_Ezp> cant i.
<nicolediamond> yeah but y bother?
<MC_Ezp> why not
<MC_Ezp> im bored.
<MC_Ezp> :P
<nicolediamond> thats what i dont understand
<MC_Ezp> heh
<MC_Ezp> you dont understand bordom?
<MC_Ezp> see... you can know why im bored till ya know me, and if i explain, you seem to take offence.
<MC_Ezp> heh
<MC_Ezp> :P
<nicolediamond> there is always something to do
<MC_Ezp> there isnt.
<MC_Ezp> :)
<MC_Ezp> I work in France.
<MC_Ezp> Im on holiday
<MC_Ezp> so to speak
<nicolediamond> ur bored on holiday
<MC_Ezp> ive redecorated.
<MC_Ezp> :P
<nicolediamond> i know ur prob
<MC_Ezp> hehe
<nicolediamond> u need to get out more
<MC_Ezp> (my GF is busy today)
<MC_Ezp> go out where during the day? lol
<MC_Ezp> wander the shops like a retard.
<MC_Ezp> noooo
<MC_Ezp> :)
<nicolediamond> anywhere
<nicolediamond> yeah
<MC_Ezp> like...?
<MC_Ezp> Id get tired.
<MC_Ezp> heh
<MC_Ezp> would suck. I have stuff todo this evening.
<nicolediamond> i think walking down the street is better than talkin to strangers
<MC_Ezp> naaa... see thats why you'll never understand the internet... your too... suspicious... too... cold, and too unfriendly.
<MC_Ezp> you can talk to anyone.
<MC_Ezp> ppl are ppl.
<MC_Ezp> ;P
<MC_Ezp> you dont know my name.
<nicolediamond> yes but y?
<MC_Ezp> you dont know where i lie
<MC_Ezp> live
<nicolediamond> what is the point
<MC_Ezp> hehe
<nicolediamond> exactly
<MC_Ezp> the point is, releave the bordom for abit?
<MC_Ezp> :)
[MS sabotages MP3 quality under Win-XP]
Being an OS monopolist has its privileges, and making the competition look bad on your ubiquitous desktop
has to be one of the sweetest. So it comes as no surprise that the Redmond Beast has apparently decided to
equip Windows XP with second-rate MP3 software, thereby limiting the recording and playback quality of MP3
files which compete with its Windows Media Audio - (hx) http://mp3.box.sk
(@|PaRiS|) irc.box.sk !
(@|PaRiS|) :P
(@Comunion) eh ?
(@|PaRiS|) use your "vast technical knowledge" com, what do you think it means?
(@Comunion) a irc server on box.sk ?
(@|PaRiS|) Gee you smart :)
(Insomnia) lol
! @|PaRiS| shakes his head.
[Time to spare]
<.@llama> wow
<.|PaRiS|> what?
<.@llama> I`ve been messing about with map websites
<.@llama> I can zoom into my house until you can make out the cars outside
<.@llama> <--- easily pleased
<.|PaRiS|> lol
<.@llama> now I`m going to zoom in to Alex`s university
<.@llama> and see if the pictures show a burnt out wreck or not ;)
<.Steinsky> i could have loads of fun with that
<.Steinsky> i followed the whole length of the A13 in 1:25000 on sunday
<.@llama> er
<.@llama> why?
<.Steinsky> cos I'm easily pleased?
<.@llama> more than me
llama is now known as allama
�:� allama is now known as atwat
<.atwat> right
<.|PaRiS|> lol
<.atwat> who did that
<.|PaRiS|> LOL
<.|PaRiS|> ;)
<.Laura^> Take a guess
Just a Quick Message to Jadefalcons Dad who's been ill recently, get well soon
from all the SOL Crew and readers of the Soljo!
JerichoZZ - Bohemian Rhapsody (Object Oriented!!)
I didn't write it, I fuckin stole it.
Just for shits and giggles.
Is this the real world?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a LAN-slide
No ESC to reality.
open(2) your files,
Look after your while()s in C;
Its just a cheap toy, but dearer than Symphony(tm)
With it's wheezy cough, noisy beep
Address clash, little sleep
Anything but Windows(tm),
Nothing beats class lib'ries to me,
To me.
Just killed a RAM
Got some static on its pins,
Now I don't see the dust bin,
'Write' had just been run,
But now I've got to throw it all away
Mama, ooooooh,
Didn't mean to make it fry
If I've no stack to overflow tomorrow,
Carry one, carry one,
'Cause there's nothing like class lib'ries.
Too late,
My time(2) has come
Send lightning down my line
Stop my make() before it's time
Goodbye, everybody,
I've got to go,
Gotta leave you all behind and read Knuth.
Mama, ooooooh, (Anything but Windows(tm))
I don't want to *sigh*
I sometimes wish I'd never known Bourne at all.
I see a little silhouetto of a man(),
Scarramouche, Scarramouche,
Did you run the test script yet?
Thunderbolt and lightning,
Blowing up my modem, me.
Gone away now,
Gone away now,
Gone away now, Windows(tm) froze.
Its worse than crap (oh oh oh oh)
It's just a cheap toy, ev'rybody has three
It's just a cheap toy from a cheap company
Spare us our lifes from this monstrosity!
Wheezy cough, noisy beep, will you let us sleep?
Drink Miller! GNU! We will not let you sleep!
(let us sleep!)
Drink Miller! GNU! We will not let you sleep!
(let us sleep!)
Drink Miller! Will not let you sleep (let us sleep!)
Will not let you sleep (let us sleep!)
Will not let you sleep (let us sleep!)
Oh Mama mia, mama mia,
Mama mia, let us sleep!
Be-el-ze-Gates has a widget put beside my tree,
my tree,
my tree!
So you think you can force me to use '95?
So you think you can love me and leave me no drives?
Oh, baby,
Can't do this to me baby,
Just gotta c-out, just gotta get write(2) out of here.
Nothing beats class lib'ries,
Anything in C,
Nothing beats class lib'ries,
Nothing beats class lib'ries to me.
Comrade - Operating Systems
In a crudely disguised attempt to do my Systems Architecture 2 revision as a soljo article, I present:
Comrade's Introduction to Operating Systems
An Operating System (OS) is the most fundamental (and complex) piece of software likely to be running on your computer. It is responsible for I/O, Process, Network, and Memory management and interfacing with the hardware thus providing some description of interface for applications to be run upon.
The most (in)famous OS has become the mammoth Windows(tm), in it's alarmingly increasing array of incarnations. Suited for the home user, Microsoft's (I notice that was in my Word dictionary already...) nice little earner has proved an unprecedented success, despite ALL of its shortcomings. None of this is news to you but it's nice to have things put into context. Lovely, in fact, since I suspect |Paris| frowns upon my use of such girlie words.
I've split some the various aspects of the OS into sections, bearing a purely coincidental resemblance to the chapters in my textbook.
Process Management
Processes represent an allocation of system resources that will do work within their allocation. A process will own one or more threads that enable actual code to be executed by the processor (So be sure to ask for this component when buying a new computer).
Each process (or task) will have a data structure associated with it, maintained by the OS. This task structure will typically contain its owner (user), a process id, program and data addresses, a list of threads and associated file information.
Threads owned by a process may be recorded by a linked list, so memory for processes may be allocated dynamically and the described task structure may be defined as a fixed size. These threads will have a data structure for themselves, since their process owner, priority and the current register states may be saved. This in necessary since the OS will need to swap threads (and processes) in order to have more than one thread and program 'running' at once, or rather loaded in some type of memory. By rapidly alternating between threads, the OS may create the effect of running more than one program at once, or multi 'tasking' (/processing).
A thread will not always be executing code; it may be waiting for I/O or may have used its entire time slice up. When this occurs, it will enter the 'wait' state and its volatile environment (the processor registers it had access to) will be copied before the copying it to the queue and next state's environment is loaded and begun execution. This is known as context switching.
The allocation of runtime to each thread is determined by scheduling. The OS uses a thread priority (represented numerically) and it's position in the queue to determine the order of execution. Of course scheduling is far more elaborate than this in practice, since multiple queues may be (and are) maintained and priority may have to be determined.
If you're running Windows you can study your systems processes from the task manager dialog box, wonder what all those processes are, and why they've been allocated so much memory. I do.
Memory Management
At its lowest level the memory manager is responsible for allocating memory for processes so that they might be able to execute, and manipulate data in different types of memory, including physical storage of course. Typically implemented in both hardware and software, it provides memory protection, sharing, and extension of physical space via virtual memory. By mapping logical to physical addresses (address mapping) the programmer is enabled to access all types of 'memory' available on the bus such as normal RAM, as well as video memory, magnetic storage devices, etc.
Basic memory protection is provided once a program has been loaded, and its addresses in the executable code mapped to their appropriate space in memory. The address at which the program begins is now known, as is it's total length and these values are stored into base and length registers respectively on the CPU. When a memory access is performed within the program the desired address may be checked against these registers thus prevented accidental, or malicious access (Not that you'd find anything about that in this zine...).
Since a normal program usually needs to access many different areas of memory, some shared and some protected, allocation of memory is split into segments each with their own base and length values. A logical address may represent this segmentation by using the first part of the address to indicate the desired segment and the rest as the offset within the segment.
| Segment | Offset | <- logical address
That was in fact a diagram. The different base addresses and lengths are stored in a table, and here protection bits may be added (r, w, x) to make up these segment descriptors.
Due to the large amount of storage but fast access necessary, memory is split in to different areas like the hard disk, RAM, and the processors own cache (these three dramatically decreasing in size of course, but significantly increasing in access time). The memory manager must use an algorithm (and memory) to determine which segments are to be held in RAM when new data on the disk is required and also keep track of modifications to the accessed data.
Because segments are of variable length practical memory management of the whole memory would be difficult so fixed length pages are used to store segments and these pages are what's loaded from disk when necessary. A 'miss' on RAM (accessing data not there) is where the term, "page fault" comes from. A segment may of course span over a number of pages, so here's an extended logical address structure including the page:
| Segment | Page | Offset |
I got bored at this point, and I presume you have as well. Still, thickened the issue up a bit didn't it ?
What happened to Mot?
(SmuDger) The Pampers Rant!
Lucida Console SmuDgeR here. I've been asked by the powers that(wish to)be to write an article for umm....soljo? think thats it, anyways here goes with no apologies for typos n shit.
Oh before I do a quick plug, this is the sort of garbage you can expect to see @ www.firestar.co.uk in the "rantings" section.....once the sites finished :)
Workmates eh? a funny old breed they are. Most i get on with at my work, I mean, i wouldn't be seen dead with them outside the factory but, yeah i get on with them. sadly though, as with all workplaces, there is always one complete fuckwit and yes my freinds.....i have one working with me :/ this guy is very strange, theres no one on the entire planet like him. he's a bit simple, well one cent short of a dollar.
First up is is language an example would be(and this is a fact no exageration) "hi smudger, I just got the fuckin em...oh wot the fucks it called...yeah the new fuckin hard house 3 album. its fuckin magic theres some fuckin great tunes on the fuckin thing, but it was a fuckin cunt of a thing to get hold of the fuckin shop was always sold out of the bastard things, thank fuck i went in today though coz i fuckin got hold of the last bastard", then hed proceed to laff and laff and laff and laff, thinking this was some sort of fuckin em hilarious story! I mean, what kinda fuckin language is that to use first off and why the fuck is it so funny!!!
The language goes in well with his temper though....he's so easily wound up its side splitting(for us :)) let's say he fucks up on a machine....we go hahahahahahahaha pampers u fuckwit!(as you do in a factory) most would laff and say fuck off then laff again with everyone else....this guy? oh no he takes it a step further with "AHH FOR FUCKS SAKE STUPID FUCKING THING!! "then we laff, "FUCK OFF YOU BUNCH OF FUCKING ARSEHOLES!!!" we laff more, "FUCKING SUDDUP UP!!!!!!", then we go "haha pampers you useless bastard", "FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". As you can see he can be(and is indeed most times)very VERY loud!
now it gets wierd.
ok i work in a fish factory(smelly dirty job but someone has to supply you lot with it)we proccess herring(aka kippers) and mackrel(aka...umm....mackrel!).
So we got pampers standing there with a fish...whats he do? open its mouth slips his finger in and...proceeds to poke it quite viciously. but thats not all while he's doing that he will stare at someone with the most disturbing look you will not see outside a high security mental hospital.
Theres more this guy is sexually depraved, an example: one day were all outside, he grabs this guy(who is simple but not fucked up simple like pampers) from behind and, proceeds to
have simulated sex with him(the poofy kinda sex)looking at his face whilst he's doing this is, well high security mental hospital look again.
another example would be the time two women were talking dirty to him in the store, he got so excited by this conversation he took a fucking hardon!!!!!! and showed it off!!!!!!(still in his trousers of corse but it was visible non the less).
Then theres the fact he's a wanker.....no not a wanker as in fuck you wanker!....no i mean this guy wanks at certain times during the day....he's told us! 5.30am every morning b4 work he wanks!
even when hes having a shit he's had a wank!!
Theres so much more i could say about him like the time he told us he got cought wanking over his dads porno mags wearing headphones, by his mum! but i dont think the powers that be (hey paris....luv u man! uNF! uNF!) would let me so this is SmuDgeR signing off
[I Would u know... - Ed]
"He's going at it Like a Beaver on Speed" - Battle Bots Comentary
(PaRiS) Nothing to Loose
The only way to change me is baby blow my brains out
Stuck in the middle of the game to get the pain out
Prey to my God every day but she dont listen
The hipocracy bothers me, just take a listen
And you can hear me crying, praying for anwers and that I'll be dead soon
And my life, I wish I was somewhere else, but I can't denie myself
Can I blame them cos they made me, wish they woulda told me,
That Im too much like them, so no one can love me now
Got involved at an early age, got my shit down so I'd never be affraid
But then I went astray, casting shit, doing wrong, getting laid
Cant turn back, my eyes on the prize, I go nothing to loose,
Everybody gotta die, say goodbye to the mad guy,
That you fucked with and then passed by,
Do or die walk a mile in my she's you'd me crazy too
With nothing to loose.
I thank the lore for my many blessings, though im stressing
Keep a shadow for protection from that battle of Hell n Heaven
And all my friends in sin, here we go again,
And nothing seperate us but the black then?
Born at the bottom as a hustler, OG, stright soldier,
And they all wanna bust this,
But no matter how they try, I retaliate, dont care if I live or die,
See me walking down the ally on my own now
And when I die ther'll be no one to cry foul
And let the dark turn the lights on, chase me mother fucker, now,
I got nothing to loose.
Im now the realest mother fucker you ever damn saw, living raw, and
Till they bury me dont worry me; Im high
Living like I aint affraid to die, and I'll tell you,
Walk a mile in my shoe's and you'd be crazy too.
With nothing to loose.
Aint no escape from a deadly fate,
And every day there's a million souls go that way
Ive half a mind to loose hope, seems every one's on dope
And they tell me to leave cos Im broke,
Almost makes me wanna choke
Alone on my own Im still waiting here
Yeah all alone with my fear
And I got nothing to loose,
So I wonder when they kill me, is there a heaven for a real g?
I forgive you if ya feel me...
Cos all my life Ive been dirt broke, little skinny mother fucker on dope
I could end it with a razor blade,
But every day is a struggle, i just went got laid,
Walk a mile in my shoes and you'd be crazy too
With nothing to loose.
(Respeck to 2pac)
Phear the Giant Bee's
(llama) Guide To Spirits II: The Ones He Stupidly Missed!
Hello all. As you may (or may not) have noticed, I managed to miss some spirits out.
Being the perfectionist (?) I am, I`m going to add the ones I missed.
Name: Tequila
Description: Oh god. There is a reason I left it out. It is just foul. So foul in fact,
that carpet bombing Mexico to remove the scourge of Tequila may be in order. It made me blow.
(quite difficult, that)
Rating: -1/10
Name: Sambuca
Description: Its Italian, it tastes like the round nobbly things in liquorice allsorts.
I like them, but gives me a tendancy to do loud Stoppit and Tidyup impressions in shopping centers.
MUUUUUHHHHHHHHH UUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH!!!! (the power of suggestion!)
Rating: 7/10
Name: Black Sambuca
Description: Well, its sambuca, but with blackcurrant in it as well. Makes it taste like liquorice. Nice :)
Rating: 8/10
Name: Metz 40%
Description: Well, its like drinking a bottle of calpol six plus. AVOID!!!!!
Rating: -10/10 (its THAT bad)
Name: weird coco liquer found in city universitys student union
Description: Comrade found it lurking at the back of the bar, so I tried it. Choccy Liquer! yum ;)
Rating: 8/10
Name: Advocaat (possibly)
Description: Its made with eggs. I say no more
Rating: 0/10 (even I won`t touch the stuff)
Name: Kahula
Description: Coffee Liquer. I don`t like coffee, so it gets a low score. Natch.
Rating 3/10
Name: Brandy
Description: Sigh, its brandy. I don`t need to say more, do I?
Rating: 6/10
Well, I can`t think of anymore that I`ve tried. If you know of a weird spirit, send an E-mail to
the usual place and I`ll give it a shot. :))) Remember kids, drinking lots of weird combinations
of spirits is like an extreme sport:
Dangerous, but fun ;)
<PaRiS> Anon Internet on Windows
When you serf around the internet are you happy with the fact that you every movement is being tracked by your ISP? And more worryingly whoever 0wns and or "Runs" your ISP? Are you happy with the fact that there is a distinct possiblity that ALL your internet communications in the UK go through GCHQ (General Comuinications Head Quarters). They see all the goat pron you view, all the warez you download, you only lucky that the whole world and his mother download more propz than you else you would be busted in less time that it takes for a nuns first curry to see the ubend. The only thing between you a bustation is wieght of numbers. Feeling uncomfatable yet?So what can you do about this? Well... it depends on exactly what you use the internet for in the first place. For each service you use, you have to think in terms of connecting through somewhere to use it. Thats the bottom line. The classic example of this are IRC bounce accounts on EZ Bounce or BNC which work like this: You connect to "Elite.bnc.org" from you ISP and then connect OUT from "Elite.Bnc.Org" with their IP and host. Meaning that anyone who /whois's, /dns's or does anyform of trace on you from IRC will only ever get the result Elite.bnc.org. This effectively makes it impossible to tell where you are actually connecting from, its not fool proof; anyone really trying to trace you such as a government agency could go through the logs of the BNC provider to check you log in time relative to your ISP log in time etc. But basically, for day to day use; its effective, and it provides some degree of anomity.The same principle can be used with any internet service. You can "Proxy" via another provider, or better still; find a shell (UNIX account) provider (Who dont log) and who provide ALL proxying services, effectively meaning you dialup to your ISP, but all your out going internet communications (and even most easily traced incoming...) go through your chosen shell. Failing that, there are many ways to be anonymous for free on the internet, read on.HTTP anomity is perhaps the easiest to set up; although how secure some alegedly secure servers are is questionable, they still cut off a simple ISP spying on you but moving you out of their field of vision (So to speak). A good place to get a relatively up to date list of HTTP proxy servers is here:http://netspy.ukrpack.net/To set this up is really easy, just go into your ie or netscape connections settings and select "Connect via proxy server or lan" and input the server ip/host and port of the proxy server you have chosen from the above site. After that, any request made from your browser (ie to look at www.goatsex.cx) will first go through the proxy, and thus appear as if it originated there. Meaning your ISP dont know your looking at it, and nor do the admins of said goatsex.cx. Easy.The same goes for FTP. TELnet proxy servers (Notabley wingate's) can also be found but you are much much better off getting hold of a shell from somewhere and using that, perhaps using a few free shells to spider you way around the internet using the simple TELNET <host> command in any $Bash account. ie... telnet into m-net.arbornet.org and follow the commands to set up a free account and then run unix command, the command being the afore mentioned TELNET <host>. Any request made from here will show m-net's IP and not yours. Easy. Email can also be used via a shell, meaning a) you cant get virii from your mail because its never actually on your computer and b) it cannot easily be traced to you, esp if you spider to it using multiple shell accounts. Yes Im paranoid, but so should you be.
"Your fucking right I did it."
Llama - The problems with the occult.
I have a problem with the occult, witchcraft, and especially the idea of magic. You see, I have always been quite sceptical about these sorts of things. Now in a fantasy reality sort of way, e.g. Lord of the Rings, Warhammer, I have no problem with it. It adds a sort of.... extra dimention to the stories and games, and makes then a bit more exciting. However, in real life, I just cannot see these things working. I`ll explain.
Now, I`ll take a look at this in a scientific sort of way. Everything in the universe needs energy for it to work. Right?. Okay. Now take a look at spellcasting. This would need energy to perform whatever. Think of a spell. Familiars? The creation of something out of nothing (well, more than oxygen, nitrogen and some noble gases). Pull the other one. A spell which affects the outcome of the future? er, well, that would quite frankly be impossible. Ability to look into the future? hahah. I don`t think the planets exert that much gravity to have an effect (gravity affects time, if you don`t know). It would also mean that your future has already been predetermined. What an awful thing! You would have no control over your own destiny. Having an effect on somebodies mind? A mystical energy (lets call it ooh, magicon. Yeah!) affects the brain pathways, disrupting the electrical signals passing between the nerve cells. But how could you direct it? that would be the most amazing thing of all. I mean, the brain is an amazing organ, but that powerful? no.
Here is another point: If witchcraft and spells, or psychic powers really did exist, why are we not all doing them today? After all, these are fantastic things, being able to heal with a touch, or move objects without touching them, how about influencing another persons mind? Clearly, if we could, we would.
Now, I`m going to keep this short. Naturally, I`m going to get a bit of uh, stick from some people, who clearly feel that all of these things exist. Well, I say prove it. Bring on the evil death spells, eh? ;) I`ll see how I can attempt to debunk it. If I can`t, well, I`m a believer.
Looking forward to a predetermined summer of misery now, Llama
SOL Link Directory
www.amora.nl [ Gallery's ]
www.thumbnail-post.com [ Pix ]
www.tommys-bookmarks.com [ linkz ]
[Our Boyz]
www.radio1.org [ DJ Robin B (Dance Anthems ]
www.sanction.org [ ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNDoN ]
www.thisisnurgle.org.uk [ Nurgle (Its all about him) ]
http://go.to/jerichozz/ [ JerichoZZ (Its all about him) ]
http://redrival.com/redflame/ [ Comrade ]
www.traxster.co.uk [ Trax ]
www.jadefalcon.co.uk [ JadeFalcon ]
www.2600.com [ 2600 Magazine. ]
www.cyberarmy.com [ Online Toolz + Search. ]
www.hackerzlair.org [ #Hackerzlair. ]
www.attrition.org [ Hacking Scene ]
www.cultdeadcow.com [ Cult of the Dead Cow ]
www.astalavista.box.sk [ Cracks 'n' Serials ]
www.neworder.box.sk [ Best of the Box ]
www.sinnocence.com [ Hosting Various ]
www.bow.org [ Free pr0n - lol (oh and BoW) ]
www.scene-uk.bored.org [ The UK Scene (PaRiS) ]
www.atari.co.uk [ Atari ST. ]
www.fairlight.org [ The Mighty Fairlight. ]
www.pompeypirates.co.uk [ The Pompey Pirates. ]
www.fatal-design.com [ The lil Green Desktop (Atari ST) ]
www.classic-trash.com [ Amiga, ST + More. ]
www.sambar.com [ Quite a phatt Web Server. ]
www.fwaggle.net/ircx/ [ IRC Scripting ]
ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/ [ Linux Distribution FTP Site ]
www.firestar.co.uk [ Smudger ]
www.daworm.co.uk [ Insomnia ]
www.geocities.com/megoodboy/ [ Terry Cooksey ]
www.splange.freeserve.co.uk/fool.html [ More Terry Cooksey ]
www.flex-d.co.uk/vortex [ Vortex ]
www.angel.easternjewels.com [ Angel (Dulie :) ]
www.disillusional.co.uk [ Laura. ]
www.fwaggle.net [ fwaggle! ]
www.opendvd.org [ The DVD Appeal ]
www.Cybercrime.gov [ US Governments definitions + ]
www.channel4.com/bits/ [ Bouff is fit ]
www.f-3.org.uk/~fs/ [ SWAT Magazine ]
www.perfectblue.com [ Manga Film ]
www.smsb0t.com [ SMS ]
www.frontlinefm.com [ Garage Music Net Radio ]
www.psychobudgie.com [ IRC Psycho's Dedication Page ]
www.cyberenet.net/~clarus/ [ Kewl Video Game Music Band ]
www.splange.freeserve.co.uk/index.html [ Moose Mansion's (Zine) ]
www.80snostalgia.com [ The Name Says it All ]
www.fnm.co.uk/ [ Nothing to See Here ]
www.daviestrek.com/tv/comedy.html [ Wav's n other Comedy Resources ]
http://planetstarseige.com/allyourbase/ [ They Set us up the Bomb ]
http://www.scene.org/redhound/AYB.swf [ All your base are belong to us ]
http://www.odmag.com/salma/ [ salma_hayek_strip_in_dogma.htm ]
http://goodfellasweb.com/Goodfellas/ [ Goodfella's Movie Site ]
http://www.primenet.com/~srgalhad/ [ youngones.htm (Full Scripts) ]
http://website.lineone.net/~docaxman/ [ cooksey.html (Hate Page!) ]
http://www.luckymojo.com/crowley/ [ Magick stuff ]
http://www.eskimobob.com/ [ Just sit and watch the greatness ]
http://www.newgrounds.com/ [ Beat Puff Daddy`s head in! ]
#Luckstruck [ CLASSIFIED ]
#Hackerzlair [ irc.dal.net ]
#Vampirehall [ RPG ]
#Radio1 [ irc.zone.dk ]
Please Report Dead Links too the Editor at: llamasol@btinternet.com
Shit of the Issue
A Reflection over the last few months of what was hot, what was not, who was lame and
who was kool; not to mention who we miss, who we dont and all the other random
irrelivent stuff has played a part.
Lam3rz of the Issue: Deviate (IRCop on irc.starchat.net: Anal retentive, Trax adds: "Cheeky cow", who should know better.), rlang@clara.net <--- Hippy Twat "Email the President TODAY!" yeah yeah, go get a clue... Anyone who suggests we do Soljo as HTML, We feel you are missing the point. Anyone who thinks DOS'ing a 56kbps Modem of line is in anyway kool. Your just a fucking packet monkey with nothing better to do.
Kool Shit of the Issue: Eskimo Bob. He rocks. Everyone on Moo, for the continuing support for writing this issue (AKA WHERE IS SOLJO!!!!).
^Cronus^, for providing us with a phatt SoL shell, web hosting for the site at his domain whitedust.net, and being part of mooNet. Big up.
Ealing Buses, for providing us with more hits via google.
Shit we Miss: Old Kru from DALnet #Hackerzlair
The Projects
www.whitedust.net/~sol - SOL Main Website.
#Luckstruck - Luckstruck IRC Channel
luckstruck@listbot.com - SOL Mailing List
s - SOL Channel BOT
The Soljo:
www.whitedust.net/~sol/soljo.html - Soljo Archive (Primary)
www.redrival.com/redflame/sol/ - Soljo Archive (Mirror with Issues 2&3)
www.scene-uk.bored.org/soljo.html - Soljo Archive (Mirror with Issues 2&3)
<SOL> Memberz...
Admin Jerichozz Promotions Manager [1998]
----- Comrade IRC Manager [1998]
Llama Mailing List Manager [1992]
Full Members EPSiLON (a) IRC [2000]
------------ ^Cronus^ (a) Writer, Site Host [2000]
Chicken Soup (a) Writer [1999]
Trax (a) [MIA] [2000]
DJ_RobinB (a) [Busy] [2000]
Nurgle (a) [Busy] [1998]
Boyd (a) IRC [2001]
Luke (a) Linux [2001]
Steinsky (a) IRC [2001]
Shunned Members JaDeFalcon (a) [Busy] [1998]
--------------- InfinityMatrix (u) [MIA] [2000]
DS_Mycroft (u) [MIA] [1994]
Half Members ThE AC. (u) [Idl3] [1992]
------------ Cyrus1 (u) [Busy] [1998]
DJ_Moomen (u) [Idl3] [1999]
Carly (u) [Busy] [2000]
Piss-Face (n) [Idl3] [2000]
Klaire (u) [Busy] [1999]
Members No More Captain Cake [1995]
--------------- Hitesh [1995]
Ben K [1996]
Hasseb [1996]
Danny K [1996]
Me2 [1996]
TC [1997]
Cripter [1997]
Nark [1997]
Sunwlf [1998]
Miracle [1999]
Urza [2000]
Northern B1rd [2000]
Rigadon [2000]
ThE_BeAR [1994]
SLiPPer [1994]
Retribution [2000]
Belinda` [2000]
Jodie [2000]
Rob Smash [2000]
The_Evil_Gnome [2000]
Badger [1999]
PaRiS [2001]
Mascots! Tickle Me Elmo
-------- The Elephant of Decision
The Cat of Fate
The Mongoose of Destiny
The Vibrating Badgers
The Baby Cats
The Turtle Of Suprise
The Swan of Random Thought
The Red Cat
The Pusher Robot
The Shover Robot
ThE SyNdicAte Of LoNdOn SenDing Big Shouts to:
All SOL Members, Everyone on the SOL Mailing List, Everyone who makes #luckstruck what it
is, Rigadon, The Evil Gnome (The Rest of the South Coast Posse), #Hackerzlair DALnet,
Shr0ud, Kleptic, fwaggle, Sanction (Now RIP), The Pompey Pirates (Live on in our memorys),
anyone else involved in the Software Piracy Demo Scene on the 16bits, London Massive; Angel,
Miracle (Where ever you are), Dr Trey, Captain Cake, BenK, Hass, Danny K, The Other Kingston
Kru, Me2, Northern Massive esp: Crash, Troyswoosh, DJ_Evil, Comunion (plick), 1st Degree
Records, Northern B1rd, Hertfordshire Massive, World Wide Massive esp; TC, Masked, Harle,
Sproutlore, ^^C'man, #Atari DALnet, Judas C, fwaggle, Urza, Kattie, ANH (Concept!), #Radio1,
DJ_Flob (And the rest of the Kebab Counsil; Insomnia and Steinsky) Phils, Belinda, KlaiRe,
|PaRiS| ;) Everyone we know and everyone we may have forgotten. K-Word. Peace to y'all.
*** Established 1992 - Reformed 1998 ***
*** ThE SyNdiCaTe Of LoNdoN ***
*** "G1v1ng u the Ph43r s1nce 'dat l337 Ye4r" ***
*** llamasol@btinternet.com ***
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Final Thought!
(@|PaRiS|) *PING* Went the time out.