💾 Archived View for runjimmyrunrunyoufuckerrun.com › txt › plumbing captured on 2022-03-01 at 15:22:02.
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# to update: {^echo w^$nl^w /mnt/plumb/rules} include fileaddr path = [a-zA-Z¡-0-9_\-+.,!/]+ pathelem = [a-zA-Z¡-0-9_\-+.,!]+ url = [a-zA-Z0-9\-._~:/?#[\]@!{body}amp;''()*+,;=%]+ urlelem = [a-zA-Z0-9\-._~]+ # fancy rc programs operate out of certain dirs... wdir is /mnt/⏵ data matches [0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f] plumb to video wdir is /mnt/♫ plumb to audio wdir is /mnt/webshit data matches \[submit\]|§|□|○|[⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹]+|hpost.*|←|→|{[0-9]*} plumb to webshit # multimedia ports dst is video plumb to video plumb client w tube dst is audio plumb to audio plumb client w playlist dst is image plumb to image plumb client rc -c 'window -r 1 1 $maxres ''LABEL page; page -i''' # get off my lawn data matches /dev/.+ plumb start echo some fucker plumbed $data # filename matching data matches $path data matches $path\.(mp4|mkv|webm) arg isfile $data data set $file plumb to video plumb client w tube data matches $path data matches $path\.(pls|mp3|ogg|oga|flac|wav|opus|it|aac|m4a|au|snd|mid|mod|raw|pcm) arg isfile $data data set $file plumb to audio plumb client w playlist data matches $path data matches ($path\.(ps|PS|eps|EPS|pdf|PDF|dvi|DVI|doc|DOC|epub|EPUB|cb[tz]|CB[TZ]|jpe?g|JPE?G|gif|GIF|tiff?|TIFF?|ppm|PPM|bit|BIT|png|PNG|pgm|PGM|bmp|BMP|yuv|YUV))(!($path))? arg isfile $1 data set $file attr add addr=$4 plumb to image plumb client rc -c 'window -r 1 1 $maxres ''LABEL page; page -i''' data matches ($path\.h)($addr)? arg isfile /sys/include/$1 data set $file attr add addr=$3 plumb to edit plumb client window sam -a data matches 'RFC-? ?([0-9]+)' arg isfile /lib/rfc/rfc$1 data set $file plumb to edit plumb client window sam -a data matches ($path)($addr)? arg isfile $1 data set $file attr add addr=$3 plumb to edit plumb client window sam -a # mail plumb to seemail plumb to showmail data matches $path data matches /mail/fs/$pathelem/[0-9]+ plumb start window -r 44 0 1000 2000 cat $data/type ';' upas/nedmail -s $data data matches $urlelem@$urlelem plumb start w mail $0 # 9p data matches $path data matches /n/($pathelem)(.*) data set /n/$1/$2 plumb start w 'if(~ `{ls /n/'$1'} '''''''')9fs '$1'; c `{basename -d '$data'}' # directory browsing data matches $path arg isdir $data plumb start w c $dir # man pages (section 0 matches all sections) data matches ($pathelem)\(([0-9])\) plumb start rc -c 'man -w '$2' '$1' | sed ''s,/sys(/man/.+),/tmp\1.ps,'' | xargs -n 1 plumb' # webshit data matches ♫(https?://$url) data set $1 plumb to audio plumb client w playlist data matches http://felloff.net/usr/cinap_lenrek/music/(.*\.mp3) plumb start rc -c '>/tmp/mp3/cinap/'$1' hget '$0' | tput -p |[2] aux/statusmsg -kw 0,0,180,100 '$1 data matches https?://($urlelem/videos/watch/|(www\.)?youtu(\.be/|be\.com/watch\?v=))$urlelem plumb start w invi ''''$data'''' data matches vid://(twitter.com/($url)) plumb start rc -c 'plumb `{hpost -u https://www.savetweetvid.com/ -p /downloader url:https://'$1' | awk ''match($0, "<a href=\"https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/[^\"]+\.mp4"){url = substr($0, RSTART + 9, RLENGTH - 9)};END{print url}''} >[2]/dev/null || echo no video links found' data matches $url data matches https?://$urlelem\.bandcamp.com/(track|album)/$urlelem plumb start w bandcamp $data data matches $url data matches https?://soundcloud.com/$urlelem/$urlelem plumb start w sc $data data matches $url data matches (gits?://$urlelem|https?://git.sr.ht|https?://github.com)/$urlelem/($urlelem) arg isdir /usr/umbraticus/src/foreign/$2 plumb start w 'cd src/foreign/'$2'; git/pull' data matches $url data matches (gits?://$urlelem|https?://git.sr.ht|https?://github.com)/$urlelem/($urlelem) plumb start w 'cd src/foreign; git/clone' $data '; c' $2 # https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances data matches https?://twitter.com/($url) data set https://nitter.kavin.rocks/$1 plumb to webshit plumb client w webshit data matches https?://(www.i|i)nstagram.com/($url) data set https://bibliogram.art/$2 plumb to webshit plumb client w webshit data matches https?://imgur.com/a/[a-zA-Z0-9]+ plumb start rc -c 'hget '$data' | sed -n ''s/.*<meta property="og:image"[^>]+content="([^"?]+).*/\1/p'' | xargs -n 1 plumb' data matches (gemini|gopher|https?)://$url|'hpost -u.*' plumb to webshit plumb client w webshit # operate in plumber's namespace data matches 'Local (.+)' plumb to none plumb start rc -c $1 # look anything else up in the dictionary data matches [a-zA-Z]+ plumb start w d etym `{echo $data | tr A-Z a-z} '|' fmt # if nothing at all, open a new window data matches .* plumb start w