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{begin} INTEGRAL.FUNCTIONS.004 dd/mm/yy = 29/02/96 file_siz = 021k {=========================================================================} {get FILE_ID.DIZ} Integral Functions is an electronic 'zine that covers a broad range of obscure and experimental topics. Material within the magazine includes: poetry, short stories, essays, rants, reviews (books, movies and music), experimental literature (computer generated poetry, etc.), personal philosophies, chat logs, e-mail, and ASCII artwork. Topics within each issue are diverse and will change from one issue to the next. {get NET_SITE.NFO} Integral Functions is available through Internet FTP service. Issues will be available on the site approximately one month after their release. Read the instructions on the site to be sure that you download and uncompress the files correctly. Site: ftp.etext.org /pub/Zines/IntegralFunctions If you are having trouble connecting, this site also has two alternate FTP addresses: etext.archive.umich.edu OR locust.cic.net Gopher: gopher.etext.org Zines/IntegralFunctions {=========================================================================} {get CONT004.TXT} Table_Of_Contents (in order of appearance - not impotence): 1. "NAP DETENTION" 2. another always 3. "Goth-o-saur" 4. ALT.THE.NET.SUX 5. "i want to be nature too!" & "the band plays really loud" 6. "Emotional Immunity" 7. MANGLE x 3 8. yawutevur 9. Her Fury 0. News/Copyright/Submission Information {=========================================================================} "NAP DETENTION" (Leo X) sitting staring face fore-way double chalk green board paper rustles scrawling scratches general teacher order maintain observe stern stare snot lips chunk belly dark slight puff hair past wondered newspapers (boy) house delivery another monster behemoth student similiar physical form (son?) (was attracted to blond female knock door answered money collection day) over-volumed announcement speaker tears through silence and ear reception "beeeeeep" "Elvis and Marilyn Monroe look-alike contest" artificial cheer suburbia cleaver slobber tone machine hum surrounds buzz sounds uncertain of origin classroom large more so than others wide pale wood shines shallow cabinet entrance hallway chatter feet locker clatter (free birds sing) bright blinding window church blue-sky sunlight view eyes roving examining observation visual absorb(see)tion girl in front row that shone clever lesbian remark once in spanish "writing - journal entry - a process" misfit olive tan-girl sits side-ways bubble gum cheeks inflate retract puff inflact retract puff "a man who had no eyes" twin #1 or #2 2+ rows up twirls pony tail round and round merry "boooooop" "Mr. Fried-rick telephone line 2" friendl(il)y nice little blond secretary office worker legs moving moving moving twitch shake up down always bubble gum out bubble gum in pop zi(iiii)per open things on desk clunk clunk zippest female familiar face can't place "beep" (wrist-)watch "beep" 12 PM 10 more metal knit rod floor fall clank-cla-clank blond hairs pretty face tight-pant spandex elastica stretch (thoughts wander sexual) (feet-)slipper knitter wool clock look over shoulder time check "test short stories" stubble hair sport 'jersey' boy scribbles pathetic monster image sucks two backpack rustles left unease "what time do we get to go?" "10 after" misfit girl greek brown (earth) eye contact am attracted fantasize mutual locker door close cluwump animal sc(ream-g)rowl shriek think teacher looks angry towards me staring looks away when look response recieve (back) blue sweater blond little hair monkey walk headphone man horse hallway laughter our room responds laugh over THE END {=========================================================================} another always (whz@ovbq.com) the amount of fresh air up here is overwhelming. i see her, the woman you described. she is wearing the same green dress that you told me about. she appears to be lost in thought, although it's difficult to make out her face from here. what was her name again? oh yeah, elizabeth. man, she's a graceful beast. are you sure she's the one you want? ok, ok. pass my my gun, will you? (nov.95) {=========================================================================} "GOTH-O-SAUR" (source: found drifting in The Saurus Black Forest) black - adj. 1. black horses dark, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitch, jet-black, jet, ebony, raven, sable, inky, coal-black, dusky, swarthy, blackish, nigriscent, stygian. 2. black nights / skies dark, starless, moonless, unlit, unlighted, unilluminated, gloomy, dusky, dim, overcast, crepuscular, tenebrous, stygian, cimmerian. 3. children with black hands/black corners dirty, grubby, filthy, grimy, unclean, muddy, sooty, soiled, stained, dingy. 4. black news / a black day sad, melancholy, depressing, dismal, distressing, gloomy, hopeless, sombre, doleful, mournful, lugubrious, funereal, pessimistic, ominous, foreboding. 5. the crowd in a black mood angry, threatening, menacing, hostile, furious, agressive, beligerent, resentful, sullen. 6. a black deed / black hearts evil, wicked, sinful, bad, vile, villainous, criminal, iniquitous, nefarious, heinous, foul, ignoble, base, corrupt, depraved, devilish, diabolic. 7. black humour cynical, sick, macabre. morbid - adj. 1. morbid thoughts / details gruesome, grisly, macabre, hideous, dreadful, horrible, unwholesome. 2. a morbid person death-orientated, death-obsessed, death-fixated. 3. don't be so morbid gloomy, glum, dejected, melancholy, lugubrious, pessimistic, given to looking on the black side. 4. a morbid condition diseased, infected, sickly, ailing. 5. a morbid growth malignant, deadly, pathalogical. dead - adj. 1. the dead man / flower deceased, late, defunct, departed, lifeless, extinct, perished, gone, no more, passed on/away. 2. dead matter inanimate, lifeless, without life, exanimate. 3. a dead issue / language obsolete, outmoded, outdated, extinct, lapsed, passed, pass�, discontinued, disused, fallen into disuse, stagnant, inactive, invalid, ineffective, inoperative, not working, barren, sterile. 4. dead to my pleas unresponsive, insensitive, indifferent, apathetic, dispassionate, unsympathetic, emotionless, unemotional, unfeeling, lukewarm, cold, frigid, wooden, inert. 5. dead fingers numb, numbed, benumbed, unfeeling, parylysed. 6. dead eyes emotionless, glazed, glassy, spiritless, impassive 7. dead desire extinguished, finished, terminated, quenched, quashed. 8. a dead place to live / a dead time of day dull, boring, uninteresting, tedious, tiresome, wearisome, uneventful, humdrum, flat, stale, insipid, vapid, dead-and-alive. 9. feeling dead tired, tired out, exhausted, worn out, fatigued, spent, dead beat, played out, pooped. pain - n 1. a pain in her leg soreness, hurt, ache, aching, throb, throbbing, smarting, twinge, pang, spasm, cramp, discomfort, irritation, tenderness. 2. invalids enduring pain all their lives suffering, physical suffering, agony, affliction, torture, torment. 3. the pain of losing a loved one suffering, mental suffering, emotional suffering, hurt, sorrow, grief, heartache, broken-heartedness, sadness, unhappiness, distress, misery, wretchedness, anguish, affliction, woe, agony, torment, torture. {=========================================================================} doyou( click hereto wouldyoul ike to check for new messages? y/n $yeah / #2306 gggig, 'ALT.THE.NET.SUX' / sorry, >, fuk@real.space.com y/N? vv ttt / ,+, ,";.' o/' dUMMMi '+' '+' To: ALL ./| . MMMM yuu http:// From: )) ./> qi rt g 846002bytestrans continue? % comp. any key! try_this hot.new site! ftp.lame.org subject: RE: hi!!! reply? click/lfe suckmyharddrive,a {=========================================================================} "i want to be nature too!" (Astrix Beauton) i am in a field of green grass not in any country every country! i am in every country of my world and any other world that i wish to include at the last minute is here with me too if they exist or not in reality or in dream. this field is a lucid dream made into dream reality it is a universe caught in time lapse photography flowers are blooming spewing and i am noticing pollen stuck to me bees swarm and collect it, my pollen and sweat forming sacs on their legs. i am fertile i fertilize the next generation of flowers all about. i am this sun and i never thought that uv ray penetration could be so divine and deadly both at once! how does nature stand being so beautiful? i want to be nature too! i want to be nature. let me! the bees dance, and i dance with them they show me the way to me they show me the the way i calculate nature is a calculator! nature is a calculator and so am i! i am nature. it snows and begins again this is a world where everything is always beginning nothing ends it's just a circle! nature is a circle! nature is a circle, and so am i! i am a circle i am nature! i am nature. "the band plays really loud" (Astrix Beauton) boom thump and whine the strings "whine," the strings say. when they whine i get all soft and mushy and and they keep things in order making sure the probability of moshing is low sentimental i dance with a woman in a black dress! a black dress in a great great grand ballroom with a great great grand circle of strangers i hold one hand in hers and the other around her waist we twirl and dip watching the circle of smilies blur teeth white and the band climax boom boom zing! and the strings whine! they are singing now they are singing to my mistress in my arms and me we twirl and dip two people dressed in black the band plays really loud like a submachine gun strings still singing! and we twirl and dip we twirl and dip in a circle of smilies! i am still happy. how high is the ceiling in this ballroom anyway? twirl boom dip thud whine go the strings "whine," they say. {=========================================================================} "EMOTIONAL IMMUNITY" (Ceasill Mortimurque) [doctors office] tan-brown, orange & green (1970's paint) rectangular doctor desk - south/east corner desk has assorted papers, magazines, medical texts upon it bed with wax paper covering layer - north/west corner mirror, sink below it, cabinet below mirror - north/east corner anti-smoking poster - east wall patient seated with spine against south wall open door at south/west wall view of reception desk and three waiting room occupants (one of the waiters looks strangely at office occupant often once in a while) [characters] doctor = D patient = 0 nurse = N 0 : [seated in chair against wall to the left of doctor desk - has been waiting rather patiently for 23.76 min] (waiting activities: thought wandering, examining office) D : <enter Dr. D> <closes door behind him - seats himself in desk chair> hello 0, how are you feeling? 0 : uhhmm..... alright i guess.... D : that's good to hear....... so what seems to be the trouble? 0 : well.......... uhhmm...... i sorta......... uhmmmmm.... well, it's sorta difficult for me to get out..... i meannn......... D : it's alright...... just spit it out and we'll sort out the mess afterwards... 0 : <looks afraid & uncertain - (s)tummy emits a grumbly groan> [globby, bubbly] uggghcckkk <dark-gooey substance begins oozing from mouth, down chin, strings- strands hang, few drip-drops splatter upon office floor> [the office floor is shiny, dark grey, square tiling] D : oh my.... my my my........ 0 : <nods> [fearful and ashamed - expression / feelings in belly] <reaches with trembling hands to eye sockets, digs fingers around eye-balls and removes them ('shlup-pop!'), places them gently on doctor's desk (nearly missing & dropping due to lack of vision) > D : <shines mini-('pen'-)light into dark eye-voids, peers inside> [view of thick, dark, writhing & bubbling substance within 0's skull] 0 : <dark-goo begins to slowly slide out of open-sockets and down cheeks> D : yessss.. yesss... i seeeeee..... hmm....... i suppose we'll have to.... yess.... yesss..... well, we really ought to clean you up a little first...... you wait right here, OK? 0 : [as it would sound with ooze filling mouth] glfksdlfkzxcmd <a few droplets of black-glop drop out of mouth with word-mess unto floor> <nod> D : <exeunt office> N : [1.3 minutes later] <enter nurse> [wearing typical, white nurse garb] [hands protected with light rubbering] <takes 0's eyes and places them back in in their rightful sockets - right, then left - wipes face with a kleenex> <smile> 0 : [grateful] <small smile reply> N : hmm.. i suppose i'm done here...... so i'll leaving now, and the Dr. D ought to return rather shortly <smile - wave> 0 : <little responses> N : <exeunt nurse> D : [2.6 minutes later] <enter Dr. D> [rather lengthy needle in right hand pointing downwards] 0 : <eyes needle with dumb wonderment> what's.... that?.... D : it's an emotional immunity shot.... a combination of chemicals that will kill your feelings... or rather; prevent them from occuring within you.. save you from them..... it's your chemical saviour 0.... 0 : [gratitude, love] D : are you ready?.... this will prick slightly, but it's certainly much much better than corrosive black poision, eh? there are no pain sensors within or on your brain, and the 'temple' flesh along the way is rather thin.... slight prick... yes..... hardly feel a thing... 0 : <nod> [somewhat afraid] <stares at tip of needle> [clear liquid-chemical drips from needle tip .. floor splatter] D : <steps closer to 0> <slowly inserts needle into left temple> <depresses end, injecting needle-chemicals into 0's brain> alright.... that ought to fix you up.... you'll have to come back in after a year or two for another shot.... but you ought to be able to judge, or should I say feel when that time comes.... 0 : [synthetic chemical numbness flowing through system killing emotionals as they begin to form] [apathetically] thank you... D : that's what I'm here for... [pleased] <grin> {=========================================================================} "MANGLE x 3" (Angela Dreamblur) v1.00 Pa ssingap, owe rful "elec" triccurre nt th roughape rs Onsheada, ppear st obeau s efultr eatmento fse vered-epres sio ninthispro ced ureusua (llycal), ledele ctroco (nvulsivesh), ock electrode (sarefasten). Edt oap atien "tshe" adandacurren, tra Ngingfro m7to130 vo Ltsisappli edf Oronetent (ht oo nehalfase co, ndthisproduc, esaconvu l sio n) con sistingof asu- ddenf le xingo fthebo, dyallthe mus clesc on Tractatonc et hea rmsandlegsa ret hro wnout wa Rdandthew ho lebodybeco. Mesr, igid, th, "isi sfollo we dby Asocall"? Edc lonicp hasei-nwhic ht her earemi norconvul si onsan djerk ingcont: rac tionso ft hea rmsa ndleg st hefull con vulsionla stsf. Orone ha lft oaf ullm-inute afte rth econvul (siont hepat ient re main sunc o nsciou sforsometi mebetw), ee nte nandth irt yminute sa ndu ponaw aken-ingi sd row sycon, fus eda ndoften hasaheada che an dotherp ains. v2.00 flowing a stalwart voltaical stream through a creature's brains appears to be a utilitarian therapeutic of frigid meloncholia. in this methodology, generally labelled voltaic-paroxysm jolt, voltrodes are affixed to a patient's skull and a stream fluctuating from 7 to 130 elecs is smeared for one-tenth to one hemi-second. this engenders a paroxysm comprised of a swift taughtening of the physique. entirety of the sinews constrict simultaneously, the arms and legs are launched outward, and the ensemble skeleton metamorphs stiff. this is superseded by a professed clonic juncture, in which there are lightweight paroxysms and twitching constrictions of the arms and legs. the brimful paroxysm persists for one- hemi to an entire minute. subsequent the paroxysm, the creature lingers comatose for some spell -- spanning ten and thirty minutes -- and upon awakening is lethargic, befuddled, and recurrently has a headache and supplementary afflictions. v3.00 pa(h)sing uh poWUrphull elehktri(c)k cur-nnnt threw uh purrsen's heD ah- peers 2 bee aH yousphul treetment uv seh-veer duhpreh-s'yun. in thisss prosee-d'yer, U-z'yul-E cal'd (e)e(e)LehK-troe-cunvull'v shawk, elehctroh- dz R fast'n'd 2 a payshient'(z)s(z) hed & uh currr'nt rainjing phrum SEVun 2 won-thurtee (vv)vOLTz iz ah-ply'd four 1-10thh two 1-1/2 uh SECund. thihs(ss) prodoosez uh cunvul-s'yun cunsysting OV uh suhd'n flECK-sing uf da bohdee. AUl thuh mussulls cun-track-t(e) at wunce, the(e) armmmz & lehg-z R throwwn owtwerd, & thuh hole baud-E bEE-kumz rijid. this iz fah-lowed bi A so-kal'd KlOh-nic(k) faze, IN witch their R myner cunvuhlsioNz & jurck-ing cuntrahkshyunz uv thuh armz & laygz. da phull konvulsion lasstz fer 1 -> 1/2 2 1 phull MIN. ahf-terr tha cunvulciun, thuh pay-shee-ENT remane-zz UN-conscious phor SUM tyym -- bee-TWEen 10 'n' 3ty MIN -- end up-on awaykening iz droWzee(y), kun-phuZed, & offten haz A hed-a(h)ke & uther panes. {=========================================================================} "yawutevur" (a poem for e.e. cummings) oi toiledat basturnutta shewiz fayse arundere agyn eesez. sunnuvabych - duhyuh wanmeituh taykair ovim Charlie oi sez. ya, deechim alesen - letimno datey izuntwelcum. heylok, heezgota cupleov casizov beir oi sez. okei, letimyn - fourgitwutoisid. (oi gowowtun elpimwit dadore) owzit goin Lacy? gladyoocud makyt. {=========================================================================} Her Fury (anonymous) In darkness I remembered, the reflections of shit in the garden pond. Furious. Faces/Feces: These words so a- like. It was a period in life (MINE) where I wanted to move to a small town in northern Canada and open a bookstore (all my customers wearing tuques; beer in hand). Furious, she raised an offended eyebrow. She touched, knocking me into a pile of cardboard boxes. Ouch. OUCH! Furious, radioactive. I ran, splashing, nervous. In darkness I remembered, Chocolate candy kisses. Furious. {=========================================================================} {get NEWS004.TXT} Features in next issue include: Whatever. {get COPYNOTE.TXT} Reproduction of this 'zine (in any form) is permitted as long as it is not sold and the entire text of the issue remains intact. Material within this volume is copyright (maybe) by their respective authors. {get SUBMIT.NFO} There are no specific guidelines for submitting material to Integral Functions. 25 - 2500 words is acceptable. Please specify if you wish your contribution to be anonymous. At the current time, Integral Functions does not have a stable e-mail address where you can send your submissions. This will probably not change in the future, as the editor of this 'zine is not interested in finding a permanant site to work from. An adequate number of submissions are received from the local area. {=========================================================================} INTEGRAL.FUNCTIONS.004 dd/mm/yy = 29/02/96 file_siz = 021k {end}