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                    NETMONKEY WEEKEND REPORT ISSUE #4!

        Well here we are with issue #4 and everything appears to be running
smoothly.  No complaints besides the people who were upset with Lester for
his courier report, but hey.. If you can't take a joke, then don't read it:).
        The Scene has been relatively quiet this week except for TRM getting
busted, and we would like to wish them the best of luck with whatever happens.
Also, as most of you know, LS and NOS have both been down. NOS should be back
up soon, and for more information on LS read Lesters Biased Courier Report.
        Anyways, in this issue we still have Lesters new Biased Courier Report
as well as an Anonymous Utils Report, and of Course, this weeks scores on the
sites you the trader, have chosen.  We replaced TRM with Hades as a 2.0 Site,
and thats about all the News for this week.  Good Luck on the upcoming week
                                                - NWR Staff

Note: LS and NOS are not included in this weeks scoring, since both are down

the top ten sites for this week are:

x3 MP -*- STH -*- FH -*- ET -*- FS
x2 NoS -*- LS -*- FOS -*- LA -*- HDS


                         ----NETMONKEY WEEKEND REPORTS----

trader   group            pts              pos        lastweek     # of weeks
                                                                   in NWR           

Geno       RiSC             190              [1]          [3]            3
Garoto     DeV              162              [2]          [1]            4
Acidapple  AMB               88              [3]          [0]            1
Grad       iND               78              [4]          [0]            1
Mad        ATX               61              [5]          [0]            1
Bizzy      RiSC              48              [6]          [0]            1
Xtremist   VGN               48              [7]          [0]            1                
Lester     DMS               45              [8]          [6]            2
Bluie      ViCE              44              [9]          [9]            2
Juice      DMS               33              [10]         [0]            1
Group Charts --=

            RiSC              238             [1]          [1]          4 
            DEV               162             [2]          [3]          4
            AMB               88              [3]          [0]          1
            DMS               78              [4]          [2]          4   
            ATX               61              [5]          [0]          1


Lester's Biased Courier Report!@

Well here it is kids, my little tribute to JJ's biased utils report from INQ.
and of course it's biased because how could I be objective when I run
Dimension, I hate Risc, and I'm fathering Xtremist's child? I can't, so
I'll be biased and make fun of everyone..:) Enjoy, and remember dont get
so upset, it's fun to make fun of yourself.
So the format is like this, I'll review each group, and then I'll point out 
some interesting things from the week and whatever else I feel like saying.
Rating System is : The Shit, Even, Half-Assed, One Man Crew, & Cheating
Bastards. Oh ya and Sellouts, hey new one for MNM, Total Losers. Well it
is week 2 my friends, and so far I've had to put up with Devotion getting
ever so pissed at me for some comments I made about them. Sneeze ripped
into me and DMS for about an hour before I calmed him down and found
out he hadn't even read it yet, he then apologized so all is cool with
the Sneeze man. but I've also noticed that most of dev regards me
with contempt now which is totally amusing because as Xtremist was
nice enough to remind me of today, Corps and MGD had this same type
of report in RCN, and they didn't rip on devotion cuz they were Devotion
so I guess it's ok then huh? but when it gets flipped around, oh no that
is not cool. Garoto claims to want to include something of his own ragging
on either me or DMS, so I told him to go ahead, hopefully he will have it
ready for me by the end of the week. I look forward to it.

Ok..So i'm gonna change the format and shit whenever I feel like it,
because hey, why the hell not. So we'll start with day by day shit this week

Sunday & Monday April 26th/27th:
Well interesting 2 days!#, I was accussed of cheating twice, because
apparantly I type too fast. Hehehe but no harm no foul it's all good.
We got to witness Risc trying to accuse DMS of cheating because of a
site ip and login program, this from the group who made RiscFTP, a
banned client on all sites for it's slowup abilities and other reasons.
Fun fight, but in the end, pointless as usual. On Sunday evening,
Semaj decided he didn't like Fusion(who can blame him), and took LS out
of PRM and set them up in Siege, which sounds good on paper, but when
you take into account he made this decision without speaking to the other
staff members, it's not so good. So to sum the story up? Semaj is no longer
a siteop of LS, LS is back in PRM with no hard feelings towards Siege and vice
versa, and then Semaj decided to be a truly big baby and threaten to
narc LS, fortunately he didn't do so. But none the less, damage was done
and VGN kicked him out swiftly. So clap,clap to VGN for that. Oh ya, let's
focus on Geno for a moment..:) take a look at this little tidbit:
[FH] New release: (geno\RiSC) TEST-2.FOR.CORE.SITES.DONT.COURIER-CORE {tgm} [.]
and his response? : 
<GeN0> oi sorry
<GeN0> I was pftping =(
So we forgive you geno, just nice to know your willing to admit to it:)

Tuesday the 28th!: Quiet night so far, some new traders are popping up
hopefully they will prove to be real traders and not pftp'ers or who
knows what else.

Wednesday/Thurday the 29th,30th: End of the month, more of the same, alot of shitty
ass cliparts and lame releases from some small groups and even some big ones, this
week is much quieter than last week so it's really making me work for something to
say:P One thing I noticed this week is alot more of the Atomic-X guys trading
so I'll review them this week.

Friday/Saturday May 1 & 2: More dullness, Mossyoak made promises of owning the
scene now that he is out of school,
(that college money really paid off huh mom & dad?)
So we'll see what the Joke can do. Other than that, been a very boring
week so I will just stop talking.

Group Reviews!#@

Dimension: Well this week, Grad quit, for good this time even, possibly putting
and end to our prewhore name? None the less, minus the grad megs, still a good
showing but not exactly up to par with what I think we should be doing, especially
with that dftp script we have, or wait nevermind:)

Overall: The Shit I guess

Devotion: Well after much whining and crying from the devotion boys about my
little opinion last week, some of them apologized and others got over it, or just
decided to plot my murder sometime this week. Quote of the week! from Dev anyways

So good man Sneeze, maybe you'll read the article this time? :)
But again, we saw mostly only Garoto, a little of snakeeyes and not much from
Allanon this week, hopefully we'll see them get back going, but as long as
Garoto keeps rocking they will still show up on the top  of sites.

Overall: One Man Crew/Can't Take A Joke

Risc: Fun week of watching Risc call someone ELSE cheaters, very very amusing,
Riscftp anyone? Anyhow, they got mass pre's from Bizzy this week, and Geno traded
alot, getting big meggage on sites, hopefully he's not using any advantages.:)
So gooooooo geno

Overall: One Man Crew/PreWh0res

Vengeance: Hrm, Daman traded for about 2 days this week, and then it became all 
Xtremist and his pre's this week, I dont think Xtr is even racing this week, so
shame shame you shitty packager:) Not much else to say here, need more traders.

Overall:  One Man Crew who is a super prewh0re

Atomic-X: New edition! After much crying from Dee about being left out last week,
here they are. Mad is kicking ass for them, and their smaller guys like even Dee
are putting up megs so A-X is maybe going to be a force to deal with soon, or hrm
maybe not..<g>. So good show little guys:)

Overall:  Good Job

Vice: Well NOS is down, so that bites, and I dont really know any other Vice sites
so I'll just go by Bluie, he rocks, but I dont see much of any other vice ppl
besides Mrpumpkin occassionally, so same boat as VGN on this one, need to get
more couriers or get the ones they have more established.

Overall:  One Man Crew

Millennium: Should I bother? They are #1 on pl, though Tdpriest is killing them
individually, so I guess that's something, but no real presence on any other sites
when Psyber and Sitez aren't pftp'ing.

Overall: Should Disband

Misc Bullshit: Good Sneeze quote(thx xtr:))
<snz-man> scene would be hertin w/o snz
I believe hurting is what he's going for there, so everybody be nice to
sneeze so that the scene can go on.
Uh there's this new group Espirit, that seems to have 1 decent trader,
and they seem to think they rock the scene because they managed to get
some decent megs from 1 guy for 1 week on some sites..this is why the 
scene is so stupid, a group of nobodies, who have never done anything,
have 1 good week and they think they are just  the shit. Little good
luck and it goes straight to the head. But that's kinda deep for my report
so let's end by saying Xtremist STILL can't package for shit:P

See Ya Next Week


Anonymous Biased Utils Report

Well, this week we'll be doing a biased utils report by an anonymous person.

Premiere - what can i say?  They release an abundance of webwarez, it's
not that bad if they do a good job.  But they seem to release all the junk.
All the old members are NEVER happy with the group and many people say that
the leader Fusion is a childish shit.  Well, how can there be a good group
with a fucked up leader?  Why do we even let them participate in the scene?

- 2/10 (for releasing massive amounts of utils)

Pirates With Attitude -  Ahhh, the oldschool beta releasing pirates.
Releases are put out slow, wasup with that?  A lot of the releases I
find are useless and very limited.  Not much to say about this group
they've always been this way =)

- 6/10 (for being oldschool and consistent)

RiSE -  The group that believes in quality over quantity.  Releases
are mput on their hq's (when they have releases) so they are quick.
Not a lot of flaws other than the quantity of releases.  

- 8.5/10 (for quality releases but lackluster quantity)

Shock - well, the group really isn't the same as it was 1/2 a year ago with
outbreak and novocaine.  It's not releasing as much and like, the utils
arn't big titles either.  The boss is nice, and the group seems to be

- 6/10 (for just being an average utils group)

Drink Or Die -  These guys are nothing without Jimmy Jamez and Lester.
The Evil Advisor isn't doing a very good job maintaining the group.
with releases like SPAM killer!? what can we say about their quality?
A group that had a great 4 yrs has now come to an end.  These guys
have cool people in there, but the leadership really lacks.

- 7/10 (for being oldschool and putting out releases)

Pentium - These guys pre all over the place!  If they want to they can, I
mean FS still gets the shiet first (localshell).  The leadership and senior
council are one of the coolest gangs in the scene, they don't have egos at
all and they welcome anybody who can help out.  These guys are not

- 8/10 (for just being cool and releasing!)

X-force - These guys had a sensational week lastweek.  Good releases, very
expensive.  However can we say EGO!?  These guys arn't humble at all.  Oh
well all great groups have flaws.

- 9/10 (for being semi-oldschool and releasing a shit load!)

Siege -  Good guys, leadership has experience from hell and back =).
Releases are consistent and they only pre to their hq's.  A perfect group
for a site to be affiliated with - Respect and Releases.
- 9.5/10 (for being the best =) )

So that finishes off our utils report, the worst utils group at the beginning
and the best utils group at the end =).