💾 Archived View for clemat.is › saccophore › library › ezines › textfiles › ezines › HAX0R › haxo7.t… captured on 2022-03-01 at 17:23:12.
⬅️ Previous capture (2021-12-03)
����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������� ThE HaX0R bRoThErS NeWzLetTeR ������������������������ ��������������������� ----------------------------- ������������������������ ��������������������� By ������������������������ ��������������������� Hax0rWang & |=|4x0r ������������������������ ��������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������� IsSuE #7 ������������������������ ��������������������� ������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� ------------------------------->pH33r Us<----------------------------------- SiTe Of tHe MoNtH-->http://www.ph33r.com.ar<--HtNoM eHt fO eTiS y0y0y0!@#$!@ j00 FeWlz@ JeW aCtuaLLy THoUGht HAxOR Br0TheRz WeRe GonE?@# h0h0h0 H4h4h4h!# w3 b3 bAxoRz BIZniTcH!@# JEaH@# aND wEv3 HaXoRED sHIZniTcH LOadZ iN ThE lAsT FeW MoNThZ.. ReaD oN!# AnD ph34r!@# HaXOr BrOTheR ph34R N4T1iON!@# CoNtEnTs: uS HaXoRs In MiRc.........................................................1 phAn MaIl.................................................................2 HaX0rInG ViRtUaL pEtZ!@#..................................................3 MtV HaX0ReD@#!@@#!@.......................................................4 DiFfErNt tYpEZ oF g33kZ...................................................5 so1o LiVe FrOm JAIL w/ BuBBa..............................................6 aNaL PRoBiNG uNFz0r.......................................................7 WaRPYoWniNG.c.............................................................8 IntErviEW W/uZ!@#$!.......................................................9 gReEtZ aNd ShOuToUt......................................................10 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������� uS HaXoRs In MiRc ����������������������������� #jeSuS Log Opened: Mon Oct 27 14:35:27 1997 <m_libby> ooh fib! there you go. hostile@darkcore.com <Hax0rWang> h0h0 I HaXoReD GoD#!@#@$ <Zebco> TE he. <fib> "hostile" is good. <Hax0rWang> $#@$@%#$@%$%$%#%$% <Hax0rWang> JEaH iM GoD n0w!@ <xwingnutx> sneech <m_libby> fib: WeeWee@darkcore.com <Hax0rWang> SuCk My WaNG @DaRkCOrE.COm <Hax0rWang> JeSUs SUx0ReZ <m_libby> ooh wait. DarkDude@darkcore.com <Zebco> I think crow is dead. <Hax0rWang> j00 w1LL b3 AsSImIalTeD <Gosseyne> Lame. === (kick\#jesus) Merovech[merovech@deepsky.com] kicked YOU off #jesus [Thanks for playing.] ::: ((Join)) Joining channel: #jesus <Hax0rWang> wh0Re!@# <m_libby> drifter! <Merovech> oooo, autorejoin, how cool <Hax0rWang> h0h0 jEaH!@#!@#!@$ === (mode\#jesus) Gosseyne[pboyer@linux.paonline.com] sets mode (+b *!*@*.hax0r.com) <Hax0rWang> phE4R <Hax0rWang> D0h!@# <Hax0rWang> NIaTCh!#@$ === (mode\#jesus) Gosseyne[pboyer@linux.paonline.com] sets mode (+b *!*@*.hax0r.com) Log Closed: Mon Oct 27 14:38:01 1997 #phRaCK ::: ((Join)) Joining channel: #phrack <Hax0rWang> h0h0h0h0 === (mode\#jesus) Warpy[weenie@p00p00.org] sets mode (+b *!*@*.hax0r.com) === (kick\#jesus) Warpy[weenie@p00p00.com] kicked YOU off #phrack [Stop 0wning me!] ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������ pHaN MaiL ��������������������������������� To: wang@sinnerz.com From: shok@janova.org Subject: Hi! Ok ok.. I know I called you guys lame in #Phrack but being serious and all.. do you think you could teach me? oUR RePLy: h0h0h0 j0r 0wNEd BitCh!@# b0w d0wN anD pHeeR uZ!@# j0r iNf0Z oUr OUrZ!@# To: wang@sinnerz.com From: dusty@bustydusty.com Subject: Re: j00 g0T biG teeTz!@# Uh, please don't e-mail me anymore. oUR REplY: j00 pUTz j0r tITz iN mUh MOuTh anD i wONt@#!@#$!@$ To: haxor@sinnerz.com From: so1o@prison.com Subject: Re: h0wZ buBBa@!@# Fuck you guys! As soon as I get out of here I am going to hack the haxor brotherz! I 0wn j00! c0DeZer0 ph34r N4t10n!@# ouR RePLy: BuT wHaT aBOUt BuBBa?!@ To: haxor@sinnerz.com From se7en@dis.org Subject: how How do you guys keep hacking me? OuR RePLY: h0h0h0 PhF BaYb33333!@#@$!@$@$@#@!#!@# To: wang@sinnerz.com From: billg@microsoft.com Subject: Bombing Ya yOU GuYZ SuCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oUR rEpLY: d00d!@ WhENZ MiCrOsOfT UniX 98 ComING oUT??!@# j00 FaGgOt!@ To: haxor@sinnerz.com From: warpy@sekurity.org Subject: Teach me! Don't teach Shok! Teach me!!!!!! OuR rEPLY: w3 DoNt TeaCH auSSieZ.. KaNGeR00 B0y!@ ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������� HaX0rInG ViRtUaL pEtZ!@# �������������������������� JeAh, mE aNd wAnG wErE aT wAlMaRt dA oThEr DaY l00kInG f0r ViRtUaL pEtZ cUz EvErYoNe iN oUr Sk00l hAd OnE, AnD iN 0rDeR t0 'fIt In' We WoUlD aLsO nEeD oNe. bUt BeInG k00l WaSnT tHe onLy ThINg On OuR mInD, bUt ThE thOuGhT oF hAx0ring A pEt wAs oN it tO, nOt t0 mEnTiOn NeTsEx0r!@# BuT wE sExEsFUlLy hAx0r3d tHe ViRtUaL pEt!@# HoW dId We Do It JeW aRe pRoBaBlY aSkIn JewRsElF. WeLl AlLOW mE tO sHaRe mUh TaMaGaTcHi Sk33lZ wIf JeW!@# ThE TaMaGaTcHi F00d OvErFlOw ExPlOiT@!# ---------------------------------------> ./* TaMaGaTcHi f00d OvErFl0w ExPlOiT 1.0 */ ./* bY: |-|4x0r */ ./* ThIs cPp PrOg TaKeZ aTvAnTaGe Of tHe */ ./* tAmAgAtChIeZ UnLiMiTeD f00d BufFeR */ ./* ThIs CrEaTeZ a DeNiAl Of SeRViCe */ ./* aTtAcK, mAkInG tHe pEt ExPl0d3!@#@! */ #iNcLuDe <VerTuAlpEt.H> main() { int fEeD_pEt = 0; /* DiS Is Da FEeD_pEt InTaGeR!@# */ struct BuFfEr_pEt fUx0r; pRiNtF("H0w MaNy TiMeZ t0 f33d dA pEt, dEfAuLt iZ 100\n", fEeD_pEt); iF fEeD_pEt = > 100 tHeN do pRiNtF("JeW st00pId FaGGuT/n"); pRiNtF("ThE tAmAgAcHi WiLl OnLy OvErFl0w AnD bl0w uP iF jEw/n"); pRiNtF("dONT fEeD iT m0r3 tHeN 100 TiMeZ@!#@!"); /* YOu HAVe To ReStArT iF dIs mEsSaGe ApEaRz!@# */ BuFfEr_pEt("fUx0r"); } { eLsE ./* dIs WiLl FeEd Da PeT tHe NuMbEr Of TiMES yOu AsKeD iT to UnTiL It ExPlODeZ */ fEeD_pEt (%uNtIl ExPlOdE); eXeC.TaMaGaTcHi:= (f00d.BuTtOn1 + fEeD_pEt); pRiNtF("BeWm!@#@!/n"); } <---EnD c0De---> dA TaMaGaChI 'oFf' ExPlOiT!@# -----------------------------> <---BeGiN c0De---> ./* dA TaMaGaChI 'oFf' ExPlOiT!@# */ ./* BY |-|4x0r!@#~~$~@# */ ./* ThIs c0de TaKeZ aTvAnTaGe Of */ ./* dA oFf BuTtOn ExPlOiT fOr tHe */ ./* OlDeR tAmAgAtChIeZ!@# */ ./* It WiLl ShUt DoWn Da TaMaGaChI*/ ./* SeRvEr PeRmAnAnTlY */ #iNcLuDe <VerTuAlpEt.H> main() { eXeC.TaMaGaTcHi:= (oFF.BuTtOn1); pRiNtF("bEwM!#@@!~/n") } <---EnD c0De---> tHoSe ArE tWo ErEeT cEe pLuS pLuS pRoGrAmZ dAt wIlL c0mp1l3 uNdEr Da mIcROsOfT jUnIX OpErAtiNg SyStEm ThaT eXpLoIT dA vIrTuAl PeTZ gUD@!# TiClE m3 eLm0, wErE CuMiN f0r jEw NeXt!@#!@# ph33r!@#@!#@!#~~!!! 'h0 h0 h0 h0 d4t tikl3z h0 h0 h0 h0' ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������� MtV HaX0ReD@#!@@#!@ ����������������������������� YeS w3 DiD iT@# ThE hAX0R bR0tHErZ roOTED mTv!# ThEy SaiD iT CoUlDnT bE DoNE bUT wE dId# oN OcToBeR 17th, 1997 wE ThE SupEr 31337 HaX0R bR0tHErZ bRoKE iNt0 mTv.COM anD hAXorEd ANd FuXerD thoSe PuSSie lAmuRz!@# ThE HaCkeD PaGE waS oNlY uP fOr 34.7 SeCondZ s0 ThaT iZ pRObaBlY wHY j00 FirSt hEARd iT heRe.. ThiS iS n0T A LiE@#!@#@ wE FuCKiNG HACkEd ThE fuCKz!@# THiS iS h0w iT waS: [wANg]# telnet mtv.com Trying Connected to mtv.com. Escape character is '^]'. Login: mtvhomey Password: ****************** BSDI BSD/OS 3.0 Kernel #2: Fri Sep 26 17:26:55 MDT 1997 Use of this software is governed by the BSDI End User Software License. If you do not accept the terms of this license, immediately return the distribution to the place of purchase for a full refund. Further use of the software will be considered to be acceptance of the terms of the license. login: /bin/false: Permission denied SorRy diCkheAD... buH-bYe! Connection closed by foreign host. [root@mtv]# hMmz wTF WAs DaT bash: bad command or file name [root@mtv]# oH fUCK jEW!@# bash: bad command or file name [root@mtv]# whoami root [root@mtv]# FuCKiNG Wo00Ga i DiD.. oF cOURse Th0.. I aM lEeT@#! bash: bad command or file name [root@mtv]# w1ll j00 SHuT thE FuCK uP biAtCH#!@#!@$!@$ bash: bad command or file name [root@mtv]# cd c:\windows\root bash: c:\windows\root No such file or directory [root@mtv]# gOdAaMN wh0rEz bash: bad command or file name [root@mtv]# exit Logout. h0h0h0 aS j00 CaN sEe.. i FUckEd eM UP GooD!@#$@$ AnYwaYz ThiS iS wHaT ThE HAxoReD hoMEpaGE lOOkeD lIKE: <sniPPzoRz> ThiS pAgE hAs bEEn 0WneD bY: ThE HAx0r Br0thErZ - |-|4x0r & Hax0rWang j00 b0w t00 US lAmurZ.. j0R MusIC suX.. J0R viDeOz SucK.. j00 DonT eVEN HaVE jEnnY aNymoRe.. j00 FUckING SuCK ShiT#!@#@#$ j00 ShoULd hAvE TaKEn ouR oFfeR oN thE HAx0r BR0therZ tV sh0w LaYmuRz@#!@#$@$ h0h0h0 FUckInG jEw FuCkIn FuCK hEaD FuckIn FuX@#!@$!@$@$ </sniPPzoRz> h0h0h0 MeSs WiTH tHe BEsT... DiE liKE THe ReSt1@#!@#$!@$!@!@%@$!@#!@# ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������� DiFfErNt tYpEZ oF g33kZ!@ �������������������������� w3rd, yEw AlL kNoW wHuT GeEkS aRe, BuT hAvE yOu EvEr AcCtUaLlY sAt DoWn aNd ThOt 'WhAt IS a G33k?!' wElL st0p tHiNkInG aNd LiStEn To BrUtHaH |-|4x0r. ThErE aRe MaNy TyPeZ oF g33kZ, AnD f0r SuM oDd ReAsOn ThEy AlL G0 TeW mUH eLemEnTaRy Sk00l, So Iz cOnSiDeR mUH SeLF AyN ExPeRt oN dA sUbJeCt oF g33kZ, iN tHiS aRTiClE eYe WiLl ExPlAiN iN nUMErIcAl FoMaT sUm oF tHe mOsT pOpUlAr tYpEs oF gEeKs aNd A dEsCrIpTiOn Of WhaT tHeY d0 t0 B3 s0 fUx0RiNG g33kY!@# ThIs IS In N0 PaRtIcUlAr 0rD3r!@#~ 1) tHe DND g33k - tHeSe ArE tHe IpIdAmY oF g33k!@# wHeN jEw HeAr ThE wErD G33k ThEsE fUX0rZ sHoUlD bE tHe PiCtUrE tHaT p0Pz uP iN jEwR h3d. ThEy AlL sIt ArOuNd A tAbLe WiF a PeIcE oF pApEr AnD a PaIr oF dIcE jUsT tAlKiNg OuT tHiEr AsS. LeT mE GiB jEw A SeNaRiEo oF A sMaLl CoNvErSaTiOn BeTwEeN tw0 dND g33kZ!@# (g33k-1) I rolled a six, that means my troll just killed your minion!!! (g33k-2) Ha! But you did not figure in my interupt spell, now my minion has turned into a rubber wall, it cannot be penatrated by a weak troll such as yours, your casted spell just bounced off my wall and hit you, since your power is 1/2 and mine is 1/1, your own spell has ironicly killed YOU. (g33k-1) Your thinking powers are much greater then 2) tHe D0S g33k - ThESe ArE thOSE FaT fuX0rZ iN jEwR c0mPuTeR cLaSs's tHaT sTiLl WeRsHiP tHe dOS EnViRoMeNt aS a 'g00d eNvIrOmEnT' ThEy sIt tHeR aNd cOpY pHiLeZ bAcK aNd F0RtH bEtWeEn DiReCt0ryZ tHiNkINg tHeY aRe 0Ld sk00l ErEET!@# 3) tHe St0n3r g33kZ - GoD fUX0riNG dAmNiT eYe HATe tHeSe fAgG0tZ!@# Ok lEt Me ExPlaIn To YoU tHeIR eVeRy DaY aCtIvItY fRoM mOrNiNg uNtIlL hE gEtS tO sK00l!@# 7:00 am tHe st0n3r g33k wAkEz Up 7:15 am GrOaNs aLoT 7:16 am ReFuSeS tO tAkE a Sh0wEr 7:18 am GrOaNs aLoT 7:21 am ReFuSeS t0 pUt 0n DeOdErAnT 7:22 am GrOaNs aLoT 7:23 am ReFuSeS tO bRuSH hIs TeEf 7:24 am GrOaNs aLoT 7:28 am PuTs On HiS gRaTeFuL dEd TeE sHeRt aNd hIs bElL bOTTOm AsS pANtZ wIf rIpS aLl In It. 7:31 am GrOaNs aLoT 7:32 am PuTz oN dAt HiPPY aSs sTiNkY pAtRuLlEE pUrfUmE sHiT tHaT sMeLlZ lIkE sKuNk PiSs 7:35 am GrOaNs aLoT 7:36 am d0nT f0rg3t tHe hEmP nEkLaCe!@# 7:38 am GrOaNs aLoT 7:40 am GoEs AnD gEtS aLl St0n3d uP 7:41 am GrOaNs aLoT 7:45 am g0eZ t0 sk00l 8:00 am sItS In ThE cLaSs pLAyIn WiF tHiEr hArE, wHiLe dRaWiNg pOt LeAvEz oN hIs B00k bAg 8:05 am GrOaNs aLoT 3:00 pm GoEs HoME 4) tHe MaRiLyN MaNsUN g33kZ - ThEsE aRe Da FaGgUtZ jEw SeE wAlKiNg aRoUnD tH3 hAlLZ wIf DeR fAcE aLl PaInTeD uP tRyInG tO l00k SkArY. dA mANSuN ChIkZ ArE uGlY aS fUcK, sO tHeY tUrN To A fAgGUT tO mAkE tHeM fEEl bEtTeR bOuT thEMSeLvEl bY bEiNg aLl AnTi SoCiAl, aND l00kInG lIkE tHeY ArE tRyInG tO mAkE jEw Ph33r!@# BUT n0k n0k n0k bItCheZ, nUFfIN MAkEz Us pH33r!@# g0 KiLl JeWr SeLf LiKe JeW kEEp oN sAyInG jEWr GoInG tO dO!@#@!#~~~~$ 5) #wInDoWs95 g33kZ - JeAh ThEsE fUx0rZ wErE iN oUr LaSt iSsUe, iN thE 'uS iN mIRc' SeXtIoN tUrNz OuT A cOuPlE oF tHe bItCheZ fRuM tHaT cHaNnEl ph33rEd OuR zInE aNd T00k OvEr #SiN. GuEsS wHuT fUx0rZ, wE cOuLd kArE l3ss WhUT jEw Do t0 dA lAyMuRz iN SiN!@# JeW gUyZ aRe Tr00 g33kZ!@#!~~~ 6) HaX0R bRoThEr WaNnA b3 g33kZ - JeW kN0w wH0 JeW aRe, wE SeE jEw In iRc ChAnNeLz tRyInG t0 b3 lIkE uS, tAlKiN lIkE uS, aNd tRyInG tO gEt NeTsEx0r lIkE uS!@# h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0 JeW wIlL nEvEr Be LiKe Us ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������� so1o LiVe FrOm JAIL w/ BuBBa �������������������������� w3rD FuXoRz ThiS iS HaX0wanG rEpoRtiNG lIVe FroM jAil wErE The r33t so1o iZ aT FoR haXoRinG... anD WitH hiM iS hiS neW fOUnD fRienD buBBa!@ - so1o TeLL mE.. WhaTz iT LiKE GOinG fROm j0r NoRMaL LiFe t00 PriSoN??? so1o: Well. f1rst it sucked. But then I met a lot of nice hairy guys like bubba to keep me company. h0h0. So its not all bad. Foods good.. with a little help from bubba's special sauce <so1o winks at bubba>. - s000 FuX0r.. DeScRibE a NorMaL DaY so1o: Alright. I wake up. And Bubba and some of the other guys take turns fucking my ass. It used to hurt really bad but now my ass is so loose you could stick your head up it.. some people already have <laugh>.. Anyways that goes on for about an hour.. of course I am sucking some guys off also or jerking them off. Then when they get done fucking and shooting their jism on me I go over to the toilet and take a shit.. a nice long one.. I shit out lots of blood and cum along with your normal feces. Then I get dressed and go to do my chores. This includes cleaning toilets and blowing the gaurds. Hell.. I've come to be known as suck-em-off so1o here <giggle>. Then the I go to lunch and dinner and all that stuff.. a few more ass fuckings here and there... then to bed.. that would be the normal day. - WeRe j00 GaY bEfORe j00 CaME t0 Pr1soN? so1o: Yes.. very much gay. I got busted for hacking gayboys.com. - WhAt WaS iT liKe WheN tHEy BusTeD j00 so1o: Well, I was on the net in this one chat room on IRC, '#12yrboyz", talking to my friend, Jimmy. He was telling me about being cornholed with a broomstick, and I was jerking off. All of a sudden, these guys in suits burst into my bedroom right as I'm about to bust a nut, and right as the guy says "Freeze! You're under arrest!" I jizzed on his suit. They beat me up and took all my computer gear and sent me to jail. It wasn't that leet. - h0h0h0 LaYmUR.. HaX0r bR0tHErZ nEVEr GeT CaUGht.. j00 puSSy so1o: Please stop. I'm sensitive now guys... - h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0 FaGGuT#!@##!@#@$!@$!@$!@$ so1o: Bubba.. help me!!!!! Bubba: AYE aM GodZiLLa.. j00 ARe j4p4n!@#!@#$@$ - HoLY SHiT... ThiS GuYZ ComING AfTeR mE wiTH hIS WanG!@#@$@$@$ so1o: Get him sexy!!! Get him!!!! - ThiS iS Hax0rWang LivE fRoM so1oZ pRiSoN.. siGNinG oFF.. Bu-By.. OouCH#!@# FuCK GeT tAHT fuCKinG thING oUT oF mY aSS#!@ FuCK jEW!@# OwwWWW#@!@#$ -----EOF----- ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������� aNaL PRoBiNG uNFz0r ����������������������������� h0h0h0.. j00r LaYmUr aZZ iS PRoBabLy WonDeRInG whAT THe FuCkiN ShiZNiTcH aN aNAL ProBiIN UNFzOR is... WeLL.. iTz dA n3w LEeT oS OuT thErE2#!@#!@$ h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h0h UNG .. iF j00 feLL f0r daT thEN j00 SuXor. oK thIs iS WHaT iT iS... iTz THe HaX0r WaY t00 CheCK aN AnUS FOr ShiT beFOrE u FUck iT I AyM GeTTinG s0 FuXiNG siCK oF StiCKiN mY WaNG iN MuH mOm..eRRrr.. |-|4x0rz MoM aND GetTinG shIT aLL oVaH mUH DicKUS!#!@$@$ iTs s00 FucKiNG NAstY.. AnD TheN t0 MaKE SHiT woRsE TheE fuCKiNg dOG ComEz uP AnD liCKs dA SHiT oFf iT!@# FuCK dAt.. I dONT WaNT n00 PooPy WaNG!@ 0Kz0r.. jEW pROBaBLY WOnDErINg WhaT aN aNAl PrObeR UnFzOR lOOKz LiKE eH!?#?!@#? w33333L... ItZ gOTta sEEm LiKE a ReaL WaNg cuZ BitCheZ gEt OFfEnDeD iF thEY thiNK uRe TrYIng to CleaN ouT TheRe AnaL CaVitY (EmMaUnEl GeTz reaL FieStY wHEN BrONc TrIeS). s0 wHaT iS ThE mOST lOgICaL THinG t00 YeWSe? A MoNkeY dICK.. YuP.. BuT thaT DOeSnT wErkZ t0 wELL.. SeE i UsED a StaLE MoNKeY DiCk.. anD iT bROkE ofF inSiDE THe BiTcH. s0000 AnYWaYz.. ThiS iS whAt ch00 NeeD.. a PePsI BoTtlE.. ITs HaRd ANd WOnT BReaK (wE hOpE noT anYwayS@!#). s00 AnYwaYZ.. OnCe u GeT thE pEpSI BoTTle uP hEr AnuS.. FirSt UsE a baCK anD FoRth MOtIoN.. THis SHoulD GeT aLL thE ShiT inSiDe THe BoTTLe... 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