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Outbreak Magazine Issue #3
March 2002 Release

      "I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to SPEED around a city,
       keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, it would 
       explode. I think it was called 'The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down.'"  

 				- Homer Simpson

     Well, welcome to Outbreak #3. Hope you enjoy it. It's packed with
     some technical articles, some stories, and some other stuff. Hope
     you all enjoy it.  

     Ok, we at Outbreak Magazine have decided to do something new. 
     We want you to send us feedback. Write us and tell us what you think
     of Outbreak, what we can do to improve it, any questions about stuff
     in previous issues of Outbreak, or just to say hello.

     Send all e-mail to:  drklep@roy.phonelosers.org

     And we will read EVERY SINGLE e-mail you send us.  And if you have a
     question about a previous article we will have the person who wrote the
     article answer your question. If we get enough e-mails we'll put all
     the letters and the replies in a text in issue #4. By e-mailing us you
     give us the right to use that e-mail in a text in Outbreak. So remember

     So write us!  Keep writing us. This is a chance for you the readers to
     make this a better zine.  

     If any of you have any articles laying around that you wrote, and want 
     them in Outbreak #4, e-mail them to me using the same e-mail address.

     And if you're ever on IRC join us on irc.dal.net in #outbreakzine


	       - kleptic <drklep@roy.phonelosers.org>         

      �        kleptic..................<drklep@roy.phonelosers.org>    �
      �        fwaggle..................<root@fwaggle.net>              �
      �        `amatier.................<amatier@twcny.rr.com>          �
      �        antimatt3r...............<antimatt3r@hotmail.com>        � 
      �        Strykar..................<strykar@hackerzlair.org>       �
      �        Prodigal|Son.............<amlouden@insightbb.com>        �
      �        Ryan.....................<ryan@insidergaming.net>        �
      �        Radioactive_Raindeer.....<r_r@diegeekdie.org>            �
      �        timeless.................<timeless@timeless.co.zw>       � 
      �        `Enigma..................<enigm4@freeshell.org>          �  
      �        skwert...................<skwert@cyberspace.org>         �
      �        dropcode.................<uberego@hotmail.com>           �
      �                                                                 �

		Shout Outs: 

		           All @ #hackerzlair on irc.dal.net,
                           RBCP at phonelosers.org, scene.textfiles.com, 
                           diegeekdie.org, hackerzlair.org, fwaggle.net, 
                           dsinet.org, ameriphreak.com, surviveall.net, 
                           roy.phonelosers.org, #outbreakzine on irc.dal.net,
                           Everyone that helped out with this issue of 
                           Outbreak. You all rule!

                    \-�  http://outbreak.timelessguru.com  �-/
		               Vist Us @ IRC.DAL.NET

		                Join #outbreakzine	

		       Send all articles for submission to:



 �                             Outbreak Issue #3                                 �
 �  ��   ����������������������������������������������������������������   ���  �
 �  �                                                                         �  �
 �  �    [ 0]   Editorial...............................kleptic               �  �
 �       [ 1]   The KEY.................................amatier                  �
 �       [ 2]   nVidia and the GeForce..................strykar                  �
 �       [ 3]   How To Audit Your Firewall..............enigma                   �
 �       [ 4]   TCP/IP Part 2...........................antimatt3r               �
 �       [ 5]   Disproving Evolution....................ryan                     �
 �	 [ 6]   The anTrojan Filez 2....................timeless                 �
 �	 [ 7]   The Earth Hates Us......................skwert  	         � 
 �       [ 8]   A Guide To C/C++ Programming Part 1.....radioactive_raindeer	 �
 �	 [ 9]   The Trunk Less Traveled.................dropcode   	 	 �
 �	 [10]   Command Line Stuff for Windows..........time2kill  		 �
 �	 [11]   What Is .NET?...........................prodigal|son 	         �	
 �	 [12]   Conclusion..............................kleptic  		 �

    ��                                                                       �� 
 ����                                                                         ����


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 OutBreak Contents may not be used with out express written permission........
 By the Editor..........drklep@roy.phonelosers.org.................................

			COPYRIGHT�� 2002.

                             Issue #3 - Page 1 of 12 
 			             The KEY
          	      ----------Trojans  unribbed----------
		              by `das<<<`amatier>>>

Ok, most hacking channels all across the world claim they despise the word
trojan. To start things off, a trojan is a brand name for a condom, this is not
the trojan I am referring to. The trojan I am speaking about is also not an
ancient Greek warrior.  Trojan Horses are not viruses, though they are often
thought of as such. A Trojan Horse is a program that appears to serve some
useful purpose (which encourages you to run it), but hidden within it is a
destructive program, which may damage files or allow a intruder access to your
computer via TCP/IP port. I'm not going into the long boring text on what
trojans are, what they do, or tell you which ones I like to use. But if you do
some research there is some really fucking cool-ass-high-speed trojans floating
around I'm also not going to explain the best types of trojans to use or what a
port is. I'm going to defend hackers' rights to use such a thing as a tool. Yes
trojans can be very useful to a hacker.  I'm not talking about those cheesy
malicious Trojans were you make the hosts CD-ROM tray open or close, even Del
command.com on his computer because that's just lame shit. Some trojans are
very useful. Ones that can infect a computer and the trojan will even message
you when the host is online. But that's not too great. The ultimate I used one
day.  Me and a buddy of mine wanted to get some kind of revenge on this guy. He
was a major asshole. We knew it was just too hard to say, "Ya I'm going to hack
his box." because it isn't that easy. Some of you might snicker to yourselves
and think hacking is easy hehehehe, but we all no it's not all point and click
and you're in.

Ok. So we wanted to get back at this guy, we went down on a checklist on how we
could get at this guy. We started off by thinking where his life can go wrong.
The first thing that came to mine is making it look like a suicide attempt.. naw
that wouldn't do, too easy. My friend said ya he is screwing this other chick
that we worked in the same building as us. That's it we can fuck his life over.
My buddy was getting real excited saying, "You fucker, what are you going to
do." I told him wait till tomorrow. Well it was tomorrow; my buddy was dying to
know what scheme I come up with. I gave him a floppy disk; he was like this is
it. I'm like fuck yak this is it. I wrote on the diskette, "Card Games" I knew
he liked to play games during his lunch break off a floppy disk. I told my buddy
<AKA> TDC=TheDarkCRow. Drop this one on his desk. TDC said, "No way too risky.
What the fuck is it."  I said, "This is the Key." After an explanation, he
agreed. Well, what is on the disk is a trojan that I myself did not write but
know the author of the trojan. We call the trojan, "The Key." Anyway, after TDC
put the disk on his desk we waited for like a week. Nothing happened. TDC said
to me, "Your plan sucks it's not working." We totally forgot about it. A week
later TDC was at my house drinking and we always hang out near my LAN. I checked
my mail and in my mailbox was exactly what I was waiting for. A few passwords
from this fucker that we wanted to get an even score with. Now we have his e-
mail address and his wifes e-mail, AOL accounts, passwords is ISP passwords. We
did a high 5 and a cheers. We started off by e-mailing his wife love letters
from this chick that her husband was screwing. Acting like it was his e-mail
address. We also stole his address book for the fact we had a key into his box.
We started e-mailing to all his e-mail addresses saying he was leaving his wife
because he had found something better. We also were dialing from his ISP account
checking his E-mail as we sent them, left the e-mails on the server so he could
check his mail from home to, So he did not suspect anything happening to him. We
also e-mailed his girlfriend saying that they had to break off the fling they
were having. But we e-mailed it from his wife's account hoping that she would
reply to it. Well she did since our little venture. This dickhead has no more
life, no wife, and no girlfriend. But he still works in our building. Only
because we allow him to. Now when TDC and me see him in the hall or pass near
his office we high 5 it. Chuckle and lol. Now I really didn't wipe out the guys
computer or give him a fucking virus I used a key and yes if you can use a key
to get in. Why in the fuck would you go around the back of the house and break
down a door so the dog inside can eat you, hehehe. Lamers.

TDC and me have had many more adventures like this one, but even better. This
was just the first one so I thought I would share it with you. There is even
more useful ways to enjoy keys; this one is more or less mild, as a hacker would
say. What TDC and I did was illegal, inhuman and as a hacker would say, "That's
lame." or  "That's lame man." hehe. ',)

The Moral to this story is "What a fucking blast trojans can be." I wish I had
more patience to write more ... I would go into detail on how TDC and I uploaded
child porn onto this lamers box and made shortcuts from the desktop to them.

Another thing, if you find a floppy disk and don't know were the fuck it came
from don't be stupid and put it into your box.

							Enjoy `,) 

I have seen the future, and have seen the past, and yes, our master is thier.<<<`das`amatier>>> hacking into the realm...................................................
                             Issue #3 - Page 2 of 12 


Refer to my earlier article on DirectX8 for clarity of performance issues.

Graphics hardware has really matured over the past couple of years. The
performance capabilities of today's 3D accelerators lets game developers
truly display thier artistic skills. The emphasis is on realism and manufacturers 
such as nVidia have been consistently churning out the hottest gaming hardware to
bring these effects to life. nVidia products usually score both in terms of
sheer performance and thier use of innovative technologies encapsulated
within as is the case with the GeForce3, which is also the only fully DirectX 8
compliant card around. Lets have a look at some of its features.

The nfiniteFX engine

One of the major enhancements in GeForce's technology is the ability to
allow game developers to specifically program certain parts of this graphics
processor allowing it to deliver custom special effects. These technologies are
collective referred to by nVidia as the nfiniteFX engine. Two important components of
this new architecture are the Programmable Vertex Shader and the Programmable
Pixel Shader.

Programmable Vertex Shader

In any 3D model, the vertex is the most basic element. This is the point at
which the polygons in a 3D model meet, so any changes in the position and other
characteristics of a vertex can change the appearance of the 3D model. Until
now, vertices could be assigened to perform a very limited number of operations
in the 3D application. With the GeForce3, there are a number of custom special
effects, such as morphing, animation, deformation and environmental effects, which
can be applied to vertices. This gives programmers a high amount of flexibility in
what can be done to the 3D objects in a game.

Effects such as fog, lens effects and water refraction are now possible.
Also, effects such as wrinkles and stretch marks can be created on the characters
in games, objects can morph into other elements, and mechanical processes such
as gear trains can be simulated accurately in real time. This means more
natural animations for next generation game characters.

Programmable Pixel Shader

Like the programmable Vertex Shader, this feature allows application
developers to take one step further towards creating life-like 3D scenes and effects.
This technology has been around since the GeForce2 was launched. It was then
known as the nVidia shading Rasteriser or NSR. Using it, effects such as reflections,
bumps, fog and textures could be applied at the pixel-level in a scene. The
GeForce3 processor takes this to a much higher level by allowing upto eight
texture operations in a single pass. This is coupled with the ability to
handle four textures at a time. The GeForce3 can combine these operations to
produce breathtaking special effects such as reflective bump mapping and realistic
textures with environmental effects such as fog and mist. Since these
effects are processed in parallel, it doesnt affect the frame rates in games, but it
certainly makes games look a whole lot better!

Lighspeed Memory Architecture

nVidia graphic cards have always been notorious for problems with thier memory
bandwidth. As 3D processors keep getting faster, even tho exotic memory like
DDR is used, performance is hit at higher resolutions because of the graphic
cards memory arhitecture. Until now, the easiest way to counter this problem was
to add more memory and pump up the memory's frequency. However with the
GeForce2 Ultra's memory clocking at 460 MHz with bandwidths of upto 7.3 GBps
something else had to be done to alleviate the memory bottleneck. So the GeForce3 
uses a couple of innovative approaches to access and use its onboard memory.


In the past, graphic applications used to send raw triangle data to the
graphics card, which in turn would process this data and churn it out into
displayable graphics. Nowadays the complexity of the 3D elements in games
reaches high levels and there times when individual 3D elements are often composed
of hundreds of thousands of polygons!

So instead of relying on raw triangle data to define complex 3D surfaces,
they are nwo defined by a number of control points, also known as splines. This
results in significantly lower load on the memory bandwidth and greater
efficiency is obtained, especially when working with complex 3D elements.

Crossbar memory controller:

This is another enhancement to the memory architecture. The GeForce3 uses
four memory controllers that interact with each other and the GPU. therefore
smaller chunks of information can be accessed and processed from many parts of the
memory simultaneously making the entire operation faster.

HRAA (High Resolution Anti-Aliasing)

This is another feature that was incorporated to a lesser extent into the
GeForce2 as well. Aliasing is the appearance of undesirable jagged edges in a 3D
model when there are not enough pixels to represent it. The GeForce3 uses a process
called Quicunx Sampling to minimise these 'jaggies' by interpolating pixels between
the jagged edges. It does so by internally increasing the resolution of the game and
then scaling it down to the required resolution. This feature is hardwired
into the GeForce3; enabling HRAA to make edges and lines in 3D games appear smooth.

Lossles Z-compression:

One of the most important components of the 3D processor is the Z-buffer.
This is the area where the 3D processor stores depth information about a scene. The
graphics processor uses this information to know which 3D objects lie in the
foreground and which are in the background. Since this information is
extensive in typical 3D games, it takes up a lot of memory bandwidth, GeForce3 
implements a form of lossless compression of this Z-buffer data and therefore 
allows the memory to be used more efficiently.

Z-Occlusion Culling:

When a 3D object is hidden by another object in the foreground, there is in
fact no need to draw the hidden part because its not visible to the viewer. If this
approach is used, the information needed for drawing this object does not
have to be passed to the graphics processor. The GeForce3 uses this technique of only
processing graphical information that will eventually be drawn in the scene.
This results in a significant increase in the efficiency of the graphic 
processors output.


All said and done, the GeForce coupled with DirectX8 is greatly reducing the
dividing line between games and movies. But are there really enough softwares to
truly exploit all the features of the expensive GeForce3?? How many people have had enough
of the GeForce3? To add to this dilemma, nVidia announced its latest chip on
February 5, 2002

The GeForce4.

The GPU code-named NV25 is closer to the processor that nVidia made for the
Microsoft Xbox. A desktop version of the chip, code-named NV17, which was avaliable
only in the mobile version will also accompany the NV25. It is definitely something to
look forward to. The release date was pushed ahead, not surprising, considering that the
GF4 is a lot more powerul than the GF3. It supposedly has six pixel pipes as compared
to GF4's four pipelines. Other goodies avaliable in the NV25 are higher clock speeds,
faster memory interfaces and improved antialiasing capabilities.

Still in love with your GeForce3? A pity that you have to upgrade it even
before you could even expolit it fully!

 - Strykar
   <strykar@hackerzlair.org>        �������������������������������������������������������������ij
                             Issue #3 - Page 3 of 12 

 		         --=How To Audit Your Firewall=--

                                   -by `Enigma-

one of the most important things in having a secure network is a properly
configured firewall. in the following paragraphs i will show you how to audit
your firewall and firewall rulebase.

auditing a firewall setup is a two step process. first you will want to test
the firewall itself. then you need to test the rulebase, what kind of traffic
do you want to allow to pass through your firewall.

to audit your firewall you want to make sure it is secure. this means that no
one can access or modify your firewall. first it must be secured physically
with controlled access. if someone gains physical access to your firewall you are
fucked. next you will want to make sure the operating system you use is fully
hardened. scanning your firewall is the next step. run scans from your internal
network and the internet, scanning for ICMP, UDP and TCP. ideally you don't
want any ports open.

a properly configured firewall should have few service to start with. once the
firewall is up and running, no ports should be shown unless they absolutely
have to. many firewalls leave ICMP open by default, this should really be
disabled. if ICMP is open your network can be easily mapped from the internet.
if you must have a port or service running, then you can set up a rule that
limits what source ips can connect to them. the idea in securing a firewall is
to deny access whenever possible. every rulebase should have a lockdown rule at
the beginning that denies any traffic to the firewall. that way your firewall
is closed off from the world. if you need access to the firewall have the rule
go before the lockdown rule. all other rules should go after the lockdown rule.
Once you have audited your firewall you will now want to check the rulebase. we
do this by scanning every network segment from every other network segment to
see what packets can and cannot get through the firewall. you must make sure
that the firewall is only accepting traffic you allow. the only way to check
this is with a system outside your firewall. that way you can determine what
packets can and can't get though. you must remember that your firewall rulebase
should deny everything, allowing only that which is specifically allowed.

example port scan

In order to audit your firewall and firewall rulebase successfully you will
need a good port scanner. everyone has their favorite scanner but for this
example i will be using nmap. The scan shown below will scan all 65,000
possible ports. this scan takes a long time, but it is very thorough.

 #nmap -v -g53 -sS -sR -P0 -O -pl-65000-o nmap.out victim

 Starting nmap V. 2.52 by fyodor@insecure.org ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
 Initiating SYN half-open stealth scan against victim (
 The SYN scan took 4086 seconds to scan 65000 ports.
 Initiating RPC scan against victim (
 The RPC scan took 2 seconds to scan 65000 ports.
 For OSScan assuming that port 21 is open and port 22 is closed and neither are
 firewalled. Interesting ports on victim6 (
 (The 64985 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
 Port       State       Service (RPC)
 21/tcp     open        ftp
 23/tcp     closed      telnet
 25/tcp     closed      smtp
 53/tcp     closed      domain
 80/tcp     open        http
 111/tcp    closed      sunrpc
 443/tcp    open        https
 512/tcp    closed      exec
 513/tcp    closed      login
 514/tcp    closed      shell

this scan shows that 10 packets were able to pass through the firewall. you
would now take this information and compare it to your firewall rulebase. one
option you might want to try with nmap is -sA which is designed to test
firewall rulebases.

the scan shown above works great for TCP, but it doesn't work for UDP. UDP
scanning works by sending a UDP packet. if the UDP port is not open, an ICMP
port unreachable error is sent back to the remote system. this lets you now
that the port is not open. this is all great info but what we really want to
know is not if the port is open, but if it is filtered. in order to find out if
your firewall is filtering UDP packets you must use two systems, one scanning
through your firewall, and one on the inside sniffing all incoming UDP traffic.
now you will be able to see which UDP packets are not filtered at the firewall.

so go test your fucking firewall. it will help you sleep better.
                             Issue #3 - Page 4 of 12 

TCP/IP Part 2
By: antimatt3r <antimatt3r@hotmail.com>

Shout outs to the whole Outbreakzine crew, this is TCP/IP continuation.

LAN stands for Local Area Network. The devices and computers that make up a LAN
communicate over small geographical areas such as offices, homes, and bulidings
to name just a few. LANs can run over various network architectures, such as
Ethernet and token ring. (Specified by IEEE standards 802.3 and 802.5
respectively) These standardized network architectures are ways for data to move
across wires and cabels.

Using Ethernet, any device on the network can send data in a packet to whereever
it wants whenever it wants. When two or more devices are sending data at the
same, the packets collide. When packets collide, Ethernet makes the devices stop
transmitting, waits a little while, then begins again. The wait time is
different and random each time a collision occors. Ethernet architecture is
called CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection). This means
that the devices realize when a collision occors, so they wait and retry. All of
the devices on the Ethernet network are peers.

In token ring networks, the devices are connected using a circle, or ring, and a
token is passed among the devices around the ring. When a device has data to
send, it must wait for the token to come around to it. When the device has the
token, it ensures that no other device can send data, thus, making it impossible
for a collision to occor. If a device has nothing to send, or when it finishes
sending its data, it passed the token and the next device sends or passes. In
token ring architecture, each device gets an equal turn to send data.

No matter if your network runs token ring or Ethernet, your data gets to where
it needs to go. The advantage to token ring is that Ethernet style collisions
don't happen. On the other hand, all devices need to take a turn with the token,
so on a computer that has high priority information to send has to wait for a
computer that has not much or nothing to send to pass the token around until it
reaches the computer. TCP/IP runs on both token ring and Ethernet network
styles. Ethernet and token ring are all about hardware, but TCP/IP is mostly
about software and works on mostly all hardware.

Information moves at a theoretical rate of 10 Mbps (mega, or million bits per
second) on Ethernet. Each character you type is 8 or 16 bits, so do the math,
10,000,000 / 8 and it seems like you have a lot of information speeding across
your network. I use the term theoretical because many things can happen on
Ethernet to slow your data down on the way. Fast Ethernet (IEEE standard
802.3aa-1998) moves data at 100 Mbps. This is 10 times the rate of normal
Ethernet, so collisions act as friction, but at 100 Mbps, your data is still
crusin pretty fast. There is also Gigabit Ethernet (IEEE standard 802.3z-1998).
Imagine your data moving at one billion bits per second - 1 Gbps. Be prepared to
spend giga-units of money if you need this kind of speed.

An IEEE task force is now in the process of making a new, faster Ethernet that
would run at 10 Gbps. Ten billion bits per second. 10,000 times faster then
normal Ethernet. It should be complete by March 2002.

By contrast, the early token ring networks ran at just 4 Mbps, while 16 Mbps is
the most common speed. The new IEEE 802.5t standard specifies high-speed token
ring networks running at 100 Mbps and work further goes on to 1 Gbps.

Wide area networks span geographical areas too large for local area networks,
LAN's can be joined with hardware such as routers, hubs and gateways to form a
WAN. Network services in general have 3 levels, as follows.

Low: Connection services determine how information gets from one computer, on to
the connection medium, then to the next computer. They don't guarentee the
information will arrive in the right order, or even at all.

Medium: Transport services augment the low connection service to provide
completely reliable communications between computers. Packets are numbed, even
when they arrive out of order, computers perform error checking to be sure no
packets are lost or damaged.

High: Application services lets an application on one computer talk to the
application on the remote computer in order to perform tasks, such as copying
files. Application depends on Transport services to provide for reliable,
efficient communications.

An example of these network levels in motion would be sending an e-mail.
Connection services start out by translating the sender's name to a TCP/IP
format address. Next, is transport services create the packets and mark them
with numbers. Connection services then send the packets across the network.
Transport makes sure the message reaches the destination ungarbled and in one
piece. Finally the application services deliver the message to the reciever
theirself. To be continued in the next issue of OUTBREAK!
                             Issue #3 - Page 5 of 12 

Disproving Evolution:

In all of these underground e-zines I am always finding texts bashing
creationalist ideas.  These texts almost never contain any credible 
evidence that have not already been disproven. This is why i wrote this 
text, just simply to use scientific evidence to disprove evolution (being 
one of the main THEORIES that people hold on to just to down creatioalist 
beliefs)  The information below will prove evolution is just another 
ignorant theory with nothing to back its claims.

Where has evolution ever been observed?  It involves changes in size, 
shape, color, and minor genetic alterations caused by one or two mutations 
over a long period of time, so how could the theory of evolution ever been 
observed?  Do you realize how complex living things are?  Textbooks show 
 an evolutionary tree, but where is its trunk and where are its branches?  
If there is no trunk or branches in the evolutionary tree, how did the 
first creatures appear in order for the theory of evolution to take place?  
These are all questions evolutionists should ask themselves, because there 
is simply no compelling evidence explaining any of these.  Well, if none 
of these questions can be answered, how can evolution possibly be a 
credible theory?

Most insects go through a complete metamorphosis; such as when a 
caterpillar builds a cocoon around itself. Its body inside then 
disintegrates into a thick, pulplike liquid.  After the adult insect 
emerges it becomes a completely different insect than it was in its larval 
stage.  These changes make the insect amazingly capable, and often 
beautiful, such as a butterfly. Food, habitat, and behavior of the larva 
also differ drastically from the adult. Evolution claims that mutations 
slightly alter an organism's genetic material, which later generations 
inherit. On rare occasions the alterations are beneficial, enabling the 
offspring to reproduce more of themselves and the improved genetic material 
after many generations, dramatic changes, even new organs, accumulate.  If 
this were true, each organism must be able to reproduce and must be 
superior, in some sense, to its ancestors. How then could insects or any 
other creature evolve over time in many stages, which, in fact, are what 
evolution states.

The simplest conceivable form of single-celled life should have at least 
600 different protein molecules.  The mathematical probability that only 
one typical protein could form by chance arrangements of amino acid 
sequences is far less than 1 in 10(450) (10 with an exponent of 450). To 
appreciate the magnitude of 10(450), realize that the visible universe is 
about 10(28) inches in diameter. With these kinds of mathematical odds 
against evolution, what scientific fact could be stated to outweigh this 

Textbooks show a diagram of an ape gradually forming a human over time.  
Yet how was that first monkey created?  The first layers of sedimentary 
rock contain many fossils of complex creatures, such as fish, worms, and 
coral. What makes this strong evidence of creation is the fact these 
animals just appeared suddenly.  Not even the slightest of gradual change 
in appearance over time.

I hope that this shows you all that you should always get the facts from
both sides before you make any decisions about what you are going to spend
your entire life believing.  If you have any questions or comments please
feel free to contact me.

Ryan Gibson (ryan@insidergaming.net)

                             Issue #3 - Page 6 of 12 

  / \             \
(  /_____________/
  \             \
   ) The         )
   (             (
   )   anTrojan  )
   (             (
   )      filez  )
   (             (
   ) by Timeless )
   (             (
   )   @@        )
  / __@@@@______/_
(  \ |@@|        \
  \_/_|  |________/
      '  '

"E-Symbiant Rights"

Some when in the (not too?) distant future...

_tmpEater de-idled itself for another night's work, and another night's 
pay. Lazily, it scanned it's usual hunting grounds for files that have been 
left by humans in temp waste lands. Newer files are not ripe enough to eat, 
and these are left to rot for five days before being picked and eaten. 
Today, _tmpEater noticed a huge, ripe Zip file amongst the others. 
"Excellent!" it thought, "this will earn me 30 credits!" _tmpEater 
registered it's find with it's Life Habitat Controller Process (LHCP) and 
then proceeded to reduce the file to nothing. The LHCP transferred 30 
credits into _tmpEater's account.

_tmpEater, like other E-Symbiants, lives in a symbiotic relationship with a
human's computer. The human needs it's computer to run efficiently, and the
E-symbiants need a life habitat in order to survive. By agreeing to do work
for the humans, the E-symbiants were the first form of Virus/Worm that were
allowed to stay in the humans' computers and were protected from antivirus removal.

E-symbiants live as scripts inside a Life Habitat Controller Process. This
special program allows the E-symbiants to run their code under the complete
control of the human. Also, the LHCP allows the E-symbiant to travel to
other computers, all over the world. However, the LHCP will only ever allow the E-symbiant to exist in a single instance unless the human authorises the
reproduction of junior E-symbiants. The LHCP takes care of the control of
such events. The LHCP controls the credits the E-symbiant can earn and save.

_tmpEater noticed it's savings had now exceeded 4500 credits. A holiday
ticket to anywhere in the world would cost an E-symbiant 4000 credits. This amount is usually so high because of bandwidth costs that humans have to pay in the outer world. _tmpEater checked that the last time it had gone on 
holiday was about a month ago, and it decided it was time to travel the 
world a little more. Without many more milliseconds delay, _tmpEater 
submitted it's travel request to the LHCP. LHCP scoured the P2P network for 
other LHCPs which had enough vacant CPU time to host a holiday maker. LHCP 
responded seconds later to _tmpEater with a short list of cyber hotels 
within the price range of 4000 credits. LHCP made a quick selection using 
it's own special non-pseudo random number generator algorithm. Destination: Sweden! Cost: 4012  credits! Date of departure: 30 seconds from now. Duration of stay: 24 hours.

The LHCP hooked up with the cyber hotel in Sweden and transferred the
credits along with the booking information. _tmpEater wrote a sticky note and
slapped it onto the wallpaper of it's life habitat, it read: "Gone to Sweden, your temp files are in the bin! Be back in 24 hours."

LHCP began to teleport _tmpEater across to the cyber hotel, bit by bit.
Finally, after about 10 seconds, the teleportation had completed. The
Swedish cyber hotel LHCP fired up the _tmpEater process and the original image of _tmpEater was removed from it's home habitat.

_tmpEater's holiday was fun! It updated it's life diary with notes about
it's holiday in Sweden. It even took a snapshot of the Swedish cyber hotel's
wallpaper and stuck it into it's diary. It made notes about how much RAM
there was and even left it's name in the hotel guest book.

When _tmpEater returned from holiday it shared it's experiences with it's
human. The human was very pleased and so was the human's friend. In fact,
the human's friend was so pleased that he decided he too wanted an E-symbiant. The LHCP was then instructed to make a duplicate of _tmpEater and to send the offspring - named _tmpEaterJnr - via e-mail to the human's friend.  _tmpEater received 50000 credits for providing the offspring. Life on the inner world was good.

Here and now...

The ideas portrayed above are completely feasible. I challenge you, the
coder, to make a Life Habitat Controller Process which gives a habitat to scripted E-symbiant life forms. Don't write nasty code, try and think of things that will make scripts valuable to humans in a symbiotic context. Make your E-symbiants out of JavaScript or VBScript, and use the Windows Scripting Host or the Script ActiveX Control. Let the human control which directories and files the E-symbiant can operate on. Let your imagination be your guide.

The ideas are being planted into your brain. What you don't realise is that
you, the human, are being infected by the anTrojan filez! Till next time...

- Timeless

PS. Greetz to #hackerzlair and #outbreakzine on dalnet.
                             Issue #3 - Page 7 of 12 

The Earth Hates Us
By: skwert <skwert@cyberspace.org>

Yes, it's true. The planet we've grown to love so much despises our presence.
Can you blame her? We do not benefit her in the least. We upset the delicate
balance that she once had. We terraform, build upon, and otherwise destroy her.
We will be her demise.

As much as we view ourselves as the chosen ones, the blessed "most important
species" of the universe, I doubt anyone else really likes us too much. Take
animals for example; sure, an wolf may eat a rabbit, and therefore is the
rabbit's enemy, but he won't destroy his home. He won't kill for killing's sake.
We, on the other hand, often eradicate entire species. Not too many other
species have to make a conscious effort not to commit xenocide. We have to keep
an endangered species list, so we know which animals we can't kill anymore.

If I remember correctly, there was something in The Matrix about humanity being
a parasite. I couldn't have said it better myself. Undoubtedly, there will come
a day when we will have covered the entire planet with roads and buildings and
people and pollution. That's the real scientific race, really, to develop the
technology we need to survive on another planet before we actually have to leave
this world. That day is coming, and my guess is that the scientists will win the
race. Then onward, on to victim number two, which will take longer to destroy
due to our cleaner technologies and what we learned from the mistake of
destroying Earth. At least that much can be said of us; some people truly make
an effort to preserve this world and it's wildlife.

Of course, all they're really doing is buying the scientists time to make the
necessary advances so we can continue our slow conquest of the universe. If a
person really cared about the world, they might work to impede the progress of
science, rather than assist the wildlife currently inhabiting the planet. If
they and the rest of the universe were lucky, they'd slow it enough that we
would die off before we had a chance to leave Earth, but alas, I fear the
universe is doomed. We will overrun it, slowly, methodically, but with
exponential growth as we begin to live on multiple planets, each with the
ability to produce new convoys of settlers to begin the destruction of the next
livable planet.

I don't think we should feel badly about all this; it's just our nature. I'm
just trying to be realistic here.
                             Issue #3 - Page 8 of 12 

Radioactive_Raindeers guide to C/C++ programming.
Part 1 - The basics.

This is supposed to be a basic guide to C/C++ programming. When someone 
writes this kind of guide he/she is usually flooded with more questions 
from newbies
and comments and flames form the real pros. So I'll just ask you now:   
Please don't mail me! Not that I'd really mind. It's just that I probably 
wouldn't answer. You're better off asking questions on IRC and sending your 
flames to /dev/null on your local system.

I'll start this off with explaning the basic syntax of a program containing 
only one function and no variables. If you don't know what I'm talking 
about don't worry. It'll all be clear after you've read this.

Here's the program:

<---- code start ---->

#include <iostream.h>

int main(void) {
  cout << "ph33r me for I am text.";
  cout << "\n";
  return 0;

<----- code end ----->

Easy, eh?
For those of you who disagree I'll explain each line as clearly as I can.

#include <iostream.h>
 The pound (#) tells the program that it's a pre-processor directive. (More
 about those in another article.) This one tells it to include the 
functions in  the file 'iostream.h' for use in this program.

int main(void) {
 This line contains two important things. First it's the actual function 
and  the second a left curly bracket. A function started off with the type 
of  varible is returns. In this case it's an integer, followed by the name 
of the  variable and the parameters to the function inside parenthesis.  
The second part, the left curly bracket tells the compiler that from now on 
the  code belongs to this function.

cout << "ph33r me for I am text.";
 This line sends the text inside the double quotes to standard output. This 
is  the reason that we included iostream.h earlier.

cout << "\n";
 Same as above. But \n is a symbol for a new line.

return 0;
 Returns a value to the caller of the function. In this case it would be 
the  operating system.

 This right curly bracket tells the compiler the the function stops here.

Don't worry too much if you don't understand all of this right now. It will 
come to you later on. I'll talk a bit about varibles now.

A variable is a C/C++ entity that contains something. A number, a 
character, an object, an adress to another variable, etc. I'll just go over 
the basic ones right now though.

 Contains an integer (a whole number)
 Examples: 7, 132, 95, -35, 0

 Contains a character
 Examples: A, g, 6, ?, <

 Contains either true or false.
 (Only available in ANSI/ISO C++ compatible compilers.)

 Contains non integer numbers (Numbers with decimals)
 Examples: 3.14, 12.34, 9.11e-31, -7.36

 A special type of variable. Basically just a variable placeholder where 
you  have to have a variable according to the syntax but you don't need one 
in your  program.

Since I want to keep this readable I'll stop here and continue in the nex 
issue. Then I'll talk a little more about functions and even more about 
varibles. =) Can't wait, eh?

That's all from me for now.

/ Radioactive_Raindeer
                             Issue #3 - Page 9 of 12 

The Trunk Less Traveled
By: dropcode <uberego@hotmail.com>


  "I  shall be telling this with a sigh
   Somewhere   ages   and   ages  hence
   two  roads  diverged in a wood and I
   I  took  the  one  less  traveled by
   and that has made all the difference" -rf


The world we live in bores me... I think I'm going to move.
I've lived here long enough; amongst the masked. 
Everyone has secrets, and they all masquerade about behind their sketchy output.
They create elaborate facades and pretty little pictures to show the world their normal.

Guilty concience?

I have a secret, but I don't hide it; I let it idle. Sometimes there's a trace of it 
somewhere deep behind my eyes or in the corner of my mouth... Sometimes...

Its dangerous these days. Incriminating even, but... I don't hide it. I don't have to.
My concience is clear. 

The laws I break do not infringe upon my morality. I'll elaborate.

The world we live in is really something else, you know, with all the evils.
That coupled with the awkwardness people feel towards my discontent with the
state and status quo of this brave new world, makes me feel infinitesimal,
erroneous. I swim against the tide, walk against the mob, and quietly
laugh at lemmings diving to there own degradation.

So I think I'm going to move... I've had a place picked out for awhile...

its nice there... The ratio's reversed, its still many versus few... but this time
the few are the elite and the many are the clumsy. Some would say thats not a difference
but, in your world ...its hard to see it.

This world is not my own... You've all been there. Most of you go there many times a 
day. But you stick to the streets you know... and you never look around as you move, 
you just keep staring at your destination. It takes too much effort to look around. 
And its too dark to see...

Not me. I look. When its to dark to see, I look harder. I stare. I stare and stare until 
I can just make it out and then I stare more... there... there it is... what is it? ah...

This is the sometimes, its in my eyes, and the corner of my mouth... 

And then I reach my destination and try to tell the story of what I found... Apathy.
'So what? Thats not too interesting. Why would you look so hard to see something like that?'
Would you ever find it? even if you were staring? I didn't think so... I'm clever.


The wonderment of this world can be summed up in the way it makes me feel. And I feel clever.

I laugh when you trip because you cannot find the culprit...
I laugh when you're lost because I know where you are...

and then, feeling clever, I found a wall.

oh sure... I could have paid the toll and went through the door... But .... why should I? he 
never made whats passed that wall... He's just charging people to see it; and he's getting 
alot more than his fair share. So I jumped over it. Yeah, it was hard... but the world just
got alot bigger... and now I know I'll never pay for it because he is of the many and I am 
of the few, He is clumsy... and apathetic... and I laugh... I laugh... 

And in outsmarting him... I've broken laws... but, my concience... is clean.


Vagueness was the dominant technique used in this prose peice. Very purposefully.
It speaks to those who take the time to listen. Listen... 


Greets: [705], [780], [604]

                            Issue #3 - Page 10 of 12 

Command Line (windows)
By: time2kill <darren_na@hotmail.com>

Atcp/ip packet with a theortical leaght greater than 65536- bytes keep this
in mind tcp/ip supports a feature called "Fragmentation" where a single
ip-packet can be broken down into smaller segments this is need because the
typical internet connection (dail-up,ethernet,cable-modem,etc)only supports
packets of around a couple thousand bytes, but ip supports packets up to
64-kbytes.Thus, when sending a single packet that is to large for a link it
is broken up into smaller packet fragments.A quirk of ip is that while a
single packet cannot exceed 65536-bytes the fragments themselves can add up
to more than that. The "ping of death" Technique does just that since this
is a condition thought impossible, operating systems crash when they 
receive this data.The computer will replicate the data indefinitly.

One packet will be sent right it will be so large that it will surpass the
limits of what is allowed the puter will try to break it up forever it wont
stop.No firewall can stop this.No computer can stop this.

56k at the very least to try this.

If you have any questions or comments on this e-mail them to me at: 

- time2kill
                            Issue #3 - Page 11 of 12 

What is .NET Anyway?
By: Prodigal|Son <amlouden@insightbb.com>

Here's the burning question that every one has been wondering, what exactly is
microsoft's .NET anyway?  well, it delivers function to your computer as
services to phase out programs that do the same things as .NET.  it goes out to
the internet and grabs the files and updates that the user asks for, but the
user has no idea where the data is. one of the features of .NET is the abilty
for a CLR (common language runtime) which will be able to excute any programs
written in any language, unlike microsoft's previous runtime environment, visual
basic runtime, which will only run visual basic programs.  the CLR, and one
other tier of the .NET framework, is not a part of the visual studeo.NET.  these
are provided separately of the .NET framework.  this is just a brief explanation
of what .NET and it can get very verbose and i don't feel like going into all
the technical stuff :).


- Prodigal|Son <amlouden@insightbb.com>

        |______________________________________________________________ |
        ||                                                             ||
        ||           ___        _   ____                 _             ||
        ||          / _ \ _   _| |_| __ ) _ __ ___  __ _| | _          ||
        ||         | | | | | | | __|  _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | |/ /         ||
        ||         | |_| | |_| | |_| |_) | | |  __/ (_| |   <          ||
        ||          \___/ \__,_|\__|____/|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\_\         ||   
        ||                                                             ||
                               ___ _           _
                              | __(_)_ _  __ _| |
                              | _|| | ' \/ _` | |
                           __ |_| |_|_||_\__,_|_|
                           \ \    / /__ _ _ __| |___
                            \ \/\/ / _ \ '_/ _` (_-<
                             \_/\_/\___/_| \__,_/__/



	This is the first time I've written the conclusion. So if it sucks,
        I'm sorry. Anyway. I hope you all enjoyed Outbreak #3. Sorry for the
        delayed release. But the server our website was on went down. So we
        hustled and put up a new website with a new layout. So I hope you all
        enjoy that.

        If you haven't read the editorial yet. We want you all to send us
        e-mail. Comment on the website, on the zine, on texts in the zine.
        Just let us know what you think. We like to hear from the readers.
        OH, and we are always looking for new articles. So send everything
        you have to us. The more the better. 

        Send all articles for submission to:  drklep@roy.phonelosers.org

        Well, thats really all for now. Start sending us articles for #4.


        - kleptic <drklep@roy.phonelosers.org>


        ++++++++++++++++++++++++++WATCH THIS SPACE++++++++++++++++++++++

      OutBreak Contents may not be used with out express written permission
                    By the Editor - drklep@roy.phonelosers.org

                               COPYRIGHT�� 2002.