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Prophe-Zine, Issue # 11
Jan 15, 1996


	Statement of Faith.........

			& Other stuff.........

Raymond Gano..........Welcome to Issue # 11 David M. Williams.....The
different views of the rapture in relation to the=
so-called "great tribulation".
William F. Jasper.........Global Gorby
Gary Kah......Gorbachev Calls For World Tax William Norman Grigg......."I
Am Not a UN Soldier" Rudy Hulstrom............New Age News Update
Prophe-Zine News Bites..... Assorted Authors and News Services
Prophe-Zine's Cool World Wide Web Sites

Special Thanks to: I want to thank Gary Kah for allowing me to reprint his=
articles from his newsletter Hope For The World. If you can, subscribe to=
his newsletter. It is a must read! I like the way he documents all his=
articles with the documents he quotes / talks about in his articles.

Publication Cycle Notice: Prophe-Zine will be published (up loaded), on the=
1st and the15th of each month. (bi-weelkly)

Prophe-Zine is freely distributed to the major on-line services, BBSs, and=
to the Internet. You can also get back issues at Prophe-Zine's web site.=
Address: http://www.best.com/~ray673/pzhome.html

The Editor of Prophe-Zine can be reached by sending e-mail to: =
ray673@best.com. Please write the Editor if you are interested in
receiving= guidelines for submission to Prophe-Zine

Statement of Faith

THE PURPOSE of Prophe-Zine is to carry out the command of the Lord Christ=
Jesus, recorded in

Matthew 28:19:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations"

Prophe-Zine is a Christian publication grounded in the deity of Christ and=
the inerrancy of Scripture. The major intent of the editors is first, the=
giving out the message of the Gospel, "For what I received I passed on to=
you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the=
Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day=
according to the Scriptures," 1 Cor. 15:3-4. =20

The Editor of Prophe-Zine holds to a strictly literal and inerrant Bible=
interpretation, salvation through Christ alone, a soon pre-tribulation=
Rapture of all believers and the establishment of a thousand-year kingdom=
on earth. The evangelism of the unbelievers and the exhortation of the=
believers take precedence over all other activities of this ministry.

Prophe-Zine may not agree with some of the authors and their beliefs, but=
Prophe-Zine believes that we must endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit=
(In other words agree to disagree), so Prophe-Zine feels that it must give=
equal time to other biblically based doctrines in all fairness.

Eph 4:3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.=20

In His service,

Ray Gano

The Legal Stuff About Prophe-Zine
Copyright =A9 1996 Raymond B Gano
All rights reserved.=20

Please ask for permission before reproducing or reprinting specific articles=
and/or graphics, since some of the individual works appearing in=
Prophe-Zine are copyrighted works belonging to their respective authors or=
artists and are used here with their permission.=20

Prophe-Zine may be freely distributed under the following conditions: It
may not be included in a software package without prior consent from the=
author. It may not be distributed or reproduced for commercial purposes.=20

Prophe-Zine's editor uses a Quadra 840 AV Macintosh computer. Programs=
include: MacWrite, MacDraw Pro, Color-It, JPEGview, Popcorn, OnLine Bible=
KJV 2.1, plus any other freeware that I can get my hands on to fill up the=
hard drive and use up even MORE RAM

The Editor is currently looking for submissions, artists, writers, fiction,=
reviews, columnists and other help for Prophe-Zine articles. If
interested,= please write the Editor to receive a guideline for

Feedback and suggestions from the Prophe-Zine readers are ALWAYS WELCOME! =
Don't just tell me that you actually liked reading Prophe-Zine, tell me=
what YOU would like to see in future issues!

Hello All,

Welcome to Prophe-Zine's newest issue!=20

Thank you so much for taking the time to download this, the latest issue of=
Prophe-Zine. In this issue we are going to be looking at Gorbachev and his=
State of the World forum that was held in October. This forum comprised of=
a who's who of One World Globalist and New Age Spiritualists. I also have
a= article regarding a very brave man who is serving in our armed forces
named= Michael New. I present articles like this to show that we are
moving= towards a One World Government and people who stand up for what is
right,= are looked upon as wrong. In Timothy Paul talks about that in the
last days= bad will be seen as right and good seen as wrong. Michael New is
a= Christian standing up for America and our God given freedoms and he is=
viewed as wrong and out of line for doing what is the right thing to=
do...what is wrong with this picture?

This has been a great beginning of a new year. As many of you know,=
Prophe-Zine has a WWW site and what a hit it has become. I am now
receiving= about 20 to 30 pieces of email per day. Sometimes even more. The
Lord has= really blessed my site and I have been getting even more people
wanting= subscribe to Prophe-Zine.=20

I have been getting email from all over the world subscribing to=
Prophe-Zine. A woman from Poland wrote to me and asked to subscribe to PZ=
and told me that she wants to shares PZ with all her Christian friends. I=
want to take this time and thank her personally for sharing PZ with her=
friends and making PZ a international newsletter. Thanks Magdalena!!! I=
also want to thank Rudy Brinkman from Holland for posting all my back=
issues of PZ to his Christian BBS. Thanks Bernard!!!=20

I hope that you had a great Christmas and a happy new year. My wife got me=
the software that enabled me to put up my www site. It was a very good=
Christmas for me and my family. I pray that the Lord blesses all of you in=
this new year.=20

While surfing the net I came across a great group of people that I feel very=
strongly in supporting. This group is called The Golon Residents
Committee.= Since 1974 GRC has played an important role in the State of
Israel by= representing the people of the Golon. They are a committee
consisting of= all members of 2 councils: the Golon Regional Council and
the city of= Qazrin which represents al 32 communities of 14000 residents.
There= mission is to maintain Israeli sovereignty over the Golon for the
sake of= Israel. To find out more information about them you can write to:
Golon Residents Committee
PO Box 67, Qazrin 12900, Israel
Tel: 972-6-962977
Fax: 972-6-962427
Email : golon-r@golon.org.il

I feel it VERY important to support ANY endeavor that protects the land and=
the people of Israel. We MUST remember to keep Israel and her people in=
our prayers and insist that our governments support Israeli sovereignty at=
all costs. In Genesis it says "I will bless them that bless thee, and
curse= those that curse thee." Pray for Israel and see the blessing that
the Lord= bestows on you.=20

I want to thank you for your support and your prayers. Please keep the=
letters coming. Tell me what you like and what you want to see more of.=
Most of all, please continue praying for me and PZ. I know I need all the=
prayers that I can get. The enemy is really banging on me and stealing my=

So I await that day that we meet together in the clouds with our Lord. (=
when you see me, come up and introduce yourself and give me a hug)

In His service,

The Different Views Of The Rapture In Relation To The So-Called "Great=
By:David M. Williams (dave@maths.newcastle.edu.au)


The rapture is an area of Christian theology which has historically received=
little attention with regards to precise formulation. A brief survey of=
works detailing the development of doctrine (such as Bromiley, 1978)=
reveals almost no acknowledgment of the rapture. This is perhaps explained=
by Berkhof (1975, p. 259) who states,

The doctrine of the last things never stood in the centre of attention, is
one of the least developed doctrines, and therefore calls for no elaborate

Further, the very notion of the rapture is much-derided by critics who find=
fault due to the allegedly non-existence of such a doctrine in the=
scriptures; the seemingly non-existence of the very word "rapture" in the=
scriptures (though such an argument would apply to the Trinity also); and=
the thought that the idea of a "secret rapture" where the Church is=
transported safely from a catastrophic time of tribulation is foreign to=
God's plans and purposes as revealed in history - for indeed, "the blood
of= the martyrs is the very seed of the Church" (Cairns, 1981, p.93).

Such arguments are untenable. The main basis for the rapture doctrine is I=
Thessalonians 4:13-18 :

Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or
to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus
died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those
who have fallen asleep in him. According to the Lord's own word, we tell
you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord,
will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord
himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of
the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will
rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught
up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be
with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words.

>From this passage the notion of the rapture is clear; at some future time=
all of the saints of God, both dead and alive, shall be "caught up" into=
the air to be with their Lord! The Greek word for "caught up" is arpazo,=
which means to pluck away (Zodhiates, 1992, p. 1270) and would be well=
translated "rapture" in a Latin Bible (Willmington, n.d, p. 825), such as=
Jerome's vulgate - so the word itself is scriptural (just not in an
English= translation), as indeed is the notion. The third objection listed
is= specific to a particular theological framework and shall be discussed=
later. Indeed, many objections exist, not least that of sincere Christian=
brethren who seek to know what must happen to the defenceless family pet=
when its owners are suddenly raptured! Such an argument is, of course,=
based on emotional issues rather than the scriptures and detracts from the=
real issue at hand.

Paul reveals more information in I Corinthians 15:51-52 :

Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be
changed - in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For
the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will
be changed.

Having established a preliminary scriptural basis for the rapture, however,=
a new problem arises with regards to its chronological location. As Stern=
(1992, p.623) points out, "Only in relation to the premillenial position=
does the issue of when the rapture takes place arise; for Post- and=
Amillenialists, the Rapture is vaguely identified with the Messiah's one=
and only return.)" This means that the concept of the rapture is only=
particularly defined in the pre-millenial system of theology. However,
this= leaves three potential general times for the rapture to occur,
defined in= terms of the coming "great tribulation" - before the
tribulation period= (pre-tribulational), during the tribulation period
(mid-tribulational) or= after the tribulation period (post-tribulational).
Some humourously (and= non-seriously) suggest a fourth possibility of
"pan-tribulationalism" - as= God is in control there is no need to worry
about such matters; all will= eventually "pan" out according to His plans.
The former three views= however, are worthy of considerable discussion.


In essence, the post-tribulational system decrees that the rapture occurs=
after the tribulation period - the natural consequence being that the=
Church must endure it. Willmington (n.d., p. 825) dismisses this view of=
the rapture by appealing to I Thessalonians 5:9 ("For God did not appoint=
us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus
Christ")= and Revelation 3:10 ("Since you have kept my command to endure
patiently, I= will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to
come upon the= whole world to test those who live on the earth").

Nevertheless, post-tribulationists dismiss Willmington's views, appealing to=
John 16:33, "in this world you will have tribulation". To the=
post-tribulationist, it is unthinkable that God would offer a remarkable=
transport to the Church as an escape route in the face of global disaster,=
eluded to earlier (although such was the case with Noah). Truly throughout=
history the Church has suffered persecution - indeed under such
persecution= the Church has historically thrived - not materially, but in a
spiritual= harvest, as faith is refined and tested and the gospel is
propagated to= further regions. This was the case in Jerusalem - "Those who
had been= scattered preached the word wherever they went" (Acts 8:4). This
was the= case under Roman persecution (Cairns, 1981, p. 91-93). Persecution
kept= the Church pure - it kept hypocritical, dishonest and insincere
people from= the Church. "No light decisions were made for Christ in those
times,= especially when acceptance of Christ meant possible loss of
citizenship;= imprisonment with daily starvation and torture until death;
crucifixion,= and sometimes burning while still alive and hanging on the
cross. . . ."= (Hamon, 1981, p. 80-81). Such is the essence of the Puritan
classic, Foxe's= Christian Martyrs of the World.

The flaw in this logic, however, is that the tribulation period is not a=
time of persecution. Rather, it is a time of God's wrath being outpoured=
on the earth. During this time people shall cry to the mountains and the=
rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne=
and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come,=
and who can stand?" (Revelation 6:16-17). When Christ returns, "He treads=
the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty" (Revelation
Willmington's verses above apply most certainly - for God has appointed=
His Church to salvation and not to wrath. Surely the day of the Lord will=
be terrible (Malachi 4:5) !

Messianic Jewish scholar David Stern offers a different and original reason=
for his holding to the post-tribulation view - it is unthinkable "that=
Messianic Jews are to be faced with the decision of whether to identify=
with their own people the Jews and stay to suffer or with their own people=
the believers (the Messianic Community, the Church) and escape" (Stern,=
1992, p. 623). Stern develops this idea further :

But if Sha'ul [Paul] and other Jewish believers are members both of Israel
and of the Messianic Community, Pre-Tribulationists must answer this
question: when the rapture takes place, do Jewish believers in Yeshua
[Jesus] stay behind with the rest of physical Israel, or do they join the
rest of the Messianic Community with Yeshua in the air? They can't be in
both places at once. Is it a matter of our personal choice? Do we have to
choose whether to be more loyal to the Jewish people or to our brothers in
the Messiah? This is an absurd question, absurd because the situation
proposed will never arise (Stern, 1992, p. 804).

Stern's objections, however, are based heavily on his emphasis that Jewish=
people remain Jewish once becoming Christians; indeed, they are
"fulfilled"= Jews. This is, of course, true, but Stern's emphasis is so
great that he= (unintentionally, but effectively) divides the body of
Christ in two -= those who are Jewish and those who are Gentiles, despite
Paul's admonition= that "there is neither Jew nor Greek. . . . for you are
all one in Christ= Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). Stern continues, ". . . . This
is not what they= [Messianic Jews] bought into when they came to faith.
They were told, 'Now= you're a Jew who has accepted his Messiah.' They were
not told, 'Now you= have abandoned your Jewish people and will spend
eternity without them'"= (Stern, 1992, p. 804). Certainly the Gentile
Christian is distinct from= the Gentile non-Christian (who will
unquestionably remain after the= rapture). The deciding factor is not
whether one is Jewish or otherwise,= but whether one is a disciple of the
Lord Jesus Christ or not.

Finally, the rapture is quite distinct from the Second Coming in which Jesus=
returns to the earth, to the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14). At the=
rapture, Jesus draws the Saints to Himself in the clouds (I Thessalonians=
4:15-17). At the Second Coming, He returns with the Saints (Revelation=
19:11-16). The post-tribulational view virtually has the Saints of God=
acting like a yo-yo - arising into the air, only to return immediately to=
the earth. This further gives no time for the Bema seat of Christ or the=
marriage supper of the Lamb.


The mid-tribulation view of the rapture is that it will take place midway=
through the tribulation period.

Such a view is a curious exposition of scripture, for the Antichrist makes a=
covenant with the Jewish people and then breaks it three and a half years=
into the tribulation (Daniel 9:27). Even if the mid-tribulation rapture=
occurs earlier than this time, it still must take place after the=
Antichrist has been revealed, which can only happen after the "restrainer"=
is removed (II Thessalonians 2:7-8).

Some have suggested that the identity of the "restrainer" is the Antichrist=
himself - a non-sensical notion indeed, particularly in light of Paul's=
teaching that "the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the=
one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of=
the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed" (II Thessalonians=
2:7-8). Others suggest the "restrainer" is the Holy Spirit (Dake, 1963, p.=
230). However, John sees those who have become Christians during the=
tribulation, and martyred for their faith (Revelation 7:14). It is only by=
the work of the Holy Spirit that one can be brought to Christ (John 16:8),=
not by man, and so the Holy Spirit can not be the "restrainer" removed
from= the earth. The "restrainer" is in fact none other than the Church -
the= "salt of the earth" (Matthew 5:13) and the "light of the world"
(Matthew= 5:14). Hence, the Church must be raptured before the Antichrist
may be= revealed and so the mid-tribulation view of the Antichrist being
revealed= before the rapture is not possible.

Furthermore, the mid-tribulation position requires the tribulation to be=
broken into two unrelated halves, which has the potential for requiring=
many Biblical passages to have an allegorical interpretation in order to
be= consistent. For one, the seventieth "week" of years of Daniel's
remarkable= prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) could not be for "his" (Daniel's)
people - the= Jews (Daniel 9:24) - it would also of necessity pertain to
the Church.

One possible basis for the mid-tribulation rapture is the inability to=
distinguish between the rapture of the Church and the rapture of the two=
witnesses which does take place midway through the tribulation period=
(Revelation 11:3, 7, 11). However, the two witnesses are hardly=
representative of the entire Church and it must be concluded that they are=
quite separate.

Some scholars identify the "last trump" of I Corinthians 15:52 with the=
blowing of the "seventh trumpet" in the middle of the tribulation=
(Revelation 11:15-18). Rosenthal (1995, p. 5) states, "One of the major=
fallacies which has led to so much confusion in prophetic interpretation=
has been the tendency to identify Paul's 'last trump' with 'the=
seventhtrumpet' of the Book of Revelation".

Due to the fact that I Corinthians was written about 55 A.D. and Revelation=
was written about 96 A.D. (some would say 70 A.D., but nevertheless, it
was= written after I Corinthians and Paul's martyrdom). Explicitly John
states= that the contents of the book of Revelation were given by God the
Father to= the Lord Jesus, who in turn used an angelic messenger to convey
the message= to John (Revelation 1:1-2). The very word "revelation" means
an unveiling= of that which was hitherto unknown or concealed. Rosenthal
(1995, p. 5)= continues,

Therefore, when Paul wrote of one generation of believers experiencing
rapture (being "changed") at "the last trump," neither he nor the
Corinthians knew anything concerning the seven seals, seven trumpets, and
seven bowls of the Book of Revelation. Paul's "last trump" and the Book of
Revelation's "seventh trumpet" are not synonymous.

The true meaning of "the last trump" requires an understanding of the Jewish=
notion of the "Day of the Lord" used nineteen times by eight Old Testament=
prophets. This was the future time when God would go to war (Rosenthal,=
1995, p. 5). Associated with this would be the blowing of a trumpet - the=
Jewish shofar (Joel 1:15; 2:1; Zephaniah 1:14-16). Indeed, the phrase "the=
last trump" hardly shows a mid-tribulation rapture because it instead=
refers to the commencement of the very last time of battle in this age -=
the very start of the dreadful Day of the Lord - the tribulation period=


The pre-tribulation view may be summarised thus,

It was held that the return of Christ would take place in two stages. First
there would be a quiet appearance of Christ when all true Christians would
be taken from the earth - the 'rapture' of the saints. After this,
Antichrist's reign would continue but be brought to an end by the appearing
of Christ in glory and the introduction of a 1,000 year reign of Christ on
earth from Jerusalem (Humphreys & Ward, 1995, p. 128-9).

If the book of Revelation is to be taken as a chronological work, which most=
futurists would agree, there is great significance in the similarities=
between I Thessalonians 4:16-17 above and Revelation 4:1-2 - again a=

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 14:23:52 -0800
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From: ray673@best.com (Ray Gano)
Subject: PZ #11

instantly through a door in heaven to the very throne-room of God.

Indeed, the very "door" is significant to those who see a secondary meaning=
in the seven Churches of Revelation chapters 1-3, being the historical=
development of the Church over history, from the early Church to that at=
the time of the Second Coming. With this view the door of Revelation 3:10,=
opened to the Philadelphian Church, is equated with that of Revelation 4:1=
(Cartledge, n.d., p. 119). This view then equates the lukewarm Laodecian=
Church as the false religious system that arises during the tribulation. =
Such a view however is counter-productive as the Philadelphian Church is=
still part of the Church and so requires the Church to be divided - the=
lukewarm left behind, which implies a Protestant purgatory.

Nevertheless, there is great significance in the fact that John is told to=
"Come up hither" (Revelation 4:1) - the very same words spoken to the two=
witnesses before they too are raptured (Revelation 11:12). Further, the=
Church is remarkably absent from any of the proceedings from Revelation
4:1= to 19:11 when Christ returns - indeed, the Church surely has no part
in the= tribulation.

Not only so, but the tribulation period is the final "week" of years in=
Daniel's prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27), specifically designated for the Jewish=
people. The times of the Gentiles are complete, and God again turns His=
hand to His ancient peoples, the end result that at His Second Coming the=
Jews will look on Him whom they have pierced (Zechariah 12:10) and all=
Israel will be saved (Romans 11:26) - the Messiah they expected at Jesus'=
first coming will finally arive (Edersheim, 1993,p. 113) !


The honest Christian theologian can do nothing less than assimilate the data=
of revelation provided in the scriptures and draw from this one's theology=
and framework of belief. To do otherwise is wrong, and one must not be=
persuaded by purely emotional arguments, or seek to manipulate scripture
to= conform to a preconceived world-view.

When one examines the conflicting views of the rapture in the pre-millenial=
framework, it becomes apparent that the only one which consistently fits=
the facts of Biblical data is the pre-tribulation view. Certainly as=
Christians we look not for tribulation, but for "His Son from heaven who=
has delivered us from the wrath to come" (I Thessalonians 1:10). The early=
Church expected the coming of the Lord imminently and did not expect any=
intervening events, especially the Thessalonians (Matthew 24:44; I=
Thessalonians 5:2).

Just as Noah and his family were saved from God's wrath (Genesis 7:6-7), as=
was Lot and his daughters (Genesis 19:14), and indeed the Children of=
Israel were saved from the plagues on Pharaoh (Exodus 7:18; 8:3, 21-22;=
9:3-4; 10:22-23; 11:6-7), so too the Church shall be saved from the coming=
great tribulation by the rapture.

The Christian is commanded to look up - for their redemption draws near=
(Luke 21:28)! What can be said but "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus." (Revelation=

David Williams is a Bible teacher in Australia, credentialed with the=
Assemblies of God, and currently studying for my Masters in Theology. His=
interests are Bible Prophecy, Church History and Apologetics. email
address= is dave@maths.newcastle.edu.au.


Berkhof, L. 1975 (1937). The History of Christian
Doctrines, Baker Book House, Michigan.

Bromiley, G. 1978. Historical Theology: An Introduction,
T & T Clark, Ltd., Edinburgh.

Cairns, E. 1981. Christianity Through the Centuries,
Acadamie Books, Michigan.

Cartledge, D. n.d. Eschatology, Rhema Bible College,

Dake, F. 1963. Dake's Annotated Reference Bible, Dake
Bible Sales, Inc., Georgia.

Edersheim, A. 1993. The Life and Times of Jesus the
Messiah. Hendrickson Publishers, Massachusetts.

Foxe, J. 1989. Foxe's Christian Martyrs of the World,
Barbour and Company, Inc., Ohio.

Hamon, B. 1981. The Eternal Church, Christian
International, Florida.

Humphreys, R. and Ward, R. 1995. Religious Bodies in
Australia, 3d. ed., New Melbourne Press, Victoria.

Rosenthal, M. 1995. 'Israel's Fall Feasts.', Zion's Fire,
vol. 6, no. 4.

Stern, D. 1992. Jewish New Testament Commentary, Jewish
New Testament Publications, Inc., Maryland.

Willmington. n.d. Willmington's Guide to the Bible,
Pacific College Study Series, Melbourne.

Zodhiates, S. 1992. The Complete Word Study New
Testament, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga.

This essay is free for distribution in any manner, with the provision that=
it remains completely intact, with this notice, the author's name and the=
full text of the essay. Any comments are gratefully welcomed. Copyright=

Global Gorby
By: William F. Jasper

Much of the world sat glued before their television screens, eyes and ears=
transfixed by the drama unfolding in a Los Angeles courtroom. The closing=
arguments by Johnnie Cochran and Chris Darden in the O.J. Simpson trial=
held millions in thrall.

Meanwhile, up the coast in San Francisco, an event of another sort (and of=
arguably much greater consequence) was getting under way with considerably=
less attention: "The State of the World Forum," a planetary confabulation=
sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation. Held atop the city's famed Nob Hill=
at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel, the forum brought together a glittering=
constellation of global notables representing the epitome of worldly
power,= prestige, fame, wealth, and influence: presidents, princes,
potentates,= philanthropists, poets, philosophers, and poohbahs.

Who's Who

The weighty seriousness and ambitious reach of the conference indicated by=
the title of the event -- "Toward a New Civilization: Launching a Global=
Initiative" -- were underscored by the list of attendees, a veritable
Who's= Who of Wall Street, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic
Forum,= the Aspen Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of
Rome,= the Bilderbergers, the Politburo, the Commission on Global
Governance, the= World Future Society, and other Insider bastions of power.

Among the 400-plus eminent personages from 50 countries who flocked to the=
five-day affair (September 27th-October 1st) were formerSecretaries of=
State James Baker and George Shultz (both co-chairs of the forum), former=
President George Bush, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher,=
President Askar Akaev of Kyrgystan, former President Oscar Arias of Costa=
Rica, Prime Minister Tansu Ciller of Turkey, Czech Republic President=
Vaclav Havel, former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, and South=
African Vice President Thabo Mbeki.

Additional participants included: Worldwatch President Lester Brown; New Age=
gurus Fritjof Capra, Jeremy Rifkin, Willis Harman, Deepak Chopra, Robert=
Muller, and Matthew Fox; Marxist poetess Rigoberta Menchu; Earth Council=
president and billionaire eco- warrior Maurice Strong; Microsoft wizard=
Bill Gates; media mogul Rupert Murdoch; futurists Alvin Toffler and John=
Naisbitt; Senator George Mitchell; Archer Daniels Midland CEO Dwayne=
Andreas; computer tycoon David Packard; Esalen founder Michael Murphy;=
motivation superstar Tony Robbins; Men's Wearhouse CEO George Zimmer;=
chimpanzee expert Jane Goodall -- not to mention Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carl=
Sagan, John Denver, Shirley MacLaine, Dennis Weaver, Ted Turner, Jane=
Fonda, Theodore Hesburgh, Timothy Wirth, Max Kampleman, Milton Friedman,=
Randall Forsberg, Saul Mendlovitz, and Alan Cranston.

Overseeing the entirety of this summit of the anointed was, of course,=
Mikhail Gorbachev himself. The purpose of the convocation, he proclaimed,=
was to "launch a multi-year process, culminating in the year 2000, to=
articulate the fundamental [world] priorities, values, and actions=
necessary to constructively shape our common future." And who better to=
kick off an ostentatious extravaganza of that sort than global media titan=
and former "Humanist of the Year" Ted Turner. Identifying himself as a=
"great student of history" and a longtime friend of Gorbachev, Turner=
praised the "ex-Communist"and former dictator for ending the Cold War,=
which he acclaimed as "the greatest accomplishment in the history of=
humanity." "Now, with the Cold War behind us," said Ted, "this forum's job=
is to help chart the way for humanity."

Global Brain Trust

Gorbachev let it be known that he was not one to shirk from that solemn=
task. Wasting no time, he opened his remarks with this magnanimous=
proposal: "From the outset I would like to suggest that we consider the=
establishment of a global Brain Trust to focus on the present and future
of= our civilization." This is important, he said, "because the main reason
why= we are lagging behind events, why we are mostly improvising and
vacillating= in the face of new developments, is that we are lagging behind
in the= thinking and rethinking of this new world. Of course, this idea of
a Brain= Trust can only succeed if endorsed and actively pursued by people
who are= widely respected as world leaders and global citizens." Respected
world= leaders and global citizens like -- well, like those assembled at
that very= same august colloquium on Nob Hill: selfless billionaires,
statesmen,= academic double-domes, Nobel laureates, and spiritual mahatmas
in the= service of humanity and planetary survival. This is a theme
Gorbachev has= been playing in concert with similar motifs in which he has
called for= "non-governmental commissions of 'wise men'" and "Councils of
Elders" to= solve the world's intractable problems.

No one bothered to ask how he would reconcile the obvious contradictions=
inherent in his "Brain Trust" proposal and the forum's other throbbing=
themes of "democratization," "pluralism," and "egalitarianism." During the=
course of the marathon palaver, Gorbachev and other conference
participants= regularly attacked present political, economic, and social
structures as= "elitist," "anti-democratic," and "exclusionary," but were
conspicuously= vague on how their proposed "Brain Trust" would surmount
those problems.= Obvious questions went begging: Who would appoint this
group? What would be= its powers? How would it be funded? What would be the
selection criteria?= To whom would it be accountable? How would the
"diversity" of the group be= guaranteed?

The very term "Brain Trust" reeks of elitism, social engineering, and=
manipulation by a cabal of experts of supposed cerebral superiority. It is=
an epithet of opprobrium to all lovers of liberty who are aware of the=
monstrous abuses initiated by the socialist planners of FDR's New Deal=
"Brain Trust": Raymond Moley, Rexford Guy Tugwell, Lindsey Rogers, James
W.= Angell, Adolf Berle, Hugh Johnson, Charles Taussig, George Peek, and=
others. A global "Brain Trust" by the intellectual and spiritual heirs of=
these statists would mean a prescription for global tyranny.

But drastic measures are needed, says Gorby. The traditional political=
structures "no longer respond to the needs of an interdependent world. The=
political culture that we inherited from the past stands in the way of=
efforts to unite mankind's resources in the face of global challenges."

Mere transformation of political structures, however, is far from adequate.=
"We are in dire need of redefining the parameters of our society's=
economic, social, political, and spiritual development," the Soviet seer=
told his worshipful votaries. "Indeed, we have to reinvent the paradigm of=
our existence, to build a new civilization." It was a rehearkening to
other= familiar themes Gorbachev has sung: "developing a global
consciousness,"= "embracing the task of spiritual renewal," launching "the
next phase of= human development." An awesome undertaking, to be sure.
Fortunately for us,= he is graciously willing to enlighten and minister to
our darkened souls as= well as our sick body politic. How does he propose
to do this? Comrade= Gorbachev proposes to "set up a kind of United Nations
Council of Elders."

It was in this "Elder" capacity that Gorbachev offered the next part of his=
lecture. "Civilization will shift and new values and new ways of life will=
be needed to find real solutions to the problems of our environment, a way=
out of the ecological crisis," the sage of Moscow told his San Francisco=
gathering. Then came the punch line: "Gradually we will have to achieve a=
change of emphasis in the archetypal dilemma: to have or to be; to change=
the nature of consumption." "Perhaps it is a little risky in this country=
to speak about that," he beamed to a titter of audience chuckles. "We have=
to change the nature of consumption. And I have much to say about that=

Compassion Con

He certainly did have much to say on the topic, as did many of the other=
participants during the course of the forum. What was most amazing was
that= no one gagged or guffawed at the brazen effrontery and hypocrisy of
the= sainted one's sermonizing on conspicuous consumption while his rapt=
audience feasted on a sumptuous array of epicurean comestibles fit for=
royalty: smoked trout salad, filet of beef in shashlik marinade, and a=
dessert of panna cotta with autumn fruit. This gourmet creation was the=
work of celebrity chef Joyce Goldstein, and her tantalizing production was=
but the first of many offerings by famed masters of gourmand haute cuisine=
such as Wolfgang Puck, Julian Serrano, Joachim Splichal, and David Ribbons.

But the richness of the contradiction was no doubt lost on the pious frauds=
who paid $5,000 to attend this prestigious soiree. They have grown inured=
to their own fakery; from palatial palavers in Rio, to Cairo, Paris,=
Copenhagen, Geneva, etc. -- they have become accustomed to the lavish=
amenities in which they luxuriate, while feigning selfless pathos for the=
world's poor and excoriating "hedonistic consumption" by the "middle=
classes" of Western industrialized societies.

"World Citizen" Ted Turner represents the acme of this compassion con.=
According to some analysts, the recently announced sale of his Turner=
Broadcasting System to Time Warner could net him $2.6 billion, a tidy=
little sum to add to his already bulging billions. After the forum, he and=
wife Jane could fly off in their private jet, perhaps to their 40,000-acre=
bison barony in Montana, or to one of their many other humble domiciles to=
plan still more crusades to save the planet from the destructive=
consumption of the world's troublesome riffraff.

Getting to the crux of the matter, Gorbachev pontificated: "We have to, I=
believe, gear consumption more to people's cultural and spiritual needs.=
Also, through culture and education and within the framework of laws we=
shall have to address the problem of controlling the world's population."=
And control, of course, as always, is the key word and concept here.=
Control. Power.

Sound like familiar drumbeats for global government? Oh no, says Gorby: "We=
should not hope that the solution can come from some global center, a kind=
of world government. What we need is common ground rules accepted by the=
world community and observed by everyone and for that we need the=
international mechanisms and the international law that is required."=
Meaning simply that the "visionary" Russian is glibly proficient in the=
Aesopian word games employed by the globalists to put off troublesome=
"isolationists" who rightfully suspect this subversive flummery.

How else to square Gorbachev's denial with his "Churchill" speech of May 6,=
1992 in Fulton, Missouri, wherein he explicitly called for "global=
government" under the United Nations? Or to square it with the obvious=
intent of global governmental power implicit in his repeated calls for=
"international mechanisms," "international law," and "global controls"?

Call for Global Government

The New York Times reported on September 17, 1987 that Mikhail Gorbachev had=
"called for giving the United Nations expanded authority to regulate=
military conflicts, economic relations, environmental protection and ...=
also called for enhancing the power of the afflicted International Court
of= Justice to decide international disputes." These appeals for further=
empowering the UN were amplified in the Global Security Programme report=
published last year by the Global Security Project of his Gorbachev

Chairman of the board of advisers of the Gorbachev Foundation is past=
Senator Alan Cranston, a past national president of the United World=
Federalists. In 1949 Cranston pushed through the California legislature a=
resolution memorializing Congress to call a national convention to amend=
the U.S. Constitution to "expedite and insure the participation of the=
United States in a federal world government." However, in a 1976 interview=
he advised fellow one- worlders against mentioning world government since=
"the more talk about world government the less chance of achieving it,=
because it frightens people who would accept the concept of world law."=
Gorbachev, obviously, has heeded the advice of this "elder statesman."

Some of the globalists slip up, however. Recent statements by James=
Garrison, co-founder and president of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA, for=
instance, must have caused Mr. Cranston to wince. "Over the next 20 to 30=
years, we are going to end up with world government," Garrison said in an=
interview in the May 31-June 6, 1995 issue of SF Weekly, a liberal-left
San= Francisco newspaper. "It's inevitable." Garrison continued: "What's=
happening right now as you break down the Cold War, what is emerging now
is= ethnic identities. You are going to see more Yugoslavias, more
Somalias,= more Rwandas, more [Timothy] McVeighs and more nerve-gas
attacks. But in= and through this turbulence is the recognition that we
have to empower the= United Nations and that we have to govern and regulate
human= interaction...." (Emphasis added.)

But Gorbachev's dissembling over world government/world law should not=
surprise. Like his treacherous use of "democracy," "pluralism,"= "diversity,
" "interdependence," "perestroika," "glasnost," and other= globalist
shibboleths, it is in full comportment with the Communist program= of
dialectical deception. Consider his conveniently flexible position on=
"Communism." One speaker after another at the San Francisco forum praised=
the venerable aparatchik (and former General Secretary of the Communist=
Party of the Soviet Union) for putting an end to Soviet Communism. Gorby=
himself denounced the evils of "totalitarian ideology."

"Convinced Communist"

But this is the same Gorbachev who, a few short years ago (November 1987)=
proclaimed: "In October 1917, we parted with the Old World, rejecting it=
once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of
Communism.= We shall never turn off that road." (Emphasis added.)
"Perestroika," he= said then, " is a continuation of the October

In 1989, Gorbachev declared: "I am a Communist, a convinced Communist. For=
some that may be a fantasy. But for me it is my main goal." The following=
year, even as he was being hailed as the "man who ended Communism," he=
reiterated this conviction, stating, "I am now, just as I've always been,
a= convinced Communist."

In his book Perestroika, he plainly admitted: "We are not going to change=
Soviet power, of course, or abandon its fundamental principles, but we=
acknowledge the need for changes that will strengthen socialism." In the=
same revered text he explained that "according to Lenin, socialism and=
democracy are indivisible," and the "essence of perestroika lies in the=
fact that it unites socialism with democracy and revives the Leninist=
concept ofsocialist construction both in theory and in practice."
(Emphasis= added.) Thus, when he declares for "democracy," he means
"democracy" within= the Leninist conception and definition of the term,
something quite the= opposite of that which most Americans assume he is
talking about.

But this dialectical legerdemain does not concern George Shultz, who=
introduced the royal eminence with an embarrassing gush of superlatives=
("brilliant," "bold," "daring," "imaginative," "astonishing energy and=
intellectual grasp," "an intellect of the highest order") and anecdotes of=
their long "friendship." Shultz, a member and former director of the=
Council on Foreign Relations, and Gorbachev go back a long way together.
In= 1985 the duo signed the Soviet-American Education Exchange Agreement=
negotiated by the one-world subversives at the Carnegie Corporation.
Shultz= spoke with fond remembrance to the forum guests of the "historic"
1986= Reykjavik Summit at which he and President Reagan, together with
Gorbachev= and Eduard Shevardnadze, laid the groundwork for the INF Treaty
and other= disarmament debacles.

For the opening "Plenary Session" of the forum, Gorbachev shared co-chair=
honors with Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki, the longtime Marxist theoretician and=
globe-trotting ambassador of the terrorist African National Congress, and
a= top member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), was an
appropriate= choice. The ANC chief said he was pleased to attend on behalf
of the poor= and suffering people of Africa, who might otherwise not be
represented in a= "new world order" where "the world's agenda is addressed
only by the= powerful."

Mbeki, a frequent guest at the Council on Foreign Relations and other lairs=
of American and European ruling elites, understands power. On July 5, 1993=
Mbeki attended a dinner hosted by David Rockefeller for corporate CEOs to=
raise funds for the ANC's election drive. Mbeki praised Rockefeller as a=
longtime friend who "has backed the ANC financially for more than a=
decade." As Nelson Mandela's heir apparent, Mbeki has been given a=
"moderate" image by the ANC-friendly Insider media.

Steps to "World Order"

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's national security adviser, noted that=
there was "something profoundly symbolic and hopeful" about the fact that=
the opening session was co-chaired by Gorbachev and Mbeki. Which in itself=
says a mouthful about the "worldview" of Zbig andhis like-minded fellow=
conferees. Burnishing his bogus anti-Communist credentials, Brzezinski=
denounced the terrible record of "carnage" wrought by "Hitlerism,
Leninism,= Stalinism, Maoism," and decried the monstrous deeds of the
"coercive= utopians."

"Yet five years after the end of the century's greatest ideological struggle=
and five years before the onset of the next millennium," wailed the=
architect and first director of the Trilateral Commission, "the end of the=
ideological centrality in global politics has not ushered in a new world=
order.... We do not have anew world order. Instead we are facing growing=

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doubts regarding the meaning of our era and regarding the shape of our= future."

"We cannot leap into world government in one quick step," Brzezinski told=
his audience, apparently ignoring Gorbachev's caution. Such a grand goal=
"requires a process of gradually expanding the range of democratic=
cooperation as well as the range of personal and national security, a=
widening, step by step, stone by stone, [of] existing relatively narrow=
zones of stability in the eventual globalization -- genuine globalization=
-- is progressive regionalization, because thereby we move toward larger,=
more stable, more cooperative units."

This "regionalization" is in keeping with the original Trilateral plan, as=
outlined in Brzezinski's book, Between Two Ages, which called for a
gradual= convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward "the goal
of world= government." In that same time, David Rockefeller's Polish=
protâgâ proclaimed that "National sovereignty is no longer a=
viable concept" and praised Marxism "in the form of Communism" as a "major=
advance in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world"=
and a "further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal=

NATO and the European Union must be expanded to include Russia and the=
former Warsaw Pact countries, he said, and the scope of those arrangements=
must be "furthered, deepened, and institutionalized." Furthermore,=
Brzezinski asserted, similar structures must be crafted for the Middle=
East, the Far East, and Central Asia.

Joining Brzezinski at the rostrum was astronomer and cosmic sage Carl Sagan,=
who warned (predictably) that humanity faces "an absolutely new,=
unprecedented series of threats to the global environment that sustains us=
all." These "crises" include (of course) "depletion of the protective
ozone= layer and global warming through the increasing greenhouse

Yawn. Same tired, old, toxic eco-drivel. But wait! -- there is an exciting=
new "crisis": asteroids, which are certain to collide with earth in the=
not-too-distant future. This threat is "necessarily a problem for the
whole= species" and one in which we will have to join in collective action=
(presumably through the UN) to solve.

All of these crises show that we must begin to view the planet from the=
astronauts' perspective, says Sagan: "There are no national boundaries in=
that perspective. It is only one integrated, whole planet, all parts of=
which rise and fall together."

The "New Paradigm"

John Naisbitt, futurist, techno-savant, adviser to corporate titans and=
world leaders, and member of the board of advisers of the Gorbachev=
Foundation, was more upbeat. The author of the mega- blockbusters=
Megatrends, Megatrends 2000, Megatrends for Women, and Global Paradox=
prefaced his remarks by stating his commitment to "free markets and free=
trade." But like the rest of his colloquium colleagues, he emphasized the=
need for everyone to adopt a "new vocabulary," "new concepts," and a new=
"worldview" if we are going to understand the "new paradigm" the world has=

This "new paradigm," naturally, requires "new leadership" -- leaders who=
will lead by "moral authority." "My candidate for what a new leader would=
be like," said Naisbitt, "is Vaclav Havel." Mr. Havel, the celebrated=
socialist playwright and president of the Czech Republic, of course, also=
talks of "free markets" -- while installing unreconstructed and
unrepentant= Communists such as Alexander Dubcek in the top positions of
power in his= government.

Another of his favorite new leaders, said Naisbitt, is Nelson Mandela. Colin=
Powell is yet another, and Naisbitt criticized those who ask where Powell=
stands on the issues or what he would do concerning this matter or that:=
"The point is not what is Powell going to do; the point is who is he going=
to be. The new leadership is shifting away from being in charge to moral=
authority, responsibility, and inspiration." You see, in the "new=
paradigm," you need only be dazzled by the "moral authority" oozing from=
the persona created by the elite media image makers. We have apparently=
entered the age of ontological politics -- the politics of "being."

"The New Architecture of Global Security and Paths to Building a Civic=
Society (The Global Age)" was the title of a presentation by Kassa Kebede,=
a member of the board of directors of the Gorbachev Foundation and an=
active participant in the Foundation's Global Security Project. Kebede is
a= former ambassador to the UnitedNations and was Foreign Secretary during
the= 1980s for the murderous and genocidal Communist regime of Haile
Mengistu in= Ethiopia.

"The globalization of the challenges confronting us will certainly affect=
the traditional concept of sovereignty," Kebede told the attendees.
Indeed.= Echoing the Kennedy Administration's treasonous 1961 Freedom From
War= proposal to transfer U.S. armaments to theUN, Kebede's disarmament
plan= calls for "storage of the warheads and of the delivery systems in
separate= places under international control."

The Ethiopian commissar also commended the proposition put forward in Our=
Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance* to=
create "a standing force of 10,000 soldiers under the authority of the=
Security Council." This in spite of the fact that the UN's present=
"peacekeeping" operations, as Kebede himself admits, are already vastly=
"overextended," with "more than 70,000 personnel, and costs of over $3.5=

NOTE: See the April 3, 1995 issue of The New American, page 5

Kebede parroted the Global Security Programme and Zbigniew Brzezinski in=
calling for establishing regional "security" (i.e. war-making)=
organizations similar to NATO "in the Middle East, South Asia and North=
East Asia."

Joining the Mikhail/Zbigniew Doublespeak Chorus, Kebede chirped: "The=
commonality of goals, and shared values of global ethics, produce=
justification for world governance. This concept is in no way an
alteration= of national sovereignty, and does not lead to world

Although the state of the world's political, economic, and social ills came=
in for thorough treatment at the forum, it was in the area of global=
spiritual enlightenment that the gathering blossomed into full flower.=
Leading the cosmic charge were a host of the reigning Brahmins of New Age=
bliss, including Willis Harman, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Richard Baker,=
Matthew Fox, Shirley MacLaine, Deepak Chopra, Fritjof Capra, and Rupert=

Willis Harman, New Age philosopher, president of the Institute of Noetic=
Sciences, and author of Global Mind Change and The New Metaphysical=
Foundation of Modern Science, has had a profound effect on our society in=
the past couple of decades. In "Our Hopeful Future: Creating a Sustainable=
Society," one of his new essays distributed at the forum, Harman reported,=
"Around the world one detects murmurings that industrialized and=
'developing' countries alike have a need for a new social order -- that,
in= fact, the situation calls for a worldwide systemic change." Really?
Have= you heard such"murmurings" in your neighborhood? Not likely - -
unless= your neighborhood is home to some of Harman's murmurous disciples.

Evolutionary Process

These murmurers, who comprise "an expanding fraction of the populace,"=
perceive "a shifting underlying picture of reality." They see "the=
connectedness of everything to everything" and place "emphasis on
intuition= and the assumption of inner divinity." These adepts of the "new=
spirituality" share a "commitment to global change." Their "New Order,"=
says Harman, is characterized by "an emphasis not on goals but on process=
... the process is an evolutionary one, and the goals are emergent." The=
message is: Don't question where I am taking you, just start moving. And=
trust me; I'm doing what's good for you.

"Interconnectedness" is the overarching theme also preached by biologist=
Rupert Sheldrake, a Theosophist who posits that a "morphogenic field" --
an= invisible matrix or organizing field that connects all life and thought
on= earth -- holds the keys to our existence and to the "Ageless Wisdom."

Fritjof Capra, physicist and systems theorist, New Age swami, and author of=
the international best-sellers Uncommon Wisdom, The Turning Point, and The=
Tao of Physics, provided a similar message. "The Elmwood Institute, which=
Capra founded in Berkeley, California, sees that none of the major
problems= of our time can be understood in isolation," write New Age
political= activists Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson in Spiritual
Politics:= Changing the World From the Inside Out. "A systems approach is
needed, as= all our problems are interconnected and interdependent, facets
of one= single crisis -- essentially a crisis of perception. This crisis is
part of= a cultural shift from a mechanistic worldview to a holistic and
ecological= view, from a value system based on domination to partnership,
from quantity= to quality, from expansion to conservation, from efficiency
to= sustainability."

A Capra essay, "The Turning of the Tide," was included in the Fall 1993=
issue of ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation, which
was= part of the free literature made available to the forum participants.
In it= Capra writes:

"The view of man as dominating nature and woman, and the belief in the=
superior role of the rational mind, have been supported and encouraged by=
the Judaeo-Christian tradition, which adheres to the image of a male god,=
personification of supreme reason and source of ultimate power, who rules=
the world from above by imposing his divine law on it. The laws of nature=
searched for by the scientists were seen as reflections of this divine
law,= originating in the mind of God."

This traditional Judaeo-Christian-influenced thinking, says Capra, "has led=
to attitudes that are profoundly antiecological. In truth, the=
understanding of ecosystems is hindered by the very nature of the rational=
mind. Rational thinking is linear, whereas ecological awareness arises
from= an intuition of nonlinear systems." Capra celebrates Eastern
mysticism as a= superior spiritual path, while applauding the "inevitable
decline of= patriarchy," the demise of "fixed ideas and rigid patterns of
behavior,"= and the rise of the feminist and ecological movements.

Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of The Book of Co-Creation, claims in her=
curricula vitae to be "establishing Evolutionary Circles throughout the=
world to support small groups in their emergence as universal humans,=
founders of a global civilization." Hubbard was an organizer of the 1988=
Soviet-American Citizens' Summit in Alexandria, Virginia, coordinated with=
the Soviet Peace Committee, a creature of the Soviet Central Committee's=
International Department established by Stalin to carry out penetration
and= subversion of foreign countries. Hubbard is also a former director of
the= Federal Union, founded by Fabian Socialist Rhodes Scholar Clarence

As a psychologist with Task Force Delta, an army think tank of futurists,=
strategists, and psychology and parapsychology researchers, Hubbard is= cred
ited with the idea of "bombarding" the Soviets with "psychic love," and=
formation of the First Earth Battalion (FEB). The credo of the FEB=
"guerilla gurus" states: "I take personal responsibility for generating=
evolutionary conspiracies as a part of my work. I will select and create=
conspiratorial mechanisms ... that will create and perform evolutionary=
breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one=

But according to these cognoscenti, there are too many people on this "one=
planet." Willis Harman's essay grapples with the "dilemma.": "In the=
economy-dominated world, as the outspoken anthropologist Margaret Mead
once= put it bluntly, 'The unadorned truth is that we do not need now, and
will= not need later, much of the marginal labor -- the very young, the
very old,= the very uneducated, and the very stupid.'" "This dilemma is
perhaps the= most basic one we face," said Harman. Society can't afford
"from an= environmental standpoint, or from the standpoint of tearing apart
of the= social fabric -- the economic growth that would be necessary to
provide= jobs for all in the conventional sense, and the inequities which
have come= to accompany that growth. This dilemma, more than any other
aspect of our= current situation, indicates how fundamental a system change
is now= required."

In the closing plenary session of the forum, philosopher/author Sam Keen=
summarized the consensus of the learned ones. Among the conference=
participants, said Keen, "there was very strong agreement that religious=
institutions have to take primary responsibility for the population=
explosion. We must speak far more clearly about sexuality, about=
contraception, about abortion, about the values that control the=
population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population=
crisis. Cut the [world's] population by 90 percent and there aren't enough=
people left to do a great deal of ecological damage."

How do we "cut" the planet's population by 90 percent? Even genocidal mass=
murderers Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao combined did not come close to=
attaining such a "lofty" goal. As always, the devil is in the details.=
Forum participant Barbara Marx Hubbard may already have provided some of=
the devilish answer. In The Book of Co-Creation she writes: "Out of the=
full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to
transcend....= One-fourth is destructive [and] they are defective seeds. In
the past they= were permitted to die a 'natural death.'... Now as we
approach the quantum= shift from the creature-human to the co-creative
human -- the human who is= an inheritor of god-like powers -- the
destructive one-fourth must be= eliminated from the social body....
Fortunately, you are not responsible= for this act. We are. We are in
charge of God's selection process for= planet Earth. He selects, we
destroy.We are the riders of the pale horse,= Death."

Lord help us all if this de facto "Brain Trust" of diabolical misfits,=
murderers, megalomaniacs, terrorists, and tyrants succeed in establishing=
their "new world order," their "new global civilization."

THE NEW AMERICAN -- October 30, 1995
Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion Publishing, Incorporated P.O. Box 8040,
Appleton, WI 54913

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Gorbachev Calls For World Tax
By Gary Kah

Five years ago, if anyone would have said that by 1995 the former leader if=
the former Soviet Union would be headquartered at the former U.S. military=
base and that he would be gallivanting around the globe, openly calling
for= world government (and receiving standing ovations for doing so), no
one= would have thought it possible. However, today we live in a world
where the= seemingly impossible has become possible. Gorbachev, from his
headquarters= at the Presidioin San Francisco, is in the process of
presenting his= blueprint for the world as we head into the 21st century.

Last year we received a peek at his plans when he unveiled his new "Global=
Security Programme" in a speech before the New York Council on Foreign=
Relations. After being introduced by David Rockefeller, Gorbachev went on=
to share the highlights of his agenda which includes the imposition of a=
world tax to be levied on conventional arms productions. If approved by=
congress, this tax would go towards the funding if the United Nations and=
several new UN based agencies and authorities... More international=
bureaucracies! This would mean an additional layer of taxes for an already=
over-taxed American public..... a tax on top of the tax money already
being= used for our national defense. With Mr. Rockefeller's stamp of
approval, I= am sure that a growing number of Congressional members will
begin feeling= heat from the Council on Foreign Relations to introduce and
ratify such a= measure in the not-so-distant future; perhaps after the '96

During the last few years Gorbachev has steadily been gaining endorsements=
from various world "spiritual" leaders and political power brokers. Among=
those who apparently support his agenda are Former US Secretary of Stare,=
George Schultz, Chairman of the Board of Advisors for the Gorbachev=
Foundation; Senator Alan Cranston of California (Ret), Chairman of the=
Board of Directors; and James Garrison of the new age Esalen Institute,
who= serves as President of the Gorbachev Foundation. Also listed on
Gorbachev's= Board of Advisors are new ager John Naisbitt, author of
Megatrends"; and= Father Teodore Hesburgh, former President of Notre Dame
University,= considered by many to be the leading Catholic educator in

To nudge his ideas along, and to introduce the rest if his plans for the=
next century, Gorbachev recently organized a special meeting called the=
State of the World Forum. Held from September 27 to October 1, in San=
Francisco, this event brought together a Who's Who of the New Age and/ One=
World Movement, with virtually no coverage from the major media.

Gorbachev's fascination with eastern mysticism and the occult was once=
again evident in his choice if "spiritual " leaders invited to the Forum.=
The list included Isabel Allende, author of "House of Spirits" Richard=
Baker, Abbott, Crestone Mountain Zen Center; Akio Matsumura, Founder,=
Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders ; and Sonia Gandi,=
Founder of the Rajiv Ganki Foundation, to name just a few. Gorbachev's=
endorsement of eastern mysticism was further reflected in the fact that
the= Gandhi Foundation is co-sponsoring his activities, and that Thich
Nhat= Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist Leader, was invited to speak at a
special= "Spiritual session" at the Forum. Hanh calls for the unity of
Buddhism and= Christianity; and, in an interview printed in the San
Francisco Chronicle= on Oct. 1st, Hanh revealed that " he has Christ on his
alter alongside the= Buddha." This Zen Buddhist monk is also the author of

Gorbachev, not surprisingly, has also been busy wooing the Vatican. In the=
late 1980's he began making overtures towards Pope John Paul II, hoping to=
gain the support of this popular Pope. Gorbachev realizes the importance
of= an endorsement from the Vatican if his plan of world government is to=
succeed. Gorbachev made his strong feelings for the Pope known in an=
article which he personally wrote, carried by The Denver Post on March 9=
1992. His words are most revealing.=20

At a time when many religious leaders are blindly celebrating the 50th=
anniversary of the United Nations and the hope of spiritual unity, which=
they believe can be achieved through a world government , it is more=
important than ever that Christians practice discernment and that we
remain= vigilant in defending our faith, our freedom to worship, and our
national= Sovereignty, all of which would become passing relics of the New
World= Order has its way. Let's be the salt that Jesus called us to be,
while= following his command to "...Occupy till I come." (Luke 19:13 KJV)

About Gary Kah: Editor for "Hope For The World Update", is a former=
government trade specialist and the best selling author of "En Route To=
Global Occupation." (Huntington House, 1992) Gary has appeared on over=
five hundred talk shows since the release of his book. He has also been a=
featured speaker at hundreds of conventions, churches, universities, and=
community gatherings in the US and Canada. Gary's message is now spreading=
around the world as his book has recently been translated into several=
languages . He has received the Governor's Commendation for outstanding=
service to the state of Indiana and the A.C. Wall Street Journal Award for=
Outstanding Economic Achievement. He has also been nominated for Who's Who=
in the Midwest and Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America.

If you would like to discuss the possibility of having Gary Kah share about=
this topic at your church or community group, or if you would like to=
receive copies of his books, video tapes or other materials carried by
Hope= For The World, please FAX them at 317-576-1053 (Monday - Friday 9:00
- 4:30= EST, or write to:=20
Hope For The World
PO Box 899
Noblesville, Indiana 46060 USA

Subscriptions to H.F.T.W. is $20.00 for 1 year to be paid in US Dollars. To=
subscribe, write to the address above.

Editors Note: After reading this article, I ask that you keep Michael New=
in your prayers. Michael, his parents and Col. R. Ray (Michael's Lawer),=
are all Christians and love the Lord and this great Land of ours. Michael=
needs our prayers and support. If you would like to write to Michael and=
his family, you can write to:

Michael New Defense Fund
PO Box 1136=20
Crestwood, Kentucky 40014

This is a PO box that Michael's parents have set up and all mail goes to=
Michael in Germany. I was stationed in Germany while I served proudly in=
the U.S Army (Infantry). While I was over there, that was the one thing=
that I looked forward to, my mail. There were months that I never received=
any mail. Mail to a serviceman is his strength. It raises the moral of
that= serviceman and confirms that he / she knows that they are there
serving= thier God and Country.

Also, I just found out a few weeks ago that all the troops that are going to=
Macedonia (where Michael was going) are asked to give up there US ID /=
Geneva Convention Card and are then issues a U.N. ID card and then are
made= to take a oath to the UN. Get the US out of the UN! -- Ray,
Prophe-Zine= --

"I Am Not a UN Soldier"
Toward the end of the recent movie Braveheart -- a fictionalized account of=
William Wallace, who fought for Scottish independence from England -- the=
hero is arraigned before a royal court on charges of treason. Wallace=
protests that he had never sworn allegiance to the English King; the=
Crown's representative blithely replies that this doesn't matter -- the=
foreign ruler is his sovereign, and resistance to royal power is treason.
Army Specialist Michael New, an American soldier currently stationed in=
Germany, confronts a similar predicament. In August, New learned that his=
unit is scheduled to be deployed in Macedonia as part of a United Nations=
"peacekeeping" contingent. This assignment is one in which American=

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soldiers are required to wear UN insignia and serve under a foreign UN=
commander. When New expressed his willingness to serve with his buddies,=
but his unwillingness to wear the uniform of a foreign power, he was=
informed by his superiors that he may face a court-martial for "disobeying=
a legal order."
Refusing the Blue
"Our mission heading states that we will be in Macedonia to observe,=
monitor, report, and 'make the UN presence known'" New told The New=
American. "I have a problem with that, because I am not UN. I explained=
this to my lieutenant and told him, 'Sir, I don't think I should have to=
wear a UN arm band or a UN beret. I'm enlisted in the U.S. Army; I am not
a= UN soldier. I have taken no vow to the UN; I have taken an oath to
defend= the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies
foreign and= domestic. I regard the UN as a separate power.... Where does
my oath say= that I have to wear UN insignia?'" According to New, the
lieutenant= responded, "'Well, soldier, you enlisted in the Army, and that
oath you= took was to obey orders from your chain of command and we're
saying -- wear= it!'"
According to a Pentagon "Information Paper" made available on September 1st,=
Spec. New has been instructed by his battalion's Command Sergeant Major
"to= do some research about the United Nations, its history and objectives=
before refusing to participate in the preventive deployment [in=
Macedonia]." It was because New is well acquainted with the principles and=
ambitions of the United Nations that he refuses to wear the uniform of the=
organization. The Pentagon briefing paper attempted to portray New's
action= as a refusal to deploy with his unit in Macedonia. However, New has
served= a six-week stint in a UN-related deployment in Kuwait -- under
American= commanders and in an American uniform. He recalls:
"I told my superiors that I am an American soldier and will serve as a=
medic where I am sent and will seek to help my fellow soldiers. But I am=
not going to wear that uniform. I believe they [the UN] are a foreign=
power no different from a foreign government. For the same reason I won't=
wear [the UN insignia] I would not wear a Russian uniform or salute a=
Russian flag."
Colonel Ronald D. Ray (USMC, Ret.), a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of=
Defense who is providing legal counsel to the New family, pointed out to=
The New American that New's rejection of the UN uniform "is more than just=
a fashion statement. He has been the victim of a bait-and-switch: He was=
recruited to serve the Red, White, and Blue, not the United Nations flag."=
Furthermore, "As a U.S. soldier, New would be entitled to a protected=
status as a POW; as a UN soldier, if he were captured he would be a 'UN=
Colonel Ray was involved in the effort to free Lieutenant Colonel Rich=
Higgins, an American Marine who was abducted and hanged by Hezbollah=
terrorists while he was involved in a UN "peacekeeping" mission in Lebanon=
in 1988. Ray recalls that "the position of our State Department was that=
they would seek release of 'all of the hostages' without making a special=
effort to secure the release of this American officer. He wasn't an=
American POW; he was simply another UN hostage, and this redefinition of=
his status proved fatal." Ray points out that New appreciates the fact
that= by accepting the UN uniform, he would be "placing himself in an
unknown= status."
To support this contention, Colonel Ray cites a former Vietnam POW, Navy=
Captain Red McDaniel, who has written:
"U.S. law provides no specific guidelines concerning U.S. military=
involvement in conflicts under UN command. Thus under the present status
of= U.S. and international law, the U.S. government has no way to protect
its= military personnel captured during UN operations from physical and
mental= torture, inhumane treatment, incarcerations and even execution."
His Allegiance
But New's paramount objection to the requirement that he don UN insignia is=
one of sacred principle: His sworn allegiance is to the U.S. Constitution.=
Daniel and Suzanne New, Michael's parents, explained their son's position=
in a letter to Army Chief of Staff Dennis Reimer: "Michael New did not
take= an oath to defend the United Nations or its Charter. Instead, he took
an= oath which he understood to be exclusive to the United States of
America.= It was his understanding that joining the U.S. Army would subject
him to= the American government exclusively, subject only to
Constitutional= limitations."
To illustrate their son's predicament, the News cited the soldiers' oath of=
service, which includes a pledge to "support and defend the Constitution
of= the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic [and] bear
true= faith and allegiance to the same ... without any mental reservation
or= purpose of evasion ... so help me God." They contrasted this solemn=
asseveration with the UN's oath of service, which requires the affiant "to=
discharge those functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of
the= United Nations only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions
in= respect to the performance of my duties from any government or other=
authority external to the organization." New's parents inquired of General
Reimer, "Are we to understand that the=
U.S. Army has 'mental reservations,' or some 'purpose of evasion' when it=
administers the oath of service to soldiers? By what authority can the
U.S.= Army transfer my son's allegiance without his permission?" Following
an August 28th meeting with a Judge Advocate General attorney in=
Germany, Spec. New told The New American that his status remained=
ambiguous. "Any charges that they have given to me, as I have gone up the=
chain of command, have not been direct. I have been told that I risk being=
'chaptered out' of the Army, and that it could lead to a court-martial for=
disobeying an order, but no specific orders have been given to me yet."
According to Daniel New, on September 5th Michael was summoned to a
of his superiors and was "walked through the entire chain of command by
his= lieutenant colonel. He was told, 'At this end, there's the Commander
in= Chief, and at the other end there's Specialist New.' The lieutenant
colonel= was sympathetic but insistent, and it appears that they are
preparing the= groundwork for a legal case."
Doing What Is Right
Spec. New remains resolute, however. "If they kick me out of the Army, if=
they send me to jail, I want to know, in my mind, after all this is over,
I= did what I thought was right in the eyes of God. So if I'm in jail, I'll
be= there knowing that I did what's right." He reports that he has
received= quiet support from many of his comrades, and that some of them
"seem to= have thought about" the conflict between their oaths of service
and the= demand that they serve under UN authority and in UN uniform, but
are= intimidated into silence:
"I think it shocked them that I spoke up.... There have been some-- a= few
whose names I can't give, because I think they're great soldiers -- who=
have said, 'Look, I understand where you're coming from, and I support=
you.' One or two have said, 'I'm a born-again Christian, and I believe the=
way you do, but I can't say anything because I'm a career soldier. I'll=
support you one hundred percent, but off the record.' " Colonel Ray points
out that Spec. New "has posed questions of tremendous=
historic importance. He is acquainted with the U.S. Constitution and the=
principles it embodies, and the contrary principles found in the UN=
Charter. He's in a very strong factual position as well, because the
Army's= gradual and increasing involvement in UN operations places U.S.
soldiers in= a militarily vulnerable and morally untenable position." New
has demonstrated the self-effacing patriotism which must be asserted if=
America is to regain its independence and restore its constitutional=
republic, and his plight has struck a responsive chord in the American=
public. In a truly remarkable fashion, New's story completely=
circumnavigated the mass media, being circulated instead through an=
American samizdat -- the Internet, fax networks, and talk radio. Daniel
New= told The New American that on September 5th alone, Michael received
"over= one thousand letters, many of them containing small donations."
These= letters, according to Mr. New, "are going to be exhibit 'A' at any
hearing= or legal proceeding against Michael; we're going to demonstrate
that the= American people support him unreservedly." As Mr. and Mrs. New
concluded in their letter to General Reimer:
"We are prepared ... for the possibility that our son could give his= life
in defense of Freedom and of the United States of America. We are not=
prepared to see him die serving the agenda of the United Nations. When we=
read of Vice President Al Gore's remarks to families of the 15 servicemen=
who died in Iraq from 'friendly fire' [Gore expressed 'condolences to the=
families of those who died in the service of the United Nations'] we were=
not comforted...."
Michael New's resolve to serve his country by resisting the adulteration of=
his constitutional oath may provide a test case to determine if patriotism=
is treason in the new world order.

THE NEW AMERICAN -- October 2, 1995 Copyright 1995 -- American Opinion
SUBSCRIPTIONS: $39.00/year (26 issues) 1-800-727-TRUE WRITTEN PERMISSION
FOR REPOSTING REQUIRED: Released for informational=
purposes to allow individual file transfer and non- commercial mail-list=
transfer only. All other copyright privileges are reserved.

By: Rudy Hulstrom

World Constitution and Parliament Association Makes Plans For Global=

What you are about to read is part of the literature that I received from=
this organization. As you look through this list you will see for yourself=
that the push for a global government is real and that they plan to=
complete it soon with the help of the United Nations.

The World Constitution and Parliament Association has been around for about=
forty years (1958) but has been very quiet until now! =20
The New World Order as seen by:
The World Constitution and Parliament Assoc. =20 1480 Hoyt st. Lakewood,
CO. 80215

Main provisions of the constitution for the federation of earth,adopted at=
the 1977 session of the World Constituent Assembly and revised at the 1991=

1. World Parliament composed of three houses: House of Peoples,elected=
directly by the people equally from 1000 World Electoral and
Administrative= Districts. House of Nations,appointed or elected by
national governments.= House of Counsellors,200 elected by the other two
houses;has= nominative,consultative,initiative and referral functions.

2. World Executive, elected by and responsible to the Parliament. Presidium=
of a rotating president and 4 vice presidents,all M.P.s. Executive Cabinet=
of 30 ministers,all M.P.s. The World Executive may not veto or suspend the=
Parliament or the Constitution.

3. World Administration of about 30 departments,each headed by a Cabinet=
Minister or Vice President;coordinated by a Secretary General chosen by
the= Presidium and confirmed by the Cabinet.

4. Integrative Complex, includes agencies for World Civil Service,Boundaries=
and Elections,Institute on Governmental Procedures and World=
Problems,Research and Planning,Technological and Environmental=
Assessment,World Financial Administration and Legislative Review.

5. World Judiciary, composed of 8 Benches having jurisdiction over different=
kinds of issues,with 5 continental seats. Collegium of World Judges
elected= by Parliament,headed by a Presiding Council of 5 members which
assigns= judges to the several Benches.

6. The Enforcement System, non-military, is headed by an Office of World=
Attorneys General and commission of 20 Regional World Attorneys,elected by=
and removable by Parliament. The World Attorneys appoint the World Police=
(removable by Parliament) to apprehend individual lawbreakers.

7. World Ombudsmus, to protect human rights and ensure proper government=
functioning,is headed by a Council of 5 World Omdudsen and commision of 20=
Regional World Advocates,all elected by the Parliament.

8. Bill of Rights, of 18 sections,effective when Constitution is ratified.

9. Directional Principles, of 19 sections,additional rights and benefits to=
be implemented over a period of time for all world citizens.

10. Jurisdiction of World Government, defined in Grant of Powers f 40=
sections. Nations retain jurisdiction over internal affairs.

11. For Elections and Administration, Earth is divided into 1000=
Districts,20 Regions,10 magna-Regions, at least 5 Continental Divisions.

12. Five World Capitals, to be established in 5 continental divisions, one=
is the Primary capital, the others are Secondary capitals.

13. Implementation of the Earth Constitution by Stages, Provisional World=
Government, before 25 countries have ratified. First Operative Stage, when=
25 countries have ratified. Second Operative Stage, when 50% of countries=
have ratified. Full Operative Stage, when 80% of countries,comprising 90%=
of Earth's population,have ratified.

14. Disarmament of nations accomplished when constitution is ratified. The=
World Government is always non-military.

15. Viable Agencies of the United Nations,transferred to the World=

Why a World Parliament is Required

1. The main problems and crises situations affecting the survival and=
welfare of humanity are world problems.

2. World problems require world solutions-all inter-related,supplemented by=
correlated actions by national parliaments and other agencies.

3. No real solutions are possible under the present conditions of armed=
national sovereignty and international anarchy.

4. In the absence of global solutions,most problems are getting worse and=
multiple crises spread and fester,each complicating the others.

5. Human survival and welfare on earth are thus threatened in many ways,all=
at the same time.

6. An elected World Parliament as part of a Democratic World=
Government,having adequate authority and institutional structures,is=
required to work out and implement peaceful solutions to world problems,so=
that people can make Earth a good place to live. =09
The WCPA is just one thread in the ever widening web of global=
"solutions",it has been relatively silent until NOW! Today this group and=
those like it are openly suggesting to the world at large that the only=
solution to the problems of mankind is for the people of the United States=
to give up our inalienable rights (life,liberty and the pursuit of=
happiness)and simply throw them away.............................I THINK


Thanksgiving Day in Chicago!! Unity In Diversity??? Chicago tribune 11/23/95
By Shirley Salemy (Tribune staff writer)

One by one,leaders from a dozen religions offered prayers, meditations,=
chants and songs of peace, unity and thanksgiving to celbrate the American=
holiday in the most typical American way; in a cultural melting pot. =09
E Pluribus Unum.
"Today, representatives from 12 religious traditions in Chicago have come=
together with you to show how we as a community can make diversity=
unite-not divide-us (note the Unity in Diversity?) said Rev.Stanely Davis,=
Exec.Director Chicago and Northern region of the National Conference. The=
National Conference that works to fight bias, bigotry and racism in the=
United States sponsors this annual interfaith service.

The smoke of sacred sage mixed with fragments of ceder,from an American=
Indian tradition, waffled above the pews in the spacious sanctuary of the=
Chicago temple First United Methodist Church. Pumpkins, corn, squash and=
mums were arranged on the alter, fall leaves were wrapped around the=

In languages from across the globe, eaders from American Indian, Anglican,=
Baha'i, Buddhist, Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim,=
Protestant, Sikh and Zoroastrian religions gave praise and thanks for the=
rising sun,the gentle winds and the earth's bounty =20
The Bible Speaks of Unity in Jesus Christ Alone!

Here we go again boys and girls!! Here is another prime example of trying to=
gather all the worlds religions into ONE WORLD RELIGION under the guise of=

	The Word of God has this to say in:

2Cor 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what=
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath= light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that=
believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the=
temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk=
in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore
come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,=
and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a
Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters,=
saith the Lord Almighty. and again here;

Galatians 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there
neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. =20
In the psalms we read 133:1 A Song of degrees of David. Behold, how good=
and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! =09
Ephesians 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of=
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of=
your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you=

Unity in Diversity? I think not!


State of The World Forum

This event took place right under our noses but you didn't hear one bit=
about it in the news did you? Of course you didn't because those in power=
don't want you to know about it.While everyone else was glued to the=
O.J.Simpson murder trial,this step toward world government was taking
place= right here in the United States of America. At one of our own
closed= military bases, that has been given to Mikhail Gorbachev as office
space= for his "foundation".

Toward a New Civilization:Launching a Global Initiative
September 27 - October 1, 1995
San Francisco, California

"There are good reasons for suggesting that the modern age has ended. Many=
things indicate that we are going through a transitional period, when it=
seems that something is on the way out and something else is painfully=
being born. It is as if something were crumbling, decaying and exhausting=
itself, while something else, still indistinct, were arising from the=
-Vaclav Havel.

The State of the World Forum is the launching of a multi-year global=
initiative to focus on the fundamental challenges and opportunities=
confronting humanity as we enter the next phaseof human development. It is=
being held in the belief that at this momentous juncture in history --=
between the ending of the Cold War and the dawn of the new century -- we=
are experiencing the birth of the first global civilization.

The goal of the Forum is to articulate a clearer vision of new =
international priorities. Its product will be an on-going process to=
generate innovative approaches to the challenges facing human society.

This historic gathering will:

the fundamental priorities, values and actions necessary to constructively=
shape our common future.

Ultimately, the State of the World Forum is an invitation. It is a call to=
individuals throughout the world to join in this dialogue and to work=
directly with this convening of committed individuals as an active member=
of a historic and timely citizen's global initiative.

Participants: =20
Mikhail Gorbachev will serve as the convening Chair and will be joined by=
Co-Chairs: President Askar Akaev, President Oscar Arias,Prime Minister=
Tansu Ciller, Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers,Secretary George Shultz, Mr. Ted=
Turner and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

The initiative will bring together some of the most thoughtful individuals=
in the world representing nine critical groups: senior statespeople,=
current political leaders, business executives,scientists, artists,=
intellectuals, spiritual leaders,grass roots leaders and youth. The format=
will be intimate and highly interactive: no more than 350 people from=
around the world working together in a consensus-building process over a=
four day period.

At the center will be 100 Fellows, chosen for their internationally=
recognized contributions to designing our emerging global civilization.=
Working directly with the fellows will be 250 participants, composed=
principally of senior executives from around the world who are actively=
committed to fulfilling this historic mission.

The Process: =20
The Forum addresses six themes of today's complex and interdependent world.=
Within the six themes are a series of specific policy and issue=
initiatives, each designed as the beginning of a multi-year focus on some=
of our most challenging problems and exciting new opportunities. These=
initiatives,organized as working roundtables, will serve as a catalyst to=
propose and address specific solutions and actions within an issue area;=
and ultimately, assist the Forum process as a whole reach consensus on the=
larger vision.

The Context:=09
The State of the World Forum is being convened to focus attention on the=
critical issue of humanity's immediate common future. Priorities set and=
actions taken now will establish definitive shape and substance to the
next= phase of human development.

During and after both World War I and II, the world reflected on the=
momentous changes brought about by these watershed events and took active=
steps to bring the international community in line with post-war=
realities.These processes led in the aftermath of WWI to the articulation=
of Wilsonian democracy, the Treaty of Versailles and the creation of the=
League of Nations. The Treaty of Versailles failed because it was=
predicated on the concept of total defeat; the League of Nations collapsed=
because it extended too much power to individual states.

During WWII, the political leadership of the Allies realized that total=
defeat must give way to assisting the vanquished, resulting in the=
establishment of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development=

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Version 1.4.3
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From: ray673@best.com (Ray Gano)
Subject: PZ #11

and the Marshall Plan. It also became clear that national sovereignty must=
be balanced by international cooperation, resulting in the creation of the=
United Nations. Because of conscious reflection following these watershed=
events, the world experienced movement and development.

Little such reflection has occurred in the aftermath of the Cold War. As a=
result, the world appears to have entered an era of increased instability,=
withmost nations drifting reactively from event to event. Little=
leadershipis demonstrated because little vision is held.

The State of the World Forum will consider those principles which should=
govern the next phase of human development. In the immediate past,
security= was based upon "mutually assured destruction." Little attention
was given= to the value of achieving sustainable social, economic and
ecological= systems.

There is now an historic opportunity to set new goals and reorder existing=
priorities. This requires careful attention to where we are and where we=
want to go. For the first time in human history, what and how we decide=
will affect everyone everywhere.

Participants to the Forum have been chosen to assist in both our reflective=
function and in the proposing of positive solutions.The statespeople who=
were instrumental in ending the Cold War established for the first time in=
modern history the possibility of a global peace.

In new ways, therefore, our political leaders are challenged to provide the=
framework for stability and regulated human interactions; our moral
leaders= to give expression to the eternal values which have always guided
humanity;= the business community to provide for the investment and
management= necessary for continued prosperity; scientists to continue
technological= advancement and the meeting of basic human needs; artists to
give= metaphorical expression to our dreams and our tragedies; our youth
to= demand that the future be better than the past; and intellectuals to
offer= penetrating insight concerning humanity's progress toward shared

Only the creative interaction of these groups, rather than the supremacy of=
one group over the others, will allow the answers we all seek to emerge
and= guide us as we shape the next phase of human development.

Youth and Public Participation:	=20
Central to the role and mission of the State of the World Forum is the=
instilling of a sense of hope to overcome the growing political and moral=
disenfranchisement of our societies. The technological, cultural and=
economic forces bringing rapid change to our world are simultaneously=
undermining traditional societal organizations, decreasing the power of=
centralized institutions and increasing the role of the=
individual.Recognizing this historical shift, the Forum will actively=
solicit and assimilate the views of individuals regarding their hopes and=
concerns for the futureusing the burgeoning technologies of the Internet,=
mass media and traditional publishing avenues

Youth:	=20
Prior to the Forum in September, youth organizations will assist in the=
selection of an internationally representative group of students to attend=
the Forum as full and active participants. During the Forum, the=
participating students will also communicate on-line with schools and=
students throughout theworld, answering questions and providing a daily=
update on the developments of this process.

Public Input: =20
In a similar fashion, individuals will be invited to send in their comments=
and questions as they reflect upon the twenty-first century, and to=
interact directly with specific will be circulated during the Forum,=
helping provide a basis for a truly global dialogue on our common future.

Now put this together with the World Constitution and Parliamnet Association=
and with all the other new Age/New World Order groups and you see for=
yourself that they mean business,that there is a conspiracy to form a=
global government.

It's Time To Wake Up America!!


UN REPORT: Species dying at a rapid rate? No, not humanity,but the worlds=
species of plants and animals. "Human beings are destroying animal and=
plant species at an "alarming rate",according to the United nations first=
comprehensive report on the world's biodiversity. More than 30,000 species=
are threatened with extinction,it said.

The report contains what is said to be the best estimate yet of the total=
number of species in the world-13 million to 14 million,only about 1.75=
million have been identified.

The assessment puts the minimum number of species threatened with extinction=
at 5,400 animals and 26,100 plants but the estimate only covers species=
that are known and have been classified.The report also estimatees that=
extinctions because of the presence of humans on the Earth are 50 to 100=
times what they would be without people.

The Answer is to Get Rid of Man!

Apparantly we must get rid of humanity in order to save the plants and=
But this poses a problem,which part of humanity will have to be discarded in=
order to gain the required result?=20
My best guess is those who disagree with this plan of action will be the=
first be eliminated, then those who are found to be unnecessary, then
those= who are found to be a drain on society. Is this the reason for the
big push= for Euthanasia?, Abortion? Remember that the Earth and the plants
and= animals are sacred to New Agers and Globalists alike! Humanity must
be= reduced for their plan to take effect. But rest assured that God in
His= wisdom,has already made provision for the reduction of human life on
planet= earth...

1 Thess 5:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning=
them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no= hope.
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also=
which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you
by the word of the Lord, that we which are=
alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which=
are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the=
voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ=
shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them=
in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with=
the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I=
write unto you.
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a=
thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh=
upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4
But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you=
as a thief.
5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not=
of the night, nor of darkness.
6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are=
drunken in the night.
8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of=
faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God hath
not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our=
Lord Jesus Christ,


In keeping with the latest technology available, through the use of=
Compuserve. New Age Update is now being advertised globally on the world=
wide web at:

Inquries for this publication have come from around the globe already and we=
give thanks to Jesus Christ, Our Savior for this opportunity to reach out=
to those who do not know HIM as Lord or trust Him as their Savior.

As the Update enters this new year we hope to reach as many unsaved souls as=
possible and hope that you will suuport this publication as you have in=
the past.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

New Age Update is a monthly publication,written,edited and published by:
Rudy Hulstrom=20
1504 Cardinal Melrose Park, IL. 60160

Subscription rates are $8.00 per year (12) issues SPECIAL OFFERS and FREE=
REPORTS when available.

Global Government
A Christian Response to The New Age and New World

Prophe-Zine News Bites

NPR's Christmas Wish
By: Ray Gano=20

Many Christians were appalled by what National Public Radio commentator=
Andrei Codrescu stated on Dec 19, 1995. Once again this shows the hate
that= the secular world has for Christians. This is the attitude that many
will= have during the Tribulation where many Christians will die for their
faith= in Christ. I also was upset that none of the Popular Media did not
comdem= this gentleman for his "hate speech". Again this shows the double
standards= the liberal media holds to.

"The Rapture, and I quote, 'is the immediate departure from this Earth of=
over four million people in less than a fifth of a second,' unquote. This=
happily-volatilized mass of the saved were born again in Jesus Christ. =
Everybody left behind will basically go to hell, but not before=
experiencing Armageddon, which is a really bad end of the world. If you=
find yourself in this situation, there isn't much you can do except, 1)=
starve yourself, and 2) get your head cut off. This loving Christmas=
message coming as it did amid the jingle of the mall Santa and the=
twinkling manger at the corner of Canal and the Ramparts made it clear
that= the Rapture is indeed necessary. The evaporation of four million
people= who believe this crap would leave the world an instantly better

{New Orleans-based National Public Radio commentator Andrei Codrescu, =
December 19 "All Things Considered"}

Media Research Center
113 South West St.
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
(703) 683-9733
Subscriptions: $19/year


Visual Reality Seeing Is Beleiving Anita Hoge Has Released A Technological=
The eduaction reform called OBE (Outcome Based Education) can now be=
correlated to the National Health Care scheme to set up schools as 'One=
Stop Shops'. Anita Hoge has documented the step-by-step process of how=
socialized National Health Care is being shoved through the school house=
door and will prove it with a document scanned right onto the screen. Over=
two hours of documents and explanations about the OBE?Medicaid TRAP. This
is the first comprehensive video that says it all. 'WOMB TO TOMB'
To Order: 'Womb To Tomb' The Medicaid Connection Video CALL: 1-800-954-1122
EXT: OBE2 (6232) COST: $21.95 PLUS S & H For the workbook of actual
documents order: 'The New Managed Economy, Womb=
to Tomb' by Anita Hoge for $21.95. If ordering both.......get a discount.=
Get the facts. Get it all!
'Talking Papers' for $21.95....the best book on OBE for beginners.


It is that time again...Yes the reruns are hitting TV. The Original show=
aired on11-11-95 of WALKER,TEXAS RANGER. If you missed Walker the first=
time at what appears to be an attempt by the big 3.5 networks (ABC, CBS,=
NBC, FOX) in smearing the Patriot/Militia movement and also linking it to=

In this episode the main bad guy, MURDOCK, had killed WALKERS parents years=
ago. The killing was shown to be racialy motivated. His father was
American= Indian and his mother was White. Today this man led a group that
ran guns.= The group was a white supremicist group that supplied guns to
the klan &= militia. MURDOCK said they liked to help those who shared their
beliefs.= The bit about preaching hate & violence was not left out either.
During the= show MURDOCK was shown walking out of a CHRISTIAN church
carrying a Bible.= This show had it all, white males, racists, gun nuts,
hate, and Christians.

One or two shows over the course of a few weeks could be understood since=
Hollywood will use anything for a story line. But one show per week for
six= weeks is a bit much for a coincidence. Is this just an attempt to
condition= the American people as to what kind of people those
Patriot/Militia people= really are? Does this say they are bad people and
deserve what they get?

The Oklahoma bombing introduced the movement to the American people. Are=
they now demonstrating the problem? The next step would be to get rid of=
the problem, wouldn't it?

TUNE-IN theres more to come I'm sure.


State of the World Forum promotes idea of one-world government San
Francisco, CA =AD Last issue, we began a report on the The State of the=
World Forum, a conference sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation/USA at the=
Presidio in San Francisco on Sept. 27 through Oct. 1, which featured=
political leaders, media, religious and other high profile,=
pro-global-government individuals. Called "Toward A New Civilization:=
Launching a Global Initiative", some 400-plus eminent people from 50=
countries attended the event. Mikhail Gorbachev, former leader of the=
Soviet Union, led the event, and offered his input. "We have to, I
believe,= gear consumption more to people's cultural and spiritual needs,"
he stated.= "Also, through culture and education and within the framework
of laws, we= shall have to address the problem of controlling the world's
population."= Gorbachev's latest "mission of peace" has been the promotion
of Global= Green USA, which is part of International Green Cross (IGC),
which he= formed to seek solutions to the world's environmental problems.
The= organization is currently developing international environmental laws.
The New York Times reported on Sept. 17, 1987 that Mikhail Gorbachev had=
"called for giving the United Nations expanded authority to regulate= milita
ry conflicts, economic relations, environmental protection and ...= also
called for enhancing the power of the afflicted International Court of=
Justice to decide international disputes." These appeals for further=
empowering the UN were amplified in the Global Security Programme report=
published last year by the Global Security Project of his Gorbachev=
Foundation. Chairman of the board of advisers of the Gorbachev Foundation=
is former Senator Alan Cranston, a past national president of the United=
World Federalists. In 1949, Cranston pushed through the California=
legislature a resolution memorializing Congress to call a national=
convention to amend the U.S. Constitution to "expedite and insure the=
participation of the United States in a federal world government."
However,= in a 1976 interview, he advised against mentioning world
government since= "the more talk about world government the less chance of
achieving it,= because it frightens people who would accept the concept of
world law." Gorbachev, obviously, has heeded the advice of this "elder
Recent statements by James Garrison, co-founder and president of the=
Gorbachev Foundation/USA, however, must have caused Mr. Cranston to wince.=
"Over the next 20 to 30 years, we are going to end up with world=
government," Garrison said in an interview in the May 31-June 6, 1995
issue= of SF Weekly, a liberal San Francisco newspaper. "It's inevitable."=
Garrison continued: "What's happening right now as you break down the Cold=
War, what is emerging now is ethnic identities. You are going to see more=
Yugoslavias, more Somalias, more Rwandas,more [Timothy] McVeighs and more=
nerve-gas attacks. But in and through this turbulence is the recognition=
that we have to empower the United Nations and that we have to govern and=
regulate human interaction...."
Gorbachev only a few short years ago (Nov.1987) proclaimed: "In October=
1917, we parted with the Old World, rejecting it once and for all. We are=
moving toward a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off=
that road..... Perestroika is a continuation of the October Revolution."
In= 1989, Gorbachev declared: "I am a Communist, a convinced Communist.
For= some that may be a fantasy. But for me it is my main goal." The
following= year, even as he was being hailed as the "man who ended
Communism," he= reiterated this conviction, stating, "I am now, just as
I've always been, a= convinced Communist."In his book Perestroika, he
plainly admitted: "We are= not going to change Soviet power, of course, or
abandon its fundamental= principles, but we acknowledge the need for
changes that will strengthen= socialism."
Another former Soviet leader, Zbigniew Brzezinski, agreed when he spoke=
before the group. "We cannot leap into world government in one quick
step,"= Brzezinski told his audience. Such a grand goal "requires a process
of= gradually expanding the range of democratic cooperation as well as the=
range of personal and national security, a widening, step by step, stone
by= stone, [of] existing relatively narrow zones of stability in the world
of= security and cooperation. In brief, the precondition for eventual=
globalization =AD genuine globalization =AD is progressive
regionalization,= because thereby we move toward larger, more stable, more
cooperative= units." "This "regionalization" was outlined in Brzezinski's
book, Between= Two Ages, which called for a gradual convergence of East and
West,= ultimately leading toward "the goal of world government." In that
same= book, he proclaimed that "National sovereignty is no longer a viable=
concept" and praised Marxism "in the form of Communism" as a "major
advance= in man's ability to conceptualize his relationship to his world"
and a= "further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's
universal= vision." NATO and the European Union must be expanded to include
Russia and=
the former Warsaw Pact countries, he said, and the scope of those=
arrangements must be "furthered, deepened, and institutionalized."=
Furthermore, Brzezinski asserted, similar structures must be crafted for=
the Middle East, the Far East, and Central Asia. Astronomer and cosmic sage
Carl Sagan warned that humanity faces "an=
absolutely new, unprecedented series of threats to the global environment=
that sustains us all." These "crises" include "depletion of the protective=
ozone layer and global warming through the increasing greenhouse
effect..."= Sagan stated.
There is an exciting new "crisis" according to Sagan: asteroids, which are=
certain to collide with earth in the not-too-distant future. This threat
is= "necessarily a problem for the whole species" and one in which we will
have= to join in collective action (presumably through the UN) to solve.
All of= these crises show that we must begin to view the planet from the=
astronauts' perspective, says Sagan: "There are no national boundaries in=
that perspective. It is only one integrated, whole planet, all parts of=
which rise and fall together." John Naisbitt, futurist, adviser to=
corporate giants and world leaders, and member of the board of advisers of=
the Gorbachev Foundation, was more upbeat. The author of the=
mega-blockbusters Megatrends, Megatrends 2000, and others prefaced his=
remarks by stating his commitment to "free markets and free trade." But=
like the rest of his colleagues, he emphasized the need for everyone to=
adopt a "new vocabulary," "new concepts," and a new "world view" if we are=
going to understand the "new paradigm" the world has entered. This "new=
paradigm," naturally, requires "new leadership" =AD leaders who will lead=
by "moral authority," says Naisbitt. "My candidate for what a new leader=
would be like is Vaclav Havel," he stated. Havel is the celebrated=
socialist playwright and president of the Czech Republic. Another of his=
favorite new leaders, said Naisbitt, is Nelson Mandela. Colin Powell is
yet= another, and Naisbitt criticized those who ask where Powell stands on
the= issues or what he would do concerning this matter or that: "The point
is= not what is Powell going to do; the point is who is he going to be. The
new= leadership is shifting away from being in charge to moral authority,=
responsibility, and inspiration."
"The New Architecture of Global Security and Paths to Building a Civic=
Society (The Global Age)" was the title of a presentation by Kassa Kebede,=
a member of the board of directors of the Gorbachev Foundation and an=
active participant in the Foundation's Global Security Project. Kebede is
a= former ambassador to the United Nations and was Foreign Secretary
during= the 1980s for the murderous and genocidal Communist regime of
Haile= Mengistu in Ethiopia."The globalization of the challenges
confronting us= will certainly affect the traditional concept of
sovereignty," Kebede told= the attendees. Kebede's disarmament plan calls
for "storage of the warheads= and of the delivery systems in separate
places under international= control." The Ethiopian commissar also
commended the proposition put= forward in Our Global Neighborhood: The
Report of the Commission on Global= Governance to create "a standing force
of 10,000 soldiers under the= authority of the U.N. Security Council." If
you want to see Traditional American Values continue in this country=
which was founded on a Constitution that was Built on these values,=
Subscribe To The Citizen's News! and help us keep the message going out.=
Lets take back our country, and lay claim to our Constitutional rights;=
Rights that our forefathers fought and died for. +++++++++++++++++++++++

China's Saber-Rattling

China's totalitarian rulers are buying modern weapons, including naval=
vessels capable of projecting power overseas, and more sophisticated=
intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching North America and=
Europe. In July, the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency reported
that= China is secretly maintaining an offensive biological weapons
capability in= violation of several treaties.
Chinese actions also indicate that an aggressive expansion into the South=
China Sea and the Spratly Islands could be imminent. The U.S. anticipates=
that China will soon field advanced ballistic missile submarines, as well=
as new nuclear-powered attack and diesel-electric submarines. In simulated=
war games at the Naval War College earlier this year, China actually
routed= U.S. forces. In July, China test-fired two Dong Feng-21
intermediate-range= ballistic missiles near Taiwan. In August, China
conducted its second= underground nuclear test in three months in a further
sign of growing= military assertiveness and defiance of its neighbors. What
makes China even more dangerous for the future is the fact that it has=
a population of 1.2 billion and an economy growing at a rate of 10 percent=
annually. (Revelation 8:16-18)

The Controversy Over Jerusalem 3000
By: The Van Impe Intelligence Briefing=20

Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 14:23:52 -0800
X-Sender: strat-1 @Milpitas01.pop.internex.net X-Mailer: Windows Eudora
Version 1.4.3
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
boundary="=====================_821740675==_" To: ray673@best.com (Ray
From: ray673@best.com (Ray Gano)
Subject: PZ #11

Israel has begun a 15-month celebration for Jerusalem's 3,000th birthday,=
but, as you might imagine, not everyone is in a partying mood. Palestinians
are protesting by holding conferences demanding Arab control of=
East Jerusalem. And the European Union is boycotting the festivities,=
claiming Christian and Muslim history in the city were getting=
No wonder. The Bible predicts that in the last days before the return of=
Jesus, Jerusalem will become a "burdensome stone" for the whole world.=
(Zechariah 12:2-3)

EU, U.S. Sign Transatlantic Pact

The United States and the European Union signed what they described as a=
historic new covenant on Sunday Dec 3, 1995. This is yet another step=
moving our nation into a One World Government.

President Clinton, acting on his own accord (again acting without the=
approval of Congress) and fighting isolationist tendencies at home, vowed=
that his country would remain as closely tied to Europe as it was during=
half a century of Cold War.

``Today we are moving beyond talk to action,'' he said after signing the=
so-called New Transatlantic Agenda with Spanish Prime Minister Felipe=
Gonzalez, whose country holds the EU's rotating presidency, and Jacques=
Santer, president of the 15-nation bloc's executive European Commission.

``Our destiny in America is still linked to Europe,'' he said.

The covenant / treaty signed on Sunday Dec. 3, 1995, after six months of=
EU-U.S. negotiations encompass cooperation on Bosnia, the Middle East
peace= process, trade, security, human rights, aid, democracy, health care
and= crime-fighting, among other subjects. Again, this treaty establishes a
One= World Government and relinquishes more of the US's sovereignty. It is
these= treaties that will later give the Antichrist his power over the

``It's a historic moment for transatlantic relations,'' said Santer. ``We=
will lead by example.''

``The aim is to show a clear will to act together in the pursuit of common=
goals,'' said Gonzalez.

The declaration pledges to keep NATO at the heart of transatlantic security=
at the same time as strengthening the EU's own fledgling defense
mechanisms= and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

``As the Cold War gives way to the global village (NWO), we have new=
opportunities and new security threats,'' Clinton said. ``These threats=
respect no borders and they demand the kind of concerted action that we=
adopt today.''=20

The paper also vows cooperation to promote peace and democracy worldwide and=
joint action on tackling international crime, refugee problems,=
environmental damage and the spread of infectious diseases such as
malaria,= AIDS and the Ebola virus.

It is this type of thinking and these type of laws that will justify the=
killing of millions of Christians during the Tribulation , if not sooner.=
ManyNew Agers believe that if you are not part of the solution, you are=
part of the problem and thus need to be dealt with swiftly and permanently


Smart Freeway Update
California gets world's first space-age toll road

LOS ANGELES (Dec 4, 1995 - 10:20 EST) - California, one of the few states in=
America to call its major highways "freeways" because travel on them is=
free, is about to get the world's first fully automated,
super-computerized= toll road. The space-age highway comes complete with
lasers, cameras,= antennas and transponders that will allow motorists using
the 10-mile= stretch running alongside the existing Riverside Freeway in
southern= California to pay in advance for their high-speed commute to and
from work.= The transponders, credit card-like devices containing
microchips that= motorists will stick to their windshields, will be read by
antennas= situated above the highway. There will be no toll booths.

Motorists will pay in advance, with a minimum payment of $40, and the toll=
-- 25 cents, 50 cents, $1, $1.50 or $2.50, depending on time of day and=
direction of travel -- will automatically be deducted from their accounts=
each time their transponder is read by an antenna.

Managing Director Gerald Pfeffer of California Private Transportation said.=
"People are inherently honest,.......But just in case, we have a system to=
check on things."=20

A system of 24 lasers, originally used in jet fighter planes, will track=
usage of the road at different times of the day to determine the fees.=
Electronic signs at the entrance to the toll road will tell motorists the=
price and advise on travel conditions.

The new express lanes, due to open by the end of this year, link the Costa=
Mesa freeway to Riverside County, 20 miles southeast of Los Angeles.

Another unusual feature of the new toll road is that it has been built, and=
will be run, by private enterprise. The $126 million-project, which began=
in 1993, was funded by the California Private Transportation Co. under a=
franchise granted by the California Department of Transportation. The=
company will collect the tolls for the next 35 years.


Digital Cash Update

MONDEX Has Arrived!

MONDEX is the name of the newest smart card to hit the infobahn. It is the=
name of the new cash. And it is the name of he new cashless society=
program created by the National Westminster Bank.

After five years of development, a chip card system called Mondex was=
implemented in Swindon England on July 31 of this year. Ninety Wells Fargo
= banks in the US have issued Mondex to their employees, (and that's how =
they're being paid too!).

Besides the initiating bank, the Midland Bank in England, Hongkong and =
Shanghai Banking Corporation, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Royal=
Bank of Canada, and Bank of India have committed themselves to=
Mondex.Seven additional banks in the US are also "signing up."

Mondex is the rage of the banking world. Banks around the world are =
scrambling to get on the chip wagon. In fact, the chip will replace the=
magnetic strip on "regular" card (while they remain available). Banks hope=
that the use of Mondex will help cut overhead ... thus allowing them to =
become more automated, doing the work human employees used to do, and =
eventuially cut all use of cash.

Stay tuned folks! Mondex compatible telephones and the MONDEX Wallet! Gee=
what fun! Just imagine .... say one thing out of line .... buy the wrong=
unapproved item... hang with politically incorrect people: WHAMO no cash!=
This is sounding more and more like Rev 13:16-18


Israel And Vatican Establish Committee For The Year 2000 A joint
Israel-Vatican committee composed of experts on pilgrimage will be=
established in Jerusalem in preparation for the upcoming 2000-year=
anniversary of the birth of Jesus, DAVAR reported. According to the
newspaper, the Pope believes the occasion will be an=
appropriate time to promote talks between religions, and invited Jews and=
Muslims to participate.
Last November, the Pope announced that he would examine the possibility of=
visiting holy sites in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Mount Sinai in order to=
encourage a dialogue between Jews and Muslims. Israel Line, August 11, 1995

News From Russia And The Commonwealth Of Independent States By the year
2000, Russia will have the largest nuclear submarine fleet in=
the world - surpassing the U.S. The fleet will also be more modern and=
include some subs quieter than the best the U.S. has to offer. What does
this mean? Military success in the modern world depend on the=
ability to send and sustain forces overseas, as the Persian Gulf War=
illustrates. In war, 90 percent of materiel travels by ship. Safe delivery=
depends on superiority at sea.
Russia's military may be smaller than it was during the height of the Soviet=
Union's power. But, in some ways, downsizing and modernizing has made it=
more effective. As students of the Bible understand, the last - and most=
important - chapter of Russian history has not yet been written. (Ezekiel=
TheVan Impe Intelligence Briefing


Goals 2000 Social Engineers Target Schools School-Based Social Programs
Undermine Parents Education policy has shifted dramatically in the last two
decades. Debate=
continues as the education elite presses schools to assume a greater role=
in shaping the values and behaviors of young people. A national milestone=
in the evolving function of local schools came just last year when
Congress= passed the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. The substance of
this= legislation was introduced in 1989 when the National Governors
Association,= chaired by then-Gov. Bill Clinton, drafted six (now eight)
national= education goals. These goals outlined a "new" methodology known
as= Outcome-Based Education, and state legislatures rushed to incorporate
them= into their education polices. With the passage of Goals 2000, the
movement= became a federal mandate.
The language of Goals 2000, now Public Law 103-227, offers tremendous=
insight into the education establishment's vision for altering the=
traditional function of schools, thereby restructuring society as we know=
it. Section 309 (a)(3)(F) states that any local education agency wishing
to= receive a sub-grant under this title must submit a comprehensive plan
that= "describes how the local education agency will implement specific
programs= aimed at ensuring improvements in school readiness and the
ability of= students to learn effectively at all grade levels by
identifying the most= pressing needs facing students and their families
with regard to social= services, health care, nutrition and child care ."
In order to receive= funds under Goals 2000 appropriations, local schools
must include social= services in their grant applications. OBE proponents
envision the school as= the hub of community-based services, the deliverer
of a "seamless web of= womb-to-tomb social programs."
Shirley McCune, senior director of the Mid-Continent Regional Education=
Laboratory and OBE advocate, asserted at the 1989 governor's conference=
that OBE's goal is "not just the restructuring of the classroom. In order=
to produce the kind of student we want, we must have a complete=
restructuring of society." Goals 2000 language is deliberately cryptic,
but= looks at "reform" in Pennsylvania and California demonstrate OBE's
damaging= effects.
Pennsylvania leads the movement to transform school districts into hubs of=
social service delivery. Educators, politicians and social planners across=
the nation herald Pennsylvania's Farrell Area School District "family=
center" as the "school of the 21st century." A Philadelphia Inquirer=
article describes this school of the future: "In the sprawling complex
that= houses the high school, elementary school and administrative
offices,= there's a health clinic where students - their families too - can
receive= immunizations, eye and dental exams and routine medical care.
Under that= roof, too, are an assortment of county offices providing
everything from= mental health services to drug treatment to help in
neglect and abuse= cases." While the article paints a glowing picture of
the "family center,"= there are many in Pennsylvania who are concerned
about the evolving role of= schools. State Rep. Samuel E. Rohrer is one.
"In our society, there are= three basic institutions of authority: the
church, the family and the= government," Rohrer said. "Traditionally, the
basic unit of society has= been the family, with the church a very close
adjunct. This model, with the= school at the center, relegates the family
to the category of parent= representatives, and relegates the church to a
mere function, completely= subverting the priority structure of our
society. "Farrell provided the= prototype," Rohrer added. "It was the first
district to fully implement the= program model."
California's school-based social service delivery model was written by GOP=
Gov. Pete Wilson. Wilson's Healthy Start Support Services Act, passed in=
1991, links funding for health and social services to school sites. One=
state model that received funding under this legislation is the Healthy=
Tomorrows Program conducted by the Santa Ana Unified School District.=
Healthy Tomorrows links school officials and public agencies to offer a=
vast array of services. The vehicle to target students and link them with=
agency services is a student study team (in California) and Instructional=
Support Team (in Pennsylvania).
An article published in Frontline, a monthly publication of the Pennsylvania=
Department of Education Bureau of Special Education, is open about the=
mission of IST. "IST is a team approach to remediate the emotional and/or=
psychological problems of children with special needs =C9 IST works
closely= with other family support programs to help students at risk solve
problems= prohibiting achievement." Farrell Superintendent John G. Sava
agrees. "The= school is the facilitator for all human service agencies."
With the help of= state - and now federal - funding, school-based and
school-linked service= programs are springing up in districts across
California - just as in= Pennsylvania - despite recent incidents that
indicate these programs pose= serious threats to parental authority as well
as the health and well-being= of students. One such incident occurred in
the Los Angeles Unified School= District. The district surgically implanted
eight students with the= Norplant birth control device without parental
notification despite strict= claims by district officials that parental
consent would be required for= every medical procedure. Legislation can be
repealed. State and local= programs can be reversed. American parents must
raise their voices in= opposition.


Perry: US Willing To Send Troops To Golan by LIAT COLLINS, GREER FAY
CASHMAN, and news agencies [Jerusalem Post Internet News Section]

JERUSALEM (January 9) - The US is prepared to send troops to the Golan=
Heights to bolster a peace agreement, if both Syria and Israel request=
help, US Defense Secretary William Perry said yesterday. "If the peace
agreement between Israel and Syria is reached, which we hope=
and believe will happen, and if that calls for a peace monitoring force on=
the Golan Heights, and if both Israel and Syria request the US participate=
in that, we are prepared to do that," he told reporters after meeting
Prime= Minister Shimon Peres.
Peres, speaking to a Foreign Press Association luncheon, conditionally=
accepted the proposal, saying a multinational force for the Golan should
be= modeled after the one sent to Sinai after Israel's withdrawal under
the= peace treaty with Egypt.
The US is one of a dozen nations that provides troops for the 2,400-member=
Sinai force.
Such a force, Peres said, would provide "a multinational presence that=
guarantees the continuation of peace without endangering the soldiers who=
are present there."
Peres said he was not asking for a fighting force that would defend Israel,=
but a symbolic presence.
"We have never asked for American soldiers to defend our lives, and we are=
not going to ask this sort of participation in the future," he said. A
peace force on the Golan would reassure Israelis and deter Syrians, he=
"An international or multinational force may give an additional guarantee to=
the public opinion in Israel, and that's a good reason for any future=
Syrian leader not to turn back to the whole business of belligerence," he=
Peres also told the Labor Knesset faction that "the negotiations with Syria=
are not just a matter of the Golan Heights, but an opportunity for the end=
of wars in the Middle East. An opportunity has been created to end the=
wars, and we won't give up on that easily," he said. "Not only Syria's
aspirations, but also Israel's were discussed" at the=
talks in Maryland. Maps, water sources, financial aid and security=
arrangements were not presented, he added. "Israel is not dealing with
threats, but with peace, and wants a chance for=
peace with Syria," Peres said. He added he would like an alternative to
the= oft-quoted equation "peace for territories," because "we are giving=
territory, which is a concrete object, while we'll be receiving peace,=
which is something promised [not concrete]." ++++++++++++++++++++++++

Oslo 2 bill passes its first reading in Knesset

JERUSAELM (January 9) - The Knesset last night passed, 41-32, on first=
reading the bill on the implementation of Oslo 2. Shas MKs were absent
from= the plenum.
The bill is intended to legislate different aspects of the Oslo 2 agreement,=
including a clause to allow Arab residents of east Jerusalem to vote in=
post offices there.
The discussion itself was marked by raised voices and heckling which=
recalled the period before the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. Before the
plenum debate, the Knesset spent hours arguing about the=
interpretation of the House Rules on whether the vote could be seen as a=
no- confidence motion, as the opposition demanded, or a motion of=
confidence in the government, as the coalition wanted. A no-confidence=
motion would have postponed the vote by another week, while a confidence=
motion means the vote takes place the same day. The opposition wanted to
delay the vote to disrupt the Palestinian Authority=
elections, scheduled to take place January 20. The bill must pass all
three= readings for the elections to take place as planned. After frantic
meetings, and following the House Committee's decision to=
accept the government's request for a motion of confidence and to rule out=
the possibility of a filibuster, as the opposition wanted, the debate=
Justice Minister David Liba'i presented the government's call for the bill=
to be passed. The government's stand is the agreement has been=
internationally accepted and must be observed. Opposition speakers
criticized not only the bill and Oslo accords but also=
the government's handling of the bill's passage. They said the government=
had trampled on Knesset procedure and democracy. Likud leader Binyamin=
Netanyahu said Jerusalem's status would be harmed by the bill. Deputy
speaker Ovadia Eli (Likud) said he had absented himself from the=
Knesset presidium's meeting on the handling of the bill to protest the
fact= the House Rules had been ignored.
At the end of the debate, it was decided the House Committee would determine=
to which committee the bill will be referred for preparation for second
and= third readings.
The Likud is still contemplating further maneuvers to stall passage.

Christians Coming Under Fire Again

The Texas Christian Coalition, the American Family Assn., and the Texas =
Eagle Forum have all come under fire from a new group calling itself the =
Texas Freedom Alliance. TFA is headed by Cecile Richards, daughter of Ann =
Richards, former Gov of Texas. AFA exec director W Roberts says, "...they =
have no agenda other than to oppose conservative Christians."

Hate In Sheep's Clothing.
By: The Zychik Chronicle=20
(Los Angeles Times) Roger Coogan, former chair of the California's=
Lesbian/Gay and AIDS lobby is calling for all "immigrants, women, people=
of color, lesbians, gay men and all who are not Christian" to form a new=
coalition. In other words, if you believe in private property, individual=
liberty, freedom from government you must be a racist, Christian,=
gay-bashing, male pig. Roger wants more funding for AIDS by the way. Guess=
which little piggies he expects to pay for it.


Wars And Rumors Of Wars

Somalia, Iraq, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Haiti, Rwanda, South Africa, Northern=
Ireland, the Middle East, Liberia. Welcome to the New World Disorder. The
end of the Cold War was supposed to spell a new era of peace and=
freedom, but conflict and mayhem are the order of the day. Mass killings,=
summary executions and human rights abuses are on the rise. "In the absence
of strong leadership from the world's preeminent power, very=
serious world disorder is possible, given that many, if not all, of the=
post-Cold War achievements are on the verge of self-destruction," writes=
Joseph de Courcy, the respected British intelligence analyst. (II Timothy=
The nuclear threat
"The breakup of the Soviet Union, the opening of Russian society and its=
economic difficulties have subjected the security system to stresses and=
risks it was not designed to withstand," says David Osias, an expert on=
nuclear proliferation at the CIA-based National Intelligence Council.
Nuclear weapons in Russia are stored in unsafe conditions and can be=
launched more easily or accidentally than similar U.S. weapons, say U.S.=
Worse yet, however, Moscow is thwarting U.S. efforts to conduct inspections=
critical to treaty verification while it maintains prohibited production=
capabilities. (Isaiah 24:6; Jeremiah 50:32; Ezekiel 38:19-20; Ezekiel=
25:5,12; Isaiah 29:5)

Prophe-Zine's Cool World Wide Web Sites

Christian and Bible Prophecy

htttp://www.best.com/~ray673/pzhome.html Prophe-Zine's Home Page

The Rapture Index

Maranatha (Prophecy Pages)

Jack Van Impe Ministries =20

hhtp://twibp.com/~twibp =20
This Week In Bible Prophecy

http://ionet.net/~wes	=20
Wes Peters web site..COOL prophecy stuff

http://www.infi.net/~stegner =20
Prophecy & World events web

the Rapture Report

http://www.jews-for-jesus.org =20
Jews for jesus

http://www.einet.net/galaxy/Arts-and-Humanities/Religion.html =20 Christian
web site

Berean Bible Studies

http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/cri/cri-home.html Christian
Research Institute

Decieving the Elect

http://www.sky.net/~rmk/PKdates.html =20 PromiseKeepers 1995 Meeting Dates

http://www.sky.net/~rmk/sevenpromises.html =20 Seven Promises of a Promise

One World Sites

http://www.cruzio.com/~tim/wcpa/index.html World Constitution and
Parliament Association

United Nations=20

(this is who many think might be the Anti-christ)

Emergence of Maitreya

Share International=20
This is the group who is behind Maitreya. They also have a office at the=

World Citizen Home page

The World Bank

World Wide Constitutions
this site also has the proposed world costitution

Grassroot World Government

the Natural Law Party (Transindental Meditation Political Party (New Age)=20

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Illuminati New World Order card game

Visa Credit Card (One World One Currency)

http://www.AMS.Med.Uni-Goettingen.DE/~rhilger/Biometry.html Biometry Home Page

AfB Biometrics homepage

Face Recognition by Miros

Some of my favorite places

Pat Buchanan For President

The Jerusalem Post

The London Telegraph

Outcome Based Education: Patriot's Resource To The Truth

http://home.cdsnet.net/~bonville/obe/obeintro.html=20 Outcome Based Education

Town Hall (your one stop conservative site)

Likud USA site

Patriots against New World Order

http://www.lookup.com/Homepages/60166/other.html Patriot sites List

Strategic Solutions West (where I work)