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PropheZine #64
Friday Sept. 4, 1998
Bob Lally Publisher
Mimi Nila Senior Editor
Rick Woodcock Asst. Editor
Abraham George Asst. Editor

Berit Kjos............................President's Council on Y2K
Dr. Dale Johnsen......................Y2K, U.S.A. and 666
John Terry and Rick Cogburn.......... Y2k...the Coming Crash?
David A. Defuria......................Y2K and Biblical Prophecy
Terry Denbow..........................Jesus & You, then Y2K
I/D Ministries.......................A Primer On "End-Times" Economics
The Winds...............In The Year 2000 The World Will End! This is

R. g. Wallace........... WHEN ARMIES MOVE - Part 6
A Dissertation on Armageddon from the Prewrath

PROPHEZINE Commentaries
John Terry..........................Y2K STATISTICS
Y2K Weatherman.......................The Blame Game

Lee Underwood ...................F.Y.I. - Israel in the News

INSPIRATIONS........................Submitted by Rabbit45@aol.com-Author

Hello everyone,

Praise Him, for enabling my husband to fix our computer..! I thought
for sure it would be a week or more before our computer would work
again. But here I am typing in the latest information again to our
subscribers. I know that many of you are tired of hearing about Y2K.
However, this issue deals with how the Y2K scenario of computer chaos
and our dependency on technology relates to Bible Prophecy. I hope you
enjoy this issue.

In His Service,
Mimi Nila

President's Council on Y2K
by Berit Kjos

Dear friends in Christ,
So far, I haven't heard anyone mention the influence of the President's
Council on Year 2000 Conversion. It appears to fit into a vast
bureaucratic system that threatens both our freedom and American
sovereignty. May I suggest you visit its website
<http://www.y2k.gov/nonjava/index.htm, follow some of the rabbit trails,
and read some eye-opening information?

Then ponder the implications. Compare the President's Council on Y2K
with the President's Council on Sustainable Development and consider the
power and purpose of each. How might the Clinton administration and this
massive crisis-management bureaucracy be used to implement the U.S.-UN
vision of "sustainable communities"?

The Clinton administration has adeptly used every real, created, or
potential crisis to expand the growing grasp of the federal government
and link it to UN plans and policies. Therefore it's not surprising that
the President's Council on Y2K Conversion is using this opportune crisis
to lay the foundation for managing information, public participation,
and emergency responses in local communities as well as in the global

Keep in mind, the President's Council on Sustainable Development and
over 150 other National Councils on Sustainable Development all follow
the guidelines of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable
Development. All have the same goal:
implementing Agenda 21, the revolutionary action plan of the 1992 UN
Earth Summit (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. (You can find documentation in
the two reports on "Local Agenda 21" at our website:
Compare the initial steps toward a new national-international management
system as planned by the President's Council on Y2K with that being
implemented under the guidance of the President's Council on Sustainable
Development (PCSD). Both bring together federal and UN agencies and
private organizations into a vast interconnected network ready to guide
human resource management plans around the world. While the PCSD agenda
is far more detailed at this point -- especially with respect to natural
resources -- both complement the plans made by the International
Institute on Sustainable Development (IISD) in Winnipeg and countless
other UN-linked organizations. Their common vision of 21st century
America, its place in the world, and the management of its natural and
human resources clash with all the freedoms God once gave us in this
nation. What is worse, their vision of acceptable values, religions, and
community responsibilities rule out Gods wonderful guidelines to peace
and safety in Him and with each other. (See "Clinton's War on Hate Bans
Christian Values" at our website.)

Now, more than ever, Americans must use discernment and become
spiritually alert to the changes in government. In Old Testament days,
God called for watchmen who would warn the people of impending danger.
The response God sought from His people was repentance, prayer and
praise to the only King who has power to guide us to victory. It's time
as never before in America to turn to Him in humble prayer for this
nation, for our leaders, for our families, and for personal wisdom and
guidance. As Jehoshophat prayed in 2 Chronicles 20:12:

"O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this
great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do,
but our eyes are upon You."

May I share some quotes from the President's Council on Y2K Conversion?
The first set is from the page titled "Description of the Council". Like
most government literature, it is written to sound innocuous, win
supporters, and avoid opposition.

Therefore, I will add some comments after the quotes.

"The President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion, established on
February 4, 1998 by Executive Order 13073, is responsible for
coordinating the Federal Government's efforts to address the year 2000

"The Council is comprised of representatives from more than 30 major
Federal executive and regulatory agencies. Agency heads personally chose
their Council representatives, the majority of whom are Deputy
Secretaries or Chief Information Officers, based upon the Council
Chair's two criteria: (1) that the Council members be senior agency
executives with extensive knowledge of their agency's year 2000
activities and their relationships with organizations outside the
Federal Government, and (2) that the members have authority to commit
their agencies to action.

"The Council Chair is John Koskinen, Assistant to the President. From
1994 to 1997, Koskinen was Deputy Director for Management at the Office
of Management and Budget, where he was responsible for OMB oversight of
Federal policies covering information and computers. Prior to joining
OMB, Koskinen spent more than 20 years in the private sector as a crisis
management specialist.

". The Council also has a special focus on assessing year 2000
preparations in key infrastructure areas that Americans depend upon for
vital services. Its working groups on energy, telecommunications,
finance, and transportation are collaborating with industry
representatives to assess year 2000 readiness in these areas and
formulate strategies for addressing the problem where there is greatest
risk for significant disruptions."
Note: With reference to the "key infrastructure areas", may I remind you
that President Clinton took control of all these "key infrastructure
areas" through Executive Orders 13010 and 13011. You can read the latter
report, "A National Information System", at our website.

Here is President Clinton's welcoming statement on the Council's Home
page: "The millennium bug is a vivid and powerful reminder of the ways
that we are growing ever more interdependent as we rise to the
challenges of this new era... The powerful forces of change that have
created unimagined abundance also bear within them, as is consistent
with human nature, the possibilities of new and unexpected challenges.
But if we act properly, we won't look back on this as a headache, sort
of the last failed challenge of the 20th century. It will be the first
challenge of the 21st century successfully met. That is the American
way, and together we can do it. July 14, 1998"

"NEWS BRIEFS, July 1998"


"Bonnie Cohen, State Department Under Secretary for Management and chair
of the Council's International Relations working group, met with year
2000 experts from other G-8 countries in London on June 23 to discuss
the international efforts to combat trans-boundary Y2K problems. They
exchanged assessments of risks to key infrastructure areas including
telecommunications and finance, and discussed how countries can work
together to coordinate international efforts to combat Y2K."

Note: The "News Briefs" above gives us a glimpse of the global links. On
the surface, it sounds good and necessary. My concern is how the
President's Council can be used to erode U.S. sovereignty and establish
a global infrastructure. Remember, Sustainable Development refers to the
3 E's: Environment, Economy, and Equity. The latter two, Economy and
Equity, refer to a transformation of the global economy that will create
"social equality" and the politically correct beliefs and values needed
to eliminate any form of cultural separation based on religion, sexual
preferences, etc. The first, Environment, provides an excuse or crisis
that can persuade the masses to comply with unthinkable regulations.

Together, the three E's provide the foundational philosophy for the
global management system planned by our President's Council on
Sustainable Development as well as all the other National Councils on SD
around the world. The Y2K crisis provides a perfect vehicle for speeding
the process with the consent of the people.

If you go back to the President's Y2K Home page and click on "Y2K
Information by Sector", you will find rows of icons representing
different areas of concern such as Food Supply, Health Care, and State
and Local Services. Click on Finance/Banking, and you will find a list
of options. Scroll down to "The World Bank Group" and take a look at
this UN agency. Its leaders are actively pursuing its vision for a
global "solidarity" that will build the "social capital" needed for a
unified world. This unity calls for compliant citizens willing to
embrace group values that exclude all biblical absolutes. (See our
reports on "Local Agenda 21" and "Habitat ,II: The UN Plan for Global

Or go back to the "Y2K Information by Sector" page and click on the
Health Care icon. Scroll to "Administration for Children and Families"
and click. You are now leaving the President's Council on Y2K Conversion
website and entering the site for the US Department of Health and Human
Services. The DHHS sets standards, not just for acceptable physical
health, but also for mental health (including politically correct
compliance and "cooperation" with group thinking the manipulative
Hegelian dialectic or consensus process). We must understand that key
leaders who are guiding the solutions to this major crisis find Biblical
absolutes a major hindrance to the new global management processes.

At this DHHS site, scroll to "CIO Council Subcommittee on Year 2000 &
General Services Administration." CIO stands for Chief Information
Officer. Information management is key, not just to the new system, but
to winning the consent of the masses. (See "The State of The World
According to Gorbachev" at our website) Click on the first of the four
boxes: "CIO Council Committee Information Directory." Next, scroll to
"Clearinghouse" (below the chart). It takes you to a set of goals, at
the end of which you will find the option: "International Conference."
At the International Conference page click on "Papers."

Scroll down and click on papers such as "Are We Ready for the Greatest
Wealth Transfer Event of the Twentieth Century?" by Dennis G. Grabow.
It's summary states:

"The Millennium Investment Corporation has characterized the
consequences of the Year 2000 issue as The Greatest Wealth Transfer
Event of the Twentieth Century,. It will be a watershed event that will
define economic fortunes for individuals, corporations, institutions,
and nations. There will be a significant redistribution of wealth
throughout the world."

Or scroll to "The Global Food Chain" by Alan Simpson. In his summary, he
states, "that the entire global industrial complex is interconnected,
and really built on a foundation of shifting sands. This statement
equally applies to the US domestic supply chain. It is far more fragile
than most people imagine. True it can take a hit, in one place at a
time, and quickly recover. Resources can be switched, and back-up
systems activated. But we have never experienced a global problem, on
the scale of Year 2000. The Information Society, is not built on the
firm rock of the Industrial Society,, where tangible assets were the
norm, factories, machines, iron, steel, bricks and mortar. Today we have
information, EDI, the web and electronic transfer of our wealth."

Keep in mind, there is nothing the leaders behind the UN Food Summit
would like more than a global food crisis that would offer them an
opportunity to take control of worldwide food distribution. They could
then make participation or purchase conditioned on compliance with new
regulations. A key element in this system of controls are the "unique
identifiers" pushed by the Clinton administration and the National ID
cards mandated by the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act of 1996. (I'll explain these in a later report)

I would like to share a statement apparently spoken by Catherine
Bertini, Executive Director of the World Food Program, at the 1995 UN
World Conference for Women in Beijing. But first, I want to warn you
that I don't have the original documentation in my possession, therefore
I cannot verify it. With that reservation, I will include it as a
summary of an attitude expressed by other UN leaders: "Food is power. We
use it to change behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not
apologize." (For additional information on the movement toward
government control over food production and distribution, you may want
to read our report on the UN Food Summit at our website:

Finally, let me remind you that God's Word is full of promises that we
need ,to memorize and take to heart as we move toward increased control
by national and global leaders who despise biblical Christianity.
Biblical absolutes have no place in the consensus process now used to
facilitate groups, manage people, and guide decision-making in
government, workplaces, communities, schools, and churches. It demands a
willingness to compromise not possible for those who stand firm in God's
truth. Therefore, we can expect a return to the normal Christian life,
which Jesus described to His disciples long ago: "If they persecuted Me,
they will also persecute you. because they do not know Him who sent Me."
(John 15:20-21)

Until recently, we have escaped such religious hatred and persecution in
this wonderful nation so blessed by God. But our freedom has been an
anomaly in the history of time, and it could end soon. Scriptures such
as Deuteronomy 8:1-20 together with 1 Corinthians 10:6-11 should trumpet
the warning loud and clear:

"The LORD your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of
water a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you
will lack nothing; a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills
you can dig copper.

"When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the LORD your
God for the good land which He has given you. Beware that you do not
forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments lest -- when
you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses your heart
is lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God . Then you say in your
heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth.'

"If you forget the LORD your God and follow other gods you shall surely

Do you see a correlation between God's warnings and today's cultural
crisis? Could He be reminding us to prepare for the kind of spiritual
warfare former soldiers of Christ have faced and endured with triumph
through the ages? Then we had better put on His full armor an outline of
vital truths -- and learn to stand firm and fearless in Him. For,

"We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against
spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up
the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil
day." (Ephesians 6:10-18)

We may be heading for a very "evil day". Yet, this is a time not for
fear, but for drawing close to our wonderful sovereign King who has
pledged us His strength for victory and protection from all that would
separate us from Him. While our leaders would use this crisis to conform
us to their vision of community oneness, we can use it to bring people
into our Fathers family the only place of genuine oneness.

It is a time to count the cost: will I serve my King and refuse to
compromise -- even if it costs my life? It's a simple choice when I see
from His heavenly perspective: my feeble, finite life for a glorious
eternity with my beloved Bridegroom.

This song by Ray Boltz summarizes our challenge:

I pledge allegiance to the Lamb
With all my strength, With all I am
I will seek to honor His commands
I pledge allegiance to the Lamb.

In the joy of His service,
Berit Kjos
PS: If your need more documentation and background information to see
how all the pieces fit together, please visit our website at

For practical information about the new education system designed to
mold the minds of all students, read Brave New Schools (Harvest House
Publishers). Available through Christian bookstores or 1-800-829-5646.
For information about the global feminist movement and the United
Nations' Action Plan (signed at the UN conference for women in Beijing)
for surveillance through a global information network, read A Twist of
Faith. Available through New Leaf Press (800-643-9535) and Christian

Y2K, U.S.A. and 666
by Dr. Dale Johnsen

The following article is adapted from the book manuscript entitled
"Until He Comes: How to Get Ready for Christ's Return" (Copyright 1998,
Dr. Dale Mark Johnsen). This book uniquely focuses on the Bible's five
commands, which are specifically connected to the Second Coming of
Christ, motivating readers toward practical, spiritual growth until He
comes. Dr. Johnsen is Senior Pastor of a non-denominational Bible church
in Yakima, Washington. He is presently seeking a publisher. A two-page
book proposal may be requested by writing him at dmjohnsen@nwinfo.net
PropheZine is a fantastic forum for distributing provocative information
to people who take biblical prophecy seriously. Christ's commands to "Be
on guard! Be alert!" (Mark 13:33, NIV) and "you must be ready, because
the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him" (Matthew
24:44, NIV) must not be ignored. Unfortunately, many Christians regard
alertness as "scare-mongering" and "wolf-crying" Some tend to lump all
"sky-watchers" together with the Heaven's Gate Hale-Bopp Comet nuts who
tried to hitch a ride to heaven on a hidden UFO. Despite such
detractors, I am convinced that God's prophetic clock is ticking like a
time-bomb. Signs of Christ's return are increasing in frequency and
intensity around the globe. The sand in earth's hourglass will run out
very soon. I expect Christ to airlift His Bride from earth
(pretribulational rapture) before the final holocaust under the terrible
tyrant begins.

Assuming that PropheZine subscribers already possess a superior
understanding of prophecy basics, this article will jump past scriptural
exposition into sanctified speculation on three issues.

One, how serious is the Y2K computer bug?
Two, why is biblical prophecy so silent about the United States?
Three, what is the likely meaning of 666?

Is the looming Year 2000 computer code crisis (dubbed Y2K) an annoying
fly or a catastrophic godzilla? Will malfunctions on millions of
non-compliant computers create minor glitches, or cause Western
civilization to crash in 2000, plummeting the world into the dark ages?

Cautious Alan Greenspan admits it could be a serious problem. Certain
experts are predicting "our worst nightmare - a period of the greatest
global turmoil and chaos known in history." (Donald McAlvany, "The
Millennium Bug: Global Cyber-Meltdown in the Year 2000", The McAlvany
Intelligence Advisor, February 1998.)

Some claim the Y2K problem is unsolvable, even after spending trillions
of dollars worldwide to fix it. Others still expect Microsoft to concoct
a "silver bullet".

Of course, if the general public begins to panic in mid-1999 because
they expect chaos to strike on January 1, 2000, it could trigger a
self-fulfilling prophecy. Bank runs could begin throughout the planet,
hastening a catastrophic world economic meltdown. (The book "Time Bomb
2000" by Edward and Jennifer Yourdon (1998) paint a variety of scenarios
from mild to catastrophic. Jason Kelly has written a suspenseful
techno-thriller novel, "Y2K - It's Already Too Late" (JK Press, 1998)
which hypes a tale of devastation and destruction in America when the
ball drops on December 31, 1999.)

Some conspiracy watchers suspect that the Y2K problem was not an "oops",
not an inept snafu, but was deliberately planned by the New World Order
strategists in order to devise a plausible excuse for eliminating the
last vestiges of democratic society. The conspiracy? Create sufficient
chaos to make all nations long for a world ruler who will save us all
from disaster.

What do you think? Will Y2K be a small hiccup, or a terminal cancer? Are
the alarmists "doomsday quacks and misguided lunatics," or will Y2K hit
the world like a hurricane? Will it result in our president declaring
martial law, cancelling the 2000 elections, and sending FEMA squads from
house to house to collect excess food and confiscate weapons? Should we
spend Christmas 1999 camping out in the hills with an AK-47?

No. I don't think so. I expect it to rock some boats, but not sink the

How should we prepare for it? Proverb 22:3 states: "A prudent man sees
danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it."
How can we be prudent to "take refuge" in a reasonable way?

You can collect hard copies of financial and legal records. You can
store up a few weeks supply of food and water. You can convert some cash
to gold and silver coins. You can pay your bills before December 31 and
keep some extra blankets on hand for a potentially cold New Year's
night. You might even get a gas-powered generator that can supply
emergency heat in the dead of winter. If you are super cautious, and if
a wave of panic is noticeably rising, you could temporarily move outside
of a large city into a smaller community where there would be less risk
of rioting and looting. (An excellent reference source is Chuck
Missler's tape series "What To Do When the Chips Are Down," 1998,
www.khouse.org) But what if all such precautions prove to be overkill?
Will all the brouhaha have any lasting effect if we manage to enter the
year 2000 without any significant disruptions to society?

Yes, it will. The Y2K problem has already causing an incredibly fast
upgrade of the over-all status of the world's computers. Old equipment
is being replaced at a pace that would have never occurred under normal
circumstances. Billions of dollars are being spent to improve computer
quality, making the internet a better, faster, more effective system
than it would have been without the Y2K stimulus.

It has very quickly pushed our world several steps closer to a one-world
cashless economy.

If we enter 2000 quietly, without major chaos, those who fixated on the
Y2K mania will be laughed at as suckers and fanatic doomsdayers. If
predictions of imminent doom turn out to be less than sensational,
expectancy of the rapture may hit an all-time low. Some people will
weaken in their watchfulness of Christ's return. They will enter a new
era of spiritual slumber.

2 Peter 3:3-4 predicts, "in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing
and following their own desires. They will say, 'Where is this "coming"
he promised?' "

Where will all these scoffers come from? I believe that as soon as we
pass the year 2000 marker without any huge Y2K catastrophes or
tabloid-style disasters, many people will breathe a sigh of relief that
their lives have continued uninterrupted. They will begin to laugh at
people who expected Christ to return by 2000. They will then expect the
twenty-first century to usher in an era of unparalleled peace and
prosperity. This elated optimism will predispose them to eagerly embrace
a one-world electronic economy, a one-world religion and a one-world
government when it appears. In my opinion, rather than Y2K, it will be
the rapture of the Church that provides the spark that explodes the
economic powder keg. Such a global crisis will lead unsaved humanity to
cry out for a financial savior to rescue the world from monetary chaos.

As we enter the third millennium, the United States is the only nation
on earth that is both militarily and economically strong. But as we
study Bible prophecy, we don't find any clear prophetic references to
history's most powerful nation.

For example, the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39's battle of Gog and Magog
(which I expect to occur soon after the rapture of the church) includes
no mention of Israel receiving any military assistance from its sole
powerful security partner, the United States. And although the luxurious
wealth of Babylon the Great in Revelation 18 could conceivably depict
American riches and arrogance, there is no clear identifying mark that
makes such an identification indisputable.

Why is there this absence of American involvement in prophecy? Why is
the Bible silent about the USA?

America's absence in prophecy could be explained by its being militarily
destroyed or economically devastated before Christ returns. However, I
prefer to speculate that America's fading influence on the world's scene
during the tribulation will actually turn out to be a blessing in

The United States is the only nation in history that was consciously
founded on Christian principles. Despite its growing moral decadence, at
least forty percent of its population claims affiliation with a church.
The true "born-again Christian" population of the United States is
likely between fifteen and twenty percent. This means that when the
rapture occurs, the United States will suffer the sudden removal of
forty or fifty million American Christians (plus, I believe, innocent
young children and babies who have never rejected Christ's sacrifice for
their sins).

The rapture will have a paralyzing impact on our nation. This huge loss
of population alone will immediately cause the non-believers who remain
behind in this nation to become self-absorbed, protectionistic and

Our once great military force is already being dismantled under the
guise of our "peace dividend." We can expect post-rapture America to
rapidly give up the role of being the world's policeman. In
self-protective fear of terrorism, the U.S. will retreat from protecting
Israel. When that occurs, it won't be long until Russia and its allies
will assume the coast is clear to launch a vast first-strike attack
against Israel in the battle of Magog.

Could the rapture really cause the United States to slip into a
second-rate power so quickly? Yes! Think about how rapidly the Berlin
Wall came tumbling down. Think about how quickly the Soviet Union fell
apart. Once the United States loses 20% of its people and adopts a
self-protective, survival mindset, its primo position as a world power
will rapidly erode.

By an act of grace on God's part, America's absence from world
leadership in the last days will actually protect her from being a
"direct target" of God's final wrath. Even though all believers in the
more "Christian" nations will "disappear" in the rapture, the "salty"
influence which they have left behind on their cultures will help
exclude these regions from becoming major players in the antichrist's
evil schemes.

In contrast, the European Union, which has very few born-again
Christians to lose, will not suffer the loss of very many people in the
rapture at all. This relative "stability" will allow the EU to fill the
power vacuum, both militarily and economically, as the next and last
great power on earth. The EU will introduce a ruler with good looks and
a charismatic personality who promises world peace and prosperity,
proving that he can deliver by means of a seven-year peace treaty
between Israel and Islam (Daniel 9:27).

Revelation 13:18 says: "This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight,
let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His
number is 666." What does 666 mean? It has three meanings: symbolic,
numerological and technological.

First, 666 has a symbolical meaning. Throughout Scripture, the number
seven represents God, and the number six represents man. (For example,
in Daniel 3, the image of Nebuchadnezzar was sixty cubits high and six
cubits wide.) This fact originates from man's creation on the sixth day
and God's resting on the seventh day. 666 is man's number, a human
number that epitomizes mankind's collective rebellion against God. 666
symbolically represents the best that man can strive to be apart from
God. 666 is a threefold, trinitarian number of man, with each digit
falling short of God's perfect number seven. Each six also represents
one person of the evil counterfeit trinity: Satan, the Beast, and the
False Prophet.

Second, 666 has a numerological meaning. At the time the book of
Revelation was written, the Roman Empire ruled the world and the Roman
numeral system was used. Taking the first six Roman numerals of I, V, X,
L, C, D, and adding them up, the numerical result is 666. The sum of the
six numbers 1 + 5 + 10 + 50 + 100 + 500 add up to exactly 666,
numerologically representing a humanistic Roman world power. Similarly,
six times six is thirty-six; if you add up all the numerals from one to
thirty-six, they also total 666. Using the standard letter values used
in numerical gematria, the Greek word "lateinos" meaning "Roman man",
and the Hebrew word "romiti" meaning "Roman man", both add up to a total
of 666.

Third, 666 also has a technological meaning. For twenty years now, laser
scanners in grocery stores have read line patterns on Universal Product
Codes. Each line pattern represents a particular number. The two long
skinny lines on the far left side represent a six. At the far right
side, there is another six. Right in the middle are two more long skinny
lines, another six. Surrounding nearly every UPC symbol is a 6-6-6
already imprinted on whatever we buy.

At this point, there's nothing wrong with buying items with UPC
markings. But soon it will be possible for that laser to also scan a
mark on the back of one's hand that's invisible to the naked eye. All
purchases will be automatically and quickly deducted from one's bank
account. It's such a good idea that I'd be in favor of it - if it
weren't for the fact that the Bible warned us 1900 years ago to not
participate in that kind of economic system.

When Revelation 13:16 asserts that everyone will be forced to "receive a
mark on his right hand or on his forehead", the word "mark" [charagma]
in Greek means "a mark or stamp that is engraved, scratched, etched,
branded, cut, or imprinted." The word "on" [epi] may be translated "on,
upon, in, above, over or across." 1900 years ago, the Bible predicted
this subdermal implant.

These injectable computer chips, with a passive radio frequency
identification transponder, are already in use. Tiny glass tubes,
smaller than a grain of rice, encapsulate the microcircuitry. Once every
person on earth is assigned a unique tracking number that links to their
financial account, the world economy could be totally monitored and
controlled. A world government would need first to eliminate all cash
(under the guise of ending all thievery, forgery, counterfeiting and
black market drug money) and force everyone to rely exclusively on
electronic credit.

A global economic crisis (a major collapse of the world stock markets
resulting from the mass disappearance of hundreds of millions of people
in the rapture) could trigger it into reality.

I caution people to not overdo the 666 hysteria. After all, 666 plus 666
plus 666 add up to the year 1998. If you assign number values to letters
so that the letter A=6, and B=12, and C=18, and so forth, when you add
up the values of the word COMPUTER, you get 666. You ask, what kind of
computer? Add up the values of IBM PC CLONE and you get 666 again.

If you convert the letters of the name "William Henry Gates III" to
computer ASCII values, you get 666 still again. ASCII values of "Windows
95" likewise totals 666. If Z=6, Y=12, and X=18, and so forth, then
INTERNET is 666. If A=1, and B=2, etc., the words "Internet Computer"
add up to 216, which is 6x6x6. But, since we started with arbitrary
values, it doesn't prove anything.

One intriguing fact to note is that the sixth letter in the Hebrew
alphabet is the equivalent of our "W". So in Hebrew, 666 could be
written as WWW. Does that prove that the World Wide Web will be the main
tool of the antichrist? No. In fact, the practice of numerology, using
numbers to predict the future, is a form of divination that is forbidden
by Deuteronomy 18:10.

Our job is not to look for antichrist. Our job is to be on the look-out
for Jesus Christ. Why? Because before antichrist emerges, our Bridegroom
will call us up to take us home.

>From this day forward, you ought to be sitting on the edge of your seat
every time you read a newspaper or watch a newscast on TV. Your heart
ought to pump faster every time you think about the fact that your Lord
could come in the clouds to take you home to be with Him, even today.
You ought to be expecting to hear a heavenly trumpet blast any moment,
calling you home.

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

(Sermon manuscripts on prophecy may be read at

Y2k...the Coming Crash?
By: John Terry and Rick Cogburn
TCA Financial Management, UBO

Information on Y2K in the mainstream media began as a drip, then a
trickle, now we see a story on Y2K preparedness almost daily. PZ has
been reporting on the potential problems associated with Y2K long before
the mainstream media felt it was "newsworthy".

The crisis we face is uncertain. It is almost a given that we will have
some Y2K related glitches, and the possibility of a major catastrophe
still looms ahead. As economists and financial planners by vocation, we
see a number of opportunities in the short term to profit from the Y2K
bug, and a number of potential dangers which could occur in the
financial markets which require advance planning.

Global economists like Ed Yardeni predict a global recession (60-70%
chance at present) with the Dow dropping near the 6500 mark. With the
uncertainty in Russia, the financial mess in the Far East, and
difficulties presented by Y2k, this seems to be a very likely scenario.

If you will recall, we predicted several months ago that the Asian
markets would crumble (The Bubble is About to Pop - PZ Magazine). We
also correctly called the economic crash in Indonesia. We've been
watching Russia for some time now, and believe that their troubles will
continue, and civil unrest will grow.
A resurgence of communism is a REAL possibility, and could pave the way
for renewed cooperation and alliance with Iran, Iraq, and other Middle
East allies. Could this be a precursor to the God/Magog fulfillment
predicted in Ezekiel?

A global economic calamity could be the triggering event to bring about
the rise of Antichrist and his One World economic system...the Mark. As
we shared in an earlier Y2K article, if the economies of the world
crumble, national sovereignty could be set aside to cooperate globally
and join in an effort to find some medium for "common exchange" of goods
and services. I believe we are seeing the beginnings of this now.

While there are a number of short-term opportunities available to
investors, the direction of the stock market over the next 18 months or
so will probably be down. If Y2K pressures increase, the market may
suffer a significant downturn...possibly a global meltdown.

When can we expect to see these events happen? The latter part of the
first quarter of 1999 is a good candidate. Corporations will be
reporting their profits and projections, and the impact of Y2K-related
issues should begin to be reflected in these predictions at this time.
If the impact appears negative, the stock market will respond as
investors move to safe havens, bonds, money market funds, annuities, and
precious metals.

Investors heavily invested in the stock market should consider the
implications of Y2K in their portfolio. If you look at the problems in
Russia and Asia and consider how your personal portfolio would perform
if your money was invested there, you will have some indication of how
your portfolio would perform if similar events occur in the United
States. Diversification into other investment alternatives should be
weighed in light of pending future events.

Can this bullmarket continue forever? NO! The market has historically
risen and fallen in waves. The general direction, at least since the
1930's has been positive and our country has enjoyed the benefits of
this increase. That growth has come with a price, however. The United
States is massively in debt, and (as with Russia) if they cannot pay
their obligations, all the cards come tumbling down.

We find it interesting that those in Indonesia and Russia who held
tangible assets were able to preserve a store of value when their
economies crumbled. If you view Jesus' Revelation to John as a
historical view of the church over time, the last church addressed was

Jesus told the Laodecian church they thought they were rich and
increased with goods, but they were blind, and naked. Their riches were
nothing but smoke and mirrors. This is a vivid picture of the asset
base of this country. Our dollar is based on debt, there is NO
supporting asset underlying our currency.
If our market were to collapse, so would our economy.

Jesus told the Christians in Laodecia to "buy of me gold tried in the
fire" for it is there they can find true wealth. The Bloomberg Report
notes that those who held gold, silver, gems, diamonds, and other
tangible goods in failing economies did not suffer significant ruin.
Could this be a warning to the churches of today to prepare for a coming

Gold tried in the fire is pure! The impurities of the world have been
removed and the value of pure gold is much greater than that of raw gold
ore. Our currency once read, "In Gold We Trust". Now it reads, "In God
We Trust." However, our actions speak otherwise.

Jesus said to the church, "let him that has ears hear what the spirit is
saying to the churches." We must consider God's plan.

At this point, we believe Y2K will be like the aftermath of a tornado or
hurricane. Consider what the people who endured Hugo, the recent
flooding in Texas, a blizzard, or similar catastrophe had to endure for
several days, to several months, as basic conveniences of life
(electricity, water, gas, telephone service, etc...) were lost.

We, as Christians, need to prepare for such contingencies. In the event
we do suffer a local, regional, or national calamity, we will be able to
respond to the needs of our family, and hopefully the
needs of others around us...being God's hand extended to the world. If
we prepare and nothing happens, we have gathered a significant store of
value we can share with the homeless and those in need, again being
God's hand extended.

The most important thing you can do is to DO SOMETHING NOW! If we, as
Christians, prepare for the worst, and work to minimize the disruptions
we may face in the Year 2000, we can be a blessing to our families, and
to others, in the event of a major calamity. If nothing happens, we've
not lost a lot...and gained an opportunity to minister to the needs of
the world.

John Terry and Rick Cogburn are managing directors of TCA Financial
Management, UBO, the creator and General Partner of the Y2K Hedge Fund.
They are also registered representatives with Rushmore Securities
Corporation. They are available to review your investment portfolio
and assist you in making informed decisions regarding investing in the
Year 2000.
They also offer insurance, estate planning, and related financial

They may be reached at:
TCA Financial/Rushmore Financial 216 North El Paso Suite B
Russellville, AR 72801
Phone: 1-501-968-1708
Fax: 1-501-967-9898
WATS: 1-800-951-1708
John Terry: jterry@imga.com
Rick Cogburn: y2k@cswnet.com
Visit their website at http://www.imga.com/

By David A. Defuria

Where does a potential Y2K 'crisis' fit into God's overall prophetic
plan for mankind?

Christendom is buzzing with Armageddon-type speculation related to Y2K
and millennium fever. Secular media reports on the influx of Christians
"around Bethany and the Mount of Olives...convinced that His (Christ's)
return was prophesied for the year 2000...when the Bible says that the
end will come on the Mount of Olives when it splits in two and Jesus
sets foot on the earth again." (USA Today, June 12, 1998, 8A)

The purpose of this article is to draw a concise picture of the future
of our world as foretold in the Bible, and make clear to the reader the
specific order in which each of the major End-Time events will occur. We
will create a simple timeline depicting prophetic milestones of
precisely "what must take place" in their proper sequence. This will
enable the reader to intelligently analyze Y2K repercussions in line
with Biblical Prophecy.

This will bear twofold accomplishment:

1. To eliminate confusion and deceit that is ramped throughout the
Christian community today, particularly concerning the 'End-Times' and
the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, (cf. Matt. 24:4,ff.; 2nd Thes. 2:3,ff.,
et al.).

2. To better "prepare God's people for works of service, so that the
body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and
in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the
whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be
infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by
every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their
deceitful scheming." (Eph. 4:12-14).

A clear Biblical understanding of what lies ahead is critical to free
the Christian from any "spirit of fear" and uncertainty, and will equip
us with clear minds and comprehension of the "times", so that we can
remain focused and "fan into flame" our gifts from God. Ultimately, this
will enable us to minister confidently and most effectively to a lost
and dying world in these "last days".

The following outline is a compilation of specific facts that we know
for certain from the Bible concerning the times that lie ahead. I am
confident there will be no debate of the statements made below among
those in the Christian community who know their Bible and are familiar
with just the basics of eschatology (the study of End-Time events). At
the end of the outline you will find a simplified timeline; (it is
non-graphic - drawn in simple ASCII characters to retain format during
electronic transmission of this document). It will be helpful for the
reader to label each numbered 'point' in the timeline as advised in

I. There will be a bad guy on the world scene, a real bad guy, known as
the "ANTICHRIST". Daniel 9:26 depicts him as the "Prince" or "Ruler that
shall come". (He actually has some 33 titles in the Old Testament and 13
in the New.)

He will be a virtual WORLD Ruler, i.e. a tyrannical global leader, (cf.
Daniel 7 & Rev. 13), and his power will encompass:

A. Military Might: "...Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make
war with him?" (Rev. 13:4)

B. Religious Might: "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him
(the Beast...) (Rev. 13:8)

C. Economic Might: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had
the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Rev.

II. This "Coming World Ruler" will obtain his power FROM a
10-'Constituent' Worldwide Confederacy, i.e. a One-World Government.
"And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received
no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one mind (purpose), and shall give their power and strength
unto the beast." (Rev. 17:12,13).

revealed. "I considered the (ten) horns, and, behold, there came up
among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the
first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes
like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things." (Daniel 7:8)
(Technically, as was just revealed, Antichrist "subdues three" of the
"horns", or "kings", in the process of taking power, which is detailed
further in Daniel 7:24. However, it is not necessary to identify this on
the timeline for the purposes stated within this document.)

they worshipped the DRAGON which gave power unto the beast..."
(Rev.13:4) (The "dragon" is clearly identified as the Devil (or Satan)
in the previous chapter, verse 9.)

#2 therefore represents the point at which this NWO achieves its
Biblical formation - i.e., its 10-'Constituent' or 'horned'

III. The Antichrist brings about a 7-year "TRIBULATION" on earth. This
is most accurately titled "the 70th Week of Daniel", described in 9:27.
(What is commonly termed the "Great Tribulation" actually commences at
the 3 1/2 year mark, i.e. half way through this 7-year period, cf. Matt.
24:15,21 & Daniel 9:27.) This period is also termed "The Time of Jacob's
Trouble" in Jer. 30:4-7.

beginning of the Trib.; #5 its finale.)**

IV. JESUS CHRIST WILL RETURN TO THE EARTH in full glory at the end of
this "Tribulation" period. (It is not within the scope of this
discussion to detail the sequence of the specific events of His return
concerning the "battle" and "judgement" proceedings that will fill the
1,260 day mark through the 1,290 & 1,335 day points referenced in Daniel

on the Earth - ("THE DAY OF THE LORD" referenced 25 times in 23 verses
in the King James Bible) - as "all the Nations" of the world are
gathered for the final war, (Zech. 12:3, Rev. 17:14, et al.). This is
what is often referred to as "THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON", referenced in
Rev. 16:16 and elsewhere in Scripture.

the world, (and unfortunately too many Christians as well) consider "THE
END OF THE WORLD". It is certainly not the end (for Believers
particularly), but a very new beginning - a glorious 1,000-year period
where Christ will "reign in righteousness...with all His saints" (c.f.
1st Thes. 3:13, Rev. 19:14, et al.). (For millennial passages, one may
consider Isaiah 32:1,ff., Rev. 20:1-6 and a plethora of other glorious
Old and New Testament passages.) And even this "Millennium" is just the
onset to eternal glory; see Rev. Chapters 21 & 22.

(Time not proportionate to length of the segments.)


These are the sequences of events that will occur as foretold in God's
Word, the Bible.

Now, we must distinguish between the 2nd Coming of Christ and the
Rapture of His Church.

Christ, His Church, will be raptured (1st Cor. 15:51,52; 1st Thes.
4:16,17) BEFORE the "tribulation", certainly, but also BEFORE the
Antichrist is revealed. This is based on the prevalent interpretation of
2nd Thes. 2:7.

His waiting Church at any time. This is clearly derived from Jesus' many
warnings along with the admonishments in the epistles to "watch", "be
ready", "be alert", etc., along with the fact that it will be "In a
moment (flash), in the twinkling of an eye", 1st Cor. 15:52. Hence,
there are NO specific prophecies that need be fulfilled before the


In summary of all of the above, the Bible teaches:

A. A One-World Government will rise up out of society, as we know it
today; Satan is the master-conspirator behind it.

B. It will develop into a 10-'Constituent' Confederacy with worldwide

C. Out of that Intrigue will arise the Antichrist.

D. These will occur ALL PRIOR to the 'final' 7-year Tribulation, which
'ends' with the 2nd Coming of Christ.

E. The Church of Jesus Christ COULD be raptured at any time, and WILL be
raptured before the Antichrist is actually recognized for who he really
is, but NOT NECESSARILY BEFORE the formation and establishment of the
10-'Constituent' world-dominating power which precedes him. Therefore,
Christians could very well be on the earth as HiStory unfolds and this
One-World Government comes into being.

(Please note, if you adhere to a "Mid" or "Post-Trib" eschatological
doctrinal position - still, all other teachings and emboldening in this
article will apply to you as well, and actually, even the more so.
Please read on.)


A study of ancient as well as recent history through biblical lenses
reveals that Satan has striven to push mankind toward entire World
Tyranny in which he could take center stage to rule, and ultimately be
worshipped as God. (This was clearly his aspiration from before the
creation of our universe; - consider Isaiah 14:13,14). Down through the
ages there have been secret societies and conspiratorial movements that
have had as their goals absolute rule of the world, overthrow of all
existing governments, and the final destruction of all other religions.
(To trace the historical origins of conspiracies for global control one
will inevitably find himself/herself also researching the histories of
organized movements bent on the destruction of Judaism, then,
Christianity.) The initial apparent attempt for a world encompassing
dictatorship was through Nimrod at Babel, (Gen. 10:8-11; 11:1-9).
(Additional insight on this account can be gleaned from the "Complete
and Unabridged Works of Josephus", Book 1:109-119.) Closer to our own
time, within the past 200 years or so, we have witnessed the formation
of formal clandestine organizations made up of the self-perceived
Spiritual and Political Elite, pushing tirelessly toward World
Government. Here research unveils names like Illuminati, Freemasons,
Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, et
al. These 'antichrist' organizations, ("even now are there many
antichrists", 1st John 2:18), have always had at their root, although
vehemently denied (and often unknown by many of their lower-tiered
members), occult practices and rituals stemming back to Satanism.

Progress has been accomplished gradually on political, economic and
ecclesiastic fronts - quietly, carefully, tenaciously - underneath the
fabric of modern society. These groups have proliferated, diversified
and unified over time, to present, giving rise to the more 'visible'
structures such as the United Nations, NATO, the International Monetary
Fund, and the World Bank. Momentum has been maintained over the
generations by Principalities, Powers, Rulers of the Darkness of this
World, and Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.

Are there a few guys in a smoke-filled basement somewhere in obscurity
moving government leaders and world events like chess pieces to their
own desired end? Hardly. But is there, and has there been a consistent,
surreptitious tide toward Globalism throughout the world, particularly
in recent history, compelling the world's politics, wars, economics, and
even religious 'ecumenism'? Unequivocally yes. With critical scrutiny of
the agendas and conducts of these 'global' organizations, this becomes
quite clear. As the Holy Spirit enhances our understanding of the
prophetic teachings of His Word, we can then accurately analyze world
events (from sources other than the mainstream press), and begin to see
the world's relentless thrust toward fulfillment of these 'globalist'
prophecies in our very midst.


It is generally accepted that once this One-World Government achieves
its final (10-'Constituent') Biblical formation - (#2 on the timeline),
the remaining sequence of prophetic events will unfold quite rapidly;
(this derived from the "short time/little while" and "one hour" duration
references concerning the stay of power of "the 10 horns" and "the
Beast", in Rev. 17:10 & 12, along with other End-Times' descriptive


It is also commonly denoted that such a Beast/System will arise up out
of a worldwide catastrophe, be it economic, military, or both, having
made substantial progress in its development prior to, and possibly in
harmony with said disaster(s). The specific scriptural support here is
less substantial but the argument makes sense, especially in light of
the Bible identifying Satan as the 'master conspirator' behind the
Beast, "which deceiveth the whole world". Also, careful appraisal of the
inroads these 'globalists' have made to date will also tend to lead one
to the same conclusion. Interestingly, David Rockefeller stated in a
December 14, 1994 speech at the UN, "We are on the verge of a global
transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations
will accept the New World Order". Indeed, it would require a crisis of
significant magnitude to cause the American Middle Class to forego its
perceived sovereignty. (Actually we have been doing so by idly observing
Presidential Executive Orders and other legislation strip us of our
constitutional rights, piece by piece over the years - like frogs in a


The answers to these questions will determine whether we shall, in the
near future, witness the development of the final stages of the
10-'horned' One-World Government out of which eventually the Antichrist
"will be revealed", who will ultimately meet his fate as "the Lord Jesus
will overthrow (him) with the breath of his mouth and destroy (him) by
the splendor of his coming, (2nd Thes. 2:8). But, at this point, this
can still only be conjectured.


The reality of the situation is that One-World Government WILL happen
sooner or later, but it may very well take some time before it is
finally constructed. We can speculate on that timeframe from a few short
years, to decades, depending on how convinced we are of the progress of
this "Beast". But these historical events must all take place in their
foretold sequence BEFORE the Antichrist is revealed, which is BEFORE the
Tribulation, i.e. BEFORE the "Day of the Lord" in wrath, when finally,
ONLY "THEN the LORD will go out and fight against those nations, as he
fights in the day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the
Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be
split in two from east to west, forming a great valley, with half of the
mountain moving north and half moving south." (Zech. 14:3,4).

Y2K Armageddon? Not -- absolutely not. Nor will Jesus 'touch down' on
the Mount of Olives by then. We can clearly derive from the Scriptures
that although it may be RELATIVELY close, "the end is not yet". Much yet
remains to be fulfilled, so let's keep our heads, - Christians
especially. One of the many great benefits of being in Christ is that He
makes known to us "the end from the beginning, and from ancient times
(to) what is yet to come", (Isaiah 46:10). Thus we can rest in Him and
the wisdom He gives us concerning the times of the end.

The most important understanding to take away from this discussion is
that of where we reside currently on God's Prophetic Timetable. Consider
how clearly Daniel understood precisely where he was in terms of
prophecy and God's overall plan (chapter 9:1,2ff.), how he lined himself
with God's program (not the other way around), and how God blessed and
used him as a result. How much more we, with clear biblical
understanding can line ourselves up with God in these "last days" to be
optimally effective in fulfilling our Lord's Great Commission. Did not
our own Lord admonish the Jews in their day, (Matt. 16:1-4, Luke
19:41-44), and Christians in ours, (Matt. 24:15, Luke 21:24-36, et al.),
to know and understand God's prophetic calendar?

Could Y2K be the catalyst that creates havoc enough to catapult us into
World Government? Possibly, - over time. And unfortunately, if a crisis
scenario turns out to be the case, as critical assessment of the
situation may very well point to, then we will have some serious
'social' problems ahead to contend with, particularly here in America, -
(while the Prophetic One-World Government constructs in the world around
us). This is where a Biblical grasp is critical. Again, we do know for
sure that a series of events must still develop and unfold before the
'end', so to speak. So, we had better plan on sticking around and
serving a while, and we may want to at least consider the possibility of
trials and even persecution ahead. This is where our prayer life should
be focused. "Lord, how best can I/we serve You now? How best can I/we
prepare for ministry during any up and coming distresses?"

And if there is social chaos resulting from Y2K, Americans will
(possibly for their first time) be looking for answers and will
gravitate toward a People not shaken, but prepared and standing
confidently - "whose houses are built upon the Rock" - ready to serve in
both spiritual and physical capacities. Please recall how often and how
diversely Jesus tended to people's ailments and physical needs as
precursor and means to their deepest, most urgent need - spiritual
forgiveness and reconciliation with God. Oh that God's Children may have
donned their "armor" beforehand, and are prepared and have answers -
real answers - so as to be able to calmly and confidently open our
Bibles to comfort lost and confused souls - that it is going to be okay
- and that there is an answer - and introduce them to Jesus Christ. The
near future may very well avail us ministry opportunities unprecedented
thus far in history. May we yank ourselves out of the distractions and
pleasures of this world now, and begin to seek Him earnestly as to how
our lives may best bear lasting fruit, to the glory of the Father, in
all that lies ahead.

Therefore I am calling on Christians now, the Body of Christ, to
recommit ourselves to Him and to His Kingdom in holiness and fervency.
Let us study diligently; pray effectually. Look at the remaining time
preceding Y2K as Spiritual Boot Camp. And let us therefore, steadfastly
develop and utilize the gifts God has given us so that (no matter how
mild or drastic the outcome of Y2K turns out to be), we, "God's people"
will be "prepared ... for works of service", and found actively
ministering - "unto the praise of His glory".

And if He raptures and takes us home early, all the better. What better
position to be 'caught' in. "Who then is a faithful and wise servant,
whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in
due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall
find so doing... His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and
faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make
thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
(Matt. 24:45,46; 25:21).


David A. Defuria

Jesus & You, then Y2K
By Terry Denbow

Isn't it exciting what's happening with this Y2K thing? The information
is ever changing and what to do with that information is a matter of so
much opinion. Will they finish? Why of course not. But if they all
pull together... What if we turn the clocks back? Don't tell them
you're going to be compliant just say we plan to be ready. I think we
should save food and water. Why aren't the pastors doing anything?
Contingency planning is the only thing left to do. Is my paycheck
mission critical? Will I have a job after the year 2000? Will the
phones and electric work? How long will the grid be down or will it
be? Sue, sue, sue. I quit, I quit, I quit.
Recession, depression or a one world government? Martial law? Soup
lines? Y2K is something that will eventually touch everyone of our
lives. So what should you do?

Whatever opinion you have concerning Y2K or whatever you are planning or
not planning to do concerning you and your family, doesn't depend solely
on you. To do absolutely nothing would be irresponsible. Although,
many people have chosen to take this ostrich approach. As a Christian,
it is your responsibility to inquire of the Lord and ask what He desires
of you. Saul was cut off from being king because he did not inquire of
the Lord .

"So Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the Lord,
because of the word of the Lord which he did not keep; and also because
he asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it, and did not inquire
of the Lord. Therefore He killed him,..."
1Chroncicles 10:13&14

Don't base your actions on what you heard on the news or read in a
magazine about companies and banks being ready. Inquire of the Lord.
Use wisdom which He gives in abundance to those who ask without
doubting. This will give many a chance to grow or reevaluate their
status with God. How much do you trust Him that He has everything under
control? Are you excited about the prospect of being used by Him
through this inevitable crisis? Are you looking for opportunities to
glorify the King or are you freaking out that you won't have enough.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these
things will be added unto you."
Matthew 6:33

So what are the opportunities?

1. To draw near to God

An awesome thing to do anytime but any excuse will do! This could be a
time you draw closer than anytime you ever have simply because you want
to hear correctly about what to do concerning your family. There are
many important decisions to be made and you want to be led by his
spirit. (Remember what happened to Saul) Don't let the world instruct
you. The world will not give you accurate information concerning what
the Lord wants you to do.

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you..."
James 4:7

2. To minister to the needs of others

But I can't afford that! I'm not talking simply about monetary needs
but spiritual as well. I have found numerous opportunities to pray,
comfort and encourage others in the Lord. To help them get their focus
on God and not on goods!

"...be ready for every good deed."

3. To glorify God

"Let your light shine in such a way that that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father who is heaven." Matthew 5:16

Good works are selfless acts that bring attention to God and produce the
fruit of the Holy Spirit. We are to be zealous for good works and engage
in them. There are so many to do. Use Y2K to be springboard for good
works that will glorify God.

Throughout the scriptures God has used calamity to glorify Himself, so
be a vessel of His light. We know that God causes all things to work
together for good to those who are called according to His purpose.
(Romans 8:28) "All" still means all.

Ways you can miss the opportunities

1. Don't pray and just act. Although God's word says....

"Trust in the Lord with all your hear, and do not lean on your won
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your
paths straight. Don't be wise in your eyes..."
Proverbs 3:3-7

2. Start jumping from one scenario to another. Although God's word
"Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just
a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Instead, you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and also do
this or that.'"
James 4:14&15

3. Freak out and move right into fear. Although God's words says...

" For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of
love, and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7

"...do not fret, it leads only to evildoing."
Psalm 37:8

4. Start criticizing the elders, pastors, and others in leadership or
authority over you instead of praying. Although God's word says...

"Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands,
without wrath and dissention."
1 Timothy 1:8

5. Start grabbing and not giving. Although God's word says...

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind
let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do
not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the
interests of others."
Philippians 2:3&4

6. Borrow money. Although God's word says...

"The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender's
Proverbs 22:7

7. Do nothing. Although God's word says...

"A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple
pass on, and are punished."
Proverbs 27:12

8. Trust someone else is going to fix it; like the government.
Although God's word says...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean to your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your
paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5&6

So many times we grasping with our palms down to get what we need from
this world when our palms should be up seeking our needs from our God
who is able to supply them. Who else do you know that can take 2 fish
and 5 loaves and feed 5,000? Keep in mind the mighty and awesome King
who is Jesus. Who is all powerful, all knowing, with great mercy, all
wisdom who is noble and just in all His ways. He is seeking those whose
hearts would be completely His.

"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for
welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you
will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your
Jeremiah 20:11-13

Men need to provide for their own families or they are worse than an
infidel. And women need to look well to the ways of their households.
We all need to be before our King and our God with a heart of praise and
thanksgiving and not take our attention off of the Author and Finisher
of our faith. It is so easy to get distracted away from what should
always be our focus and that is Jesus. That is the something that can
never be taken away.


Presented by I/D Ministries

James 5:
5:1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries which are
coming upon
2 Your riches have rotted and your garments have become moth-eaten.
3 Your gold and your silver have rusted; and their rust will be a
against you and will consume your flesh like fire. It is IN THE LAST
DAYS that
you have stored up your treasure!
4 Behold, the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields, and which has
withheld by you, cries out against you; and the outcry of those who did
harvesting has reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.
5 You have lived luxuriously on the earth and led a life of wanton
you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.
6 You have condemned and put to death the righteous man; he does not
7 Be patient, therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord.
Behold, the
farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about
until it gets the early and late rains.
8 You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the
Lord is
at hand.
>From the Bible we have:

The Bible is God's WORD and it is always right, therefore it has always
advantageous for the super-rich (in their insatiable greed for ever more
wealth and power) to devise plans to globally expand the feudal system
enslaved Europe's masses during the Middle Ages. A SYSTEM OF DEBT ("I
owe my
soul to the company store") needed to be devised THAT COULD NOT BE PAID
It then needed to be encouraged, even imposed, upon the world's nations
peoples. In so doing, individuals, nations, and eventually the whole
could be swallowed up in the snares of this insidious scheme of

To quote Mayer Rothschild's own version of applying the above verse (but
modified for personal gain) - " I care not who sits upon the throne, as
as I control the purse strings." This has become the credo and modus
of the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the Bank for International
the Federal Reserve System, the International Monetary Fund, and other
commandeered by the International Financiers who now own and control the
modern world.

In his bestselling book, "Debt Virus" Jaque Jaikaran, a surgeon and a
board member, adds to the mounting evidence, his explanation of how the
families of feudal Europe have created slaves out of everyone in the
world by
bankrupting nations, and substituting worthless paper IOU's for what
used to
be gold or silver asset-backed currency.

Summarizing the principles:

By using national debt, the bankers blackmail governments into handing
total control of their national economies (requiring national personal
taxes, taxpayer ID's, dollar decimated currencies - (so their computers
handle the transactions)), passing 'fractional reserve lending laws',
and the
ability to print currency at will (God HATES dishonest weights

The inflation rate always paces with the interest rate, BECAUSE VENDORS
is the
interest rate that actually CAUSES inflation! (see Personal Update-July
Global Inflation, John Loeffler, pg 11-13; http:www.Khouse.org) And the
Government, being the biggest debtor and spender, competes with the
sector for the best rates, therefore causing the increase (when
government has
a surplus (1998), rates are low; when they have a deficit (1985), rates
high). This is a colossal shell game that only the bankers can win at!
they put out too many bad loans too quickly, they make the TAXPAYERS pay
the losses (1980's S&L crisis), to protect us (bless their little
hearts; what
a system for bankers!) from a system crash (blackmail against the
Wouldn't YOU like a business protected by the taxpayers?!!!

The loaning of so much make-believe money creates an illusion (over
of prosperity (business startups) that bloats the economy and creates
dangerous and unwarranted investor over-confidence and excessive
FOR ALL THE LOANS (and stock market derivatives) BEING ISSUED. As a
with borrowing (lending) being out of proportion to the REAL economy
deposits), defaults (personal and business failures and bankruptcies)
on loans (under reported by politicians and the media) and the banks
(owned by
the elite) SEIZE THE REAL ASSETS OF THE BORROWERS! Not a bad deal!

Since 1933, the tactic of constantly beating the 'emergency drum' to
create a
public perception of crisis after crisis (drugs, poverty, endangered
global warming, etc.), has enabled the government to increasingly use
LICENSING to control, tax and regulate every activity, some of which we
marriage - license
dumping - permit
house - property tax
vehicle - registration
dog - license
fishing - license
driving - license
hunting - license
profession license
earning - taxpayer ID number
building - permit
etc, etc, etc....
No engineered 'crisis' ever gets solved; they just multiply.
Licenses, certifications, permits, registrations, are simply alternate
for taxes, but with fees and controls attached!
But every activity that requires a License, has been, by implication,
essentially declared to be ILLEGAL, since a license is REQUIRED for the
practice thereof. Therefore, without the ABILITY TO PAY all of these
taxes and
license fees, and to abide by the concomitant regulations, we can
neither do
anything nor own anything without committing a criminal act, worthy of
monetary PENALTIES and/or imprisonment! ("THE BORROWER IS SLAVE TO THE

The bankers can use national central banks to then go after the ASSETS
of the
individuals. They make us sign an IOU (car, house, business startup),
loan us paper notes (not dollars) which are NOTHING but an IOU from them
(Federal Reserve Note = 'useful for debt'), backed by NOTHING (look at
wording on your dollar bills). Therefore THEY HAVE MERELY LENT US BACK,
WE LENT THEM.....(PROMISSORY NOTES). Except that we have PROMISED to pay
back, but to do so WITH INTEREST. Their cost consisted of PAPER and

They have lent out nothing of any value, but they take back ownership of
everything of real value. (NJ recently revealed a 28% increase in
bankruptcies, due to credit card debt, for '97 vs '96. Sears recently
announced a rollback of retirees insurance benefits because of losses
uncollectable credit card debt) Yet the banks are currently offering
for carrying a credit card balance!)

The FIRST domino to fall was the United States (officially, the
federation of
Government agencies in Washington DC, known as the US Government), which
OFFICIALLY declared bankrupt in 1933. (There are at least six different
current definitions of 'The United States', which legally confuses the
in the courts (by design)). This information was explained and exposed
March 1993 in a Senate Report in the Congressional Record. This Report
explained what actually happened back in 1933. At that time, a document
the 'Trading With The Enemy Act' (10/6/1917) was AMENDED to include all
citizens of the United States. It created a permanent national emergency
ruled that 'the U.S. government' was a private corporation confined to
Washington D.C., and every US citizen was effectively reduced to chattel
(property other than real estate) by the act of our Government putting
up our
labor unto perpetuity, to satisfy the debt that had been created by
Roosevelt's deficit spending (which the London bankers had 'sold' to him
to Churchill through Keynesian (John Maynard Keynes) economics). At that
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York went to Franklin D. Roosevelt and
convinced him to pledge THE PEOPLE to back up the National debt. (This
bears an eerie resemblance to LOAN SHARKING THE NATION; but this was
done by
'respectable professionals'.) One of the first acts that followed was
for the
government to rob the public of our gold (at bargain basement prices)
and to
replace it with paper DEBT-CREDIT (which occurred virtually
simultaneously in
the U.S., Canada and the Soviet Union; almost ALL of modern history
and wars) has been orchestrated as a series of engineered looting
attacks on
the public).
Since then, the overwhelming function of Government agencies has been as
collector of money from the fruits of the labor of the people, as a
service to
the 'elite' (a closed corporation of the family members of 25 private
families) who own and run the Federal Reserve (1910)- (the Central Bank
of the
US) and they required only 23 years for to foreclose on us). Yes,
you've got
it right - the U.S., and through it, the world, is controlled by a
banking cartel!

>From the Jonathan May prison interview, it may be learned that the IMF
below), (actually the Global Central Bank and global clone of the
Reserve (future issue), was created to duplicate this same process with
Mexico, the Philippines, Argentina, Brazil,..... and on and on to the
Malaysia bailout -$23B that will become (intentionally) another
bad debt. The virus spreads... Mexico, the Philippines, Indonesia, South
Korea, Thailand, Japan... and spreads... Russia... and

Is TWT against government? No! It is a God ordained institution, but
with God
ordained accountability! When the politicians have become entrapped in
profiteering web of the bankers, government legislators then become
into being pawns that are duly authorized to legally 'mug' the people,
the full power of the law and government enforcement behind them,
instead of
protecting the people - by whom and for whom they were elected.

[Habakkuk 1: 2-4]
Hab 1:1 The oracle which Habakkuk the prophet saw.
2 How long, O LORD, will I call for help, And Thou wilt not hear? I cry
to Thee, "Violence!" Yet Thou dost not save.
3 Why dost Thou make me see iniquity, And cause me to look on
Yes, destruction and violence are before me; Strife exists and
4 Therefore, the law is ignored And justice is never upheld. For the
surround the righteous; Therefore, justice comes out perverted.

The system is DESIGNED to crash, and to catch everyone (except the
international bankers). Our ability to avoid the system has been
through carefully planned taxpayer ID numbers and Limitation Laws
to our legal use of cash or precious metals. You are REQUIRED to be in
system! The system DETESTS financial independence!

Yet the Bible says of this Babylonian System:
Rev. 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, "COME OUT OF
PEOPLE, that you may not participate in her sins and that you may not
of her plagues;

But the cost of coming out is very high:
Rev. 13:17 and he provides that NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO BUY OR TO
except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the
number of
his name.

And so the Debt Virus spreads until the elite feel that they have
ownership of just about everything (or until the Y2K Virus ends the
Then they will 'allow' the system to crash! Check! and... mate!
QUESTION received by TWT:

"Could you help me a bit?
"The IMF is 'grabbing' land and resources. We see it happening in our
Can you briefly explain or point me to sources that can help me
understand the
history so-to-speak - how 'they' started luring the Nations in the
I know they managed to put them in debt, counting on mismanagement of
only to return as savior with more money with strings attached."

As per your request regarding the 'IMF' and 'Land Grabs':
Regarding the IMF (International Monetary Fund):
The Lyndon Larouche organization blasts the IMF in every issue of
Intelligence Review and The New Federalist. The best article on "IMF"
on a global basis would be the Jonathan May testimony (from a prison
interview). The written text may be found in William Cooper's book
"Behold a
Pale Horse"*.
Mr. May explains the step by step sequence of how the bankers used :

OPEC oil pricing, plus

system (same as
the Feds) with these deposits to create a 'balloon' of false wealth
newly 'created' capital (20 fake dollars for every 1 dollar of real
as per the 1984 fractional reserve banking law) in order to:

countries so
that they (the IMF) can then:

system and a dollar decimated currency, among other items).
(see William Cooper's* "SILENT WEAPONS for SILENT WARS" secret document
strategy of the Bilderbergers)
Those who do not cooperate have their ECONOMIES DESTROYED and become
politically deposed, like President Marcos of the Philippines,
Suharto of Indonesia, P.M. Hashimoto of Japan, (Yeltsin of Russia,
next?) etc.
Remember? "It's the economy stupid!" When people are doing well, they're
content. When their economy is a shambles, they revolt. SILENT WEAPONS
SILENT WARS! Politicians must cooperate or be deposed! Even if some of
are no more than thieves, they are little thieves being deposed by

They intend in this way, one by one, to control the ownership and use of
of the world's natural resources and it's economy. This way they can
foreign investment, control the supply/demand ratio and therefore,...
They give out their 'drugs' (the addiction of easy money) as a hook,
demand submission.

(Lyndon Larouche and Jonathan May and others who opposed the IMF have
time in Federal prisons after being 'punished' for their attempts at
and opposition (they were framed).)

Regarding your question about "Land Grabs":
The monster of GLOBAL SOCIALISM is many headed, and has many mouths to
Federal and International "Green" (environmental) laws mandate the
and reclamation of vast tracts of land "for the public good".
Thus, because of our acquiescence and for our 'needed' protection, we
currently have:

Wetlands legislation
The Desert Wilderness Protection Act
American Heritage Rivers Initiative
U.N. Biodiversity Treaty (GBA) (Wildlands Project) (divides U.S. into 21
bioregions-U.N.'s Agenda 21)
U.N. Convention Concerning Protection of the World Cultural and National
Heritage (World Heritage Sites)
Biosphere Reserve Program of UNESCO (Biosphere Reserves)

The RED BEAST (Int'l Socialism) has found that in a perceived
'democratic' world, it is easier to accomplish communal State ownership
(actually the ultimate form of extreme capitalism) by appearing to be
(instead of Red). It is therefore necessary to create and maintain
hysteria with environmental 'crises' like the 'global warming' hoax to
frighten the population into a need for PROTECTION (surrendering to the
of more and more private property and individual liberty). It's the old
in-the-boiling-pot" situation. Turn up the heat gradually and he'll fall
asleep while he's being cooked to death.

The IMF is really an effort by an assembly of banking and industrial
to seize economic control away from nations through a debt virus that
national bankruptcy and submission through indebtedness. (Again, those
who do
not cooperate have their ECONOMIES DESTROYED and become deposed, like
of the Philippines, Suharto of Indonesia, Hashimoto of Japan, etc.)

The Environmental Treaties represent the assembly of 'globalist'
seizing control of the ownership and use of public lands from the
domain by direct edict (plundering) and also by forfeiture for
'misuse' (legalized theft). People will eventually all be forced into
living situations in overcrowded cities. Then the hysteria will be
(perceived) 'over-population'. Guess what the solution to that will be -
ABORTION, EUTHANASIA AND INFANTICIDE, already on a roll. These are
straight out of HELL!!

These 'elitists' (who think they're smarter than the rest of us because
they're rich) are all racing for global control in the fast developing
World Order. Sometimes they cooperate with each other; sometimes they
against each other.

Regarding the destruction of this global religious, political and
monstrosity kingdom called "MYSTERY BABYLON" God says:
Rev. 18:
11 "And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no
buys their cargoes any more;
12 cargoes of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine
and purple and silk and scarlet, and every kind of citron wood and every
article of ivory and every article made from very costly wood and bronze
iron and marble,
13 and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume and frankincense and
and olive oil and fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep, and cargoes
horses and chariots and slaves and human lives.
14 "And the fruit you long for has gone from you, and all things that
luxurious and splendid have passed away from you and men will no longer
15 "The merchants of these things, who became rich from her, will stand
at a
distance because of the fear of her torment, weeping and mourning,
16 saying, 'Woe, woe, the great city, she who was clothed in fine linen
purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and
17 for IN ONE HOUR such great wealth has been laid waste! 'And every
shipmaster and every passenger and sailor, and as many as make their
living by
the sea, stood at a distance,
18 and were crying out as they saw the smoke of her burning, saying,
city is like the great city?'
19 "And they threw dust on their heads and were crying out, weeping and
mourning, saying, 'Woe, woe, the great city, in which all who had ships
at sea
became rich by her wealth, for IN ONE HOUR** she has been laid waste!'
20 "Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you saints and apostles and
because God has pronounced judgment for you against her."

Dec 31, 1999) Each segment of the earth has one out of 24 one hour
could this be the DAY of the LORD, after EVERYONE has had their ONE
Isaiah 24.

and From James 5 above:
2 Your riches have rotted and your garments have become moth-eaten.
3 Your gold and your silver have rusted; and their rust will be a
against you and will consume your flesh like fire.

Do you know the Lord, rich man? You'd better, and soon. The time of
is approaching quickly.

Jesus said:
Mat. 16: 26 "For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole
and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?
27 "For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with

Do you know the Savior?
If not, read the Scriptures in OUR GOAL above. Respond. Any questions?
Watchman T as explained at the bottom of our newsletters.
THE WATCHMAN'S TRUMPET Isa 21:6, 8; Ezek 33:6
Presented by I/D Ministries - Daniel, 11:33-35; 12:10
(Believing servants of Jesus Christ, reporting on the signs of the

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Even if you choose not to subscribe to The Watchman's Trumpet -
look up the Bible passages listed above; follow for yourself the events
are unfolding in the world; compare them to what is prophesied above,
and ask
the Spirit of God to speak to your heart about the Truth concerning
your need
for Jesus Christ - John 3:16.
Then respond to Him in faith,love and in lifestyle.

In The Year 2000 The World Will End!
This is guaranteed!
By The Winds

I have been interested in the great quantity of information available on
the Net concerning the end of the world and that end involving the year
2000. People everywhere are voicing the belief that the end will come
from causes as far-reaching as comets, tidal waves, Y2K computer
crashes, alien invasions and nuclear wars. Some say the warnings are
coming from Mother Mary. The Bible Code predicts a holocaust in that
year. It seems that everyone is watching and if all that faith comes
together, that, alone, surely must bring the expected end.

Certainly, any of these things might happen and it is likely a large
number of people will have their world end at that time, as is usual for
any year but, I, personally, think the majority of citizens are looking
for the wrong portents.

Surely, the end of the world is an interesting subject and since there
may not be too much else to hold the attention right now, it seems that
this is as good a theme as any to hold our attention. Simon & Schuster
published their book called Apocalypse Wow by James Garner. Satires and
jokes are told by some while others seem seriously fearful of the 2000

There are serious portents that we might look at which do forecast a
major event in progress. It would do us well to look at some of them.
First of all, however, I should explain my guarantee. The term "the end
of the world" seems to have been first coined in the Scriptures. In the
Greek that statement may very precisely read, "the completion of the
age." The Greek word "age" in the Bible is translated "world". Age can
well be defined as a certain period of time such as a millennium.
Since this millennium of time ends sometime December 31, 2000, it would
be strictly accurate to say that the "world" or "age" ends on that day.
This, of course, is seen from the calendar we now use to measure time.
Using Biblical measurements in the form of the jubilees, the age ended
in 1994. This 1994 jubilee marked the 1960th year since the end of the
70 weeks spoken of by Daniel. 1960 years measures 40 jubilees since the
time of Christ. This was the end of the world or age as we knew it
according to that reckoning.

Most of us, however, are concerned with our lives and property when
we think of the end of the world. But this is somewhat shortsighted. The
end of the age is far more meaningful than the idea you may have your
existence ended, even though that truly seems quite serious to each of
us personally.


Considering this "end of the world" that can happen most any time, and I
venture to say it will happen to some right at the time that the chimes
toll for the end of the millennium and the beginning of the next, we may
just take a look at history. When a nuclear bomb was dropped on Japan,
one cannot suppose a more apocalyptic end than that. If one were to
quote the Scriptures, it would define that event precisely. "But the day
of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens
shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with
fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be
burned up

wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat?" 2Peter 3: 10,12.

If I happened to be standing in Hiroshima or Nagasaki when that bomb
went off, I do not suppose this prediction of doom could have been any
more precise in fulfillment as it was. Some standing away in some other
safe country might say, Oh, that was not the end of the world, that was
only a bomb. Again, ask the Japanese who were under the bomb if it was
the end of the world or not. No, you can't ask them, it was the end of
the world. You cannot ask anyone who has come to the end of the world.

I can hear the echoes chorusing now how that is not really the end of
the world. The religious prognosticators echo the ideas of their
prophets claiming an anti-Christ must first come and then the mark of
the beast must be stamped on everyone's head. And then there is the
rapture...that hasn't happened yet, etc., etc. What strange creatures we
are. We build these grand pictures of how we think things will work and
we wait for those pictures to come to pass. And we wait, and we wait,
and we wait little realizing the fulfillment of those events right under
our noses, but since it did not all come to pass as we imagined, we are
still waiting.

It happens this way. One day you receive a phone call that a thief is
going to come to your house sometime soon. Each night you sit at the
window with your gun. Sometimes you pace through the house looking for
anything unlocked. You check the doors every six minutes. A good friend
comes to visit you and notices your upset state. You ask him if he can
take some of the things for safekeeping just in case you fall asleep. He
volunteers to put the whole houseful in his storage facility. You agree.
You never see your friend again or your stuff. You still sit at the
window expecting a thief who never comes, but your house has been
emptied. This is what has occurred and is occurring.

There are other portents of the end of the age. If men would only open
their eyes instead of their wallets to discern truth and justice, they
would see. Nations are made and held together by mutual trust and
agreement. This has always been the case. When a nation perceives its
leadership as criminal, it must fall. Americans are most culpable when
it comes to national demise in view of recent events. President Clinton
will be seen as one who lied with eyes wide open concerning his affairs.

Strangely, the large portion of the American public does not care if he
lied since his personal affairs are really his own business. What is
missed is that a liar is a liar. If a president will lie to Americans
with eyes wide open looking right into the camera with no shame at all,
he will lie to the Russians and he will lie to the Chinese. He will lie
to his wife and he will lie to his child. He will lie to God and he will
lie to whomever remains. When national policies and national interests
are based on lies, one can imagine the results. When our national
security is sold to another nation so that someone can make a buck, we
have surely brought within our gates the Trojan horse. When all of these
things are seen by the population, it is only a matter of time till the
horrors of the end are evident. No nation on earth has ever stood when
the root is corrupted. Nations have forever stood on faith and when
faith is broken, the nation is as well. Since 1991 our nation has been
corrupted to a degree not heretofore seen. It surely is the end of the
age--not only in terms of years, but in terms of events.

This past age has had a certain character to it which ended in 1991.
With the fall of the Soviet Union and the immediate thrust of the United
Nations in the Gulf War against Iraq, we have a situation that has never
occurred before. Never, in a literal sense, has the entire earth been
under the authority of one organization. Never! Never has the world had
just one superpower which had the means to literally destroy all
civilization. These are truly signs of a new thing, or a new age, the
old one being passed away. President Bush, in his speech to the United
Nations during the Gulf War, said that the hope was that all things
could be brought into place for the New Order by the year 2000. When it
is the stated purpose of those in power to bring to pass this new order
by the year 2000, one can see a most interesting coalescing of events
which portend the end of the age or world as is stated in Scripture. The
most revealing element here is that this event is not some future hope,
fear or expectation. This event is occurring in plain view of all, but
since it does not seem as one has pictured it, it comes in like a thief.
While men believe they are standing watch, they are taken prisoner since
they are not watching for the right things. Men have expected handcuffs,
but they didn't expect the one putting them on us would be smiling.

If one loves puzzles and is inclined to understanding mysteries, one
very interesting one can be found in Revelation 17:7. It reads, "And the
angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the
mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the
seven heads and ten horns." Here pictured is a beast with a woman
riding on it. And now we will learn its secrets. In verse 8 we can read,
"The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the
bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth
shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the
foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is
not, and yet is." Here is a beast that was and yet it isn't and yet it
is. You can't quite see it, but it is still there. In the past we could
see a nation which was an enemy. When the Soviet Union existed everyone
could point to it and envision the threat. It would be easy to see. The
beast these days is not so easy to comprehend. When one describes this
new beast, the charge of conspiracy theory is heard. We know a beast is
there, but when we describe it there is often the incredible stare. It
is, yet it isn't. I have received mail which asked, "how can these
things be substantiated? Where's the proof?" One cannot prove this thing
since it is not there--and yet it is. The mystery goes on. "And here is
the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on
which the woman sitteth. And [these mountains] are seven kings: five are
fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh,
he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even
he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the
ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no
kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the

The Plot Thickens

The plot truly thickens here. The Greek literally says that the seven
mountains are seven kings. When this prophecy was written, five had
fallen. In other words, in 90 A.D., five of the heads had already passed
away. There were in history five major nation states which ruled over
the earth in their own time. Egypt was first, Israel was second, Babylon
was third, Medo-Persia was fourth and Greece was the fifth. When this
prophecy was given, all of these major world powers at that time had
fallen. One existed and that power or head was Rome. The one that was
still to come was Protestant America. In the span of time America was
pictured as coming into power for a short space. America's power is
short when it is compared to the great powers of the past. Each of these
nations mentioned had strong religious cultures and each one became
corrupt and idolatrous. This is why the current beast is pictured as
having these seven heads. This current beast is composed of all the
corrupt elements of these seven historic nations.

Now we get to modern times. The prophecy said, "And the beast that was,
and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven." It does not
take much imagination to see the picture. The eighth could only be the
United Nations. It is, but it isn't. It is different than all the beasts
before, yet, it is of the seven. The beast is described as having ten
horns. Horns in the Bible refer to power. In other words, a horn would
be the power in the beast's hand to carry out its purposes. It would
give it strength.

According to Nato the Nato Rapid Reaction Force is broken up into ten
divisions. These divisions, "have no kingdom," but reign one hour with
the beast. These have one mind and give their power and strength unto
the beast. This may very well change forms since evil agencies are
inclined that way, but ten powerful divisions are here described which
are not kings but provide power to the beast for a short while.

The mystery goes on. "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb
shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and
they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." This power
will persecute those of true faith. It takes very little eyesight to see
how true faith and obedience is being despised and the commandments of
God being ridiculed by so many these days. Abortion and homosexuality
are flaunted in the face of the faithful. War is being waged against the
Lamb. The Hollywood movies are of the lowest sort sometimes making Jesus
Christ out to be a homosexual or anti-government fanatic. All of the
gross and low moral presentations coming from that industry are purposed
to attack Christ and those who follow Him. Even so--the Lamb will

There is one entity which will not overcome. That is the whore who rides
on the back of the beast. "And he saith unto me, The waters which thou
sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and
nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the
beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and
naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put
in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom
unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman
which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of
the earth."

No mystery here. When this was written there was only one city which
reigned over the kings of the earth and that was Rome. In religious
matters Rome has polluted the earth with her fornications. Many
Christians were slaughtered in the Roman arenas, and during the
Reformation millions were killed by the Rome-turned-"Christian." Rome is
the source of the religious pollution and destruction of faith. Her
daughters (apostate Protestants) who have lost their faith and purpose
and bowed the knee to Roman thinking are even now being ravished by the
beast. Professed Christians today are made a mockery. The Protocols
describe this fiery desolation planned for the whore.

thereby to ruin their mission on earth which in these days might still
be a great hindrance to us. Day by day its influence on the peoples of
shall have still less difficulty in dealing with them, but it would be
premature to speak of this now. We shall act clericalism and clericals
into such narrow frames as to make their influence move in retrogressive
proportion to its former progress.

When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court, the finger of an
invisible hand will point the nations towards this court. When, however,
the nations fling themselves upon it, we shall come forward in the guise
of its defenders as if to save excessive bloodshed. By this diversion we
shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out
again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place.


The prophets have told us there is going to be an anti-Christ. It may be
noted that the Scriptures say that many anti-Christs have gone out into
the world. One of these anti-Christs is pictured setting up his kingdom
in Jerusalem. Since we have preconceived ideas we do not accept the
obvious. In the book of Daniel the prophet states, "And he shall plant
the tabernacles of his palace between (in the midst of) the seas in the
glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall
help him." Here in Jerusalem between the seas, Mediterranean, Dead Sea,
Sea of Galilee, the Red Sea and on this glorious holy mountain, this
particular anti-Christ is set up. It is notable that there has never
been a more anti-Christian force than the Jewish one. The Jews arranged
for the crucifixion of Jesus and there has never been repentance for
that act. Jesus is still being crucified, yet, professed Christians all
bow at the feet of this anti-Christ. Modern day evangelists gush all
over themselves concerning the temple to be built in Jerusalem. They all
trumpet the fulfillment of prophecy little knowing which prophecy has
just been fulfilled. This anti-Christ uses as its tool the organization
called the United Nations which was instrumental in setting this force
on the glorious holy mountain in Jerusalem in 1948. The headquarters of
the U.N. in Israel sits on the Hill of Evil Counsel where it is said
that Judas arranged for the crucifixion of Christ. The prophecy in
Daniel has been precisely and exactly fulfilled, but, since it does not
harmonize with modern notions, it is counted as nothing. Our house has
been robbed by one who says he is our friend, yet we still sit at the
window with our gun waiting for the thief. Our modern religious leaders
seem as stupid as cattle, yet the multitudes follow them into the abyss
of darkness and religious confusion. This pleases anti-Christ and to his
great delight the forces of the nations are being brought into his
international scheme of things with the religions of the world all
singing his praises.

"The strongest supporters of Judaism cannot deny that Judaism is
anti-Christian." (Jewish World, March 15, 1924).

"We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only
question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or
consent." (James Warburg CFR, son of Jewish Banker Paul Warburg one of
the architects of the Federal Reserve Bank to a senate committee
February 1950. James Warburg CFR was one of FDR's appointees).

And so the mystery is revealed. So many professed Christians, though,
are trapped in their superstitions and have missed the whole picture
right under their noses. History has proven that at the time of Christ
the Jews were clearly anti-Christ. At the time of the reformation the
Jews and the Catholics both played that part. The Catholic church
murdered millions of dissenters for their faith. These days the Jews,
the Catholics, and Protestants all sleep in the same bed of the one who
is against Christ. Oh, yes, many give Him lip service, but in their
hearts they ride upon the beast of these "family of nations." They all
march down the corridor of darkness with this beast who starves nations
and thrusting its ten horns into the business of others such as is
threatened in Kosovo.

Some have thought that the beast is the European Union or some other
entity. The Scriptures plainly state, "for they are demonic spirits,
performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to
assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty." Rev
16:14. "Thus he said: 'As for the fourth beast, there shall be a fourth
kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and it
shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to
pieces." Dan 7:23. So the prophet plainly states that the beast,
different than the others, would break in pieces the whole earth. This
is a whole earth event and not just a European one, though it strikes
our fancy here to think the beast is "them over there" rather than us
over here. If one has eyes to see, this new eighth power is clearly the
United Nations. Again, silly Christians everywhere fall all over
themselves bowing at the feet of the Pope, Israel, and the United
Nations. Truly, all the world wonders after anti-Christ and few perceive
their danger. Evangelists promote their corrupt kingdoms on the back of
the beast but, as it is written, the beast has plans for them. The New
Order will corrupt and has been corrupting these powers and will finally
succeed in burning them up completely. The Protestants, who pride
themselves with so much light these days, will discover too late their
vain imaginations got them nothing but desolation, for they ride on the
back of the same power with their corrupted mother. This has been most
recently revealed in the support for the bill HR2431. Whether this bill,
or one like it, is passed by the full Congress remains to be seen. What
is striking is that so many professed Christians want it passed.

Certainly, the age is ending. When one considers the end of the world as
the end of the age and that age has to do with the end of old things and
the beginning of new, it can rightly be considered that the end has
already arrived. While multitudes are trying to keep it like it was in
regards to the Constitution and their guns, it is hopeless. The age is
passing away. The "world" is ending. Even the calendar will shout the
end of the age (millennium) as the clock brings in the new millennium.
Oh, how there have been so many prognosticators who have shouted from
their pulpits regarding the wonderful new world to come.
The eyes of the nations will be opened for sure, but they will be opened
too late.

"Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for
you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. As if a man did
flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned
his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. Shall not the day of the
LORD be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in
it?" (Amos 5:18-20, KJV).

"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin
to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to
his servants the prophets." Rev 10:7.

The mystery is finished. I suppose one could say that that is the end
of the world.

Copyright (c) 1998, The WINDS.

A Dissertation on Armageddon from the Prewrath Perspective
By R. g. Wallace


Ezek. 38:9,
"And you will go up, you will come like a storm;
you will be like a cloud covering the land,
you and all your troops, and many peoples with you."

Joel 2:2,
A day of darkness and gloom,
A day of clouds and thick darkness.
As the dawn is spread over the mountains,
There is a great and mighty people;
There has never been {anything} like it,
Nor will there be again after it
To the years of many generations.

The army that converges on Palestine has never been equaled in all of
history. Furthermore, there will not again be an army of similar potency
until "the years of many generations."

The "years of many generations" refers to the 1000 year reign of Jesus
on the earth, after which Satan is released from his prison and
influences a huge army of peoples to fight against Jesus in Jerusalem
(Rev. 20:7-9).
Based on this description of the Northern army, it is suggested that
this invasion corresponds with the assembly of nations in the Valley of
Megiddo, on the plains of Esdraelon, at the foot of Mount (har) Megiddo.


Ezek. 38:10,
Thus says the Lord GOD, "It will come about on that day, that thoughts

will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil plan,
Ezek. 38:11, and you will say, 'I will go up against the land of
unwalled villages. I will go against those who are at rest, that live

securely, all of them living without walls, and having no bars or gates,
Ezek. 38:12, to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your hand

against the waste places which are {now} inhabited, and against the
people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired cattle and

goods, who live at the center of the world.'

The Northern kingdom requires the material resources located in Israel.
The kingdom of the beast (king of the West) is centered in Jerusalem and
has apparently hoarded an abundance of the resources needed by the
nations. In view of the great destruction of resources that happen
through the first 4 trumpet judgments, the Northern alliance designs a
plan to conquer

Ezek. 38:13, "Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all
its villages, will say to you, 'Have you come to capture spoil? Have
you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and
gold, to take away cattle and goods, to capture great spoil?'"'

As suggested earlier, these peoples are of the West in relation to
Palestine and correspond with the king of the West, or a Western
alliance of nations under the control of the beast; the world ruler who
has taken control over the world. The king of the West will rebuke this
advance by the Northern alliance and take counter measures to protect
his interests in Palestine.

Dan. 11:44, "But rumors from the East and from the North will disturb

Ezek. 38:14-17 provides a summary of what we have already seen.

"Therefore, prophesy, son of man, and say to Gog, 'Thus says the Lord
"On that day when My people Israel are living securely, will you not
know {it}?
"And you will come from your place out of the remote parts of the north,
you and
many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly
and a
mighty army; and you will come up against My people Israel like a cloud
to cover
the land. It will come about in the last days that I shall bring you
against My
land, in order that the nations may know Me when I shall be sanctified
you before their eyes, O Gog."
'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Are you the one of whom I spoke in former days
My servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days for
years that I would bring you against them?


As the king of the North advances into Palestine, so also does the
Eastern alliance and the Western alliance. Most of these troops are in
the Valley of Megiddo, including portions of the Gog alliance, assembled
to resolve once and for all the question of who is the "boss." I
suggest that the following passages speak for themselves.

Rev. 16:12-14,16
And the sixth {angel} poured out his bowl upon the great river, the
and its water was dried up, that the way might be prepared for the kings
the east. And I saw {coming} out of the mouth of the dragon and out of
the mouth
of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean
like frogs; for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go
out to
the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the
day of God, the Almighty. And they gathered them together to the place
which in
Hebrew is called Harmagedon.

Joel 3:2a, 9-12
I will gather all the nations,
And bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat.

Joel 3:9-12
Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare a war; rouse the mighty men!
Let all
the soldiers draw near, let them come up!
Beat your plowshares into swords, And your pruning hooks into spears;
Let the
weak say, "I am a mighty man."
Hasten and come, all you surrounding nations, And gather yourselves
Bring down, O LORD, Thy mighty ones.
Let the nations be aroused And come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat,
For there I will sit to judge All the surrounding nations.

Rev. 19:19,
And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies,
assembled to
make war against Him who sat upon the horse, and against His army.

At this point the prophecies concerning the king of the North blend
together with the final assembly of all nations and the destruction of
these nations at the hand of Jesus the Messiah. Accordingly, both
Ezekiel 39 and Joel 3 are to be viewed within the context of the final
battle at Armageddon.

At this time Jesus will descend physically to the earth, arriving first
in Edom (Is. 63:1), then to Jerusalem (Zech. 14:4) and finally to the
actual Valley of Megiddo (Plain of Esdraelon) at Mount Megiddo
(Armageddon) to defeat and destroy all these armies (Joel 3:16).


When these nations are sufficiently gathered into Palestine, Jesus will
leave His "seat" in the clouds and physically descend to the earth.
When He first "arrived" at the Day of the Lord, He raptured the church
from the earth and then began to pour out God's wrath upon the kingdom
of the beast. Using angels for various administrations of judgment, He
supervised the administration of WRATH from His "seat" in the clouds
without "touching down" to the earth.

Rev. 14:14-16
And I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud {was}
one like a son of man, having a golden crown on His head, and a sharp
sickle in His hand. And another angel came out of the temple, crying
out with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, "Put in your sickle
and reap, because the hour to reap has come, because the harvest of the
earth is ripe." And He who sat on the cloud swung His sickle over the
earth; and the earth was reaped.

This reaping refers to the general outpouring of divine wrath on the
unbelievers which takes place through the 7 trumpets and the first 5
bowls, that follow the rapture of the church. Some interpret this to
refer to the rapture itself. However, if Revelation chapter 14 is viewed
as chronological, beginning with the conversion of the 144,000 at verses
1-5, and ending with the battle of Armageddon at verses 17-20, then the
rapture cannot be in view. The rapture takes place BEFORE the conversion
of the 144,000.

The final act of "reaping" occurs at the battle of Armageddon, which is
in view at Rev. 14:17-20.

And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, and he also
had a sharp sickle. And another angel, the one who has power over fire,
came out from the altar; and he called with a loud voice to him who had
the sharp sickle, saying, "Put in your sharp sickle, and gather the
clusters from the vine of the earth, because her grapes are ripe."
And the angel swung his sickle to the earth, and gathered {the clusters
from} the vine of the earth, and threw them into the great wine press of
the wrath of God. And the wine press was trodden outside the city, and
blood came out from the wine press, up to the horses' bridles, for a
distance of two hundred miles.

The descent of Jesus from "heaven" (his seat in the clouds) has three
phases to it. He first descends to Edom, thendramatically to Jerusalem,
and finally, to the Valley of Megiddo. The "descent" that is described
at Rev. 19:11ff, probablyrefers to His descent to Megiddo. Since there
are very clearly, three separate "confrontations," we should be careful
to placethis one in the proper order. We are given an order at Zechariah
14 which seems to indicate placing Rev. 19:11 AFTER He lands on the
Mount of Olives. Zechariah 14:4-5


First we should observe what the bible teaches about the "descent" to
Edom. He goes there to destroy the unbelievers of that area and rescue
the Israelites who are hiding in the mountainous wilderness, having fled
the oppression of the beast at the midpoint of the 70th week.

Isaiah 34 discusses this judgment on Edom.
Verses 1-4 give a general overview of the Day of the Lord judgments.
Verses 1-2,
"Draw near, O nations, to hear; and listen, O peoples! Let the earth and
all it contains hear, and the world and all that springs from it. For
the LORD'S indignation is against all the nations, And {His} wrath
against all their armies; He has utterly destroyed them, He has given
them over to slaughter."

This is the general attitude of God toward the rebellious nations as we
have previously seen. It is the assembly of the nationsin Palestine that
triggers Christ's physical descent to the earth.

Isaiah 34:3
So their slain will be thrown out, And their corpses will give off their
stench, And the mountains will be drenched with their blood.

This describes the ultimate defeat of all these nations at Armageddon.

Isaiah 34:4
This refers to the many cosmic disturbances that not only initiate the
judgments, but continue throughout the period of time that God's wrath
is poured out on the world.

1. And all the host of heaven will wear away, And the sky will be rolled
up like a scroll:

As tempting as it may be to apply this to the cosmic signs that precede
the arrival of Jesus at the Day of the Lord, prior to the movement of
any of these troops, it is better to recognize that similar cosmic
disturbances and geographical disturbances will persist throughout the
Day-of-the-Lord judgments.

These images refer to the massive darkness.
A. Initially, AT the arrival of the Day:
Rev. 6:12; Mat. 24:29; Joel 2:31; Luke 21:25

B. Throughout the time period of judgment: Rev. 8:12; 16:10

2. All their hosts will also wither away
As a leaf withers from the vine,
Or as {one} withers from the fig tree.

This refers to the judgments that come FROM the sky.

A. Initially: Rev. 6:13; Mat. 24:29b; Luke 21:26
Rev. 6:13, "and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree
casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind."
Mat. 24:29b, "and the stars will fall from the sky."

B. Throughout: Rev. 9:7-11; 16:8, 21

This is further amplified at Isaiah 51:6.
1. "Lift up your eyes to the sky, Then look to the earth beneath;
For the sky will vanish like smoke:

The sky vanishing does not refer to a "destruction" but rather to the
massive darkness that will attend the Day-of-the-Lord
judgments through the 4th trumpet judgment (Rev. 8:12) and the 5th bowl
judgment (Rev. 16:10) and ultimately just before
Jesus arrives at Megiddo (Zech. 14:6-7).

2. And the earth will wear out like a garment:
Like a garment that no longer provides adequate covering and protection,
so the earth will no longer provide what man needs to properly sustain
physical life. This describes the first 3 trumpet judgments (Rev.
8:7-11) and the second and third bowl judgments (Rev. 16:3-4).

3. And its inhabitants will die in like manner:

Death through the judgments that come from God's wrath.
Rev. 8:11; 9:18; 14:19-20; 19:21.

4. But My salvation shall be forever, And My righteousness shall not
This refers to the millennial kingdom of the Messiah which extends on
into eternity.

These passages are NOT referring to the renovation of the physical
universe which takes place at the end of the 1000 year kingdom.
(Revelation 20:11 with 21:1).

Although the language at 2 Peter 3:10 is similar, it is likewise, quite
different, for Peter describes a complete "chemical" renovation, through
intense heat.

"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, IN WHICH (or THROUGH
WHICH) the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be
destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned

This "total" renovation is referenced at Psalm 102:25-26 (Heb. 1:12).

"Of old Thou didst found the earth;
And the heavens are the work of Thy hands.
Even they will perish, but Thou dost endure;
And all of them will wear out like a garment;
Like clothing Thou wilt change them, and they will be changed."


We return to Isaiah 34 to observe that God will wield a special judgment
upon Edom during the "end-times" period.

Isa. 34:5
For My sword is satiated in heaven, Behold it shall descend for judgment
upon Edom,
And upon the people whom I have devoted to destruction.

Here, we find a specific focus on Edom. Edom comes under a special
judgment from God because of its historical oppression of Israel and its
allegiance to the beast in the end-times (Ezek. 35:1-15; Obadiah 10-14).

Isa. 34:6-8
"The sword of the LORD is filled with blood, It is sated with fat, with
the blood of lambs and goats, With the fat of the kidneys of rams. For
the LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah, And a great slaughter in the land of
Edom. Wild oxen shall also fall with them, And young bulls with strong
ones; Thus their land shall be soaked with blood, And their dust become
greasy with fat. For the LORD has a day of vengeance, A year of
recompense for the cause of Zion."

Edom will be destroyed just before Jesus descends to Jerusalem. Notice,
this is "for the cause of Zion." Edom will be in the process of
oppressing the refugees of Judah who have fled the reign of the beast
and taken shelter in the mountainous
wilderness of Edom (Mat. 24:15-21; Rev. 12:6, 13-16).

Isa. 34:9-10
"And its streams shall be turned into pitch, And its loose earth into
And its land shall become burning pitch. It shall not be quenched night
or day;
Its smoke shall go up forever; From generation to generation it shall be
None shall pass through it forever and ever."

The judgment on the land area of Edom will be total. During Messiahs's
kingdom, it will be a desolation with no population.

Habbakuk 3:3-4
God comes from Teman, And the Holy One from Mount Paran. Selah.
His splendor covers the heavens, And the earth is full of His praise.

{His} radiance is like the sunlight; He has rays {flashing} from His
And there is the hiding of His power.

At first glance it appears that this may simply be saying that the
Messiah comes from the EAST. However, in view of Isaiah 34, it is clear
that He comes from this area AFTER judging it.

Hab. 3:5
Before Him goes pestilence, And plague comes after Him.

This may very well be a direct statement to the effect that He has first
judged Edom and now AFTER Him, comes the judgments on the rest of the

Hab. 3:6-7
"He stood and surveyed the earth; He looked and startled the nations.

Yes, the perpetual mountains were shattered, The ancient hills
collapsed. His ways are everlasting. I saw the tents of Cushan under
distress, The tent curtains of the land of Midian were trembling."

He thus prepares to engage the nations of the world as they are
assembled at Armageddon and they are startled by His arrival and join
forces to defeat Him (Rev. 19:19).

Isa. 63:1
Who is this who comes from Edom, With garments of glowing colors from
This One who is majestic in His apparel, Marching in the greatness of
His strength?
It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save."

The Messiah comes FROM Edom with His garments already stained with the
blood of battle. He has already engaged the enemy in Edom and is now
ready for Jerusalem and then Armageddon.

Isa. 63:2-6
Why is Your apparel red, And Your garments like the one who treads in
the wine press?
"I have trodden the wine trough alone, And from the peoples there was no
man with Me.
I also trod them in My anger, And trampled them in My wrath;
And their lifeblood is sprinkled on My garments, And I stained all My
"For the day of vengeance was in My heart, And My year of redemption has
"And I looked, and there was no one to help,
And I was astonished and there was no one to uphold;
So My own arm brought salvation to Me; And My wrath upheld Me.
"And I trod down the peoples in My anger, And made them drunk in My
And I poured out their lifeblood on the earth."

The question from Isaiah brings the Messiah's response, that He has
expressed His righteous wrath upon those who were deserving of judgment.

After this defeat of Edom and as Jesus proceeds to Jerusalem, the
remnant of Israel which has been hiding in the wilderness will probably
begin making their way back to Jerusalem to greet their king when the
victory is won.

///, ////
\ /, / >.
\ /, _/ /. Yet those who wait upon the LORD
\_ /_/ /. Will gain new strength
\__/_ < They will sprout wings like eagles
/<<< \_\_ They will run and not get tired
/,)^>>_._ \ They will walk and not become weary
(/ \\ /\\\
// ```` Isaiah 40:31

The BIBLE FRAGRANCES Website: An Oasis of Bible Truth

Promoting The PREWRATH RAPTURE of the Church



As reported by John Terry of PropheZine on
International Christian Media's Point of View Radio Talk Show at
By Michael Hyatt, author of "The Millennium Bug"...


#1 If we assume ONLY 5% of the embedded chips in use today are NOT Y2K
COMPLIANT, we still have to be concerned about 50,000,000 chips
operating in everything from cars, stop signs, satellites, underwater
telecommunications equipment, hospitals, etc...

#2 Of all the deposits of record in U.S. banks today, 1.6%
of these deposits are in the form of cash. 98.4% of all deposits are
electronic digital entrys. Assuming every American had an equal amount
of money in the bank, only 1.6% of us could get "cash" money from the
bank (if it is open on January 2, 2000 - January 1 is a holiday, ya

#3 In terms of actual cash, the money in circulation "worldwide"
accounts for $586 billion. This is enough money to operate the U.S.
Government for about 2 weeks. Much of this money is held in other
countries, as the U.S. dollar is the defacto currency of many countries.

#4 The reports of Y2K compliance by the U.S. Government to this point
have been achieved by "embellishing" or simply re-writing the parameters
of their reporting requirements.

#5 38% of Americans know the term "Y2K Millennium Bug" but less than 5%
can articulate what the "Bug" actually is and
its effect on our lifestyles.

#6 The Y2K bug could be used by the Clinton Administration to further
the push for a One World Order through the use of Executive Orders and
Martial law.

#7 Y2K is also a significant problem for Al Gore, the Cyber Vice
President, who will be pushing for the presidency during the Y2K crisis.

#8 Of all the problems we face, the loss of electricity is the most
hazardous problem we face on the U.S. Electricity makes almost every
form of our existence in this technological world possible.

#9 The social unrest created by a Y2K brown-out or black-out will be
something this nation has ever seen.

#10 There is NO leadership in the U.S. Government telling the U.S.
populous the truth regarding Y2K preparedness.

Personal Note:

NOTE: No one has mentioned the inflationary pressures which will be
created by the dumping of additional cash into the marketplace in the
event of a Y2K run on the banks.

According to the U.S. Government, we have a 40% chance of a
power grid failure in the U.S. Of the 10 major systems tested, only 2
passed the first of three tests, and marginally. Of the two that
passed, none have passed tests 2 and 3. One firm stopped testing
microchips after their count reached 300,000.
How many passed and how many failed was not reported.

Michael's book, "The Millennium Bug" can be ordered from POV for a gift
of $24.95. 1-800-347-5151.

//Y2k Weatherman Report #64//
Another letter from my inbox...

Dear Y2k Weatherman,
I am sending you a copy of an article I sent to the Milwaukee Journal.
We had 3 major utilities speak on their Y2k repair efforts at our
Wisconsin Year 2000 user group meeting on August 19. Ameritech,
Wisconsin Gas Company, Wisconsin Electric Company, and the other
companies represented at this meeting (standing room only!) said that
their legal departments were keeping them from sharing information with
other companies. Everything had to go through their attorneys. I am
very concerned about this growing problem. Could you please address this
in some future article?

Thank you!

Bob in Wisconsin
--- Bob's Lawyer Article (edited for the Y2k-News)---

Who are you going to blame for Y2k?

I finally figured out who I will blame if Y2k turns out to be as serious
as some of us in computer technology believe it will be. I am no longer
blaming some COBOL programmer who forgot to put in two spaces for the
century. Nope, it's not them! It's not Bill, Bill Gates that is. IBM?
Nope! Computer Geeks? Nope! I am going to blame the Lawyers! That's
right the Lawyers! Why?

Well, according to a recent article by Jonathan Lambeth, "Legal
restrictions are crippling the battle against the millennium bug!" I
believe Mr. Lambeth is right. At a recent meeting of our Wisconsin Year
2000 group most of the companies represented mentioned over and over how
their legal departments were keeping them from telling the public the
truth! Most attorneys are telling their clients to be as vague as
possible when communicating with the public concerning their Y2k
readiness. But when requesting information about their supplier's or
vendor's readiness, they ask for very detailed answers and expect
specific answers. Hmm, there's something about that statement I don't

At a recent gathering of Y2k experts, many companies highlighted the
common concern that self-interested lawyers were restricting the
availability of crucial corporate and government information which could
help in their contingency planning. Why, do we have so little
information coming out of Wall Street, the utilities, the banks, and the
government? Senator Bob Bennett, chair of the US Senate committee on
Year 2000, said the following:

"Why? Because everyone is terrified to tell. They either don't know or
are afraid to tell the truth because their lawyers say they can't
disclose information for fear of legal troubles. I say to them, 'you
are going to have serious legal troubles down the road if you stonewall

I believe we should be working together as companies to solve this
problem. Let's start sharing information. What is working? What is
not working? Y2k will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and now I know
who to blame, the attorneys!

--- End of Bob's Article ---

//Y2k Weatherman Responds//

Dear Bob,
Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the serpent. We're destined to repeat
history if we don't learn from it. I don't like the "Blame Game." How
will blaming lawyers (or anybody else for that matter) help solve the
Y2k problem? Blaming creates tension, anger, and resentment. It helps
no one. It solves nothing. Lawyers are only a symptom of a far larger
problem anyway. The root cause of law suits isn't lawyers but a morally
decaying culture that sees litigation as a personal lottery game (as if
the dozens of state lottery weren't enough!).

Responsibility, morality, accountability, and even telling the truth are
becoming optional in this country. Our litigious society reflects this
fact. Tort reform may be needed, but the bigger problem is a lack of
moral grounding in America today. The explosive lawyer population is
but a reflection of a cultural lack of commitment to the Truth. Honest,
moral, and ethical business practices rarely result in litigation.

If you don't think our country has a moral problem, just look to the
Whitehouse. The public is so gullible that they actually believe
Clinton when he takes credit for a good economy. Be assured Clinton
won't take *responsibility* for the economic calamity that we're about
to experience. (I don't think yesterday's stock market slide was an
anomaly. In my opinion, it is just the beginning.)

The distractions of a political scandal and the "Blame Game" misdirect
attention that should be devoted to more important matters like Y2k. At
least Clinton got that much right in his non-apology speech. We need to
get the scandal behind us so we can focus on important issues like Y2k.
(And, in my opinion, the best way to get the scandal behind us would be
for Clinton to resign, but I digress...) The only solution to Y2k is to
find and fix the date problems as fast as we can while preparing
contingency plans to deal with the problems that won't get fixed in
time. It is a global race against the clock. I find it frightening
that most people are clueless about the impact of the Y2k problem on
their personal lives. They don't understand how ubiquitous computing is
in our world and how Y2k can potentially cause serious systemic
computing failures.

As a Y2k consultant dealing with supplier management, I deal with legal
departments quite a bit. I'm not trying to say that we couldn't handle
legal issues better, but instead of complaining about lawyers or finding
someone to blame, I challenge you to become part of the Y2k solution.

You don't have to be a computer programmer to make a difference.
Preparedness is an important issue. Just ask the flood victims in Del
Rio, Texas, or those in the path of hurricane Bonnie. Y2k will be like
a global storm. That is why I'm the Y2k Weatherman. I'm forecasting
severe Y2k weather. It is past time to get prepared, but it still isn't
too late. The Y2k tropical storm is gaining momentum, but you need not
be a victim if you're prepared.

And...if you do become a victim, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

[Aside to Scott Wilder on KWRD 94.9 FM in Dallas: When are you going to
do another show on Y2k, my friend? Subscribers: Listen to The Scott
Wilder Show on the Internet at http://www.wildershow.com/]

The Y2k Weatherman (c) 1998 Y2k Watch
Visit my personal website http://www.homestead.com/Y2kWeatherman Get
the Y2k-News for FREE at http://y2kwatch.com/y2k-news.html
Dallas Area Y2k Preparedness http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/daycpg

F.Y.I. - Israel in the News
Week Ending: 29 August, 1998/7 Elul 5758

"And it will come about that just as you were a curse among the nations,
O house of Judah and house of Israel, so I will save you that you may
become a blessing. Do not fear; let your hands be strong." Zechariah

TERRORISTS STRIKE IN TEL AVIV: Twenty-one people were injured, most
lightly, when a bomb exploded in a garbage can on a Tel Aviv street
during rush hour Thursday morning. Among the wounded, a 24-year-old
woman was listed in serious condition and a 21-month-old baby was
lightly injured.
Eight buildings and ten shops were damaged by the blast, with direct
damage estimated at NIS 1.5 million ($400,000). AP reports that the
blast shattered several windows and scattered debris over several city
blocks. The bomb weighed between 500 gm. and one kg., (approximately 1-2
lbs.) and was apparently planted in the garbage can early in the day.
Internal Security Minister Avigdor Kahalani said no organization had
claimed responsibility for the attack.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, speaking at a Tel Aviv hospital, said
Israel will not cede more territory to the Palestinians unless the
PA/PLO "in word and deed, fights terror everywhere, whether in Hebron or
Tel Aviv". Netanyahu's communications advisor, David Bar-Illan, said the
attack justified "Israel's insistence on stronger security measures"
from the PA/PLO: "This process cannot continue without stronger
guarantees from the Palestinian side".

Ahmed Tibi, advisor to PLO leader Yassir Arafat, condemned the bombing,
in the name of the Palestinian Authority (PA/PLO). The PA/PLO did not
issue any condemnation following the recent terrorist-killings in Maon,
Yitzhar, and Hebron -- all of which are in Judea and Samaria. Hamas
spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said that if the bombing had been
the work of Palestinians it would be "understandable, because it would
be a reaction to Israeli behavior and occupation". (GLOBES, IRIS,

MONICA DESTROYS MIDDLE EAST PEACE: Syria's Defense Minister Mustafa
Tallas attributes the Monica Lewinsky scandal to a plot by the Mossad.
In an interview to a United Emirates newspaper, Tallas said that Israel
is behind the scheme to harm Clinton's image, and Monica is nothing but
a Mossad agent. As proof, he cites the fact that the Lewinsky scandal
broke the day after Netanyahu met Clinton in the White House.

This is in contradiction to the official PA/PLO stance. The official
PA/PLO newspaper AL-HAYAT AL-JADEEDA editorialized that Monica Lewinsky
is "connected to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and
Jewish pressure groups." The paper accused the 'Zionist and Jewish
lobby' in the United States "who blackmail American presidents" of being
behind the Lewinsky scandal. The paper charged: "There was a need to
reduce the American pressure on the Israeli government, and there was a
need to convey a clear message to Clinton that he can not boycott
Netanyahu and refuse his calls, and there was a need for the American
administration to forget its initiative for an Israeli withdrawal from
the occupied Palestinian lands and to forget its positive initiative to
lessen the pressure on Iraq, and so the stained dress was pulled out of
the AIPAC warehouse." ( ARUTZ-7,

PM DENIES PNC CHARTER REPORT: The Prime Minister's Office denied reports
in Monday's HA'ARETZ according to which "Prime Minister Netanyahu has
conceded demands for the Palestinian National Council (PNC) to convene
as a condition for redeployment in the territories". The PM's Media
Advisor Aviv Bushinsky states that the Prime Minister has never conceded
on this demand and has no intention of doing so. According to the
article in HA'ARETZ, a security source stated that even though
Netanyahu continues to demand for public consumption that the PNC meet,
Israel has quietly dropped this subject in its most recent contacts with
the PA/PLO and the United States. The source said that the defense
establishment warned Netanyahu that a convening of the PNC might put
Israel in a position where it would be forced to permit the entry into
Gaza of key Palestinian figures who head the "rejection front". There
would be no way to ensure that they would leave after the PNC meeting
ended. ( Editor's note: This report was also carried by Arutz-7 a few
weeks ago see F.Y.I. W/E: 08-01-98/9 Av 5758) (PM MEDIA ADVISOR,

'collaborators' were seized by Israeli troops Tuesday as they were being
transferred from a Jericho prison to the northern PA/PLO-ruled city of
Shechem. The PA/PLO convoy was stopped by Israelis as they were being
The prisoners were accused of supplying Israel with information during
the 1987-1994 intifada (uprising). They have been in detention since
1994. Palestinians accused of 'collaborating' with Israel have been
harassed, jailed and even tortured, despite the fact in the Oslo Accords
the PLO committed itself to refraining from inflicting any form of
punishment against Palestinians who had previously cooperated with
Israel (Article XVI).

In another report, Ibrahim Sajadiah, a Palestinian collaborator with
Israel was kidnapped and beaten by Bethlehem police. Sajadiah, who did
not think he would survive the beatings, is badly bruised. He says the
police tried to get the addresses of the people he knows in the General
RA'ANAN: Close to 1,000 people came to Hebron Thursday night to pay
respects to the memory of Rabbi Eliyahu Shlomo Ra'anan, who was murdered
by a Palestinian terrorist in Hebron's Tel Rumeida neighborhood last
Thursday (08-20-98). David Wilder, a spokesman for the Hebron Jewish
community, told Arutz-7 that the gathering also protested the
government's continued negotiations with Arafat on the transfer of land
to the PA/PLO. Rabbi Eliezer Waldman of Kiryat Arba spoke to the
assemblage on the "complete paralysis from which the IDF is suffering in
Judea and Samaria." Rabbi Waldman said, according to Wilder, that in
Lebanon, the army actively fights against terrorists, while in Hebron,
murderers enjoy a safe haven in Arafat's autonomous areas. Wilder added,
"Rabbi Ra'anan's murderer was probably sipping a cup of midnight coffee
shortly after the murder, bragging to friends and family about his

The Netanyahu government announced following the weekly cabinet meeting
a decision to build permanent housing at Tel Rumeida in Hebron.
According to government sources, the new housing will, at least double
the current population. Presently seven families live in Tel Rumeida, in
45 square meter caravans or mobile homes. The government has also
allocated NIS 10 million ($2.6 million) to the building project.
Netanyahu visited Hebron on Tuesday. It was the first time he had been
to Hebron since being elected. He visited with Mrs. Haya Ra'anan, widow
of murdered Rabbi Ra'anan. She told the prime minister "Mr. Prime
Minister, look me in the eyes and tell me, what is more important? A
piece of paper, an agreement you didn't make, or the lives of your
people. I know you experienced something similar. Your brother Yonaton,
a hero, a holy man, gave his life for his people. What would he say, Mr.
Prime Minister? What is more important? ... You said that if something
happened you would send in tanks. Where are the tanks? ... Tell Clinton
-- and be strong -- don't listen to others. Do what you want. Tell
Clinton that you couldn't sit before the words of one widow. ... You are
the leader, not him. ( ARUTZ-7, HEBRON PRESS OFFICE)

HAMAS CELL IN HEBRON: The GSS, assisted by the Israel Defense Force
(IDF) in Judea and Samaria, recently uncovered a large-scale Fatah-Abu
Mussa faction terrorist network. The Abu Mussa faction, which is a
militant terrorist organization, maintaining headquarters in Damascus,
broke off from the mainstream Fatah-Arafat organization in May, 1983.
The faction maintains training bases in Lebanon. The uncovering of the
network began in June 1998. Until now approximately 20 operatives of the
organization, living in Hebron-area villages, have been arrested.
According to investigation findings, operational instructions and large
amounts of money were transferred directly to the network from
headquarters in Syria. Members of the network were trained in the use of
weapons in a safe-house of the organization, located in the area under
Palestinian security control in Hebron. Training included live fire. The
army said members of the cell have confessed to two drive-by shootings
of Israeli vehicles; one in May near the Otniel junction and the other
in April near the Jaba junction. They also are suspected of throwing a
hand grenade at an Israeli car in June near the Otniel junction. No one
was hurt in the attacks. ( IDF SPOKESPERSON)

ON THE NORTHERN FRONT: An IDF force killed Hussam El-Amin, the Amal
organization leader responsible for its terror operations in the western
sector of southern Lebanon. El-Amin was personally responsible for the
planning and perpetration of a long list of Amal terrorist attacks
against IDF and South Lebanon Army (SLA) troops, and for mortar attacks
on IDF and SLA outposts within the Security Zone of southern Lebanon and
along Israel's border with Lebanon. El-Amin was killed in Tuesday
morning, while he was driving his car. Katyusha rockets hit Kiryat
Shmona Tuesday night in retaliation. Fourteen people were injured in
Kiryat Shmona, none seriously. Power lines were brought down and damage
was done to houses. One of the rockets started a brush fire.

Officials in Jerusalem said on Monday that the Israeli initiative for a
southern Lebanon withdrawal based on United Nations Resolution 425 is
not dead, and still believe that there is a chance it could succeed. The
officials added that the United States is trying to help Israel push
forward its withdrawal plan. According to KOL YISRAEL, the Israeli
initiative will be raised during the next UN General Assembly plenum in

PM OFFERS FOREIGN MINISTRY TO SHARON: PM Netanyahu has offered the post
of Foreign Minister to Ariel Sharon. The position was originally
occupied by David Levy, who resigned eight months ago. HA'ARETZ reports
that the appointment is designed to mollify the nationalist camp in
anticipation of an upcoming withdrawal from Judea and Samaria. Sources
close to Sharon confirmed the reports, but emphasized that the offer
would not reduce Sharon's objections to a withdrawal from 13% of Yesha.
They pointed out that Sharon sees Netanyahu's insistence on Palestinian
reciprocity "in a positive light". (ARUTZ-7)

HUSSEIN RESPONDING TO TREATMENT: Hussein, king of Jordan, arrived in
Washington, D.C. on Sunday after completing the second session of his
chemotherapy treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Hospital sources have stated
that the king is in good health following the treatment and his doctors
have allowed him to leave for a few days rest, before starting the third
phase of the treatment.

JERUSALEM HOMES APPROVED: Jerusalem's municipal government has given its
final approval for a 132-apartment housing project for Jews on the Mount
of Olives - a move immediately denounced by Palestinian officials who
define the area as "occupied Arab territory". The housing project will
be overseen by Ateret Cohanim, a religious organizatio spearheading
efforts to restore Jewish life in the entire city of Jerusalem. (ICEJ)

ROSS MEETS WITH ARAFAT: US Middle East envoy Dennis Ross met Monday
night with Arafat in Oslo in order to hammer out a final text for the 13
percent redeployment from Judea and Samaria and enable the parties to
focus on other issues involved in a redeployment agreement, HA'ARETZ
reported. US diplomatic sources expressed hope that a new
Israeli-Palestinian agreement could be signed in Washington on September
13, marking the fifth anniversary of the original mutual recognition
agreement between Israel and the PLO, when Arafat and the late Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin shook hands for the first time. If the text
delineating the 13 percent redeployment is wrapped up, it is likely that
Ross would be needed to return to the region in order to help the sides
tackle other outstanding issues, including the Palestinian Covenant
question and a modification of a CIA-brokered memorandum of
understanding outlining security cooperation between Israeli and
Palestinian forces. (ISRAEL LINE)

NEW REPORT - OLD STORY: A new 'Jewish underground' is planning to
assassinate Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai, launch "massive murder
attacks against Arabs in the West Bank," and attack holy sites on the
Temple Mount, according to the London-based newsletter FOREIGN REPORT.
The newsletter quotes an Israeli security source as saying the aim of
the attacks is to provoke Palestinian retaliation and create "a spiral
of violence that will sabotage the Middle East peace process". At the
same time, the assassination of a senior cabinet minister is intended to
paralyze the government, presumably to prevent any further transfer of
territory. The Israeli source told Foreign Report that the head of the
GSS has given top priority to stopping the Jewish terrorists rather than
Arab terrorists. (Editor's note: Prior to PM Rabin being assassinated,
the GSS had stirred-up the Israeli public against the 'right- wing' with
unfounded accusations. However, the assassination of Rabin was
carried-out by a man who was prompted by GSS agent Avishai Raviv, who
has yet to be prosecuted for act. Now it seems as if the GSS is trying
to create the same atmosphere again.) (JERUSALEM POST)

SECURITY LACKING IN YESHA: Amidst reports that "Palestinian security
forces have recently accelerated and intensified their [military]
training" [HA'ARETZ], residents in Judea and Samaria have expressed
great apprehension at what they see as concrete signs that their
security is being increasingly endangered. A widely-distributed letter
by residents of Yesha communities to rabbis and military figures details
"war preparations being conducted by the Palestinian Police." The letter
states, "We hear the shooting here in [several different Yesha
communities] I almost could not find an area in the whole Judea-Samaria
where this phenomenon has not been observed to be snowballing in a
frightening way in the past months."

In another story, Security elements estimate that the Palestinian
terrorist groups will focus their energies on attacks against Jewish
residents of Judea and Samaria in the near future. The Central Command
has decided upon a number of emergency measures to protect the Yesha
communities. These include the erection of fences and other protective
devices, and increased army protection around them. Rabbi Dov Lior,
Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Arba, said that the murder of Rabbi Ra'anan would
not bring about hopelessness and resignation among the area's residents.
"The people who live here are imbued totally with a feeling of Divine
Providence, and they are not the type who will now begin to be afraid,"
he said. "Instead, this murder will cause a renewed commitment to
building the Land." (ARUTZ-7)
FYI - Israel In The News
"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace,
and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest" Isaiah 62:1

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Submitted By Rabbit45@aol.com

"God, Are You Real?"

The child whispered, "God, speak to me"
And a meadowlark sang.
The child did not hear.
So the child yelled, "God, speak to me!"
And the thunder rolled across the sky,
But the child did not listen.

The child looked around and said,
"God let me see you" and a star shone brightly,
But the child did not notice
And the child shouted,
"God show me a miracle!"
And a life was born, but the child did not know.
So the child cried out in despair,
"Touch me God, and let me know you are here!"

Whereupon God reached down
And touched the child.
But the child brushed the butterfly away
And walked away unknowingly.

Author Unknown
